Sobolev Mappings, Degree, Homotopy Classes and Rational Homology Spheres
SOBOLEV MAPPINGS, DEGREE, HOMOTOPY CLASSES AND RATIONAL HOMOLOGY SPHERES PAWELGOLDSTEIN AND PIOTR HAJLASZ Abstract. In the paper we investigate the degree and the homotopy theory of Orlicz-Sobolev mappings W 1,P (M, N) between manifolds, where the Young function P satisfies a divergence condition and forms a slightly larger space than W 1,n, n = dim M. In particular, we prove that if M and N are compact oriented manifolds without boundary and dim M = dim N = n, then the degree is well defined in W 1,P (M, N) if and only if the universal cover of N is not a rational homology sphere, and in the case n = 4, if and only if N is not homeomorphic to S4. 1. Introduction Let M and N be compact smooth Riemannian manifolds without bound- ary. We consider the space of Sobolev mappings between manifolds de- fined in a usual way: we assume that N is isometrically embedded in a k 1,p Euclidean space R and define W (M, N) to be the class of Sobolev map- 1,p k 1,p pings u ∈ W (M, R ) such that u(x) ∈ N a.e. The space W (M, N) is 1,p k a subset of a Banach space W (M, R ) and it is equipped with a metric inherited from the norm of the Sobolev space. It turns out that smooth mappings C∞(M, N) are not always dense in W 1,p(M, N) and we denote by H1,p(M, N) the closure of C∞(M, N) in the metric of W 1,p(M, N).
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