, SPORT^y MEWS: EVERY WEEK: J Psome Coastal communities unite 6A Calendar 23A body Signatures trickling in Classifieds Visitors guide speGial 6C for 'Save Our Homes' drive 9A 21A i i

1961*1986 Still first after 25 years


ear 'round sweethearts "Newiyweds" Mary and Al Bridell don't need a years. Neither do the two other Island couples - one ed to for this week's Valentine's Day story that begins special occasion to celebrate their marriage of two married for 52 years and the other for 26 years • we talk- on page 3B. Photo by Ricki Kosakow Cooper.

Budding actresses will see Driftwood workshops Bird callers, camera buffs - Arts-Leisure 6B the lights of Broadway depend on volunteers should polish their skills Bridge 8B Cityslde 15A Cypress Lake High School Just like the Sanibel Shell Fair, Southwest Florida's first annual Club news 13B students Liz Abbott and Ruth the Driftwood Workshop sessions bird calling contest and wildlife Fishing tips 8C Brown will travel to the Big Apple depend on - and always get - photography contest will be part of later this month with their school's faithful volunteers. Every Monday the National Wildlife Week celebra- Milestones 19A jazz ensemble and pop choir. they produce sheilcraft items for tion in March. Police beat 8A sale at the fair. Shelling tips 9C 18A 1C 6B cislaiulhvi

Tuesda 2A Island Shorts Feb. 10,


We don't want to know what it looks like or what it reminds you of. We want to know EX- ACTLY WHAT IT IS. The photos in this weekly stumper can be extra close-ups or odd angles of things we all see every day around the Islands. They might be upside-down, reversed or a portion of the whole. Last week William Breda of Audrey Ritchie, far left and Captiva was the above, was wearing her lucky first person to call dice earrings last Tuesday and tell us the evening. But even she was photograph was of surprised at the good fortune the sign at the en- - literally • they brought her. trance to the Cap- What did Audrey do to get tiva Cemetery. $350 richer in a single even- Breda called just ing on Sanibel? See story on after 9:30 a.m. last page 5C. Photos by Scott Tuesday. About an Martell. A hour later Rodney Jobe called with the answer, and the next day Bonnie Lil- Sanibel husband and wife elected to serve jequist also told us she knew the two years as Florida Silver Haired Legislators answer. Last week's stumper If you think you Sanibel residents Dorothy and Henry Shelton were Through their action the Silver Haired Legislators in- know what this week's stumper is, call The recently elected to the Florida Silver Haired form the general public and Florida's elected officials Islander, 472-5185. The first person to call with Legislature, a not-for-profit organization that about critical issues facing our state's elderly the correct answer receives his choice of an highlights the needs of older Floridians. population. Islander t-shirt or a one-year subscription to The FSHL was created in 1978 as a state program About 60 of the bills that the FSHL has forwarded to the newspaper. and was chartered as a private organization in 1983. the state Legislature since 1978 are now law. In 1987 Each year the FSHL conducts a model legislative ses- the Legislature will review and consider 40 bills pass- sion in Tallahassee. This annual session gives senior ed by the FSHL in the 1986 session. Among some of the citizens the opportunity to voice the needs and con- proposed legislation is a bill to provide state funding to cerns of older Floridians. research the causes of Alzheimer's Disease; a Combining wisdom, experience and vision, hospital containment bill that makes state funds members of the FSHL work for all citizens of Florida. available to homes for battered spouses; a bill With support and encouragement from leaders in both would require all commercial vehicles to have government and private enterprise, the FSHL has tification printed clearly on the outside showing name, become a dynamic force in advocating the needs and address and telephone number; and a bill that would concerns of all Floridians. make insurance companies notify law enforcement of- FSHL members are elected in districts correspon- ficials when a car owner cancels his car insurance.

ding to Florida's official Senate and House of Another important bill would increase prison termU1Os Representative districts. The local districts nominate for individuals convicted of selling crack cocaine and elect 40 Senate and 120 House delegates for two- school children. year terms. Any person wanting more information on the FS!HU \\ The elected members develop legislation, revise should write to the Sheltons, P. 0. Box 611, Sanibel, FL This week's stumper legislation in committee, and debate and pass bills on 33957. the floor of the House and Senate in Tallahassee.

25 Years Ago This Week February 7,1962 From The Islander Police Reports: "Officer issued The live shell exhibit at this year's Sanibel Shell REMEMBER speeding ticket to Island resident for driving too fast Fair promises to be the best ever. Hayes Hudson plans for conditions. Poor devil will have to pay a fine." ;i to take his 33-foot dredger, skippered by Capt. Jake Stokes, on a trip that he says will produce a myriad of WHEN? 5 Years Ago This Week 1^""s? the most exciting live specimens anyone could hope Februarys, 1982 for. City crews and private citizens joined forces over launched a fund-raising campaign and membership the weekend and continued Monday raking Sanibel's FOUND: Two articles of men's clothing on the main drive with hopes of raising $300,000 and obtaining 500 beaches of dead fish caused by an outbreak of Red road of Sanibel. Can be claimed by calling MO3-8112 new members. All funds will be used to purchase sen- Tide that has wreaked havoc in the Gulf of Mexico and paying for this ad. sitive wetlands on the Islands. since early January. g^

The arrival of the "Book Boat" at Andy's Dock on Elwood P. Dowd and his six-foot-tall white rabbit Along with dead fish beachcombers last weekend Captiva every Wednesday afternoon from January companion have settled in for the season at the Pirate found a four-foot-long bombshell near Sundial resort. through March is a much-anticipated event. Mrs. Playhouse, Members of the "Harvey" cast are; Don Two explosives experts from the Lee County Airport. Roger Amory of spon'sors the seasonal trips Bissell, Ted Fonda, Priscilla Murphy, Duane White, Police determined the tank was either an oxygen or an that make a choice selection of current books Virginia Bissell, Pat Slater, George Brinkworth, Jean acetylene tank. In either case, it was harmless. available to all Captivans. Bair, Robert Dormer and, of course, the Hunters, Ruth and Philip. 1 Year Ago This Week 20 Years Ago This Week February 11,1986 February 9,1967 Michigan Homes advertised "The Seville," a three- Dan Rather and 30 top executives from the CBS Sanibel's own Elsie Malone will be one of the judges bedroom, two-bath home on the buyer's Sanibel lot for Evening News gathered at South Seas Plantation two in the scientific division of the Naples Shell Show com- $24,900. weeks ago for a brainstorming and planning session. ing up next week. 10 Years Ago This Week The City Council has complied with the wishes of the 10-year-old John Cimato caught the biggest fish of February 8,1977 Live Shelling Committee and agreed to disband the his young fishing career last weekend in the waters off In an overwhelming 80 percent response to a straw committee and appoint its eight members to Sanibel's Woodring Point. The fish was a two-pound ballot sponsored by the Captiva Civic Association, new Wildlife Committee. sheepshead. Captivans last week voted than three-to-one against merging with the city of Sanibel. A record for brevity was set last Tuesday when the 15 Years Ago This Week Sanibel City Council adjourned at 12:35 p.m. February 10,1972 Thomas Locker reported for duty last week as the The Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation has first assistant to the Sanibel city manager. The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10,1987 3A

HIGH LOW RAIN Monday," Feb. 3,1986 76 59 .00 Tuesday.Feb. 4,1986 76 62 .00 WEATHER Wednesday, Feb. 5,1986 76 64 .00 Thursday, Feb. 6,1986 76 65 .00 Friday, Feb. 7,1986 78 67 .00 JjfATCH Saturday, Feb. 8,1986 79 69 .00 Sunday, Feb. 9,1986 82 67 .00 EDITOR: Cindy Chalmers The weatherman calls for highs in the mid to high 60s While Islanders might have had to don lightweight ADVERTISING-BUSINESS MANAGER: Peter Cloud REPORTERS: Barbara Brundage, Scott Martell, Julie this week with lows around 40. No rain is in the forecast sweaters during the early morning and evening hours in Niedenluer through Friday. order to keep warm last week, others around the coun- PHOTOGRAPHER: Rlckl Kosakow Cooper CONTRIBUTORS: Barbara Boulton, George Campbell, David Last week's weather according to records kept by the try and in Canada were still In the throes of winter. Here Essel, Capt. Mike Fuory, Bobble Sharp, Cheflo Roster Sanibel-Captiva Chamber of Commerce was as follows: Is a sampling of highs and lows recorded last weekend: Walton, Mark Webb, Ann Wlnterbotham ADVERTISING SALES: Rob Kasten, Paula Patterson, Frances Stein HIGH LOW RAIN LOW HIGH CLASSIFIEDS: Gloria Kasten SUBSCRIPTIONS: Alison Wilson Monday, Feb. 2 74 55 .00 Atlanta, Ga. 45 63 GRAPHICS, DESIGN, PRODUCTION: Julie Nledenfuor Tuesday, Feb. 3 76 62 .00 Brownsville, Tx. 44 67 LOCATION MAILING ADDRESS ViMjnesday, Feb. 4 77 58 .00 Chicago, III. 31 51 RItzy'a Islander Center P.O. Box 56 TwRday, Feb. 5 74 61 1.64 Helena, Mont. 21 55 2407 Periwinkle Way Sanlbel, FL 33957 Friday, Feb. 6 72 63 .00 Kansas City, Kan. 29 63 472-5185 SUBSCRIPTION RATES Saturday, Feb. 7 70 61 .13 New York, N.Y. 35 59 One year Two years Sunday, Feb. 8 66 56 .05 Portland, Or. 30 53 Lee County $15 $25 San Diego, Calif. 58 80 Split $20 $35 USA $20 $35 ^kst year temperatures around the Islands were a Tulsa, Qkla. 30 65 Foreign $35 $es f^w degrees warmer throughout the first week in Montreal, Quebec 20 33 Sanibel-Captiva Islander {USPS 481-400) • Second class February: postage permit paid tor at Sanlbel Island, FL 33957. Postmaster: Please send form 3579 and changes ot address to P.O. Box 56, Sanlbol FL 33957.

THE TIMBERS 3 1 "Come See Our Restaurant & Fish Market el New Building!" will donate SA >IBEL «Vi K> ^TT ^ t h'Ol >E You are invited,to a n ^•$1.00 finer women's wear to the and iu-eetiHork'H ... OPEN HOUSE American Heart Association because for every dinner patron served Saturday, February 14, 3-5 p.m. you care on Valentine's Day, Saturday, Feb. 14th ', Sanibel Congregational how you look 5 Have a and a United Cistirch of Christ •1 Heart... great steal located in Paim Ridge Plaza (Across from Periwinkle Place Shopping Center) to boot! 472-4465

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A SANIBEL ISLAND CD Handcrajts BOOKSHOP H 472-3117 Q.0C K Hadley Pottery ... exclusively ours * WEST GULF DR. CASA YBEL RD. 2418 Palm Ridge Road, Sanibel Island Evening & Weekend Emergencies TIMBERS COURT, RABBIT ROAD 472-1856 2807 West Gulf Drive Serving Sanibel Since 1976 472-2176 HOURS: 10 A.M. - 10 P.M. SEVEN DAYS A-WEEK JENE EVANS, OWNER, 472-5223 Maureen E. Smitt CTC c\$fmvko\

Tuesda 4A Commentary Feb. 10,19, If bikers can cross Islander newsstand price increases Key Biscayne's causeway, In 1982 the newsstand price of The however, that our readers will understand then why not Sanibel's? Islander went from 15 cents to 25 cents. that increased production and distribution Now, five years later, we're obliged to go to costs leave us no choice. To the Editor 50 cents. We believe we put out a good product at a The Islander We're not happy about it. We hope, fair price. We hope you agree. I am a new subscriber to your newspaper. My band and I are long-time visitors who are very muc in love with the Islands. I have never written a letter to a newspaper in Miami, but I feel I have to answer an article in your paper of Jan. 13,1987. CONA is against the building of a bike path on proposed new high-rise Causeway. Why?! An enor- Why not eat at home? mous amount of people ride the causeway that goes to Key Biseayne. This causeway has more traffic than you could ever dream to have (not even at Christmas.) The idea is not half bad when you All you have to do is follow instructions. There is a sign that reads "bicycles walk across bridge" and we do just that. If you think people who ride bikes are in- competent, then you don't know bikers. There is a fan- consider waiting in lineduringseason tastic bike path on the other side of the Sanibel Causeway, and many people would benefit from this By BILL READ beautiful peaceful ride. Try it, you'll like it! The season is upon us. Soon it will take half READ'S REASONING Cristlna Ar an hour to negotiate passage from the Shell Miami P,S. Very much more dangerous is allowing boats to Point intersection to the Causeway toll gate. long as you avoid the dip. But otherwise, there Soon you will be taking life, limb and/or auto park in the shores of your Islands (someone's head normally is little offered at cocktail parties like- might be cut in two). Yet you allow it! in your hands if you hazard a trip down ly to sustain you long enough to get home to an Periwinkle Way. Soon our own street, Lindgren early bedtime. Boulevard, will begin to resemble the In- My next suggestion is so bizarre that I almost dianapolis Speedway. fear to make it. Those who pedal across The merchants, of course, are happy. And I Why not eat at home? suppose the beach viewing is more interesting. Now, here I realize I am treading on the Causeway would not Our grocery stores have a wider selection of dangerous ground, exposing myself to an fresh fruits, vegetables and meat than in the avalanche of letters from outraged wives. But want to use the bike paths summer — provided you get there early in the give it some thought, dear ladies. It might not morning. Otherwise, there would seem to me to be as bad as it sounds. To the Editor be little about the season to commend itself to Some of you might be fortunate enough to The Islander the average Islander. have as your spouses outstanding gourmet A recent letter on your Commentary page expressed Perhaps the greatest hardship the season in- cooks, gentlemen whose range on the range far opposition to opening up the Causeway to bicyclists flicts on our residents is their inability to dine exceeds that of my wife's spouse. In fact, I have when the new bridge is built. The writer's concern wj out at their favorite Island restaurant unless friends who even work together concocting that this would open up the Island to an influx of: they are prepared to wait long periods of time, meals that never could be matched in our riders and these riders would conflict with the oldeT sometimes stretching into hours, to be seated. restaurants. slower Island residents on the bike paths. I have heard of one case where people actual- Another friend is such a gourmet cook that I Apparently, the writer is not aware that the type of ly waited three hours for the opportunity to par- suspect his wife will soon start dragging him bicycle riders who would cross the Causeway would take of the culinary delights dished up by the out to restaurants so she can lose weight. not want to use the bike paths for the same reasons he Mucky Duck. I can think of nothing better But even for those of you not blessed with mentioned. The city of Sanibel changed its policy in calculated to dissipate the glow of pre-pi-andial cooking husbands, all is not lost. Due to the 1986 and now allows these riders to use the highwa imbibers than to have to wait in a stuffy i**"wonders of modern science all kinds of on Sanibel the same as they can everywhere else in anteroom, jostled by other equally frustrated marvelous products are available to you in the state. So this concern in unnecessary. people waiting for their call to table. grocery freezer sections. Low-calorie, complete Many objections to allowing bicyclists to use the Even those individuals who do not require the dinners like those advertised by slim, lively Causeway have been voiced over the past several stimulus of a cocktail to bring them up to a young women on TV are yours for a few bucks. years — but none of the objections has withstood desired level of good spirits are hard pressed to More generous frozen dinners for those with critical analysis. For example, it has been suggested maintain their equanimity in the fetid confines heartier appetites but equally Strong stomachs that the roads and bridges are too narrow for traffic of restaurant waiting rooms. are also available, not to mention "man- and bicyclists to coexist. But bicycles are in fact en- Some might argue that rubbing elbows with handler" soups and pizzas. couraged to bicycle to Pine Island, where both the our visitors while waiting to be seated affords And the beauty of it all is that many of these bridges and roads are considerably narrowwee r 1 us an opportunity to become acquainted with products are described on the packages as be- Southwest Florida Bike Routes, a publicattioni them. I am certain they are for the most part ing "microwavable," another splendid addition, developed in part by Lee County Division of Communu ^ estimable people, but I would much rather en- incidentally, to our ever growing language. ty Services, has consistently recommended bicycling counter them in the airier, if at times "Microwaved" entrees should put you in mind to Pine Island. malodorous, environment of the winter beach. of some of the restaurants you can't get into, Another objection has been that the traffic is too As you well know, only rarely is it possible to where a similar method of preparation regret- heavy. That objection fails because traffic is allowed obtain a reservation during season. And alas tably is often employed., on Summerlin Road right up to the Causeway toll alack, no special treatment is available to us, as Above all, if you take one of those plastic bags booth. Anyone familiar with bicycle or traffic safefat is the case with beach access parking areas. of oriental style frozen vegetables, throw it into knows that speed, particularly speed differential!^ Perhaps some arrangement could be made for boiling water, fish it out (always being careful the greatest danger to motorists. This makes bicycl- Islanders to buy stickers at the Chamber of not to burn your hands) and serve the ing on the Causeway and bridges with their relative Commerce to put on our heads so we can move vegetables unspoiled by either cholesterol or low speeds infinitely safer than Summerlin Road. to the head of the line. seasoning, I swear your husband will think While all of the above are true and just arguments Of course you can always make the long trip you're back at his favorite restaurant eating the for allowing bicycling on the Causeway, they pale to the mainland, but eateries there are just tough, tasteless zuccini or yellow squash usually compared to the basic argument. Under Florida law, a about as full. Besides, it makes for a perhaps accompanying the entree at many of our finest bicycle is defined as a vehicle and as such is entitled to dangerously long time between drinks. eating houses. the use of the roads the same as any other vehicle. Or you can load up on the canapes and other I have just begun to scratch the surface of Most people do not seem to know the state law even fare seved at the cocktail parties some possibilities for happy home earing. Some mays when they are licensed Florida drivers. If they did, Islanders seem to attend nearly every night. even have the temerity to cook a meal from they would know that the Causeway — as it now exists But that requires manual dexterity and rather scratch, using fresh meats and vegetables. — meets the optimum conditions for bicycle/motor fast footwork to gain access to the food table Whatever you do, enjoy! vehicle shared use as established by the state Depart- while balancing your drink or finding ment of Transportation — not minimum, optimum! somewhere to put your glass. Let's not forget this is a democratic country with And whether or not you eat a well - balanced Pill Read moved to Sanibel nine years ago from equal rights for all. Bicyclists want to ride their meal is open to some question. Not even Jane Washington, D.C., where he had worked for the vehicles on and off Sanibel just the same as motorists Brodie or those skinny, malnourished federal government for 26 years. The former want to drive their cars on and off. They will gladly spokesmen for the American Heart Association Sanibel planning commissioner can now devote pay a toll. They should be treated as fair as any other could possibly object to the raw vegetables so more time to Improving his tennis game. minority. Let freedom ring! Marion Fryar Sanibel The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10,1987 5A Commentary Rambo in the White House makes for Rambo in the marketplace

To the Editor The Islander Because of a prolonged illness in my family, I did not respond, as I had intended, to George Campbell's Christmas article regarding the increasing number of realistic and warlike toys for children. Now, however, comes word via the Jan. 28 issue of the Wall Street Journal of "Tech Force" — the first "interactive" toy expected on the market next month. This development has been described as a "new form of play." (Expensive, too, at $250.) It used to be that as children we "interacted" with our toys and our playmates. In this new form of play the interaction is not with a friend but with a "compa- nion" television cartoon (i.e., "Tech Force and the Moto-Monsters"). It seems that computer microchips in the toy respond to inaudible signals in the cartoon's soundtrack to activate the toy. Another new toy, "Captain Power," will have as its companion show "Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future." The show will be about "a group of humans fighting for survival in the 21st century after a major war." Interaction with this one will be through Somebody in the sign department needs either a dictionary or a shell guide. Photo action on the screen, not through sounds. Supposedly Ricki Kosakow Cooper. toy rockets, for example, could be fired at light im- pulses on the screen. It seems to me that both of these, in addition to all the other "war" toys available, are totally lacking in imagination, to say the least, Kudos to'all.who helped roast Sanibel'Citizen Extraordinaire' • So much for peace on earth, brotherhood and all those other seemingly passe Christmas goals. I'm To the Editor Valtin, Sanibel's mayor and my very close friend and with you, Mr. Campbell — Rambo in the White House The Islander advisor. makes for Rambo in the marketplace! Cinderella thought she had a big night after she Thank you, Francis, Bob, David, Elmer and Ben for Marian Eichar threw away her mop and lost her £hq$$ j4 the Prince's your very kind words of the evening. Thank you, Cleveland, Ohio bash. That was an Epworth League Kaffeeklatsch Milena and COTI for presenting me with a "Concern- compared to the program produced by Gene Bacon for ed Citizen Plaque" at the Fred Dudley get-together in the monthly pot luck dinner for Sanibel Community December. Thank you, Clare Nelson and the SCA for Let's fight to bring government Association members. the "Urban's Alley" proclamation and sign. And Gene, who is chairman of the SCA Entertainment thank you to the more than 100 members and guests to a business-like basis Committee, took me, the scullion, out of the scullery who attended the SCA evening. and placed me in the hands of Francis Bailey, City On behalf of the city, Mayor Valtin presented me, To the Editor ^ Councilman and past president of the Lions Club and with a certificate declaring me a "Citizen Volunteer The Islander of ceremonies for this testimonial roast. After Extraordinaire." Webster's dictionary defines "ex- The Wall Street Journal of Friday, Jan. 30,1987, tells JPpening barrage of telling me, "We don't want you traordinaire" as "out of usual order" — that's me at us in headlines that, "Senate votes 87-7 to block raises to say anything. Just be quiet and listen," Bailey in- City Council meetings. Fred then presented Olga with for U.S. officials." But little do we know that the troduced the following "Esprit de Corps" whom I have a certificate declaring her "Assistant Volunteer Ex- federal laws governing our Congressional pay in- been very closely associated with these past 14 years; traordinaire." We both thank you very much. creases are peculiar to the normal laws of our Bob Kessler, past commander of the Sanibel- Kudos to the Joys and the Prossers for punch and country. Captiva Power Squadron; David Spoehr, fellow Lion coffee and the beautiful table decorations. And last but The Senate gets the applause of the voters for turn- and president of the Shell Harbor Property Owners not least, thanks to The Islander for the kind editorial ing down a pay raise. But then the voter reads in the on; Elmer Stilbert, ex officio, Committee of and photographs and to the Island Reporter for its fine print that the House will not vote on the issue piborhoods Association; Ben Bacon, my close kind words. before Wednesday, Feb. 4,1987. By not voting before neighbor who never turns me down when asked to It was a night to remember for the rest of my life. this date, the House will automatically get the nearly serve on a committee or help me in the galley; Thank you all. 16 percent pay raise from $77,400 to $89,500 — and the Milena Eskew, one of the founders of the Committee of Sincere and warm regards, Senate will automatically tag along without another the Islands who put me on the board nine years ago Urban Palmer vote and be raised since both the Senate and the House and started me in my civic activities; Clare Nelson, Sanibei have to vote "no" to the raise to invalidate it. president of the Sanibel Community Association; Fred I ask: "Why, by not voting at all, can another ex- pense be added to the deficit of our country? I ask: "Why should our House and our Senate be rewarded for being responsible for the worst deficit Moving? ever experienced by our country? They cannot be O OUR READERS Please notify our office at least two weeks in ad- business men and should not be responsible for our vance either by calling 472-5185 or by writing P.O. budgets and expenditures. Box 56, Sanibel 33957. We, the voters, must read further than the headline or we will be faced with financial catastrophe. This is Something to say? a perfect example of our Congress's refusal to aim for AH letters to the editor for publication must con- Need more islanders? a balanced budget. in the sender's name, address and phone number I refuse to throw the burden of the coming collapse r verification. The islander will not withhold Additional copies of particular issues of The of our economy on my 11 children and grandchildren. names upon request of the sender. The right to edit islander mailed at the reader's request cost $2 each Let's fight for the balanced budget with men who want letters is reserved by the editor. to cover postage and handling. to bring our government to a business-like basis. John Mount Captiva

Questions about the islands?

Check the visitors guide that begins on page 21 A. 6 A Tuesday, February 10,1987 The ISLANDER Coastal communities unite of 9amb*t to push for Lee County redistricting

Gifts for the By BARBARA BRUNDAGE Goss said he would like to see separate commiss entire family... Islander staff writer districts formed around the cities of Cape Coral and over 2,500 sq. ft. Fort Myers. of the most A proposal to draw new district lines in Lee County The coastal communities — Sanibel and Captiva-, desirable and unusual, will be discussed by county commissioners at a Upper Captiva, Cayo Costa and Pine Island and Fort including home accessories workshop meeting with staff beginning at 1:30 p.m. to- Myers Beach — would be lumped together in a third and wildlife replicas day in Room 614 in the County Courthouse. district, he proposed. Commissioner Porter Goss, who represents District These coastal areas and barrier islands from Boca One that includes Sanibel and Capflva Islands and a Grande to Bonita Beach have unique problems such as big chunk of Cape Coral, initiated the move for wetlands preservation, beach erosion and buildback. redistricting. It would be in their best interest to have their own The procedure was last done in Lee County in 1981. representative on the County Commission, 20% OFF.. Since then both District One and District Three, which explained. ^ Fine Porcelain Oriental Objects stretches from South Fort Myers to the Collier County A group of interested residents from these com- line and includes Fort Myers Beach, Bonita Springs munities met with Goss recently to explore the (813) 472-2767 Telephone Orders Welcome and Bonita Beach, have increased dramatically in feasibility of such a coalition. 1561 Periwinkle Way Shipping available for population. On hand from Sanibel were former Mayor Louise in the new Periwinkle Gardens US, Canada & Europe "They are now out of line with the three other between Photo Sanibel & VISA, MC, AX Johnson, Gilbert Bursley of Committee of the Islandtfk Bangkok House districts," Goss said last week about the two burgeon- Art Williams from the Condominium Association wr ing districts. Cape Coral itself is fast approaching the the Islands, Sam Clark from the Committee of Hours: Mon.-Wed. 10-6 • Thurs.-Fri. 10-9 • Sun. 12-5 55,000 population limit set for each of the five districts, Personal charges & free delivery for Island & Ft. Myers residents he added. Please see REDISTRJCT, next page



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Sweet Smell of Success Sell, buy, rent — find and give notice too! You'll have success by reading and using the Classifieds! Call our classified department staffers who know just how to get your message across - successfully! CALL 472-5185

CLASSIFIED The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10, 1987 7A'* Redistrict Continued RETAIL SPACE Neighborhoods Association, and Steve Reynolds. Cap- Under his scenario one of the two remaining tivan Dewitt Jones and Creighton Sherman of the districts would span the section of the county north of The last unit in The Islander Gasparilla Island Civic Association also attended, the Caloosahatchee River and fold in Lehigh Acres. ^•fveryone there seemed enthusiastic about the The fifth district would stretch south of the river to Shopping Center is now ready icHi," Johnson said last week. the Collier County line to include San Carlos Park, and available for lease. "Redistricting is always a controversial issue," she Estero and Bonita Springs. added. "In this proposal District One would be af- Since state law permits county redistricting only in fected the most. But since all the commissioners are odd-numbered years to avoid conflict with general Be part of one of the oldest elected from the county at large, it really shouldn't elections, time is of the essence, Johnson pointed out: yet one of the newest shopping make any difference." With the burgeoning growth in Cape Coral and South There is no way the plan could be called ^'ger- Fort Myers, the imbalance of population among the centers on Sanibel. rymandering," Johnson insisted. districts might be Qut of hand by 1989, she said. Goss has said he does not intend to seek reelection District One," currently the largest with a population when his commission term expires in 1988. of 66,000, already exceeds the limit. Join us - The Islander Newspaper, Poseidon Adven- Hope Hospice, an agency providing services to the Hope Hospice needs terminally ill and their families in Lee County, needs ture Specimen Shells, Ritzy's new volunteers. Restaurant, B-Hive Gourmet volunteers for patient work As a hospice volunteer, one can choose to visit pa- tients and their families or to assist with clerical Deli, Pelican Company Beach duties and community relations activities. and clerica! duties The next training program begins at 5:30 p.m. Tues- Shop, Fractured Frog Fine day, Feb. 24. Now is the time to register by calling Gifts. 936-1157. Call 472-1277 from 9 a.m., to 5 p.m.



Serving the Islands every morning for over 16 years THISTLE LODGE with FRESH OFF THE BOAT INTRODUCES SUNSET SPECIALS Seafood CHICKEN ROCHAMIiEAl SH.fW and served on a rich bed of cheddar : : Sautced boneless breast o{ chicken cheese sauce. • -.V '}• U-V"':^-";: :- served atop a Holland rusk, with .PEEL AND EAl-SHlttlOTv^;$9M^P>-| CARRY-OUTS Canadian bacon and mushroom Plump, tender and easy to pepl,v« i SHIP-A-SHR1MP • CATERING wine sauce, garnished with .served; with a variety of sauc.esf^vy / ^;;? --^:i ;•:•",-;•":."••xK-:\. '-'-^y y; :,:./:.'• sauce Bernaise; ; : : 472-2674 : ^**AirdislTes;::seryed/W 1723 Periwinkle Way at Casa Ybel 1 lou stv • gi'ee ri- sal ad ^ tiiri t aliziitg.1 :y '^•^ ?f«;i;r?S A'eget:ables^zesty;pasta,'yancl"fT^sl>;'i:^.^;v:i;::y ; AND NOW A 2nd LOCATION Tender beef topped with sauteed baked'brcatl witli-biitter.* *{Z^Wty/-:U%'^ mushrooms. CAPTIVA •• • 7 Days a WvvU • ^^00;^tt^'-ff0 at the Plantation View Shopping Center GROUPER IMPERIAL ?N^ PM Seatings ^Rcscryationsy ;... .\u . /. , ..;.,.;. . Sf).95 ALL OF THE SAME SERVICES PLUS : •' 'Required)/;;^;-;;,::;-:':::;;; ^vfiVi^'-y;':;^^ Flavorful filet topped CAROLYN'S TOO! with seasoned bread V •CALL'472-92ppiJFQH;^:-^.;^ A Unique Sea Fare Cafe crumbs and cheddar \\ RESERVATIONS serving cheese chunks, baked Breakfast and Lunch 7:30 AM—6 PM seven days a week Dinner 5—9 PM Wednesday—Sunday RESERVATIONS ACCEPTED 472-2404 in< asa Ybd Rcsuit. Sanibel Island, Florida 8A Tuesday, February 10,1987 The ISLANDER

theft Monday evening, Feb. 2, after he admitted to taking two potted philoden- POLICE dron plants from the office of Ex- ecutive Title Insurance late last month. BEAT An anonymous caller tipped off police that they would find the two plants on the porch of Dave Glenn Rya| All information in the following residence at 1504 Periwinkle Way. reports was taken directly from Sanibel While they were investigating thl Police Department records. theft of the plants, officers noticed an out-of-state cable television box in the Two bicyclists who pedaled across apartment that was hooked up to the Causeway were met by a police of- receive Island cablevision services, Please join us for our extraordinary ficer on the Sanibel side Sunday after- Ryals' roommate, Michael Smith, ad- Sunday Champagne Brunch Buffet noon, Feb. 1. The North Bergen, N.J., mitted he was not paying for service men told police they did not hear the from Cablevision of the Islands. He was toll collector shouting that bicycles charged with theft of services. We've brought back some of your old favorites were prohibited on the span. It was their first visit to the Islands. The men A Bradley, 111., man asked police to Seafood Raw Bar with Peel and Eat Shrimp, agreed to make arrangements to send a locksmith to his car at Gulfidjfc transport their bicycles back across the City Park after he lost his keys in SP span when they were ready to leave the surf near Casa Ybel Resort early Mon- Crabmeat Salad Island. day evening, Feb. 2. Shortly after police received the request, they had A resident of Pointe Santo de Sanibel another call from a Reisterstown, M Oysters on the Half Shell condominiums reported her com- woman who had found a set of keys memorative "Challenger" license the beach nearby. The keys were Steamship Round — carved by our Chef plate had been stolen from her 1987 returned to the Illinois man and the ser- Mercedes Benz while it was parked in vices of the locksmith were not • Baked Chicken • Fresh Grouper • Thick the complex parking lot sometime Sun- necessary. Sliced Texas-Style French Toast • Eggs day, Feb. 1. Benedict • Assorted Fresh Vegetables Police looked for but did not find a and Fruits • Freshly Prepared Desserts A Captiva man was charged with at- man who was reportedly exposing tempting to elude an officer, speeding, himself to beachgoers near Log- running a stop sign and driving with a gerhead Cay condominiums-, around Adults — 124.50 Children under 12 — $6.50 suspended license after he was chased 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 5. The man by police around 1:30 a.m. Monday, was described as 5'7" with brown curly Serving from 10 AM to 2 PM Feb. 2. James Melvin Cugle, 32, of hair, brown mustache and dajfl| South Seas Plantation, reportedly was complexion. **r k For reservations call 472-3181 Sanibel Hilton chased at a high rate of speed as he 937 Gulf Drive, Sanibel drove eastbound on Sanibel-Captiva A resident of Sunrise Circle reported Road. He ran the stop sign at the Tar- he suspected his small poodle had been pon Bay Road intersection and then eaten by an alligator in his pulled into a parking lot and ran from neighborhood Thursday night, Feb. 5. his car. Police apprehended him as he The dog had been missing all day, he tried to jump over a fence. He was said. Earlier in the day, however, so- taken to the Lee County Jail. nqyepne.had found the dog wandering


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$21.89 LITER From the moment it's received to every single moment thereafter, fine jewelry lets your $36.99 1.75 LITERS loved one know exactly how you feel. FINE JEWELRY Best Selection of Wine in Area WHEN YOUR FEELINGS ARE FOR REAL. WINE CHILLER AVAILABLE FREE OF CHARGE! Let us help you win her heart with a selection from our original designs in fine island jewelry accented with brilliant diamonds. OPEN EVERY DAY opEN The Cedar Chest... an island tradition. DISCOUNT ON 472-1682 MONDAY-SATURDAY 4 Member Aft/ gi Jewelers of 10% CASE ORDERS 9AM-9P.M. CALL OR WRITE FOR OUB I America, inc. FREE COLOR BROCHURE (Excluding Specials) SUNDAY 11 A.M. • 7 P.

1987 Periwinkle Way Sanlbef.FL 33957 Bailey's Shopping Center (813) 472-2876 For All Vtour Fine Jewelry TARPON BAY ROAD AT CORNER OF PERWINKLE WAY Horn; 10:00 - 5;00 VISA* MO Am Ex Needs Since 1976 ; The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10,1987 SA Signatures trickling in for property assessment petition Islanders' slow response distresses Urban Palmer

BARBARA BRUNDAGE lander staff writer

Urban Palmer is worried. CONSTITUTION AL AMENDMENT PETITION FORM As the head of a Sanibel committee seeking support for a petition that would limit increases in homestead 104.185-11. is unlawful for any person to knowingly sign a petition or petitions for a particular issue or candidate more property valuations, Palmer is after than one time. Any person violating the provisions of this section shall, upon conviction, be guilty of a 360 signatures a week. But he has misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, or s. 775.084. received less than 200 signatures in the past two weeks. NAME The petition (which is reproduced Please print name as it appears on registration records re ) is the brainchild of Lee County perty Appraiser Ken Wilkinson. ubbed "Save Our Homes," it asks the STREET ADDRESS CITY state to place an amendment to its Con- stitution on the ballot for the Nov. 8, PRECINCT NO. CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT COUNTY- 1988, general election. The amendment ould limit the increase in the assessed aluation of any homestead property to a maximum of 3 percent annually. I am a registered voter of Florida and hereby petition the Secretary of State to place the following amendment to the Currently the state Constitution man- Florida Constitution on the ballot in the general election to be held November 8, 1988. dates property appraisers to assess property a| 100 percent of its market Ballot title and summary : HOMESTEAD VALUATION LIMITATION value. On Sanibel and Captiva last year the mandate resulted in increases of up to Providing for limiting increases in homestead property valuations for ad valorem tax purposes to a maximum of 3% 60 percent in valuation of homestead annually and also providing for reassessment of market values upon changes in ownership. properties. The amendment also would prohibit Full text of proposed amendment: (c) All persons entitled to a homestead exemption under Section 6 of this Article assessment from exceeding the shall have their homestead assessed at just value as of January 1 of the year following the effective date of this value of the property. After any amendment. This assessment shall change only as provided herein. change in ownership the, assessment would be adjusted at just value as of Jan. 1 of the following year. New 1. Assessments subject to this provision shall be changed anually on January 1st of each year; but those changes in homestead property would be assessed assessments shall not exceed the lower of the following : at the just value as of Jan. 1 of the year (A) three percent (3%) of the assessment for the prior year. following the establishment of the homestead. (B) the percent change in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers, U. S. City Average, all items Sanibel and Captiva property owners 1967=100, or successor reports for the preceding calendar year as initially reported by the United States Department of pay more than one/third of the total taxes collected by Lee County. Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Therefore, Palmer says, it behooves every registered voter on the Islands 2. No assessment shall exceed just value. who is interested in slowing down future escalation of property taxes to 3. After any change of ownership, as provided by general law, homestead property shall be assessed at just value as of sign the petition, he stresses. January 1 of the following year. Thereafter, the homestead shall be assessed as provided herein. 342,000 signatures from voters state- wide are required by August 1988 to put fc proposed amendment to a vote of 4. New homestead property shall be assessed at just value as of January 1st of the year following the establishment of people. the homestead. That assessment shall only change as provided herein. Signatures of 3,600 Sanibel voters are needed and must be collected by April 5. Changes, additions, reductions or improvements to homestead property shall be assessed as provided for by general 1, Palmer says. law; provided, however, after the adjustment for any change, addition, reduction or improvement, the property shall be So far in Lee County more than 1,000 assessed as provided herein. signatures have been obtained, Wilkin- n, who serves as president of Save 6. In the event of a termination of homestead status, the property shall be assessed as provided by general law. ur Homes, said last week. As the county's property appraiser, Wilkinson said he must enforce the 7. The provisions of this amendment arc scverable. If any of the provisions of this amendment shall be held state's law mandating assessments at unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair any present market value. But that doesn't remaining provisions of this amendment. mean he likes it. "My position as property appraiser of Lee County has made me painfully aware of the problems this causes for many of our citizens," he said. Date signed Signature fc The problems are in two primary eas, he said. First, increasing DS~DE19(l-85) assessments due to a rise in property Save Our Homes, Inc., Post Office Box 1114, Fort Myers, Florida 33902 values has led to such an increase in taxes that many citizens can no longer afford their homes because of the real estate taxes they must pay. state property appraisers meeting and pointed at the slow response," he says. Palmer's home at 1027 Kings Crown Second, the increasing assessments said feedback about the plan was • An alternate procedure to a referen- Drive, at The Islander office during are required by law have allowed positive. dum is provided by Proposition 4, regular business hours, and at the ncreased spending by government "I don't know of anyone who will be enacted at last year's election. It pro- Sanibel Community Asssociation from without accountability, Wilkinson said. against it," he said. vides that if 10 percent of the required 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Fri- Wilkinson characterized Save Our On Sanibel, however, Urban Palmer signatures are collected, sponsors can day. Or simply sign the petition above Homes as a grass-roots movement, is distressed. He says almost 4,000 ask the Florida Supreme Court to rule and return it to any of the above three although he said members of the copies of the petition have been on its constitutionality] and can locations. Florida Legislature have taken an in- distributed to Islanders in recent weeks pressure the Legislature to introduce terest in the proposal. He was hi and only a couple of hundred have been the change. ' Tallahassee earlier this month for a signed and returned. "I'm disap- Copies of the petition are available at

Police beat Continued

around Periwinkle Place shopping welcome and become drunk and his kitchen early Saturday morning, day afternoon, Feb. 7. center and had taken it to police head- disorderly in their home. The respon- Feb. 7. The man said he had left his quarters. The dog and owner were ding officer told the man he would be door unlocked. Nothing else was miss- During the week that ended Saturday reunited. . charged with trespassing if he returned ing from the unit. afternoon, Feb, 7, police issued one to the couple's Island residence. citation to a driver for speeding, one for Police escorted a Fort Myers man The renters of a home on Sanddollar no tail lights, one for careless driving, ofMsland around 8:30 p.m. Friday, A resident of Loggerhead Cay con- Drive reported a 19-inch color televi- one for driving with a suspended Feb. 6, after, his Sanibel friends dominiums reported $50 cash, a radio sion was missing and the garage door license and two for switching license reported he had overstayed his and a set of keys had been taken from had been damaged at the home Satur- tags. 10A Tuesday, February 10, 1987 The ISLANDER Portrait

Al Dobbs

Age: 47

Roots: Bom in Columbus, Ohio, and moved to Sanibef in 1952

Pleasures: Computers and electronics, mode! railroads, metal detecting

Last book read: "it must have been a computer journal."

Pet peeve: "People who drive on the bike path,"

Words of wisdom: "Speaking as someone who has been both an employee and an employer, I am a firm believer in an honest day's work for an honest day's pay."

he Pirate Playhouse was a two-room Dobbs remembers when simply getting to school Tschoolhouse when Al Dobbs came to was "a real adventure." After one year at the By Cindy Chalmers Sanibel. It was 1952; Dobbs was 13 years old. schoolhouse on Periwinkle Way he was ready for He went to class with Ben Piekens, Jerry Way, junior high in Fort Myers. "There was one school Photos by Ricki Kosakow Cooper Ralph Woodring and "all the Wiles kids." He says bus on the Islands that picked us up and took us to Ray Rhodes, now captain of the Sanibel Police the ferry landing (at the original Bailey's General Department for which Dobbs is a sworn officer, Store on the bay at the end of Bailey Road). Then tion before he left Ohio four years ago was as an "was just a pup" when Dobbs moved to the Island the ferry look us to another bus that was waiting auctioneer who owned a used furniture store. with his mother and father from Columbus, Ohio. at Punta Rassa. It was 10:30 a.m. before we got to "I took bids on everything from gaskets to Helen and Jerry Lauer, now 80 and 87 years old, school," he says. "And of course we didn't get caskets," he jokes about his years as an auc- still live on the Island, Although Al moved back to home again until after 5 p.m. tioneer. "We sold industrial machines, household Ohio when he was a senior in high school, he "There were eight or 10 of us who made the trip goods, antiques, entire businesses and cars and visited his parents on the Island at least once a together five days a week. We were a real close trucks," he adds. He even auctioned off cream year — until he moved back here permanently in group. We had a lot of fun." pies to be thrown in the faces of local politicians 1983. He and his wife, Joy, came back to take care Dobbs' first job was as a stock boy at Bailey's for an American Cancer Society benefit. of his aging parents. (Jerry Lauer is actually General Store. Ironically enough, he would return Through all his various jobs, however, Dobbs' Dobbs' step-father. He and Helen were childhood to the same position briefly when he came back to penchant for electronics never paled. That love, in sweethearts who were reunited after each suf- Sanibel so many years later. fact, is responsible for his current position at the fered an unhappy first marriage.) When he was a senior in high school Dobbs went Sanibel Police Department. Dobbs is happy to be back — and for good this back to Ohio to help care for his grandmother and When he came back to Sanibel in 1983 Dobbs put time, he vows, his aunt, both of whom had suddenly taken ill. He his application in at the SPD. His years of "This is where we want to be," he says about went to Ohio State University "until my money building, repairing and talking on amateur radios the family home on Periwinkle Way next door to ran out" and married Joy in 1961. made him more than qualified to be a dispatcher. the Sanibel Community Association (where Dobbs The young couple spent their honeymoon on But there- were no openings. He went back to his remembers going to square dances on Friday Sanibel. "Joy fell in love with the Island," Dobbs very first boss, Francis Bailey, and got a job bag- nights as a teenager). says. "The beaches were wide open then. That's ging groceries. It was only a couple of months, At the same time, however, he is quite candid about all there was for us to do — walk the however, before the SPD called back and offered about his disappointment in the way the Islands beaches and go out to eat at Jack's Place (now him a job. have been developed, "I think the Causeway was the Harbor House restaurant)." Since then he has graduated from the Southwest the worst thing ever to happen to Sanibel and After their honeymoon, however, the Dobbs Florida Police Academy and is npw a sworn of- Captiva," he sayst *'It destroyed all the romance.. returned to Ohio. And Al embarked on a series of ficer. Although he is occasionally assigned to road It was like, 'poof, and the Islands would never be jobs that ranged from a television engineer for patrol, he spends most of his time figuring out the the same again," Ohio State University to the owner of a pizza Such sentiment is understandable considering parlor and then a real estate agent. His last posi- Please see DOBBS, next page The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10,1987 11A

Dobbs Continued intricacies of the department's state-of-the-art from writing to playing video games and working computer system. up a spread sheet. It's just another of his many 'It's all coming together now," he says about electronics hobbies. He is president of the Sanibel the project on which he has worked for more than Commodore Users Club and of the Southwest fa year. It involves an entire new system that Florida chapter of the same association. FISH VOLUNTEERS ARE makes the SPD the first police department in the When he is not working at the SPD, Dobbs has a country whose officers can access state, local and number of things to keep him busy. Lately he has NON-PROFESSIONALS WHO CARE federal records from their patrol cars without in- taken to exploring old fort sites throughout ENOUGH TO OFFER tervention from a dispatcher at headquarters. Florida with his metal detector at his side, scann- "What used to take days of manual research is ing for traces of rifle balls, coins and uniform A HELPING HAND. now at our fingertips in a matter of minutes," buttons. Dobbs says. "It's an incredible system." And no Does he ever sit still? "Oh, sometimes," he ad- 472-0404. one knows it better than Dobbs himself, mits with a smile. "But that's hardly ever my Dobbs has his own personal computer, a Com- choice." modore 64, at home and uses it in countless ways,

V\te?vegoreverytNng but the kitchen sink!

