OI?A Audit Bares 'Unethical Transactions' at Ports Agency
:-'vol.'.25 No.101 .... :., .. .··.: O·: ' ·. -F·· ~d_.' 'A .. ' t ·2·- ·19,'g'a. ,, ·.· .· .. 'sa/pari)JJ°P96~50 .. ··:ce:n'"!';,;; ·©1996.Marianas Variety ·.. · · , ·. · · · . · - rt a.y • _1'9US ., ·· · . Serving·CNMl.'for24 Years: :~.U::/·/· ~ • I • " ' ' ' o ' ' : ' • ~ • j > • • - ' ( • ' • I I • • • • • ,' l •, , • ~ Labor chief on way out By Zaldy Dandan have 20 years (in government ser Variety News Sfaff vice perhaps) I'll retire also. I Directors and department sec DIVISION of Labor Director suppose people retire to get gov retaries under the executive branch don't have the "flexibil Frank Camacho wm·retireon Aug. ernment pension and work in the ity" to differ with the governor's 31, and his boss wants.to know private sector." policies, Tenorio said. why. Tenorio, however, ruled out '.'They are to carry out my Asked yesterday why Camacho policy disagreement as a reason policy. If they don't want to listen decided to leave the government, for Camacho's retirement. to me-if they don't retire, I'll Gov. Froilan C. Tenorio said he "Not that I know of (if there's make sure they retire." doesn't know himself. any policy disagreement between Due to its timing, Camacho's "Why don't you ask him? I like him and Camacho). But, maybe. decision to retire is considered by to know myself," he said. "If I Why don't you ask him," he said. some as "absurd." Government employees usually ;\ On CNMI delegate issue: retire at the end of the year to maximize retirement benefits. ~Manglona asks Congress , Camacho, according to uncon- Continued on page 54 f'not to listen·to gover.nor'f Frank Camacho I I ~ Despite; that is, the opposition j 1-.
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