Al1he News of AI 1M Pointes ~ery ThursdlY Morning ross~ Pointe ~ws Complete New, CoVerage of All the Pointa Home of the New, VOL, 38-NO_ 17 GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSOAY, APRIL 28, 1977 32 Sectionf-Sec;tion One

HEADLINES Plan for Boat Pink Slips .,.. Given to 46 WEEK Wells Okayed Instructors Action' Taken in Line- In,.GP,Park with Supe'rintendent's Commitment Toward ,TIl1U'lC1ay, April 21 PBES1DENT CAR T E R Council Approv-es-M-.-s-te-r-O-es-ign for 56 New Program, Staff asked Congress Wednesday to EncloSures at Windmill PointeParkj Solons R~duc:tions put the United States 011 a painful energy-(:OI1servatioD to View Cost Estimates on May 9 By SUSaoMcDonald i diet, including taxes that By James J, Njaim In react'ion to con tin- could boost gasoline prices The Park Council on Monday,' April 25, ap- uing declines in student to more than $1 a gallon and add $2,488 to the cost of gas- proved an overall master plan for cost estimates enrollment, the Board of guzzling cars by 1985. In a and general locations for 1)6 new boat wells of va- Education dismissed 46 nationally televised .ddress ried sius at the Windmill Pointe Park. 'The firm of Pointe teachers Tuesday, to a joint session of Congress, JOM Stevens Associates, Inc., architects-engineers, April 26., . Mr. carter said Americans who prepared the plans for the proposed marina The layoffs will cut about must be forced in some cases improvements, was authorized to prepare cost esti- 20 full-time positions from to save energy because they mates for presentation to the council at its next next year'S school budget, in are DOt likely to give up general meeting Monday, May 9. line with Superintendent Dr. wasteful babits voluntarily. The Windmill Pointe Park . William CoalA' (:ommitment The . alternative, he said, is Marina, rated one 01 the beat, to reduce staff and programs that "crisii" _ • , could Qver. if not the best, in the entire Citizens in by $200,000 annually. ' whelpl us." metropolitan area by proles- The Board approved the . at. P' k S k ayoU lists, mcluding several • • • SlOD manna ownen, pres- p'art.lime teac1l:..ers, at its M.OIl- ently has 220 boat wells. ar ee . Friday, April ZZ 'i'be additiOnal 56 wens win day, April 25, 'Illeeting. Pink lips .)<. otheMlr~?tANel'inL~ nMa?!! be a boon' to Part boit own- Cul-De-Sac Sth twereh handd'd~verled tho' ...... _ .. vu, ers, who are seeking mooring e eac ers urmg.'" unc . will turn the clock .Ahead space. There are 129 on the __ hours the following day, . OIlehour SuDday, beginning waiting list, according to .of. Residents in 1300 BlOck Grosse Pointe Education &Ix montha of daylight sav, fic.1 «:_--s. .f ~ R dO. Assoc., (GPEA),. President ingll Unie. The move to fast "6"'''' o_'i:l'rayton 08 r- Doris Cook called the diSmis- ~ time will become official at ..... IIll1t Boate ganize, Discuss Feas-"regrettabte." . 2 a.m. EST SUn&a. Anglican Musicians, (AAM). ica and around the world. .9.nd Congressional approval er., to the west des'" dents .is in their own bloc~ ..0 Meetings Law," prior Administra~n employe. e it is so funny now. Th AAM' . t ti ." new PIer ,&6' a1 Th d t want to .. agency said there was DO Not only bave the. """'s e . l~ an In erna ~n- He also has served as the announcemenlA thelJ1- nated as' Pier #S for 2O.foot . one. ey 0 no affi to budget approval. threat to air passengers and . . ""'~ al ~rgamzatl~n of lead1n~ United States deleg'ate to con. selves are expected to have boats. rmpese ~n unwanted tr . c .The Woods will hold a pub-. no cliIruption of airline oper- park pnvileges been revolt , A;nglican (Eplsco~al) musl- gresses of the International an Impact on dealer sales. The latter layout calls for di~erting -system on ~ny oth~r lichearing on iIA proposed ations. Initial investigations but he had to clean up ~e clans concerned ,With the ad- Music C9uncil of UNESCO. Leo Allie, of Grosse Pointe 16 wells on the east side of neigbb?rhood. A~d ~1Dceth!lf 1971-78 fiscal year. budget at by officials of the FBI aDd mess by himself. And his vancement o~ standards and To Perform Masl AMI;:, say.s that although the (CoatiDaecI 011 Pale I) blo~k )S well wlthm, the 11\. its rescheduled regular coun: the aviation agency gave pare~ts, who had .coo~rat~ goals of musIc and the per- . olic will enerall im rove ,tenor of. The Park, fear of cil meeting Thursday, .May them a good idea about the fully 1D the vandalism lIlvesti. forming arts of the church Soprano Elizabeth Parcells, ~ bY' g f D ~'t' P 11 ---,rlcreeping urban problems has 12 at 7'30 pm Two budget type of bomb used ~ no gation, h~d .pr~mised ~ take -the preservation of musicai ~~e ~aug~ter-~1 D~. a~ ~~. ca~ S':~i~~~~ in ~e ;0:;:0 Little League not really entered into their re~iew .meetings have ai. olue about the motive for the proper .dlsclplinary actiOn. heritage and the role of the ar es arce. sr., 0 o. it also uts,. dam r on ~ deliberations... ready been held by the coun. b'1ast. They said the bomb Shores Det. Sgt. ~ra: church in the culture of the rrly road, t~ll o~~ acp~- whole ~arket fo/the next Result's Sought r '''!be people we've dls- cll sitting as the finance com . . went off without warning. Mustazza, w~o was asSIgn entire community. orma~ce .0 ?Z;' s r~ 0 few months cussed this with in this block mittee on Thursday, April 21, the case, said .the bathhouse Haal to Speak M~s . 10 I~ orlglnal seUmg ..... are not really interested in and Monday, April 25. • • • was a complete mess. About 80 full.time organ~ts as the Ordin~r~ of solemn. " State Of IJm~ Those who have been the cul-de-sac as a pian to A further meeting is sched- .. .,Honday, AprU Z5 Earner ,lllvolvement and choirmasters from Ep1s- sung Eucharl~tic Masson Well, A~C got mto the designated to submit Little raise property values," said uled for this evening Aptil EXPERTS AT A UN con. He also sal~ he.found t~e copal cathedr:als throughout May 8 at ChrISt Church at small car fl~ld earl.y so we League and Babe Ruth Mr. Krag. "Our primary in. 28, in the conference room of : ference disagree with Presi. ~ets?f ~oot~rU\ts U\ the bwl~- the country 'will participate 11:15 a.m.. stand toprofJt from the long League s tori e s to the terest is the aesthetic value the municipal building, '20025 : dent Carter's warning' that mg, indicating a~ least .9.trio in the festival. Miss Parcells, a prize win. ter,m ,move, toward sma~er NEWS should contact Tom of a little 'added greenery in Mack avenue, at 7:30 p.m. , "we are now rwuling out ,of ~~ pers~~ we{e. :l11v:IV~. The According to Frederic De- ,ner of ,the 1977 Metropolitan cars but thIS energy pollcy Greenwood, sports editor, our neighborhood. The traffic In The City the council will t : gas and oU." They hold that 'U;;~:~o i:~ill;his fe:o~ Haven, eooir director et Opera -auditions of the a'ir, :nt"0~ncemfnt ~asf t~ken a at 882'()294 by Friday, May cutting value of the consider the 'adoption of the ".the world probably has vandals Christ Church, few events recently completed her Mas. 0 0 peop e .ou.. 0 e. mar. 6. is part of this, too." community's proposed budget . enougb. of both for another The. ~r eant said the outh offer such an extraordinary ters Degree at the New Eng- ket for a while, he SlId.. While the NEWS wel- He went on to explain thal on Monday, May 16. at 7:30 '.100 years. A newly issued teartuliy ~greed 'to cl~:n up program, with several being land Conservatory of Boston. "People. who were thinking comes results from all the since their block is so far p.m. Prior to ~hat, a "work- - summary of last summer's the bathMuse and to pay to open to the public. Th)s .. su~me~. she. will be about '1lu!mg a car -are In a leagues, it must know who from the city .municipal ~ark, ing meeting" has been ~et for conference says dozens of have the extinguishers reo Karl Haas, noted musicol- partIcIpating In resld~nce at state of,hmbo now. Th~y want is specifically submitting the mini.park in ~ mld~le ~onday. :May 9, at cIty of. specialists who attended gen- filled which if the proper ogist, wil1leclure on the sub. the ~anglew(Jod 'MUSIC Fes- to see if Congress w111pass ::::r.~ia~nd~~r :f!isicfnv: might be an '8lternative qUIet flCes, 17147 Maumee avenue, erally agreed that oil and gas disciplinary ~ctions are taken ject of the church as Patron Uval m Tanglewood, Mass. these. mClIsures. If they can a basis. place. at 7:30 P'!D' from conventional sources (ContiDued OIl Page Z) 'of the Arts on M'ay 7 at Dr. Marilyn Mason, uni. ~et a few hundred dollars ';" (Continued on Page 2) Mea~wh~le, th! Far m s "would. last at ileast until I' versity orl;anist and chair. bale on small cars, they 11 Councll WIll conSIder approv . . about the time period' 2020. D man of the organ department ,,:,ail..untll it becomes effec. fAd ~ng its proposed. budget at. 2030," and that other sources of the Ullivers1ty of Miclu. bve. 0 Its ~~y 16 ~e~lmg at the will extend supplies even fur. Two Orangu. tans ~:Qcover gan, win present au org ..n Don Miller, of Richard Man Accused ttempte m~mclpal bUlldmg, 90 Ker- ther. '!'be summary was the recital, featuring ,",orks by . expects the new pol. ~y r~ad. at 8. p.~. Two first report of the conference, 30 Car"e SHS Studellts contemporary. composers at icy statements lo spur big Attack of Shores Woman working meetings have. held. in Laxenburg, Austria, ng (Continued on Page 12) car buying. He reasons that been set-o~e was held yu- last July 5-16. The fulll'eport Bf Tom Greelllwood was run interference for many buyers will get .another A rapist, who tried Painter, terday. April 27, and the oth. is due to issued May 1. Two orangutans at the De- them," p'. Ch h new gas guzzler before the to lure a 22.year-old Shores The Woods oUicers saw a er is scheduled for Tuesday. * • " troit Zoo are no longer "skep. Among the prizes raffled OlDie ure penalties are imposed, if they woman into his dutches by van and a man traveling west May 3, at 7:30 p.m. , . tical in their cages," thanks off were CB r.9.dios, a case of H y are imposed. offering to take her to break. on Vernier road matching the The Shores ,CounCil IS Tuesday, April 26 to the efforts of 30 South High soft drinks. gift certificates, osts oung "Big car sales' will prob. fast o!'\ Thursday, April 21, description of the wanted sus- scheduled to conslde~ its pro. PRESIDENT CAR T E R SChool students in the environ. a skateboard, Detroit Tiger __ ably jump before the tax pen. shortly after 2 a.m" had his pect and his vehicle. They posed. budget. at ItS June asked Congress Monday to mental science classes of opening day tickets ~nd a Delroit Mayor Coleman A. If t ked E. meal alone in The Shores' made the arrest in front of meetmg. Unlike the other impose controls on "devastat. h G H if F h F n te sh tales are ac. on.. ven ,~- 1 n Mason School and notified Pointes, The Shores' fiscai teac er reg e ner, an'a awce,. e- Ir, Young is scheduled to speak after. the penalties 'are added. "",a ce ...... e Shores. year ends March 31 rather ing" hospital costs, including ~ree weeks .ago the stu. The class Originally had at the Grosse Pointe Woods t b 1 11 The man's attempted crim. .11 a b n hospl'tal bed expan d t d 'ded t ,. ,>.- D I to d t g '11 but 0 19 cars, many peop e WI i 1 ult f iled hen AI'uto was arraigned be' ore than June 30 an 0 - en. s eCl, 0 JOin ...... e. p ans ~ op !,-, orl a.. Presbyterian Church, 19950 keep buying them until it ge~ nl assa was 0 w I', sion for most of the nation. trOlt Zoo s the DetrOIt verSIOn of King Mack avenue, on Sunday, h " h'd the woman's screams awak. Shores Municipal Judge J, In The Park. the council Michigan would be affected pro~ram. and on Thursday, ,Kong was. snapped up ?y May I, at 7 p.m. His topic very eavy, e 511, • ened her mother, sister and Patrick Dt!nis on a warrant held its budget hearing on by the ban. Mr. Carter pro. i\prll 21, the c:lass and M~. Redford High SChool while will be "Forces of Power Further, Mr. MIller sug. a neighbor, .who witnessed obtained oy Shores Det. Sgt. Thesday April 26, (alter posed a federal limit on con- Heffn~r presented Detroil So~t.h students were busy That Build or Destroy the gesIA that many wiIl continue the victim struggling with her Fr.9.nk MLiSlazza late that af. press lime) struction of new hospitals and Zoo DIrector Dr. James Savoy ralSlng money. City" to bUYitbig cars out of sheer assailant on the family's front tcrnoon. The warrant. ap. --.---- purchase of major equipment with a $1,000 check. "We're not disappointed' .. necess Y. iewn. proved by Wayne County COt Ch as part of his plan to hold The money will keep the that we did n ' ~ get the .. As ~art ~f a serle~; entitled "People with three or four Woods Public Safety om. Assistant Prosecutor Robert l y anges the increase in hospital two apes in bananas and gorilla," said Mr. Heffner. ProfIles m Power; offer~d kid~ will just say that they cers Michael VanDeginste L. O'Hara. was signed by Meell-ng Tl-nleS charges to nine percent next medicine for a year, "The zoo sent us a list of ani. by the church, POinters WIll can t use -a small car," he and Michael Makowski were Judge Denis. year. The legislation, which "The idea mine," said mala up for adoption and we have an opportunity to hear said, ' credited with the arrest of At his arraignment, Aiuto would affect 6,000 hoSpitals, Mr..HeHner, "but the students went for the gorilla because Iand question Mr. Young on Views Acce~ance the ,a c c use d man, Frank stood mute to the charge of The City Council voted at faces a sUff fight in Con. did aU the work. They soli. his maintenance was the high- the present and future direc. According to Mike Dilber, Michael Aiuto. 23, of 18555 third degree sexual criminal its April regular meeting lo gress. But the President said cited funds, arranged for est. We're very happy with lion of Detroit. I Lincoln.Mercury dealer on. Michael, East Detroit, follow. I. conduct and the judge entered begin aH meetings at 7:30 it would save $2 billion in prizes to be donated and ran the orangutans. They're a The program is open to the the.Hill, the President's Inl- Ing an all poinIA radio broad. a not guilty plea on behaU p.m., rather than at 8 p.m. hospital .outlays next year. all the publicity. All I did (ContiDued on Pace 4) public, (Coatin1led 011 Pace 8)' cast by Shore. Cpl. Chester I (Cont1Dued on Pale 4) as earlier announced .

."' - -"f., .. :.., • • ••• •

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 28, 1977

Don't let one opportunity I Live within your income-: Citizens Eye Cul-De-Sac Teachers Dismissed BliP. away while waiting for it's a sure way to avoi4 ex.~. another.' , citemcnt. • (Coatfllued from Page 1) sac to use on -an expcrimen. (CoDtfnued from Page I) I number of children, ------.. The "There are a lot of senior tal basis, Kennedy. \ ages one-four, has dropped .. citizens on this block who Perhaps the most impor. If next year's enrollment I 16 percent since 1973, ' . Business BreakfaSt. can't always go out to the tant question related to the projections prove tob conser. The teaching staff has been .... Breakfast can mean business - -municipal park'S, and while implementation of the cuI-de. vative, as they have several cut by 140 positions since the i the cul-de-sac wouldn't pro- sacs anywhere in The Pointe times in the past. it is likely high point in the early i970's, . Ashton Prin ter~ ,..; at Stouffer's. We have just the vide for .a big sit-down.and- ,is where the financing comes many of the staffers will be This year there were 589. C . r. ~'. . place for private, away-from-the- picnic area, it would bea from. called back to work. teachers in the system. (""Jrap!II" ,/Iris .. )/N'nll/""< phones morning meetings. little quiet spot to just relax," "This block could install As it now stands, 10 of the Teachers notified their con- .. A very efficient and low he said, the cul-de-sac without any pink-slipped teachers will be tracts will be terminated on Phone: (313) 7'73.3606 - Out of the 34 properly own. financial help from The Park offered parI-time jobs next June 30 inC'lude Mary Adamo, ' Serving Grosse Pointe Club Wome~ Since 1938 .. cost way to start the day in ers on the block, the Krags or the federal government," year. Legal contractural re- N. Bordewyk. Barbara Boss, .. productive fashion. have contacted 15. They re- said Mr. Krag, "We have .all quiremcnts mandate that the Franklin Bunton, Marybeth .. cently staged an open house the resources on the block, Board dismiss and then re- Carduek, M.' Costello, Mari. ;!:l:! '0 ~1,\I'Ii An:SI't: :. and displayed a model-which contractors, machinery and hire teachers whose hours Iyn DIetz, M.ary, Elmer, Ann, ~n,('LAW Hlltlllt:S. MU'II, ~IjIHIO ~: they put together-to show even the labor. A tentative they plan to reduce, Ferguson ana LIla Fuher. I '. how the cul-de-sac would estimate for cost is $100 per I ~?se 10 te~chers_\lIiII he More a~e Randi Zwada, ------.------'. Sto,jfirs look on their street. homeowner on the block,-if ~ohfled of .,their reduced as- Nancy Kline. ~. L,athram.! " EASTLAND The model is complete with everyone agree3 to it." sl!l'nmenls ,as ,~oon as plan- Renato .Marchesl, ~udlth !d0r, 18000 Vl'rni~r Highway. 371-8410 a sliding which can Th gh th' k' d f nmg permits, Dr. Coats 'Ian, Michael WasilewskI, L' ", Stouffer's, American Express, other major be 'moved so that residents ou IS In 0, gr~up said. Ahlbrand, R. Ambrose, B. crl'dit cards honored, can show ditCering reasons effort Iand t t determmahond t b T'ole .ayo1 ff .I'ISI a1so was, Bailey Sandra Bracci • J . seems a mos 00 goo 0 e. b t d thO b Ih _ Fine and Judith Flowers, I " for placing the traffic diver- true Mrs Krag says that oos e . IS year y e re ter in different spots. th ,'hI k' I turn from leave of absence Others on the pink-slip list , , "We want everyone to un- ~Ir oc 'IS very c ~se. of 15 teachers and a rela, were Diane Gbur, A. Inman, LeBOW...your , derstand - our neighbors on We are g~od neighbors tively small number of reo R, Kuhn, Stella Palazzolo, unforgettable , the ,block who we haven't and ~? functi~n well as a tircments. although the ,!~tter William Roscoe, D, Vanden. ::'. Natural Shoulder Clothing talked to yet, the city govern- group, she saId. The Krag.s may change before Septem. Boom and Elizabeth Wilson. ment and neighbors on ad. have a large. gara~e as testl' ber, Dr, Coats said. Full.time staff who will fashion ~ 1957-1977 joining blocks - that we m~n,; ~h.thls .n~~hbor~o~d He added that student elec. probably be offered a part- asset : :lren't going ahead foolishly in splrl , elr, nE'lg ors e P lious ill dill secundary schools time position are Mary EP-I some 'kind of vigilante ef- ed the~ butld (he structure also helped determine who stein, Marcia Hall, Richard fort." said Mrs. Krag. for theIr camper., would be laid off. Henn. Ilze Kalnajs, Linda These suits are in Mr. Krag agreed oand Back at Qrosse Pomle Re~l 'Ihe Pointe School System Khoenle, WiJ~iam Kurlovech, a class of their stressed their actions Estate w~~re the cul-de-,sac has been 'losing students since Thomas Wolverton, Don Me. own - and the thus far 'and in the future will pl~n ongmated, question- the beginning of this decade, Gaugh, Sharon Schmidt and difference is in be completely organized and naltt.!s about the plan are be- Since 1970. enrollment has Lynn VanRaaphorst. . the Softtailoring procedurally complete. ing processed and evaluated. dropped almost 20 percent, Full-time substitutes and . , . quafily that is "Our plan for going ahead Acco~ding t~ Conrad Sands, according to a school census special area staffers who will sewn in . ,: thaI with this idea is a who IS now 10 charge of the conducted last May, lose their jobs include I. Tur- doesn't vanish step process," he said. "First, project, out of 672 question- The census indicates the ner C. Ka~r D, Lilly R. with the first we want to be sure that ev- naires circulated in The Park. decline will continue for the Ke~sten, B. M~or, R. P~ttet dry-cleaning. Stop 168 have been returned. next several years, as the and Jean Bocci eryone on our block agrees. in now and take "To the question of wheth. ------. We want a 100 percent vote a look at our er people want a cul-de-sac in BARRETI' HONORED from our block. Second, we Spring collection. want complete agreement on front of their home, 76 per- Mayo, cent of the respondehts an- where the diverter should be Elizabeth A,' Barrett, of from $245 placed. swered 'yes.' But when asked Broadstone road, has been COLlMAN "Then, we w.ant letters whether they felt 'awarded 'a $1.000 Naticnal from '811 the companies 8nd sacs would keep neighbor- Merit scholarship. sponsored YOUNG agencies which service our hoods safe, pleasant, cut by the Prudent~al Insurance To Speak in 'he Po;ntes block - ,police, fire, tele- traffic and raise property Company of America, Miss phone, gas, electric, water, values, 96,8 percent of the re- Barrett. a student at North 9:30 to 5:30 520 Woodward' 9:00 to 5:30 Fisher Bldg. sewage, etc. - .giving their spondents answered 'yes,'" High School, also won -a SUN.,MAY 1-7 p.1II. blessings and agreeing that said Mr, Sands. Daughters of. the American . 9:30 to 5:30203 Pierce, Birmingham there would be no interrup- "That result is encourag- Revolution speech award, is I Grosse Pointe Woods Birmingham Siore Open Thurs. and Fri, 'Iii 9 ing 'because it means that a.ssistant editor of the school tion of service, We want to Presbyterian Church consult with people on neigh~ many p~ple do believe the newspaper and member of. boring /blocks as well. plan has some merit." the Alliance Franeaise. "Once we've done all tbat, we will take it to the city council to have them consider it." Mr, Krag said he hopes the city would even consider , some kind of portable MDPNoFun GREAT CARS! GREAT PRICES!

(CoatiDued from Page 1) will come out of his weekly .allowance, thereby curtailing OILIER HAS BOTH! his activities even further. Sgt. Mustazu said in ques. tioning the young vandal, the boy admitted that on March G. )I~. ..~t~mm!&~mr~ b;);Ji ~ ,the GrOBsePointe ,Y"cht' t~=":,C'., ,.. '.',Bide: Of 't1Je' noith!' Will of. ' c." ~) ,. ; park. . 1ff" , The lad also promised res. titution for the refilllng of SERO this extinguisher, it was said. Nothing ;s obuious except the quality, The gendeman who wears the Natural Classic Oxford Grosse will agree that this is the finest oxford durable press shirt availabl.e. The unique 60% colton, 40% poly- . Pointe News ester blend has a rich texture, remains fresh, is more absorbent. These, plus many other features, make Publ1sbecl Evel'J' Thursday by Robt. B. ElJpr this an outstanding achievement. White, blue, gold. BIB1A ADteebo PubUshers pink and vanilla. $18.50. 99 Kercheval Avenue Grosse Pointe, Mlcb. 48236 JIM WALSH TONY CARR GEORGE GRASER PhoneTU 2-6900 Second Class Postcge paid at Detroit, Michigan. carl sterr Subscription Rates ~ 8.00 per year ON THE HILL via mcll. Address cl1 Meil (Subscriptionl, 80 Koret,cval, Gro~sc Po;me Farml Chemge of Address Forms 3579 to Hour<: 9 to ~ :30 99 Kerchevc!, GroSH Pointe Farms, Mich. The deadline for news copy is Monday noon. All advertising COP'l must be In the News Office by Tuesday noon to insure insertion.

3 Door Runabout BOBCAT 53415. COMET $3342* THE AMERICAN TRAVELERS by Gleneagles The European Just about the lightest, weight weather coat ever made. The American Traveler isa washable polyester and cotton blend. :::=:: :::::: II ::~:t:o:~,':::::;:~~ssoft II Mercury CAPRI II $ 4361* MONARCH A~:ut $3695 If you are on the go, fold it up • Price with Standard factory Equipment and put it in your case, it takes up little more room than a. shirt, CONTINENIALS MARK COLONY PARK WAGONS Natural, bamboo or navy. J * * & * 80. Here Now! ... LINCOLN "VERSAILLES" Mike Dilber L1NCOLN.MERCURY, INC. ~f.~r:s 130 Kercheval on-the-Hill 88' -s 000 I~... .' f" I For Lease 'nformation on the Above Cars or an y of 'he fine Lincoln Mercury :~.l;" cars lor '77 call AI Elcin 881.5000 At EKIN i'it,:::~::::::,:::::,,~::,:,::::,!:,:::;;;,~;::;':;:';;:;;:;;;:':;:;'~~::::"~:~~~~:!l,~::~:'1; . lease Manager r~~ 1 • ,~ ~ , , h >, j " j; i,gt . , •••• SF 'n. . • •• ad. 'ii'd~'w.• Y' detris~ a ••• sf •• eo< * • r as ' ••• r 0 •• 6'0 •• 0 .$ r ,7" .. " ...... •. -." --' .~•..••": ... --,:~'.,; ...... ' -...... -,'" ,~, "':-1,', ,",' ,. ;, - ..' ....

Thursday, April 28, 1977 G R 0 SSE P 01 N TEN E W S Page Three

Dreamers s t a.r v e today II Misfortune that cause peo. Woods Council Okays Trio Ordinances while feeding on tomorrow's I pie to think become a bless. of hope. ing. Three ordinances w ere with the city at a fee of 50 reading basis at its regular I alarms from, not only busi. adopted by the Woods Coun. cents. All maintenance and meeting Monday, April 4, nesses, but from residences cil at its regular meeting alteration contractors per. along with a proposal on as well. Saying the public Monday, April 18, with all mitted to do sewer work b)' "automatic alarms," which safely department responds incorporating increases in the state also must register provides for penalties for to all such alarms, he hoped fees in various areas, e.g., their license at a $S fee . false alarms and eyes the such a law would curtail the for a fence permit, for a Finally. all plumbing' con. autnority to disconnecl direct nuisance of false calls. BELLE ISLE permit and the inspection of tractors engaged in perform- alarms. This proposal was The proposal notes that the sidewalks, crosswalks and ing plumbing work within the referred to the Committee of public safety director, upon driveways and for certain city must obtain a plumbing the Whole' for further study nolice of receipt of a fourth plumbing permit fees. contractor's license from the on the 4th. false alarm from the same '''. AWNING CO. All the measures become city at a $9 fee. Mr, Catlin said the intent originator within 180 days, e[[ective 20 days after enact. The council. considered of the measure is to cut down shall cause an invoice to be anvas • Vinyl • Acrilan • Dacron ment. these three laws on a first on the number of false sent from the city to the orig- The fence law says that be. inator in the amount of $50 fore any such structure is for each such false alarm erected, placed or installed. Pair to Face Circuit Court received by the department Buy NOW and SAVE a permit must be obtained beginning withlhe fourlh from the city clerk upon ap. Two men, who allegedly I toine, Detroit, before Judge alarm within the l80-day plication in writing. Upon held up the Lochmoor Jewel- J. Patrick Denis on Wednes. period. Serfl., Grou. Poiaf, Siltc, '931 the issuance of the docu. ry. 20926 Mack avenue, on day. April 20. Their circuit It says for the purposes of 774-1010 22704 HorJn!r ment a permit fee of $3 must Friday morning. April 8, have court arraignment date has computing the lime period I St. Clair Shores be paid. Previously, it was been bound o'(er for trial in been scheduled for Friday, contained, each false alarm I $1. _ Wayne County Circuit Court, May 6. shall initiate its own . .. ,_",_, , _ A change also occurs in reported Woods police. Griggs and Robert, arc period in addition 10 falling . the definition of a fence. It This action was taken at both charged with one count is deemed to mean any the Woods -Municipal Court of robbelY armed and one ~~~J~y ~~i~~.ready running SEEIT NOW-I" STOCKAT structure erected or placed examination of Nathaniel count of assault with intent II AIIENIION GOLFERS i:I' along or within four feet of. Griggs. 26. of 3532 Beaubien. to rob armed. while Griggs Under the authority to or. CLUBS REGRIPPED 5'250 eo del" alarms disconnected sec. CLUBS REFINISHED 55.75 ea. The the property line of any Detroit, and Nick Rudolph also is facing one count of tion, the measure says the premises for the purpose of Roberts. 25, of 34BO St. An- felonious assault. (i.e .• for public safety director is au, CLUBS REPAIRED AT MODERA TE PRICES enclosing. in whole or in part, ------allegedly pulling a gun on CAMERA SHOP thorized to order an origina. • : 17114 Kercheval such premises. Previously. Thloeves HIOt Woods Opl. Thomas Kerving the footage figure was 10 prior to his arrest), and one tor who fails, neglects or reo I. LYNX (eR Model) PRO LINE PUTTERS • in ,he Village fuses to pay the false alarm 4 WOODS, 10 IRONS AND WEDGES I feet. Gas Station count of possession of .a fire. Open Thursday e.enings 'til 9 invoice within 30 days of the I $320.00 • City Attorney George Cat. arm 'in the commission of a date of mailing, to discon- • 885-2261 lin said prior to the 10-foot felony, police said. nect such 'alarm system and SPECIAL Women's Ten"i. and I stipulation, a policy of three The manager of a service Det. Charles Philip Hamel render same .inoperable. I I Wilson Ld. Gclf Balls Golf Sporlsweor :.1 feet was considered by the station at 18210 Mack ave- said bond in the amount of Failure of an originator to I $8.95 Dr. (Limil 2 Dr.) By While Slag city but this wisn't defined nue reported to Farms Po- $35,000 was con tin u e d on disconnect an alarm system in 8n ordinance, hence, en. lice that he was robbed .at Griggs. while Roberts' hond when ordered to do so for Mac Gregor Tennis RACQUET CLEARANCE SALE A wonderful world of gracious Jiving, suing problems. He also in. knifepo:nt. of $125 Saturday was reduced from $35.000 to the public safety director I . : located an the beautiful Detroit River dicated the 10-foot stipulation night. April 23. $10,000. will be a violation of the law. • THE SPORT NOOK LTD. • had caused some problems, ' . In the incident. over 230 The content of the proposal • ' . The manager told police art i c I e s. lIl' eluding rl'ngs. I while noting the council's th t t d' t h' may sl-ill undergo change at. 1845 Fleetwood at Mack, G.P. Woods, Mich. The perfect location for the a .wo men rove m 0 IS bracelets and' watches, overall feeling was that the tat' t b t 7 30 t h" t' di f 881.4774 Downtown bUlln ... person s Ion a a ou : p.m. 0 an estimated, total value of t IS .Ime. pen ng urther II 4 BLOCKS SO. OF VERNIER RD. ACROSS fROM BONANZA • four.foot figure is a reason. use an aIr. hAftose. er sow.h $123.000. were taken .and ul. councIl action. • . able regulation. . th h 't. . th mg em were I was. e timately recovered by police. As for increasing the .per- t b k t h' manager wen ac 0 1S Griggs, after being pur. mit and inspection fee for ff' o 1ce. sued in a foot chase by Cpl. sidewalks. crosswalks and DRAPERY CLEANING driveways, Mr. Catlin said a A moment later, one of the Kerving. was arrested while Denby home owner has to obtain a men walked into the office hiding in some bushes near Saturday and After 5 permit for such construction and told the manager to stand the Grosse Pointe Baptist Removal & Rehang Service or reconstruction and such up. When the manager asked Church, while Roberts was Cleaners Use Our work has to be under the su- why, he was told. "Because apprehended by police while NATURAL PETROLEUM SOLVENT CLEANING SOFT GENTLE THOROUGH DRIVE-IN 21721 Harper . . . . f I want your mQney." riding a southbound SEMTA For draperies, laundry, drycleaning, pervJslon and IDspectlon 0 . bus along Mack avenue. • NO SHRINKAGE • the city. When the manager said Police praised several alert Sizing Compound _ F\elUrning Fab (previously' 276). to 800 'pounds, wearing a white tee. square feet; and one.half cent shirt and having an Afro :TOWERS per square foot in excess of hairstyle. . : fe~t,'Jlrovwed thllt The seCJ)nd thief was. de-. ': 415 BURNS DRIVe-•• "t, Mlei. '- ':~~:;;:~~;,~~~,fF: scribed lli~black male,26-~:

•.,. . ,-,=~«.,~"" ,;.,\...~;.;!:~ - Wo"1'E:':- ' ~~i a~f~."<~fI.,~ ..:...years . ~9..}...... ""'...~.• 9•.•._.'tall~~,;t:l~." r.p~.:,~~ :..~.'.h"'.'.i.".;.;: pounds, fW~g ,1l', bIlle..jean: ~;, ~owoperatihgdrff~NEW~M~~H LY Meanwhile. the chang~s in jacket and 'pants. His hair'. certain plumbing permit fees was wavy and parted in the are designed to generate middle. RENTAL PROGRAM more revenue for the city. • (with or without meals) Building Inspector E.arl :. Comfortableand spacious,air conditionedrooms Wakely: indicated that cer. Woods Okays : andapartments. tain fees in the areas of air conditioning. and plumbing. League Parade :. Completebeauty and barberservices, food-shoppe, for instance, have been raised : expansive lounge, library,' regist~r~d nurses. ~~ from $7 to 10 to cover the : duty 24 hr.s. a day, our own "mini-bus service. The opening day parade of operation of necessary inspec. the Grosse Pointe Woods. ;- goodsecurity.. tions. Shores Little League on Sun. ;:. the Whittier's location conveniently pJac;es'YO,!in At the same time, Woods da~, May 1, received the ,: the heartof "What's happening"- the "Ren.cefl"- Administrative Aide Gerard green light from the Woods ;: Art Museums.Shoppes.Parks and Churches. E:McNamara said all "li. Council at its regular meetil.': cense or registration fees." Monday, April 18, subject to I with the exception of master any conditions imposed by the plumbers. (reduced from $10 public safety department. " FOR INFORMATION REGAIDItI& RATES: to $1 to be consistent with Beginning .at 1 p.m .• the lOtS V. NAIRIMrs. Fralk B.)-Ir.urry 1101 amounts charged by other parade will follow the same (313) 823-6470 Ir 822-9000 communities). have remained route, as last year. according the same. to Franklin C. Saad. opening Journeyman plumbers per- day chairman. '. Many of your friends are 'already living forming work within the city It will form in the parking l must register their state jour- at the Whittier Towers lot of the Manufacturers Na- neyman plumber's license tional Bank. proceed across Mack avenue, turn into the ~6~6~6~6~~~6~6~6~6~~~6~6~6~~~6~6~6~~ northern driveway at city hall ~. ~ and condude at Ghesquiere I ~ ~ Park. Approximately 450 boys t ~ will be participating. (Nothefs mAY ~ ~ ~ - ~ POINTER APPOINTED ~ ~ Pointer Verne C. Hampton ~ THE BLAZER SUIT tltt II has been named corporate . ~ ~ secretary for Douglas and., S"ndAy~VMAY 8 ~ BY MADISON CLOTHES tltt Lomason Co. \\Ir. Hampton ~ ~ is a partner in the Detroit lOt The played-down styling of the ~ law firm of Dickinson. Wright. McKean. Cudlip and ~ blazer suit has made it a ~ Moon. the day to show Mother how much you care ~ perennial favorite. Here,... ~ with sweet thoughts and favors you've wanted to share t from our Madison CI,olthes tltt DO rrlOtllSEUl ~ collection, IS an exce ent ~ Say thank you for giving all that she does, ~ example in polyester and ~ CLEAN lOUR CARPETS._ her time and energy and every kind of love ~ wool with patch and flap ~ ..... PRORSSIOHAl WAY. ~ pockets, metal b.uttons. ~ Tell her you love her and could have chosen none better,

~ Navy, tan or light blue. tltt with a beautiful day of gifts and pleasure. ... $180 ~ ~ tltt ~ ~ Whatever you need to make Mom "queen for a day", ~ tltt ~ ~ you'll find in the Village, just a short distance away. t tltt ... ~ The latest in fashions, cards, candy and flowers, ~ tltt ~ ~ plus excellent service and convenient shopping hours. t tltt ~ ~ The merchants will validate your ticket "on the spot" ~ ~ i,/~~ ~ for convenient, free parking in the atte8ded lots. ~ I!1.hhffY' tltt OPEN EVERY DAY ~ l:J.11 CHICACO' OLT~Oll ~ SUN. 10 to 4 ~ tltt ~ ~ ~ ~ Locl.moor Hardware the VILLAGE ~ ~ 20779 MACK at 8 MI., t ~ 885-0242 THE UNIQUE SHOPS ALONG KERCHEVAL AVE., FROM CADIEUX TO NEFF I ~ Window Repair and ~ ~ Maintenance ~ ~ \l _". "_.'_'_"_.' ~'__~'__'_'_"_'_'_"' " f'l\ • .. ~ ' ; _ tt \ rOE _ .-...... • - .... • • e .e see ft'. • • • H , ••••• ,A • .." •••• 4 • • ., '.. lIo' '. . ... ".. .. ~.. ''';''' .:.. '. ;~.'i'. -,J.. .,'~' '; ,- -"-.,-..~~,-; .-,'i .~.:-:_:-;.7'. """::"""e'F~:"'''!! -!'!',''''''.~!''''.~,",f~.~PIIII"!'?~,!IIIII!!I?II".!, ;!l"!!IPIl!l, IIIS .. IlIIIIIIl __ CIll , •••. II •••••• , IIS.S-4-

