THIS IS A RADIO CHRISTMAS RADIO AGE The Magazine of The Hour cember,1922 Price 25 cents allIIMMIIMI=1.1..1111P low Imo- CertifícatedEleetríeal Expert You, Too, Can Learn to Boss This Job EARN $3500 to $10000 a Year Trained "Electrical Experts" are in great the most simple, thorough, and successful Electrical Materials and Measuring Instruments absolutely Course in existence, and offers every man. regard- FREE. I also furnish them with all supplies, in- demand at the highest salaries, and the less of age, education. or previous experience. the cluding examination paper. and many other things opportunities for advancement and a big success in chance to become. in a very short time, an 'Elec- that other schools don't furnish. You do PRAC- this line are the greatest ever known. trical Expert." able to make from $70 to $200 a TICAL work -AT HOME with this Outfit. You "Electrical Experts" earn $70 to $200 a week. week. start right in after the first few lessons to WORK Fit yourself for one of these big AT YOUR PROFESSION in a practical way. paying positions. In my twenty Some Features of I Give You a Real years of Electrical Engineering I Training Get Started Now have gathered some wonderful and My Course That - interesting facts about this great Make SUCCESS As Chief Engineer of the Mail Coupon industry - "Vital Facts." I- will send them to you free. Certain Chicago Engineering Works, I want to send you the "Vital Facts" of the 1. PracticalMoney-Mak- I know exactly the kind of training Electrical Industry including my Electrical ing Instruction -no a man needs to get the best posi- Book. Proof Lessons, and a sample of my guaran- useless, high- sound- tions at the highest salaries. Hun- tee bond all FREE. These cost you nothing and Learn at Home to ing theory. dreds of my students are now you'll enjoy them. Make the start today for a 2. Free Electrical Outfit. earning $3,500 to $10,000 a year. brightfuturein Electricity. Send in the coupon Earn S12.00 to -Finest outfit ever Many are successful ELECTRI- -NOW. sent out for home CAL CONTRACTORS. $30.00 a Day experiment and L. L. COOKE, Chief Engineer Today even the ordinary Elec- practical use. 3. Free Employment Ser- Your Satisfaction Chicago Engineering Works trician - the "screw driver" vice. (Helps you get Dept.1689 2150 Lawrence Ave., Chicago kind - is making money - big a good job.) Guaranteed money. But it's the trained man 4. Free Consulting Ser. -the man who knows the whys vice. (No chance to So sure am I that you can Use this Free Outfit Coupon! and wherefores of Electricity - get stuck on any- the "Electrical Expert" - who is thing, while study- learn Electricity-so sure am out to "boss" ordinary ing afterward.) I that after studying with me, you L. L. COOKE, Chief Engineer. or Works, Dept. 1689 lectriciansEpicked - to boss Big Jobs - 5. Free Engineering too, can get into the "big money" Chicago Engineering the jobs that pay. You, too, can Magazine. class in electrical work, that I will 2150 Lawrence Ave., Chicago,111. learn to fill one of these jobs - 6. Free use of my Elec- guarantee under bond to return Dear Sir:-Send at once the "Vital Facts" spare -time only is needed. Be an trical Laboratory. every single penny paid me in containing Sample Lessons. Your Big Book. Electrical Expert" -Earn $70 to 7. Extra Courses Free - tuition if, when you have finished and full particulars of your Free Outfit and $200 a week. Radio- Electrical my course, you are not satisfied it Home Study Course -all fully prepaid, with. Drafting. was the best investment you ever out obligation on my part. 8. Spare Time Work - made. Special earn- while- Age or Lack of Expe- you -learn lessons. Name 9. Reduced prices on all FREE -Electrical rienceNoDrawback Electrical Supplies. Address 10. Cash Refund Guaran- Working Outfit You don't have to be a College tee Bond. -FREE I City and State Man; you don't have to be a These features are High School graduate. If you can all explainct2 in my I give each student a Splen- read and write English, my course big Free Book. IOccupation Age will make you a big success. It is did Outfit of Electrical Tools, ?he ÇookiTrained Man is the 73iPay'M«n: Famous as Teacher RADIO AGE The Magazine of the Hour Volume I Number 7 CONTENTS PAGE National Radio Week Announcement_ 2 How to Make a Battery Charger for $3 3 BY FRANK D. PEARNE Radio Receiving Equipment 5 BY FRANK CONRAD How to Avoid Interference 8 BY C. W. HORN Questions and Answers 9 Homcharging Your Radio Battery 11 What Radio Is Doing for Ohio Farmers 12 BY THE OHIO DIVISION OF MARKETS Uncle Sam Is a Busy Broadcaster 13 Radio Cheers Remote Camps___. 