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LABOUR the original


Inside: Tory anti-semitism Annual Conference report Around the World News and reviews p2_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 13:50 Page 2

The Agenda

Editorial 3 Labour Briefing is published by the Around Britain: Labour Briefing Learning for Life 4 Co-operative Ltd, Waspi Women 5 7 Malam Gardens Tory anti-semitism 6-7 East India Dock Road, Brexit 8 London E14 0TR. Uphill Struggle - Kevin Flack 9 ISSN 2052-9074

Labour Party: Labour Briefing is an independent voice and forum Whatever Happened to Lutfur Rahman? 10 for socialist ideas in the Labour John Cryer: 11 Party and trade unions. It is Rachel Garnham: A view from the NEC 13 managed by the Labour Annual Conference: Darren Williams 14-15 Briefing Co-operative Ltd, Remembering Belfast 16 which acts as a custodian of Political Mythology 17 Labour Briefing to protect it against being taken over by a Voice of the Unions: hostile group. Campaign for Union Democracy 18 We are happy to offer a right of PCS turmoil 19 reply to members of the labour Unite Victory 20 movement. Keith Veness We welcome contributions. 21 All the articles in Labour Briefing reflect solely the opin- Round the World: ions of the authors, Macron - another failed President? 22 writing in a personal capacity, Julie Ward: the Balkans 23 unless othewise stated. Don’t Prop Up Honduras 24

The editorial board of Labour Reviews 25-26 Briefing are: Periscope 27 Lizzy Ali On the Outside - 28 Stephen Beckett Jenny Fisher Richard Price Subscribe and sell Annual subscription (10 issues) Christine Shawcroft I enclose: John Stewart o£20 ordinary sub Keith Veness Please write clearly! o£25 supporting sub

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2 Labour Briefing p3_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 13:57 Page 3


The strange death of social democracy

Long-time readers of Briefing will be used to constituency parties had ceased to meet regular- us having been attacked by the Labour right on ly, membership figures had fallen substantially, the grounds that our wild, left-wing socialist and the Rhondda had become a marginal seat. stance would never be electorally popular, either All Wilson could do was to plaintively ask peo- here or anywhere else. Last month, the once ple “not to look to Highgate Cemetery for their mighty German SPD saw its vote in Bavaria answers! slump to 9.5% – barely half that of the Greens. The recent trends of history show there is no At national level, it has been reduced to the role future in placating the establishment and trying of bag carrier for Merkel’s Grand Coalition. to look responsible and respectable. The centre It is the same almost everywhere. In France, everywhere is collapsing spectacularly, and we only six years after it won the presidency under need to be ready to give voice to the millions Hollande, the Socialist Party has been reduced to angry and demanding change. The forces of an electoral rump. The Netherlands Labour reaction, racism and right-wing extremism stand Party had its worst result ever last year. In ready to cash in on this if we don’t offer a cred- September, Sweden’s Social Democrats had ible and far-reaching alternative. their lowest share of the vote in a century. The only parties of the left in Europe to have PASOK in Greece went from 44% in 2009 to made headway since the crash of 2008 are those 4.7% in 2015. The Irish Labour Party, founded that have openly campaigned for anti-austerity by James Connolly, has eked out an existence as and socialism – Podemos in Spain, the anti-aus- junior partner of one or other of the two green terity coalition in Portugal, Jean-Luc Tory parties, and supplanted by Sinn Fein, with Mélenchon’s Rebellious France and Syriza in its dynamic women leaders both north and south Greece (until it betrayed its principles in govern- as the main progressive force. ment). Even in the United States, Bernie We don’t wish to be smug but Labour under Saunders remarked that he was probably a left- has bucked the trend. When we wing social democrat but nobody there even knock on doors and someone says “all politi- understood what that meant so it was best just to cians are the same”, they swiftly retract as soon stand as a socialist. as we point out the major and important differ- An international realignment of the left is a ences between Theresa May and Jeremy long-term project but one thing is clear – there is Corbyn. The general election of 2017 showed an anti-capitalist future for the left or no future at that we can only win if we have enthusiastic all. armies of workers on the ground. Years of Blairite posturing and ignoring the grass roots Join the Labour Party! membership eventually lost us both tens of thou- sands of members and millions of voters. The Want to tackle the Tories? Corbyn revolution is far from complete, but we Want to lay into the Lib-Dems? now have more members than all the other par- Want a better Labour Party? ties in Britain combined, and it cannot be You’re not alone – overemphasised how vital that is. join us in the Labour Party. Of course, Blair wasn’t the first centrist to be swept into office by a wave of enthusiasm and How to join the Labour Party then blow it. In 1964, became Telephone: 0845-092 2299 prime minister on the back of an upsurge in Online: www.labour.org.uk/join party membership only to attack the unions, sup- Download the form at: port the U.S. war in Vietnam and scorn the views www.labour.org.uk/uploads/join.pdf of ordinary party members. By 1968, numbers of

Labour Briefing 3 p4-7_v18_Page Master 04/11/2018 17:58 Page 4

Around Britain Learning for all, for life

Education is a human and civil right Christine Blower, National Education Union, explains how and a public good. The National Labour’s proposed National Education Service could implement Education Service is key to making learning for life. this a reality. Evidence that all is not well in education comes from the fact that we have some of the foundations for education policy: peer observation and review in unhappiest children amongst OECD investment, quality, accountability some form as well as school to countries and high levels of school and inclusion. school support which worked well in exclusion and “off rolling”. On investment schools simply need the London Challenge. Education alone cannot solve all of more money. Teacher pay is not The fourth element was inclusion, society’s ills and education alone is competitive, support staff need pay rightly identifying every child and not responsible for them. However, increases, many schools are in young person as unique and to be children subjected to overzealous urgent need of refurbishment . given the opportunity to find their levels of high stakes testing and a On quality, burdensome workload is path through education. Achieving curriculum which is often all but anathema to good teaching and that hinges on significant change. devoid of music, art, drama and learning. The commitment to trust First there is the need to abolish anything practical, is not the basis teacher and support staff profes- baseline testing and SATs in Years 2 for developing well rounded and sionalism is excellent. However, it and 6. These tests should be engaged people. When close to must be accompanied by a commit- replaced by ongoing teacher 50% of new teachers have left ment to initial teacher education and assessment and sample testing teaching by 5 years after taking up training. Teachers should have an conducted on a random national post, education is well on its way to entitlement to career long continuing basis. The current system creates becoming unsustainable. professional learning and develop- high levels of stress and far from The system, particularly in England, ment which is not confined to any nurturing a love of learning rather is fragmented and subject to both particular obsession of a secretary does the opposite. There is also commercialisation and privatisation. of state. In fact, micro management concern that the test materials Good quality Early Years provision from Government should be themselves sometimes, at least, is patchy and often expensive whilst replaced by a national commission exhibit gender, class race or cultural employing staff on poor wages. to advise on curriculum develop- bias. Second, for learners to be Universities are subject to commer- ment, pedagogy and assessment actively engaged in their own edu- cial pressures and the sector is rid- and qualifications. The teaching pro- cation rather seen as empty ves- dled with insecure contracts. fession through education unions sels, the curriculum should be a mir- In the school sector where the mar- should have a prominent role along- ror and a window. Young people ket model has been pushed hardest side parents and students in this. should be able to see themselves it has failed. To bring about a gen- Accountability is a big question. In and their community in a broad and uinely National Education Service Finland, often viewed as one of the balanced curriculum and be able to the academies and free schools pro- most successful systems, has look far beyond their immediate gramme must end. There is now rejected “accountability” in favour of experience to gain the skills and ample evidence that these schools responsibility, resting not just with knowledge to be able to deploy criti- are no more successful and in many teachers but also parents, students cal thinking and problem solving as cases much less successful than and politicians who will the means active and engaged citizens. schools which have remained with for the service. Ofsted should be A longer version of this article their Local Authority. abolished. Many models of can be read on our website, www.labourbriefingcooperative. The 2017 manifesto elaborated four accountability exist. Most favour net

4 Labour Briefing p4-7_v18_Page Master 04/11/2018 17:58 Page 5

Around Britain

Stinging rebuke from WASPI women

A lot of confusing reports have been On 10th October, thousands of women lobbied Parliament over bandied about in regards to retire- state pension cuts. KCC councillor and trades union activist Karen ment ages for state pensions and Constantine explains. how they separately affect men and women. The sad facts are that women have been disproportionally about. However, we also want peo- mass rally held in Mansfield on 16th affected and many of them were not ple to know this affects everyone – August 2018. Leading trades unions even aware of how bad these not just women. These women are are also supporting us. The next changes would be to them. the backbone of our society but step in this growing campaign was because of the gender pay gap they the rally in London on 10th October National campaign don’t earn as much as men and with thousands of women attending However, there is now a national because of the increase in pension from all over the country to show campaign to expose these injustices age they are pushed into temporary, solidarity. and to fight back against the pro- insecure and low-paid jobs. I knew posals. This organisation is called my pension age was going to be 67 We want justice! by the acronym “WASPI” – Women but these women were never prop- Here in Thanet, local activist Lynne Against State Pension Inequality. erly notified of the changes. Across Sutton,62, said: “The Government Down here in Thanet, our local the U.K. as a whole, 2,600,000 has made a £30billion saving group is very much alive and kick- women have been impacted by this increasing the state pension age. ing. We had a great success when pensions robbery. This has hit 2.6 million women born we got the Labour Group on Thanet sometime in the 1950’s. To be enti- District Council to pass a resolution Uphill challenge tled to your pension you need to in July 2017 supporting us and took Some women in this age group are have at least 35 years of pension it to the full Council meeting – where grandmothers who are taking care credits. Many of these women have to our surprise and delight the of grandchildren and they often already contributed 40 years but Authority voted unanimously to sup- make financial contributions to their they now still have a further five port it. As a direct consequence of families. As a result of these years to go. There is a lot of this, our campaign keeps growing changes, and as a result of having inequality about the way these and gaining wider support. to enter the labour market, it’s a real changes have been done. We want WASPI’s ultimate aim is to “achieve uphill challenge. Men need to justice – we want what’s ours!” fair state pension arrangements for realise that these changes impact women born in the 1950’s”. on their wives, sisters, neighbours and co-workers. It is men who will Local initiative have to share this financial burden Our campaign locally was kick-start- and that cannot be good for anyone. ed by Councillor Jenny Matterface drafting the motion to go Labour A life of hard work Group. I was very proud to second I have met a lot of women affected it. I said in a statement at the time and they don’t want to claim bene- “We think the Government could, fits because they have worked hard and should, have done much more all their lives. Women have earned for women. We want to ensure that their pensions and they want them! the 13,000+ women in Thanet Jeremy Corbyn confirmed his sup- affected by this issue know what it is port for our WASPI campaign at a

