NEWSLETTER November 2007

Letter from Ambassador Friis Arne Petersen 1 The Embassy’s Annual Event, Creative Christmas, is held on December 11-12, 2007 5 Election Day in is set for 13 November, 2007 2 The Taste of Place 6

Recent developments of interest to ADBC-members 2 Danish Film Festival in Atlanta 6

Introduction of New Green Card Scheme for The Chief of Staff of the Army visits Washington, DC 7 Job Seekers 3 Future Events 8 The New WB President - a Good First Impression! 3 New ADBC Members 9 Ambassador Friis Arne Petersen Gave Lectures at Columbia University and New York University 4 Board of Directors and Members of ADBC 10


Over the summer and fall, the den under the ice become ac- 2008 to discuss how to estab- Arctic has increasingly attracted cessible. It is estimated that a lish the best possible coopera- attention. From climate change quarter of the world’s oil and tion and framework to deal and melting glaciers in Green- gas reserves is under the Arctic with the new circumstances and land to a Russian sub-marine ice. opportunities in the Arctic. planting a flag under the ice on the North Pole. The economic perspectives in At the embassy, we are trying to the Arctic are, of course, of play our part in this, too. In The reason for this has much to particular relevance to the five close contact with the Danish do with climate change. Nor- Arctic states, including Den- and Government, mally, the climate change dis- mark/Greenland and the USA, on through the fall I will meet cussion is about limiting our and their companies. But it with a number of key US part- emission of greenhouse gases should not be done in a Klon- ner, public as well private, to and rightly so. But it also has dike fashion. That is why the discuss the possibilities and practical and economic implica- Danish Foreign Minister, in how to move forward. We are tions. With the sea ice melting, cooperation with the Greenland also planning several embassy the Arctic opens up for new sea Premier, has invited colleagues events to put focus on Green- transport routes, and natural from the USA, Canada, land and the Arctic. resources that have been hid- and to Greenland in May

Friis Arne Petersen Ambassador

American-Danish Business Council 1 Embassy of Denmark • 3200 Whitehaven Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20008 • [email protected]


On October 24, the Danish given notice that the new Par- or a Consulate if they are listed Prime Minister, Anders Fogh liament is to vote on an in the electoral register. Rasmussen, called for a gen- amendment to the Act of Suc- eral election for the Danish cession to the Danish Throne. The Embassy of Denmark in Parliament. The election will The passing of a new royal suc- Washington DC is open to in- be held on 13 November cession act will ensure that in dividuals who wish to vote by 2007. the future, the first-born child absentee from October 31st to can be heir to the throne re- November 6th between 9.30 am Some of the key issues in the gardless of gender. and 12.30 pm. To vote, a Dan- political debate leading up to ish passport or other Danish the election are social welfare, Danish citizens living abroad - identification must be shown. taxes, healthcare, and immigra- and thereby prevented from tion policies. Furthermore, the casting their vote on the elec- For more information please election is also going to be tion day - can vote by absentee visit the embassy’s website about the concept of King or ballot at the Danish Embassy Queen. The Prime Minister has ______


On 25 October, 2007 the Sen- aims at changing U.S. taxation Foreign Relations approved the ate passed their version of the of U.S.-based multinational bilateral Danish-American new U.S Farm Bill. As ex- corporations by increasing the double taxation protocol. The pected, the Senate version does marginal U.S. tax cost asso- protocol will positively impact not include the somewhat con- ciated with expanding and Danish companies in the U.S. troversial tax provision included maintaining foreign operations. as it eliminates the “source in the House version that was Some view that the proposal country” withholding tax on passed in July. The House tax may discourage U.S. corpora- returns from direct investments provision would limit tax treaty tions from maintaining or ex- and on dividends paid to benefits on deductible pay- panding their foreign opera- pension funds. Consequently, ments made by a U.S. subsidi- tions, at least relative to their the passage of the tax protocol ary of a multinational company status quo. It is not immediately may significantly reduce tax- to a foreign affiliate. The two clear whether the proposal may related barriers to trade and chambers are now to settle on a have consequences for Danish investments between Denmark final Bill. The final Bill is ex- companies in the U.S. The Da- and the U.S. Next step is the pected by the end of this year nish embassy would appreciate Senate floor where, hopefully, or in the beginning of 2008. information on any conse- final approval will take place quences that members of before the end of the year. At the same time, it is notewor- ADBC may envisage due to the thy that House Ways and proposal. For further information, please Means Chairman Charles Ran- contact Niels Junker Jacobsen gel has put forward an interna- On October 31 on a related at [email protected]. tional tax proposal. The bill issue, the Senate Committee on

