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PLANT SPECIES AVAILABLE from NOOSA & DISTRICT LANDCARE RESOURCE CENTRE, POMONA, January 2016 (Opposite the Pub) PLANT SPECIES AVAILABLE FROM NOOSA & DISTRICT LANDCARE RESOURCE CENTRE, POMONA, January 2016 (opposite the pub) Prices: Tube stock: $2.00 * Orders 100-500: $1.80 Kauri, Brown & Hoop pines: $2.20 * Orders 500 plus: $1.54 Bunya pines: $3.50 * Orders over 1000 – price negotiable Specials: $1.00 * Larger pots as marked * Members receive 10% - 20% discount on plants * Phone 5485 2468 to pre-order plants Acacia falcata SICKLE WATTLE Shrub to 4 m throughout Queensland and NSW, mostly in Coastal areas. Often very ‘showy’ flowering periods in June with cream coloured ball-flowers. Unusual seed pods show the seeds very obviously which attracts birds such as the pale headed rosellas. Acacia flavescens PRIMROSE BALL WATTLE Small to medium tree to 10 metres. Rough furrowed bark, large distinctive phyllodes. Panicles of creamy-white to yellowish flower heads, throughout summer, autumn and winter. Common in sandy coastal soils. Acacia falcata SILVER LEAVED WATTLE Medium shrub or small tree to 3m. Pale yellow flowers autumn to winter. Fast growing re-vegetation species. Hardy and adaptable. Acacia fimbriata BRISBANE WATTLE Shrub or bushy small tree to 4m. Hardy and fast growing. Attractive ferny semi-weeping foliage. Flowers are scented yellow fluffy balls in winter. Alectryon coriaceous BEACH ALECTRYON Bushy coastal shrub 1-6m. Panicles of small yellow flowers in winter and distinctive bird-attracting fruit. Very hardy in a coastal site, not frost tolerant. Allocasuarina littoralis BLACK SHE-OAK Open forest tree to 10m, black fissured bark. Hardy, adaptable and fast growing in variety of sites. Black cockatoo feed tree, suitable for cabinet work. Allocasuarina torulosa ROSE SHE-OAK Medium tree slender and pyramidal 10 – 25 metres. Food tree for Black Cockatoos. Hardy and adaptable; suitable for moist rich or nutrient-deficient sandy soils; frost tolerant. Alpinia caerulea NATIVE GINGER Clumping plant to 1.5m. Understorey species, likes shady moist site. Bright blue berries attract birds. Fruit, leaves and tuberous roots are edible and make a tasty addition to salads. Alphitonia petriei PINK ASH – SARSPARILLA Medium rainforest tree to 15 meteres. Panicles of tiny white flowers in summer followed by bird attracting fruit. Hardy and extremely fast growing pioneer tree in a variety of soils. Alphitonia excelsa RED ASH Medium to large pioneer tree 15m. Hardy and adaptable, fast growing. Masses of tiny white flowers followed by black berries attracts birds. Cabinet timber uses. Araucaria bidwillii BUNYA PINE Rainforest tree to 50m, valuable timber species. Large, heavy (to 7kg), edible nuts. Prefers deep, rich soil but very tough, withstanding frost, low moisture and strong wind. Araucaria cunninghamii HOOP PINE Rainforest tree to 50m. Trunk straight, timber highly prized. Hardy, slow growing unless well fertilised. Needs good drainage. Excellent tub plant. Argyrhodendron sp. Kin Kin RUSTY TULIP OAK – COPPER BOOYONG Medium sized buttressed rainforest tree ±15 metres. Small bell-like creamy flowers in winter. Coppery, winged seeds and leaves with a distinctive shinny reddish-brown colour underneath. Hardy once established. Auranticarpa rhombifolium DIAMOND PITTOSPORUM Small to medium tree to 15m in subtropical and dry rainforest. Often planted as an ornamental, it grows in a pyramidal shape in the open and is tough and hardy when established. Leaves are simple, alternate, glossy and diamond shaped with toothed edges. Flowers are small and white, from November to January. Austromyrtus dulcis MIDYIM Low spreading shrub to 50cm, adaptable to most soils, dry or moist, sun or part shade. Masses of white flowers during spring and summer, followed by white,edible sweet berries; attractive reddish new growth. Banksia robur SWAMP BANKSIA Low spreading decorative shrub to 1.5 metres. Aquamarine flower spikes turning to greenish-yellow. Grows in poorly drained soil but also withstands drought conditions, prefers a sunny position. Banksia intergrifolia COASTAL BANKSIA Medium tree to 15m, hardy in a variety of soils but prefers good drainage. Ornamental yellow cylindrical flower spikes, bird and insect attracting; nectar from blooms used as bushtucker. Backhousia citridora LEMON MYRTLE Attractive shrub usually to 3m; taller in rainforest situation. Moderately hardy in well-drained site. Dense foliage, white heads of flowers. Lemon-scented leaves used as bush tucker; grown commercially for flavouring and oil. Backhousia myrtifolia SILKY MYRTLE ― GREY MYRTLE Large shrub or small tree 3 – 7 metres. Profuse white flowers in spring. Hardy and adaptable; ample moisture and nutrients in the early stages promote growth. Baumea rubignosa SOFT TWIGRUSH Clumping sedge to 1 metre. Fluffy reddish-brown