Hale's Self Serve J W .Iia L

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Hale's Self Serve J W .Iia L -A. •.. Aa ;- u'V ; = V 1- \ ;. V' >■<■■ V'V, ''A Av /. ■,., V '. * • " \ - V . ' /■' '■ ', ■:.'.'i' - A - .. A' '.iv'-'A.•/>'.■ ' 1 ■- V. '.'." ■ ‘ \ V 7 7 n‘ r,'- -; ’I' r .'• 7 >' I • 1 ' ■ ' y 7- ■ V,, ■■ ^ -t.i ’• 1 _ '■V. •A. -• 'r : 7 : 7 ' f ' 7 ' ^ ■X: THURSDAY, APRIL 18, Wjl'T The WeaiheY /" ■x'/A Foreeast of C. B. Waatbee Eariaa \ For the Week Ended F A C E j)P^N TY-EIG H T. ,, April IS, 1957 ^nftyggtVr 1Ei>gn!ng^ !im l& Mua teadgiit, .m O j immiag val­ -A . ^ 2 , 5 7 8 * 1 ■ . ley fog. Lnw Ndght ieear 89. Satar-. Mlaa Slaa Otola, d au g h ^ ef Anderson-Shea AUkmary, VFW, day, mild, ekaaae ahoWMS late Member ofYhe Audit Mr. and’ Mra. Arvlda (» lJt, 44 will omit Ita Friday evening set­ ^88^ OREEN STAMPS WITH CASH SALES I •' hi day. n g h aear 79. mi Town North S t, Win appeiCr In Upaala back partif thia week due to Good Bureau of Circulation Manchester-^A City of Village Charm / i Colfege'a production of the Bem - Friday. ateln. AOreen and Comden mualcal ■<.i I "T h e ^ M n n Ft* T tm " wtu .t)« All members and advfaors. of Ui« topic ^ h e prayer eervlce this eomedy, "On the Town," next MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 1957 ^ (Claeaifled AdVerUelng on Page 18) PRICE ilViS CENTS month. - . John Mather Chapter, Order of De- VOL. LXXVI, NO. 170 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) evenln* at 0» Salvation Army Molay are requested to be present __________ - catadel, to be Bonducted by Major at , the Maaonic Temple before 7 John Wckup. TbAorrovr at 10:30- The office of the Mancheater JW.IIALC ‘ - , / a.tn., a apedal sewlce will be ,lfi Water Co., W« N. Main St., will b* o'clock tonight; y cleaed all drfy Good Friday. CORNER MAIN « id OAK STREETS Fot YoUt* C&nVBnW tlC€ • • • charge of the offlcm. The thdme Members oif Emanuel Lutheran WUl ^ AThe Cruclfijckm.*' / Mary Buahnell Cheney Auxiliary, Church are reminded to have- Eas­ EisenitQtver Picks ' vy,'» Norman Kronick, 18 Sttohen SI. USWV, No. IS. haa changed plana ter lilies at the Church on Saturday by nooit time. These may be me­ baa bwn elected to the honor roil for Its anniversary dinner. It will ...OPEN TONIGHT UNTiL 9:0 0 ... at the Hartford InatltUte of, Ac­ be served Wcddesday. May 1, at morials and may be taken- again counting for the aecond marking 6 p.m. at the Three ,J's Restaurant, following the Easter services, or left for distribution to shutlns. I^ve Knot—Havgind hold a pretty, ladjdike period of the aprlng aemeater. \ Bolton. • , « look in this dainty JUDY ROND blouse done in wonderful DACRON and Pinia wtton that stays fresh and wrinkle^free. And itls so easy to launder! It washes easily, dirips dr>,^never SUPS needs an iron. Fine embroid^y is Repeated on front and bow neckline. Lovely in wnita Augusta. Ga„ AprR 19 m Aikeii s. by Seampruje vioanKnuroT. I Savonnair rlver from Augiuta. and lilac. SiZes 32 to 38. — President Eisenhower to-, .j.^^ invitation to7 the Hum- Exquisite lace trim hem­ day picked new ambassadors phreys is in return foK ^eiv hoe- to Mexico, Sweden and Co- pitallty to the E isen h ow ^ at the line, top front atid back, lombia j cabinet officer’s plantatlmKhorne lace inserts, wide ribbon FBI Ag^nt <■ In, advance of getting in a round: in ThomMVlIle\ Ga. For Area Nike straps. White. Sizes 34 to of golf on Uiis first full day of I tour yeart In February, the Pre^ 44. his Easter holiday, the President i ^®;J^hunted quail and plays^ One of several styles available. announced his intenUon to nomi-i golf at Thomasville as Humphrey s Men *Kill’ Didii’tWear . |3.98-$5.98 nate; I gutnt. „ ' ' Robert C. Hill, now aaaiatant sec- . Adenauer to Nee IKe——- SPORTSWEAR—2nd FLOOR “Iretary. of state for. Congressional Humphrey and hls wife may relations, aa ambassador to rMex-|Slay on here-Into next week, Hag- Protection Ico., *'"i.V said. Other styles at ?3.98 jVanris White, career diplomat The press secretary also an- By ALEX GIREIXI | who now is envoy to Mexico, as jtounced some of the plans for the Hartford, April 19 (JP)— ambassador to Sweden. , vi.sit of West Germany’s Cha.ncel- Red Canyon Range Camp, j State Police todgy continued John M. Cabot, who moves from lor Konrad Adenauer ^o the United Carrizo,so, N. M.,- April 19 j to mainfain their patrols In the embassy in Sweden to become States next month. I (Special)— Manchester’s Nike Ambassador to Colombia. In Adenauer will arrive in New the East Hartland area while Colombia. Cabot will succeed York by plane May 24 and will