THIS IS A RADIO CHRISTMAS RADIO AGE The Magazine of The Hour cember,1922 Price 25 cents allIIMMIIMI=1.1..1111P low Imo- CertifícatedEleetríeal Expert You, Too, Can Learn to Boss This Job

EARN $3500 to $10000 a Year Trained "Electrical Experts" are in great the most simple, thorough, and successful Electrical Materials and Measuring Instruments absolutely Course in existence, and offers every man. regard- FREE. I also furnish them with all supplies, in- demand at the highest salaries, and the less of age, education. or previous experience. the cluding examination paper. and many other things opportunities for advancement and a big success in chance to become. in a very short time, an 'Elec- that other schools don't furnish. You do PRAC- this line are the greatest ever known. trical Expert." able to make from $70 to $200 a TICAL work -AT HOME with this Outfit. You "Electrical Experts" earn $70 to $200 a week. week. start right in after the first few lessons to WORK Fit yourself for one of these big AT YOUR PROFESSION in a practical way. paying positions. In my twenty Some Features of I Give You a Real years of Electrical Engineering I Training Get Started Now have gathered some wonderful and My Course That - interesting facts about this great Make SUCCESS As Chief Engineer of the Mail Coupon industry - "Vital Facts." I- will send them to you free. Certain Chicago Engineering Works, I want to send you the "Vital Facts" of the 1. PracticalMoney-Mak- I know exactly the kind of training Electrical Industry including my Electrical ing Instruction -no a man needs to get the best posi- Book. Proof Lessons, and a sample of my guaran- useless, high- sound- tions at the highest salaries. Hun- tee bond all FREE. These cost you nothing and Learn at Home to ing theory. dreds of my students are now you'll enjoy them. Make the start today for a 2. Free Electrical Outfit. earning $3,500 to $10,000 a year. brightfuturein Electricity. Send in the coupon Earn S12.00 to -Finest outfit ever Many are successful ELECTRI- -NOW. sent out for home CAL CONTRACTORS. $30.00 a Day experiment and L. L. COOKE, Chief Engineer Today even the ordinary Elec- practical use. 3. Free Employment Ser- Your Satisfaction Chicago Engineering Works trician - the "screw driver" vice. (Helps you get Dept.1689 2150 Lawrence Ave., Chicago kind - is making money - big a good job.) Guaranteed money. But it's the trained man 4. Free Consulting Ser. -the man who knows the whys vice. (No chance to So sure am I that you can Use this Free Outfit Coupon! and wherefores of Electricity - get stuck on any- the "Electrical Expert" - who is thing, while study- learn Electricity-so sure am out to "boss" ordinary ing afterward.) I that after studying with me, you L. L. COOKE, Chief Engineer. or Works, Dept. 1689 lectriciansEpicked - to boss Big Jobs - 5. Free Engineering too, can get into the "big money" Chicago Engineering the jobs that pay. You, too, can Magazine. class in electrical work, that I will 2150 Lawrence Ave., Chicago,111. learn to fill one of these jobs - 6. Free use of my Elec- guarantee under bond to return Dear Sir:-Send at once the "Vital Facts" spare -time only is needed. Be an trical Laboratory. every single penny paid me in containing Sample Lessons. Your Big Book. Electrical Expert" -Earn $70 to 7. Extra Courses Free - tuition if, when you have finished and full particulars of your Free Outfit and $200 a week. Radio- Electrical my course, you are not satisfied it Home Study Course -all fully prepaid, with. Drafting. was the best investment you ever out obligation on my part. 8. Spare Time Work - made. Special earn- while- Age or Lack of Expe- you -learn lessons. Name 9. Reduced prices on all FREE -Electrical rienceNoDrawback Electrical Supplies. Address 10. Cash Refund Guaran- Working Outfit You don't have to be a College tee Bond. -FREE I City and State Man; you don't have to be a These features are High School graduate. If you can all explainct2 in my I give each student a Splen- read and write English, my course big Free Book. IOccupation Age will make you a big success. It is did Outfit of Electrical Tools, ?he ÇookiTrained Man is the 73iPay'M«n: Famous as Teacher RADIO AGE The Magazine of the Hour

Volume I Number 7

CONTENTS PAGE National Radio Week Announcement_ 2 How to Make a Battery Charger for $3 3 BY FRANK D. PEARNE Radio Receiving Equipment 5 BY FRANK CONRAD How to Avoid Interference 8 BY C. W. HORN Questions and Answers 9 Homcharging Your Radio Battery 11 What Radio Is Doing for Ohio Farmers 12 BY THE OHIO DIVISION OF MARKETS Uncle Sam Is a Busy Broadcaster 13 Radio Cheers Remote Camps___. 14 Radio Direction and Range Finders 15 BY CARL H. BUTMAN Thought Waves From the Editorial Tower 17 BY FREDERICK SMITH "LEND me Radio Age for one year," The Voluntary Lid S T Editorial 18 -Q kJ writes a Davenport, Ia., fan. National Broadcasters' League 19 "If Frank D. Pearne is technical Pick -Up Records by our Readers 21 editor of your magazine that's all With the Radio Trade 22 I need to know." Broadcasting Stations of the U. S. 23- 24 -25 -26 The Davenport subscriber is one New Amateur Station List 27 -28 of many who instinctively links radio with "Pearne." Mr. Pearne has been chief instructor in electricity at Lane Technical High School, RADIO AGE is published monthly by RADIO AGE, INC. Chicago, for twelve years. He has won thousands of friends also among Publication office, Mount Morris, Ill. readers of radio articles showing Editorial and Advertising Offices, Garrick Building, 64 W. how to make and operate radio Randolph St., Chicago. apparatus. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL FREDERICK SMITH, Editor Mr. Pearne conducts for FRANK D. PEARNE, Technical Editor this maga- M. B. SMITH, Business Manager zine the department of questions Mid -West Advertising Representatives: and answers and in that capacity he YOUNG & WARD in 308 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. answers queries sent by sub- scribers free of charge. A self -ad- Easlern Representative: stamped envelope GEO. W. STEARNS dressed and brings Flatiron Building, New York City, N. Y. a prompt reply by mail. Send $2.00 in currency, check or Advertising Forms Close on 19th of the Month money order to Radio Age and get Preceding of Date Issue. this progressive, helpful magazine Issued monthly. Vol. 1, No. 7 Subscription price $2.50 a year. Entered as second -class matter September 15, 1922, at the post office at Mount for one year. Keeping up with Morris, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. radio is easy when you follow Frank D. Copyright. 1922, by RADIO AGE, Inc. Pearne. Address Radio Age, 64 West Randolph Street, Chicago.

1 _

National Radio Week to Emphasise Educational Value gi of

HE tremendous contribution of radio broadcasting to the educational life of the country is to be especially emphasized during NATIONAL RADIO WEEK, to be held from December 23 to 30.

Broadcasting has assumed many roles since its inception, but none has received such whole- hearted and enthusiastic support from the nation's leaders as when it dons the toga of the educa- tor.

Sending of operatic arias out on the air has become frequent within the past few months. All the progress thus far made in that field, together with a wealth of new material and ideas, is to be assembled during NATIONAL RADIO WEEK for a grand display.

Announcement to this effect has just been made by J. Andrew White, chairman of the Executive Committee of NATIONAL RADIO WEEK. Mr. White and the Committee feel that the broadcasting of the highest type of music not only has recreational value but is inspirational in home circles, as well, and there is tremendous economic benefit to be gained in educating the American people through radio to an appreciation of the higher forms of culture.

Radio's use in the church and school are also to be demonstrated in special nation -wide programs from scores of stations.

NATIONAL RADIO WEEK is an unselfish, co- operative effort on the part of everyone in radio, from listener to manufacturer, to demonstrate what the new science and industry has accomplished thus far in the brief span of one year of general popularity and to give the listener an insight into the yet unrealized possibilities of the near future. It is an organized effort to add to the ranks of listeners -to double this number in fact.

Every listener will endeavor to enlist one other person as a radio fan. This will double the number of broadcast listeners. Programs from every station in the country, specially prepared to fit the holiday season and the spirit of the week, will be sent out on the air. Sporting events, operas, jazz bands, speeches, and other particularly interesting programs will fill the air. Nation- = wide broadcasts of a single event to be heard in every section of the country at once, will be made.


A Homemade Battery Charger for $3.00 By F. D. PEARNE

ONE of the most essential re- is comparatively easy where the before a battery can be charged with quirements of a radio set is electric lighting circuit is of the di- this current, some method of recti- some kind of a charging ap- rect current type, but unfortunately fication must be used. Various de- paratusTwhich will keep the storage for the radio fan, most lighting cir- vices for this purpose are now on the battery :charged at all times. This cuits use the alternating current and market, some of which are sold at ii Zi

/ i / N0. /8 DRILL ! HOLES ! O O `





1 L

F/GO/FE 2. reasonable prices, while others are angle. Next cut out four pieces of turned over, as well as the screw really expensive, and as the average sheet lead of the same size and shape heads and the part of the wood radio fan usually has plenty of out- as the aluminum pieces, and drill which goes down into the neck of the lets for his spare change, I am going holes of the same size in the same jar should be coated with melted to describe a rectifier which any ama- place. wax, or paraffine to prevent any teur can build at an expense of less The wooden tops for the jars gas or fumes from the solution cor- than $3. should be turned out of hard wood. roding the screws, thereby causing a This outfit is known as the "No- The flange should be three inches in poor joint. Next, make up the solu- den valve" and will answer the pur- diameter and one -half inch thick tion with which the jars are to be pose very well and in fact is really and the smaller part is two and partly filled, make a saturate solu- better than some of the rectifiers three- sixteenths inches in diameter tion (all the water will dissolve) one may buy, for the reason that it and one-quarter inch thick. This of distilled water and phosphate of rectifies both sides of the alternating small projection is to extend down ammonium. It is necessary that current wave, which some of the into the jar and will just fit into the the distilled water be used as it will standard outfits do not do. The neck of the quart -sized fruit jar. not work if the water contains any materials required consist of four If any other kind of a jar is used, impurities. ordinary quart size mason jars, this size should be changed to suit Fill the jars with this solution to such as are used for putting up pre- the case. If it is not convenient within about one inch of the top, serves; four pieces of sheet alum- to turn these tops out in a lathe, that is, the solution should be with- inum one -eighth of an inch thick; they can be made of two pieces cut in one inch of the top when the four pieces of sheet lead of the same out with a jig saw and fastened to- plates are in the jars. It is a good size and thickness, four wooden tops gether with screws, but these screws plan to measure out enough water to to cover the jars, a few brass ma- must be so located that they do not fill the jars three -quarters full and chine screws and nuts, and about interfere with the holes which are then add the phosphate of am- two and one -half pounds of phos- to be drilled, as shown at "B', monium, until no more can be dis- phate of ammonium. Figure 1. Now mount one alum- solved. In dissolving this chemical, First cut out four plates of good, inum plate and one lead plate on it should not be stirred with a metal soft sheet aluminum, six inches long, each of the tops as shown at "C," spoon, use a piece of glass, so as to two inches wide and one -eighth of Figure 1. These plates are held in make sure that no impurities get an inch thick. Bend one end over, place by 8 -32 brass machine screws, into the solution. Figure 2 is a dia- one -half inch as shown at "A ", one and one -half inches long and gram of the circuit, which shows Figure 1. Drill a hole through the fastened with a nut on the other side. how the connections are made. The center of the part which is turned The nut should be turned up very aluminum plates are marked "A" over. This should be drilled with a tight so that the plate is held rigidly and the lead plates are marked "L" No. 18 drill which is large enough to in place. Another nut on top of the respectively. Lamps are connected allow an 8 -32 brass machine screw to first one serves as a binding post to in the circuit, which allow only a pass through it. These plates should which the wires will be connected certain amount of current to pass be made of soft aluminum for the later. from the alternating current wires reason that hard aluminum will After all four units are complete to the rectifier. Each lamp added in crack and break, if bent at a sharp the part of the plates which was (Continued on page 28.) RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" 5 Radio Receiving Equipment By FRANK CONRAD Assistant Chief Engineer, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Company, East Pittsburgh, Pa. THIS paper is intended to dis- detector, with the resultant increase cuss questions of design of in signal strength. In the case of the those types of receiving ap- crystal detector, the maximum sig- paratus which are adapted for re- nal strength is obtained when the ception over a limited range of wave too effective resistance due to the de- length, and which depend for their tector is equal to that of the balance operation on such manipulation as of the antenna circuit. It, therefore, can be successfully carried out by should be connected across such part persons entirely unfamiliar with the of the inductance as will give the technique of radio apparatus. Their best compromise between selectiv- principal field of application is the ity and sensitivity. reception of broadcast radio tel- The use of the regenerative vacuum ephone signals. 10. tube offers the further possibility of in- Among the many requirements crease of selectivity with the additional which an ideal receiver of this class advantage of a very marked increase in should fulfil are that: sensitivity. (1) It should tune in the wave The curve, Figure 3, shows the rela- length desired with only simple ad- tion of admittance to wave length of the justments, which should not inter- same circuit as that for Curve 2, with the act on each other. With a signal exception that the resistance element is of normal audibility from a desired ,o. assumed to be one per cent of that in Figure 2. This is an amount of regenera- station, the signal strength from an- % Resono , , other equal or possibly more power tion which can readily be obtained. The ful station, separated by ten thou- FIQIIRE 2 ordinates of this curve are drawn to a scale one hundred times that of Figure 1 sand cycles, should be below audi- wave length above and below this bility. and 2, and it might be assumed that the band. signal strength would be one hundred (2) Its sensibility should be such The curve in Figure 1 shows the that which would be obtained from will limited times that its range be by relation of admittance to wave the circuit of Figure 2. This condition static interferences, fading, and so length in a simple oscillating circuit does not necessarily follow, owing to the on, rather than by actual lack of which has the constants of the an- fact that there is a definite limit to the response. Any local sources of tenna ordinarily used and which is component of antenna current which is power necessary for its operation tuned to a definite wave length by proportional to the incoming signal. should require infrequent attention. the addition of a variable induct- This condition may be illustrated by The first -mentioned requirement, ance. which may be termed selectivity, the diagram, Figure 4. In this diagram, An examination of this curve 0 E represents the incoming signal field is more or less fulfilled by giving the shows that, although the maximum antenna. Should which affecting the receiving receiver a characteristic in signal is obtained for the wave the impedance of the receiving antenna its impedance to the desired band length to which the circuit is tuned, circuit be infinite, the voltage induced in is of wave length very low in com- appreciable response is given to wave this circuit will be in the phase 0 C. For parison with its impedance to the lengths differing considerably from finite values of resistance impedance in those for which it is in resonance. this circuit, the current will be bounded In order to obtain the desired se- lectivity, it is necessary consider- ably to increase the time constant of this circuit. This result can be 100 accomplished in one or both of two ways: namely, by increasing the inductance element with a corre- 10,000 sponding reduction, of capacity, or by decreasing the effective resistance by regeneration. The curve in Figure 2 shows the effect of placing an additional ca- ó 1.0 pacity of 25 micro -microfarads in a ó series with the circuit with a cor- !ono responding increase in inductance to - bring the circuit in resonance with the same wave length as under the first condition. It will be noted that the selectivity is very consid- erably improved. In the case of a vacuum tube de- % Resonance tector, which is nominally a voltage - tot

FIGURE 1 operated device, the large induct- "/ A2esononce ance implies a correspondingly large *Presented before The Institute of Radio Fneineers, New York, Ortober 4th, 1022. voltage available for operation of the FiG TrzF. 3 6 RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR"

by the circle 0 B A. Thus, for a given and resistance. In the case of an actual as the apparent secondary antenna height

value of resistance impedance, the cur- antenna circuit, it has been shown that is reduced by reduction of coupling, the . rent will be represented by the line 0 B. there is, in addition, a limiting impedance reduction of primary resistance by re- The field surrounding the antenna due to which is proportional to the height. In generation is also reduced, with a cor- this current will have the same phase and the consideration of the sharpness of tun- responding limitation of ultimate sec- relative length, and the total effective ing the antenna circuit, it is necessary to ondary signal current and its attendant field will be the sum of O E and O B, or consider this limiting impedance in ad- reduction of selectivity. O D. For zero resistance the current will dition to the actual impedance of the Owing to the difficulty of carrying out have the phase and relative length 0 A, oscillating circuit. Therefore, the actual the necessary interacting adjustments, with a zero resultant field. Further consid- increase of sharpness of tuning which can the use of a coupled circuit receiver is jus- eration will show that this ultimate re- be obtained by regeneration is largely tified only under those particular condi- ceived antenna current is independent determined by this limiting impedance, tions in which it is not possible to take of the height of the antenna, provided or, in other words, by the antenna height. advantage of the selectivity of the low all sections of its length are affected by In Figure 6 are shown two curves taken antenna. the same field intensity, it being depend- with similar receiving sets, but on an- A further possibility towards the so- ent only upon the field per unit length. tennas of different heights. The left - lution of the receiver problem for con- The antenna therefore may be consid- hand curve is from a single -wire, inverted - gested districts is the use of a closed coil ered as a constant voltage generator, L antenna, having a height of 35 feet or loop in place of an open antenna. having a definite internal impedance, (10.6 m.) above ground, and a length of The loop receiver will have the advantage -which is proportional to antenna height. horizontal portion 75 feet (23m.). The that, similar to the short antenna, it em- This generator supplies a load circuit right -hand curve was taken from an braces a limited field area, and at the having the constants of the oscillating antenna having a height above ground same time can usually be placed sufficient- circuit. of 15 feet (4.6m.), the length of horizontal ly above ground level to be in a somewhat portion being the same. The same re- denser field than would be the case with ceiver was used in each case. a corresponding short, open antenna. These two curves show the very great The limiting impedance of the loop is increase of selectivity to be obtained by comparatively low, but as the induced signal voltages are also low, it is necessary i- the use of the low antenna. In fact, the i increase is considerably greater than that a regenerative system be used in or- would be expected from consideration of der to obtain the benefit of selectivity. the comparative heights of the two an- It, of course, has certain possibilities of tennas. It is probably accounted for by eliminating interference, due to its di- the condition that the effective height of rectional properties. In general, the loop the lower antenna is a considerably small- receiver under its best conditions, will er percentage of its actual height than in give results which are practically identical G the case of the higher antenna, owing to with those obtained from a receiver con- FIGURE 4 the indefinite height of the ground con- nected to a properly proportioned, open In the case of a regenerative system in nection which was made to the hot water antenna, barring, of course, the possibility which the regeneration is carried out to heating system, thus giving an effect that the relative position of the interfer- such an extent as to produce oscillations, equivalent to raising the height off the ing station may be such as to permit of the current due to the incoming signal actual ground. advantage being taken of the directional will be super -imposed on the local current, Due to the absorption by objects on effect. It has the advantage of conven- and have a value dependent entirely up- or near the ground, it is usually impossible ience of installation and of not being re- on the effective resistance but independ- to realize completely the condition of stricted to location as regards height ent of any local oscillating current. equal signal strength with low as with where the field density may be low. How- Figure 5 shows the conditions deter- high antenna, and of course the possi- mining the resistance of the antenna cir- bilities in this direction depend on the cuit under the oscillating condition. In surroundings of the antenna in question. this curve the line G shows the relation of Under conditions in which the reduc- voltage impressed on grid terminals to the tion of signal strength with height is due, oscillating component of plate circuit. as is often the case in thickly built -up dis- Curve P shows the oscillating compo- tricts, to the appreciable absorption near nent of plate circuit set up by this im- the ground, it is possible to improve the pressed grid voltage. From this curve selectivity of the antenna by the use of a it will be seen that, once the oscillations coupled secondary circuit in the receiving are started, they will increase to a point set. If another resonance circuit of the where the curve P intersects the line G. same constants were connected to the The effective resistance of the antenna output circuit of a vacuum tube ampli- circuit is determined by the relation of fier connected to a resonance circuit hav- the angle of this intersection to the angle ing the constants corresponding to that of of G with the base. In actual practice, Figure 2, the characteristic of this double it is possible to reduce the angle of inter- circuit would be proportional to the prod- section at this point to such a value that uct of the characteristic curves, which, it the antenna current due to incoming sig- is evident, would give a very greatly in- nal will closely approach the ultimate creased selectivity. value. Any possible increase of the sen- This arrangement constitutes the ideal is limited an increase method of improving the selectivity of a sitivity therefore to FIGURE 5 of the inductance across which the de- receiver. If, in place of the relay coupling tecting ci -rcuit is connected. The extent between the oscillating circuits, a direct ever, the first cost and maintenance ex- to which this increase can be carried out coupling were used, the relation of the pense of such a receiver are far greater is largely a matter of design. secondary to primary would, in a sense, than those of the equivalent regenerative The limitation of sensitivity due to be a duplicate of that existing between set on an open antenna, and for these ultimate antenna current also imposes primary and the transmitter, with the reasons, cannot, at the present time, be an apparent reduction in selectivity and equivalent antenna height of secondary considered as a real competitor of the is a feature which usually is not consid- corresponding to the looseness of open antenna receiver. ered in the discussion of the oscillating coupling, thus permitting the possibility The foregoing conclusions in regard to circuit. of a receiver connected to a high antenna the conditions effecting selectivity are Referring to the curves, Figures 2 and and with the selectivity of a low one. based on the premises that the receiver 3, these show the characteristic of simple However, the extent to which this can be is used for the reception of modulated circuits made up of capacity, inductance carried out is limited by the fact that, continuous wave signals and that the inter- RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" ferences to be dealt with are those set up by similar transmitters. In the case of interference resulting from atmospherics, or static, the partic- ular precautions which would minimize interference from other transmitters would have insignificant effect, and at the present time there is no practical scheme which gives any appreciable reduction of interference from static. In the case of interference from damped wave transmitters, the effects will lie be- tween the conditions of a modulated con- tinuous wave signal and static, the sim- ilars to one or the other being determined aoQ 1000 by the decrement of the interfering signal. In the case of the usual amateur spark transmitters, which is the one most likely to set up the interference, the conditions will be not far removed from those gov erning the effects of static, owing to the usual high decrement of these transmit- ters. The solution of the problem of inter- 3 ference from this source should be in the direction of elimination of the spark transmitter by the substitution of con- tinuous wave sets, rather than by any receiver development, owing to the 100 1 0 10 actual great width of wave band covered by even the best type of spark trans- mitter. The one serious defect of the regen- erative receiver is the interference it can produce on other receivers due to radia- tion when regeneration is carried to the oscillating point. The intensity of this radiation can be controlled to a certain extent by the antenna circuit constants and the constancy of regeneration of the receiving set with various wave length adjustments. FlrsonaM W I es1 are WI. With increase of inductance element Signal W.L. d 41. in the antenna circuit, the antenna cur- ro io 70 eo 90 00 I10 120 'XI 140 1,50 70 80 90 100 IIO 120 130 140 00 rent for a given voltage applied to a re- ceiving tube is correspondingly reduced, FIGURE 6 with attendant reduction of interference; and, with constancy of regeneration with in the anode circuit is principally a re- ing of the relation between coupling coil varying wave length adjustment, the pos- sistance, the phase relation of induced and turning inductance, while the ca- sibility of the set producing strong oscil- potential on grid through anode is 90 pacitive coupling merely requires the in- lations during the tuning operation will be degrees displaced from the original con- sertion of a variable induction in the reduced. This latter feature has con- trolling potential of the grid. An in- anode circuit and the necessary by -pass siderable bearing on the system of re- ductive reactance in the anode circuit condensers to shunt the radio frequency generation which it is advisable to em- so shifts the induced potentials that it fluctuations in this circuit around inter - ploy. assists or adds to the potential grid con- tube transformers or telephone receivers. The mechanism of regeneration im- trolling potential. A capacitive react- For this reason, this arrangement has plies a coupling between anode circuit ance so shifts the phase relation that been a great favorite with radio experi- of tube and oscillating circuit, such that the induced charge grid subtract from menters as well as manufacturers of re- any fluctuations in anode current sets up the original controllings potential. There- ceiving apparatus, who have merely as- corresponding oscillations in the oscil- fore, by incorporating a variable induct- sembled conventional parts in a contain- lating circuit, and of such phase relation ance in the anode circuit, the amount of ing case. as to reinforce the original oscillations regeneration can be controlled at will. From the standpoint of interference which had acted on the grid of the tube. The inductive coupling method of produced by the receiver, therefore, the This coupling may be electro- magnetic regeneration possesses the advantage inductive coupling method is consid- or electro- static. that when the anode coil is coupled to erably superior to the capacitive coupling, In the electro- magnetic coupling a coil the variable inductance which controls owing to the fact that the coupling can which is in series with the anode circuit the wave length of the oscillating circuit, be set at some value below the oscillating is so disposed that its field embraces more the amount of regeneration remains prac- condition, which it will maintain through- or less of the inductance in the oscillating tically constant over an extended wave out the whole range of wave length ad- circuit. length band. In the case of the capacitive justment. The degree of regeneration With the electro- static coupling, ad- coupling, both the effect of capacity be- which can be obtained over the whole vantage is usually taken of the capacity tween anode and grid circuits and the ef- range without oscillations occurring at between grid and anode elements of the fect of inductance in the plate circuit any point is, of course, dependent upon tube and its connections. When the im- vary with change of wave length. The the excellence of design of the set. In pedance of the anode circuit is altered regeneration, therefore, requires read- case of the capacitive coupling, as the by a varying grid potential, correspond- justment with each readjustment of wave degree of regeneration increases at a ing potentials are induced on the grid length of the set. For this reason the op- very rapid rate with decrease of wave element through the capacity of tube and eration of tuning-in a signal is more com- length setting, it is necessary, in order to connections. When the grid is connected plicated. The inductive coupling meth- obtain any appreciable regenerative ef- to a resonant circuit and the impedance od, however, requires proper proportion- (Continued on page 28.) 8 RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" How to Avoid Interference By C. W. HORN Director of Radio Operations, Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company N order to assist radio broad- forty meters in wave length, es- casting, the Department of pecially so as a loop antenna forms Commerce has specified two Code -Sender is a closed circuit which can be more wave lengths on which broadcasting Sued by sharply tuned than an open antenna. may be conducted. These wave Owner The two ends of the loop should be lengths are 360 meters, the one in Receiving Set connected across the antenna, the general use up to this time, and 400 ground terminals of the receiver, WHO has first right to ether, meters, just recently allotted. While the radio receiver or the and no other ground or antenna these wave lengths are forty meters radio sender? This is the used. apart, undoubtedly there will be problem -entirely now -which Those who are located a greater considerable confusion on the part is raised in the suit filed by distance from a broadcasting station of those owning radio receivers who Edward McWilliams of Dwight, can, without any difficulty, tune in are located very near a broadcast- Ill., in the Circuit Court at either one of the wave lengths ing station. Pontiac, Ill. mentioned. They should, however, For the purpose of assisting those The suit is filed against Wiley bear in mind that a single wire Bergman, another radio fan of antenna, not too long, and kept who are located so that a 360 -meter Dwight, who has a sending ap- and a 400 -meter station are picked paratus. Mr. McWilliams has free from obstructions, and not up by their receivers simultane- only a receiving set, and when running near grounded metallic ously a number of methods will Bergman is sending he declares objects, will tune sharper. Where be described, which, if applied, that his service, as well as that the amateur has a transmitting should greatly assist those desir- of the twenty other radio fans apparatus it is of course desirable ing to get either one of the two in Dwight, is interrupted. to have a fairly large antenna, with waves without interference. There McWilliams wants the court more than one wire, and if such is is to determine whether one per- the case he should use a separate one case, however, which will son has a right to send wireless be very difficult to assist; that is, wire for receiving. messages into the air, disabling The ideal where the receiver is exception- the pleasure of countless other condition will be when ally near to a broadcasting sta- persons while they are receiving stations can operate independently tion -say «ithin a few thousand prearranged programs from all on either of two wave lengths with- yards. parts of the country, which out interfering with each other, and The assignment of two wave fact McWilliams declares Berg- because the receiving apparatus is lengths so close together will have man is aware of but refuses to an important factor these sugges- the effect of stimulating construc- recognize. tions are given in order that owners McWilliams also asks an in- or receiving apparatus may have tion of radio apparatus which will junction restraining Bergman be capable of tuning more sharply, the necessary information to in- from operating his sending crease the efficiency of appar- and it is the case of "necessity being apparatus when programs are their the mother of invention." There- being broadcasted by recog- atus. fore, while there may be some in- nized stations throughout the convenience at the present time, country. Experts to Meet this should be overlooked in order At the request of the Department of to help the radio game by creating State, each Governmental Department a condition which will stimulate the water spouts or drains, or paralle interested in or having to do with wire construction of better apparatus, to telephone and power wires. and wireless communication has ap- and which will permit the assign- Frank Conrad, assistant chief pointed a representative to serve on an Elec- inter -departmental committee for the ment of more wave lengths, ulti- engineer of the Westinghouse consideration of problems of international mately creating a better situation tric & Manufacturing Company, electrical communications. At a meet- in the ether. has made measurements and drawn ing, soon to be called in Washington, One of the greatest faults that resonance curves which show that the several members of the United States has been found in connection with a short low antenna tunes more Committee will study the problems to the installation of radio receiving sharply than a large and long an- be considered at the forthcoming inter- apparatus is that it is believed that tenna. (See his article on another national conference to be held in Paris, the more wire and the larger the page of this magazine.) This holds and the American agenda and policy more will received. for coupled and single will be worked out, in detail. antenna the be true both The membership of the committee An exceptionally large antenna circuit tuners. follows: makes it more difficult to tune Another method to pursue in Post Office, Mr. Paul Henderson, 2nd sharply, and for this reason it is overcoming interference, especially Assistant Postmaster General; War De- advocated that a very short, single where vacuum tube receivers are partment, Major General George O. wire antenna, approximately 75 used and where the receiver is Squier, Chief Sig. Officer of the Army; feet long, measuring from the appar- located close to a broadcasting Dept. of Commerce, Mr. P. E. D. Nagle, ratus to the far end, be used. This station, is to make use of the well - Communications Expert of this Dept.; single wire antenna should be known directional properties of the Navy Department, Rear Admiral H. J. stretched away from all metallic loop antenna. A very simple loop Ziegemeier, Dir. of Naval Communica- a tions. (In his absence Rear Admiral objects and run straight and clear can be constructed by winding Joseph Strauss will be available for this of all obstructions. half dozen turns of wire spaced Service); U. S. Shipping Board, Mr. Another fault in the installation about one inch apart, on a frame- F. P. Guthrie, in charge of Radio Service of receiving apparatus can be elim- work, which can be rotated. It of U. S. Shipping Board. inated by not running the antenna will then be easy to tune out a The State Department representative or lead -in over metal roofs, along station which has a difference of has not been designated. RADIO AGE-"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" 9 Questions and Answers By Radio Age Institute, Conducted by Frank D. Pearne To insure prompt reply to ques- tions, please enclose self-addressed VARIOMETERS and stamped envelope.-The Editor. GRID LEAK F. M. P., Chicago, Ill. -.,. AMPL IA-VINO TRANSFORMERS Question: 1. I have the September I issue of the Radio Age, which shows the 00o17M1 JACK Reinartz tuner with two -step amplifier. JA[K I would very much like to have it with jacks and plug connections. 2. What does it cost to build an Armstrong super - regenerative set like the one used by Paul B. Coats and shown in your Sep- tember issue? Do you recommend it RNEOSTA7 EO37AT to be a good loud outfit for concert stuff on a loud speaker? has been mailed to Answer: Circuit E.0o0JM 11111. DATA ¡7 you. The Armstrong arrangement is 11= 1. quite expensive as compared to other D.DATTERV HDATTERV Ili1i111i1i¡,--41 11)111 circuits, but this is not the principal difficulty. Sometimes it will work and other times it will not and the general' Answer: 1. Your circuit is all wrong, broadcasting stations of 360 meters, from opinion of engineers who have tried it F. M. J., and I don't see how you could 500 miles up, distant? If it is possible out is that the results obtained are not keep your batteries up if you used it. I would like the apparatus in this hook -up worth the great trouble of building it I am showing a cut of the correct circuit, efficient, but inexpensive, as my capital and trying to keep it in adjustment, with a two -step amplifier. is rather limited. It is plenty loud for short distance work. L. T., Independence, Kans. Answer: 1. I am mailing this circuit but is not much good for long distance Question: 1. Will you please send to you. I don't know how far you can reception. me a circuit for a sharp tuning, long dis- receive with it, but it is as good as you C. A., Streeter, N. D. tance, crystal set if possible. If you can get for a loose coupler circuit. Question: 1. I have constructed the can't send it, please let me know where M. O. R., Arcola, Ill. I can get it. Reinartz unit with one -step of ampli- Question: 1. Will you please send Answer: 1. I am sending this circuit fication as per your instructions and me a showing how to to you by mail. The only reason this is circuit connect details published in the September issue a loading coil a varoi- coupler and called a long distance set is because the to of the Radio Age. So far I have been variometer set? I tuning is so much sharper that stations unable to make the set work. made the Answer: 1. This should be con- 26 magnet wire. which cannot be heard with an ordinary coul out of No. enamel nected as shown i n crystal set can be picked up. in the aerial circuit Is this satisfactory for this work? I the following diagram. was unable to obtain the kind mentioned. E. O. W., Lincoln, Nebr. I am using a variable condenser instead Question: 1. I have a loose coupler A. K., Chicago, Ill. of the grid leak and condenser. 2. Will tuning coil which I constructed myself. Question: 1. I have decided to make it be necessary to use a grid leak between The primary of this coil is seven and the Reinartz tuner which was printed this condenser and where it is connected three -quarters inches long and three in the November issue of the Radio Age, to the grid connection on the socket. and three -fourths inches in diameter. on page 5. I would greatly appreciate 3. Which wire should be connected to the It is wound with No. 22 enameled wire. it if you would answer these questions rotating part of the condenser? The secondary is six inches long and for me. Please give a diagram showing Answer: 1. If you followed the in- three and one -half inches in diameter where to place three jacks. 2. Is it structions carefully, there is no reason and wound with No. 26 single silk insu- possible to use a loop aerial with this why you should not get results. Thou- lated wire. Would you kindly send me a set? 3. Can I use a 43 -plate condenser sands of amateurs have made this set vacuum tube hook -up using this coil, instead of 23 plates? Will it make any and only a small percentage have had with which I could get high powered difference? 4. I used No. 26 S. S. trouble in making them work. The wire which you used is all right. 2. I think you would have better luck if you used a grid leak and condenser in- stead of the variable condenser. I am sending you the detector circuit showing just where to use it. 3. The ground wire should be connected to the rotating part of the condenser. In the case of the aerial condenser, the rotating part should be connected to the aerial. F. M. J., Waco, Tex. Question: L I am sending you a circuit using a vario- coupler and 2 vario- meters. I am not having much success with this circuit and I am in doubt as to whether or not it is correct. As you will notice, I am using two -steps of audio frequency amplification but it does not seem to do any good. Will you kindly look over my hook -up and tell me if 1 am right, and if not, please send me the proper hook -up for this set. 10 RADIO AGE-"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" covered wire for the coil. Is it O. K.? Pearne, U. J. Herrmann, Thorne Don- manufacturing radio apparatus and ac- Answer: 1. I am sending you a nelley, E. H. Gager, Charles O. Stimpson, cessories and parts thereof. . rough diagram by mail, as it would be W. L. Holst, Leroy M. E. Claussing. 4. To reform the abuses relative too large for this column. 2. Yes, I thereto. have used a loop aerial with mine and Zanesville, Ohio, is headquarters of a 5. To secure freedom of its members while I did not get as many stations Radio Association for which a member- from unjust and unlawful exactions. as I got with the outside aerial, still I ship of 500 owners of sending and re- 6. To diffuse accurate and reliable did get very good results. Use about ceiving sets is sought. The association information as to the standing of mer- 8 turns on a frame 4 feet square. 3. held a meeting in the Zanesville Banking chants and others dealing with members You can use the 43 -plate condenser if & Trust Company recently. John with respect to their credit and as to all you want to, but they are more expensive. Garrett was named to lead the member- inventions, patents, processes, or de- 4. The No. 26 S. S. covered wire is ship campaign. Team captains in the vices designed or intended for use in, all right. drive are Ed. Bonnett, Will Fouts, Ed. upon or in connection with such appara- R. N., Chicago, Ill. Garrett, Mike Hellyer, Arthur Jones, tus and the manufacture thereof, as to Question: 1. Will you please send Alf Williams. the state of the art relative thereto, and me a hook -up using the following parts: as to the condition and development of the trade in which 1 two -slide tuner, 1 grid leak and con- Two radio clubs, organized and sup- the members are en- gaged, in denser .00025, 3 rheostats, 3 V. T. ported by some of the the United States and foreign most prominent countries. sockets, 1 All American transformer, figures in the Danish field of communica- 7. To procure 10 to 1, 1 Thordarson transformer, tions, have recently been formed to uniformity and cer- 4 to 1, 1 six -volt A battery, and 2 B tainty in the customs and usages of such promote interest in radio telegraphy trade. batteries, 22 1 -2 volts each? and telephony throughout Denmark. 8. To promote Answer: 1. I am sending you this The aim of these clubs is to spread knowl- radio and carrier wave circuit by mail, but I think you would edge and broadcasting and the quality of such create interest in wireless com- service. have much better luck if you used a munication through lectures, demon- vario- coupler instead of the tuning coil. strations, and other means. 9. To settle differences between H. E. K., Mt. Morris, Ill. 'members. 10. To promote a more Question: 1. I have read your enlarged and friendly intercourse article in the Radio Age regarding the Costs Only $25 to Join among business men construction of a Reinartz tuner and engaged in such trade or dealing with Those interested in the organization persons engaged therein. intend to make one. As I have a quan- tity of No. 28 double cotton covered of radio clubs will find in the following 11. A program of lectures, reading of program of activities, issued technical papers by recognized magnet wire on hand, I would like to by the Radio authori- Club of Illinois, some valuable suggestions ties, has been inaugurated. know if I could get the same results by as to what a radio club can accomplish. 12. Steps for the installation of a using it for the tuner. Also would appre- laboratory ciate a diagram showing how to mount The circular containing the information will be taken. the instruments on a panel 8" by 18 ". is signed by Alfred Thomas, Jr., Presi- 13. Our Club will shortly be in a of position furnish is my first at constructing dent the club, and John P. Tansey, to accurate information This attempt our a set and am a little skeptical as to the Secretary. to members as to circulation and results, but from the records made by The functions of the club are outlined advertising benefits of Radio papers and as follows: magazines. A saving of many dollars others, I do not think I can go wrong. activities in will be the result. Answer: 1. You can use the No. 28 Our addition to promoting wire right, the only difference being interest in Radio and bringing together 14. Necessary steps, and unlimited all persons effort, for that it will slightly increase the re- all similarly interested, for the stimulation and encourage- social and educational advantages, ment of the Radio industry are im- sistance of the coils, which I do not are an think will effect your reception. There in part as follows: portant part of our plans. 1. in 15. We will lectures is no reason why you cannot be just as Interesting all concerned the furnish and speakers on Radio, for successful as others in the making of proposed National Radio Control Bill. special occasions. this set. Will be glad to help you out All Chicago members of Congress are 16. \Ve will endeavor to induce serve of public and social service agencies if you have any trouble. anxious to the best interests to this new industry. install sets in the conduct of their work. 2. Prevent the passage of any regu- 17. Promote installation of Radio in Club News latory ordinance by the City Council industrial plants. A radio club has been formed by the at the present time, and to continually 18. Our Club Rooms at disposal of Jewish People's institute, 1258 West oppose any ordinance providing for traveling radioists. Taylor street, where meetings will be Inspection Fees. We claim credit for 19. Will furnish service by competent held at which the theory and practice freedom to date from this abuse. mechanics to those in need of same, and of radio will be explained by some of 3. To foster the interests of those will act as an employment exchange for the more éxpert members of the organ- engaged in the trade or business of our members. ization. During succeeding weeks the construction and operation of both crystal and vacuum tube sets will be explained, as well as use of radio fre- quency and audio frequency amplifiers. This Coupon and $2 Four Wisconsin radio stations, two at Cut this out and send to Radio Age, 64 West Randolph Street, Chicago, Ill., and receive this The regular subscription price is per year. Oshkosh, and one each at Appleton and magazine for one year. $2.50 Berlin, have formed an association, which ON holds its business meetings by radio. RADIO AGE, A new station is under construction at 64 West Randolph Street, Chicago. will also be admitted to Neenah, which for the "Fox Valley Radio Association," as Enclosed find $2 for which please send me Radio Age one year. the new organization is known. Name._ - Alfred Thomas, Jr., was elected presi- dent of the Radio Club of Illinois at Street No. the recent election. The newly elected vice- presidents are Paul C. Niehoff, City A. H. Kopprasch and Herman J. Pomy; State Secretary, John P. Tansey; Treasurer, J. Elliott Jenkins; Directors, Frank D. RADIO AGE-"THE MAGAZINE OF THE-HOUR" 11 Homcharging Your Radio Battery