flower heads year-round followed by shiny orange nuts. Suits wet or poorly drained soils. Callerya megasperma NATIVE WISTERIA Vigorous, woody rainforest climber. Pendulous clusters of pale purple and white flowers in spring. The flowers of this decorative plant are as prolific as the introduced Wisteria but the leaves are retained all year round. By natural inclination if forms a canopy over surrounding vegetation and needs plenty of scope with strong supports. Hardy and fast growing with adequate moisture. Callicarpa pedunculata VELVET LEAF Small openly branched shrub 1-2m. Fast growing and reasonably hardy but dislikes extreme cold or exposure. Prune regularly to keep bushy shape. Attractive small purple fruit attract birds; useful screening shrub. Callitrus columellaris BRIBIE ISLAND CYPRESS, COASTAL CYPRESS PINE Medium to large conical tree to 20m. Coppery winged seeds attract cockatoos, rosellas and galahs. Moderately fast growing; hardy in a variety of situations; suits sandy well-drained soils; durable timber tree. Carex appressa TUSSOCK SEDGE Perennial clumping grass-like plant to 1m. Rusty-brown seed heads. Suits wet soil but adapts to well-drained soils. Frost hardy; sun to part shade. Ideal for re-vegetating riparian zones. Good ornamental garden sedge. 2 Carissa ovata CURRANT BUSH – BLACKBERRY Decorative small spiny shrub 1 to 2m. Fragrant white flowers mostly in summer. Purplish-black berries a favourite food of the Regent and Satin Bower-birds; hardy in well drained soils; full sun or partial shade. Caropobrotus glaucescens PIG FACE Perenial, fleshy ground cover of coastal dunes (used for dune stabilization), pink flowers in summer months. Fruit can be eaten raw, leaves used for marine stings, insect bites and sunburn. Attractive addition in a coastal garden/rockery. Cassia brewsteri LEICHHARDT BEAN Rainforest tree ±10m. Adaptable to various free-draining soils, tolerates dry conditions. Showy red and yellow pendulous flowers (flowers when quite young), attractive glossy foliage. Castanospermum australe BLACK BEAN Medium rainforest tree to 12+ metres. Dark green glossy leaves are pinnate and symmetrical. Yellow to red flowers in late spring. Prefers a well-drained site on alluvial soils but will manage clay. Once established it is hardy in sun or partial shade. Castanospora alphandii BROWN TAMARIND Rainforest tree to 20m. Attractive weeping foliage forms a handsome rounded crown; white scented flowers; timber uses. Fruit is a peach-coloured capsule to 3cm in diameter and contain two brown seeds Casuarina equisetifolia HORSETAIL SHE-OAK Coastal tree to 10m with graceful, drooping foliage, important for sand dune stabilisation. Not an easy species to grow away from the coast. Casuarina glauca SWAMP SHE-OAK Small ornamental tree 6 – 16 metres. Food source for black cockatoos, lorikeets and rosellas. Male and female flowers on separate trees. Strong growing and hardy in a variety of conditions. Choricarpia subargentea GIANT IRONWOOD A rare medium sized Australian rainforest tree up to 20 metres, occasionally reaching 30 metres. The trunk can be smooth or glossy and orange/brown or pinkish/mauve colour or green where bark has recently been shed or if shed irregularly the trunk takes a mottled appearance, it can be multi-stemmed and with some buttressing at the base. Flowers are white, densely together in globular heads, and appear in April. Hardy in well drained soils; tolerates full sun and poor soil; frost tolerant. Cissus antarctica NATIVE GRAPE – WATER VINE – KANGAROO VINE Robust and vigorous rainforest vine or groundcover. Leaves are grey-green to dark-green, felty and rust colored underneath. Dense clusters of yellow flowers in summer. The vine offers shelter and nesting sites for birds while and the fruit is eaten by possums and many bird species, including Topknot Pigeons, Wompoo Fruit-doves and Rose-crowned Fruit-doves. Very hardy in sun or shade but will look best with extra water and soil nutrients; good as an indoor plant. Citrus australasica var. sanguinea (syn Microcitrus australasica var.sanguinea) FINGER LIME Thorny evergreen shrub to 4m; white to pink petal flowers; edible acidic red cylindrical fruit to 10cm with pink caviar-like pulp. Requires rich, well-drained soil in a sheltered position; tolerates light frost. Commersonia bartramia BROWN KURRAJONG Hardy and fast growing pioneer rainforest species to 10 meters. Masses of white flowers in summer, pale trunk and the horizonallly layered appearance of the foliage are very attractive. Frost tender when young. Cordyline rubra RED-FRUITED PALM LILY Ornamental rainforest understorey species to 3m. Suits shady areas or indoor tub; attractive red berries reportedly edible. 3 Corymbia intermedia BLOODWOOD Medium to tall tree (10 – 36 metres) with moderately dense canopy. Masses of white flowers
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