Battery C and East Windsor’s attempting to locate the $66,- Philip W. Bonsai, who has been spend the weekend in that area. Battery A were complimented 573 payroll taken eight days reassigned to Bolivia. He will go to Washington May 27 9 .for their “good shooti/%’’ by ago by an armed bandit from All of the nominationa will be and be joined there by his foreign Army and Air Force generals sent to the Senate w-hen Congress minister. Heinrich von Brentano. a payroll guard in Wilson, returns to Washington after ita 'riiey will remain in the capital last night after firing .six Search for the money w u Con­ Easter recess. , ' through May 29 for talks with Ei- E pstein’s ^Christ’ "Ajax’’ missiles ip practice. centrated In tine heavily wooded Elsenhower flew here from the .aenhower______ snd Secretary of State One of the moat modern The two batteries of Connecti­ area behind the boyhood home of capital j’esterday for about 12 days | Dulles. pieces of religious art is cut's Itb Guided Missile Battalion Francis Kolakowski, 42, wh(> killed. of golf mixed with work. He was HIH. picked by fcisenhower to be "Phrist in Majesty’’ shown ! wound -np firing practice at this himself In hM sister's home on In his office above rthe pro , shop ambassador to Mexico, is a 39-year- after it was unveiled at the j remote canyon deep, in the New East S t, Suffield, after fatally HALE’S at the Augusta National Golf Club old Republican whose legal resi­ Cathedral in Cardiff, Wales. j Me.x1co wilds, and awaited scoring wounding F B I Agent Richard P. at 8 A.m., today and spent about An officer fireses tear gas into the wlndoow of a home in Suffield^ as police fight. out with accused Horan of. Hartford, Thursday dence is Littletop, N. H., hls birth­ The work of sculptor Sir John results due today. , r U two hours on government bu.slnesa place. , Epstein, the elongated 16- The Manchester battery was the J wife-slayer and payroll bandR I^^ncls KolRkov\'ski. FB I Agent Richard P. Horan was killed In morning. before getting out on the links. Hill w as'in the foreign service fqot-high . piece is cast in last to fire last night, launching; the cellar, Kolakowakl killed kimself in the kitchen. In lower photo. Horan’a body lies on the The patrols are operating lit the Yesterdav's----------- . ■ overcast, ,, continued. „ I in 1943 and in 1944-45 he Was shimmering sluminum, Ep­ ' two mis.siles. Their first missile j basement floor. Unidentified man at right looks at pile of clothing believed to have belonged area north and west .of the Hart­ through the early morriing, but m e, Department representative stein. 76, feared that he might was launched Wednesday. The to KoInkowski. ford Machine Screw .Company SELF SERVE sun waa shining and the n ea tn fn .^ China-Burma-India theater, not live to see the unveiling East Windsor battery launched | branching out from the location on - was warm by the time Eisenhower t^e rank of captain, to the public, for th^ sculp­ one mia.sile Wednesday and it.i a little used road near the Howard NEW LOW PRICE ON NYLONS completed his round of \sork and 1946.47 ^e was clerk of the ture was hidden away in a flnal two last night in salvo. • Thrall tobacco f'amj.' MEAT DEPARTMENT Special Sale headed for the 1 gg^^fg Banking' Committee. crate for 18 months before Hit Target Plane Kolakowski who had been a ma­ Ignored•DrWT.Ie > ggp^.g,j ambassador to being uncovered. He waa in I The second shot fired by A Bat- jor suspect in the holdup was also Maxwell House Coffee tb. c». *1 ARMOUR'S "READy-TO-EAT' Yesterday afternoon he was out | wanted in Hartford for the March Reg. $1.00. Full fashioned London when the unveiling I tery apparently scored a hit. | on the course a half hour after a r-! I j 29 murder of his wife. sheer 60 gauge first quality (Continued on Page Ten) finally took place. knocking a radio-controlled target GRADE A LARGE LOCAL v" riving and ignored an intermittent j plane, at RCAT. down in flam^: 1 He was sought for the payroll WHOLE HAMS “’ 59c nylon hosiery. Dark or self drizzle nf rain in getting in- 18! I Witnessing' the shoot yesterday job' after several witnesses tenta­ seams in new flattering spring holes. I in addition to top air drfen.se of­ tively identified' him from police ABOUT It 13. SIZE James C. Hkgerty, While House pictures. shades. Reinforced at heel and press secretary, announced that ficers and official scorers, were FRESH EGGS "“ 49c Civilian observers,' among them D*brlng this robbery the bandit EASTER TIME 18 LAMB TIME ** toes for e-Xtra-wcar.
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