REGULAR BOARD MEETING Peoria Unified School District No. 11 District Administration Center 6330 W. Thunderbird Road, Glendale, AZ 85306 October 14, 2014

Mr. Hal Borhauer, Board President, called the Regular Board Meeting to order at 5:31 Call to Order p.m. in the District Administration Center Board Room. Other Board members present were Mr. Matthew Bullock, Board Clerk; Mrs. Kathy Knecht, and Mr. James Kistner. Board Member Tracy Livingston was absent. Also present were Dr. Denton Santarelli, Superintendent; Dr. Heather Cruz, Deputy Superintendent; Mr. Kenneth Hicks, Chief Financial Officer; and Mrs. Dana McCarty, Secretary.

There were approximately 50 people in the audience.

Mr. Borhauer called for a moment of silence, which was followed by the pledge of Opening Exercises allegiance led by Miss Naomi Onaka, a 2009 graduate of Sunrise Mountain High School.

There were no recommended changes to the order of the agenda. Agenda Reorder

Each year the National Merit Scholarship Corporation honors the most academically Staff and Board talented students from high schools across the . This year two Peoria Recognitions Unified School District students have been identified as National Merit Semifinalists. Mrs. Erin Dunsey, Media Relations Specialist, introduced the two students, Jacky Hao of Liberty High School and Kenji Onaka of Sunrise Mountain High School. The students responded to questions and received congratulations from Board members and Dr. Santarelli. Family members of the students were also recognized.

Other acknowledgements by the Board and Dr. Santarelli:  Ironwood High School’s “Celebrate the Legacy” homecoming video of 125 alumni celebrating the 125th anniversary of the Peoria Unified School District  Bike/Walk to School Day on October 8 and the many Peoria Unified School District schools who braved the weather to participate  Liberty High School Lions Homecoming Parade, which included a stop at Sunset Heights Elementary School to welcome the newest group of future Lions  Participation of West Valley youth, including a few Peoria Unified School District students, in Future Leaders Town Hall on ’s Economy

The Public Comment agenda item allows individuals the opportunity to address the Public Comment Governing Board on any issue within the jurisdiction of the Board. Comments are limited to three minutes per person. There were no requests to speak.

Mrs. Linda Palles Thompson, Administrator for K-12 Academic Services, provided Update on Gifted some history of gifted services in PUSD, including the 2013 recommendation to Services Model restructure the services for kindergarten through eighth grade from a pull-out program (Project IDEAL) to a School-Wide Cluster Group Model (SCGM). Although the recommendation was initially precipitated by budget constraints, it presented the opportunity to design a more cost effective model, as well as one that is beneficial to all students.

A School-Wide Cluster Grouping Model was defined as a method for providing full- time gifted education services with the potential to raise achievement for all students. In this type of model, students are purposely placed in classrooms based on their abilities, potential, or achievement.

Minutes Page 2 of 6 10/14/14 Mrs. Palles Thompson gave a brief overview of the new staffing model and training that has been provided to teachers. A lot of positive feedback has been received from teachers related to the training and the new staffing model.

Other positive results have been the alignment with curriculum and standards and increased teacher capacity with respect to gifted education. When asked about negative feedback, Mrs. Palles Thompson stated that parents have indicated that they miss what they are used to (Project Ideal) and that they want more trips and academic contests. There has been little instructional criticism, but it was acknowledged that the first year with change is always difficult. Also discussed was student academic growth and proficiency data were also reviewed which, overall, show moderate gains.

Board members were supportive of the recommended next steps to increase nomination/identification of underserved gifted populations, continue professional development, expand outside-of-classroom enrichment experiences, survey students, and the implementation of E=MC2 (Excellence = Motivation x Commitment, Squared), a scholar project competition in April at Canyon Elementary School. Parent surveys and Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) were also noted by Board members as steps they would like to see the District pursue.

Mrs. Connie Witte, Administrator for Curriculum and Instruction, introduced Step Up to Approval to Display K- Writing by Voyager Sopris Learning as a K-8 writing program recommended to provide 8 Writing Curriculum, additional resources for teachers to increase student achievement, and materials needed Step Up to Writing to meet the rigor of the Arizona College and Career Readiness Standards (AzCCRS).

Mrs. Witte responded to questions from Board members related to curriculum replacement and measurements of student success. She recommended that the Board approve the display of Step Up to Writing curriculum and resources.

It was moved by Mr. Bullock to approve the display of Step Up to Writing curriculum and resources for public review for the 60 day period prescribed by Board policy. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Knecht, and carried unanimously. Administration will make a recommendation for adoption based on feedback gathered during the display period. Notice of the review and samples of the curriculum and resources will be placed on the District’s website.

The Annual Financial Report (AFR) represents the financial activity for the 2013-2014 Approval of the 2013- fiscal year as budgeted and as actually recorded by the District. A.R.S. 15-904 requires 2014 Annual Financial that the report be approved by the Governing Board and that the District provide the Reports Summary of the Annual Financial Report to the Superintendent of Public Instruction by October 15. The Summary of the AFR must be published on the District’s website by November 15.