American-Danish Business Council 2 Embassy of Denmark • 3200 Whitehaven Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20008 • [email protected]


The Danish Immigration based on parameters like educa- In order to receive a residence Service has introduced a new tional level, language skills, permit under the Green Card Green Card scheme for job work experience, and age. The scheme applicants must be able seekers wishing to obtain overall evaluation is used to to support themselves for the employment in Denmark. determine the likelihood of the duration of their stay in Den- applicant finding employment. mark. The new Green Card scheme means that a six month resi- A residence permit under the For more information about dence permit can be issued to Green Card scheme does not the new Green Card scheme, foreign nationals allowing them qualify as a work permit. Thus please visit: to seek employment in Den- individuals granted a residence mark. permit are not allowed to work us/coming_to_dk/work/green while seeking employment in _card/green_card_job_seekers. The permit is issued on the ba- Denmark. The work permit htm sis of an individual evaluation must be applied for separately. of the applicant, which again is



Annual meetings of the tion includes strengthening the Iceland represents the Nordic- World Bank/IMF, 21–22 Oc- Bank’s fight against poverty – Baltic countries in the Devel- tober, 2007. particularly in Africa, improving opment Committee. Sweden the activities towards fragile represents the group at the an- On the weekend of 21-22 Oc- states, as well as taking a more nual meeting. tober, the World Bank and the active role in relation to Global International Monetary Fond Public Goods – especially re- Links: held their annual meetings. The garding climate change. Communiqué from Develop- meetings provided the first op- ment Committee meeting 21 portunity for the new World A communiqué from the meet- October 2007: Bank President, Robert Zoel- ings reflects the views during lick, to present his vision and the deliberations and gives di- 7/pdf/102107.pdf priorities for the Bank in the rection for the Bank. The Nor- coming years. On the agenda dic-Baltic countries ensured Written statement from Ice- was also the Bank’s role in the that the communiqué highlights land’s Foreign Minister, Ingib- international aid-architecture promotion of gender equality as jorg Solrun Gisladottir, on be- and the Bank’s engagement in essential for promoting sustain- half of the Nordic-Baltic coun- climate change activities. able development. The com- tries: muniqué also supports an active http://siteresources.worldbank. Mr. Zoellick’s vision of the role for the Bank in promoting org/DEVCOMMINT/Docum Bank’s contribution to an “in- climate friendly economic entation/21520129/DCS2007- clusive and sustainable globali- growth and supporting devel- 0040-Iceland.pdf zation”, received strong and oping countries’ adaptation to broad support. This contribu- climate change.

American-Danish Business Council 3 Embassy of Denmark • 3200 Whitehaven Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20008 • [email protected]


On the 15th and 16th of Oc- Iraq and Afghanistan. Den- ties between Denmark and tober, Ambassador Friis mark has contributed to the the USA, and the U.S. is the Arne Petersen gave lec- missions in both countries no. 2 investor in Denmark. tures at New York Univer- for several years in close co- The country’s business cli- sity and Columbia Univer- operation with the U.S. and mate is projected to remain sity. other partners. the best in the world for the next five years, according to At the lectures, the Ambas- The Danish government is the Economist Intelligence sador spoke about Danish firmly committed to the Unit – who concluded that foreign policy and how a global effort to combat ter- Denmark maintains a fruitful small national state, such as rorism. Denmark’s develop- balance between state and Denmark, faces today’s glob- ment assistance and humani- independent market econo- al challenges. tarian aid ranks among the my. Danes enjoy one of the highest in the world, meas- highest living standards in Despite being a small coun- ured per capita. As an exam- the world and often are try, Denmark has consistent- ple of the Danish balanced ranked at the top on surveys ly pursued an active foreign and proactive foreign policy, of lifestyle, health and educa- policy aimed at making a dif- Denmark is using its exper- tion. ference in the world. The tise in the development area strong Danish international to ensure broad-based and In addition, Denmark is con- commitment is underpinned sustainable approaches to sidered a forerunner on sus- by a balanced foreign policy stabilization and reconstruc- tainable energy solutions. approach encompassing both tion in conflict areas. Danish know-how and expe- “hard” and “soft” instru- riences in these fields are be- ments to address the global Denmark is also an active coming an increasingly challenges facing us today. proponent of a strong com- strong component of the Denmark is a close ally of mitment to addressing today close cooperation between the and has and tomorrow’s environmen- Denmark and the United been a strong supporter of tal problems. As a testament States – and constitute yet close transatlantic coopera- to the Danish international further evidence that even a tion. role in this area, Denmark small country can make a will host the 2009 UN Glob- difference in the world. Two critical areas affecting al Climate Summit. the security of both the United States and Europe are There are strong economic

