1-2 Front CFP 2-16-12.Indd

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1-2 Front CFP 2-16-12.Indd Page 2 Colby Free Press Thursday, February 16, 2012 Area/State Weather County hears of need for new jail Briefly From “COUNTY,” Page 1 “Now, I’m not saying it’s bad, but we just sheriff’s departments. Foundation promotes don’t know who our prisoners will be celled “OK, so you’ve more than demonstrated Random Acts week the fee paid to Rawlins County for hous- with or how they’ll be treated. If they get a need to upgrade,” said Mike Tubbs, “but The Thomas County Community ing the prisoners, employee costs and fuel hurt elsewhere, we are still responsible for how receptive do you think the community Foundation is promoting “Random fi gured at $3.25 per gallon. Additional costs their medical bills. It’s just an added liabil- at large is going to be for a possible $4.2 Acts of Kindness Week” this week to are added, depending on how many times ity.” million jail, and how do the commissioners challenge residents, businesses and the prisoner has to be picked up for court Former Sheriff Mike Baughn, who is plan to fund it?” organizations to perform small chari- appointments and whether there are medical mayor of Brewster, said the building is “to- The group agreed that they don’t want to table deeds. If you catch someone doing expenses. tally inadequate.” be short-sighted on the design, but a large good, report them to Melinda Olson at The county uses jails in Sherman, Logan “It is the biggest liability to the county,” obstacle will be gaining public support and the foundation at 460-9152. Photos may and Gove counties, too, Taylor said. Baughn said. “There are blind corners and fi nding the best way to pay for the project – be e-mailed to tccf2@st-tel.net. For in- “And we’ll continue having to pay more blind spots that are dangerous when moving in the fairest way possible. formation, call Olson or Shelly Myers at National Weather Service out because we are serving more warrants prisoners in and out of the building, and you “Nothing can’t be solved without the lib- Tonight: Mostly clear, with the foundation offi ce. and undertaking more investigations,” he can’t provide for prisoner and staff safety, eral application of tax dollars,” said Com- a low around 21. South wind added. and it’s just going to get continually worse. missioner Paul Steele. “I kind of like the around 5 mph becoming west. Worship, praise night Chief Jones added that over the 30 years “The sewer is in bad shape, the heating idea of sales tax, because as Randy Jones Friday: Sunny, with a high since the Law Enforcement Center was con- and utilities are inadequate and it’s almost pointed out, some of our problems come in planned by Hays church near 44. North wind between 5 There will be a night of worship at 6 structed, the building has not changed to ac- impossible to get in and work on the water off the Interstate. But we need discussion and 10 mph. p.m. Saturday at the Colby High School commodate the ever-changing needs of the heater.” amongst the people in the community. You Friday Night: Partly cloudy, Auditorium sponsored by the Celebra- community. “So, you’re saying the jail is defi cient in have different skill sets, and I’m hoping you with a low around 18. East wind tion Community Church of Hays and “In the summer,” he said, “we now have all categories?” Woofter asked. can come up with a way.” between 5 and 10 mph. featuring a nondenominational, encour- two separate populations: residents of Colby “It’s a serious problem,” Taylor replied, Tubbs disagreed with the convenience of Saturday: Sunny, with a high aging message and music by the band and travelers coming off the Interstate. And “and only a matter of time before we have a a sales tax that Steele suggested, saying that near 42. East wind between 5 Ignite. For information, call Debbie we have to provide service and law enforce- lawsuit on our hands.” it hits low- and fi xed-income people hard. and 10 mph. McNinch at 460-4205. ment to that larger population. He said a jail with similar problems had “I think you’re asking for a cart before the Saturday Night: Mostly clear, “Thirty years ago, it was harder to call in a been hit with a $5 million suit. It would horse,” Armstrong said. “You aren’t going with a low around 23. complaint; people had to drive off the Inter- cost the county more to pay for long-exist- to gain community support before the build- Women’s group to sell Sunday: Mostly sunny, with a state and