
Ancient Vocabulary

form of government that is governed by representatives of the people

made up of Patricians (rich noblemen) who decided how money was spent and made decisions about relationships with other countries

 Assembly made up of (common working people) who protected the rights of the people

person who rules with absolute power

Romana a period of in Rome

 Consuls made up of leaders who made and ordered arrests

 Patricians rich nobleman that owned land

 Plebeians common working people (farmers, tradesmen)

gathering place for Ancient Romans (laws were displayed, speeches were given)

someone who gives commands


 Rome was a republic before becoming an empire  was governed by 3 branches of government 1. Senate 2. Assembly 3. Consuls  Julius 1. dictator of 2. had control of the government and made many changes 3. he did not listen to the Senate (they didn’t like the changes made) 4. started a civil war (war within the Roman Empire) 5. was stabbed to death 6. chaos in Rome after his death  Caesar 1. takes over after Julius Caesar 2. called “imperator” 3. begins  Pax Romana 1. 200 years of peace 2. laws were created 3. built , bridges, 4. , Circus Maxiumus ( contests, races) 5. Romans spoke and wrote in (became basis for other such , Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, French) 6. many poems, plays, and philosophical writings were created  1. when he , Pax Romana ends  Fall of Roman Empire 1. bad leadership (most leaders were assassinated by new leader) 2. foreign invaders grow stronger 3. money problems (bribes, spending, making cheaper ) 4. food was scarce 5. not enough jobs 6. Augustus – last