MARSHALL II. HOLTZ Real Kstui** Broker M. I'ATRIUA SEN/, Licensed Heal fibtnti* Brokvr MAIN OFFICE CAniVA HRANrH (tf'WE 1711 ft-syiwinkle Way Loratfd at thr* ' Corner of C'asa ¥!*•! llmui NVw l\>sl tH'fkr Building Calphalon Aprons PeppermiKs Culsinart Chefe' Hats Coffee Makers 472-1123 - 472-3318 Glassware Storage Jars Cocktail Napkins Bakeware Knives Casserole Dishes Serving Sanibel and C&ptiva. Islands Placemats Cookbooks Spice Racks f§ ASSOCIATES, INCSKOKEK 3f If under the same management since 1970 Mugs. Cookie Cutters Dish Towels THE MOST VERSATILE HOME ON THE ISLANDS

32 Periwinkle Place Shopping Center 472-2413

Delicious Salads & Sandwiches Groceries • Dairy Products •Produce Meats • • Health & Beauty Aids imported & Domestic Beer & Wine Are you the parents of a large family who think Sanibel is out of sight? Do you Suntan Products • Magazines Best Sellers • Postcards • Flowers need five bedrooms and four baths? Perhaps you wish to have an office? Maybe 24 hr. Kodak Photo Processing you wish to have Uncle Charlie and Aunt Marie with you for the Winter but give each other some privacy? Any of these possibilities and a hundred more VISA/MC 472-2374 can be satisfied in this most unique and delightful home located on a very large Open i-5500 ANDY ROSSE LANE AM-liPM CAPTIVA ISLAND (18,472 square feet) parcel of land covered with interesting foliage.. Yes, there Everyday ._ _^y are five bedrooms and four baths in this bi-level plus a loft to get away and meditate. Tremendous storage areas, too. All in exceptionally good taste. The real zinger is the price; only $159,500 with today's bank financing at UNDER Investment 9% available to a qualified buyer. What more needs to be said? Strategies Under The New lax Law For a free copy of our recent research report, call Mark a C. Webb, 936-0005 or write: 111 W -I

Address__ Of Ul __ State. -Zip. a Ui Phone: Home a.

Advest Broker.: Mail to: 1811 College Parkway VAdvest Suite 200 Members New Vbrk. American & Olhei Principal Slock Exchanges . Ft. Myers, FL 33907 12A Tuesday, February 10,1987 The ISLANDER From greens fees to banana splits, businesses contribute to ABC Sale Free me

UNUSUAL AND UNIQUE FABRICS & CRAFTS • 100% Silks 100% Cottons cuuf • Liberty of London • TVopical and Shell Print Fabrics 813-472-53JJ OUR QUILTING CORNER INCLUDES • Jinny Beyer • Gutcheon • Woodblock Fabrics Unique' Quilting Supplies too!


Promises to be the best ever, thanks to contributions from these Island businesses for this year's raffle. Come to the sale Saturday, THAN YOU DO OF THESE! Feb. 28, 8 a.m., at the Captiva Community Center to win a prize!

Letizia's Burger Emporium Si Bon Tlie Timbers Dunham's of Maine F&B Oyster Co, Coconut Grove B-Hive Island Reporter Ramada Inn Harbor House Dudley's Island Chef Putting Pelican Nutmeg House Morgan's Wil's Landing Brass Elephant Weeds & Things Jaoaranda Inn McT's Shrimphouse Fantasy II Beauty Olde Post Office Christa of Captiva Salon Deli Snooty Fox Caloosa Canvas Co. i Barney's Incredible Mad Hatter Smitty's Edibles ; Buttonwood Bar-B-Q Hair 2000 . - Lighthouse Cafe Dairy Queen , I- Quarterdeck Jerry's Cafe Orleans The Sanibel- Island Pizza Captiva Islander ...more to come! Carolyn's Mole Hole The Dunes Thistle Lodge Bangkok House Green Life for more information on listing your property with John Naumann & Associates call 1149 Rsriwinkle Way / 2427 Periwinkle Way / Saniba) Island, Florida 3395? / (813) 472-3121 . Toll Free: In Florida (600) 282-0360 Out of Florida (800) 237-6004 The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10,1987 13A

Standing, left to right: Jack Mount, chairman of the ABC Sale Raffle Committee, and John Bates, co-chairman of this year's sale. WIL'S LANDING Seated, left to right: Co-chairman Ann Breda and Helen Webb of Cap- tiva, who is busy gather- ing raffle donations RESTAURANT, from Captiva businesses. Photo by Ricki Kosakow Cooper. LOUNGE & FISH MARKET (On Periwinkle across the Gulf station) • BEST RESTAURANT FOR ALL REASONS • BEST RESTAURANT FOR LUNCH • BEST RESTAURANT FOR FUN • BEST RESTAURANT FOR CELEBRATIONS • WINNER OF 1986 N.ew Novel "TASTE OF THE ISLANDS" AWARDS from Harry Crews... • ILL • • • • FOUR STARS tWM&i WE ALL WE NEED NEED OFMEOL $14.95

This book and many other best-selling books are available VALENTINE from SPECIAL look Saturday, February 14 1021 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel SURF <& TURF DINNER Petite Filet & Lobster Tail 472-1447 Salad Mon. - Sat., 9 A.M. - 8 P.M. • Sunday, 2 - 5 p.m. Vegetable & Potato Cherry Tart plus a Complimentary Glass of Champagne ALL FOR $37.95 per couple

NOW APPEARING %*VE>.. For that special JOHN Q. PUBLIC someone... shop BAILEY'S CASUAL WEAR



Mon. - Sat., 8-9; Sun., 9-6 On Periwinkle across from the Gulf Station 1200 Periwinkle Way •472-4772 14A Tuesday, February 10, 19B7 The ISLANDER

Your Island Office Supply •OPEN HOUSES I KEY VALUE VENTURA CAPTIVA NUTMEG VILLAGE 109 SANDPIPER BEACH 201 Captiva Road 2777 W. Gulf Drive 1919 Olde Middle Drive WINTER SALE Thursday, February 12 Thursday, February 12 Friday, February 13 1 PM to 4 PM 2 PM to 5 PM 10 AM to 12 Moon with big savings on: Cathy Tremblay, Broker-Salesman Molly Clements, Realtor-Associate Eliot Sugarman, Realtor-Associate on premises on premises on premises Copy Paper • Ribbons Pens • Scotch Tape Storage Boxes -NEW LISTINGS' and Much More! -STOP IN AND SEE US- We Now Handle ALL Your Printing Needs! 1624 Periwinkle Way 472-2995 ssa

CHEERY TWO BEDROOM, two bath at SANIBEL VENTURA CAPTIVA - Surrounded by vegetation SIESTA. Newly decorated in light greens, yellows and with a bay view to boot. This lovely three bedroom white. Tropical view of palms and pool from the large condominium is located on Captiva with a private boat CAPTIVA I/LAND. FLORIDA screened porch. Large storeroom or workshop, plus slip just for you. Beach access, heated swimming pool, garage! On site management allows three days ren- all being offered at $247,500. Call Cathy Tremblay, clothing for sporting tals. $165,000. Call Rosemary Robinson, • Realtor- Broker-Salesman. After hours, 939-1506. Associate. After hours, 489-1591. men & women HOMES SALE... Y to Vi Off fi PAR VIEW DRIVE - Excellent CHARMING ONE BEDROOM WHY POSTPONE HAP- 3 location, three bedroom, two bath HOME - overlooking a lake. PINESS? This charming home in home. Facing the golf course and Beautifully vegetated lot over one GUMBO LIMBO Subdivision is Selected Items backing up to the canal. Birdwat- acre and zoned duplex. This year perfect for those who are looking for ching, fishing. Good rental or per- old home was designed with addi- comfort, a large lot and small price. Two bedroom, two baths for only sonal property. Deeded beach ac- tions in mind but is perfect as is for RUFF HEWN cess. $175,900. Call John Nickens, an Island hideway with no room for $133,900, Call Cathy Tremblay, Realtor-Associate. After hours, guests. Top quality throughout; pil- Broker-Salesman. After hours, BOSTON TRADER 472-5980. ing/frame, also has an enormous 939-1506 or Bob Merklas, Realtor- WOOLRICH workroom/storeroom/office. Associate. After hours, 472-1307. SPERRY TOPS1DER $149,000 furnished. Call Eliot Sugerman, Realtor-Associate. After ROSE MARIE REID hours, 472-2614. BILL BLASS .CONDOMINIUMS. CRABTREE & EVELYN SUNDIAL PHASE V - Two GULFSIDE PLACE - A Gulf THIS IS REALLY IT! - The best open 9 to 6, seven days a week bedrooms, two baths plus den. Nice- front condominium. First floor with of LOGGERHEAD. You must see ly furnished with view of Gulf. All stairs leading to Gulf and pool. Two this top floor unit with excellent at the marina appliances including washenHryer. bedrooms, two bath, plus den with views, rental and furnishings. Great vacation spot. $239,500. Call 1,942 sq. ft. Every luxury you could $219,500. Call Dave Putzel, Broker- Marge McCombs, Realtor-Associate. want - Jacuzzi in master bedroom Salesman. After hours, 472-9688. After hours, 466-6631. bath, security and security shutters, tennis courts, two pools, clubhouse, two saunas. $320,000.- LOWEST PRICE AT GULFSIDE PLACE. Call Marge McCombs, Realtor-Associate. After hours, 466-6631. RESIDENTIAL HOMESITES*

BUILDING ON SANIBEL? Consider these lots first, central location yet secluded. Two single family lots $35,000 and $40,000 on Mitzi Lane. Call Marian Balke, Realtor-Associate. After hours, 472-0446.

Information contained herein, while deemed accurate, is not warranted by Merrill Lynch Realty.

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1O2O Periwinkle Way Sanibel Island, Florida, 33957 813/472-4000 1-800-245-7284 (S \~i K fI 6 R A"\T_ A R T i S f R V) (Outside Florida) HEARt"OF"f HE ISLAND L11618 PERIWINKLE WAY P.O. BOX 567 D SANIBEL, FL 33957 i I 813/472-9559 Tuesday Feb. 10,1987 Cityside 15A City opts out of-chamber information board, ON THE AGENDA decides fate of Rate of Growth system By BARBARA BRUNDAGE a preliminary decision. The or- islander staff writer dinance calling for ROGO's repeal TODAY will be considered at two public • The city will NO LONGER USE CITY hearings before final action is CITY OF SANIBEL PLANNING COMMISSION THE COMPUTERIZED BOARD taken, he said. COUNCIL CHAMBERS AT THE SANIBEL-CAPTIVA BRIEFS Valtin acknowledged that ROGO FEBRUARY 10,1fl87 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE to AGENDA had been "spectacularly suc- dispense information to visitors cessful" in achieving its original 9 a.m. about the Island's attractions and 1. Approval of the minutes of the regular meeting of Jan. 27. the BMRH commitment at any goal to slow down multi-family 1987. special rules and regulations. time by a payment of $12,500 to the resort housing and correct the 2. Report from director of planning. The service is not worth the $600 growing imbalance between that a) Planning Commission Projects Status Report. foundation. 3. Reports from Planning Commission members, annual fee, the City Council If the property is not sold by type of development and single- 4. Report from Planning Commission chairman. agreed. May 12 the Naves will place one family construction on Sanibel. 9:15 a.m. 5. Continuation (from Jan. 13,1987) of consideration of a re- City Manager Gary Price said unit of the duplex in the city's Members of the Committee of quest for a Development Permit to provide for construction there is no data available as to the BMRH program for 21 years at an the Islands, the resident organiza- of a duplex and pool on a parcel of land situated on the east side of East Gulf Drive, 100 feet south of Periwinkle Way, in number of persons who have used initial rent of $475 per month. tion that spearheaded adoption of Section 20, Township 46 South, Range 23 East; as submitted the system. The Naves must notify the city if ROGO, urged the council to keep by Joseph R. Schneider for Carmine Ventre, No, 86-3773 DP. 9:45 a.m. The city joined the chamber's by March 12 there is no contract the ordinance in place with 6. Consideration of a request fora Development Permit pur- program initially at the urging of pending to sell the duplex or if it modifications recommended by suant to Ordinance 86-42 amending Land Development Code Section I.C.2. Zoning Map, creating a Special Use District for the Wildlife Committee, which appears a sale will not be closed the Planning Commission. the Sanibel Marina property to permit as part of Phase I viewed it as a good way to educate by May 12. This will give the foun- "This would give the members development a marina docking system, providing mooring visitors not to feed alligators. spaces for up to 72 boats Including live-aboard dock space dation time to prepare restrictive of the community who still worry for up to 18 boats with resort housing use of up to 14 of such covenants and find a qualified te- about build-out a sense of securi- boats; charter services for licensed captains and guides; ren- •A SIGN mounted on the porch nant for the first rental of a unit in tals of smatl runabouts and sailboats, including Instructions ty," COTI vice chairman Marilyn and lessons; an outdoor area for dry storage of boats and railing at the BUTT0NW00D the BMRH rental program. Judson told the council, trailers and a 768-square-foot boat repair building for service BAR-B-Q in the Santiva Mini-Mart of boats, boat motors, and sales of motors and boating ac- cessories; a boat ramp for use by marina patrons; a buidllng at Blind Pass is illegal, the City • The City Council has accepted • The City Council has authorized for restrooms, showers, washers, and dryers; a 840-square- Council decided last week. Carbro, Inc.'s offer to SETTLE BORROWING $172,000 FROM foot ship's store (for the sale of marine fuels, fishing and boating equipment, live bait, sundries, drinks, snacks and The Graphics ordinance permits FOR $15,500 a claim for court THE CITY'S GENERAL FUND to similar Items); a snack bar of 1,000 square feet with a max- businesses in shopping centers to costs of their successful lawsuit make the final payment on 23 imum of 59 seats; marine fuel pumps; parking area for automobiles and boat trailers; an outdoor area for servicing erect either a wall-mounted or against the city. acres of land east of City Hall. The boats; outdoor dry storage of boats and boat trailers. Propos- marquee-mounted sign. A porch Circuit Court Judge William property will be the site of a new ed for Phase II development Is a 2,000-square-foot showroom for the display of boats for sale. Sanibel Marina Is located at railing does not qualify as the Nelson ruled in favor of Carbro in Public Works facility. 634 North Yachtsman Drive. (Tax Parcel Nos. above, the council agreed. the suit that sought a return to The general fund will be reim- 20-46-23-JO-00065; 00042; 00057; 00058; end .00059: as sub- mitted by Myton W. Ireland. 87-4083 DP. Owner Harry Yoder said the commercial zoning for a parcel of bursed from the proceeds of an 10:30 a.m. restaurant sign had been on the land on Periwinkle Way now oc- $800,000 bond issue after the coun- 7. Consideration of a request for a Development Permit to porch rail since 1982. He said the permit the placement of approximately 100 cubic yards of cupied by F&B Oyster House. cil approves the loan agrement sand between the swimming pool and the Gulf of Mexico to front of his restaurant is all win- In response to the judge's order, with C&S National Bank of Florida replace sand lost to beach erosion at Ocean's Reach Con- dows and there is not enough + (formerly Bank of the Islands). dominium located at 2230 Camlno del Mar (Tax Parcel No. he council in early January voted 36-46-22-LO-0000.0000); and to permit the maintenance of the space on the wall for a sign. t. *°.zone the parcel from residen- That agreement probably will be project to continue for a period of three years without obtain- Code Enforcement Officer Dick tial to commercial. approved early next month, City ing additional permits; as submitted by Dennis Leo for Ocean's Reach Condominium Association. 87-4086 DP. Baker said if the sign were hung Caibro originally had asked the Manager Gary Price said Friday. 10:45 a.m. from the porch fascia it would fit court for $30,000 to recoup the cost Last Tuesday the council 8. Planning Commission review and recommendation as to compliance with Sanibel Comprehensive Land Use Plan of in the marquee-mounted category. of the trial but offered to settle authorized Price to use the money an ordinance amending the Zoning Map of the City of Sanibel The council was reluctant to dirctly with the city for $18,000. available in the general fund to designated in Section I.C.2. of the Land Development Code, to create a Special Use District for Lots 10,11 and 12, Block grant a variance to permit the sign The city rejected this and laade a close the deal for the land pur- 24, Unit 3 of Sanibel Gardens Subdivision, to provide for the on the porch railing because it counter offer of $13,000. chase scheduled for Feb. 16. expansion of cable television facilities on the subject proper- ty (Tax Parcel No. 26-46-22-J3-00024.0100); as submlttd by would set a precedent and might Last Tuesday City Attorney The agreement with C&S for the Ward McKee, manager of Palmer Cablevision, for Palmer lead to a rash' of similar requests. David La Croix told the council loan for eight years at interest 80 Broadcasting Company. No. 87-03-SUD. 11 a.m. The council directed Yoder to that Carbro "in light of the city's percent of the prime rate was to 9. Consideration of a request for variances to Land remove the sign and with Baker's cooperation in rezoning the pro- have been ready for council con- Development Code, Sections I.E.20.c.(6)(0) and (r) so that help find a location that would perty" would be willing to com- electrical control panels do not have to be elevated above the sideration at last week's regular base flood elevation or equipped with external connections comply with the city's regulations. promise and settle for $15,500. meeting. for electrical feed from a standby electrical generator at the He recommended acceptance. But under the Tax Reform Act of Sea Oats subdivision's wastawater treatment plant located In the Sea Oats subdivision north of Gulf Drive and west of • The City Council last Tuesday 1986 the tax exempt status to Rabbit Road; submitted by Sea Oats Home Improvement accepted QUIT CLAIM DEEDS • The DEMISE OF SANIBEL'S lenders of municipal securities is Association, Inc. No. V-86-33. 11:15 a.m. from Sanibel Arms and Tigua Cay RATE OF GROWTH SYSTEM to being questioned. To permit its 10. Continuation (from Jan. 27, 1987) of adoption of a condominiums for easements control development is at hand. bond counsel in Fort Lauderdale Resolution regarding Interpretation of Language pursuant to Land Development Code Sections IJ.I.a. and I.J.C.c. Non- needed for public drainage im- Last Tuesday three members of and Atlanta time to review the conforming Lots, Structures and Uses, No. 86-11-IL. (Norman provements on East Gulf Drive. the City Council concurred that agreement to secure the tax ex- A. Hartman, Jr., Attorney for VIP Realty Group, Inc.) Adoption of a Resolution approving Development Permit "ROGO was a good idea whose empt status, C&S asked for an ex- No. 4064. (Jackson Pools for George Mather) • The City Council has extended to time is past." tension to Feb. 6 to make a Adoption of a Resolution approving Development Permit decision. No. 4036. (Walter A. Moxon) May 12, 1987, an agreement with By a 3-1 vote, with Councilman Adoption of a Resolution approving Development Permit Barbara and Charles Nave that Francis Bailey absent, the council Price said the bank has agreed No. 86-4033. (Donald and Ellen Lawrence) Adoption of a Resolution approving Temporary Use Per- resolves the Naves' commitment directed City Attorney David La to make the loan to the city which mit No. 86-10. (Paul G. Sleben for Seascape of Sanibel to Sanibel's BELOW MARKET Croix to draft an ordinance repeal- C'rivntly will be at 6 percent Condominium) RATE HOUSING PROGRAM. interest, Adoption of a Resolution approving Temporary Use Per- ing the law that placed a cap on mit No. 86-11. (John Naumann and Associates.-tnc. for BTS The agreement negotiated by the number of new dwelling units in addition to the land purchase Development Corporation II) the city's Housing Foundation in the $800,000 will be used to con- Adoption ol a Resolution denying Variance No. 86-41. permitted on the Island in any one (West Wind Inn Associates of Sanibel, Ltd.) August 1985 requires the Naves to year. struct a new Public Works Adoption of a Resolution regarding Interpretation of continue to look for a buyer for building ($258,000); to complete Language pursuant to Land Development Code Part F. When the ordinance was GENERAL REGULATIONS, RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, Sec- their duplex in Lagoon Estates. adopted by a referendum of the the purchase of a computer tion I.F.1. Residential Densities No. 87-15. (John Goode) When the duplex was built in voters in November 1978, the cap system for the Finance Depart- ment ($70,000); and to retire the ALL IN THE CITY OFSANIBEL 1979 the density on the Naves' lot was set at 180 dwelling units. In LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA was increased from one to two January 1986 this cap was raised Capital Improvement Refinancing Revenue bonds ($300,000). If a person decides to appeal any decision of the body with units. In exchange the Naves to 210 dwelling units. At year's end respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing agreed to commit one of the only 178 building permits subject The city has pledged revenues he will need a record of the proceedings, and for such pur- duplex units to a future BMEH poses he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the to ROGO had been issued. from the Franchise and Occupa- proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony program. Mayor Fred Valtin and coun- tional License funds and and evidence upon which the appeal Is to be based. Details of the program were not cilmen Mike Klein and Jerry Causeway Surplus funds to pay off finalized at the time, and it was Muench voted in favor of gettig rid the loan over an eight-year period, not until 1983 that the ordinance of the restrictions. Councilman Price said. COMING UP establishing a Housing Foundation Lennart Lorenson, who preferred The rate of interest will be TUESDAY, FEB. 17, MacKenzle Hall, 9 a.m. - Regular to administer the BMRH program leaving a skeleton ordinance on renegotiated each year but will meeting of the City Council. was adopted. the books, dissented. never exceed 80 percent of prime THURSDAY, FEB. 19, MaKenzle Hall, 10 a.m. - Scheduled Under terms of the current Valtin emphasized that last fate, he said, hearings before the Code Enforcement Board. 1:30 p.m. - Regular meeting of the Wildlife Committee. agreement the Naves can satisfy Tuesday's council action was only 16A Tuesday, Feoruary iu, The ISLANDER

Drive, for an LP tank by Pelrolane Gas, Inc., for $000. Betty Unkerfer, 752 Windlass Way, (or s driveway by Holanbrook Homos for $600. Neumann and Rhonehouso, Inc., 4452 Waters OKAY, BIRD PERMITS Edga Lane, for a single-family residence by Tudor Villas Corp. for $108,000. Nlemann-Wolter, 1750 Dixie Beach Blvd., tor a single-family residence by the owner for $89,820. AND DEEDS Dieter Schroor, 1281 Par View Drive, for a screen enclosure, by Jones Industrial Screen Enclosures for $2,400. { Building permits for construction projects were St. Michaels Church, 2304 Periwinkle Way, for Issuad by the city of Sanltwl during the two-weak remodeling by Joval Builders for $1,000, period ending Fab. 6 to: Ten-Twenty Management, 1297 Par View Drive, John Vesey, 545 Lake Murex Circle, for a pool for a pool by Aladdin Pools for $8,000. and deck by Tri-City Pools for $8,000. John Knaff, 735 Sand Dollar Drive, for a pool by Jack Hunter, 9454 Calls Court, for a pool, deck Aladdin Pools for $8,000, and enclosure by All Star Pools tor $16,000. Glen Brooks, 4355 Gulf Drive, for a construction Ruth Baron, 5151 Sanibel-Captlva Road, for a trailer by Joel Luna Jr., value unstated. porch addition by Jeff Good for $3,000. Melvln Hyatt, 721 Durlon Court, for a single- Adrienne Rider, 207 Daniel Drive, Jor a slnglo- family residence by Rfverbend Homes for $61,140. , y Cyprina Beach Condo Association, 695. Gulf Please see PERMITS, next page

"ft You are Invited to the Community Housing and Resources WE KNOW YOU'RE OUT THERE Annual Meeting National Wildlife Week First Annual Southwest Florida A PARTY BIRD GAJLJJ1TO CONTEST CEUEBRATEVG THE JFBRST OCCUPIED NEW UNITS UNDER BMRII

This will be part of the kick-off celebration which will be held at the Sanibel Community Association on Sunday, March 15 at 1:00 p.m. All sure welcome. Monday, February Awards and prizes will be given for first, second and third place in two 4 P.M. on the green behind the Wooster Lane categories: 17 and under and 18 and over. Each contestant may give calls for one bird. v units near City Hall.

First prize in 18 and over will be a copy of the Audubon Society Encyclopedia of "North American Birds." First prize for 17 and under will be "The Audi- ble Audubon" microphonograph with record sets of a wide variety of North American bird calls and background information for each bird.

To enter and obtain your registration forms, either write to SCCF at P.O. Drawer S, Sanibel, FL 33957 or call 472-2329. J. TODD'S Restaurant 'Come Fly With Me' "Swingit" TO SANIBEL'S BEST EARLY BIRD DINNER at the Emnes! 'Jt's Shrimply Marvelous!' Play the mild nine or the challenging wild Shrimp 10 Different Ways nine at Sanibel's only 18 hole golf course! — choose from — • Memberships available for season or Blackened Shrimp Shrimp Alfredo monthly Shrimp Teriyaki Shrimp Scampi • Aqua driving range Shrimp Francois Bar-B-Q Shrimp Shrimp Parmesan Broiled Shrimp • Lessons from our Class A PGA Pro and Shrimp Tempura Fried Shrimp USPTA Pro Plus beef, veal, or chicken feature of the day. • Fully stocked Pro Shops Includes Sanibel's Most Extensive Salad Bar • 6 all weather tennis courts Served ONLY 5-6:30 P.M. Also, enjoy dining and cocktails over- looking the 18th green at Mulligan's FRIDAY NIGHT MAIN EVENT Restaurant and Lounge. PRIME RIB MANIA! ALL YOU CARE TO EAT DINE AT THE DUNES The Most Delicious Prime Ribs of Beef Anywhere Wednesdays - BBQ Night Sanibel's MOST Extensive Salad Bar Ribs, Chicten, Shrimp Soup de Jour • Homemade Bread • Dessert $9.75 Thursdays - Family Night ONLY $13.50 * Comptcte Dinners $9.25-$11.25 Fridays- Friday Night Ftth Fry J. TODD'S LOUNGE Grouper, Snapper Featuring $9.50 BOB INKENBRANDT Saturdays - Prim Rib - Our Specialty Regular Cut $10.25 8:30 P.M. -12:30 P.M., Tues. • Sat. Dunes Cut $13.00 Sanibel's Most Intimate Lounge HAPPY HOUR 4-7 P.M. - 2 FOR 1 DRINKS - HORS D'OEUVRES - '54 cozy spot you'll love a lot" 472-4123 DONAX AT MIDDLE GULF unes AT THE RAMADA INN GOLF AND TENNIS CLUB 949 Sandcastle Road Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 813-472-3355 The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10, 1967 17A

Permits Continued family residence by Russell Aldan for $65,670. by Comer and Moore for $7,000. Sanlbel Homes, 1366 Sandcastie Road, for a Edward Baker, 4249 West Gulf Drive, for Dieter Schroer, 1281 Par View Drive, for a pool single-family residence by the owner for $83,880. remodeling by George Parker for $2,000. and deck by Barnes Pools for $9,000. Richard White, 3402 West Gulf Drive, for a pool Larry Csrretanl, 220 Palm Late, for a concrete Carl Dererao, 94S Whelk Drive, for a pool and deck by Joval Builders for $800. driveway by Landl Carpentry for $2,400. deck by Barnes' Pools for $9,500, Robert Smith, 5312 Punta Caloosa Court, for BTS Development, The Reef, Building 3, 3215 John Knaff, 735 Sand Dollar Cout, for boat remodeling by the owner for $4,000. me. y***.'-:.-•"••: iWest Gulf Drive, for a six-unit condo by Stllsonand davits by De Santls and Co. for $500, Steve Hammer, 1747 Jewel Box, for a dock by ~ ., for $753,028. Mariner Pointe Condo, 760 Sextant Drive, for Robert Degand for $2,400. Wyman Atkins, 2490 Library Way, for remodel- seawall repair by De Santis and Co, for $16,000. Robert Derowltsch, 3168 Twin Lakes Lane, for ing by owner for $1,500. Donald Stahnke, 5145 Joewood Drive, for storage by the owner for $1,000. J.A. Artale,1103 Lindgren Boulevard, for remodeling by the owner for $7,500. Paul Savage/Casall, Carmel, 1128 Sandcastie remodeling by the owner for $2,500. • Marilyn Schroer, 1281 Par View Drive, fora pool Road, for a single-family residence by Du Pont William Wells, 500 Periwinkle Way, for an addi- foundation by Ss'arilbel Homes for $2,800. Builders for $105,976. tion by Benchmark General Construction for Douglas Forsyth, 5757 Pine Tree Drive, for a Paul Savage and Casall, Carmel, 640 Periwinkle $35,000. dock by Bruce Drobnyk for $1,200. Way, for.a single-family residence by Du Pont C.N.C., 2029 Periwinkle Way, for an addition Shell Island Beach Club, 300 Lighthouse Road, Builders for $110,786. and extend fence by Joseph Clmato for $20,000. for bollards and curbs by Artek Three Dimensional •: Ted and Donna Saternus, 9408 Moonlight Drive, Giles Pageau, 2365 Periwinkle Way, to remodel for$2,000, for a single-family residence by Edwin Wlttman ior by the owner for $2,000. David Bodlne, 1335 Par View Drive, for a pool $88,000. John Rldall, 1245 Isabel Drive, for remodeling enclosure by Abaco Aluminum for $2,600.

Exhibit Continues Through February 21

Tarpon Bay Road, SanibeL Florida • PHs 47&H93 Corner of Periwinkle Way and Palm Ridge Road • (813) 472-9166


BAKED LASAGNA MANICOm A traditional favorlteJIve Light and fluffy, a delicate cheeses blended from a souffle-like dish stuffed with a special recipe, whipped Into variety of Italian cheeses a creamy batter and careful- served with our tasty meat ly alternated in layers with sauce. Served with a side 1:00 ?:00 (slOO[\! two separate combinations of dish of spagheftlnl and meat meat, spices, herbs and sauce, C(jM/1U|VllTY sauce, baked to perfection 8.95 and covered with our special meat sauce, 8.95 RAVIOLI Stuffed pasta...wlth creamy UN6UINE ricotta cheese cooked to with white clam sauce order and topped with moz- 8.95 zarella cheese and our delicious special meat sauce or mushroom sauce. 8.95

Also featuring fresh veal, chicken, seafood and homemade pasta.

All dinners include Neapolitan or Caesar salad and fresh bread and butter.

Dine on a different continent tonight. LETIZIA'S RESTAURANT CONTINENTAL CUISINE SORRY, NO RESERVATIONS •'.. CASUAL DRESS mmmm*^^^^*%>^&u*> ^i F'0U|Nlty\riO^ i LOCA 5:30 RM.-9:30 P.M. 3313 W. Gulf Dr FULL LIQUOR LICENSE 472-2177 m 18A Tuesday, February 10, 1987 The ISLANDER Their sights set on Broadway, budding actresses will sample the bright lights later this month

By SCOTT MARTELL pop choir. The ensemble was invited to Islander staff writer perform at Radio City Music Hall, the Lincoln Center and several other ioca- Ruth Brown and Liz Abbott, two tions over a four-day weekend. Island students at Cypress Lake High Abbott, a freshman, and Brown, a School, will soon exchange the bright junior, are members of the school's sunlights of Sanibel for the more in- musical theater class. Both were tense lights of Broadway. among the six students invited to assist And New York City had better be the ensemble and pop choir on the New ready! York trip. The two effervescent Sanibel girls Brown calls singing her "forte" and will head to the Big Apple on Feb. 25 as Liz Abbott, ieft, and Ruth Brown are this time. Photo by Ricki Kosakow part of their school's jazz ensemble and Please see NEW YORK, next page New York City-bound, it only temporarily Cooper.

Professional Quality NEW HOME CONSTRUCTION

OPEN HOUSE ROBERT A HORAK, a 15 year • -\jv? permanent resident, developer You are invited to preview and state certified general contrac- tor (CGC 009621), works with you. this choice Island home, 4 Wednesday and Thursday BUILD WITH THE BEST February 11 and 12 1-4 EM. Homes Ino. N-800 Sextant Drive, tf\ Yacht Haven ADDEESS: 1086 Captains Walk Drive itHBECTIOWS: EafC; ,% Periwinkle past Causeway intersec- 813-47S-8473

tion. Go seven blocks, then turn Consultation services also offered to owner/bui Were right, follow to cul-de-sac. FORMAL LIVING ROOM Tom Roderick REALTY m3547 WEST GULF DRIVE OPEN HOUSE

DREAM KITCHEN FUN-FILLED FAMILY ROOM 11:00 A.M. - 3:00 P.M. Wednesday, Feb. 11 • Thursday, Feb. 12 Friday, Feb. 13 LICENSED rTt The perfect formula for Island living! Large canal lot, complete with boat REAL ESTATE I M dock, in a private setting. Add a spacious three bedroom home with screen BROKER >-•••* M') Periwinkle Way i ! .Suite 205 Li Saiiih.l, Floritln 33957 enclosed pool and hot tub. Also features den, family room, large laundry Offiee: 813/472-0700 Home: 81.V4?2-W(tt room, oversized garage, generous pool lanai. We look forward to your visit! Bissell Realty Service Corp. Wkit& wpb, soil fr "Beginning our second generation of serwice/' V sea, Treetops Centre - Across from tfte Dairy Queen These are names of some Phone (813) 472-0880 new knitting yarns at Owners Island residents since 1970 • Member Sanibel and Capiiva Chamber of Commerce Member Sanibei and Captiva Islands Board of Realtors IDLE HOURS Pelican Place 2440 Palm Ridge Rd., Sanibel 472-1039 Mon.-Sat. 10-5 Extra Help 9:30-10 AM, 5-5:30 PM The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10, 1987 19A

New York Continued Milestones says she will add her voice to the gfbup. school. Both are quite experienced in rangements to attend the Epcot In- Abbott is serious about acting and will acting. stitute of the Arts after her senior year, Engagement k help coordinate the sound. "My first experience was at 6 when I "For me, it's acting all the way," Ab- 'I think we're doing at least four per- was a little pilgrim who skipped across bott declares. Harsbarger-Merisotis formances there," Brown says. "But the stage," Brown says now with a New York, here they come. we'll have time to get some sightseeing laugh. Jean Harsbarger of Sanibel and Dr. in." And Abbott, whose father, Don, runs James Harsbarger of Easton, Conn., Where do the girls want to go most? AVP Audio Visual Productions of Fort Let the Captiva announce the engagement of their They quickly mention places such as Myers, has done commercials daughter, Wendy, to Christopher Sam Goody's or Tower Records, two "forever", and started studying foren- Merisotis. The bride-elect lives in record stores larger than all Fort sics when she was in the sixth grade. ABC SALE take care Cromwell, Conn. Her fiance lives in Myers' record stores combined. They Both say they plan to ignore their Manchester, Conn. The couple will be also want to see Macy's and the Statue mothers' advice — to marry wealthy of your "used married Oct. 17,1987, of Liberty. men. Instead, the two are serious about They will also see "Chorus Line" on a future around the theater. but useful" household Jroadway, something particularly "I thought about law school at one ^special for these two budding thes- time — it seems lawyers do much of the items. CALL pians. Brown and Abbott just finished a same thing as actors, doesn't it?" production of "Anything Goes" at the Brown says. She has already made ar- 472-6682

SAFETY HARBOR General contractor CONSTRUCTION CO. • Residential Full Service, Experienced Builders • commercial INTERSTATE SECURITIES Fountain Court, Suite 201 • Redesigning 8250 College Parkway Founded 1932 Ft. Myers, FL 33907 (813) 489-3151 MemberMYSE & SIPC 7370 College Parkway, Suite 101 Gfl IL REYNOLDS, me 1630-D Periwinkle Way Sanibel, FL 33957 Fort Myers, FL 33901-6150 813/472-9595 (813) 472-1313 275-0606 P.O. BOX 857 Sanibel, FL 33957


FOE THE FINEST AND LAESEST SELECTION OF MEN'S & LADIES APPAREL Craving for Clothing, Sportswear & Beacliwear 1036 PERIWINKLE WAV TURN RIGHT OFF CAUSEWAY, FIRST STORE ON RIGHT Satisfy |¥ VALEISITIISIE'S WIEK !¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ SOFT SHELL CRABS ¥ ¥ Hand dipped in a spicy blend of flours and ¥ deep fried. Served with Choron Sauce. ¥ ¥ $12.95 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ On the Gulf ¥ ¥• at Sundial Beach & Tennis Resort ¥ ¥ 1246 Middle Gulf Drive, Sanibel, FL M957 ¥ ¥ 813-472-1114 ¥ ¥ iMl^ Merlin Olsen, spokesman for FTD florists, says these are just two of Also located in Sundial ¥ a wide variety of Valentine's Week flower gifts available at WEEDS & ¥ ¥ THINGS, TOO! It's a Show — that's a Feast At the left is the FTD SWEETHEART'" Bouquet, an arrangement of ¥ ¥ mixed fresh flowers in a white porcelain powder jar. The FTD Hearts 'n' ¥ Experience an Exciting and Delicious ¥ Flowers1" Bouquet on the right also is a mixed bouquet, in a resuable ¥ Dinner at ¥ wooden card caddy. Balloon bouquets also available. ¥ Noopies Japanese Steak House. ¥ ¥ Sit at Authentic Teppanyaki Tables. ¥ Weeds & W^gs Too! ¥ Watch as your chef skillfully ¥ Serving Sanibel & Captiva for 10 Years ¥ prepares Tender Steak, 472-2061 472-2112 472-7515 Fresh Shrimp, Scallops, ¥ 1633 Periwinkle Way 2440 Palm Ridge Road Chadwlck's Square ¥ Lobster and Chicken before^m • _..ji Please call Sanibel Captiva ¥ Sanibel your eyes. «-ftA*?* for reservations ¥ M:-M72-11M 20A Tuesday, February 10,1987 The ISLANDER COME TO FANTASY ISLAND Fantasy Island WHERE PERSONALIZED EXPERT Property Sales SERVICE COUNTS!!! & Management C ;< >q). CONDOMINIUMS POINTE SANTO de SANIBEL GULFSIDE PLACE IMAGINE. Ten highly landscaped acres of the most popular rental resort pro- Located at 1600 Middle Gulf Drive is without question the premier con- perty on Sanibel. Pointe Santo features unique Spanish style architecture, dominium on Sanibel. Featuring 84 residential units (30 day minimum ren- tennis, shuffleboard, pool, Jacuzzi, and a recreation program for children tals only), on 18 acres of manicured landscaping, two heated pools, six ten- and adults alike. Every one, two or three bedroom unit has a fantastic view nis courts, two saunas and much more. Each two bedroom two bath plus of the beach. We have a large inventory of units for sale and rent in all den, or three bedroom three bath plus den unit has an unobstructed buildings and floors. All fourth floor units have a private rooftop sundeck. beachfront view. All come with every kitchen appliance imaginable. Make CALL NOW TO VIEW THE BEST FOR YOURSELF. an appointment now to view the island's finest.

#A-4~GROUND FLOOR GULF FRONT WRAP-AROUND VIEW OF POOL #308—Two bedrooms, two bath with den. $330,000 unfurnished. This uni- AND BEACH. This 2100 sq. ft. three bedroom, two bath with Fla. room says que free standing unit has views that must be seen. it all in luxury. Furnished for $437,500 terms. .. r #319—Two bedroom, two bath with"den. $369,000 furnished. One of the best buys at Gulfside. Easy to see. #B-33—Third floor, two bedroom, two bath. Spectacular furnishings in soft #127—Three bedroom, three baths, plus a den. Beautifully furnished at blue pastels. Must be seen. $237,500 furnished. Seller will consider trade. $595,000. If you want the best with plenty of room. This is it!

iWB-42-FOURTH FLOOR BEACH VIEW PENTHOUSE WITH PRIVATE ROOF- Beautifully furnished two bedroom, two bath with fabulous rental history. TOP SUNDECK. Large two bedroom, two bath with a fantastic rental history. Call for more details. $275,000 furnished. Seller will consider trade for low density West Gulf Drive unit. • #C-21—Beautifully furnished two bedroom, two bath corner unit, with sweeping courtyard and beach views. Unit has never been rented. $237,500. SUNDIAL MUST BE SEEN. H-103—Two bedroom, two bath with Gulf view $177,500 furnished.

