Competitive Interactions Between Coyotes and San Joaquin Kit Foxes
COMPETITIVE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN COYOTES AND SAN JOAQUIN KIT FOXES BRIAN L. CYPHER AND KENNETH A. SPENCER Enterprise Advisory Services, Inc., P.O. Box 178, Tupman, CA 93276 Present address of KAS: Colorado State University, Center for Ecological Management of Military Lands, Fort Hunter Liggett, CA 93928 Downloaded from by guest on 30 September 2021 Competitive interactions between coyotes (Canis latrans) and federally endangered San Joaquin kit foxes (Vuipes macrotis mutica) were investigated at the Naval Petroleum Re serves in California (NPRC) during 1984-1995. Coyotes and kit foxes used similar food items, indicating the potential for exploitative competition. Leporids were the primary prey for coyotes in all years, but small rodents were the primary prey for kit foxes in most years, although leporids were primary prey in other years. Coyotes were the main cause of mortality to kit foxes at NPRC, indicating that interference competition may be occur ring. Population trends of kit foxes appeared to be strongly i!1.fluenced by food availability, but competition from coyotes also may have affected population dynamics of kit foxes. Mechanisms employed by kit foxes, such as resource partitioning, greater dietary breadth, and year-round den use, may facilitate coexistence with coyotes. However, use of anthro pogenic food sources by coyotes may intensify competitive interactions during periods of low prey availability. Key words: Vulpes macrotis mutica, kit fox, Canis tatrans, coyote, endangered species, competition, California The San Joaquin kit fox (Vuipes macrotis tition. Coyotes also have been identified as mutica) is a federally endangered and Cal an important source of kit fox mortality ifornia tlueatened species occurring in the (Cypher and Scrivner, 1992; Disney and southern San Joaquin Valley and adjacent Spiegel, 1992; Ralls and White, 1995), and Salinas, Valley in California.
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