American-Danish Business Council 4 Embassy of Denmark • 3200 Whitehaven Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20008 • [email protected]


In December, Creative Cole Porter to Carl Nielsen The event will also include a Christmas returns to the mixed with Christmas and Jazz. raffle where participants will Royal Danish Embassy, as Both Rosenbaum and Thorn have the chance to win two Ambassador Friis Arne Pe- are students from the Rhythmic tickets to Denmark, along with tersen and his wife Birgitte Music Conservatory in Copen- a dinner for two at the re- open the doors to their resi- hagen, and have received sever- nowned restaurant NOMA, dence. al prizes and scholarships dur- which this year received 2 stars ing their studies. in the Michelin guide. The event will gather guests from across the different net- As last year, another reason to The raffle prizes were donated works affiliated with the embas- keep your ears wide open at by Visit Denmark and Meyers sy. It will showcase the tradi- Creative Christmas will be the Madhus. Other sponsors of tions of a Danish Christmas, as return of the Santa Lucia pa- Creative Christmas include: well as innovative approaches rade, where a group of young to music, gastronomy, and de- children will sing the age old Gold Sponsors: Arla Foods, sign. song about light in the darkness Inc., Danish Crown USA, Inc., as they carry candles around the DFE A/S, Novo Nordisk, Inc., The mother-daughter design embassy. Novozymes North America, company Medusa Copenhagen Inc., Topotarget USA, Inc. will have their enchanting figu- Finally, no Danish social event rines and inventive ornaments would be complete without the Silver Sponsors: Anthon Berg, on display in the residence. The important element of food. At Inc., Bavarian Nordic, Inc., little figures are all handmade Creative Christmas, this will be Carlsberg USA, Haldor Topsoe, and with pink noses and cherry well taken care of as Danish Inc., KelsenBisca, Inc., Syste- colored cheeks, as though they Chef Søren Kirketerp, of Mey- matic Software Engineering, had spent the afternoon playing ers Madhus, presents traditional Inc., Terma North America, in the snow, and they will add Danish delicacies. Prepared Inc., Vestas-American Wind greatly to the Christmas atmos- with fresh ingredients from the Technology, Inc. phere at the embassy. Nordic countries, and made under the heading of “New For more information about Musical talents August Rosen- Scandinavian Cooking,” Kirke- the Creative Christmas event, baum on piano and Jesper terp will present delicious spe- please contact Assistant Press Thorn on double bass will pro- cialties as ham, mari- and Cultural Advisor, Trine vide the soundtrack to the nated herring, and traditional Lykke Tornøe at [email protected] evening. They present classic roast pork. or (202) 797 5361. compositions ranging from

American-Danish Business Council 5 Embassy of Denmark • 3200 Whitehaven Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20008 • [email protected]


Terroir in Denmark and the Our two nations have a large House), and Mr. Thomas Hart- U.S. and very efficient agriculture tung, chairman and co-founder and food industry in common, of Aarstiderne (i.e. The Sea- The concept terroir is adopted and – it turns out – also a de- sons) are participating. From from French and can be ex- veloping degree of terroir that the U.S. the speakers include plained as "a sense of place" or offers an exiting supplement to Ms. Amy Trubek, Ph. D., Assis- the sum of the effects that the the established agriculture and tant Professor at University of local environment has on the food industry. The increasing Vermont, and Mr. Arlin Was- manufacturing of a food prod- awareness of products such as serman, founder and principal uct. Copper River Salmon, Vermont of Changing Tastes. syrup and grass fed beef in the Food isn’t just food. It is the U.S. is mirrored by a similar The event is taking place on 12 outcome of a range of factors movement in Denmark, which December 2007. An invitation specific to the place where it is explores the hidden gems of and the final program will be grown, including climatic con- Danish food production. distributed to ADBC members ditions and the characteristics Against this background, the at a later date. of the soil. embassy has decided to organ- ize a seminar on terroir. For more information on the At the Royal Danish Embassy, seminar, please contact Anders we have been delighted to real- The seminar will include pres- M. Klöcker, Minister Counselor ize that both in Denmark and entations from key figures in (Food, Agriculture and Fishe- the U.S. numerous activities are Denmark as well as from the ries) Tel.: (202) 797 5341, e- going on in order to explore U.S. From Denmark Mr. Soren mail: [email protected] and expand the virtues and Kirketerp, principal at Meyers benefits of terroir. Madhus (i.e. Meyers Culinary