#C-31—Pt. Santo two bedroom, two bath corner unit with great views. $221,995 furnished. Excellent rental history. COQUINA BEACH 629D First floor two bedroom, two bath, good rental history, completely furnish- •#D-6— Ground floor walk-out. Two bedrooms, two baths, with gulf views. ed for only $149,900. $212,000 furnished. Outstanding opportunity for someone to be in the right place at the right time. Call now. JANTHINA 3A This three bedroom, two bath penthouse unit offers everything for the #D-46—SUPER TWO BEDROOM, TWO BATH, FOURTH FLOORPENTHOUSE. discriminating buyer. A rooftop sundeck, and a poolside cabana are a few THIS IS ONE YOU MUST SEE. IT WILL NOT LAST LONG. Priced at $245,000 of the features. Priced at $520,000 furnished. This dream home has been furnished. featured in Architectural Digest. Easy to show, 0E-6-GULF FRONT two bedroom, two bath, custom decor throughout. Walk 50' from your porch out to beach. $295,000 furnished. OCEAN'S REACH Super rental return on this beautifully furnished two bedroom, two bath #E-7—Gulf front three bedroom, two bath, ground floor. Walk right out to Gulf front unit. Priced at $170,000. 600' of beautiful beach. Offered at $299,500 furnished. Fantastic rental history. SAND POINTE #E-22—Second floor beauty, with both pool and beach views. Two bedroom, Two bedroom, two bath, very nicely furnished, with great views of the Gulf. two bath, all new furnishings. Seller will trade for beach front house. Pric- Priced at $208,500 furnished. ed $254,900 furnished, #E-24—Three bedrooms, two baths, $320,000 furnished. HOMES GUMBO LIMBO—Three bedroom, two bath new home under construction, completion date of Feb. 1. You can pick your colors and carpeting. $145,000 including appliances plus fireplace. DUPLEX MIDDLE GULF DRIVE pool home overlooking lagoon and golf course with Want the real "Old Sanibel" type cottage? Just listed a small duplex with three bedrooms and two baths. Nicely furnished for $235,000. one bedroom, one bath with large efficiency unit attached. Separate screen- SHELL HABBOR—Four bedroom, three bath pool home on canal with dock. ed porches. Vaulted beamed ceilings and old Florida pine paneling with built- $375,000. in bookshelves add to the charm. Only 200 feet to bay beach access and one block to Gulf beach access. Only $129,000 partially furnished. HOMESITE GULF RIDGE—Prestige comnnMUto|THti,h guardhousg e and security gates. Deeded beach access, two tenrnlmflrrTs and pool. $157,50$5 0

P.O. BOX 210 — 2402 PALM RIDGE RD. 472-5021 SANIBEL ISLAND, FL 33957 (800) 237514b cislmtk)

Tuesday . 10,1987 Island Guide 21A

Banks Dog laws •Nature guides Beaches •Emergency phone numbers •Post offices Biking Fishing •Rentals Camping •Fitness •Service stations •Churches •Gators •Shelling Clubs Good things to know •Things to do and see Courts and courses Libraries Doctors •Marinas and charters

without the proper permit is 2050 Periwinkle Way beginning, Intermediate and cond Wednesday of every 1256 Middle Gulf Drive Banks $35 The Rev. Richard Stein advanced players at the Dunes month at the Sanibel Com- 472-4151 ON CAPTIVA public beach 472-0497 or 472-8100 Country Club. Call by 4 p.m.. munity Association. Luncheon Open 8 a.m. lo 5 p.m. Full Citizens and Southern access for no charge can be Sunday worship services at Monday If you want to play at at noon every Wednesday and tennis facilities with 13 courts National Bank of Florida found at Turner Beach or fur- .10 a.m. at the church across 6 p.m. Tuesday. The $10 cost executive meetings the first (laykold and har tru). Ball Main Branch ther north )ust past the en- from Periwinkle Place shopp- covers dinner and prize money. Wednesday of every month at machine. 1699 Periwinkle Way trance to South Seas ing center. Child care provided. Bring a board. Call 472-9228 or the Coconut Grove. Call 472-4141 Plantation. 472-6600. 472-1318. Open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday Elevator for easy access. State law prohibits nude Church office open 9 a.m. to Sanibel Elementary School through Thursday; 9 a.m. to 6 sunbathing on all Florida 1 p.m. Tuesday through Barrier Island Group (or the SanibolCaptlva Shell Club • Sanlbel-Captiva Road p.m. Friday. Drive-In window beaches. Violators will be Saturday, Arts • Supporting and pro- Meets at 8 p.m. on the third Public courts en 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday prosecuted. Monday of every month at the Lighted evenings until 10 rough Thursday; 8:30 a.m. to 6 moting the arts on Sanibel and St. Isabel Captlva. Meets at 7:30 p.m. on Sanlbel Community Associa- p.m. No reservations. No fm. Friday. Closed Saturday the last Monday of every tion. For informaUon call charge. and Sunday. Catholic Church 3669 Sanlbel-Captlva Road month at the Sanibel Public membership chairman At Biking 472-2763 Library. Members and prospec- Brldell, 472-1637, or write the RACdUETBALL Citizens and Southern Msgr. Robert Schlefen, pastor; tive members are welcome. Sanlbel Shell Club, P.O. Box Signal Inn National Bank ot Florida The extensive network of Rev. Jerome Fraser, associate Call 472-5901 for Information. 355, Sanlbel 33957. Olde Middle Gulf Drive Sanlbel branch bike paths on Sanlbel Is clearly Saturday Vigil • 5:30 p.m.; 472-4690 Bailey's Shopping Center marked along the edge of the Sunday Mass - 8:30 and 10:30 Calusa Aquatic Program -A Sanibel Community Association Two alr-condltioned Inside 472-5173 road. Observe caution when non-profit organization - Dinner meetings at 6:30 p.m. courts open by appolntmorU. a.m., noon; Dally Mass • 8:30 Call for reservations. Open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday driving near the bike path. a.m.; Holy Days schedules the dedicated to Increasing nature on the second Wednesday of through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 6 A state law and city or- same as weekends. awareness and exploring the the month November through p.m. Friday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. dinance combine to prohibit Island environment. Informa- May. Saturday. Closed Sunday. parking or driving on the bike St. Michael and All tion cotlected Is forwarded to Bingo at 7:30 p.m. every Tues- Doctors paths. Mopeds are not permit- Angels' Episcopal Church the Florida Department of day from November through Citizens and Southern ted on the bike paths. 2304 Periwinkle Way Natural Resources.- March. If you plan to spend some GENERAL PRACTICE National Bank of Florida The Rev. William Dodd, Rector For ages 12 to adult, Tues- Office hours are from 9 a.m. Jean Gentry, M.D., P.A. Captlva Branch time on a bike make sure your The Rev. William Walker, priest day and Thursday. Children's to 2 p.m. Monday through Fri- vehicle is equipped with a 2250 Periwinkle Way Chadwicks Square, 472-3212 associate program Saturday. Family pro- day. Call 472-2155. 472-4188 horn, good brakes and a light 472-2173 gram Sunday afternoon. $25 Open 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday for night tiding. through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 6 Sunday service - 7:30,9:30, per person. Transportation pro- Sanlbel League of Women Stephen Halabfs, M.D., FACS p.m. Friday. Closed Saturday Under Florida law bicycle 11:15 a.m. vided. Call 472-9282. Voters - Meets at 9:30 a.m. on riders have the same rights 2426 Palm Ridge Road and Sunday. Wednesday Healing Service - the third Monday of every 472-3163 and responsibilities as motor 9 a.m. Christian Women's Club - month at the Sanibel Public vehicle drivers. Thursday - 7:30 a.m. service Meets for luncheon on the se- Library. Call Charlotte Hamlet, First Federal Stanley Wegryn, M.D. FACS followed by Bible study. cond Thursday of every month 472-2927. Wegryn Medical Center Savings and Loan Saturday service - 5:30 p.m. at Sundial resort. Reservations Palm Ridge Road and Sanlbel Singles - "The alter- 4301 Sanibel-Captlva Road Camping required. Call 472-5085 or 472-4131 Florence Street Unitarian Unlversallsts 472-4275 for times. native to the bar scene" meets Sanlbel, 472-1537 Of The Islands at 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday. Open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon- Camping on the beach is Rev. William Burnside Miller Call 472-0058 for details. MEDICINE AND SURGERY prohibited, as are open beach 472-3SS2 {Island chairman) Civil War Relnactment Society day through Thursday; 9 a.m. - Bi-monthly meetings. Call Southwest Florida Boardsallors John Collucci, D.O. to 6 p.m. Friday. Closed fires. Fires are permitted, Meets at 7:30 p.m. on the Island Medical Clinic however, In approved cooking first and third Sunday of every 472-0482 for more information. Meets first Sunday of the weekends. month at 1 p.m. on the 2400 Palm Ridge Road containers (not to exceed month November through April 472-5974 48x24x12 inches deep) with an at Sanlbel Congregational Island Children's Cooperative - Causeway unless otherwise an- First Independence Bank Island babysitting exchange. extruded metal grill for non- United Church of Christ. nounced. Call 472-6017 or INTERNAL MEDICINE 2245 Palm Ridge Road commercial food preparation. Call 472-0344 for more 433-4517 for information. New 3 Star Center Information. members always welcome, AND CARDIOLOGY ^Sanibel, 472-1314 After you have your beach Stephen Mullins, M.D. party please assume respon- Open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday Clubs Island Fishing Club - Meets at Sanlbel Island Narcotics 2440 Palm Ridge Road sibility for cleaning up any lit- Anonymous • Meets 10:30 a.m. 472-1334 through Thursday; 9 a.m. to 5 ter or debris from the area. 6 p.m. on the first Tuesday of p.m. Friday; 9 a.m. to noon Alanon - Meets at 8 p.m. every every month at the Jacaranda Wednesday and Saturday at Saturday. Closed Sunday. ' Tuesday and at noon every Fri- Inn on Periwinkle Way. Sanlbel Congregational United CHIROPRACTIC day at Sanibel Community Church of Christ, 2050 Harry Kalr, D.C., P^A. Church. For more Information Klwanis - Meets at 7:30 a.m. Periwinkle Way. For Information 1650 Periwinkle Way Honor System Churches call 472-3935. 24-hour tellers every Wednesday at the Put- call the help llne,-275-7778. 472-1824 ting Pelican, Beachview Coun- Provided by Citizens and Chapel By the Sea Alcoholics Anonymous - At St. OPTOMETRISTS Southern National Bank of Chapln Lane try Club. Visiting .Kiwanlans Michael and All Angels welcome. For information call Courts and Robert LeSage, O.D. Florida at Bailey's and Jerry's Captlva Episcopal Church. Thursday: Timothy Underbill on Sanibel and at 110 Chad- Dr. J. Deans Dykstra John Frledlund, 472-1537. Closed discussion. Friday: Men's non-denominational 1571 Periwinkle Way wick's Square on Captlva. 472-1S4S Open speakers. Sunday: Clos- courses 472-4204 Sunday service at 11 a.m. Bible study sponsored by the GOLF ed step. All meetings at 8 p.m. Kiwanians meets at 7:30 a.m. No smoking. Beachview Golf Course PHARMACIES First Baptist Church every Tuesday at Jacaranda Par View Drive At Sanlbel Congregational Inn, 1223 Periwinkle Way. Comer Drugs 4115 Sanlbel-Captiva Road United Church • 10 a.m, Mon- Off Middle Gulf Drive Bailey's Shopping Center •feeaches Pastor Jamie Stilson day, women's closed discus- 472-2626 472-4149 472-1018 Lions - Meets at 6:30 p.m. on sion, no smoking; 8 p.m. Tues- the first and third Wednesday Semi-private Pharmacist on duty 9 a.m. to 6 On Sanibel UNRESTRICTED Sunday - Sunday school, day, closed discussion; noon Open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Reser- p.m. Monday through Friday, 9 9:30 a.m.; worship 10;30 a.m. of every month at the Sanlbel PARKING WITH NO STICKER Thursday, men's closed big Community Association. vations required. Public a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. is permitted for everyone along and 7 p.m. book discussion. welcome. Green fees: $11 for the Causeway, at the Sanibel Wednesday - Home nine holes, $20 for 18. Electric Eckerd Drugs "fellowship groups, 7:30 p.m. Lions Auxiliary - Meets at 6:30 carts: $8 for nine holes, $16 for Lighthouse and Fishing Pier at American Association of p.m. on the third Wednesday of 2331 Palm Ridge Road the eastern tip of the Island, at Nursery available (or all Retired Persons (AARP), 18. 472-1719 services. each month at the Dunes. Call Gulfside City Park off Casa , 472-5517 - Meets at 1:30 pm. on Dottle WIthlngton, 472-5555. The Dunes Country Club Open 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday ^bl Road, on the east side of the second Friday of every 949 Sandcastie Road through Saturday, 9 a.m. to 6 ;B Sanlbel end of the First Church of Christ month at the Sanibel Com- p.m. Sunday. Scientist, Sanlbel-Captiva New Beginners Club • An infor- 472-2S35 usoway, at the gulf end of munity Association. mal monthly gathering for Semi-private Tarpon Bay Road and at the 2950,West Gulf Drive Sunday -11 a.m. worship women who are new residents Open daylight to dusk. Call MASSAGE THERAPY Trost property on Tarpon Bay American Business Women's of the Islands. Call Peggy for starting lime. Public Diana Silvers lone Road. and Sunday school. Association - Meets for dinner Wednesday - 8 p.m. service Jackson, 472-1694, for meeting welcome. Green fees: $13 for Licensed Massage Therapist Off-Islanders with and business at 5:30 p.m. on date, time and place. nine holes, $22 for 18 holes. 472-5579 RESTRICTED PARKING Reading room open 10 a.m. the second Thursday of every to noon Wednesday and Electric carts: $12 for nine 1619 Periwinkle Way STICKERS can find beach ac- month at the Putting Pelican holes, $18 for eighteen. Pull Unit 105-A cess at Bailey Road, Beach Friday. Overeaters Anonymous - Meets restaurant at the Beachvlew at 7:30 p.m. every Monday at carls: $2 and $3. Club rentals: Downstairs In the Island Road, Dixie Beach Boulevard, Country Club. Any woman who $5 and $10. Tower. By appointment only. Nerlta Street, Donax Street, Sanlbel Congregational United is employed either part- or lull- Church of Christ. Call 472-2127. Fulger Street and on the Sanlbel Community time is welcome. Reservations TENNIS The Neuromuscular Center Sanibel side of Turner Beach. Church (interdenominational) must be made by Monday prior The Dunes Country Club Licensed Massage Therapists 1740 Periwinkle Way (next to the Thursday meeting. Call Rotary - Meets at 7:45 a.m. 949 Sandcaotle Road Island residents with to Jerry's shopping center) every Friday at Wfl's Landing. 472-4299 RESIDENTIAL PARKING Ginny Blsseli, 472-0880, for 472-3522 Timbers Court, Rabbit Road Dr. Denny Dennison reservations. Call Theresa All visiting Rotarlans and In- Semi-private STICKERS can park on West 472-2684 terested Individuals are •; Second Wind Massage Therapy Gulf Drive west of Rabbit Louwers, 472-6553, for member- Full racquet facilities. Open Road, the bay and gulf sides of Sunday - 9 a.m. worship with ship ifi formation. welcome. Call 472-2860 for daylight to dusk. $10.50 per 472-3481 children's ministry; 10:15 a.m. information. , , Licensed therapists offering Buttonwood Lane, the bay and hour per court. Call for court a variety of rehabilitative and gulf sides of Seagrape Lane, Sunday school for all; 11:15 American Legion - Sanibel- time. Lessons available. Colony Walkway, Bay Drive a.rrt. worship service. Sanlbel-Captiva Art League • healing techniques. Captlva Post 123 meets at the Outdoor workshops from 9 a.m, anil on Henderson Road at Tuesday - 6 p.m. Alanon legion hall on Sanlbel-Captiva island Tennis Service COUNSELING THERAPY Castaways Lane. Wednesday - 3:30 p.m. youth to noon followed by a sack P.O. Box 417 Road on the second Tuesday lunch and critique every Thurs- Peggy Jackson, L.C.S.W. The user fee for the COUNTY club; 7:30 p.m. adult choir of every month. Call 472-9979. 4724588 472-1694 rehearsal. day year 'round. Phone Professional instruction al PARK AT BOWMAN'S BEACH 472-4594 or 481-4789 for loca- By appointment only even- on the western end of Sanibel Friday • 9 a.m. mothers mor- American Legion Auxiliary - your resort or private court. Ings or weekends for marital, Is $2 per car. ning out; noon Alanpn. Meets at 7:30 p.m. on the first , tions. Indoor workshops held Specializing in beginning Child care Is provided for all January, February and March. family and Individual The fine for parking In a Wednesday of every month in couples or Individuals, juniors counseling. restricted or residential area Sunday services. Church office the legion hall on Sanlbel- Membership open to all area and advanced players. Rac- is open 9 a.m, to 3 p.m. Mon- Captiva Road. Call 472-9979. artists. Phone 472-0905 for quets supplied. Video playback day through Friday. Information. Maggie Mullins, M.A. optional. 1633-F Periwinkle Way Backgammon Club - Round Sanlbel-Captiva Power 47Z-6180 Sanlbel Congregational robin and tournament play for Sundial Besch and United Church of Christ Squadron - General member- Personal, couple and group ship meetings held on the se- Tennis Retort counseling by appointment. 22A Tuesday, February 10,1987 The ISLANDER Island guide

fed are less likely to become Capt. Roger Nodruff Sanlbel Outdoor Experiences VIDEO EQUIPMENT x Doctors problems. A "tame" alligator 472-5463 Charles LeBuff, chief naturalist Bailey's General Store Shelling becomes bold - he loses his 36-foot sailboat by day or 472-3177 Periwinkle Way and Sanibel-Captlvs fear of man. Then he has dif- half-day. Featuring natural history Tarpon Bay Road The city of Sanibol has a Counseling Center ficulty distinguishing between tours of Sanibel-Captiva and ad- 472-1516 resolution limiting tha taking lorta School a fish and the hand that holds Capt. Bob Sabatlno jacent waters. 1987 winter Video tapes and machinoii. It. 472-1451 schedule includes beach walk, of live strolls !o Iwo pm Professional Center species por day per person. In Because of the gator popula- fishing, shelling, sightsee- sundown birding tour by boat, Sanibal Audio Video McGregor Boulevard order to preserve) Sanibel's tion here, dogs should never be ing, luncheon trips to Safety canoe tour, star walk and Sanlbel Square Valerie Westhlll, director beautiful shelling bcachos, allowed to run free on the Harbor. others. Call anytime for addi- 472.4100 472-9696 or 489-0808 however, mosl collectors Islands. Fence your dog, walk tional details or reservations. Rental of movie tapes, VCR Stress, alcohol and drug refuse to take any live shells him on a leash, or If you must Island Belle machines, movie cameras, pro- abuse, personal, family and whatsoever. free him for a walk, keep him 472-3196 Capt. Duke Sells jectors, TV sets and radios. adolescent counseling. Open 8 472-5462 a.m. to 8 p,m. Monday through under voice control. NEVER tie USCG-inspected, your dog In an unfenced yard. 42.passenger boat for shelling Native area guide will pole PICAFLIC Friday; 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Satur- or motor your party through day. 24-hour answering service. For help with a nuisance and fishing trips out of Tarpon 1633-D Periwinkle Way alligator call the Sanibel Police Bay Marina with Capt. Joe back country. Offering outer- Anchor Point, next to Things VETERINARIANS Department, 472-3111. The Stuber. Island beach picnic trips, lun- Bank oi the Islands Drs. Paul and Phylls dispatcher will contact one of ches at Cabbage Key and 4720077 Douglass, D.V.M, the city's several "alligator Island Cruises, Inc. shelling trips on 24-foot skiff, VHS tape, machine and to do 1042 Cypress Lake Drive assessors" to respond to your Capt. Duke Sells 30-foot sport fisherman or camera rentals, sales and Fort Myers call. Capt. Roger Nodruff 50-foot party boat. service. 481-4746 472-5463, 472-5462 and see Animals can be seen on 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Cabbage Key George T. Parker BABY NEEDS Care and Rehabilitation Sanlbel beginning at 1 p.m. for lunch; 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Parkland Adventures, Inc. Sanlbel Rental Service of Wildllfo {CROW) every Tuesday and Thursday. sightseeing cruise. Dinner 482-1328 Jerry's Shopping Center Sanibel-Captiva Road Arrangements should be made Good cruises to Cabbage Key aboard Guided nature treks and wildlife 472-5777 472-3644 by calling the above number. the Catherine Theresa. Shelling observation by way of canoeing, Rollaways, cribs, strollers, Open house for tho public trips available. sea kayaking or hiking. highchalrs, car seats, beach from 1 to 3 p.m. on the last DENTISTS things items and more. Sunday ot ovory month James Bell, D.D.S ' WINDSURFERS November through April. Board Sanibel Plaza WATER SPORTS montlnys am at 1:30 p.m. on 1630-G Periwinkle Way to know Blind Pass Marina Sanibel Hilton Inn tlio second Monday of every 472-6333 472-1020 937 East Gulf Drive month. 472-6500 for emergencies Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven Post 472-3181 Chamber of Commerce days. Launching ramp. Bait, Windsurfers, Hobie cats and J.N. "Ding" Darling Roger Dunphy, D.D.S On the Sanibel side tackle and gear. Tackle and phantoms. Hourly rental ami National Wildlife Refuge William Shorack, D.O.S. Of the Causeway fishing skiff rentals. offices instruction. 472-1100 Bay Wind Plaza 472-1080, 472-3232 I Id' llvi mil<> • e If I^IHIIIU! Open Monday through Satur- Sundial 2402 Palm Ridge Road Boat House Sanlbel Post Office Wildlife Driv ttitift'v 1r.i< t 478-2060 day 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.; Sunday 9 472-2531 1246 Middle Guff Drive 1 Turn right off Periwinkle Way w ill imi truil mil Kvi > amii' a.m. to 4 p.m. Open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. seven 4724151 ir.i'l". ,HC i pt n il nly Ir iru days at Sanibel Marina. Power on Tarpon Bay Road Sailboats, catamarans, wlnd- 472-1655 Mlllll" I ll> lilt 1 t IlllK'l Jtl Disaster Alert boats: 15-19 feet, 50-115 HP, iiusfers, bicycles. Hourly and N vi'intii >t \!i ,il i l »i ler Open 8 8,m, to 5:30 p.m. Mon> Dog laws Radio station WRCC 104-FM USCG equipped, convertible half-clay rentals. •f! tin i •' I i, In, t I day through Friday. Closed f broadcasts hurricane and other tops;. Sailboats: Sunflsh, 17-22 .pi ti Hum 'i ,i u< IM i ( in Saturday and Sunday, although 1 Sanlbel law requires that emergency information that feet day sailers. 41-foot charter Windsurfing Works 'ViMy 'liiv' < •' i'[ t hit .ilii , ill ' mail is delivered Saturday. although your dog does not might affect Sanibel or Cap- sloop with captain. 1554 Periwinkle Wny cnti'i is t In' nil I lie il.iv 1 ri'i' have to be on a leash in public, tlva. Cable TV Channel 11 Jerry's Grocery Store 472-0123 littiiit* movu s i*i* 'ilutwri MI tin* he must be under your control broadcasts the same tiisaster Jensen Twin Palms Marina Jerry's Shopping Center Windsurfing rentals, sales, VIMI(I» ' • nti'i .iintitoiliiii) ,'t !1 at all times, "ou are responsi- information for the Islands. Capllva, 472-5800 Periwinkle Way instruction anil accessories'. ,i rn i«vmv litituiil.iy All ble for the jehavior of your Open 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. 472-9300 pet. FISH seven days. Bait, tackle and Postal counter open from 9 f uf tukllMoritil |>«ii|iitii) infor The Chamber, of Commerce Friends in Service Here gear. Light tackle for rant. a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Service in itlnn (.hm K .il Hid Vl'.ltui can tell you which accom- 472-0404 Dockage. Boat rentals. Sail Friday. Center ur < JII tiurlms nurm.il modations accept families with 24 hours a day charters for two with Capt. hu .in.",' limn , pets. Neighborly help for Islanders Mike MacMillan. Captiva Post Office stations Remember: Wherever you in need of transportation, On Captiva Road near the en- Island Historical Museum are, clean up after your pet. regular phone checks and Sanibel Marina trance to South Seas Gulf Service Station Adjacent to Sanibai City Hall "Leave nothing on th.-, beach assorted non-emergency ser- 472-2723 Plantation 1215 Periwinkle Way 800 Duniop Road but footprints" applies to dogs, vices. No fee is ever "harged. Open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven 472-1674 472-1878 472-484B n too. days. ots. Ted Cola and Bill Open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Open 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Mon- Open 1D to 4 p.m. Thursday day through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 Public restrooms Gartrc c fishing, shelling Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. and Saturday. Causeway - Between th and sight-seeing guides. Call to 1 p.m. Saturday. p.m. weekends. Certified drawbridge and Sanibe fc appointment. Bait, tackle, licensed mechanics. Sanlbel-Captiva Chamber of Commerce • just Emergency Q?> •'. Light tackle for rent. Western Union Conservation Foundation off the Causeway on Sanibel Launching ramp, dockage. Island Exxon Sanlbel-Captlva Ronrl Gulfside City Park - Public Bailey's General Store For sail and power boat ren- Bailey's Shopping Center , 2345 Periwinkle Way 472-2329 beach just off Casa Ybel Road I 472-2012 phone tals call 472-2531. Open from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 Dedicated to the preserva- Sanibel Fishing Pier - At the Open 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven tion of vegetation and wildlife eastern end of the Island near p.m. Monday through Saturday, Tarpon Bay Marina 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday. days. 24-hour road service and on the Islands. Tho foundation numbers the Lighthouse 472-3196 complete auto repair. AAA. offora many exhibits and Turner Beach - At Blind Pass Open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven nature tours. Admission foi between Sanlbel and Captlva -days. Capts. Randy White and island Garage non-moinbais is 50 cents (or Police 472-3111 Bowman's Beach - At the end Alex Payne for fishing shelling 1603 Periwinkle Way children and $1 loi adults. Fire 936-3600 of Bowman's Beach Road on and sight-seeing guides. Mark- Rentals 472-4318 Sheriff 332-3456 the western end of Sanlbel. Open 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. ed canoe trail. Bait, tackle and Opon 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mon- Monday through Friday,'May to Ambulance 936-3600 gear. Tackle for rent. 14- to Island Equipment Rental day through Saturday. 24-hour Paramedics 936-3600 November. Guided trail tours 18-foot fishing skiffs for rent. Sanlbel Square wrecker service. American and upon request within 24 hours. CROW • emergency 224S Periwinkle Way foreign car repair. AAA. NO care tor wildlife 472-3644 Open 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 'Tween Waters Marina 472-2949 GAS! Monday thru Saturday, Libraries Captlva, 472-5161 Baby equipment, lawn and December to April. Guided trail Open 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven garden tools, contractors Sanibel Standard tours daily, equipment, etc. 1015 Periwinklw Way Sanibel Public Library days. Dock Master John Fought. SCCF's Native Plant Nursery Fishing 472-2125 Palm Ridge Road and Capts. Mike Fuery, Duke Sells, specializes In growing and well- • Jerry Way and Jim Burnsed for AUTOMOBILES Open 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. seven ing native species. Tha nursery No permit Is required for the Florence Street Avis Rent-A-Car days. 24-hour road service and is opon to tlio public from 9 saltwater sport, but fishing in 472-2483 fishing, shelling and sightsee- 3 Star Grocery complete auto repair. AAA. a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through freshwater ponds or on the Open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon- ing trips. Bait, tackle and gear. day through Saturday and also Tackle for rent. Boat rentals: ' 472-4040 Friday, 472-1932. Sanibel River requires a Florida South Seas Plantation fishing license. 7 to 9 p.m. Wednesday. 45-HP, 75-HP, electric start. At the intersection of Palm Ridge Road and Tarpon Bay Captfva Lighthouse Licenses are available at 472-5111, ext. 3384 Captiva Memorial Library Offshore Sailing School Road. Open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. At the eastern tip of Sanlbel Bailey's on Sanibel for $8.50 seven days. At the entrance to South for residents and $24.50 for Chapin and Wiles South Seas Plantation Marina The historic Lighthouse Is 472-2133 Captiva, 472-5111, ext. 7141 Seas Plantation. Open from close to tho Sanibol Fishing non-residents. 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven days. Open 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Week-long sailing courses Budget Rent-A-Car Plor, which offers excellent Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; start every Sunday evening. Sanlbel • Behind ths Burger Closed for lunch from noon to fishing, a lovoly beach and 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. Wednesday; 9 Beginners and advanced. Emporium, 472-0068 12:30 p.m. view of San Carlos Bay. Fitness a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday. Cruising and racing. Half-day Captiva • South Seas Planta- Closed Sunday and Monday. sessions and three-hour mini- tion, 472-3600 3 Star Grocery Bingo games at (he cllnlcs also available. Sanlbel office open 8 a.m. to Tarpon Bay and Sanlbel Community Association The Fitness Forum 5 p.m. seven days. Captlva of- Palm Ridge Roads 2353 Periwinkle Way Games played at 7:30 p.m. Tropic Bird Cruises fice open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 472-5400 every Tuesday at tha Sanlbel Behind the Burger Emporium seven days. Call to make Open 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. Mon- 472-2628 Capt. Hans Boortman Community Association on 472-6904 arrangements. day through Friday, 7 a.m. to Offering a variety of aerobic Marinas 11 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Periwinkle Way. Cost is $2.50 and body conditioning classes One-half or full day cruises, for 4 cards, 25 cents each addi- Hnrtz Rent-A-Car Diesel, gas. MC, VISA, Shell for men and women and self sunset and moonlight trips tional card. Sanlbel Standard Station charge cards accepted. defense-karate classes for both and available aboard the trimaran 1015 Periwinkle Way adults and youth. Nautilus and "Pallcaan." Bridge games at the 472-1468 Kurt's '76 free weight equipment Sanibol Community Open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. seven 2495 Coconut Drive available on a dally, weekly, charters Association days a week. Blind Pass area Bridge for fun games every monthly and annual basis. Nature Open 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mon- Open Monday through Friday Wednesday, I to 4 p.m. Dona- Capt. Tom Adballa BICYCLES-MOPEDS day through Friday. Gas, lions $1.50. Prizes givun for top 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.; Saturday and 472-2531 Bike Route diesel. Cash only, ploaso. Sunday 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. guides three and last places. For more Charter sailing by the day, 2330 Palm Ridge Road information call 472-2300. half-day or sunset. 472-1955 Sanibel Recreation Complex Bicycle rentals, sales and Next to the elementary school Capi. Ralph Bartholomew Capt. Ralph Bartholomew repairs. Open 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sanibel-Captiva Road Captlva, 472-5277 472-5277 Monday through Saturday. 472-0345 Departing Timmy'3 Nook. Offering aquatic nature tours .Closed Sunday. 1961-1986 Weight room open from 6:30 34-foot Down East cabin through the waterways of to 8:30 p.m. Monday, Wednes- cruiser. Shelling, sightseeing, Sanlbel, Captiva, Upper Cap- Island Moped day and Friday. fishing, luncheon and picnic tlva and Cayo Costa with lunch 1470 Periwinkle Way Aqua-aerobics In thepoof 9 trips. at Cabbage Key. 472-5248 to 10 a.m. Tuesday and Participants can also go for Open 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Capt. Jim Burnsed nature walks on barrier Islands seven days. Bicycle and moped Aerobics in the gym 8 to 9 472-4701, 472-1021 and have the choice ot either a rental and repair. * a.m. Tuesday and Thursday Native Florida guide for 34-foot cruiser or a 24-foot and 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Saturday, shelling, sightseeing, fishing. open fisherman with a high Finnlmore's Cycle Shop freeboard. In Jacaranda Plaza Capt. Dave Case Call for reservations and 1223 Periwinkle Way 472-2798 details. 472-5577 THE ISLANDS' Gators Independent charters New bicycle rentals. Free Mark "Bird" Westall delivery and pick-up. Open Capt. Costanzo 472-5218 seven days from 8 a.m. to 6 FIRST NEWSPAPER Feeding alligators anywhere 472-1206 Offering a choice of canoe p.m. Is not only ILLEGAL, It Is also Birdlng and sightseeing trips on the Sanibel River, IS STILL FIRST! extremely DANGEROUS. An charters, through the wildlife refuge or BOOKS alligator that his accustomed to Buck Key. Trips last 2 to 3 Island Book Nook to being fed will become a Capt. Tom Nichols hours. Also offering a car tour 2440 Palm Ridge Road potentially dangerous animal If along the-refuge Wildlife Drive. 472-6777 left unfed for a period of time. 466-8448 Call for reservations and Best sellers in hard cover for Animals that are not artificially Charter sailing by the day, half-day or sunset. details. rent by the week. 25 YEARS cistatidk)

Tuesday . 10,1987 Calendar 23A M W T" PnncBk* breakfast 1 4 Living Again 12 7 # m..1 p.m, SCA **•" February 10 11 10 a.m., SCC Audubon Tieiei trip 13 is a.m.. C of C Rotary croft fair Nature program Current events Island Historical 10 a m.-5 p.m., SCA 2 p.m., SCCF discussion group, 10 a.m. SPL Museum, 10 a.nvS p.m. Children's Center bako sals island Historical 9 fi.m.-3 p.m., Bailey's Bingo Museum,. 10 s.m.4 p.m. Bridge for Fun Duplicate Bridge 7:30 p.m., SCA Walking tour Fr©» nature film 1 p.m., SCA 1:30 p.m., SCA 8 a.m.. BT / n a.m.. DPR Wildlife artist slide Audubon program Charity bail show, 8 p.m., SCUCC "Relatively Speaking" 8 p.m., PP 8 p.m., SCA "Relatively speaking" R:30p.m,,SSP 8 p.m., PP "Relatively Speaking" "Relatively Speaking" "Relatively Speaking" G p.m., PP 8 p.m., PP 8 p.m., PP

Living Again J.O 10 a.m., SCC 19 Audubon Hold trip 2C Free nature film 21 15 13 11 a.m., DDR Rotary pancake breakfast Driftwood Workshop Nature program Current events discussion 8 a.m., C oi C ' J a.m.-1 p.m., SCA 9:3D 8.m.-5 p.m., SCA 2 p.m., SCCF group, 10 a.m., SPL Island Historical Museum, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. "Relatively Speaking" Island Historical Open house Museum, 10 a.m.-A p.m. Rotary craft (ait Bingo Sanlbel shells class 8 p.m., PP 10 a.m.-S p.m., SCA 9:30 6.m.-4:30 p.m., SCCF 7:30 p.m., SCA Duplicate Bridge 7 p.m., SCA "Relatively Speaking" Shell auction 1:30 p.m., SCA 8 p.m., PP Antiques show 8 p.m., SCA "Relatively Speaking" "Relatively Speaking" Noon-S p.m., BOHC B p.m., SCA 8 p.m., SCA Audubon program Duplicate Bridge 8 p.m., SCA 7:30 p.m., SCA Bridge for Fun 1 p.m., SCA "Relatively Speaking" "Relatively Speaking" 8 p.m., PP a p.m., SCA

Open house 22 23 Nature program 24 25 26 Walking tour 28 1-3 p.m., CROW Driltwood Workshop 2 p.m., SCCF Living Again 8 a.m., BT Captlva ABC Sale 9:30 a.m.-3 p.m., SCA 10 a.m, SCC 8 a.m., CCC penlng reception Bingo harles Harper exhibit Antiques seminar Duplicate Bridge 7:30 p.m., SCA Island Historical 8:30 a.m., BH 5-•LI8 p.m., SG 7:30 p.m., SCA Museum, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. '"Night, mother" Wildlife artist lecture Bridge for Fun Duplicate Bridge Frae nature Him 8 p.m., SCA 8 p.m., SCUCC 1 p.m., SCA 1:30 p.m,, SCA 11 a.m., DDR Audubon program Island Historical Sanibel shells course 8 p.m., SCA Museum, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 7 p.m., SCA

6 March 50th Anniversary 50th Anniversary 50th Anniversary Sanibel Shell Fair Sanibel Shell Fair Sanibel Shell Fair 10 a.m.-5 p.m., SCA 10 a.m.-S p.m., SCA 10 a.m.-S p.m., SCA Bridge lor Fun 1 p.m., SCA Island Historical Museum, 10 a.m.-4 p.m.

Living Again 10 a.m., SCC Duplicate Bridge 7:30 p.m., SCA

8 10 1. 12 13 14

Island Historical Bridge for Fun Museum, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. 1 p.m., SCA Living Again 10 a.m., SCC

Duplicate Bridge 1:30 p.m., SCA Duplicate Bridge 7:30 p.m., SCA tCalendar abbreviations translate to the following: SCUCC - Sanibei Congregational United Church of Christ CROW - Care and Rehabilitation of Wildlife BH - Burroughs Home, Fort Myers DDR - Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge SG - Schoolhouse Gallery BORC - Bay Oaks Recreation Center, Fort Myers Beach PP • Pirate Playhouse SPL - Sanibel Public Library BT - Bailey Tract SCA • Sanibel Community Association SSP • South Seas Plantation CCC • Captiva Community Center SCC - Sanibel Community Church Col C - Chamber of Commerce SCCF - Sanlbel-Captiva Conservation Foundation

The following regular meetings of service organizations on Sanibel month at the legion hall the Dunes Country Club d Captlva are always open to visitors: AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY - 7 p.m. on the first Wednesday of every ROTARY -7:45 a.m. every Friday at Wil's Landing ERICAN ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED PERSONS -1:30 p.m. on the se- month at the legion hall SANIBEL-CAPTiVA SHELL CLUB • 8 p.m. on the third Monday of each d Friday of every month at the SCA KIWANIS - 7:30 a.m. every Wednesday at the Putting Pelican restaurant month October through April at the SCA AMERICAN BUSINESS WOMENS ASSOCIATION - 5:30 p.m. on the se- LIONS • 6:30 p.m. on the first and third Wednesday of every month at the SANIBEL COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION - Pot luck dinner for members cond Thursday of every month at the Putting Pelican restaurant SCA and guests on the second Wednesday of each month at the SCA AMERICAN LEGION POST 123 • 7 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every LIONS AUXILIARY - 6:30 p.m. on the third Wednesday of every month at

10 FHOM TCI FROM PARTIAL LIST OF STOPS' SANIBEL CAPTSVA CAPTtvA SANlOEl. SANIUtl S.ANIBEl. CAM1IVA CAP1IVA SANIBEL Chamber ol Commerce 9:00 10:0D 12:00 1:00 2:00 3:00 500 TROLLEY SCHEDULE 2:07 Lighthouse R&so/l 8.07 10 07 12:07 1:07 3:07 5:07 Sanibel Moorings 0.11 10:11 — 1211 :11 2:11 3:11 5:11 NeritaS Gull Drives B: 13 10:13 1213 :13 2:13 3:13 . 5:13 T Compass Point — San Siesta 9:14 10:14 12:14 .14 S.14 3:14 Sundial 9-15 10:1!J — 12:15 ; S'i •15 315 5:10 CasaYbel 9:19 ~. 12:19 H! .19 6.13 Jerry's Shopping Center _ 10:20 ALSOSEEBEtOW — 3M Tho Village — 1023 — — — — 3:23 Ree Center - N.W. Refuge — 10:30 11:20 330 4 20 472-6374 Blind Pass — 10:35 11 12 3 3fi 4 13 Timmy'aMook 10:46 11 Oil 3:45 4 0!) South Seas Plantation 10:60 11.00 3.M 4.00 t- Tarpon Bay 8. Gulf Drive 9 21 11.30 13.21 .21 4.30 Palm Lake Drive fl.23 _, 11 2B 12-23 :23 .23 4 2H S '2 3 Lake MuroxHoail 9:25 11.2? 1^'2!t 20 :2h 4;27 Timbers Restaurant !!:27 10.2B 11.22 \2 27 :*? i 27 3.2H 4 S2 5:2? SCCF a.Js — 12 «?fl 1 2« ':2B 327 1 Maureen's Travel 93(1 to; '. 12 30 •M 30 3:25 s'wi Sdnibel Library 9:31 10:24 1231 :3I ,31 3 24 5:31 Olde Sanibel 9:32 • 11 3L1 2 32 3»? V, 4.32 5:32 Bailey's Shopping Center '.1:34 — 11:34 2-M 34 34 4:34 5.34 Inlander Center 9.3B — 11:36 ;'.36 :3t". 30 4:Jt, 5 30 Budget Rent-ACar SUB — 11.3H .*» 31) :)H Snooty Fox Rest at PeriwinklePlace 940 — 11:40 240 :40 40 4 40 5^40 Tahitian Gardens 11:42 — 11.4? J.4t .•12 42 •M? S42 Jerry's Shopping Center SI.43 10:20 1143 243 43 43 3:20 4:43 5:43 Island Pi?za 944 11:44 12:4-1 :4>l .44 4 44 5:4-1 Calo Orleans 9:46 11:48 12.40 :4B i :4ti •Mi, fy46 Trailer Park 9:4a — 114B M-t» 4U 4(1 4.4B 54fl Priscilla Murphy Really 9:50 - 11:50 12,'JU SIJ 2: SO - 4:50 5;50 'Letu&hnaVi wltefeyctu'ditkvlatf semi'wti -~ IfwectWtHdfm. tvo mil ALL TIMES APPHOXIMA1 CAPTIVA ROUTE - $3 SANIBEL ROUTE - $1 PURCHASE TICKET ON THOU.EY - SHOW DAY'S TICKET FOR 1.INI.IMITED KEUOAKDINCi. upjmjv iihrti. MfimiU ^ apjirox, 1hr Hiiijiks CAPTIVA TICKET VALID ON ANY PORTION OF KOttTE g Si1© the island jnd lei us tane you to the beach, shopping. SANIBEL TICKET ON SANltiEL ROUTE ONLY. tTavci !tw length ot Sanibel .and Captiva. tfiiougtt hisiO"Cdi\ c onsetvaUoncmUttrii or Utiimy — (mm yout hotel or any owei SIX DAY SCHEDULE DECEMBER THROUGH APRIL, — OTHERWISE FIVE DAYS. fesideniuii, (justness Bnd consetvatton dte3&. Spend the day PLEASE SUI'KmTOllK ADVEKTISEKB - THEY HELf MAKK THE TKOLLKY HUN on a Captiva beach or return lo unftnuwtlshopping. — MO PUBLIC FUNDS AKK USED TOOPERAT E TIIETROLtGV. — SANIBEL REALTY HAS SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE!

THIS WEEK'S BEST BUYS ***********&***************

FOR CAREFREE LIVING... Investigate this two bedroom, two story townhouse today. Tastefully furnished, large living and dining area, kitchen including microwave, and large ENJOY THE BEAUTIFUL SANIBEL SUNSETS... from this two A PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE GULF... is just one of the walk-in closets all add up to one low price... bedroom, Gulf front condominium... Contemporary Florida many features of this fully furnished, two bedroom, top floor $134,900... Call Linda Perna at 472-6565; decor.,. Close to pool, beach, and boat dock. f>>n exceptional condominium. Private rooftop sundeck, pool, tennis... All evenings 472-3055., value for $240,000. CallSteve Yates at 47i-6565; even- offered at $289,000. Call Tamra Berry today for more ings at 542-0151. details. 472-6565; evenings at 472-0938. LOTS ARE HOT... and this very competitively priced lot located in the prestigious Beach- view Subdivision is a real bargain. Part of the golf course community and close to the OPEN HOUSE popular restaurant and lounge, the lot has BUND PASS CONDOMINIUMS!! been cleared and has a great golf course Daily view.- Deeded beach access nearby. Offered 9 a.m. — 5 p.m. at $85,000. Seller will consider terms. Call For your convenience a VIDEO presentation is also Ann Gardiner at 472-6565; eveninqs at available. Our sales staff on duty can answer your 472-3486. questions and show you the four floor plans available Lush tropical vegetation, beautiful beach, Olympic siz- ..;£. ed swimming pool, saunas, two tennis courts com- plete this totally unique resort. Prices starting at $119,500... Immediate financing available.... IS SAVING MONEY IS YOUR OBJECTIVE... then you won't Stop In Todayl be disappointed by this two bedroom, recently redecorated Located at 5117 Sea Bell Road. Take Sanibel-Captiva condominium. You'll save with the low asking price of Road to Bowman Beach Road, turn and GO TO THE $199,000... you'll enjoy an excellent return from it as an GULF! Or call 472-6565; ext. 307, income producer, last year's proforma proves an outstan- ding history! Call today to learn more... Maxine Smith, 472-6565; evenings at 772-1516. PROGRAMS YOU SHOULD ASK ABOUT ...