Page Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 28. 1977 Man. Accused in Attack Students' Adopt' Orangutans if (Continued from Page 1) cages." WEEKDAY (Continued from Page 1) she wou!d l~e to have couple of hams." Sophomore Irwin Oliver, of the suspect. Examination breakfast wIth hi'!1. The class got a chance to 15, felt the same way. "1 love HOURS was set for yesterday. April .The ,,:o~an. s~ld she de. see their new charges after going to the .zoo," he said. OPEN 27. Aiulo was released on dined hIS mVltahon and re'j presenting the check to Dr. "And I like watching the 'I["v. MON., TUES., $2,000 personal bond pending WED., THURS. quested ~e let her pass •. as Savoy. The presentation was It gives you a good feeling the examination. she was m danger of runnmg made before TV cameras and helping out. I'm glad we did' 9 A.M. to 7 P.M. SUIDAY Sgt. Mustazza expressed out of gas .. ' was shown on Channel 7 news it." FRIDAY his appreciation for the alert. The van driver moved from Thursday nigbt. . 10 her p.ath. and she drove on The two orangutans, (whl'ch T.1e entire school is happy 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. G.m. ness of PSOs VanDeginste M they adopted the animals and and Makowski, caIling the SATURDAY TO ornm?s.lde to Lakeshore. means "Man of the Jungle"), Mr., Heifner would like to see arrest good police work. After rldmg a short way, she were busy swinging from bars it become a yearly event "[ 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. Sgt. Mustazza said thaI con. made a tu~n onto the street and hanging from the ceiling think it would be terrifi~ if 5 p.m. viction on third degree sexual ?f her resl~ence and dr~ve when the 30 students walked: we could make this a Soulh ~ Good thrv Tues., May 3"1. criminal conduct can mean mto the driveway alongsIde in with .Dr. Savoy. The male:s tradition," he said. "I men. w. _rye the ",hI ,. up to 15 years in prison. ner house. nam~ IS Samu,. 11. an.d hIS tioned it to Dr. Savoy and he Umit quantities. Aiuto has no prior arrest As she got out of her car, mate s name IS Men, 13. said .he would like to see it Phone 885.9839 record. the sergeant added. f:e woman told authorities. They're both from Africa, in writing." r~ It was the victim's neigh- she saw that the driver had Senior Pam Kincaid, 17, was So would th or g t bor who first gave authori. stopped east of the driveway happy with the project. "I e an u ans. ties a description of the of her property. She heard thiQk it's great we could help assailant's vehicle. a light the man say. "Last chance out the zoo." she said. "This Those who really believe in colored van. The woman posi- for breakfast." As she ran to way We have something to preparedness keep physically. tively identified the van and her house. she turned to look see, instead of just empty fit. without hesitation pointed out and saw the driver running Aiuto as her 'Ittacker after toward her-nude from the Woods PSOs VanDeginste and waist down, clad only in a Makowski brought him into tee.shirt. U.S.D.A. CHOICE BEEF the station. She screamed and ran to The woman told Sgt. Mus. the rear of her auto, the man tazza that she was drlving following, and was chased home, after dropping off her around the vehicle twice be. boy friend at his house in fore tile culprit tackled her East Detroit, alld was travel. on her front lawn. As she' SIRLOIN TIP ROAST ing east on Vernier. at Har- screamed and fought. the Maintaining that wonderful instrument knOwn as the per, when she noticed a light male, whom she identified as 'human body is an important part of eye~y life. To take colored van which appeared Aiuto, attempted to put his care of yourself properly requires a special discipline inyoly. Nlet THINGS fOR Nl(£ PiOPt£ hand over her mouth. to be following her. ing the best possible nutrition, vigorous physical exercise, The woman's s c re a m s She said she continued east wakened her motiler and sis. good posture, and many other variables. Are you as fii as RITTER on Vernier to Lakeshore road, ter, who donned their bath you could be-? Is your diet as healthful and health.giYing as C $ the van still behind. She made 59 possible? What are the best sort of exercises for physical TOMATO robes .and slippers and ran out 31-0Z'49 a turn south on the road, fitness? In the weeks and months to come we. will be dis. BlL. fearing the driver might try of tile house to assist tile vic. tim and wrest her away from cussing these and other questions with one purpose in' mind: J1JICE to get ner home address, LB. possibly to steal her car at tile suspect. Botil the motiler a better under.standing of what is necessary for the best and sist~r yelled at the at. a later time. (She was driv. possible health for you and your family. tacker as they ran to the v.. -LOIN 9 TO 11 IN PKG. ing a 1955 Thunderbird). struggling pair. The man VIM & VIGOR H~Al TH F0C>.DS, 21151 Mack, 886-9466 -When the van stayed with then got up and fled from the welcomes you to come in, enjoy a complimentary cup of her, the victim said, she scene: herb tea, and talk to us. about yaur health. We carry a -PORK CHOPS turned right onto OXford into A neighbor, also wakened wide variety of natural foods and an extensive selection TASTY. NUTRITIOUS a ciicle drive and turned off by the commotion, looked out of literature on good health. And our Vim & Vigor vitamins, her car i1ights to simulate of his window and saw tile featuring all natural ingredients, are the highest quality living there. assaikJnt get into a light on the market at the lowest possible price. Hours: 9:30.9 The van's driver pulled up colored van and drive away. Mon ..Sa!.; ll-S Sun. LAMB PATTIES in front of her, opposite .a He gave a description of the HELPFUL HINT, drivew.ay and began a con. van to officers who were dis. GUNSBERG versation, asking her several patched to the scene. The Carbohydrate foods such as whole.grain cereals, : questions. She finally asked victim also gave a good de- starchy vegetables, ripe fruits, potatoes, supply calories CENTER him to move his vehicle, scrIption of the man. and basic vitamins and minerals. 'CORNED BEEF CUT which he did, and she drove Officers VanDeginste and off. Then, after looking in the Makowski said they saw Aiuto RATH rear viewmirl'Or. she saw driving his van on Vernier the van sOO trailing her. ' toward. Mack .avenue. and the She said she turned south description of the vehicle and REMODEL NOW! SMOKED BACON onto LakeshQre; with the van the attacker matched that following. She drove to South given over the air. HIGHUNER, FROZEN Deeplands and turned riiht, They radioed they had a '. possible suspect in Custody 12 OZ. the van still trailing. She PKG. $1• 79 drove west to Ballantyne and and were requested .to bring SOLE FILLETS turned north on that street, him to The Shores station, followed by .the van. where he was later identified WITH PEPPERIDGE FARMS STUFFING She drove to Fairford and by the woman. then left onto Famord and The Woods officers said onto the parking lot of Our that when they made the ar. .STUFFED ,PORK CHOPS Lady Star of the sea Church rest, Aiuto was fully clothed. . and school. As she tried to Sgt. Mustazza, who was ,II:'. '\'1'" '. .... 'i" '- • ,- ... ,; .. v.," 'to' ~ .{ijI~9f' the called in a '8hort',time l~ter' ' . : . ~ d:ijve 'west " 'tL l ..- . I'" f"" '- 11.- , '1~) ~4id he attempted toquestiori" ~r" lor W gel--ontO "MOtnufgslde CANADA'DRY drive, thedri.verbraked, di. Aiuto, but the man. refused rectly in front of her, block. to answer any questions, and ing her way. refused to make a telephone CLUB SODA, call. She asked him if he was The sergeant .and Shores lost and received .a negative PSO Daniel Healy picked up reply. At this point, he asked GINGER ALE, the victim's mother and sis- All HOME & OFFICE SERVICES ter 'and brought them to the OR station. The three women INCLUDING WALL WASHING, CARPET Geranium Sale identified the van. as being the one dJ:iven by Aiuto, and CLEANING AND PAINTlMGI Ends May 1 his victim pointed him out as BARRELHEAD 6-10-0Z. her attacker. The last day to order ger. BTLS. aniums from the North High ROOT BEER School Par~nt's Club is Sun. day, May 1. The $8 plats of ~ l\1l0ll MORTON, FROZEN red or pink flowers will be delivered to customers' homes _~ ANNUAL '1. 11-0Z. on Saturday, May 14. PKG. So far, the parents have JELLY DONUTS taken $23,000in orders for' flowers. Their goal, I)f $35,000 i~NABISCO, STACK PACK in orders, will raise a $10,000 ..;;.~~~~~~~!~. 11-OZ. donaticm for North scholar- ~ ONEMOU. r~ BOX ships and other s t u den t ~ FINANCING ..... ,; j\ RITZ CRACKERS achievement projects. To receive an order blank, HEFTY call the school at 886-8100. 10-CT. $1 59: BOX • ! LAWN I LEAF BAGS Mayor ~ MAXWELL HOUSE COLlMAN 10-0Z.$3 YOUNG 7~ 1976 VOLARE PIEMIER ~.... JAR • 49 4 Dr .. Slant 6 C'fllllller. A06 1Ii

• " \ I

$ r \ em • .1•• sri •• r •••• s ••••• d •••••• "y ;c • .0','. « •• me •• M .'.~ • ~'-- Thursday, April 28, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS RED SEAL Pointe Churches Hosti ng Choi r Bakery Slates AND Photo Contest PALACE An aB-i!xpense paid week. end for two at the penthouse CLEANERS of lhe Dearborn Hyall Re. SKIRTS, SWEATERS gency Hotel will be the grand FRII - With Order of prize in an upcoming photo PANTS, SPORT SHIRTS $15.00 - Clean a pillow contest sponsored by the S 110 with new ticking - Reg. Each (Ploin) a $4.25 Val ue. Village Bakery, 17116Kerche. val a v e n u e, according to FREE PICK.UP Expert Tailoring & Repair, bakery man age r Marie for 0 more forma.' & Drape. Cleaned, Pleoted,' Brabb. clJcnin, tlie newly DELIVERY Honging Allial. Leather and The conlest theme "Peo. (S7.50 Min. Order) is remodeled Furs Cleoned. pie Who Need People," and 13136 ESSEX the competition is open to amaleur pholographers of all ~L," 14801 KERCHEVAL, 12900 MACK ages. Mounted entries may be black and while, or color, nw~ 822-4908 - 822-4909 and no larger than U"x14". The bakery wiU begin ac. UlJ3 cepting hand delivered or Detroit's Most Elegant mailed enlries on Monday, Night Club May 2. The contest will run starring for six weeks. Judges will be .Free Press Chief Photogra. BOB SNYDER pher Tony Spina. Detroil .nd the News Photo Ed i to r Joe ACT IV'. Wiedelman and NEWS Slaff GilD fealurl/tf{ 011,. Photographer Tom Green i'amoll' GOllrmet '16711 MACK AVE at YORKSHIRE wood.. OPEN 9.8 DoilV Other prizes in the conlesl RIV£RFRONT BUfFET 885 - 7140 OPEN 10.2 Sunday include a weekend for two at Tuesday Ihru Sunday the Pontchartrain Hotel, De" PACKAGI LIQUOR, WINIS II BIERS Discussi.lg plans for the perform. tariap Church, JOAN TUFFEY of lroi~, and tennis outfits. ance of the Chicaog Children's Choir GP Woods Presbyterian Church, For more in for mat ion, ~~ OUR 5th ANNUAL phone 886.5700. INTeJlT~ COW'LlX on Sunday, May 1, at 2:30 p.m. in ! GRAC~ IRWIN of GP Memorial, 822-1234 German Wine Sale the Orosse Pointe Memorial Church, Rev. FRED F. CAMPBELL of GP Experience teache~ that 7 IIlnul. from 1111 16 Lakeshore road, are (from left to Unitarian and Rev. PERRY THOM- {ewever get even by laking .....-..- C... I" Is Now In Progress! right), DR. RAY H. KIELY of GP AS of GP United Methodist Church. odds. Memorial, JOAN HINES of GP Uni- EVERY FRIDAY IS BEER DAY SENSATIONAL! & NOW EVERY BEER IS ON SALE Music Forunl Churches Join iri Hosting SPECIAL ... Catherine Clark's Slated at North C' h. Ch.ld' Ch · BROWN BERRY OVEN BAKE GOODS _ lCago 1 ren s . o."r ~n~cid,Br&cadSticks, Croutons, 10' off each Pk.,9. Nathan Judson, direclor of - North High School's Band The world.renowned Chi- a tOur which took them and Orcl1estra, announced a cago Children's Choir will be through, most of the New HOT DOGS or FRESH,LEAN "Composer Forum"perform. presented in concert by the England states and Ontario. HAMBURGER BUNS GROUND BEEF ance will be given Thursday, Grosse Poi n t e Mlnisterial Following the co nc e r t, April 28, in Room C-101, Committee on Sunday, May 1, members of the choir will be C Norlh High School, 707 Ver- at Grosse Pointe Memorial treated to dinner by members 49 pk9. 3 Lb•• 52•• nier road, at 3:30 p.m. Church, 16 Lakeshore road, of the Grosse Pointe Uoi. at 2:30 p.m. taria~'C the di-I Faculty and members of It is composed of boys and rectlon of Pam Miller. ' Young, Tender, Fresh BORDEN'S the com.munity are cordially girls, ranging in age from Working on arrangements 8aby B~e'yLiv,er MILK invited to attend. while stu. 11>-18,from varying economic, for the concert are Rev. Fred dents mayatlend by invitll' racial and cultural back. F. Campbell of Grosse Pointe tion only. grounds in the Chicago area. Unifarian Church and Dr. , ,', ,:,,~:C" gaUon 59 51.34 - The group will be directed Ray H. Kiely of Grosse Pointe Th e pe rf ormance pres en ts by its founder, Christopher M '81 Ch Oth M an opportunity for' young emOrl .. urch. er e. Moore, who is assisted by mo'a} Church. g .n' composel'S in the cnmmunity rl ' or a lzers are , '5~ LARGE "T'. Fred Wooden, a Grosse Pointe Elo;ne I' nd R' h d Ice Cubes V' BAG to perform or to have their Unitarian Church member ..... TWm a IC ar -.' . - work.s perform. ed. ill. Kay. attending Meadv' e Tbeologi- 'L end i n g ,a hand from r-~----~---;;------m',---,--;---.....-----, ca~::r~~a::~~~~g~e Chi. ~~~s~h~~ht~r~nii:e. ~~~ (.', ' ../WZ .Jnvilation 10 mlJe,.Jllip II cago Children's Choir have Thomas and Robert Hanson. I been performing for enthu- Others ban d 1 iit g arrange. FA1RFORD ROAD : . -4f. Itlt ...... I siastic audiences throughout ments are Esther Peters of II;BEAUTl.FUL' ',' ~. .COUNTRY CLUB I the United States, Canada and Saint Paul's Evangelical Lu. We are proud to offer this Single Story Ranch located in one . I EUJ::ope siJ;tce 1965.. theran, Joan Tuffley and Rev. I, "',," - , They smg aU kinds ot RobertLinthicumoftbe of the Pointe's prime subdivisions. It is perfect for sing4es, I~,,\ PAIV A.TE, .• -. NQN~I-',~,U, ~,'BtE~ .li, N."QN, 7','~!O"CK i; !. ')'! ;,1 m~.,~,' c 'M~.~,rpj!'.et~idofDA~~(; i,Gr~s.", ~',. e', Woods pie~by. I : 'w, I'", f'A, ' !!! l_ • ~IL' j~:"dlO ','I 1J9!'![11'~Jjr" ~rl b, . 1c ,,'n~~18!1,~I J ' !ffiIl;~Ai :terl~ ~ch, Joan Hines , ~~~~~~~~:~~~~:~~~~;dhse-a~~U~:~ti~~~:n~:~"f:r~s:1;" ,_;. 1(. Wishes to anneullCe.:-that there),~,.now a,;- .:.. ' "'.1 .,', l>.~lln~)LlJl ,,~~lMb;and,QjaMtKrato,ofGl'06se ,' . ,".IImlt~9: p",mber of memberships !av~lial:1fEI:';v""",,; .!.,'.",". I s!'JJ.Il.w ~~qltW:jam .tp"'~-!,~V_rlan Church and rooms, a magnificent family room ..~i,aJonC'~St1d-S"ih8Jf st ~i); It ..',',','>, .'!.c' !~, • ~." ' .• " ",., '".",', cal styles and aemaD4s 01. Marj6rie''',Young of Grace I, The Initiation, ~e,esEIre as follows. each work. United Church of Christ living room. To add to the excitemenl, water heater etc. are It ,'.'.~.' The complete program of '. , ... commercial. You can't reproduce it at the price. I' "SOCIAL MEMBERSHIP" 1"ltIalion fee $250. Monthl, due. $35. En- the choir involves 250 chilo 'J.'he Gros~e P~JDte MIDIS' : 1111e.hUUland, wUe and .Ingle children under 18 yr•• to Ihe use of the dren and young people, 8:1. teml Co.mmltlee 15 under the I; clubhou.e, .wlm.mlng, and tenn'l. without charge. There are no golfing though only 120 take part In leadership of Rev .. Robe~ F. I. I II .. , . , ' the various touring teams. McGregor of ChrISt EPISCO, I,pr V egu. .. . Rev. Moore f 0 u n d e d the pal Church. PURDY & TOLES I; "CLASS A ,MEMBERSHIP" Initiation fee $1,000. Monthl, du.,. $100. group having been a .student Admission to the concert is I~Entities husband, wife, and .Ingle. children under 18 yrs. to the use of Dr'. Ferdinan~ Grossma.n free but d0!1ations in. support 889-0500 ~ oftheclubhouae, golfing, swimming, and lennls wlthoul charge. of the famed Vienna ChOir of the choll"s on.gomg pro . . " ...... " . , Boys. gram will be ;Jccepted. : L~EMEMB~RSHIP 1~~~n~$~OO~E~"HhubMd,w~,ud fuilsQP~nn~~re,the ------: single children under 18 yr•• to the un of the clubhouse, golfing, choir will present a special , swimming, and lenni. without charge or dues for life. family concert designed to in- , terest the youngest :listener as well as the more musically For further information visit the clubhouse sophisticated. Often the audio in person 'or call I-tillcrest at 772-2240. ence will be asked to partici. One of Americas oldest, most pate in the singing, in call All applicants must be approved by the and response' numbers. and Board of Directors of Hillcrest Golf Club, Inc. works with clapping rhylhms. Some of the selections to be featured are Benjamin gracious luxury car facilities HILLCREST 'COUNTRY CLUB Britten's "A Ceremony of ': ON ,THE BANKS OF THE CLINTON RIVER Carols," Irving Fine's settings ---J from "Alice in Wonderland" ~~ ~£~~~~~~A~~l~~~~~~~ and Bela Bartok's "Fopr isonly ten mmutes from Slovak Folksongs." The choir's Poinle appear. WAYNE COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE ance will be the 13st show in "TREE OF KNOWLEDGE" Grosse Pointe. GP Woods Buys Tables, Chairs ~ Our building is an Albert Kahn original. Our let us show you Michigan's broadest and . . . If you enjoy the challenge of A quolation from Lincoln 26 sales representatives are also of the old brightest selection of new ar:Jdused Cadillacs, learning and of new experi. I Office Supply for 30 card ta- school ... in presentation of product and America's only "computerized" Cadillac serv- J:'ences bles and 60 stacking chairs -." treatment of valued customers. ice, and our new quarter million dollar bump . You are invited to attend WC3, for the Lake Front Park was and paint shop, unanimously accepted by the The product, though, and service and Community Serllices Courses Woods Council at its regular maintenance is striCtly 1977. Remember! All this and more is at Seymour meeting Monday. April 18. Cadillac-just 10 minutes from Grosse Pointe. Out of the eighl quotations considered. Lincoln's, in the amount of $1,849.50, was the W~al We Ofl~r low bid. The monies will Adult Foster Core ... Artistic come from the Lake Front Skills. . . Consumer.oriented Park Improvement Fund. Skills ... Employment Ed. , .. Personal & Physical Dellelop' menl , . . Social Issues focus on Women. FOR OVER 15 YEARS ... WE SHCIAUZE IN RESURFACING W~ere We O//er ASPHALT & (ONCRnE RESURFACING AND . Various facilities in your community. Protective Coaling of Existing Driveways or Parking lols

642.9169 IJlJ)l(,"\IIC~f() 341.3880 I ~( II,I.I ...... U'( RON GREINER

Mayor COLlMAN !In/orm a Iion YOUNG Call 832'4750 to receive a closs schedule through the moil, AND TO find out about To Speak in the Pointes the "FREE PREVIEWS." SUN., MAY 1-7.p.m.

Grosse Pointe Woods Presbyterian Church

\ , - - ...... • .. '" .. '" .. ' '" .• ...... r ' .. ' ~, ., .... ~.'''' " '~ . , ...... " "'.


Your Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board Does Have Something to Offer.

:if:':':':':':':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::';':I "Purchases of millions of family homes each year are) COUNTRY CLUB VISTAS '.' IN THE CITY ,', handled by REALTORS.,. These home buyers might be surprised: to learn that behind the transaction lies more than 70 years of concern for professionalism and integrity in the reol estate field.": "A REALTOR!\

'Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board member's offer a sampling of some of its many fine house offexings


"";;.' .', ',; ''' ... ,.J \l ~.~,.~.~ , ,".; :,( ii,",'; ... " ...~ <\~,..."; • '.- .. /.,. The' ..~}~i~~-.-:;~--Jr '~ Grosse Pointe Real Estate Cloverl, Road The perfect location. The beautiful property. Board The right home . . . for you! 4 bedrooms, 2, Let Us Know, So the baths, library, etc.... excellent condition and priced below $100,000. Next "Special Home" will be, STRONGMAN, KELLY BORLAND McBREARTY & ASSOCIATES REALTORS We'd like to be your Realtor ~~~ 395 FISHER ROAD TU 6-3800 1~~ :::: 889-0800 ;::::. ~::.:..:.:.:..:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:;:.:~:~:~:;:;:;:;:::;:::~::::=:::::~:~:~:::::~:~:::::::::~::::::::::::::::::::::~::::::::::::::::~::::::::~::~:~ ::.:::.;.:.;.:::::~:::::~:;::;:::;:;:::;:::::::;:::::::::;:;::::::.:~:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:,:.:.;.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:~.;.:.:.:;::: .'

'Many more properties are available through our MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE

~~r;;;;;;;::::~::;;;:;;:;;:;:::::::::::;;:;;:;:::;;;:;::::;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;.;.:.;.:.:.:.:.;.;.;.:.:.:.:':':':~::;:::::::::;:;::~;:::::;::::::::::~~r WASHINGTON ROAD THREE MILE DRIVE PRESENTS!!

~ ~ m ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I --_iii:l.l_Iai) ....- I This four bedroom. two and one half bath Colonial with "House Beautiful" kitchen. slate foyer. pegged floor in family room plus library. Spacious rooms and tasteful decor make this a family home, great tor enter- On most desirable Washington Road in the first ~.~:'~.::;:.,:j,: In the heart of the Farms' -: 5 be~rooms, 3i baths. ~.::~.::j.::.:. taining, too. block off Jefferson Is this French Influenced colonial Paneled library. Garden room. Lovely yard and with four bedrooms. In addition to the living room :~ patio ..Central .sir. 2 car att. garage. ::: and formal dining room there Is a library and family room. Ready for Immediate occupancy. ~1;~ Matching people & houses . . . with Imagination. m

7h. RH' E,tII'e People" TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES X « GALLERY OF HOMES ..•. 90 KERCHEVAL . 884-6200 .'~' 1,*;~,::~~~~:;:t~»>~=~~,~i:,~~~~JL~,;~;~~~::~~:~:,,":~~~~:.:.:.>:.~:.,~=>:.,.,I;~~:;:;:::;~;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:;:;:;:;:~:;:.:.:I:.:.:.:.:':.:.:":':.:.:':":.:.:.:":':':.:':.:":.:';~:;:;~:;:;:;:;:;::::=;:::;::::::::::::::::::~:::::::::~::~~

\ __ ~.~ ---' ._~~ __ ~ ~_..-.'_~ Io.o....-~~ -....oL_~ , hz«rft." ,.- .. '...... ;r;,., , ., ....-,' '," ,.,"'c'" r 7--, :"'",'""",'':'"."':":-.."':',~..~ ,..,-'~~~i"'".-11", ~,-~., ~.. ':-.,.~:.-:i!"4"4, .:"".¥':':~.:""40:-> ,..":"~,,,:"",::,,,.":'.""$I!!":'~9, ~. ~-""".i. - .., ~ -+'1'. ,11III.. :~_Ii!'?~?IIII.'!,,_.1Ii!'.f1$ll.•~ , _ .. ,•••• _., ~", _:"11II,.11I,,_ , ~ ..~ 1J!I;.I$~"~"':,!,lIIIf•.,.~ 11II0_5 _ •. -.IIS. q

Thursday, April 28, 1977

i George L. Palms ~. The Purdy & Totes BorlandMcBrearty Wm. W. Queen Wm. J. Champion& Co, SchweitzerReal Estate,Inc. Danaherand Boer Grosse Pointe Arthur G. ScullyCo. R. G. Edgar & Associates Shorewood John S. Goodman E. R. BrownRealty, Inc. Higbie Moxon Strongmon,Kelly & Assoc. REALTOR Johnstone& Johnstone,Inc. Real Estate Tappan & Associates Board

Buy or Sell., 539 UNIVERSITY Rent or Lease

, ' The experienced .staffs of the Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board have a full knowledge of Grosse Pointe Properties, their cur- rent values and the best financing available. They have a sincere concern in assisting you in selecting the right home for you. Today's market is brisk with many properties changing . hands in a few days. If you want or must do business in such a market you'll be ahead if you do business with those who deal in it every day. DO ~USINESS WITH A MEMBER of the Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board.

. ..• ;~:;jt~~ GraCious 3 bedroom. bath and one half Colonial, plus .Ageless beauty of classical architecture adapted to den and half bath on first floor, central air, 2 car at. 20th Century standards. Four bedrooms. two and a tached garage. Immediate possession. $58,500 Close half baths. Low 70's. to schools. shops, transportation. WM. J.CHAMPION &. CO. GEORGE pALMS, REALTORS 102 Kercheval 884-5700 886-4444 EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY As your neighbors we share your Pride In., Respect For., AND INVESTMENT IN OUR COMMUNITY--GROSSE POINTE

- 1049 WHITTIER- Over 50 years . . , experience selHng GROSSE POINTE PROPERTIES

Call us for Reliable Service

This elegantly decorated 4 bedroom, 2t bath Colonial situated on one of the Park's most prestigeous streets is available for your personal inspection. This home has everything you might imagine or want in a home - Call today for more information. SH.OREWOOD E. R. BROWN REAL TV, INC. 20431 MACK AVENUE, in the Woods 88.6-8710 ;~h:~:~:~:~:~:~:::::::~:~:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~:~:::::::::.:.:.:.:.:..:..:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: ..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~~~.

Your Realtor is serving you whether or not you have a real estate problem

:::~..:..;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:~:~:.:.>:.:;:~:~:..:.:.:.:.:":..:..:..:.:..:..:..:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:..:..:..:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:~:~:::~:=:::~:::::::~:::;;: ,.f( FAMILY HOUSE?

.eo ., .1.0 I I .~~ ~

I We think so - and a dandy one! Offering Master bed- I "":'" ,' ~ ~ This attractive 3 bedroom rm ~olonial i~ near the ,'.",:~-~.,;' ...,::, ~.. :j~ Fa m room with a fireplace. dressing area and bath plus •••::::,...~;::~:lake and features a 2'8' paneled famIly room WIth beamed :~.::~:::~: 4. additional family bedrooms and 3 baths - add a ceiling plus a library, enclosed breezeway and all A perfect description for this one owner Walter Masl : 17x26 family room, spacious living room, dining room carpeting and draperies. Immediate occupancy and a and kitchen with built-ins - more? Patio. service stairs, home. There are 4 large bedrooms, 2! baths, paneled :~ good value price of $62,900. 884-0600. ::: sprinkler system, recreation room and loads of storage. den. separate breakfast room. In A-l condition on Cal! for further exciting details. inside and outside. ~* ~~~~:~ ~~JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE, INC. ~~~ PURDY & TOLES ASSOC.• INC. :~ ::: WM. W. QUEEN 889-0500 19846 MACK AVE. 886-4141 ~~:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:::::::)1 :~:.:..:.:.:.:~:..:.:.:~:;:~:.:;:;:~:;:::::::::::;::~:::::::::~:::::::::~:::::~:::::~:~:~:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.~.:.:.~;;:

./ \ . \ I ; L __ ~ ...... __ .. CZOZ. __ On . ------~"ft.d« ..- ' .... ' ..... - 'lo " '" '" ...... "" ..... - .. l ."'.:-~ '.", . , ". .. .. • ','" '"'. '. " ...... "( .... " ... "" .. .. " , "'...... '" ~'...... "' "". ".'.- '-...... "" ...... i ...... "'4 ...... -' ......

Pige Eight GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 28, 1977 In most games there is one I Religion is one thin( that'. \ Live up to your ideals or winner, but in the game of never worn out by everyday the cbances are they'D come love it's usually a tie. use. . down. , .Pa.rk Approves Boat Well Plan Dealers View Energy (Coodaued from Page 1) by the council to make a improvements and well addi. (ContrDued from Page I) ing," said the spokesma~ Pier #5 and 15 on the west study and to prepare the pro. tions will be approximately tiative in the energy conser. who added that ' side. posed .marina improvement $100,000. vation field will begin a ,has nothing to lose since ati EsUmated Cost plans, 'at ~ cost not to exceed , If the council decides to go change in the American life. their models meet mileari ------The Detroit.based firm of $1,500, which will be credited ahead with the building of style ,but will not cause an requirements through 1985. ~ to the final plans and speci. overnight acceptance of the I AI18IIon's' John Stevens Associates ori. the boat 18unching ramp(s), The White House med~ small car. ginally planned 26 wells at fications. the cost will be much higher. barrage on the energy polict the southbreakwall, but this When the final plans and Mr. Ste\'ens, in his study "The public hasn't accepted seems to have turned off , onUCK , specifications .are presented was decided unfeasible, ham. report to the solons, dis. the small car yet and it will some of the general public t9. pering :boat traffic to and to the council at its next reg. closed that all new boat be hard to convince people the subject. A random tel~ I have very I from the marina. meeting, as modified at wells tlIre sized for power. who have had big cars 0811phone poll of 15 Pointers ref. Monday night's. session, it is Mr. Stevens, a resident of boats and sailboats 23 feet their lives to change their vealed a surprising attitul I COMPETITIVE PRICES I The Park, was commissioned e,stimated that the cost of the or less, the size which is most ways," he said. of weary ambivalence in in demand. Besides the comfort factor, community where people u He said that final engin- Mr, Dilber questions whether u;l1ly have definite ideas oj) eering plans and specifica. the small cars in today's issues and don't mind tal~ tions, when approved by the market can effectively re- ing about them, . :~,. I ~ Prevent Garden weeds!1 The Annu~IOJ~~;~gof THE place the larger: more duro council, must be submitted to Many of the people quc~ able models. "It is a proven ~ PREEN~ stops most weeds before Ihey slart. I GROSSE POINTE HOCKEY the Umted states Army tioned liked some parts of thjt fact that smaller cars wear I ';)i, Safe for most growing plants. No more need ASSOCIA TlON will be held CorDS of Engineers, the Mich- energy policy and disliked out faster. are tougher on to pull or dig weeds. It's amazing! I WEDNESDAY, MAY 11 ot igan State Department of Na. others. Some were unclca) tires and have a poor resale 8:00 P.M. in The Commu- tural Resources and the Un. about specifics and unsure ited States Coast Guard. value. And they aren't a good I Available by the Bag, Box or Shaker. I nity Room of THE GROSSE enough buy to begin with," about the intended impact ,, ..,... :r;"p 'cr' ~eun al im'onifll" (~~ ISll . '. e..", .D." .",,~,..' dustry lSeems to be an eas :~i and, thus, frequent target of tax time. t:all us at 822"4 I government regulation. 2580. We are open dail~: A spokesman from Patmon unlil8 P.:U .• hida~s anle i i Oldsmobile said the new en. Salurda~s. until 9 P .:\I.~' ergy policy is just another and Sundavs frou H~ i attempt by the government A.I\I. until :fp.\1. We al,.,~: to get the auto industry. sell and rent all t~pe" lie, I big business. "I think Carter is just convalesl'cnt aids indudJ screwy. This plan of his will in/{ walkers. crutches. never p~s the Congress. The wheel chairs and eom-~ auto industry is too impor. modes. ~ tant to take this kind of beat. ~ HELPHL HnTS: ~ CON ARTIST Rubber bands slil'(led ~ A few contacts with a card. o\'er spools of thread keell~ sbal'p is very dull one's Ihe ends of the Ihreu(1 ~ confidence in humanity. from unwindin". l 1977 UNIVERSITY LIGGETT


2 Intensive Training Clinics at University Liggett School

Short-term financing, as any good businessman knows, of being able to ma~e large p~rtia.1 paYT1)ents,or repay the Cook Rd. Campus - Grosse Pointe Woods is a function of cash flow. amount in full, at any time With SImple mterest. And August 1 - August 6 Like when school tuition is due before the bonus is Instaline costs you nothing until you. use it. . August 8 - August 13 f paid. Or vacation time arrives before the tax refund. Instaline. For everyone who occaSionally needs help m Usually you handle it with one or more bank loans. covering the financial peaks and valleys of life. ( And you can apply for it at any NBD office. : r Which means one or more trips to the bank. Now there's a simpler way: Instaline, the new revolving credit account at National Bank of Detroit. If you are interested in imprvving your knowledge of soccer You apply only once for Instaline. Then, any time you 1m and developing your playing skills, you are ~ar"!ly i~vited need money, you simply write in ~heamount you nc:edon a IIIlnstaline. to participate in either (or both) of the Umverslty LIgget~ special Instaline form, then cash It at any NBD offIce. Soccer Clinics. . You can apply for Instaline credit in an amount as low Making banking better for)OU. as $500, or all the way up to $10,000. You have the pro- For Further Information Call tection of minimum monthly payments. And the advantage Equal Credit Opportunlty Lender DA \10 BACKHLRST - 886-4220

I i

\ , . .. ~j •• - ••.• _~, •••••••• -.~ ••• _~'+'Mb. • • nO .• m.'o- . .ft' • .ft"' •• _,e, - •••••••• - • ,"'r;.., '"', ."'1,"";...., ...~.,...... < ..r-;II"''I''....,''!';.,,-...... -'''.'''''.• ~.'.,""".• '!'",:,'I""" ...,,_,.. ... +.-- ...... ,....f -.Of.., ..-...... ,...~--- ..,....: ~. ; - ~r~-~~~"f::.: ""4--.,f--~.,'..:•.•1-."...--:~'¥".....~....:~'-: .....;~,--.~--, .....~7'...... ,*'...... '.-''',..--:t .._.-..~-.-.-~-~-..•-':'''~,~-- __,_m_. -,-"-,,--~.,--,"" .• -:.-'-. "-.-'-;-:;~_--;~'~'. - ,-, ---.---~-~------...-

Thursday. April 28, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine I The chronic kicker and I Admit you don't know and in GP Woods I' TOO LATE knocker UI.j~t a public nuis. save many useless argu. Youth Group's Rockathon Offers' ~dvice Plat Okayed ance. ments. . 1 It probably is true that ag~ The Woods Council at its given to the final plat. Then, brings wisdom. but it leaves To Assist Recovery Camp For ResIdents regular m e e tin g Monday, his office will issue necessary us little time to use it. April 18, unanimously con. permits. _ lor CI mor~";~a.':; curred in a Planning Commis- He added that nine single ewnin, I\~ly Members of the Youth The purpose of the mara- Now that spring is here, d,. Forum of the Grosse Pointe thon is to raise funds for a citizens have a greater ten- sion recommendation approv. fa mil y residences located remodeled around a arc pro. Woods Presbyterian Church, summer outreach program. denry to leave their garage ing the proposed preliminary La.':r 19950 Mack avenue, will con- WUh only five minutes ai- doors open while working in plat for the Grosse Pointe posed for construction, Small ~M duct a rocking chair mara. lowed every hour for stretch. the )lard or even when they're Green Subdivision for the AppUanc .. than Saturday.Sunday. April ing, the students will attempt away from home, 'even for a northeast corner of Vernier road and Morningside drive. Mayor 'epcti .. d .OWl? 30.May 1. to rock continuously for 25 short timc, II..... A majority of the partici. hours, acquiring funcls for This is an open invitation The plat was submitted by COLlMaN pating young people in grades every hour rocked from pre- for "hit and run" artists to Hillard Green, of Stanhopc UU3 nine.12 are students from viously solicited pledges. Last take a lawn mower, bicycle road. :Lc= Detroit's Most Elegant YOUNG IlITIl'S North and South H i g h year, the group raised $1,200 or a variety of other equip. B u i t din g Inspector Earl STII£ Night Club SChools, but others represent via a Rockathon for the One ment. cautions Woods Det. Wakely said the material To Speak in the Pointes wcmc starring South Lake and Cass Tech as Great Hour of Sharing. Lt, Jack Patterson. must now go through several Antiques and Unusual well. The summer outreach pro- channels, according to city c.l1ecM,,' Items BOB SNYDER gram in which the youths He advised aM residents to ordinancc, including explora_ SUN.,MAY 1-7 p.m. end the will participate is geared to- keep their gar age doors tion by Detroit Edison. the VA 1.7651 ACT. IV'. Farnls Parade ward a disaster recovery closed, and locked, to erase public safety director, the Grosse Pointe Woods 14533 Kercheval ,al,o 'ecturin.g oW' camp in. Cdorado's Big the chance of a touring op- city engineer. the Michigan ICnII ". '"1 Itfict FamoUf GfHlrmt' Begins Season Thompson Canyon. portunist from stealing their Department of Health, et' at, Presbyterian Church II ,., T...... n d belongings. before ultimate approval is RIVERfRONT BUfFU Last J uIy a ravagmg 00 By George A. Haggarty 7'uesday thru Sunday claimed some ISO lives and ~ The fire truck sirens will destroyed or damaged hun. ~ US send annoWlce the 1977 Farms Lit- I dreds of houses and busi- VUtussend ~ tle League Parade on Satur. nesses. Reconstruction is ex- VftUt'iOftfothe(. ~~. day. April 30, and the begin. IHTI!IIT~ cowux peeled to take Ye" " handpalnled ceramic pitcher @ parade' cars. Advisors directing the group ,'\ - A perfect way to S'lY f League d ire c .t 0 r s Dick looking lawn? include Bob Schroeder. Mary .' ' . ~ I love you. too ~ Pierce, Larry Doyle and John SChroeder, Harry Magbakian, ~ MacLeod will be leading their Judy Maghaldan and Gail ' ~ ~~ i % 22" Bolens@) respective divisions in the Thomas, ~ parade. This year's LitUe The marathon will begin (1976~lof,'Sof<; 1'", .. ns'N~,rldD~:,'l.:f~~.(• .,.~. ~ Mulching Mower'" League wiJl:l see about 275 about 11 a,m. on Saturday l"OUfl£lIAA,IO!..lC11Fl()lltzSt ~ Cuts grass and mulches clippi':lgs boys from The Farms partici. and continue until 12 noon on in one pass. Keeps lawnlOoking ~ good with less work. Blows pating. Sunday. CONNER PARK FLORISTS Opening Day ceremonies ~ mulch deep into lawnwhere it For further information re- 9B:JO decomposes fast, returning following the parade will be garding pledges, caB Mr. or Conner 521-15.!iO nitrogen to your lawn. held at the main diamond in Mrs. Schroeder .at 886-'l26O or "THE GREEN SCEi\E" i:- Kerby Road with speeches by the church at 886-4300. Mayor Dingeman, Jam e s Eastland Center DR. 1-5544 ~ Dingeman Jr. JlDd special MORANG DR,\1£ GREEi~JfO(jSE ~ benefactor Marshall Noecker Clothing Taken %.,. on behalf of Kaufmarin Win. 12005 ,"oron9 Dril.~e 512-4290 oV dow and Door, which .has From Garage been a little league sponsor for 25 years. A resident in Blairmoor The winning floats will. be road reported to Woods po. announced at .the award cere. lice that a person or persons monies and prize&. will be unknown removed clothing, awarded for the first unassist. valued at around $600, from ed tri:>le play .and the first his garage Thursday, April IW'hitter to take place during 21. the league season. The citizen staled for the Following the ceremonies past four years he had been it will be batter-up, with putting his dry cleaning in a games scheduled for. Satur. closet in his garage for pick day afternoon. They wili1 run up by a ioeal cleaner. through the month of June. The missing clothing m. clLilled one brown wool suit valued at $200, one tWee.9-suit , OHerBreast valued .at $200. 0De.iiifr~ brown pan"' valued~t Exam-Program and 11 shirts valued at about.1 $13 each. Instructional programs on breast self-examination wiH be oHered in late April and early May to Pointe high school girls and mothers of 19815 Mack Ave. '- TU t .6233 high school students. c Copyngh\ '971 by FMC Corpo.~\ion The program is. sponsored by the Health Education Council of Grosse Pointe' in conjunction with tbe Amer. With the FTD ican Cancer Society. GROSSE POINTE AREA Mothers and 11th and 12th SCHWINN DEALERS 'grade girls are invited to attend the program at the South High auditorillm, 11 CLEARANCE Grosse Pointe boulevard, to- day, April 28, or at North Your Mother loves you, so call t'~ or come in today Discontinued Models & Colors High School's auditorium, M-!'Iand send he. this 707 Vernier road, on Mon. bright bOUQuet in its own hand.painted day, May 9. , ce.amic p~cher Both programs begin at 8 A pertect * CONTlliElTAl p.m. way 10 say, The film, "Something Very Iloye you. too. .Your Mother loves you. * VARSrr:Y Special," will show correct * SUBURBAII methods of breast examina. tion. Volunteer nurses will Send her the * LE TOUR lead a question and answer session following the film. FTD Big Hug~Bouquet! * PIXIE With parental permission, SCHWINN@ girls 10th grade may view the same program during the Send your Motherth'e FrO Big Hug school day today.tomorrow, Bouquet-bright, happy flowers in April 28.29, oat South High. an imported ceramic pitcher, hand- SPRING. LAYAWAY painted by the finest European MARINES NAMED Allemon Florist ,craftsmen. A beautiful way to show how Louis L. Marines, of Neff on E. Warren much you love her. Your FrO F10rtst POINTE CYCLERY road, was named vice-presi- 20373 Mack - 888.1988 dent and general ,manager of 17931 E. WafTen TU 4-6120 can send your gifts almost anywhere by wire, the FrO Acro .. from Farmer Jack William Kessler and A$So' Open Evenings til 8 way. (Most FrO F10rtsts accept or dates. Mr. Marines recently moved to The Pointe from , majorcredit Philadelphia, Pa., where he cards.) worked with Coxe Associates, fTOBig Bill'S BIKESALES He received his education at 14229 E. Jefferson Washington and Jefferson Hug Bouquet usually 1! blka. W. of Chalme,. College and the Harvard FTO Super BigHug Graduate School of Business available for 822.4130 Bouquet, with extra flowers Admin~tration, Jess than to send extra special love! With Ihe FTO An extraordinary gift. Usually available forlessthan $1750.