In collaboration with the Da- are shown on international film nish-American Chamber of festivals including the Berlin Commerce, the Embassy of Film Festival. The screening If you are interested in receiv- Denmark offers two VIP tick- will be followed by a cocktail ing the two VIP tickets to the ets to the opening of the third reception at the restaurant and opening, please contact ADBC annual Danish Film Festival in tapas lounge Table 1280. by phone (202) 797 5378 or Atlanta taking place on January mail [email protected]. 19, 2008. The Film Festival is held on January 18-19 and January 25- Please notice that ADBC only The tickets include a three- 27, 2008. The program includes has two tickets to the event, course VIP dinner worth $125 the following films: “After the which will be given on a first at the Four Seasons Hotel, Wedding”, “We shall over- come first served basis. where a special VIP guest will come”, “Allegro”, “A Soap”, attend. In addition you will and the children’s film “The have the opportunity to attend Lost Treasure of the Knights a screening at the Rich Theatre Templar”. of the Danish film “We Shall For more information on the Overcome”, which has won Danish Film Festival in Atlanta, several prizes in Denmark and please visit

American-Danish Business Council 6 Embassy of Denmark • 3200 Whitehaven Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20008 • [email protected]


On 6-10 October, 2007, the miler. Both the Maj. General General a good impression Chief of the Danish Army and his wife finished in a of how the Defense sector is Operational Command - or very respectful time. The developing. The Maj. Gener- in US terms - Chief of Staff of Maj. General afterwards ad- al had an interesting dialogue the Army, Major General Poul mitted that it had been a very with the companies and was Kiærskou visited Washington challenging race in the early pleased that the company D.C. The purpose of the Ma- October Indian summer. representatives were able to jor General’s visit was to par- answer even difficult ques- ticipate in the Association of At the AUSA meeting, the tions. the U.S. Army Annual Meet- Maj. General participated in ing and Exposition (AUSA). relevant sessions where in- AUSA is very relevant for Like a number of his interna- teresting operational Ar- the defense industry as well tional colleagues General my related issues were pre- as for armies all over the Kiærskou has participated at sented and discussed. Fur- world. The Annual Meeting the AUSA meeting for sever- thermore, the Maj. General and Exposition is both pro- al years. took the opportunity to meet fessionally planned and car- with a number of both ried out. It is highly relevant American and international for the defense industry and defense companies during persons with relations to the his stay. Besides the ADBC U.S. Army to visit the very member companies Raythe- impressive equipment expo- on, and Northrop Grum- sition. man, the Maj. General also

Chief of Staff of the Army met with Revision Eyewear, So if you plan to visit Wash- Major General Poul Kiærskou Protective Products Int., Wi- ington D.C. early October ley-X, Talla-com, Harris, Tri- 2008, try to make it coincide Maj. General Kiærskou is jicon, WFEL Ltd., BAE Sys- with AUSA 2008, which will also a sports person. On Oc- tems, General Dynamics, and take place from 6-8 October, tober 7, 2007, he - along with Point Blank Armor. The 2008. Mrs. Karen Kiærskou - parti- meetings with these defense cipated in the Army 10- companies gave the Maj.


American-Danish Business Council Embassy of Denmark • 3200 Whitehaven Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20008 • [email protected]


The planning of ADBC events for the next months has recently been finalized. Please note that the calendar be- low is not final and will be updated continuously. The ADBC always welcomes comments and inputs to the event calendar at [email protected].

Month Activity

November ADBC – Agriculture and Food Seminar in Copenhagen on November 12, 2007 Topic: Export of Specialty Food to the U.S. Contact Person: Anders Klöcker / [email protected]

ADBC – Defense Topic: Seminar on development and trends within Command and Control Contact Person: Per Lyse Rasmussen / [email protected]

ADBC – Energy Topic: Seminar in Copenhagen with participation of the Minister of Energy and Transportation Contact Person: Anne Mette Mosekjær Madsen / [email protected]

December ADBC - Creative Christmas December 11-12, 2007 The Embassy’s annual Christmas event aiming to Present Denmark - Danish design, delicious food and music. Contact Person: Trine Lykke Tornøe / [email protected]