• All properties advertised are on VIDEO . » . $500 Rental Rebate GULF FRONT... This beautifully maintained two bedroom GULF VIEW... Three bedroom, single family home located condominium is in like-new and move-in condition. Lovely on a beautiful beach, offers superb views from almost every Fly-for-Free Program furnishings, Florida decor, additional ground floor storage, room... Attached garage, large screened porch, its offotod proximity to pool and beach all add to the appeal. Corner, at $449,000. Call Bill Craig for appointment today. 1*-Year Homeowners top floor location offers a most beautiful view of distant 472-6565; evenings 472-2225. city lights at night. Call Connie Schwantes for more infor- Warranty T^I^ 472-6B65-' evenings at 472-1913. Its offered at $206,200. Budget Rent-A'Car Airline Reservations • Vacation Rentals Lending Institution Affiliation New Home Construction r ••*.V-*- Property Management ® A HOME WITH A DIFFERENCE.., Located in the Dunes this TRUE VALUE AND ELEGANCE... This three bedroom, Gulf lovely three bedroom home boasts a superb great room en- front estate home has a large deck, several porches, a den, Multiple Listing Service try with a magnificent view of the lake from the living room a fireplace and is all in excellent condition. As a lovely year and the screeried-in pool area. Recently remodeled and round home, or a valuable investment, it is an exceptional redecorated, its offered at $249,000, Call Len Yaeche to- value at $495,000. Call William Thomas today for more in- day for an appointment for a private viewing at 472-6565; formation, 472-6565; evenings at 472-1797. evenings at 472-3609. 472*6565 Outside Florida 1-800-445-1566


*' 4 SANIBEL OFFICES OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK 1630 Periwinkle Way — Sales & Vacation Rental 1630-A Periwinkle Way — Sales 1207 Periwinkle Way — Sales 1630-B Periwinkle Way — Sflts Arts-Leisure 6B Bridge 8B fclubs 13B How they played 9B Tuesday Library report 17B Feb. 10,1987

Gifts galore offered ' #n Sanibel Shell Fair 50th anniversary raffle If you mBy MILI BACKUS ^^ Five days a week dedicated volunteers hold forth in front of Bailey's General Store and Capt. Tom Clifford's Poseidon Adventure/Ritzy's restaurant. They are selling raffle tickets to raise funds to help maintain the Sanibel Community Association. The winning tickets will be drawn Sunday, March 8, the final day of the 50th Anniversary Sanibel Shell Fair at the SCA. Six prizes have been donated to the Shell Fair yourself Raffle Committee headed by Marjorie and Gene erner. They have recruited hundreds of junteers to man the raffle ticket sales tables until the fair opens. Capt. Tom Clifford, master cabinet maker, donated a handsome, hand-crafted octogon-shaped table in solid cherry with a graceful pedestal base. The table is filled with specimen shells donated by public-spirited shell shops and individuals. One of the shells is a giant lion's paw. The Kerners donated a graceful, six-foot-long pecan curio cabinet for the raffle. Shell shops and individuals in turn donated seashells from around the world to fill the cabinet. Phil and Edie Johnson of He Crocodile in Palm Ridge Place donated a splendid set of eight Fitz and Floyd dessert plates in four different seashell designs. Rated as one of the best rug hookers in the United States and Canada, Joyce Johnson, a Sanibel winter resident, created the original design of an Epitonium wall hanging for the 50th Sanibel Shell Fair. It hangs from a stained glass hanger made and donated by island artist Dyan Stuglin of Island Style in Periwinkle Place. Edith Mugridge, award-winning exhibitor at many past Sanibel Shell Fairs and owner of Glory of the Sea, one of SanibeFs oldest shell shops, has :ontributed a handsome beechwood wail cabinet tiled with rare shells, including a "Glory of the Sea" shell from her private collection, A sparkling 14-karat gold pecten pendant, ac- cented with a ,10-carat diamond on a lovely gold chain has been donated by Pat Zambuto, owner of Above: Esperanza Woodring at her home on Top: At far right is Espnranza's husband, Sam, in the Cedar Chest-Fine Jewelry in Tahitian Gardens Sanibel's Woodring Point in the early 1940s. Photo 1917. Photo courtesy of this island Historical shopping center. by Charlie McCulIough. Museum. Raffle tickets are $2 each, three for $5, six for $10 or a book of 12 for $20. Buying raffle tickets for the jjOth celebration of a fabulous fair is the best By ELINORE DORMER (\JQW 85 But iargain of the season — and most important, the RQ had a proceeds are for a very special cause: maintaining and one on Saiiibci iwxt the historic, popular, social hub of the Islands, the EE^LleHisf' remembers growing up to a deep and ancient Sanibel Community Association, which has housed ing guide at the age of well on Lighthouse the Sanibel Shell Fair for 50 golden years. This 85, looks back on her on Cayo Costa Island Point. These were year's event will be held on March 5, 6, 7, and 8. seasonal camps. childhood on Cayo —=--•• • -— 8BsroM8SB8Baa8IBassMmsaMsai Costa Island with mmstmmmmmssmmmsm operating from October ^ Mill Backus is publicity chairman for the 50th An- to February whwi tin- nostalgia. 1 *niversary Sanibel Shell Fair. "We were happy ~ never uncomfortable or mullet were fat with roe. Picturesque and func - sick. If you got hot, you fanned yourself. We lived tional, they had thatched working and storage Put yoor heart in one of those palmetto houses; we didn't, know sheds and sleeping quarters for about 23 what lumber was. There were no screens; we us- fishermen. ed mosquito nets and had a big smudge pot at the The fishermen in these camps went after in Children's Center door." mullet, mostly, with lon&seines that were rolled As the eldest of Manuel and Rosa Almas' 13 up on big spools on the beach when not in use. The bake sale this Friday children, Esperanza had but one complaint: "My fish and roe, salted and packed in kegs, were mother was always telling me I had to set a good taken by sloop to Key West where there was a The Children's Center of the Islands is having a example for the younger ones, I got so sick of good market for them. Valentine's Day Bake Sale at Bailey's from 9 a.m. that!" to 3 p.m. Friday, Feb. 13. She was born in that p&lm thatched house om lthough Padilla was a naturalized American and On sale will be heart-shaped baked goods and hot day to Jtdy 1901, into a family of commercial Ahis children native born, the U.S. government homemade candy, plus some Valentine's Day fishermen. Her father was born in the Canary would not recognize the homestead claims of crafts. Raffle tickets for a special Valentine's Day Islands,, as was her matetnaJ grandfatherg,, Terevo these Spanish-speakinppg g peoplepp . They were forced gift will be sold for $1. The gift is a lined, heart- Padilla, who established a fishing ranch and a to move several miles down from Ota point on shaped basket filled with champagne, two glasses, home at the northern end c£ Cayo Costa in the Cayo Costa, where they squatted on the land or a tiny cake, cookies and candy. The drawing will be 1870s. Padilla and his young wife, Juanita Peres, at the bake sale (free delivery is included in the Please see EFSPERENZA, page 18B prize). raised their seven children there. 2B Tuesday, February 10, 1987 The ISLANDER

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HEART OF THE MATTER By JULIE NIEDENFUER The best sweethearts to go to Homer's restaurant in Buffalo, N.Y. "I Islander staff writer remember when we could get. a one-pound Maine lobster for $1.25," Will says. 11 too often this time of year, we are inun- don't wait for Valentine's Day Going out for lobs Let dinner is still one of the dated with reminders of the sweet and Schultzes' favorite, things to do together. Unfor- glittery things we must give our sweethearts and to treat each other as such tunately, an illness has prevented Al from play- loved ones to show them we care. ing golf (he hopes to be back out on the links this But there are many who don't need reminders. spring, however), and Kay laments she can't be Indeed, lots of couples barely observe Valen- as active as she used to. So instead, the couple tine's Day, and yet seem to find plenty of now spends many afternoons playing romance in their marriages. backgammon. We found three such couples on Sanibel and Kay says it doesn't seem like they've been Captiva. And we discovered that though their married for 52 years. "Sometimes when I look in marriages vary in length from two to 52 years, "But she DID say 1 do,' " he says, with a look the mirror I wonder what I'm doing with that old certain similar ingredients seem to keep a little that seems to say that's all that matters. • lady's face!" she says. spice in all three relationships. The newlyweds have been having fun ever On their golden anniversary two years ago, the, since. Last year Al taught Mary how to swim. Schultzes' family pulled out all stops to (ary Bridell, 69, and Al Bridell, 75, are Together they enjoy traveling. And they enjoy celebrate. The first night of what turned out to be newlyweds. You can tell because when dressing up to go out to eat — and dressing up to a three-day celebration, Kay and Will gathered he looks at her his eyes sparkle more than do the stay in to eat together at the shop. lor a private party attended by only their diamonds in the heact-shaped pendant that Perhaps there's something to the old'saying children and grandchildren. The second night hangs at her throat. He, of course, gave it to her. about absence making the heart grow fonder. their kids hosted a reception for more than 150 She blushes at the extravagance. She's more the Mary laughingly says one way they keep friends and family members. And finally, on the small appliance type, she explains. romance in their lives is by staying apart during third day, Kay's two sisters organized a family Today Al has come to the shell shop Mary runs, the day. picnic. like he does nearly every day, to have lunch with More seriously, she says, one reason they get And as if thai, weren't enough, when Kay and her. along so well is that they have their own in- Will returned to Captiva, Island resident Gene The Sanibel couple married in May 1985. Each terests. She has her shell shop and he, his in- Peck threw another party for the golden couple, had been widowed for five years. Al and his first volvement in local organizations as well as his and Captiva Postmaster Nethel Moss remarried wife used to visit Mary's shell shop together. own business. them. After his wife died, Al's visits became more fre- And unlike a first marriage, the "second go- Kay says the key to longevity in a marriage is quent. Mary says she knew something was up around" doesn't have the financial and family simply this: "Put each other first. Put the needs, because, for one thing, she couldn't get a word in pressures attached to it, she says. wants, welfare and happiness of the other person edgewise with any of her other customers when When Mary says they have no arguments, Al first and there will be no selfishness." Al was in the store. agrees. "We don't have IDENTICAL views — She puts her hand on Will's shoulder and says, After five years of dating, Al called her from but (our differences) are nothing of the sort that "We've been going strong for more than 50 up north and proposed. arouse angry passions." years. We expect to go strong for quite a long Mary was aghast. "I said 'What?! Over the Al makes no bones about the way he feels. "I time." phone?'" she remembers. like her — she likes me," he says with a sly Al's northern friends agreed. "They said, 'Get smile. But Mary says, "Every morning he tells s it true that the family that plays together down on one knee and propose,'" he says. It me how wonderful I am." stays together? wasn't that he didn't want to. It was just that "I knew (before I married her) she was a very In any case, it might not complete the rhyme right before he arrived on Sanibel he had broken nice girl. I have a talent for picking good wives," well, but Marshall and Carol Peeples' adage his leg. he says. *• right now is that the family that works together "I couldn't fold up enough to get down on one And she, of course, rebuts. "No, I have a talent — well, works. knee," he says, laughing. And he points out that for picking good husbands." The two own the Trident Galleria in the Village Mary never did officially accept his marriage proposal, s a hard road," Will Schultz says when Please see SWEETHEARTS, next page asked what it's like to be married for more than half a century, But there's more than just a little mirth in his gruff voice when he says it. He heartily agrees when his wife of 52 years, Kay, says, "We've been real lucky. Our kids turned out well. We're healthy. We've been fortunate." w The Schultzes, who have been regular visitors •sss. to Captiva since 1948 and bought their present home in 1968, got married with financial pressures a lot of us can't even imagine. It was 1934 and the country was still in the depths of the Depression, She was 23; he was 30. But Will, an architect, was never without work. And together with Kay, a substitute teacher, raised three children successfully. In those days one of their favorite things to do was Wilt and Kay Schultz

When the demand is there, the supply of Valentine's surprises^ans^Q :.' < ; By CINDY CHALMERS But my respite did not come in the every Monday, Wednesday and Fri- form of the law of diminishing day. (How did I know they were everal years ago I learned — in a returns or in occasional filrnstrips The bottom was rapidly fall- coming earlier and earlier? 1 was, S rather roundabout way — that expounding the Keynesian theory of ing out of my scandalous too — I had developed a plot far bet- Valentine's Day isn't just for kids taxation. Far from it. scenario. But her next state- ter than any I had seen on daytime and starry-eyed sweethearts. I was a Little did my professor know that television, and I had to continue the worldly senior with wisdom far while he was plotting graphs to il- ment revived - albeit briefly - saga.) beyond my years at the University lustrate principles, I was in the the entire affair. They compared notes and asked of Tennessee ... fourth row contriving my own theory each other questions about the The winter doldrums were at their about the middle-aged woman and assignments. She listened intently peak in Knoxville, with nightly the "younger man" who sat together when he explained how he arrived at snowfalls turning into slushy brown in the third row. the hypothetical net national product messes that made trekking across I had watched their outwardly in- They laughed about the necessary of the professor's ultimate economy campus arduous at best. nocent relationship develop since the absurdity of one professor instruc- made up just for our class. (She I found brief respite, however, first day of class, when the woman ting 300 students. He scrunched his couldn't care less about the NNP, I every Monday, Wednesday and Fri- (probably a recent divorcee, I decid- down jacket under his seat so he thought. She's thinking about the day from 10 to 10:50 a.m. in a cold ed) casually asked the young man could carefully lay her camel hair bottom line they've arranged after lecture hall with 300 other students (no doubt naive to the ways of lonely coat in the empty seat beside him. class in a library study carrel.) whose graduation requirements call- women, I was certain) if she had I watched with interest as the Once in a while their conversation ed for one quarter of bought the right workbook for the quarter progressed and the two microeconomics. class. came to class earlier and earlier Please see SURPRISES, page 5B 4B Tuesday, February 10, 1987 The ISLANDER

Sweethearts Continued from page 3B shopping center on Sanibel Running the shop requires "After about two weeks of doing nothing I said, 'This is them to be there 27 hours a day, four days a week, crazy,'" Marshall recalls. About a year ago they open- Carol says. ed the gallery. At least they're together. It wasn't always that way. One of their favorite ways to celebrate being "In the beginning Marshall was in the Navy. Then together — and being here — is to take a bottle of he travelled for 19 years. He was gone 82 percent of the champagne to the Causeway to watch the sun go down. time," Carol says. Now they're making up for lost They also make occasions out of anniversaries and time. Valentine's Days by going out to eat — or by staying High school sweethearts, the Peeples have been in, Marshall says. married for 26% years. And by all appearance they Once Marshall decided to make a special day of it by are still having a wonderful time. taking Carol on a "canoe trip" that turned out to be a One of the most important things for a good mar- Marshall and Carol Peeples- Photos by Rick! Kosakow wild ride down a Whitewater river. They ended up riage, Carol says, is that both partners aim for com- Cooper. seeking refuge on a tiny island midstream where they mon goals. Another is communication. And Marshall were tortured by insects and rained on. adds that one reason their marriage has been suc- more than 10 moves of more than 1,000 miles, it hasn't "You can't really plan on those special occasions,'1 cessful is that they both have the ability to adapt to seemed to have had an adverse affect on the relation- Carol says. "They just happen." stressful situations, ship. When asked to name one of the most special they've < Carol and Marshall met when he was 16 and she was Living in certain northern cities has definitely ever had, Marshall declines. 15. They were married as soon as he graduated from taught them to appreciate Sanibel's wonderful "There have been so many. Would you settle for the college. And though in the last 26 years they've made climate. They moved here in October 1985 to retire. top thousand?"

VALENTINE WEEKEND OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Friday & Saturday, February 13 & 14 LOVERS'SPECIAL MAOHiOtER DRINKS ON THE HOUSE! Restaurant Each dinner customer over 21 will receive a complimentary - WATERSIDE DINING - coffee & after-dinner drink of B&B Liqueur or Alize cognac in Specializing in Fresh Italian Seafood Entrees Twigs Lounge. Duck, Veal, Beef and Chicken Nightly Specials by Chef Nino "We serve ...or we don't $9.95 & up Dinner 5-9:30 p.m. serve it at all!" Early Bird Specials $7.95 & up it fresh... Rated *•*••* Jean Le Boeuf Ft. Myers News Press Dec. '85 Recommended by Robert Tolf II Florida Trend Magazine

Fish Market Open at Noon • Restaurant and Lounge Open 4:30 PM 6460 SAN-CAP ROAD 472-3128 • FulILiquor License • All Major Credit Cards • 975 Rabbit Road RESERVATIONS PLEASE PHONE 472-OO33

The Lighthouse Bubble Room Cafe QA^ proud to announce Serving Breakfast 7 a.m. - 3 p.m. we are open for Lunch 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Daily Now Open For Dinner LUNCH!! 5 p.m. - 9 p.m., Wed. - Sun. 7 Days a Week For Breakfast from 11:30 - 2:30 Try our Bacon-Wrapped Filet Mignon & Eggs $3.95 Specialty Omelettes, Frittatas and much, much more — featuring — For Lunch Delicious Sandwiches & the BIGGEST BURGERS Today's Soup and Today's Sandwich you can ever eat. (We grind our own meat.) Fresh Fish, Burgers and more For Dinner Fresji Fish, Shrimp, Scallops or Seafood Fettuccini Specials: Country-fried NY. Strip or Chicken -n- Dumplings Wonderful CREATIVE SOUPS & CRISP SALADS, , with homemade! mashed potatoes

We also have FRESH SEAFOOD PLATTERS, great FRIES, and our PO-BOYS will make you think you're back in New Orleans. We bake OUR OWN BUNS & BREADS, and of course, our famous desserts. COME have a memorable lunch with Q us and relax with your favorite cocktail. Listen to 30's and 40's music and watch the train go by... WE'D LOVE TO SEE YOU!

362 Periwinkle Way at the Quiet End of the Island FULL SERVICE BAR ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS CAPTIVA ISLAND 813472-0303 472-5358 The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10,1987 5B

3UrjC^r/SSS Continued from page 3B

drifted away from economics toward who had an inside tip on an upcom- mond ear studs. "My husband," she his desk — right on top of his kmore personal matters. He listened ing pop quiz. explained. "He's a hopeless roman- economics book. loughtfully when she talked about "I've got something to show you — tic, lucky for me." Not at all risque, and hardly scan- ftthe trials of going back to college you're going to love it," he said The bottom was rapidly falling out dalous, it was a Hershey's kiss — all aaftef r 15 years of carpools and cub when their coats were put aside and of my scandalous scenario. But her wrapped up in shiny foil just waiting scout troops. (He doesn't care about they had settled into their seats. next statement revived — albeit for someone to pull the string. her identity crises, I told myself. He (Probably tickets to a third-rate briefly — the entire affair. "Happy Valentine's Day," she said wants to benefit from her years of movie so they could snuggle in the "I have a very special Valentine's with a laugh, almost as though she experience — and we're not talking back row, I thought. How could she? kiss for you," she said without reser- knew what she had done to my plan. den mother experience here.) How could he?). vation, her voice suddenly lower, Happy Valentine's Day, I thought, My juiciest suspicions were con- But then he rolled up his shirt husky almost. (Sure. A thank-you for somewhat embarrassed as I return- firmed (or so I thought with delight sleeve and lifted one pants leg to all the "help" he's given her, I ed to the law of supply and demand. at first) on Valentine's Day, when reveal bright red long Johns reasoned. Better hurry up and lay it The supply of human surprises the three of us arrived at class a full underneath. "From my girlfriend," on him before anyone else walks in. never ceases to amaze me. ?0 minutes early. he beamed. "She's too much." Your secret's safe with me.) They took their seats side-by-side She pushed her graying hair Next thing I knew she reached into Cindy Chalmers Is the editor of The in front of me. I opened my textbook behind her ears and tilted her head her pocket and laid a very special islander. She graduated from the and took on the appearance of one so he could see the twinkling dia- kiss indeed, not on his lips, but on University of Tennessee in 1979.

EVERY WEDNESDAY 9 to 11 AN ONLY I CAFE ORLEANS Captain Eric's «& and Ice Cream Shop # "ThxditioneJly the Best" SUPER SHRIMP SPECIALS 1* BREAKFAST 7 A.M. - 2 P.M. — LUNCH 11 A.M. - 2 P.M. All Shrimp & Stone Crab Discounted ©ICE CREAM SHOP OPEN IN THE EVENINGS FOR 504 per 1b. & GOURMET FRENCH ICE CREAM "We sell ...or we don't it fresh... sell it at all!"

"Home of the Sanibel Sauce" & FISH MARKET 472-5700 1473 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, FL Closed Mondays Fish Market Open at Noon • Restaurant and Lounge Open 4:30 PM 472-3128 • Full Liquor License • All Major Credit Cards • 975 Rabbit Road HOME IN GUMBO LIMBO SUBDIVISION Morning, Noon *n* Night

V ', 'i

See this completely furnished Island home now Karkey & Woodard available. Two bedrooms, two baths, with two-car For 13 years, this popular duo have been making music magic with tunes garage, enclosed Ianai in a private setting. This can from the big band era, jn:; favorites, Rock 'N' Roll of the Fifties and be your Island home for vacation use, rental income nostalgic melodies from the '60s and 70s. or year-round Island living. Owner anxious for With Karkey s multi-deck keyboards and Woodard's peivussion this duo reasonable offer. Asking $159,000. can generate a full range of sounds as background for their rich vocals.

• Appeteaser Hour 4:3Opm-7:30pm Daily Call us for other Great Buys! • Newly expanded lounge • Large dance floor Bissell Realty Service Corp. • Lite Fare in the lounge ^:>0pnv 11:00pm • Fashion Shows in the lounge "Beginning our second generation of service." Karkey & Woodard in the lounge 9:00pnvl:00am Tree tops Centre — Across from the Dairy Queen Nightly except Tuesday Phone (813) 472-0880 Owners Island Residents since 1970 — Member Sanibel and Captlva Chamber of Commerce ATTHK ENTRANCE IX)SOUTH SKASPLANTAT1ON,CAIT1VA ISLAND 472-5111 Member Sanibel and Captiva Island* Board of Realtors Tuesday 6B Arts • Leisure Feb. 10,19j

A 50-year tradition Right: Ken Oliver gives his shell rab- bit a laquer finish. Like the Sanibel Shell Fair, Below: The golfer was created by Ed the Driftwood Workshop's success Goldstein. depends on faithful volunteers

By BARBARA BRUNDAGE all sorts of things during the Islander staff writer winter to sell at the big fair in early March. As the fair grew the The sale of handcrafted gifts format of the workshops became and souvenirs made from shells more formalized. has been a popular feature of the In 1953 Mrs. Marshall Sollitt Sanibel Shell Fair since the very was chairman of the Island Gifts first fair 50 years ago. and Island Shells Shop - a forerun- This year the tradition ner of the Driftwood Shop. By continues. 1962, with Evelyn Bryant in Every Monday from December charge, the shop was flourishing. through February volunteers By 1965, with more and more gather at the Sanibel Community visitors interested in taking home Association to create shell art souvenirs from the Island, the ranging from flower ar- Driftwood Shop was established to rangements to amusing little crit- fill this need. The Driftwod Com- ters that will be sold in the Drift- mittee headed by Priscilla Mur- wood Shop during the four-day phy and Betty Muench set the Shell Fair. (This year's fair is set pace. for March 5,6,7 and 8. As always, By 1968 Driftwood Chairman it will take place at the Sylvia Strong was looking for community association.) more volunteers to help make a This year more than 60 variety of beautiful and useful willing workers have gift items. labored from 9 a.m. to 2 The honor roll of Driftwood p.m. every Monday under Shop chairmen includes: Fae the guidance of Kay and Muller, Winifred Lurka, the late Art Ford. This is the Cookie Dugger, Dorothy Sterns, eighth time since 1978 that Martha McCullough, Margaret the Fords have served as Krueger, Dorothy Putnam, Blan- chairmen of the Driftwood che Ford, Velma Kuykendahl, Workshop. Mary Clifford, Jan and Derek "When we first came to Adam, and Georgette and Walt Sanibel in 1974, I fell in Laforet. love with shells," Kay All proceeds from the sale of confides. "We've been in- unusual and decorative gifts volved in the Shell Fair created from the natural ever since." resources of the Islands go to the In the early days the Sanibel Community Association Above left: Norma Hattman, left, and Art Fort shows off his whale mobile "ladies of the communi- for maintenance of the association Connie Lewis, right, put the finishing Photos by Rfcki Kosakow Cooper. ty" got together to make hall. touches on a shell bouquet. Above right:

EDISON PAGEANT OF LIGHT 10TH ANNUAL Ohio college honors JURIED ART SHOW from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Feb. 11-17. The lOO-plus works in the show are all originals by soprano Mary Ann Pipino MAKE A DATE members of the Art League of Fort Myers. The show is at the historic Burroughs Home at t as outstanding alumna corner of First and Fowler streets in Fort Myers.^ EXHIBITS, OPENINGS mission is free, but donations will be accepted. Sanibel resident Mary Ann Mendoza Pipino has been recognized by Baldwin-Wallace College, Berea, • "Nature and Nostalgia, Florida Scenes," an EX- Ohio, as an outstanding alumna of the Baldwin- HIBIT OF WORKS BY CHRISTOPHER KREIDER CLASSES, WORKSHOPS Wallace Conservatory. Pipino was honored at a recep- continues through Feb. 21 at the Schoolhouse Gallery. • LEARN TO MAKE BASKETS every Thursday at tion and dinner last Sunday on the B-W campus. The gallery is on Tarpon Bay Road across from Three Crafty Ladies. On Feb. 12, students will leaKn to • Although she began her musical career as a flutist, Bailey's, For more iriforfnatioR,ealI 472-1193; v make snake baskets; Feb. 19, hen baskets; and F&bz. Pipino gained fame as a soprano, performing as 26, Italian orange baskets. ^» Maria Mendoza in opera, on radio, in oratorio and as • "NEW WORKS IN CLAY," an exhibit by Sanibel Participants should bring a lunch to class, which an orchestral soloist. resident Jane Crume Valtin, continues through Feb. 21 runs 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The $35 fee includes materials. Shortly after graduating from B-W with a degree in at the Sanibel Gallery. Instructors are Arly Buntrock and Trudy Prevatt. For sacred music, she moved to New York City to study. The gallery is in the Heart of the Islands shopping more information call the shop, 472-2893. Her Town Hall debut in 1946 received favorable center and is open from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday reviews and led to an appearance at the Metropolitan through Saturday. For more information call 472-3307. • The Sanibel-Captiva Art League OUTDOOR AR- Opera in a gala benefit. She also performed with ma- TIST WORKSHOP will be held from 9 a.m. to noon jor orchestras in the United States and Canada and as •50 hand-colored lithographs by JOHN J. AUDUBON Thursday, Feb. 12, at- Sanibel City Hall, 800 Dunlop a soloist at Norman Vincent Peale's Marble Collegiate -"ill be on exhibit at the Lee County Nature Center Road. A critique of the morning's efforts will be held Church. through February. at 1 p.m. Participants should bring a sack lunch. On radio, she performed with Toscanini and the The exhibit, which is sponsored in part by the For more information call 472-0905. NBC Symphony, at CBS with a young Leonard Berns- Audubon Society of Southwest Florida, is open from 9 tein and at Mutual Network as a soloist on the "Wide a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and from 11 • A workshop examining "THE PSYCHOLOGY OF Horizon" series. a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday. Admission for non-members THE GENERATION GAP" sponsored by the After the birth of her daughter, she devoted herself is $1 for adults and 50 cents for children. Unitarian Universalists of the Islands will begin at to performing for the benefit of music projects such as The nature center is at 3450 Ortiz Avenue in Fort 7:30 p.m. Saturday,Feb. 14, at Sanibel Congregational the growth and development of the New Jersey Sym- Myers. For more information call 275-3435. United Church of Christ. Dr. Michael Cordner of the phony. She also returned to teaching vocal music and Fort Myers Counseling and Growth Center will lead flute. the discussion. I Today Pipino still performs occasionally. With her ART SHOW daughter she operates Mimi's Boutique in Fort Myers. •The Art League of Fort Myers is sponsoring the Please see DATE, page 10B The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10,1987 7B Arts • Leisure Wildlife artist will attend exhibit opening, deliver lecture on Sanibel By JULIE NIEDENFUEFt p.m. Monday, Feb. 23, when Barrier wildlife and a concern for its preserva- Islander staff writer Island Group for the Arts hosts a lec- tion. "If it weren't for people, animals ture by the artist at Sanibel Congrega- could get along just fine," he says. Wildlife artist (and one of Ikki Mat- tional United Church of Christ on A graduate of arid later a teacher at sumoto's former instructors) Charles Periwinkle Way. the Cincinnati Art Academy, Harper Harper will make an appearance on Harper's technique in his serigraphs has been widely published in Sanibel this month. deals with simple suggestions of shape magazines, encyclopedias and bird From 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 22, and fundamental design. He says, "I books. His ceramic murals adorn the Harper will be at a wine and cheese need to know the color of the animal Federal Building and Convention reception launching a special exhibit of I'm painting, but most of all I need to Center in Cincinnati where he lives of his original works and a selec- know its behavior and how it fits into with his wife, Edie. P of available prints at the the ecological system—who it eats and An artist-humorist-naturalist and Schoolhouse Gallery. The public is who eats it." highly popular speaker, Harper sells invited. Through his nature observations, his silkscreened prints as fast as he can And the public is also invited at 8 Harper has developed a respect for make them. Charley Harper

JEWELRY, ART OB JEGTS FROM $4 TO $4,000 Sanibel Gallery Jade jewelry and The Collector's Source carvings. Cloisonne, Chinese Temple Jade Buffer^ carvings, lacquer JANE CRUME VALTIN screens and antique JEWELRY, ART OBJECTS AND New Works in Clay • DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES porcelain. PRIMITIVE ART AND ARTIFACTS Through Saturday, February 21st Ganadian Eskimo Enjoy the pleasure of browsing in our gallery stone sculpture, Zuni fetishes, The Stone — CUSTOM FRAMING - African soapstone Heart of the Island Shopping Plaza carvings. 1628 Fteriwinkle Way PRIMITIVE ARTS GALLERY Gallery Hours: Mon. - Sat., 9:30-5 All purchased directly from the source. 472-3307 The Village • 2340 Periwinkle Way • Sanibel, FL 33957 • 472-1387

a :.. HEART OF THE ISLAND SHOPPING PLAZA 16.14 / 1628 Periwinkle Way Conveniently Located at the Intersection of Periwinkle Way & Dixie Beach {near Bank of the Island)

Showcase Shells House of Treasures Mi Featuring a Large Selection of Sanibel & Worldwide Shells Home, «of the Famous Hano^,p|pwn Hibiscus Fl^yv^r Holder 472-1971 - t JZI

J.J. Flash/T-Shirts PJ.'s Office Supplies "Thousands to Choose From" Complete line of Office Supplies 472-5030 Monday-Saturday 10-5 472-2995 Monday-Friday 9-5 The Final Touch Arundel's Hallmark Shoppe Silk Floral Artistry & Interior Accents Cards, Gifts, Balloons & One-Hour Photo 472-9559, Monday-Saturday 10-5 472-0434 Monday-Friday 9-5; Saturday 10-5 Friday's Creative Jewelry Sanibel Gallery Sanibel/Captiva's Full Service Jewelry Center Original Works of Art by Local and Nationally Known Artists 472-1454 Monday-Saturday 10-5 472-3307 Monday-Saturday 10-5; Sunday 11-5 8B Tuesday, February 10,1987 The ISLANDER Arts • Leisure At rubber bridge, this move gave NEW LISTINGS! defense an extra chance for a set NEW LISTINGS! NEW LISTINGS! By ALFRED SHEINWOLD SUNDIAL D-407 • This one bedroom one bath con- When East saw dummy, he knew that POINT dominium, in one of Sanibel's full resort locations, offers a vaca- beating three hearts would be hard tion full of fun and sun and a guaranteed rental income to boot. A first year ownership analysts and complete data pac are yours work. Many players would have raised COUNT for the asking. $127,900. to four hearts as North. When his ace of spades dropped the king, East knew there were no more Nor could East reasonably expec LOGGERHEAD CAY 343—Third floor vaulted ceiling with black-suit tricks for the defense. Even two trump tricks when declarer long Gulf view overlooking beautifully landscaped courtyard is if South had three small clubs, he could jumped in his suit. featured in this two bedroom two bath unit. Total refurbishment finesse the queen of clubs and throw a By process of elimination, East saw included the carpet, paint, top quality decor throughout. Never club on the queen of spades. that he needed three diamond tricks rented and carefully maintained, this unit is for the and a trump. At trick two, he shifted to discriminating Buyer looking for tucked-away elegance. $230,000. South dealer a "low" diamond. This would have North-South vulnerable been a doubtful move at duplicate bridge because it might have cost an NORTH 1076 CAPTAINS WALK — Two bedroom, two bath single overtrick. But at rubber bridge, it gave family home located on the canal. Spacious Michigan • Q752 the defense an extra chance for a set. "Newbury" floor plan, completely renovated, new kitchen S?42 South naturally jplayed the 10, so cabinets and appliances, carpet, tiled entry and baths, land- 0763 East-West were atte to take three fast scaping upgraded, two sides of lot front on the canal. $235,000. • AQ105 diamonds. Then came the lead of the WEST EAST • J1094 13th diamond, and declarer's trumps • A863 were caught in the middle. Whatever JE SUIS BEAU ... SONA BELLA ... YO SOY HER- he did, the defense would get a trump to MOSA! In any language Sundial R-404 speaks for itself... "I'm OJ98 OAK52 set the contract. Beautiful!" A spacious (1,757 square feet) two bedroom, two • 9642 J3 bath and den Sundial condominium that is lovely in itself, but SOUTH * the gorgeous view of the constantly changing colors of the Gulf • K WEEKLY QUESTION of Mexico is the piece de resistance!!! This is one of the most

SANDDOLLAR B-3O4 - One of the only two top floor, western corner units available at SanddoUar. Furnished nicely in tans, beige, and browns, which really accent the open, airy atmosphere. The rental income potential is one of the best available on Sanibel. We offer SanddoUar B-304 at the extreme- f' ~ v*v»_ ly competitive price of $254,900. ¥ ¥ SANIBEL SEAVIEW - Over 3,000 square feet of space in a three bedroom, three bath Gulf front condominium home is ¥ FINE ¥ now available at SANIBEL SEAVIEW. Only eleven other owners share more than three acres of land, tennis, swimming pool, and 250 feet of broad Gulf beach. An extremely functional floor ¥ JEWELRY ¥ plan offers glass wall panoramas from lanai, living room, kit- chen, dining room and every bedroom. First floor cabana, garage, and locked storage area enhance the aspect of ¥ spaciousness. Elegant decorator furnishings and top quality ap- WHEN YOCJR ¥ pliances combine to create an exceptional value at $379,900. ¥ FEELINGS ¥ 9094 MOCKINGBIRD DRIVE - Located in the DUNES, this gracious home offers a spacious floor plan with views of ¥ ¥ the 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th fairways. A complete master suite ARE is located on the upper level and includes a sauna. A three car garage with two automatic doors, a screened ianai and sun decks add to the livability of this charming property. Call to- ¥ day for details. FORREAL Gail TolhFree Nationwide 1-800-237-6002 ¥ ¥ In Canada 1-800-447-6002 Special care goes into the In Florida 1-800-282-7137 selection of fine jewelry. Your own TELEX 797295 ¥ very personal feelings. And your ¥ jewelerV expert knowledge. EXECUTIVE ¥ That's why there's no finer way ¥ SERVICES, INC. to express your true sentiments 455 Periwinkle Way than with a gift of finejewelry . Sanibel Island, FL 33957 (813) 472-4195 ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥

IN THE HEART OF THE ISLANDS PLAZA 1620 Periwinkle Way • (813) 472-1454 Monday — Friday, 10-5

Member Jewelers of America, Inc. 4 6 1986 Jewefera of Amotea, Inc. The ISLANDER Tbesday, February 10,1987 9B Arts • Leisure East-West 1. Dorothy Startsman and Helen Quimby HOW THEY 2-3. Katie Reynolds and Joyce Trultt THOMAS BROWN Alalne and Herman Jass REALTY, INC. PLAYED Section B North-South Serving Sanibel Since 1974 1. Alice and John Harrison 2410 Palm Ridge Rd., Sanibel (813) 472-4138 Backgammon is played at 6 p.m. every 2. Pat and John Eichenlaub Wednesday at the recreation hall at Sanibel 3. Rachelle Manning and Wendell Lapp Arms condominiums. For more Information East-West call 472-9228. 1. Dodl and Cliff Walker Winners Jan. 28 were; 2. Anne and Charles Adams 1. Joan Jenkins 3. Sylvia and Don Smith HOMESITES 2. Harold Evens On Thursday, Feb. 5, 18 tables played the 3. Rich Bayliss Mitchell Movement Winners were: 4. Dave Jenkins Section A GULF FRONT-WEST GULF DRIVE North-South Bridge for fun is played from 1-4 p.m. every 1. Frieda and Jacob Goodman Approximately one acre Gulf-front homesite, ^Wednesday at the Sanibel Community 2. Hilda Greener and Tina Stryker 'Association. 3. Roy Merchant and Marvin Marshall abundant native vegetation, located on Winners Feb. 4 were: East-West prestigious West Gulf Drive 550' west of Rab- 1. Phi! Bamel 1. Ev Horton and Cleone Tiffany 2. Caralyn Philips 2. Rita and At Stein bit Road and 178' east of Sea Side S/D. 3. Bill Phillips 3. Viginia Enrol and Kitty Rose Section B Elevation—10' at the Gulf Ridge. Recent Duplicate bridge Is played at 7:30 p.m. North-South every Monday and 1:30 p.m. every Thursday 1. Elaine and Herman Jass survey. $395,000. at the Sanibel Community Association. Mon- 2. Sarah and Lacey Fendley day sessions are under the direction of Jean 3. Pat Eichenlaub and Helen Bassett Scott, 472-4823. Thursday sessions are under East-West the direction of Sterling Bassett, 472-0025. 1. Anne and Charles Adams CANAL FRONT-CALOOSA SHORES On Monday, Feb. 2, 20 tables played the 2. Barbara Altls and Sterling Bassett Mitchell Movement. Winners were: 3. Jane Williams and Diane Dryden Enjoy birding, fishing and boating from this Section A January winners were: North-South 1. Frieda and Jacob Goodman tranquil homesite located near the exit of the 1. Ev Horton and Glnny Reeves 2. Virginia Ehret 2. Inez and Fred Doming 3. Kitty Rose wildlife Sanctuary with 200' ± on canal with 3. Martha Klldow and Dfck Light direct access to Bowen's Bayou and Pine Island Sound. $89,500. •befense Continued Bid one spade. When partner doubles your spades — if your side has a game, For further information, call one major for take-out, he is especially it is in the major suit. (If you had the Virginia R. Brown, REAUOR-Associate interested in hearing a response in the spade king instead of the queen, you other major. It doesn't matter that could jump to two spades to invite (813) 472-4138 your clubs are much stronger than game.) I CALLAN IS COMING!

CALLAN PINCKNEY, author of Callanetics (Morrow, $17.95) and Callanetics Video Cassette (MCA, $25.95) will be at the Sanibel Island Bookshop on Fri- day, February 13 and Saturday, February 14th, to autograph her book and/or tape for you! Callanetics, a deep muscle exercise,can literally shed years off your figure without putting pressure on your back. Be the "10" you always wanted to be ...

Callan Pinckney - 47 Years Young and meet Callan, too! #2 on the N.Y. Times Bestseller List SANIBEL ISLAND BOOK SHOP TIMBERS COURT, RABBIT ROAD 472-5223 HOURS: 10 A.M.-10 P.M., SEVEN DAYS A WE£k 10B Tuesday, February 10,1987 The ISLANDER Two Restaurants Fine French Cuisine Arts • Leisure

Date Continued from page 6B ANTIQUES just off the Islands. For more informa- Andy Rosse Lane Captiva Island tion call 489-3029. • The Lee County Mission is sponsor- ing an ANTIQUE SHOW AND SALE • The Questers Billy Bowlegs Chapter Jt VALENTINE'S DAY AT LE CAFE from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Feb. B18 will sponsor an ANTIQUE ™ Complete Dinner Special $25 per person 14, and from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday, SEMINAR beginning at 8:30 a.m .Satur- Complimentary Glass of Wine or Cocktail between 5 and 6:30 Feb. 15, at the Bay Oaks Recreation day, Feb. 28, at the historic Burroughs Center on Fort Myers Beach. Up to 30 Home, First and Fowler streets in Fort dealers will offer an array of antiques Myers. Topics are clocks, teddy bears, and collector items for sale, dolls, estate jewelry, furniture and art gourmet A $2 admission donation is good for glass. both days of the show. All proceeds Registration and coffee is at 8:30 Mice, New, Simple, Offering A Creative benefit the Lee County Mission, which a.m., followed by lectures from 9 a.m. Fine French Menu includes the Harlem Heights Day Care Menu For and the Edna Grady Roberts Center Please see DATE, next page Casual Dining Extensive Wine List

Classic French Cooking by Executive Chef Jean Grondin Superb Service OVERLOOKING SANCTUARY The most exciting dining experience in Southwest Florida Open Every Day 5-10 p.m. Reservations Suggested (813) 472-6866 "One of the best newcomers to Full Liquor License Florida's restaurant scene!" Visa S Masterchrd Florida Trend Magazine Welcome. 1985

eautiful custom cedar home with French terra cotfa tile Bfloors, spiral staircase to loft, French doors throughout, Hunter fans, cedar/oak kitchen. Professional landscaping with many rare palms, automatic irrigation system and exterior lighting. $135,060. For information or appointment call Wherever, you come from it is worth the trip to the Finest dining 813-472-1370. in Southwest Florida! f Saturday Night Will Never Be The Same! WE ARE OPEN!! J. TODD'S Restaurant

'£} Presents SATURDAY NIGHT CAlflE BUFFET OF THE ISLANDS A Chef Dale Tone!! Masterpiece * eat-in -A take-out * bakery * catering * Featuring A STAH-STUBBEB MEMfJ Roast Prime Rib Oysters Rockefeller Whole Artichokes Stuffed with Crabmeat it featuring it Topped with Mornay Sauce Seafood Newberg with Fettucini Chicken Marsala Bar-B-Q Ribs THE ONLY BAKEEY 01 THE M1NBS Shrimp Fried Rice Mixed Sauteed Vegetables plus ••• plus Our World Famous Ice Sculpture Surrounded by Fresh Shrimp SOUPS! SALADS! SAVORIES! Chef Tonell's Soup of the Day Fruits - Breads - Cheeses * AND * and of course Sanibel's Most Extensive Salad Bar Please Save Room BROWNIES 12 WAYS For Your Choice of Homemade Dessert BAKERY HOURS CAFE HOURS 51 per 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. JL FOR JUST *14 person Tuesday-Sunday Tuesday-Sunday

Served 5-10 p.m. 472-4123, Ext. 313 11506 ANDY ROSSE LANE, CAPTIVA DONAX AT MIDDLE GULF - AT THE RAMADA INN 472-2212/1551

#•**>**• •«**•• The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10,1987^ 11B Arts • Leisure Date Continued "lean I p.m. Donation is $20 per person; $30 downtown Fort Myers. per couple. All proceeds will be used in Admission is $125 per couple and $75 the restoration of the Burroughs Home. single and includes a complimentary For more information or to register bar, dinner, midnight dessert and cof- get you call 939-7368,482-1704, or 549-0165 (after fee. All proceeds will help operate the 6 p.m.). non-profit preparatory school. For more information call 482-0608 or ETC. 481-4323. a better • Tickets are now on sale for the 1987 • A CHARITY BALL TO BENEFIT kNTERBURY SCHOOL EX- ST. JUDE CHILDREN'S RESEARCH IVAGANZA featuring a Greek and HOSPITAL will be held Saturday night, Feb. 14, in the Plantation Conference mortgage." Oman theme. The gourmet dinner and auction is set for Saturday, March 14, at the new Sheraton Harbor Place in Please see DATE, next page Why? Because that's my business — my only business. I'll make sure you get the plan that best suits your needs. I'll make sure you get your money when you need it. I'll make sure you're satisfied every step of ~-^ V the way from application to closing. s s Leave the "Madding" crowd You don't have to shop at bank \-*\ &£h>- for the tranquility of after bank. You don't even have to leave your %f. '*^v a vacation home or office. If you're purchasing or refinancing a home or condominium, a Island Inn primary residence or investment property, ora ffee GMI/ of Mexico give me a call and leave it to me.

limited serving for the public. LISA OBERLIN Breakfast 7:30-9 a.m. Dinner 6:30-7:30 p.m. Loan Officer Reservations Requested Universal American Mortgage Company 1412 Royal Palm Square Boulevard, Suite "104 TELEPHONE: (813) 472-1561 Fort Myers, Florida 33907 (813) 275-4522 • Home (813) 939-7391 Equal Housing Lender Licensed Mortgage Banker


NAPLEO OftdBLdNOI GAY Limited number remaining of these unique village residences starting at $85,000. Just steps away, on one side, from the Ninety Seagate Drive popular fishing waters of San Carlos Bay and on the other, Naples, FL 33940 the crystal blue waters of the Gulf of Mexico. These special 813/262-6600 ground level residences, each with its own garden entry and private screened ianai are within steps to all you require. Nestled between Pelican Bay and Park Shore in Naples is a premier, unspoiled beachfront community that offers a lifestyle that has been previously unavailable at any price. Naples Cay Delightfully located apart from commercial areas of Santbel offers multiple residential locations integrated within a private Isiand, Sea Spray is destined to be the island's most exclusive, enclave providing for the maximum of security and privacy. private residential community, offering a limited number of TOLL FREE ON R) 1 / 800 / 225-4346 beachfront and beach access homeslies. KNOWLEDGE, EXPERIENCE, TOLL FREE (OUT OF FL) 1 (800/423-4055 PROFESSIONALISM... and results make us #/. 1149 Periwinkle Way / 2427 Periwinkle Way Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 (813) 472-3121 Toll Free: In FL (800) 282-0360 Out of FL (800) 237-6004

Please send me mom inlormalion:


Beachcomber -Zip. Quietly secluded on East Gulf Drive, Beachcomber fronts Tantara... an exceptionally beautiful eight unit condominium, Phone Number. directly on one of the island's widest and most attractive offering as much as 2850 square feet of beachfront, luxury I (am interested in: beaches. The buildings, designed in the style of traditional island living. Imported Boor tiles, rich woods, metal rook, ex- Island cottages, are beautifully tied together with handsome, pansive sun-lit rooms, European inspire! craftsmanship and : LJ Comtj D Otfmr natural woods, delicately latticed balconies, glass block rail- screened balconies overlooking the waters of the Gulf of Mex- • u* n ings and other unique architectural details. 635 East Gulf ico. 3049 West Gulf Drive. LJ Condo I 1 Horns Drive. JLJ 12B Tliesday, February 10,1987 The ISLANDER Arts • Leisure

Date Continued from page 11B

Center at South Seas Plantation on Feb. 14 and 15, at the Bell Tower M Captiva. in Fort Myers. Dozens of prizes will St. Jude's is a research-treatment- put on the block, including round trip education center where physicians and airline tickets, boats, furniture and scientists work side by side to help cure toys. We JteJefine and prevent childhood diseases. Capt. John McDougall of the Lee The semi-formal evening begins at County Sheriff's Department is chair- 6:30 with wine and cheese tasting, man of both fund-raising events. followed by a filet mignon dinner at dlegani 1)ining 7:30. The Southwest Florida Symphony • Spend an evening with old timers Ensemble will provide music for spinning tales of Southwest Florida FEA TURING ballroom dancing. when the Southwest Florida Historic Tickets are $50 and can be purchased Society presents "OLD TIME CLASSICALLY PREPARED CUISINE at the Sanibel-Captiva Chamber of NIGHT" at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. Presented with Impeccable Service Commerce, Bailey's, C&S Bank on at The Hall of 50 States, 2254 Edwards Captiva, and all branches of Lee Coun- Drive, Fort Myers. SERVING DAILY ty Barnett Banks. For more informa- Tickets for $5 can be purchased at the tion about the charity ball, call Ron Edison Pageant of Light office, the Lee Breakfast 7:00 AM-lhOO AM Haven at South Seas Plantation, County Alliance of the Arts and the oj Lunch 11:00 AM-2'.OO PM 472-51U. fice of Stanley Hanson, all in A CHARITY AUCTION, also to Myers. Tickets are also available from Dinner 5:30 PM-10-.00 PM benefit St. Jude's, will be held from historical society members or at the noon to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, door Friday night. Featuring, the Finest in Native Seafoods, Veal and Beef

For Reservations—472-3181 SANIBEL ISLAND HILTON INN Hard to find but worth the effort 937 Gulf Drive Sanibd Island, FL 33957 K THE PUTTING • PELICAN ON THE BAY $1.99 BREAKFAST SPECIALS Sunday breakfast special includes complimentary glass of champagne or Mimosa. DAILY LUNCHEON SPECIALS Now featuring a 6 oz. Hamburger DINNER SPECIALS NIGHTLY Old (^ featuring Shrimp, Scallops, Barbecued Ribs & Chicken, Blackened Fish 1987 DINING VALUES The Old Captiva House has graced the shores of the Gulf of Mex- JULIE IS BACK • ico for as long as most islanders can remember. While we are sixty in the kitchen! years behind the times, that's the way we like it and we think you I will, too! Drive to Captiva Island—enjoy our gorgeous sunset and look us over. We are open daily for Dinner from 5:30 to 10 PM. SEAFOOD BUFFET 1100 PAR VIEW DRIVE, SANIBEL ISLAND, FLORIDA 33957 ^ We feature our locally famous Seafood Buffet every FRIDAY. This (813) 472-4394 W was the premier seafood buffet of the island and it is now widely copied. For a great value compare ours at only $16.95 per person plus tax and gratuity. ITALIAN BUFFET Every MONDAY we feature our "all you care to ear" Italian Buffet- Real Italian cooking by our Chef, Iggy Pusceddu. Only $10.95 per person plus tax and gratuity. JUST LISTED SUNDAY BRUNCH ISLAND HOME WITH A POOL! On Sundays it's our popular Captiva Island Brunch. If s really more like dinner for only $10.95 per person plus tax and gratuity. Im- mensely popular. RESERVATIONS 472-5161 Dinner 5:30-10:00 Piano Stylings by Robert Perez

THE ISLANDS' NO. 1 NIGHTSPOT PRESENTS Three bedroom home with great room and fireplace. Privacy — borders on wildlife refuge. Spacious lot. Open floor plan. Two car garage. Many extras! $195,000. Call us for other Great Buys! KAHN& WHITE Bissell Realty Service Corp. Now through February 15th "Beginning our second generation ot service." Treetops Centre — Across from the Dairy Queen Phone (813) 472-0880 Owner* Iriand R«cM«nt* (inc« 1970 - Member SaniM and Capita tiuuntwr of Comrnwc. j .^.^/•.v'^ivV-.-.i „!-•.,•• Mrafcar Saslbal an* Captiva UUatU Board of R«ahor« The ISLANDER tUesday, February 10,1987 13B Club news Shell club members invite Darling, say a little Residents, visitors to auction something in Island residents and visitors alike Showcase Shells and Ed Hanley of Nep- Hawaiian for are invited to the next meeting of the tune's Treasures, Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club at 8 p.m. A Dutch treat dinner will take place the folks next Monday, Feb. 16, at the Sanibel before the meeting at Smitty's of at Chadwick's. Community Association. The program Sanibel. Dinner will begin at 6 p.m. will be an auction of world-wide shells. Make your reservation by calling Auctioneers will be Al Dynzer of 472-4202. ions hear about operation of county parks Twelve visitors joined members of half of the prize money was donated the Sanibel-Captiva Lions Club for din- back to the club. ner last Wednesday, Feb. 4. Guest speaker for the evening was President Lynn Rogers announced Bill Hammond, services director for that club members will work at the Lee County. He spoke about some of the Sanibel Shell Fair by assisting in park- difficulties in operating the Lee County »ing for one day and running the galley Civic Center, the county's many parks on all three days. and various special services rendered Jerry Johnson reported satisfactory to the citizens and visitors in Lee action on the car raffle. Dave Spoehr County. announced that the annual arts and The next regular meeting of the crafts fair would be held April 3-4. Sanibel-Captiva Lions Club will begin Bumper stickers will be available to at 6:30 p.m. next Wednesday, Feb. 18, members to advertise the event. Tom at the Sanibel Community Association. Louwers announced the winners of the All visiting Lions are welcome. recent Super Bowl pool and reported

Sounds like McT's two strangers Shrimp House in parrot-dise. &Tavern tee leis all you can eat... Shrimp or Alaskait Crab Tuesdays. Chadwick's new island look is a natural setting for its famous Hawaiian Luau feast every Tuesday night. The exciting steel drum band, free leis, tropical drink samples and exotic island dishes are the way we say... Aloha! Welcome to casual island dining at Chadwick's.