Mother', Day I. Sunday. Mal/S. Sopl... e. order earl 1/.

FTD Big Hug II, lovely green planted version with fresh flower accents- in hand-painted pitcher. SilYFTD, and be sure ... worldwide. Usually available forless than $1500• • As an independent businessman, each @1977F1orlsts' FTD Member Florist sets his own prices. Transworld Delivery,

\1 ~' \'. I « _:r ••••••••• $' • ss mUSt s .. r H#Wt"IC arat".. 't' gr'WSSCSSC'f' U U f tMld'i'Mshfdt'sk"hI r iitidi'kkhir "hirbbh b k'b Bee'wm. ».in ,nO" ,-, ,,- ...... - .. -- '.- .. - 'loW" .--, .-;":- ~-- ... - .---,~~ -.7 ...... ,...... ' '. .' ~ :. ~' _~ _ ;, ," I '..' ,;,- .;. .' " ~ .... -. :-- f -r ,," '" ,,"" '.

Pige Ten GROSSE PO.! N T ~ NEW S Thursday, April, -,28,-----7,1977 'T Austin Plays 'Li'l Ab.ner' April 29.May 1 Woman Escapes from Police Students l'llke Students <:ited by Bashara -"

______------I ..... The Austin Players, cele. The drama will feature are Tim Ruwart. Darryl Schi. A s u s p e c t e d shoplifter woman across the store and Writing HOltarS Judge G eo r g e Bashara, said. brating their 19th season, Don SChmid as Li't Abner, meek, Celeste DeSchriver, slipped out of her handcuffs finaHy overpowered her on chairman of the Michigan The students, with resource and escaped from City police the back stairs, according Commission on Substance mat e r ia I s from the loc~' will present "Li'l Abner" while Kevin MaeFarlin and Claire Nachazel and Bob Friday.Sunday, April 29.May Karen Brouckaert play Pap. oUices ,Tuesday, April 19, to the police report. Three SOUr1 High School Abuse Services, presented I"LEC office. have completed. 1. at the Pierce School audio P1 and Mammy Yokum, reo Nevile. hours alter s?le had been ar. City Cpl. JO:lO ,Drummond journalism students recently certificates of achievement to atcohol awareness projects in: torium. 15430 Kercheval ave. Ispectively. The Players are directed rested at Jacobson's in.the. and Pt!. Ronald Pryor were received major national writ. 13 local high school students s eve r a I local elementarY! nue. at 8 p.m. Others included in the east by 'l'homas E. Bailey. Village. called to the scene an::! made ing honors. at an awards ceremony Wed. schools. They hope to expand, As of Tuesday, April 26, the arrest. The intel'Oational honor so. nesday, April 20, at Family their progr,am in public miQ-. the suspect was still on the Acting Police Chief Robert eiety, Quill and Scroll. award. Life Ed u cat ion Council, dIe schools this spring. I~,' ,loose. Police idenlUied he,' <.:s VanTiem said the suspect cd gold keys to Terry Berg, (FLEe). offices, in Chalfonle The sludents have COl!l', Delores Hudgins, a 32-year. was handcuffed to a vault in Waleeia Konrad and Mary avenue. pleted a course includil1iJ old Detroit woman. but added police offices after her arrest. Ann Vann. T:1e c e r t i fie ate s were four, three.hour sessions ql)l she has used five different She could not be locked in awarded the students in rec; the history and psychology pt, names in the past. The City's only cell because Terry was a winner in the ognition of their completion aflcohlolhulsage. pharmacology . 1 b' investigative reporting calc. of an authorized training 0 a co 0 and ~'outh and ~:r Clt~'. police were joined ill ha Id'ma' e . suspecth wash'd emg gory for a story on youth program on alcohol preven. coho.I The course was o~ thelr search for. the woman e m It t e time, e sal , \'iolence and its increasing g . d b M K t- by the Detroit Corrections The w 0 man apparently tion and their volunleer work alllzc y rs. enne Center. from which s!leal- slipped the handcuffs off and impact in The Pointe. with studenls in various ~dller, chairman o~ t,he alcoi~ t legedly escaped several weeks look off through the back Walecia won honors in news schools. {} awareness rammg pr~; ago. police said. door of the slation, through writing for a' story on the Judge Bashara. in making I' g:am ~n cooperation ~ith .th~, . FRESH! The suspecL was spotted at The City municipal office, legal drinking age, while the presentations, stressed Calhollc X~uth orgaOlzatlOn.,. about 9:30 a,m. on Tuesday making her escape through Mary Ann used an interview lhe importance of the work In additIOn, the Gross,~' CALVES LIVER by a Jacobson's employe the rear door. with Mark "The Bird" Fid. lhe students have undertaken Pomle League of Wome,!} From Specially Raised Provimi Calves rych to take top prize in the . Voters presented a group'} wh0 told police she was carry. ------t'li I "Everyone dollar spent on leadership workshop for th,o ing a plastic garbage bag Anyone's deficiency in dol. spor s wn ng ca egory. prevention is as effective as t d t ' .. $ ., t "h s u en s. ., . con tallung 1,284 worth of lars can in many cases be Eac~ ~old key wmner IS I $2(} spent on lrea ment, e Soulh High School studeni.s S1981b clothes. traced to a deficiency in' com. no:w ehglble.!? cnler scholar- who completed the course ar~. The employe chas~~h:_ mo~ s~n~ s~~.~~mpetltlOn, __- _ Pointe Police wadJlYJ'IK'o~radh'Dave ShelleY: an 1 t lira am. Jeff Kirk ... EXTRA .FRESH AMERICAN FRESH! Oman, of. Norlh High Schoo], U.5.D,A, PRIME" CHOICE Reody t0 pen Debbie Elliott, Deni~e Pulte. . HOMEMADE FROM Geraldine Ruthenberg and, FAHeY CENTER CUT GERMAN CALIFORNIA After months of chafing at Patti Com a n. of Harp£:r. LOIN LAMB CHOPS the bit during the long. hard Woods High and Laura Jean JUMBO STYLE 3C's LANDSCAPING winter, the Grosse Pointe French and Tina VanDeGar~. BUD aaf, of University Liggett;. 4• SKINLESS Police Softball Team will S3 lb. PROFESSIONAL LA WN MAINtENANCE open its season tonight, April also received cerlificates. ,,' Asparagus LETTUCE • estates, large area cutting • landscaping design, , 2~. at. diamond #7, Softball Star of the. Sea . High FROM HOT City, .located at the State School's Beth Burns and Mary QUINLAN'S • dry fertilizing program • specializing in brick patios Fairgrounds. Treder and NoIre Dame CALIFORNIA TI~Y THIN 3 • tree removal & repair • licensed & in"sured Game time is 10;45 p.m. High's Ed Trombley and J~ DOGS HEADS The team will play all' its Marino also completed Ute, PRETZELS games on Thursdays and Sun. course. ." , '. . FOR Clem Chargot - 'Horticulturist days. Among the special guests S1251b 59~lb. e e Team members are Dave attendinj the ceremony wer~ 80z.Can54 9g Jerry Christ - Landscape Design Hiller, Mike Kortas, and Gene Dr. James Hoeh, South High . 343-0362 Adamczyk from The Park; principal, G. Bruce Feighne~. Dave Teolis from The City; North High principal, Siste.r Mike VanDeGinsle, Pat De. Martha and Sister Cathey, ot Vine, Bruce Marone, Mike Star of the Sea High. and Cavanagh, Tom Hunke,Mike FLECPresident Mary Evelyn, Makowski, John Harwood. Self. " HUDSON'S BRANCHES OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 9:30 Ron Hayden. Wayne Baum In addition to the alcohoJ~ and Keith Sova from The education program, FLE,C TILL9; FAIRLANE TILL 9:30, DOWNTOWN OPEN 9:30 TILL5:45, Woo d s; John Trevi1lian, sponsors Center Pointe Crisjs~ Archie Grieve and Mike Ken. Intervention Center, the Medi~, YOJl from The Shores; and ca:l Clinic for young adults, John K r a i z a . and Mark and the Dialggue adult help- Brecht from The Farms. line. ' Dirty Have Your Carpets & QUARTER MILLION Carpet? Rugs Professionally saVE CLEANED 20,"0 We Hove The Correct Method ON CASH To Clean Your Carpet .ARRY • We do all types of carpet repair ,'.. DOLLAR CLEA NCE & C CALL FOR FREf ESTIMA TE RUG East Side Carpet Cleaners CLEANING 14111 Kercheval Ave. 822.1481 ... SAVE 20°/0 TO 500/0 OWNED AND OI'fRATED ay THE BASICH FAMILY SINCE 194a ". ~D. l.j~_ft ..E-'~"~I CHI~'A \"I0f\';:;ml.'<"' ivd .'\O~iQ c:V Vi':';'!,' A·n. ~~~]',.Y'I~ I',,:'~0 ~lv;""':""".':"'J; u •• ~}'';''~~'J ~:,":""\! >.,',,,;', ~S~HOR£S'.:PI'lRiNEi:i: 24910 Jefferson, St. Clair Shores, Mi. C STEMWAREAND .., 778.3200 ,:.; "

• CHRIS CRAfT DECORATIVE ACCESSORIES . PARTS & ACCESSORIES t*iAYTHEO~ • INTERLUX PAINTS VHF 25 WATT • SPERRY TOP-SIDER SHOES 12 CHANNEL RADIO ~ • NAUTICAL FURNITURE I AT EASTLAND'ONLY I WITH 6li CHANNELS & JEWELRY , WITH 608 ANTENNAE • COMPLETE GET .READY f, WITH LAY.DOWN MOUNT , CHOOSE FROM A WIDE SUPPUES COMPLETE ASSORTMENT FROM 9 '399 ! tox SUCH FAMOUS NAMES AS: • Noritoke • Lenox OPEN 7 DAYS • Wedgwood • Fostorio Service Is Our Business • Block • Fronciscon • Mikoso • Tyndole • Donsk • Johnson Bros. Spring • Corning • Roymor At Hudson's Eastland only, 3rd level, find one.of.a.kind pieces at this LEASE special event. All sales final. SPECIALS ';;"COUGAi"'I""MA'R'O'ui's"" 2-000r :::: 4-Ooor 33 47 $143 :, I$169 : LINCOLN CONTIJlENTAL 12 32 $228 ':. $251 :. :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::.;;:::;:;:;:;:;:;:;/;~.:.:.:.:.:.:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:.:;:.:.:;;.:.:;:;:;:;:;:.:;:. 'plus 4% sales tax Factory equipment, plus many options 24 month closed end lease. See or Call AL EKIN MIKE DILBER LINCOlN-MERCURY, INC. 130 KlRCHEVAL on the Hill 881.5000 ~,-,-.:,-.:-,.-, '~6'--;:J'", -:~';.-r:>":;::""-. -,"',':('''''',""'"z""'", ---,,"'IIIj'-.'i(lI!II., ..., .... "14"'A~, ,...... e.-.,.,.... p., .•,- __ .... _.;.\ ....Cllll,'1II:..$;,1I01lll;...... ,., ••,.2$1.• ,,4UIISJIIJ.'_ •• "._.'fl .• ,lal;_t ....lI!Ip.,.S.,•.• &•• 5.i.&~~b~<'S,.. ..s",'S~,s"..2!-,,'S•.a"q~a,.aIl,IISI&"&.j••••. '2.h••••• 1I

Thursday, April 28, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven ---_.__ ._------Woods Rescinds Action Pointers Cited Tennis Coach Wood Honored. ,.------, As Outstanding On Three-Cycle Light Rober! Wood, athletic direc. Banquet on June 22 in Hamp.1 I BU'( ANY MEDIUM PIZZA AT I tor and tennis coach at Uni. ton, Va. I F R E'E THE REGULAR PRICE AND I Among the 11,000 young '!l'he Woods Council, based 8:05 a.m.), in the afternoon, r::.~~ya;~i~~:~~th;~u~;~n:f~ Olher district four slates men who wHI be listed in the I • GET IDENTICAL PIZZA FREE I upon the recommendation of it, again, is 10 minutes. (from 1977 edition of "Outstanding Coach of the Year by the include Illinois, Ohio, Indiana I S Public Safely Director Hel1l'y 3:()5.3:15 p.m.), and anum. Young Men of America" are National High School Athletic and Wisconsin. I PICK-UP ONLY _ ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER! I Marchand and Gene Clinton, ber sludents do not cross at eight Pointers: Coaches Assoc., (NHSACA), ------I I Wayne County Road. Com. the light but rather at mid. mission traffic engineer, un. block. Donald Diedo, of Blairmoor according to executive diree Too little attention is paid I I court, Craig Hollidge, of Lln. tor Carey E. McDonald. I I animously rescinded a previ. (1n fact, a female student ville road, Charles Huebner, Coach Wood will be honored 10 the joy of living today- I ous motion authorizing the was recently struck by ave. of Washington road, Pieter at the 12th annual NHSACA ~n~ too much 10 lhe cost of I instaMation of a three-eycle hicle while crossing Vernier Van Horne, of Lincoln road, I .------, lraffic signal at the North road approximately 100 feet N. William O'Keefe, of Ver. National (;onvention Awards lIvmg. I FRESH FISH FRY I f1gh School drive.Vernier west of the school drive). nier road, Albert Kaspar, of '\lad intersection. The director felt the pro- South Oxford road, Dennis

Ample Parking .. Pickup & Delivery 884-9690

.., If It's Nautical Browse But Nice ... the W-e've Git It! ship's wheel Nautical Gifts & Baat Supplies

: SHIP'S WHEEl FOUL WEATH£I SAILING SUIT with the .'. 1IJP:. '$I_ HIDDEN HOOD . "~~~.. " . $44.50 Valu" ~ ~~-- , .~

. ~ """'.. ~ • for M~n ond ~~" _ ..- " Women , • Wat~rproof • WI"dpr-oot ".", • Stam and dirt rif'J)if'llrnt e ~oo1 IS Untd and CANVAS New York the choice isyours Into In folds a neat , ('"ollar & e for FOOT. L1ATHE. BALL, SNOW MOBILE and all OXFOtDS outdoor sports. The networks think they know what's good for the New New Yorkers like that. We follow with The 10 O'Clock York-market. News, an hour earlier than the network stations. And SETH THOMAS They know that from 8 to 9 p.m. New Yorkers are New Yorkers like that. We have the imagination to sched. ule a sophisticated soap opera at II p.m.- Mary. Hartman, QUARTZMATIC supposed to like situation comedies. And that from 9 to 11 p.m. they should want to see detective shows. And Mary Hartman. And, just as we imagined, New Yorkers SHIP'S WHEEL that everyone expects to see the news at 11 p.m. like that, too. "'- New York likes us so much, in fact, that But WNEW-TVknows differently. People are not sheep. ellolce more homes tune to WNEW.TV than two out CLOCKS Not everyone want~ exactly the same thing at exactly COMPLETE LINE the same time. 01 the three network stations. Because we give New York viewers a choice, Detroit So we put The Merv Griffin Show on at 8:30. And .. Naul;eol Ship', Wheel advertisers get a choice in New York, too. Lamps . , . All siz.,! SOOfce Nielsen, IQ76,All Rep')f".S',"on T01.1 Ne' We •• ly CHculatlon, Audience data aTe 81;llmaf'9S. slJblect to qual!hcaflonl e Charll:. Am"ricon • Ship', Wheel on request ond Canadian Tabl"" all ,i... Metrem.lIl. Grea' lAke, & Coa~tal • Selh Thoma, "'wYerk 10rome'e,. -. 19605 Mack TU2-1340 0,...... s.t., J , ... WNEW.TV is represented by Metro TV Sales.

\ .. ~ ... - ---~_.-.. - ...... ~, ~'. . ~..... : ' ''-''JF ;.S.%.4!A Q., .4 l .i,!()At.d)).AAX.(:'4_2

Page Twelve GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 28, 1977 - '-'1 Musical Celebration Christ Church Hosts Big Festival Ir.Symphony ....::J!":' .• ~ ~ ~j ,i (~DtlDUecl from Page 1) by the Christ Church Players Plans Concert Christ Church on May 8 at with a consort of medieval -I. •, 6 p.m. instruments, featuring memo S~ ~• Included in Dr. M.ason's bers of the Ars Musica and The Grosse Pointe Junior , program will be the world the Jongleurs of the Univer. Symphony's ann u a I spring , premiers of. two compositions sily of M.ichlgan. concert will feature five solo. • by Swedish composer BeDgt It will be presented at the ists this year, performing the works of Rimsky-Korsakov, HambNeus, and by the Cathedral Church of Saint .....:. Tel e man n and Giannini, American composer Normand P.aul, Detroit, on May 6 at '0\ among others. Lockwood, 8:30 p;m. 'G1'" Dr. Mason has been heard Carmen Cavallero as Dan. The cO/lcert will be held ,ql in recitals throughout North iel and Pointer David Lud. Tuesday, May 3, in the Par. JO)

America and Europe. She wig as the Prince 'are in. cells Middle School auditori. I'~ urn, ~0600' Mack avenue, at 8 was the first American worn. eluded in the cast. ) .. \ an to play In Westminster This liturgical drama, writ. p.m. ;. ~-, Abbey, when she represented ten in 1150 AD, will be staged The program opens with the the United States at the In. by Nikos Psacharapoulos. the "Procession of the Nobles," uT: ternational Gongress of Or. original director for the New performed by the orchestra. ~,r ganists in 1957. York Pro Musica perform. First soloist, Michaela Kemp, ~ ,J' Among the panoply of ances in the Cloisters of the will then present "Viola Con. events in this ,music season Metropolitan Museum of Art. certo in G Major." Miss :1 is the participation of the He has directed Performances Kemp is a member of the :"1 boy choirs of the Three Choir of the .play elsewhere in the Detroit Symphony Youth Or. ~;): Festival in season.ending United States and Europe. chestra .. . performance. by the Detroit Some 20 young people are Next on the program wil! I "" Symphony Orchestra of the involved in this presentation. be the "Second Symphony" Third Symphony of Gustav Portl"ayinl( angels are two by Giannini, followed by thl' Mahler May 5 at Ford Audi. lO.year.olds. Pointer Marcel second soloist, Mer e d i t h ! torium at 8:30 p.m., May 6 5antiz and John Dunn. Longley. playing the "Con. at 10:30 a.m. and May 7 at Enriches Life certo for Clarinet" by Starn. .For a beautiful home 8:30 p.m. The American Three' Choir ilz. Miss Longley has been call for These performances will Festival has its roots in the awarded many musical honors Photo by Tom Greenwood and attended music camps at mark the final appearance Southern England Three Christ Church will host the 1977 "The Play cf Daniel," ..MRS. SHIR- of AIda Ceccato as music Choir Festival of Choirs Blue Lake, Interlochen and • director of the symphony. from Winchester, Salisbury American Three Choir Festival of LEY HUMPHREYS, coordinator of Michigan State University. the professional men and boy choirs AAM Conference FREDERIC "The Play of Daniel," sue. -and Chichester Cathedrals. 1977, Next soloist, flutist Kath. cessfully presented last Feb- Observed annually for many and the convention of the Assoc. of DeHAVEN, choir director at Christ ryn Thomas. will perform ruary in three sellout per- years in the 'midwest. the Anglican Musicians, (AAM), Thurs- Church, and TOM PERSING, who's Kent Kennan's "Night Solilo. formances, will be repeated American Festival will be day-Monday, May 5-9. Preparingjor also a member of the cast. The lions' quy for Flute." ------held in Detroit for the first the event are, (from left to right), heads are costume properties. The lyrical French horn . time. DAN. GARAN, whd will perform in will' be fea tureci next jn 5outh Scores Professional boy choirs, Weber's "Concertino, Opus In Forensics' tNditionally established at 45." Michael Reed, son. of churches, have been the his- Activities ~et for Senior Citi~ens Junior Symphony conductor toric centers of the singing Russell Reed, will perform on .South High School's for. arts. and have provided the The Woods Parks and Rec. On Monday, May 2, a lunch- A hobby day' will .usher in the french horn, accompanied ensics team entered seven early phases of proper .music reation Department has plan. eon and antique display pro- the month' of June, (on June by Virginia Shover, on piano. categories in recent State Dis- training to future ,musicians. ned a variety of summer ac- gram will be held at the Har: 2), where seniors can display "The Fairj" by Stravinsky, trict Foren&ics competition Although long a part of tivities for senior citizens in per Woods Recreation Center and explain their hobby in will be .next on the program, • and came up with five award musical heritage, the per. ,the community, according to from 12-5 p.m. the front lobby of the new ,~ a proposed schedule from Then, a four-day schuffle- bathhouse from 2-4 p.m. A followed by. Ravel's "Pa. winners. formance of cho'ir music by vane." Then, oboe soloist Ann 'Mar~ B~uhof won. first men and boys is rarely avail. Parks and Recreation Direc- board tournament will. take picnic lunch .will kick off the tor Donald J. Hamman. place on May 13 and 27 and day from 12-1:30 p.m. Willison will perform "C9~' place m original oratory and able to the general public. certo for Oboe" by Haydn. June 10 and 24 at the Lake For tennis buffs, 8 net in. ~r~tche~ Reger w~s first. in "We believe such an oHer. Starting off the festivities, Front Park next to the old struction program will be WlOUS lDterpretation. Third ing of concerts '8 this enrich. today, April 28, js modem The program will conclude place ,awards went to Tim s . bathhouse from 1-4 p.m. Tro. given June 6; 13. 15, 20, 22, with the orchestra's playing - .- dancing at the Lake Front :8, Clancy and. Susan Halter in es the ~ultural life of the phies will be awarded. 27 alld 29 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. of "Caravan" by Ellington. Park at 3:3() p.m. with, "a radio broadcasting and hu. com-munI.ty and we hope that A physicaL fitness program at Lake Front. Citizens should -- . Our landscape deslgnerswiU add morou,s interpretation, reo people will take ~,dva~tage of surprise band," (sans Guy Lombardo). will begin on Tuesday, May bring their own rackets and spective~y. . the opportunity, sald Mr. 24, and Thursday, May 26. at a can of tennis balls. beauty to your home with fine Taking the first place prize DeHa,'en. the Lake Front Park's new Mr. Hallman~aidregistra- in multiple interpretation was, There will be an admission SKY mGH bathhouse from 10 a.m .•12 tion is necessary for the phy. PRIVATE PARTY specimen trees, evergreens, and the South team including charge for the lecture and all Building material is ex. noon. Seniors should bring sical fitness jl~ tennis in. Would like to Charlene Gilbert: Elizabeth .performances, except for the their own sweat suits, bathing struction progrilms, and the flowering shrubs. pensive now, but wl.lit until Purchase Gray Blair Houchens Devin Sunday Mass. The program s\litsand towels. This pro- department should be con. Palo~~. ~chard MiiJs and is supported by the Michigan you :see ,this summer's politi. gram will continue June 7,9, tact~d a~ 884'!l;890, extension Grosse Pointe . i F.aith Tisehler'. Council for the Arts. cal platforms. 14, 16, 21, 23, 28 and 30. 56, m thIS re!p:tct. "; .' INCOME PROPERTY ."-.RICARDM.H Viaene/s , ' .Jd , i Nursery & Landscaping ,/ BUD ABBOTT ~ 21807 Mack 777.,2800 V'\~RA~.GO,OIj)..,;,. 881~948

GOOD TERMS. 18328 MACK AVENUE 882-2530 This Week's WHY. .' SETTLE Bell Ringers Prices Effective April 28, 29 and 30 CLOSED ALL DAY SUNDAY FOR LESS? We Close Wednesdays at J p.m.

Type of Minimum Minimum , Annual First Year's Account Term Amount Interest Rate Earnings on $1,000 .' U.S.D.A. GRADE A FRESH (; FRYING CHICKEN BREASTS 89 LB. : Certificate 48mOilths $1,000 7lf2% $77.10 (NO BACKS ATTACHED) - "THE ORIGINAL" BONELESS ",~ STUFFED CHICKEN BREASTS (Boneless chicken breasts stuffed with our own Certificate 30moDths $1,000 63,4% $69.20 bread stuffing in a foil pan ready to cook) . U.S.D.A. GRADE A - BONELESS CHICKEN BREASTS EASY CHICKEN 61', breosts - s~inned 1 can cream chic~en soup \ cup minute ,ice Certificate $1,00.0 $66.60 1 con crecm mushroom soup 1 con chic~en broth sclt and pepper 12moDths 6lf2% Place chicken breasts in a shallow pon. Mi. soups, rice ond pour on chicken. Bake at 350... for 1I', hours or until chicken is done . HORMEl WAFER SLICED 12-oz. Pleg. Passbook None $1 51,4% $53.50 BREAKFAST BACON BONELESS C.rllf,c/lt. monfly withdrawn b&lor. matuflly ./lrM; th. passboOk ,ate less 3 months' mterest per federal regulations CHICKEN BREAST (Boneless chicken breasts, $178 stuffed with chopped ham CORDON BLEU and Swiss chee.e) • LB.


A Good Place to Save. FRESH FRYING Center Cut Corned COOKED Local A rea Branches CHICI(EN LIVERS Beef Brisket or Round PASTRAMI C GROSSE POINTE OFFICE, 1'9307 Mack A'venue 69 LB. SI.79l8

HOOVER - 11 MILE OFFICE, 26681 Hoover Road' Fresh large 10 Size Fresh Florida New Crop 10U'1_'~ PINEAPPLES CORN WARREN - 12 MILE OFFICE, 8424 E. Twelve Mile Road titLENDER [ ~"& U I.. " .... U, ... ' 1 C 69 EACH 5 EARS 69C


',~; .. ",,:. "',-" ... ~'.,.. '". I' ,t. ( ! , ", r " .' ""~'''_. T-. < """" , .... ~.,. ••. ~ .... - ..... ,,...... ~. , .. ", .... , ... , • '. ... ,' ...... ' .• .., •• '1Io' ..... ' .. ~ •.• ~ .. , ...... /. - ~ l .• '. , •

Thursday, April 28, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirteen

TRADITIONAL BUTCHER SHOP 1i~" Distinctive I ObituQ ries A~:::::,~~~~:.: ~::::t:7~,~~:~:," interior and ~andscape paint. $30. lli~-)~~Dining by MRS. MARlO.IE JACKSON ing course of four sessions For further information, QUALITY -and SAVINGS Services for Mrs. Jackson, wHI be offered by Lorraine call the War Memorial Cen- 83, of The Pointe, were held Chambers McCarty on Tues. ter at 881.7511. Larry Lavigne Saturday, April 23, at the days, May 17-June 14, from Verheyden Funeral Home. 10 a.m.-2 p.m. The man who is easily -dAtlK"S'Sin'.'951' When you order seafood at LAMBAROI'S RESTAU- . She died Wednesday, April Students are asked to bring bought usually sells out his ANT, 17125 E. Warren at Cadieux, Oelroit, TU 5.9100, 20, at Saint 101m Hospital. a sack lunch to snack on 10' buyer. ","J WIENER SHOP au can be sure that it isn't frozen, Our seafood is flown in Born in New York, she was ------25300 JEFFERSON (at 10 Mile) PR 5-1991 esh every day and our seafood dinners include salad, a resident of The Pointe for Open Tues. thru Sat. h more than 50 years. A memo 8 Iii 6 og etti or potato, Italian bread and butter and freshly ber of the Fort Pontchartrain oked vegelables. Sunday is a special day at Lombardi's Chapter of the Daughters of Wilson's Premium WE CARRY ONLY nd it's a great place to bring the family after Sunday' the American Revolution. she ass. Be sure and celebrate Mother's Dayal LAMBARDI'S was a graduate 01 Aama Col. Ice $1' 05 WESIERN BEEF nd enjoy distinctive dining. lege and was • member of Cream y, gol. FRESH (CHOICE) Caviar, that most delicate of delicacies, comes from Saint Co Iu m b. Episcopal urgeon. Swimming low at the bottom of the Caspian Sea, Church. •.... lCiunllS _ 5 ten ICULPT\III Alaskan Snow e best sturgeon for cavier are found in the Iranian section She is survivel1 by a daugh. 26450 CROCKER BLVD. BEEF TENDERLOINS S2.39 LB. f the sea. After Ihe sturgeon are killed, Ihe ovarian sac ter, Mrs. Jean lensen; one 1 .. 2 ... -...... -s ...... Up T• .., Irh .Crab CUT UP FREEl b ro the r; one sister; two $17~. removed ana pressed through a wooden sieve 10 sepa- grandchildren and one great. Legs Ie the roe, or eggs, from the sac. The eggs are then grandchild. 0,.. f..... t. 9 DoIy WIN PRIZES SWIFT'S PREMIUM • ht Pme Color TV refully processed wilh varying amounts of salt under Memorial contributions may • Model Phone. 50 Prize'S in all Prizt' form e master guidance of a nostavnic, a master taster. be made to the Michigan Can- 2Mo11H available in Ma~tfs OHlce FRESH (STEER) Prizes Supplied by Jefferson SIRLOIN STEAKS •••• Sl.89 LB • day, nastavnics are few, but cadar tasters are plenty! cer Foundation or to Saint Ja',,"''" Motor Senrlce, M,C Carwash...... 17...... Phil's Hair service and many GOURMET TIP, Columba Church. mort. Use a liH!e sherry and nutmeg in your fovorite white 'Interment was at White BEEF SWIFT'S PREMIUM ~ 3 Acre on Sit. ke recipe. Chapel Cemetery. COMIGIn 1U1WIS • • .... -.. AI"""'"• l.!!1 a.creational Porlit • AJC.~.~.'- LIVER LB. PATSY (PASQUALE) •~ • r..and s....l ". • ROUND STEAK •••••• Sl.69 JUUANO ~ ... Soa.iIy.~. , ... Services for lIr. Juliano, lOCATED_ C Specials thru May 7 85, of Oxford road, were-held • • Merilutt • '.94 ••• 0'1' • AU LB. Tuesday, Apr1l19, at the Cal- -,.. tIOlI ..... 69 PHONE ORDERS ACCEPTED caterra Funeral Home and Supply Limited On All Items Our Lady Star of the Sea Church. ROMANO MODERNIZATION He died Saturday. April 16, at Southwest DetrOit Hospital, Born in !ta.lJ, he was reo AND BUILDING CO. tired from the F~ Motor Co. ~-~===~-~===~JWELCOIETO Mr. Juliano ... the hus- FHA& VAR.~irs Pili_bing & Ellctrical band of. the ~'Angeline City Cod. Updatn Roofing & CI.lnl Work Capazzoli and ~ of the tate Mrs. Mary BOnbrisco and 11'1Ir1lce Repairs Girlil I ToolS••d, Dominic Juliano. EAST WARREN AVE. Call 24 hrs. a day InsulatloR Work He is survived by Daniel and Sarah 5ehelhowski; one sisler; five graDddUldren and Established Specialty Shops with Professionals 824-1292 three great-grllldcbildren. Interment w.. ..t Mount to Serve You! Olivet Cemetery. • • • MRS. MARY HEIDE OLP ANNOlJNCING A. J. SHIPMAN Services for Mrs. O1p, 14, of Hareourt !'OM, were held THE NEW SflLflD liAR .CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Monday. April 25, at the Ver. You're probably aware of the great Fish-Fry, Friday .• BASEMENTS heyden Funeral Bome and Saint Clare Churcll. nights at the K of C Hall that have .been happening., • ATTICS She died. Fricfa.y, April 22, for almost 10 years. But there's Something new! at Bon. Seeolll'S Hospital. The oodShop Now in addition to the great seafood or chicken. • KITCHENS A Jiative Detz'oiter, she is dinners, there, is a large selection from 'HE REDWOOD DECKS survived by a auChter, Mrs. SALAD BAR! (Included in ,he dinner). Mai-y Josephlae Vorkapicb, free Estimates and two graDdebi1clren. 4-9 p.m, Interment "Ii at Mount Call Evenings 286-9028 Olivet Cemetery. 18000 E.Warren in the Knights of Columbus Hall

I i- f : '. , M;~T~~;;;. i.,. "'-'-.....1\ SPECIAlS, " fi' Y: . 5 . WARREN

nie9U~ or '. ,I, ...... ~. PROFESSIONAL CARRY OUT :~. '-~ '. -~, ,~..~f-ry MITRE ,BOX TU 5-3979 - 11-" .", ~ ~ WITH 4" x 24" I J .POINT aACKSA W Mitre box features eight steel rollers, adjusts for perfect sow alignment.4" highsteel Jegsplacecuttingbed.abovework bench. Two-Way Green Power'ID works two ways: kills chickweed, dandelions and SALE ~1Ne.t .. most broadleaf weeds while it feeds PRICE for a quick, thick green. And its con- trolled-release 30-4-4 formula keeps ~,III'111J1 •.. on feeding for weeks and weeks. & BEAUTIFYING plllllll ... 45 Raymond J. Chauvin NURSERY SALES $7 easylo-handle -5.000 sq ft. size 17520 Warrenllo'=rM~':':;'"' 882-9766 20 FOOT TAPE WITH Landscape Designing & Contracting 7 PIECE HIGH SPEED FREE 6 PIECE SABRE SAW Finest Quality DRILL BIT SET FLOWER SHEAR BLADE SET Sizes1116 to 114 in plasticc(l5e Mylorprotectedyellowbladewith posi. Includes7, 10, 14, 24, 32 and withresealobleclosure. tivelockfeatureand belt cI ip. hollow ground blade. SPECIMEN TREES x~ Shade and ~.~ Ornamental ------.':~-'~Y.... Planted and 5.19REG. SALE 297 12.98REG. 88 PRICE 127 guaranteed VALUE I 6 LOOK New Spring Stock Now In Select your orna- mental tree now SUPER GLUE.3@ while it's blossoming in full color. See BOB DANDELIONS? Bonds in seconds! 1\'/;- .~'~ MILLER for any help you may need. One Drop Holds 5000 Ibs. i.l-1:-t, '. Comple,e Selection 0# Get rid of dandelions and moil other ~'~ ) FINEST QUALITY broadleaf weeds quickly, easlt\