fi nd a phone. Nowadays, it’s much ing problems than it would to build a new ing needs are identifi ed.” soup for preschool high near 48. easier because people have cell phones, so building to accommodate present and future The group agreed, and heard suggestions Kappa Upsilon, a women’s service Sunday Night: A slight chance we have an increase in calls that need re- needs, the sheriff said. from Kalb. group, will hold its annual soup supper of rain and snow. Mostly cloudy, sponded to. Baughn added that by next year, the state “I think a study would greatly benefi t you to benefi t Puddle Duck Preschool from with a low around 32. Chance of “We continue to progress, and it’s good Legislature may look at consolidating law and your ability to educate your public,” he 5 to 7:30 p.m. Monday at the Communi- precipitation is 20 percent. for the community, but the jail hasn’t pro- enforcement services in a nine-county area, said. ty Building during the Colby-Hugoton Presidents Day: A slight gressed with the times.” with Thomas County in the center of that. “We don’t want to spend money on a basketball games. Enjoy chili, chicken- chance of rain and snow. Partly Not only are there concerns for the safety He said the need to plan for the future is study to tell us there’s a need (for a new noodle and vegetable-beef soups, along sunny, with a high near 44. of prisoners here, the chief said, but he wor- pressing. jail),” Taylor said. “We already know that. with dessert, for a donation. For ques- Chance of precipitation is 20 ries about housing prisoners in other coun- While the cost of a new jail can’t be But maybe it can help us fi nd a way to fi - tions, call Amy Jennings at 460-2603. percent. ties. known until building specifi cations can be nance it, and have the right kind of informa- Monday Night: Mostly cloudy, “We are responsible for the welfare of our written, Taylor said, a Thomas County proj- tion to meet the long-term needs.” Third graders planning with a low around 24. prisoners even when housed in other coun- ect shouldn’t cost as much as a new 30-bed No decisions were made, but commis- Tuesday: Mostly sunny, with free musical Tuesday ties,” he said. “I’ve never been in the jail in jail recently fi nished in Scott City, which to- sioners said they’d come back to the issue a high near 46. Everyone is invited to the Colby Atwood. I don’t know what the conditions taled about $4.2 million. He said the build- for further discussion. Tuesday Night: Partly cloudy, Grade School third grade musical, “Ev- are over there. ing also includes offi ces for the police and with a low around 27. erybody Has Music Inside,” at 2 and 7 Wednesday: Partly sunny p.m. Tuesday in the Colby Grade School and breezy, with a high near 52. Auditorium. For information, call mu- Woman helps church expand to Colby sic teacher Jennifer Koel at 460-5100. Wednesday: High, 44; Low 18 Precip: Wednesday 0.None From “CHURCH,” Page 1 plated it. ing – there were 61 people who many other young-adult activi- Dyslexia to be topic Month: 0.39 inches Two main obstacles were in showed up.” ties by singing, playing the gui- of Knowledge at Noon Year: 0.39 inches vision” of where the church will their way, though. First, they By the time the second service tar and leading services. “Understanding Dyslexia” will be the Normal: 0.93 inches be by the year 2020. Having needed a location. Second, they could take place in January – The new pastor said Celebra- topic for a free “Knowledge at Noon” (K-State Experiment Station) seven other worship sites is one needed a pastor for the Colby where attendance grew to about tion isn’t out to take members session from 12:10 to 12:50 p.m. Tues- Sunrise and Sunset goal. He said that even before campus. 90 – another divine inspiration from established churches, but day at the Thomas County Offi ce Com- Friday 7:34 a.m. 6:23 p.m. McNinch approached him with The fi rst was easy, he said. landed Dave Funk, a member to bring the unchurched to God. plex. Come for a bowl of soup and learn Moon: waning, 19 percent the idea of serving the Colby “To us, church isn’t just a and budding leader at the Colby “It’s important that people in a little about this “learning difference.” (U.S. Naval Observatory) area, they had already contem- building,” he said. “We have to church, in the job of Colby cam- Colby know that we aren’t try- For information, call Diann Gerstner, build a church of people.

—— Preview end. ——

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