The new Chadwick's greets you with a burst of bright colors, a tropical island decor and the expanded lounge has a large entertainment area and dance floor.

72 great We're proud as a parrot! Come see why! seafood dishes Beef and Chicken, too! Karkey & Woodard in the lounge Be as picky as you like ... you're going to find exactly 9:00pm*l:00am Nightly except Tuesday what you like on the seemingly endless McT's menu. The Island's largest collection of seafoods, over 24 tempting appetizers, prime rib, barbecued ribs, chicken dishes and the always fabulous Mud Pie ... all prepared with loving care in McT's award winning kitchen. Choose McT's tonight and get all the choices ... The best shrimp house in Florida Morning, Noon *n' Night ... ask anybody 1523 Periwinkle Way 472-3161

Dinner served 5-10 Major Credit Cards Accepted ArTHEENTRANCETOSCTJTHSEASPLANTA-nOHCAPTIVAISlAND RESERVATIONS 472-5111 Tkvern Open 4 p.m. to close! 14B Tuesday, February 10, 1987 The ISLANDER Club news Rotary breakfast attendance reflects winter population

Sanibel island's Attendance at the recent Friday George Brauch announced that 8f> Complete Gourmet breakfast meetings of the Sanibel- Chocolate Shoppe booths have been rented to date for the Captiva Rotary Club proves that winter Feb. 14-15 craft fair at the Sanibel Com- Famous for our Fresh Strawberries season is upon us. Last week 85 visitors munity Association. A pancake Dipped in Imported Chocolate joined Island members at Wil's Lan- breakfast will be held in conjunction Sweetheart Specials ding. Several visitors were past district with the fair Saturday morning. governors, past presidents and acting Guest speaker for the morning last FOR VALENTINE'S DAY presidents of their home clubs. There Friday was club member Bill Martin, Give our Hand Made, Hand Dipped Chocolates were six banner exchanges. who discussed American history. Imported Dipped Fruits Domestic & Imported Ice Cream Roofing contractor will address condo owners and Other Fine Gifts COME REGISTER FOR A VALENTINE'S DAY HEART" Condominium Associations of Crowther Roofing, on the advantages We Ship For Valentine's And For Other Occasions Sanibel, Inc., (CASI) will hold its mon- and disadvantages of various roof OPEN DAILY 10 AM-6 PM thly meeting at 2 p.m. this Wednesday, styles, life expectancy, maintenan SUNDAY 12-5 PM Feb. 11, at the Sanibel Congregational and cost. A question-and-answer perio United Church of Christ. PERIWINKLE PLACE will follow. The main topic will be a presentation 2075 Periwinkle Way #37 For more information contact Gene by Lee Crowther, president of Sanibel, FL 33957 Radka, 472-3832. (813) 472-3837 $1QOOO

Your dream could be as near as your own backyard«

Golf course living on a beautiful 18-hole championship golf course in a if. private, secluded residential environment Is an affordable reality at Eagle Ridge Golf Club Cpmmunity,».(t It required experience and coordinated planning to create homesltes, roadways, lakes and our 111 acre golf course, club house and tennis courts Off Daniels Rd., 2'A miles while preserving the natural ambiance east of U.S, 41 and the of the original 400 acre wooded site. Bell Tower Shopping Mall Today, Eagle Ridge offers the ideal location in south Fort Myers for your Visit our sales center today and own special dream home. Spectacular discover how you can begin planning a 'A to Vi acre on course wooded home in a residential golf community homesltes are now available in We dare you to compare price and features. without paying country club prices. NEW PHASE 5. DisooverflieFaitwaysatEc^eRidgeGoifClub. ' • -„ ^ ... Where elegant two and thiee bedroom condominium homes are masterfully sculpted into 16 holes ofthe finest champJonshJpgafcnFtato'swest coast . , Make your best move to Fort Myers' one of a kind Golf Club Community. At The Fairways ycw'ftdiscover creative floor plans with vast wrap around lanats and a pano- ramicvie "' ' '^" AFFORDABLE HOME5ITES M HOMES & CONDOMINIUMS Atl As well as tennis auhe dub. „ , , ,n . ,. At The Fairways you'll discover the Florida lifestyle that fits you to a tee. And you'B also discover EAGLEiatlDGE that the Fairways is priced up to $10,000 less than you'd expect to pay for a golf course residence of AGolfClub* thiscalibrc. % ' " , Sobeforcyc«buyanywheffiyc«simplymustcoscover 13960 Eagle Ridge Dr. S.E. • Ft. Myers, FL 33912 • (813) 768-1800 The Fairways and compare. Swor Inc. Realtors, exclusive sales agent The Fairways at Eagle Ridge, located adjacent to the dub- #86R0208(d) house and the fust tee attadeRidge Golf Club, 14645 Eade Ridge Drive, Ft. Myers, Florida 33912. Or call (813) 768-3939. 'At Eagle Ridge* The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10,1987 158 Whether fact or fiction is your preference, GREG find it on the shelves at the Sanibel library WEGMRZ GENERAL CONTRACTOR, INC. The following books are new on the shelves at the Sanibel Public library: IN THE 1619 Periwinkle Way FICTION Suite 101 Sanibel Island, HI 33957 Night of the Fox — Jack Higgins — A good old- STACKS 813/472-5858 fashioned formula created this espionage drama that General Contractor Lie. #CG CA 0542 centers on preparations for D-Day. It features solid action, heartwarming good-guys and loathsome bad- guys. Col. Hugh Kelso, who knows the secrets of the Mama — Terry McMillan — It's 1964. Mildred forthcoming invasion, has washed up, wounded, on the Peacock is black, broke and out of luck. With her five German occupied island of Jersey. He MUST be young children she lives in a ghetto near Detroit. Her rescued. spirited struggle to raise her family gives an acc- curate picture of what it's like to be poor, black and Missus — Ruth Park — This "prequel" to two female in contemporary America. previously published novels about an Irish immigrant family in Australia introduces Hugh Dracy and his The Dinner Party — Howard Fast — A prominent mischievious crippled brother, Jeremiah, who escape Washington senator and his wife are hosting a dinner from life with their brutal father to wander around the party. Their guests include their own two college-age country. Hugh meets and courts Margaret, a good, middle-class Catholic girl, but almost throws her over children, the wife's parents, and two key administra- for vivacious Bids Tookey. The second and third tion officials and their wives. It sounds like a well- volumes in the group will be reissued later this year. Please see LIBRARY, page 17B CAIOI

Make your building experience a pleasant one OF

Quality custom residential, commercial and remod eling work completed on time and within your budget. mm INC. GEORGE PARKER INC.

1633-A PERIWINKLE WAY, SANIBEL, FL 33957 • [S13] 472-O855



SNUG HARBOR Three bedroom, two bath plus cabana. Top floor, end unit with fantastic view. Fully furnished, must see $395,000.

OTHER EXCLUSIVE LISTINGS SAVE $100,000 SHELL HARBOR—Prestigious property among SANIBEL MOORINGS - One bedroom, one bath largest in Shell Harbor..,swimming pool, boat apartment, fully furnished. $129,000. And Get A Free Boat Slip dock, navigabp water view at the junction of four ON CAPTIVA—Three unit, income producing pro- canals. The house contains 2,482 square feet, a perty located near beach. One bedroom, one bath; solar heating system, and all appliances. two bedroom, one bath; three bedroom, two bath. $365,000. If you want waterfront living, plus $295,000. great fishing & boaiing, come to SANIBEL ESTATES—Large cleared lot located on a canal leading to Gulf. Has pilings - water meter Pine Island and visit ]Rt$jr Winds GUMBO LIMBO - A great family nesting place in- and plans for a beautiful home $92,000. side and; out. >- , ; ,. ,.,...„.• itia ant • > to i r- POINTE SANTO -Superbly beautiful and a pro- Inside—three large bedrooms, three baths, and a fitable rental history. Overlooking lagoon, pool and •U«*ury 2 bcdriKwiu 1 bath condominiums OITCT spacious kitchen that adjoins the family room. great view of Gulf. This two bedroom, two bath :wkei»lla, iX 33922 (813)472-1546 (813) 283-3233 or 4890444 18B Tu—«toy, Ribrewy 10,1967 The ISLANDER

Seminar INVESTMENT FINANCIAL PLANNING OVERVIEW We are accepting new patients... FOR 1987

Because of Southwest Florida's phenomenal growth, the availability of medical services has long lagged behind the increase in people needing them, with a resultant shortage of doctor's care when needed. Newcomers, tourists and part-time residents in particular have ex- perienced difficulty in obtaining prompt treatment in case of injury or illness. Edison Doctors Clinic is pleased to announce a policy of immediate accept- PROPERTES ance of new patients on a permanent basis or in case of need when away from your regular family doctor. You are cordially invited to atlend n Financial Services provided by Doctors Clinic include 24-hour service and Planning Seminar sponsored by house calls when required. Edison Properties, What is Doctors Clinic? A Financial Consultant and Doctors Clinic is a full-service, family-practice medical clinic staffed Attorney will be discussing: by two full-time osteopaths (D.O.) and supporting personnel. It is fully Financial Planning equipped for routine physical examinations, x-rays, laboratory tests, Problems of Estnle Settlement gynecological exams and general treatment of individuals of all ages. Wills and Trusts Referral to specialists is made when necessary, and our policy of The New Tax I .aw and Real Instate 24-hour availability makes us a useful resource in emergencies. Florida Real Estate: Problems and Opportunities Equities: A year of selectivity While we are located in a modern, urban area, we adhere to the credo Surviving in an Institutionally Driven Stork M.irkct of the old-fashioned country doctor in treating the whole patient and Gifts and Transfers of Property the whole family in the context of a personal doctor/patient relation- Tax Advantaged Investing ship. Real Estate as an Investment Are you looking for us? Your Own.Personal Financial am! {'.stale Plan An Osteopath Is... The osteopathic physician (D.O.) is licensed to perform the same TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 17 functions as the medical doctor (M.D.) and undergoes substantially the same course of education, training and postgraduate practicum. The major difference between the two is osteopathy's emphasis on direct PLACE: EDISON PROPERTIES treatment of the musculoskeletal system by manipulation when appropriate. In many cases this approach 2365 Periwinkle Way reduces or eliminates the need for drugs in pain-free recovery from strains and injuries. Sanibel, Florida 33957 Doctors Clinic is ready to serve you, as your TIME: 10:00 a.m. or 2:00 p.m. regular family doctors or a special-occasion re- source; vacationers and part-time residents are DOCTORS CLINIC IN IONA welcomed. We accept VISA, MasterCard and Space is limited, so please make American Express. Priscilla Murphy Place, Suite 104 reservations. Call Theresa Nicely. 15550 McGregor Blvd. S.W. Fort Myers, FL 33908 472-3637 (813)482-7611 SPONSORED BY EDISON PROPERTIES INCORPORATED PRESIDENT'S DAT SALE! %OFF SAVE AN OUR ALREADY LOW FACTORY ADDITIONAL 20 PRICES ON

EARLY SPRING COORDINATES • Twill • Rayon-Polyester • Linen • And Much More!

FOR EXAMPLE: ' Natl. Adv. NOW! BLOUSES...... $34 $16.80 SWEATERS...... 36 17.60 SKIRTS -', .- 40 ., „.-.-. .v.; •.-; -. 19.20 As Shown: Shirt PANTS 46 22.40 collar sweater, back elastic fly JACKETS. 90 43.20 front tappered leg pant, madras edge to edge jacket. Nat'l. Adv. $32-72 HURRY IN THURSDAY THRU MONDAY! NOW! $19.20-43.20.

IADIE5' SPORTSWEAR (ACTORY OUTLETS MefroAMull 2855 W, Colonial Blvd. Ft. Myers, Fla. 33912 Phone: (813) 936-3343

Mon.-Sat. 10 am-9 pm Sun. Noon-6 pm

RgEim The ISLANDER Tliesday, February 10,1987 17B

Library Continued from page 15B

ordered and gracious affair, but startling revelations tangled in a web of deceit and violence. This is a mothers have coped and learned to separate — political, ethical and emotional — change the tempo skillful blendj of history and a love affair gone themselves from, yet continue to love, their children. of the evening. disastrously wrong. The Pleasure of Herbs — Phyllis Shaudys — Here's — Elmore Leonard — The politically NON-FICTION a book for a gardener or a cook to dream, plot and charged background of Contra aid serves as the set- Mother, I Have Something to Tell You — Jo Brans scheme over. Organized into chapters that follow the ting for this thriller with a moral tone. Jack Delaney, — For a traditional mother, being addressed by a rotation of the calendar year, it is a wonderful pot- an ex-jewel thief working off his parole, meets ex-nun child with such a statement as this would probably pourri of information: definitions, planting hints, Lucy Nichols who enlists his help in a plot to steal $5 generate a terrible sinking feeling in the pit of the recipes, craft ideas and other uses. Amply illustrated million from cash donations collected by a stomach. And so it was with the mothers studied in with black and white line drawings. Nicaraguan contra on a fund-raising trip. Two other this book. They are mothers whose children have ex-cons join them to form a motley crew of bandits, challenged family traditions, values, morals and This report was prepared by Pat Robertson, head each with different motives and illusions. ethics. Through extensive quotations interspersed librarian at the Santbel Public Library. with insightful commentaries, we learn how these Collected Stories of Jessamyn West — This collec- jisplays the author's story-telling skills to good Bradley University alumni plan Southwest Florida reunion !mtage. Ordinary human experience forms the basis for realistic narratives filled with lively The Southwest Florida Chapter of the Bradley A reception will be held at 12:30 p.m. with a lun- characters caught in trying situations. University (Peoria, 111.) Alumni Association and cheon to follow at 1:30 p.m. Tickets are $9 per person. Friends of Bradley will hold its annual meeting on Dr. Martin G. Abegg, president of Bradley University, Past Caring — Robert Goddard — This fascinating Sunday, Feb. 22 at the Ramada Inn Airport Hotel in will be the guest of honor. For more information con- JiKmld it be true?" story within a story focuses on Fort Myers. tact Phil Tock, 481-7837. ^Rorian Martin Radford, who has been chosen to research the life of Edwardian politician Edwin Straf- ford. As Radford digs into the past he becomes en-

29 YEARS OF SERVICE TO THE ISLANDS! CUSTOM HOME BUILDERS Our Specialty SINCE 1957! Fresh Fish & Shrimp ^ Rate of Growth Application Services Choice Western Bee! Variance Application Services Fresh Chicken & Pork Plan Design Services Engineering Services Deli Meats, Cheeses & Quality Construction Services Salads We build from your plans or ours, and we have plans Meat Cut Just The Way You Want It available for inspection starting from $60,000 on your lot. We are the Island's Remodeling Specialists CAPTIVA'S ONLY SUPERMARKET • Farm Fresh Produce • Dairy 81 Frozen Foods • Fresh Flowers • Cards • Sporting Goods • Toys • Automotive * Beach Items • Hardware * Housewares • Photocopying • Same Day Photo Service • Telegrams CgM Wine Tasting & Live Entertainment Fri. 81 Sat. 5-7 PM COMER &LJVIOQRE FREE HOME DELIVERY 472-4200 CONSTRUCTION INCORPORATED Open Daily 8 a.m.-lO p.m. — Thurs., Fri. & Sat. 'til Midnight 472-9393 Across from South Seas Plantation in Plantation View Shopping Center CBC 012428 2353 Periwinkle #103 Sanibel 33957 f^Tdssociateci L_iirocers— western union

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15195 nfkGre9or Blvd. - fTlcGfeaof Point Plaza Ft. Myers LARGEST Window Covering Specialists On the corner of ffkGfeaor & Gladiolus THE BIJOU 5th ANNIVERSARY SALE AS LOW AS WELCOMES BACK TQ* FORT MYERS 72x84 OLLIEJOE PRATER Vertical GRP I, $ 68 PVC Ollie Joe packs the house — Be sure to make reservations early! IMPORTED SALE CLOTH Vertical GRP II, $ 89 SHADE CLOTH 481-6666 Vertical GRP III, $133 SPANISH IMPORTS OLLIE JOE PRflTER Vertical GRP IV, $154 DESIGNER COLLECTIO Vertical GRP V, $198 Featured in the I5tK Anniversary ] Special of the L.A. Improv with Our factory has just received over 15,000 yards of designer Richard Pryor and Robin Wil- selected, IMPORTED FABRICS. Specially colored and finish- liams — An HBO feature pre- ed for use as VERTICAL BLINDS. That means FAST service, sentation. He has a new comedy LOW prices, and custom design, complete with a full LIFETIME album — "Renegade White WARRANTY while supplies last Man." Watch for his new special on Turner Broadcasting Co. FREE SHOP AT HOME SERVICE SUPUR6 PINING AND TERRIFIC COfTlEDY Special Dinner/Show Packages 939*2461 113.95 Weekdays, 115.95 Fri., Sat., & Sun. 1515 DEL PRADO BLVD. 11801 CLEVELAND AVE. Show Times - Weekdays 8:30 P.m. - Weekends 6 P.m. Si IO P.m. CAPE CORAL, FLA. call DRAGON PLAZA, SUiTE 4 ] Wednesday Is ladies' Night - Ladies' Rdmission Free Call for Reservations 481-6666 772-8848 NOW 939-2442 18B Tuesday, February 10, 1987 The ISLANDER

Esperanza Continued from page 1B the only thing bought it. When the fishing smacks anchored off Quaran- In Esperanza's youth there were about 20 tine Rocks, old Terevo Padilla would visit the cap- between you families there, most of them related to her. The tains and return with yellow rice and black beans. fishermen fished from skiffs with bamboo poles Fresh beef was available via mail boat, but most- and cast nets and took their catch to the little fish ly the family ate fish at their one big meal of the and houses perched atop pilings in Pine Island Sound. day around 4 p.m. There was a separate cook Some of these fish houses were owned by the Pun- house where Mrs. Almas and the older girls cook- waterfront living ta Gorda Fish Gompany, which paid IV4 cents for ed for the family on a wood-burning range. each mullet, regardless of size, Breakfast was bread and coffee; lunch was is the price • • • Cayo Costa was a thriving community then, unheard of. with a long dock where the mail boat stopped, a post office, Gomez's store and a one-room speranza met her husband, Sam Woodring, on schoolhouse where Island children recited their Cayo Costa. He, too, was a fisherman and lessons to Capt. Peter Nelson. A circuit preacher Eoften stopped by to visit Esperanza's grandfather. came by about once a month to conduct Sunday She was only 16 when the two married. For a services; on occasion he led the prayers over the while they lived in Dunedin, Fla. But Sam's new graves in the little cemetery under the live parents had homesteaded on Sanibel and even- oak trees, Juanita and Terevo's stillborn babies tually the couple returned to Woodring's Point to were buried there. Eventually, Juanita herself raise their two children, Preston and Ralph. would be buried there. Sam died in 1942, but Esperanza continued to live in the old house. She is not as well as she he Almas family raised chickens and a few once was and claims to have "slowed down" — Thogs, the descendants of which roam and root but no one else has noticed it. Her wits are sharp through the woods today. They had fruit trees and grew a few vegetables for their own use. Please see ESPERENZA, next page come to BLUE CRAB KEY. Overlooking the water, your 2-bedroom, ZlA-bath. townhouse has plenty of room to relax in after a day on trie water, with, a f[oor plan made for easy living.-The private clubhouse, Waterfront Accommodations pool, spa, and tennis courts are just Marina •* Ship's Store * Charters steps front your door — with golf, (813) 472-6565 Tennis * Pool • Fishing Pier * Clubhouse 1630 Periwinkle Way across from Bank restaurants and shopping only minutes Call (813) 283-7070 For Rental Ratos Se Sakis Information away — and you can keep your boat CONDOMINIUMS moored at the private dock, right in Location Winter Rates BOC1U.A REALTY COMPANY. LTD. UG. REAL KSTATK HKOKKK Bandy Beach $1200-$1600 P.O. Box 700. Bokuullii. Florida KKK'Z your badkyardX Blind Pass 550-825 By The Sea 4000/mo* Sounds good? It is. Sounds expensive? Captiva Shores 700-1200 Compass Point 750-1275 It's not... condominium, prices start at Coquina Beach Club 800-1100 Donax Village 2400-2800/mo* $69,900. Dugger's Cottages 350-450 You'll find it all at BLUE CRAB Gulf Beach 750-900 TAXES Island Beach Club 850 • Business and Personal Tax Return KEY... a chance at island living you Loggerhead Cay 700-760 Preparation Pine Cove of Sanibel 1000-1200 shouldn't miss. Call, write or come Pointe Santo 950-1500 • Forms Available for All States visit us soon, for waterfront living at a Sandpiper Beach 750-850 Sand Pointe 725-900 liveable price. Sanibel Arms West 550-675 THOMAS R. LOUWERS, M.SX Sayana 1000-1200 1619 Periwinkle Way, Suite 102 IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY Shorewood 1200-1600 FROM $69,900 Spanish Cay 550 Sundial 600-1200 472-5152 Sunset South 1300/mo. I St. Croix 1000-1200 Tarpon Beach 800-950 Tennis Place 400 White Caps 450-625 THE ISLANDS' MOST - f^S BLUE White Sands 950-1150 All units rent by the week, unless specified. REALISTICALLY-PRICED Minimum rates shown. Most owners allow a 5% to 10% discount for stays of four HOMESITES weeks or more. Each parcel of land averages over >/a acre of PRIVATE HOMES high, dry and BUILDABLE land that is already_, GULF TO BAY. Sunny old Florida home on Captiva. Four bedrooms, two and one-half baths, boat dock approved by the City of Sanibel. The subdivisioi " and Jacuzzi, $1100-1500 wk. is family oriented; located near the Elementary* SHELL HARBOR (East Sanibel) 2/2, pool, with dock School; Churches and Island Recreation. 5 min, walk to beach. $3,000 mo. CAPTIVA. Luxury bayfront duplex with 3 bedrooms, Facilities making it ideal for the young, growing 3Vi baths. Dock for boat or seaplane. $950 wk. family who wants to establish their home on ih$ POOL HOME 3/2 Shell Harbor w/boat dock & walk Islands on a conservative budget. to beach in minutes. $3,000 mo. GULF FRONT ESTATE wlthttwd private homes. One Hurry! Prices subject to change has pool, both have spa. Gulf beach at your front Extremely attractive terms are available to mee door. Luxury accommodations.$140Q-2Q00 wk. your financing needs. GULF FRONT on west Gulf Drive. Airy 2/2 with den and screened patio. $2000 per month plus electric and water. Prices begin at $37,500 INCLUDING Title In- WALK TO BEACHES. Nicely furnished 2/2. Screen- surance and a Survey. ed porch, double garage and private backyard. Will accept small pets. $2500 mo. Exclusively yours by calling either of our offices ANNUAL HOMES for an inspection of these homesites. LAKE MUREX new 3/2 lakeftont custom home. Spa, fireplace, & many extras, $1200 month plus utilities. UNIQUE LAKEFRONT HOME, SUPER WATER VIEW, all amenities, just completed, 3/2'/2 design, constructed for maximum energy efficiency, Old Florida outside, cathedral ceilings, finest imported tiles, fireplace & Jacuzzi. Community tennis, short walk to private beach access. Lawn & spa maintenance included. Only $1250 per month + utilities. W GULF DR.-3/2 newly constructed" home, large screened lanal, all appliances & across the road from FURNISHED MODEL OPEN the beach. SiOOO/month + utilities. 3/2 HOUSE, central island location, appliances in- 10 A.M.-5 P.M. SEVEN DAYS! cluding washer/dryer. Only $550/month 4- utilities. Joan M. Good, Realtor Marina Road. Judy Michle, Realtor-Associate Main Office (Sanibel) 472-1123 Bobeelia. FL 33922 813/283-3474 "YOUR SECOND HOME IS OUR FIRST PRIORITY" Captiva Branch Office 472-3318 The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10, 1987 19B

Esperanza Continued Q&Q^QO&<^ as ever, her ways as proud, Island historian Elinore Dormer T ^ and her independence alive and came to Sanibel for the first time !DU! 1111~O • ucOTCO Lwell. nearly 67 years ago. She serves on 1 Esperanza Woodring has been the city's Historical Preservation '-is MICII iCl\ queen of the Sanibel-Captiva Committee and is a volunteer at mm Fishing Derby and has been the Island Historical Museum. She honored in many other ways. But is the author of The Sea Shell mostly she just wants to be left islands: A History of Sanibel and alone to be herself. And that is Captiva. ^DIFFERENT MOVIE EVERY NIGHT AT 9 best of all.

Left: A typical thatched home in the early Island days. Photo courtesy of the island Historical Museum.


Bonita Springs N»ptes/Mnrco Kort Myers Sanibd 992-4433 793-3577 463-6145 472-4787 Hearts and Flowers Jewelry in Sterling Silver 14Kt Gold Luminescent Shells VaU'iitiiic liifi Wi-iiu (with purchase We'll Find Your THE SHELL NET Castle m On The Beach


FRf FEB. 13' 6-9 PM SAT FEB. 14 12-9 PM Sandcastles are not just dreams but an extension of SUN FEB. 15 12-6 PM one's anticipation of reality. When it comes to fulfilling dreams, there is no finer professional staff than the one at dream headquarters: "Fantasy Island Property Sales & Management Corp" Come on by, there has never been a better time. NAPLES DEPOT


$3.00 Admission $2.50 with this Ad Portion donated to The Depot—Good all weekend Fantasy Island Property Sales Quality dealers offering a wide variety of Antiques for investment and decorating. &MnVni( "orp.

FOR INFORMATION {813} 921-7117 FOOD WILL BE SERVED KG Box 240 * 2402 ftolm Ridge Rd., Sanibel Island, PL 33957 • Phone 813.472-S021 • 800(237-5146 20B Tuesday, February 10,1987 The ISLANDER

r t associates, inc., IHALTOt! NEW LISTING CONDOMINIUMS HOMES SWEEPING GULF VIEWS.immaculate con- BEACHCOMBER...Sanibel's newest beach dition, two bedrooms and den. This CORNER front condominium residence. Only 20 units apartment at Compass Pt. has never been rented, total. If you are considering a condominium 300' of beach frontage, only 45 units with large lifestyle and the finest in Gulf front living, you heated pool, BBQ grills, 2 tennis courts, ceramic must see this fabulous floor plan to appreciate tiled baths, marble vanities, covered parking and its comfort and spaciousness. Offered at ground-level storage. Available fully furnished for $415,000. For further details, contact Scott $284,900. Call Dan Cohn, Realtor Associate (days Naumann, Broker Salesman (days 472-3121, 472-3121, eves. 472-9337). eves. 472-6202) or Ralph Hansen, Realtor Associate (days 472-3121, eves. 472-2499). CLOSE TO THE CAUSEWAY, this unit is a SAILBOATER'S DELIGHT! Custom home OPEN HOUSE well-cared-for two bedroom, one bath, located on on deep water canal with dock and seawall...NO Wednesday, February 11th a canal. Amenities include pool, 2 tennis courts, BRIDGES! This lovely three bedroom, two bath 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM boat dockage and pn-site management. Offered home has water views from the living area and for under $100,000 fully furnished. Call today, two of the bedrooms. Split plan with fireplace, this one will go fast. Mary Lou Traucht, Realtor eat-in kitchen and cathedral ceiling in caged Associate (days 472-3121, eves. 472-2880). lanai. Best-priced deep water canal home on the island at $239,000. To see this exceptional buy UNBELIEVABLY PRICED AT $269,900! in one of Sanibel's most prestigious areas, con- Gulf front two bedroom luxury apartment with tact Joyce Blakely, Realtor Associate (davs den, fully furnished with garage and air condi- 472-3121, eves. 472-4208). tioned cabana. Located in a small complex (14 units) with pool and tennis. Call Joan Joyce, Broker Salesman (days 472-3121, eves. 472-2649).

9418 Moonlight Drive VALUE best describes this lovely condominium. Giiotbo Limbo Over 1600 sq. ft. of air conditioned luxury. Fully HEW ON THE MAMKET...Custom-built and furnished with BA^ tfHt afcjdeeded BEACH jam-packed with every extra and upgrade im- ACCESS, tennis^»tt»^rarand clubhouse. aginable! Open kitchen, great room with coral Finest offering «W LIGHTHOUSE PT., only stone fireplace, cathedral ceiling, white tile floors. $149,900. Call Dan Cohn, Realtor Associate (days This 3 bedroom doll house has European-style 472-3121, eves. 472-9337). cabinets, peach carpeting, 7 ceiling fans, vertical blinds, fully enclosed lower level. Priced for ac- tion by a motivated seller. Inspect during open GOLF RIDGE HOME- Just r< cluced to house or cail Carl or Trudy Deremo, Realtor $225,000. The least expensive home in the most Associates (days 472-3121, eves. 472-3042). expensive neighborhood! T|P^|e bedrooms, two baths with two P^:^^^M,1* acre of beautiful grounds. AssociaSyw^rooT tennis and security. Call Glenn Caretta, Realtor Associate (days 472-3121, eves. 472-6644). .1 Tfl % 1757 SaCIAME FEET OF LUMMY! Beautiful Gulf views from this two bedroom, two bath plus den furnished condominium. Just REDUCED to $267,500. Contact Glenn Caretta, Realtor Associate (days 472-3121, eves. 472-6644).

ARCHITECTURALLY APPEALING, NEAR BEACH OLD FLORIDA STYLE CONDOMINIUMS home on large cul-de-sac, featuring great privacy PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT BY and spectacular landscaping. Great room with HILTON HOTELS can be yours if you pur- fireplace opens to a large screened deck for chase this beautiful two bedroom, two bath Gulf entertaining, with custom-designed pool and BRAND NEW HOME JOST WAITING front condominium of Sanibel's premier resort Jacuzzi. Only seven homes share the private road FOR YOU! Located on Buttonwood Lane, this hotel. Guaranteed income plus 5 weeks free and tennis court; three bedrooms, two baths, lovely three bedroom, two bath home is just steps usage by owner make this a very attractive invest- open veranda, separate utility room, two car from the beach. Featuring a custom caged pool, ment for someone. All this for slightly over garage, tiled baths, fans throughout and MUCH fireplace, wet bar and custom woodwork, this $200,000. Call Joe Burns, Realtor Associate (days MORE. Available fully and attractively decorated. home is now being offered for $379,500. To view,! 472-3121, eves. 472-5814) to find out how this will Call Dan Cohn, Realtor Associate (days 472-3121, please contact Julie Healy, Realtor Associate work into your investment portfolio. eves. 472-9337). (days 472-3121, eves. 472-6701).

Please send me more information:

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1149 Periwinkle Way / 2427 Periwinkle Way / am interested in:

Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 (813) 472-3121 Se«ng: L_J Condo U Home LJ Lot LJ Ott*?r "foil Free: In FL (800) 282-0360 Buying: I I Condo D Homo • tot LJ Other Out of FL (800) 237-6004 Is Classifieds 19C Fishing tips 8C Nature programs 4C Pitching in 3C Tuesday Sports-Recreation 6C Feb. 10? 1987

Bird callers and camera buffs should Angry readers' response demands sharpen their skills that the author return to a previous subject Island residents and visitors alike will have the op- portunity to show off their pride in our local wildlife By GEORGE CAMPBELL due to the basic selfishness, during National Wildlife Week March 16-21. Illustrated by greed and destrucliveness of A photo contest and a bird-calling contest have been ANN WINTERBOTHAM our civilization, rarely is any scheduled as part of the week-long celebration on the activity undertaken unless Islands. The last 1986 piece in (his the "bottom line" shows a Now is the time to plan series dealt with the two ASSISI profit. Never mind the cost to your entry for the photo Assisi summits. The first, the natural world and its contest in honor of Na- organized by Prince Philip resources; profit is the gover- tional Wildlife Week. The and the World Wildlife Fund, ning factor. winners will be judged concerned the environmental SUMMITS Even though great founda- March 19, and the awards crisis confronting the world tions often ospou.se conserva- ceremony will be held today. The second" Assisi tion, foresight and vision, the Friday afternoon, March episode was called by Pope supportive capital of those 21, at the Sanibel-Captiva John Paul II. foundations usually is based Conservation For both meetings prin- on an earlier generation's Foundation. cipal leaders of the world's "bottom line" profit First, second and third five largest religions — Chris- philosophy (consider the place awards will be tianity, Judaism, Islam, Hin- Rockefeller Foundation for a given in the following two duism and Buddhaism — good example). categories: (1) amateurs gathered. There were also But it seems a lot of people 17 years and younger; (2) leaders from every other kind don't agree with my thoughts. amateurs 18 and older. of religion — from sub- When I considered the incen- The winning photos will Saharan tribal African diary nature of the four let- be on display at the SCCF animists to a Hopi Indian ters strewn about my desk — through March. spiritual leader from North four superheated missives, Photos should be of America, each demanding some kind of Florida wildlife and Both summits took place reply and explanation — I should be at least 5x7 in- under the "sponsorship" of realized I had to return to this ches mounted on mat St. Francis of Assisi, who has subject in this column. Hence island birds are not the board. been called the patron saint of the following explanatory only ones who have To enter, bring your animals. effort. something to crow about mounted photo to the The reason for my calling A friend of' mine whose | now that the bird calling SCCF office and fill out attention to these two sum- business it is lo sample opi- contest has been schedul- your registration form mits was, of course my total dedication to the con- nions tells me that four lellera in response to one ar- ed. Photo by Ricki there. No entry fee is re- servation of nature and all her resources. ticle in The Islander would probably indicate 10 Kosakow Cooper. quired. Deadline for en- Both Assisi summits are of historic significance. times that many people were concerned at my tries is noon Monday, The fact that a firestorm ensued because of my "license to kill" philosophy extracted from March 16. comments regarding the scriptures does not cause Genesis. Those who want to "crow" about their fine me to retract anything I said. But the criticism that One person wrote that I was dead wrong when I feathered friends on Sanibel and Captiva should start came crashing down upon me triggered this said the major religions in the world do not have practicing their bird calls now so they will be prepared response. (But please bear in mind that the provision for caring for nature and all natural for the bird-calling contest that will kick off the Na- perpetuation of nature, which includes man, is of values. "For conservation and humane precepts of tional Wildlife Week celebration. primary importance the Scriptures were The contest is set for 1 p.m. Sunday, March 15, at the to me. Man, in addi- well understood by Sanibel Community Association. Awards and prizes tion to being the en- the early (emphasis will be given for first, second and third place in two mine) leaders of categories: (1) 17 and under and (2) 18 and over. Each dangering species, is contestant can give calls for one bird. * also an endangered Judaism and Chris- First prizes in the 18-and-over category will be a species,) tianity." The writer copy of the Audubon Society Encyclopedia of North The trouble started also said: "For the American Birds. First prize for the 17-and-under with my remark that first thousand years m category will be The Audible Audubon what I call the ex- or so Christian saints microphonograph with record sets of a wide variety of ploitative religions are depicted as hav- North American bird calls and background informa- (Judaism, Christiani- ing close and friendly tion for each bird. ty and Islam, all relationships with For registration forms or for more information branches of the same wild and domestic tree really) took their creatures. There arc about either the photo contest or the bird calling con- 1 test, write the SCCF, P.O. Drawer S, Sanibel 33957, or "license to kill' —if I thousands of such call 472-2329. The SCCF office is at 3333 Sanibel- may steal a phrase stories and legends Captiva Road, one mile west of the Tarpon Bay Road from Ian Fleming — concerning such intersection. from Genesis (1:28:), revered saints as which reads; " And Giles, J e r o m e, God blessed them Benedict. Columba, and God said unto Culhhort, Patrick them be fruitful and and hundreds of multiply, and others, the best replenish the earth known of which is the and subdue it; and patron saint of have dominion* over animals, St. Francis the fish in the sea and of Assisi." over the fowl in the Of course St. Fran- air, and over every cis is the reason why living thing that both the World moveth upon the Wildlife Fund and the earth." Pope chose the Assisi I said that, site for their two 1986 translated into the summits. .behavior of people of Please sot ASSISI, the modern world, page 14C

4- 2C Tuesday, February 10,1987 The ISLANDER Four ways to get more Florida

VIP has the only on site real estate office at South Seas Plantation. VIP has more listings and is responsiblefo r more sales, I Our sales staff has more knowledge and experience with South both in units and dollars, than all other REALTORS® combined. JL Seas property, the resort, resort programs and activities. 3 VIP is responsible for a vast majority of all sales at South A VIP is the #1 Independent Real Estate Company Seas Plantation. ^JL in Southwest Florida, with convenient offices throughout 2 IT the area.


BEACH HOME MARINA VILLA #6 - $445,000. Three bedroom/Three bath/Loft. Unit #806 - $265,000 - Two Bedroom/Two Bath/Corner Call Lyle Jackson, Sales Manager 472-1556. Call Sandra J. Barany, Broker-Saleswoman 472-1556. The Beach Homes offer the ultimate in private island liv- Superbly located in a private setting overlooking the Gulf ing within a residential resort community. Located on of Mexico, Pine Island Sound, and the South Seas yacht 1700 feet of Gulf frontage, these secluded homes feature harbour, the Marina Villas feature a blend of comfortable roomy two, three, and four bedroom floorplans, custom island living with maximum space efficiency. The designed for the perfect blend of indoor and outdoor liv- delightful two bedroom, two bath fluorplans arc hous- dng. All sited on heavily wooded sites with mature ed in four buildings, ten units each, with swimming pool tropical vegetation. private to the complex.

BEACH VILLA Unit #2434 - $300,000 -Three bedroom/Three bath/Loft. Call Douglas J. Davlin, Broker-Salesman, 472-1556. TENNIS VILLA Villas feature one, two and three bedroom plans, each Unit #3228 - $125,000 - One Bedroom/One Bath with screened porch viewing the beautiful Gulf of Gall Lyle Jackson, Sales-Manager 472-1556. Mexico. Landscaped with native vegetation witli pools Sixty special villas nestled amid the island vegetation and tennis courts private to the complex. Guaranteed overlook the private tennis courts and pool area. Ex- incomes available cellent guaranteed income programs for these one and two bedroom residences in paradise.

BAYSIDE VILLA BAYSIDE VILLA Unit #4102 - $125,000 - One Bedroom/Two Bath/Corner? Unit #4319/20 ~ $235,000 - Three Bedroom/Three Bath Call Sandra J. Barany, Broker-Saleswoman 4724556. Call Kris Hawkins, Realtor-Associate 472-1556 Luxury condominiums privately overlook bay and marina Luxury condominiums privately overlook bay and marina vistas at South Seas Plantation. Extra-large pool, pool vistas at South Seas Plantation. Extra large pool, pool bar and Jacuzzi spa make living expecially wonderful in bar and Jacuzzi spa make living especially wonderful in these one and three bedroom units. Rental and these one and three bedroom units. Rental and guaranteed income programs. guaranteed income programs. V


A. LANDS END VILLAGE E. BEACH COTTAGES B. MARINA VILLAS r, BEACH VILLAS PLRjSIlWIBjNI C. GULF COTTAGES G. BAYSIDE VILLAS South Seas Plantation Sales D. BEACH HOMES H. TENMIS VILLAS Resort & Yacht Harbour South Seas Plantation .472-1556 The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10,1987 3C Resident or visitor, everyone who pitches in agrees that litter ruins Sanibel and Captiva

By CINDY CHALMERS Islands' beaches, bike paths and Islander editor roadside were: Dorothea PITCHING Vanderwert and Sandra Mc- The Islander's anti-litter cam- Collum of Bloomington, Minn.; paign continued apace last week, IN Eleanor and Donald Wooden of with 15 people pitching in to clean Salem, Conn.; Bonnie Liljequist of up Sanibel and Captiva. They were Sanibel; Sarah and Randy Doud of year 'round Sanibel residents, Sanibel; Steven Solnitzky of Min- nearby Cape Coral residents and neapolis, Minn.; Elizabeth Seefeld visitors from as far away as Min- out again this year. "I enjoy the of Middlefield, Mass.; Ann and neapolis, Minn. beach, but I like it clean," Hiles Ned Kuehn of South Lyon, Mich., The remarks from those who said. Hiles cleaned up a stretch of and Sanibel; and Thomas Petty delivered their bags full of cans, West Gulf Drive beach. and his young son, John, of bottles, food wrappers and Helen Smith of Cape Coral Bartlett, Ind. assorted other refuse ranged from agreed that the best Island is a In exchange for the litter they a simple but firm, "I hate litter," litter-free one. She, too, is making left at our office, each received his to a more elaborate explanation of an annual project out of pitching in or her choice of a one-year how bottle laws in many northern when she visits Sanibel for the subscription to the paper or an states help control litter. day. Smith, 74, filled two bags of Islander t-shirt. You can do the We had several repeat par- litter as she walked along Donax same if you come by our office in Thomas Petty and his 23-month-old son, John, did ticipants last week. Jean Hiles of Street. Ritzy's Islander Center between 9 their part to clean up Sanibel one afternoon last week. Chicago, 111., pitched in last year Others who arrived at our office a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Tho father-and-son team filled three bags with rusty during her Island vacation and felt last week bearing bags brimming Friday. nails, fast food wrappers and discarded soda and beer so good about it she decided to help with litter gathered from the Thanks for pitching in! cans as they walked along the beach in front of Sanibel Moorings condominiums. "I enjoyed doing It," Thomas said. "I am concerned about the environment." The Pet- tys were visiting from Bartlett, III.

brokers/ Suite S consultants 3 Wooster Lane NOW OPEN of sanibel, inc. (813) 472-2255 FEATURING DESIGNER SPORTSWEAR FOR MEN ATTENTION Located in Olde Sanibel SANIBEL THE ISLAND'S BOUTIQUE LOT OWNERS! Comer of I have clients interested in purchasing Periwinkle & Tarpon Bay Road LILLY" PRINTS lots immediately. Please call me if you (813) 472-1763 by Key West Fashions wish to sell. Alterations Available Corner of Periwinkle S Casa Yhel Rd. Alan Wortzel 472-2255 Dmtcwg VALENTINE'S DAY — GREEK STYLE ^ At the Coconut Grove Restaurant OYSTER SPECIALS Authentic (guaranteed to work!) Greek Belly Dancing Two Shows Every with these coupons Friday & Saturday Night r" r During Our Fabulous $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 OFF OFF OFF GREEK any oyster oysters by the oysters by the SEAFOOD appetizer dozen at the dozen at the at the FISH RAW BAR BUFFET Restaurant MARKET (4—6 PM only) Regular & Children's I J I I Menu Also Available OYSTER SHOOTERS $1.00 y Cm £ot | A fresh shucked oyster, served in a martini glass, Early Bird Buffet . . . JUST $10.95 I with vodka, cocktail sauce and lemon Every Fri. & Sat. Night — 4:30 pm - 6 pm . L 6 pm - 10 pm . . .JUST $12.95 Steamed Shrimp • Alaskan Crab Legs * Lamb • Moussaka All coupons good Friday, February 13 Stuffed Grape Leaves • Seafood Pasticho • Sample Greek and Saturday, February 14 only Seafood Delicacies • Greek Salad • Baklava • MORE "We serve ...or we don't An /stand Tradition it fresh... serve it at ail!" For 10 Yeans 472-1366 Reservations coconut Suggested Corner of Tarpon Bay Road the TIMBERS & Periwinkle Way RESTAUMNT 6. FISH MARKET RESTAURANT & LOUNGE Man.-Sat. II am to 10 pm; in Bailey's Center Sun., 8 am to 9 pm Fish Market Open at Noon • Rcstuarani and Lounge Open 4:30 PM 1 472-3128 • Full Liquor License • AH Major Credit Cards • 975 lisfeblt Road 4C Tuesday, February 10, 1987 The ISLANDER

Cleveland Museum of Natural History. parks of Kenya. the Bailey Tract of the J.N. "Ding" The Feb. 17 show will be presented by McDonald is a former school teacher Darling National Wildlife Refuge. Meet NATURE Kipp Frolich of the Florida Depart- and a life-long naturalist. He belongs to in the Bailey Tract parking lot. ment of Natural Resources. He will the Outdoor Writers Association of PROGRAMS discuss the fascinating and endangered America and is a full-time freelance • SATURDAY, FEB. 14, 11 a.m. — "The manatee species and efforts begin writer, lecturer and photographer. His Mayfly" and "Symbiosis," free nature THIS WEEK made by state and local governments work has taken him throughout most of films in the Visitor Center auditorium to protect this mammal. the Western Hemisphere. He has at the J.N. "Ding" Darling National The SCCF offers guided nature trail photographed in more than 40 states Wildlife Refuge. The following nature-oriented pro- tours at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p,m. Mon- (including Alaska) and in three Cana- grams of Interest are offered to the day through Saturday. The nature dian provinces as well as in most of • MONDAY, FEB. 16, 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 public this week on Sanibel and Captiva: center off Sanibel-Captiva Road is open Central America and Peru. Donations p.m., SCCF — Open house at the from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday will be welcome at the door. Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Founda- • TUESDAY, Feb. 10, 2 p.m., SCCF - through Saturday. tion. Free entrance all day. Staff and This week the Sanibel-Captiva Conser- • FRIDAY, FEB. 13, 8 a.m. - Sanibel- volunteers will be on hand to orient vation Foundation presents a slide • THURSDAY, FEB. 12, 8 p.m., Sanibel Captiva Audubon Society field trip to visitors to educational stations along show about various behavioral pat- Community Association — The Sanibel- the SCCF trails. 1 Rookery Bay Sanctuary. Participants terns in birds. The -program will be Captiva Audubon Society presents meet in the Sanibel-Captiva Chamber 8 p.m., Sanibel Community Associa- presented by Dr. Harold Mahan, presi- "The Wildlife of Kenya." Joe of Commerce parking lot. tion — A shell auction presented by the dent of the Roger Tory Peterson In- McDonald leads this slide presentation 8 a.m. — "Traveling through Nature Sanibel-Captiva Shell Club. Free stitute and past director of the of an in-depth safari to the major game with Wildlife," a walking tour through admission.