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Around Britain Tory anti-semitism

For the past century, the Labour Party has drawn support from Richard Price, Leyton & Wanstead CLP, seethes at Tory the poorer and more radical sec- and mainstream media hypocrisy. tions of the Jewish community, while the Tories have won the backing of the more prosperous none of them exactly influential States) ... this worldwide con- in British Labour. But over- spiracy for the overthrow of and more conservative. That whelmingly, both theorists of civilisation and for the reconsti- remains the case; only the pro- anti-semitism and organised tution of society on the basis of portions have changed since the anti-semitic movements have arrested development, of envi- days when the majority of British come from the political right, ous malevolence, and impossi- Jews were recently arrived and the Tories have played ble equality, has been steadily refugees from the Russian their part in poisoning the well. growing.” Empire. The British Brothers League The British Election Study of was Britain’s first proto-fascist Inter-war fascism held a strong the 2017 General Election movement. Founded in attraction to many Tories, and showed that 63% of British London’s East End by Tory MP has been extensively docu- Jews voted for the William Evans-Gordon it rapidly mented in Richard Griffiths’ Conservatives in 2017, com- gained 45,000 supporters, book Fellow Travellers of the pared to 26% who voted including five other East End Right. Researching the history Labour. This is a long term Tory MPs, and campaigned to of the British Union of Fascists secular trend that appears to restrict the immigration of Jews in my local area, I came across have accelerated after Ed fleeing persecution in Eastern an interview with a former Miliband supported Palestinian Europe. In response, the member who stated that “the statehood in 2014. Labour Party and the trade Young Conservatives in Leyton You may have had the misfor- unions formed the Aliens joined the BUF en masse”. On tune of seeing Iain Duncan Defence League. The BBL’s the eve of the Second World Smith interviewed at Tory party main demand was met by the War, Scottish Tory MPs conference, claiming that 1905 Aliens Act, passed by Archibald Ramsay and John Labour under Jeremy Corbyn Tory premier Arthur Balfour (he Hamilton Mackie joined forces is a “toxic anti-semitic project”. of the 1917 Declaration). with BUF members to form the And it’s not any old anti- Another Tory who had no prob- Right Club. Its aim was “to semitism, but a “new anti- lem reconciling anti-semitism oppose and expose the activi- semitism” which isn’t about hat- with Zionism was Winston ties of organised Jewry.” ing Jews as Jews, but appar- Churchill. In a 1920 article enti- While the horrors of the ently hides behind criticism of tled Zionism versus Second World War discour- Israel. Bolshevism, he set out his ver- aged many Tories from cosying sion of the global Jewish con- up to fascists, that didn’t stop Let’s acknowledge that histori- spiracy: “This movement Andrew Fountaine from being cally there have been anti- among the Jews is not new. adopted as their candidate at semitic elements on the left, From the days of Spartacus- the 1950 General Election in among them Bakunin and Weishaupt to those of Karl Chorley, which he failed to take Proudhon, the fathers of anar- Marx, and down to Trotsky by just 361 votes. A former vol- chism, some strands of French (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), unteer for Franco, only months socialism in the nineteenth Rosa Luxembourg (Germany), before he had spoken at Tory century and late-period Stalin – and Emma Goldman (United conference attacking the num-

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Party pieces Rachel Garnham’s view from the NEC

September’s NEC meetings – four in posals at its various meetings, as a significant step forward – these will total – were dominated by discus- negotiations continued to see if any be elected by electoral colleges of sions about the Democracy Review’s improvement could be made or if the 50% CLP members and 50% affili- recommendations. Katy Clark, sup- situation was actually to get worse. In ates. And on proposals for parity of ported by Claudia Webbe and Andy the end, we could not win a vote to CLP and trade union representation Kerr, had submitted their draft report reduce the 10% threshold and this on the CAC and National containing a whole raft of progressive fight must go on if we are going to Constitutional Committee, again the recommendations, to the NEC’s July have a left successor to Jeremy if and NEC opted for the status quo rather meeting based on a year of consulta- when he chooses to stand down. than an increase say for members. tion and over 11,000 submissions. By The meeting immediately prior to September, we were unable to get conference saw a whole series of Disappointing outcome support from the NEC for some of the close votes on other aspects of the On policy-making, the outcome was key recommendations – and some Democracy Review with some wins also disappointing. The report pro- members appeared to have forgotten and some losses of the left, depend- posed a new and much-needed NEC that the consultation and huge mem- ing on who was prepared to vote with Policy Committee to oversee Party ber engagement had ever happened! the six re-elected CLP reps and the policy and the policy-making process. Many changes were agreed, which left MPs on the various issues. A new The CLP left had submitted amend- will make the Party a more democrat- Charter of Members Rights was ments to strengthen this proposal and ic and inclusive place; other recom- agreed, long advocated by the enable more member involvement, mendations live to fight another day. Campaign for Labour Party which appear in the final recommen- Democracy, which has room for dations. Unfortunately the NEC decid- Leadership elections improvement but it was good, for ed that rather than take the first steps The most of important area covered example, to see off moves to increase to reform the much-derided, unre- by the review was the threshold of qualification periods in some areas. sponsive and unaccountable NPF, we nominations for leadership candidates Unfortunately, the local government would have a review. We will now to reach the ballot paper. The left had representatives on the NEC felt the need to work hard to ensure that put in submissions for no PLP veto, year of consultation was insufficient whatever is proposed to replace the advocating that candidates would and it was decided by 16 votes to 13 NPF process can genuinely facilitate need either 10% of MPs or 10% of that all recommendations should be member input and involvement. CLPs or 10% of affiliates. Katy Clark’s sent for further review. Finally on annual conference, it is a report had recommended the compro- Some significant improvements significant step forward to abolish the mise which had been submitted to the have been agreed to regional struc- ridiculous ‘contemporary’ criteria for review by Unite of a threshold of 10% tures but unfortunately when it came motions to conference – and to of MPs or 10% of CLPs plus 5% MPs to discussions about the NEC, the left increase the number of motions dis- or 10% affiliates plus 5% MPs. This did not do so well, although we nar- cussed from 8 to 20. But it was so would have reduced the veto of the rowly won the proposal to have by- disappointing that some much needed PLP from 10% to 5% which would elections for vacancies rather than reforms were rejected by the NEC on have been a significant step in the hand a position to a runner up. The a 14-14 vote (meaning status quo). right direction – and could have made Review recommended that a plan be The fight for these, and many other all the difference between having a developed to increase the direct rep- reforms goes on, aided by the change successor to Jeremy Corbyn who resentation of members on the NEC made at conference arising from the shares his politics or not. in a series of steps. The CLP left had Democracy Review that will mean Unfortunately however, following dis- put in amendments to speed this rule changes will now be debated in cussions at the TUC, the big unions process up – with OMOV elections the year they are submitted – we can decided they were not willing to sup- favoured in several sections. While it look forward to next year’s rule port this recommendation and the was agreed to add directly elected change debate already! NEC was treated to a series of pro- disabled and BAME representatives – Labour Briefing 13 p4-7_v18_Page Master 04/11/2018 17:58 Page 7

Around Britain

ber of Jews in public life. Law and Justice Party, which socialism. In a recent contribu- Fountaine went on to become earlier this year supported a tion claiming anti-semitism is a one of the founders of the new law criminalising anyone disease of the left, Tory MEP National Front. During the who claims that Poles were Daniel Hannan, who was sec- 1950s, right wing Tories rubbed complicit in the Holocaust. retary-general of ACRE from shoulders with anti-semites in Latvia’s opposition National 2009 until earlier this year, got the League of Empire Alliance party has campaigned round the problem of fascism Loyalists. for the commemoration of by claiming Hitler was a social- Racist and Nazi-themed socials Latvian soldiers who fought ist. are nothing new to Tory stu- alongside the Nazis to become YouGov polls carried out in dents. A few years ago, drinks a national holiday. 2015 and 2017 found that Tory at the Oxford University In April this year, Boris Johnson voters are more likely to hold Conservative Association were congratulated Viktor Orban and negative views about Jews apparently accompanied by a the Fidesz party on their elec- than Labour voters. For exam- song containing the lines tion victory in Hungary, and ple, in 2015, 31% of “dashing through the Reich, referred to them as his Conservatives thought Jews killing lots of kike”. In 2000, “friends”. This followed a cam- chase money more than other four members were expelled paign with repeated anti- Britons. Playing to this audi- for using Nazi salutes. In 2014, semitic tropes and claims that ence, the Daily (“Hurrah for the University College London Tory Jewish philanthropist George Blackshirts”) Mail launched a Soc was accused by the local Soros was the leader of a con- dog whistle attack on Ed and NUS of fostering a toxic and spiracy to take over the coun- ’s father Ralph – discriminatory atmosphere at try. In September EU politicians a refugee from the Nazis – its meetings and on Facebook, voted by 448 to 197 in favour under the headline “The Man with one Jewish Bulgarian of a process that could strip who hated Britain”. member claiming he was told: Hungary of its voting rights at This summer, Theresa May “Jews own everything, we all the European Council. The attempted to claim the moral know it’s true. I wish I was Tories were the only governing high ground by calling for all Jewish, but my nose isn’t long conservative party in western political parties to adopt the enough”. Last month, Tory stu- Europe to vote against the IHRA definition of anti-semitism dents at Plymouth University move. in full. The Tories claimed to were pictured on Facebook, Campaigner Justin Schlosberg have done just that, but it one with a T-shirt graffitied “f*** wrote in April: “Last week, I emerged that their code of con- the NHS”, another wearing a cordially invited the Jewish duct made no mention of anti- Hitler-style moustache, another Board of Deputies, the Jewish semitism. Only subsequently making a hand gesture used by Leadership Council and the has the party’s code has been white supremacists, and others Campaign Against Antisemitism amended to include an inter- with stars of David drawn on to endorse a joint statement pretive annexe on discrimina- their necks. condemning Boris Johnson for tion, which does refer to the his remarks and calling IHRA definition. Then there are the Tories’ Theresa May to account for the Make no mistake: the Tories friends in eastern Europe. Tories’ formal links to other remain the nasty party; the Fellow members of the Alliance political parties in Europe with party of Windrush deportations of Conservatives and equally deplorable records on and Grenfell indifference; the Reformists in Europe group anti-semitism. All of them party of food bank Britain; of (ACRE) in the European refused without explanation.” the hostile environment for dis- Parliament include a roll call of ability benefits; of Islamophobia anti-semites and fascist apolo- Five years ago, Tory Central and scapegoating; and the gists. The Tories’ biggest ally in Office suspended a candidate party with a long history of anti- ACRE is Poland’s governing who compared Nazism and semitism.