Pa9~ Fourteen G 'R.O SSE POI N TEN E W S Thursday, April 28, 1977

LONG BOT SUMMER I AN'I1CIPATION GP Wood HO.~ DO tOt C t Mothers are the pensons The troubles that do hap. . S IU!t IS rlc OUf S Senior Men Slate Show' I most unhappy wit h the pen are usually more bear- A communication from Sen. Hertel, Rep. William R. The Senior Mell's Club of wood and metal working, ~hought that school will close I able than the wONY that Joseph Snyder regarding a Bryant, Rep. Paul A. Rosen- Grosse PGinte will hold a leaded and stained glass, In a few day-s. I preceded them., . House Judiciary Committee baum, chairman of the House Hobby, Arts and Crafts Show ceramics, painting,'sculptur. hearing Friday, April 22, on Judiciary Committee. and to Thursday.Friday, May 5-0, in ing, 1ug-hooking, decoupage, the conversion of municipal aJl members of the commit. the Crystal Ballroom of the tapidary, collecting and reo courts to d is t r i c t courts tee. War Memorial. The hours are storing old clocks. tying trout sparked the Woods Council to The measure says the coun. from 10 a.m ..l0 p.m. on flies, building ship models send a previousTy drafted cil is unilaterally opposed to Thursday and from 10 a.m.-3 and coloring photographic resolution against such con- the abolition of its municipal p.m on Friday prints. versation to state officials court, while noting "the im, It is open to the community On Thursday evening the What do you know about chablis? It is true that it is The council took this unani. position of a district court and there is no admission Senior Men's Club Choral on~' of the mo~1 famou~ wine names in the world. In France ,mOI1S action at its regular upon the citizens of the com. charge Group will entertain, begin. the chablis wines are produced from grapes that grow in meeting Monday, April 18. munity of G r 0 sse Pointe Tile Senior Men's Club is ning at 8 p.m. During the and around the town of Chablis, which is 110 miles south. Having gone on record on Woods will create a costly an organization of nearly day, members will be playing eost of Paris. The soil is hard with "ery little topsoil. Julius several earlier occasions on and unnecessary expense far 1,000 retired Pointe business. Ihe pian() and the organ. Ceasar found wines in this region during one of his con- this subject, the solons' pre. in excess of any benefits to men. Many have unusual and Frank Welcenbach, retired queslsw The vineyards musl rest for up to twenty years be .• viously approved resolution of be derived from such court." interesting hob b i e s which principal of Trombley School, fore they can become productive again. Despite this, this:' October 4, 1976, was sent to they will be demonstrating has contacted ,the skill ~al~nt one region supplies the entire world with French Chablis.': Sen, Snyder, Sen. John C. " and explaining. teachers of high and JUnior An efflClency expert is a high schools and most of' From French chablis to Ilalian chianti, you'U find all, man clever enough t() get In addition to various col- them will be bringing their your fa"orite wines at PARKIE'S PARTY SHOPPE, 17255:. his own price for guessing at lections. some of the crafts students to the show. Mack, corner of 51, Clair, 885.0626. For a special Molher's': _thin_'_g_s_. w_h_ic_h_w_i_lI_be_d_is_p_l_ay_e_d_a_reIt is hoped thiS will encour- Day gift this year, let us prepare an unusual gift basket age young people to learn an filled with the wines, cheeses and other items Mother would art or craft, while giving enjoy. Hours: 10-10 Mon ..Thur.; 10-11 Fri., Sat. them a chance to talk to the WINE TIP, U5Ia.IA.FI+ THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN. men and get their questions Open red wines an hour before pouring so they may 5,lnc E.. 1956 BAR.B-Q RIB DINNER ,..,•...... $4.95 answered. breathe, . Sewer Waiver F ,. WHOLE SLAB BAR-B-Q RIBS ....$7.95 Y Bid Approved Meaty and Delicious Porch Enclosures ;: CUSTOM .REMODEL~RS A resolution viewing the t 18310 MACK extension of a sewer across r, 'SCREEN, AWNING, WINDOW, 885-4453 ROOM ADDITONS - DORMERS - REC ROOMS ; Vernier road was unanimous- POINTE WHARF 885-4790 ly approved by the Woods Council at its regular meet. ing Monday, April 18, for submission to the Wayne KITCHEN SPECIALISTS CAMP ARBUTUS County ~oad Commission. ;";1;;;5;;;;,. t' DESIGNERS, DISTRIBUTORS. INSTALLERS A PRIVATE CAMP FOR GI RLS The existing vernier road 1 sewer is a part of a com. 20497'MACK~.... TU1-6 30, OF CUSTOM KITCHENS. BATHROOMS BY .Applications now being accepted bined sewer system and the QUAKER-MAIO- NEVAMAR • MACOR • IDEAL 10; J977 summer s,ssion from proposed extension would be a combined system, the reso. June 25th to July 23rd lution says, while the cost of extending Ihe Vernier road GROSSE POINTE ROCHESTER July 24th. to August 20th sewer crossing as a sanitary 18332 MACK 'VISIT OUR 338 MAIN . WHkly Sessions sewer system would be pro- Grand Travene Bay Region, Michigan hibitive and disproportionate SHOWROOMS to benefits received. 881-1024 652-1444 for information call 881-9442 As a result, the council pe. titions the Way'ne County Road Commission to grant a waiver of the design and con. struction requirements for wastewater transmission fa. cilities .to permit the exlen. sion of the Vernier road sew. er 'as proposed. City Administrator Chester .Nancy Dickerson, prominent national correspondent, reports for Detroit Edison: E. Petersen said the request was made in order to service two duplexes under construe. tion in the Vernier-Fairway lane area, and also to serve ~ last winters severe cold~a lot of homeowners ' any other future development needs in the immediate vicin; ity. are'~ up to the electric heat pump. Heres why:" He added that Wayne Coun- ty now requires all sanitary 'and all storm sewers to be separate, while the city bas a combined system. Arnled'Robber Hits Station

An armed r9bber escaped with $251 in cash from the Mack-Rivard Standard sta. , KERCHEVAL NEAR ST. CLAIR! tion on Wednesday, April 20. The 17-year- the cold air in your refrigerator have EEE Award homes on display. A. Conserve for all it's worth. honest details. ., The power is in your hands. Detroit Edison

; .~, 0'" . .,. ,:'. f'~~ .'"!' (':". ~ ...... /_.,~. ,l .f-/ ,. /> r ,/ , .1 .....,: ,~. r ".' .• ,,. .• ~ ..:.- ...... ,.... '. , ~ .... "" • w. ~ ..... P;,a • p o ..sec,.se,as a 55 £ 343SiS eSS2 ; 2 3 a 2 3 a asa sa 2 r' • .. ~ r ;.- ... 3

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Fifteen Chamber Music Banquet Slated Suspects Face Murder Charge NO fo;XCUSES I INFLUENCE PAINTING Make good in your en. I It isn't important what peo. Specializing in A clarinetist from Birming. tion of officers for the 1977. Two men, who are charged deavors-there is lillie con. pie say about you -the one ham and a basso from The who had arrived in a pickup 78 season. The presiding o~. with first degree murder in with Louisiana license plates. solation in advancing iheories thing that really counts is Private Esfates Pointe will be the featured ficer will be Mrs. Frank Zo- the slaying of a Woods man After Folice traced the ve. to account for defeal. : what Yo'J make them believe. artists at the allnual banquet Free Estimates charski, current vice.presi. in January, were arraigned hicle's plates, an all.points Interior & Exterior of the Chamber Music Play. dent. in St. Clair Shores Friday bulletin was put out ers of Grosse Pointe, morning, April 22 after t!le PROFESSIONAi WOfl~MANSHIP A short concert wJ1l close The extradition of the pair , 20 Y". in G,osse Pointe A,eo The affair will be held at the group's activities for this pair were extradited early \Vas approved by a Pittsburgh the War Memorial, 32 Lake- season. last week from Pittsburgh, judge aCter a hearing was BUTLER'S PAINTING SERVICE shore road, on Friday April James Upstill, clarinetist, Pa., to Macomb County. held on Michigan's request. Annual Kiwanis Pancake Festival 29. .' The suspects. Daniel B. 871-7318 will play three movements,. Eastland Shopping Center .Auditorium Dinner will be served at Allegretto. Allegroanimato Clements, 30, and James A. 6:30 p.m. in the CrYlStal Ball. and Mollo allegro from the Dunn, 34, both from Louisi- Woods Cites SATURDAY, APRil 30, 1977 10,00 A,M. 10 1,00 P.M, room. It will be followed by "Sonate pour Clarinette" by ana, are allegedly involved the annual meeting .and elec- Camile Saint.Saens. in the murder of Jack White- GP SymJJhOll.Y TO BENEFIT THE HANDICAPPED ley, 60, whose body was AU THE PANCAKES YOU CAN EAT Ille,el<. & 1 Orde, s...... Ind.) Paul J. Kelley. bas£o of found at the Shorian Motor A request from the Grosse Sunningdale drive, will sing Bring The Family - Donation $1.50 Inn, 20000 Nine Mile road. Pointe Symphony Women's Stolen Checks the "Arie des Sarastro" from Tickels cl 99 Kerchevol, 16338 E, Worren • FIRE REPAIRS SI. Clair Shores Sgt. Wi). COq1miltee to the Woods and 01 Ih" door on April 30. Lead to Arrest "The Magic Flute" and the Ham Hannah said bothsus. . HOME IMPROVEMENTS "Arie des Leporello" from peets were remanded to the Council to proclaim the week "Don Juan," both by Wolf- Macomb County Jail without of May 15.21 as "Grosse City. police arrested a 21- gang Amadeus Mozar!. bond, pending their scheduled Pointe Symphony Week" was year.old Detroit woman on Helene Vabolis, pianist. of examination date of Monday, unanimously granted by the Friday, April 22, for alleged- Aline drive, will be the ae. May 2. solons. Aluminum or Canvas ly passing a stolen check at companist for, both artists. They were arrested in early Kroger's, 16919 Kercheval February in a Pittsburgh cafe This action was taken at IUNE.UP COMPLETE PARTY RENTAL avenue. aIter police spotted an illegal. t!le regular meeting Monday, The suspect, Barbara Jean Vandals Smash Iy'parked pickup truck which April 18. Tents • Chairs • Tables • Dance Floors Kendzor, (alias Barbara Jean matched a description given The proclamation cites the Lee), gave her address as Five Wi ndows by Michigan authorities in the symphony's contributions to 65 5061Beaconsfield, Detroit. She I incident. the communit~' as a cultural only QUALITY A WNrNG & CONSTRUCTION was arraigned on uttering 7 Police had earlier learned asset. while noting that the and publishing charges on Several City residents re- from witnesses that the sus. group is now involved in its Saturday, April 23, and is ported to police that their peets were motel guests. who 24th 'season of community FREE ESTIMATE 846.5735 being held in Wayne County auto II' i n d 0 w s had been gave Louisiana addresses and symphonic concerts. Jail in ueu of $5,000 bond. smashed by. vandals some. ------_ BEAT THE HEAT 7937 SCHAEFER RD, • DEARBORN 48126 Police said the suspect at- time between Saturday night tempted to cash a check that April 23, and Sunday morn: Have yaur car air conditioner tuned IJP ing, April 24. had been repOrted stolen at only $7.65 labor plus Freon and taxes from a Greenbush, Mich., All five residents reporting BUCK ROGERS manufacturing company last lhe damage said'their car:; Builder of Grosse Pointe Sunday. An alert Kroger em- had been parked on the street 885-4000 ploye recognized the name of all night on Rivard road, Insulation King the company and called p0- Cranford lane, Lakeland ave- We use "Owens.Corning Fiberglas." We do oni Forn- lice to the scene. nue, St. Paul road and Lake- y Identification cards used by shore road. . plete used houses all exterior walls & attic ... please . the suspect to cash the check no attics alone. We do not use recycled trash news- also were stolen, according to Every person has a sense paper calted insulation. If no answer, keep colling. police reports, of duty, but not every person A tentative exam date was has sense enough to benefit 881-1632 .4-.------GROSSE POINTE and AREA __ __' set for yesterday, April 27. from it. C.O,D. on completicn GROSSE POI NTE . BAPTIST CHURCH 21336 Mack Avenue Grosse Pointe Woods i 9:~S a.m. t We'll help you save because you want to, not just because The Grosse Pointe :'~~::::: i~rl Nursery ~ I til ' you think you're supposed to. ~MEMORIAL ..CHURCH All Services ).l .. 1 . . Rev. Ed Steinhart ':'I~~:':' . United Presbyterian We believe that too many people think of saving as something ~ 16 Lake Shore Road 1-.--. ------that's difficult to do. Well, we suggest that you think For information night. or GROSSE POINTE day call 882.5330, dial a WOODS' of saving as accomplishment rather than requirement. ~rayer 882.8770. • Worship service Prei)';jterian Think of it in terms of the pleasure and usefulness your 9:30 and. il:30 saved money can provide, instead of just thinking about all the 10:~tudy Hour "Merril, Lynch and Church, - terrible things that you might suddenly need money for. SI. Paul" 19950 MACK AVE. at TORREY ROAD 8864300 Preaching: 11:00 Worship services If you only think about the bad things, it's hard to have.a John L. McCreight ..' ~~~ry.!P.!l~Cep}ltJ;j good feeling about saving. And we think that makes it harder 'I'J~Hhli:; . ',... - J,,',~H "_'h to build good savings habits . " , . "r t:.'~;' ~',:' .'.~~:". ;.'.;':;'.~ '.Ii ~ _ ',' .FIrat Gfitifth"I,w . "Maybe if you talk about it with us, you'll see that your concern with not being able to save enough money has kept you Understand ing from saving whatever money you could have saved. "Nl!w Thought In Action" The Grosse Pointe Grosse Pointe War Congregational Come and talk ..We think you'll find it an enriching experience. Memorial Church Grosse Poin, e We know what money is for. 11:00 a.m. Service American Baptist "Can You Create????" Church 240 CHALFONTE ot LOTHROP 882.5327 Worship Services and Church School iO 9:30.and 11:15 N~N i-'/fg First, English "Let Him Go" ;A.V£tOR £M~Clrr. • St. J. 11:38-46 R.S.V. 'Ev.lulher.n R16HT!{a; WEHAI!& I, Crib Room thru 8th grade (N0I,)6# SAVED UP fo~ 7H€ , Church , Dr. Roy R. Hutcheon :Yernier Road at Wedgewood i.M?Rl.l> TO @JD TWICE. i)rive, Grosse Pointe Woods ~: 884.5040 I~~- I: :': Church Services I St. Paul Ev. , 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. I ., Sunday Church School Lutheran Church ,..: 9:30 .a.m. Ch"rfollte

Worship Service 11;00

"Love And Grief" Fred P. Campbell, Preaching

St. James Ebenezer ~Lulheran Church Baptist Church 21001 Moross Rd. "On The Hill" 882.2728 McMillon near Kercheval TU 4.0511 Sunday School 9:45 First Federal Savings of Detroit Worship Service 11 :00 Worship services ncv. Ken Decker . Main Office: 1001Woodward Avenue, Detroit, Michigan 48226. Phone: 965-1400 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. "The Gift" 45 branch offices throughout Metropolitan De~roitand Southeastern Michigan. (Nursery, Both Services) Evening Family Service 9:30 a.m. Sunday School 6:30 Rev. Ken Decker Re\'. George E. Kurz ReY. George M. 5chelter

'. _ C. 7 • cacs a .. en. .-nF- = • .< Q Q q Q .. q

Page Sixteen ~ R'0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Th~rsdc1Y, April 28, 1977:

Grosse Pointe News Know Your Schools ROBERT B. EDGARD/BfA Anteebo Publishers. What Goes On. OFFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEVAL, By Dr. William Coats. GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGAN 48236 Superintendent of ~hoo)s at s.cond Closs '01100. Pold 01 Detroil, Michigan FULLY PAID CIRCULATION Last week I wrote about skills. The list of skiJls is to Yo•••- Lihrary Memb~r Mleh. Preu ASI~laIIoD and Nltlonal Editorial Anoelatlon the 'instructional objectives be submitted to the director By William T. Peters, .in our middle schools for of Secondary Education by By Pat Rousseau Classified Ads, 882.6900 • 882.0294 Editorial 1976.77. This week I wish to June of 1977. Director of Public Libraries See the pretty stationery and' address Display Advertising, 882.3500 ' comment upon the aims of Still another area is Music. books at Seasons Of Paper, 115 K~rcheval. ROBERT B. EDGAR.....EDITOR and PUBLISHER our senior high school'S for An aim is to develop a com. Eleven years 'ago, in June I Franklin was born in London the current year. mon high school proposal for 1966, 28 women founded an in 1920 and died there in WILLIAM ADAMO.., ... ADVERTISING MANAGER A Mother's Day •gift for JOANNE BURCAR...... ACCOUNTS As I .have indicated previ. offeri~g worthwhile musical organization they named the I 1958, at the age of 37. her day, May 8th. Pongracz G------JANET MUELLER ..,. FEATURE. SOCIETY EDITOR ously, Robert Welch, named expenences for studen~$ who National Organization for I This book is written to reo fb...... :.:..... ,.:-1 Jewelers, Kercheval, have a ROUER A. WAHA .. ,...... NEWS EDITOR director of Secondary Edu- are not performance-orlented. Women, or NOW. This past fule what Nobel prize winner 91 .jr"!"7r.W~' 1')" JAMES J. NJAIM . NEWS cation during last fall's reo It will be the responsibility I weekend the organization, Jame3 Watson had to say beautiful selection of ladies iW\ ..... TOM GREENWOOD. . SPORTS, NEWS organization of the Depart- for the high school inslrumen. with a current membership about "Rosie." 10 his book, Omega watches in 14k gold, SUSAN McDONALD. EDUCATION, NEWS ment of Instruction, is charged tal and vocal teachers to pre. Iof over 55000 held its na. THE DO U B ,L E HEf,.IX, gold filled and some with dia- cl1!I~.~ GEORGE POLGAR JR...... NEWS with the responsibility for pa~e a joint re~ommendation tional conv~nti~n in Detroit. (Atheneum. 1986), Rosie is monds ... surprise her with a MARY LORIMER...... ,ADVERTISINO overseeing the implementa. us:ng. student mput and t? Comidering the im mense 'Rosalind Franklin who, ac. lovely watch. PAT ROUSSEAU ADVERTISING tion of our instructional goals submll a proposal to the dl' social imp act organized cording to the author, was CHARLES DICKSONADVER'l'ISING at both the middle and. senior ~ecto~ Se~~~~ary Educa. groups of women are having not given her full share of 0.: Flowers Galore ... • the. newest trend this PHYLLIS NEAL .., ... ' ...... ,...... ADVERTISING high school level. on y u?e. on sociely, it seemed appro. crlldit {or the DNA, (deoxyri. JO MULHERIN.. CLASSIFIED ADVERT{SING In addition to .a number or And so It goes throughout priate to review some biog. bonucleic acid) breaklhrough. . spring is flowers for the hair. the neckline . . each of the .areas of the cur. h' b db" . the waist or the wrist. Bloom this spring with DOROTHY SCHIMANSKY, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING genera I goa 1s, mstruct1rill be a. friendly. reloxing and en. ~eyed to 10b entry for all this was "Music .Education mony on June 25, 1973, could FORLUIC!! ~~D DI~NER 7 DAYS joyobfe experience so doleel Ifee to come in soon and ~o~rses...... , W~It., ..,.4 QJe teaehers bad f-ail to notice the beautiful m I browse. Remember 'that special woman in your life on . ImplementatJ~D of tlW aim with their pupils from .blond woman seated in back The University Liggett te~ 8.00 I. JIFn•• OM , Mother's Day with jewelry from VALENTe. 15 to be coordinated by de- near and. far to Hve it up for of ,him. It was his wife of nis team will bast Kalamazoo '.. nil "VI. IIOUI'" 822.3226 GEM FACT.' part~ent chalrpe~ons who '8 few days at you know less than a year, Maureen. Loy Norrix, (defending Class a ~mmittee to .8S- whOlSe expense In the book HMO": A A champions), East Grand ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A gold.plated item can be told from solid gold if you 51St m working out these lm- . V te f bo~ is WOMAN'S VIEW OF WA. Rapids, (Class B runners.up), =t=ry=t=o=n=i_ck_th_e_s_u_rf_a_c_e_. po_r_ta_n_t_t_er_nun_._a_l_io_b__ en_tr-.;.Ypor~ the O:t&rving S~~:;l ~~~: TERGATE, (Simon and Schu. and Hinsdale High School, tem. pay higher and higher ster. 1915), she tells her story (defending Class A cham. ~~ taxes-nuts. with candor but not without pions from Illinois), on Sat. Sincerely, bitterness toward the press. urday, April 30. ~f.lltJiJ fJ;~ Henry T. ,Gage They subtract the "human" Each team will p.aythree from "human beings," and dual matches. The matches ..,,\~EATU[)R17.t/ .. C.llnenx. the .Watergate Committee. will start at 8 a.m. and run - "MO" does give the reader continuously until .approxi- Swim-Sports . ",' ,':":: , some interesting tidbits that mately 5 p.m. ..'.:'••...... ,',.,.. .: . ,..•': ,. ,.'..,',..,..••..•.....,...... •'... I family restaurant Dance Planned the medi~ somehow missed. The schedule of matches' .~:; f <. .:~ ~\~i ROSALIND FRANKLIN & for Saturday, April 30, is as T." 20745 MACK AVE. GROSSE POINTE wOODS North High School's Swim DNA, by Anne Sayre (Nor. follows: from 8.9:30 a.m., NANCY WAlSH DICK V11ALl JOHNICt'ORR PATSY NEAl. Women',IBa>llolt>cl, CoQch~8oSkortcl Coach ikm.elball Cooc h 3 Time 1975), is for Sports dance will be ton, about ,a research Hinsdale vs. East Grand Adnan CoI!ege UON of DetrOit Un ..... 01'l All.AmenCOf1 Mack and 8 Mile (Ve!~ierL Phone: 88,2.1600 _ scientist, one of four, whose Rapids; 9:30-11 a.m. ULS vs. held in North's cafeteria, 707 8ASlCI1'BA1.L: lor boys 9.16 years. PIZZA • COMnUl DINNERS • LUNCHES. SALAD IAR Vernier road. on Saturday, work was most responsible KmIflazoo Loy Norrix; 11 June 19.24. Featuring Johnny Orr. April 30. from 8:30 p.m.-12 for the discovery of the mo .. a.m .•12:3O p.m., Hinsdale vs. _: ....,.naru.,11U,.l ....-fl*tI1U .•• u,--.-.. '....41.•.--.,II .... 1U. Dicl< Vitale and Don Adorns of the midnight. lecular structure of DNA K a 1a m a zoo Loy Norrix; Buffalo Braves. 12:3().2 For furtier information, which is the key to heredity p.m., ULS vs. East BASKETBALl: lor girls 9-16 years. call the school at 886.8100. of all living things. Rosalind Grand Rapids; 2-3:30- p.m., Hinsdale vs. ULSand 3:30-5 June 26-Ju1y1 Featuring Patsy Neal. p.m., East Grand Rapids vs. Directed by Nancy Walsh of MiCh- . Kalamazoo Loy Norrix. igon's Women's Small College The Mower That Championship Team. There will be seven nation. ally ranked playerspartici. FOOTBAU: forboys 12.18yeors.June 2024. Speciol- paling and 17 of the players IyComp ..for Quarlerbocks and Receivers. features from these schools have wes. Tom Heckert and Norris Hole. Director. Virtually Eliminates WRESTUNG: for boys 9-18 years July 1722. Features. tern rankings. Anyone interested in seeing Oon Goble and Ben Pelerson. high school tennis at its best DAH GAlLI GYMNASTICS: for girls 10.18 years. July 10-15 Direct. Tune-Ups. is welcome to attend the ~:,ng ed by Geza Mortiny. meet. Admission is free. All Comps are held at Adrian College, Adrian, Mich. For further information, contact ULS Athletic Direc- Moll rcdav Me<3o'1.t SporTS: Con'c:>s lln"ol!'P\ozo 7~ N 5rtI Sol N~ • Electronic ignition virtually tor and varsity tennis coach Mlt.NOJIlee 'M S32Q) 1'141276oq8~ Robert Wood at 884-4444. ------~------r never needs a tune-up ea~efbOI ieovsJ . Wres.TIfl"\.Q AOO e1s- • Simplified carburetor 8cJosIlert>ol t~lt$1 Gvmrc:nl~Cs. .".1 HEAVY LOADS ~oott)oI Ml/GPN c.,.., Stntc l,p almost never needs Trucks carry three out of adjusting .every four tons of freight • • Exclusive 2-cycle engine all or part of the way. They Over 600.000 • Efficient primer button ha ul 48 percent of intercity Customers have freight. or more than 60 per. instead of troublesome been served by cent measured in value, says us on2 years choke the American Trucking As. may we serve you? " HAND 5209'5 sociations. Inc. 21 PROPEllED RAM'S NOR CARRY. OUT I RISTAURANT PR~LED 5274'5 17410 MACK AT ST. CLAIR AVAILABLE 21" TAkEXOlJR A pleasant drive ... A table with a view w. Ar. B.eomin of freighters passing From Our Broiler ~NAl5fROM A 11 - FIIIIOIISFor On . . . and the most N.Y. Steak U.S.O.A .. .• 4 1 1 Dw.rtsl SUMPTUOUS N.Y. Steak Sandwich . . 4.81.1 3t Varletlel 01 GOd~ Chopped Sirloin Steak .. . 2.11. Sandwlchel T-Bone Steak U.S.O.A ... . 5.21 Every mom!,!nt of the day He's giving them to you. ~sunday Telling you the right thing to think and do ... the SEA u.s.a .... FOOD thing that will bless you, and everyone. A I. uti. j brunch Surf:n Turf 4.2' Alallkan King Crab Legs . . 4•• 5 Y.ou can learn to trust'His guidance Stuffed Flounder . in Blue':"ater County Delmonico . 31•• 11 I Surf & Turf...... Try coming to O\H church service this Sunday. ' Steak . . . 3.21 ....a. Pork chops3.4' Fish and Chips . . . . a.•• Listening to thaBible lesson, you not only begin 10 Fresh Water Perch, . 31.a. get a better understanding of the Bible, but your Ham Steak 3.2' JumbO Fried Shrimp . .31 ••• SolidState spiritual sense is alerted, letting you hear and see liver and , Onions .. 2.7' Deep Sea Scallops. . a.•• Qod's signals more clearly. Aoasl SlrlOil},. Flsherman's Wharf . 31••• Shrimp In A Baaket. '~nd thine ears shall hear a word ... This Is the way, ot Beef . . l:.7' .,3.a. LAWN-BOY~ Southern Fried Clams ... , . a.•• walk ye in it. ... " Isaiah ;ID:21 Fried Chubb~ QHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH SERVICES Chicken. . FROM THE BROILER l:'"In. _. II.• At1: Boneless RainbOw Trout. . 31•• 11 _, CHUIlOt OF CH'ln, SClINTIST Cludet SOlJp. H11d or Boneless Haddock Filtels .. 3 •• 11 ...... 212 a.IfooolO .... toft .... w. chOice ot -, _ & $00., _ IIUO - wod. 100 pol.IO. vegelabl •. ""f. DINNERS, $1.30 •• tra: Includes soup: lee. I•• 0' mol~. C.rry ...... I"" -. ... ,.TV..7_ sllad or cole slaw. chOice o! polalo. SIXTH CHUIlOt OF CHIIST. KIINTIST 0U1' Menut '''l!Iillble ...... " 14710.-'-"' .... vegelable. coffee. lea or milk. .... _ 10:10 ~ Som. _ '0:10. wod "l)O ...... 14107 .-.... 110_. MIdl4fot' OItIN 2. HOU•• - 885.1902 19815 MACK AVE., in the Woods - Phone TU 1.6233 m..... 1tlO"IO"1 •• NU - ""CU ""E IUOHTLI' "IOHE"


. " 1~:'-.:,! ~ 1! i'~~:,"".<""'" ..,.1;':"/, .....,': ..... ~ ..' l,;~~.~-~_-:.:"')..r::t;\;.,. ~'''''~,., .. ,. 11,".~')'-:: \, ~" ." ... . ~. Thursday, April 28, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen 'Seedlings Are Symbols of Law Day Pre-Vue Memorial , I Church Fair May 5 Nearly 40 Booths to Be Featured; Doors Open at I in The Afternoon, Close at 8 in The Evening It sometimes seems that the Fair workers at Grosse Pointe Memorial Church will go to any lengths to insure the success of their biennial No- vember Christmas Fair and its Spring Pre-Vue, to be held this year next Thursday, May 5, from 1 to WOM"EN'S 8 o'clock at the church. ------For instance: ecology-' head~ the booth committ~e. minded members of the I This year, for the first Plants and Pleasures' ti.m~. Ch~rch'sAsso. Booth committee spent clatlon Circles r.epre- From Another Pointe Short and to ~ sented at the Fair, with a ...-

et\.0r1Y~ Ie '

Store HOlln; ANTIQUE GALLERIES Mondcy'hru fridoy ANTIQUES-GIFTS . Jht shops of 3 Kerc~evol Ave., 1I!Ib 11/ 9:30 o,m, "il 5,30 p,m. GREETING CARDS-DOLLS . 01 FI5her Rd. /Iv'~ ANTIQUE JEWELRY 'T!Mit ctMed Saturdays (Punch & Judy Block) , . 23270 MACK at 9 MILE ROAD 775-1970 Watton.Pi~rc~ lllZIIIercIIet er.. '*' ZlIl s-Mt T", ---I

.\. \, ."\1': ",-

5 7? ? 2 ;; 77 7 Me•• n 7 $ r • ' .c'tt5: 1 7 h. # n .$. we. 1 •

PaGe Eighteen G R 0 SSE P or N 1 ENE W S' Thursday, April 28, 1917 Society News Gathered from the Pointes To Bid Fran Fond Faretvell The William Coopers The Grosse Poinle Co-oper. a week .aCter breaking her Cooper-Leet Rites Read on March 5 ative Nursery is inviting all leg in a snowmobile accident parents who have been memo Needless to say, the cast soon ma. assisted hp.r sister, and in knit, with three-quarter Fort Street Pr.esbyterian Church Is Setting for Edward H. Cooper. of Ann bers over the years to a Care- bore dozens oC cheerfully- length sleeves. Her corsage Afternoon Ceremony: Pair Are at Home Arbor, brother of the bride. was a white orchid. The well reception Wednesday, applied names and drawings. I . B' h groom, ushered. bridegroom's mother chose a May 11, in honor of Mrs. Mrs. Meyer. born in Sagi. In Ifming am The bride's Victorian gown 'floor length dress of navy Robert (Fran) Meyer. naw, received her Bac.helor spring luncheon is being planned by Mrs. of ivoryaccordion.pleated and white crepe, with a wide, Refreshments w i I I be oC Arts degree from the Uni. A Ralph R. Cooper, of Lakeland avenue, to honor chiClon over a pale apricot navy patent leather belt, and served during the 7:30 to 9:30 versity of Michigan. She and underslip featured a high a white orchid corsage. o'clock party at Grosse her husband have two daugh. her nephew's bride, the former Linda Sue' Leet, neckline and sash of deep The wedding trip, delayed Pointe U nil e d Methodist ters and three grandchildren, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Leet, of Dem- ivory, re-embroidered Alen. until the Easler Break as the Church. Throughout her teaching Icon lace. matching the lace orest, 'Ga. ------bride is a Detroit school Fran Meyer has devoted 12 career, Fran has found time Miss Leet and Wil- a small reception at the Jones cuffs of her Bishop sleeves. teacher. took the couple years to the nursery, during to keep up with her sewing Ham Lewis Cooper, who street, Detroit, home of Ms. She wore a south. with a stop in Georgia, which many hundreds of and volunteer activities She has been residing in J. D: Burnett, a good friend signed hat fashioned of pale The newlyweds are making' three and four-year.olds have and Bob will be moving per- and former neighbor of the ea h u d I'e decorated Washington, D.C., son of p c pea e so their home in Larchlea drive exper.ienced her very special manenlly from 'Harper Woods bride, and a large, evening with lace and mushroom Birmingham. ' qualilies as a teacher and Ito their summer home at Hig- Mrs. Frank E. Cooper, of reception at the Troy home puffs of tulle extending into Mrs. Ralph Cooper's lun- friend. gins Lake in the near fulure. Merriweather road, and of Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. long. back streamers, and cheon, to be held Saturday, Her aim has been to de- the late Mr. Cooper, ex- Burleigh. carried an arrangement of April 30, at the Detroit Boat velop self.esteem and confi- Louisa St. Clair OAR changed marriage vows The wedding was smail, while baby orchids, white Club, is designed to gh'e the dence in pre.schoolers. Her Meets at Lochmoor Saturd,;:ly, March 5, .in with no honor attendants rosebuds anme. ... Member of the Wittenberg May 19th ... our Fashion Coordinator, Carolyn Barnhart ! University indoor track team I • Elizabeth Arden the woman who made the "Red i is senior ROB QUIGLEY. ... with an exciting spring/summer fashion presentation Door" a symbol of quality in cosmetics, now introduces son of the ROBERT QUIG. LEYS, o( W"shington road. and dressing for your individual lifestyle. her own eyewear collection. Coordinated to compliment your eye make-up and Mayor The three for $20. Enrollment is limited, so make your play up your best feature ... your eyes. Nothing ex- reservation now ... by telephoning 882-2160 or 882-2161. presses a woman's moods and feelings more than her COLEMAN eyes. YOUNG Why not put your best moods and feelings forward To Speak in the Pointes with an Elizabeth Arden eyewear original. Stop in today at BAYNE Opticians and see the whole SUN" MAY 1-7 p.m, collection. Grosse Pointe Woods Jacobsons GROSSE POINTE 407 FISHER BAYNE OPTICIANS 885-5400 Presbyterian Church

___ ..... ~ ~ . ~ --'"-_ ...... -...... o...- -

Thursday, April 28, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nineteen Women's Page by, of and for Pointe Womel1

State Women to Meet Summer Garden Benefit for South H;gh U.M Women P.NUT .Party for Newcomers Lllnch May 7 Admission to Grosse Pointe I Garlhwajte, Tony and Chris In La~sing June 10-11 Newcomers' Billy Carter T.I K a v n e r, Bob and Carol shirt and P.NUT paT t y LytIe, Ray and Ann Stebbin Members of the Detroit As- Bernice Zilly, of Merri. Two days of workshops, sociation of University of planned for Salurday evening, and Phil and Helen White. May 7, from 8 to midnight then moving on to the main weather road; is one of 28 discussions, films. speakers Michigan Women gather Sat. at the Windmill Pointe Park course at the homes of Bob women appointed by Wash. and special events to highlight urday, May 7, at noon at the will be open to Newcomers and Marianne Davies, John ington to serve on the State women's roncerns, needs and Detroit Plaza Hotel for their whose T.shirts are in keeping and Beth Gustafson, Dan and Coordinating CommiHee for contributions to Michigan will annual luncheon. All alum. with the party theme. Cathy Holland. Howard and M i chi g a n's International focus on such subjects as nae and their friends are in. Prizes for the most original Bette Joondeph. Sepp and Women's Year m e e tin g double burdens, spouse abuse. vited to participate. "Focus: Michigan Women ,: sexual assault, problems of painted/decorated shirts will Margaretha Kortschak, AI which has moved into high aging women, child care, Among those to be honored be featured. Party fare will and Ginny Metz and Chuck gear in its planning for a health, poverty and the work- .~ ' as new Life Members are be peanuts, (of course!). and Jean Meyer . Mrs. Albert M. Raisch, of statewide gathering June 10 ing poor, teenage pregnancy, beer, wine, pop and a cold Dessert was served in the Whittier road. Mrs. Harold I and 11 at the Lansing Civic women in power, women in buffet. Entertainmen.t, Willi homes of Chuck and Sharon Center. education, farm and rural R. Smith, of Merriweather be down-home hummm and Bencie Steve and Mary Her. road, and Mrs. Roger V. Following the 1975 Interna- women and special concerns s\rummin' courtesy of Gary bel Bill and Wanda Leith Walker. of The Shor~ Club. tional Women's Year Confer. and problems. Vasher's "Newstew Revue." Da~id and Carolee Nicholson: encein Mexico City, Congress Ethnic, cultural and' sports Six U. of M. freshmen Accepting reservations at Steve 'and Kay Wassinger and mandated, (PL 94-167) that exhibits are planned. from the metropolitan Detroit $8 per couple are party chair. Dick and Shirl Williams. state and territorial meetingS Thou,sands of M i chi Ii. a n area will receive Vera Baits men Tom and Judv DuRoss, Recognition Awards for high 8850444, whose "good 'ole At the end of the evening, should be held pdor (0 July citizens representing a broad scholastic achievement. A of this ~'ear preceding a Na- spectrum of ages. racial, boy" committee i'n c Iud e s 71 couples g~thered. for an tour of the Plaza will follow Roger and Beth Akins Bob Afterglow, With prl'zes, at tional Women's Conference in ethnic and religious groups Houston, Tex., November 18 as weU as socioeconomic the meeting. and Carol Lytle, Ted' and Charlie Pappas'. through 21. backgroUnds are expected to Reservations. at $7.50 per Kathy Maslowski, Gary and Progressive dinner chair. Forty-eight Michigan dele. aHend. person, may be obtained by Sharon Vasher and Charles men Larry and Judy Coffey's gates to the national confer- Michigan's House and Sen. sending checks or money or- and Anne Weidig. committee included the Ben. ence will be elected during ate leaders have joined to- ders payable to the Detroit • • " cies, the Davies. Neal and the Lansulg meeting. gether to salute the confer Association, U. of M. Women, Newcomers' mid-April pro- Dorothy Combs, Richard and Governor William G. Milli. ence. to Luncheon Chairman, 5306 gressive dinner proved ex- Margaret Cameron. George ken recently pie d g e d his 'House Concurrent Resolu. Photo by, John Leslie Three Mile drive, Detroit, tremely popular, wilh parti- and Anne Eshelman, Roger wholehearted support to the tion #88 states: "The June Since "Summer Garden '77" is the Wednesday, May 4, at 1 o'clock in Michigan 48224. . cipants enjoying cocktails at and Carolyn JacIcJyn, Chuck conference. meeting will provide the un- theme for Grosse Pointe South High South High's Gymnatorium. Walton- Further information is the homes of Don and Jenine and Kelly Lizzo, Jo and Lou The Governor. issuing a precedented opportunity to School's spring tea benefit, general Pierce will presen't spring and sum- available by calling 885-9230. B 0 u r don, Walt and Fran Sucher and the Wassingers. prodamation saluting the hiS-' focus serious public attention co-chairmen MRS. THOMAS Mc- mer' fashions. Delicious desserts, tea toric statewide meeting, rec- on the ongoing struggle for GANN and MRS. LAWRENCE KEL- and coffee, garments made and mod- "ognized the many contribu- women's rights. Not only ,will LY, (left and right), and MRS. GER- eled by members of South High's tions of Michigan women in the contributions of women be own Homemaking classes, optional the state's economic. social, recognized, but ~Uorts will be ALD WARREN, president of the cultural and political de vel. directed towards assessing South High Mothers' Club, (center), card playing and many prizes will be opment. He also urged all the role of women, identifying decided to move outside to do a bit featured. . state departments to lend the. barriers lhat J,lrevent the of planning for the party, set for next support whenever possible. full participation of women in The Coordinating Commit. national life, and setting goals Tickets at $3 per person are ets, romaine lettuce and pars- Mrs. Roy Leinweber and tee represents a broad cross- and time tables for the eli- available at the school or by ley: the "makings" of a good Mrs. Rohert II. Lees, in section of Michigan women. mination of such barriers." contacting ticket chairman summer garden. Music wilJ charge of tbe fashion show, They have been working Representative Bar bar a Mrs. Richard Gallagher at be by Russell Reed's South Mrs:' Susan Snow and Mrs. since early December to plan I Rose Collins, a member of 885.5296. Proceeds go into a High Stage Band. Al Restum. hostesses chair- the meeting, supported by a the Coordinating Committee, Scholarship Fund for South Among those working with men, and Mrs. Julius Hueb- grant from the National Com- presented the resooution to the High students. the Mesdames Kelly and ner. Mrs. Sterling Graham mission on the Observance, organiultion. Table centerpieces will be McGann to put wgether a and Mrs. Francis Crowley, of Internationa'1 Worn en's I Registration dates for the unique, featuring seed pack- perfect party are Mrs. Henry food and beverage chairmen. Year, Washington. D.C. - (Continued on Page 20) Hubbard. III. and Mrs. Lloyd Publicity chairman is Mrs. Semple, in charge of decora. RonaJld Birgbauer. Responsi. Field Trip Day tions. and Mrs. Roger Gar. ble for set.up and clean-up rett, doubling as both pro. are Mrs. George Reindel and For Fo~ Creek gram and prizes chairman . Mrs. Daniel Laferte. Mrs. .Other Summer Garden '77 Joseph Greiner is serving as committee heads in c Iud e treasurer. A visit to the antique shops of Royal Oak is planned for the Fox Creek Chapter of Questers next Thursd'ay, May University LiggeU 5. Departure time from the parking lot of Grosse Pointe Melhodist Church in Moross players road is 9:30 o'clock. _ Mrs. _Eugene Chosy, pro. present gram chairman, promises a liSt:qt'$uggested places for I•• ;:ri~~fiies"', luncheon. ;1', c~;-:,. .u u~;.Jo{.," .. Nancy Hughes Cited As 'Girl of the Year' University Liggett School Auditorium During Beta Sigma Phi's annual Founder's Day Din. 1045 Cook Road ner this evening, Thursday, Aprit 28, at Lochmoor Club, Grosse Poiflte :Woods, Mi. 48236 Mrs. Joel (Nancy) Hughes, of Nottingham road, will be honored as "Girl of the FrI., April 29 at 8:30 p.m. Year." Nancy was selected by her Sat., April ~O at 8:30 p.m. Xi Alpha Omega chapter be. cause of her outstanding Sun., May 1 at 2:00 p.m. work during the past year, Fri., May 6 at 8:30 p.m. both for her chapter and the sorQ.rity. Sat., May 7 at 8:30 p.m. S'he has been a member of Beta Sigma Phi since 1969, and is currently serving as Tickets may be obtained by calling 884-4444 recording secretary and social Any unsold tickets will be available at the door.' committee chairman of. Xi Alpha Omega Chapter. All tickets' are $2.50 apiece. Sunday Mallnee Is $1.00 Founder's Day is cele. for Senior CItizen; and students 13 and under. brated each year in April by the more than 250,000 active Beta Sigma Phi members throughout the world.