ADBC – Maritime Affairs Seminar on December 11, 2007 Topic: Implementation of legislation on screening of incoming containers Contact Person: Christian Stenberg / [email protected]

ADBC - Agricultural and Food Seminar on December 12, 2007 Topic: The taste of local. Seminar with presentations from Danish and American pio- neer within Terroir. Contact Person: Anders Klöcker / [email protected]

February ADBC - Health and Life Science Conference on February 11-14, 2008 Topic: Danish Life Science and Bio CEO & Investor Conference in New York Contact Person: Joakim Steen Mikkelsen / [email protected]

ADBC – Defense Event Topic: Supporting Deployed Forces Contact Person: Per Lyse Rasmussen / [email protected]

March Danish-American Business Summit 2008 in LA on March 6-7, 2008 ADBC in cooperation with the Trade Commission in Los Angeles and the Innovation Center in Silicon Valley Contact person: Stig P. Piras/ [email protected]

American-Danish Business Council 8 Embassy of Denmark • 3200 Whitehaven Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20008 • [email protected]

ADBC – Agricultural and Food Seminar Topic: Improved Food Import Safety in the U.S. Consequences for Danish export of food to the U.S. Contact Person: Anders Klöcker / [email protected]

April ADBC – Defense Event Topic: Mine Clearance Event showcasing Danish experience and competences within mine clearance. Contact Person: Per Lyse Rasmussen / [email protected]

May: ADBC Topic: Session on communication with Government Relations in the U.S. Contact Person: Stig Piras / [email protected]

ADBC – Defense Topic: Homeland Security and Defense Industry event Contact Person: Per Lyse Rasmussen / [email protected]

June: ADBC – Health and Life Science Biotec Conference on June 17-20, 2008 Topic: ADBC and BIO International Convention Contact Person: Joakim Steen Mikkelsen / [email protected]



Lyngsoe Systems, Inc. Goodman & Company, LLP


The next ADBC Newsletter will be published in the beginning of December

American-Danish Business Council 9 Embassy of Denmark • 3200 Whitehaven Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20008 • [email protected]


Co-Chair: Mr. Friis Arne Petersen Co-Chair: Mr. Robert Trice Ambassador at the Embassy of Denmark, Senior Vice President, Washington, DC. Lockheed Martin Corporation

Board member: Board member: Board member: Board member: Mr. Paul Coleman Mr. Thomas Nagy Mr. Patrick J. Cashman Mr. Jens Soby


FOUNDING AND SPONSORING C.C. Jensen Sauer Danfoss MEMBERS: Coloplast Corporation TDC Carrier Service USA Inc. Bang & Olufsen America, Inc. Composhield A/S Velux Danmark A/S Bavarian Nordic A/S Confederation of Danish Industries BiogenIdec Consultants Inc. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS: First National Bank of Omaha Danfoss, Inc. AmCham Denmark FMC Corporation Danimex Inc. Beaufort Advisor GN ReSound North America ECCO USA, Inc. COWI KelsenBisca, Inc. Eitzen Bulk (USA) Inc. Danish-American Business Forum Lockheed Martin Corporation Enkotec Company, Inc. Danish-American Chamber of Maersk Inc. EnXco Commerce, Midwest Northrop Grumman ETI Engineering, Inc. Danish-American Chamber of Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals Finmeccanica Inc. Commerce, New York Novozymes FLSmidth Inc. Danish-American Chamber of Raytheon Company Furniture From Scandinavia Commerce, Northern Royal Scandinavia Inc. GateHouse California Rupari, Inc. Goodman & Company, LLP Danish-American Chamber of Scandinavian Airlines System Greenland Contractors, I/S Commerce, Southern California Systematic Software Guldmann, Inc Danish-American Chamber of Commerce, Engineering Inc. Haldor Topsoe, Inc. South East USA Terma North America, Inc. Holland & Knight LLP. Danish Information Systems Valmont Industries, Inc. Intellix Professionals Vestas Americas J. Lauritzen (USA) Inc. HagerErnst Weibel Scientific Linak US Inc. Northwest Danish Foundation, Wilmer Hale LLP Lyngsoe Systems, Inc. Seattle Majesty Inc. Schuyler Ritter (Beaufort CORPORATE MEMBERS: Martensen & Wright, LLP Advisors, LLC) Bruhn Newtech, Inc. Lundbeck, Inc. Carl Bro Pacific Rim Norden Tankers and Bulkers (USA) Inc.

American-Danish Business Council 10 Embassy of Denmark • 3200 Whitehaven Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20008 • [email protected]