WHILE there has been some very battery in as near full charged condition successful receiving sets de- as possible. veloped, operating from dry Why Crystal Sets By taking a hydrometer reading after cells, the great majority of those in use, Pick an evening's use of your receiving set, and likely to be sold in the future, re- Sometimes if the specific gravity of battery is below quire a storage battery for heating the Up The Far Calls 1200, it is best to connect home charger filament in the detector and amplifying and charge battery overnight. It will bul bs. QUITE often we hear some then possess maximum power, be ready The maintenance and recharging of \f radio fan tell of some case for a long period of use, and will bring this storage battery has proved the of particularly long distance in the signals stronger and increase the many a reception with a crystal set receiving range of your set. bugahoo which has prevented which does not seem possible. radio fan, not familiar with the facts, However doubtful such a from buying or making a real receiving statement may seem to be, one set with several stages of radio or audio must not be too quick to chal- New Loud Speaker amplification, or both. There is no real lenge the statement, for there The radio public are giving an ever reason, however, for this feeling, as any are what is known as "freak increasing amount of attention to the storage battery of reputable make will periods" during which time loud speaker. Just as the phonograph last for several years in radio service great distances may be covered attained lasting popularity through its without attention or trouble, except- by the most simple type of any receiving sets. ability to entertain a room full or even ing the addition of distilled water from When these periods do appear a recreation hall filled with guests by the time to time and recharging when ex- which is usually in the Winter use of a single amplifying horn, so it is hausted. time hitherto quite impossible conceded that for the average owner It is admittably, however, quite in- distances may be heard with of a radio receiving set a loud speaker convenient and expensive to lug a storage ease. will sooner or later be considered a battery to a service station every time The origin of these freak con- necessity. ditions in radio reception is not it requires recharging, which, in the known, but many theories have Put briefly, the general requisite of a case of a receiving set employing several been advanced, one of which is really good loud speaker, according to bulbs, may be once every week. For- the fact that daylight always one authority, is one that will give tunately, however, there are many produces some heat, which may "faithful tone reproduction, from which makes of home chargers on the market cause radio waves to be ab- noise and static disturbance are prac- retailing at a popular price, which enables sorbed more during the day tically eliminated, with volume enough the radio fan to home charge his battery than at night. to satisfy the most exacting require- at practically no expense, and without This is one explanation of the reason for better reception at ments." removing it from the receiving room. night than in the daytime. While admitting that this is a "lárge While many of these devices require There seems to be a wild desire order," officials of the Planet Radio some electrical knowledge for their on the part of the normal radio Corporation announce that in the Planet successful operation, the majority of them fan to hear long distance sta- Loud Speaker they have fulfilled nearly are extremely simple in construction, tions and he will work hard to 100 per cent of the above mentioned and successfully operated by any tune out some perfectly good requirements. can be program coming from a nearby one. The most efficient of these home station if he thinks there Is any In giving the specifications of the chargers will fully recharge any "A" chance of hearing a few words Planet Loud Speaker, an official of the battery overnight with a current con- from some city a thousand company outlined the principle behind sumption of less than one K. W. hour, miles away. its manufacture as follows: which, based on the average cost of "The Planet Loud Speaker is made of electrical current throughout the United solid, specially prepared bell metal alloy, States, amounts to but 5 cents. are becoming more strict in which assures clear tones. It is of pa- In a rectifier the enforce- the purchase of such ment of rules covering the use of only tented, special shape and construction, it is important that the buyer consider approved electrical apparatus. cast all in one piece, and is far superior the following points: Any rectifier having the Underwriters' ap- to horns made of sheet metal or tin. The One -Self- Polarizing Feature: With a proval has been carefully tested by them wiring, cabinet work and other details rectifier of this type battery may be and possesses practically no fire hazard. of construction are of the highest qual- connected either way and will always Considerable difficulty may be experi- ity. The Planet Loud Speaker can be charge. Otherwise, it requires consider- enced in effecting an adjustment with attached to any standard two -stage able knowledge and skill to determine the insurance company in case of fire, amplified receiving set. proper battery and rectifier polarity, if the rectifier you are using has not been "The Planet Loud Speaker is dis- and should battery be connected the approved by them. tinctive in appearance. It is compact wrong way, it is likely to be ruined, or, and ornamental, a complete unit it itself After your rectifier been at least, seriously harmed through re- has pure The is of mahogany, with a beautiful it is case verse charging. chased, advisable to secure a hydro- finish: is from piano the emitter burnished meter your dealer for telling when silk covered." Two-At Least a Five Ampere Charg- your battery needs recharging. and the connecting cord ing This Rate: With a charging rate of five instrument can be purchased for The same company also is offering a amperes or 50 cents more any battery of eighty to $1.00, and will pay for itself many loud speaker called the "Plan -O- Phone" ampere hour or less capacity may be which sells for $3.50 and may be used fully times over through elimination of unnec- charged overnight. Where a essary charging. with any two -stage amplified receiving lower charging rate is employed a cor- set. It is of statuary bronze and fits any respondingly greater time is required. A new storage battery should always receiver. For instance, with a rectifier delivering be given an overnight charge before The Planet Power Amplifier, made being used, since it has most but two amperes about fifty hours con- likely been by this company, is a complete unit of tinuous operation is required to fully several months since recharged at the factory. beautiful design in a richly finished charge a battery, during which time, mahogany case and polished emitter or course, it is impossible to use the Maximum receiving range and strong, with gold or aluminum finish. It adds receiving set. clear signals are obtained best when loud, clear and distinct reproduction Three-Underwriters' Approval: The your battery is fully charged. For this to the sound, transforming the set into National Board of Fire Underwriters reason it is always well to keep your a delightful musical instrument. 11 RAW() AGE "11íh MAUALINE OF THE HOUR" What Radio Is Doing for Ohio Farmers

