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The Community News …and the winner is… Chamber Awards, page 3 March 19, 2021 · · 75 cents THE COMMUNITY NEWS Serving Aledo · the Annettas · Hudson Oaks · Willow Park, Texas ALEDO ALEDO ISD Parker Board Station lot approves could be attendance rezoned a zone maps second time Incoming fifth-graders may The land was first rezoned to commer- stay if desired cial in 1987 By Mercedes Mayer Aledo ISD By Brandi Addison The Community News The Aledo ISD Board of Trustees voted Aledo could see a familiar zoning change unanimously Thursday night, March 11, to next week, when city council is set to vote approve new attendance zone boundaries on an item that proposes 500 Old Annetta for elementary students for the 2021-2022 Road in the Parker Station subdivision, school year and for middle school students becomes a commercial property. starting in August of 2022. The lot was already rezoned to a com- The attendance zones were recom- mercial property when approved by city mended by the district’s Attendance Zone council in 1987, city planning consultant Committee, a group of 39 citizens appoint- Betty Chew said. However, she believes the ed by the board who met for more than changes did not get reflected on the city’s 10 hours over four meetings to study data zoning maps. about projected enrollment, campus capac- “We don’t know (what happened), but ity, safety, transportation, infrastructure, we would have to assume that it just did planned development, and more. not get reflected in the (1987) map, and AZC co-chairs Peter Healey and Cynthia that possibly could’ve just carried forth Llewellyn presented the proposed atten- to the current (2008) zoning map,” Chew dance zone maps to the Aledo ISD Board said. of Trustees. View and download the zone City officials began the hunt for the map at decades-old documents when it was uploads/2021/03/zones.pdf. brought to their attention by longtime res- “It really was a district-wide thought ident and former council member Jim process and truly took all of the district Lasater, who owns the property and voted kids into consideration,” Healey said. for the change in the late 1980s. “That really was one of the primary factors Because the zoning maps do not behind our thought process, ‘How can we accurately reflect the lot as a commer- ensure the best learning environment for cial property, the city must complete the the greatest number of kids for the longest traditional process for a zoning change, time period possible?’ including two public hearings, a recom- “Every opinion was heard and every mendation from the planning and zoning concern was voiced, and the committee as committee, and a vote by the council. a whole did a very good job of hearing out Frank Urquidez, who is a resident of every thought on the matter and taking it Parker Station, said he and several other all into consideration as we went through residents will submit a petition against the the process,” Healey said. zoning change during the council meeting. In addition to working with the dis- Urquidez said he was aware that the trict’s demographer from Templeton property should have already been fully Demographics, AZC members had access to all of the community feedback gathered transitioned to a commercial property RANDY KECK/THE COMMUNITY NEWS decades ago, but he believes it was a con- via an online survey plus the feedback Workers far below ground level on the Beggs Ranch side of I-20 install the line that will received from the Board of Trustees and flict of interest for Lasater to vote on the eventually bring water from Fort Worth to Willow Park and Hudson Oaks. Willow Park city fellow AZC members. The AZC analyzed officials hope to be able to draw water from Fort Worth by mid to late summer. Turn to LOT, page 6 and discussed the feedback and reviewed what adjustments could be made to the proposed initial elementary and middle school maps. Co-chairs Healey and Cynthia ‘Almost nearly but not quite’ Llewellyn also presented and discussed the AZC process and proposed maps twice pub- Willow Park’s new licly with the Aledo ISD Board of Trustees. Cross Timbers Park “What people need to know is the Playground, on the site amount of work that went into this and of the old public safe- that you went through every scenario that ty building, has all the committee members brought up, walked looks of completion. through that and all looked at the results that may bring,” Aledo ISD Trustee Forrest City officials are ask- Collins said. “There’s a lot of thought, a lot ing that the equipment of effort and a lot of time.” not be used just yet, as The areas the AZC most frequently safety inspections have discussed were downtown Aledo