Strings of Pearls: James, Maupassant, and 'Paste' Philip Horne
1 Strings of Pearls: James, Maupassant, and ‘Paste’ Philip Horne (UCL) Les perles composent le collier, mais c’est le fil qui fait le collier. Or, enfiler les perles sans en perdre une seule et toujours tenir son fil de l’autre main, voilà la malice… [The pearls compose the necklace, but it is the string which makes it a necklace. Now, to thread the pearls without losing a single one and always to hold one’s string with the other hand, there’s the trick…] (Gustave Flaubert, letter To Louise Colet, 26 August 1853)1 a case of feeling, of ever so many possible feelings, stretched across the scene like an attached thread on which the pearls of interest are strung (Henry James, Preface (1908) to The Princess Casamassima (1886))2 i À la Maupassant 1 Consulted 23 December 2018 at http://flaubert.univ- 2 Henry James, Literary Criticism: French Writers, Other European Writers, The Prefaces to the New York Edition, edited by Leon Edel and Mark Wilson (New York: Library of America, 1984), p. 1092. (Hereafter LC II.) This essay began as a lecture given on 21 October 2016 at the Third International Conference of the European Society of Jamesian Studies at the American University of Paris, entitled “Reading Henry James in the Twenty-First Century: Heritage and Transmission”. I owe particular thanks to Denis Tredy for his extremely helpful ‘Teaching the “Grandsons of Balzac” a Lesson: Henry James in the 1890’s’ (E-rea: Revue électronique d’études sur le monde Anglophone, 2.1 (2004)), and to Mary Boyington, for her richly detailed PhD thesis, ‘«Esprit de Maupassant»: Henry James and French Realism, A Re-evaluation’ (Aix-Marseille Université, 2017).
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