Arm y First Lieutenant KEVIN J. DAY. son of MR. and MRS. LLOYD J. DAY, Of Grayton road, has com. pleted an officer rotary wing aviator course at the United Slates Army Aviation School, Fort Rucker, Ala., and re- ceived the silver wings of an Army aviator. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from Lake Superior State College.

Mayor COLlMAN YOUNG To Speak in 1he Poinfes Introduces east to west and the slant is two piece dressing with enormous summertime SUN.,MAY 1-1 p,m, appeal ... and the really good news is that now you'll find Kimberly fashions at very Grosse Pointe Woods reasonable prices. Presbyterian Church

P.s. LAST WEEK OF OUR GREAT SPRING CLEARANCE Mother's Mom be guest of honor for an evening of dinner and (Ends April 30) fashions the entire family wilt enjoy ... a delicious buffet Day will be served Friday, May 8 from 5 to 8 p.m'. in the relaxed selected Ii atmosphere of the St. Clair Room with informal modeling items 72 off Buffet 1~ to 1/3off at of special spring styles, chosen with BonkAmericord & Maste. Chorge honored Mother in mind. Please join us.

80 ,:; EAST JE'I-'n:RS()~ mmwlT. MICfI. 821-3525 Jacobs.ons Tile St."ai( ltoolll. GROSSE POINTE

bd 'ctrt n Me • 3 5 ' " t d 1 t'«' a. d rt bb ... (t~ e'« to.' • 4 'd*r:d ." "" j1"# o' •••• x • X 1 .. •• +' am. _ .. .,osec;o,o e e ,6 e e 5 sa

Pege Twenty GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thu~dfty, AprU 28, 1977 Society News Gathered from thePointes NCA. to Meet A.t Cranbrook Syrian-Lebanese Debutantes to a.~W.1 Tuesday Musicale Year Ends in May ~ , William P. Chester is in at 10 o'clock al Grosse 1be National Cathedral As. , • .. -:'~':--: - -:' ~.'">'" '',:".,:-i!F;" Workshop Concert end Tea Is F~etured for Next charge of mailing. Pointe Woods Presbylerian ~ sodatioD of Eastern Michigan I •••••• , •••• f\-( .._,,. t Week at Woods Presbyterian' Annual Hostesses for lhe afternoon Church. will hold its annual meeting ~ ~ ~ :.a.::.c :.c::..a.: ~,\:, '" 4 .• M t' t B H Id t L h' will be Miss Eleanore J. Ben. Furlher information reo next Thursday, May 5, at 1 • • • ~ "-.~.'""7'..~rf II" .,~ ' ee In9 0 e e a oc moor nick, Mrs. Winsor S. Davies, this progra~ may be , Christ Church Cranbrook. The ~ ~.. '.. ;; .• ~. '\ '...•~ ~ .' ..~ Tuesday Musicale of Detroit will close its 1976- Mrs. Geor~e Fenster.mac~er, o~talned by calling Mrs., Reverend Michael P, Hamil- ~.,,-: ..'~. ":> Mrs, John W. Mulder, Mrs. chaIrman, at .886.0710. Cat h e d r a 1, will be guest • 't."i~. :~:. ',,' and luncheon, and ~ combmed works~op concert Kenneth S. Person, Mrs. Tuesday Musicale of Dc. speaker. '~.' .• ' ~, ~~' .:t'. ".,r.i"\:.. and tea, each at a dl~ferent place and tIme. Emil F. Peslar, Mrs. Edward troit concerts will continue The program begins with .~.",~....~~.,,~.',~".~1 The annual meetmg, Vabolis, Mrs. Heinrich Van. in tbe fall o( 1977. Informa. ' Holy Communion in the sanc- ,..~ ~ ."..! '~"j.. . immediately fol.lowed by Tuesday Musicale memo Husen, and Mrs. Albert R. ~ion r~garding me~bership tuary of Christ Church at 10 .;JI • ,it" fC" the luncheon, WIll be con- bers are encouraged to attend Zanolh., IS avaJlable by calling Mrs. o'clock. A short business meeting will follow. &:•..:~..:.. : ~~~~edE~yi:~1~~e~~.~r.~i th~e:::::g~nd their guests co~::rt C:~bl~:~ ~~~~I~~:;:e~eI8::~~~~7'88~~ will ~"'ar.' ~.i .. :;rt~~~~ Canon Hamilton speak Ridge road, Tuesday, are invited 10 attend lhe so. place next Tuesday, IMay 3. 2983. OIl the present sta Ius o( the " ' '*'. ,. ':.". Cathedral, and on its future • >... '. . -.r.. ,/: ''J';-,M May 10 at 10:30 o'clock cial hour and luncheon, for ministry now that the build- ,.~., B~ ", : - #;/ at ~hmoor Country which reservations at $6.55 , I) II • ing is nearing completion. _ .. ?;:J'--tIIIIr"" \ Club. each sbould be made by Fri. () {I... lIVomell j The Washington Cathedral, under construction for over -~::::~;:...... La.ns:ng ~:fi'O~aYC~~i~~::l)j~~s~es;~: ~ 'elle J Annuret half a century, has been .. seph Shabeen, 882-0710. ...(.l.lJ 1 r J 6-20 12 Y2-26 Y2 built slricUy by. priva~ d~ (CoDtiDuedfrom Page 19) Mrs. Winfield S. Jewell, . natiOns. conference have been estab- Jr .. is chairman of the com. NATIONALLY ADVERTISED 8RANDS During the meeting new Iished. Orga!Jizati~ns should mittee planning the details GOWNS DRESSES SPORTSWEAR officers will be instaUed, in- complete regLStrati~n~~ next for lhe meeting and luncheon. eluding Mrs. George Syler, Tbursday, May 5. mdivlduals Her assistanls include Mrs. SWEA TERS BLOUSES LINGERIE chairman, Mrs. Duane Miller, by Wednesday~May ~8. . Joseph N. Jennings, Mrs. v. HOSIERY BRAS GIRDLES viee.c h a .i r man, Mrs. rll'St AnyonewanlJDgregistration Everett Kinsey and .Mrs Ar. SCARFS HANDKERCHIEFS HANDBAGS George H. Zinn, Jr., second vice-chairman, Mrs. George Going over last-minute details for ABOOHAMAD and The Honorable informati~n may contact the nold W. Lungerbausen. 'Mrs. Try us for hard to find items & Personal Service Reindel, III. secretary, Mrs. the annual Syrian-Lebanese Debu- SAM I R EL-KHOURY, Lebanese lWY Office, 217 Townsend i.=::::;~;;;;:;:;;;:~;;;;;;=.1 Donald N. Sweeney Jr., treas- tante Presentation Ball, set this year Consul General in Detroit and honor- ~~e:i:Lansing, Micbigan: f 1i Im"Mfhnen .. .!J!Ja~ett~:1 ' urer, Mrs. Albi Ricca, fund. for Sunday, May I, at the Hyatt Re- ary chairman of the event, (seated, raising cbairman, Mrs. Reu. gency in Dearborn, are JOSEPHINE left and right), EDWARD DEEB, Enjoying a recent vacation ~~JA ~,.n 104 Kercheval, 886-7424 ben Waterman, Jr., mem~ (Mrs. Peter) SAIGH, of Balfour road, (standing, center), and MARCEL visit to Sun City, Ariz., were r~ME~ 16434 E. WARREN at E. OUTER DRIYE - 884.7980 rials, Mrs. Alexander Wie. (seated, center), ball chairperson, HAGE. Proceeds from this year's MR. and MRS. HARRY A. ,,.. (Nul fo Sandm) ner and Mrs. Henry Kinzie, imd JANET (Mrs. Fuad) GANEM, of event will go to Lebanon as part of a LYNN and theirdaughler, LIQUORS" MASTER CHARGE 8ANKAMERKARO m~mbership, and Mrs. Gay. KATHY,of Colonial court. ,- 1946 WIIiIS lord W. Gillis, nominating Aline drive, (standing, left), co- relief program for victims of the chairman. chairperson, and fellow Pointe steer- recent war. Following luncheon, served ing committee members REGINA Open Thursday and ~riday evenings at the church, a movie of .Queen Elizabeth's Bicenten. Festivities in connection chairman Adele Abood and Clemens; Mr. Hage. who nial visit to the Cathedral with the second annual ball, by Connie Salloum. sbarell ticket responsibilities, with President Ford last July at which famWes of Syrian- ($25 eacb), with Jo~ Erb, will be shown. Lebanese des c en t present Committee chairmen in. of Roseville, ~"h() may be Anyone interested in learn- their daughters ,to the Amer. clude Poinlers Mr. Ganem reached at 773.5648for reser. Sentimental gifts for lag more about the Cathedral ican Arabic co m m uni ty, and Mr. 8algh, in charge of vation information; II en e who would like to come to began last week with a tea fathers and ushers; Miss Moses, in charge of program 'the meeting will be welcome. in the debs' honor ilt the Aboobamad, who shares pro- and entertainment; Margaret Mother on her special day ~t Church Cranbroolr:may Sou t h f i ei d home of Inez gram book responsibilities Mlcftael, Mr. Deeb and David beeontacted for further in. Rashid, asm,led by tea co. with Vicky George, of Mount Johns. Iformation. Reservations ue :Umited. Cancer Group Phase I Ready Meets.May5

For, Folkdance The American Cancer So. ciety will hold its monthly : A demonstration of differ- meeting for cancer patients :ent types of folkdanclng will and their families next Thurs. ,form the program for Phase day, May 5, at 7:30 in the ,I's regular meeting this SUn. evening in the Ladies Parlor g,.,'d.~"y,~!e,mn,'M.~y"I, at J:,~,',' of Grosse,1'9inte Wo:oo..s"Pre~. 1,.tL,Gl'C!Me p~\ byterian' CJIurch. ,~, .l't'.!.(;., '. ~;., 1Jih"" ' ;: ,~ ~~ This se1I:belp PQUp's p\iT;l: f.\ An ",..miles between tberpose is to bring togetber per, (.... )0 and 39 'are invited soos who ar~ eXpepencing '. Lovable heart.shaped boxes lacquered I'. ,:' • " Gf~ria,V~nderb,lt'~ sp~iiaU:!il:?1 " .f .to attend. A social hour fol- problems as a result of the • signature plate ... Victorian,- !Jows the folkdancers' pro- disease and, with the assist. • red ... to hold her keepsakes and rem. sentimental. lovely. A perfect :gram. anee of a nurse consulta~t, embrances. $2, $3. $4 \ Phase I has planned '8 tour giye. them the opportumty expression for her day. 12.50 ~of Cranbrook Academy, fea- and encouragelllent to discuss Ituring visits to the Art Mu- these mutual problems. lseum Institute of Science Further infotmation may Do your home in prints. :and 'Planetarium for this be obtained by calling the Screened printS, florals, documentaries, !Saturday April sO Total 'ad. area office of the American • :mission Win be $3:25. Canc~r Society at Cottage geometries, plaids, stripes, contemporary- , Interested sin g I e s may HOSPItal,343-9006. and more fabrics than you could IMshfor. ~meet at noon at Memorial :. Ai. savings you never hq>ed for, up to 50%! ~Churchto form carpools, or M Vk recommend custom \\X)rkrocms. )trendezvous with the group at ayor - . ~1o'clock at Cranbrook. COLlMAN I I Phase I offers a variety of -~C ~programs and activities for YOUIIG :.. ~LICO : singles between the ages of t20 and 39. Regular meeUngs To Speak in the Pointes are scheduled every Sunday . COI!NfRS evening at Memorial Church, SUN MAY 1 7 ~where further information on ., - p.m, l 25OIILlT1l£".19US.,TEl£liWti Satin glass lily vase to decorate ~the group may be obtained , SL IlIoomfieId .. . , Ii,by contacting Gust Jahnke, CbIr.... • Grosse Pointe Woods m.tOn FE2.9163 her table or buffet. Two sizes, . .. '. i882.~_. _ Presbyterian Church 4~", $9 and 5%", 12.50 ••• . I"..~.".. . •... iFacuity Recital {Stars Pointers Roses that keep their beauty ... made. ' of pure silk in red, pink or yel'low. t The Detroit Community HELENA RUBINSTEIN'SEXISTENCE- Packed in a handsom~ florist's box ~Music School's faculty recital : Saturday, April 30, in the THE MOST LUXURIOUS SKINCARE for giving, One-half dozen. $12's Boughton Hall, will ; present Doris Pagel, of Aline SYSTEM IN THEWORLD-OFFERS ~drive, soprano, Doris Eubank, ~of Berkshire road, pianist, YOU YOUR VERY OWN BEAUTY ,and Fonta,ine Laing, pianist. ~ TIle program starting at ;:3:30 o'clock and open to the CONSULTATION AND SKIN ANALYSIS, l' public without charge will And for a limited time, with any 7.50 Lovely satin hearts filled with beaut. ~in cd u d e Debussy's "Five ~ Poems of Baudelaire" for purchase of Existence, Skin Life or . ifully scented sachet ... "1 love Mommy" !' voice, Mendelsohn's "Varia. Blazer by Anne Klein, receive a compli- or "Dearest Mother" motif. 13.50 ~tions Serieuses" for piano mentary set of the Existence regimen 1solo .and two "Polovestsian :~Dances" from Prince Igor by our experts advise for you, In Hudson's •: Borodin, arranged by Babin Aisles of Beauty . 1(or two pianos. ~.'0 -----~----

~;. LOCKS :: CHANGID Lovely pink, red, :.': RIPAtRID gold or silver roses ::" 11111ALLID in their own gold or .' Existe silver bud vases ... :~ DEADLOCKS Gloria Vanderbilt's "Fond Memories" perfect on her desk or ~~ :~ INSTAllED salad plates ... art collage designs morning breakfast :: SERVING GROSSE of memorabil ia. del icately, ex pressed. tray. 10%"H., 7.50 ;:'. POINTE SINCE 1940 4 for 18.50 and 11"H.,$10 t~ . ~ ~~ ,~ . <;.;.""""'" •. , i~ "GIlIIItI. .;::Woods Lock :; Ala'. '.230M.ell G.P. Farms Jacobson'S ~(A!;l {itQ)G' ~ ~ IU 1.9247 2 HOURS FREE PARKING ... JACOBSON'S WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET Thursday, April 28, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-One Women's .Page by, of and for Pointe Women

I Fanlily A'Fair Alpha Mu DKG Hosts Trowel, Error [: F,romAnother Pointe of View Something New for Salad Sampler Potluck Dinner Tonight At Dominican Club to Meet , (Continued from Page 17) Alpha Mu chapter of Delta , Mr. Pierrot isn't exactly a cocktail conversa. Dominican Hi g h School Kap~a Gamma s?ciety ~s The Trowel and Error Gar. will host ,its sixth annual 'holdIng a potluck dInner thiS tion dud, either. He's been an active member of the Family A'Fair Friday. Sat- evening, T~ul'sday, Apri.l 28. den Club meets today, Thurs. Explorers Clu~ f~>r38 years, and is honorary presi. urday and Sunday, April 29 at. 5:30 0 clock at Pierce day, April 28, at 12:W o'c1ock dentof the MichIgan Chapter of the Circumnaviga- to May 1, ins'idc the school MIddle School. at the North Renaud road tors Club. building at McKinney and Members are reminded to home of Mrs. Ross Taylor, You might ask him how it felt to carry the Whittier road, Detroit. bring a food Hem as well 'as whose co-hostess is Mrs. Gid- Explorers Club flag as co-leader, with the late Dr. a project Hem to be auc. eOn Durocher. Mrs. Alfred Clyde Fisher, of the 1944 Expedition that filmed, Games for all ages, gift lioned off after the dinner to Goolsby will present a pro- booths, a 1?ea market a~d raise funds for Golden Gift, gram on groundcovers. measured and observed EI Paricutin, the then-new bake sale. films for the chilo Mexican volcano near Uruapan. Among other dren. refres hment s 'a n d I...... -..-. ... .,...,...,...,...,...,...,...... :aoc:aoc:aoc..-c.....:~~~ things. . . - , ~~ i "'" .... prizes will be featured. Actually, you'd be hard put to find a cocktail .~~l~.i:t~1. conversation dud among any of the Fun-Fest guests. Friday hours are 5 to 11 in I ~.,.-I" Ute evening. The Family A'. ,Among those you're likely to run into are W. H. ~ .. 'I' Fair will run from 110 11 SALE. SALE. SALE H~genmeyer, of North Deeplands road, current f;' ~ {~.'~'k,.' "- o'clock Saturday, from 1 to ;: president of the - Michigan Polar;-Equator Club, 9 o'clock Sunday. (and a Circumnavigator), and Francis B. Van Deu- ,r .:{ Ii! 4iI ~', lA,.,; Beginning May 3 sen, of Harvard road, current president of the J- '~";y'+', "'"i' , :- ~." ~ J _~~ Mayor Michigan Circumnavigators. . Ji,. il And the latter group's immediate past-presi. .",~".~, , COLlMAN Fantastic reductions in the dent, Paul l Moreland, of Harv;ud road, and Fred J. Flom, of ,Rivar!! boulevard, Michigan Circum. .~ i YOUNG French room and main room ~ \ naviga,tbrs vice-president, and their fellow direc- ~ 'r tors, including Pointers Victor R. Breidenbach, Les. , To Speak in the Pointes ~~ ~, lie C. Putnam, Victor H. Wehmeier, Lester M. EI. ~,';::'1\"./ \\ Neighborhood , lioU, James J. Trebilcott and Arthur o. A. Schmidt. "~.:,r ,/'. ! SUN., MAY 1~7 p.m. And their ladies. This event, is open tomem. i:!,"~'~: .f ~ ~I ~ t ". I lJ"'" .l bel'S' ladies. To a woman, they wouldn't miss it. Thrift Shop' MRS, LOUIS ASMUS, (left), and Spring Special, among them Maurice, Grosse Pointe Woods * * *' MRS. DAVID GOODSON admire' Russian Cream, seafood and fruit . Presbyterian Church 17154 Waterloo Avenue It's not just cocktails. It's a prime rib dinner, the new tablecloths and matching molds. A limited number of tickets in the DAC's main dining room, followed by enter-. aprons local Kappa Kappa Gamma is available at $4 each from Mrs. Dx:a- tainmenL featuring Don Cooper, "The Alaska Lum- alumnae have made for their 11th per Hill, 885-5435, Mrs. Harry Sel- berjack" whose film presentations and commentary Salad Sampler luncheon. It's set for ,lars, 886-1291, or any Kappa member. are a side-splitting' delight. Wednesday, May 11, from 11:30 to 1 Other Salad Sampler '77 committee It's not just cocktails-and-dinner-and-entertain- o'clock at Grosse Pointe Memorial workers are the Mesdames Michael ment. It's FUN! Church and will, according to co- Marston, John Smith and Edward ... ,* * chairpersons Asmus and Goodson, Hathaway. Luncheon proceeds help Now a bit about the three Fun-Fest sponsoring feature a whole new look-but the Kappa's national ahd local health organizations ... salads remain the favorites for which and rehabilitation projects. Some 85 percent of the world's famous explor- this benefit has become a Pointe' ers belong -to the Explorers Club, an international organization whose current honorary president is Lowell Thomas. The Michigan Chapter's 32 members are scat.

tered throughout the state,:with 11 residing in the I ~ Detroit area. Honorary president of the 75-year~0Id Circwn- navigators Club is United States President Jimmy Carter. Other famous names among its some 900 current membtmi, (they live in 21)countries around ~.g~'~ the globe; ar~~~inuous' circuit of the globe is a :;:- GF'fOSSlMlIlll'. requirement;(or dub membership)t are Senators Barry Goldwater and John .Glenn, Astronaut Neil Armstrong, iiJe Mo.5t Reverend Terence Cardinal . 20327 MACK, GROSSE POINTE WOODS Cooke and L~w~1I ,Thomas. Among past illustrious Circumnavigators was William Jennings aryan, who gave- the club the FUR STORAGE whale's tooth gavel which is handed down from president to pr~sldent as a symbol of authority Clefilning - ?eemoJeling - ~epfilMng and prestige. .. .__ . , i , .,.e!f:_K-~p AND DEl;.I\&.~Y (S~RNJP~':I~~ . ~." ---• >..... !,1 Yom~t of, the trio is the Michigan Pola1:- '---. --~ CALL 88:5~:OO1rr',-'!"r, ; Equator ClUb,6 rWliii::H' Jhi!-ll:tt:itii\.fitS't' iorganizational l(i~d "d'.:'~.-. ' ;~.'~;~ ~;-...':.,.. ---:i~ '. ,~ meeting at the Mi(lhigan State University Museum Douglas D. MiUer Do'ugJas"A: May-~-- .~ in East Lansing January 13, 1965. Membership is limited to 100 hunters/conserva- tionists/travelers who meet four times a year to exchange information on their adventuresome avocations. (Continued on Page 32)


~N-''''' CHROMilEN'NA n ANTENNAS now appearing... our Crazy Critters marionettes are birds of a different feather and Mrs. Blair Cobbett, their ,TV,nlenn .. creator, will be at Jacobson's II del,'',llIned for • ,.ree.peak . plcwre.ln on Friday, April 29, 11 A.M. AsSLOsW AS bla~~o~:J to 8 P.M. t() prove it to . while. S OO Minimize you. Pull their strings and they'll interference . wherever high-step it with you. . .very Rotor Extra you live. amiable, colorful, irresistable companions. Characteristics: • HIGHGAIN-the power to strengthen TV signals for Iightweight styrofoam, fluttery beller pictures. feathers and a prideful mein. A. 36" tall Super Bird. $30 • FLAT more effectively minimize B. 22" tall Slick Chick. $20 interference C. 22" tall Space Bird. $20

PLUS EXTRADURABIL- ITV-to assu re you 01 greater perlormance lor years to come. Aluminum construction wit~ gold~n. color Alodine finish. Stam- less steel terminals. SEE THE CHROMATENN" D AHTtHHAS BY ZENITR HOW!

Jacobsons .. C 21915 MACK GROSSE POINTE 778-4050

'r 'OS co, •• c •• A' ... "M Ir ..... H h •• * ..[.....~~,_ ...~.~.•_._..~l_~_~.__~._~~~~_~.~ ...... , ...... " ~ ;: ; : 4 • • 4 C 4 4 4U

Page Twenty-Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 28, 1977 Society News Gathered from the Pointes

______+r- ~_.+ __ ._+_.__ ._-_.------I NauticallWile Show Is Set Off to AAVW Fashion at luncheon II Otnelet Man to Fli,) Eggs A Nautical Mile fashion chairmen include Mrs. Hoey, State Meeting Mrs. William B. McIntyre W. J. Hanrahan. J. M. Kcn. show wiH be presented by the decorations, Mrs. Taylor and I is accepting reservations for nary. Jr .. Leo Marx and J. First Mates of Jefferson Mrs. Edward Biretta, prizes. Saturday's Mass and brunch Addison Bartush. I Off to Kalamazo:> for the featuring Rudolph Standish, Yacht Club Thursday, May Among First Mates and M i chi g a n Division of the I 12, at the Gourmet House. members who will be on hand "The Omelet Man." at the SIlOreS Gartlen The evening begins at 1 for the event are Mr. and American Association of Uni. Lakeland avcnue home of I, - O'clock and will inClude din. Mrs. Edward Evatz. of Lake. versity Women's annual con. Mr. and ~Irs. L, n. Brown. C1Ul) to Meet ner. the style show and shore road, Mr. and Mrs. vention running today. Thurs_ I ing. dancing. Arch McGlasson of Crest. day, April 28, through Satur- The May Day party is a Hosless Helen Rooks 881. Women's fashions will be wood drive, Mr. and Mrs. day, April 30. are Mrs. Keith benefit for the Discalced • presen,led b)' the Eyewinkler Jerome Catlert, of Beaufait Carmelile Sisters of the 2427 or 1-792.3385, is accept. Shop, of St. Cjair Shores. road, Mr. and Mrs. Matthew A. Leibbrand, of Fisher road, Monastery of Saint Therese ing r'e s e r vat ion s for the Mrs. Robert H. Snyder. of Grosse Pointe Shores Garden Tech and Marks, of Mount Marcus of Oxford road. and in Wyoming avenue, Cluo's annual meeting, set Clemens. will provHe the Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jean, of Balfour road, Mrs. Robett Committee members in for noon Friday. May. 6, at men's fashions. Hair styles Aline drive. Unger, of Audubon road, Mrs. will be by Josef's Fashion Reservations may be ob. I elude the Mesdames Emmet the Detroit Yacht Club. John Schnonenberg, of Mc. .Tracy, Hobert Peabody. A silent auction will be fea. Door. tained by calling Mrs. Law. Millan road. Mrs. Richard Dr. and Mrs. John Hoey, of rence Hessell, 527-6629. Mrs. I James Lemhagen. James tured. Members are requested Merti, of Hampton road, Mrs. I Coyle, Edward Shoemakcr, to bring items for the sale Roslyn road, anti S. Dean Richard Humphrey, 171-1114. Harold Jinks, of Lakepointe Taylor, also of Roslyn road, or Mrs. Philip Chinzi, 881. avenue. Miss Ruby Adams, of will be among the models. 6031. Tickets are $10 per per. Yorkshire road, Mrs. Kay I I----~~ for Q more formAl General chairman is Mrs. son. with tables of 10 avail. ~~~,=---_.- Mr, and Mrs. George Si. Kirby. of McMill!m road, f!vellin, tfie newly R u sse II Blair. Committee I able. mon, of Vendome road, are Mrs. Robert Leech, of Hamp- announcing the engagement ton road, and Mrs. Howard remodeled of their daughter JOANNE Harrison, of Yorkshire road, all members of the Pointe to Carlns Morrison, son of IM.M Mrs. Thomas Morrison, of AAUW Branch. . East Jefferwn avenue and The Grosse Pointe Branch's nw~ New York, and the late Dr. Mrs. Norman Gehlar is a Morrison. Michigan Division represen. tative. Members from 71 o-w A June wedding is planned, branches, representing more Detroit's Most Elegant at Saint Paul's-on.the.Lake. than 8,000 Michigan memo Night Club shore. bers, will elect officers for starring The bride-elect was gradu. the Division. adopt a legisla- ated from Our Lady Star of tive program for 1917.79 and Pointers MRS. MAXINE CLEMENTS and BOB SNYDER the Sea High School, 'Mary- accept resolutions. MRS. FLORENCE SISMAN, (left and right), ondtho mount College of Virginia Featured speaker at one of flank Birmingham's JANE KELLMAN at the ACT IV'. and the. Tobe Coburn Sch~l the meetings will be Dr. ,01.0 fea fll ring our recent Celebrity Fashion Show and Luncheon Pamou. GOllrmet ?f ~ashlon and Merchandls, Stephanie Bennett, dean of sponsored by the Women's Division of the mg m New York. Westhampton College, Rich~ American Lung Association. Each of the trio, a RIVERFRONT BUFfET Her fiance attended Palm I mond, Va., previously an as. 7'uesda)' thru Sunday Beach Academy and Hills. sistant professor of English standout at the party at the Detroit Plaza Hotel, dale College~ at Albion College. is wearing a Giana outfit, purchased in Rome. Florence Sisman's yellow costume was particu- larly spring-like. ~~ IHTI!IlTAJtjMENT COMPLEX _822-1234 Evening Hours for 'Choices' 7 Mrn~I" from tile Il ...... nc. C ... I.. Evening workshops have plants. Others are ABC's of been scheduled by popular the Stock Market, You Are a demand at Choices Women's Household Manager and Center in Hampton road, Food and Financial Manage. ••••••••••••• near Jefferson and Wayburn. ment. Assertiveness Training will Workshops in Assertiveness Grosse Pointe begin next Thursday, May Training and Job Hunting Six additional domestic airlines filed for 2% across. 5. from 1-to 9 o'clock. Four are on.going during the day, .Laundry the. boa rd domestic fare hike, effective May 15, bringing sessions are offered for $10. with babysitting availablea~ to 12 the number of carriers supporting the hike. The Leader is Ann McCleary, as. an extra fee. latest filing were Braniff, National, Western, Hughes Air. sisted by Sue Moody. Registration may be made west, Frontier & Pan Am. Previously Eastern, Continental, Ann -is one of four partners by calling 331.6048 Monday . .11 Tennis Courts through 'I'hursday, between • Bathroom Rugs .3Badminton Ameri~an, Allegheny, TWA and United filed. The CAB also in Choices, which has been Courts. 4 Shul. reaffirmed o. previous decision to boost the baggage gaining recognition as a. con. 9:30 and 2:30 o'clock, or Fri. • Table Cloths . fIeboard Courts . liability rule to charter flights and to require the airlines to venient neighborhood center day from 9:30 to 11:30 o'clock. • Live Nightly compensate passengers for incidental expenses resulting where women can get help in • Sleeping Bags Entertainment in 2 trom a baggage mishap. The change is effective im: selectin~ careers, develop Locations. One 80 Mayor mediately. Contact TRAVELW.ORL.0 for further information. ~nfelf.conftl.d~nceand exchange Fl. Heated SlNimming . '. 1 orma Ion. • General Laundry I~ool.16ln~qutiful , TRAVELWORLDis locc;:te~~~ti ~ lL~7 Mack (North of:... Resume Writhig~" a one': COLIMA II ..D':U::;.~C~(Free . Vernier), hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through;. sessIon mini.course' i~ also .~';'tOUNG. Friday. Thursday till 8 p.m., Saturday & Sunday 10 a.m.' IHilng'ofiered.,the e~ening !of ~

Pastel Gllss ATOMIZERS IrollS5,95 time for an extraordinary value! See our beautiful coffection.

• 'RU pr.scrlptlon d.II •• ry Sensor electronic digital watches • Uniquo Gift BOUllQUE ,Itroh'slco Croam • Qu.llty Cosmotic BIAUIIQUI • D.lly and Sund.y IIIW YO•• 'IMII $39 • 10"10lonlor Cltl.on Discoullt on Pro.crlptlons For every lifestyle there is a St. Charles kitchen: . Notre Dame PHARMACY Five.function (hour, minutes, day created from our endless combinations o~exquIsite fu rnitu re woods, textured metals and deSigner date a nd seconds)' liquid crystal colors. Each is a masterpiece of elegance and efficiency. Visit our showrooms and browse display, goldtone finish with at your leisure. matching ba nd Shuck and Free-our colorfully illustrated 44-page Kitchen Ideas Book, just for coming in. $3.00 by mail. water resistant. back lighti ng, Hours: Weekdays 9:00-5:00; Sat. 9:00-12:00 ST. CHARLES KITCHENSOF DETROIT 2-year warranty. 2713 N.Woodward Avenue Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013 (313) 334-4771 (Just South of Square Lake Road)

Name 16926 Kercheval, in-the-village _ Do;1y 8,:10 0" to 9 p,m (Mon, ,'". f,;.:' 885-2154 Address. __ . ._ .Phone_- ---- So,. 830 . ]'(XJ. s"n60Y' . lIolid.,. 9,30 ' • JacobSOI1S ..... Lltluor D•• I.r _____Count~---- -_ .. --- City Fln•• t 'mport.", Dom•• tlc Win•• , a••r. 2 HOURS FREE PARKtNG. JACOBSON'S WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET Sfttte._ ..:. Zip,----- I • y, - ~ .' ., " , , > • . .

Thursday, April 28: 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Three Women's Page by, of and for Pointe Women Divorce Adju$tment Serie$ Set in May Ifrtis,ts Market Michigan's pioneer program the First United Melhodisl June Bride Concert Slated by Pro Mozart Garden Club Meets May 4 in Adjustment to Divorce will Church Dearborn Tuesday Pointer Roma Riddell, so. Tax deductible tickets at o~fered for the lOth con. gights, 'May 3, 10, '17 and 24, Show to Open Windmill Pointe Garden following luncheon will in. be prano, will be among artists secutive year during May., at 7:30 o'clock. $4 per person may be ob. Club will meet Wednesday, clude elcction of new offi. participat-ing in the annual tained by contacting Francis Sponsored by the Michigan A. Thomas Qappas Ph.D. The Detroit Artists Market May 4, at noon at the Lake. cers and a members' plant concert of the Pro Mozart M. Dodge, of East Jefferson shore Lane home of Mrs. Rol. Inter.Pr~fessio,!al Association of Aline drive, a consulling will present a group show exchange. on M.arrlage, DIvorce and the psychologist, is the inslruc. Society of Greater Detroit. avenue, vice.president and lin Allen, where the agend.a featuring paintings by Bill set for Sunday, May 1. at 3 treasurer of the Mozart So- Family, the four.partlecture. tor. A Diplomate in Clinical Dilworth, Naomi Dickerson discussion series is designed Psychology. he is in private in the ,afternoon at Madame ciety, 961.0100. The International Founda-I.------... and Bill Lapham and another ~o help individuals involved practice as a clinical psy. Cadillac Hall on the Mary- Other participating artists tion MozarLeum in, Salzburg Mayol grove College campus. m the process of marital dis. chologist and marriage coun. installation piece by Bobbi are Earnestine NrmrTions, so- had started work in 1956 on COLlMaN solution understand and cope selor. Litwin, who was in the The program will feature prano, Rosemarie Murch, a new. scholarly, revised edi- with their situation. Tuition for the series is $15 March group show, during 12 variations on an aria from mezzo-sojJrano. Edward Kin. tion of Mozart's more than YOUNG I~ deals with the process of per person. Partial scholar- May. "The Marriage of Figaro" gins, .enor. Emily M. Austin, 600 compositions. Eighty vol. psychological adjustment gen. ships are available on the plus compositions by Beetho- \'iolinist, Fedora Horwitz, pi. urnes have so far been pub. I To Speak in the Pointes erally as well as with the basis of need. The opening reception is ven, Franz Schubert, Gustav anist, and Lawrence LaGore. lished. social and psychological proc. Additional information may set for Friday, April 29. Mahler and Richard Strauss. the Society's music director, Preface to the 55th score esses of divorce, including be obtained and course regis- from 4 to 7 o'clock. Closing Concert proceeds will be pianist. published some years ago, SUN.,MAY 1-7 p.nt. mourning, child adjustment tration made by contacting date is Friday, May 28, directed to the Mozarteum and cbild rearing, living alone the Michigan Inter.Profes. Marguerite Kozen . Chajes, Mozart\~ great opera "The Gallery hours at the Mar- for publication of an 81st artistic director, founded the Magic !'1ute," states that the Grosse Pointe Woods ilDd remarriage. sional Ass 0 cia t ion, Ford . \,. The series will be held at Building, Detroit, (963.8840). ~lans for a June 25 wed- ket in Harmonie Park are 10 volume the opera "Cosi fan Pro Mozart Society of Great. Pro Mozart Society of Great. Presbyterian Church to 5 o'clock 'Monday through tulte" to the text of Lorenzo er Detroit, first of its kind in er Detroit -made its publica- ding at Our Lady Star of the the United States, in 1960. ,Won possible. ill .. Sea Church are being made Saturday. ,DaPonte. by KIM B E R L Y ANNE LASHER and Michael Fred. rick BelloH whose engage- ment has been announced by 'g her parents. Mr. and Mrs. LDftapeft William J. Lasher, of Oxford by John E. Brink road. Many people selli;'g their home wonder to whot extent Both the bride.elect and they should go in putting their home in the most salable, at- her fiance. son of -Mr. and tractive condition. This is a question thqt the seller should not Mrs. Joseph C. Bello Ii, of attempt to answer because it is too relative. Manchester boulevard, are Grosse Pointe North High One of the services your Rear Estate Broker will perform School graduates. and both FINAL WEEK: fa, you is a frank opinion regarding the improvements that attended Macomb Community should be done. The genera! rule in Grosse Pointe Real Estate College. Co's. (882-0087) office is that you generally will get double bock the amount you spend-if it is done professionally and in Founder's Day F~te good taste. An example of this might be a new interior paint. iab end new formica tops in the kitchen, If the cost comes to For Beta Sigma Phi $1,200.00 you should be able to ask $2,400.00 more for your house. In many instances this figure can triple or quadruple. Local' members of Beta Sigma Phi, a social, cultural And we can't let this article go by without referring to and service organization for Grosse Pointe Real Estate Co.'s Community development program, women, mark the 46th anni. or Cul-de-Sac, whichever! We feel the some appreciation formula versary of their sorority's can apply to our community os 0 whole. If we spend $2,500,000 founding today, Thursday, on 250 Cui de Socs, we feel aur community value will increase, Apl'il 28,at the Thomas Man. through our personal residential real estate--ten fold! Selling or 'in East Detroit. anything-whether it's homes or community, follows the same Beta Sigma Pbi's Detroit bosicgut principal. The more attractive your "commodity",. the City Council, encompassing more you'll get for it and the easier and faster it will sell. metropolitan area chapters, is joining with other chapters A sale, custom-designed for you We're sure everyone would like to know the value of their around the world to observe property, so why not cell Grosse Pointe Real Estate Co. 882.0087 Founder's Day. and have one of their associates stop over for 0 visit. We feel The Detroit.area celebra. we have about ten features that are exclusive to us and natural. tion is being chaired by Iy, give YO\l an opportunity to demana more for your home. Gamma Xi chapter, founded Example? How obout our one year warranty? in February" 1940, with 10 You design your sofa. other chapters participating. Sandra Witt, president' of the Detroit City Council, will bring a message from the interna- . tional offices .. Awards will be Danaher and Baer Real Estate presented to local members Your and- outstanding cbapters. is pleased to announce that Throughout the world, Beta Sigma Phi chapters of five different degrees meet the 'ANN BARRETI' JOHNSON growing ,t!~,p.f,o,,

Ninety six Possible Combinations

FIRST OFFERING In the "City" -a real charmer for UNDER $50,000. Open Mon .. Thurs., & Fri. -til 9 . . \Vith outstanding family room, Other days 'Iii 5:30 p.m. accentuated parquet floor.

