THEWESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County

URPS 680OSU I'ubljfthed NINETIETH YEAR - NO. 44 Second Class PnstflKC ill WesinEld, N. •>. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1980 ery Thursday 24 Pages - 20 Cents School Closing Appeal Westfield Voters Choose In Hands of Judge Was the June 14 vote of the two days of school board redistricting plan in hand F. Sullivan and Vice Reagan and Kennedy Board of Education to close response. William Peek before deciding to close President Joan K. Corbet, Lincoln and Grant Schools acted as attorney for the schools, and whether the who attended most of the Edward M. Kennedy and Konald this month "arbitrary, board at the hearings. closing of Grant and Lincoln hearings, issued this joint Edna Zdcnek wenl 510 votes; Council votes. Reagan Hie overwhelming choices aspirants Gerri Gomperls, Ward 1, 10!); Westfield Police Capt. Al Vardalis, Capricious and Eighteen witnesses were Schools was an integral part statement today: of Westfield Dcmoerales and unreasonable?" heard during the hearings of a plan to go to the 4-4-4 "We would like to join Carolyn Klinger-Kueter, Ward 2. ]3l: Republican candidate for county sheriff, Republicans, respectively, in Tuesday's John Kussitano, Ward :S, 122; and ran unopposed in the election and This is the issue on which and 90 exhibits introduced. organization of instruction. Glickman and Mr. Peek in Primary Elections. Judge Robert Glickman has Mrs. Linda Kimerling, appealing to the community Kugene Hosner, Ward 4, 176; and received 2033 votes in his hometown. These points were major Senator Kennedy was the two-lo-ono Republicans: Incumbent Mayor Allen Congressional district and county 45 days in which to render a president of the Parent- issues in the citizen of parents, staff members, choice of Westfield Democrats, gar- decision on an appeal made Teacher Council presented and citizens-at-large to Chin. 2012; Council candidates in- Republicans also ran unopposed for petitioners' appeal. nering 1031 votes lo President Carter's cumbent Councilman John Brady, Ward nomination and area full races shape up by 14 Wcstfield citizens an opening and closing consider very seriously this 579. represented hy Richard statement as a "par- Peek, in his summation, appeal and its implications 1, 5B1; incumbent Councilman Donald as follows: felt that the board acted in a Reagan won lltoi) votes, compared ID Alpaugh, Ward 2, 535; incumbent Birchall al the ticipator" in the hearings. at the same time we all join For Congress: Incumbent Matt Administrative Law Court "deliberate, fair and con- together to continue to 588 for Bush, who has withdrawn from Councilman Raymond Slone, Ward ,'t. In considering whether scientious manner," and the Presidnelial race, and 4l> for Harold 452; and Clifford Sheehan, Ward 4, 4(14. Rinaldo (R) will be challenged by Rose during the last two weeks. the board's June 14 vote was provide the best education Monyek (D). The citizens seek to have the noted that the board has possible for all of our Stassen. George Anderson gained 105 While scattered write-in voles for "arbitrary, capricious and taken steps, such as staff write-in votes. county committeemen and women from For Sheriff: Incumbent Ralph school closing' decision unreasonable," the Judge students. Froehlich

Acknowledging proclamation issued by Joseph S. Dominelli, president of the In- ternational Association Chiefs of Police marking June as Burglary Prevention Month are Westfield Police Chief James F. Moran. Councilwoman Betty List, chairman of the council safety committee; and Mayor Allen Chin. In his statement, Dominelli called upon the "active participation of an aroused and involved public" to aid police in curbing burglary which he said is a major crime across the nation. Home Burglaries Growing, 263 Here Last Year Today's economy and an evening and leave their an attempted burglary lifestyle are contributing homes completley dark. Or, would be seen. These lights factors to a growing in- they'll go off for a weekend can also be timer cidence of home burglaries or vacation and leave the controlled, if desired. throughout the country. This same light burning day and 5. Be sure all screens are is increasing the national night. No light at all, or a fastened from the inside. average of a burglary every light burning continuously, 6. Never leave valuables 15 seconds, according to is a good giveaway "No one lying around, keep them in a many law enforcement is home." safety deposit box. agencies. A simple, but effective 7. Notify your police And the same situation is means of having light in department when you'll be true in Westfield Chief your home every evening, is leaving and how long you . Moran said today in an- by connecting a Time-All expect to be away. nouncing that June is automatic timing device to 8. Cancel all deliveries, Burglary Prevention Month one or two lamps. Such a such as the milk, laundry, here. timer will turn a lamp "on,' cleaning, etc. Also, be sure Mayor Allen Chin has early in the evening, then to discontinue the issued a proclamation turn it "off" several hours newspaper or arrange to asking all citizens to assist ater. With lights turning on have it sent to your vacation (he police department in and off during the evening address. fighting home burglaries, hours it will give the ap- 9. Have a neighbor, or wmm m especially as the warm pearance someone is home your post office, hold all weather and vacation md may avert a possible mail until your return. season starts. burglary attempt! 10. Arrange witha friend "As a rule burglaries Chief Moran lists the to mow the lawn and sweep increase when the precautions for your sidewalk once a week. economy levels ou(, and Homeowners: Also, ask him if he'llpick up this is aggravated by the 1. Close and lock all doors, any circulars or handbills high cost of gold and silver including porch, basement that may be left on your that is stimulating home and garage. Use pin- porch. break-ins," Chief Moran tumbler cylinder locks on 11. Leave your shades and said. outside entrances and safety blinds as you normally do, "The increase in working latches on the windows. closed blinds keep the sun wives has made empty 2. Connect a lamp to a out, but also make an ef- Expanded Hours homes and apartments on Time-All automatic timer to fective screen for the workdays easy targets for turn lights in the homo on burglar. burglars. and off each evening. Since 12.' Never advertise your "We're noticing too that sound is a deterrent, departure with an item in you can bank on. there is an increasing connect radio or TV to