14 Radio Direction and Range Finders 15 BY CARL H. BUTMAN Thought Waves From the Editorial Tower 17 BY FREDERICK SMITH "LEND me Radio Age for one year," The Voluntary Lid S T Editorial 18 -Q kJ writes a Davenport, Ia., fan. National Broadcasters' League 19 "If Frank D. Pearne is technical Pick -Up Records by our Readers 21 editor of your magazine that's all With the Radio Trade 22 I need to know." Broadcasting Stations of the U. S. 23- 24 -25 -26 The Davenport subscriber is one New Amateur Station List 27 -28 of many who instinctively links radio with "Pearne." Mr. Pearne has been chief instructor in electricity at Lane Technical High School, RADIO AGE is published monthly by RADIO AGE, INC. Chicago, for twelve years. He has won thousands of friends also among Publication office, Mount Morris, Ill. readers of radio articles showing Editorial and Advertising Offices, Garrick Building, 64 W. how to make and operate radio Randolph St., Chicago. apparatus. MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL FREDERICK SMITH, Editor Mr. Pearne conducts for FRANK D. PEARNE, Technical Editor this maga- M. B. SMITH, Business Manager zine the department of questions Mid -West Advertising Representatives: and answers and in that capacity he YOUNG & WARD in 308 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Ill. answers queries sent by sub- scribers free of charge. A self -ad- Easlern Representative: stamped envelope GEO. W. STEARNS dressed and brings Flatiron Building, New York City, N. Y. a prompt reply by mail. Send $2.00 in currency, check or Advertising Forms Close on 19th of the Month money order to Radio Age and get Preceding of Date Issue. this progressive, helpful magazine Issued monthly. Vol. 1, No. 7 Subscription price $2.50 a year. Entered as second -class matter September 15, 1922, at the post office at Mount for one year. Keeping up with Morris, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879. radio is easy when you follow Frank D. Copyright. 1922, by RADIO AGE, Inc. Pearne. Address Radio Age, 64 West Randolph Street, Chicago. 1 _ National Radio Week to Emphasise Educational Value gi of Radio broadcasting HE tremendous contribution of radio broadcasting to the educational life of the country is to be especially emphasized during NATIONAL RADIO WEEK, to be held from December 23 to 30. Broadcasting has assumed many roles since its inception, but none has received such whole- hearted and enthusiastic support from the nation's leaders as when it dons the toga of the educa- tor. Sending of operatic arias out on the air has become frequent within the past few months. All the progress thus far made in that field, together with a wealth of new material and ideas, is to be assembled during NATIONAL RADIO WEEK for a grand display. Announcement to this effect has just been made by J. Andrew White, chairman of the Executive Committee of NATIONAL RADIO WEEK. Mr. White and the Committee feel that the broadcasting of the highest type of music not only has recreational value but is inspirational in home circles, as well, and there is tremendous economic benefit to be gained in educating the American people through radio to an appreciation of the higher forms of culture. Radio's use in the church and school are also to be demonstrated in special nation -wide programs from scores of stations. NATIONAL RADIO WEEK is an unselfish, co- operative effort on the part of everyone in radio, from listener to manufacturer, to demonstrate what the new science and industry has accomplished thus far in the brief span of one year of general popularity and to give the listener an insight into the yet unrealized possibilities of the near future. It is an organized effort to add to the ranks of listeners -to double this number in fact. Every listener will endeavor to enlist one other person as a radio fan. This will double the number of broadcast listeners. Programs from every station in the country, specially prepared to fit the holiday season and the spirit of the week, will be sent out on the air. Sporting events, operas, jazz bands, speeches, and other particularly interesting programs will fill the air. Nation- = wide broadcasts of a single event to be heard in every section of the country at once, will be made. mllllllllllíllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIII illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll II IIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIII II II IIFIIIIIIIIIIIII II FhIIIII 11111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111P""' Tfie Maaine OF tfie Hour DE PURLLSHED MONTHLY GARRICK BLDG CHGO. A Homemade Battery Charger for $3.00 By F. D. PEARNE ONE of the most essential re- is comparatively easy where the before a battery can be charged with quirements of a radio set is electric lighting circuit is of the di- this current, some method of recti- some kind of a charging ap- rect current type, but unfortunately fication must be used.
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