WE BAKE IT • TOLF'S TOP 100 RESTAURANTS OR YOU Florida Trend Magazine For those who know the difference! BAKE IT 1981, 1982, 1983, 1984, 1985, 1986 Mobil Travel Guide Quality Rated WHITE PIZZA! • "One of my fawrlte restaurants In the United States." vegetarian Pizza with cheese, broccoli, Robert Tolf, September 1984 cauliflower, carrots and onions • Rated • •* • * (Excellent) Fort Myers News Press OPEN FOR NITE PIZZAS 5-8 PM (maybe later) • Winner of 1985 "TASTE OF THE ISLANDS AWARDS" in- Palm Ridge Road Across from Eckerd Drugs cluding "BEST RESTAURANT FOR DINNER," "BEST CARRY OUT ONLY RESTAURANT FOR CELEBRATIONS," "BEST RESTAURANT FOR Fresh Baked Croissants • croissant sandwiches DESSERT" and "BEST RESTAURANT FOR ALL REASONS." Giant cookies • Key Lime Pie • and MUCH, MUCH MOREI • Also featured: Chicago Tribune, PM Magazine, W Magazine, Minneapolis Star, Saturday Evening Post, Fbdors Travel Guide, Eastern Airlines Magazine, Miami Herald, Discover Florida, House and Garden, Travel and leisure, The Orlando Magazine, Dallas Morning News. . When in the Orlando area visit SLAND *' the Bubble Room Serving 7 Days, Lunch 11:30 - 2:30 in Maitland for Lunch Dinner 5:30 -10:00 - 472-5558 or Dinner Full Service Bar, All Major Credit Cards PA


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By SCOTT MARTELL ferent than other Bingo games where it is all business. Out of a huge crowd of 219 people (what some think Islander staff writer Here we see people we know and it's nice and is the second largest count in the game's Island leisurely." history) Ritchie became the first person to win the As usual, Audrey Ritchie put on her lucky antique She called winning the "crown" and $100 cash prize "progressive" jackpot in four weeks. She won $250 f ce earrings at home this past Tuesday evening embarrassing — in an exciting way. from the pot. before heading to play Bingo at the Sanibel Communi- She became a little more embarrassed soon "I don't know if I slept at all last night," she said the ty Association. afterwards. morning after her lucky evening. But this time the dice earrings performed their duty not only once, but twice. First, Ritchie turned out to be the 10,000th partici- pant to play Bingo at the SCA since the games started in 1982. The games began as a way to raise money to Questions about the Islands? retire the mortgage on the community association building. That task will be complete next month. Since 1982, Ritchie has only missed one of the weekly ngo sessions — and that was because she couldn't Check the visitors guide refuse a birthday dinner invitation. "I usually come with six other people. We have that begins on page 21A. some fun together," Ritchie says. "It's so much dif-

SPECIAL VALENTINE'S OFFER PASSPORT PHOTOS THE Free Bracelet! Aladdin Travel EAQUARIUM SHOP Shop today at Hallmark and Bailey's CVnti'i' get this gold-tone bracelet — i DRAWING free with any $5 OO Valentine purchase Limit one per 27 gal. HEXAGON Saltwater Aquarium Combo t±j. customer. While Stop in and register to win. ^\fAf supply lasts No purchase required.

Something Special for YOUR VALENTINE Dinner at The Jacaranda HEART OF THE ISLAND PLAZA 472-0434 (make reservations early)


• Major • Serving Dinner Credit 5-10 PM, 7 Days Endless fashions... Cards Accepted IS ANY MEAL WORTH Full Liquor A TWO HOUR WAIT? License WE'RE WORTH IT from daytime fun, BUT YOU DON'T HAVE TO WAIT to serious nights, WE TAKE RESERVATIONS Live Entertainment • Happy Hour Mon.-Sat. 2 for 1 in Patio Lounge 4-7 PM Wed. Night Mon.-Fri. "Dooley's Dixie • Late Night Five" Jazz Menu in Lounge


jpxutadu ioutk THE JACARANDA I 1 S In Periwinkle Gardens.. .1551 Periwinkle Way 472-9111 1223 PERIWINKLE aAv. SAMilU aAf^Q K ,h>l, u,Uu,, „.,„,-, CU 4-V.|,'/i icishtuktv

Tuesday 6C Recreation Feb. 10,1987

v A '

Front double bicep Left side chest Rear double bicep She's some body special Even if she doesn't knock'em out in competition, Helene Phillips knows she's a winner

By SCOTT MARTELL knowing that I did my best," she says. Islander staff writer Phillips likes the muscular look. In fact, the pro- mise of the muscular development, definition and Helene Phillips, 33, has one thing on her mind strength inspired her to work out with weights. these days — she wants to devour a plate of fries "I don't think the 'long and skinny' look is that ancfrari apple pie and wash it all down with a desirable for women nowadays. Instead, some chocolate milkshake. women believe it is more attractive to be Instead, she gets up every morning and eats muscular," she says. oatmeal made with distilled water, grabs a ricecake But the "look" is not similar to a man's muscular to eat later as a snack and thinks about having development, she says, adding, "Women do not have skinless chicken, with no seasoning, that evening for the same hormones that aid in building up big dinner. muscles." mmmmmmmmmmmmmm^m^m^^mmmmm^mmm. Phillips has But women have to work just as hard as men to discipline; she is not a get into competitive shape, she says. A look at "I wanted to see if quitter. Phillips' schedule, and her careful attention to diet, I had the discipline to For the past two show just how hard it can be. months the Sanibel She works on aerobic conditioning seven days a do this ... I also have Recreation Complex week and spends one to two hours in the weight Right tricep. These are the four mandatory poses a $15 bet on whether supervisor has been in room six days a week. Phillips will show the judges in this weekend's competi- I can go seven weeks training for a Phillips' day starts at 5 a.m. with 40 minutes on tion. Photos by Ricki Kosakow Cooper. without a French statewide body- the stationary bicycle and another 40 minutes of building contest in St. fry!" rigorous walking. She repeats this aerobic condition- have to check everything you eat so that there is no Petersburg this ing every evening. It burns off body fat, which in sodium, which makes the body retain water. Spices, Helene Phiifips weekend. turn helps highlight her muscle development. except for pepper, are out. It's not that much of a Women's body- Then, either in the morning or evening, she pumps hardship, but it is hard to have to spend so much — — building is "hot" now. iron. Ideally, she tries to work on each body part time at stores making sure of all the ingredients in It replaces or supplements running and aerobics in twice a week. In training for the past two months the everything." many women's exercise routine. But what women emphasis has been not on building up the muscles, And she does find herself dreaming about those body-builders should look like is still undetermined, but instead on going after muscle definition (by do- fries. Phillips believes. ing high repetitions instead of using heavier The grueling physical training and the rigorous She hates the idea of a body-building contest turn- weights). dieting have taken their toll. She admits she feels ing into a "beauty contest." She insists she has "It's a difficult sport to stay with. It's very time- drained, and she says she is often grumpy. worked too hard for such a subjective factor to enter consuming if you want to get results," she syas. "But I wanted to see if I had the discipline to do into the equation, "You do have to work hard at it. Pew people get im- this," she says. "I've found I do have the discipline. In St. Petersburg this weekend she will compete in mediate results." I'm proud of that. the over-30 "open" category. She'll be up against tall Phillips has been doing serious workouts since "And I also have a $15 bet on whether I could go and short women, and those with big bones and September and in her training for the past two seven weeks without a French fry," she says with small bones and muscles to match. month has been striving for an even more intense tired, but triumpant chuckle. "I'm winning!" So exactly what is the "ideal" woman's body? level of physical work and maintaining a much more And no matter how she finishes according to the Phillips admits she really doesn't know. stringent diet. judges in St. Petersburg this weekend, Phillips "I just know that when it's over, I'll feel great "You just can't eat normal food," she says. "You knows that she is indeed a winner. Undefeated in regular season, Sanibel 'Celtics' take tournament title

On the Sanibel Recreation Center basketball court, True, Larry Bird and his mates were miles away. the "Celtics" dominated, putting on the press, And the "Celtics" were really the undefeated fastbreaking toward their hoop and often sliding a Timbers men's basketball team, on their way to win- pass to the open man at the last second for the SPORTS ning the Sanibel men's league championship tourna- easy score. ment by beating Arnie's, 64-41. But the caliber of And in the stands, the boisterous fans carried a TALK play in the championship game last Wednesday banner demonstrating their affection for the green evening, from both Timbers and Arnie's, was often and white (now wearing black t-shirts with vibrant excellent. pink flamingos on the front). The banner read: By Scott Martell "Sanibel Island loves Larry Bird and the Celtics." Please see CELTICS, page 12C The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10, 1987 7C Recreation Too youngfor Little League? Then try the new Grapefruit League'

By SCOTT MARTELL tee-ball. But they aren't quite ready for baseball, "says Fort Myers the organized leagues have 22 Grapefruit Islander staff writer Bruce Rogers, a parent who is organizing the new teams with an average of 14 players on a team. league along with Little League boss Dick Muench. Those interested in signing up for the Sanibel The Little League "menu" on Sanibel has just ex- The "middle" league plays at 9 a.m. Saturday and Grapefruit League should stop at any practice or panded by 50 percent. Now the league just needs an practices at 6 p.m. Thursday. game. Or call Rogers, 472-4136 (days) and 472-4891 idea of how many youngsters are going to partake of Tee-ball has traditionally been played by youngsters (evenings) or the Sanibel Recreation Center, 472-0345. the feast. 5 years and older. And standard Little League has The "Grapefruit League" has been started to com- been for those 9 and up. plement the existing tee-ball competition and regular "You find many of the younger Little League team Little League play. The "Grapefruit" players will players are a little concerned with facing pitched Sanibel Sli6llii1€} Restriction primarily be 7-9 years old and in the second through balls," Rogers says. "And they might not get to play fourth grades. In games, they will face a pitching very much ball at first. At least in the Grapefruit machine instead of a pitcher. League they'll get to play a lot of ball." Limit of two live shells "I think a lot of kids are tired of — or too old for — The Grapefruit League is not without precedent. In of each species per person.

BICYCLE RENTALS RENT THE BEST FOR LESS It starts with a warm smile and a hot cup of fresh-brewed coffee. Then it's up to you — eggs and crisp bacon, omelets, pancakes, waffles, our famous gourmet French toast and more... served while it's hot and priced to please. 10% OFF 3 or more Bikes. Also tandem, BMX, Child Bikes. Free Delivery & Pick up FINNIMORE'S 8:30-5:30 CYCLE SHOP 7 DAYS Captain Walter has just the thing for every appetite, light to hearty. • • Choose from our menu of crisp salads, soups and sandwiches, burgers and hot croissant sandwiches. 472-557FINNIMORE'S 7 CYCLE SHOP CULF Fvi CAS |_CAPRI • BIKE PERIWINKLE WAY PATH Every table is the Captain's table at the Quarterdeck. Let Captain LANDINC1223 Periwinkle • ii Walter fill you to the scuppers with fresh seafood and steaks. I O in Jacaranda Plaza EARLY DINER SPECIALS, every day from 5 to 6 p.m. ONLY $5.95 McT's presents the biggest "early bircff on the island! amain

"Fresh and Relaxed" * * * Jean LeBoeuf, News-Press

Best Breakfast on the Islands Taste of the Islands 1986 PRIME RIB • STEAMED SHRIMP PLATTER BBQ BEEF RIBS • FRIED CLAMS • CRAB CAKES Third year in a row! CHICKEN PARMESAN • SCALLOPS MARSALLA $ "Best LUNCH on the Islands" FOR ONLY 6.95 Taste of the Islands 1984 For the first 100 Dining Hours 5-10 p.m. Tavern Open 4 P.M. to Close Happy Hour 5-7 P.M. in the Tavern McTis Shrimp House Breakfast 8-12 • Lunch il-2:30 * Dinner 5-9:30 &]avern Sunday Breakfast 8-2 1523 Periwinkle Way 472-3161 Dinner served 5-10 p.m. Mttfor Credit Cards Accepted tocai anglers If you have been keeping up with this continuing fight between commercial and recreational anglers over the future of redfish, you know there is still time for commercial interests to lobby hard enough and stop any changes in the laws. Many local guides are very angry about the way the state has let this matter be pushed around by special interests. Some guides I know are disap- pointed over stopping fishing in our peak tourism months of March and April. Many of my annual customers want only to fish for reds, and most local guides are in the same situation. The feeling is that the state should allow angling all year around, but limit the catch to two per person, per day — just like the snook laws. In the meantime, the state has asked anglers to be understanding of the lapse in coverage of the law during February — but you can bet it will be open season as the fish hogs rush to take as many reds as possible before March 1 rolls around. The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10,1987 9C Recreation The favorite moon shell is a most efficient univalve We've talked many times about how single-sided ings on the sides. I've never found a live natica, but shells hunt the two-sided clams of the gulf and bay both shark's eyes and baby's ears are somewhat waters. One of those univalves is a most efficient SHELLING common. hunter that leaves a tell-tale mark even the most The baby's ear is the more aggressive of these novice detective could follow. snails (and is often called a lady's ear). They are Ever find a shell with a perfectly round, small TIPS usually white, but some are light brown or speckled. hole in it? Sometimes these are in tellins or sunray These are often seen at low tide working the surface venus shells. It's the work of a most efficient of the mud flats. If you did not know what it was, univalve — the moon snail. By Capt. Mike Fuery you would think it a glob of jelly. We see three types of this family of moon snails in Variations of all shell forms make for interesting our local waters. By far, the most often picked up collecting. In the case of the moon snails, the albino from the beaches is the Atlantic shark's eye, But the shell. This is a lengthy process, but once the hole is is very valued. An all-white natica is a rare prize. natica and the baby's ear also are found and open they reach inside and use their radula (a kind I've only found one in all my years of shelling. cherished by collectors. of boring tongue) to remove the meat. A great day of shelling would be to find all three: Very low tides sometimes allow you to locate and The largest moon snails we've found recently have the shark's eye, the natica and the baby's ear. Good study the living shark's eye shell. These round shells been a bit smaller than a tennis ball. The average shelling this week. are usually grey with a blue "eye" in the middle of size of a moon snail is more like that of a golf ball. the whorl of the shell. These shells cover themselves with a mantel of Capt. Mike Fuery has been showing residents and At periods of low tides, the shark's eye moves white flesh which keeps the hard shell glossy. visitors alike the ins and outs of shelling and fishing from several inches under the sand to the surface to Collectors always like finding the shark's eye around Sanibel and Captiva since 1976. Call 472-3459 slowly make its way along the shallows, looking for because of its colorful, smooth exterior. for charter information. food. Incidentally, this shell has other names in other Moon snails aren't too particular about what they parts of the country. In the coastal areas of North eat, as long as they can catch it. They will attack Carolina collectors sometimes call it a cat's eye. just about any mollusk and often work on each And in Texas it's a bull's eye. other's shells, too. My favorite of the moon snails is the natica, also There is no mistaking the work of a moon snail known as the colorful Atlantic moon snail. These are because of the small hole it drills right into the other light brown with with darker brown or yellow mark- Shark's eye ox natica

PLANTATION VILLAGE 0_ of TIDES **;; FOR SANIBEL & CAPTIVA W:':- FEBRUARY W\ DAY DATE 5?3 Tu 10 5:55amL - .6 9:38pmH 2.5 W We 11 6:32am1- - .6 10:25pmH 2.5 K\ Th 12 7:02amL - .6 l:35pmH 1.3 5:09pmL 1.1 ll:04pmH 2 .5 fjk. OFr 13 7:27amL - .5 l:33pmH 1.3 5:57pmL 1.0 ll:43pmH 2 .5 14 7:4 5 ami, - , 4 1:37pmH 1.5 6:U8pmL .8 *34: sa 15 12:22atnH 2 , 4 8:07amL -.2 l:46pmH 1.6 7:34pmL .6 &£%&. H° 16 l:05amH 2 .3 8;25amL .0 2:01pmH 1.8 8:27pmL .4 gD&gsSi Tu 17 l:51amH 1 .9 B:43amL .2 2:2 3pmH 2.1 9:23pmL .2

Tides have been computed at the Sanibel Lighthouse. For upper Sanibel and Cap- Luxury 6-Unit Gulf Front Condominium ij tiva, subtract 30 minutes for high tide, 1 hour and 15 minutes forlo w tide. ::V,.-jl

^&&F Come and view our location, location, location for this new luxury condominium and home plantation on its beautiful shelling beaches. Many extra special features Island Cruises, Inc. 4 you will come to enjoy, inside Departing Daily from Tween Waters Marina, Captiva t and out. You must see this ,41 three bedroom, two bath CABBAGE KEY It floor plan. LUNCHEON CRUISE 10 a.m.-3 p.m. $15 Adults For further information please contact (children under 12 - Half-price) (Meals Excluded) ISLAND STAR t SIGHTSEEING CRUISE t • New Addition to Our Fleet t 3:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. $10 Adults • 55 FT. Fiberglass Excursion Boat 1 (children under 12 - Half-price) • USCG Certified 105 Passengers Investment Properties Inc SHELLING TRIPS TO CAYO COSTA! t $25 Per Person $130 for Private Parties it Larry C. Thompson Lie. Real Estate Broker PRIVATE GROUP CHARTERS * DINNER CRUISES P.O. Box 406 M/V "Island Star" or "Shadow" Capt. Duke Sells, Agent 1089 Shell Basket Lane Sanibel Island, FL 33957 (813) 472-8484 PLAN YOUR PARTY ON AN ISLAND CRUISE. CALL (813) 472-5463 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Closed Sunday RESERVATIONS REQUIRED "t, 10C Tuesday, February 10, 1987 The ISLANDER

THIS IS WHAT YOU Recreation CAME TO FLORIDA r OR. Volleyball games begin next week 44 COACH HOMES19 starting in the $80's for coed competition andforfyn Affordable luxury 2 ami 3 bedroom By SCOTT MARTELL paid by this Wednesday, Feb. 11. Condominiums. Islander staff writer The league will have a tough "two On a championship golf course with private forfeit and you're out of the league" courtyard entrances and attached garages. Now that basketball season is over, rule. Other regulations, decided by the it's time to set and spike. Volleyball ac- liiht* i-75 \t> Daniels Itoaii, Ro wml to Engk1 KuiRr Ilrivp past U rec center staff and the coaches prior Clublitmw 10 Goliicn Halt* Tourt. tion is underway at the Sanibel Recrea- to the season, will be available during 7170 Goldmi Knfito- Curl, pr. MYEKS '.i'. tion Complex gym. practice this week. Benwick Florida (111,1) 708-0181 Properties, Inc. This Wednesday evening the courts If league competition is too formal LIMITED OFFERING will be open for practice from 7-9:30 for your taste, then Wednesday even- p.m. ings are for you. The hour and a half Then next Monday, Feb. 16, the from 7-9:30 p.m. has een set aside for league with nine coed teams will begin co-ed recreational volleyball. A no- competition. League commissioner spike rule will be strictly enforced. John Kamosa is adamant that all fees For more information on either the must be paid by game time Monday serious or the recreational league, call evening. He would prefer that fees be the rec center, 472-0345.

WATERfrqnt Homesites PENNY STOCKS, Indirect Access With Seawall From $25,000. Direct Access With Seawall From $40,000. Compare prices with Sanibel and you'll know that these prices can only go up. "The Other Island" Marco Island - Try It You'll Love It.

(Only 15 Miles South Of Naples) NOTICE OF MEETING/HEARING SANIBEL CODE Call collect from Lee County. Out of state call toll free 800/367-2381. ENFORCEMENT BOARD 901 North Collier Boulevard. Marco Island, FL 33937. (813) 394-7515. Notice is given that a Meeting/Hearing will be held in accordance with Sanibel Or- dinance No. 80-27 on the 19th REA^OR day of February, 1987, at 10:00 A.M. This Meeting/Hearing will take place at Sanibel City Hall in the Council Chambers (Mac- Kenzie Hall), 800 Dunlop Road, Sanibel, Florida. If a person decides to appeal any decision of the body with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the pro- ceedings, and for such purposes he may need to ensure that a ver- batim record of the proceedings The Symbol of is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

NOTICE OF in a GOOD CENTS HOME INTENDED TRANSFER Notice is hereby givon that on January 1. 1987, tho entire assets of DAIRY QUEEN OF SANIBEL, whose address is KM8 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel, You can be the proud owner of an Florida, have been transierred lo a new enterprise organized energy efficient home. A home of value that to take over and continue the business under Ilia name MEYERS ENTERPRISES INC.. provides year-round comfort for you and d/b/a DAIRY QUEEN OF SANIBEL, a Florida corporation, whose address is 12995 your family. Cleveland Avenue, Suite 238, Fort Myers, Florida 33907. The corporation will assume See a Good Cents Home builder all of the debts o( the transferor, and the transferor will receive nothing from the transaction or call 995-2121 and ask for the except shares in the corporation whkh will be subordinate to the claims of the corporation. Energy Management Dept. DATED: January I, 1987.

DAIRY QUEEN OF SANIBEL By: RONALD G. MEYERS, SR. SERVING • NORTH FORT MYERS • CAPE CORAL • Trasnferor MEYERS ENTERPRISES INC, IMMOKALEE • LEHIGH ACRES • MARCO ISLAND • d/b/a DAIRY QUEEN OF PINE ISLAND • SANIBEL/CAPTIVA SANIBEL By: RONALD G. MEYERS, SR. Transferee The ISLANDER TUesday, February .10,1987 11C Recreation We asked for four names and only one person knew them alf Most of those who called last week knew one or two of the four names we asked for. But only Rosie Pond knew all SPORTS four. She, plus Bill Canning and Ed O'Shea knew that Jimmy Foxx and Hank QUIZ Greenburg were the two players others /2 STORE PRICE than Babe Ruth and Roger Maris who OR RENT MONTHLY $89.50 have hit 58 home runs in one season. tial arts trivia. First: Which Oriental Foxx, with the Athletics, unarmed combat technique was hit his 58 home runs in 1932, and Green- developed first — ju-jitsu, judo or burg, with the Detroit Tigers, hit his 58 karate? homers in 1938. And second: Where were Tae-kwon- And Pond and Frank Dugan both do and Kung fu developed? knew that the "Reading Rifle" was Think you know? Call 472-5185 before Brooklyn rightfielder Carl Furillo, and 5 p.m. Friday. The first person to call the "Springfield Rifle" was New York with the right answers receives a one- righthander Vic Raschi. year subscription to The Islander for TOUCH A SWITCH—The elevating seat helps Okay, enough baseball already! himself or for a friend. Only one gift you to stand or sit on your own. Touch another switch—the chair back reclines and Let's see if Islanders know their mar- per month, please. the footrest rises automatically J You can stop at any angle and rest In any position. Easy to operate! 2 YEAR GUARANTEE. 12 Different Fabric-Color & Designs! 3 Different Leather - Colors

Call lor FRff Brochure or »«op by our showroom Train to be a TRAVEL AGENT TOUR GUIDE AIRLINE RESERVATIONS Starr locally, full time/part time. Train on live airline computers, home study and resident training. Financial aid available, iob placement assistance. Nat'l headquarters LHP, FL.

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3 Bedroom, 2Vi Bath

Areas; Living 1748 sq.ft. Screened porch 240 " *» Bedroom balcony 160 " Deck 91 " Front porch 45 " Storage room 660 " Total 2944 Useppa

The "Useppa" is truly "Old Florida" architecture at its best. It includes two completely separate heat pump systems, one for the master bedroom overall living area, plus another for the two bedroom wing, All for $117,500 on your prepared lot.

Sanibel Homes has constructed over 350 homes on Sanibel-Captiva. Our own design staff has developed numerous stock plans from which you can choose, or we can custom design a plan of your dreams. $ TERRACE CONDOMINIUMS FROM 61,900 Bbr additional information, please call or inquire at our furnished model Also Single Family Homes and Garden Villas located just inside the "Dunes" main entrance.

Model Hours Mon.-Frl, 8-5 Weekends (813)466-6676 America calls us home." By Appointment 1028 Sand Castta Road tfiUU HOUSJNO OPEN DAILY us Home OPPORTUNITY The Dunes 9 a.m.-6 p.m. UITID OX TW HO TO«K HOOK IXOUKM Jbn Snnibel, Florida Contractor UCM 33957 Plume 818-472-2881 Enter oh Summerlin or San Carlos 12C Tuesday, February 10,1987 The ISLANDER Big Savings Recreation for Homeowners Celtics Continued from page 6C Timbers used a bit of the "Irish" to partisan to the Hawks. But clustered from Modern Air Conditioning® beat Sundial, 42-40, in the semi-final. around Asen were some boisterous and "frane And Arnie's earned the right to meet young men on leave from Army boot Timbers, who have not been defeated camp. on the basketball court in two full These young fellows didn't mind a seasons, by beating out Island few jeers from Hawks' fans, and they Up to $1,075. Medical Clinic in the other semi-final agreed to help out by holding up the But you must act now. game, 47^4. 30-foot-long sign. And lo and behold, This offer expires March 31st. Before the start of the champion- Asen, the master promoter, was back ship game the Timbers men briefly in action and had some national To help you take advantage of this But your new energy-efficient Inane donned their "Celtics" uniforms to television air time. increcftrte offer Modem Air Corxltjoning air condtioner or heat pump must be pose for a photograph before swit- Of course his Timbers team is not wil finance your new unit with NO installed in your home by March 31st. ching back to their pink flamingo quite up to the Celtic standards (but DOWN PAYMENT AND NO PAYMENT That means with your new unit uniforms. then, who is?). But Asen is quick to TU. JUNE!* installed, you wH be cool, comfortable • "My partner Kipp Foster and I say the Timbers men "like to play the Here's how you can enjoy these big and save on your electric bill for months have been Celtic fans for quite game the way it is supposed to be savings on a new energy-efficient before you make any payment. awhile," says Timbers owner and played, not just get the ball and lane air-conditioner or heat Actually your new unit will be basketball player Matt Asen. "I saw shoot." pump from Modem Air, FREE FOR 6 MONTHS. these uniforms for sale in Boston for And after a slow start in which an fewest in a new unit now and you {Your Trane rebate could more $14 apiece and I decided to splurge." agressive Arnie's team dominated the receive: than make your first 2 payments When most of the other teams in the floor, shooting out to a nine-point ad- $150. factory direct — June and July.) league had white uniforms, Asen went vantage and grabbing most of the re- rebate from 'Financing available to qualified out and bought the K-Mart special bounds, Timbers began to get on Trane homeowners. flamingo t-shirts. track. The press and fastbreak put + Up to $925. savings from •().., I'nwnniilrl. 1TX.TWX, IiTC 11 ill. KWr (lid, "It's just a continuation of the them back in the game. lilt i.lHUllfel n"U*aiLiMi'llu-i>mriJli!tfsalKitniiMi'!*. Modem Air *'lti i ;liiitiiirTi|MrJMi»Milli lUuMriililtinit^nithatiinfm^i' 'curse of the pink flamingo' that we 1 Not to carry the image too far, but That's up to $1,075 total savings ^H.KL; ..f 7 L aiulTln- X!. ISIli iiir mniljli.niirKKKK i.f 1 IfHV used to help out the Mets in the last Timbers' "most valuable player" Ron PUUS: NO PAYMENTS TILL JUNE. World Series," Asen says. "I figured Rich played the game in a style eerily that when we played basketball reminiscent of Kevin Mtilale. He led Call us today against another team, we might draw the team in rebounding and shooting Lee County 334-2305 Immokalee 657-3232 a Mugh and distract opposing players. throughout the season. Cape Coral 574-3637 Charlotte County 639-5301 It must have worked!" And pint-sized (relatively speaking) Collier County 597-3178 Toll Free FL (800)282-6736 The "Sanibel Island loves Larry Tommy Ruffner sped all over the Bird and the Celtics" banner also has court on the fastbreak in a style that an interesting tale. Asen spent a day reminded me of my favorite player painting the sign before watching the (and fellow Oregonian) Danny Ainge. Celtics in Atlanta. The officials in Asen himself might have passed for a Atlanta don't like people hanging ban- Scott Wedman clone. And while there /SERVICE ^AMERICA, ners, so Asen had to sneak the sign in- really weren't any Larry Birds, Heating and An Conditioning to the stadium. several members of the team seemed MOGERi N He and his friends had seats in the to hit the long bombs with uncanny AIR CONDITIONING,INCf third row right behind one of the We bring comfort home to you. baskets. Most of the crowd was very Please see CELTICS, next page

clearance that must be revegeta- request for a variance to Land request for a development per- will need a record of the pro- LEGA&NOTICES ted; and interpretation of the Development Code Section mit to construct a 6,000 sf com- ceedings, and for such purposes definition of "developed area" I.E.20. Wastewater Disposal mercial building for building he may need to ensure that a ver- NOTICE OF MEETING/HEARING found at Section I.B.2.a(22), to Systems. c.(1) Setbacks a. iv. to supply and retail nursery on the batim record of the proceedings SANIBEL. CODE determine whether land area provide for installation of a 1.4 acre parcel proposed in the is made, which record includes ENFORCEMENT BOARD covered with stones or pebbles wastewater disposal system preceding development permit the testimony and evidence Is developed, as submitted by J. within 75 ft. of a body of water application (No. 87-4098 DP), Tax upon which the appeal Is to be Notice is given that a Richard Patersen with respect to of Lot 17, Lagoon Estates Parcel No. 25-46-22-J0-00005 based. Meeting/Hearing wil! be held in property located at 925 Lindgren Unrecorded Su division (Tax .0020 as submitted by C.N.C. Bruce A. Rogers, accordance with Sanibel Or- Boulevard {Tax Parcel No. 20-46- Parcel No. 25-46-22-J5-00000 Partnership for James Cipriani. Planning Director dinance No. 80-27 on the 19th 23-J6-00002.0700). No. 87-16 IL. .0170) as submitted by Carlton- No, 87-4099 DP February 10,1987 day of February, 1987, at 10:00 9:30 A.M. Consideration of a Naumann Construction, Inc. No. 11:45 A.M. Planning Commis- A.M. This MeetinaVHearing will request for a variance to Land V87-46. sion revjew and recommenda- take place at Sanibel City Hall in Development Code Section 10:30 A.M. Consideration of a tion as to compliance with the Council Chambers (Mac- I.E.13. Special Setbacks c to pro- request for a development per- Sanibel Comprehensive Land Kenzie Half), 800 Dunlop Road, vide for construction of a single mit to provide for enclosure of an Use Plan of an ordinance Sanibel, Florida. family residence, 100± sf of existing 13.6'x21' screen porch relating to Rate Of Growth; if a person decides to appeal which would encroach up to 8± without regard to Land Develop- amending the Sanibel Land any'decision of the body with ft. into the required 25 ft. setback ment Code Section I.E.20. Development Code by repealing respect to any matter considered from the Angel Drive cul-de-sac Wastewater Disposal Systems b. Article V thereof; providing for at such meeting or hearing, he on Lots 24 and 25; Block B, Unit (1) iii. at 1103 Lindgren Boulevard conflict and severance; and pro- COUNTRY will need a record of the pro- 1, Sanibel Isles Subdivision (Tax (Tax Parcel No. 20-46-23-J6-00002 viding an effective date. LDC No. FURNITURE CARDS ceedings, and for such purposes Parcel No. 18-46-23-J2-0000B .0620) as submitted by James A. 87-46. HANDCRAFTED GIFTS he may need to ensure that a ver- .0240) as submitted by John P. Artale. No. 87-4122 DP. ALL IN THE CITY OF SANIBEL, batim record of the proceedings and Elizabeth A. Butler. No. 10:45 A.M. Consideration of a LEE COUNTY, FLORIDA. is made, which record includes V87-43. request for a development per- 44 If a person decides to appeal any the testimony and evidence 9:45 A.M. Consideration of a mit to provide for enclosure of an 16390 SAN CARLOS BLVD. S.W. decision of the body with upon which the appeal is to be request for a development per- existing 10x20' screen porch FT. MYERS, FL 33908 respect to any matter considered based. mit to provide for construction of without regard to Land Develop- at such meeting or hearing, he (Next to Dodge Store) a single family residence on a ment Code Section I.E.20. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1.O6± acre parcel of land without Wastewater Disposal System b. CITY OF SANIBEL, FLORIDA regard to provisions of improved (1) Hi, at 2479 Blind Pass Court The Sanibel Planning Com- road access to the site. The pro- (Tax Parcel No. 11-46-21-J-0000A mission will conduct Public perty is situated 274 ft. south of .0150) as submitted by Quality In- Hearings on Tuesday, February Sanibel Highlands Subdivision, dustries for H. Dale Gibson. No. 24,1987 at Sanibel City Hall in immediately east of the Beach- 87-4146 DP. RANGE # GAS GRILL the Council Chambers (Mac- view Subdivision Canal. (Tax 11:00 A.M. Consideration of a Kenzie Hall), 800 Duntop Road, Parcel No. 25-46-22-J0-000021 request for a development per- Sanibel, Florida, to consider the .0030) as submitted by Alexander _ mit, relating to a determination REPLACEMENT PARTS following applications: T. Payne for Tunstall Payne. No. of required parking spaces (Land MS A.M. Consideration of a 87-4137 DP. Development Code Section I.E.23.b(2)), to conduct lessons in request for Interpretation of the 10:00 A.M. Consideration of a BAKE* MOIL BNITS Land Development Code, Sec- request for a variance to Land stained glass craft in conjunc- •WRCELAINIZED BURNERS Development Code Section I.E tion with an existing studio ar*d • STAINLESS STEEL SURKEfti, tion I.D2. Permitted Uses, Re- NME1 BUCKS 20. Wastewater Disposal Sys- retail business, Stained Glass quired Conditions and Perfor- IRMLBMNS tems c, (1) Setbacks a. 1. and iii. Charms, located at 2400 Palm • CMMME CRIBS mance Standards; Preservation TMfMttSTATS and Section 1.1X2. Permitted Ridge RoadfTax Parcel No. 26-46- - BRIQUETTES and Residential Districts, a. Per- MM BASKETS mitted Uses and Required Con- Uses, Required Conditions, and 22-J5-0OOOE.O130) as submitted *umutocK ditions, (9) G-Altered Land Zone, Performance Standards; Preser- by Susan C. Harms. No. 87-4135 vation and Residential Districts, DP. MUPntRS »• •MTISSERIES (e) Required Conditions, vl. SWITCHES a. (9) G-Altered Land Zone (e) iii. •VENTttlS vegetation removal and develop- 11:15 A.M. Consideration of a *WME ed area, to determine whether and iv. to permit the placement request for a development per- land area covered by stones or of the toe of a fill slope and con- mit to subdivide a 9.9 acre parcel pebbles Is to be considered struction of a retaining wall up of land (Tax Parcel No. 25-46-22- cleared of vegetation "or to the Hibiscus Drive easement JO-00005.0020) into 3 parcels, a developed area; and Section and north property lines on Lot 0.8S acre parcel, a 1.4 acre parcel I.D.2.b. Environmental Perfor- 28 of Water Shadows Unrecord- and a 7.65 acre parcel. The ALL APPLIANCE PARTS ed Subdivision {Tax Parcel No. mance Standards, (6) Develop- "parcel for the proposed subdivi- 18-46-23-JO-00001.1080) as sub- ment in the Altered Land Zone, sion is located at 2029 Periwinkle CAPE CORAL FORT MYERS SOUTH FORT MYERS mitted by Niemann Wolter (b) Vegetation, i. to determine Way. The application was sub- 4419-1 Del Prado Blvd. 2309 Fowler St. 15131 McGregor Blvd. Development for Howard Dat- whether the area of a parcel mitted by C.N.C. Partnership for 542-3800 334VIQ61 481-3420 wyler. No. V87-44. Next to Weaver's covered with stones or pebbles James Cipriani. Na 87-4098 DP. Block N. of Edison Next to Norton Tiro constitutes excess vegetation 10M5 A.M. Consideration of a 11:30 A.M. Consideration of a The ISLANDER Tbesday, February 10,1987 13C Recreation TAMIAMI FLOWER GROWERS Itics Continued accuracy. Unless the flamingo curse proves So now the ball is in the real Celtics' once again to be effective, I predict "TAMIAMr court, with the NBA season only half the Lakers will be the 1987 NBA Lee County's Largest Grower of Geraniums And Bedding Plants. way through. They still look great this champions. (But no one takes me Wkere Fresk, Healtky Plants Go Directly From Our Growing Areas To season. And Bill Walton should be seriously — I said Denver would beat tour Home. " back soon. But they might need the New York in the Super Bowl!) help of "the curse of the pink flam- * Geraniums - 'Watty Colors*' ingos" if they are to get by a youthful Scott M artel I covers sports, environ- * Bedding Plants - Wide Selection and exciting Atlanta team, a rough ment, business, schools and features * Kalanchoes id ready Washington squad or the in his capacity as a staff writer for The " [ely talented and quick Lakers Islander. * Fushsfas m. * hy Geraniums * Cetbera Daisies * Rmaryllls Uliles * Flowering & Foliage Hanging Baskets •* New Guinea Impatlens * Tuberous {non-stop) Begonias • KODAK ACTION • VIVITAR * Interior Plants • POLAROID * Landscaping Plants • YASHICA "Where The Business Has Been "Growing" Since 1968." NUMBER! • TAMRON • KIRON • OUR OWN TAMIAMI FLOWER GROWERS, INC. HOURS: 472-5185 PRINT SERVICE Mon.-Sal., 9-5 US 41 SOUTH Sun. 11-4 2'A Mi. So. of Bell lower ft. Myers (Wickt's is atwss {rom us)


JUST THE RIGHT SIZE—Two bedroom, two bath VIP offers the only on-site sales and apartment with garden view that combines com- information office at Sundial. fortable living area with affordable maintenance fees and taxes. This unit is in the Guarantee Ren- tal income program and priced to sell, $159,900. The VIP Sundial professional sales staff, Call Bob Matistic-Realtor Associate for showing experienced at Sundial, lists and sells and complete tour of Sundial. 472-1528 evenings. LY Sundial properties. GULF FRONT, TOPFIOOR—Tw o bedroom, bath and den. 1585 sq. ft. of beach front living. The HERE IS JUST A SAMPLING OF PROPERTIES panoramic view will capture your heart forever as CURRENTLY AVAILABLE AT SUNDIAL: you watch the dolphins play in the sparkling waters of the Gulf of Mexico, Available at $259,000. Contact Dave Parilla-Realtor Associate, 472-0201 evenings. SUNDIAL OWNERS MOTWATED-isn't it.greati|!! Being 1 oor BEACH & TENNIS RESORT here on Sanibel! Why not iota iffiiPlft'c ^ . ONE STEP BACK-From the sparkling unit has excellent furfiAifevlpiP^cl a Gulf blue-green waters of the Gulf. Suited to the buyer for that special 2nd home or future retirement con- do. From this fourth floor apartment you can en- EXCLUSIVE ON-SITE SALES BY: joy both the sunrise and the sunset, almost uni- Associate for#r§^pSlflr to view. 472-6632 que in Sundial. Call Robin Humphrey-Realtor evenings.. /lJM-i0tk :' Associate now for an appointment to view, pric- ed to sell at $269,000. 472-6632 evenings.

••:l'-Vc; I. •?:•- V VIi:\'r—Overlooking the pool to the j VIP REALTY GROUP, INC. Gulf of Mexico from this spacious fourth floor loca- ' - • •. !; • i j"'; C -r A' I -' %—Just steps to the beach or tion, lmaginevacationing in 1674 sq. ft. of luxury swimming pool from this very private one FOR INFORMATION: AREA CODE (813) while enjoying the breathtaking view. Two bedrooftn, or*e bath suite. Nicety decorated with bedroom, two bath with den and just steps to the an inspiring view of the Gulf of Mexico. Priced to pool or beach! Contact Dave Parilla-Realtor sell at $165,000. For further information contact Associate, 472-0201 evenings.. Priced to sell Dave ParHla-Realtor Associate, 472-0201 evenings. $259>000. EXT, 3808 • OUT OF TOWN — CALL COLLECT

The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10,1987 15C GROWING? MOVING? Assisi Continued NEW BUSINESS? Get the right exposure for a FAST sales So I make no apologies for my position. But I do now appreciate that the early religions were on the right start with our full-color business cards track insofar as stewardship and protection of nature and photographic marketing tools. is^fccerned. And that includes humane treatment of araKds, sensible use of the forests, the seas and the 997-8111 lakes and all non-destructive uses of the land. IMPACT IMAGES George Campbell participated in a New York NEW PRODUCTS? NEW IMAGE? Zoological Society study on Sanibel nearly 50 years ago. Before moving to Southwest Florida in 1974, he PERSONALIZED spent 25 years establishing and working with phar- maceutical manufacturing laboratories around the world. He is founder and chairman of the Southwest WINDOW TINTING Florida Regional Alligator Association and interna- coordinator for the Fund for Animals, Inc. MOST ONLY Winterbotham was born and educated in CARS Massachusetts and taught art there for many years. She moved to Southwest Florida more than 20 years ago. Through her efforts as a founding member of the Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation and as chair- manfor seven years of the Sanibel Planning Commis- Elizabeth Seefeld of SLIDING GLASS sMwnuch of Sanibel remains a nature preserve. Middlefield, Mass., rogether Campbell and Winterbotham lead annual said she was glad to PITCHING Natural History Field Trips to the Galapagos, to help clean up the DOORS Australia and to East Africa. Beginning this week their beach and roadside IN ^ columns will appear every other week In The Islander. near the Lighthouse on the eastern end of Sanibel. Because she feels rubbish is such an eyesore, Seefeld took some ex- tra time to pick up cans and bottles from her route as SALE SALE SALE SALE she rode her bike one afternoon last week.


HAS THE LOWEST PRICES SEWING MACHINE REPAIR SPECIAL j — ON — ONLY IN STORE ONLY 95 Expire* 2/25/S7 Does your home or business smell like the bottom OIL PAINTINGS a FRAMES Reg. 19.95 Factory trained of an ash tray? Has your overhead ceilings IN THE ENTIRE STATE 6 mechanics developed a case of the yellows? Look up, other • Oil It Adjuit AND THE BEST SERVICE • Now ne*dle wtstmactAU people have. • Bulb If nawttetf MAMS » MODHS COMMERCIAL Don't Panic, don't paint, don't remove your ceiling • Bobbin whMl MACHINES EXTRA tiies, it's too expensive. • Set tendon On-UMO 111 < |un. us «i COUSTIC GLO of S.W. FL can clean acoustical, 1954 Park Meadow Dr. THE Sewing Machine Store Ft. Myers, Florida 11609 Cleveland Avenue vinyl, popcorn, textured ceilings. Residential, com- Dragon Pioza mercial. Licensed and insured. 275-8090 1 m Fort Mysrs, Florida OPEN 10-6 EVERYDAY fteltliid (313) 936-3646 CALL COUSTIC GL0 656-6115 Wendy* SALE SALE SALE SALE ISLAND JOURNEYS JOURNEY ONE Paddling into Wonderland "Paddling into Wonderland" is a sudden fall into fantasy down the Sanibel River with noted guide Mark "Bird" Westall. Westall's environmental knowledge comes from a variety of sources — he's a Sanibel Planning Commissioner, president of the International Osprey Foundation and a licensed alligator handler.