Budget allocations and actual expenditures in the Maintenance and Operations, Capital and Classroom Site Funds were presented, and the following carry forward balances that were applied to the current year’s budget were reported:  Maintenance and Operations $2,312,781  Capital Funds $3,397,342  Classroom Site Funds $1,774,648 Total Carry Forward $7,484,771

Mr. Hicks explained that carry forward balances are larger this year than last in part due to utility savings as a result of the installation of solar panels and other energy management projects funded by the District’s bond programs. The District is in better financial shape than last year, which Mr. Hicks attributed to the support of the PUSD community on bond initiatives, as well as many difficult budget cuts to staffing and programming made over the last several years.

Minutes Page 3 of 6 10/14/14 Capital, Medicaid in Public Schools (MIPS) and Indirect Cost Expenses were also reviewed. Mr. Hicks responded to questions from the Board related to enrollment and Average Daily Membership (ADM).

It was moved by Mr. Kistner to approve the Annual Financial Reports for Fiscal Year 2013-2014. The motion was seconded by Mr. Bullock, and carried unanimously.

This agenda item ensures compliance with A.R.S. 15-491.K, which requires school Annual Bond and districts that issues bonds to hold a public meeting annually between September 1 and Override Program October 31 at which time an update of the progress of capital improvement finances Update Including Tax through bonding is discussed. Rate Projections

The 2013-2014 fiscal year began with three active bond programs:  $93.5 million authorized in 2002  $120.5 million authorized in 2005  $180 million authorized in 2012

This report will constitute the final accounting and closing of the 2002 and 2005 bond programs as there are no unsold bonds remaining in either program.

Mr. Hicks gave an overview of the projects authorized out of the 2002 bond. The fund balance on July 1, 2013 was $9,795,841. The final project was the construction of Sunset Heights Elementary School, leaving an ending fund balance of zero on June 30, 2014.

Projects funded out of the 2005 bond program were presented. The fund balance on July 1, 2013 was $11,468,166. The final projects were the construction of Sunset Heights Elementary School and the renovation of Peoria High School Old Main, leaving an ending fund balance of zero on June 30, 2014.

From the 2012 authorization, $35,560,917 has been expended on projects such as HVAC upgrades, projector cabling, computer replacement, fire alarm replacement/upgrades, flooring replacement/upgrades, playground replacement/repair, roofing renovations, athletic training renovations, and vehicle purchases. There is $144,439,083 in funds remaining. The District will hold a bond sale each year for the next four years.

Bond tax rates as well as the District’s bonding capacity were reviewed. Mr. Hicks and Dr. Santarelli responded to questions regarding bonding capacity and its relationship to assessed property valuations, and when funds will be available to build the new high school that is needed in the northern part of the District. New construction of a high school was not part of the voter approved 2012 authorization. Growth will need to be carefully monitored and balanced with taxpayer impact for a new authorization. The District has experienced approximately $50,000,000 in capital cuts and the School Facilities Board has not funded new construction or building renewal, leaving the burden to taxpayers.

The Board held a first reading of proposed changes to Policies BCB - Board Member First Reading of Conflict of Interest, ECB - Building and Grounds Maintenance, GDQA - Support Staff Proposed Changes to Reductions in Force, JLF - Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection, JFAB - Policy Tuition/Admission of Non-resident Students, JQ - Student Fees, Fines, and Charges, and KF - Community Use of School Facilities on September 23, 2014. At that time, Mrs. Tahlya Visintainer, Administrator for Human Resources, explained that the proposed changes were a result of legislative action and recommendation by the Arizona School Boards Association. No additional changes were recommended by the Board as a result of the first reading.

Minutes Page 4 of 6 10/14/14 It was moved by Mr. Borhauer to adopt the proposed changes to Policies BCB - Board Member Conflict of Interest, ECB - Building and Grounds Maintenance, GDQA - Support Staff Reductions in Force, JLF - Reporting Child Abuse/Child Protection, JFAB - Tuition/Admission of Non-resident Students, JQ - Student Fees, Fines, and Charges, and KF - Community Use of School Facilities, as presented. The motion was seconded by Mr. Kistner, and carried unanimously.

It was moved by Mrs. Knecht to approve the Superintendent's Goals and Performance Approval of Supt’s Based Compensation Indicators for the 2014-2015 school year as presented. The motion Goals and Performance was seconded by Mr. Bullock, and carried unanimously. Based Compensation Indicators for 2014- 2015 School Year

Dr. Santarelli reported that a Vistancia Elementary School student that became ill with Local, State and flu-like symptoms at the end of last week has passed away. Lab testing is being Federal Legislative conducted by Maricopa County Department of Public Health Services to determine the Report nature of the child’s illness. District administration has been in regular contact with the County to gain direction related to containment of the virus. This tragic event has generated a lot of media attention and community concern. The District is sending updates to the Vistancia community on a daily basis to provide information on counseling and measures being taken to ensure the health and safety of all students and staff. The results of the lab tests are expected to be available around October 24.

