CDBS Print Page 1 of 7 Federal Communications Commission Approved by OMB FOR FCC USE ONLY Washington, D.C. 20554 3060-0506 (June 2002) FCC 302-FM FOR COMMISSION USE ONLY APPLICATION FOR FM BROADCAST STATION FILE NO. LICENSE BXLED - 20130808AAN Read INSTRUCTIONS Before Filling Out Form Section I - General Information 1. Legal Name of the Applicant PASADENA AREA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Mailing Address 1570 E. COLORADO BLVD. City State or Country (if foreign address) ZIP Code PASADENA CA 91106 - Telephone Number (include area code) E-Mail Address (if available) 6265857201
[email protected] FCC Registration Number: Call Sign Facility Identifier 0005085204 KPCC 51701 2. Contact Representative (if other than Applicant) Firm or Company Name JOHN CRIGLER GARVEY SCHUBERT & BARER Telephone Number (include area code) E-Mail Address (if available) 2022982521 JCRIGLER&GSBLAW.COM 3. If this application has been submitted without a fee, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R. Section 1.1114): Noncommercial Educational Licensee/Permittee 4. Facility Information: a. b. Directional c. Community of License: City: PASADENA State: CA 5. Program Test Authority: 6. Purpose of Application: -- starts with the BMXPED- prefix BPH, BNPH, BMPH, BPED, BMPED, or BMPED): 20120410AAE -- starts with the prefix BLH, BMLH, - BLED, or BMLED): If an amendment, submit as an Exhibit a listing by Section and Question Number the portions of the pending application that are being revised. [Exhibit 1] NOTE: In addition to the information called for in this section, an explanatory exhibit providing full particulars must be submitted for each question for which a "No" response is provided.