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Around Britain Revolting Tories

The Tories are not just ‘banging on about Europe’ they are tear- Cllr Nick Davies, Swansea West CLP, says the Tories are putting ing themselves apart over it, ideology before holding on to government. with Brexit ‘ultras’ threatening to bring down the government rather than accept May’s Chequers agreement However, delight in seizing on every scrap However, unless it changes the it’s not enough for Labour to sit of ‘evidence’ for this, suggest. way it fights its cause and back and make plans for gov- involves its base, trade union ernment. Pro-Remain Labour supporters, members, there could be a encouraged by polls showing an repeat of 2016 when major trade Labour has to protect working increase in support for Remain unions all supported Remain, class communities from the like- or a second referendum are but many of their members ly effects of a hard-Brexit or no- more confident that they can put voted Leave. deal Brexit by forming the next their case without damaging government and has to unite its Labour’s overall electoral strate- The six tests pro-Leave and pro-Remain vot- gy and without appearing to be Labour’s current policy, agreed ers. The Corbyn-McDonnell using the issue as a pretext to at September’s conference is a leadership has to try to keep the attack the leadership. product of all these calculations. Parliamentary Labour Party unit- It is to wait for May to do a deal ed and avoid being blamed by The Left Against Brexit tour in with Brussels and then vote the voters, and posterity, for a the summer put the case for a against it. Labour’s criteria for ‘bad Brexit’ . ‘pro-EU’ position for Labour, supporting any deal, Keir arguing that the new economic Starmer’s ‘six tests’, are Corbyn has a recurring problem settlement promised by a designed never be satisfied by with pro-Remainers in the Corbyn government would be any deal that May thought she Parliamentary Labour Party for threatened by the loss of invest- could present to the Tory party whom the lines between a gen- ment and jobs resulting from for support (and in any case uine disagreement and actively Brexit, at odds with the tradition- May and Raab are now saying working against the leadership al ‘Lexit’ position that such a that any vote would be a straight are often blurred. It doesn’t need programme would be made eas- Yes or No, with no possibility of a Eurosceptic to suspect that ier by freedom from EU competi- amendment). After that, all they are more interested in tion directives. It is hard to call options are on the table, includ- attacking the leadership, or talk- TSSA general secretary Manuel ing a general election. ing to friendly journalists about a Cortes, prominent in the cam- new breakaway party than pro- paign, and who calls Brexit a Bringing down the government tecting their constituents from ‘Tory act of war against our has to be the aim, with only the ravages of Brexit. class’, a disgruntled Blairite. Labour-conducted negotiations with Brussels avoiding the Pro-leave arguments Free movement deregulated dystopia yearned Notwithstanding the loss in the The National Campaign Against for by the likes of Rees-Mogg. 2017 general election of Fees and Cuts (NCAFC), The Tories’ poisonous embrace Mansfield and reduced votes in Corbyn-supporting, though not of the DUP may well become some other strongly pro-Leave formally linked to Labour, is in terminally toxic as the issue of constituencies in the overall favour of remaining in the EU the Irish border threatens to context of the otherwise strong and for the free movement of defeat May and bring down the election result the suggestion workers. Thus one of the forces government. The votes of four therefore is that Labour is pro- that propelled Corbyn to his pro-Brexit Labour MPs have tecting the Leave flank of its position as Labour leader and already kept this government vote reasonably well. But what mobilized young voters in the alive. The votes of more right- of the Remain wing? Last year’s general election, and which wing Remain Labour MPs may wins in Canterbury and could improve on the achieve- prolong its life further. By con- Battersea, for example, suggest ment next time, is setting its trast, Labour MPs should lose that Corbyn’s tightrope walk on face against the stance of the no sleep about voting on the Article 50 and the Brexit negoti- Labour leadership but in a way same side as the DUP to kill it ations has not harmed Labour that would help change the off once and for all. votes in Remain areas as much assumptions Labour has about as Chuka Umunna and co, who the electoral impact of Brexit. 8 Labour Briefing p8-10_v18_Page Master 04/11/2018 17:59 Page 9


Cutbacks at quizzes, BBQs to Gloucestershire Rural schools Natural England speakers. With a (@LabourChalford) Jeremy Corbyn has George Monbiot has strong Corbyn-sup- who’s twitter strapline called for action to highlighted the prob- porting slant, it’s reads “There was a eliminate the funding lems of cuts to worth having a look disturbance at gap between urban Government agen- to see how your local Chalford in the and rural schools. cies, and their effects party could produce depressed year of Even a BBC com- on the countryside. something similar, at 1795 when some of mentator has been Natural England, he www.dorsetlabour.org the inhabitants forced to admit that says, “has been .uk stopped a barge-load there is “huge dissat- reduced to a nodding of wheat on the isfaction in Tory dog in the govern- New Forest canal, demanding shires” on this issue. ment’s rear window.” Tories in Trouble that it should be sold He cites lack of A Muslim Tory Town locally at a reduced And finally assessment of the Councillor has quit price.” As they say, Those bored with the badger cull, overwin- the party in protest at “Chalford – for the rural outlook will be tering birds and Boris Johnson’s many, not the few pleased to know that increasing control by recent remarks, since 1795.” this column is likely Defra. Natural describing the Tories to end by 2050 when, England has suffered as being a “closed Somerset against according to a pre- 44% cuts since its shop” and “at a the cuts sentation to Public formation. national level, of hav- Comrades from Health England, an ing issues with Taunton Deane CLP ageing population Dorset – more than Muslims.” He has joined forces with combined with a just Tolpuddle joined the Lib Dems. Unison to protest at shrinking workforce The Rural Dorset This follows the both cuts in services mean villages are Labour Campaign departure of their and attacks on staff likely to die out… Forum produces a Bransgore & Burley terms and conditions ‘glossy’ 30 to 40- District Councillor in at the Shire Hall in Kevin Flack has page online maga- protest at austerity Taunton recently. left the hustle and zine that covers cuts to frontline polic- Often in rural areas, bustle of the Kent every issue imagin- ing, who now sits as where numbers are hop fields behind to able outside the an Independent. smaller across the report from the New urban seats in the Labour movement, it Forest in Hampshire. county and is particu- Chalford: a proud appears the Labour- Future articles may larly good at report- Labour history union links and mutu- disproportionately ing rural issues and A big shout out to al support are more mention broadband organising for events Chalford Labour effective than in connectivity. from film clubs to Party in some urban areas.

Lots more to read on our website: www.labourbriefingcooperative.net

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Labour Party

Whatever happened to Lutfur Rahman?

Labour Briefing readers may recall the case of Lutfur Rahman, who over- Stephen Beckett reports that the latest Police investigation has whelmingly won the Tower Hamlets found no evidence of criminality against the former Mayor. Again. Labour Party Mayoral selection ballot eight years ago but was refused endorsement by the Labour Party NEC. Operation Lynemouth undertook a caution, and He stood as an independent and won detailed assessment of the evidence • six persons received written warnings. the first mayoral election in 2010, and relating to 169 separate allegations and In all other matters there was insuffi- won again in 2014 with a turnout one other matter identified by the new cient evidence for any individual to be approaching 50%. Then came the elec- investigation. 15 specialist detectives referred to the CPS. tion petition and court hearing with its have considered over 2,450 documents Strand 3: In addition to allegations aris- verdict cancelling the 2014 mayoral and statements, 28 days of election ing from 2014, the Met has considered election result and banning Lutfur court transcripts, and several thousand the evidence in a number of others: Rahman from public office for five pages of digital material. • one allegation remains under investi- years. Despite the damning verdict, no The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) gation, criminal charges were brought. were engaged by the Met’s Operation • three allegations form part of a wider Operation Lynemouth was established Lynemouth to provide on a number of investigation led by the City of London following huge pressure applied to the allegations arising in relation to Strands Police, Metropolitan Police by the GLA’s Police 1, 2 and 3. The CPS concluded that it • two allegations had previously been and Crime Committee to reinvestigate was very unlikely that the Code for subject to criminal proceedings, and no criminal allegations. Established in May Crown Prosecutors test would ever be additional action was necessary, 2017, the purpose of the new investiga- passed in respect of the potential • two allegations have been dealt with tion was to assess and investigate alle- offences. The Met has accordingly by the relevant , gations relating to electoral fraud and reviewed all the available evidence, • In six cases, there was insufficient malpractice, or other criminal offences. together with the CPS advice, and evidence of a criminal offence, and The new investigation focused on four decided that there are no offences aris- • In four cases, due to the nature of the strands: ing from these allegations that should allegation it was not proportionate to (1) a review of 27 files of documents be referred to the CPS. undertake investigative enquiries. from the 2015 election petition court Of the 170 allegations of electoral fraud Strand 4: The COLP review into the hearing which found against Lutfur and malpractice: previous Met investigation into Tower Rahman and his deputy, Alibor • 66 allegations related to behaviour Hamlets CLC Youth Project grant fund- Choudhury. that did not amount to a criminal ing concluded that all reasonable lines (2) an assessment of all evidence of offence, of enquiry have been progressed. electoral fraud and malpractice relating • nine were duplicate allegations, Operation Lynemouth has now conclud- to the 2014 mayoral election; • 16 allegations related to ‘ghost vot- ed having reviewed thousands of (3) a reassessment and review of other ers’. These were errors, none voted, pieces of information. The final cost is criminal allegations relating to Lutfur • 18 allegations related to rejected £1.7million, and involved up to 20 Rahman or the London Borough of postal votes due to irregularities with detectives and police staff. After exten- Tower Hamlets; and signatures. None were found to equate sive enquiries by specialist detectives, (4) an independent review by the City to a criminal offence. the investigation has not identified evi- of London Police (COLP) of the The remaining 61 allegations were all dence to enable the Met to request the Metropolitan Police investigation into reinvestigated. The new investigation CPS to consider the charging of any Communities, Localities and Culture agreed with the previous one whereby: individual in relation to offences arising (CLC) Youth Project grant funding. • one person was charged with making from the 2014 mayoral election. The Strands 1 and 2: Previously, the Met a false statement on a nomination Met states that the new investigation was not legally allowed to examine the paper but no evidence was offered at does not undermine the 2015 election documents from the election court. It court and the case was dismissed. court judgment of Mr Mawrey QC - but had been considered by the CPS who • two persons received a police surely that’s exactly what it does do. had not referred any matters to them. 10 Labour Briefing p11-13_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:07 Page 11

Party Pieces Michael Foot: giant of socialism

Like many others who knew Michael Foot, my reaction to the John Cryer, MP for Leyton and Wanstead, defends the reputation recent claims that he was a paid of Michael Foot against outrageous slurs. Soviet agent was a mixture of outrage and indignation.