(By Ohio Division of Markets.) business. They call by phone or in per- Among the many factors which have son, and keep in closest touch with the entered into the improved conditions Crop Service markets, the prices and the conditions. surrounding the management of the farm By Farm agents, in the different counties, in Ohio is the installation of the wireless Radio Now acting under the direction of the Exten- telephone. Its possibilities have just Covers World sion Department of the College of Agri- begun to be realized and they are in- culture at the Ohio State University and finite and endless. A visitor at the office AWORLD radio crop service the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation are of the Ohio Division of Markets, of the has been established by the placing receiving equipment in their United States Department of offices. Soon all will have done so. State Department of Agriculture, during Agriculture. The the past week said: Department There are meeting places for the farmers has representatives in many im- in the community. "I am now getting my prices on live portant European cities, who They can come in, stock and other commodities every day send reports of crop conditions as they like to come, chat with their neighbors, receive the reports per- over the wireless and it has proven a to Washington. The informa- and haps secure information which will make great help to me. I live on a farm and tion is then broadcast by radio over A them a tidy sum or forestall a transaction deal somewhat in cattle. In this way I the United *States. Berlin . that might have am able keep in touch with the market recent message from the entailed a loss. If they to representative was received in cannot come they still have home and find it of great advantage in buying the Washington and relayed telephone as a transmitter of information. and selling stock. I know at just the throughout the country in less The broadcasting system of market hour the report is coming and all I need than five minutes from the reporting, in which Ohio leads, is playing do is be at my receiving instrument time the news left Germany. a most important work in modern farm- and I can catch them as they come in In return, radio dispatches ing and farming methods. is from sending station at Dayton, on crop conditions are sent It daily the growing in usefulness and performing giving and market conditions each week from the Navy quotations the fundamentally gracious act of serv- from principal market centers of the Department stations to the the International Institute of Agri- ice. More and more it will continue to country." culture at Rome and to other do its good work until eventually every This man is no exception to many agricultural centers abroad. farmer will garner the reports daily in others throughout the state, as a canvass the stronghold of his home. made by the Market Division has shown. There are now five sending stations, beyond his neighbors. He has placed well distributed throughout Ohio. They a large amplifier on his instrument and "The World Do Move" are located at the Electrical Engineering it covers a considerable territory in the "Aeronautics and the radio telephone Department of the Ohio State Univer- countryside. All this ambitious man are perhaps the most marvelous develop- sity, Columbus; the Rike -Kumler Corn - need do is to sit on the handles of his ments of a marvelous age," said Rear pany at Dayton; the Wm. B. Duck Com- plow or stand at leisure in the field and Admiral Wm. A. Moffett, Chief of the pany at Toledo; the Union Trust Com- the report is wafted to him. If the con- Naval Bureau of Aeronautics, speaking pany at Cleveland, and the White Radio ditions warrant he can hurry to the over the radio phone from NAA, Arling- Laboratory, Stockdale, Pike County. nearest market and make a sale or pur- ton, a few nights ago. The area covered by these varies chase as best suits his fancy. Surely, as Admiral R. E. Coontz, Chief of Opera- according to the strength of the sending the colored parson said, "De world do tions, who also broadcasted a speech instrument, but there is not a nook or move." in the interests of the recent Marine corner of the state into which the reports But to the farmer who has no receiving Exposition in New York, said that among do not go. 1\iany places outside of Ohio, instrument the broadcasting system ren- its activities the Navy Communication located in other states, are also receiving ders a valuable service. There is hardly Service handled three and three -quarter the reports, particularly in Indiana, a farm house in these days without a million words by radio for the American Michigan and Pennsylvania. Farmers telephone, and probably not a town or Merchant Marine in the past year. and dealers show their appreciation of community center without a receiving "During the winter months," he said, the service by sending congratulatory instrument, which can pick up the report. "the naval Communication Service han- messages. The farmer, if he has the will, need dles on an average of 30 S.O.S. distress The wireless has just begun to play but go to the phone and call the proper calls per month, or one a day." That its part in the betterment of marketing number in the nearby village. the value of this service to the American facilities. What it can and will do is no "What are the quotations and market public as a whole, and to shipping inter- longer a matter of conjecture, but a cer- conditions today?" he can ask and the ests in particular, cannot be overesti- tainty. It will be but a short time before answer will be given him without delay. mated, he insisted. every progressive farmer in the state If he has no telephone, the chances are He also mentioned the developments has installed a receiving instrument, he has an automobile, or, at least, a horse of the radio compass or direction finder, as a large number of them have already and buggy. Should he be so unfortunate and stated that the Navy has established done. Then he will be able to sit in the as to possess none of these, he can go stations equipped with this apparatus quiet of his home and catch the prices back to nature's first means of trans- at various points along both coasts of on the commodities he has to sell or portation and walk. In any event, it the United States near the entrance to wishes to buy as they come through the requires but a little energy and the exer- harbors. When a ship is approaching air and are given to him by his wireless cise of no ingenuity to get the news. one of these harbors in a dense fog and phone. He can keep in daily touch with Bankers are playing a very important is uncertain of her position, all that is conditions in every part of the country part in the developments of this won- necessary for her now to do is to ask and know to a nicety just how things are derfully helpful work in the vicinity two or more radio compass stations for going. If he is away or at work in the bordering on Cleveland and Cuyahoga her bearing, he explained. field the good wife can take the report county. A large number of financial for him and he can get the information institutions in the cities and towns upon coming to the house. His cal- there have installed receiving equip- The Crosley Weekly culations can be made accordingly. ments. They catch the daily reports. The Crosley Manufacturing Company It places another very important spoke As a goodly portion of their patronage of Cincinnati, publishes a 4 -page weekly, in the wheel of progress, as it revolves is in the rural districts the farmers avail containing news, detailed broadcast pro- on the farm. themselves of the opportunity of securing grams from Station WLW and adver- One enterprising farmer in the north- the news, which plays so large a part tisements. It is a unique "house organ" ern part of the state has gone a little in the successful transactions of their and has a wide circulation. RADIO AGE-"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" 13 Uncle Sam is a Busy Broadcaster THESE days when 573 private Government officials. Suggestions, that For this reason, the sub -committee broadcasting stations are offering an inter -departmental committee be on technical matters has been requested daily programs, the radio public appointed to pass on broadcasting and to consider the use of a wave length is likely to lose sight of the fact that its supervise its operation, made by Secre- of 430 meters in this work and, if it is Government is also broadcasting infor- tary Hoover, therefore, were welcomed approved, special permission will be mation on many subjects. Six Depart- by the Navy Department, and the requested of the Commerce Department ments are scheduled for daily or semi- Committee began to function on June 1. for its use, since it lies in the band weekly programs and 42 Naval radio Matter submitted for broadcasting is assigned to private and toll broadcasting. stations are carrying news of one sort inspected and methods of operation The lower wave length is believed neces- or another. arranged by sub -committees which at- sary so that the service will be available Requests for permission to broadcast tend to all details, determining the value to the people who do not own sets cap- have become so numerous that the and demand for particular broadcasts. able of picking up the long 2050 meter coordination of all Government broad- Applications for broadcasting by the wave. casting has become necessary. A com- Interior, Agriculture, Labor, Treasury, Telephone broadcasting for the de- mittee of twelve officials, representing Commerce and War Departments, have partments is not the only work handled as many branches of the Government been approved by the committee and by the Naval Radio stations; many at Washington, is endeavoring to super- fixed schedules, giving each applicant messages are also broadcast in telegraph vise matter submitted for public broad- a maximum service of three fifteen - code. NAA carries 10 telegraph broad- casting over radio telephone circuits minute periods each week, have been casting schedules daily, totaling 30 hours furnished through the courtesy of the put in operation. Many listeners -in each week, and comprising chiefly quota- Navy Department. In order that the throughout the country have undoubted- tions on foodstuffs for the Agriculture listeners -in may receive the maximum ly heard the evening lectures and band Department, which approximate 35% service with a minimum of interference music over the NOF phone on 412 meters. of its total day work. NAT, the Naval and without duplication, this committee On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday station at New Orleans, broadcasts was appointed last spring at the sugges- evenings, The Treasury Department two schedules a day, aggregating four tion of Secretary Hoover. It is known broadcasts the activities of the Public hours a week, and the Great Lakes as the Inter -Departmental Advisory Health, Internal Revenue and Savings station, NAJ, carries 18 daily schedules, Committee on Radio Broadcasting. Al- Bureaus. The Commerce Department's constituting 36 hours a week. though the committee meets bi- weekly, schedule on Tuesday and Thursday In addition to this matter, its sub -committees are busy almost evenings includes information on foreign twelve continually with this work. Naval stations broadcast two time sig- and domestic markets, trade news, and nals daily; twenty, Demands for broadcasting of tele- fisheries. Talks on immigration, women's carry hydrographic are information; 37 transmit weather fore- graph matter, as well as telephone, activities and child welfare are made casts; and six broadcast increasing, and the scope of on Monday, Tuesday press matter. constantly and Thursday Sandwiched in between work is gradually grow- evenings by officials these many the committee's of the Labor De- schedules, the Navy carries ing greater. Recently the question of partment. The Interior Department on its own official communications, as well as many broader activities and supervision has furnishes lectures on education and for the State Department, arisen, due to the frequent requests for mining on Monday and Thursday to ships and eve- foreign stations, and conducts its experi- investigation and advice on matters nings and Tuesday afternoons. ments. other than telephone broadcasting, orig- Information pertaining to crops and inally the committee's sole function. weather is transmitted every Monday, A glance at the operating schedule of Extension of activities is understood to Tuesday and Thursday evening by the any Governmental radio station will have been generally approved by the Agriculture Department. Officers of the explain why the Government requires different departments so as to cover the War Department will shortly broadcast the service of the Inter -Departmental subject of radio communications, and the a series of talks on military activities Committee in an effort to simplify and matter is now before the Secretary of and recruiting on Monday evenings. standardize Government broadcasting. Commerce for further action. It is Sometimes special broadcasts are Uncle Sam is generous with his informa- quite probable that this committee will arranged for national associations, such tion but he is also generous with the eventually become the statutory ad- for example as the series of speeches on means for transmitting it to the country visory committee provided for in the Naval Activities by officers of the Navy, at large. radio bills sponsored by Senator Kellogg requested by the American Marine Asso- and Congressman White. ciation, during its exposition in New Activities of the committee to date York. The evening programs are so Radio Saved the Day have made possible the broadcasting of grouped as to make a compact schedule For the first time in history, radio several interesting programs from NOF, and not interfere with private broad- telegraphy was utilized on November the Naval radio station at Anacostia, casting. Each week the programs will 8 to transmit a full press association which is primarily the experimental be announced by the Navy. news report across the Continent. Due radio station of the Navy's Bureau of The opening of NAA at Arlington as to severe sleet, snow and wind storms Engineering. The Anacostia station, the official Government broadcasting in the Rocky Mountain region and the however, cannot carry the load and does station has been delayed due to difficulty crippled service on land lines, the not operate on Saturday afternoon, due experienced in operating on the lower International News Service transmitted to other official duties. As soon as ar- Governmental wave band designated for a full election service from New York to rangements are completed, all radio telephone broadcasting. Very soon the San Francisco by radio through the telephone broadcasting for the Govern- Arlington station will open two telephone cooperation of the Radio Corporation ment will be transferred to the big broadcasting circuits. It is a very busy of America. While the usages of radio Arlington station. station and it is necessary to operate have increased greatly in the develop- Last spring, when the popular demand several circuits simultaneously without ment of recent months, never before for broadcasting reached its height, so interference. NAA's new broadcasting has trans- continental transmission been many official and semi -official requests telephone set of 750 watts, which has attempted on such a scale. Under the to use NOF were made of the Naval just been installed, operates very success- stress of a great emergency, the Inter- Communications Service that Secretary fully on the 2050 meter wave telephone national News Service report was trans- Denby could not grant them all; in fact, circuit, using the main antenna, but does mitted efficiently to the newspaper offices he finally ruled that only official messages not give good results on the Govern- in San Francisco and was as fast as that could be transmitted. At one time NOF ment's 490 wave, due to reactions be- obtained over land lines under ordinary was closed to all except the highest tween other sets when in use. conditions. 14 RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" Radio Cheers Remote Log Camps WASH I NGTON, November 27. t'. on in danger. Since speed is so that there is no interference, al- -The spirit and morale of essentia in fighting forest fires, though several patrols may be fly- the logger, situated far within the first the airplane, and now the ing at the same time. vastness of our great Pacific forests, radio won the deep respect of the City amateurs, who boast of has been materially improved since owners and operators of timber thirty -foot aerial masts, would be the installation of modern radio re- lands. envious of the natural masts avail- ceiving sets in logging camps. Many Radio also serves to anticipate able in the western forests, where of the western newspaper broad- the approach of lightning storms giant fir trees tower two or three casts carry the daily news of the and to approximate their intensity, hundred feet aloft. At least they word into the heart of our lumber- by means of a static barrage, which would be envious until they began ing districts, where their daily might be called a "radio lightning to wonder how to utilize this ex- papers do not reach and the tele- recorder." This consists, the Lum- cessive height for stringing an aerial. phone is not available. ber Association states, of a movable Upon the camp "high- climber" de- Instead of waiting a month to loop antenna which rotates about a volves the job of rigging the lofty learn of some event in the outside vertical shaft, not unlike a radio antenna; he is skilled in climbing world, the logger gets press dis- compass. By turning the loop tal' trees as part of the logging patches daily. Thanks to radio he parallel to the general direction of business demands daily trips aloft is no longer a "back- woodsman" the oncoming storm the direction of to oil pulley blocks for cables or in in the old sense of the word. He approach can be determined witn preparing a new setting for the got a good item on the President's an error of less than four degrees, yardage operation. By skillful message on the Ship Subsidy and as the static discharge is at its maxi- manipulation of a single loose loop the final score of the Army and mum when the loop is parallel to of rope around his waist and around Navy game almost as soon as the the line of approach. the bole of the tree, the high climber, city radio fan did. The purpose of learning the di- equipped with a pair of leg irons or "With modern apparatus of the rection of the storm is to enable the spurs, slowly raises himself upward. vacuum tube type, the logger can members of the patrol to plot its With a deft twist of his wrist he tune in on no less than forty broad- course and send out observers to flips the rope a foot or two upward casting stations from Calgary to locate trees struck by lightning. at a time, trusting his weight to it Los Angeles and from Denver to Lightning is said to cause 25 per while he replants his leg irons a Portland," according to the Na- cent of forest fires, and its particular ittle higher on the trunk. It is a tional Lumber Manufacturer's As- hazard lies in the fact that unseen task the city aerial erecter would sociation, whose research depart- bolts strike trees and smoulder for not relish, and one requiring great ment has of late been devoting much days before actually breaking into skill and steady nerves, on the part attention to the use of radio. Up flames. of the climber, but that veteran in the forest -clad hills of Oregon, far thinks nothing of it. The static barrage, the latest of Foresters and lumbermen say from the railroad and mail routes, a radio fire -fighting equipment, has digest of the daily news or a concert that in the Pacific Coast timber been operated quite successfully. belt radio has accomplished within from San Francisco, "listens pretty Technically it measures the fre- good," as one logger put it. a few months what would otherwide quency of the static discharge and have taken decades to bring about. The logger's radio set has a more records it on a dial or indicates it It has become a permanent fixture important use than its recreational visibly across a spark gap. When tending to promote both content- value, however; it is a business asset the frequency of the discharge be- ment and efficiency as well as to in the remaining big timber stands comes excessive an automatic elec- afford a means of fire protection of of the country. Through the aid of tric gong is rung to announce im- hitherto undreamed of worth. the fleet of air -planes, assigned to pending danger. The direction of forest fire observation by Major the storm is then determined by General Patrick of the Army Air means of the radio loop and by the Harbord Succeeds Nally . Service, each of which is equipped time the lightning is flashing over Major General James G. Har- with sending and receiving radio, the stands of timber, patrols have bord, Deputy Chief of Staff of the conflagrations in the districts pa- started through the district Army, upon his retirement will be- trolled have lessened notably. threatened, alert to spot trees struck come President of the Radio Cor- Cooperating with Federal, State by bolts of lightning. poration of America, Secretary of and private forest protection, high- Many of the forest wireless sta- War Weeks announced Saturday. flying airplanes cover more territory tions are manned by ambitious General Harbord was elected head in a day than a forest ranger on foot young amateurs, some of them of the Radio Corporation at a meet- could cover in three months. "Spot- owning their sets, and all of them ing in New York on Friday, and his ting" a fire, or smoke, the plane seeking to do constructive radio release from the Army was request- hovers over the site while the ob- work and perfect their knowledge. ed on Saturday. His retirement will server plots the location on a map One privately owned receiving set be effective on December 29, Sec- and then broadcasts a fire warning is reported to have picked up ac- retary Weeks said, and he will as- giving the location. Station opera- curately messages from four air- sume his new duties on January 1, tors equipped with receiving ap- plane patrol routes scores of miles 1923. paratus catch the air scout's mes- apart. It is easier to pick up dif- Edward J. Nally, President of the sage and relay it, usually by private ferent airplanes than it is to tune Radio Corporation, it was an- phone lines, to the ranger or patrol out an undesirable broadcasting nounced, has been elected to a new station nearest the fire, and within a station on a city set, because office-that of Managing Director few minutes detachment of skilled schedules and wave lengths are so of International Relations, with fire -fighters are enroute to the sec- well arranged in fire patrol work. headquarters in Paris. RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" 15 Radio Direction and Range Finders Aid in Coast Defense By CARL H. BUTMAN (Copyright, 1922) WASHINGTON, D. C. -The observation plane will send special curate information to compare with ranges of the shore defense signals to the shore only when it is the more exact radio direction find- guns of the United States exactly over the vessel, continuing ing system. will in all probability be extended to do so until ordered in by the Cooperating with the board of twenty -five miles farther to sea by shore stations. Coast Artillery and Air Service virtue of a newly developed radio On the shore two radio compass Officers conducting the test, Cap- range finder, now being tested on the stations several miles apart have tain G. W. Morris of the Signal Atlantic Coast. Previously, the been set up and direct lines of com- Corps is in charge of all radio op- maximum range of the great coastal munication laid to the batteries. erations during the first tests of the guns was approximately 25 miles Operating just as when a ship's Army's new Radio Direction Finder when visibility was good, but with bearing is furnished, these two sta- now applied to gunfire. the perfection of the signal corps tions will pick up the signals sent by Among other experiments to be radio devices, poor visibility is not the observing plane when it is over conducted during the week will be a handicap and it is expected that a the target ship, in other words, they tests to determine the extent of in- maximum range of about 50 miles will turn their compass coils until terference to radio telephone and can be reached provided the guns the radio signal is received with telegraph messages caused by neigh- can be elevated high enough to shoot equal strength in both receivers, boring radio communications in op- that far. Enemy ships will have to then the direction or angle from the eration. stand farther out at sea to be safe; stations will be read and plotted. at least, the fleets will be prevented With the angles at each station read from anchoring or disembarking simultaneously and the distance Identifying Stations troops within fifty miles of our shores apart known accurately, it is a in war time. (By Washington Radio News Service.) simple problem in trigonometry to Broadcasting stations are coming Three factors make up the es- locate the position of the ship and its sential principles of the new long - to be known by the voices of their distance from the battery. It is announcers, their slogans and the range fire control: Radio, aviation even simpler to plot the location and plotting. For the first time in stunts they do to identify their sta- of the ship on a map by laying down tions as well as the cryptic call history, the post -war developed the angles from the two stations, radio compass will be employed for a letters assigned by the Department extending the lines and noting their of Commerce. purpose other than to locate sta- intersection. Within a few seconds tions or give ships their bearings. There is little romance or euphony a second signal comes in, and then in the letters "W S B," but listeners- The use of an airplane equipped with another, all of which, when carefully radio for spotting the fall of pro- in are very familiar with the bjg plotted and timed, give the course gong which rings "bong, bong, jectiles is not new but the unique of the moving target and its speed. feature today is the fact that the bong," with the announcement of airplane itself will be out of sight, Firing may or may not be under- the entertainment and know it is the over the target or ship. Without taken in the initial test, it does not Atlanta Journal. The unmistakable awaiting the fall of sighting shots, matter, as that is solely a problem southern drawl of the broadcaster the observer will send a series of radio of ordnance and ballistics after the there announcing that this is the signals which will make it possible ship's course is plotted. The ar- "Voice of the South" is also an in- on shore to plot the successive posi- tillerymen do the rest, although they dication that W. S. B. is sending. tions of the ship and determine its see nothing of their target many As the radio enthusiasts well course and speed. miles at sea. The most important know, there are a number of other One of the problems of the Joint feature of the scheme is its adapta- stations using identifying phrases Coast Artillery and Air Service bility to night operations and in and sounds. For example, Courier thick or foggy weather. Conditions Journal and Louisville Times . maneuvers, off the Virginia Capes, is a test of the new radio fire control do not matter as long as the observ- WHAS, plays a few bars from the devices and a comparison with the ing plane can find the ship and fly appropriate Southern melody, "My old method. Further trials will be over it. The distance from shore Old Kentucky Home." WDAJ, the held on Friday. does not matter, but the range can Atlanta and West Point R. R. Co.'s A boat visible from the shore will be increased over the old range, Station, at College Park, Georgia, run various courses in an area sev- limited by visibility from the ob- has conceived the unique method of eral miles wide stretching seaward serving towers, planes or balloons establishing its identity and busi- from Cape Charles and Cape Henry, ashore, by many miles beyond the ness by blowing four blasts on a lo- the master of the vessel keeping an horizon. comotive whistle; when "toot -toot- accurate time record of his course A comparative test made by an- toot -toot" resounds in your receiv- and speed. An airplane from Lang- other plane flying nearer shore will ers, it is sure to be WDAJ broadcast- ley Field equipped with radio -send- also be made, but as the data this ing. The Naval Station at Ana - ing apparatus will fly out, locate the observer can give will be only in the costia, NOF, is known by the deep ship and remain over it as much as form of estimates as to the bearing or bass voice of the announcer. possible by executing figure eights azimuth of the vessel and its dis- It is not only in the Southland in the air. Flying at a height of tance from Fort Munroe, it is not that these slogans and phrases have several thousand feet, calculated to thought this old method can fur- become popular ; farther west we be safe from anti -aircraft fire, this nish the plotters with sufficient ac- have the Palmer Schobl of Chiro- 16 RADIO AGE-"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" practic at Davenport, Iowa. "This is WOC," the announcer states, The Aerial Press of America "Out Where the West Begins." By Washington Radio News Service Another station identifies itself with : "Out where the corn grows tall." ERHAPS at last there is some- into brief news items all want to The voice of the spokesman at thing new under the sun. Who know more of the details and 1VOH, the Hatfield Electric Co., ever thought of an aerial newspaper naturally purchase a copy of the at Indianapolis, might confuse one before a few pioneer mentors of "Mother" sheet as soon as it is at first, it sounds so southern and is public opinion began broadcasting available. Out of over 80 papers similar to that of WSB in Atlanta. their news items that all who licensed to broadcast, only about Who says "Ayand "? The pro- "listened" might hear-free? half a dozen have stopped this nunciation of the simple word "and" Among 582 radio stations broad- service and some of those have would hardly locate a station, but casting in the United States today, combined with other organizations ask anyone who has heard "Mr." there are 83 representing publica- in the use of a single broadcasting KDKA at Pittsburgh, and see if they tions, most of them daily news- station. will not admit that the drawled papers. Nine of these etherial news Press broadcasting stations should "ayand" is a positive identification? sheets are super, or Class B, stations handle all news, some students of The voices of the evening story especially licensed to broadcast on a the problem believe, looking to the tellers are all well known by the 400 -meter wave. All told, these news future, since the news is really owned small radioites. Some of the broad- broadcasts of the air reach millions by the members of the press and is casters sound a signal on the tele- who do not subscribe to the publica- received first by them; besides graph key giving their call or some tions but who are most enthusiastic which, the publishers know how to single letter indicative of their sta- aerial "hearers," none the less loyal handle the news better than any tion besides the customary trans- to their favorite papers because they other agency. Newspapers, usually mission of the letters by an an- are unknown to the editors. There in the lead of progressive develop- nouncer. is an "Aerial Press of America" ments, are apt to find it necessary Methods of announcing the time even though there are no aerial sub- to follow the lead of the aerial pio- also serve to establish who is at the scription lists and no advertising neers and carry radio news bulletins transmitter, and those who hear the accounts. for their clients in the future. Radio Louisville Courier Journal say they It is certainly something new, as a household contact with the like the method of telling the time as this broadcasting of the news and world has come to stay. On the the hour approaches, with a simple sports of the world gratis; it is a farm especially this is so, and un- statement of ten o'clock when the service highly valued by the hearers paying aerial subscribers would be minute hand reaches twelve better and many predict that it has come very loth to lose their news service. than the standard tick system of the to stay. Some Canadian news- Naval Broadcasting stations. papers have also taken up the Of the newspaper broadcasters, When the Detroit News signs off, scheme of news broadcasting, as nine have secured the Class B Li- the exact time is given, which is a well as publications in Porto Rico cense permitting them to broadcast benefit to those who have not set and Hawaii. on 400 meter wave; they follow: their timepieces for the night. Radio can be used in the gathering Atlanta Journal, Atlanta Constitu- Probably the custom will grow of news as well as in its dissemina- tion, Dallas News, Detroit News, rapidly and familiarity with the tion, especially in country districts, Detroit Free Press, St. Louis Post voices of broadcasters all over the and tends to broaden the scope and Dispatch, Kansas City Star, Fort country as well as the mottoes and circulation of a newspaper. There Worth Star Telegram and Los slogans of stations will extend the are several known instances where Angeles Times- Mirror. acquaintance of listeners -in with the radio carried daily- news reports The Seattle Post Intelligencer voices of the air. when other lines of communication now uses the broadcasting station failed, and in some instances ama- KFC; the Philadelphia Record teurs aided. An "SOS" story on broadcast through WCAU; En- An Excellent Detector land has been covered by wireless senada News at Yauco, Porto Rico, Radio Age Institute has received and aid rendered by means of radio. uses WGAD; The Indianapolis from the Clifton Manufacturing Com- as well as at sea, and instances Star's news is released through pany, Newark, New Jersey, one of the where the wires and regular channels WOH; The Tacoma Times cooper- new detectors being manufactured by were beaten are recorded. ates with KMO; the Oklahoman that company. The detector performs Government weather, crop and "speaks" its news over station WKY; excellently and one Chicagoan who is the American uses WGI, using a Clifton detector reports that market reports are now carried via radio in advance of press releases, and the Memphis News -Scimitar "It is the neatest and most compact announces over WPO. In canada, little thing I have yet seen and adds and the only way a paper can hope 100% to the efficiency of the set." to compete is through the same two news broadcasters are the medium. Toronto Daily Star, operating material ?" may CFCA, and The Winnipeg Tribune "Why give away CJNC. Safety Talks via Radio be asked, and this is well answered In connection with the activities of by citing the case of the Boston Among other daily sheets said National "Safety Week," NOF, at American's experiments in broad- to be planning to use news broad- Anacostia, carried a series of safety casting bulletins from its news be- casting are the Courier of Grant's talks by radio each evening. Colonel fore they were printed. The news Pass, Oregon; Midland Mail, S? D.; C. O. Sherrill, Superintendent of Build- is transmitted from WGI, Medford Billings Mont., Gazette; Raleigh ings and Grounds at the Capital, arranged Hillside, and the service to thou- Register, Beckley, W. Va.; Adrian with the Naval Communications Service Telegram, Mich.; Litchfield for speakers to broadcast short talks sands is reported to have brought Daily on safety, commencing Monday, No- most valuable publicity to the News Herald, Ill.; and the San vember 27. Boston sheet. Those who listen Pedro Pilot, California. RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" 17



LEAST observant of radio en- THE Associated Press is warn- thusiasts will have discovered ing newspapers that they must an interesting new tendency not broadcast local news, if they are on the part of users of radio receiv- members of the Associated Press. ing sets. Everywhere it is apparent That means that the newspaper that fans are most keenly absorbed which holds an Associated Press in getting long distance calls. They franchise-and most of the large will tune out a delightful concert daily papers hold such a franchise - near by in order to hear a station that newspaper shall not broadcast anywhere from 500 up to 2,000 or give to broadcasters news about miles away. Many fans are happiest a big fire, an election result, or any when they are striving for a record other information that the Asso- in hearing the greatest possible ciated Press might want to send number of stations in a single night. out over its own wires as news. The trade will not overlook the situation. With this rivalry for Looks as if the broadcasting of premier excellence in getting long news was going to get a setback. distance broadcasting and in cover- If radio is a craze or a toy, what in ing as much of the country as possi- demnition is all the shootin' for? ble in a single sitting there is bound instruments must be used in con- to be a growing demand for superior nection with the vacuum tube. receiving sets. The amplification We have never met Mr. Grebe question will be one of the first although we are perfectly familiar ROADCASTING of "La Boheme," considered. The selectivity of the with the Chinese who always adorns grand opera, was advertised for apparatus will be another cardinal the Grebe advertisements. That B the evening of Wednesday, No- look for. vember 15, from the Westinghouse point to Chink is becoming as well -known in Station KYW, Chicago. At 8:30 that radio as is the gentleman of color evening, when the opera was about to WE have heard a deal about who decorates the Cream of Wheat start, the station announcer gave the the activities of the National ads. If the Grebe Company would information that there would be no Radio Chamber of Commerce. It like to reach an important middle - opera program for that evening. He is an organization which has an- west circulation with detailed in- made no explanation by radio but it was nounced its interest in all phases of formation about this suit Radio later learned that the reason for the radio and the radio business. Age would be pleased to publish it. sudden change of program lay in the the art fact that the American representatives Perhaps the Chamber of Commerce There is considerable litigation in of the owners of the "La Boheme" copy- will soon issue some needed informa- progress in connection with the right had forbidden KYW to broadcast tion as to the demand and supply radio patents and the radio business. the music. These gentlemen main- situation. We suggest that a sur- Any piece of news that suggests tained that such broadcasting would be vey giving all the radio interests a that an effort is being made to an infringement of copyright. comprehensive glimpse of the radio monopolize radio patents and manu- The incident is important in that it business and what is holding back facturing and operation is the big- seems to have set an informal precedent that long -deferred revival would be gest possible piece of news for hun- in a question which has been in dispute of value. Come on, National cham- dreds of thousands of Americans. for some time. It raises the question ber, if you have something of interest We know nothing of the merits of in the minds of the broadcaster as to for the whole crowd we'll print it. this suit but all facts of record per- whether the owner of any piece of copy- may not at any time set in righted music taining to litigation this free up a similar contention. Will owners AH. GREBE & CO. have been country are privileged matter for of copyrighted songs be able to make the sued by the Radio Corpora- publication. And there is nothing same restriction? Will the author of the tion of America for alleged violation in the policy of Radio Age to inter- "bed time story" arise to demand his of patent right in connection with fere in the slightest degree with our fee? sides the use of vacuum tubes. Counsel publishing all the facts on both Broadcasters' League of matter. are going to get The National for the Grebe company contend any We is obtaining a legal opinion as to the that if the claim of the Radio Corpo- what we can for the January num- rights of broadcasters to transmit copy- ration is sustained it will tend to ber. Let us switch on the light and righted music, songs and printed material. establish a basis upon which a. quit trying to size up the radio game For further information members of the monopoly could be reared. The by reading obscure items in corners League should address Frederick Smith, defense points out that all radio of newspaper pages. Secretary, Ggrriçk )3uildiny, Chicago. 18 RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" The Voluntary Lid

AA result of experience through We may well call it "the Rochester illegally after being warned he should the past year of broadcasting, Plan." be turned in to the inspector without we have a definite program to Whenever a community gets to- mercy -we have too much at stake. recommend for amateur considera- Other folks are watching us too, and tion. There have been many un- gether and agrees upon such a plan, we feel that it should become as law while we think about it we want to justified complaints against amateur tip off everybody to get their station QRM and of course where amateurs and that the mere possession of a transmitting license should not en- and operator licenses renewed in cities have hogged the air all eve- promptly upon expiration. ning there have been justifiable com- title an amateur to go contrary to plaints. Most of us have realized the sentiment of all his fellows. It is What about local work, which that broadcasting was capable of our view that such operation, unless used to occur in the early hours of becoming a powerful force for good justified by an emergency or official the evening? Honestly, we don't in our country, of tremendous social, tests, would constitute deliberate and know, and it will be up to the ama- economic and educational value, and malicious interference within the teurs of each club to decide for have known that meant the passing meaning of the federal radio law, themselves how they will divide of the old days when we could pound and we believe the Department of their hours. The time after 10:30 brass from supper -time on and the Commerce will agree with us. On is going to be very precious and, ushering in of a new era when the the other hand, in localities where solely because it is not as important air had to be shared. As we have this plan is adopted and quiet air is as DX work, we are afraid local pointed out previously, many of us maintained between 7 and 10:30 work will have to be got over with by have gone so far in the business of p. m., we will expect amateur trans- the time 7 o'clock rolls around. sharing that we have almost been mission to proceed without complaint Low -powered battery- operated C.W. afraid to operate at any time, and after 10:30, and the A. R. R. L. will sets of course can be used for local amateur radio has suffered for the protect with every resource at its work all evening long and not cause lack of a definite plan. On the a particle of QRM for the broad- casting fan next door, but of other hand there are uninformed nov- IT ISN'T such a bad world most ice listeners who object to amateur the lads who do local work have a at any hour of night, after all! The American far different kind of equipment -hi! transmission Radio Relay League, com- and again the need for a recognized Our transmitters must improve. scheme has been shown. This we prised of amateurs who trans- There will be too many of us with now offer. mit those dots and dashes traffic to move at 10:30 which and too Broadcasting is admittedly an have been punctuating many listeners with dumbbell tuners institution of the early evening hours. some of our most pleasing for us to continue much longer with That is the time that quiet air broadcast programs have tak- the cycle- consuming spark of pre- should prevail, when the greatest en official action to help di- war days. For the very efficiency good can be done for the greatest minish interference. Radio of our traffic moving the selfish number. When should we open up Age is a magazine for the spark will have to yield to the valve our stations for transmission? Our novice, but we are glad to set. We hasten to say, though, Board has considered that question republish accompanying that there are selfish C.W. sets too, and has decided upon 10:30 p. ni. as the and we are just as much against a bum the proper time. We're regretfully editorial from Q S T, a maga- C.W. without rectifiers and filters obliged to conclude, fellows, that the zine for the amateur, in com- as we are against the ordinary time is here when we should volun- pliance with a request from spark; and for exactly the same rea- tarily keep our transmitters silent the American Radio Relay son -it takes up too big a place in during the early evening hours if League. the air, its wave is too broad. We their operation interferes with lis- cannot be pushed into an adoption tening. This means that in all con- of C.W. versus spark against our gested communities amateur sta- command the right of any of its mem- will, but left to our own devices we tions should he quiet between the bers to so transmit if unjustly believe it is evident to any thinking hours of 7 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. accused while legally operating in amateur that the quiet efficiency This is no new thing for most of us- such a community. of the little bottles is just the thing we've been doing it already -but we need -filtered D.C. C.W. trans- Now we have a working plan. Let mitters. it makes it a recognized principle of it, work. us adopt fellow amateurs. This amateur puts an important duty of self - Now let's get busy on our self -im- We urge our members and clubs to policing on the shoulders of our posed 10:30 lid. Remember that the get together with the listening -in affiliated clubs and we are depend- League does not feel that it can back element in their community and have ing upon them to handle the job. a member who runs loco in a congest- an understanding on the subject. When this plan is adopted it must be ed locality and smears a whole Acceptance of this plan on the part respected, religiously, and this means county with QRM from the minute of the amateurs means that they that unlicensed and improperly ad- his supper is down, but that it will recognize the rights of the listeners justed stations must be hunted down safeguard the interests of its law - to hear their concerts undisturbed, and turned in. In bygone days abiding members in communities and that they will keep quiet be- such a station bothered no -one but where the Rochester Plan is adopted tween these hours. Acceptance of its neighborhood amateurs, and if and respected. this plan by the novice listeners they could put up with it there was means that they recognize the rights no harm done; but to -day such a One thing more. Noise this about of us amateurs to transmit and carry station will bring discredit upon a bit. Let it be known that we ama- on our useful work and that they all of amateur radio and must not teurs have decided among ourselves will not complain against the "mean- be permitted to exist. We would to preserve some quiet hours, out of ingless buzzes" when the lid goes off suggest that clubs establish com- consideration for the broadcast lis- at 10:30. This plan was proposed mittees to help local amateurs and teners. Spread a little honest propa- at a meeting of all radio people in render assistance when needed to ganda in your local newspapers. Rochester recently and was adopted get a station properly adjusted, but as a solution of the local difficulty. if the operator persists in operating K. B. W. RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" 19

The Monthly Service Bulletin of the _NATIONAL BROADCASTERS' LEAGUE

Solely by, of and for Radio Broadcasting Station Owners George S. Walker Arthur E. Ford, E. E. W. J. Baldwin. W S Y Frederick A. Smith Western Radio Corporation State University of Iowa Alabama Power Co. Garrick Building, Denver, Col. First Vice President Birmingham. Ala. Chicago President Second Vice President Secretary Founded to promote the best interest of Radio Broad- casting stations in the United States and Canada. Executive Offices, Garrick Building, Chicago, Ill. DIRECTORS: T. B. Hatfield. W O H Stanley O. Need, W G A H J. Elliott Jenkins, W D A P President Hatfield Electric Co. The New Haven Electric Co. Midwest Radio Central, Inc. Indianapolis, Ind. New Haven, Conn. Drake Hotel, Chicago, Ill. S. W. Place, W B A G Earle C. Anthony. K F I Radio Engineer, Earle C. Anthony. Inc. H. A. Trask, K S D Diamond State Fibre Co. Los Angeles, Cal. St. Louis Post Dispatch Bridgeport. Pa. Howard E. Campbell, W W J The Detroit News, St. Louis, Mo. T. W. Findley, W L A G Detroit, Mich. Frank W. Elliott, W O C President and Genl. Mgr A. J. Westland, W W L Findley Electric Co. Dept. Loyola University Palmer School of Chiropractic Minneapolis, Minn. New Orleans, La. Davenport, Ia.