Or Use • Our ~~~~ Revolving Charge 824-2700 -,------23020 MACK AVE, (Near Mile Rd.) Clair 778-3500 Gre~'ory Renaud McDuffee Renaud McDuffee Sanker & St. Shar.. BROKER SALES ASSOCIATE

I. '-'I __ ,e" .... ~ ...... _ . co '. • • • • • m -en s 1 • e _ t•• , • SMtt •• = n ., • t crt : .. ,.'!" ...... 4 - .. =,'fV ,+.uq., ","...c' .. C. '4 ~ '''. '':''1 ~..( • '.4 ..",,4.4.4." q, 4..4...,.( ..( .. , .t. 4. 4. '. ~. 4 t.( ( .4,<.54

Page Twenty-Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 28, 1971

-----~------.------._--_ .._------~------._------lA-PERSONALS 3-LOST AND FOUND 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED IS-SIIUATION IS-SITUATION 6-FOR RENT r6-FOIl RENT UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED,-la-r-ge-bl-a-ck-a-n-d-b-r-ow-nJ __ G_E_N_E_R_A_L____ GENERAL . WANTED ~ WANTED pillows blocked and finish. tiger-striped cat, vicinity TYPIST-Must be accurate. ADULT babysitter with own NEED SOMETHING mov ed, RELIABLE LAD Y deires OUTER DRIVE.East Warren UNRURNISHED HOUSE ed. Also needlepoint in. Locbmoor and Mack, $75 Will train to operate switch. transportation. $1.75 pe I' delivered or disposed of? 'general house cleaning. area lower 2 bedroom, 11,2 Farmbrook between Mack slruction. TU 1.7073, TU 6. reward. Debbie at 256.2557 board. Apply in person. hour. Part time. 774.2287. Two Pointe resid~nts wiII References, 822.1352, baths, carpeting, garage, and Cornwall. 2 bedrooms, move or remove large 0 refriger.ltor and st01e. f re- large combination living ______6318. or 881.0474 evenings. Jefferson.Gregory Boat Co., ~ E. SECRETARY i.r ------PAINTING, handywork, odd small quantities of {urn ft r middleaged wor\;ing and dining room, carpeted, PUppy SlITER Service- LOST - One lema'le blackl We have a challenging oppor . t jobs done by college stu. ture. appliances or wha cOJple. No pets or children. drapes, refrigerator. stove, Experienced, small dogs ~hite cat, black spot on HAIR STYLIST tunity for a senior secre have you. Call for free est'I. dent. 882.9439. David. Security depoJit. 882.7243. full basement. 2 car garage-. only. No tinkleri. Refer- nose, extra toes. 882.1919. Filippo's Seven Hills of tary. Mus.t have at least 10 matOl. 343.Q481. ------. ------1 year lease, $250 month ences. $3.50 Jl. day includ. 4-HELP W'" ....TED Rome, elegant, friendly sa. years secretarial experi LOVING MOTHER will care 3 BlmROOM Be ,~2fit, ...... - tGBATIOTn6 MIIiE;,:Large U. OF M"B.M. perlence and ability •.Wr!te, ;;;,[1IJ'ali~t .. Contact.Girl's Sum. mgs on a' part tJme .basUi .... Ae.eking1iecretai~fo r _ L.AND2 BEDROOMS-- , Ad,li Is otlIY.'P1iefet marrlednroom; c;arneted,~1.$7:;')per 3314725 , to R-5, GrossePointe.News",mer CamP •. 24 South Mer. ' for working 'afternoons' or the pcr month, Adults ator, garage, heat. $110. £leeps 6, 18 hole golf. ten. Repairs pet, neutered male, de. tiful cottage on Lake Huron in Canada. needed . may be moved for only. Utilities included. security deposit. Older sin. nis, pools. horses. 884.$20 clawed. Reward. 885.3149. ! 881-2093 free! 885.1126. Ask for Don 824.3905. gle or couple only. 885.6166. aftcr 4 p.m. Some cooking experience required. Local aCter 5 p.m. -_._------_.~~--~ ------MATURE and dependabl e CHALMERS - Houston.Whit. MACK.Ouler Drive, 5 room PRIVATE resort cottages on LOST: Dog. Deeplands area. I! references necessary. Call 886-2202, I lady wishes babysitting in tier. 1 bedroom apartment, lower flat. Vacant May 15. Lake Huron, 1 hour from Male. beige Cocker Poodle. weekdays 9 to 5 p.m. GERMAN NURSE highly 1 year old. Reward. 884. qualified specially for el her home for .working mo . heated. carpeting, air, park. $175 plus utilities. Adults. Detroit in Lakeport. $85, to 5924. derly. 772.8163. ther. Bcaconsfleld. 8215796. ing. TV 5-4364. I 8855533. Call after 2 p.m. $150 per week. 1.385.4641.

.., .( ••• __ - - *0 ._,., .. _ ,..A __ ~ ...... ~ .-. ' _ ~ _ Db ' - b

<\,:1. •. ' •• ..... - ....- "'f'" - ""'-'- ....-~ ...... '~ ... • .. .' • 'lo ~ '. .. "'" : ,. I

/ Pac;e Twenty-Six GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 28, 1977 ------if 10A-:-MOTORCYCLES l1-CARS FOR SALE 1 t-CARS FOR SALE 1 t-CARS FOR SALE llF-TRAILERS AND 12D-LAK£ AND I t_3-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE . '-ii' FOR SALE CAMPERS RIVER 1975 DODGE B200 van. 318, 1974 MATADOR-Oleg Casini, 1969 VW Campt'r, good con. PROPERTY i 1973 HONDA 500, Fairing, 3 speed, stereo, air, power sharp, air, auto., P.S., P.B., dition. Properly rebuilt en. URGENT SALE! 26.foot GMC sissy bar, more. Excellent steering, undercoated, snow cruise cont., tilt a wheel, gine, $1.100 or cloJest of. motor home, 1976. All ac. ST CL.AIR II condition $9SO.881-4677. tires. 23.000 miles. Excel. radials, rear de-fog, super fer. 882.4180. cessories. 882'()222. Grosse Pointe Real Estate' ! lent condition. 823-1898.Ask 1971 750 HONDA good con. dean,$2,395. After 6 p.m. Luxurious Home CO. I for Bob. 771-5182. 1971 VW Super Beetle. New APACHE tent trailer. Sleeps dition, new paint, $1,050. ST. CLAIR-Luxurious home I r : tire.>, mufCIer, brakes. Good 4. Good condition. $400 or -135' of high river.front, : 882.1521. 1975 LINCOLN Continental 4 1974 JAVELIN, air, automat. condition. 886.0210 or 839. best offer. 882-9761 after 5. property. Splendid view of I OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 : ic. power steering, power 1 • 'TRUCKS door Town Car. Blue, vel. 9700. tho majestic ships that p:y I Stop in and visit us! ' O brakes, 22,000 miles. $2,500 12-SUBURBAN - our, luad~d. Best '75 in ------the oceans and lakes. Uni. (ask for our special map) : FOR SALE M i chi g a n. Immaculate. or best offer. 885.4275 arler 1972 MONTE CARLO AM.FM ACREAGE que 7 year old home of the 39 Hampton 4 BR. Cape Cod : GMC Pickup ,1976, 8 auto. Must sell. 884.5197 or 886. 6. deluxe interior. no nnt, low TRAVERSE CITY. 65'acres, mileage. 774.3014. finest qualily construction. 1343 Berkshire 4 BR. Colonial : matic, pow e ~ steering, 71SO. 1968 wagon, power good 'location. View of the 5 bedrooms, 4'12 baths. Ex. I brakc3, AM.FM, like new, t. . b k Bay. Preliminary engineer. PORSCHE 73 - 914.1.7 cus. tra garage. Call for 1590 Ford Ct. 4 BR. Colonial : 14.000 miles, $3900. 882. 1972 THUNDERBIRD. Full s eerm!l, pow c r ra cs. ing for development has tom decor. only 25,000 details. $190,000. 482 Sl. Clair ..,.,4 BR. Condo. : power. Well maintained. Good running condition. been done. 1.313.882.1208 or 1521. Air, AM.FM, $1,500. 881. Call afler5. 886-1394. miles. Excellent eondition. 884..1444. 20:>2Roslyn ..... 5 BR. Split Level : New stainless steel heat ex- BEAUCHAMP 1974 FORD pick.up, F.100. 8513. DATSUN, 1976, 280Z. air. 873 Notre Dame 3',.1. BR. Colonial ,' changer and muHler. 8Bl. , $2,300 or best offer, 52.. I stereo cassette. 8,SOOmiles. INVESTORS 1156 Nottingham ... 4 BR. Colonial , 000 miles. 882.0470 after 4. 1972 Kings. Warranty. Excellent condi 0550 or 886.1284. BEAT INFLATION REALTORS , 96 Mapleton 2 BR. Colonial , ARS FOR SALE wood wagon. 9 passenger. tion, $6,800. 886.5245. ! BUY 329-4755 l1-C Air, power steering. brakes 73 BUICK LeSabre. Excd. PRIME ACREAGE 1446 Nottingham .. . . 3 BR. Bungalow , AUTOMOBILE OWNERS! As AM.FM radio steel radials 73 LINCOLN CONTINEN. lent condition, 2,000 miles. 220 ON LAKE St. Clair south EXECUTIVES, YACHT 1458/60 Lakepointf: ...5/5 Flat low as $22 quarterly buys _' $1,450. 8S6.ss30. . TAL Towncar-4 door. Has $2,350. 822.5025 or 751. of Mt. O!emens. OWNERS - , Compulsory No Fault In. everything. Make offer. 4325. 100 AT 1.94 and Metro Beach SI. Clair River luxury 1 1 , surance. 881.2376. 1976 WHITE Corvette. Fully 882.4213. llA-CAR REPAIR Parkway (16 Mile Road). floor brick, 3 bedrooms, 2 h G.P. SHORES loaded, mag wheels. $8,500. HORSE RANCH baths, boat house on canal, Large prestigious residence. 6 BR in main wing, 1974 CAMARO, 18,000 miles. , AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE 884..4993. TUNE.UPS and mInor repair. 60 acres, house, 5 stables, freighter channel, 6teel . most have attached baths with fireplaces. Library, Like new condition. Must as low as $33.15 for 6 Mobile service at your indoor arena. tack shop, breakwall, 'super view, lot gathering room, hugh living room with carved months. Call Chesney Insur. 1974 GREEN Vega. Excellent see to appreciate. $3,30' home and shop repairs. 104 stalls. 1.74 and 21 Mile 90x150, $99,500. Could nDt fireplace. Formal dining room. Beautiful swim. ance Agency for your over condition. 28,000 miles. 775.3364. Call 521-515~ or 88H1l51. Road. duplicate for price, b;,. ap. I the phone quotation. 884. $1,495. 885-9224 or 886.5587. ming pool. 75 AMC Sportabout - air, l\loderate prices. Ask for STIEBER REALTY 7~5-4900 pointment only. 1.794-3681. 5337. 1 T. M. Tucker, Realtor, AI. woodgrain trim. automatic. Larry. GROSSE POINTE NORTH EARLY AMERICAN COMFORT '76 CHEVY Suburban, Silver- gonac, 4087 M.29 Highway, Dream home country cottage. An original layout 1975 MERCURY Monarch ado, CI0, air, automatic ,luggage carrier, 6 cylinder. 11 B-CARS WANTED In the city of Sl. Clair. High, 794.3681. that lends itself to beautiful decorating. Country Ghia-2 door ,Excellent con. and more. 775-4751. Excellenl condition, 28,000 TO SUY wooded 19"". acres with kitchen overlooks corner brick fireplace and large dition. Only 27,000 miles. miles, $2,850. 343.0428. home. 1.710feel on the Pine LAKE BELLAIRE frontage One owner. Loaded. 775- 1976 BUICK Limited, 4 door rear yard. Private den plus formal dining room 1975 T.BIRD, green glow, VOLKsWAGENS River, 560 feet on the main 140'x900'. Furnished house 1970. hardtop loaded. GM execu. with huge bay window. Four bedrooms. Ask about wh;te, leather interior, tilt WANTED paved road. Ideal fo~ bu~i. 38'x28'. Two bedrooms, full tive's car. Excellent condi. balh, fireplace, new car. our one year warranty. 1976 , wheel, oruise, air, full pow. Highest Prices Paid n~s~, apartments or. WIll tion, 28,000 miles. 881-8556. peting, insulated for year vinyl top, tiuckelseats, air, er. magnum wheels, one WOOD MOTORS V.W. diVIde. Terms. 773.5562. NEWER COLONIAL around use. electric heat, AM.FM stereo tape, low PACKARD 1937., 120 straight owner. Excellent condition. Gratiot at 8 Mile 372-2600 12S-VACATION If it's the newer feeling you're searching for-and mileage. $4,650. 882.0942 8,4 door, 93 paint show car. $5,400. After 6, 889.0323. enclosed porch. Includes if you're willing to pay just 'a little more-this is PROPERTY all furniture,' appliances after 5 p.m. 22,000 actual miles. Best DATSUN'S ,WANTED it! Attached garage, four bedrooms, naturally a offer. 1-463-4940. 1976 FIREBIRD. 3 speed, 6 SMOKY MOUNTAINS, N.C. and pontoon boat. PiCtures family room: Large lot-ready for you to move HIGHEST PRICES PAID available. 881.8725. FORD LTD. 1975. 4 door, low cylinder, 5,800 mi,les. Ex. Marlette, 12'x60' Deluxe into th:3 week if you like. mileage, excellent condi. ;CUDA '74, 318 automatic, cement condition. New car HANEY DATSUN mobile home; 5 rooms. 2 tion. Power, stereo, air. 881- 886.6873, ask for Jim. ,warranty. See and make 372.1144 baths. On % acre. Priced ALGONAC VERY SPECIAL AND PRIVATE Perched at the end of this very quiet and private 8657. 1975 DODGE Charger, spee-ial offer. 882.2853 after 6:30 to sell. Details! Pictures! ELEGANT ST. CLAIR RIV. p.m. STOP! Don't junk that car. ER frontage. Sleel break. lane sits our lovely listing. Large Family room. edition, V-8, air, speed con. 881-2775. 1976 MUS"I'ANG Mach I, V-8, Call Bill for estimate. 885. wall,' 300 or 400 feet. sewer, Formal dining room. living room has beautiful . trol, .rear defogger, AM.FM 1975 NEWPORT 2 door hard. 4 speed, power sleering , 2221 BEAUTIFULLY wooded lot, water. In town, also inc. fireplace, first floor lav! All this plus one of the stereo, Landau roof, 27.000 top .. Mint condition. Silver. brakes, stereo. Excellent Bellaire . Mancelona area, canal 10t in rear. $390 per most beautiful Mutschler kitchens. You, naturally. miles. radial tires, $3,800. vinyllfoof, power steering, llC-BOATS AND condition. $3,200. 881.5814. stone's throw from Schuss foot totaL Owner 1.794.3681. have 4 good sized bedrooms. Priced seriously to 882-6898. brake;, AM.FM. cruise, MOTORS Mtn., ready for building. ALSO: sell. electric defogger, mst. , $3,SOO or best offer. 884. '73 MONTEGO Villager wa- 1974 F 0 R D LTD Squire 45 ACRES ON MIDDLE f d 20 I\l\l\ '1 $4 SLICKCRAFT, 1975, 23 Mer. 2251. gon, air, stereo, all power Brougham wa""n. 9 passen. proo e. ,V"" mt C's. " . 223 h ION th Channel Harsens Island, options. Clean. 882.5203 af. ",v 100 885 3389 5'30 pm cruiser .p.,..- or . ger, loaded. Excellent con- 7 30' • , • .••• land tandem trailer, 2 way LARGE vacation or year golf courSe area. accessi. FIRST OFFERING ter 6 p.m. I ditl'o'n. Best oUer. .,.,.,.0 ..... 6674. : p.m. VHF marine radio, dep th around home in Detour Vii . ble by _car: 1,500 feet on Exceptional Condo priced in SO's in G.P. :1 1973 MONTE CARLO-excel. 1975 AUDI FOX-4 door, air, 1972 QPEL - 1900. 4 speed. indicator, clock, Raritan . lage, U p per Peninsula. Middle Channel plus canal, City. Things like beamed ceilings, lovely lent condition. 885-4342. AM.FM. automatic, excep. t975 or best offer. 884-9154. head, camper top, sleeps 1,000 feet to St. Mary's great Digging land. ideal stained floors. butler's pantry. pegged floor I for bDat club or marina . l . River and Lake Huron, in kitchen, natural fireplace in living room. , tionally clean. Can 884.0709 1976 CAMARO LT,. V.8, auto. 5, less than 200 hours. Per. 1973 DATSUN 240Z, 29,000 beautiful view. This 2 story Asking $lSO,OOOor offer. A truly fine Condo excellently supervised. after 6 p.m. matic, air conditioning, feet, mint condition. Abso. miles, air, AM.FM. 881.0753 lutely complete. All inclu- 19th century house needs a % down. By appointment. A worry free, great home. after 7 p.m. 1971 PONTIAC Catall'na, 2 power options, many ex. . $11 000 824-4710 handyman's touch but is d 823 tras, immacu3ate, 8,000 slve, ,. . T. M.TUCKER priced reasonably at $9,800. 4087 M.29 HWY. " 1971 OLDS 9B. One owner. ... f oor. -5093. miles. $4,600. 647.5535. MICHAEL'S BOAT 297.2641 or write: Thatcher ALGONAC, .MICH. 48001 NEEDS WORK New shocks, muffler sys. 1963 CADILLAC Fleetwood, MONZA 1975, 2+2. 26,000 RE.FINISHING Goetz, D e t 0 u r Village, 1.794.3681 but potential is there. 3 HR. Colonial with country tern and brakes. $1,500. TV silver with black vinyl top, miles. Texa'3 car. Excellent All types of boat work. Hull Mich. 49725. kitchen. Fireplace in family room which is bricked 2-6020. red leather, Michelin tires, condition. Stick. 882.2765 painting, bottom painting, LAKE H U RON frontag4;! . and beamed. Living room with fireplace also. New 55,000 miles. Original own. fiberglass waxing, stain. CHALET-Overlooking Boyne South of Lexington on Rte '76 , carpets and vaint would do the trick. Priced SO's. ' er. Collector'$item. Needs evenings. ing and varnish work Call Highlands: Golf, swim, ten. 25. 2 bedroom furnished power steering,' power nis. 30 miles from Macki. exhaust. Best offer. 881- 1972 COUGAR, dalfk green, Michael, 889.0406. . summer cottage. Sale by TYPICAL PARK VALUE brakes, power windows, nac, Charlevoix. 884-1526. owner. 882.2823. Priced in mid forties .and worth far more. First , 5788. nice condition, low mileage, 14-FOOT 'BLUE JAY, jib and power seats. Loaded. Al. floor has living- room, dining room, kitchen wI ~ most new. Call 775.3079. 1975 IMPALA wagon 'pOwer FM stereo, $1,300. 371.6837 maine, trailer, 4 HP Evin. 12C-f:ARMS FOR SALE PORT SANILAC,' cottage on eating space, study and lav. Three ,bedrooms- i~, I . sleering, power brakes, air or 756.2273. rude $675 881 0772 fl 5 ROCHESTER ROAD _ Near Lake Huron, 1 mile south master with fireolace and bath on 2nd floor. 1973' LTD -all good condition. $3,495. 776. pm' . . a er M t 2 I 38 of town, 824-3634. I : power. Good condition. 886. 1973 POLARA. 4 door, hard. " e amora. parce s, Third floor h3s fourth bedroom and lav. You' , I Ii ,I , r', 5981. 3473 after 5. .~p,automatic, power, air. 18' FIBERGLASS new 65. and 158 .. ,acres.:, Lakes, ALGONAC, St. Clair 'River really shouldn't purchase any house in this price .1 luxury brick, 3 bedrooms, 'range'without considering this very substantial • ,t CUTLASS SU~me) IJ~~.\l~~~ON:rE~A~LO Landau i i 14~e~fl.-~:1l}2~ ... - .. I !Met. Actnow! 1976 CADILLAC Coupe de After 6:30 p.m. 885.1581>. wason, air, AM.FM stereo, indoor riding arena and liv. 5/5 FLAT Ville Cabri 1 t t 0P La d 1 ded 8822031 BOATL'l'G ITEl\IS _ Mono. in g quarters. Presently ST. CLAIR d 8'200 .01e 88 1262'4 a • CAMARO '67, owned since . oa . . . r M . functioning as a breeding Priced right at less than $30,000.00. In excellent e., ml es. '. new by lady school teach. ma lC, r e r cur y crUIser and trainl'n!! facl'lity fDr A 4 year old ranch home of 1972 IMPALA, low mileage, wheels, glasses, life pre. - condition with good rental potential. One year 53 000 rough.hewn cedar. 3 or 4 $100 deductible warranty included in asking price. COMET '7l-Good condition. 'emilr! ' actual miles, good air, deluxe upho!:;terinog, sen'ers, lines. fenders. etc. Arabian horses. VA 1-4234. bedrooms, 2lh baths, 2 fire. Runs good. stick, yellow, eage, 6 cylinder, stand. $1,575. 371.6837, or 756. 683 Lochmoor.' $400. 372.9651 after 6 p.m. ard. transmission, vinyl 2273. , LE~INGTON-70 acres, half places. Handsome cedar RANCH - G.P. WOODS . barn with heated work A ranch in the Woods, centrally air conditioned roof, buckets, radl'o , new 1957 CHRIS CRAFT. HDiiday mile from Lake Huron. 20 1976 CADILLAC Coupe de battery and muffler g~d 1970 TRIUMPH, GT6+ FM miles north of Port Huron. room. 15 beautiful acres against the heat predicted for next summer .will . , ~ speed boat. All mahogany, d b d Ville. All options. Light tires and brakes. Good me. radial tires, $495. 824-7979. reehromed and refinished, Newly ecorated 5 e. with woods and Pine River make any two bedroom family happy. A family blue, white roof. $7,595. 774. chanical condition. Some VB. Excellent con d it ion. room, 2 story house, large frontage. Most desirable room, too. 1805. rust. $495 or best offer. 1974, CAPRICE - lJ,~ack 4 kit c hen, formal dining area. $108,000. 5 BEDROOM UNDER $60 000 886-6054 or 884-0932. d.oor, aIr, .power st'eermg, $2,600 or best offer. 882. room, basement, gas hea.t 1 1971 FORD TORINO. Good power brakes, AM.FM ste. .9836. Large barn, out buildings, BEAUCHAMP Impossible? Please call us about this one. We're transportation, $200, also, 1969 CHEVY Impala-59000 reo, power windows, seats PROPELLERS 2-3 b 1 ad e, 2 woods, small creek over proud to offer such a wonderfully constructed res. 1968 Mercedes Benz 280 SE miles. Very clean $795. Call and door 'locks, rear win. 24"x21"xl=}6" bore. Also 500 ft. frontage on County REALTORS idence. The craftsmanship throughout is superb! convertible Concourse con. 886-7751. dow defogger, cruise con. 10' step ladder. 771.7184. road, swimming and golfing There's also ,a country kitchen. a.beautiful family dition. 882-5652, 329-4755 room. You can even section off 2 bedrooms and a 173 ELDORADO black 35. .trol . 777.9700. n.earby. Beautiful setting. 1975 DODGE VAN - Fully , " 1973 Caravelle, Excellent condition. $69,SOO. bath for mother or or guests. A 000 miles. Private owner. 1974 FIREBIRD Formu!a 350 20' 170 1.0., cutty cabin By Owner. 1-455.5181. 12E-COMMERCIAL great family home. customized, award win. $4,500. 885.3252. -power lSteering, power trai~er, low hours. 773-3519. -PROPERTY ning, must sell. 521-3965 or 19670 E. EIGHT MILE 526.2596. MUSTANG II '74 AM.FM 4 ~rakes, tilt wheel, automat. 12D-LAKE AND BY OWNER-Grosse Pointe cylinder, 4 sp'eed, 30,000 ie, AM.FM .stereo, air and 1975 SOUTH COAST - 22 foot RIVER at Beaconsfield. A second floor 2 bedroom apart- trailer boat. sloop, 75 John. Woods office building 40'x BUICK 1970, 4' door Electra. very good condition. 884- PROPERTY ment condo with excellent space. A perfect loca. miles. Excellent body con. son, 6 h.p .293.0253. 60' Parking space in rear. tion re shopping, entertainment and transportation. Air. AM.FM, new tires. 7 dition. $1,850. 881-6519. 3823. ALGONAC AREA - Spend J\Iack corner of Brys, 21207 Radnor Circle. 1974 ELDORADO convertible DEPTH FINDER, Ray.Jeff your summer vacation in to 21201. 5 oCCices ll'x18', 1976 MONTE CARLO triple loaded, new tires, navy, 410 $70. Can 882.0955 or CORDOBA '75, 6,900 miles, your own year around one 20'x50'. Building 10 ABOUT Ol)R ERA WARRANTY blue, custom interior, ster. white, white interior, $6,BOO 225:5620. years old. Good invest. loaded. Leather buckets home on the river with view Our ERA ?ne year $100 deductible warranty is eo tape, power windows, 773.8027. Mama wants new - console, AM.FM stereo' of 2 channels, 120 feet on ment. ;Must sell! $25,000 protection when you need it most. It's as. power seats and many oth. SNIPE SAILBOAT, #15511. down balance Land Con. air. rear window defroster: fiberglass, trailer, 2 sets of the river, 3 0.,..4 bedrooms,; surance that ever}thinR YOUare purchasing er options. 9,500 miles, $5,. car. tract. 886-4700, evcnings rustproofed. 775.1108. sa'Js, fully race equipped. garage, boat hou!>e. Execu- is in proper working order. Look at these ISO. Call after 6 p.m. 574. 1976 JEEP Wagoneer. Auto. 463-5566. Exccllent condition. $1;000. tive type, also others. benefits: 1972 VEGA. 4 speed, cassette, 2461 or JU 8.1667. matic, power, Ziebart, ex. 885.1507. IKERCHEVAL IN THE PARK 1. The central heating system. slereo. 50,000 miles. Good 1975 CADILLAC Coupe de tra3. Excellent condition. PEARL BEACH 2. Wall and floor heating units. transportation. $650. 882. Ville, 12,000 miles, white $6,100 or best oUer. 886 18 FT. SIREN weekender, - 6 apartments, 3 stores. REALTY One store available for 3. All types of hot water heaters. 7321. with 1,2 white v.inyl top 7823. fully equipped with trailer. 6006 Hwy. M.29 Algonac owner use. Yanchuk, 822. 4. All types of hot water heaters. h't I h' Best offer. i78-3672. 1967 FORD, 2 door hardtop, ~ I e eat er upholstery, 1974 LeSABRE, LuXU3, 4 ...... _._. _ 1.794.3445 2334. 5. The electric system. tilt wheels. electric trunk, door h a'rd lop. ~oaded with 15' FIBERGLASS Runabout. 6, All types of central air.eonditionin". CB radio. Excellent condi. ST, CLAIR-Large elegant loaded. $6,250 firm. TU 1.. equipment. Excellent con. 45 h.p. Mercury. trailer. 13-REAL ESTATE 7, All appliances. b tion. $575. 886.3593. home and property on ri. 2864. dition. 882.4164. $600. 822.5025 or 751.4325. FOR SALE 8 The plumbing systcm within the house 1976 CUTLASS Supreme 2 --_._--- ver, in town. l\lagnificent '74 VW Super Beetle, excel. 9, Accessible duct work. . door, air, 60-40 seats LETS Make a Deal. 1973 LTD SAILBOAT - 16' fiberglass view. 125' dock and boat 70 WILLISON. Grosse Pointe 10, Plumbing fixtures. cruise. defogger. More lo~ lent condition, 30000 miles 2 door hardtop, tripie h:ue, :'Ifutineer. Two sails. trailer. house. Tot:!1 enjoyment. Shores - By owner. For mileage $4,875. 885.2477. FM .black with 'red inter: air, power brakes. steering, motor, cover. 884.1526. By owner. 329.7770. appointment call 881.7788. ior. Best offer. 831-4326 or 1973 CONTINENTAL, 4 door 884.1062 after 4. radio, must see to appre. 15' K~~OC-KABOUT(~~~~d~;;-~12E-COMMERCiAL PROPERTY date. 885.5106. .. leather interior, stereo tape', ______Boston sails. aluminum rig. ~.- ~~.. - VACANT PROPERTY '69 CADILLAC Coupe de all power. beautiful, must 72 TOYOTA Corona wagon, 4 $200. 881.5754. These lots are available, we urge you to act Ville. full power 881.2476. sell, $3,200. 773.7017. speed. A:'\I.F:'\l stereo 8 -;------.- -;-- fast-vacant properly is scarce. track. 70,000 miles, 21.28 18 SAILBOAT nnd trailer. 1973 HORNET X Hatchhack 1974 LE MANS, 2 door hard. is prcperty is strategically located for just steering, brakes, air, cas. tual miles, AM.FM, air, tan about any venlure you might consider. Priced leather seats tilt and ad. nal.seck stereo. o:her op. C&C 31' 1970 Corvette, weill sette. White exterior low for fast sale. call us immediately. justable stee~ing, luggage tions. Factory warranty equippc:l for cruising. Ex. miles. 1.792-6127after 5. available. Serious inquiries I cellent condition. $19,900. rack. $7,500. No negotiating. I 1971 COUGAR XR7. Com. 881-4382. 882-0087 882-0087 plete options. Many new :~~~~e~~::3~'e:~te;n~r~~~ l-~~:~i~l~::~~:AND-1 1976 PONTIAC Safari station accessories. Reduced to 1970 NOVA. good condition. CAMPERS $1,400. 884.1047. wagon. 450 engine auto. Grosse Pointe Real Estate matic. garage cared', origi. Power stering, brakes, 1972--VW CA~fPER:-~ii~k-, Grosse Pointe Real Estate LINCOLN. 1975, Landau roof, nal owner, air, power Automatic. $850. 885.7466. 55,000 miles, new FM 8 co. brakes, steering, steel belt- co. burglar alarm, loaded. 29,. NOVA, 1970-ExceL'lent con. track, battery, clutch. muff., T:1e Community Buildcrs! 000 miles, A.I, Firemist ed radial lires, luggage car. dition. automatic, asking ler, steel radials, re.buill ' T:1C Home Warranty People gold, 886.2533. rier, 886.3727. $875. e81-7309, engine. 823.3733. l , ." ~' , ! ~ ... , .. , . , .. ." ;;" , ...

