Feasts and Commemorations for this Week Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church Address: 6134 Black Bill Rd., Flagstaff, AZ 86004 Mailing Address: PO Box 2164, Flagstaff, AZ 86003 Phone: (928) 225-3814 Web: www.holycrossflagstaff.org Strict Fast Cheese / Dairy Allowed Wine / Oil Allowed Fish Allowed Email:
[email protected] Prayer List: Rev. Earl J. Cantos Phone: (928) 225-3814 Please keep the following intentions in your prayers this week: For the health and safety of our entire community as we are out and about enjoying Services Schedule: our summer breaks. Orthros 9:00 AM Divine Liturgy 10 AM For His Eminence, Archbishop Elpidophoros, to be enthroned June 22nd. May God Church School 9:15 AM (currently on recess) grant him many years! AXIOS! Bulletin for Sunday, June 16, 2019 Save the Dates! HOLY PENTECOST 6/22 8:00am Highway 89 cleanup. Contact Mary Grove to volunteer. Father’s Day No Confessions, No Vespers (Fr. Earl will be out-of-town) 6/23 9:00am Orthros, 10:00am Divine Liturgy - Fr. Virgil Suciu Prayer of the Holy Spirit Sunday of All Saints 6/29 5:00pm Evening Vespers, Confessions will be heard after Vespers Heavenly King, Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, every- Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul where present and filling all things, Treasury of bless- 6/30 9:00am Orthros, 10:00am Divine Liturgy ings and Giver of life: come and abide in us, cleanse us from every impurity and save our souls, O Good One. 7/6 3:30pm—6:00pm Flagstaff Family Food Center—Contact Mary Grove to volunteer.