Also discussed was consideration of the adoption of a new state assessment by the State Board of Education on October 27.

Mr. Borhauer requested a progress report on Career/Technical Education courses and Requests for Future fourth year math requirements, and a report on student organizations and their eligibility Agenda Items, Written to be considered for tax credit donations. Reports and Information

It was moved by Mr. Bullock to approve the items on the Consent Agenda. The motion Consent Agenda was seconded by Mr. Kistner, and carried unanimously. The following items were Approved approved:

The minutes of the Regular Board Meeting held on September 23, 2014. Minutes

The ratification of the Human Resource Report containing the hiring of new employees, Human Resource Report requests for leave of absence, resignations, retirements and terminations.

The Donations Report containing donations in support of the District from students, Donations Report parents, staff and community members.

The following Travel Requests were approved: Travel Requests

Alisa Mastin, band teacher/Apache and Copperwood Elementary Schools to attend the Midwest Band and Orchestra Clinic in Chicago, Illinois on December 16-20, 2014.

Marcy Robb, teacher/Ironwood High School; Michelle Schiff, teacher/Ironwood High School to attend International Baccalaureate Programme workshops in Seattle, Washington on March 20-23, 2015.

Paul Bower, Principal/Peoria High School to attend the NASSP Ignite 15 Conference in San Diego, California on February 18-21, 2015.

Minutes Page 5 of 6 10/14/14 Hal Borhauer, Governing Board President or seated member/DAC; Matthew Bullock, Governing Board Clerk/DAC; James Kistner, Governing Board Member or seated member/DAC; Kathy Knecht, Governing Board Member or seated member/DAC; Denton Santarelli, Superintendent/DAC; Heather Cruz, Deputy Superintendent/DAC to attend the National School Boards Association 75th Annual Conference in Nashville, Tennessee on March 20-24, 2015.

Raymond S. Kellis High School band students and Nathan Garrison, teacher/RSKHS and Shannon Griffus, office clerk/Cotton Boll Elementary to attend an academic field trip in Anaheim, California on November 20-23, 2014.

Centennial High School culinary arts students and Jennifer Brooks, teacher/CeHS and Susan Leon, teacher/CeHS to attend an academic field trip in Anaheim, California on November 21-22, 2014.

Cactus High School choir and band students and Kristin Rebb, choir teacher /CHS and Brian Evans, band teacher/CHS to attend an academic field trip in Los Angeles, California on April 23-26, 2015.

The Year-End Student Activity Financial Report for the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year. 2013-2014 Year-End Student Activity Financial Report

The Year-End Food Service Financial Report for the 2013-2014 Fiscal Year. 2013-2014 Year-End Food Service Financial Report

The Developer Assistance Agreement (DAA) submitted by Christopher Curry, Vice DAA with Parke West President with Parke West, an affiliate of the Howard Hughes Corporation, for Park LLC/Howard Hughes West, a 36-unit apartment/condominium complex located northeast of Northern Avenue Corp. for Park West Parkway and 99th Avenue in Peoria. Payments will be $400 per unit, payable to Peoria Unified School District at the close of escrow for each unit.

The Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for dental education, dental screenings and IGA with Maricopa Co. fluoride treatments for preschool students, including transportation to the school host Dept. of Public Health site. The term of the agreement will be July 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015. The for Dental Services for approval of the IGA also included authorization for District administration to execute the Preschool Students document on behalf of the Governing Board.

The following informational reports were included in the meeting packet: Informational Reports  Budget, Facilities Planning and Construction Report  Report on Upcoming Meetings and Events (as listed below) October 16-17, 2014 Elementary Parent/Teacher Conferences October 20, 2014 4:00 p.m. Arizona School Board Association Maricopa County Meeting, Isaac Elementary School District Office October 28, 2014 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting, District Administration Center Board Room November 3-7, 2014 Internet Safety Week November 4, 2014 General Election November 11, 2014 Veterans’ Day (All schools and district offices closed) November 14, 2014 8:30 a.m. Fall Patron Tour of Liberty High School and Sunset Heights Elementary School, tour begins at Liberty High School November 19, 2014 5:30 p.m. Parent Organization Presidents’ Dinner, Zuni Hills Elementary School November 24-28, 2014 Fall/Thanksgiving Break (All schools and district offices closed) Minutes Page 6 of 6 10/14/14 December 2, 2014 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting, District Administration Center Board Room December 10-12, 2014 Arizona School Boards Association Annual Conference, Arizona Biltmore December 16, 2014 5:30 p.m. Regular Board Meeting, District Administration Center Board Room December 22, 2014-January 2, 2015 Winter Break (All schools closed; district offices closed December 22-26, open December 29-31)

 Draft Agenda for the October 28, 2014 Regular Board Meeting

There was no readdress of items discussed earlier in the agenda. Further Discussion of Agenda Items

It was moved by Mrs. Knecht, seconded by Mr. Kistner, to adjourn the meeting. The Adjournment motion carried unanimously and the meeting adjourned at 8:13 p.m.
