NEWSLETTER November 2007 Letter from Ambassador Friis Arne Petersen 1 The Embassy’s Annual Event, Creative Christmas, is held on December 11-12, 2007 5 Election Day in Denmark is set for 13 November, 2007 2 The Taste of Place 6 Recent developments of interest to ADBC-members 2 Danish Film Festival in Atlanta 6 Introduction of New Green Card Scheme for The Chief of Staff of the Army visits Washington, DC 7 Job Seekers 3 Future Events 8 The New WB President - a Good First Impression! 3 New ADBC Members 9 Ambassador Friis Arne Petersen Gave Lectures at Columbia University and New York University 4 Board of Directors and Members of ADBC 10 CLIMATE CHANGE AND ECONOMIC CHALLENGES IN THE ARCTIC. Over the summer and fall, the den under the ice become ac- 2008 to discuss how to estab- Arctic has increasingly attracted cessible. It is estimated that a lish the best possible coopera- attention. From climate change quarter of the world’s oil and tion and framework to deal and melting glaciers in Green- gas reserves is under the Arctic with the new circumstances and land to a Russian sub-marine ice. opportunities in the Arctic. planting a flag under the ice on the North Pole. The economic perspectives in At the embassy, we are trying to the Arctic are, of course, of play our part in this, too. In The reason for this has much to particular relevance to the five close contact with the Danish do with climate change. Nor- Arctic states, including Den- and Greenland Government, mally, the climate change dis- mark/Greenland and the USA, on through the fall I will meet cussion is about limiting our and their companies. But it with a number of key US part- emission of greenhouse gases should not be done in a Klon- ner, public as well private, to and rightly so. But it also has dike fashion. That is why the discuss the possibilities and practical and economic implica- Danish Foreign Minister, in how to move forward. We are tions. With the sea ice melting, cooperation with the Greenland also planning several embassy the Arctic opens up for new sea Premier, has invited colleagues events to put focus on Green- transport routes, and natural from the USA, Canada, Norway land and the Arctic. resources that have been hid- and Russia to Greenland in May Friis Arne Petersen Ambassador American-Danish Business Council 1 Embassy of Denmark • 3200 Whitehaven Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20008 • [email protected] ELECTION DAY IN DENMARK IS SET FOR 13 NOVEMBER, 2007 On October 24, the Danish given notice that the new Par- or a Consulate if they are listed Prime Minister, Anders Fogh liament is to vote on an in the electoral register. Rasmussen, called for a gen- amendment to the Act of Suc- eral election for the Danish cession to the Danish Throne. The Embassy of Denmark in Parliament. The election will The passing of a new royal suc- Washington DC is open to in- be held on 13 November cession act will ensure that in dividuals who wish to vote by 2007. the future, the first-born child absentee from October 31st to can be heir to the throne re- November 6th between 9.30 am Some of the key issues in the gardless of gender. and 12.30 pm. To vote, a Dan- political debate leading up to ish passport or other Danish the election are social welfare, Danish citizens living abroad - identification must be shown. taxes, healthcare, and immigra- and thereby prevented from tion policies. Furthermore, the casting their vote on the elec- For more information please election is also going to be tion day - can vote by absentee visit the embassy’s website about the concept of King or ballot at the Danish Embassy www.ambwashington.um.dk Queen. The Prime Minister has __________________________________________________________________________ RECENT DEVELOPMENTS OF INTEREST TO ADBC-MEMBERS On 25 October, 2007 the Sen- aims at changing U.S. taxation Foreign Relations approved the ate passed their version of the of U.S.-based multinational bilateral Danish-American new U.S Farm Bill. As ex- corporations by increasing the double taxation protocol. The pected, the Senate version does marginal U.S. tax cost asso- protocol will positively impact not include the somewhat con- ciated with expanding and Danish companies in the U.S. troversial tax provision included maintaining foreign operations. as it eliminates the “source in the House version that was Some view that the proposal country” withholding tax on passed in July. The House tax may discourage U.S. corpora- returns from direct investments provision would limit tax treaty tions from maintaining or ex- and on dividends paid to benefits on deductible pay- panding their foreign opera- pension funds. Consequently, ments made by a U.S. subsidi- tions, at least relative to their the passage of the tax protocol ary of a multinational company status quo. It is not immediately may significantly reduce tax- to a foreign affiliate. The two clear whether the proposal may related barriers to trade and chambers