UNITED ARCHITECTS OF THE The Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects UAP National Headquarters, 53 Scout Rallos Street, , Philippines


Chapter MONTH OF DECEMBER 2020 Chapter President MA. ANGELICA R. RODRIGUEZA, uap, rmp Contact Numbers 0966-436-1505 DATE DECEMBER 31, Email Address [email protected] SUBMITTED 2020

CHAPTER ACTIVITIES UNDERTAKEN DURING THE MONTH Indicate your chapter activities undertaken during the month such as Chapter GMM, Professional Development Seminars, Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives,etc

ACTIVITY NO.1 Title of Activity Heritage Tour Date December 07, 2020

Total Attendees 6 Members Venue , Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to help the Tourism Industry of Camarines Norte

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Heritage Tour

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

The United Architects of the Philippines Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in partnership with Provincial Museum and Municipal Tourism Office of Vinzons an Eco Heritage Town. The Chapter conducted Heritage Tour to Casa Barbin Y Guinto, Casa Silvana, Casa Maria, Gabaldon Building and St. Peter The Apostle as a part of our National Architecture Week to promote the Heritage Sites of Camarines Norte.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 1 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.2 Title of Activity Donation Drive Date December 08, 2020

Brgy. Mangcayo, Vinzons, Total Attendees 20 Members Venue Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to extend help for the typhoon victims

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Donation Drive

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

The United Architects of the Philippines Kuwait Chapter partnered with our Chapter to conduct a donation drive for the Typhoon Ulysses Victims here in Camarines Norte, our Chapter turn-over the Donations to the Brgy. Captain of Brgy. Mangcayo Vinzons since their is not passable because of Flood.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 2 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.3 Title of Activity Donation Drive Date December 09, 2020

Total Attendees 2 Members Venue ,

Objective of the Activity To be able to extend help for the typhoon victims

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Donation Drive

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in Partnership with tabaco Chapter for Relief Operations for the Typhoon Victims in Albay

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 3 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.4 Title of Activity Bidding Observer Date December 09, 2020

Total Attendees 2 Members Venue Tabaco, Albay

Objective of the Activity To be able to represent the Chapter to the Board

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Bidding Observer

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

Our Chapter was invited as one of the observers in the Bidding of Infrastructure Projects of Cam. Norte State College

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 4 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.5 Title of Activity Donation Drive Date December 10, 2020

Total Attendees 20 Members Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to extend help for the typhoon victims

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Donation Drive

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

UAP Daet Camarines Norte Chapter sponsored by Boysen Paints Philippines to donate Sack of Rice for the Typhoon Victims

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 5 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.6 Title of Activity Dialogue with Mayor Date December 11, 2020

Total Attendees 1 Member Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to represent the Chapter to the Province

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Dialogue

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

Had a little catch up with Mayor Adrian Davoco of Municipality of for the project of UAP Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in their Municipality

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 6 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.7 Title of Activity This Abled: Pamaskong Handog Free Massage Date December 12, 2020

Total Attendees 6 Members Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to extend help the community

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Free Massage

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

In connection with the National Architecture Week, the United Architects of The Philippines Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in partnership with JCI Daet Bulawan and Rotary Club of Daet South conducted a Pamaskong Handog to the community in Barangay Mantagbac entitled: This ABLED. Free Massage is one of the activities in this project.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 7 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.8 Title of Activity This Abled: Pamaskong Handog Free Haircut Date December 12, 2020

Total Attendees 6 Members Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to extend help the community

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Libreng Gupit Sulit

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

In connection with the National Architecture Week, the United Architects of The Philippines Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in partnership with JCI Daet Bulawan and Rotary Club of Daet South conducted a Pamaskong Handog to the community in Barangay Mantagbac entitled: This ABLED. Free Haircut is one of the activities in this project.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 8 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.9 Title of Activity This Abled: Pamaskong Handog Relief Distribution Date December 12, 2020

Total Attendees 6 Members Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to extend help the community

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Relief Distribution

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

In connection with the National Architecture Week, the United Architects of The Philippines Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in partnership with JCI Daet Bulawan and Rotary Club of Daet South conducted a Pamaskong Handog to the community in Barangay Mantagbac entitled: This ABLED. Relief Distribution is one of the activities in this project.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 9 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.10 This Abled: Pamaskong Handog Hygiene Kit Title of Activity Date December 12, 2020 Distribution

Total Attendees 6 Members Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to extend help the community

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Hygiene Kit Distribution

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

In connection with the National Architecture Week, the United Architects of The Philippines Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in partnership with JCI Daet Bulawan and Rotary Club of Daet South conducted a Pamaskong Handog to the community in Barangay Mantagbac entitled: This ABLED. Hygiene Kit Distribution is one of the activities in this project.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 10 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.11 Title of Activity This Abled: Pamaskong Handog Hug a Bear Date December 12, 2020

Total Attendees 6 Members Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to extend help the community