THE organization of the National versity, New Orle ans, La., is hopefu Broadcasters' League has been that the League w ill be of great benefit completed and the correspondence to the broadcast ing art but fears his from members to the Secretary's office multiplicity of tasks in connection with already has become voluminous. his university work may make it impos- One of the first tasks of the Secretary sible for him to serve the league with was to provide to many broadcasters the diligence that he would like to de- copies of the Kellogg-White bill, about vote to it. The Secretary is writing to which there was considerable discussion Professor Westland that the busy men at the initial meeting of the League in are the ones the League wants in its the Sherman Hotel, Chicago. Several directory, as they are the men who are broadcasters have expressed the determi- getting somewhere in radio. nation to broadcast the gist of the bill W. J. Baldwin, Second Vice President and ask the listeners -in to support pres- of the League, of the Alabama Power sure on senators and congressmen to see Co., writes: "I believe we have taken a that this legislation is attended to with. great step forward in the development of out further unnecessary delay. radiophone broadcasting." It will be remembered that T. W. Find- Howard E. Campbell, Chief Radio ley, President and general manager of Engineer of the Detroit News Station the Findley Electric Company, Minne- WWJ is an interested correspondent. apolis, Minn., and operator of the station To Mr. Campbell, and to all others it WLAG of that city, suggested the broad- may be said here that further data and casting of the contents of the Kellogg - news of developments will be going White bill in his speech to the broad- through the mails soon. casters at the first meeting of the League. Arthur H. Ford, State University of Some owners of stations are opposed President George S. Walker, live -wire Iowa, First Vice President of the League, Chief of the Broadcasters League to the bill in some of its aspects but even and President of the Western writes that the formation of the League these are agreed that the proposed regu- Radio Corporation, Denver, Col. seems to have co me at the right time and lations are better than none. All broad- His station is K F A F adds three cheers for the Iowa football casters have indicated a desire to see team. Congress put through some corrective The blow to radio activities would be Earle C. Anthony informs us that his legislation. considerable if opera were to be removed station is a new 500 Watt Western Elec- from the winter entertainment of re- tric plant, whit h receives its information There have been numerous inquiries ceiving set owners. It may be said, from four studios by telephone wires also as to the reason for the abandon- however, that other operas are not tied and then broadcasts it. Mr. Anthony ment of the plan to broadcast the grand up by copyrights and that KYW will asks that all correspondence relating to opera "La Boheme" from the Westing- broadcast opera two nights each week. the League be forwarded to him under house Station KYW, Chicago, recently. the address "Earle C. Anthony, Inc., It appears that owners of the music Announcement of the election of direc- Los Angeles." The Anthony station is rights had warned the operators of the tors in the League were sent out by mail KFI and it is a good station, as all know, powerful Chicago station, which first to those who were unable to attend the who have "listened in." put grand opera music in the air (thereby Chicago meeting. Favorable replies Stanley O. Need, the director in Con- booming the radio business) that they were received from all of the station necticut, represents the New I-laven would consider it an infringement of the owners elected and all expressed deep Electric Company, writes that he is a copyright if "La Boheme" were broad- interest in the League and readiness to long way off from League headquarters cast. Without making any issue of the give their time and effort to making it but that his spirit is with us and that he matter KYW, at 8 :30 o'clock on the effective. is "only too glad to do anything to assist night the opera was to have been broad- S. W. Place, of the Diamond State the League." i cast, issued notice via the ether, that Fibre Company, is the Pennsylvania T. B. Hatfield, President. of the Hat. he program had been changed. director. A. J. Westland, Loyola Uni- field Electric Company, Indianapolis 20 RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" which operates Station WOH, says, "I detailed knowledge by the fans of how to sincerely trust you have made a start OWNERS o f broadcasting operate receiving sets. The second which will be of benefit to all broad- station owners who have problem is how will the broadcasting casters." not yet joined the National station obtain proper support for their J. Elliott Jenkins, one of the two Broadcasters' League, may do expensive efforts to provide this wonder- owners of the now famous \\'DAP on so by sending their check for ful radio entertainment to more than the roof of the Drake Hotel, Chicago, is the annual membership fee of one hundred and ten millions of people. another director. Ilis associate in the $10 to Frederick Smith, Secre- Many plans have been suggested, but Midwest Radio Central, Inc., which tary, Garrick Building, Chi- none apparently is workable. That operates \\'DAP, is Mr. Thorne Don- cago. some plan eventually must be found, goes for nelley. Messrs. Jenkins and Donnelley Membership w i l l entitle without saying, the broadcaster can- have adopted many original methods in broadcasters to periodical in- not be expected to indefinitely provide arranging programs and in announcing formation as to developments entertainment without cost to the largest the programs. Furthermore, they are in connection with broadcast- listening audience ever assembled in the making some important long distance ing, intelligence as to steps history of the world. records and are adding to their equip- taken to eliminate the present "It is for the purpose of solving this ment to make their station even more almost disastrous interference and other problems, to improve broad- effective. and news of events in any casting, and also to educate the fans as With such men behind the League it part of the country affecting to how to obtain satisfactory results is bound to carry weight whenever it broadcasting and broadcasting from their receiving sets, to obtain steps out to get something done. interests. Also members will broader and better laws governing radio, receive the official organ of etc., that the National Broadcasters' George S. Walker, President of the the League for one year. League was organized. There are at the Western Radio Corporation of Denver, This nominal fee is required present time 531 broadcasting stations Colorado, proprietor of Station KFAF, for the cost of issuing circulars enrolled in the United States. Of this and President of the National Broad- and handling the large volume number 183 are located in the Eastern casters' League, has been doing some of correspondence. You will states, 209 in the Central and Southern effective missionary work for the League. find it useful to be associated states, 106 in the West Coast states, Mr. Walker returned to Denver a few directly with this clearing twenty -eight in the Rocky Mountain days ago from an extended trip through house for broadcasting infor- states, one in Alaska, two in Porto Rico the East, where he conferred with broad- mation, which is also a pro- and two in Hawaii. The investment in casting station owners, manufacturers of tective institution, offensive these stations will aggregate more than radio apparatus and others, and when and defensive. $5,000,000." interviewed at his office by the Denver Post, said: "As was to be expected, I found radio in somewhat of a slump as the result of broadcaster comes in for a lot of criti- Pay for Stations the long Summer season, but with signs cism, it can be truly said that the science The following letter is by Mr. with of cold of broadcasting is far in advance of the written of a revival the return Bensel, Secretary of receiving art of receiving, and this is not strange Duryea and Treasurer weather. Manufacturers Bel -Canto and supplies were, for when the facts are carefully considered. of the Corporation, 417 East sets, apparatus Thirty- fourth Street, New York City: the most part, a little discouraged and The broadcasting apparatus has been somewhat apprehensive as to the future. developed to a hign stage of efficiency by "Broadcasting has been under discus- However, it was the consensus that the government, by the large companies sion for some time and much has been radio has come to stay and that at no and also by a few individuals giving freely said pro and con, but I have something distant date the new science will be of their time and money in the work. to say which I think is of paramount highly commercialized and will play just These broadcasting stations, for the importance. as important a part in the affairs of the most part, are operated by experts in "The Radio Corporation of America world and in every -day life as the tele- their line -radio engineers who have were the pioneers of Broadcasting Radio phone and telegraph. spent years in the service. On the other concerts and have not only kept up the "I found that, while as late as May 15 hand, reception of entertainments broad- fine quality of these concerts but have of this year, manufacturers were away cast by the many stations in the United improved upon them from time to time, behind in their orders for sets, tubes and States, Porto Rico, Alaska and Hawaii giving the Radio fans the best quality of practically everything entertering into is in the hands of countless thousands of talent procurable. Without this broad- the manufacture and operation of re- fans operating apparatus from the lowly casting there would, practically, be no ceiving sets, quite the reverse is now the crystal set costing a few dollars to the market for radio parts and it is my apparent situation. Manufacturers, dis- highly developed instrument costing opinion that each and every manufac- tributors and dealers, in all parts of the hundreds, and even thousands of dollars. turer of Radio parts, whether it be a country at the present time, carry suf- These receiving fans have been, and still loud speaker, a complete set, a hundred ficient stocks of goods to meet almost are being educated in the school of ex- feet of antenna wire or any of the other any demands, except, of course, in the perience, whereas the broadcaster gained numerous parts that go into the making event that this demand should far exceed his knowledge of radio as a result of years of a complete set, should be willing to that of last year, and even then, the of technical study and work. contribute a certain portion of their net facilities of the manufacturers are such "It is not strange, then, that there profits towards the maintenance of such that there should be no real shortage in exists in the minds of the fan a feeling of a station. Each and every manufacturer high class radio equipment, and as for dissatisfaction over present conditions. of radio parts is indebted to the broad- the cheaper apparatus, this already is His constant complaint is of interference, casting stations; without them, the becoming a drug on the market; for the but with increased knowledge and the manufacturer might just as well put the radio buying public has become a dis- use of improved apparatus will come to key in the door and hang up a sign TO criminating body the fan a better understanding of radio LET. Why should a corporation, such "That the broadcasting and reception and a feeling of grateful satisfaction, for as the Radio Corporation of America, of radio entertainments will steadily outside of the initial cost and a small who are spending millions of dollars to improve with the installation of better maintenance expense, his radio enter- make radio a permanent sound and apparatus, goes without saying. Indeed, tainment costs him absolutely nothing. healthy institution which in time is important improvements are noted al- "There are two big questions in radio destined to become one of the greatest most daily, and will continue at almost today. One is interference, which will be industries of the world, or, in fact, any the same speed that has established radio solved when the government stops is- other organizations who are maintaining as one of the industrial wonders of the age. suing broadcasting licenses and applies broadcasting stations throughout the "While much has been written and said different wave bands to the large number United States, have to bear the entire with reference to broadcasting, and the of stations now operating, and by a more expense of maintaining these stations? RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" 21 Pick -Up Records by Our Readers tions and it is the opinion of the Radio Reinartz Makes Good Michigan Gets Section that this desire on the part of the Mr. F. D. Pearne, Honolulu radio public will meet with the coopera- Dear Sir: Editor Radio Age: tion of most of the broadcasting stations, Just having read Mr. Bisnah's "pick- when it is understood. Broadcasters up" record in the November issue of the I note on page 22 of your present issue you have an article headed and local enthusiasts will do well to "Radio Age," I thought I would let you that long distance records. It might interest advise local inspectors what they think know of the results I am having. you to know that Mr. Kenyon Voght, of the plan or take it up with the Depart- I completed my Reinartz set in the ment directly. latter part of September and since that of the Mead Drug Co., Escanaba, Mich., has with his set (Zenith) and two stages It may be found desirable to divide time I have picked up WJAQ, Topeka, the United States into zones somewhat Ka.; WBL, Anthony, Ka.; WAAP, of amplification distinctly heard Honolulu on two different occasions. as it is divided into time zones, the sta- Wichita, Ka.; DN4, KFAF, Denver, tions in a particular zone having silent Colo.; WSB, Atlanta, Ga.; WHAS, This I think is a distance record for radio telephony. nights or periods of two hours each. It Louisville, Ky.; WLK, Indianapolis, might be arranged so that the broad- Ind.; WFAA, WDAO, Dallas, Texas; Voght will be very glad to verify this. Cordially yours, casters in the Eastern Time Zone would WBAP, WPA, Ft. Worth, Texas; WEAY, not transmit on Monday night, those in San Antonio, Texas; WOH, Indianapolis, E. F. McDONALD, JR., Chicago Radio Laboratory. the Central Zone keeping quiet on Tues- Ind.; WCAL, Northfield, Minn.; WBAD, day, Mountain section Wednesday and Minneapolis, Minn.; WFAT, Sioux Falls, the Pacific Coast on Thursday, all send- South Dakota; CJCG, CJNC, Winnipeg, ing on the other nights. The Depart- Manitoba; KSD, St. Louis, Mo.; WDS, Local Silent Periods ment Inspectors have been requested Jefferson City, Mo.; WMAB, Oklahoma By CARL H. BUTMAN to bring this suggestion to the attention City, Okla.; WAAZ, Emporia, Kas.; The radio public is beginning to de- of owners of broadcasting stations in WLAD, Hastings, Neb.; KZN, Salt Lake mand not only good entertainment, their districts and explain it to broad- Los Angeles, Calif.; City, Utah; KHJ, high class transmission but a greater casting . and listening -in organizations. KGG, Portland, Oregon; KYW, WDAP, range of reception. In other words, the Reports from the Inspectors will indicate Chicago, Ill.; WOC, Davenport, Iowa; listener -in wants to reach farther afield, the desire on the part of the public and WLW, Cincinnati, Ohio; WFO, Dayton, his horizon is extending, he wants to the attitude of the broadcasters, who Ohio; KDKA, Pittsburgh, Pa.; WWJ, hear the distant stations outside his city will have to arrange the matter as the WCX, Detroit, Mich.; KWX, Havana, and state, and the Department of Com- Department's plan is only a suggestion. Cuba; WFAG, Waterford, N. Y.; WGY, merce radio officials are making a survey Radio fans who complain of interfer- Schenectady, N. Y. of each radio district to see if there isn't ence must not forget, officials point out, I used two stages audio -frequency some way that this can be arranged. that the execution of such a plan will not amplification with a dictagraph loud- One radio enthusiast has put it well; enable them to get long- distance sta- speaker; 95 per cent of these stations he says that, while he is appreciative tions unless they have good sets and know could be heard and understood fifteen of all his local stations, he sometimes how to tune them in properly. The feet from the loud speaker. wants "to go visiting by radio " -listen scheme is expected to receive the indorse- My aerial is a single wire thirty feet to some of the big stations outside the ment of the public and broadcasters high and one hundred feet long. local field, just as he frequently likes to alike but it can only be successfully I have constructed several types of listen to the conversation of others than carried out with close cooperation of sets but I find the Reinartz tuner more his immediate family, which he cannot everyone, and the reports of the Inspec- efficient, more sensitive and easier to do if those at home talk all the time. tors is awaited with interest in Wash- adjust on DX work than any set I have It's the same in radio broadcasting he ington. ever seen. I wish to thank you for the says. instructions you gave in the Radio Age. In an effort to aid in seeking a solution I heartily recommend this set to any of this new problem, the Department Gets Miami Naval amateur who is thinking of building a of Commerce has written letters to its Station set. I think this is a pretty good record nine radio district inspectors advising information reaching the Depart- The lease of the Naval Radio Station for a little over one month. that Miami Beach, Florida, was awarded ment indicates that there is developing at Very truly yours, to the Tropical Radio Company of Bos- K. P. ANDERSON, a sentiment throughout the country for silent local radio broadcasting periods ton, Mass., the highest bidder in the 3032 Michigan Ave. recent for bids. This company, so that the listeners -in can hear the dis- call which is with the United Fruit which is often impossible connected tant stations offered when local stations are broadcasting. Company, to take the station From New Mexico In some sections of the country steps for 18 months at an annual rental of L. P. Evans, Artesia, N. M., on the for such an arrangement have already $3,600, with permission to extend the lease The Radio border of Old Mexico, writes that he been taken. On the Pacific Coast, for an additional year. Corporation of America, and Cutting heard the Robin Hood selections broad- example, what is known as the Pacific & of New York, filed bids. casted by KYW, Chicago. W. N. Plan of time division recently has been Washington also San According to the terms of the lease, Jacobson, Francisco, reports that amended so that from 8 to 10 each he was tuning in for Davenport when amateurs are silent, per- the Tropical Radio Company must evening the replace old set with he got Chicago. Then a local San Fran- mitting broadcasters to have a clear the rotary spark the modern equipment which will reduce cisco station took the air and that was field, and at ten the amateurs have a the end of KYW. the objectional noise to a minimum. period during which they can communi- necessary cate without interruption. With the enactment of it is the In other sections the local broad- legislation, understood that Wireless in Mexico remain silent for one evening a Navy will ultimately offer the station casters for sale. The Mexican Government is about to week or a few hours one or two evenings receive four powerful wireless telegraph a week so that those having receiving Send $1.00 to Radio Age, 64 Ran- sets, which are to be presented to the sets capable of long distance reception dolph Street, Chicago, and receive Republics of Guatemala, Honduras, Cos- can pick up some of the powerful broad- this middle -west radio periodical ta Rica, and Nicaragua, in accordance casters outside their district. The De- for six months. Regular subscrip- with the decision of the President of the partment points out that there is a great tion price is $2.50 a year. Thus you Republic. fascination to listening to distant sta- will be getting one month free. 22 RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" With the Radio Trade Who's Buying Goods? Radio Desk Set Simplified Ammeter This magazine has received numerous One of the most interesting radio An automobile ammeter that has no inquiries as to the proper lines to follow devices thus far submitted to Radio electrical coils or connections and is in sales campaigns and has been able to Age Institute is a business man's radio very simple and rugged in construction, give the trade some useful information desk set designed along the lines of a has recently been developed by the obtained from its readers and adver- telephone. Crystal detector, head set Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing tisers. The following letter embodies are combined complete in an instrument Company. Although designed primarily an analysis that cannot fail to be of inter- closely resembling the ordinary tele- for automobile use, its compactness, est to the trade generally: phone transmitter with the exception, reliability, and low price make this Dear Mr. Smith: of course, that there is no telephone instrument, which is known as the type In reply to your letter of the 17th inst., receiver attached. BT Ammeter, particularly well adapted I would say that on September 15 I The aerial that goes with this outfit is for use also on motor boats, aerial craft, started a national advertising campaign only forty feet long and is easily laid farm lighting plants, radio sets, and for of selling our Sensitone regenerative sets around the moulding near the ceiling charging batteries. by mail on the time payment plan, using or may be strung around the baseboard The design of the BT ammeter involves the following mediums: Farm and home near the floor. All that is necessary to a radical departure from the principles papers, fraternal, technical, trade and get a ground is to attach the clamp on used in all previous ammeters in that no boys' home magazines. My main idea end of the aerial toa radiator or water pipe. wire connections or coils are used. The was to reach the farmer, as he was the The entire outfit can be set up in two case of the instrument has a magnetic one that should naturally take the minutes. It is capable of getting broad- yoke or loop projecting to the rear, greatest interest, i. e., getting market casting stations within the same radius through which is passed the current reports, etc. The results may be inter- in which any other good crystal set carrying cable or wire, which functions esting to you. Out of the hundreds of operates. as a coil. The yoke has pole pieces ex- sets that we have shipped, not one as far It is a fool -proof device requiring no tending into the inside of the ammeter. as we can trace, has been ordered by a adjustment or outside aerial. Traveling These poles vary in magnetic polarity farmer, in spite of the fact that we spent men can easily put it into their hand and strength, corresponding to the 40 per cent of our advertising appropria- bag and use it in their hotel room and direction and strength of the current tion in farm journals. 70 per cent of get the concerts or market reports in any passing through the wire and, being orders came from towns of 50,000 and city they may be visiting. The busy made of a special alloy steel, act without over, and the balance from the small man at his desk who is interested in the any residual magnetism error which towns, mainly those with a population stock market or the grain reports can get would change the zero of the instrument. of from 1,000 to 5,000. As to States, them at the scheduled broadcasting There is also a fixed permanent magnet the following produced the best results periods by simply picking up the receiver inside the instrument with poles located in the order named: Iowa, Texas, and putting it to his ear. The outfit at right angles to the poles formed by the Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Georgia, sells for $20.00 complete. It was invented yoke. Pivoted on a shaft in the center Wisconsin, Florida, California. and is being promoted by G. D. Norton, of this group of poles is a soft iron vane Trade papers like yours pulled well 1705 Garrick Building, Chicago. which takes up a position corresponding from a very intelligent class of customers. to the relative strength of the permanent, All the foregoing leaves an unanswered and the electro- magnetic poles. The question in my mind, "Why doesn't the An Improved Rheostat shaft carries the usual pointer which farmer fall for radio like he does for vic- The Wilcox Laboratories, of Lan- indicates the value of the current on a trolas, piano players, etc." sing, Mich., are placing on the mar- dial. The movement is so balanced Yours faithfully, ket a new rheostat about which that car shocks or swaying will not cause HAROLD R. WAKEM & CO., they give the following information: the pointer to swing. Harold R. \Vakem, President. This peculiar construction, which was Our first aim in producing this rheostat made possible by the development in has been to present a design incorporat- the Westinghouse laboratories of the new New Battery Charger ing every improvement possible in rheo- non -residual steel alloy, reduces by more A new type radio and automobile stat construction. than fifty per cent the number of neces- battery charger for convenient home use Our second aim has been to produce sary parts and greatly increases the Elec- a so finely made and has been announced by the Valley rheostat perfectly reliability and strength of the instrument. tric Company, 3157 South Kingshighway finished that it will add to the efficiency It also makes installation extremely Boulevard, St. Louis, Mo. and appearance of the best equipment. simple, for, instead of wiring the meter aim is The new model has been designed so Our third to sell this high quality to the car system by means of two pieces is use at the lowest that it suitable for installation and product price our quantity of wire or cable with connections and in any room in the home. Similar in production will permit. clips, the only operation necessary is appearance to the watthourmeter, it The resistance unit is formed of the to pass the dash board cable through is in a cover best wire wound on a enclosed moulded glass grade tightly strong the opening in the back of the instrument. which shows all working parts. The fibre support and is not apt to become important advantages of this new loose lose its Other material used in the contacts will not or shape through overheat- construction are that all possibility of No ing or rough handling. It is 100% stick. bulbs are used. ground is eliminated; there can be no The Valley Type A and B Charger ventilated, every inch of the wire being short circuits or burn -outs; no amount will 6 the air. The charge a -volt A radio battery or exposed to carrying capacity of overload will injure the meter; and a 5- is amperes and full six any make automobile battery at 1 the resistance no loosening of connections. ampere rate without the use of lamps or ohms. complicated connections. It will also The movement is exactly 180 °, this charge 22'% -volt and higher voltage being the most convenient for the op- New Broadcasting Map B radio batteries. erator and in addition permits the knob The Radio Section of the Department This new model charger plugs in on and pointer to be replaced easily and of Commerce has found it necessary to the home lamp socket just like the quickly by any 180° radio dial if desired. use a larger broadcasting map, the old ordinary electric light bulb. It con- The y -inch round shaft turns in a one having become too small for practical nects to the battery by means of clamps carefully fitted brass bushing which in- use in locating the 564 broadcasting which are furnished with the instrument. sures a longlived free running bearing, stations now in existence. The new It produces a quick tapering charge regardless of the accuracy of the hole in map, which is 5 by 7 feet in size, is at a trifling cost. It cannot harm or panel, acid precludes the possibility of a divided into radio districts, and each overcharge a battery. wobbly shaft. station is located in position. RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" 23 Corrected List of U. S. Stations Alphabetically by Call Signals KDKA, E. Pittsburgh, Pa.. 400 and 485 only. 2,000 KFC, Seattle, Waeh. 700 mi. Northern Radio & Elec- KOG, Angeles, Calif. 300 mi. Western Radio ml. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. Daily ex. Sun, 10- tric Co. Daily, eight hours, miscellaneous. Pacific Elec. Co. Daily ex Sun. Wed, 5 -5:30 pm, code. 10:15 am. 12:30 -1 pin. music; 3:00, sports; 7:00 -9, KFCB, news. Mon, Fri, 7:40 -8:20 pm music. Wed, 9:30 -5 Phoenix, Ariz. 500 mi. Nielsen Radio Sup- pm, -9 news, features, markets, entertainments; 9 -9:55, con- ply Co. Mon, Wed, Frl, 8 -9 pm, music. Tues, 8 -10, code, 8 :20 pm, music. Pacific. cert; 9:55 -10 pm, Urne. Sun, 10:45 ant, church serv- sports. Mountain. KON, Los Angeles. Calif. 200 mi. Holzwasser Inc. ice; 2:95 Bible story; 3 7:30. church service. Pm, pm, KFCC, Wallace. Ida. 380 only. 100 ml. Auto Sun- Daily ex Sun. 4 -5 pm and 8:15 -9, concert, news. Eastern. Daily. Sun 10.11 am, 4 -5 pm and 8 :15 -9, church service. K ON, San Francisco, Calif. 485, 510 also. 500 ml. ni), Co. 7:30 -8:30. Pacific. Pacific. 1 KFCD, Leo J. Meyberg Co. Fairmont Hotel. Daily, -2 pm, Salem, Ore. 100 mi. F. S. Barton. Daily ex KOP, 8:30 -9, 9 :30 -5:30, 7-7:15, music, reports, concert, Sun, 12 -1 pm, 8-9, music, news. Sun, 3 -4 pm, church Detroit, Mich. Detroit Police Dept. Pacific. service. Pacific. KPO, San Francisco, Calif. 300, 600 also. 500 mi. K DOW, New York, N. Y. S. S. America. Houle port KFCF, Walla Walla, Wash. Frank A. Moore. Hale Bros., Inc. Dally ex Sun, 11 -12 m, 3:30 -4:30 is New York. pm, concert. Wed, 7.30 -8:15 pm, concert. Sun, 11- KDPM. Cleveland, O. Westinghouse Elec. & Mtn. Co. KFCH, Billings, Mont. Elec. Service Station. 12:15 pm, church service. Pacific. KDPT, San Diego, Calif. 250 mi. Southern Elec. Co. KFCK, Colorado Springs, Colo. Colorado Springs Radio KQI, Berkeley, Calif. Univ. of Calif. Daily 7:30 -9 pm. news, weather, concerts, lecture. Pa- Co. KQP, Hood River, Ore. 360 only. 50 mi. Hood River cific. KFDA, Baker, Ore. Adler's Music Store. News. Daily ex Sat, Sun, 7 pm, news. Tues. KDYL, Salt Lake City, Utah. 485 also. 500 mi. Tele- Fri, Sun. 8:30 -9:30 entertainment. Pacific. gram Pub. Co. KFDB, San Francisco, John D. McKee. KQV, Pittsburgh, Pa. 300 ml. Doubleday-Hill Elec. K DYM, San Diego Calif. Savoy Theater. KFDD, Boise, Ida. St. Michaels Cathedral. Co. Daily ex Sun, 12 -12:30 pm. 2:30 -3, music, lec- KDYN, Red Wood City. Calif. Great Western Radio tures. Mon, Wed, Fri, 10 -11 pm, music. entertain- KFDB, San Francisco, Calif. John D. McKee. ment. Eastern. K DYD, San Diego, Calif. Carlson & Simpson. KFEB, Taft, Calif. City of Taft. KQW, San Jose, Calif. 345 also. 500 mi. Chas. KDYQ, Portland, Ore. Oregon Inst. of Technology. K F EC, Portland. Ore. Meier & Frank Co. Herrold. Daily ex Sun, 1 -1:30 pm. Wed. 8:15 -y KDYR, Pasadena, Calif. Pasadena Star -News Pub. Co. KFFA, San Diego. Cal., Dr. R. C. Shelton. K DYS, Great Falls, Mont. 985 also. 1,000 mi. Great KFED, Polytechnic, Mont.. Billings Polytechnic Institute. KQY, Portland, Ore. 200 mi. Stubbs Elec. Co. Daily. Falls Tribune. Daily 12 m. weather, time. Daily ex K FFE Pendleton, Ore. Eastern Oregon Radio Co. 1 -2 pm, 6 -7. Pacific. Tues. 8 -10 pm, concert. etc. Sun. 4 pm, church ser- K FI, Los Angeles, Calif. 500 mi. Earle C. Anthony. K RE, Berkeley, Calif. 200 mi. Maxwell Klee. Co. vices. Mountain. Inc. Daily ex Sun, 1 -1:30 pm. Daily ex Mon A. Every other Sat, 8:15 -9 pm. Sun, 1 -2 pm, 6 -7. KOYU, Klamath Falls, Ore. Herald Pub. Co. Fri. 7:40 -8:20 pm. Tues, Sat. 2 -3 pm. Sun, 10:45- Pacific. KDYV, Salt Lake City, Utah. Cope & Cornwell Co. 11 am, 9 -5 pm. 7:90 -8:20. Pacific. KSD, St. Louis, Mo. 360 & 985 only. 1.500 mi. St. K DYW, Phoenix. Ariz. Smith, Hughes & Co. KFV, Yakima, Wash. 250 mi. Foster -Bradbury Radio Louis Post -Dispatch. Daily ex Sun, 9:90 am, 10:90- K DYX, Honolulu, T. H., Hawaii. 500 ml. Honolulu Store. Daily ex Sun, 3 -4 pm. Mon, Wed, Fri. 8 -9 11:40. 12:90 pm, 1:40, 2:40, 4, 8. Sun, 8:15 pm. Star -Bulletin Co. Ltd. Daily ex Sun, 12:15 -1:15 pm. pm. Pacific. Central. reports: 6:30 -7:30 pm, entertainment, music, talks, KFZ, Spokane, Wash. 300 ml. Doerr Mitchell Elec. KSL, San Francisco, Cal. 50 mi. The Emporium. Sun, 11 am -12:15 pm. 5 -6, church services. 120th Co. Tues, tVed, Frl, Sat, 7 -8:30 pm, music. etc. Daily ex Sun, 10 -11 am, concert, news; 2 -3 pm, con- Meridian. Pacific. cert, educational talk. Sun, 2 -3 pm, concert and edu- K DZA, Tucson, Ariz. Arizona Daily Star. K GB, Tacoma, Wash. 200 mi. Tacoma Daily Ledger- cational talk. Pacific. K DZB, Bakersfield. Calif. Frank E. Siefert. Milian A. Mullins Elec. Co. Daily ex Sun. 7 -9 pm. (SS. Long Beach, Calif. 25 mi. Prcst & Dean Radio KDZD, Los Angeles. Calif. W. R. Mitchell. Sun, 5 -7:30 pm. Entertainment, news, weather, tides, Research Lab. Daily ex Sun, 3:30 -4:30 pm, news. K OZE, Seattle, Wash. 300 mi. Rhodes Co. Daily ex police reports. Pacific. concert. Pacific. Sun, 10.30 -11 am, news, 3:30 -4:30 pm, style talks. KGF, Pomona, Cal. 150 mi. Pomona Fixture & Wir- KSU, Wenatchee, Wash., 360 and 985. music. Mon, Wed, Fri, 7:15 -8:15 pm, concert. ing Co. Thurs, 7:30 -8:15 pm, news, markets, concert. KT W, Seattle, Wash. 500 mi. First Presbyterian Pacific. Mountain. Church. Sun. 11 -12:30 pm, 3 -4 -30, 7 -9 -30, church K DZF, Los Angeles. Calif. Automobile Club of Southern KGG, Portland, Ore. 500 mi. Eallock & Watson Radio service. Pacific. California. Service. Daily ex Sun. 5 -6 pm, music, entertain- KUO, San Francisco, Calif. 485, 525 also. 1,500 mi. KDZG, San Francisco, Calif. Cyrus Pierce & Co. ment, 7:30 -8 pm, reports. Sun, 9 -10, music. Pa- San Fran. Examiner. Daily ex Sun. 9 -10 am, can- K DZH, Fresno, Calif. 485 also. 50 ml. The Herald - cific. can. chat to housewives 11 -12, reports; 3 -3 -30 pm. Buford Co. Daily ex Sun, 8:15 am, 9 -6 pm, news. KGN, Portland, Ore. 100 ml. Northwestern Radais lecture, news; 5:30 -6:45 pm, concert ; 9 am. 12 m. reports. Daily ex Tues. Fri, 7 -8 pm, reports, muele. Mfg. Co. Irregular schedule. 6:45 pm, weather report. Wed, 3:30 pm, health bul- Tues, Fri, 8 -9 pm. Pacific. KGD. Altadena, Calif. 350 only. 300 mi. Altadena letins. Sun, 9.10 am. concert; 5 -6 pm, concert, news. K DZH. Seattle, Wash. Seattle Radio Assn. Radio Lab. Mon, Wed, Frl, 5:15 -6 pm, reports, code Pacific. KDZD. Eugene, Ore. Excelsior Radio Mfg. Co. lessons, agriograms, Tues, Thurs. 7:90 -8.20 pm. con- KUS, Los Angeles, Calif. City Dye Works & Laundry KDZK, Reno, Nev. 50 mi. Nev. Melly. & Elec. Co. certs. Sat. 7:40 -9 pm, concert. Sun, 2 -3 pm, church Co. Wed, Frl, Sat, Sun, 8 -9 pm, music, entertainment. service. Pacific. K UY, El Monte, Calif. 500 mi. Coast Radio Co. Daily Pacific. KGU, Honolulu, Hawaii. 485 also. 150 mi. The ex Sun, Sat, 9 -4:45 pm. Mon, Thu. 8:20 -9 pm. KDZL, Ogden, Utah. Rocky Mountain Radio Corp. Honolulu Advertiser. Daily, 7:30 -9 pm. Tuns, Thurs, Sat, 3 -9 pm. Pacific. K DZM, Centralia, Wash. 50 mi. Hollingworth Hdwe. Sat. special program. 150th meridian. (Three hours KVQ, Sacramento, Calif. 300 mi. James McCiatchy. & Radio Supply Store. Daily ex Sat & Sun, 8 -9 later than Pacific.) Daily ex Sun, 6:30 -7:30 pm, news, reports, music. pm. music. Pacific. K G W, Portland, Ore. 200 mi. Ship Owners Radio Sun, 6 -7 pm, reports, music. Pacific. I( IMP, Los Angeles, Calif. Newberry Eke. Corp. Service Inc. (Daily Oregonian.) Daily. 3:30 -4:30 KWG, Stockton, Cal. 1,500 mi. Portable Wireless KDZQ. Denver, Colo. 500 ml. \Vm. D. Pyle. Daily pm. news etc. Mon, 7:30 -8:30 pm, concert. Wed. 8 -10 Telephone Co. Daily ex Sun, 4 -5 inn, news. concert, ex Sun, 6:45 -7:15 pm, news, 9 -10 pm, concert. Moun- pm. concert. Fri, 8 -9 pm, concert. Sun, 7 -8 pm, markets. Tues and Fri. 8 -9 pm, concert. Sun, 2 -3 tain. church service. Pacific. pm. concert. Pacific. KDZR, Bellingham, Wash. 200 mi. Bellingham Pub. KGY, Lacey, \Vash. 50 ml. St. Martins College. Tues, K W H, Los Angeles. Calif. 985 also. 250 mf. Ex- Co. Daily ex Sun, 7 -8 pm. 8:30 -9 pm, music. news. Frl, Sun, 8:30 -9:30 pm, news, concert, bedtime story. aminer, Daily ex Sun, 1:30 -1:90 pm, 5:30 -6, 6 -6 -15, sports, reports. Sun. 7 -8 pm, church service. Pacific. Pacific. 8:20 -9, reports. entertainment. Sun, 8:30 -9 pm, K DZT, Seattle Wash. Seattle Radio Assn. KHD, Colorado Springs. Colo. 485 also. 50 mi. Daily church service. Pacific. K DZW, San Francisco, Calif. Claude W. Gerdes. ex Sun. 8:15 am, weather. Daily ex Sun, Mon. 7- KMD, Modesto, Calif. Herald Pub. Co. K LUX, San Francisco. Calif. Glad Tidings Tabernacle. 7:30 pm, music. Mountain. KXS. Los Angeles, Calif. Braun Corp. KDZZ, Everett, Waeh. 50 ml. Kinney Bros. & Sep - KHI, Los Angeles, Calif. 985 also. 500 mi. Times KYF, San Diego, Calif. Thearle Music Co. pell. Daily ex Sun, 2:30 -3:30 Pm. 4:30 -5:30, 8:15- Mirror Co. 400 also. Daily ex Sat & Sun, 1:30- KYG, Portland, Ore., Radio Service Bureau, lne. 9.15. Pacific. 2.15 pm, 6:90 -7:20. Sat, 6:40 -7:20 pin. Suit. KYI, Bakersfield. Calif. Bakersfield. California. (Al- KFAB, Portland, Ore. Pacific Radiofone Co. 10 -10:45 am. Pacific. fred Harrell.) KFAC, Glendale, Calif. 355 and 485. 250 ml. Dally KHQ, Seattle Wash. Louis Wasmer. KYI. Los Angeles. Cal. 485 also. 1,000 mi, Leo .1. Press. Daily ex Sun, 9:15 -5:15 pm, news etc. Mon, IOC, Los Angeles, Calif. 100 mi. Standard Radio Co. Meyberg Co. (Hamburgers), Daily ex Sun, 4 -5 pin, Wed, Frl, 7 -8 pm. concert. Pacific. Barker Bros. Daily ex Sun, 11:30 -12 noon. Mon. concert, markets. weather. news. Mon, Thurs, Sat. KFAD, Phoenix, Ariz. 485 also. 100 nil. Mon. Wed, 10 -11 am. Wed, 9 -10 am. Sun, 1 -2 pm. 5 -6 Pacific. 8 -9 pm, same program. Pacific. K11. KYQ, Frl, 8 -9:15 pm, concert. weather, stocks, markets. Sunnyvale, Calif. 500 mi. Radio Shop. Tues, Honolulu, T. H. Electric Shop. Sun. morning, church service. Mountain. 8.15 -9 pm. Fri, 7:30 -8:15 pm. Pacific. KYW, Chicago, 111. 900, 485 only. 1.500 ml. West- KFAE Pullman. Wasit. 200 mi. State College of KM, Stockton, Calif. C. O. Gould. inghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. Daily ex Sun, 9:35 am- Wash. Program Irregular. K IR, Seattle, Wash. 200 ml. Northwest Radio Serv- 1:20 pm, market quotations every half 1tr; 2:15, news. KFAF, Denver, Colo. 1.000 ml. Western Radio Corp. ice Co. Daily ex Sun. 8 -9 pm, miscellaneous. Pacific. markets; 4:15 and 6:30, news. final markets and Daily ex Thurs & Sun, 8 -9 pm, music, reports. news. KAS, Los Angeles, Calif. 100 ml. Bible Inst. of Los stocks; 7:30, bedtime story; 7 :45, feature; 8 -9, con- Mountain. Angeles. Tues, Wed, 12 -12:30 pm, sacred music, lee cert; 9, news. Sun. 3 :30 pm, church service. Central, KFAD, Boulder, Colo. 250 mi. Univ. of Colo. No tore. Sun, 11 :30.12:30 pm, sacred music, sermon. KYY, San Francisco. Calif. The Radio Telephone Shop. definite schedule. Mountain. Pacific. KZC, Seattle, Wash 100 mi. Public Dfsrket & De- KFAN, Moscow, Idaho. The Elec. Shop. KLB, Pasadena, Cal. 300 ml. J. J. Dunn Co. Mon partment Store Co. Dally ex Sun. 6:45 -7:15 pm, KFAP, Butte. Mont. Standard Pub. Co. and Fri, 7:30 -8:15 pm, concert. Sun, 3.9 pm and music, news, agriograms. Pacific. KFAQ, San Jose, Calif. City of San Jose. 8 -9, concert. Pacific. KZM, Oakland, Calif. 200 ml. Western Radio In- KFAR, Hollywood, Calif. Studio lighting Service Co. KLN, Del Monte, Calif. Monterey Elec. Shop. Daily. stitute (Hotel Oakland), Daily ex Sun, 6:45 -7 pin, KFAE, Reno. Nev. 300 ml. Reno Motor Supply Co. 12 -1 pm, weather, markets, news: 7 -8 pm, concerts. news. Pacific. Mon, Tues, Thurs. 8 -9 pm. music. Pacific. KZN, Salt Lake City, Utab. 985 also. 1.000 mi. KFAT, Eugene, Ore. 100 mi. Pac. Radio Co. Tues. K LP. San Francisco. Calif. 500 ml. Colin B. Ken- Desert Nmvs. Daily ex Sun, 3 -9 pm, reports, music, Thurs. Sat, 7 -8 pm. music. Sun, 8:45 -9 -15 pio. nedy Corp. Mon, 7:30 -8 :30 pm. Thurs, 8:30 -9 pm. 8-9 :30 pm, music, news, bedtime stories eta. Moun- church service. Sun, 4 -5 pm. Pacific. tain. KFAU. Boise, Ida. 485 also. 200 ml. Boise H. S. KLS, San Francisco, Calif. 310 mi. Warner Bros. KZV, Wenathchee, Wash. Wenathcheo Battery & Motor Mon. Wed, Fri, 9:30 -10 am. 2:30 -3:00 pm, reporte. Radio Supply Co. Daily, 12 -1 pm. Sat, 7:30 -8 :15 Co. news, 8.15 -9 pm. concert. Tues, Thurs, Sat, 9:30 -10 pm. Pacific. KZY, San Francisco, Calif. Atlantic -Pacific Radio Sup- am, 2:30 -3:00 Dm, reports, news, 7:45 -8:15 concert. KLX Oakland, Calif. 500 mi. Oakland Tribune. plies Co. Mountain. Dally ex Sun. 7:15 -7:30 pm, news. entertainment. NDF, Anacatia. D. C. 412 only. 600 ini. U. S. Navy Dopt. Mon, 7 KFAV, Venice, Calif. Ahbott Kinney Co. Tues, 7:30 -8.15 pm, Frl, 8 :15 -9 pm, and Sun, 3- 1 Tues, Thur, :15 -7:30 pin. lecture. KFAW, Santa Ana, Calif. 985 also. 100 ml. Radio pm, concert, Pacific. Mon. Thur, 6:45 -7 pm, lecture. Tuca, Thur, 7:45-8 Den. Daily ex Sun. 4 -4:30 pm. news, reports, music. KLZ, Denver, Colo. 985 also. 200 nil. Reynolds Ra- Pm. health lecture. Wed, Fri, S:30 -9 :15 pm, hand Mon, Thurs, 8 -9 pm. concert. Pacific. dio Co. Daily ex Sun, 7:30 pm on, news, markets, concert. Eastern. K FAY, Central Point, Ore. 500 ml. W. J. Virgin Mill- hedUme story, concert. Sun, 8 -9 pm. church eenice. PWX, Havana, Cuba, Cuban Telephone Co. ing Co. Mon, Fri, 9 -10 pm. Wed, 9 -12 pm. Special Mountain. WA,. Dayton, O. DIcCoolc Field, U. S. Army. Programs other days. Pacific. KMAZ, Mercer Univ. Macon, Ga. WAAB, New Orleans, La. Valdemar Jensen. KFBA, Lewiston. Idaho. Barney & Bryant Radio Co. KMC, Reediey, Calif. 100 mi. LlndssyWeatlterill & WAAC, New Oilcans, La. Tulane Univ. KFBB, Havre, Mont. F. A. Buttrey & Co. Co. Mon, Wed, Frl, 8:30 -9 pm, concert. Pacific. WAAD, Cincinnati, O. 200 ml. Ohio Mechanics Inst. KFBC, San Diego, Calif. 100 mi. W. K. Azbill. KMI, Fresno, Calif. 200 ml. San Joaquin Lt. & Pr. Fri, 2:30 -9:30 pm. and Sat, 8:15 -10:15 pm, Cln- Thurs. flat. Corp. Tues, Frl, 7 -8 Dm, music. Sun, 5 -6 pm, music. einnatl Symph. Orchestra concert. Central. KFED. Hanford, Calif. 100 titi. Calif. Radio Lab. Pacific. WAAF, Chicago, Ill. 485 only. 300 ml. Chi. Daily Daily ex Sun. 3 -4 pm. 8 -9. Sun, 5 -0 pm. Pacific. KMO, Tacoma. Wash. 200 ml. Tacoma Times. (Love Drovers Journal. Daily ex Sat & Sun, 8:30 am. Clarence V. Welch. Electric Co.) Daily ex Sun, 11 -1 pm, 6 -7. 9:15 -10, 10:30, 10:45, 12:30 pm. 3, 4:30, sleek reports. Cen- KFBE, San Luis Obispo, Calif. it. U. Horn. Daily ex concert, news, lecture. Pacific. tral. Sun. 9 -5 Dm, 7 -8. Pacific. KSI. Eureka Calif. T. W. Smith. WAAD, Shrevoport, La. 50 mi. Bordeaux Co. Daily KFBG, Tacoma, Wash. First Presbyterian Church. KNJ Roswell, New Mex. 485 also. 750 ml. Ros- ex Sun, 7 :30.9 Dm. sports, concert. Central KFBH, Marshfield, Ore. Thomas Musical Co. well Public Service Co. Daily, 8 pm, news, reports, WAAH, St. Paul, Minn. 200 mi. Commonwealth Eke. KFBI, Boise, Idaho. 170 ml. Bolso Radio Supply Co. concerts. Mountain. Co. Mon, Frl, 12 -12:45 pm, concert. Mon, Tues. Daily ex Sun. 5 -5:30 pm. police reports, music. Mon, KNN, Los Angeles Calif. 100 mi. Bullock's. Mon. 8 -9 :30, music. Wed, 1 -1:45 pm, lecture. Sun, 3:30- Wed, Fri, 7:95 -8:15 pm. concert, Tues, Thurs, Sat, 2:30 -3:30 pm. Wed, 2:15 -3 pm. Thurs, 4 -5 pm. 4:30 pm, concert. Central. 8:15 -9 pm, concert. Mountain. Pacific. WAAD, Beaton, Mass. 50 mi. Easton Radio Inst. KFBK, Sacramento. Calif. 300 ml. Kimball -Upson KNT, Aberdeen, Wash. 400 mi. Grays Harbor Ratio Mon, Wed, Fri, 9 -10 pm, music. Eastern. Co. Daily ex Sun. 3 -4 pm. 6 -6:30, concert, news. Co. Dally, 5-5:80 pm, 7:30 -8:15, news, concert. WAAK, Milwaukee, WIe. 985 aleo. 300 ml. Gimbel Sun. 8 -9 pm. church service. Pacific. Pacific. Bros. Daily ex Sun, 10 am, markets, weather; 11. KFBL, Everett, Wash. Leese Bros. KNV, Los Angeles, Calif. Radio Supply Co. markets; 12:10 pm, markets; 1:25, closing markets; KFBM, Astoria, Ore. Cook & Foster. KNX. Los Angeles, Calif. Elec. Lighting Supply Co. 2, and every hr. after, concert, test: 7, weather; 7:15. KFBN, Calif. Borch Radio Corp. (Portable). N OB, State College, N. M. 485 also. 500 ml. N. M. baseball: 7:30, concert. Central. KFBQ. Prescott. Aria Savage Elec. Co. College Agri. & Meeb. Arts. Daily ex Sun. 11:55 -12 WAAM, Newark, N. J. 300 mi. I. R. Nelson Co. KFBU, Laramie. Wyo. Bishop N. S. Thomas. m, reporte. Mon. Wed, Fri. 7:30 -8:50 pm. concert. Daily ex Sun, 1l -11:55 am. 3 -4 pm, music. Wed, 8- 1(FBV, Colorado Springs, Colo. Clarence O. Ford. Mountain. 9 Dm. special program. Eastern. 24 RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" Corrected List of U. S. Stations Alphabetically by Call Signals WAAN, Columbia. Mo. Univ. of Missouri. WCAZ, Quincy, Ill LVhig- OeneraL WEAW, Anderson. Ind. Arrow Radio Lab. WAAO, Charleston, W. Vs. 40 ml. Radio Service Co. Daily ex WCE, Minneapolis, Minn. Findley Elec. Co. WEAX, Little Rock; Ark. T. J. M. Daly. Sun, 6:95 -7:45 pm, music, news. weath- WCI, New Haven, er. baseball. Eastern. Conn. 400 mi. A. C. Gilbert Co. W EAY, Houston, Tex. W111 Mon, Wed, Tbur, 7:30 -8:30 news, music. Horwitz. Jr. WAAP, Wichita, Kan. 200 ml. United Elm. Co. pm, WEAZ, Waterloo, la. 100 ml. A. C. Sweetman. Mon. Daily, 12 -1:30 pm, music. news; 5, weather; Eastern. 7:15- WCK, Louis. Thurs, 7 7:30, sports, markets; 9:45 -12, talks. music, and code St. Mo. 485 also. 50 ml. Stix Baer & Sat, -8 pm, news, concert, lecture. Central: on C. W.; Fuller (Grand Leader). Mon, Wed, Fri, 8 ;45 -8 pm, WEB, St. Louis, Mo. 10:30, weather. Tues, Fri, 8 pm on, con- concert, lecture, bedtime 800 mi. The Benwood Co.. Inc. cert, etc. Central. story. Centrai. Daily ex Sun, 9 -9 :40 am, 12 -12:45 pm, 3 -9. Wed. WAAQ, Greenwich, Conn. 600 WCM, Austin, Tex. Univ. of Texas. 7 -9 Central. mt. New England Motor WC N, Worcester, Mass. 485 pm. Sales Co. Daily ex Sun, 9:30 am -5:30 pm. every half also. 100 mi. Clark WEH, Tulsa, Okla. (300 S. Main St., Eldorado, liens.) hr. Eastern. Univ. Daily. 11:15 am, 5:15 pm, weather. Evening Midland Refining Co. WAAR, Huntington, W. Groves Program irregular. Eastern. WEV, Houston, Tex. 485 Va. -Thornton Hdw. Co. WCX. also. 500 mi. Hurlburt- WAAS, Decatur, Ga. Georgia Radio Co. Detroit, Mich. Detroit Free Press. Still Elec. Co. Dally ex Sun, 10 am, 5:30 pm, weath- WAAT, Jersey WDAA, Nashville, Tenn. Ward Belmont School. er. roads. Tues, Thur, S City, N. J. 70 mi. Jersey Review. WDAC, Springfield, pm, concert. Central Wed. 7 -8 pm, concert, lecture. Sun, 7 -3, church Iii. Ill. Watch Co. W EW. St. Louis, Mo. 985 also. I00 mi. Si. Louis service. WDAE. Tampa, Fla. 985 also. 500 mi. Tampa Daily Univ. concert. Eastern. Times. Daily ex Sun. 9 am, 30, 2 pm, reporta Cen- WAAV, Athens, O. 500 ml. Athens Radio Co. Daily. Wed, Fri, 8 -10 pm, music, lecture. Eastern. tral. 7 -9 pm, miscellaneous. Central. WDAF, Kansas City, Mo. 400 and 485 only. 500 ml. WEY, Wichita. Kan. 985 siso. 500 mi. Cosradlo WAAW. Omaha, Neb. 485 also. 500 Omaha Grain Ex- Kansas City Star. Daily ex Sun, 3 -9 pm, reports, Co. (Wichita Beacon.) Daily ex Sun, hourly, 8:40 change. Daily ex Sun, 9:45, IO:45, 11:45 12:45, music; 6 -7, educational, bedtime story, etc. Mon, am -12:40 pm, stock markets. Daily, 10:45 sm and 1:20, 8 pm, market reports. 8:15 -9 pm, music. Cen- Wed, Fri, 8 -10 pm, concert. Sun, 3:30 -5:30 Pm. 9:30 pm, weather; 8 -10 pm, sports, concert. lecture; trai. music. Central. 10:95 weather. Sun, 8:10 pm, church service, concert. WAAX, Crafton, Pa. Radio Service Corp. WDAG, Amarillo, Tex. K. Laurance Martin. Central. WAAY, Youngstown, O. 500 ml. Yohrling Rayner WDAH, El Paso, Texas. 485 also. 300 ml. Mine & WFAA Dallas, Texas. 400 and 485 only. 250 ml. Music Co. Daily ex Sun, 5:30 pm, reports; S:15 -9 Smelter Supply Co. Daily ex Sun, 10 am, news, re- A. H. Belo & Co. Daily, 10:15 am, reports; 12:30 -1 pm. music. Eastern. Tues, Thurs, Sat, 7:30 -8:30 pm, music. Moun- pm. address; 6:45 -7, bedtime story; 8 -8:30, music. WAAZ, Emporia, Kans. 250 mi. Hollister -Miller Mo- p.tain. Tues, Thur. Sat, 11 -12 pm, music. Central. tor Co. Daily ex Sun. 7 -8 pm. weather, entertain- Syracuse, N. Y. 485 also. 200 mi. Hughes WFAB, Syracuse, N. Y. 100 mi. C. F. Woese. No ment. Centre!. Radio Corp. Daily ex Sun, 12 m, reports. Wed, Sat, definite schedule. WAIL El Dorado, Kans. Midland Refining Co. evening concert. WFAC, Superior, Wis. 400 nil. Superior Radio Co. WAJT, Marshall, Mo. Kelly- Vawter Jewelry Co. WDAJ, College Park. Oa. 485 also. 300 mi. A. & W. Daily, 7-7 :45 pm, news. Central WAJU, Yankton, S. D. Yankton College. P. R. R. Co. Daily, 9 -10 pm, concert etc. Central. WFAD, Salina, Kan. 250 mi. Watson Weldon Motor WBAA, W. Lafayette, Ind. 50 mi. Purdue University. WDAK, Hartford, Conn. 150 ml. Hartford Courant. Supply Co. Dally ex Sun, 8:45 am. 9:45. 10:45. Fri, 7:I5 -7:30 pm, educational lecture. Central. Daily ex Sun, 2:30 pm, 3:30. 4:30, 5:30, music. 7:40, 11:95, 1:30 pm, reports. Tues, Thur, Fri, 8 pm, con- WBAB, Syracuse, N. Y. 1,000 ml. Syracuse Radio bedtime story ; 8:15. concert. Eastern. cert. Sun. 11 am, church service; 8 pm, concert. Tel. Co. Mon, Wed, Sat, 7:30 -9:30 pm, concert, WDAL, Jacksonville, Fla. 485 also. 250 mi. Florida Centre!. agriograms etc. Eastern. Times Union. Daily, 11 am, time, weather, 3 -3:I5, WFAF, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. 200 mi. H. C. Sprstley WBAD, Minneapolis, Minn. Sterling Elec. Co. (Jour- 9 -9:15, 5 -5:15, 8 -9:30 music. 10:05 -10:20 pm, re- Radio Co. Daily ex Sun, 10 -10:30 am, 11:30- 11:45, nal Printing Co.) ports. Eastern. 1:30 -2 pm, 4 -4:15. Tues. Thurs, Sat, 8:15 pm, fea- WBAE, Peoria, Ill. Bradley Polytechnic Inst. WDAN, Shreveport, La. Centenary College and Glen- ture program. Eastern. WRAF, Moorestown, N. J. Fred M. Dlidclieton. wood Radio Corp. WFAG, Waterford, N. Y. 390 only. 300 mi. Radio WBAG, Bridgeport, Pa. 485 also. 300 ml. Diamond WOAD, Dallas, Tex. Automotive Elec. Co. Engineering Lab. Wed, Sat. 7 :95-10 pm, concert. st. Fibre Co. Daily, 11:45 -12 m, markets, weather. WDAP, Chicago, Ill., Midwest Radio Centrai, 485 also; Sun, 2 -4 Dm, church service. Eastern. Eastern. 1000 mi.. II:45 -12 M. Ampleo Selections on Plano; WFAH, Port Arthur, Tex. Elec. Supply Co. WBAH, Minneapolis, Dllnn. 200 mi. The Dayton Co. 1:45 -2:15 latest phonograph selections; 3:15 -3:30, W FAJ, Asheville, N. C. HI -Grade Wireless Instrument Daily ex Sun. 1 -1:30 pm. 3 -3:30, 5 -5:30, 9:30 -10, closing quotations on Chicago Stock exchange. ó:00- Co. Sat, 11 -I1:30 am. Wed, 8 -10 pm. Central. 6:I5 pm, latest news bulletin daily except Saturday WFAK, Brentwood. Mo.. Domestic Electric Co. WBAJ, Toledo, O. 300 ml. Marshall- Gerken Co. and Sunday. Saturday 11:45 -12 Concert; 1 :15-I :30 WFAL, Houston, Tex. Chronicle Pub. Co. Dally ex Sun, 12:05 -2 pm, 6 -7 :30, news, music, re- pm, Closing quotations Chicago Stock Exchange. Tues. WFAM, St. Cloud, Minn. 485 also. 100 ml. Granite ports, Tues, Thur, Sat, 8 -9 pm, concert. 485 also. and Thurs. 10:00 -1:00, regular concert; Saturday, IO City Elec. Co. and Times Publishing Co. Daily ex Eastern. pm. to 2 am, dance program; Sunday night, 8:30- Sun, 3:30 -4:00 pm, markets; 7:30 -9, entertainment. WBAN, Paterson, N. J. 100 mi. Wireless Phone Corp. 11:00, concert. Central. Daily ex Sun. 10.30 am, on the hour to 9:30 pm, WDAA, Brownsville, Pa. 200 ml. Hartman -Riker Elec. WFAN, Hutchinson, Minn. 485 also. 500 mi. Hutch- concert, baseball. Eastern. & Mach. Co. Daily ex Sun, 10:30 -10:50 sm. music: inson Electric Service Co. Daily ex Sun. I pm. WBAD, Decatur. Ill. James MiilOdn Univ. I2.50 -1.10' pm, music, news, weather ; 5:05 -5:30 markets etc. Central. WBAA, Mishawaka, lnd. 200 mi. Lyrodlon, Mfg. Co. music. Tues, Thurs, Fri. 9 :15-10 pm, concert. Sun, WFAP, Peoria, Ill. 200 mi. Radio School of Browns Tues, Thur, Sat, 7 pm. Sun. 2 pm. Central. 5 pm. chapel. Eastern. Business College. Daily ex Sun. 10:25 am, reports; WBAP, Fort Worth, Texas. 400 and 485 only. 1,500 WDAR, Philadelphia, Pa. Lit Bros. I2 -I2:15 pm, concert; 1:90 reports; 4:25, business mi. Ft. Worth Star Telegram. Daily ex Sun. 9:95- WDAS, Worcester, Mass. Samuel A. Walte. lessons; 7 :45, concert. Central. 30 am, 11- 11.30, 3 -3:30 pm, 3:45 -4, 5 :15 -5:30. WDAU, New Bedford. Mass. 50 ml. Slocum & Kil- W FA Q, Cameron. Mo. Cameron Radio Co. and DIo. 6:30 -6:45, 9:30- 10:30, news, reports, concert. Cen- burn. Mon, Wed, 7 -9 pm. concert, etc. Eastern. Wesleyan College. trai. W DAV, Muskogee, Okia. Daily Phoenix. WFAB, Sanford, Me. Hall & Stubbs. WBAU, Hamilton, O. Republican Pub. Co. WDAW, Atlanta, Ga. 985 also. 500 mi. Georgia Ry. W FAS, Fort Wayne, Ind. United Radio Corp. WBAV, Columbus, O. 985 also. 300 ml. Erner & & Power Co. Daily ex Sun. 6 -7 pm; 9 -9:55. Sun. WFAT, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 485 also. 400 mi. Argus Hopkins Co. Dally ex Sun, 12:30 pm, news, weather. 3:30 -4:30 pm. Central. Leader. Daily ex Sun, 10:15 -12:15 pm, 2:15, reports; Mon, 7 pm. music. Central. WDAX, Centerville, Iowa. 500 mi.. First Nat'l Bank. 7 :30 pm, music. Tues, 8 -9 pm, concert. Central. WBAW, Marietta, O. Marietta College. Daily ex Sun, 11:30 am, reports, news. Mon. Tbur. WFAD, Boston, Mass. Edwin C. Lewis. WBAX, Wilkes- Barre, Pa. 200 ml. John H. Stenger, 7:30 -9 pm, concert. WFAV, Lincoln, Nebr. 485 also. 800 mi. Univ. of Jr. Three nights of week, not regular. WDAY, Fargo, N. D. 985 also. 300 ml. Daily ex Nebr. Daily ex Sun, 10:10 am, weather. markets. WBAY. New York, N. Y. 400 only. 1.500 mi. A. T. Sun, 12:15 -12:30 pm, 7:30 -8:15, reports. news. music. Sat. 9:00 pm, concert. Central. & T. Co. Daily, 11 -12 am. 4:30 -5:30 pm. Thurs, Central. WFAW, Miami, Fia. Dally Metropolis. 7:30 pm on Eastern daylight saving. WDM, Washington, D. C. 50 mi. Church of the Cov- WFAX, Binghamton. N. Y. 75 mi. Arthur L. Kent. WBL, Anthony. ans. 200 mi. T & H Radio Co. enant. Sun. 10:30 am, church service; 3 pm, lecture; Daily, 5 -5:30 Dm, music. Eastern. Mon. Wed, Fri, 10 -11 pm, concert, lecture. Sat. 11- 7 :30, church service. Eastern. WFAP, Independence, Kan. 500 ml. Daniels Radio I2 pm, concert. Sun, 10 am, 4 -5 pm, church service. WDT, New York, N. Y. Ship Owners Radio Service. Supply Co. Daily ex Sun, 12 m, 4 pm, news. Dion, Central. WDV, Omaha, Neb. 100 ml. John O. Yelser. Jr. Tues. Wed, 7:30 -8 pm, entertainment. Thur. Fri, WBS, Newark, N. J. 100 ml. D. W. May. lnd. Mon. Daily 7 -8 pro. Tues. Sat, 12 -1 am. Frl. 10 -10:45 7 -8:30 pm. Sat, 7 -9 pm. music. Sun, 11 am, church Wed. Thur. 7:30 -8:30 pm, reports, music. Sun. 9- pm. Sun. 2 -4 pm. Muslo. Central. services. Central. 10:30 am, 1 -3 pm, church service. Eastern. WDY, Roselle Park, N. J. Radio Corp. of America. WFAZ, Charleston, S. C. 400 mL S. C. Radio Shop. WBT, Charlotte, N. C. 485 also. 500 mi. Southern WDZ, Tuscola, Ill. 70 ml. James L. Bush. Daily ex Daily ex Sun, 12 m, retorts, news, music. Tues, Radio Corp. Dally ex Sun, 11 am, reports. 8 pm. Sun, every half hr., 8:30 am- 12:15, Chicago Board of Thur. 8 -10 pm. Eastern. music. Sun, 7:30 pm. church service. Eastern. Trade quotations. Tues. Fri. 7 -8 pm, concert, enter- WFI, Philadelphia. Penn. 400 and 985 only. 330 mi. WBU, Chicago, Ill. City of Chicago. tainment. Centrai. Strawbridge & Clothier. Daily ex Sun, 1:16 pm, news: W BZ, Springfield, Mass. 400 only. 500 mi. Westing- WEAA. Flint. Mich. Failain & Lathrop. 3 :30-4 :30, concert ; 5 :30-6, aporta. Mon, Fri, 6:30 -7 house Elec. & Mfg. Co. Daily ex Sun. 7:30 pm, WEAB. Fort Dodge, la. 600 mi. Standard Radio pm. Radio talk. Wed. Fri. Sat, 7:30 -8:30 pm, con- children's hour; 7:15, markets, weather, lecture; 8 -9, Equip. Co. Daily cx Sun, 9:40 am, 10:90, 11:90, cert. Fri, Sat, (alternate weeks) 7 :30 pm, concert concert. Sun. 3 and 8, church service. Eastern. 1:40 pm, 5:15, market reports; 6:30 pm. sports; 7:30- at 8:30 pm. Sun. 4 pm, church service. Eastern. WCAB, Newburgh, N. Y. 150 ml. Newburgh Daily 3:45 pm, music. Sun, 10:45 am, church service; WFO, Dayton. O. 485 also. 300 ml. Rike- Kumier Co. News. Daily ex Sun, 1 pm, 2, 3, 7, Mon, Fri, 10 :30 7:30 -8:45 pm. music. Central. Daily ex Sun. 9 am, 11. 4 pm. music. news, reports. pm. Eastern. W EAC, Terre Haute, lnd. Baines Elec. Service Co. Mon, Wed, Fri, 8 pm, concert. Sat, 11:30 pm, con- WCAC, Fort Smith, Ark. 500 ml. John Fink Jewelry 985 also. cert. Central. Co. Fri, Sun, 8 -10 pm, music, talks. sermon. Cen- WEAD, Atwood, Kan. 485 also. 150 mi. N. W. WOAB, Houston. Tcx. 250 mL QRV Radio Co. Daily tral. Kansas Radio Supply Co. Daily ex Sun. 11 -11:30 ex Sun. 8:30 -9 am. police reports; 1:30 -2:30 pm, con- WCAD, Canton, N. Y. 200. 480 also. 300 mi. St. am, markets, music; 12, markets; 1:45 pm, markets; tort, agriograms; 4 -5. concerta, police reports. Central. Lawrence Univ. No regular schedule. Eastern. on half hour 3:I5 to 5:45. news sports. Tues, Wed. WDAC, Brooklyn, N. Y. Orpheum Radio Stores Co. WCAE, Pittsburgh, Pa. Kaufman & Baer Co. Thurs, Sat, 7:30 -9, concert. Sun, 11 am, church WGAD, Ensenada, Porto Rico. 250 mi. Escucla ]is- WCAD, New Orleans. La. Daily States Pub. Co. service; 3 pm, sacred music; 7:30, church service. pano Americana de Radio Telegrafia, Inc. Sat and WCAH, Columbus. O. 150 mi. Entrekin Elec. Co. Centrai. Sun eve. Tues, Fri. 7 -9 pm. music. Wed, Thur, Sat. 7 -8 pm, WERE, Blacksburg, Va. Polytechnic Inst. WGAF, Tulsa. Okla. Golfer Radio Service. music. Sun, 10- 12.30. church acrvlce. Central. WEAF, New York City, N. Y. 900 only. 1,500 m1. WGAH, New Haven, Conn. New Haven Elcc. Co. WCAI San Antonio, Tex. Southern Equipment Co. Am. Tei. & Telg. Co. Daily ex Sun, 9:30 -5:30 pm. WGAI, Shenandoah, Ia. W. H. Gasa. WCAD, Univ. Place, Neb. 485 also. 100 ml. Neb. Mon, Wed, Thur. Sat. 8 -10 pm, concert. Eastern. WGAK, Macon. Ga. Macon Eiec. Co. Wesleyan. Univ. Daily ex Sun, 11 am, weather. WEAG. Edgewood R. I. Nichols- Hineline- Bassett Lab. WGAL, Lancaster. Pa. 35 mi. Lancaster Elec. Supply news. Wed, 9 pm. music, lecture. Central. WEAH, Wichita, Kan. 485 also 500 mi. Lander & Construction Co. Mon, %Ved, Fri, 7 -8 pm, concert. WGAK, Houston. Tex. 100 mi. Alfred P. Daniel. Radio Co. Daily ex Sun, 9:40 am, 10:40, 11:40. lecture. Sun, 8 -3:30 pm, church service. Eastern. Daily ex Sun, 7 -7:15 pm, music. Wed, 8 -9:15, con- I2:30 pm. 1:30. 3:15, reports. Wed. Sat, 8 pm, con- WGAM, Orangeburg, S. C. 150 ml. Orangeburg Radio cert. Sun, 3 -4:30 pm, concert. Central. cert. Every third Sun, 8 pm, concert. Central. Equipment Co. Daily ex Sun, 10 am, markets, weather; WCAL, Northfield, Minn. 500 ml. St. Olaf Colloge. WEAl. Ithaca, N. Y. Cornell Univ. 11.55, time; 4 pm, Radio talk, markets, baseball' 6. Thur. 11 pm, music. Sun, 8:30 pm, music, concert. WEAL Chicago. Ill. The Benson Co. music. lecture: 10, time, weather, entertainment. Sun. lecture. Centrai. WEAK. St. Joseph, Mo. 100 ml. Julius B. Aber - 11 am, church service: 11:55, time; 10 Dm. time, WCAM, Villanova, Pa. Villanova College. cmmbie. Thur, 8-9 :45 pm. concert. Central. weather, music. Eastern. WCAD Baltimore. Md. 100 mi. Sanders & Stayman WEAM, North Plainfield. N. J. 75 mi. Burougb of N. WGAN, Pensacola, Fia. Cecil E. Lloyd. Co. Daily ex Sun, 12 -12:20 pm, 5 -5:20. Mon, Wed. Daily, 7 :30 -8 Pm, music. Police news, etc. WGAQ, Shreveport. La. 500 mi. Glenwood Radio Corp. 7:30 -8:30 pm. Eastern. Faisinrneld. Daily ex Sun, 8 pm, music. Sun. 11 am, 7:30 pm, WCAP, Decatur, HL Central Radio Service. Also 985. WEAN. Providence, R. I. 50 ml. The Shepard Co. church service. Central. WCAQ, Defiance. O. 200 ml. Tri -State Radio Mfg. Dally ex Sun, 8.5 pm. 6 -8, music, bedtime stories. WGAK, Fort Smith, Ark. Southwest American. Co. Daily. 11:30 -12:30 pm. 3, baseball; 6 -0 -30. Mon, Wed, 8 -10 pm, concert. Eastern. WDAS, Chicago, 111. 1.000 mi. Ray -di -co Organiza- baseball, concert; 8, special program. Central. WEAD, Columbus, Ohio. Ohio State Univ. tion lne. Daily ex Sun, 9 -9:20 am, 11:15 -11:30, WCAB, San Antonio, Tex. 200 ml. Alamo Radio Elec. WEAP, Mobile, Ala. 495 also. 50 mi. Mobile Radio 1:30 -1:45 pm, 2:45 -3, 5 -6, music. 12:15 -12:30 pm, Co. Mon Thurs. Sat, 8:30 -9:30 pm, concert. Sun, Co. Daily. 4-5 pm. 7 -8:55. Central. 9 -9:15, 9:30 -9:45. reports. Wed, Fri, 10 -11 Pm. 11 am. church service. Central. WEAQ, Berlin, N. H.. Y. M. C. A. music. Central. WCAB, Minneapolis, Minn. 200 ml. Wm. H. Dun - WEAR, Baltimore, Md. Balt. American & News Pub. W GAT, Lincoln, Nebr. 100 mi. Am. Legion, Dept. of woody industrial Inst. Mon, 8 -3:45 pm, music, lec- Co. Nebr. Mon, Wed, 9 pm, announcements. Fri. 9 -10 tures. Central. WEAS. Washington, D. C. 150 ml. The Hecht Co. pm, patriotic program, concert. Sun, 3 -5 pm, sermon. WCAT, Rapid City, S. Dak. 433 also. 300 mi. S. Dally ex Sun. 3 -4 pm. Wed, Sat. 7 -8 pm. Eastern. Centrai. Dak. Schooi of Mines. Daily ex Sun, 9:30 -12:30 pm, WEAT, Tampa, Fla. John J. Fogarty. WGAD, Wooster, O. Marcus, G. Limb. weather. Mountain. WEAL!. Sioux City, Ia. 50 mi. Davidson Bros. Co. WOAV, Savannah, Ga., B -H Radio Co. WCAD, Philadelphia, Pa. Phila. Radiophone Co. 485 Daily ex Sun, 9 am, 10, 11. 1 pm. reporte. news. WGAW. Altoona, Pa. Ernest C. Albright. also. Mon, Wed, Fri. 8:30 pm, concert. Central. WGAX, Washington C H, O. 75 ml. Radio Elec. Co. WCAV. Little Rock, Ark. J. C. Dice Elec. Co. WEAV, R1uibvliie, Nebr. 200 mi. Sheridan, Elec. Daily ex Sim, 9 am. 2 pm, music. news. Mon, Wed. WCAX, Burlington, Vt. Univ. of Vt. Service Co. Wed. Fri. Sun, 8 -9 pm, concert. trews. Fri, 9:30 pm. concert, news. Sun, 10:30 pm. ser- WCAY, Milwaukee. Wis. Kesselman O'Drlscoll Co. etc. Mountain. - mon. Central. RADIO AGE- "THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" 2S Corrected List of U. S. Stations Al- phabetically by Call Signals PLAY SAFE!