I knew and worked with Michael order to keep it afloat. I can This was a late flourish of one of at Tribune in the early nineties clearly recall Michael giving the great platform and parlia- after he had retired from parlia- money to Tribune. That money mentary performers in living ment. He had an office with us was his own and at one point he memory. Such was his power where he kept what seemed like even re-mortgaged his home to that the then prime minister, Jim a lorry load of books and papers. help out the struggling publica- Callaghan, asked him to wind up This was, of course, long before tion. In fact, when Michael won the confidence debate in 1979 the internet so if I happened to the libel case shortly after the which Labour lost by one vote, be writing about a particular era original allegations were pub- ushering in a general election in Labour movement history and lished he spent his winnings on a and a Tory government. needed some information or a new kitchen - and on helping out Nevertheless, even Conservative point clarifying I would walk Tribune. MPs have told me that, oratori- about 10 feet into Michael’s office cally at least, Michael was spell- and ask him. He was in his eight- Little interest in money binding and his speech is ies by then and physically frail – Michael always had very little remembered as one of the great- some readers will recall that he interest in money and I am cer- est in parliamentary history. was very badly injured in a near- tain he would not have accepted fatal car crash in the early sixties any support for the magazine Opposition to Stalinism – but his mind was certainly very which he had founded if there Personally, I have no doubt what- sharp and his powers of recall were the slightest doubt over its soever that Michael would never formidable. provenance. have come to the aid of a totali- tarian government. He was Michael had a long association The claim is that Michael was an deeply opposed to Stalin and with Tribune. He was one of the “agent of influence”. This might was a longstanding critic of the founders in 1937, along with Nye mean that he had a conversation Soviet Union. He believed thor- Bevan, William Mellor, Stafford with someone who later turned oughly in democracy. If he had Cripps and others. Interestingly, out to be KGB. Michael would happened to have been born when in 1938 Mellor was sacked talk to just about anyone and Russian, he would have been for failing to follow a sufficiently speak to any group of people but one of the first to be marched off pro-Communist line Michael he would have done it without for questioning by the KGB or its resigned his position as a jour- having the slightest idea as to predecessor. nalist in sympathy. who the individuals were because he was just that sort of Those who knew Michael will be Cowardly attacks person. immediately aware of what I am About 20 years ago similarly lurid talking about. While he had claims were made about his I can remember once going with strongly held views, he was alleged connections to the him to the Conway Hall to watch always deeply tolerant of the Soviets. He sued and won. It him wipe the floor with the then views of others regardless of seems particularly cowardly to leader of Socialist Organiser in how strongly he disagreed with me that the story has been rerun a debate on the record of the them. now that Michael is dead and 1974-79 Labour government on cannot defend himself. a miserable winter evening, as I hope and believe that the fuss I recall. He didn’t have to do over these allegations will die The recent claims go further than such a debate and certainly had away pretty quickly and that the before in that it is now alleged nothing personally to gain from memory of one of the giants of Michael took money from the it but to do it accorded with his British socialism, journalism and KGB. That money, we are told, naturally ebullient and open literature will live long into the was then passed onto Tribune in personality. future. Labour Briefing 11 p11-13_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:07 Page 12

Party pieces Fight racism and fascism

National unity demonstration against fascism and racism

Assemble 12 noon (varied assembly points, check TUC website)

Saturday, 17 November Initiated by Stand Up To Racism Supported by Trades Union Congress Sponsored by Unite Against Fascism and Love Music Hate Racism P14-15_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:10 Page 14

Party pieces Party pieces Annual Conference consolidates Corbyn project

This year’s Labour confer- Positive moves ence in Liverpool was pre- Darren Williams, Cardiff West CLP and NEC member, reports on More positively, there will now ceded, as usual, by media Labour Party Annual Conference 2018 in Liverpool. be an NEC seat for Disabled speculation that disagree- members and there is a com- ment over a number of policy mitment to establish more issues, notably Brexit, would vote in the affiliates’ section, much ice with many CLP democratic structures for all dominate proceedings, poten- prompting some anger activists and the passion and equality strands. In relation to tially damaging Jeremy towards Unite and other left- commitment to party democ- conference itself, it was an racy that was displayed sug- Corbyn’s leadership. In fact, led unions, considered to achievement to scrap the the tone of debate was, for have let the side down. gests – reassuringly – that these issues will not be arbitrary ‘contemporary’ crite- the most part, remarkably allowed to drop. rion for policy motions; to united, the atmosphere Concern over this issue, increase the number of and over the proposal to set There was and is, ample vibrant and enthusiastic and, justification for the disappoint- issues on which motions can while there was frustration additional hurdles for future leadership candidates, had ment felt among the party be debated from eight to and disappointment over the been a major preoccupation of membership in relation to the twenty; and to remove the High point setting out a series of radical overall package of rule limited on party party activists in the run-up to one-year delay in discussing The adoption of a Composite policy commitments that will democracy, several of the conference; as an NEC mem- changes emerging from the rule changes submitted by form the basis of Labour’s Democracy Review, especial- motion on Palestine on the agreed rule changes will nev- ber, I received more than party units. And while the Tuesday was a particular high manifesto at the next General ertheless help to democratise 2,000 emails on the subject. ly in light of the emphasis given to the historic opportuni- compromise on parliamentary point of conference, given the Election. These included conference and the party The lobbying of NEC mem- ty presented by the Review selections fell far short of concerted attempts over the John McDonnell’s pledge to generally into the future. bers had been orchestrated establishing open selections introduce worker share-own- by and their sub- when it was launched last summer to suggest that any as the norm, it does make it ership funds; ’s sequent advice to delegates year. The failure to adopt serious efforts to promote sol- Determined push to vote for the compromise on more of the recommendations significantly easier than idarity with the Palestinian announcement of a right to There was an unexpected selections, and to make up put forward by Katy Clark and before to allow members a people were a slippery slope paid leave for women who flurry of excitement at the their own minds on leadership her team – based, let’s not for- choice of candidate. to anti-semitism. The motion are the victim of domestic vio- start of conference on the nominations, caused bemuse- get, on more than 11,000 con- lence; Rebecca Long-Bailey’s sultation responses and innu- – debated amid a sea of Sunday morning, as a result ment and meant they received The unusual decision to commitments on green jobs, merable meetings – means Palestinian flags – con- of a determined push by CLP some of the same flak as the schedule most of the rule regional investment and that that opportunity has not changes – those flowing from demned Israeli brutality in delegates to vote down the unions. tougher action against climate been fully grasped. For exam- the Democracy Review – on Gaza and called for an end to Conference Arrangements change; and John Healey’s Those of us on the NEC ple, there has been no the first day of conference at arms sales and an end to the Committee (CAC) report set- announcement of a massive were aware that progress had progress towards re-establish- least meant that the most con- blockade, while Jeremy’s ting out the conference agen- been made behind closed ing a more accountable struc- tentious debates were dealt speech recommitted the party expansion of affordable hous- da, in an attempt to rescue doors in dragging the unions ture for Labour in local gov- with early on and there was a to a two-state solution and to ing and support for tenants’ CLP motions promoting open away from even more conser- ernment, in place of the failed high degree of unity in the var- formal recognition of a unions in the private sector. Local Campaign Forums, nor selection, which were set to vative positions and that the ious policy debates. It was a Palestinian state, while also about what policy-making fall due to the precedence NEC proposals represented particular achievement to reiterating Labour’s commit- The Leader’s speech, tying process should take the place secure a united position on together these and other poli- accorded an NEC compro- (for the left) a pragmatic ment to eradicate anti- of the dysfunctional National Brexit (following a six-hour cy proposals, showed more mise position on the same recognition of the best achiev- semitism, both from the party able outcome, given the resid- Policy Forum; the NEC is to compositing meeting), which clearly than ever Labour’s issue. While the card vote and from wider society. ual strength of the right both continue to consider these largely reinforced the leader- capacity to rise above our results showed that an on the NEC itself and, in the matters over the next year and ship’s existing position while internal divisions and the impressive 92% had backed leadership of several key bring proposals back to the acknowledging that all options Radical commitments relentless attacks of our oppo- the challenge to the CAC in unions, on the conference 2019 conference. Proposals remain “on the table” but that The key speeches from nents and present a credible to elect more NEC seats by the CLP section, this had floor. It is understandable, the party’s clear preference is Jeremy and his frontbench and attractive alternative to been cancelled out by a 98% however, that this didn’t cut OMOV were also killed off in for a general election. the Tories. advance of conference. team were well-received, 14 Labour Briefing Labour Briefing 15 p16-19_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:15 Page 16

Party pieces Remembering Belfast 1971

Watching Massacre At Ballymurphy, on how the Parachute Regiment killed 11 Channel Four’s documentary on the Ballymurphy Massacre innocent civilians and wounded reminds Michael Maguire of his own experiences of August 1971. 40 more in the two day period fol- lowing the introduction of Internment in August 1971, I considered unsatisfactory. When College, Dublin for several recalled my own arrest by the I fell to the floor, I was kicked weeks while they pressurised a Royal Green Jackets several back up onto my feet. My inter- reluctant British National Union days later. I was subsequently rogators seemed unhappy when of Students, Jack Straw and co, interrogated in the Royal Military an officer intervened and said I to lobby the Home Secretary to Police base in Hastings Street was wanted at RUC HQ. secure my return to my London and then at the RUC Special studies. As a result of my experi- Branch HQ in Castlereagh, On my arrival at Castlereagh ence of the British Army, like Belfast. police station, I was ‘greeted’ by many other young Belfast men

the Special Branch Detective and women, I also became In August 1971, I was home on Inspector Harry Taylor, whom I involved with the Republican vacation from the South Bank had been accused of assaulting Movement. Polytechnic of London, having during the People’s Democracy been expelled in 1969 from St occupation of Belfast City Hall in On my return to London, I initiat- Joseph’s College of Education, October 1968, the start of my ed legal action against the Belfast, for my involvement in problems with the St Joseph’s Ministry of Defence and the People’s Democracy, the radical administration. Harry Taylor had RUC. I was offered an out of student wing of the Civil Rights been an RUC heavyweight box- court settlement of a few hun- Movement. When the PD leader- ing champion, as I discovered dred pounds, not in respect of ship was arrested and interned, I when his large fist sent me reel- any injuries incurred, but for the became involved in its publicity ing backwards at the City Hall. loss of personal property, wallet, work, writing press releases and money, ring etc, which had been delivering these to journalists in Taylor spent the night question- ‘mislaid’ by the British Army. My the city centre hotels. And brief- ing me. Both he and an unidenti- solicitor advised me to accept ing them on the British Army’s fied Englishman tried to recruit this as, had I gone to the High lies about non-existent battles me as an informer over the next Court in Belfast to seek proper with the IRA - such as the ‘two couple of days. compensation, I was likely to be hour long gun battle with 20 IRA interned. men in Ballymurphy’, claimed by

the British Army to justify their Sleep deprivation killing of 11 non-combatants, Realising that I was becoming Prevention of Terrorism Act including a priest. disorientated through sleep dep- I subsequently spent a week in rivation, and concerned that I Brixton Prison as Cat A, until the might involuntarily reveal the police learnt that they couldn’t