are now to settle on a have consequences for Danish investments between Denmark final Bill. The final Bill is ex- companies in the U.S. The Da- and the U.S. Next step is the pected by the end of this year nish embassy would appreciate Senate floor where, hopefully, or in the beginning of 2008. information on any conse- final approval will take place quences that members of before the end of the year. At the same time, it is notewor- ADBC may envisage due to the thy that House Ways and proposal. For further information, please Means Chairman Charles Ran- contact Niels Junker Jacobsen gel has put forward an interna- On October 31 on a related at [email protected]. tional tax proposal. The bill issue, the Senate Committee on American-Danish Business Council 2 Embassy of Denmark • 3200 Whitehaven Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20008 • [email protected] INTRODUCTION OF NEW GREEN CARD SCHEME FOR JOB SEEKERS The Danish Immigration based on parameters like educa- In order to receive a residence Service has introduced a new tional level, language skills, permit under the Green Card Green Card scheme for job work experience, and age. The scheme applicants must be able seekers wishing to obtain overall evaluation is used to to support themselves for the employment in Denmark. determine the likelihood of the duration of their stay in Den- applicant finding employment. mark. The new Green Card scheme means that a six month resi- A residence permit under the For more information about dence permit can be issued to Green Card scheme does not the new Green Card scheme, foreign nationals allowing them qualify as a work permit. Thus please visit: to seek employment in Den- individuals granted a residence www.nyidanmark.dk/en- mark. permit are not allowed to work us/coming_to_dk/work/green while seeking employment in _card/green_card_job_seekers. The permit is issued on the ba- Denmark. The work permit htm sis of an individual evaluation must be applied for separately. of the applicant, which again is ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE NEW WB PRESIDENT - A GOOD FIRST IMPRESSION! Annual meetings of the tion includes strengthening the Iceland represents the Nordic- World Bank/IMF, 21–22 Oc- Bank’s fight against poverty – Baltic countries in the Devel- tober, 2007. particularly in Africa, improving opment Committee. Sweden the activities towards fragile represents the group at the an- On the weekend of 21-22 Oc- states, as well as taking a more nual meeting. tober, the World Bank and the active role in relation to Global International Monetary Fond Public Goods – especially re- Links: held their annual meetings. The garding climate change. Communiqué from Develop- meetings provided the first op- ment Committee meeting 21 portunity for the new World A communiqué from the meet- October 2007: Bank President, Robert Zoel- ings reflects the views during www.imf.org/external/am/200 lick, to present his vision and the deliberations and gives di- 7/pdf/102107.pdf priorities for the Bank in the rection for the Bank. The Nor- coming years. On the agenda dic-Baltic countries ensured Written statement from Ice- was also the Bank’s role in the that the communiqué highlights land’s Foreign Minister, Ingib- international aid-architecture promotion of gender equality as jorg Solrun Gisladottir, on be- and the Bank’s engagement in essential for promoting sustain- half of the Nordic-Baltic coun- climate change activities. able development. The com- tries: muniqué also supports an active http://siteresources.worldbank. Mr. Zoellick’s vision of the role for the Bank in promoting org/DEVCOMMINT/Docum Bank’s contribution to an “in- climate friendly economic entation/21520129/DCS2007- clusive and sustainable globali- growth and supporting devel- 0040-Iceland.pdf zation”, received strong and oping countries’ adaptation to broad support. This contribu- climate change. American-Danish Business Council 3 Embassy of Denmark • 3200 Whitehaven Street, N.W. • Washington, D.C. 20008 • [email protected] AMBASSADOR FRIIS ARNE PETERSEN GAVE LECTURES AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY AND NEW YORK UNIVERSITY On the 15th and 16th of Oc- Iraq and Afghanistan. Den- ties between Denmark and tober, Ambassador Friis mark has contributed to the the USA, and the U.S. is the Arne Petersen gave lec- missions in both countries no. 2 investor in Denmark. tures at New York Univer- for several years in close co- The country’s business cli- sity and Columbia Univer- operation with the U.S. and mate is projected to remain sity. other partners. the best in the world for the next five years, according to At the lectures, the Ambas- The Danish government is the Economist Intelligence sador spoke about Danish firmly committed to the Unit – who concluded that foreign policy and how a global effort to combat ter- Denmark maintains a fruitful small national state, such as rorism.
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