WGAY, Madison, Wis. 100 ml. North Western Radio WIAE, Vinton, la. 73 mi. Mre. Robt. E. Zimmerman, Co. Daily ex Sun, 9 -10 am, financial news; 11:30, Tues, Thurs, Sat, 9 pm, music news. Wed. 8 pm, news, opening markets; 4 pm, news, closing markets, band concert. Sun, 2:30 pm, music. CentraL Insist on Getting Mon, Wed, Thurs. Sat, 7:30 -8:30 pm. concert. Sun. WIAF, New Orleans, La. 300 tnl. Gustav A. De Cor= 10:30 -12 am. sermon. Central tin. Sun, 10 -11 am, music lecture. Central. WGAZ, South Bend, lnd. 200 mi. South Bend Tribune. WIAG, Birmingham, Ala. Mathews Elec. Supply Co. WIAH, Newton, fa. 200 mi. Radio & Mfg. Daily ex Sun. 9 -9:30 am, household hints, menus; 2 -3 Continental Co. Daily 12:30 -1 music, news. Mon, UNITED PRODUCTS pm, music, 7 -8 pm, muelo. Central. pm, 7:30- WGF, Des Moines, Iowa. 485 also. 300 ml.. Register 8 pm. Central. and Tribune. WIAI, Springfield, Mo. 100 mi. Heer Stores Co. Daily Tues, Fri, 7:30 pm, entertainment. Sun, ex Sun, reports, news. Sat, Follow the example of the Radio - 5 church service. Central. 10:30 -11. Tues, Thur, pm, 7.30 -8:30 pm music. Central. wise experts who buy each part with WGI, Medford Hillside. Mass. 485 also. 200 mi. Am. WIAJ Neenah, Wise. Fox River Valley Radio Supply Radio and Research Corp. Daily ex Sun, 7 am, set- an exact knowledge of its true value. up Co. ting exercises; 9:30, 11:30, 3:25 Dm, music; 10:30 WIAK, Omaha, Neb. 485 also. 300 mi. Daily Journal- am, 1 :30 3, pm, 8, 6.30, reports, news. Mon. Wed, Stockman. Daily ex Sun, 7:45 am, 9:10, 10:15, 12 7 entertainment. pm. Tues, 8:30 pm. fashion talks, m, 1:50 pm, 3:50 marbete, weather. Central. concert. Thur, Fri, 9 pm, concert. Sat, 8 pm, con- WIAN, Allentown, Pa. 100 mi. Chronicle -News. cert. Sun, 4 pm, concert; 6:30 pm, reports; 7:30, Schedule irregular. church service; 8:30 concert. Eastern. WIAO, Milwaukee, ]Vis. 200 also. 100 mi. School WGL, Philadelphia, Pa. 2,000 mi. Thos. F. J. How- of Engineering. Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri, 10:15 -10 :30 lett. Tues, Thurs, Sat, 7 :45 -11 :30 pm, concert. East- am; 11:30- 11:45, news: pm, 5 ern. 11:45 -12:10 lecture; -6 pm. newe; 7 -7:15, music; 7:15-7:30, lecture. Cen- WGM, Atlanta. Ga. 400 only. Atlanta Constitution. tral. WGR. Buffalo, N. Y. 485 also. 300 ml. Federal Tel. WIAP, Springfield, Mass. Radio Development Corp. 360. & Teig. Co. Daily ex Sat and Sun, 12:15 pm, WIAQ, Marion, lnd. Chronicle Pub. Co. weather. agriograms; 2, music; 3, lecture; 4, music: WIAR, Paducah, Ky. 150 mi. J. A. Rudy & Sons. 5:30, reports; 7:30, bedtime stories; 8 :10, concert. Daily ex 11 -12 markets, Eastern. Sun, am, weather news, music; 4 -5 pm same and sports; 7:30 -9, concert, lectures, etc. WGV, New Orleans. La. interstate Elec. Co. 485 also. Sun, 11 -12 am, church service. Central. WGY, Schenectady, N. Y. 400 and 485 only. 1,000 ml. WIAS, Burlingtun, la. 400 -Eye Home Elec. General mi. Hawk Elec. Co. Daily ex Sun. 11:55 am. 12:30 Co. Tues, Thurs, 8 -9 pm, concert. Central. pm, 6, 10, reports, time. sports. Mon, Tues, Thur, W I AT Tarklo, Mo. Leon T. Noel. Fri, 2 -2:30 pm. 7:45, concert. Fri, 10:30 pm, epecial. WIAU, Le Mars, la. Am. Trust & Savings Bank. Sun, 10:30 am, 4.30 pm, church service. Eastern. WHA, WIAV, Binghamton, N. Y. N. Y. Radio Lab. Madfeon, Wis. 485 also. 600 mi. Univ. of WIAW, Saginaw, Mich. Saginaw Radio & Elec. Co. Wie. Daily ex Sun, 12:30 -1 pm, weather, markets. Patent Appd. For Tues. WIAX, Lincoln, Neb. 200 toi. Capitol Radio Co. Thure, Fri, Sat, 12 -1 pm, weather, markets, time, Thur, 8 pm, music, entertainment. Sun, 2:30 Pm, Tues, 8 -9 pm, concert. Fri. 8-9 :15 pm, news. con- 8, 9, church service. Central. cert. Sat, 1 -1.20 pm, instruction. Central. WIAY, Washington, D. C. 200 mi. Woodword & United Transformers WHAA, Iowa City, Ia. 200 mi. State Univ. of la. Lothrop. Daily ex Sun, 10:30 -11:30 am, 2 -3 pm, amplify in Daily ex Sun, 8 -8:30 pm, lecture. concert, sports, music. Sat, 8 -10 pm, Eastern. weak sounds; bring distant news. concert. Sun, 10145 -12 am. church service. Central. WIAZ, Miami. Fla. Elec. Supply Sales Co. stations; with clear, pleasing distinctness. WHAB, Galveston, Tex. 300, 985, 800. also. 500 mi. W I K, McKeesport, Pa. 500 ml. K. & L. Elec. Co. A beautiful piece of workmanship with Clark W. Thompson (Fellman'e Dry Goods Co.) Daily Daily ex Sun. 6:30 -7 pm. Tues, Thurs, 9:30 -10:30 ex Sun, sturdy steel shell, furnished in black enamel 9:45 -10 :15 am, 3 pm, 5 pm, reports, music, Pm. Sun, 1:30-2:30 pm and 6:30 -7 pm. Eastern. news. Mon, Wed'Fri, 8 pm, entertainment. Sun, 10 WIL, Washington, 100 with buffed nickel strip. $4.50 am. church D. C. mi. Continental' Elie. service. Central. Supply Co. Daily 5:30 -7 pm, music, entertainment. WHAC, Waterloo, la. 150 ml. Cole Bros. Elec. Co. Eastern. Daily ex Sun, 6:15 pm, news, eports. Mon, Wed, Fri, WIP, Philadelphia, Pa. 500 mt. Gimbel Bros. pm. Daily 9:30 concert. Central. ex Sun. 2:30 -3:30 pm. 7 pm. WHAD. Milwaukee, Mon, Wed, Thur, -7:30 Wie. 485 also. 100 mi. Mar- Tues, Fri, Sat, 7 -12 pm. Sun, am, pm, church service. quette Univ. Daily ex Sun, 10:58 am, time; 11:20 Also 400. weather. Wed, 7:30 -8:30 pm, music, entertainment. Central. WIZ. Cincinnati. O. 485 also. 200 mi. Cino Radio Mfg. Co. Daily ex Sun, 12 m, 3:30 pm, 7 -8, reports, WHAE, Sioux City, la. 200 mi. Automotive Elec. entertainment. Central. Service Co. Daily ex Sun, 12:30 -5:30 pm, music. WJAB, Lincoln. Nebr. 200 mi. American Radio Co. reports. Thur, 7.30 pm, music. Central. Mon, Wed, 8:30 -9 pm. Central. WHAF, Pittsburgh, Pa. 200 mi. Radio Elec. Co. WJAC, Joplin, Mo., Bedell Co., 360. Daily ex Sun, 11:30 -12 m, 3 -3:30 pm, music, newe, WJAD, Waco, Tex. 485 also. 500 mi. Jackson's t Sun, 9 -10, music. Eastern. Radio Engrng. Lab. Daily ex 12:30 -1 WHAG. Cincinnati, Sun. pm, mar- O. 100 mi. Univ. of Cincinnati. kets, news, music; 3 :30 -4, news, music; 6 -6:15, sports; ÿw, w WHAH, Joplin, Mo. John T. Griffin. 8:95 -9:45, concert, news. Sun, 11 am, WHAT, -12 church ser- 4 w° Davenport, la. 30 mi. Radio Equip. & Mfg. vice: 3:30 -4 pm, music; 6 -6:15, ()porte; 8:45 -9:45, .= Co. Daily .wsr,: r : e, ex Sat, and Sun, 2 -2:30 pm. 4.30.5 :30. music. Central. 10 -11, Sat. 10 -11 am. 2 -2 ;30 pm, 5 -5:30. 11- 11:30. WJAE, San Antonio, Tex. 500 mi. Texas Radio Syn- Central. dicate (Evening News) Mon. 9:30 -10:30 pm. Tues, WHAJ, Bluefield, W. Va., Bluefield Daily Telegraph and Thurs, Sat. 7:30 -8:30 pm, concert. Central. E. K. Kitts. WJAF, Muncie, lnd. 100 mi. Muncie Prees and Smith WHAK Clarksburg, W. Va. Roberts Hdwe. Co. 50 Elec. Co. Daily ex Sun. 3.30 -4 Mon, Wed, mi. No pm. definite schedule. Fri, 7 -8 pm. Sat, 6 -7 pm. Central. WHAL, Lansing, Mich. 100 mi. Lansing Capitol WJAG, Norfolk, Neb. 485 also. 150 mi. Newe. Norfolk Daily Daily ex Sun, 9:15 -9:45 am. 12:30 -1 pm. News. Daily ex Sun, 10:30 am, 12:15 pm, 3:30, 5:30. 2:45 -3 :15, music, reports 7:30-8:30 pm, concert. reparte. Central. Sun, 2:30-3 :30 pm. church service. Central. WIAH, Rockford, 111. Central Park Amusement Co. WHAM, Rochester, N. Y. Univ. of Rochester. WJAJ, Dayton, O. Y. M. C. A. WHAN, Wichita. Trans. Southwestern Radio Co. WJAK, Stockdale, O. 485 also. 250 mi. White Radio WHAG, Savannah. Ga. 100 roi. Frederick A. Hill. Lab. ex Daily, Daily Sun, 10:30 -10:50 am, music; 11:05- 9:30 -10 pm. Eastern. 11:20, reporta. news; 6 -6:30, music, news. Wed, 8 -9 WRAP, Decatur, Ill. 100 mi. Dewey L. Otto. No pm, concert. Sun, 2 -2:45 pm, church service. Central. definite schedule. WJAL, Portland, Me. Victor Radio Corp. WHAQ, Washington, D. C. 75 ml. Semmes Motor Co. WJAM, Cedar Rapide, 100 mi. Evening Gazette. Mon, la. 7 -8 pm. lecture on automobile upkeep. music. Daily, 7 -8 pm, musical program. Central. Eastern. WIAN, Peoria, 111. 300 mi. Peoria Star and Peoria WHAR, Atlantic City, N. J. Paramount Radio & Elec. Radio Sales Co. Daily ex Sun, 11:30 am, markets, Co. weather; 1:30 pm, closing markets, agriograms, bond United Variable Condensers WHAS, Louisville, Ky. 1,500 mi. Courier Journal and news; 6:15, sports. Tues, Thurs, Sat, 9:15 -9:45 pm, Louisville Times Co. Daily ex Sun. 4 -5 pm, 7:30 -9. concert. Centrai. Correct in design high grade in workman- Sun, 9:57 -10:45 am, 4 -5 pm, church service. Central. WIAP, Duluth, Minn. 200 ml. Kelley Duluth Co. ship. Plates are bel positively, so that WHAT, Yale, Okla. Yale Democrat (Yale Telephone Mon, Thur, 8 -9:30 pm, music. Sun, 11 -12 m, pipe short-circuiting is practically impossible. Co.) organ, 12 -1 pm, church service. WHAV, Wilmington. Del. 200 mi. Wilmington Elec. WJAQ, Topeka, Kans. Capper Publications. United Variable Condenser with Vernier Spec. Co. Daily ex Sun, 12 -1 pm, music. Mon, Wed. WJAR, Providence, R. I. Tho Outlet Co., J. Samuels & Fri, 6 -8 pm, concert. Tues, Thur, Sat. 6 -7 pm, music. Bro. Attachment Dial and Knob Eastern. WJAS, Pitteburgh, WHAW, Pa. 150 mi. Pittsburgh Radio 46 plate._____. -.$6.50 26 plate..._ ...... $5.50 Tampa. Fla. 50 mi. Pierce Elec. Co. Daily Supply House (Pittsburgh Leader). Daily ex Sun. Only Vernier with stop (See cut above) ex Sat, Sun, 12 -1 pm, 4 -5, music, agriograms. Sat, 11 -11:30 am, 2:30 -3 pm. Mon, Tues, Fri, 7 -8 pm. 12 -1 pm, 8 -10, music entertainment. Eastern. Eastern. United Variable Condensers without WHAY Huntington. Ind. 75 mi. Huntington Press. WJAT, Marshall, Mo. 100 mi. Kelley-Vawter Jewelry Vernier, Dial or Knob Daily ex Sun, 12 m, 3 pm, music; 1:30 pm, 6, re- Co. Daily ex Sun, 2 -2:30 pm, 5:35 -6, concert. Cen- ports. sports. Mon, Wed. Sat, 8 pm, concert. Cen- tral. 43 plate.___ $4.50 5 plate $2.75 tral. WJAX, Cleveland, O. 485 also. 500 ml. Union Trust WHAZ, 23 plate . 4.00 3 plate 2.25 Troy, N. Y. 400 only. 500 ml. Rensselaer Co. Daily ex Sat pm, Sun, 9 -9:95 am. 10- 10:45, Polytechnic inst. Mon, 8:15 -9:30 pm, music. East- 2 -2:45 pm, 3 -3:45, music, financial reports, news, 11 plate.___ 3.50 without dial or knob ern. Eastern. WHB, Kansas City, Mo. 400 and 985 only. 1,000 mi. WJAZ, Chicago, 111. Chicago Radio Lab. Sweeney Auto & Tractor School. Daily, 10 am, 3 pm. WJD, Granville. O. 100 mi. Dennison University. 5, weather. Daffy ex Sun, 2 pm, ladies' hour; 7. bed- Daily. 5 -6 pm, concert, lecture. Central. Mounting made easy time erodes. Tues, Thurs, Sun, 8 -10 pm, concert. WJH. Washington, D. C. 100 mi. White & Boyer Co. by our template for Central. Daily ex Sun, 1 -2 pm, music, Tues, 7:95 -10 put, WHO, Morgantown. W. Va. 100 mi. W. Va. Univer- music. Eastern. locating panel holes; sity. Dally, 4 -6, 7.7.30, news etc. Eastern. WJK, Toledo, O. 300 ml. Service Radio Equipment free with each con- WHK, Cleveland, O. 300 mi. Warren R. Cox. Dally Co. Daily ex Sun, 3 -4 pm, concert. Mon, \'ed, Fri, denser. ex. Sun, 1 :30 -2 pm, 4 -4:30, 6 -6:30. Tues, Thur, Sun, 7:30 -9 pm, concert, lecture. etc. Sun, 7:30 -9 pm. 8 -9:30 pm. Concert. Eastern. church service, concert. Eaetern. WHN, Ridgewood, N. Y. Times Printing & Pub. Co. WJX, New York, N. Y. De Forest Radio Telephone & WHO Toledo, O. 360 and 485. Telegraph Co. W HW, Eaet Lansing, Mich. 485 only. 150 mi. Stuart WJZ, Newark, N. J. 485 also. 1,500 mi. Weeting- United Transformers and Condensers have Wm. Seeley. Daily ex Sun, 11:30 am and 12:30 Pm. house Elec. & Mfg. Co. Daily ex Sun, 15 minutes been adopted as equipment weather 'standard by and markets. Eastern. hourly from 9 am to 6 pm; 12 -12:30 pm; 7 -10:15 Pm. W H leading makers of radio receiving sets. X, Des Moines, Iowa. 50 mi. Iowa Radio Corp. Miscellaneous program of highly varied nature. Sun, Their judgment is a safe guide for you. Daily, 12:30 -1 pm, 6 -6:30. Sat, 3 pm, sporte. Cen- 3 -10:15 pm, music. Eastern. tral. WKAA. Cedar Rapide, la. 485 also. 200 mi. H. Tell your dealer you want "United" or WIAA, Waupaca. Wis. Waupaca Civic & Commerce F. Paar. Daily ex Sun, 12:45 pm, reporte; 5:30 re- nothing. Circular Free. Assn. ports, agriograme: 6-7. music. Thur, 11 -12 pm, WIAB, Rockford, 111. 50 mi. Joslyn Automobile Co. music. Sun, 4 -5 pm, church service. Central. Tues, Fri, 8:30 -9:30 pm, music. Central. W KAC. Lincoln, Neb. 400 mi. Star Pub. Co. Tues, & WIAC, Galveston, Tex. 485 also. 100 mi. Galveston Fri, 8 -9:30 pm. concert, entertainment. Central, United Mfg. Distributing Co. Tribune. Tues, Thurs. Sat, 7 pm on, bedtime etory, WKAD, East Providence. R. 1. Charles Loot!. evening prayer, concert. Central. WKAF, Wichita Falls, Tex. W. S. Radio Supply Co. 536 Lake Shore Drive, Chicago. WIAD, Ocean City, N. J. 200 mi. Ocean City Yacht WKAG, Louisville, Ky. Edwin T. Bruce, M. D. Club. Fri, Sat. Sun, 8 -12 pm. Eastern. WKAH, West Palm Beech, Fla. Planet Radio Co. Tell 'em You Saw IL in " Radio Age" LO RADIO AGE-"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR"

