2021 YEAR IN ADVANCE 2 Message from the Editor YEAR IN ADVANCE 2021 P.O. Box 66 Verona, NJ 07044
[email protected] www.InsiderNJ.com Max Pizarro Editor-in-Chief
[email protected] Republicans used to be those bankably bow-tied guys who could absorb a pink belly, and then earnestly glaze-over the eyeballs of their guilt-tripped tormentors with lectures about Nixon and Reagan. Now they wear minotaur headdresses and storm the U.S. Capitol. That’s an overload of nerdly karma gone miserably haywire, but such are the trippy times in which we live. Every year we put together a run-down on what to expect in the months ahead in New Jersey politics, and we usually manage to get it out a little earlier than February, Pete Oneglia but the ongoing issuance of real-time – sometimes nutjob – news made the future General Manager seem farther away than usual and the present all the more urgent.
[email protected] Amid all the crazy political sparks, including the most unorthodox – and certainly most obnoxious – transition of power by a departing executive in U.S. presidential Michael Graham CEO history – we finally found that little crosscurrent between now and then to comment on our coming current events. John F.X. Graham Publisher Herein find assessments of the main collisions at hand, minus some of the local ones that will no doubt provide their own special parochial flavor. Ryan Graham Associate Publisher Edison comes to mind. 3 WISHING EVERYONE A HAPPY & HEALTHY NEW YEAR Executive Board Committee Dr. Patricia Campos-Medina, Immediate Past President • Zulima Farber, President Emeritus • Carol Cuadradro, Vice President • Lucia Gomez, Vice President • Arlene Quiñones Perez, Treasurer • Aida Figueroa-Epifanio Cristina Pinzon, Public Relations Secretary Laura Matos,General Board Members President Grissele Camacho • Milagros Camacho • Flora Castillo • Sonia Delgado • Lizette Delgado Rosa Farias • Kay LiCausi • Andrea Martinez- Orbe • Analilia Mejia • Carmen Mendiola Noemi Velazquez • Nohemi G.