Our bow floats over a line of bubbles. "We're passing right over an alligator," Westall mentions casually. "He's shy and secretive. He'll go under those branches to the cave he always runs to. "Those aren't air bubbles you see," he says. "The alligator does not exhale. Instead, his body is stirring the ground and releasing the gases stored in the dying plants along the bottom. The gator is actually at least two or three feet ahead of the bub- bles," he says.

Mand Journeys, by Scott Martell, is a 144-page book with over 100 photographs. The book presents 20 adventures into the Southwest Florida coastal environment — shelling, fishing, birding, historical educational journeys — quests after snook, manatee, stone crabs, roseate spoonbills, alligators, and the Calusa Indians' past. Island Journeys is now available at many fine stores and shops. Mail orders — send $8.95 plus $1 for mailing to Scott Martell, Island Journeys, P.O. Box 56, Sanibel Island, FL 33957. Florida residents please add 5% sales tax (45 cents). \cis(atuik)

Tuesday 16C Service Directory Feb. 10,


CERTIFIEa.. PUBLIC... ACCOUNTANT CONDOMINIUM RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL HAIR STYLING • PERMING COLORING • MANICURES .. .TAX PUNNING/RETURN PREPARATION... Prestige Professional Matrix • Sebastian • Framesil ... START-UPS & LOAN APPLICATIONS .... Cleaning Service COMPUTER SERVICES & SYSTEMS 472-5699 COMPILATION REVIEW AUDITS...... 0 ...... OF- FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Deep Cleans Home Watch Maid Service ...... BUSINESS AND PERSONAL CASH FLOW FORECASTS. Mike & Sandy Seghers ACQUISITION STUDY Owners 472-6633 Licensed • Bonded • Insured WILLIAM E. BOSWELL, CPA 472-0100 1200 Periwinkle Wqy • At Wil's Landing SAME-DAY DRAPERY CLEANING IN YOUR HOME TIONING •No take-town, rehang •No bare windows 1 •No loss of security or privacy HAULING •JJ™? ' Professionally dry-cleaned 0 • No shrinking or stretching DEAN'S Put your servi(fl| \HbtCmM CALL FOR FREE Vegetation & HERE i T QUOTATION Construction Cleanup t 472-0555 HAULING where more SALES • SERVICE • INSTALLATION 466-1617 people will see it! COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION UPHOLSTERY Gently Cleaned ) ( Gene Nicloy Thoroughly • Safely Haitian Cotton Put your service 334-8853 992-1295 CARPETS Chintz • Velvets Safely Deep Cleaned Wool • Synthetics HERE where more people will see it! Shags • Orientals WEEKLY Wools • Synthetics $2.50 column inch. Plush • Cut Pile VACANCY CHECKS 24 HOUR EMERGENCY Duraclean WATER by HABITAT TECTONIC, INC. PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATIONS EXTRACTION HEALTH CARE 24 HR. ANSWERING SERVICE HARRY KAIR, PAGERS AVAILABLE DLCP-A. Put your service FAST • EFFICIENT • CONFIDENTIAL Practice of Chiropractic HERE 1640 Periwinkle Way Unanswered calls cost you money Limetree Center where more Reasonable Rates Sanibel people will see it! 472-1824 iDlfei 472-1323 "I" Weeds &Wi ROBERT G. LE SAGE O.R, P.A. THE ISLAND FLORIST TIMOTHY E. UNDERHILL O.R FRESH, SILK & DRIED ARRANGEMENTS FAMILY PRACTICE OF OPTOMETRY {^LEANING WE ALSO HAVE SPECIALIZING IN CONTACT LENSES EXOTIC FLOWERS FROM HAWAII Serving Sanibel & Captlva for 10 Years Put your service 472-4204 332-1555 WINDOW 2240 Palm Ridge Rd. 1633 Periwinkle Way 1571 Periwinkle Way, Sanibel 2130 McGregor Blvd., Ft. Myers HERE 472-2112 • 472-2415 472-2061 • 472-0187 8:30 - 4:30 M-F 9-5, M-F CLEANING SERVICE Chadwlck's Square where more Captlva 482-0355 # 4724207 472-7S1S Gulf Points Square, Ft. Myers Sanibel Lie. #500469 people will see it! 8:30 - 5:30 M-F (Sat. Appts. Available) Insured ISLAND MEDICAL CLINIC— Castle Cleaning JOHN COLLUCG, D.G. "Because your home Is your castle." FAMILY PRACTICE Home • Condo • Rentals • Offices MINOR EMERGENCIES LICENSED * RELIABLE 24 HOUR ANSWMtNO SERVICE Free Estimates! Two Convenient Locations 'Continuous Education Makes The Difference " Phone messages checked throughout the day! 2400 Palm Ridge — Sanibe! Tim & Sandy McLaughifn Mon.-Fri. 8-5 (Sat. 9-1) 472-5974 Owner-Operators 472-8176 Summerlin Sq. Shpg. Dr., FMB P.O. Box 1211 • Sanibel, FL 33957 We Outshine the others! 466-3836 Mon.-Fri. 8-6 (Sat. 9-2) CUT HUT 1 Froa Taflon Carpet Protector with Wholo House Cleaned | SANIBEL 472-1877 Professional Carpet Full Service MCXlK Walk-ins Salon "'"Z*"15 Welcome and Upholstery Cleaning Behind Burfeer Emporium I BLOW-DRYING SERVICE FOR SANIBEL-CAPTIVA COUNSELING FASTER CARPET DRYING TIME Valerie A, Westhill Put your service Director DISASTER MASTERS HERE I where more people will see it! 472-1040 I0NA SCHOOL PROF, CENTER • McGREGOR BLVD. « (813) 4890B08 L 24 HOUR EMERGENCY 472-1040 I $2.50 column inch. P.O. BOX 856 ' SANIBEL FLORIDA 33>X7 »(813) 472-9696 S^ S^ &SI SH RES ^fl §S^ 1I@R H$H H^ llffi BIB MS &• o 1 w a> u |

0) ISLAN D W u 1ER A /B£ t servi c 1 se e w I E ill s •• i z g 2 Ui 1 i 0 ,2 U 9) ~ W • i H a> IN ou r i- O U. « 0) S K LU /^ o 33 H z o3 W ^ 1 ES E i i N- S o o w t LU oS o Z

Pu t y UUUK u M z m O 2 1 peop l f Pu t 1 peo p *r* UJ O B. o s Z w U ca c^l !zoi Z MAC ) 472- i 2 .SAL ! I r , NEX T • ;—. —iUi HH W LU CO o Q CL a. u I JB fssam MB cc IN 1 I z iu O O Pi Lt $0 Mi i VH S uL | I N ANCI - 3 IN fe§ «2W

"r >



o I^S i, s C^ cs to L-U ?l. I CO i s T- Hip 3

Island INSURANCE UPS & PUROLATOR LOCKSMITH Health & Life Security Courier Service 24 - Hr. Emergency Individuals & Small Groups Ovpmite & Second Doy Service Service AAA JACK KOC Systems Available 1 security syste 472-2394 472-1882 • Burglar • Fire • HEART OF THE ISLAND PLAZA Walter & Norma Thompson Since 1976 Card and Party Shoppe 472-0434 M-F 9-5, SAT. 10--55 medical fllarm Systems

H Sanibel's Only 24 Hour Central * I* • • • v ••'• v • • g £ £^ £ ^ ^ • V • SCREENING Station Alarm Service NEW OR REPAIRS 365 days a year Pool Cages • Lanais • Doors 472-3311 24 hours day TRAVEL Porches • Windows ISLAND CONDO MAINTENANCE 1205 Periwinkle (Behind Huxter's) SENTRY Auwrotn SECURITY TRAVEL SERVICE Bailey's Shopping Center W@§$11 R TV & APPLIANCES' SYSTEMS 2469 Periwinkle Way Sanibel Island, FL 33957 SALES • RENTALS • SERVICE Burglary • Fire • Medical MARILYN SKINNER 613-472-3171 • TV • Major Appliances CHUCK SKINNER 813-472-4898 • Stereo • Air Conditioning 472-1231 "On-lsland" Service for Your T.V. or Appliance 5 24 Hour Emergency Service 472-1133 We don 1 know how to solve 2422 Palm Ridge Road 472-2244 every problem in the community SWIMMING but we know the people who do. POOLS Service, Supplies, Repairs WHERE THERFS A NEED, THERE'S AWAY. SPAS Sales and Service ISLAND CONDO MAINT. THE UNTIED VEftYl Thanks to you it works foral l of us. 472-4505 61998 UNITED WW

THERE'S ONLY Crossword Puzzle by Jeanne Newland ACROSS 1 Popeye's creator 6 SitaristShankar 10 Stannum 13 Kin to a ukase 14 B — BRAVO 15 Spice rack item ONE 16 Rebound 17 Have a snack 18 Glaciarium feat ISLAND NEWSPAPER! 19 Timely burial site Only one that keeps you. informed 22 Skedabbr. 23 Family lineage in so many ways... 24 Baseball champs 27 Brasshat Arts...Politics...People...Problems...Pol ice...Sports 30 Puzzle Real Estate...Shelling...Ads...Children...Issues 34 Mad or Lex 35 Eagle's abode Bridge...Crossword...Environment..Restaurants 37 Scottosoli 38 Timely group Fishing...Sales...Class if ied...Clubs.. .Government 41 Peace, personified 42 Girl of song Business...Entertainment...Schoois...Crafts...Letters 43 Lao- History...Features...Churches... Libraries.. Tides 44 Cilia locale 46 Roman law Wlto...Wltat..Wnere...Wlften...Wliy 47 Secure 48 Scarebabe 50 Kind of cake or meal 52 Timely person 59 Plumbum 67 Taken in 60 Othello, for one 68 Icelandic poetry 61 Bellowing 63 Declines, price-wise DOWN 64 — time (never) 1 transit 31 Waist measurement 65 Join the old" grads Geological times 32 Neighbor of Quemoy 66 Unity "The World According 33 Tilt now to " 35 Cautiously aloof, in Stay in touch with the Islands wherever you are with a subscription to Answer to last week's puzzle: Worships Dundee the Sanibel-Gaptiva Islander, the Islands' favorite award-winning Send 36 Mitigate newspaper. It's one sure way to get the news, meet the people and ex- Phoned 39 Dumps Dating from 40 Ford's predecessor plore trie issues fully and objectively every week, year 'round. Call on 45 Stage fare 9 Exist, as a right 47 Put away Name : 10 Judd Hirsch sitcom 49 Ham it up 11 Reykjavik's isl. 51 Have — (be wary) 12 TV's Carter 52 Likewise Address 15 Fortified wine 53 Legume 20 Orange type 54 Anger 21 Delaware Indian 55 By itself 24 An Osmond 56 Implacable 25 All-inclusive 57 More than audible RATES One Veat Two Year •Payment Enclosed DVISA DMC 26 Home of the brave 58 Anna Sten rale U.S.A... .$20 $35 28 Spring beauly 62 Legal thing 29 Asian weight Lee County $15 $25 Cardf Dist. News America Syndicate, 1987 Foreign $35 $65

Exp. Date

Mail to: The Sanibel Captiva Islander, P.O. Box 56, Sanibel Island, FL 33957 Tuesday 10,1987 Classified 19C

RATES CALL We reserve the right to reject, revise and properly classify all advertisements. REAL ESTATE ADS 472-5185 The Islander will be responsible for the first incorrect ad 28 Words or less $3.50 first week ONLY, For corrections to be made for the second insertion 3 additional weeks Mon.-Thurs. 9-5 DEADUNE-FR!. NOON date call by Friday NOON before the next Tuesday's paper, , t $3.00 each week ALL OTHER ADS, 28 words....$2.50/week PLEASE CHECK ONE: Extra Words 10* per word CARDHOLDER'S NAME Boldface and centered $1.00 Cl CHECK ENCLOSED Lost and Found No Charge • VISA L] MASTERCARD ACCOUNT NO. CATEGORIES (check one) ALL ADS MUST BE PREPAID WE DO NOT BILL ITEMS FOR SALE TRANSPORTATION EXPIRATION DATE U Absolutely Free 0 Automobiles D Antiques D Auto & Boat Suppllas PLEASE PRINT your ad, one word per space. Longer ads must be typed or printed on a separate sheet. O Appliances O Boats D Baby Items D Boat Trailers , „ .___ 4 n Building Supplies O 4-Whoel Dr. f I Camera, TV, Stereo Vehicles & Video n Heavy Equipment LI Computers & Computer O Motorcycles Equipment U Recreational Vehicles ' I Garden Equipment 11 Trucks 8 Vans .__ 12 iJ Home Furnishings D Utility Trailers D Jewelry I! Medical Supplies REAL ESTATE — 16 O Miscellaneous u Condos (or Sale n Musical Instruments n Duplexes for Sale G Office & Restaurant rj Mobile Homes for Sale ._ 20 Equipment n Homes for Sale n Pets & Livestock a Apts. &. Duplexes for f] Sporting Goods Rent ... 24 D Swap & Trade n Condos for Rent EVER BEAR D Tools & Machinery a Mobile Homes for Rent __. 28 EMPLOYMENT, n Homes for Rent A SMILE NOTICES, ETC. D Rooms for Rent D Announcements D Acreage Name N THE PHONE? D Business Opportunity O Cemetery Lots MAIL TO: B G Garage Sales • Commercial Property Address The Islander Call Gloria and you'll hear one. You CI Help Wanted tl Vacation Property .Zip P.O. Box 56 also hear how to get more advertis- O Lost & Found • Lots for Sale • Services Cl Interval for Sale Sanibel, FL 33957 ing action for less money in the U Situations Wanted • interval for Rent Phone ISLANDER, the newspaper for D Wanted to Buy • Real Estate Distant O Wanted to Rent Q Manufactured Insertion Dates Islanders, by Islanders. a Rental Sharing - Housing


RED HOT SPECIAL! WONDERFUL WILDLIFE TOURS ra JEWL ENTERPRISES Licensed Tailor Tailoring and General hauling & cleanup. Free Australia rain forest and Great WRITER'S CONNECTION estimates. Call 267—0487. AS OUR INTRODUCTORY Furniture Repair and Refinishing. alterations on everything at anytime! Barrier Reef. Also, fantastic East can assist you in your litarary 4/S/87 30244-S OFFER WE ARE SELLING 1000 We will pick up and deliver. Call 765-0711. Afrixcan safaris with George efforts. We can edit, critique, RAISED LETTER BUSINESS 997-4800. Campbell, Write Box 685, Sanibel, 4/29/3004 50434-3 polish or ghost write from your CARDS BELOW OUR COST, FL 3395? or call (813) 693-1367 THESE HIGH QUALITY CARDS completed manuscript or HELP WANTED around 6 p.m. INVESTORS, INDIVIDUALS, COME IN MANY DIFFERENT notes. Publishing and 4/2D/2004 50305-3 EXECUTIVE REMODELING Interested In building home. screenplay connections. Make STOCKS AND INK COLORS. 35 years experience. Nothing too Island resident currently active ON IN AND MEET US, your dreams a reality. PHOTOGRAPHY LAB EARN COLLEGE CREDIT tor small. Room additions, garages, In building will get permits, SHOW YOU JUST HOW Call: On Sanlbel Europe travel. College students, sliding doors, kennels, decks and estimate, sub-contractors, 472-3056 Seeking part time help. 35 mm WE ARE WILLING TO supervise project If desired. adults, Travel with art historian, docks. Affordable prices. 2/22/87 20206-3 knowledge beneficial. Will WORK FOR YOUR BUSINESS. Professor, Sanibel resident. June References. Reply to P.O. Box 33, Sanibel. LIMIT OF 1 ORDER PER train. Tolls paid. 24- July 15. Call D. Patterson, 481-5339 References. CUSTOMER. NATURE WALK 472-4414 472-9575 4/2B/2004 5042B-3 2/26/B7 20226-3 Exterior Designers 2/15/87 2017B-U 2IS/BT 20170-3 ONLY $13.95 Specialize in backyard garden PRO PRINT FIRST CHOICE TIRED OF IRONING??? retreats. Custom gazebos, docks, PART TIME DAYTIME Waitresses. 4280 METRO PARKWAY LAWN SERVICE Let me do it for you. Will pick up and pathways amid lush landscaping. Nlghtlma Waiters/Waitresses & ^BARKWAY CENTER SERVICES NOW ACCEPTING deliver. Call Cheryl Call for appt. Hostess. Call or stop by, •)T MYERS, FL 33901 NEW ACCOUNTS 472-6159 939-1023 Quarterdeck Restaurant, ask lor SATISFACTION 4/28/2004 20014-3 ^ 275-7999 9/2/2004 S0440-3 Jack, 472-1033. MASSAGE THERAPY available in GUARANTEED till 2/15/S7 20188-3 3/S/8? S4230.J MOWING - EDGING your home or at THE FITNESS CASTLE CLEANING DRYWALL & STUCCO REPAIR FORUM. By appointment only. TRIMMING - WEEDING Call for a FREE estimate on Reasonable rates. Swift service. CLASSIFIED License no. 5227. References FERTILIZING SEMI-SKILLED & cleaning your home, condo, rental Free estimates. Ted Nay Drywall available. Call 463-6072 or 549-8512 BUSINESS unit or officel We outshine the Stucco SKILLED WORKERS 472-2628. 3/26/2006 39595-2 olhersl 433-0073 ADVERTISER 4/20/2004 40427-3 CALL ANDREA 472-8176 State licensed & Insured 939-3446 CALL JIM MARINELL Mowing, edging, trimming and yard (See ad in Service Directory) 2/8/87 30001.5 TODAY FOR SPECIAL WRITER, PH.D. will write, edit, cleanups. Qulaity work and low SNELLING RATES AND PERSONAL prices. By the Job or by the month. market books, screen plays, etc. CHAfR CANING all types, free pick- TEMPORARIES SERVICE Good movie and publishing Call 772-3171 EXPERT HOUSEHOLD up and delivery. Phone 472-1217 2/16107 53210-2 contracts. Lot me help you achieve 3/4/87 49333-2 days, 472-6731 evenings 574-5644 success. 463-7951. HELP 4 54250-2 Wo energetic women available for 4/2B/2004 50412-3 4/29/2004 50431-3 YARD WORK Person available for SECRETARIES steady, thorough home cleaning. Cozy reception - meeting room all types of lawn work. Six years of Custom Interior sewing, drapes, RECEPTIONISTS GENERAL CLEANING - Home, Excellent references. Call Susie, seating 50 available for rent by local experience. Call 472-4729 bedspreads, Roman shades, NEEDED Condo. Reliable, responsible, Island before 7 p.m. 433-0672. day or week. Catering available 2/15/87 20111-3 Austrian shades, dustruffles, throw CALL ANDREA references. Call Chris, 466-9237 4/29/2004 5043D-3 If requited. Organizations pillows shams, ballons shades, 939-3448 welcome. Visit 3116 Grand after 6 PM. HOUSE OR CONDO need an converlets, place mats, director 2/1S/B7 20246-3 occasional clean? We have some Avenue or Call 275-7833 for ELLINGTON'S MODEL chairs. Call after 5:00 P.M. SNELLING openings in our schedule for information. CLOCKS MANAGEMENT IS NOW OPEN 694-3302 occasional customers. Housecare, TEMPORARIES REPAIRED - SERVICED AND BOOKING FOR 2/15/87 S3427-2 472-1882. 18 YEARS IN LEE COUNTY UPCOMING FASHION SHOWS, 2/26/87 20230-3 Therapeutic Massage in the comfort ALL MAKES * MODELS T.V. COMMERCIALS AND ol your home. 1—hour treatment, Join fastest growing opportunity in FREE ESTIMATES PRINT WORK. ALL TYPES AND $30. Relaxl Renew! Gift certificates U.S. potential to earn $5,500, per TRAVEL ALL WORK GUARANTEED AGES, EXPERIENCED ONLY. MASSAGE THERAPY available. Joanne Geffo, Fl. St. Lie. month. If you enjoy sharing quality WE PICK UP & DELIVER 433-4772. Therapeutic massage for relaxation ABSOLUTELY THE BEST 482-0546 or 765—1840. products and meeting new people, 2/26)87 S32G2-2 an rehabilitation, relief of stress, 4/5187 30242-5 Galapagos Island expeditions with PHONE: S33-2783 call 995-6634 part lime positions headaches, fatique, poor available. George Campbell. Write Box 685 ALL WORK DONE circulation, back pain, edema. ISLAND PHOTOGRAPHY 2/18/17 53441.2 Sanibel, FL 33957 or call (813) REASONABLE & WITHOUT SWEDISH MASTECTOMY 693-1367 around 6 p.m. DELAY Available for freelance assignments. DEEP TISSUE «'*•'*•>•« S3215-9 2(22/97 52528-2 Specializing in portraits, real estate, SHIATSU $160 SILICON aerial photography, weddings and NEUROMUSCULAR FORM All Sizes Relax into your Island stay commercial work. Call POLARITY WANTED! David Meardon REFLEXOLOGY with a massage. 472-2346. only Oif ARTISTS & The ancient healing art of 4/29/2OO4 304t>a-3 DIANA SILVERSTONE UNDETECTABLE CRAFTSMEN FOR massage will increase your Lie. Massage Therapist Natural & soft like real breast! TENNIS ANYONE? ISLAND TOWER PLAZA LAKES PARK ARTS vitality and help relieve the 2-year warranty Want to improve your tennis game? 1619 Periwinkle Way & CRAFTS SHOW stress of 20th Century life. Unit 105-A downstairs Call Barry at the Casa Ybel Tennis s B0 JURIED BY 3 SLIDES Second Wind Therapists offer a variety BYAPPT. •25 MASTECTOMY BRAS only 9 Shop for private or group lessons. OR PHOTOS of rehabilitative and healing techniques 472-3145,6X11319. 472-5579 30-day money-back trial Medi- 4/12/17 30437-3 Gilt Certificates FEE $50.00 uniquely geared to your needs. 4/2S/2004 50414-3 care pays80% FREE picture brochure in plain wrapper. Massage is one of life's luxurious FOR INFORMATION CONTACT: necessities. : CALL 275-5717 BETTY WILLIS HEED VINYL REPAIR? OR VISIT US WITHOUT OBLIGATION. 3804 MiRUELO CIR., N. REPAIR - RICOLOB NARITA CORP. JACKSONVILLE, FL 32217 (904) 733-2702 Second "2(/i*cti Call Dr. Vinyl: the Plastic Surgeon Golden 54 Price Ortho-Med Products APPLICATION DEAOLINE 472-3481 VINYL WELD CO. 3440 Cleveland Ave. FEB. 28th, 1987 Please call for an appointmentpp PLEASE ENCLOSE LEOAL 1^*49-2063 8224 Wilmington Ct., Cop* CoitilJ FtMvers S.A.S.E. Gift Certificates Home visits available. % mile S, of Lee Mem. Hosp.

\ 20C Tuesday, February 10, 1987 The ISLANDER


THE JACARANDA RESTAURANT PERSONAL BARGAIN OF THIS ALL REPAIRS DONE on 1684 Buick Century, 4-door. tilt and COMMUNITY GARAGE SALE - Sat., JOIN FLORIDA'S FINEST beauty, needs bus people & part time CENTURY! 6 HIGH-BACK premises, most within 24 cruise, automatic, 4-cylindcr. Good Feb. 14, SAM - 2PM, 9393 Peaceful health and fitness environment. cockiail waitress. Call 472-1771 for WINDSOR CHAIRS, OLD hours. Designing and gas mileage, 67,000 miles. $5300. Drive, Gumbo Limbo on Sanibel. Positions available: Hair Designer interview. CONSOLE RADIO, OLD handcrafling by our Very claan car. 693-1998, days. Tools, household items, fishing with following, Nail Artist, Massage 2119187 20237-3 GERMAN WOOD FLUTE, E. goldsmith. RENE'S, artisans 693-5515 after 5 pm. rods, oxercise equipment, clothing Therapist and other talented people HOWARD POCKET WATCH. of fine jewelry, 630 Tarpon Bay 2/15/67 533BE-2 & miscellaneous, needed. Excellent pay, excellent MUST SELL, MAKE OFFER. Road, 472- 5544 3/11/87 2024B-S SALESPERSON NEEDED benefits. Paid vacation, group 997-5141, LOU NIPER. for Sanlbal store 2 days par insurance and unlimited spa 1956 Ford 2D Cuslomliner, V8,272, 5/15/0 7 543(5-2 black. $2700 - a steall Call WANTED TO BUY, Instant Cash) week. Experience preferred. privleges and incentive programs. For one pioce or completo FOXWORTHY'S Call Karl 472-1826. 936-2254 or 33S-1185. 2/15/97 53608-2 household. Furniture, appliances, 336-2151 2/11/87 20251-3 PETS& fishing equipment & misc. items. Call HOME day or night, 765-0718. LIVESTOCK 3/32/2006 20S1I1-3 EXCELLENT INCOME for part time FURNISHINGS 10% DISCOUNT HAIRDRESSER home assembly work. For info, call On all body work and paint needed tor vary busy shop full 504/641-8003 Ext. 8726. SANIBEL'S OWN "SAMSON" Jobs. We will take 10% off your time. Bridge toll paid. 3/11/8? 20553-3 HOUSEWARES & LINENS sired 9 AKC Golden Retriever lowest bonafide estimate, Alt BOATS ISLAND WINDS COIFFURES PACKAGES with the personal pups. Whelped 3 Jan. 1987. work guaranteed. Lee County 472-2591 or 543-3887. SANIBEL REALTY, INC., NEEDS full touch, for condos, homes, rentals. Show & field champion blood Auto Body Shop, 3718-A Palm Windsurfers: O'Brien funboard, 5.8 Hurry and call, don't miss your time housekeeping inspector. Must Color coordinated. Delivered. Setup. line, $500. Make deposit now. Beach Blvd. next to Goodwill. sail, $475.; Aitken 911, 2 sails, 2 chance! have own transportation. Weekends Contact: Ernestine Cline, Phone: Ready Valentines day. Call for appointment. pioce North mas!, north extension, . 2/12/(7 20262-3 required. Please stop by 1830 813/334-0231. Reasonable rates. 466-4406 or 472-9159. 694-7432 adjustablo booms, $800.; Easyrider * Periwinkle Way lor appt. & 2/25/07 20182-3 double Ocoan Kayak with DISHWASHER NEEDED confidential interview. Equal accessories $650. Call Stove 283- Opportunity Employer. 1417. Snooty Fox PATIO FURNITURE Brown, white HOLLY'S EXPERT, LOVING, Honda, 1981 Civic 1500DX, auto, Also cooks, servers & bus help. 5/2/2004 20018-3 2/15/87 1O3B7-* straps, 11 chaise lounges, 9 arm PET-SITVNG SERVICE - air, stereo, excellent condition. Full & part time. chairs, 2 tables, 10 table arm chairs. While you're away, HELPS $2500. 549-59S2 or 542-1010. 472-2525 EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER Priced to sell. Complete lot, $480. provides professional, 2/15/87 54373-2 18' Hobio Cat Aluminum trailer I/12/SJ 2d2B5-3 needed lor busy Sanibe! salon. Sanibel, 472-4734. personal, and loving care for beach wheels, carry all box, lots oL 472-5699. 2/11/87 20241-3 your pets In their own extras. Sacrifice, $2,495. Calf 1982 Cadillac El Dorado Biarritz with DISH & PREP HELP 5/2/2004 20046-3 comfortable home 482-0323 anytime. touring options, fully loaded. Must Needed environment. HELPS also WHITE WOOD occasional chair, sell immediately. No reasonable Bridge tolls paid. offers pet-taxi service to $25. Please call 472-9441. offer refused. 549-1246. SECRETARIES vetrlnarians, groomers, etc.. Lighthouse Cafe 2/12/87 20250-3 2/22/87 544S7-2 30' Houseboat homo on the 472-0303 South Seas Plantation 14 years experience In Island Has secretarial positions Caloosahatchou River. Pool, tennis 2/10/87 20267-3 pet/animal care. Call: courts, showora, $8,500 firm. Call available. Excellent benefits & COMPLETE WALNUT BEDROOM 813/472-1176. 74 Chev. Impala 4-dr., runs good, 482-0323 anytime. compensation. Call: SET: dresser, chest, end tables, two 3/1B/B7 2W28-3 looks good, $11P5. Terms available. 2/1O/B7 20002-2 PREP COOK/DISHWASHER 472-5111 ext. 3387 mirrors, $250. King size bed, 772-8761. Waitress Needed. 2/15/B7 20232-3 complete, $150. Colfoe and end 2/22/87 S4547-2 Good pay, good benflts. Tolls tables, white, glass insert, $40 each. OLYMPIC SAILBOAT - Dolphin 23. paid. 472-3355 Sloops 4, rolling jib, 9,9 Cvinrudo, RESIDENT MANAGER Twin beds, complete, $75 each. COMPUTERS & 2/12/87 20261-3 olc. Good condition. $3,300 or bosl for large apartment community. 1065 Fishcrow Road, Sanibel. 472- EQUIPMENT olfor. 472-0200. 4642. 1984 Buick LaSabre Limited, 2- Please apply In person: 2/10/07 201583 PART TIME WAITRESS 1735 Brantley Road, Ft. Myers. 2ltS/B7 20278-3 door, all the power equipment, white wanted Putting Pelican 2/1S/07 20234-3 Computer Eagle HE 64K Ram two & burgandy. Ona owner. 27,000 single sided double density disk 472-4394 Celling fans.... Brand new, In miles. $8400. 693-1998 days. DOCK SPACE drives, software Ultracalc J/12/B7 2D270-3 PLEASANT, INDEPENDENT young cartons, white wood blades 693-5515 after 5 pm, Needed spreadsheet, spellbinder word woman needed immediately to 36", $20. 52", $25. 907 S.E. 2/15/07 533O0-2 For 17' Mnko. Please call: processing, CP/M C basic compiler. $ OPPORTUNITY $ assist part-time with video tape 19th Street Cape Coral 472-5289 Best offer. 466-5368 anytime. Captlva restaurant needs waiters, production. Sanibel preferred. 772-8B31. 2/15/B7 20230-3 Contact P.O. Box 92e,.Caoo Coral, 2/15/87 54531-2 waitresses, bus boy and kitchen 2/11/07 53007-2 FL 33910. help. Full and part time, AM and PM. RECREATIONAL Best Bench Buy! Oflshore runabout, 2/10/87 20225-3 Tolls paid EXCELLENT WAGES. Various assortment of wrought iron All types of used store fixtures for VEHICLES 19 1/2' Imperial. 140 HP I/O, S/S Call today, 472-2404. patio furniture w/cushions including sale: clothing racks, showcases, radio, depth findor, 40 gal. fuel tank, 5/2/2004 30447-3 SUNDIAL BEACH &TENNIS glass top table and 6 matching display counters, peg hooks, full canvas, 85 hours. Best offer over RESORT chairs, 2 love seats, end tables- brackets, registers, spinning racks, Holiday Rambler trailer on rental, $6500. Call 466—9800, 463—0479. Now Hiring: adult retiree or near retirement park, DISHWASHERS NEEDED evenings needs painting, asking $250. Call many misc. displays, Also available 2/15/07 30292-5 alum, body, Formica cabinets & French Corner, by the Post Office. PM Lobby Attendant 482-8312 day, 482-8311 eves. hangers, price tags, signs, many store supplies. 2843 Michigan. walls, plenty storage cabinets & Please call 472-1493. Housekeeping Inspector 2/11/87 53011-2 HOBIE CAT 14* WITH CAT TRAX, Housekeepers 334-3049. closets, easy upkeep, storage shod, 5/2/2004 504S0-3 $1,000. 472-5800. furnished, near FMB, on bay with Llnan Attendant 2/22/07 54765-2 S/2/2004 50478-3 Fro.it Desk Clerk Six 1976 McCormick Patriot Series dockage for boats. Ebb—Tide KITCHEN HELP, all positions. Also Rbservatlonist decanters. Full and in original Trailer Park, 1725 Main St., F—9, waitresses, busers & hostess. Part time secretary boxes. Would make nice gift. $20 FMB. $5,000 or best offer. ALLMOND 26' CRUISER FWC 225 Coconut Grove Restaurant. Call: each. 275-0021. AUTOMOBILES 463—3606. hp, Ford commander, 2 radios, trim 472-1366. r 472-4151 2/15/87 543G1-2 2/K/B7 30225-5 tabs, sniler, depth sounder, shower, 5/2/2004 50437-3 2/10/S7 20231-3 1975 Volvo Staiionwagon, red, no head, galley, spot light, hard top, rust. Excellent condition, COME SEE WHY Halcon extinguisher. Asking CROW'S NEST LOUNGE at Tween dependable, $2,195. Call $11,950,463-1074. GROCERY STORE help wanted, CORKSCREW WOODLANDS Waters Inn on Captiva needs host Glass & chrome dining table & 4 482-0323 anytime. 5/2/20D4 50400-3 experienced, fuli & part time. Call chairs; 2 pc. sectional sofa with IS THE WORLDS FINEST Captlva Trading Co., 472-4200. or hostess evenings, 5 days, 5 PM - 9 PM. Call 472-5161. queen sleeper, earth-tones. R.V. RESORT. 5/2/2004 504SS-3 Sanibel, 472-3818. SALES AND RENTALS DOCK NEEDED for 26' sailboat^ 2/10/87 54024-2 FOR SALE BY SEALED BID -1980 AVAILABLE. Contact Arthur at Tho Troehouse, Ford Fairmont Stationwagon. MEAT CUTTER 8 DELI help DEVELOPER OWNED RENTAL 472-1850. Driven only by a little old fire chief. 5/2/2004 50401-3 wanted, experienced, part time. Call FEES APPLIED For bid info, contact Sanibel Fire Captiva Trading Co., 472-4200. MISCELLANEOUS TOWARDS PURCHASE PRICE. MOVING-SACRIFICE SALE Control District at 472-5525. 337-1293 947-1221. HOBIE CAT WITH TRAILER. In 2/15/87 20171-3 2 MONTH OLD ITEMS 2/25/07 53060-2 good shape. 472-9669 after 6 pm. AMISH OUILT & HMONG KITCHEN-COOK'S HELPER. NEED LEA RT SHOW: Feb. (2) KING COIL HI-RISER STINGRAY 1985 17.5 ft., 140 I.O. French Corner, by the Post Office. I—Mar. 31, 'B7. Dona's Ethnic OWN YOUR OWN LOT & 472-1493, BEDS-NEW $400 - SELL Merc Bowrider, fishing & sport, new PARK MODEL AT 27' Sportscraft Hardto^, Crafts 4th annual show returns $250ea. (2) POSTURE RIGHT trailer. Excellent condition. 472- 9/2/2004 50461-3 to area from Osseo, Wl. Hours CORKSCREW Fisherman. 1983, 260 HP TWIN BEDS - NEW $300 4386. 10—5 dally, 12—5 Sunday. inboard. One owner. 132 actual -SELL $200ea. 2 SETS 2/11/87 20218-3 WOODLANDS Shop Is located in Fort Myers hours. Welt equipped. Estate MIRRORED VERTICALS - PRICES START AT $29,900 Sale. 9 am-1 pm weekdays or + * * * Beach Plaza, 19051 San Carlos INCLUDING SCREEN ROOM Fort Myers Only Blvd. ( Between the two NEW $800ea. - SELL $400ea. 1981 VOLKSWAGEN Rabbit anytime weekends. 694S265. W/VAL. 9 PIECE MODULAR CALL 337-1293 947-1221. 2/10/87 52187-2 bridges, on the left going to the Convertible, Only 9300 miles, 2/25/87 53070-2 TRAVEL SCHOOL beaches.) Over 60 quilts & PIT GROUP - NEW $1,200 - excellent condition. 472-4386. SELL $600. 7 1/2' X 3 112' Hmong bedspreads for sale 2/11/87 20220-3 Aquasport 22.2", 1972 twin Johnson NEXT CLASS GLASS / CHROME TABLE - this year. Also woven rugs, Allegro motorhome 1985 like new, 65 HP, VHF radio, depth finder, 2 Limited Seating, Starting NEW $2,600 - SELL $1,300 WI piacemats, sheepskin rugs 15,000 miles, rear BR, split bath, 6.5 Iiv9 wells, traitor, now Btmini top, 8 CHAIRS. 10FT, S.T.S.BLACK 1981 MQ CONVERTIBLE Replica. FEB. 16 from Bolivia, Swedish gen., microwave, large refrigerator, console & seat covers, also new full MESH SATELLITE DISH W12 1500 miles, mint condition, factory valances, ceramics from Kosta 2 roof airs, radio & tape player, length boat cover. Now tires on Call Now 936-7900 RECIEVEPS - NEW $3,000 - built, $9,950. or best. 765-5905, on , Boda, carved Tomtes, Country $30,000. Awning, Car-toter trailer, all $5800. May be seen ft 1919 Courtney Drive SELL $1,500 OBO. GLASS + Rich, FMB. available. Excellent buy. 997-7024. woodcrafts, baskets, 2/11/87 20250-3 50 Marina - Punta Rassa. brasscraft, stltchery kits and WHITE WROUGHT IRON 2/15/87 54533-2 2/18/87 52453-2 more. For Information, call DINETTE - $250, 2 WHITE 2/12/67 32230-2 765—6060. NIGHTSTANDS I MATCHING 1972 MUSTANG Mach I, 351 2/15/B7 30243-5 CHEST - NEW $450 - SELL Cleveland, 2V, new exhaust. Runs Sailboat. Ericson 25'. 1972. Graat $300. TAPPAN SPACESAVER good. Best offer over $1800. Call TRUCKS & VANS r.hapo. Must see to appreciate, MICROWAVE - NEW $200 - 482-3448 after 6 PM weekdays. Centerboard. New 9.9 Evinrudo. HOME EXERCISE STATION. KONG SELL $100. SNAPPER 11H.P. 5/2/2004 50474-3 Now btmini, new wiring, VHF, depth "Pro-Form* body building-toning RIDING LAWNMOWER (REAR 77 30' TERRY 5TH WHEEL Good motor, roller furling marine head condition, '77 Chevy 3/4 ton pickup $10,500. 275-0021 system. Excellent condition. BAGGER) -NEW $1,800 - BMW 633 CSI AT-PS-PB AM/FM 456 motor, heavy duty low package. 2/15/07 53437-2 472-6613. SELL $1100. 13" TRINITRON Cassette, P/SR-PW-ground affects. 3/2/2004 50468-3 COLOR T.V. ~$75. BLACK & Automatic transmission, 61,000 BBS, telephone, new paint. Must miles. Priced for quick sale, $5,800 DECKER CONTINUOUS sea and drive to appreciate. Serious Ford station wagon, 1974, $1200, CLEAN TOASTER OVEN- for both, 472-30Z2, REPRESENTED BY PRESIDENTS BIRTHDAY SPECIAL Inquiries. $14,500. (Pat) 472-1211. or trade for boat of equal value. NEW $75 SELL $50. WHITE 6 2/11/87 20209-3 " SHIPPING SWEET TEMPLE Phono 945-0212. DRAWER CHEST - $50. CALL ORANGES & SEEDLESS 2/13/87 53700-2 772-5156 OR 542-7390 REALTOR* GRAPEFRUIT, 3/4 BUSHEL JUST 1985 TOYOTA PICKUP Exoellont AFTERNOONS, EVENINGS, CASH FOR CARS $27.95 DELIVERED. condition, 1987 fiberglass camper WEEKENDS. 15 ft. Orlando Clipper, good solid (UNCONDITIONALLY top. Must sell due to extensive travel VIP REALTY GROUP, INC. / WILL PA Y CASH FOR CARS multi-purpose boat, no extras. Must GUARANTEED). ESTERO plans. Best olfer takoa it. 813/472- 5301 San Cap Rd. ANY CONDITON 2757. sell, bosl offor. 267-2163. TROPICAL FRUfT, 8211 E. 2/B/D7 54000-2 (across Irom Wulleri Rd.) W& W AUTO SALES 2/15/87 S0270-3 813/472-3456 BROADWAY, FL. FREE 3718 PALM BEACH BLVD. BROCHURE. 1-947-3033, 694-6100 2/10/87 51556-5 1973 Pacemaker 28 foot, all glass 2/25/87 52861-2 twin Chryslers 225 HP, naw 1986 radio depth recorder, 481-8201. APPLIANCES CARS CARS CARS $12,000. BUBBLE ROOM RESTAURANT 2/15/87 54552.2 LARGE SELECTION OF USED APPLIANCES QUALITY CARS INSTANT 21' Renken 1980 cuddy cabin, Florida's Most Unique 30 DAY GUARANTEE CREDIT $100 DN. & UP Am/Fm/cassetts, ship to shore CB- Award Winning Restaurant - LOW PRICES W& W AUTO SALES PA, live bait well, like now Volvo I/O, 997-6458 3718 PALM BEACH BLVD. Coast Guard equipped, excellent. One of Florida Trend's Top 100 2/26/87 52835-2 694-6100 Call after 4 pm., 540-2765. $4200, NOW ACCEPTING APPLICATIONS 2/25/B7 52998-2 2/15/87 S4766-2 GE's best washer, 5-cycles, extra REALTOR* For Prep Gook • Line Cook • Bartenders rinse, water level, mini-basket, 1983 Isuzu I Mark, 4 dr. sedan, Bus Help • Utility Person dispensers, 20 gal, drum. Amana metallic blue, stick shift, air Wollcraft Airslot 1976, $68.00 dryer, large capactiy, normal, conditioned, cassette & stereo. VIP REALTY GROUP, INC. includes 1085 150 HP Ynmaha permanent press, warranty, white, Military owner going abroad. 50,000 5301 San Cap Rd. outboard, 1985 Coastal Rockat FULL OR PART TIME. APPLY IN PERSON excellent condition. Both $650- miles. Good condition. Book price, (across from Wullerl Rd.) trailer, custom canvas covers. Call OBO. 433-2741 or 489-4588. $3800 or offer, Call 997-0803 . 813/472-3456 Captain Bob, 693-8209. OR CALL JEFF OR DAVE AT 472-5558 2/15/B7 54370-2 . . 2/11/87 &3139-2 2/12/07 54252-2 tv The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 1Q, 1987 21C