WRW, Tarrytown. N. Y. 500 mi. Koenig Bros. Dally ex Sun, 6:15 -7, pm, 10:30 -12. Mon, Wed, Sat, 5- Corrected List of U. S. Stations Al- 5:30 pm. Tues. Frl, 2:30 -3 pm. Sun, 1 -3 pm. East- ern. WSAS, Lincoln, Nehr. State of Nebr. phabetically by Call Signals WSAV. Houston, TeL 300 ml. C. W. Vick Radio Conat'n Co. Tues, Fri, 8 -10 pm, concert, entertain- ment. Central. WKAJ, Fargo, N. D. 150 ml. Fargo Plumbing & W MU, Washington, D. C. 100 mi. Doubleday -Hill WSB, Atlanta, Ga. 400 and 485 only. 1,500 mi. At- Heating Co. Dally ex Sun, 5 -5:45 pm, concert. Elec. Co. Daily. 9:30 pm. concert, sports. Thune, 8 -9, lanta Journal. Daily ex Sun, 12 -1 pm, music: 2:30. sports. Central. concert. Eastern. reports: 4 -4:45 pm, music, reports; 5 -8 pm, 7 -8, 10:45- WK AK, Ohemab, Okla. County News. WNAB. Bowling Green, Ky. Park City Daily News. 12, music. Sun. 10:45 am. 5 -8 pm, 7:30 -9, church Okfuskee services. Central. W KAL, Orange, Tex. Gray & Gray. WNAC, Boston, Mass. 200 mi. Shepard Stores. Dally ex Sun, 4 -5 pm. dance music. Mon, Tues, Thur. 10 -11 WSL. Utica, N. Y. 500 ml. Z. & M. Elec. Co. Dally W KAM, Hastings, Neh. Daily Tribune. pm, concert. Wed, Fri, Sat, 7 -8 pm, 8-9, concert. ex Sat, Sun, 11 -11:30 am. 2 -2:30 pm, 3 -3:30, 4 -4:30, WKAN, Montgomery, Ala. 200 ml. Alabama Radio Sun, 11 -12 am, 6:30 -8:30 pm, church service. East- 5 -5:30, music, news. Mon, Wed. 8 -9 pm. Sat, 11- Mfg. Co. Daily ex Sun. 3:30 pm. 8:30, music, news. ern. 11:30 am. 5 -6 pm, 8 -9. Sun, 10:30 -12 m. 7:30 -9 Eastern. WNAD, Norman, Okla. 200 mi. Okla. Radio Engineer- pm. Eastern. WKAP, Cranston, R. L. Dutee W. Flint. ing Co. Daily ex Sun. 7:45 -8:15 pm, news. Central. WSN, Norfolk. Va. 100 mi. Shlpownere Radio Servire W KAQ, San Juan, Porto Rico. Radio Corp. of Porto WNAF, Enid, Okla. Enid Radio Dist. Co. Inc.. Mon. %Ved, Sat, 8:15 -9:30 pm, concert. Eastern. Rico. WNAG, Cresco, la. Rothert Radio and Electric Shop. WSV, Little Rock, Ark. L. M. Hunter & G. L. Carring- WKAK, East Lansing, Mich. Mich. Agrl. College. WNAH, Manhattan, Kan. Manhattan Radio Supply Co. ton. WKAS, Springfield. Mo. 100'mí. L. E. Lines Music WNAI, Chicago, 111. Benson Co. WSX, Erie, Pa. 75 ml. Erie Radio Co. Tues. Thurs. Co. Daily ex Sun, 6:30 -7 pm. sports. Mon. Fri, WNAK. Manhattan. Kas. Manhattan Radio Supply Co. Sat, 10 -10:55 pm. news, concert. lecture. Sun. 12:15- Sat, 8 -9:15 pm, music. Central. WNAL, Omaha, Neh. R. J. Rockwell. 1.30 pm. sermon. Eastern. W KAT. Frankfort, end. Morning Times. 380 and 485. WNAN, Syracuse, N. Y. Syracuse Radio Telephone Co. WSY. Birmingham, Ala. 500 ml. Alabama Power Co. WKAV, Laconia, N. H. Laconia Radio Club. WNAP, Springfield, O. Wittenberg College. Mon, Wed, Frl, 2:30 pm, ex Sun. and 8 pm daily, re- WKAW, Beloit. Wis. 100 ml. Turner Cycle Co. Daily WNAQ, Charleston, S. C. Charleston Radio Electric Co. port& concert. Sun, 8 -9 pin, church service. 485 12 -12:15 pm. 7 -7:30, concert. Central. WNAS, Austin, Tex. Radio Corp. (Austin Statesman). also. Central. WKAX, Bridgeport, Conn, 75 ml. Wm. A. Macfarlane. WNAT, Phila., Pa. Lennie Bros. Co. WTAW, College Station, Tex. Agricultural and Me- W KAY, Gainesville, Ga. Brenau College. WNAV, Knoxville, Tenn. People's Tel. & Tel. Co. chanical College of Tex. WKAZ, Wilkes -Barre, Pa. 100 ml. Landau's Music WNAY. Baltimore. Md., Shipowners' Radio Service. WTG, Manhattan, Kan. 485 only. 75 mi. Kan. State Co. Sat, 8 -12 pm, dance music. Sun, 11 am, 8 pm, WNAX, Yankton, S. D. Dakota Radio Apparatus Co. Agri. College. Daily ex Sun, 9:55 am, weather church service. Eastern. WNAW, Fortress Monroe, Va., Henry Kunzmann. (code). Central. WKC, Baltimore, Md. 500 mi. Jos. M. Zamoiskl Co. WNJ, Albany, N. Y. 60 mi. Shotton Radio Mfg. Co.. Wig. Paria Tex. 300 ml. Paris Radio Elec. Co. Tues. Tburs. Sat, 7:30 -9:30 pm. Eastern, daylight Inc. Daily ex Sun, 10 -10:15 am. market reports. Dally ex Sun, 10 am to 5 pm, 7 -11 pm, miscellaneous. saving. Wed, 8:15 -10 pm. concert. Eastern. Sun, II am to 8 pm. Central. WKN, Memphis, Tenn. Rlechman- Crosby Co. WNO, Jersey City. N. J. Wireless Telephone Co. of WTP, Bay City, Mich. 75 ml. Ra -Do Corp. Mon. WKY, Oklahoma City, Okla. 485 also. 500 mi. Okla- Hudson Co., N. J. Wed. Fri. 1:30 -2 pm, reports, news; 6:30 -7:30 pm. homa Radio Shop. (Daily Oklahoman.) Daily 12 m. WOAA, Ardmore. Okla. Dr. Walter Hardy. concert. Central. weather; 7 -7:30 pm, sports, specials; 8.30 -9:30, con- WOAC, Lima. O. Maus Radio Co. WVP, New York, N. Y. Signal Corps. U. S. Army. cert; 9, weather, news. Sun. 3 :30 -4:30 pm, concert. WOAE, Fremont, Nebr. Mediand College. W WAC, Waco, Tex. Sanger Bros. Central. WOAF, Tyler. Tex. Tyler Commercial College. W W AX, Laredo, Tex. %Vqrman Bros. W L2, Fairfield. O. U. S. Army. WOAI. San Antonio, Tex. 485 also. 1,000 mi. South- W W B, Canton, O. Daily News Printing Co. WLAC, Raleigh, N. C. N. C. State College. ern Equip. Co. Daily ex Sun, 10:30 am, 12:13 pm, WW I, Dearborn. Mich. 200 ml. Ford Motor Co. Wed, WLAD Hastings. Nebr. 150 nil. Arvanettc Radio Sup- 3, 8, news. markets. Wed, 7:30 -8:30 pm, concert. 10 -11 pm, music, lectures. Eastern. ply Co. Sun. 7 -8:30 pm, concert. Central. WW1, Detroit, Mich. 400 and 485 only. 1,500 mi. WLAF, Lincoln, Neb. Johnson Radio Co. WOAD, Parsons Kans. Erving's Electrical Co. Evening News. Daily ex Sun, 9:30-9 :40 am, house- WLAG, Minneapolis, Minn. 1,000 mi. Cutting & WOAV, Erie, Pa. Penna. Nat'l Guard. hold hints ; 9:40 -10:25, entertainment ; 10:25 -10.30 Walsh. Radio Corp. Daily ex Sun, 9:30 -12 am. music. WOC. Davenport. la. 400 and 485 only. 500 mi. am, 11:55 -12 in, 12:05 -12:45 pm, reports. music; market reports; 1:30 -3 pm. music. farm news, styles; Palmer School of Chiropractic. Daily ex Sun, 10:55 3 -3:30, music; 3:30 -3:35, reports; 3:35 -4:15, mar- 3:30 -4:45, markets. music; 6 -7:30, farm news, chil- am. time; 11, weather; 12 m, chimes; 1:30 pm. mar- kets: 5 -6. sports; 7:30 -10. entertainment. Sun, No- dren's hour. Thur. Frl, Sat, 8 -9 :30 lim. concert. Sun, kets; 3:30, talk; 5 :45, chimes; 6:30. sports: 7. con- vember 11 and every other week. 11 am. 4 pm, church 4:30 -5 :30 pm, church services. Central. cert. Sun, 9 am, chimes: 1 pm, 6. concert; 7, church services. Sun, fill in weeks, 2 pm, 7:30, church ser- WLAH, Syracuse. N. Y. Samuel Woodworth. service; 8. concert. Central. vices, special. Eastern. WLAD, Waco, Tex. 485 also. 1,000 mi. Waco Elec. WOE, Akron, Ohio. 100 ml. Buckeye Radio Service WW L, New Orleans, La. Loyola Univ. Supply Co. Daily ex Sun, 9 :30 am. 10:30, 2:30 pm. Co. Mon, Wed, Frl, 7 -8:15 pm, music. agriograms. WWX, Washington, D. C. 1,160 only. 600 ml. Post music, reports. Tues. Thur. Sat. 7:45 -8:45 pm. music. sports. Sat, 4 -4:30 pm, music, sports. Eastern. Office Dept. Daily ex Sun, 10 am, weather; 10:30, Sun. 3 pm. church service. WON. Indianapolis. end. 1,000 ml. Hatfield Elec. Co. markets; 5 pm, 7:30 , 8, markets; 9:50. weather. WLAK. Bellaws Falls. Vt. Vermont Farm Machine Co. (Indianapolis Star.) Daily ex Sun, 30 -11 am, music: Eastern. W LAL, Tulsa Radio Co. Tulsa, Okla. 1015, financial, markets; 1 -2 pm, music; 1:20, mar- WWZ. New York City. 200 ml. John Wanamaker. WLAM, Springfield. O. 100 mi. Morrow Radio Co. kets; 4 -5 pm, music; 4 -15. pollee notes; 4:50, sports. Daily ex Sun, 1:15 -2:15 pm. Tues, Fri. 7:30 -8:30 Mon, Wed, Fri, 8 -9:30 pm. dance music. Central Mon, Wed, Sat. 8.30 -10 pm. concert. Central. pm. Eastern. W LAN. Houlton, Me. Putnam Hdwe. Co. W01, Ames, Ia. 485 also. 200 ml. Iowa State College. I XAD, Pawtucket. R. I. Standard Radio & Elec. Co. WLAG, Scranton. Pa. 100 ml. 485 also. R. C. Ehr- Daily ex Sun. 9:30 am, 12:45 pm. 9:30, music. 2XAI. Newark, N. J. Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. hardt and J. H. Jones. Mon, Wed. Fri, 7:15 pm, weather. Central. 2X1, New York City. A. T. & T. Co. Test call. bedtime stories, reports, 8 -9:45 pm. music. Sun. 7:30 WOK, Pine Bluff, Ark. 485 also. 500 mi. Ark. Light 2XJ, Deal Beach, N. J. Amer. Tel. & Teig. Co. pm, music; 8.30, church services; 9:15, music, Eastern. & Power Co. Tues, Fri. 8 -9:30 pm, concert. Sun. 3XW, Parkesburgh, Pa. 378 only. 400 mi. Horace A. WLAP, Louisville, Ky. W. V. Jordan. 10 -12 am. 7 -9 pm, church service. Central. Reale. Jr. No definite schedule. Test station. WLAQ, Kalamazoo. Mich. 100 mt. A. E. Schilling. WOO, Philadelphia, Pa. 400 and 485 only. 500 ml. 3YN, Washington. D. C. 100 mi. Nat'l Radio inst. Daily, 10 -12 pm, music. Central. John Wanamaker. Daily ex Sun, 6 :30 -7:30 code practice, lecture. East- WLAK, Marshalltown, Ia. 50 ml. Melkel Music Co. WOQ. Kansas City, Mo. 485 also. 1.000 ml. Western ern. No definite schedule. Radio Co. Mon, Tues. Wed, Thur, 9:45 am, 10:55, 9ARU, Louisville, Ky. 200 only. 200 ml. Darrell A. WLAS, Hutchinson. Kan. Hutchinson Grain Radio Co. 11 :30, 12:30 pm, 2, 7:30, acne signals, reports, etc.; Downard. Mon, Wed, 8 pm, police news, concert. W LAT. Burlington, la. Radio Specialty Co. Frl, 1:15 pm. sacred service. Sat, 8 pm, concert. Central. W LAV, Pensacola, Fla. 200 mi. Elec. Shop, Inc. Sun, 7 pm, concert. Daily ex Sun, 8 -9 pm. music. entertainment. Central. WOR, Newark, N. J. 400 only. 150 mi. L. Bamber- WLAW, New York, N. Y. New York Police Dept. ger & Co. Daily ex Sun, 20 minutes on half hour WLAX, Greencastle, Ind. Greencastle Community Broad- from 10:30 am to 6:30 pm. miscellaneous. Eastern, casting Station. (Putnam Elec. Co.) daylight saving. Radio Routes W LAY. Fairbanks, Alaska. Northern Commercial Co. WOS, Jefferson City, Mo. 485 also. 1,500 mi. Mo. WLAZ, Warren, O. Hutton & Jones Elec. Co. State Marketing Bureau. Daily ex Sun, 9:30 am; Official reports of new lines of radio WLB. Minneapolis. Minn. Univ. of Minn. 100 ml. 11:30, 2 pm, weather, markets. Mon, Wed. Fri, 5 pm, Daily ex Sun, 12 -12:30 pm, 7:30 -7:50. Central. markets, 8 -9 pm, concert. Central. communication between Italy and the WLK. Indianapolis. end. 485 also. 500 mi. Hamilton W O V, Omaha, Neb. R. B. Howell. Mfg. Co. Daily ex Sun, 11 -11:30 am, 12 -12:30 pm, WOU. Omaha, Neb. Metropolitan Utilities. United States, following the recent sus- 2 -2:30, 3 -3:30, 5 -5:30, reports. Tues, Thur. 8:30- WOZ, Richmond. end. 485 also. 300 mi. Palladium pension of direct radio communication 10 pm. concert. Sun. 2 -4 pm, 8:30-10. Central. Printing Co. Daily ex Sun. 12 -12:25 pm, 4 -5, 6:30 -7, WLW, Cincinnati, O. 485 also. 500 mi. Crosley Mfg. music. markets. Central. and pending the completion of a new Co. Daily ex Sun. 10 am -3 pm. music. reports. Tues. WPA, Fort Worth, Tex. 485 also. 500 ml. Fort Worth Thur, Fri. 8 -10:30 pm, music, news. Sun. 11 am, Record. Daily ex Bun, 11:30 am, 2:30 -3 pm, 6 -6:15, high -power station at Rome, have been church service. Central. 7:15 -7:30; 9 -9:30, Sun. 3 -3:30 pm, 6:30. Centrai. WMA, Anderson, Ind. 25 mi. Arrow Radio Lab. Mon, WPAA, Wahoo, Neb. Anderson & Webster Elec. Co. made to the Government here by Com- Wed. Fri, 7.30 -8:30 pm, concert. news, etc. Centrai. WPAB, State College. Pa. MacLean Rome. WMAB. Oklahoma City. Okla. 500 ml. Radio Supply WPAD, Chicago. Ill. Wleboldt & Co. mercial Attache at Co. Daily ex Sun. 9:30 -10:30 pm, music. Fri, W PAF, Council Bluffs, la. Peterson's Radio Co. Radio traffic from Italy for North 11.30 -12:30 pm. Central. WPAL, Columbus. O. Superior Radio & Tel. Equip Co. WMAC, Cazenovia, N. Y. 330, 250. 275 only. 500 ml. W PA M. Topeka, Kans. Awerbach & Guettel. and South America is now being handled C. Ti. Meredith. No definite schedule. WPAN, Houston, Tex. 300. 600 also. 50 ml. Levy WMAD. Atchlnson County Mall, Reck Port. Mo. Bros. Dry Goods Co. Daily ex Sun, 10:30 -I1 am, via the high -power stations of Germany, WMAF. Dartmouth. Mass. Round Hills Radio Corp. fashion talks, beauty hints. Central. WMAG. Liberal, Kan. 75 mi. Tucker Elec. Co. Daily WP E. Kansas City, Mo. 300 ml. Central Radio Co. France and England, according to state- ex. Frl. Sun, 7:30 -8:30 pm, music. news. Fri. 8 -9 Mon, Fri, Sun. 7:45 pm, concert. Sun, 8:15 pm, ser- ments of Ministry of Posts and Tele- Central. monette. Daily, afternoon. sports, scores. Central. the WMAH. Lincoln, 100 ml. General Supply Co. WPG, New Lebanon. Ohio. 485 also. 500 mi. Nushawa graphs at Rome. Full -rate and deferred Daily ex Sun, 2:15 pm, music news. Mon. Wed. Poultry Farm. Daily ex Sun. 8 -9 am, 3 -4 pm, music, Thur. 7:30 pm, muele. Sun. 2:30, music, news. Cen- markets. Tues. Thur, Sat, 7 :30 -9:45 pm, music. messages and press telegrams may be tral. Central. - WMAD, Kansas City, Mo. 485 also. 800 ml. Daily WPI. Clearfield. Pa. Elec. Supply Co. sent via Nauen Transradio and Radio Drovers Telegram. Daily ex Sun. 8 :15 am, 9:15, WPI, Philadelphia. Pa. 30 ml. St. Joseph's College. France, and full rate and deferred mes- 10:15, 11:15, 1:15 pm, 2:30, weather. markets. Cen- Daily ex Sun, 2:30 pm. 8:30. sports. news. Sun, tral. 10:45 -12 noon. 7:45 -8 :30 pm, church service. Eastern. sages via London Marconi. WMAK, Lockport, N. Y. Norton Labs. WPM, Washington, D. C. 200 mi. Thos. J. Williams, WMAL, Trenton. N. J. 100 mi. Trenton Hdwe. Co. Inc. (Washington Daily News.) Daily ex Sun, 12:30 Messages sent via Nauen are trans- Mon. Thur. 7:30 -9 pm. music, lecture. Eastern. pm, news. Mon, 8 pm. concert. Eastern. WMAM, Beaumont, Tex. Beaumont Radio Equipment WPO, Memphis, Tenn. 100 ml. United Equip. Co. mitted by radio from Rome and relayed Co. Daily, 7:15 -8:15 pm, music. Central. Traffic handled by France WMAN. Columbus, O. 50 ml. First Baptist Church. WQAP, Lincoln, Nebr. Am. Radio Co. at Nauen. Sun, 10:30 -12 m, 7:30 -9 pm. church services. Cen- WQAQ, Abilene. Tex. West Tex. Radio Co. or England is sent by land wires from tral. WQX, Chicago. 111. Riverview Park, Waiter A. Kuehl. WMAP. Easton, Pa. Utility Battery Service. W RAU, Amarillo. Tex Daily News. Italy and thence by radio. Messages WMAQ, Chicago, Ill. 1.500 ml. Chicago Daily News. WRAY, Scranton, Pa. Radio Sales Corp. Daily. 7 -7:30 pm. 9:30 -10. Central. WRK, Hamilton. O. 1,000 mi. Doren Bros. Elec Co. via France or Germany will carry a W M AR, Waterloo, Ia. Waterloo Elec. Supply Co. Tues. Thur. 9 -10:30 pm. music, lecture. Sun, 10:30 W MAT. Duluth. Minn. Paramount Radio Corp. am. church service. Central. rate of 20 centimes gold less than the WMAV, Auburn, Ala. Polytechnic Inst. WRL, Schenectady. N. Y. 800 ml. Union College. cable rate, in the case of full -rate tele- WMAW, Wahneton, N. D. 50 mi. Wahpetnn Eke. Co. Sun, 7:30 pm. sacred concerts. speeches, etc. Irregu- Daily. 7 -7:30 pm. music. sports, news. CentraL lar. miscellaneous weekday program. Eastern. grams. Via London, the same messages WMAU, Shreveport, La. La. State Fair Assn. WRM, Urbana, 111. 400 also. 300 mi. Univ of Ill. WMAX. Ann Arbor. Mich. K. & K. Radio Supply Co. Mon, Thur. 8:30 -8:50 pm, 9 -9:30, news, talks. music. would be ten centimes gold less than WMAP, St. Louie, Mo. Kingshigbway, Presby. Church. Central. WMAZ. Macon, Ga. Mercer Univ. WRP, Camden, N. J. 250 ml. Federal Inst. of Radio the cable rate. Deferred dispatches will WMB, Auburn. Mc. Auburn Elec. Co. Telg. Daily ex Sat, Sun. 10 -10:45 pm, music. news. be charged half the above rates. Press WMC, Youngstown, O. 500 ml. Columbia Radio Co. agriograms. Eastern. Mon, Wed. Fri, Sat. 8:30 -9:15 pm, concert. address. WRR. Dallas. Tex. 485 also. 200 mi. City of Dallas. reports may be sent via France or Ger- etc. Eastern. Daily ex Sun, 12 -12:30 pm. weather; 3 -3.30, sports. WMH Cincinnati, O. 485 only. 500 ml. Precision markets. news; 7 -7:15, police news; 8:30 -9, music. many at the same rate as deferred mes- Equipment Co. Daily ex Sun, 11 am, 4 pm, reports. Sun, 11 am. church service; 7 -8 pm, police news, Mon, tVctl. Sat. 8:15 pm, entertainment. Central. church service. Central. sages, but not handled via London. RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" 27 New Stations in 9th District EFFICIENT Licenses issued during month ending October 30, 1922 D U ,R Call A signal Station operated and controlled by- Location of station. B 9CYC James W. Pattie 505 N. Third St., Clear Lake, Iowa L 9CYD Laddie J. Smach 2530 S. Ridgeland Ave., Berwyn, Ill. 9CYE Stuart W. DanieL 3812 Garfield Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. E 9CYF Willard W. Crittenton 1919 Lunt Ave., Chicago. Ill. 9CYG Carl F. Myers 3637 S. Benton St.. Kansas City, Mo. 9CYH Marshall W. Rife Meriden, Ill. HERE'S THE CLIFTON DETECTOR 9CYI Culver W. Lamar.. 805 S. Marion St., Carbondale, Ill. 9CYD Norman L. Wise 2805 Northwestern Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Why not get something worth while? 9CYK Russell A. Cline. 207 S. Buchanan St., Maryville, Mo. I. Crystals and contact points sealed in dustproof 9CYL Carl R. Griesbacher- .._..__ Route No. 1, Box 34, Dousman, Wisc. container. Lester H. Smyth 3605 Balsam Ave., 2. No oatwhiskers. 9CYM Indianapolis, Ind. 3. Simple to operate. 9CYN Arthur Ralph Bryant Physics Bldg., Grinnell, Iowa 4. No replacements. 9CYG Frank W. O'Herron.__ 934 N. 5th St., Terre Haute, Ind. 5. First cost -last cost. 9CYP John S. Brown 1017 Bluff St., Fulton, Mo. 9CYQ D. James Angus 310 Illinois St., Indianapolis, Ind. Write at once for the detector extraordinary. 9CYR F. H. Eddy. Main St.. Slayton, Minn. 31.50 Postpaid 9CYS Frank Little...._ Auburn, Ill. 9CYT Stewart M. Scott 6026a Washington St., St. Louis. Mo. THE CLIFTON MANUFACTURING CO. 9CYU Z. Paul Clement.___ 105 Delaware St., Mason City, Iowa NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 9CYV John R. Robertson 616 W. Eighth St.. Coffeyville, Kans. Walter McGuire and Fred D. Rowe 313 W. Third St., Cambridge City, Ind. (Dealers write for proposition) 9C9CYWYX Cary P. Butcher 706-15th St. (P. O. Box 93), Golden, Colo. 9CYY Robert G. Bentzinger 1605 Arlington Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 9CYZ Harold McCollom 313 N. 8th St., Winterset, Iowa 9CZA Arthur N. Gunderson 2035 Nebraska Ave., Chicago, Ill. 9CZB Calvin A. Wolfe._ 159 N. 10th St., Noblesville, Ind. 9CZC Bern McElwain Blencoe, Iowa `ladió Reds 9CZD W. G. Shirkey.. Richmond, Ind. 9CZE Joseph N. Dohr 415 State St., Appleton. Wise. 9CZF William T. Gill. 490 Lafayette Place, Milwaukee, Wisc. 9CZG Arnold L. Wolfe._ 365 S. Pearl St., Denver. Colo. 7rainéd ñ(en 9CZH Crete Battery Service 35 S. Maine St., Crete, Ill. 9CZI Glenn Keller. 501 S. Main St., Chaffee, Mo. Radio is s weeping the country like wild fire. 9CZJ Carl A. Neureuther R. F. D. No. 1, Spring Valley, Ill. Thousands of dollars are being spent for 9CZK Joe D. Willoughby 757 Cook St., Denver, Colo. expensive outfits. RADIO EXPERTS are needed 9CZL R. B. Horrall..__ 225 Elliott St., Olney, Ill. everywhere to keep this equipment in order and to 9CZM Charles W. Lewis, Jr.._ 323 Clara Ave., St. Louis, Mo. sell and install new outfits. 9CZN Harvey E. Roberts 628 Clark Ave., Webster Groves, Mo. 9CZG Bertil A. Beck Alta, Iowa Be a Radi® Expert Radio Panel Shop 312 W. 14th St., Junction City. Kans. [ will train you q sickly and easily in your spare Alfred F. Law Bldg., Valparaiso, Ind. time, to become a RADIO EXPERT so you can in- Christianson University stall, construct, repair and sell Radio equipment. I 9CZK John F. Perfetti..__..._. 613 Adeline St., So. Hibbing, Minn. am a Graduate Electrical Engineer and from 9CZS Indiana Radio Engineering Co.. -._. 372 W. 30th St., Indianapolis, Ind. actual experience I will give you exactly what you 9CZT Charles N. Cutler 311 W. Johnson St., Sullivan, Ind. must know to make the really big moneyinradio. 9CZD Earl L. Freese 919 Milliam Ave. (P. O. Box 74), Ravenna, Neb. Service to yon is Consultation which I 9CZV Julian F. Oberg.. 7350 Union Ave., Chicago, Ill. FREEMyFREE. This outside help gladly give you is, in itself, worth 9CZW Bert L. Brown 26 Alexandria Pike, Newport, Ky. the Course. 9CZX Roy F. Graham 5343 Theodosia Ave., St. Louis, Mo. more than the small cost of Complete 9CZM Theodore H. Schaefer. Franklin St., Slinger, Wisc. START NOW 9CZZ Alta M. Blackburn.. 672 Van Buren St., Apt. No. 9, Milwaukee, Wis. Don't let others beat you to the big money. Start 9EAA Harry Needham._ R. F. D., No. 6, Virginia, Ill. now and within a few weeks' time I will train you at home at anamozinglylow cost, to become a 9EAB Paul Jensen.__ 4931 Hamlin Ave., Chicago, Ill. RADIO EXPERT: Write'for "Radio Facts" 9EAC Joe Clark. 326 N. Main St., Carrollton, Ill. sent free without obligation. 9EAD Dudley Andrews.... 1721 Somerset Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. 9EAE Ronald S. McEwen 619 Tillitson St., Trinidad, Colo. A. G. MOIIAUPT, Electrical Engineer WRITE 9EAF C. L. Giesler. 5055 Geraldine St., St. Louis, Mo. American Electrical Association 9EAG Lawrence Jacobsen c -o Western Military Academy, Alton, Ill. Dept. E9, 4511 Rateoswottd Ave. Chicago. TODAY.. 9EAH Richard C. Wells 424 E. 63d St., Chicago, Ill. 9EAI Chester C. Grey.__.. 610 S. 10th St., Cedar Rapids, Iowa 9EAJ Edgar R. Fawcett 4557 St. Louis Ave., St. Louis, Mo. 9EAK Ernest M. Helmdoerfer 147 N. Second St., Denver, Colo. 9EAL Vernon H. Wallace 1017 Lee St., Ottumwa, Iowa 9EAM Edwin M. Nissen 2544 Washington St., Denver, Colo. 9EAN LaVerne Wilson. 2144 Washington St., Granite City, Ill. Artistic Variometer Parts 9EAG J. Norvel Sayler._ Hopkins, Mo. Wholesale Only 9EAP Maurice M. Wold 918 East 36th St., Minneapolis, Minn. 9EAQ Joe- John's Radio Co 216 S. Main St., Huntsville, Mo. 9EAR Richard Schweiger. 709 S. Spring St., Beaver Dam, Wise. 9EAS Oliver P. Rohinson Calumet Harbor Lighthouse, 9237 Houston St., Chicago, Ill. 9EAT Chester E. Doerr 5152 N. Market St., St. Louis, Mo. 9EAU Independent School District No. 40 Third and Hemlock Sts., Chisholm, Minn. 9EAV Otto A. Buder...._ 611 Commercial Ave., Cairo, Ill. 9EAW Joseph E. Harlan..._ 335 Askew St., S., Kansas City, Mo. 9EAX Thomas M. Breen 2421 S. First Ave., Minneapolis, Mints. 9EAY Hilary J. Schenk 417 Seventh St., Calumet, Mich. Variocouplers, 9EAZ Vermilion High School.. Church St., Vermilion, S. Dak. Rotors, Winding Forms, Stators, CALLS REISSUED in Genuine Mahogany. 9FV Allen T. Law 3439 Grove St., Denver, Colo. Quick Deliveries. Write for prices. 9HZ George A. Sim, Jr 5527 Lowe Ave., Chicago, Ill. 9VY Dale Roger Clemons. 820 Lincoln Ave., Valparaiso, Ind. 9ATO Edwin A. Cary.. 1290 Kinnickinnic Ave., Milwaukee, Wise. rtíftic urníng iltíorU 9ATR Hal. P. Rea...__ R. F. D. No. 4, Carrollton, Mo. 517 No. Halsted Street, Chicago, Illinois 9AUI Arthur W. Peters._ 219 Rockford St.. N.. Rockford, Ill. 9AUS Russell Martin 307 Cherry St., Mt. Carmel, Ill. 9DDZ John Henry Grady..... Rolla, Mo. 9DIH Ralph A. Dicksen 7318 Kingston Ave., Chicago, Ill. RADIO MAILING LISTS 10,975 Radio Dealers covering U. S. by stales 9DNT Oscar Larson 7400 Coles Ave., Chicago, Ill. pet M. t 7.50 9DRV Jack Shafer. 713 South Dakota Ave., Sioux Falls, S. Dak. 1320 Radio Mfgrs. covering U. S. by states CALLS CANCELLED perlist ....._ ...... _...._ 12.50 9AB Thordarson Elec. Mfg. Co 501 S. Jefferson St., Chicago, Ill. 1.325 Radio Supply Jobbers covering U. S. 9BM Howard I. Crawford ...... 515 Fourth St., Wausau, Wisc. by States per list 12.50 9BY Electric Machine 260 Radio Stations per Ust ...... 4.00 Co. 329 W. Ohio St., Indianapolis, Ind. 257 /Sitars. who maks and assemble com- 9SG Coe College. 1st Ave. and 12th St., Cedar Rapids, Iowa plete Radio sets per list 4.00 9VY Claude P. Middleton ...... _...... _...... 815 N. 12th St. (12th St.). DeKalb, Ill. 25,000 Radio Amateurs 8e Managers of Radio 9ALS Raymond L. Smith---. .._..._ ------.....___..... 5527 S. Lowe Ave., Chicago, Ill. Stations per M 7.50 SAPE Lowell S. Orth 1412 N. Adams St., Mason City, Iowa 3.000 Radio Amateurs & Managers of Radio 9ATO ArthurB. Bryant...... Hotel Clarke, Hastings, Nebr. Stations In Canada per M...... _...._ 7.50 9ATR 20 Radio Manufacturers In Canada per list Carl R. Griesbacher...... R. No. 1, Box 34, Dousman, Wise. 87 Radio Supply Jobbers in Canada Der 9AUI Frank Little N. Ninth St., Auburn, Ill. 9AUS Robert A. 3051 N. 18th St., Kansas City. Kans. 131 Retail Radio Dealers In Canada per 9BGJ Thomas A. Maxwell, Jr...... 644 North 24th St., Lincoln, Nebr. list 3.00 9CIX Robert W. Carel 4630 Zuni St., Denver, Colo. 125 Mfgrs. & Jobbers & Retail Dealern In England per list ...... _...... _. 1.00 QDDD _ Ward H. Ingersoll...... Buffalo, Minn. Roads' to send on receipt of remittance. 9DDZ Robert R. Horrall... . 225 Elliott. St., Olney, IiI. TRADE CIRCULAR ADDRESSING CO. (Continued on next page.) 166 W. Adams Street, Chicago. RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" A Homemade Battery New Stations in 9th District Charger (Continued from page 27.) (Continued from page 4.) 9DIH Gerald H. Backus ... 1409 Como Ave., S. E., Minneapolis, Minn. parallel as shown will allow more 9DNT Leland S. Jett______. 1434 Laurel Ave., St. Paul. Minn. current flow. 9DOR Oliver P. Robinson_...... Calumet and Harbor Lighthouse, Chicago, Ill. to The direct current 9DRV Russell Martin._..__...... '307 Cherry St., Mt. Carmel, Ill. is taken off at the junction between 9DTB Harry Needham_ R. F. D. No. 6, Virginia. Ill. 9DVM John Henry Grady Westgate Hotel. St. Louis, Mo. the jars as shown. To recharge the 9YAP St. Ambrose College 600 W. Locust St., Davenport, Iowa 9ZAE Palladium Printing Co.._ 19 North 9th St., Richmond, Ind. battery, connect the positive direct CHANGES IN ADDRESS current terminal to. the positive 91C Albert E. Jeffrey 1159 E. 54th Place, Chicago, Ill. 9TD Hobart D. Ashlock 729 S. 10th St., Noblesville, Ind. terminal on the battery and the 9BBS Anton Mix - 910 Adams St.. Waukegan, Ill. 9DX Jay F. Carpenter... 1124 University Ave.. Denver, Colo. negative direct current terminal to 9QE Ivan J. Bulock__... 718 East Second St., Fairmont, Minn. the negative terminal of the battery. 9 EX MaAbercrombie ... 819 N. 23d St., St. Joseph, Mo. 9DVM Marvin Eichorst .. 858 N. 15th St., Manitowoc, Wisc. The action of rectifier is 9SL Jay Nagle Edmondson Parsons College, Fairfield, Iowa this 9APZ Everett Vogel___ 6 Beech Ave.. South Gate, Ky. based upon the principle that the 9UL Carl Sherman Tunwall I1th and 1st Ave., N., Ft. Dodge, Iowa 9 BCA John G. Kuesport 602 E. Haney Ave., South Bend, Ind. current will not enter the solution 9AFT Eugene W. Applebaum.__ 910 Addison St., Chicago, Ill. through the aluminum plate. BWP Edward J. Posselt..__ 5.317 W. 25th St.. Cicero, Ill. It 9KE Edwin A. Beane.__ 912 E. 61st St., Chicago, Ill. will enter the solution from the lead 9ON C. Frank Smiley 78.34 Lagoon Ave., Chicago, Ill... 9ADN Laurence W. Franklin._.. 1123 South St., Lafayette, Ind. plate and flow out through the alum- 9DFR Merritt Clair Haigh 14th and Pleasant View Drive, Des Moines, Ia. inum, however. Let us for example 9AEK Harmon B. Deal Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa 9AMW Howard Hill Smith 603 E. Springfield Ave., Champaign, III. say that the circuit shown in Figure 9BEB Linton H. Flocken.__ 612 W. Illinois St., Urbana, Ill. 2 is connected to a source of alter- nating current supply. If first the A more impulse comes in on the side of the terminals at any time. Receiving Equipment circuit efficient method is to use a toy trans- in which the lamps are former, placed, the current will not enter the connecting the primary di- (Continued from page 7.) aluminum plate in the jar on the left rectly to the alternating current side, but will enter the lead plate mains and the secondary directly fect, that simultaneous adjustment of rectifier. voltage of made on the right side, flowing out of the to the The these anode inductance be with adjust- aluminum plate. It cannot enter toy transformers is usually adjust- ment of wave length. the able, so the rate of charging cell below it, of that The design of the oscillating circuit because the alum- may be regulated by controlling inum plate, but will flow out over the tuning elements of a receiver is largely the direct current switch on the secondary of the trans- determined by the range of wave length terminal, through former. This method will charge the battery and back on the negative desired and the regenerative scheme em- direct current terminal, through the battery faster, and is much more ployed, if any, the inductance or capacity the efficient. elements alone may be variable, or, to lower cell on the left side to the obtain a greater range of wave length ad- other side of the alternating cur- justment, they may both be variable. rent. The next impulse is in the reverse Panama Fans Grieve When the inductive coupling for re- direction and comes to the lower set Homesick amateurs in the Canal Zone generation is employed, it is usually de- of cells. The and in Panama are protesting against sirable that at least the inductance ele- aluminum plate in the an order of the U. S. Navy Department, ment in the oscillating circuit be varied left hand cell prevents the current forbidding them to operate their private for adjustment of resonant wave length, entering, so it takes the path through broadcasting stations. Panama has as by this means the proper coupling be- the right hand cell, coming out of granted all rights of wireless communica- tween the resonant circuit inductance and the direct current positive wire tion in that country to the United the feed-back coupling coil for constant again, through the battery, back States and therefore the navy's jurisdic- regeneration at various wave lengths can into the negative direct current ter- tion is absolute. Important strategic be obtained. conditions affecting the security of the minal, through the upper left hand The foregoing remarks mainly cover cell, to the other side of the alter- canal are thought to have influenced the Navy Department in shutting off questions of design affecting the tuning nating current line. Thus it will the joys of amateur experimentation. elements of the receiver, and on the gen- be seen that the direct current ter- eral assumption that a three -element minal on the right side of the draw- The Panama canal is defended by a vacuum tube receiving system of the ing will always be positive, no mat- circle of big coast defense guns, some of requisite sensitivity is employed. them mounted on the mainland and some ter which way the alternating cur- The problems which may be presented rent flows. o11 small islands lying off the ends of the canal. These guns are considered a for future development will be influenced This rectifier will give very good sound defense against a fleet attack under largely by the condition imposed on the service and will put a good charge ordinary conditions. With a great operation of the transmitting stations. in the battery in twenty -four hours. number of wireless stations in and With the transmitters grouped in one A small hole should be drilled in the around the isthmus it might be possible band of wave length, the possibilities of in the confusion and jamming which improvement are very remote. With the wooden tops to allow any gas to separation of transmitting waves, the escape. As it will be necessary to usually occurs in time of battle, for land radio stations to report the observation ease of solution of the interference prob- "form" the plates before the recti- of enemy fire and direct it upon the lem increases with the extent of this sep- fier will function properly, the two American guns: aration. The logical solution would ap- direct current posts should be con- pear to be a separation which would cor- nected together for about ten hours To amateurs in the canal strip, how- respond to the possibilities of available while the alternating current is on, ever, the restrictions seem oppressive receiving apparatus, and it is probable so that perfect rectification will and hundreds of protests are said to that, as the number of transmitters con- place when have been received by the government tinues to increase, with a corresponding take the battery is con- authorities. Associations of amateurs reduction of wave separation, the de- nected in the circuit. After the have even offered to pay all cost of the velopment of receiving apparatus will plates are once formed, then the government supervision of their sta- keep pace with the increasing exactitude battery may he connected on the tions if they could be allowed to operate. of requirements. RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" 29