as they not been completed tried to alleviate traffic congestion as much on the new features. as possible and also north of Interstate 20 A grand opening is where the current numbers and project- planned in April. ed fast growth meant moving students SPECIAL TO THE COMMUNITY NEWS Turn to AISD, page 5 COVID Vaccines Clay Shoot Baseball Cancer center announces COVID- Annual Business Development Bearcats complete tournament season, pre- 19 vaccinations for cancer patients, Development Group of Aledo hosts 12th pare for district. caregivers, and families. annual clay shoot. Volume 31, Number 12 PAGE 4 PAGE 3 PAGE 8 Published Weekly Copyright 2021, The Community News 2 March 19, 2021 THE COMMUNITY NEWS ABDG Clay Shoot The Business Development Group of aledo held its 12th annu- al Clay Shoot this year at a new location, Defender Outdoors Clay Ranch in Benbrook, on Saturday, March 11. Long a source of dona- tions for local organizations, this year’s event benefited Young Life Aledo, Aledo FFA, Brock FFA, Camp Fire, Aledo AdvoCats, Project Celebration 2021, Aledo Clay Busters, and the Trinity Ryder Watkins Christian Academy Clay Christenson RaglandBrady James KehrtWilliam Shooting Team. Organizer Craig Harbuck said the donations are pro- vided to goops who provided volunteers for the event, which included a youth shoot in the morning, fol- lowed by adult shooters. “Everbody’s got a little skin in the game,” Harbuck said of the more than 200 volunteers who helped. PHOTOS BY RANDY KECK THE COMMUNITY Crosby Key NEWS Payton Bierle Kendrick Swain Zayden Parker Nathan Patridge Barrett Birdwell Brice Bohn Infant • Preschool • After School Care Learni Center 5073 I-20 Service Rd N, Willow Park, TX 817-441-1906 SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 2021 DEFENDER OUTDOORS CLAY SPORTS RANCH IN BENBROOK 8270 ALEDO RD • BENBROOK, TX 76126 132 El Chico Trail, Willow Park 11801 Camp Bowie Blvd, Aledo 817-441-1773 817-560-4295 RAFFLE DURING LUNCH! [email protected] Sign up at: or TCA Athletics Facebook page All shooters under 18 must be accompanied by a parent CLEAR FORK MATERIALS THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS! GOLD SPONSORS Residential & Commercial “Are you growing with us?” SILVER SPONSOR BRONZE SPONSOR AMMO SPONSOR • Topsoils & Custom Soil Blends • Compost & Mulches • Rock & Sand Products Serving North Texas since l986 Pick up or Delivery Available EE-Version-Version subscribersubscriberss rreceiveeceive their ccopyopy ooff TThehe 800 OLD ANNETTA ROAD CommunitCommunityy NeNewsws fi rst!rst! ALEDO, TEXAS 817-441-7777 HOURS: M-F 8-5 •SAT 8-2 No eextraxtra charchargege fforor print subscribersubscribers.s. WWW.CLEARFORKMATERIALS.COM VVisitisit THE COMMUNITY NEWS March 19, 2021 3 Chamber presents annual awards Baker’s Ribs received Business of CASA-Hope for Children received Debra Smith with Pulliam Pools Karina Pappas of C&K Designs Lightfoot Mechanical received the Year (11-20 employees). Nonprofit of the Year. received Businessperson of the Year. received the Ambassador of the Year. Business of the Year (51+employees) The East Parker County Chamber of Commerce held its annual awards banquet on March 5 at Film Alley The Pappy Thompson Public Service The Playspace Willow Park received Urban Air Hudson Oaks received Your Personal Chef received in Award went to County Court at Law Business of the Year (21-50 Entrepreneur of the Year. Business of the Year (1-10 2 Judge Lynn Marie Johnson. employees). employees). Weatherford. Our family serving your family since 1908. White’s Funeral Home 130 Houston Ave. • Weatherford 817-596-4811 Visit us today at 1911 S. Main St. Weatherford’s #1 Family Credit Union (817) 835-5000 Open to those who live, work, or attend school in Tarrant, Denton, Parker, and Johnson Counties. The Community News (USPS 005-341) is published each week by Community Ventures Inc., at 203 Pecan Dr., Aledo, TX 76008. Periodical rate postage paid at Aledo, Texas 76008. POSTMASTER Serving Eastern Parker County, Texas: Aledo · the Annettas · Hudson Oaks · Willow Park : Send address changes to : The Community News, P.O. Box 1031, Aledo, Texas 76008 4 March 19, 2021 THE COMMUNITY NEWS ACROSS 46 these powers fought 1 234 1 TXism “never ____ the Allies in WWII TEXAS Barnyard Reading eyes on it” 47 TXism: “_____ __ a 5 5 in Tarrant County calf crying for mama” CROSSWORD On March 10 students about ag programs and to were read to, including rab- on highway 199 49 TXism:”got as much 6 6 burrowing rodent chance as a _____ __ by Charley & Guy Orbison from Coder Elementary read to the animals assisted bits, pigs, and cattle. 7 West TX climate a packing plant” 7 Copyright 2021 by Orbison Bros.
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