Earn good income while sewing at FULLY FURNISHED 2;bedrooms, YEAR ROUND new house, 2S«/2b, CONDO TENNIS VILLA South Sous home with Industrail sowing 680 sq. ft. Office Suite YEAR OLD HOUSE loft, 2 1/2 baths, pool, tennis, walk tc beautifully furnished. Conveniently Plantation for rent. Off season rate s. Priced for quick sale for located in the Heart of for rent unfurnished. Minimal beach. Available April 1 to Sept. 30. located. Available Immediately. one-year lease. Lighthouse available or possible sals. Call Lloyd ' please call 574-1056 Sanibel... Roberts, 606/254-3080 or 1 $850/mo. Please call 472-3363. $750/montn. Please call 472-1986. and of Island, near Causeway, Even 606/2R6-8553. 2/1S/87 20148-3 20275-3 marina. 3br/2b fireplace. Use 2/15/07 53436-2 S/2/3004 5074B-3 1619 Periwinkle at of tennis and pool facilities. BEAUTIFUL CAPTIVAJSLAND COTTAGE, 1 bedroom, air Available Feb. 1. Call Andy South Ft. Myers...Must sell ISLAND TOWER PLAZA Fort Myers/Sanlbel conditioned, color Tv. Very private Bakos, eves: THE ATRIUM established high traffic location Rant lew than $10 «j. It, on Gulf. No children, no pets. Phone 201/962-4040 Luxurious Gulffront condo. Top self-service discount shoe A new private home with 472-0173 2/12/87 20120-3 floor, closest to Gulf. Available year store. Turn Key operation. Flexible terms. Victorian Key West charm, 2/11/87 30113-3 $25,000. Includes Inventory, blended with contemporary round. On week minimum. Call or fixtures, marketing plan. CALL BOB 472-1581 space and luxury. A two-minute write for color brochure: Simple 1'person operation. Will stroll from a beautiful white 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH home, very CONDOS CD. Leach, MD train. Donna Blevins, Realtor. private beach on the Gulf. Near modern kitchen, dining room, living 7497 89th Ct. 992-1766. historic Chapel-By-The-Sea, room w/cathedral ceiling, laundry FOR RENT N. White Bear Lake 2/12/B7 54330-2 WANTED TO RENT Captive Library and South room w/washer/dryer, very dose to MN55110 Seas Plantation Resort. Within (612) 426-5759 HOME RENTAL SOUGHT beach 900'. 710 Donax Street. Rent SUNDIAL walking distance of Captlva'a $700/month, plus utilities. Call 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH 10(23(01 90779-3 active investor wanted I" Next Winter finest restaurants. Two 3-4 bedroom, ground level, on 574-8661. GULFSiDE CONDO soned home remodeling bedrooms, two Ml baths; 5/S/2004 JD6H6-3 licenced builder. Purpose - buy Gulf or Bay side. Sought by completely equipped Decorator furnished, screened CAPTIVA ISLAND SANDDRIFT COTTAGES on the beach inside buildings, below market - upgrade long established Island renter. space-age kitchen; balcony, sleeps 6. Tennis courts, NORTH CAPTIVA ISLAND. Naw South Seas Plantation. One and two same, sell, split profits. Great profit For Dec. 20, 1987 to March 31, washer/dryer; light, airy great pools, golf available. Owner: deluxe, air conditioned cottages. bedroom $650 and $750 per week. opportunity, secured investment. 1988. 472-2140. room with lovely Shaker 219/291-3058. Sleeps 6, accessible by plane or Off season rates lower. (813) Exciting! Paul, 542-2822. 2/12/87 20182-3 antiques. Photos and 3/2/2004 506B8-3 boat only. From $450/wk.. 472-4207. references available. 305/971-0456 or 305/391-0711. NEAR THE BEACHESI Brand now 3/2/3004 50780-3 RETIRED COUPLE Want to rent 3 $SS0/wk. May 3-Dec. 14 ntnaot unfurnished, 2 bed/oom, 2 bath ld $150,000 investment to bedroom house from owner, Feb. 1 $850/wk. Dec. 14-May 3 condos at SUMMERLIN WOODS. LOGGERHEAD CAY 2br/2balh, participate with licensed contractor to Mar. 15, 1988, Please call 472- Discount on Monthly Rentals Annually from $475 month. BEACH HOUSE near Captiva for Gulf viow. All amenities. Season and to build apartment buildings for 9239. Write: Henry Romersa(Captiva) Beachfront weekly rental also seasonal rent. 3br/2b, washer/dryer, off-season rates. 513/398-0418. rental to university students. Have 2/10/B7 20254-3 4911 Tanglewood Drive availablel 4S3-7766, Vacation AC, private. Call 472-3972 for 5/212004 5082B-3 land near Edison College. Share Nashville, TN 37216 Shoppe, Broker. 615/262-9853 further details. 5/2/2001 3O707-3 profits. Mr. K. 549-9240 SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION one 3/2/2004 20150-3 5/2/2004 30710-3 RENTAL SHARING bedroom Bay villa, Sleeps six. ROOMMATE WANTED - Annual 2 BEDROOM, 2 BATH Beautifully Available 4/11 to 4/25, $1,200/wk. 2BR/2B HOME Available March TWO GORGEOUS HOMES for rent rental. $375/mo. plus 1/2 utilities. decorated corner unit. Jan. thru All amenities. 813/481-4694, 20th. Close to beach. Extras include on North Captiva Island, one ten COMMERCIAL Pool. No pets. No smokers. First, April. $3,500/mo. with discount for 2/22/17 2O1SB-3 family room with fireplace, screened yards from beach, $1,200/Wk, one last S security. 472-1913, ask for longer stay. No pets. Call 472-1556 PROPERTY porch and large yard. East end of 30 yards from beach, $950Avk., Lynn or write to: P.O. Box 763, Captiva, island, quiet street. $1,500/mo. + (also for sale at $225,000). Both SUMMER AND FALL (May thru SIZIZOIH 20180-2 FL 33924 tax. Please call 472-2807. sleep six. Plane/boat access only. October) one bedroom furnished, COMMERCIAL 4 ACRE STRIP 112/2004 50710-3 2/1B/B7 20184.3 Call Elizabeth Gulden, air, short walk to beach, sloops 4. h center, Naples area, SHARE 2 br/2b Furnished pool 305/425-0111. $350/mo. plus utilities. ^l commercial building on! home in quiet neighborhood off W. 5/2/2004 S07IS-3 THE ATRIUM 1-216/688-1634. acre^Fleased. 3 acres left to Gulf Drive. Close to beach. No pets. UPPER CAPTIVA ISLAND 1,898 sq. ft. redecorated Gulffront 9/2/2004 20163.3 develop. 4 lane highway, good A few contemporary private Non-smoker & references required. HEATED POOL FOR RENT luxury. 2 br. plus den/br., 2 baths, rental income. Excellent growth 472-5B37. homes still available for rental wrap around porch, 6 paddle fans. With wrap around home. Newly CAPTAIN'S WALK 1 bedroom, 1 area. Principals only. $895,000. 2/22/87 20204-2 this season. Quiet beaches, Pool, tennis. Brochure available. furnished 3br/2b ground level Terms available. For Information private air strip, dock space $535 weekly until 12/15, $1,000 bath, $425/mo. plus utilities. Sanibel home. Very close to beach. Available Mar. 21 thru Dec. 31, call or write: John U. McCandless available, water taxi service. season, $750 Jan. Inc., Realtor, 11412 Tamiami Trail Special season rates. Call 1987. Call Hap Connelly, Sanibel MATURE PERSON to share 2 From $750/wk. HAZapf East, Naples, FL 33962, 813/774- 1-800-556-7560, ask for Brian Island Properties, 472-4808 or bedroom house in quiet, centrally Gator Investors Group, Inc. 15 Strawberry Ridge Road 3B44. located area. Annual. $250/month 1/401/423-1B37 eves. 472-0005 sves. Uc. Real Estate Broker Rldgefield, CT 06877 plus utilities. 1st and last required. S/2/2004 50785-3 S/2/2004 20130-3 2/18/87 20250-3 472-8210 203/438-5879 Phone 472-1827 7 AM - SPM. Ask eves. 472-5342 5(2/2004 sorai-a for Diane. APOTHECARY CENTER - Prime or 472-5545. WATERFRONT COTTAGE near 2/11/87 20244-3 2/10/87 20115-3 location on main road to Captiva. Captiva. 2br/ib, dock, $325/wk., Active tralfic flow. 640 sq, ft. Located one month minimum. Available May next to Cablevision office. Call ROOMS CAPTIVA - Completely furnished 1. Cail Hap Connelly, Sanibel Island collect: 804/460-5159. home, small & cozy one bedroom, Properties, 472-4808 or 472-0005 4/2/2006 202BI-3 FOR RENT eat in kitchen, adjoining screened eves. porch, full bath, sunny living room. S/2/2004 50B16-3 Color TV, washer/dryer. Surrounded NOBODY CAPTIVA PROFESSIONAL ROOMS FOR RENT Monthly, $260 by hibiscus & other Florida shrubs. OFFICE SPACE total. Coconut Quarters. 472-1366 RENTALS ort3104 Mature couple or older single ALL AREAS -ALL PRICES DOES 9T BETHR§ AVAILABLE FOR RENT woman. 472-1067. 3/1/87 50600-3 100'S AVAILABLE 5/2/2004 201S9-3 We guarantee success In renting Located In the U.S. Post Office Houses, apartments, your Island homes and condos g, Captiva, Phone: duplexes, mobllghomes '"' REAL ESTATE HOMES LOVELY 3 BEDROOM, 3 bath HOME HUNTERS, INC. WE OFFER: fOCIATES, INC., home. Responsible adults, no pets. 939-0001 Full Service Management • Complete Maintenance 472-1123 FOR RENT References required. Available April 2/25/B7 53110-2 Qualified Staff • Full Exposure • Inspection 5/2/2004 50675-3 only. $1,600/mo. plus $140. utilities. Put us to work lor your highest rate of return DUPLEX - Large 1 bedroon Write Box 1003, Sanibel, FL 339S7. CALL TOLL FREE: 2/25/07 20218-3 STRIP SHOPPING CENTER furnished apartment, availabli 1-800-237-7370 (U.S.) 1-800-282-7097 (FLA.) March, 1987. West Gulf Drive area 40 FT. HOUSEBOAT Monthly or 1-800-446-OMO (CANADA) 813-472-3113 (LOCAL) Island life on a high traffic location. private beach access, limited to ; Great income history. A package FURNISHED THREE BEDROOM annual lease on Captiva at Twin adults, no pets. Cail 472-4903. house on private road, 250 ft. from Palms. $450/mo. 472-5686 or 1171 PERIWINKLE WAY, SANIBEL, FL 33957 thahat makemakes sense at $650,000. 2/11/87 201(0-3 WilliaWilljjflmi AA. Taylor, Associates beach. Completely renovated. 312/683-4549. "1313/332-3737 COTTAGE, 1 bedroom, air $3,000/momh seasonally. Phone S/11/87 20117-3 ITHE VACATION SHOPPE 5OB3B-3 conditioned, color TV. Very private 472-3377 days, 549-9501 evenings. on Gulf. No children, no pets. Phone 2/18/87 20264-3 BROKER I OFFICE SUITES 472-0173. "1 MONTH FREE" 2/13/87 20113-3 'From $150/mo. "Central Location 'On-site Bldg. Mgmt. * Free Janltoriat/malnt. ' Complete Secretarial Service WHETHER OWNING OR * Answering Service RENTING, ' "Phantom Office" WIN OAKS LTD. EVANS AVENUE 939-5885 3/5/87 • HOMES The ESI Difference • CONDOS • RESIDENCES Is Service • VILLAS OFFICE .SPACES VACATION RENTALS /AILABLE Largest selection to choose from on Sanibel and WITH WATER 11 other Tropical Islands, Call or stop by and VIEW discover the JESI Difference. Switchboard open PELICAN PLACE 24 hours every day of the year. 2440 Palm Ridge Road, Sanibel

472-1439 Call Toll-Free Nationwide 1-800-237-6002 EVENINGS 472-4410 In Canada 1-800-447-6002 In Florida 1-800-282-7137 TELEX 797295 EXECUTIVE 813/472-1613 SERVICES, INC. 455 Periwinkle Way Sanibel Island, FL 33957 (813) 472-4195


WEW KEALTOR* VIP Really Group, Inc. 9060 Causeway Road VIP REALTY GROUP, INC. Sanibel Island, Florida 33957 5301 San Cap Rd- (across Irom Wuliert Bd.) 813/472-3456 22C Tuesday, February 10, 1987 The ISLANDER

CONDOS HOMES FOB SALE HOMES FOB SALE HOMES FOB SALE CONDOS DUPLEXES FOB BENT FOB SALE FOB SALE HOME: NEW CONTEMPORARY, UPPER CAPTIVA ISLAND 3BR/2B mountains, Hendersonville, N.C, Home By Owner Retirement or summer resort. Two 2 bedroom, 2 bath, new, near TOWNHOUSE BEAUTY, Slops from Must sail....spacious 3 br., 2 b SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION Comfortable open floor plan bedrooms, two baths, Jacuzzi, living airstrip. Fully furnished, water the beach. Gulf view, wrap around duplox with garage - located ir Luxurious marina villa. Superb completed early 1985. Oak floors, room, dining room, den, kitchen, views. $149,000. porch, designer furnished, parque private woodod area. |fl|(trt location, view on the water with wait 1o wall carpet, tiled baths, large decks, garage. $127,000.472-10S5 GATOR INVESTORS GROUP, floors, $225,000. Call Glenn $110,000. Asking $92,500^Jp!S private deep water boat dock. All screened porch. Very nice view frcm or 704/692-6970. By owner. INC. Licensed Real Estate Carretta, Realtor Associate, John olfor. Musi soa to appreciate. Cal resort facilities. 2br/2b, no pets. all rooms. 12x24 storage, etc. 2/22/H7 20274-3 Broker 472-8210 Naumann Associates, 472- 574-6564. Monthly and weekly rates. 7 day $131,000 3/4/87 20255-3 3121/6644, 800/237-6004. 2/11/07 S3135-S minimum. Available Dec. 15 & 2/12/B7 30260-3 472-1987 RENT - SALE - EXCHANGE - thereafter. Rent directly from owner 2/17/67 20010-3 & save. Call collect TERMS - RV - LOTS - UPPER CAPTIVA ISLAND TOWNHOME - Lovely 2 bedroom, 2 914/737-6121. IMPROVED - READY - Home bath, like now, near Sanibol, end of 4/2/2004 50601-3 GULF FRONT located on Upper SPACIOUS NEAR BEACHES - 2 bedroom, 1 bath, fully LOTS FOR SALE Captiva Island. Large 2BR/28 single ADULT - PRIDE OF furnished. Hardwood floors. cul-ds-sac. Privacy, all appliances, ATRIUM family home on corner lot. OWNERSHIP - MORE Great bargain! $129,000. decorator ceiling fans & cuslom Exceptional view, very good rental AFFORDABLE THAN GATOR INVESTORS GROUP, window treatments. Carport OPPORTUNITY- BEST LOT Exclusive Gulffront condo property. Owner. 472-6930. RENTING. BROKER, OWNER. INC, Licensed Real Estate attached, healed pool 8 sundeck. AVAILABLE, 75' X180', LESS THAN residence available 1 week min. 2)11/87 20100-2 432-5703. Broker 472-8210 $63,900. By owner 466-4199. ONE BLOCK FROM PUBLIC RAMP KINGS CROWN 2/15/B7 53875-2 3/4/87 20256-3 3/5/B7 20271-3 AND BEACH. SURROUNDED BY Gulffront luxury condo avail, to BEAUTIFUL HOMES. $5< MARINER POINTE, Bayfronl condo Dec. 20 and after April 19,1987, TOTAL. LOT 25 TROf by owner, 2 bedroom, 2 bath, SPANISH CAY F4 $500/wk. , "$106,000 ON SANIBEL" HQMESITES, PINE ISLl furnished, tennis courts and boat Imagine! SEA OATS of BoeajGrande Unbeliavable but truel 2 bedroom, 2 OWNER MR. URRUTIA. dockage. 472-9725, leave Across the street from Gulf Gasparilla Island SPACIOUS VILLA with golf, tennis, bath, tile roof, ground level. Call TELEPHONE (305) 226-2157 message. with beach access & swimming Luxury Gulffont condo, season bus, security, and all the active, Fred Spring, Realtor Associate, INFORMATION 13240 S.W. 25 2/12/37 20120-3 pool for under $100,000. $900/wk., off-season $475/wk. exciting amenities LEISURE John Noumann Associates, 472- 2br!2b, fully furnished condo. STREET, MIAMI. FLORIDA 33175. For more information call owner: VILLAGE /SEVEN LAKES has to 3121, 800/237-6004, eves. 772- 2/25/(17 10316-4 Adult oriented. Owner: 312/887-7826 offer. 2B/2B, Florida room, 3054. NEW HOME - East end - Close 472-9369 20112-3 to beach and Bay - Association appliances, garage, screened 3/30/2005 20263-3 3/8/B? 20277-3 CAPE CORAL'S BEST! Giw pool and tennis $185,000. Call porches and all necessary extras homositos. Wholesale installed. TOP CONDITION Rose Gibney Dskos, Broker' DUNES BY OWNER- Great private limy lufil. By owner, tormsT $95,000. NEGOT!ABLE.Owner FANTASTIC RIVER VIEW! Salesman, John Naumann & lake view in Country Club 549-1129 or 1-800/445-2323, oxt 481-4210 Two bedrooms, two baths. Boat APARTMENTS 8t , Assoe., Inc., 1-800/237-6004, surrounding (no golf chatter, no 608. 2(15/87 53443-2 docks. Heated pool. 472-3121, Homo 489-0422 condo meeting, no Gulf odor) 2/2I/S7 V0036-3 DUPLEXES 2/12/87 20134-3 ground levol, 3br/3b, 2,000 sq. ft., Completely furnishsd. Low down payment. Owner LEASE PURCHASE New, Florida screened pool, garage, recently FOR BENT financing. WATERFRONT LOTS for saio. style Sanibel home 3BR/2B $10,000 remodeled & redecorated. FOR SALE BY OWNER - Located Bargainl Captivii Island - sovon 50 down, $1,200 per month with $400 Possession at buyers election over $57,500. on a beautifully landscaped corner foot Gull of Moxico watorfront lots. applying toward down payment. Call next nine months. Unfurnished. 489-1959. lot in the EAST ROCKS within short 2/15/87 202B0-3 Sacrifice $40,000 cash each. SANIBELTAHITI APARTMENTS - owner 765-0408. Asking $249,000. Will sell furnished. walk to beach access. This CBS Opposite prestigious South Seas 5/2/2004 908SS-3 Phone office 8I3/936-5343 Or home Ail units are 2 bedrom, 2 bath, living house has three bedrooms - two 472-6273. Resort. Panoramic view. Paul baths - family and utility rooms - room, kitchen, Florida room. Newly 4/5/87 2027B-3 TUNNEL VISION narrowing your 542-2822. oversize garage - large covered furnished & decorated. Private WATERFRONT HOME facing Cayo view • open up your sights to this 3111197 S0107-3 patio parallels screened southern beach access, telephone, TV, Costa Island. Located on Upper lovely wide apartment, ollering exposure, gas heated pool. Many MCGREGOR WOODS 3BR/2B shelling, biking, quiet residential Captiva, 2 bedrooms, excellent soothing tropical Gulf viowr,. additional features throughout the screened porch, newly built, FOR SALE BY OWN neighborhood. Withing 10 minutes condition, approx. 1,000 sq. ft. Extremely we!l equipped & tastefully property enhance relaxed living in sodded, landscaped. Pleanty of Gulf Front Lot in exclulclumn, of shopping and restaurants. Call Unheard of price for waterfront furnished. 2/2 + den. To soo, call & this custom designed home. room for large pool, over 2,000 sq. wooded area on Santbel. 813/542-3279 eves. & weekends. $139,000. Gatofihvestors Groups, ask tor Becky Williams, Associate, 813/472-4019. ft., fireplace, cathedral ceilings. 472-1731 Write Tahiti Apts. P.O. Box 2148, Inc., Licensed Real Estate Broker John Naumann Associates, days 2/15/67 20145-3 $169,000, (Pat) 472-1211. 2(10/87 20143-3 Fort Myers, FL 33902 472-8210. 472-3121, eves. 472-5457. 3I1/B7 50870-3 5/2/2004 50784-3 JI18/B7 2.24.1-3 LIFE IN THE SLOW LANE might be SHELL HARBOR CANAL LOT, the change of pace you're looking $175,000. Rose Gibnoy Dakos, SANI8EL ISLE - LUXURY STUDIO. DISTRESSED WIDOW! DIXIE BEACH BLVD. 1OO'X1O6' lot, for. Let this home work its soothing, GULF FRONT CONDO Broker-Sal osman, John Naumann PRIVATE ENTRANCE, BATH, IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! deep water canal, 3 variances and magical charm on you. 3BR/2B, Owner desperate to sell! Associiitos, Inc., 472-3121, toll frao SUNDECK. (AC/TV/REF.) CEILING ROGO approved. Ready to be built snuggled 400 yards from the beach, OPEN HOUSE SUN. 2 TIL 5PM Punta Rassa condominium unit 1-800/237-6004, 489-0422 eves. FAN. QUIET "PARK SETTING". 2100 sq. ft. home of your choice. down a quiet sandy lane. Lots of 2BR with AIC on corner lot, 1-205. Asking $118,000. 2/23/07 20205-3 SENIOR, NON-SMOKING $140,000. (Pat) 472-1211. other surprises, too. Asking plus 3 extra buildings, Phone: PREFERRED. SHOPPING. P.O., 5/2/2004 5080S-3 $149,900. To see call Becky workshop (744 sq. ft.), PUNTA RASSA REALTY, INC. LIBRARY CLOSE. $500/MO., ISLAND UVING Williams, Associate, John Naumann motorhome garage (378 sq. 466-4040 $200/WK. (813)472-4242, P.O. Restricted Access Associates, days 472-3121, eves. ft.); storage building (70 sq. ft.). 2 BEDROOMS + DEN, 3 BATH 3M/B7 10248-3 BOX 1007, SANIBEL, FL 33957. Upper Captiva, by plane or 472-5457. Mature trees. Only $4B,500. Home on a private road, Sanibel. boat. Beautiful Gulf view, 21/18/87 20151-3 OWNER MUST SELL! Living room w/fireplace, dining room, eat in kitchen. All have Immediately behind new HARNEY POINT REALTY GULF-FRONT PENTHOUSE, 2 574-6666 936-2800 cathedral ceilings & sliding glass setback Una, 2 lots. $65,000. doors, 2 under the roof screened bedroom, 2 bath at Pointe 2/16/B7 51864-2 each. porches. Enclosed garge & storage Santo. Beutifully furnished, By Owner VACATION By owner. Fish from your yard in bay area under. Custom built in 1984. unbelleveable gulf front view, 694-8541 lagoon. Bay Village, 2 BR. 2 bath Brand new, beautiful spacious 3 br., $255,000. Bauer Land Investments, $320,000. Call Rose Gibney 3/5107 20266-1 PROPERTY unfurnished. Glass-enclosed porch. 2 b. home on Cape. 1863 T. sq. ft. 2- 305/391-8100, 472-9198 or Dakos, Broker Salesman, John Covered parking. Short walk to car garage, porch. 9.5% fixed 33 yr. 768-0373. Naumann & Assoc., Inc., beach. Many amenities, $74,500. FHA assumable. $5,500 down or 5/2/3004 30010 3 1-800/237-6004, 472-3121, RIVERFRONT LAT! TOWNHOUSE 3 BRS, 21/2 BATHS. Call 433-0870. best offer. Paymenl $488.82/mth. Home 489-0422. BY 0WNE New & completely furnished, 2/15/B7 302S5-3 2/12/87 20132-3 Call 574-6564. Beautiful view of Bridge. All lakeview. Walk to the first tee, tennis 2/11/B7 53135-2 QUAINT PRIVATE HOME on Upper Captiva Island, Hardwood floors, water and sewer assessments courts & swimming pool. Enjoy the NEW PROJECT - Somerset at By owner, Peppertree Pointe Villa fireplace, wood paneling. Great paid. Unit 7, block 366. Asking Dunes Clubhouse. Owner, 813/472- the Reef, Gulf front, beautiful 2BR/2B, garage, screened porch, UPPER CAPTIVA ISLAND 2 room concept, waterview. One of a $76,500. 5042. After 3/7,612/426-3437, floorplan $435,000. Call Rose washer/dryer, partly furnished. Pool, bedroom home. Private guest kind. $129,000. Gator Investors Call 549-7078 3/22/2006 20214-3 Gibney Dakos, Broker tennis, marina, shopping. $74,000 quarters. Quality construction Group, Inc., Licensed Real Estate 5/2(2004 38633-2 Salesman, John Naumann A negotiable. 481-4392. evident. Upper level deck faces the Broker, 472-8210. 2/27/07 48288-2 HAYESVILLE, N.C. - Beautifully sunsets over the Gulf. This homo Is 3/1/87 5OS6S-3 Assoc, Inc., 1-800/237-6004, furnished mountain home. 2/2, large only moments from the beach. 472-3121, Home 489-0422. FOR SALE BY deck w/spectacular view. Close to SANIBEL BAYFRONT Flexible floor plan rarely seen In 2/12/87 20133-3 UPPER CAPTIVA ISLANC adjoining lots with clear view to Gulf golf, swimming, boating. No pets. $339,000 island homes. Asking $139,000. CONDOS Available May thru Oct. 472-3948. Gator Investors Group, Inc., of Mexico. Very secluded area of the On 1 & 2/3 acres with the best view NUTMEG VILLAGE Licensed Real Estate Broker, FOB SALE island but not remote. Deeded on the island. It includes a pool, boat By Owner Large 472-8210 Gulf front 2 bedroom, 2 bath dockage included. Package price, dockage. A new luxury condo- $80,000 2+ acres, North Carolina near 3/1/87 53634-3 condo. Phone: minium apartment & much more. "NEED GARAGE & WORKSHOP 914/238-4680 Fontana and in National Forest. 472-8473. WITH CONDO?" 472-3239 3/4/87 20153-3 5/2/2004 50818-3 $7,000. Call 694-8915 after 3 pm. S/2/2004 50772-3 HOME OWNERS On Gulf front site, 2BR/2B with weekdays. second screened porch off / AM A PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL BOATERS' PARADISE Best 2/15/»? 54530-2 master, ft69,000 furnished. OCEAN'S REACH, SANIBEL. A BY OWNER 2BR/2B manor house. WHO WILL PAY CASH FAST watorfront lot on Dinkins Bayou. Maryann Skehan corner, upstairs, luxury condo with Professionally landscaped, FOR YOUR PROPERTY - Over 1/2 acre with 106" of Bayou Sanibel Realty, Inc. an unbelievable view o! the Gull of attached garage. Amenities include ANY TYPE PROPERTY. frontage. Call 472/2255 Broker. k WANTED TO BUY 2 pools, 2 tennis courts, security CALL 649-6862 472-6565 Mexico. Two bedrooms, two baths, patrol. Minutes to major malls. 20 466-0097 eves. tennis, basketball. Condo and min. to Ft. Myers finest beaches. NAPLES 2/1J/S7 2012S-3 furnishings are In excellent CONDO WANTED condition. Excellent rental Income Lehigh lots for sale on paved roads. Private party wants 2 bedroom, $52,900 firm. 939-7607. 3/2/2004 50780-3 from repeat clientel. Owner must Lot 8, blk 47, U-12 sect 12, $2995. beachfront condo. Good rental Cape Coral condo, by owner • sell due to poor health. Call Herb Lot 5, blk 16, U-5 sec! 19, $2995. history, nicely furnished. Eliminate By owner, 6 rm home in N. Ft. Southern Exposure, on canal direct Simon, Broker-Salesman, The Lot 6, blk 16, U-5, sect 19, $2995. real estate commission. Call J. COTTAGE COLONY WEST Myers, $54,000. 2BR, 1B with 500 to river, boat docks, large end unit, Vacation Shoppo Sales, Inc., 1- Lot 22, blk 32, U-6, $3200. Lot 18, Walker: 31W234-1766 days at sq. ft. fully enclosed lanal. Carport overlooking heated pool, 2BR, 2B, 813/472-5181, alter hours, 1- blk 56, U-6, sect 28, $4550. Lot19, 319/291-7229 eves. CASA YBEL RESORT and detached 600 s.l. building with living room, dining room, family 813/574-5697. blk 56, U-6, sect 28, $4550. 694- boatport. Large fenced yard with 2/12/B7 201S3-3 Excellent price for smart investor room, tans, drapes, mini-blinds, all 2/11/B7 20207-3 7414. mature fruit trees. Convenient to all looking for guaranteed Income and major appliances. Owner building 2/11/07 33114 shopping. New roofs and centra personal usage. Owner highly new house, some furniture optional. heat and air. Newly painted. Lots of BEST VALUES AROUND IN motivated, Excellent assumable Mid-60's. For appointment call MOBILE HOMES kitchen cabinets. By appointmeni 549-3059. WATERFRONT CONDOS mortgage $160"s only, 997-9820. 2/15/8 7 54440-2 2BRI2B from $115,000 up, with FOB SALE P.O. Box 1517 magnificent views! Sanibel, FL 33957 PUNTA RASSA REALTY, INC. 5/2/2004 50803-3 Own your lot Double wide, large L- 466-4040 BY OWNER 2BR/3B custom built 3/1197 20239-3 shaped lanal, screen and laundry house. Amenities Include pool, Mtrrill Lynch room. Many fruit trees. Minutes to POiNTE ROYALE Georgia pecan rock fireplace & wet Sanlbel at Sunshine Mobile Village. Inlty DOWNTOWN RIVERFRONT bar, marble top vanities & much LIVE ON SANIBEL - CARE FREE $49,800,466-0090. LOCATION, Spacious 3BR/2B large more. $159,000.472-5562. with pool, tennis and available boat 2/1J/S7 54372-2 living room, separate dining room, 2/22/87 20161-3 Florida, Inc. dockage up to 25' for under $80,000 furnished. To see, call and ask for EQUAL HOUSING eat-in kitchen, utility room, and and Dave Putzel Present garage space. Quick access to Becky Williams, Associate, John OPPORTUNITY AFFORDABLE LOGGERHEAD CAY #214 • Naumann Associates, days 472- airport, shopping, restaurants. 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath All real estate advortising in Executive's dream. $195,000. $219,500. Excellent view and 3121 or eves. 472-5457. CBS home on Sanibel. Large 2/1UIB7 20243-3 this newspapar is subject (o the HERITAGE REALTY, INC. kitchen, living room, spacious rental. Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 542-8712 or 542-5231 which makes it illegal to adver- screened porch and two car CAPTIVA COVE - Luxury garage. Asking $118,000. tise "any proleroncu, limitation Call Brian Bissell abounds. 2 bedroom, 2 bath or discrimination based on race, plus den, loft and elevator. DUPLEXES color, religion, sex or national CAPE CORAL, LARGE END UNIT Bissoll Realty Service Corp. ON DIRECT ACCESS WATER. days 472-0880, eves. $262,500. FORSALE origin, or an intention to make 482-6041 any such preference, limitation REPRESENTED BY BOAT DOCKS, CENTER HALL COQUINA BEACH - Gulf PLAN, OVERLOOKING HEATED 2/15/07 20240.3 or discrimination." POOL, 2 BR., 2 B., LIVING RM.. front condo. 2 bedroom, 2 This nowspapor will not INCOME PRODUCING NEAR DINING RM,, FAMILY RM., bath plus loft- $255,000 knowingly occept any advertis- REALTOR* DUNES BY OWNER, First time on BEACH Capiiva 3 units, 1 bedroom, CATHEDRAL CEILING, 5 FANS, unfurnished. ing for real ostato which is in market! 3br/2b large great room, 1 bath; 2 bedroom, 1 bath; a DRAPES, MINI-BLINDS, ALL violation of the law. Our cathedral ceiling. Many exiras, 813-472-4000 bedroom, 2 bath. $295,000. Cal VIP REALTY GROUP, INC. MAJOR APPLIANCES. MID 60'S. toaders are hereby informed $169,500. Call for appt., 472-6323, or after hours Century 21, AAIM Realty. FOR APPOINTMENT, CALL that all dwellings advertised in 5301 San Cap Rd. 472-5416. 813-472-9688 472-1546. 549-3059. this newspaper ore available on (across from Wultert Rd.) 3/2/2004 5003B-3 2/10/87 SS381-2 1-800-245-7284 an oqual opportunity busis. 813/472-3456 ___'•______1-012!) The ISLANDER Tuesday, February 10,1987 23C


Lots for sale - duplex corner El NORTH CAPT1VA Dorado near new school, proposed WATERFRONT LOTS NORTH AMERICAN TITLE WEEK 37 (Sept. 12-19) and week SANIBEL BEACH CLUB I, lovely, SANIBEL BEACH CLUB II, largo, golf course, $3500 terms, also St. INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. 49 (Dec. 5-12). Reasonable priced 2BR/2B, large porches lacing Gulf, luxury Gulf front, 28R/2B, steeps six. es nice woodsy residential sites SAFETY ISLAND HARBOR at CASA YBEL. Call 466-5014. Pool, tennis, saunas, etc. Call Pool tennis, Call B.J. Gawle, |ay. Possible trade. 472-4242. Two side by side lakefrom iots and Specializing In Personalized Charlie Matthews, Associate, Associate, Vacation Shoppe Sales, ox 1007, Sanibei 33957. one Gulf view. Lots include pool, Real Estate Closings tennis and boat dockage. Short walk Vacation Shoppe Sates, Inc., Inc., Broker, 813/472-0808. 1I15IST 53650-2 and ID Gulf. Will consider trade on (he INTERVAL OWNERSHIP SHELL Broker, 813/472-0808. 2/tJ/a? 20137-3 Your Title Insurance Needs 2/15/87 20t3S>3 two lakefront lots. ISLAND BEACH CLUB on Sanibei, Fort Myers Beach waterfront TIMESHARE AND UPPER CAPTIVA GENERAL REAL ESTATE week 21. $2000 below going rale. lot, wide canal direct access to PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Call anytime. 304/336-7483. 1661 Estaro Blvd. bay, Rebecca Avenue, behind Uo. R.E. Broker 472-9223 5/2/2004 500*4-3 Ft. Myers Beach, FL 33931 Beach-Bowl Lanes, off San 3/2/J0O4 50667-3 Carlos, desirable quiet 16635 McGregor Blvd. residential area, priced below Ft. Myers, FL 33908 WEEK 16 (3rd week in April) at market value. Inquire 813-463-8838 CASA YBEL RESORT AND CLUB. 574-7219. INTERVALS 5/2/J004 S0858-3 Upper, two bedroom, two bath, all 31171*7 S4236-2 amenities included. $12,000 FOR RENT negotiable. Days call 617/523-2306 CASA YBEL RESORT Beautiful or write 112 Union Wharf, Boston, llmetto Pointe waterfront condo, excellent facilities. Select Mass. 02109. esite, 100x135. One of finest SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION One upper corner unit with cross 5/2/2004 S094S-3 laining in area. Wide canal, bedroom condo. Sleeps six. ventilation.'iSOO sq. ft. on 2 floors. ect river access. By owner. Available 4-12 thru 4-25, Sleeps six. MUST SELL or rent. 305-225-2584. $1,200Avk. 481-3672. Week 1 $8500, Week 3, $9200, TIMESHARE DIRECT from owner. 2/IS/S7 S4536-2 i 201(7-3 Week 4, $9700, Rent at $700/wk. Sanibel's best location, weeks Call owner 617/899-1834. 16«17atSANIBEL BEACH CLUB «. S/2/S004 20111.3 $8,750 each week. Call 540-6553. Deluxe Waterfront TORTUGA BEACH CLUB, week Lots 14 (Apr. 3-10), Luxury Gulf front, 2br/2b, sleeps 6. $1,500. Promotional- Start at WEEKS 51 & 52 Lighthouse Resort rent or sale week 13, $23,500., and Club. Large Bayfront 3 SANIBEL BEACH CLUB I, Anxious $28,000 • week 14, $21,500. 812/477- bedroom unit. Priced well below to sell weeks 31,32 in Aug.; 39,40 in Goyt. maintained street, no road 7223. market at $11,000 each. 472-2614. Oct.; and 48,40 & 50 in Dec. 10% mainl. assoc. tees. No poles, 2126161 2O22T-3 2/22/07 20202-3 owner financing. Call 489-1413. underground elec, min. 1700 sq. ft. 5/2/3004 50B53-3 living area, other requirements. Shopping & services excellent. RARE 4 CONSECUTIVE weeks at Direct access. This offer good for INTERVALS lovely Sanibei Cottages. Weeks 5,6 Interval Ownership Vanderbift 30 days only. S 8, apt 102, week 7, apt. 103. Call Baach and Harbour Club, week #46. FOR SALE 472-3244, by owner, ask for Eva. Gold Card privileges available, Harney Point Realty, inc. 2/25/87 2021S-3 $7500.574-5778. 2MU/87 54333-2 The Islands' 574-6666 or TRADE YOUR SANIBEL winter week for my Snowmass weeks 3,4, SANIBEL COTTAGES Weeks 11,12 936-2800 50 ($4,000/ea.) Weeks 36, 38 , 13 (March) & 14 (April), INTERVAL WEEKS 1 -3, Lighthouse 2/15/87 51514.5 favorite Newspaper (52,000 ea.) Aspen wok 10 $27,000/each. Sleops 6. 314/752- Resort and Club, 489-3063. ATERFRONT ($10,000). 319/326-0143 days, 3067. 5/18)87 20157-3 LOTS 319/359-7431 eves. SIMtT 2023B-3 presents the 3/5107 20U24-3 Blks 425, 443, 61S, 663, 697, 879 9 priced from $15,000 to $25,000. All PLANTATION BEACH CLUB, weeks have access to river. Call for specific FQUR WEEKS one A week and 5,6,7,8. Jan. 30 to Feb. 27, 1987. Islands most lots, sizes and other locations. three C weeks. Caribe Beach Club Second floor end unit, 2br/2b. Bernle Braden Realty charter members. Call 936-5555 Sleeps six. Fully furnished. Gail 472- 3/11JB7 20105-3 5111,Gjct. 1036. effective classifieds. 574-6300 2M1/O7 20242-3 SHELL ISLAND BEACH CLUB Sanibei, near Lighthouse. Large SHELL ISLAND BEACH CLUB REPRESENTED BY WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA luxury Gulf front 2BR/2B condo. Week 17, last week in April. Unit 3A, Call Classifieds Homes, lots, land. Frank Porter Spacious pool, tennis, bicycles. Call 2/2 beachfront, spa, sauna, pool, Realty, 139 Wayah Road, Franklin, Herb Simon, Associate, Vacation tennis, boats & bikes. $6,000. Call REALTOR' NC 28734, Trudy & Frank Porter, Shoppe Sales, Inc., Broker, owner 472-4379. After July call WHIP 472-5185 Realtors, MLS, 704/524-8341. 813/472-0808. collect 704/369-7225. VIP REALTY GROUP, INC. 5/2/2004 50940-3 S301 San Cap Rd. (acioss from Wuilert Rd.) TOP-RATED SANIBEL/CAPTIVA 813/472-3456 RESULTS -VACATION WEEKS BY OWNER Save, and rent direct from interval/timeshare owners. Call owner and make your own wangemenls direotiy by phone. Most rfumbers are home numbers, so evening calls are 7LOOKIN6 FOB THE UNUSUAL? ^commended. NO COMMISSIONS INVOLVED. "Owner's Forum" is not associated with sal estate brokers. 11 you are an interval or timeshare owner and cannot use your week, or wish to exchange Need a thank you gift? A birthday remembrance? Housewar- or rent your week, drop a line to "OWNER'S FORUM," P.O. BOX 07036, Fort Myers, FL 33907. ming? Just want to be nice? When you rent or sell, please inform "Owner's Forum" to avoid unnecessary calls. An advertisement fee is involved. YOUR PARTICIPATION IN OUR PROGRAM IS INVITED. For information on remainder of year send name and address with a $2 printing and mailing THE ANSWER: A GIFT CERTIFICATE fee to P.O. BOX 07036, FORT MYERS, FL 33907. FROM THE SCCF GIFT SHOP RASA YBEL: 2 BEDROOM TOWNHOUSES ON BEACH. SLEEPS 6. OR NATIVE PLANT NURSERY! week Date Unit Name Phone Sale $ Rent 7 Feb. 13-20 G222 Bernstein 914-949-3633 17,000 1,400 7 Feb 13-20 H178 Gudgel 813-768-0322 NA 1,200 8 Feb 20-27 F142 Mollendorf* 813-472-0620 15,000 NA 8 Feb 20-27 F146 Belzer 612-545-0291 NA 1100 9 Feb 27-6 F142 Mollendort* 813-472-0620 15,000 NA 10 Mar 6-13 F150 Mayer 603-284-7726 NA 1200 10 Mar 6-13 F154 Veasey* 617-374-8703 bef. 2/6 1400 V V 10 Mar 6-13 G219 Trenholm* 203-658-1242 12,500 1300 is>\ **> ..• •*• 10 Mar 6-13 H177 LeFevre 309-682-3016 NA 1200 'in 11 Mar 13-20 F154 Veasey* 813-472-5161 aft. 2/13 1400

J1 Mar 13-20 G211 Bradshaw* 519-884-7920 15,200 NA % li Mar 13-20 G219 Trenholm* 203-727-1565 12,500 NA 11 Mar 13-20 G220 Luks* 416-485-6906 19,500 1200 12 Mar 20-27 G211 Bradshaw* 519-884-7920 15,200 NA 12 Mar 20-27 G220 Luks* 4164B1-4726 19,500 1200 12 Mar 20-27 H182 Stewart 414-786-2265 16,500 1,375 12 Mar 20-27 1158 Bussee 416-251-8616 NA 1450 12 Mar 20-27 J161 Kenap 219-524-5734 NA open 13 Mar 27-3 F143 O'Donnell 215-233-2022 NA 1350 13 Mar 27-3 G221 RohlJ 319-359-1641 NA open 13 Mar 27-3 K169 Devitt* 414-782-6611 15,000 NA 14 Apr 3-10 G212 Van Aken 216-681-2882 NA 1200 14 Apr 3-10 H187 Byers 813-472-4004 NA 1,200 14 Apr 3-10 1158 Chapman 612-920-6634 NA 1200 14 Apr 3-10 K169 Devitt* 414-782-6849 13,900 NA

'Adjoining week available. NA — not available. Not responsible for inaccurate or misprinted information.

SOUTH SEAS CLUB, South Seas Plantation: (Golf included) Week 12: Mar. 20-27. Unit 1306. Call Deans, 203-521-2926. $1,300. Wide selections of unusual gifts. And Week 37: Sep. 11-18. Unit 1309. Breedlove, 803-671-2383. Rent $700/Sell $7,000. PLANTATION BEACH CLUB, South Seas Plantation: you'll help suport conservation efforts to Week 43: Oct. 23-30. Unit 1027, Arnott, 416-825-0041. Rent $5S0/Sell $6,500. Week 42/43: Oct. 16-30/Nov. 13-27 $800 a week. Call Leonard, 514-845-7147. SANIBEL BEACH CLUB: protect the Islands' unique environment. Week 3, 1988: Jan. 15-22, Apt. 1C facing beach. Vihtelic, 313-561-2372. Rent $650/Sell $6,500. SHELL ISLAND BEACH CLUB II: Week 11; Mar 14-21, Unit 16A,Sedgwick, 218-732-5270, Rent $1200. The Sanibel-Captiva Week 14, Apr 4-11, Unit 15A, Sedgwick, 218-732-5270, Rent $1000/Sale $12,000. CONSERVATION FOUNDATION EAGLES NEST, Marco Island: Week 12: Mar. 20-27, Unit 606. Call Woodward, 517-631-5404. Rent $1,300. 3333 San-Cap Road MOON BAY, Key Largo Florida Keys, Clifton, 305-491-864$ by month or week. One Mile West of Tarpon Bay Road SEASONABLE, AVAILABLE MARCH 1. Near Forest Country Club, between airport and Sanibei. Two bedroom, two bath newly furnished villa with patio, pools and tennis, all 472-2329 inclusive, $1200 per month. 481-0750. 24C Tuesday, February 10, 1987 The ISLANDER Qwice

*>• \ I-

hz&ij'r'- ••' -

>. „.&•'•*• SHELL HARBOR HILTON SPANISH CAY Enjoy this beautifully decorated two bedroom, two Lovely one bedroom, one bath condominium in bath condominium along with all the amenities the quiet adult oriented complex. Heated pool, fishing Hilton has to offer. A very well located unit within docks and deeded beach access. Across the OPEN this complex with a lovely view and a great rental canal from Beachview Golf Course and across the An open invitation tu di-wovvr history in the Hilton's guaranteed lease back pro- street from the Gulf of Mexico. Fully furnished. Call living in harmony with t\«turv. • gram. Call Rosalie Tipson at 472-5187 for a Pete O'Keeffe at 472-5187 for a private showing. showing. Olfice £ Model Open Daily

The Ridge ol Sanibcl (Joes bfyonU A cnnf-firi- NEW COMDOMINIUSVS living environnwnt. In Custom-crattrd c «Jf i o.mi impeccable design, a rare seniiliviiy to the HA'.•.«•..»• LISTINGS !i!>£! ty'c has been Achieved. VerySperUl.* ,„ ^,,

SANDDOLLAR S301 .San Cap Koad Watch a Sanibel sunset from this GULF-FRONT (ftcroi& from Wultert Roid) condominium! A two bedroom, two bath furnish- or call 478-345ff OF SAMIhLi ed suite in building B at Sanddollar is most desired by buyer who wants top rental income plus enjoy- ment. Sweeping view of the Gulf of Mexico. Easy YACHT HAVEN to show. Call Polly Seely Cosyns or Bill Stoneberg BAYFRONT CONDOMINIUMS HIGH TIDE at 472-5187 for more information. An ultra exclusive location for luxurious living! A most gracious residence with spacious floor plan and decorator furnished. The setting is quiet and i . - exclusive. Natural lagoon and Gulf views abound !. with native vegetation and wildlife. Additional :'*..': details available by calling Heidi Parilla at NUTWSEG VILLAGE ,•'• 472-5187. A "SPECIAL" place for very "SPECIAL PEOPLE." This lovely, well cared for apartment has a breathtaking view of the Gulf and courtyard. The tranquil atmosphere offers relaxing lifestyle among friendly neighbors. Enjoy festive activities around the gazebo on the beach; relax in the OPEN HOUSE Sunday, Monday, Tuesday heated pool and whirlpool bath after a game of Thursday & Friday from 10-4 PM tennis or golf or walk on the beach. Let us show Spacious and open, these new, luxury apartments you this attractive apartment soon. Call Betty offer panoramic views of the bay and ownership Clark at 472-5187 for your appointment. of private, deep water boat docks. Special features include garage and storage, wet bar on porch and Jacuzzi tub in master bath. Only 5 units in a beautifully landscaped setting. YACHT HAVEN... a casual, yet elegant waterfront lifestyle. Priced from $339,000. Call Vivienne Bould Radigan at 7 NEW LOT LISTING A 2 5187 for more info-mation KING'S CROWSSI AT GULF RIDGE Live like a King at beautiful King's Crown con- Prestigious subdivision with security gate, private dominium. This three bedroom, two bath apart- beach access, pool and tennis court. Building site ment with 1933 sq. ft. offers the best in island liv- with restrictions. Call Vivienne Bould Radigan at ing. Spacious, decorator furnished, high quality 472-5187 for more details. and well located. Wide angle view of the Gulf and gorgeous sunsets. Super rentals. Must see to ap- preciate. Call Betty Clark at 472-5187 for more information. The No. 11ndependent REALTOR In Southwest Florida

• THE RIDGE SALES (SIS) 472-3458 SANIBEL: S310 Sanibel Captlva Boad (At WalTert Road) CAPTIVA: • SANIBEL RESIDENTIAL SALES (813) 472-6187 • SUNDIAL SALES • CA1T1VA ISLAND SALES (813) 472-SB9B 1509 Periwinkle Way (Next to T-ll) 1Z46 Middle Galf Drive (Next to Tfennis Pro-Sbop) Captlva Rd. at 8uns«t-C'aptlva (In Clubhouse) • THE DUNES SALES • VACATION SALES AND RENTALS (813) 472-1613 ' SOUTH SEAS PLANTATION (1)13) 472-1556 '»49 Sand Cutle Hoad fin Clubhouse) KOTO Causeway M- (Acn»s tirom CbMiabor of Commerce) South Sean Plantation (Next to Chadwlckt)