P1_v18_Layout 1 07/11/2018 13:33 Page 1 LAB OUR the original B THE MAGAZINE OFr THE LABOURi BRIEFINGe CO-OPERATIVE l NOVEMBERf 2018 il £1 WAGEDn 50p UNWAGED g Inside: Tory anti-semitism Annual Conference report Brexit Around the World News and reviews p2_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 13:50 Page 2 The Agenda Editorial 3 Labour Briefing is published by the Around Britain: Labour Briefing Learning for Life 4 Co-operative Ltd, Waspi Women 5 7 Malam Gardens Tory anti-semitism 6-7 East India Dock Road, Brexit 8 London E14 0TR. Uphill Struggle - Kevin Flack 9 ISSN 2052-9074 Labour Party: Labour Briefing is an independent voice and forum Whatever Happened to Lutfur Rahman? 10 for socialist ideas in the Labour John Cryer: Michael Foot 11 Party and trade unions. It is Rachel Garnham: A view from the NEC 13 managed by the Labour Annual Conference: Darren Williams 14-15 Briefing Co-operative Ltd, Remembering Belfast 16 which acts as a custodian of Political Mythology 17 Labour Briefing to protect it against being taken over by a Voice of the Unions: hostile group. Campaign for Union Democracy 18 We are happy to offer a right of PCS turmoil 19 reply to members of the labour Unite Victory 20 movement. Keith Veness We welcome contributions. 21 All the articles in Labour Briefing reflect solely the opin- Round the World: ions of the authors, Macron - another failed President? 22 writing in a personal capacity, Julie Ward: the Balkans 23 unless othewise stated. Don’t Prop Up Honduras 24 The editorial board of Labour Reviews 25-26 Briefing are: Periscope 27 Lizzy Ali On the Outside - Christine Shawcroft 28 Stephen Beckett Jenny Fisher Richard Price Subscribe and sell Annual subscription (10 issues) Christine Shawcroft I enclose: John Stewart o£20 ordinary sub Keith Veness Please write clearly! o£25 supporting sub Please make cheques payable to Name . Labour Briefing Co-operative Ltd. Advertising rates: Full page: £100 Address . Half page: £60 One third page: £40 . Quarter page: £35 . One sixth page: £25 Email . Contact us: o I wish to pay by standing order (first issue free). 07771-638 329 o I wish to take 5 copies to sell (sale or return) on a trial basis. 07946-500 663 Return to Labour Briefing, 7 Malam Gardens, London E14 0TR. www.labourbriefingcoopera- tive.net “Labour Briefing is a marvellous magazine. If you don’t subscribe to it, I hope you will.” Tony Benn 2 Labour Briefing p3_v18_Page Master 07/11/2018 13:57 Page 3 EDITORIAL The strange death of social democracy Long-time readers of Briefing will be used to constituency parties had ceased to meet regular- us having been attacked by the Labour right on ly, membership figures had fallen substantially, the grounds that our wild, left-wing socialist and the Rhondda had become a marginal seat. stance would never be electorally popular, either All Wilson could do was to plaintively ask peo- here or anywhere else. Last month, the once ple “not to look to Highgate Cemetery for their mighty German SPD saw its vote in Bavaria answers! slump to 9.5% – barely half that of the Greens. The recent trends of history show there is no At national level, it has been reduced to the role future in placating the establishment and trying of bag carrier for Merkel’s Grand Coalition. to look responsible and respectable. The centre It is the same almost everywhere. In France, everywhere is collapsing spectacularly, and we only six years after it won the presidency under need to be ready to give voice to the millions Hollande, the Socialist Party has been reduced to angry and demanding change. The forces of an electoral rump. The Netherlands Labour reaction, racism and right-wing extremism stand Party had its worst result ever last year. In ready to cash in on this if we don’t offer a cred- September, Sweden’s Social Democrats had ible and far-reaching alternative. their lowest share of the vote in a century. The only parties of the left in Europe to have PASOK in Greece went from 44% in 2009 to made headway since the crash of 2008 are those 4.7% in 2015. The Irish Labour Party, founded that have openly campaigned for anti-austerity by James Connolly, has eked out an existence as and socialism – Podemos in Spain, the anti-aus- junior partner of one or other of the two green terity coalition in Portugal, Jean-Luc Tory parties, and supplanted by Sinn Fein, with Mélenchon’s Rebellious France and Syriza in its dynamic women leaders both north and south Greece (until it betrayed its principles in govern- as the main progressive force. ment). Even in the United States, Bernie We don’t wish to be smug but Labour under Saunders remarked that he was probably a left- Jeremy Corbyn has bucked the trend. When we wing social democrat but nobody