Plan to Popularize Radio >,,;,,,.`..;-;,..:.a,,r.. generally and resi- little trouble securing the necessary li- cense from the nearest Customs House LOUD SPEAKER dents in small towns through- The Plan -O -Phone FARMERSout the country still hesitate for this purpose. is the most amaz- ^r Now for the best feature of the scheme: ing value of any Radio ( to buy radio receiving outfits be- With a good 10 -watt transmitter it should Loud Speaker on the market. Re- Used with any cause crystal sets do not pick up be possible to reach everybody within a markable acoustics. station 2 stage amplifier receiving set. Fits the nearest broadcasting radius of 10 miles, sufficient, in other any receiver. Made of statuary bronze- and they do not want at this time words, to reach everybody in town. Of handsome, durable. Special insulating to invest in tube sets. Thus 60 per course, there would be needed a good device. Nothing half so good at sever- al times the price. Ask your dealer to cent of the population at the pres- transmitting aerial, but this is a matter show it. Mfd. and guaranteed. in which we need not instruct any first - ent time is estimated to be out of $3.50 sent prepaid if your dealer can't range of broadcasting stations. class amateurs. supply you. The minute his station is completed, How may these isolated thousands the amateur would take a simple crystal The Planet Radio be reached? We publish herewith outfit, of which many can be had today Loud Speaker an editorial from the December num- for $15, complete with aerial, and visit ber of Radio News. H. Gernsbach, some of his friends. He would put up a Price each, $40.00 editor of that publication, has asked temporary aerial and let his friends and us to reprint his explanation of the acquaintances listen in to his evening plan and we do so with pleasure, programs. in the hope that it may help to put No! He would not sell, or try to sell, radio back on the crest. What do the crystal set to them -and here is sug- you think of the plan? Write your gested a new idea: HE WOULD RENT views fully mail at once to IT! You do not buy your telephone to- and day, but you pay so much per month to Radio Age, 64 West Randolph the Telephone Company. Exactly so Street, Chicago. in radio. A simple contract blank could The Radio News editorial fol- be made out whereby the subscriber lows, in part: agrees that upon the installation of the outfit he will pay at the rate of_$2 per Suppose an up -to -date amateur, or month. Weight 2%.y Ib., 11 in. high, Bell diam. business man for that matter, was told 6 in. with he could Now, the wholesale price of a good crys- Perfect Sound Reproduction that practically no outlay, tal outfit, complete with phones, aerial, make several thousand dollars a year out The Planet Loud Speaker marks the most etc., can be had for from $10 up. Fur- of Receiving of radio broadcasting. Would he not advanced step in the perfection thermore, it would not be necessary for Radio Broadcasting. Radio experts, "fans" jump at the chance? This is exactly and dealers, all are amazed at the remarkable amateur lay out a dollar, fills a what this scheme means. It is nothing the to single fidelity with which the PLANET for if he should be able to secure any- room with the exact tonal qualities of the less than broadcasting broadcasting human voice, musical instrumenta, etc. where from 50 to 100 subscriptions, he The PLANET is a complete unit. Like a We know that most of the large broad- could take these contracts to his bank, thing of magic it transforms the ordinary 2 time are stage amplifier receiving set into a wonderful casting stations at the present and if the young man is at all in good musical instrument. Beautiful design, receiving Arlington Time Signals on a standing in the community, he will have richly finished mahogany case and polished special aerial on a wave -length of about emitter with gold or aluminum finish, make no trouble whatsoever in securing a loan the PLANET an ornamental attraction to 2,650 meters; a special receiving set is from the bank with which to purchase the any home. Loud, distinct, clear reproduc- maintained for these time signals. At outfits, the bank holding the contracts tion. Price 840.00. noon and at 10 p. m. these time signals as security for the loan. are re- transmitted on a wave- length of Power Now let us see how it works out in dol- The Planet either 360 or 400 meters. The telephone lars and cents: of the receiving outfit is simply held Amplifier against the microphone of the sending 100 Crystal Outfits, at $10 each..$1,000.00 An essential unit for receiving sets outfit at the broadcasting station and the Radiophone Transmitter.__..__... 75.00 that do not pro- signals are thus re- transmitted. duce sufficient volume. Con-' Why not do the same thing with broad- Total Costs $1,075.00 structed so that either a five -watt casting programs? Suppose we have a INCOME power tube or small town of 3,000 inhabitants 100 miles amplifying tube 100 subscribers at $2 per month can be used de- away from the nearest broadcasting sta- for 12 months_ $2,400.00 pending upon the tion. No one in that town unless he Deducting 1,075.00 volume des i red. Price $27.50 the original cost._ An article of the (without tube) has a good vacuum tube outfit can pos- highest grade. It sibly listen in to any entertainment, and Net profit____ $1,325.00 is equipped with special units found in no if you such a you will find other ampliper. With the Planet Amplifier canvass town you can greatly increase your volume with- that there are not six such outfits in the And all this requires no investment! out distortion. Every detail of construction whole This is for only 100 subscribers. In a shows the highest grade workmanship and community. Now, then, suppose materials. of 4,000 would less 3 per some wide -awake amateur should equip town it be than DISTRIBUTORS himself with a first -class vacuum tube cent. It should be possible to get at least BOSTON -Beaudette & Graham Co., 915 10 in Boylston St. receiving set. This set should be an ef- per cent any community, providing BALTIMORE -Jones Eke. & Radio Mfg. Co., ficient loop he good results can be shown, in which case 118-20 E. Lexington St. set, preferably. Then DETROIT -B. E. Polczynskf k Co., 304 Capitol would also install a low -power radio the profit will be over $3,000 net per year, Theatre Bldg. GRAND RAPIDS. MICHIGAN-Wolverine Elec. telephone sending outfit. This outfit a thing not to be sneezed at these days. Corp., 21 Division St. KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI -Western Radio would not have to be rated higher than 10 At one bound, therefore, we can put the Co., 6 W. 14th St. PEORIA-Diamond Elec. Sup. Co. watts. Such an outfit would cost less entire country in touch with the broad- ST. LOUIS -The McGraw Co., 2018 Locust St. than $200 assemble, including re- NEW YORK CITY- Harold M. Schwab, Inc., to the casting stations where only 40 or 50 per 419 W. 42nd St. ceiver. Once the modulation problem cent are in touch now. NEWARK, NEW JERSEY -General Mdse. Co.. 142 Market St. was solved, it would be a very simple There is no reason at all why this matter for the amateur to re- transmit scheme can not be put into use im- Planet Radio Corporation from a wave -length of 360 to 400 meters mediately and the writer will be glad to Dept. Ml and re- broadcast the broadcast on a 200 - assist the first few pioneers who try in 1223 S. Wabash Ave. Chicago, III. meter wave- length. He would have every way possible. Toll 'em You Soit' If in " Harlin Age" 30 RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR"