‘Human shield’ location of both the Radio Free actually charge me with member- On my second trip, I was arrest- Belfast transmitter and the few ship of the IRA, as this did not ed by a Royal Green Jacket Land arms held by those People’s become illegal in Britain until the Rover patrol at the corner of Democracy members who sub- Prevention of Terrorism Act in Royal Avenue and Castle Street. sequently formed the Irish 1974. But I spent the next three Having been kicked around in Citizens Army, I agreed to their years on bail while pursuing the the back of the vehicle, I was proposals and was released. I remainder of my studies. then stood up as a ‘human went to Dublin and informed the shield’ on the journey up the media of my experience and the Massacre at Ballymurphy was Falls Road to the Hastings Street attempt to get me to report on first broadcast by Channel Four Barracks. I was questioned for London students. in September 2018 and can be hours standing against a wall in viewed on: https://www.chan- the ‘spread search position’ and The Union of Students of Ireland nel4.com/programmes/mas- battened when my answers were accommodated me in Trinity sacre-at-ballymurphy

16 Labour Briefing p16-19_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:15 Page 17

Party Pieces From Paektu to Nottingham East

Paektu is the highest mountain in the Changbai and Baekdudaegan ranges Tom Unterrainer, Nottingham East CLP, explains the link between that stretch along the North Korean/ political myths and Labour Party democracy. Chinese border. The mountain, a still- active volcano, and its caldera lake play a prominent role in traditional Korean mythology. So ingrained are these tion of Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader sentative of the authors outlook.* fables that they continue to be – but he is perhaps most notorious for What about Chris Leslie’s Paektu deployed in the mythobiographies of being an ‘outspoken critic’ of Jeremy moment? How did he come to be the North Korean leaders. Corbyn’s leadership. Labour Member for Nottingham East? Unlike in North Korean mythology, for B.R. Myers summarises the opening of However, Chris Leslie’s ‘outspoken- some reason this origin story is not the officially sanctioned ‘origin story’ of ness’ could not, even in the most chari- widely promoted. Kim Jong Il as follows: table of interpretations, be classified as “It was on February 16, 1942, in a arising exclusively from “one who thinks Imposed candidate snowcapped log cabin at Kim Il Sung’s differently” – as per the Rosa The grubby fact is that Chris Leslie was guerrilla base on Mount Paektu, that Luxemburg dictum – or as someone imposed upon the constituency. At no Kim Chŏng-suk gave birth to the Dear going against the grain or as someone point did local Labour members select Leader Kim Jong Il. Overjoyed parti- making an individual stand for the bet- him. He was parachuted in during the sans celebrated the great event by terment of society. In fact Chris Leslie’s dying days of the Brown premiership carving his name into thousands of tree ‘politics’ can be best characterised as and, as the record shows, as a result of trunks…” [Myers, B.R. (2011) The being representative of a defeated the personal intervention of Gordon Cleanest Race, Melville, NY] creed and the individual in question is Brown. Little wonder, then, that Labour someone who is yet to appreciate the Party members in Nottingham East Official North Korean portraiture contin- scale of the defeat. This, along with the have taken the opportunity – after a ues to feature Paektu as a backdrop and truth of his ‘origin story’ as the Labour period of considerable restraint and the mythobiography of the incumbent Member for Nottingham East, is the contemplation – to indicate their lack of Kim is riddled with references to the real source of the no confidence vote. confidence in Chris Leslie. sacred mountain. No matter how much Chris Leslie ped- dles the line that he is simply standing The changes to rules on reselection So it is a lamentable fact that mytholog- up for the best interests of his con- procedures agreed at Conference make ical thinking is not the preserve of the stituents; that he is primarily and collec- it likely that there will be a changing of North Korean political elite, but is readi- tively accountable to the 28,102 con- the guard in Nottingham East. When ly peddled within and without a demo- stituents who cast their vote for ‘him’; the opportunity arises, Labour members cratic political organisation such as the that he is being targeted by a group of will most likely select someone other Labour Party. More damning than lam- ‘hard-left infiltrators’; or that he’s being than Chris Leslie. entable is the reality that in certain ‘punished’ for calling-out antisemitism instances, these mythologies dispense the truth, as always, is rather more That this entirely legitimate and demo- entirely with any account of an ‘origin complex than the myth. cratic process will be accompanied by story’. cries of outrage, further smears and Inconveniently for the myth-peddlers, apolitical nastiness will be the responsi- So it is with the Labour Member for but conveniently for the rest of us, bility of those who oppose everything Nottingham East, Chris Leslie, who is Chris Leslie recently took the trouble of positive that’s happened since Jeremy the latest parliamentarian to face a vote writing an extensive exposition of his Corbyn was elected leader. Fortunately of no confidence from their constituen- political outlook titled Centre Ground. for us, the Labour Party is not a heredi- cy party. This pamphlet, published by the Social tary dictatorship. Market Foundation, clearly states the No confidence degree to which its author not only * for a fuller analysis and cri- Chris Leslie is frequently remembered remains wedded to the central ideologi- tique of Centre Ground, see in the press as the former Shadow cal tenets of Blairism, but the extent to Central Reservations at Chancellor – a role he occupied for a which he holds Labour Party members https://medium.com/@tomunter- full four months and one day between and our democracy in utter contempt. rainer/central-reservations- ’s resignation and the elec- In fact, the pamphlets scant references e73d86b7ba9e to the Labour Party are wholly repre- Labour Briefing 17 p16-19_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:15 Page 18

Voice of the Unions Come in and join us!

At the 2018 , the Open Selection motion and the Ben Timberley, Campaign for Union Democracy, channels Democracy Review were served up with Benjamin Franklin’s dictum: ‘Democracy is two wolves and a mint sauce and roast potatoes, and then lamb voting on what to have for lunch.’ hungrily gobbled up by the ‘democratic pack’ that is the Conference Arrangements Committee. They were 80’s when the right under Blair took hold they wield at all levels of the party. devoured, and would play no further and purged many regions of leftists, Accountability to grass roots Union ‘singular’ part in the conference. The left supported by the Murdoch media empire members, the people that actually delegates cried “Wolf!”, whilst the shep- and other power players. ARE the Unions, is paramount and herds were partying at The World sacrosanct. Transformed. Pyrrhic victory Momentum, the CLPD, and other groups ‘Industry capture’ If the establishment base within the combined forces to democratise and Despite many of my words here, this party (still alive and kicking) was one reassert the will of the left in the Labour isn’t a left vs right issue. Unions MUST wolf, the other lupine predator was the Party. They have mostly succeeded – represent the will of politically educated, big grey Omega otherwise known as but there is a risk of a Pyrrhic victory active and engaged grassroots mem- “The Unions.” Both came together to here. Because that other key ‘vote entry bers to prevent ‘industry capture’ – the shut down the flagship aims of the left at point’ was not democratised with it… scenario many Union members will be Conference, which left Luke Akehurst the Trade Unions. With huge voting familiar with where the employers and and his pack to howl at the moon in cel- power because of affiliated members managers wield the power in their asso- ebration long into the night. and seats on committees, the Union ciated Union, and NOT the workers. The votes have shown at Conference that decades my late Dad spent as a repre- Vested interests they still carry the fate of the Corbyn pro- sentative within Unison were littered with In seriousness, the left screwed up. We ject with them. cases where he fought against ‘industry won some important victories, but now capture’. we must potentially wait for years to As a movement, we missed the threat. completely neuter the threat posed by Despite the warning signs shown by The CUD has been formed by grass- vested interests represented through unprompted mass constituency party roots Union activists and Labour Party their ‘acquired’ proxies within the affiliations from right-wing-dominated activists, to ensure that Union members Parliamentary Labour Party (PLP) and Unions, ‘ghost branches’ popping up belong to a proud and 100% democratic elsewhere. Losing Open Selection and everywhere and voting in various elec- movement. From November 2018 the Democracy Review was calamitous toral contests, Union General onwards, we’ll be creating a baseline in my view. Secretaries being appointed by member standard of Union Democracy that mandates as low as 2.4%, and other grassroots members would like to be So that’s why we launched the obvious problems… we decided to put deployed. We’ll be highlighting where Campaign For Union Democracy (CUD) our fingers in our ears, and claim things have gone badly wrong, and – way ahead of schedule. The anger that our Unions were on-side and proposing democratic solutions. We’ll be from grassroots party members was pal- democratic. It’s our fault – we have let fighting for a strong, 21st century, 100% pable at what they considered a betrayal our Union comrades down, and we must honest Trade Union movement. A move- by Union delegates and bosses. That do better. ment that starts with YOU. anger is misplaced – we should be angry with ourselves, and here is why. Union democracy Internal Union votes are well known for CAMPAIGN FOR UNION Democratic systems biased electoral colleges, and extremely DEMOCRACY (CUD) Democratic systems rely on a concept of low voter turnout. It’s not hard to see Facebook page: https://www.face- ‘whole integrity’ to continue to be demo- why now – the executives of many Trade book.com/TheCUDUK/ cratic. Any system that contains ‘vote Unions wield unaccountable power, and Facebook Group: https://www.face- entry points’ for opposing agendas trying have stacked the odds in their favour. book.com/groups/CUDUK/ to stifle or break up a democratic move- Twitter Feed: ment will immediately have those entry We are democratising the Labour Party. https://twitter.com/CUD_UK points used and leveraged against it. To succeed at that, we must democra- Email: That is what happened to Labour in the tise the Trade Unions – and the votes [email protected] 18 Labour Briefing p16-19_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:15 Page 19

