THEWESTFIELD LEADER The Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper In Union County URPS 680OSU I'ubljfthed NINETIETH YEAR - NO. 44 Second Class PnstflKC ill WesinEld, N. •>. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1980 ery Thursday 24 Pages - 20 Cents School Closing Appeal Westfield Voters Choose In Hands of Judge Was the June 14 vote of the two days of school board redistricting plan in hand F. Sullivan and Vice Reagan and Kennedy Board of Education to close response. William Peek before deciding to close President Joan K. Corbet, Lincoln and Grant Schools acted as attorney for the schools, and whether the who attended most of the Edward M. Kennedy and Konald this month "arbitrary, board at the hearings. closing of Grant and Lincoln hearings, issued this joint Edna Zdcnek wenl 510 votes; Council votes. Reagan were Hie overwhelming choices aspirants Gerri Gomperls, Ward 1, 10!); Westfield Police Capt. Al Vardalis, Capricious and Eighteen witnesses were Schools was an integral part statement today: of Westfield Dcmoerales and unreasonable?" heard during the hearings of a plan to go to the 4-4-4 "We would like to join Carolyn Klinger-Kueter, Ward 2. ]3l: Republican candidate for county sheriff, Republicans, respectively, in Tuesday's John Kussitano, Ward :S, 122; and ran unopposed in the election and This is the issue on which and 90 exhibits introduced. organization of instruction. Glickman and Mr. Peek in Primary Elections. Judge Robert Glickman has Mrs. Linda Kimerling, appealing to the community Kugene Hosner, Ward 4, 176; and received 2033 votes in his hometown. These points were major Senator Kennedy was the two-lo-ono Republicans: Incumbent Mayor Allen Congressional district and county 45 days in which to render a president of the Parent- issues in the citizen of parents, staff members, choice of Westfield Democrats, gar- decision on an appeal made Teacher Council presented and citizens-at-large to Chin. 2012; Council candidates in- Republicans also ran unopposed for petitioners' appeal. nering 1031 votes lo President Carter's cumbent Councilman John Brady, Ward nomination and area full races shape up by 14 Wcstfield citizens an opening and closing consider very seriously this 579. represented hy Richard statement as a "par- Peek, in his summation, appeal and its implications 1, 5B1; incumbent Councilman Donald as follows: felt that the board acted in a Reagan won lltoi) votes, compared ID Alpaugh, Ward 2, 535; incumbent Birchall al the ticipator" in the hearings. at the same time we all join For Congress: Incumbent Matt Administrative Law Court "deliberate, fair and con- together to continue to 588 for Bush, who has withdrawn from Councilman Raymond Slone, Ward ,'t. In considering whether scientious manner," and the Presidnelial race, and 4l> for Harold 452; and Clifford Sheehan, Ward 4, 4(14. Rinaldo (R) will be challenged by Rose during the last two weeks. the board's June 14 vote was provide the best education Monyek (D). The citizens seek to have the noted that the board has possible for all of our Stassen. George Anderson gained 105 While scattered write-in voles for "arbitrary, capricious and taken steps, such as staff write-in votes. county committeemen and women from For Sheriff: Incumbent Ralph school closing' decision unreasonable," the Judge students. Froehlich <D) will be challenged by Al rescinded. notifications, to close Aboul 30 percent of Westfield's both parlies could possibly lead to their said that he was concerned schools and feels that the "The petitioners' attorney registered voters casl ballots: 1H47 election, dependent upon acceptance, Vardalis (R). Hearings ended about wilh whether the Juno 14 claimed in his summation Democrats and UI14I Republicans. noon Thursday after nearly vote was final or con- community is now prepared that the board has treated the only real contest was a write-in For Freeholder (three seatsi: Joan D. for the closing of schools. Candidates for local offices of Mayor campaign in the first district of the Ailen, Dexter A. Martin and Herman seven days of testimony ditional, whether there was '(his appeal as a joke.' and" Town Council ran unopposed for including five days of significant financial need lo "To delay would create "We do not regard the fourth ward, where Shirley Hudd. with Schreiber (Di will face Republicans from their respective parties. Winning seven voles, lost in a write-in match to Frank II. Lehr. Virginia M. McKenney presentations by the close schools, whether the more confusion," he added. appeal as a joke. When the nominations were Democrats: Mayor, petitioners and a little over board should have had the Hoard President Thomas appeal was filed we Jcannetlc iVAmore who garnered 22 and Peter F. Okrusinski. recognized that a certain segment of the community Highlights of Primary Elections was not happy. In present- Teachers' Contract Residents Question Use ing our response to the DK.MOCKATS KLTIISI.ICANS appeal, we have tried, once For President: For President: again, to explain the Carter 579 Reagan 1800 rationale for our decision. Kennedy 1031 Hush 588 Goes to Mediation Of Trinity PL School We have spent much time Uncommitted 123 Anderson write-ins 105 As chairman of the staff Association, representing 57 and energy before our relations commiltee, custodians and maintenance Decision on a subdivision not need approval of local for living quarters for the For Mayor: For Mayor: employees in the school sought by Holy Trinity authorities to purchase or custodian, and the school for school closing decision to Westfield Board of consider all facts, to hear Zdenek 510 Chin 2012 Education President system. The custodians Church was reserved by the use the properly as it so its programs. from the staff and public, Thomas F. Sullivan contract expired on June 30, Planning Board Monday desires. But Holy Trinity Area neighbors voiced and to act in ways For Council: For Council: released today a status 1979 and the teacher's night after residents of the Church, according to its complaints about current !03 current contract will expire Trinity PI. requested more attorney John Boyle, is parking problems which responsible and responsive Wardl Gom perls Ward 1 Brady 581 report on negotiations. lo the entire community. We Ward 2 Klinger-Kueter 131 Ward 2 Alpaugh 535 The Board of Education is on June 30, 1980. information from the State seeking the subdivision to they feel could be worsened, 122 Negotiations are at im- Department of Human and possible future use to are deeply concerned with Ward 3 Russitano Ward;) Stone 452 negotiating with the create three separate this appeal. Ward 4 Rosner 176 Ward 4 Sheehan 494 Westfield Education passe with both Resources on the State's use parcels of its property which the school may be associations. of the former Holy Trinity holdings in (he area: Holy put, one claiming that "The petitioners' attorney Association, representing also raised the question of Total vole 1B47 Total vote 2B41 teachers, nurses, librarians, Gloria Korman has been Elementary School on Trinity Church itself; the Trinity PI. could become 1 assigned mediator in the Trinity PI. school with adjacent frame "the chemical dump of 'good faith on the part of the guidance counselors, social Hoard of Education. workers and school B o a r d - \V E A contract Residents and Planning house ami convent which Westfield." negotiations by the New Board members are hopeful will be used by the State: In other action, the "Everyone on this board, psychologists, and with the that a representative from and the rectory, for which Planning Hoard approved including members who Groups Told to Observe Weslfic-iii Suppurl ive {Contim.Kc: on page 4) the State, which will pur- no change of use is con- the subdivision of the West voted against the school chase the property for use in templated. Dudley Aye, Jofs. of_Mnxy closings, agree that the -a-program for the iirintTanTl ~Tne~ Rev" RnEert" T. Guiidrurrf and Charles Coz- " boarci Tias acted "in good"" Fair (Weather) Play To Air Gumbert Field visually-impaired, might Lonnon, pastor, said he ewilh which will provide a failh. "And in good faith, we "Don't play in the mud!" weather. field conditions can be attend the July 7 meeting lo expects the Department of lot for a one-family house is the word from • the According lo the ascertained by calling the Report on June 23 respond to citizen concerns. Human Kesources to use the facing Hanford PI. Neigh- come lo the community now with this information aboul Westfield Recreation recreation department, two department of recreation The final report of proposed improvements to Legally, it was explained, convent for administrative bors who bad complained Commission. While many groups have recently been which hopes to encourage Gumberl Field compiled by Aurnhammer Associates, the State of New Jersey does purposes, the frame house last month when two one- the hearings and a pica to everyone lo consider this pa'rents of small mud- placed on notice that such all Weslficld loams to ob- Inc., was distributed to members of the Recreation I'umily dwellings had been stained ball players may improper use of tltr; fields serve the rules of fair Commission at the regular monthly meeting Monday sought appeared, satisfied case very seriously and lo Board to Name Principals Tuesday consider even more agree, the commission's may cause them to forfeit I weather) play. evening. According lo chairman Robert Duncan, the with the revised plans. edicy really addresses the playing privileges. Playing commission has been charged by Mayor Chin lo -The West field Board of principal for Edison Junior John K. and Nancy seriously how we all will (Continued on poga 4 J Education will hold a High School, the adoption of work together to provide safety of the players and the "review the report, draft recommendations for Meeker were granted stael of the town playing submission lo town council, hold a public meeting to special meeting al K p.m.
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