there even knock on doors and someone says “all politi- understood what that meant so it was best just to cians are the same”, they swiftly retract as soon stand as a socialist. as we point out the major and important differ- An international realignment of the left is a ences between Theresa May and Jeremy long-term project but one thing is clear – there is Corbyn. The general election of 2017 showed an anti-capitalist future for the left or no future at that we can only win if we have enthusiastic all. armies of workers on the ground. Years of Blairite posturing and ignoring the grass roots Join the Labour Party! membership eventually lost us both tens of thou- sands of members and millions of voters. The Want to tackle the Tories? Corbyn revolution is far from complete, but we Want to lay into the Lib-Dems? now have more members than all the other par- Want a better Labour Party? ties in Britain combined, and it cannot be You’re not alone – overemphasised how vital that is. join us in the Labour Party. Of course, Blair wasn’t the first centrist to be swept into office by a wave of enthusiasm and How to join the Labour Party then blow it. In 1964, Harold Wilson became Telephone: 0845-092 2299 prime minister on the back of an upsurge in Online: www.labour.org.uk/join party membership only to attack the unions, sup- Download the form at: port the U.S. war in Vietnam and scorn the views www.labour.org.uk/uploads/join.pdf of ordinary party members. By 1968, numbers of Labour Briefing 3 p4-7_v18_Page Master 04/11/2018 17:58 Page 4 Around Britain Learning for all, for life Education is a human and civil right Christine Blower, National Education Union, explains how and a public good. The National Labour’s proposed National Education Service could implement Education Service is key to making learning for life. this a reality. Evidence that all is not well in education comes from the fact that we have some of the foundations for education policy: peer observation and review in unhappiest children amongst OECD investment, quality, accountability some form as well as school to countries and high levels of school and inclusion. school support which worked well in exclusion and “off rolling”. On investment schools simply need the London Challenge. Education alone cannot solve all of more money. Teacher pay is not The fourth element was inclusion, society’s ills and education alone is competitive, support staff need pay rightly identifying every child and not responsible for them. However, increases, many schools are in young person as unique and to be children subjected to overzealous urgent need of refurbishment . given the opportunity to find their levels of high stakes testing and a On quality, burdensome workload is path through education. Achieving curriculum which is often all but anathema to good teaching and that hinges on significant change. devoid of music, art, drama and learning. The commitment to trust First there is the need to abolish anything practical, is not the basis teacher and support staff profes- baseline testing and SATs in Years 2 for developing well rounded and sionalism is excellent. However, it and 6. These tests should be engaged people. When close to must be accompanied by a commit- replaced by ongoing teacher 50% of new teachers have left ment to initial teacher education and assessment and sample testing teaching by 5 years after taking up training. Teachers should have an conducted on a random national post, education is well on its way to entitlement to career long continuing basis. The current system creates becoming unsustainable. professional learning and develop- high levels of stress and far from The system, particularly in England, ment which is not confined to any nurturing a love of learning rather is fragmented and subject to both particular obsession of a secretary does the opposite. There is also commercialisation and privatisation. of state. In fact, micro management concern that the test materials Good quality Early Years provision from Government should be themselves sometimes, at least, is patchy and often expensive whilst replaced by a national commission exhibit gender, class race or cultural employing staff on poor wages. to advise on curriculum develop- bias. Second, for learners to be Universities are subject to commer- ment, pedagogy and assessment actively engaged in their own edu- cial pressures and the sector is rid- and qualifications. The teaching pro- cation rather seen as empty ves- dled with insecure contracts. fession through education unions sels, the curriculum should be a mir- In the school sector where the mar- should have a prominent role along- ror and a window.
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