Voice of the Unions PCS at the crossroads

he main Civil Service trade union, PCS, is not affiliated to A PCS activist reports on turmoil at the top of the union. Tthe Labour Party. Although motions have been submitted to the union’s conference calling for affilia- tion, the leadership has opposed this purpose or allow branches to take The Left Unity leadership of PCS has them and encouraged its supporters practical steps to bring this about. not delivered on key issues for mem- to vote them down. Often the leader- This political paralysis is being bers, who have suffered pay cuts for ship has argued affiliation would challenged by supporters of the over a decade, and lost an estimated upset ‘apolitical’ members and Independent Left in the union who are £2,500 since 2010. It has failed to Scottish members. It is true many the main electoral opponents of the prevent the Civil Service pension age Scottish members of PCS detest the current Left Unity leadership bloc. being tied to the State pension age Party, until recently Rank and file members of Left Unity and a worse pension scheme being led by Blairites. However, the main are increasingly questioning the imposed, along with higher pension reason why the leadership blocked Union's lack of engagement with the and national insurance contributions. affiliation is the sectarianism of the Labour Party. There have been a huge number of Socialist Party towards the Labour office closures in the DWP and the Party. Even in the 2017 General HMRC, the two largest government Election, the Socialist Party (through Assistant Group Secretary Nevertheless, this issue doesn’t departments. In the DWP PCS signed its front, TUSC) stood candidates appear to be the reason for the cur- up to a four-year pay offer that led to against Labour. The Socialist Party rent split in Left Unity. PCS President 10,000 women workers receiving felt the Corbyn leadership would be Janice Godrich is seeking to gain the 0.25% for four years, and other work- only temporary and when he was Left Unity nomination for the position ers working longer or anti-social beaten either by the Tories or of Assistant Group Secretary (AGS) in hours. Other government depart- Labour’s right, disenchanted leftists opposition to Chris Baugh, the current ments are now seeking to increase would leave Labour and support incumbent. Godrich and Baugh are hours for Civil Servants. PCS has TUSC. both Socialist Party supporters and haemorrhaged members as a result Union democracy Godrich has decided to stand even of these successful attacks by the Rank and file members of PCS did though the Socialist Party is backing employer. PCS tried to launch a force the Union in 2017 to allow Baugh. Godrich has stated she has challenge to pay cuts through a branches to recommend some Labour no political differences with the national ballot this year but failed candidates to their members at the Socialist Party and her main reason to get the 50% turnout needed to General election. However, the lead- for standing appears to be that Baugh allow a legal strike. ership only agreed this shortly before doesn’t get on with General Secretary the election, and just over 90 candi- Mark Serwotka, and has allegedly Divisions dates got backing from the union. sought to undermine him. Godrich The divisions in both Left Unity and Labour might have won a few more has rallied around her many of the the Socialist Party should be wel- seats if PCS had supported more Socialist Party's other leading figures comed. The Socialist Party’s domi- Labour candidates. Unfortunately, it in the union and they are likely to be nance of Left Unity has allowed it to now appears that the leadership may expelled from the union. veto the union's closer engagement not even allow such limited support. with the Labour Party for too long. It opposed a motion at this year’s Independent left? Now it doesn’t have the strength to Conference that would have allowed Clearly there is a possibility that who- impose its line. As historical loyalties branches to support Labour candi- ever loses the internal Left unity are set aside, perhaps both sides of dates at parliamentary by elections selection battle will stand for AGS Left Unity will start to reassess their and in local government elections. separately from Left Unity. This will political and industrial strategy. probably break up Left Unity and its Hopefully a new leadership of the Formal support dominance of PCS since 2000. It union will soon emerge that does Although the union formally supports could even allow an Independent Left seriously engage with the Labour the election of a Corbyn Government, candidate to win the AGS election. Party and address PCS’s industrial it doesn’t mobilise its members for weakness. Labour Briefing 19 p24-27_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:30 Page 24

Round the World Don’t prop up Honduras!

2019 will mark different resistance. Discontent anniversaries in Latin with the government grew Colin Burgon, former MP and Honorary America, including 20 in the wake of Caceres' President, Labour Friends of Progressive Latin years since Hugo Chavez assassination. America, calls for an end to spyware exports. became president of Revelations of widespread Venezuela and 60 years government corruption since the Cuban and embezzlement led to mass protests against the Thornberry and Labour Revolution. Sadly, it will thousands of Hondurans government. MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle also mark 10 years since taking to the streets calling to the government’s deci- the coup in Honduras. The for the president’s resig- The UN High sion to allow sales of spy- military coup saw Juan nation. Commissioner for Human ware. As Chris Williamson Orlando Hernandez come Rights earlier this year MP put it, “The minority to power, and the elected Yet following a controver- published a shocking Conservative administra- President Manuel Zelaya sial ruling by the report on the deaths of 23 tion has sanctioned the – who had started to Honduran Supreme Court Honduran political sale of telecoms intercep- implement wealth redistri- which changed the consti- activists in these protests. tion equipment to bution and joined the tution to eliminate term But Trump is not bothered Honduras, despite its ALBA regional bloc of left- limits and allowed for re- by these blatant abuses of appalling human rights wing governments that election, Hernández was democratic norms and record and the current sit- challenged US domination permitted to run again in human rights. The US’s uation in the country.” of Latin America and the the 2017 presidential elec- preoccupation in Latin Caribbean – removed. tion. He ‘won’ the election America is not with com- Now is the time to call out in highly suspicious cir- pliant states that bend to this hypocrisy and call on The coup was widely con- cumstances. The coun- and serve US political, both the US and UK to demned by governments try's electoral tribunal, economic and military stop propping up across Latin America, the which is allied with the interests. Instead, it is Honduras’ illegitimate gov- EU, the OAS and other president, has been focused on ‘regime ernment. Just as myself, regional blocs. In contrast, accused of manipulating change’ against countries Jeremy Corbyn and others President Obama and the vote to reverse a mid- such as Nicaragua and raised the issue of the Secretary of State Clinton count lead for opposition Venezuela which do not coup in parliament in refused to label the crisis a challenger Salvador follow the US lead in their 2009, Labour Friends of military coup. I was Nasralla and ensure a nar- agendas. Progressive Latin America amongst those who raised row victory for the incum- will again be campaigning concerns in the British bent president. A similar criticism could be on the tenth anniversary Parliament, including over raised of the British gov- and argue that the US and the US stance which gave Despite multiple allega- ernment, which has been UK should stop propping oxygen to the burgeoning tions of fraud in the elec- exposed as selling spy- up Honduras’ reactionary dictatorship at the time. tion, Trump recognised ware to Honduras’ regime. & repressive Regime. The elections following the Hernández, a conserva- Earlier this year 24 human Please join us. coup in Honduras have tive US ally, as the winner. rights organisations, from included a media blackout In doing so, he ignored Honduras and Britain, You can sign the petition and political repression poll observers’ findings called on International against UK spyware sales against left-wing opposi- and calls for a new elec- Trade Secretary Liam Fox to Honduras at bit.ly/hon- tion candidates. The mur- tion by the Organisation of to stop the export of sur- duraspetition der in 2016 of internation- American States (OAS), veillance equipment. The ally-renowned environ- members of Congress and organisations describe, Join Colin, Chris mental leader Berta the opposition Honduran with chilling examples, the Williamson MP, Dan Cáceres illustrated the Alliance Against alarming human rights Carden MP, Karen Lee extent of human rights vio- Dictatorship party. While record of Honduras. MP and guests from lations. It also illustrated other elections had been Political activists and Venezuela, Brazil, how the imposition of shot through with fraud human rights defenders Argentina, Ecuador, severe neo-liberalism in and state violence, the generally are subject to Bolivia, Mexico and Cuba post-coup Honduras was 2017 election exhibited targeted repression, at the Latin America not only directly leading to such blatant fraud that not through various means, Conference at Congress more poverty and inequal- a single foreign dignitary including illegal surveil- House, London on ity, but also necessarily attended Hernández’s lance. Their call followed December 1. Tickets and accompanied by severe inauguration and the challenges by shadow for- info at www.latinamerica- repression against any months that followed saw eign secretary Emily conference.co.uk 24 Labour Briefing p24-27_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:30 Page 25

Reviews Frida Kahlo: Making herself up

This not primarily an exhibi- tion of Frida Kahlo’s paint- Lizzy Ali, Leyton and Wanstead CLP, reviews the Frida Kahlo ings, although it does include exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum, which runs until several self-portraits. Instead, 18th November it collects photographs, arte- facts she collected, embroi- dery, objects documenting and painters. Born to a striking clothing. To the out- her many medical problems, German father who was a side world Frida maintained 300 garments, Aztec jew- successful photographer and an appearance that was both ellery, make-up and other mother of Mexican Indian impeccable and spectacular, personal effects. heritage, she contracted polio but she used clothing as a at the age of six. Aged 18, camouflage for her many she was involved in a tram physical problems. There When Frida died in 1954, her accident that left her in con- were also practical reasons. husband, the famous muralist stant pain and led to multiple The Tehuana clothing was big Diego Rivera, locked all her operations. enough to hide the medical possessions in a room in the corsets and equipment she Blue House in Coyoacán, Complex identities had to wear. Floral head- Mexico City – her only home Never one to wallow in self- dresses and heavy Aztec jew- from birth. This exhibition was pity, she took to painting ellery also served to deflect only made possible after the while lying in bed immobilised from her disability. Not only door was unlocked in 2004. in plaster for months at a did she use her own image to time. Frida, who despised her make striking statements; Fashion icon? own body and looks, found other artists made her into a It’s a fascinating journey ways of expressing both polit- work of art by photographing through her struggle against ical opinion and her complex her. Frida challenged conven- many obstacles to establish a identities through dress. One tional identities, so some- distinctive artistic and person- self-portrait shows her wear- times she appeared androgy- al identity. The exhibition ing cropped hair and a man’s nous, emphasising her facial focuses on how Frida was suit. She was exploring con- hair, while she also wore ahead of her time both in her ventional identities and where exotic headdress and red lip- art and her life, often turning she fitted with them. Part stick. her life into art. In recent German-Hungarian, part decades she has been cele- Spanish-Indian, her father This is much more than a brated by feminist art histori- was an atheist and her moth- fashion show, and contains a ans. Others, dazzled by her er a Catholic. She joined the wealth of photography from striking looks and unsettling Communist Party 1928 during throughout her life, and some self-portraits, have turned her a turbulent political period. film footage of Trotsky in her into a fashion icon, with garden reading a statement. Italian Vogue devoting an Striking statements entire issue to her in December She took pride in her Mexican 2014. Indian heritage, often wearing traditional Zapotec costume Political exiles from the Tehuana people. In her lifetime, the Blue When visiting America with House was home to political her husband Diego, people exiles including Trotsky and would stop and stare, and hosted other famous writers some photograph her in her