Thursday, April 28. 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty.Seven ---3-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE 113-::~E~~ ~~!"TE _~OR_SA~E.__ .__ 13-REAL ESTATE I 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE ) FOR SALE FOR SALE 1209 YORKSHIRE - OWNER BY OWNER at 853 Westches. HARPER WOODS r ter in the Park. 3 bedroom By appointment I !PRESTWICK-IN THE WOODS brick Colonial, 11h baths, Classic center hall Colonial near Village. 4 bedrooms living room with natul'al 2nd floor, 1 bedroom 3rd floor. Large modern Spacious 4 bedroom home FIKANY I with dining room. den, base. , fireplace, dining room, kitchen, garage. OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 ment, and garage. Extra : LARGE FAMILY COLONIAL. Center en- large kitchen, glass car. 885-7974 I insulation. Ass u m e low peted porch, garage. 1557 YORKTOWN - Beautiful 4 bedroom, 2\2. bath : trance, Saputo custom built in 1952. Re- monlhly payments. Asking Cement patio wjth gas grill. brick colonial, family room with fireplace, carpet. $25,900. (E.2Q213) i modelled kitchen. 3 large bedrooms. Extra Price recently reduced ing and drapes, patio, great location, many extra ,features. Immediate possession. Call for details. : large lot (65x160). New patio with gas $54,000. Assumable 7'r.!% GROSSE POINTE PARK mortgage. Open Sunday 2.5 HARPER WOODS I grill. Panelled library. Finished basement 554 BARRINGTON 1842 OXFORD ROAD - Exceptionally nice brick bun. Call 882-7431or 824-4809. galow, 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, balcon~ off master CUTE, quality bu:U 2 bed- : with extra room and tile bath. No brokers CUSTOM BUILT I'l:! story brick, 2/3 block from lake bedroom finished basement. ImmedIate posses- HARPER WOODS, Pointe room home with finished please. front park. 2 bedrooms, 1st floor, full bath 14x2Q s;on. Priced' in low 40's. Schools. 20625 Beaufait. living room, llx22 fami:y room with sliding glass basement, and garage. Immaculate brick, 11h doors, air conditioning and heater. dining room, Maintenance free exterior. 1258 KENSINGTON - Extremely deceiving from the By Appointment story, 3 bedroom, large kitchen, many built.ins. Large bedroom, library, Assume 7'/. % payments. outside. Spacious .( bcdroom brick semi.ranch, garage. $36,900. 886.1190. cedar closet, large storage area, shower. bath Asking $23,900. (K.19421) family room, 2 full baths, gas forced' air heat. 21/2 2nd floor 60x140 lot, rear fenced, sprinkler, elec- car detached garage. 884-5827 lric garage dpener, new roof, fully carpeted GROSSE POINTE throughout. $57,500. Open Saturday and Sunday WOODS SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ANIEL 2 .5. For 'appointment call 821.8358. 1404 GRAYTON - Conveniently located. 4 bedroom -- - . CHARMING 3 bedroom brick brick, center hall colonial. Library, modern kit. home with spacious kitchen, chen, carpeting and drapes included. Corner lot. OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 to 5:00-33 SOUTH DEEP. appliances, basement, ga- JOHNSTONE & 'JOHNSTONE LANDS. Price reduced for immediate sale-im- rage and carport. Quick possession. $43,500. (V.603) OUR 58TH YEAR OF SERVING GROSSE POINTE mediate occupancy. Truly a family house. Fea. FIKANY WITH THREE GROSSE POINTE OFFICES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE tures everything from 7 bedrooms to a "fall.out I 886-5051 shelter." Only the beginning. Add two extra large I 16610 MACK 82 KERCHEVAL 19750 MACK rooms on the 1st floor plus complete laundry fa. AT HARVARD ON THE HILL NEAR COOK ROAD ciliHes and superior grounds makes this residence CHAMBERLAIN 881.4200 884.0600 881.6300 stack up with the best! 771-8900 URGENT SALE of cozy 3 bedroom BUNGALOW on Hampton. with terrace fire- OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 to 5:00-1350 BERKSHIRE - , place, paneled games room, all blue decor and immediate occupancy. 88i.6300. Between Vernier & Charlevoix. Classic Center GROSSE POINTE, all brick I QUEEN F1IR5T OFFE~ING of attractive 4 bedroom, 2 balh center entrance COLONIAL Hall Colonial in an ideal location for schools, income. 5 up/5 down. $370, near the village. Spacious living room with cozy fireplace, den plus handy first shopping and transportation. Updated kitchen for per month g.ross. Beautiful.1 FIRST OFFERING floor playroom. A great family horne moderately priced~ 881-4200. openers-lhen 4 family bedroom's on the 2nd floor condition. $28,900. You must see the inside to fully .appreciate this plus nice bedroom and bath on the 3rd. Living 3 or 4 bdrm. Ilh' story English home in the City. 621 NORTH ,OXFORD now attractively priced for QUICK SALE! A gracious 5 room and dining room are spacious and there's CENTURY 21 I It features 2 full baths large .recreation room. CHARTER OAKS' bedroo~, .31h.bath pillared Southern COLONIAL with parquet floored family an extra room on the 1st floor-Much, much more jalousled porch and 2'h' car garage .. Owner has 779.9800 room, first floor untility room, 15x18.4 master bedroom with fireplace games here-Stop and see it . . . . Certificate of Occupancy. . room with fireplace and bar, 3 car attached garage 'and outstanding i~.ground swimming pool in nicely fenced private yard. 884.0600. SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT: CONDOMINIUM YOU'D PAY MUCH MORE .... P.RESTON PLACE-Close to the Country Club of OWNER says bring all offers Than our asking price it' you could reproduce NEWCASTLE-Popular 3 bedroom, 11h bath COLONIAL, with oversize Detroit - Newer sprawling Colonial featuring 2 -Clinton-Fox Chase. 2 bed- this 4 bdrm.' 2lh bath Walter. home inth.e kitchen. cozy fireplace, patio, gracious decor, 2'car garage and occupancy at extra rooms on the 1st floor, service stairs, central room Ph bath basement. close. Owner's anxious. 881-6300. Park. Has den, copper plumbing and is in.e"cel. air ~ndilioning. seven bedrooms - Just a fine' $22,400. Assumption. 7lh%. lent condition. ' .. house! Asking $26,000. 886.1190. AUDUBO.N-Custom.built 4 bedroom,21h bath COLONIAL on lovely landscaped 100x156 site~ Mutschler kitchen with micro.wave and ovens, pan. BUILDER IS GOING TO FINISH '.' ' . eled library, games room, .all nicely decorated and immediate occupancy is BUY OF THE WEEK! And he'd like to complete to your likint. ,A bra#d '.. . offered. 884-0600. new 4 bdrm. 2~2 bath home inthe'Farms, near. • , 387 Merriweather - Only $53,000 takes this Lake Shore. All toomsgenerous in size. Cali' for FIRST OFFERING of lovely 2 bedroom air.conditioned SEMI.RANCH on quiet charming Colonial-cozy living room with ANIEL details. . Woods courtwilh expansion space on 2nd, terrace, dining room, paneled games fireplace - spacious dining room - modern room and large gardened site. $53,500 and HURRY. 881-6300. kitchen with breakfast area-lovely screened IMPRESSIVE ENGLISH CHARM porch and full basement. Oh! there are 3 An appealing and well maintained 5bdrm; .3lh MORAN-All new decor and a desirable FARMS location make this 6 bedroom bedrC)oms and attached garage. 2-YEAR-OLD English COLONIAL a terrific value. Kitchen built-ins and butler's pantry, GEORGIAN i bath larger home. 20' Sun Rm., Rec. Rm., 2'h car 20.9xI5.6 wOl;my chestnut paneled library and much more to see. 884-0600. garage. Ideal for the larger family. Looking for a 'spot' on the lake? Offering 114' plus COLONIAL ONLY $29,900 for spacious Woods BUNGALOW with 3 bedrooms, outstanding 16x20 a special dock with berths for 3 boats-rambling 591 CANTERBURY ROAD, BEAUTIFULLY MAINTAINED! family room, unfinished 4th bedroom, dining room and handy to bus, shops Colonial with over 10,000 sq. ft.-all paneling from GROSSE POINTE WOODS. A most comfortable .and roomy home with 4 • and schools. 881.6300. the Standish Baclru~ estate-3 master suites plus Elegant circular staircase bdrms .• 21h baths and Central Air. 21h car garage, J add a family bedroom and garage apartment-so with marble foyer, 3400 I no gal. HWH and well insulated. Located on tree i1~ENAUD ROAD-A rare find! Outstanding COLONIAL on nearly an acre of land- beautiful it's hard to describe-Call for details. square feet, finely appoint- I lined street in the Woods. ~~! 3 bedrooms and 2 baths up plu.'! large bedroom, bath and powder room down. ed interior design. Spa- r.i Library, Florida room, attached garage, central air and professionally decor- "Out of the Ordinary"-Located in the Shores-Per- cious kitchEn with custom 14'x16' FAMILY ROOM ~ ated throughout. We're pround of this offering-call for exciting details! 884-0600. t;,;~. :, fect house for couple or small family-Custom oak cupboards, 5 bed- 3 Bedrooms and H~ baths in the Woods. 2 car built for the present owner-2 large bedrooms, rooms, large library, first attached garage, :built in '51. Has 14.6 x 10 kitchen. ,~pELIGHTFUL WOODS RANCH with 3 bedrooms, lovely 18lhx151h family room, 11h story living room, family room that will h stone hearth, attached garage, occupancy at close and good value at $39,900. floor laundry. Many more 881.6300. 'knock your eye out'-overlooks super groundiS- features. Must be seen. ON NEWCASTLE everything is apple pie-a good one! Call for appointment. Neat as can be, a 3 bedro(}m ranch withnew rool DORTHEN-BeautifulJy maintained 2 bedroom RANCH with family room, 2 car 7lJ9 WESTCHESTER-Solid house with lots and lots No Agents and driveway. In Harper Woods. garage and nothing to do but move in. LoW 50's. 881-6300. of extras-Center Hall-lovely living room, dining OWNER room, paneled library .and -famliy room-Add 4 VACANT PROPERTY HARPER WO'ODS-Budget minded, but need more room? Don't miss this well kept 886-9339 Residential building site at Lake Shore and bedrooms, 2lh baths 'and a paneled recreation room 4 bedroom, 2 bath brick BUNGALOW in Grosse Pointe schools district. Great Eight Mile. 19' ~amily room ,plus basement rec ,room., 839-4700.. .' .. 'and. you have a superior situation-more det'and call it your own, it seems as if you had come into parmer- 1523 S. Renaud is an investment, not an expense,. 'and •.we can laundry. Lst floor master bedroom and bath plus a den or 4th bedroom. prove it! . 2 nice size bedrooms and bath on 2nd. Excellent decor. Central air. 2 car at. ship with the original proprietor of the tached garage. earth." 2186 Van Antwerp The intelligent marketing of.a house in our community Henry Ward Beecher is rapidly becoming more complex; property val. 1ST OFFERING-2 story residence on 70 foot lot. Walk to the Village shops. Center 1184 Wh ittier I ues changing almost daily, and a competent, hall. 26 foot living room with fireplace and built in bookshelves. Sunroom with Checl( your Sunday pa- I knowledgeable Realtor is your "insurance" that bookshelves. Updated kitchen with built. ins and breakfast room. Lav., 3 bed- pers for possible additions your best interests' are correctly represented. If rooms and 2 baths on 2nd plus a bedroom and bath on 3rd. 2 car garage. $59,900. you',ve read this far, and you ollgree up to this PURDY & TOLES, point, ask yourself why Strongman, Kelly &; Asso. 1ST OFFERING-Great Farms locat:on on Lake Shore Road. Close to shopping, JOHNSTONE & ciate3 are representing .more property owners and transportation and South High. Charming French residence with brick walled 889-0500 buyers than ever belore. garden. Newly decrated and new all wood carpeting. Reception hall with fire- JOHNSTONE place. Spacious living room with marble fireplace. Powder room. 3 bedrooms, Dedicated to representing you sitting room and 2 baths on 2nd. Bedroom and bath on 3rd. 2 car garage. Don't 889 - 0800 through knowledge and service. miss out on this one. THIS RANCH IN THE WOODS offers much more than you would think possible for OPEN SUNDAY 2- 5 $54,900. New kitchen. Cozy den. Family room. Two 14 foot bedrooms and bath. TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES 21838 VAN K,ot Completely finished Casement with paneling, storage closets and full bath. Possibly the most interesting and unique low Handsomely decorated, 2 car attached .,garage. The Gallery of Homes@ SO's home you can see this Sunday. And the fine location speaks for itself! This is the, NEWCASTLE-Colonial with 2 car attached garage on 60. foot lot. P.ass through type of home ideally suited for active, in- ~ 'hall to kitchen. 12x22 foot family room with adjoining patio. 1st floor lav. 3 king 735 LAKEPOINTE-OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M.-FIRST OFFERING-on beautiful terested families who need room for proj. size bedrooms plus a study or pass thru 4th bedroom. Air conditioning. Lawn Lakepoin!e just 3 b~ocks from the lake and marina. 3 bedrooms, 2 bath center ects as well .as entertaining both for adults sprinkler system. Approximately 2000 sq. ft. $64,900. entrance Colonial. built by Cox and Baker. Immediate possession. and the children. Come early; we expect a 1040 CANTERBURY-OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 P.M. Custom built contemporary one ELMSLEIGH-BuHtin 1974 by Mast this 4 bedroom 21/2 bath Colonial has lovely crowd! decor 'and £Cne carpeting throughout. Paneled family room with fireplace and owner home. 4 bedrooms. 2 full and 2 half baths, beautiful kitchen with built. ins, formica cabinets. love:y living room. super family room with natural fire. adjoining patio. Extra deep basement. 21, att. garage. Central air condition. IMPRESSIVE. Do your family and your wallet a ing. 108 foot lot. place Professionally landscaped yard. All large rooms. Let us show you this fantastic home today. favor. Don't buy a family sized house until you see this speCial offering. Although spacious (6 GROSSE POINTE WOODS-3 bedroom ranch. Eating space in kitchen. Basement is bedrooms, 31h balhs) there is also charm that paneled and has a rec. room with bar, a private office, a lav ,and furnace and 946 THREE MILE DRIVE-OPEN SljNDAY 2.5 P.M.-Don'l dream a dream-Buy only home, built in the late 2O'sseemed to cap- laundry rooms. 2 car garage. $47,500. one. Beautiful 4 bedroom, 2% bath Colonial with spacious rooms which include a family room, library. designer kitchen and king sized master bedroom. This ture. Remember when a really special hom~ had GROSSE POINTE FARMS-Cape Cod styled residence with 3 bedroom3 (master quality built home on beautifully landscaped lot is priced at $105,000.00. a front and back stairway, or- a landing. with a bedroom is about 19 feet) and bath on 2nd floor. 21 foot family room. 1st floor beautiful window that seemed to flood the stair- FOR RENT lav. Newer gas forced hot ar furnace. 2 car garage. 40x161 lot. case and hall with sunlight? If you ever prom- BEACON5FIELD near JEFFERSON-2 bedroom lower flat, $160.00 per month, heat, ised yourself that someday your family would ;DEVONSIURE-6 bedroom 311.1bath Spanish. slove and refrigeralorincluded, No children or pets. enjoy this type of life, someday just came! UPPER FLAT FOR RENT-Windmill Pointe location. Call for further details. ,STEPHENS-5 bedroom 3\0. bath Early American, WILLIAMSBURG STYLE- HARPER WOODS :KERBY-3 bedroom Colonial. New kitchen. 20575 WILLIAMSBURG COURT-OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 P.M,-3 bedroom. 1\"2 bath CONDO CONVENIENCE! $38,000 Townhouse with kitchen appliances included. central a ir and full basement. ;WASHINGTON-4 bedroom 211.1bath Colonial. Library .and family room. If there might bea condominium in your future, why Pet welcome. Only $37,500.00. not consider this' "best of the class" 2 bedroom, :BERKSHIRE-5 year old, 4 bedroom, 2112 bath Colonial. Family room and 1st floor sr. CLAIR SHORES Il;~ bath home. All the advantages of your own ,: laundry. Charming threc bedroom Ranch, new carpeting. new kitchen, new bathroom plus home ... without the disadvantages. The owner will consider an offer as they are moving South. :WESTBROOK CT,-5 bedroom 21/2 balh Colonial. Family room. new family room with fireplace. All brick with aluminum trim. Complete home I newly decorated. Act now; this is your rare opportunity to save :BALFOUR-3 bedroom Farm Colonial. Attached garage. thousands of dollars! DETROIT :Complete coverage of Grosse Pointe properties. Slop in or call our office and have BE INDEPENDENT-Buy this beautifully cared for 3 bedroom Bungalow with $21,500 AND IT'S GROSSE POINTE! : one of our full time sales aS50ciatc3 assist you in the sale or purchase of your finished recreation room and 21,\? car garage. Well worth your time to call us 3 bedrooms, two full baths, den, if this excites ~ home, locallr or nationally. for more details on this house. your interest, wait .til you find out how easy it is to buy! ' . HIGBIE MAXON TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES STRONGMAN, KELLY & ASSOC IATES "Rea Itors 11 The Gallery of Homes@ 83 Kercheval 886-3400 90 Kercheval 884-6200 889-0800 Members Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board

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. Page Twent)'.Eighf Thursday, April 28, 1977 .- G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E,W S ..U 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE U-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE .:<_,;.' FOR SALE FOR SALE FO.R SALE 48 DEPETRIS WAY-GROSSE POINTE FARMS' 4 bedroom colonial. Master suite on first floor. Thomas ANITA. - Grosse Pointe GROSSE POINTE WooDS- LAKESHORE DRIVE.Large CHAMPION Jefferson study, large studio ceiling family room, Woods Colonial, 3 bedrooms 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, cIder home beautifuUy reo pantry, laundry, 4 car garage. garage. call for appointment. No decorated, i~ulated, new 1036 BERKSHIRE - Unique Tri.level Colonial, four ' ACfIVE 882-5444 brokers. 881.S078. Toof, etc, $110,000. 882.5652. bedrooms, two full baths, half bath, spectacular DAVID WILLISON, BUILDER kitchen, dining room wHh beamed ceiling, green. .'. 884.2106 house, family room, den, 2 car atttached garage, '.' many other special features. $ PRICE REDUCTIONS $ OPEN SUNDAY 2 UNTIL 5 EXCEPTIONAL FOUR BEDROOM COLONIAL in beautiful condition, This newer home has 'all good SAVE $ SAVE $ SAVE $ FIRST OFFERING, 20434 Woodmont. Three bedr~m ranch, huge family room, features including a 23' family room, and first finished basement, beautiful 101, two car brick garage. Three sellers have recently reduced the prices of floor utility room, central air conditioning, at. their homes to show their serious intent. YOU CAN'T JUDGE a book by its cove!",. nor can rou know of the charm tached garage, and circular driveway. f this home at 1568 Brys Drive by drlYlng by. ThIS three bedroom bunga. save $4,000 on the five bedroom, three and a half IF THE FARMS IS YOUR LOCATION, a family fow offers a family room, an attractive wet bar in the basement, a homey house your need, and entertaining important, you bath French Normandy Colonial wilha modernized fireplace in a generous living room-all for only $41,000. kitchen, den, family room and a fireplace in the living must see thi! custom buill si¥ bedroom, four and room, and dining room. BRAND NEW JUST FOR YOU. 'Just off the lake 'at 6 Lakeside Court you a half bath house with family room and library. / ;.J will find a' center hall colonial with four bed~ooms and ~wo ~ath~. There 4S2 MADISON, Grosse Pointe Farms features 1445 DEVONSHIRE-Center Entrance Colonial. Cir. is also a step.down library, .living room, family room With. flrep.'ace and cular stairway leading to thtree large bedrooms, three bedrooms and one bath and a modernized new carpeting throughout. Attached garage and ready for qUIck occupancy. kitchen. This has been reduced $6,000 to $40,900. two baths. Living.dining room, famlly room, kit. ALSO ON LAKESIDE COURT at number 14 is a house less than one year chen with eating space. Attached office suite also , We've also had a substantial reduction on a three old Four bedrooms, two and a hall bat'!s, beautifully beamed cathedral useable as additional family living space. Dual bedroom ranch style home fronting on the Country c€il~ng family room with wet bar makes this home in which to invest purpose paneled library. waiting room with fire. ' Club Golf Course. Enjoy panoramic vIews from nine your n'est egg. A library with bookshelves and storage, along with pro. place. A most attractive offering at a most attra,c. . picture windows in the master bedroom, living room, fessional landscaping says this home. is ready for spring and you. tive price! • and Florida-dining room. This custom built home has the finest materials including extensive use of pecky 20256 LENNON. Excellent Harper Woods loeation. close to Eastland shop. A COLONIAL SET in BEAUTIFUL FARMS LOCA. cypress oand wormy chestnut throughout the beautiful GROSSE POlNTE WOODS ping, Grosse Pointe schools. Three bedrooms, one and one half baths, TION, has a library and study on first flOOT, l' recreation room. NEW HOUSE }'Iorida room. Priced in mid.$30's. Immediate occupancy. formal dining room, kitchen wilh breakfast area, five bedrooms and three baths. 568 Coventry, off Morning. 88~ PEMBERTON. An excellent, center entrance colonial on large lot, spa. side near Vernier road. cious living room with fireplace, formal dining room and . HANDSOME ENGLISH TUDOR with great space for ., Custom built brick, 2 fur- porch. Three large bedrooms, one and one half baths, two car garage family livingl Living room, dining room, library, , Danaher and Baer naces each with central with door opener, new furnace with central air, new roof and all new garden room, roomy kitchen, butler's pantry. air a~d electronic filters, , alum:num siding and gutters plus new drive. Priced in mid.$50's. Sweeping staircase to five bedrooms, three baths. REAL ESTATE 5 bedroom Colonial. Mar' , Separate stairway leading to tremendous recrea. , I ble foyer. spacious oak tion room with natural fireplace and bar room. , 84 KERCHEVAL ~tchen plus many other , "On The Hill" , . Priced in eighties. , features. Open Sunday 2 FIRST OFFERINGS , 885-7000 to 6. Builder. THREE BEDROOM RANCH on one of the nicest BEAUTIFUL RANCH adjacent to the Hunt Club. next door to the Shores. This Members Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board TU 41340 TU 4-2750 streets in St. Ciair Shores. Immaculate condition. I lovely home is in perfect condition featuring a family room with fireplace, Priced in the low thirties. Matching sto~e, refrig. - formal dinin/( room, Mutschler kitchen with breakfast area. two and one half eratoI', washer and dryer included. Call for an - baths plus a two and one half car attachec.1 garage. , - appointment. A STAND OUT three bedroom colonial with extra large kitchen ahd central air EIGHT FIRST OFFERINGS DENTIST OFFICES-two well planned suites with conditioning. ,In the Farms near schools, transportation and offered realistically private entrances. Woods location. Good parking. GROSSE POINTE VlOODS-A home on one of the Wood's most prestigious at $49,500. streets, everyone's been waiting for this super center entrance colon!al, BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE features include 3 bedrooms, H~ baths, family room, one wall all. bnck CHAMPION .including raised hearth natural firepl'ace, built-in gas grill, large kltc.he~, WHERE CAN YOU FIND a three berlroom brick bungalow, a family living area, Rachel Clark Shirley Kennedy updated corningware top ra~ge. bulUt-in ~elf.c1~anin~ oven, bUllt.m paneled, carpeted and fireplace in the basement, a large fenced lot, two and Sally Clarke Lorraine Kirchner Kitchen.Aid dishwasher, double stamless steel smk WIth disposal,. eentral one half car garage and in the Grosse Pointe school district? One call will Ann Dingeman Evelyne Rupp air electronic air cleaner, power humidifier, all copper plumbmg, reo give you the answer, Priced in the mid.$30's. Dorothy Healy Mary Walsh mo'deled rec room slate entrance foyer, professionally landscaped yard, all this and more: Call for your personal inspection today. YOUR WAIT WAS WORTHWHILE if you prolonged buying until just that right Catherine Champio.n; Broker farm colonial came along with four bedrooms and a library 'and family room. 884-5700 102 Kercheval GROSSE PClNTE WOODS-In the Woods we offer Ihis charming brick Ilk This one 1S in the first block off Lake Shore on Renaud Road and has a heated i story with 2 bedrooms on the main floor, an updated kitchen, finished • swimming pool, automatic sprinkler system and magnificent landscaping. It . l hasement with wet bar, garage, the second ,floor is heated for an may be purchased or leased with an option to buy. additional 2 bedrooms, call for more details! .! ON iMOST DESIRABLE Washington Road in the first block off Jefferson is this ., GROSSE POINTE WOODS-Perfect for the large family wanting an oversi~ed French .influenced colonial with four bedrooms. In addition to the living room lot with a spacious home, besides having a living room, formal dim~g 'and formal dining room there is a library and family room. Ready for im.'. i room, large kitchen and 3 bedr~oms, there is a cathedral.beamed family mediate occupancy. Schweitzer ~ room with raised hearlh Franklin stove, Ilk baths, A sewmg room, ! garage. BELOW OPEN SUNDAY, 2-5 FIRST OFFERINGS i i 1782 .KENMORE GROSSE POINTE WOODS-Everyone loves a brick ranch. OPEN SUNDAY, 2-5. Flowering t~~es and 1 1. This borne f~atures a large living room with natural fireplace, dining "L", R,.G. EDGAR graceful birches surround this lovely, new. : 3 bedrooms, enclosed heated Florida room, full basement with rec room er Colonial at 1445 Yorktown in the Woods. j J, and wet bar. This is an exceptional oUering, with 5 bed. I ~! rooms, 2lk baths, attractive fa~ily room ! 1744 ROSLYN GROSSE POINTE WOODS-The best buy on the market today & ASSOC-IA TES in a brick' colonial features include large living room, formal dining room, ;;~.~~~%~~1~r~I~~~r~~~~a:t~~~~~ Ja.. ! kitchen with eatm'g space, Florida room, 3 'bedrooms, rec room,. Ilk ~ar Real Estate 886-4200 ~ ga,rage .' assumable mortgage-6~~ % with paym~nts. of $2~8..lDc1udmg IJi"u ..-,.. ..f .. In.,,I:WSurance' 1"';'1\ fa" .v"u". .,..r ....nat.ilJ~pectipil~1 " ,)J'd_ .l.IlW, ~.'.. •• 'J i, I' -,y,)1 ;'J:"!n886.iJ010"0 r-eP¥.~/~DAY, 2.5. A beautif'P>:;njlint~iJt~~ t J i1~~.:-s'Bl:' 1,:1:': :: ""'tr., ['l"'I.'"TF.._"i>: ~,-J : ~,~'.\fo)IB'i\fl1ld ,ht1n :fln __ - •.• 1 .bod ol,j'uli t :a~9:nJa JC:5~1 J , v L, lir~I"Raneh at 2237 Stanhope 'in' the Wdods, 4.'i9KERBY~Locat~d in The'FarlftS,"this'brfck Hz";prjce4~tQ JjeU,Jast .• - .,. ':wlththree-'bedrootm::-llnd r:bll'SeIn1!nt~so~_. _. i. , \ featuted':ahNorrrta1 dfuing i'dom;iatge living.rdom wilh'.Jlatur.alJir~lace, well finished that you can't wait to give a FlorIda room, kitchen with eating space, 2 ,bedrooms, completely floored HOW SOON CAN YOU MOVE? .. " party! Well landscaped corner ,lot, new attic where you can have 2 or more bedrooms if desired, full basement. drapes and carpeting throughout. See it , central air, garage, priced at on:y $39,900. Hurry for this one!!! If you've been hoping to find a S bedroom all br~ck Colon~al to a.ccommodate your family but will not spend $36,000 or over font; NOW 15 the .time to make Sunday for sure! 1252 ROSLYN-A center entrance brick colonial, featuring large Iiv1ng room, your move!' Call us today and arrange to see this good value. Handy Woods 886-4200 form1ll dining room, 3 good sized bedrooms, Ilk baths, rec room, all this locati.on. Extras. and priced in the low $4O's. Call for more details. LARGER TWO.FA1dILY, with 3 bedrooms, full A BETTER WAY OF LIFE ' ,': dining room each unit. Rented for a total of 563 VERNIER-Charming is the word for this sharp brick ranch featuring for those who have reached that stage in life where 0e strai';l of ~adder chmb. $380 which would more than cover monthly large living room, natural fireplace, dining "L", kitchen with eating space, ing is not for you anymore, could be for you to investigate thIS .brick and ~one payments on available land contract. You full basement, gas FA heat, attached garage, built in 1950 and walk- one floor 3 bedroom home in Grosse Pointe Farms. Healthy radIant heat, bright should investigate this if you want income ing distance to the Sbores Park. cozy but large kitchen. Finished basement. All this for under $40,000. property in the Pointe. Full price, $27,500. 886-4200 FIRST OFFERING BELOW OPEN SUNDAY, 2.5 Three bedroom Colonial on Yorkshire. Surrounded by a friendly, 345 MOUNT VERNON-Choice location -in Farms, 3 bedroom colonial with 'alumi. this spacious home represents an opportunity to inv.est in. a convenient location This unusually luxurious French residence is just a num trim and in mint condition. Family room and lh bath on 1st floor, kitchen at 'an attractive price. 25 foot living room, modermzed kitchen, etc .... Con. short stroll from the Lake, and has such unusual .. has new flooring, new Formica counters and Formica pedestal table, dishwash. tact us today for complete details. features as a softly Lighted courtyard, a balcony -- er/disposal, pantry, new 75-gallon hot water heater, recreation room, new roof. lounge overlooking the spacious living room, a St. Paul's Parish and school. whirlpool bath in the master bedroom suite on ~- OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 - 5 the first floor. Three more bedrooms and a 19963 HOLlDAY-Star of the Sea area, all brick aluminum trimmed colonial, fea. lounge upstairs. Do call for an appointment to tures include large living room, natural fireplace, formal dining room, den FIRST OFFERING - 1430 BISHOP ROAD tour this most unusual home. and a plus-a screened and enclosed porch for summer enjoyment, new roof, 886-4200 2J,2car garage, gas FA heat, what more could you ask for? Only $53,9OO! Yes 2 extra first floor rooms, a separate breakfast room, kitchen built.ins, back stairway, 14.6'x 13' dining room, etc .... And th~se of you w~o Sturdy, roomy family home, and priced at just $11,900. 1829 ALLARD-Delightful is what the little woman will say about this super brick have been searching for that 4 bedroom 2lh bath home m earnest, will Four bedrooms, dining room, modernized kitchen colonial, features include formal dining room, ample.sized kitchen, family no longer doubt quickly recognize its outstanding value. Priced at $53,500. and bath, newer roof and hot water heater. Move- room, 3 bedrooms, recreation room with lh bath. 2-car detached garage, built Don'.t delay.! ' in condition in 1941, new carpeting, gas FA heat, value priced at $46,800. INSTANTLY APPEALING . 886-4200 20585 DANBURY LN, HW-Come and see this 4 bedroom, 2lk bath co~onial in the and once inside this 3 bedroom Colonial you will see why it deserves Its nicest area of Harper Woods. This is a private street, with ,white picket fences An exceptionally beautiful Georgian Colonial, with high value rating. Family room, new aluminum gutters. and downspouts, comp~etely authentic detailing of that gracious 'and New England type atmosphere. The home is maintenance free and great new roof finished basement 21h car garage, and a price that leads the for the person who wou~d rather play golf than mow grass. period. An older home that's beautifully main. competiti~n. Mid June .Poss~ssion. You won't regret seeing this one. 458 tained and completely updated ... fine heating McKinley is the p~ace. I BY APPOINTMENT. PLEASE system, well insulated, spacious and serene. Six GROSSE POINTE PARK-Impeccably clean and eieganUy decorated is the only bedrooms, 3lk baths, garden room, library. If yoa ",:,ay to describe this 4 bedroom, 2lk bath colonial located on one of the Park's have an appreciation of fine Colonial architecture, fmest streets. The home features many large closets and super storage space. TALL TREESWILL do make an appointment to see this outstanding The 18rge paneled family room with natural fireplace and solid oak floor over. form 'an umbrella of pleasing shade over this handsome home in the months home. . looks a love!y patio and beautifully landscaped yard. There are many features ahead. Its spacious lot though still leaves room for sun bathing or garden 886-5800 too numerous to mention. Please call today and make your appointment to see growing. 4 family sized second floor bedrooms, 2lk baths. family room, etc .... this executive's dream. good value at only $62,9ll0. Arrange your appointment by calling us today. GROSSE POINTE CITY-A lovely home that has to be seen to be appreciated, PLENiY OF ROOM OPEN SUNDAY, 2 - 5 Beautifully decorated, modern kitchen with Formica cabinets and counters, for you and the children to expand the hobbies or interest areas :n this charm. 16 CRESTWOOD, New Orleans Colonial near new flooring, dishwasher, disposal, nice office and lavatory in basement. 2-car ing 6 bedroom Early American newer Colonial priced at $94,500.. Secluded l~ca. Lakeshore Drive,. that's just 10 years old brick garage, new roof in 1974 4 bedroom brick bungalow with additional tion near the Hunt Club. First floor laundry. Many extras. FleXible possesS1on. and loaded with luxury. Master bedroom open space on 2nd floor for more bedrooms and bath or quarters. Come suite down. three bedrooms up. Excellent and see and make offer. - YOU'D BEAMAZED carpeting and drapes, 2112 car attached ga. at the amount of space inside this well cared for brick bungalow. Ex.: second GROSSE POINTE PARK-We are offering this spacious 5 bedroom (large), 2 full rage, circular drive, first floor laundry, bath brick home, living room and recreation room having natural fireplace, floor bedroom 28'x19'. In addition to the 3 bedrooms is a den, 14'xll'6", updated superb location. formal dining room, country kitchen, family room located near s{:hools and kitchen. like new carpeting, etc .... excelient value at only $29,900. 886-5800 transpurtation. Asking $49,000. . ALWAYS IN GOOD TASTE 1026 BALFOUR. Handsome cenler entrance ST. CLAIR SHORES-Located at "St. Clair on the Lake", we are offering this Its mellowed architecture sels the mood for a relaxing atmosphere. This Colonial with beautiful windows and door. exquisitely decorated Grosse Pointe type condominium. Just feet away from pillared newer Colonial home on a spacious lot is ideally suited for t~ose who way. A fine family home with the kind of Lake St. Clair, you may have living room dining room. kitchen, 2 bedrooms, desire a prestigious Grosse Pointe Park locat:on. 3 bedrooms, family room, roominess and charm that's hard to find at 2lh 'baths. central air, attached garage. In the low $60's. etc .... charming and priced only $64,500. any price. and this one is in lhe high 60's. Four large bedrooms, 2112 baths, Florida GROSSE POINTE F ARMS-E:egant center entrance rolonial custom built for PERENNIAL FAVORITE room, large closets. present owner by Cox & Baker unique floor plan adaptable to large or sm~ll Lovely Colonial set in choice Woods location-only 2 blocks to elementary or family, 4 bedrooms, library plus Florida room opening onto secluded patio, middle school ar.d library. The quality and charm of a by.gone era are found 886-5800 new Mutschler kitchen, features breakfast area and many unusual here in a condition that alows YOll to move in without requiring any work. :J 338 RIVARD $39,900 features, etc., etc. bedrooms. Priced at $46,500. Price reduced. Nicely remodeled farmhouse. GROSSE POINTE WOODS-Gracious luxury Cape Cod on a, circular 2168 ALLARD $44,900 stairway leading to 4 large bedrooms, 2 baths, living room, formal dining CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING 3.bedroom brick Ranch, finished basement. room, family room with natural fireplace, country kitchen, professionally fin. plus Ihe surrounding trees will allow you to be very comfortable this summer ished baS'Cment with wet bar, lavatory, central air, 2lk car attached garage. if your living in this charming 3 bedroom 'Ranch. home in the Woods. M~ny 886.4200 A truly elegant offering. other extras. Priced at $46,50[1.Arrange your appomtment today by contactmg one of our consultants. SHOREWOOD E. R, BROWN REALTY/ INC. Borland • McBrearty Schweitzer 'F ARMS OFFICE WOODS OFFICE 20431 MACK AVE., GR. PTE. WOODS, MI 48236 REAL TORS 886-5800 886-4200 , 886-8710 395 Fisher Road TU 6-3800 Members, Grosse Pte. Real Estate Board : MEMBERS OF GROSSE POINTE REAL ~STATE BOARD MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE BOARD Offices open 9 to 9 six days. Sunday 10 to 5:30. J

, ,.. r "'. . ".....- .- , • , "",., , Thursday, April 28, 1977 GROSSE POI NT E: NEW S Page Twenty-Nine 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE I 13-REAL rSTA TE I3-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE 110M E OWNE R S INSUR. ANCE Policy for your clos. ST. CLAIR RIVER - near Woods, 1364 Brys, brick Cape OWNER ANXIOUS FOR 458 MORAN ROAD, Kitchen WOODSIDE - Near Harper. COZY 5 room bungalow at FARM COLONIAL on S, Ox. Ing. Can Chesney Ihsurance River District' Hospital, Cod, 2 bedrooms, 1~ baths, OFFER Brothers built. 3 bedrooms, 3 bedroom brick ranch. 2174 Ridgemont. Just right ford for sale by owner, 4 ;Agency. 884.5337 for your large 3 bedroom 1 floor remodeled kitchen, 685 Fi~her, clean 3.4 bedroom 1'h baths, 21,2 car garage, Natural fireplace. Attached as a starter home or fot bedrooms, 2112 baths, living: quotation. home; 17'2"x31'6" living garage. Anxious. 886.1190. custom kitchen, 3 car ga. fireplace, screened porch. ' garage. Large lot. retirees. Price reduced to room, dining room, kitchen, , , room with fireplace. 3 large rage. 882.6862 or 553.9008. forced a:r gas furnace. Finished basement. $21.90(1for quick sa'le Yan. breakfast room. (a mil y , bedrooms; 2 baths; modern A NIEL' Open Sunday. birch t rim throughout. WILCOX 884-3550 chuk 822.2334 GROSSE POINTE WOODS, room with wet bar. center kitchen; 91' aot with steel ---- I . ------"--- 3 bedrooms, 11f.!bath Bun. IN -3 bedrnnm Many ex ras. By appomt. GROSSE POINTE FARMS- hallway. lot 12Ox115. New, breakwalI; 2450 sq. ft. liv. THE FARMS uv tIS d "5 881 galow. paneled recreation . Cu~onial. Family room with men on y. un ay .... . GROSSE POINTE WOODS- 418 McKinley, 3 bedroom in past five years: furnace, mg area with large attac~- 1 9378. room wHh wet bar and reo 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, living brick Colonial, 1'1. baths, central air, hot water heat- ed garage - $92,500. I HOUSE with 5 bed. doorwalI, I a r g e kitchen, _. ._ , _ I frigerator, 2 closets, TOWN er, roof, storms and screens breakfast nook. House reo OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 _ 372 room. dining room, kitchen, modern kitchen, paneled paneled m8$ter bedroom, finished basement, 2'1. gll. r-lay room, new carpeting, car pet i n g and drapes rooms .andI" 3 baths; fire. cently redecorated. Central Hillcrest, Bungalow newly air conditioned sun room, pacesI m Ivmg room and air, gas grOll, new rnnf, nelY rage. Call after 6 p.m 886. solarian kitchen floor, reo throughout and electrical ... uv decorated, 2 bedrooms up, booth, dishwasher ED SASS den. Exce IIent Iocation on garbage dl'sposal, eleclrl'c 8850. cenlly decorated through. wiring system. Call 8890226 1 R. d bl d T 2 bedrooms or deli down. 2 and double range, 2 12 car Ivar v. U 2.7848 garage door opener, Move. BEAUTIFUL _ Spotless - out. Open Sunday 2-5. 885. 01' 88.1.9582. aluminum sided garage, ft 5 30 full baths, new family room REALTOR a er : p.m. in condition. 882.9613. By Clean without do- _4_07_8_. $42,900. 886-6392. ------I with patio and gas grill. 13A-LOTS FOR SALE St. Clair Office 420 McKINLEY _ Grosse owner, Appointment only. Complete carpeting, main- ing a thing. Aluminum 0 G Phone (313) 329-9003 screens and storms. Have BED.P F R5 Db near t rosse2 GROSSE POINTE FAR'IS" ENGLISH TUDOR - 4 bed. PodinteF,afrms. BYI0~nler1": 1764 RIVARD -- New 4 bed. I atelunmanl.cneumf~l~del'ngw.irtoh naenw Marine City Office b of d to see to appreciate. Own. OInte, 51 asemen, .car CIOI'erl)' Road, 120' x 105', U garage. modern kitchen. rooms, 3 full ,baths, 2 half Phone (313) 765-4013 ' e room arm co oma, 7Z room 2~ bath ,famtly baths, den, finished base. room' lar"e Iivi~g room ~torms and screens. Close er. TU 2-8960 or TV 2.3555. CHAMBERLAI N I Charlevoix 100' x 120'. 882. baths, new kitchen, new I 1400. carpeting, newly decorated. ment, fully carpeted, 2 car lst f1~or d:n 2 car garage' to buses, shopping and 1377 WHITIIER-3 bedroom, 771 8900 I 1015 Cadieux, Grosse Pointe 646 FAlRFORD - Custom ga~age. Many extras. 886- la,rge aot. Op~n Saturday 0; schools. By owner, no 1'h baths, Colonial, excel. - ATIENTION: lnvestors, Park, 2 car attached gar- built 3 bedroom profoosion- 9Ou7or 885.8550. by appointment. Herbert D. brokers. $48,500. lent condition, new kitchen, BY OWNER builders. Prime two family age. Exceptional backyard, ally decorated ranc:h. 21121 GROSSE POINTE FARMS-- Ralph, Builder. 882.2823. BY OWNER _ Center en. $65,500. 885.9311. Open Sun. 2 BLOCKS FROM LAKE lot on Neff near Jef(erson. baths, family room, spa. day 2-5. NEAR GROSSE POINTE 75' bY 150'. Principals only. $64,000. By appointment. . hI Close to ViUage shops, I' trance Colonial Grand Ma- claus Mutsc er kitchen school, 1112 story, 4 bed. rais, 3 bedrooms, 2112baths. YACHT CLUB 885:~0~14. 882-6137. with new no-wax £loor, fin. GROSSE POINTE ------1 ished baosement with fire. room, 1~ baths, scree~ed CONDOMI N IUM library garden room, brick GROSSE POINTE WOODS- Inviting enlrance foyer com- GROSSE POI NTE Super 3 bedroom brick pliments 14x22 living room, CHOICE LOCATION on pri BY OWNER - 3 bedroom l'1ace and shower, covered porch, fireplace, recreatIOn . . I patio, central air. Excel. rear porch. $95,000. 881- room. wet bar, 2 car ga, 2 BEDROOMS, extra n:ce klt-, lent condition, After 6 p.m. Bungalow. Large family large paneled library, for. vate slreet neal' the lake, brick Bungalow. Garage, room with fireplace. Beau. mal dining room, outstand. enclosed porch. $21,500. TU 1842, rage. Open Sundays, 2'5., chen, carpet, centra1 air I 821-3464. Open Sunday 2.5 TU 4.0472. conditioning, gas heat, base. p.m, lilully decorated. Must be ing kitchen and breakfast $23,000. 884.0600. 6.8579. No Agents Please I ment, garage, parking. Only 1 . _ seen to appreciate. Low room, 3 large bedrooms. 2 JOHNSTONE ALL REASONABLE offers $55 month, See this hard to FOR SALE-By owner - 4 40's. 881.8557. Open Sunday large baths, full basement, & JOHNSTONE DETROIT BOND & MORTGAGE CO. invited. Brick 2 family 6,6 find. bedrooms, 2If.! baths, circu. 2-5. garage. thermopane CORNER' Laltestore-and Ros. windows, fine appointments, 882-3073 at 1346 Somerset, None GROSSE POINTE _ Lake- lar stairway, marble foyer, 3 BEDROOM BRICK bunga. well maintained. For ap. Iyn. 180'x153". Make oHer. better on the market! Yan. large kitchen with built.ins, Owner Anxious - Price Reduced to $46,900. 5 bed- pointe income 5-4, hot wa- family room with fireplace. low. Grosse Pointe Woods. pointment 886-1408. HO 6.7832. room,. 1% baths, living room, dining room den, chuk 822.2334. ter heat, deep lot. Out of Central air, burglar alarm, Central air, natural fire. 14-REAL ESTATE new kitchen with eating area. 787 Fisher in the state owner. smoke detectors, automatic place. dining room, dish. LAKE SHORE VILLAGE - washer, 2-car garage. Near Condominium 3 bedroom, City. Great family home. Call for an 'appointment GROSSE POINTE _ Way- door opener, sprinkler sys. WANTED' '. _ bus line. By owner. Ap. finished bas erne n t with CLIENT wants 2 (amily today! ' burn, near St. Ambrose, 5.5, tern. Large patio. Carpeted 3 BEDROOM pointment only. 884.3872. bath, new kitchen, air. $37,. house in Grosse Pointe. A nice clean 2 family. throughout. Grosse Pointe 000. Clubhouse facilities 822.2334 Yanchuk. 15227 COLON IAL Priced for qUick sale. Woods. For appointment GROSSE POINTE CITY - with pool. Occupancy by Kercheval. call 886-6262after 1 p.m. 3 bedroom, brick Colohial June 1st. Call after 7 p.m. 423 LEXINGTON-BY OWNER Near downtown

