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■ Publisher’s Note Watergate, the end of the Vietnam War, the environ- • crime and punishment mental movement, the energy crisis, the women’s • disasters movement, disco, the development of personal com- • economics puters—so much happened during the 1970’s. The • education Seventies in America brings this controversial decade • energy issues to life by examining these topics and many more. • environmental issues The encyclopedia appears at a time when many peo- • film ple are reevaluating the 1970’s, realizing that, far • health and medicine from a superficial or throwaway era, it was actually a • international relations time of dynamic political, social, and cultural • journalism change. In many ways, the impact of the decade is • Latinos just being felt and understood. The Seventies in Amer- • legislation ica is a much-needed source of reliable and accessi- • literature ble information for today’s students, all of whom • military and war were born after the decade ended. • music • Native Americans Contents of the Encyclopedia This illustrated three- • people volume encyclopedia is a companion set to The Six- • politics and government ties in America (1999) and The Fifties in America (2005). • popular culture It covers events, movements, people, and trends in • religion and spirituality popular culture, literature, art, sports, science, tech- • science and technology nology, economics, and politics in both the United • sexuality States and Canada. The Seventies in America features • social issues longer overviews and shorter entries discussing peo- • sports ple, books, films, television series, musical groups, • television and other important topics representative of that • theater and dance era. Every entry focuses on the topic or person dur- • transportation ing the 1970’s—for this work, defined as January, 1, • women’s issues 1970, through December 31, 1979—in order to ex- plore what made the decade unique.
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