Labour Briefing 25 p24-27_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:30 Page 26

Red Reviews A star ought to be born

The virtuoso Polish and some serious Michael Barnes reviews Leszek Mozder, playing pianist Leszek promotion. at London’s King’s Place Piano Festival on Możdżer isn’t exactly His music sits at October 5th. a household name in the interface between Britain, despite hav- classical music and ing over 30 solo or jazz – what used to Chopin mazurka of humour. His collaborative albums be called ‘Third while remaining strik- encore was an to his name over the Stream’ 50 years ago ingly original. improvisation around last quarter of a cen- – in the territory that It helps that his Chopin’s fiendishly tury. The demograph- Keith Jarrett mined in technique is astonish- difficult Revolutionary ic at this highlight of his multi-million sell- ing, cascading Etude. the Kings Place ing Köln Concert. But streams of high An hour and a half Piano Festival was where other projects notes, hammering had sped by. If he’s overwhelming 30- descend into ‘jazz percussive chords back anytime soon, something and with strings’ or classi- like a machine gun, I’ll be there. In the Polish. No bad thing cal pastiche, Możdżer and coaxing delicate meantime, there’s to be a big star in can shift effortlessly impressionism, like a always YouTube, your own country, but from the music of Polish Debussy. Add where you’ll find a Możdżer’s dazzling Krzysztof Komeda to that an engaging good selection of his skills deserve a big (who scored Roman on-stage personality recorded and live international audi- Polanski’s early films) with a mane of long performances. ence, a major label to improvising on a hair and a wry sense

26 Labour Briefing p24-27_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:30 Page 27


Spy cops No change in 90 years For most Turks this was no big deal The Undercover Research Group, a In 1928 “the government was carry- and the majority just adopted the network of activists that scrutinises ing out a ruthless elimination of name of their town or a nearby river, police espionage has established a unemployed workers from labour mountain or other feature. However, database that lists 124 groups that exchange benefit under the ‘not for the minority communities of the have been spied on by undercover genuinely seeking work’ clause. Armenians, Laz and Kurds this was police officers since 1968 (the data- Tens of thousands every week were totally unacceptable. The Christian base is a work in progress). The being deprived of their benefit by groups were allowed to have biblical database so far compiled suggests the arbitrary rulings of courts of ref- surnames but for the mainly Muslim that spy cops overwhelmingly moni- erees under this clause. Not only Kurds it was a disaster – barred by tored left wing and progressive were they suffering loss of benefit, law from using Kurdish and totally groups, with only three far-right but their character was being unwilling to be turned into patriotic groups infiltrated – the British impugned, a decision against them Turks, in disgust they adopted the National party, Combat 18 and the under this clause being tantamount most stupid surnames they could United British Alliance. to declaring they were wasters and think of. ne’er-do-wells who did not want At least 144 undercover officers are work. It was not surprising therefore Instances often cited were “Ali estimated to have been deployed to that this clause was bitterly resented Testicle” and Mehmet “Sheep infiltrate political groups since 1968, throughout the country.” (Wal Abuser”. Other popular choices but only 65 of them have been Hannington, Unemployed Struggles were “dung”, “pudding head” and unmasked so far. The database also 1919-1936) “pig swill”. For that now very elderly draws on disclosures made by a generation, their daft surnames public inquiry led by a retired judge, No change in a century were a badge of honour. A promi- nent professor went through acade- Sir John Mitting, which is examining “While the housing of the working mia with a name of Guven Womb- the covert infiltration of political classes has always been a question scraper! groups over the past 50 years. of the greatest social importance,

Mitting’s inquiry has disclosed that never has it been so important as However, their kids and grandkids the spy cops collected and stored now. It is not too much to say that yearned to have more sensible han- information about the activities of an adequate solution of the housing dles – but the Turkish Government more than 1,000 political groups in question is the foundation of all charged a prohibitive equivalent of that period, although it has not pub- social progress.” (From the King’s £1300 for a name change by deed- lished a list of the groups. The speech to representatives of local poll. Now, after years of agitation, much-delayed inquiry is still in its authorities and societies, 12th April the fee has been reduced to £80 preliminary stages and is due to 1919) and the lewd and hilarious last start hearing evidence in public next names are gradually disappearing. year. What’s in a name? A man called Mustafa changed his In the meantime you can check the In the late 1920’s and early 1930’s, surname to “Antep” [the majority Undercover Research Group data- the Turkish Government set about Kurdish city in Eastern Turkey] but base here: http://undercoverre- secularising the country including his grand-dad didn’t want to know search.net/ banning everyone from having and is still proudly known as “Ali Islamic last names and making them Testicle”. adopt patriotic ones instead. The A guide to investigating suspicions, leader, Mustafa Kemal, was award- trying to find out if a comrade was ed the name of Kemal Ataturk an undercover police officer can [“father of the Turks”] and parliament also be downloaded from their web- then barred anyone else in Turkey site. from ever using it.

Labour Briefing 27 p24-27_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:30 Page 24

Round the World Don’t prop up Honduras!

2019 will mark different resistance. Discontent anniversaries in Latin with the government grew Colin Burgon, former MP and Honorary America, including 20 in the wake of Caceres' President, Labour Friends of Progressive Latin years since Hugo Chavez assassination. America, calls for an end to spyware exports. became president of Revelations of widespread Venezuela and 60 years government corruption since the Cuban and embezzlement led to mass protests against the Thornberry and Labour Revolution. Sadly, it will thousands of Hondurans government. MP Lloyd Russell-Moyle also mark 10 years since taking to the streets calling to the government’s deci- the coup in Honduras. The for the president’s resig- The UN High sion to allow sales of spy- military coup saw Juan nation. Commissioner for Human ware. As Chris Williamson Orlando Hernandez come Rights earlier this year MP put it, “The minority to power, and the elected Yet following a controver- published a shocking Conservative administra- President Manuel Zelaya sial ruling by the report on the deaths of 23 tion has sanctioned the – who had started to Honduran Supreme Court Honduran political sale of telecoms intercep- implement wealth redistri- which changed the consti- activists in these protests. tion equipment to bution and joined the tution to eliminate term But Trump is not bothered Honduras, despite its ALBA regional bloc of left- limits and allowed for re- by these blatant abuses of appalling human rights wing governments that election, Hernández was democratic norms and record and the current sit- challenged US domination permitted to run again in human rights. The US’s uation in the country.” of Latin America and the the 2017 presidential elec- preoccupation in Latin Caribbean – removed. tion. He ‘won’ the election America is not with com- Now is the time to call out in highly suspicious cir- pliant states that bend to this hypocrisy and call on The coup was widely con- cumstances. The coun- and serve US political, both the US and UK to demned by governments try's electoral tribunal, economic and military stop propping up across Latin America, the which is allied with the interests. Instead, it is Honduras’ illegitimate gov- EU, the OAS and other president, has been focused on ‘regime ernment. Just as myself, regional blocs. In contrast, accused of manipulating change’ against countries Jeremy Corbyn and others President Obama and the vote to reverse a mid- such as Nicaragua and raised the issue of the Secretary of State Clinton count lead for opposition Venezuela which do not coup in parliament in refused to label the crisis a challenger Salvador follow the US lead in their 2009, Labour Friends of military coup. I was Nasralla and ensure a nar- agendas. Progressive Latin America amongst those who raised row victory for the incum- will again be campaigning concerns in the British bent president. A similar criticism could be on the tenth anniversary Parliament, including over raised of the British gov- and argue that the US and the US stance which gave Despite multiple allega- ernment, which has been UK should stop propping oxygen to the burgeoning tions of fraud in the elec- exposed as selling spy- up Honduras’ reactionary dictatorship at the time. tion, Trump recognised ware to Honduras’ regime. & repressive Regime. The elections following the Hernández, a conserva- Earlier this year 24 human Please join us. coup in Honduras have tive US ally, as the winner. rights organisations, from included a media blackout In doing so, he ignored Honduras and Britain, You can sign the petition and political repression poll observers’ findings called on International against UK spyware sales against left-wing opposi- and calls for a new elec- Trade Secretary Liam Fox to Honduras at bit.ly/hon- tion candidates. The mur- tion by the Organisation of to stop the export of sur- duraspetition der in 2016 of internation- American States (OAS), veillance equipment. The ally-renowned environ- members of Congress and organisations describe, Join Colin, Chris mental leader Berta the opposition Honduran with chilling examples, the Williamson MP, Dan Cáceres illustrated the Alliance Against alarming human rights Carden MP, Karen Lee extent of human rights vio- Dictatorship party. While record of Honduras. MP and guests from lations. It also illustrated other elections had been Political activists and Venezuela, Brazil, how the imposition of shot through with fraud human rights defenders Argentina, Ecuador, severe neo-liberalism in and state violence, the generally are subject to Bolivia, Mexico and Cuba post-coup Honduras was 2017 election exhibited targeted repression, at the Latin America not only directly leading to such blatant fraud that not through various means, Conference at Congress more poverty and inequal- a single foreign dignitary including illegal surveil- House, London on ity, but also necessarily attended Hernández’s lance. Their call followed December 1. Tickets and accompanied by severe inauguration and the challenges by shadow for- info at www.latinamerica- repression against any months that followed saw eign secretary Emily conference.co.uk 24 Labour Briefing p24-27_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:30 Page 25