R. P. C. Midget Radio Radio Waves Penetrate Earth WASHINGTON, November 13. -The waves of increased length are much to Pocket Receiver well -known signals of KDKA in be desired. It was found that although East Pittsburgh have been heard in signals could be heard distinctly through many places throughout the country, fifty feet of coal strata, the audibility but it is doubtful if its call has ever fell off rapidly as this distance was been heard 100 feet below ground and increased. at a distance of 18 miles from the sta- In all experiments the vertical antennae tion, until the Bureau of Mines experts was found to give the better results, Size 1- 11- 32x3%x6 heard it recently in a test in a mine at the horizontal antennae giving prac- Bruceton, Pa. tically no reception. A loop of a single Price X3.00 Although the tests were hurried, only turn was used, however, with fair results. THE R. P. C. MIDGET POCKET short continuous waves being used, All these experiments were tried with RECEIVING SET is designed to meet and no attempt was made to modify a wave length of 200 to 300 meters, the wants of the novice (an oppor- the apparatus so as to try out longer except the reception from KDKA which tunity to get acquainted with the was 360 meters. The strata at the mysteries of the RADIO ART) and waves, the experimenters found evi- who, having learned the A B C of dence that electromagnetic waves may experimental mine lie almost horizontal, Radio, may readily become a more be made to travel through solid earth. and may have had some influence on the serious student of this most important transmission of radio waves, but the field of investigation. Reporting to the Bureau, Messrs. C. L. Colburn, C. M. Bouton and H. B. present experiments gave no conclusive This receiver is made of the finest Freeman, Jr., state that, in response to evidence on this point. They seem to material. It is mounted in a polished degree wetness wooden case, fully equipped with a many requests for a device permitting agree that the of of the FIXED CONDENSER for tuning. It the use of radio in mines in the interest strata influenced the transmission of has a range of approximately 25 miles of safety, especially following disasters radio waves. The mine was a com- of clear, distinctive receiving. which frequently break mine telephone paratively dry mine, but the overburden THE R. P. C. MIDGET is truly the systems, they recently undertook an of soil and soft shale is damp and a small wonder of the age in size, price and stream of water is continually flowing quality. Not a mere toy but a scien- unusual experiment, in cooperation with tifically built Crystal receiving set three engineers of the Westinghouse from the mine. The underground work- comparing favorably with many higher Electric Company. ings of the experimental mine follow a priced sets on the market. In their official conclusions they state: horizontal five -foot vein of bituminous Without head phones, $3.00 post- "The present preliminary experiments, coal, and the transmission and reception paid everywhere. while unsuccessful in indicating any inside the mine followed the course of Discount to Jobbers and Dealers practical method of using wireless waves this vein. for underground communications, never- In order to gain a quantitative idea Radio Products Corporation theless indicate clearly that electro- of the transmission of the radiated of America magnetic waves may be made to travel energy a milliammeter was inserted in through solid strata. The 'absorption' the plate circuit of the receiving appara- 55 Broadway, New York, U. S. A. or loss of intensity with distance is tus. This normally read 1.6 milliam- very great for the short wave lengths peres, but the flow of radiant energy used in these experiments. Longer from the receiving antennae produced wave lengths are known to suffer less more or less depression of the current absorption and may possibly be found according to the intensity of the signals. practically effective under certain con - This then made possible a comparison book ditions." of the intensity of the reception at differ- Spider Web Inductance The preliminary experiments con- ent points. The milliammeter was sisted first in receiving signals from with- graduated in tenths of a millampere, and Discs out the mine at Bruceton by means of and tenths of a division could be esti- that give the wonderful results as described in Radio Age. a receiver located inside, and second, mated by eye. Signals could be clearly Inductance wound complete $2.00 both sending and receiving messages heard when the inflowing energy was Disc Only ...... 50 underground through the strata. It too low to be indicated by the meter; Diagram for connections free with order. that is, the clearly distinguished words We are manufacturers of Storage Patteries for was found that with a receiving instru- Radio A and B circuit. ment set at a point 100 feet underground, from KDKA referred to above gave no signals from KDKA station, of the appreciable depression of the plate cur- Westinghouse Electric and Manufac- rent. turing Co., East Pittsburgh, Pa., could be heard distinctly. About 50 feet from the Any dealer, jobber or manufacturer, receiving station used in this test was who is not a member of the Radio Club a six -inch bore -hole from the surface, owes it to himself and the industry in lined with iron pipe and containing elec- general, to at once become active in and tric light wires which extended there- identified with the admittedly Best Write for Prices Radio Club in the United States. INTERNATIONAL BATTERY CO. from throughout the mine. The pres- 112 Louis Street, N. W. ence of these wires evidently assisted Grand Rapids, Mich. greatly in the reception, they report, for, when the receiving set was carried Don't Wear d.r to another point removed from wires Edeson Radio Phones 3000 OLIMS Adustable Diaphragm Clearance and tracks, the signals were barely a Truss vt qua me ouafacunn. or your money 98 audible through 50 feet of cover. "The refunded. r Theeadiuc,men, feature placo. 0 BE COMFORTABLE- PLUS phones on a par urh the uorld'.tr: rama: malt 20( fact that signals were detected, however, Wear the Brooks Appliance, the Our sales plan ,I,mmateu dealer's p.ue e and POSTAGE modern scientific Invention louts from bad acauw.. hence the I, price. even though faintly, is sufficient evi- Bolter phones can., be made. Immedurn which gives rupture sufferers delis ems Double An,) Ohm vn. ES 98; I 501 dence of transmission through the ground immediate relief. It has no ob Ohm uncle ut, y7. rn Cireular free. noxious springs or pads. Auto- to encourage further experimenting," matic Air Cushions bind and r. EdcSOnPhoneCo.6 Beach St -Dept 7 Bos onlass* they state. draw together the broken parts. N1 salves or plasters. Durable. Cheap. Sent on trial to prove Send $1.00 to Radio Age, 64 Ran- In sending waves underground the lte worth. Never on sale in stores as et erg A +nuance is made to order. the proper site and shave of Air C ebion dolph Street, Chicago, and receive Westinghouse 20 -watt B. T. model depending on the nature of each ease. Beware of imita - was in a tiom. Look for trade -mark bearing portrait and eig- this middle -west radio periodical T. F. transmitter used such natureotC. E. Brooks which appears on every Appliance. for six months. Regular subscrip- manner as to send out continuous waves None other genuine. Full information and booklet sent free in plain. sealed envelope. tion price is $2.50 a year. Thus you of 200 to 300 meters length, but they BROOKS APPLIANCE CO., 124B Slate St., Marshall, Mich. will be getting one number free. say that additional experiments with Tell 'em You Saw Il in " Radio Age" FIRST REGIMENT ARMORY EICïHT JANUARY INCLUSIVE DAYS 13th to 20th THE TIME OF YEAR THE BUILDING AND BEST FOR PERFECT RADIO RECEPTION 14 Sound -Proof Rooms for Loud Speakers The Holiday Season will enable Dealers to dispose of Stock. Inventories will be taken January 1, enabling Dealers to buy with intelligence and safety

The exposition will be conducted along the same general lines that made a success of the FIRST NATIONAL RADIO EXPOSITION held in Chicago last June. We recognize that the boys are the active vehicle by which radio is carried into the home. As with the First National, the same with the Second National, we will have the various schools exhibiting and the students making radio apparatus for which many prizes will be given

Interest the Boy and he will sell Dail WRITE TODAY FOR DIA GRAM SECOND NATIONAL RADIO EXPOSITION 417 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, Illinois 32 RADIO AGE -"THE MAGAZINE OF THE HOUR" Broadcasting the World Series Baseball Games By C. W. HORN Superintendent of Radio Operations, Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company

NEW YORK CITY -and in fact of the Western Union Telegraph Corn - the radio transmitter at WJZ in great the entire metropolitan district- pany, the National Baseball Commis- volilme. Technically, the success of this took a vacation during the World sion and the National and American arrangement was complete. The loud- Series baseball games of 1922. Any big Leagues, the Radio Corporation of speaker range was fifty miles; and the athletic event is unsettling to the com- America and the New York Tribune. clear reception range, in localities where munity in which it is held, but this par- The Western Union Telegraph Com- the country was open and there was no ticular contest between the champions pany pays a large sum annually for the interference from other stations, was of the National and American Leagues exclusive right of reporting all major several hundred miles. differed from anything of the kind ever league baseball games. Very naturally, The staff at the Polo Grounds con- held before. For radio stepped in; and it has heretofore refused to permit the sisted of baseball experts from the New the excitement of the games, instead of details of any game to be broadcast, since York Tribune and operators and an- being confined to the few acres of the this would materially reduce the demand nouncers from WJZ. All announce- Polo Grounds, was spread broadcast by for its own bulletins. But the execu- ments were sent out under the direction famous WJZ over a radius of several tives of the Western Union Company of Grantland Rice; but, since it required hundred miles for anyone to hear. have come to recognize that broadcast- considerable lung power to talk over the And millions of people did hear it. ing as it is now being conducted is a great noise of the crowd at even its quietest Not only was almost every receiver public service, in which both broadcasters moments, it was found best to change within range in operation, but apparently and artists are volunteers. They knew announcers after each inning, thus avoid- every loud speaker was placed where the that they controlled something that the ing all traces of huskiness and vocal public could hear its voice. One could public ardently wanted; and so, desiring fatigue. wander around New York City all after- to contribute their share to the develop- There is also another factor that must noon and rarely get entirely out of ear- ment of this new art, they gave to WJZ be clearly recognized as contributing to shot of these instruments; and the same without charge the privilege of installing the success of this broadcasting; all other was true of the surrounding towns, as a transmitter at the Polo Grounds during metropolitan broadcasting stations closed as far away as Syracuse. In front of the the 1922 series. This was indeed a down and gave WVg a clear field. This better loud -speaker installations, the generous gift to the public. is the result of thorough mutual under- crowds gathered hours before the opening But they did more. Application was standing, and clearly indicates that the of the games, in order to get good posi- made to the Telephone Company for Second District stations have the inter- tions, and the police roped off the streets necessary ests of the public, and not their own indi- the wires to connect the Polo vidual in order to protect the listening thou- Grounds transmitter with WJZ, but it ends, at heart. sands. was found that the proper circuits could This event marks the highest point that broadcasting has so far reached. As (or let us not be obtained. This, for moment, an auditory "spectacle" the It demonstrated all technical prob- a it threatened to end that coin needed word and call an "audi- the entire project, but lems have solved of possi- the Western Union Company came to been and any event torial"), this demonstration the can be now broadcasted on a national bilities of radio is unsurpassed. Not only the rescue and placed its entire facilities scale if desired. gave the public a new were words of radio di- at WJZ's disposal. Of these It the the official course view of radio's possibilities, when in rector, Grantland Rice, sports of facilities were telegraphic and not tele- vast expert competent hands; it provided the the York Tribune, giving every play phonic, but after a careful investigation and New most effective kind of an answer to those in detail the moment it occurred, deafly it was decided that a satisfactory line could be arranged between and who, deceived by the inevitable summer heard, but also the music of the bands, Newark slump, have doubted radio's vitality. the cries of the pop and peanut venders, the Polo - Grounds. the announcements from the field, the With the id of E. R. Shute,- T. J. comments of the spectators, and above Smith, and M. L. Moseley, of the CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS all the roars of the crowds. For the Western Union Company, John Frazier Six cents per word per insertion, in advance. Name first time in history, the voices of fifty of the Westinghouse Company and the and address must be counted. Each Initial counts writer went as one word. Copy must be received by the 19th of thousand people were flung out into over every inch of the wires, month for succeeding month's issue. space. The effect was deafening, over- testing each section, locating and con powering, dramatic in the extreme. netting every ground, transposing lines. HELP WANTED. Again and again, the listeners heard changing circuits, and installing filters, YOU ARE WANTED. 8100 to $195 month. U. S. Gov- something like this-"Two strikes and until all traces of tickers, time signals, ernment Positions. Men -women over 17. Steady work. No strikes. Life positions. Short hours. Pleas- three balls on Meuse -There are three and other line noises were eliminated.. ant work. Common education sufficient. Experience unnecessary. List positions free. Write today sure. men on bases -the pitcher is winding This work was started three days before Franklin Institute, Dept. L 117, Roch , N. Y. up "- "YE-A- A -A -A! ! !" What had hap- the first game and it seemed as though pened? Was the side out, or had Meusel it could not possibly be finished in time. SALESMEN. knocked a homer, scoring four? Were But on the day before the opening a Salesmen that have been or are calling on electrical those yells from Grant or from Yankee preliminary test was made, and before or radio trade. see Mr. Rice. 6311 N. Clark St., Chicago. fans? The half minute or so during which it was completed word was received from Rice's voice was utterly drowned out Bri eport, Conn., and Montauk Point, PUBLICATIONS. seemed like an hour to the waiting multi- Island, the signals were com- RADIO MANUAL everything the beginner should thät know. How to build and operate an inexpensive receiv- tude. Then the ;vord "Out!" would cut ing in good and the speech was perfectly ing set. Sixty -four pages, thirty illustrations. Twenty tenu. Postpaid. Raydio Publishing Company, Caxton through, and those in the streets would clear. Building, Cleveland, Ohio. add their voices to the clamor from A speech amplifier of the Westinghouse Coogan's Bluffs. Company was installed at a point FOR SALE Like all especially assigned for the purpose by successful achievements, the I have nine Federal Jr. crystal seta. List 92S. Will sell thing seemed simple and easy to the the baseball officials, who were no less lot for 9100. J. M. G. Care RADIO AGE. audience, but it was not. The \Vesting - enthusiastic over the broadcasting than CRYSTALS house Electric & Manufacturing Corn- were the broadcasters. Another amplifier ,- was at the of the TESTED GALENA CRYSTALS from our own mines pany worked for years to accomplish connected Newark end shaped and tested at the mine in best standard hookup r it, and it then succeeded only because it wires, so that all sounds picked up by the -direct to user. A real crystal -not pinhead. Twen- ty -five cents postpaid, five for $1.00 to group buyers. received the whole- hearted cooperation microphone at the Polo Grounds reached Ozark Crystal Co., Box 1, Morrellton. Mo. Tell 'em You Saw JI in " Radio Age" "SENSITONE" DOWN AND $10.00 Regenerative PER MONTH Radio Receiving Set 1 Immediate Shipment Manufactured under Armstrong License, U. S. patent No. 1,113,149 and pending letters of patent No. 807,388. READ THESE TESTIMONIALS ! Harold R. Wakem & Co. Franklinville, N. C. We also heard one at Fort Worth, Texas, but could Chicago, Ill. November 17, 1922. not understand the call letters. I would like to be your Clement Cox and I received our "Sensitone" Radio representative in Randolph Co., North Carolina, if Receiving Set last Saturday evening, November 11th. you have any. Three or four men at Franklinville said We set it up Saturday night after dark. We fastened they were going to get radio sets since they have heard the antenna to a large water tank 65 ft. high and to a the one we got from you. pole fastened to the house. We have heard concerts I also want to know the price of your amplifying set from the following stations: as we want to get one and a loud talker. KDKA Pittsburgh, Pa. WJZ Newark, N. J. A merchant here wants a radio set with a loud speaker WEAF New York City, N.Y. WLW Cincinnati, O. for his store. We fastened the ground wire to a lightning WGY Schenectady, N. Y. WOC Davenport, Ia. rod and it makes a very good ground. WHAS Louisville, Ky. WOR Newark, N. J. You may publish this letter or any part of it if you WIAO Milwaukee, Wis. WSB Atlanta, Ga. wish. CHAS. C. JULIAN. Groveton, Texas, October 16. 1922. Gentlemen: Groveton, Texas. October 16tb, 1922. Gentlemen: F. O'Neil of Regina bee a set of your wireless here, and last night Gentlemen: Received my Radio Phone the morning of the 1 was experimenting with it and got Denver, Colorado, and Salt Inclosed you will find a post office money order 14th. That evening I received so many Broad- Lake City on the DETECTOR alone. 1 also picked up Ilavre, for payment on my radio machine. casts. I can't put them on hero, although two Mont. and Regina, Sask. 'lour set is eure up to whet it should ho. I heard Boston, Maee., lent night, the 15th, were Davenport. Iowa, and Atlanta. Ga. Am With the Two step amplifier I pick up Vancouver, Seattle. and and Davenport. Iowa, oleo. I also heard well pleased with the machine. Heard nine Davenport. Iowa. We use an aerial 65 feet long and 36 ft. bulb. Wichita, Kansas. Please send me a catalog. Yours station.. Yours truly, Name Furnished on Re- Hoping you every euccesa in your Beta 1 remain, Name Furnished truly. Name Furnished on Request. rtuert. on Request.

, HAROLD R. WAKEM & CO., ONLY 500 SETS SOLD ON 900 W. Washington Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Enclosed you will find 815 00 as first payment, upon receipt of which THE EASY -PAY PLAN you will send me your complete Sensitone Radio Receiving Set, as des- cribed above After I have used the set for thirty days, I agree to send We are making this rather costly investment in order you $10 00 and the same amount every thirty clays thereafter, until the to get 500 sets in the hands of that number of influential I full purchase price is paid This set is to remain the property of Harold families, so that, when we put our goods in the hands I R. Wakem & Co. until payments are completed. of dealers, they may have enthusiastic SENSITONE boosters nearby to whom they can refer their future I Signed prospective buyers. Street address Fill out the coupon, attach check or money order for I City...._ $15.00. Set will be shipped at once by express. Those In the spaces below give the names of two references, (banks or business who delay will be too late. I houses preferred). Harold R. Wakem O. Co. I Name and Address 900 Washing Blvd. CHICAGO IName and Address

Tell 'em You .Saw It In "Radio Age" Burgess, the Radio Battery construction fully patented When you buy a Burgess "B" est cost per hour of service. It Battery you get more than long means long shelf life and high- life, noiselessness, high capacity est current capacity. It means and moderate price. You get that Burgess "B" Batteries are also Burgess special radio con- the best radio batteries it is struction, perfected by wireless possible to produce. Don't take specialists and fully patented! our word for it -ask any radio This engineer. exclusive radio construc- Leading manufacturers of radio tion is found in no other battery equipment specify "Burgess." Burgess on the market to -day. "B" Batteries are handled by all pro- gressive jobbers and dealers. "Look What does this mean to users for the Black and White Stripes." of radio batteries? It means And if your dealer doesn't handle clear receiving. It means low- Burgess "B," just address: BURGESS BATTERY COMPANY Engineers -- Dry Batteries Manufacturers Offices and Warehouses at: CHICAGO, ILL., III W. Monroe St. NEW YORK, N. Y., 50 Church St. BOSTON, MASS.. 136 Federal St. ST. PAUL, MINN., 2362 University Ave. KANSAS CITY, MO., 2109 Grand Ave. MADISON, WIS., Main and Brerly Sts. In Canada: BURGESS BATTERIES, Ltd. Winnipeg, Toronto. Montreal s "avRESß" BATTERI


Tell 'em You Saw It in "Radio Age"