46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (2015) 2010.pdf SECONDARY MINERALS IN THE NAKHLITE METEORITE YAMATO 000593: DISTINGUISHING MARTIAN FROM TERRESTRIAL ALTERATION PRODUCTS. H. Breton1, M. R. Lee1, and D. F. Mark2 1School of Geographical and Earth Sciences, University of Glasgow, University Ave, Glasgow, Lanarkshire G12 8QQ, UK (
[email protected]), 2Scottish Universities Environmental Research Center, Rankine Ave, Scottish Enterprise Technology Park, East Kilbride G75 0QF, UK Introduction: The nakhlites are olivine-bearing Methods: A thin section of Y-000593 was studied clinopyroxenites that formed in a Martian lava flow or using a Carl Zeiss Sigma field-emission SEM equipped shallow intrusion 1.3 Ga ago [1, 2]. They are scientifi- with an Oxford Instruments Aztec microanalysis sys- cally extremely valuable because they interacted with tem at the University of Glasgow. Chemical and miner- water-bearing fluids on Mars [3]. Fluid-rock interac- alogical identification within the secondary minerals tions led to the precipitation of secondary minerals, were obtained through backscattered electron (BSE) many of which are hydrous. The secondary minerals imaging and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) consist in a mixture of poorly crystalline smectitic ma- mapping and quantitative microanalysis. terial and Fe-oxide, collectively called “iddingsite”, but Results and discussions: Y-000593 is an unbrec- also carbonate and sulphate [4]. The proportion, chem- ciated cumulate rock whose mineralogy is similar to istry and habit of the secondary minerals vary between other nakhlites: a predominance of augite and minor members of the Nakhlite group, which is thought to olivine phenocrysts surrounded by a microcrystalline reflect compositional variation of the fluid within the mesostasis [9].