Reviews Frida Kahlo: Making herself up

This not primarily an exhibi- tion of Frida Kahlo’s paint- Lizzy Ali, Leyton and Wanstead CLP, reviews the Frida Kahlo ings, although it does include exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum, which runs until several self-portraits. Instead, 18th November it collects photographs, arte- facts she collected, embroi- dery, objects documenting and painters. Born to a striking clothing. To the out- her many medical problems, German father who was a side world Frida maintained 300 garments, Aztec jew- successful photographer and an appearance that was both ellery, make-up and other mother of Mexican Indian impeccable and spectacular, personal effects. heritage, she contracted polio but she used clothing as a at the age of six. Aged 18, camouflage for her many she was involved in a tram physical problems. There When Frida died in 1954, her accident that left her in con- were also practical reasons. husband, the famous muralist stant pain and led to multiple The Tehuana clothing was big Diego Rivera, locked all her operations. enough to hide the medical possessions in a room in the corsets and equipment she Blue House in Coyoacán, Complex identities had to wear. Floral head- Mexico City – her only home Never one to wallow in self- dresses and heavy Aztec jew- from birth. This exhibition was pity, she took to painting ellery also served to deflect only made possible after the while lying in bed immobilised from her disability. Not only door was unlocked in 2004. in plaster for months at a did she use her own image to time. Frida, who despised her make striking statements; Fashion icon? own body and looks, found other artists made her into a It’s a fascinating journey ways of expressing both polit- work of art by photographing through her struggle against ical opinion and her complex her. Frida challenged conven- many obstacles to establish a identities through dress. One tional identities, so some- distinctive artistic and person- self-portrait shows her wear- times she appeared androgy- al identity. The exhibition ing cropped hair and a man’s nous, emphasising her facial focuses on how Frida was suit. She was exploring con- hair, while she also wore ahead of her time both in her ventional identities and where exotic headdress and red lip- art and her life, often turning she fitted with them. Part stick. her life into art. In recent German-Hungarian, part decades she has been cele- Spanish-Indian, her father This is much more than a brated by feminist art histori- was an atheist and her moth- fashion show, and contains a ans. Others, dazzled by her er a Catholic. She joined the wealth of photography from striking looks and unsettling Communist Party 1928 during throughout her life, and some self-portraits, have turned her a turbulent political period. film footage of Trotsky in her into a fashion icon, with garden reading a statement. Italian Vogue devoting an Striking statements entire issue to her in December She took pride in her Mexican 2014. Indian heritage, often wearing traditional Zapotec costume Political exiles from the Tehuana people. In her lifetime, the Blue When visiting America with House was home to political her husband Diego, people exiles including Trotsky and would stop and stare, and hosted other famous writers some photograph her in her

Labour Briefing 25 p24-27_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:30 Page 26

Red Reviews A star ought to be born

The virtuoso Polish and some serious Michael Barnes reviews Leszek Mozder, playing pianist Leszek promotion. at London’s King’s Place Piano Festival on Możdżer isn’t exactly His music sits at October 5th. a household name in the interface between Britain, despite hav- classical music and ing over 30 solo or jazz – what used to Chopin mazurka of humour. His collaborative albums be called ‘Third while remaining strik- encore was an to his name over the Stream’ 50 years ago ingly original. improvisation around last quarter of a cen- – in the territory that It helps that his Chopin’s fiendishly tury. The demograph- Keith Jarrett mined in technique is astonish- difficult Revolutionary ic at this highlight of his multi-million sell- ing, cascading Etude. the Kings Place ing Köln Concert. But streams of high An hour and a half Piano Festival was where other projects notes, hammering had sped by. If he’s overwhelming 30- descend into ‘jazz percussive chords back anytime soon, something and with strings’ or classi- like a machine gun, I’ll be there. In the Polish. No bad thing cal pastiche, Możdżer and coaxing delicate meantime, there’s to be a big star in can shift effortlessly impressionism, like a always YouTube, your own country, but from the music of Polish Debussy. Add where you’ll find a Możdżer’s dazzling Krzysztof Komeda to that an engaging good selection of his skills deserve a big (who scored Roman on-stage personality recorded and live international audi- Polanski’s early films) with a mane of long performances. ence, a major label to improvising on a hair and a wry sense

26 Labour Briefing p24-27_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:30 Page 27


Spy cops No change in 90 years For most Turks this was no big deal The Undercover Research Group, a In 1928 “the government was carry- and the majority just adopted the network of activists that scrutinises ing out a ruthless elimination of name of their town or a nearby river, police espionage has established a unemployed workers from labour mountain or other feature. However, database that lists 124 groups that exchange benefit under the ‘not for the minority communities of the have been spied on by undercover genuinely seeking work’ clause. Armenians, Laz and Kurds this was police officers since 1968 (the data- Tens of thousands every week were totally unacceptable. The Christian base is a work in progress). The being deprived of their benefit by groups were allowed to have biblical database so far compiled suggests the arbitrary rulings of courts of ref- surnames but for the mainly Muslim that spy cops overwhelmingly moni- erees under this clause. Not only Kurds it was a disaster – barred by tored left wing and progressive were they suffering loss of benefit, law from using Kurdish and totally groups, with only three far-right but their character was being unwilling to be turned into patriotic groups infiltrated – the British impugned, a decision against them Turks, in disgust they adopted the National party, Combat 18 and the under this clause being tantamount most stupid surnames they could United British Alliance. to declaring they were wasters and think of. ne’er-do-wells who did not want At least 144 undercover officers are work. It was not surprising therefore Instances often cited were “Ali estimated to have been deployed to that this clause was bitterly resented Testicle” and Mehmet “Sheep infiltrate political groups since 1968, throughout the country.” (Wal Abuser”. Other popular choices but only 65 of them have been Hannington, Unemployed Struggles were “dung”, “pudding head” and unmasked so far. The database also 1919-1936) “pig swill”. For that now very elderly draws on disclosures made by a generation, their daft surnames public inquiry led by a retired judge, No change in a century were a badge of honour. A promi- nent professor went through acade- Sir John Mitting, which is examining “While the housing of the working mia with a name of Guven Womb- the covert infiltration of political classes has always been a question scraper! groups over the past 50 years. of the greatest social importance,

Mitting’s inquiry has disclosed that never has it been so important as However, their kids and grandkids the spy cops collected and stored now. It is not too much to say that yearned to have more sensible han- information about the activities of an adequate solution of the housing dles – but the Turkish Government more than 1,000 political groups in question is the foundation of all charged a prohibitive equivalent of that period, although it has not pub- social progress.” (From the King’s £1300 for a name change by deed- lished a list of the groups. The speech to representatives of local poll. Now, after years of agitation, much-delayed inquiry is still in its authorities and societies, 12th April the fee has been reduced to £80 preliminary stages and is due to 1919) and the lewd and hilarious last start hearing evidence in public next names are gradually disappearing. year. What’s in a name? A man called Mustafa changed his In the meantime you can check the In the late 1920’s and early 1930’s, surname to “Antep” [the majority Undercover Research Group data- the Turkish Government set about Kurdish city in Eastern Turkey] but base here: http://undercoverre- secularising the country including his grand-dad didn’t want to know search.net/ banning everyone from having and is still proudly known as “Ali Islamic last names and making them Testicle”. adopt patriotic ones instead. The A guide to investigating suspicions, leader, Mustafa Kemal, was award- trying to find out if a comrade was ed the name of Kemal Ataturk an undercover police officer can [“father of the Turks”] and parliament also be downloaded from their web- then barred anyone else in Turkey site. from ever using it.

Labour Briefing 27 p28_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 14:22 Page 1


Christine Shawcroft

When I thought about writ- members to see if they the NCC is absolutely for Labour, Momentum, ing my column this month had knowledge of why any- snowed under with the Labour CND, Labour about the National one should not be allowed cases of members Briefing Co-op, and several Constitutional Committee to join, which would be put referred to them for fur- others. Are there to be elections, I never dreamed before a small Procedures ther disciplinary action - or allocated seats for each it would all turn out to be Committee which was a) expulsion. organisation? Or should all so exciting. After all, it’s accountable to nobody, At Annual Conference in the members of these not so long ago that we and b) not exactly stuffed Liverpool, it was agreed to organisations participate used to urge (or ‘con’) peo- with Left-wingers. It was increase the number of in some kind of OMOV bal- ple to stand for the NCC by already the case that new people on the NCC, and lot? What would we do saying, ‘Don’t worry, you membership applications add 6 places in the CLPs about multiple member- won’t have to do anything, have to be approved by section. So the Left had to ship? And how would we the NCC practically never local branches and CLPs, draw up a slate. Then the make sure there was meets!’. How times but the Procedures fun really started. regional, gender and eth- change. Committee was set up (we The problems faced by the nic balance in the people I would just like to point were told) because there Centre-Left Grassroots elected? Every time we out, in passing, that the is usually an eight-week Alliance in agreeing one have one of these slates, National Executive window for local objec- slate have been much whether it’s for the NEC or Committee never agreed tions, which was clearly raked over, on social something else, the to this crazy explosion of untenable during a media and in the increas- recriminations start - there disciplinary action against Leadership election. So ingly agitated emails flying are too many southerners, members. In the summer the process was nodded around the ether. People not enough BAME candi- of 2015, they had an through. who have been criticising dates, no disability candi- Organisation Committee Yet over that summer, it the lack of transparency in date, etc etc. Not that I meeting at which it was was found that not only CLGS slate-making for would necessarily disagree reported that there had were new applicants being years are now nodding with many of these con- been some mischievous barred after complaints wisely and saying, ‘See? cerns, but the problem is membership applications from local members, but We told you so!’ Which is how to achieve the balanc- from known Tories (in existing members were an easy thing to say, of ing act which is required? some cases, sitting Tory being suspended, having course. If organisations ballot their councillors) who hoped to their votes taken off them, Not so easy is to work out members and you end up influence the Labour lead- etc - in their thousands. how the process could be with a list of mainly white ership contest. Apparently, None of that had ever improved. Everyone seems men from London, what they thought that if they been agreed, but as no to think it should be more are you going to do then? voted for Jeremy Corbyn, one seemed to be able to democratic and it’s hard to If anyone has any propos- that would keep Labour control the Procedures argue with that. After all, als of how to solve this out of power for a genera- Committee there was little we all want more democra- conundrum, I would like to tion (excuse me for a to be done about it but cy, don’t we? Problems hear them. moment whilst I wet protest vociferously. arise when one considers myself laughing), but clear- So now we find that the how, exactly, this desirable ly no one on the Org Disputes Committee, outcome could be Committee wanted Tories which used to be over in achieved. voting, no matter how fifteen minutes with only a There are several organi- noble their intentions. It couple of items on the sations involved in the was therefore agreed that agenda, now lasts for CLGA, such as the membership applications hours with an agenda run- Campaign for Labour Party would be run past local ning to several pages, and Democracy, Jewish Voice

18 Labour Briefing Printed by TG Print and Design, Unit 36, The IO Centre, Armstrong Road, The Woolwich Arsenal,Labour London BriefingSE18 6RS 1