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Hug a Bear for Kids

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

In connection with the National Architecture Week, the United Architects of The Philippines Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in partnership with JCI Daet Bulawan and Rotary Club of Daet South conducted a Pamaskong Handog to the community in Barangay Mantagbac entitled: This ABLED. Hug a Bear for Kids is one of the activities in this project.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 11 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.12 Title of Activity This Abled: Pamaskong Handog Bigyan ng Jacket Date December 12, 2020

Total Attendees 6 Members Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to extend help the community

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Bigyan ng Jacket

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

In connection with the National Architecture Week, the United Architects of The Philippines Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in partnership with JCI Daet Bulawan and Rotary Club of Daet South conducted a Pamaskong Handog to the community in Barangay Mantagbac entitled: This ABLED. Jacket Distribution is one of the activities in this project.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 12 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.13 Title of Activity This Abled: Pamaskong Handog Feeding Program Date December 12, 2020

Total Attendees 6 Members Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to extend help the community

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Feeding Program

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

In connection with the National Architecture Week, the United Architects of The Philippines Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in partnership with JCI Daet Bulawan and Rotary Club of Daet South conducted a Pamaskong Handog to the community in Barangay Mantagbac entitled: This ABLED. Feeding Program is one of the activities in this project.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 13 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.14 This Abled: Pamaskong Handog Assistance to the Title of Activity Date December 12, 2020 Senior Citizens

Total Attendees 6 Members Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to extend help the community

Others: Financial Assistance to the Senior Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Citizens

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

In connection with the National Architecture Week, the United Architects of The Philippines Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in partnership with JCI Daet Bulawan and Rotary Club of Daet South conducted a Pamaskong Handog to the community in Barangay Mantagbac entitled: This ABLED. Financial Assistance to the Senior Citizens is one of the activities in this project.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 14 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.15 Title of Activity Awarding and NAW Kit Distribution Date December 13, 2020

Total Attendees 10 Members Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to give an award to the Outstanding Chapter Members

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Awarding

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

In connection with the National Architecture Week, Our Chapter gave Certificates for the Outstanding Chapter Members and NAW Kit.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 15 of 21

In connection with the National Architecture Week, Our Chapter gave Certificates for the Outstanding Chapter Members and NAW Kit.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 16 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.16 Title of Activity Emergency Meeting/ Chapter Board Meeting Date December 15, 2020

Total Attendees 5 Members Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to discuss the upcoming activities

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Meeting

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

Our Chapter had an Emergency Meeting with the Chapter Officers to be able to discuss the upcoming activities.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 17 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.17 Title of Activity Rizalism: Tiktok Challenge Date December 25, 2020

Total Attendees 1 Member Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to represent the Chapter to the Province

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Tiktok Challenge

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

In commemoration of the 124th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Gat Jose P. Rizal and the 122nd Anniversary of the Establishment of the World’s First Rizal Monument in the Philippines, the United Architects of the Philippines Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in partnership with the Provincial Museum conducted a Tiktok Challenge with the theme: Rizalism: An inspiration for greater courage and compassion in facing the challenges in the time of pandemic.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 18 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.18 Title of Activity Rizalism: Comic Strips Making Date December 26, 2020

Total Attendees 1 Member Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to represent the Chapter to the Province

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Comic Strips Making

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

In commemoration of the 124th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Gat Jose P. Rizal and the 122nd Anniversary of the Establishment of the World’s First Rizal Monument in the Philippines, the United Architects of the Philippines Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in partnership with the Provincial Museum conducted a Comic Strips Making with the theme: Rizalism: An inspiration for greater courage and compassion in facing the challenges in the time of pandemic.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 19 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.19 Title of Activity Rizalism: Oratorical Contest Date December 27, 2020

Total Attendees 1 Member Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to represent the Chapter to the Province

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Oratorical Contest

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

In commemoration of the 124th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Gat Jose P. Rizal and the 122nd Anniversary of the Establishment of the World’s First Rizal Monument in the Philippines, the United Architects of the Philippines Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in partnership with the Provincial Museum conducted a Oratorical Contest with the theme: Rizalism: An inspiration for greater courage and compassion in facing the challenges in the time of pandemic.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 20 of 21

ACTIVITY NO.20 Title of Activity Awarding for Rizal Activities Date December 28, 2020

Total Attendees 1 Member Venue Daet, Camarines Norte

Objective of the Activity To be able to represent the Chapter to the Province

Type of Activity GMM Seminar Socio-Civic / Others: Awarding

Activity in line with 4Ps / Profession / Professional / Professional Organization Professional Product Activity in support of the Good / / Noble Leadership Member First UAP corporate thrust Governance

In commemoration of the 124th Anniversary of the Martyrdom of Gat Jose P. Rizal and the 122nd Anniversary of the Establishment of the World’s First Rizal Monument in the Philippines, the United Architects of the Philippines Daet Camarines Norte Chapter in partnership with the Provincial Museum. Awarding of the Winners of the Oratorical Contest, Comic Strips Making and Tiktok Challenge for the Rizal Day Activities.

MONTHLY CHAPTER REPORT | This report can be viewed at the UAP Corporate Website www.united-architects.orgPage 21 of 21