'l - ee an a . e sss sce.rcececc .•.••••.••••• 'd • Page Thirty G RO S S E POI, N TEN E W S Tnursday, April 28, 1977 20E-INSULATION 21G-ROOFING 21-I-PAINTING, 21J-WALL WAStflNG 210-CEMENT AND I 21 S-CARPENTER 21Z-LANDSCAPING & 21Z-LANDSCAPING & SERVICE I SERVICE PREPARE now for skyroc- DECORATING l< . MAINTENANCE Com BRICK WORK GARDEN SERVICE GARDEN SERVI<=J keting fuel bills while in. SPRING GROSSE POINTE PAINTERS, pany, wall washing, floor RYAN • Allies • Porch Enclosures EUROPEAN professional MICHEL PILORGET Land: !sulation eosts are reason. ROOFING DISCOUNT INC. cleaning and waxing. Free CO.NSTRUCTION G Additions • Kitchens landscaper.gardener. Roses, scaping. complete service, able. Insulation is blown in .240 lb. seal down shingles Painting interior - exter;or, estimates. 882.0688. • Commercial Buildings perennials formal, Japan planting, custom built flag: walls and ceiling;s from • Customer choice of paperhanging and paneling. 21 K-WI ....DOW Cement and Asphalt Work JIM SUTTON garden, terrace, patio, wall stone patios. 823-6662 . outside today - no mWl5 brands. color. Free estimates cheerfully J"II Drives • Patios • Floors (.are of house plants. Call or fuss. It doesn't cost, it .15 year guarantee. given. WASHING 1677 Brys Drive after 6 p.m. 882.2285. STUDENT. 6 years experl. Porches. Walks TU 4.2942 TU 2-2436 pa~ to insulate your home. SHORES CONSTRUCTION 882-9234 779.6823 I---C-A-L--L-E-B-S--&-S-ON--- Garages built or raised ------ence. reliable, dependable. Comfort at lower tempera. LAWN CARE, dependable, References available. Call- 884.5990 EXPERT PAINTING, paper Window cleaning. Fully in Free Est. • Prof. Work tures. Sudro Insulation Licensed • Insured reliable, call Tony. 775.8189 Bob at 881-4427. since 1948. 881.3515. SPECIALIZING hanging. l"ree estimates. G. sured. Reasonable prices CUSTOMCRAFT IN Van Assche. 881-5754. Free estimates. 772.9555. Construction Company LAWN MAINTENANCE - ROTO.SPADE your gard~n. 778-4271 469-1694 Grosse Pointe, high school Student will roto-spade up 21A-PIANO SERVICE ALUMINUM GUTTERS TEACHER. WRITER: paint. K.WINDOW Cleaning Com ---,---_._-- • student would like to do 10 1,000 square feet. $21}. COMPLETE piano service. New Roofs and Repalr Work. ing (interior. ex,lerior), pany. Storms, screens, gut. CASPER'S BUILDERS' For Estimate Call TV 1.8170. & REMODELERS your summer lawn work; 5 David, 823.1821. . Tuning, rebuilding, refin. wallpapering, plastering, ters, aluminum c1eanej CONSTRUCTION years experience in Pointes ishing. Me m be r Piano RICHARD WILLERTZ ceramic tile work. brick Free estimates. 882-0688. BAND C lawn care, cutting. • General Masonry & Additions,•Dormers • Spring clean.up Technicians Guild. Zech. 50 ROSLYN ROAD trimming, edging. $10 ave. work, and tu'ck pointing- G. OLI\UN Cement Work Uec. Rooms, Bathrooms • Lawn cutting Bossner, 731.7707. ANY SIZE roofs. renewed or most home decorating and WINDOW CLEANING • Concrele Drive & Walks Kitchens, New Homes • Fertilizing and seeding rage size lot. 3 college stu. improvement need3. Pro. SERVICE dents. experienced and de. PIANO TUNING and repair- repaired. Flat roof spe- • Driveways • Gardening fessional results without FREE ESTIMATES • FOWldations • 2 years ,owning own busi . pendable, also ferlilizing, ing. W 0 r k guaranteed. cialty. Muminum gutter Cuslom Garages and Doors Ihe expense. Experienced WE ARE INSURED • Stone Work shrub, maintenance, yaca. Member AFM. E d war d work. Call the rest and ness; reasonable rates; free with reference,. Available • Pre-Cast Steps tion cuts. 293.1556 or 779- Felske. 4656358. price the best. Service any. 372-3022 Free Estimales• and Planning estimates. Chris Seaver where, 7740547, 7556327. DAYS. Call Ray. 886-6395. • Tuck Painting • 882.6654. 4487. 21B-SEWING BROTHER'S PAINTING .(o'OURSEASONS • Porches & Patios FINANCING ARRANGED • Chimney Repair WM. FREEMAN Landscap. SUPERIOR MACHINE EUROPEAN EXPERTS MAINTENANCE CO. ROOFS and DECKS • Licensed, Bonded, ing .. Spring cleaJ.! up, l~wn GUTTERS AND Interior.Exterior, wallpaper. FOR THE VERY BEST IN • EXTERIORS CO . COMPLETE tune.up, $3.95, Insured se~vlce, ga.rdemng, tnm. LA WN SERVICE . DOWN SPOUTS ing, patching, plastering, WINDOW CLEANING, 881-1024 all makes, all ages. All WALL WASHING. 772.6430 - 463-0707 mmg, soddm~, hourly or GARDENfNG knowledgeable, parts stocked. 885.7437. Gutters cleaned and flushed window puttying, caulking. I New and Rfpair Work Free estimates. Good work. FREE ESTIMATES. contract. 754-2339. meticulous workmen. Servo EXTERIOR PAINTING ALL TYPE brick, stone, ALBERT D. THOMAS I 21C-ELECTRICAL Licensed ard Insured Reasonable prices. Gross~ b!ock. concrete driveways, INC . ing those who demand a Il'iSURED 871-19~5 'quality landscape. SERVICE ADVANCE M\INTENANCE Poi me references. Call po r c he s. w.aterproofing, I We arc general 'contractors. John anytime. THOMAS 779.6864 7763338 , 884-9512 A.OK Window Cleaners. Ser- new and repairs. One call takes care of all S & J ELECTRIC 368-5OlS ...... 0 'W~ .... OOw'!. tablished 1958. 371.3724. males. Reasonable and hon • Bed Work Men .... o.a.... Honor.d LkenM No. -121 n INTERIOR and exterior • Patios of any kind CUSTOM BUILDERS est. References. Call any - , • Bushes Trimmed 835-2835 "PORCHES A SPECIALTY" painting, all custom work time. European. Over 50 years and 3 genera. • 10 Years Experience MICHAEL'S Work guaranteed. Free es 882-1800 758.2846 tions of Qualily Construction • Sodding HOME timates. Dan, 839-0931. GRA' TOP Residential • Commercial • Licensed HANDY ANDY IMPROVEMENT PROFESSIONAL painting , L. VERBEKE CONTR. • Insured All Home Repair< EXTERIOR - INTERIOR Additions and Remodeling • Co'pen'ry • floors - C.,l. "'" Interior and Exterior Work papering and staining. Fre Drives • Walks • Porches o Free Estimales SALES AND SERVICE painting by experienced e • Plo,'.nnl, "a"~h"9& Wahpape""9 Painting, Varnishing. estimatees. John Sac co Patios • Chimneys • Tuck. 1S011 lCEKHEVAl •• ooh • Gwll,,, & f."c., college 5-tudents. Free esti 293-1875 293-5257 Design and Construction ... , .. Alt., - in ..,.. ,.,~ Wallpapering, Carpentry. Italian journeyman. 371. pointing • Basement Water- "" Wo,i11 Gvo,o,.,1Md mates. 822-3942 evenings. Our Specially TU 5.6000 Wood Staining & Refinishing 8988. proofing REMODELING C-.I -.. 526-"73--526-7014 Also Complete Boat KURT O. BAEHR 19 Years in the Poinlcs nOME BUILDING DAVE BARLOW Re.Finishing QUALITY PAINTIN'i No Job Too Small by 885-1900 CALL MICHAEL _ 8894iOO CUSTOM Painting and Deco- SERVICE Licensed Free Estimates rating. Wall pap e r i n g BIDIGARE BROS. INTERIOR- 885-4391 BROUGHTON Guaranteed. F r e e esti INC. POINTE ROAD SERVICE TOWING BUILDING, INC. I, mates. LA 1-4546. EXTERIOR B R I C K, block, fireplaces, 20 years professional Ex~ra rooms, dorm~rs, attics, LIQUI D Jlen' 5 ~erbirel1ter, c3Jnr. porches. All types of reo kltehcns, recreation rooms. • New Additions R. & T. PROFESSIONAL experience I 15302 I. J.ff.rson .1B•• consfi.l. • Family Rooms painting, interior and i!X pairs. 30 years experience. Licensed and Insured FERTILIZING /"'"0 MATT FLETCHER 774.9032. Remodeling loans to $7,500. '- '1 • Fireplaces terior, wall papering. Fre ~ U51 Buckingham TV 6.6102 822.5434 • Masonry Repairs estimates. 462 Roland , Ko down payment. 10 years I • Complcte Lawn Care • Commercial Remodeling Grosse Pointe Farms. 882 MICHAEL'S VALENTE'S to pay. • Power Raking Licensed Insured 4586. HOME IMASONRY SERVICE 772-5715 TU 1.698111. Crab.grass Conlrol SERVICINC THE CROSSE POINTES 293.7951 293.2557 I. ----- LETo-----I. Liquid I:-awn Fertilize FOR OVER V1 CENTURY ,;.=;==:;;::=-======; INTERIOR and exterior IMPROVEMENT Masonry and roof repairs, BUILDING CmlPANY • Lawn DIsease and . . ' tuck pointing, chimneys, painting and paper hang Since 1911 ! Fungus Co~trol En" Styl, 01 F,,,~. Intcno~ ~nd Exte~JOr, Work, porches: waterproofing, ceo ing. Reasonable rates, 30 Custom Building Lawn Cuttmg P~ogram HALL'S Pamt:ng, Varmshmg. ment Licensed-Insured. 18 1. ,reef,d lor yo. years experience. Ray Bar r'amily rooms our speci:,l1y, Free l~wn analYSIS by our Home 1mprovement nowsky, 371.2384 after 6 WalIpa~e~ing. Car~e~try. year; in The Pointes. Rea. Wood Stamlng & ReflDlshing. sonable 881'{)5

gulters and awnings, I il'lcl"i". CALL US for your paintin g Re-Flnishing IMAGINATIVE design and --HARRY SMITH wrought iron railings. CALL MICHAEL - 889-04(J6 quality construction of all 886-4194 Ch,in Link AII.Ste.1 ,nd . needs. College students BUILDING CO. - -.------. alumlnum storms and References. Frce estimates ------type, oC patios by: . JIM ESSIAN specia~izing in Established in TREE PROBLEMS? Expert Ru.tic Styl•• • screens, carpentry. I Call Rene 881-5811, Stev e Grosse Pointc Area S;nce 1937 trimming and removal at • 884.2519. exterior painting offer,; NC • Licensed & Insured ------quality, abWty to pJea,e. PATIO MAGIC I . ResidE'ntial and Commercial very reasonable rates. Free . ANDY KEIM, DECORATO R 25 years of ,service in . Remodeling estimates. Call evenings as MEHLENBACHER FENCE CO. . Free Estimates 10403 HARPER RESIDENTIAL, INDUSTRIAL . -Professional painting an d Grosse Pointe area. ReSi'I"ASk about our antiquated Alterations and Maintenance we arc out on jobs daily. " 777-7665 wa!lpapering. Free est i. dent of Farms. 882.1512. brick." New Con~truction North Eastern Tree Service, mate. References, 881.6269. Prompt !'eply and service. 776-3338 779.6864 885-3900 885.7013 264.7092. = . t

1i.i _!.o.,.""".:l~~~.:!.:~"l.!!•.stm:H meer 'h..>'.:4>~L.u.a:.~.~~~ ~...,.~= _~"&It", L.:.., lE:!ZrlV D • U' •. tF 0eC=wW nirC t rz , Thursday, April 28, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirty-One

MOON RISES 3O.YEAR TENURE ~PT Reports Good Seats Choir's Bus Vandalized Pointer Charles R. Moon SomE'ones p rayed black . . has been elected to the board Frank Cody, a former De- VILLAGE OF salo.the bus, whIch was park. of directors of Douglas and troit School superintendent, 8:emain for 'Cuckoo's Nest' paint on a bus belonging to ed m the rear lot of the . the Howe Military School, church was the recipient of Lomaso~ ~o., a ":lanufactur. served as a member of the GROSSE POINTE SHORES . Good seats are still avail s~~w c.ome irom 13 commu. whose boys choir was per- obscenities at the front and er of oTlgm~1e~U1pmentfor State Board of Education able for the GrOSse Pointe n t f longer than any other person Theater's (GPT), production lIes 10 southeast Michigan. I orming at Saint Michael's rear and on both sides. the automabve mdustry. MICHIGAN Qt. "Qne Flew Over the . The lead role of McMurphy Epis~opal Church, 20475 The choir, which comprises Cuckoo's Nest." IS played by Robert Bowen Sunnmgdale, last weekend. 30 voices and is composed of of Whittier road. He made hi~ The incident, which was re- GPT's s e con d Showcase GPT t d b boys in grades five.12, were NOTICE OF l'h eat e r presentation run sage e ut last spring, ported on Sunday, April 24, guests of the parish. The CITY OF s ".1ednesday.Sunday. April 27 as tJ.l~ Re~. ~nderson in "The was investigated by Woods school is located in north- ~~' Devil s DISCIple." Officer Ronald Hayden, He eastern Indiana. PUBLIC SALE May I, at the War Memorial's Dean Erskine, of S1. Clair Fries Auditorium, 32 Lake Shores. a versatile stalwart ~rn!il1r'nintr 111armli Notice is Hereby Given, in accordance with spore road. of GPT for more than 20 MICHIGAN the provisions of Ordinance 130 of the Village '. Because the regular sea years, plays Chief Bromden. of Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan, that a son is a near. sellout, many Nurse Ratched, all sugar CITY OF Public Auction will be held on the 14th day people have Incorrectly as and spice and evil, is pOT_ NOTICE OF HEARING sumed tickets .are equally trayed by Mrs. Robert Shea of May, 1977 at 9 a.m. The Public Sale will scarce for "Cuckoo's Nest," of Detroit.' , be held at the Municipal Garage, 795 Lake GPT reports. Such is not the She is well remembered by' ~rnlilir 'niutr IInnbli Zoning Board of Appeals Shore Road, Grosse Pointe Shores, Michigan. case. GPT audiences for her per- "Apparently, quite a few of formance as Mama Rose in' MICHIGAN Notice is hereby given that the Zoning The following items which have been un- our regular palronsare shy- "Gypsy." Board of Appeals will meet in the City Hall claimed or abandoned will be disposed of in ing away because they think The key supporting roles of '. ' , NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN that the second at 90 Kerby Road, Grosse Pointe Farms (885- compliance with said Ordinance. this show is heavy or depress Harding and Billy are played 6600) on inll," .says director Joyce respectively, by John Peter: Council Meeting in May is rescheduled to $chultheiss, of Port Huron. son, of Detroit and Ciro Thursday evening, May 12, 1977, ;)t 7:30 p.m. . "They're w r 0 n g. And Vitale, of Roseville. Both are Monday; May 16, 1971 Bicycles they'll be .sorry they missed veieran GPT members who o'clock in the Council-Court Room of the it." have appeared in many plays at 9:00 p.m. to hear the appeal of Mr. B. Towar, Mtr. Helmets Mrs. SChultheiss points out and musicals. Municipal Building., 20025 Mack Avenue. Fur- owner of the premises located at 332 Stephens eye. that the powerful play, an ab Other Pointers in featured ther information may be obtained by contact- Road from the denial of the Building Depart- sorbing portrayal of llie in a roles include Jon Hart, of ment'to issue a Permit for the construction of Bus. Mac'hines mental hospital, ili hilariously Roslyn road. James Hughes, ing the City Clerk's office at 884-6800, exten- a lavatory addition which would be located funny almost as often as it is of Trombley road, Hervey sion 28, Monday through Friday between the either at the rear or side of his home at the ptofoundly moving. Parke, of Harvard road, and Solex Bike hours of 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. foregoing address. The final location of ~uch "It ends on an optimistic Mrs. Jesse Vi'llegas, of Lin- . proposed lavatory addition shall be determmed nole. People will find they've ,coInroad. at the Public Hearing. Such permit issuance Household IJems become very involved with The play's producer is John the characters-without being Guadagnoli, of Detroit. The City Administrator-Clerk was denied for reason that the residence lo- 'preached to. . stage man age r is Nick cated on the foregoing premises is non-con- Misc. Items .' ~'More ~mportant. this is Tharenos, of Whittier road, Chester E. Petersen forming for reason that it projects into re- simply a great play. It's not and technical direction is by quired open 'rear yard space in violation of Joseph Vitale done all that often,' but it's Richard Vreeland, of Audu. 4-19-1977 the provisions of Article XIII, Section 1300 of Chief of Police and Fire undoub~y one of the best bon road. the City's Zoning Ordinance, and in accord- written plays to come along Seats may be reserved by ance with the provisions of Article XV, Sec- GPN-4-28-1977 in. this half of the century." calling the GPT box office at tion 1502, Item 4-A of the City's Zoning Ordi- 'Besides her in t.i mat e 881-40<».Tickets also will be knowledge of the play, Mrs. ,available at the box office nance, no such structure may be enlarged or Schultheiss brings a lifetime before performances, except structurally altered unless a variance is grant- of theater '~xperience to the Saturday. April 30. ed. CITY OF job of director, .With GPT, Curtain time :is 8:3() p.m. she played the lead female April 27-30,and 7:30 p.m. on NOTICE OF If the location is determined to be at the role in "Who's Afraid of Vir. May 1. rear of the home, the Board will consider the ~rnslir 'niutr 111arms ginia Wod1f?" and directed BUDGET HE~RIN'G granting of a further necessary variance to two previous musicals. Pointer Gets the provisions of .Article XIII, Section 1300 of MICHIGAN She points out that "Cuck. the Zoning Ordinance, for reason that the pro- , {¥}'sNest" :is unusual. fresh CITY OF : t~eater and very different Good Reviews posed addition would further project into the NOTICE OF HEARING • from the hit movie. The play required open rear yard space of thirty feet. was first produced in 1963. Dennis Bailey, formel'ly of ~rnssr 'niutr Zoning Board of Appeals '.."People react very posi. Renaud road, is home from The Hearing will be public. Interested tively to it today," Mrs. New York and getting rave property owners or residents of the City are Notice is hereby given. that the Zoning Schultheiss says. "It's not reviews. He is appearing at Notice is hereby given that the budget invited to attend. onlythat people have-corne to Meadowbrook in a produc- ~oard of Appeals will meet in the City Hall accept the occasional drama. tion of "Dames At Sea." of the City of Grosse Pointe for the fiscal year, at 90 Kerby Road, Grosse Pointe Farms (885:' lic--Use of strong language. Mr. Bailey was graduated July 1, 1977 through June 30, 1~78, will be 6600) on .. What really happened is that from Austin Catholic 'Prep in Richard G. Solak the play is recognized now as 1971, and took up dramatics considered at a Public Hearing to be held 'in CITY CLERK AND SECRETARY Monday, May 16, 1977 a brilliant, timeless piece." at Marygrove. He then earn. .the Council Chambers, Municipal Offices, ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS .,,The cast and crew of the ed a scholarship with New .at 9:00 p.m. to hear the appeal of Mr. John A. York's Circle in the Square ~7147 Maumee Avenue, at 7:30 P.M. on Mon- Fleming, Jr., owner of the premises located at Theater. . day, May 9, 1977. The budget will be available GPN-4-28-197? 408 Manor Avenue, from the denial of the NHGirls Top The production of "Dames Building Department to issue a Permit for the At Sea," which opened on for review during regular office hours at the L'! .l--e ere'us Thursday, April 21, ;runs construction of a family room additlon to. the ~ "., e ;unm,'~una.~y;~.Ml\~,2~.,.:;I;h,e r'Dffice of the Cit~<: Cl,e:rk, ,beginning Maw ' 2.- .r~r;~of. ~:~.6'~e .at. the-'t~,~!i!~~i~:~~~r~.;\ .pl".nd. ~fJliiill~ii:cejved . 1°77... .~; '. ,;. ' o. ~! ..: it.: SU'ch"permIt :"ls5u'ance was. demed:for reason, .By, #:1ll!~iUri'. ,.~; 'ra~fab're' ~8tices)iJP>iit1~be. ....~ .. ',' ~ 7 ... ~.-.::" \,:,..:;--", .t"';"":.:. 'thilt 'the.rre~id~ce' .located' ~'on•Jn~,rforegoiriir The North High School girl,s troit daily papers. . CITY OF Irackteain defeated ' L'Anse Other productions in whid! Thomas W. Kressbach premises is non-conforming for reason that it Creuse, 84.52,on Wednesday, Mr. Bailey has been involved projects into required open side y.ard space in /spril 20. North received 10 include playing leading roles City Manager-Clerk violation of the provisions of Article XIII, Sec- .04t of the 14 first places. in "Godspell," "Promises ~rnllllt 'niutt 'ark tion 1300 of the City's Zoning Ordinance, and .-:'Reciplents of these first Promises," "Oliver" and GPN-4-28-77 in accordance with the provisions af Article .i!.lace'swere' Karen Stoeckel, "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's MICHIGAN XV, Section 1502, Item 4.A of the City's Zon- discus, Marie Zapytowski, shot Nest." ing Ordinance, no such structure may be en. put, Jeannette Howard, two larged or structurally altered unless a vari. mile J'un, plus the 880 relay N'OTICEOF learn of Maryjo Rauch, Pam Notice of Last Day of Registration ance is granted. 'stewart, .Karen Fields and The Hearing will be public. Interested Janet Fisher. ANNUAL BUDGET Other winners were Maryjo Of the Qualified Electors of property owners or residents of the City are 'Rauch, lIO-yard hurdles, Jodi HEARING invited to attend. .srout, high jump, Heidi Fach, The Grosse Pointe Public School System; .one mile run, Suzanne Stahl, A public hearing will be held in the Mu- 88O-yardrun and Pam Stew- Wayne 'County, Michigan Richard G. Solak nicipal Building, 15115 East Jefferson Avenue, ,art, 22G-yarddash. CITY CLERK AND SECRETARY .•Two school records were For the Annual Election To Be Held on May 9, 1977, at 5:30 p.m., at which time the broken at this meet. Janet ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS :Fisherbl'oke the 440-yard On June 13, 1977 City Council will hear suggestions regarding GPN-4-28-1977. r.Un record with a time of TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID SCHOOL DISTRICT: the proposed budget of the City of Grosse ,63,5. The mile relay team consisting of Heidi Fach, Sue PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Annual Election of The Grosse Pointe Public Pointe Park for the fiscal year July I, 1977 to 'SChmitt, Janet Fisher and School System, Wayne County, Michigan, will be held in said School District on June 30, 1978, which in summary is as follows: .Karen Fields broke the stand- Monday, June 13, 1977. - .fig school record set in 1915, THE GROSSE POINTE 'ot. 4:28.8. The mark was Act 269, Public Acts of Michigan, 1955,as amended, provides as follows: lowered to 4:20.1. BUDGET REQUIREMENTS PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM "The Inspectors of Election at any annual or special election shall : ' The team's record this sea- Administration and General $ 374,800 son is HI in Bi-County play not receive the vote of any person residing in a registration schf':.l SPECIAL NOTICE .and 3-1overall. The girls next district whose name ~s not registered as an elector in the City or Public Safety 1,106,000 Township in which he resides ... " •m'eet is Wednesday, May 4, Parks and Recreation 150,700 ABSENT VOTER BALLOTS against South Lake at North. THE LAST DAY on which persons may register with the Clerk of the Township or City dn which they reside in order to be eligible to vote 'at said Annual Election to Public Works (See Note) 1,241,000 ANNUAL ELECTION be held on June 13, 1971,is Monday, May 16, 1977. Persons registering after 5:00 Employee Pension and Insurance 399,500 Village of o'clock P.M., Eastern Daylight Time, on said Monday, May 16, 1977are not eligible MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1911 GROSSE POINTE to vote at said Annual Election. Contingency 80,000 SHORES Capital Improvement Appropriation 33,000 'Registered qualified Electors of The Unedr the provisions of Act 269, Public Acts of Michigan, 1955,as amended, regis. Grosse Pointe 'public Schoal District who ex- 795 Lake Shore Road trations will not be taken by school officials, and only persons who have registered Highway Fund Appropriation 65,000 Grosse Pointe Shores as general electors with the appropriate city or township clerks of the city or town- pect to be absent from the District, or who. " Michigan ship in which they reside, or through registration at a Secretary of State Driver's TOTAL REQUIREMENTS $3,450,000 are confined to .home or hospital by illness or License Bureau, are registered school electors. Persons planning to register with a disability may apply for Absent Voter Ballots Notice of city or township clerk must ascertain the days and hours on which the clerk's office is open for registration. REVENUES daily, Monday through Thursday, 8:00 a.m. Regular Village to 4:30 p.m., Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. be- Spring Election Registration of unregistered qualificd electors of the School District will be received Property Tax $1,855,000 at the following places: ginning Monday, May 16, 1977. 'TO THE QUALIFIED Miscellaneous Revenue 1,482,000 1. Residents of the City of Grosse Pointe Park shall reEisterat the office of the ELECTORS OF THE VIL- Appropriation of Surplus 53,000 LAST DAY FOR RETURN OF ABSENT LAGE OF G R 0 SSE Clerk of the City of Grosse Pointe Park, 15115East Jefferson Avenue, City of POI N T E S H 0 RES, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. Federal Revenue Sharing (See Note) 60,000 VOTER APPLICATIONS IS WAYNE AND MACOMB SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 1917 COUNTIES; 2. Residents of the City of Grosse Pointe shall register at the office of the Clerk TOTAL REVENUES $3,450,000 of the City of Grosse Pointe, 17150Maumee, City of Grosse Pointe, Michigan. FROM 9:00 A,M. TO 2:00 P.M. . Notice is hereby given 3. Residents of the City of Grosse Pointe Farms shall register at the office of the EMERGENCY ABSENT VOTER APPLI- that the regular Vmage NOTE: Estimated Federal Revenue Shar- Election is to be held in Clerk of the City of Grosse Pointe Farms, 90 Kerby Road, City of Grosse Pointe CATIONS (those instances where it is im- Farms, Michigan. the Village of Grosse ing income in the amount of $60,000 is pro- possible to file an application for Absent Voter Pointe Shores, Wayne and 4. Residents of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods shall register at the office of the grammed to partially finance the cost of Street Ballot by the statutory deadline outlined . -Macomb Counties. Michi- Clerk of the City of Grosse Pointe Woods. 20025 Mack Avenue. City of Grosse : "gan. on Tuesday. May 17. Pointe Woods, Michigan. Lighting which is included in the Public Works above) may be made on Election Day, June. : 1977. for the purpose of 13, 1977 from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00. P.M. , electing the following of. .5. Residents of the City of Harper Woods shall register at the office of the Clerk budget. ficers: of the City of Harper WOOds,19617 Harper Avenue, City of Harper Woods, All Absent Voter Applications must Michigan. The complete proposed budget will be 3 Trustees for be returned to the Administration Building, available for public inspection at the City Regular 2 Year Term 6. Resident.s of the Township of Grosse Pointe shall register at the office of the The Grosse Pointe Public School Buildin, 389 Clerk of the Township of Grosse Pointe, 795 Lake Shore Drive, Village of Grosse Clerk's office in the Municipal Building for St. Clair. You are further notified Pointe Shores, Michigan. that the polls are at the the week of May 2, 1977, during regular office MARKED ABSENT VOTER BALLOTS This Notice is given by order of the Board of Education of The Grosse Pointe Public Vemier School, 36 Vemiet hours. MUST BE RECEIVED BY 4 P.M. ON JUNE !;load, .and that the polls School System, Wayne County, Michigan. 13, 1977 at 389 St. Clair Avenue. will be open from 8:00 Dated: April 4, 1977 a,m. until 8:00 p,m. Day. N. Ortisi light Time. Melissa B, Maghielse J, MELISSA MAGHIELSE, Secretary City Clerk Secretary GROSSE POINTE Edmunl M. Brady, Jr, Board of Education BOARD OF EDUCATION Vilfoge Clerk GPN 4-28-77 GPN-4.28 an,l 5-12.77 'GPN-4.28-77 & 5.5.1977 GPN-4-28-1977 and 5-12-1977

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Page Thirty-Two 6,ROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, April 28, 1977 '. * * * * Feature Page * * *- * Pointer of Interest Short and to II From Another Pointe of View J flJ-Utnfe (Continued from Page 21) The Pointe In 1971, the club started the Michigan Polar~ Counter Points Equator Trail, the scenic/historic route following (Continued from Page 17) the 45th parallel, half-way between the North Pole By Pat Rousseau Among those cited at Wil- and the Equator. across the state. liam Beaumont Hospital's an. Walton Pierce summer stock is basically com- nual awards dinner was ogy, and CHARLES M. plete . . . come see the selection of dresses, sports- Joyce Schultheiss agreed to MIROSLAV POUUK, M.D., JOHNSON, JR., of Stephens chair the workshops commit. wear, lingerie and beach wear. Don't forget the en- of Hampton road. Dr. Poulik road, and R q BE RTF. tee. As an ex.CTAM presi. tire Posh line arrives at Walton-Pierce, Thursday 'lVasrecognized for five years' CAIRNS, of Shoreham road, dent, she knew people all and Friday, April 28th and 29th. Informal modeling service 1.0 Beaumont. Bachelors of Science in Man. over the 'stale: what they 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Posh representative will be on agement. wanted, what they could of. hand to help you with your special orders and as Receiving d e g r e e s from fer, whose talents to call upon you know they are very reliable. Those of you who Oakland University in De. DEB 0 R AH FEDORUK, to get what was wanted of. like the quality fabrics and workmanship will real- cember were ANNE M. LEIT. daughter of MR. and MRS. fered. HAUSER. of Audubon road, TED FEDORUK, of Cadieux Joyce's is a major job, and ly enjoy putting your Posh look together for sum- road, has been accepted by mer. Bachelor of Arts in Psychol. she has a hard-working as. the Atlanta School of Fashion sistant chairman. You can't * * • Friday afternoon, 'May 6, and Des i g n. The Grosse do everything, and Joyce is Remember "J11om" on Sunday, wilh registration. There's a Pointe South High Sehool 1I0t only workshops chair. graduate has completed two May 8. Choose a card and combine it dinner scheduled that eve. man: iShe's directing "One ning for the CTAM board, an years at Kendall SchOol of with one of her favorite things . . . Design. Flew Over the Cuckoo's Hummels, Lalique, Herend porcelain optional buffet in the Crystal Nest." Ballroom for anyone else -at. Mae had been preparing or a piece of chic summer jewelry tending, .a "Meet the Gandi. CYNTHIAJOAN HALTER, from the Squirrel's Nest, 19849 Mack. for her job before she even dates" session, primarily for daughter of the DAVIDHAL. dreamed of it. CTAM holds * • • voting delegates, and enter. TERS, of Three Mile drive, a fall convention each year Pineapple, Lettuce, Sky Blue-three .new glaze tones tainment: a .performance by is among 31 DePauw Univer. at Bo~ne Highlands. The on oak for your personal selection Ill.Wood.Mode cabinets. Photo by Tom Greenwood the CTAM scholarship win. sity students studying this Gal1aghers have been going Antique White glaze also. A Dew ud pretty look' for a MAE GALLAGHER, OF HAMPTON ROAD ner and a mime presenta. semester in DePauw's special ------international program at the to that for about 10 years, "garden kitchen;" See samples at Mutschler KitchellS, Z02Z7 I Hon. Mae's no stranger to spring Mack Avenue. By Janet Mueller started in the fall of '71. Mrs. The Big Day is Saturday, University of Freiburg, Ger- You'll never get her on the stage. "I came in many, conventions, either;. she'd a~- ,Gallagher, who had gone to May 7. After registNltion. tended one in Port Huron; . • • • the back door, because my husband wanted to join," national convent'ions, knew (for those who didn't make it (> $ (> and one in Battle Creek m Charterhouse & Co.. is now Mae Gallagher, who has two Grosse Pointe Theatre the possibilities: "There's on Friday), an!! '8 continen. D I ANN E THOMPSON, 19}5, and last year, knowing' buying gold jewelry, diamonds, "Clarences" to her credit, admits. It's Tom who is our own National Center, and tal breakfast, the group will daughter of the EVAN L. that Grosse Pointe would be pearls, precious stones and sterling the family ham. "Unfortunately, when they found there's the Cabana. in Mex. split' up into workshops on THOMPSONS.of Bishop road, the convention scene this' silver holloware. Bring in your entire out he was a builder, it was into sets .. ' ." ico . . . and there's the topics ranging lrom How to' a senior at Williams College, year, she was, of course in' collection or just selected pieces that That "unfortunately" is, of Chalet .. ." Attract an Audience to Get. conceived and directed an Saugatuck. ' " you wish to sell. Because of a special course, an exaggeration. It's critical props is a salami Where's the Chalet? ting the Beginning Actor on ori~inal student production "They're all the same ~' demand in the marketplace now, Chartelhouse & the way theatre people tend ,banging on the inside of a "In Switzerland." IStage to. Elocution, Direction whIch was performed rece~t. except that each one is dif. Co, is able to pay very high price5 for l~rger size to talk, said with a smile and closet door. Mae saw to it Switzerland I "That' 't" and BaSiC Sta~e Movement. ly at the Adams Memonal ferent" a look in the eyes that says, I. " S I. One group WIll concentrate The a t rein Williamstown, . stones. For those not selling, a complete appraisal that each time that door sa d Mae s. Scouts, "and ,set on 'administration. Another, Mass. "Stasis in Darkness" A Taste of Honey service is offered. All these services are available "You know I'm putting you, oPened, it opened on a real, about eammg a percentage the Technical Workshop will and Tom, on," is a dramatic rendition of Each theatre and each to private owners, banks, and estates ... Charter- redolent salami. of the money that ~ould take meet in GPT's Scene Shop in poems from Sylvia Plath's community has its own 'fia. . house & Co., 16835 Kercheval in the Village, 885- Tom has three Clarences Her first Clarence ca'me in them th~re. ~hey. went pver the old Carriage House at the "Ariel" and portions of her vor. which determines the' 1232J of his own: one for "Worker 1971-72, for producing "Fid- for the fIrst time m 1974. War Memorial where show novel "The Bell Jar." Di. convention's flavor. Grosse' of the Year" -(1967-68)and dler on the .Roof," and last Mae love~ to tNvel. So does is a natural accompaniment anne has been active in the Pointe's, Mae believes, will. * • • two for Best Technical Di. autumn Tom -and Gal. Tom. The~ ve taken seve~al to tell. Tom Gallagher's theater throughout her four taste very, very good A new experience in travel, com- rector, (1968-69olllld1973.74). lagher 'and two other ,Grosse Grosse Pomte War MemOrIal method of making fllits by years at Williams. "CTAM came here in : bining the birth of our nation in You'll have figured out by Pointe Theatre couples went tours. and enjoy~d them all, stretching muslin across a • '" '" uary to see. what our faclli. ' MIL, Colonial Virginia and Philadelphia now that Clarence i1s the down to The Fisher to see the especIII~I~,the fir,st one, t,~ wood frame, then painting on Notre Dame High School ties were and to look things, and the beauty of Shenandoah, Blue Grosse Pointe Theatre's eqUi- original "Fiddler," Zero Greece... That w~s perfe,ct. it. 'promises to be a demon. senior THOMAS M SULLI- over. Our War Memorial, Ridge and PennsylvaJ'lia Dutch coun- valent of Oscar, The statu- MOltel, in the role he m8de ;rhey VISitedM~es relatives stration highlight. VAN, of Brys drive,' received really impressed' them. And. fI famous. 11l England durmg a London M' h' M 't try. $524.00 each, double occupancy, one week ettes are awarded at the end . trip ae s opmg