Simple choice 1. Choose the clinical sign of escherichiosis in infants: A. Repeated, persistent vomit B. Seizures C. Positive meningeal signs D. Excavated E. Stool with mucus and blood

2. Specify the character of stools in escherichiosis with enteropathogenic E. coli: A. Liquid, watery, whitish B. Watery, undigested, light yellow C. Liquid, with mucus and blood D. Semi-liquid with mucus E. Liquid, voluminous, greenish, with mucus

3. Indicate the clinical sign of hypokalemia in infants: A. Fever B. Pronounced C. Bulging of anterior fontanelle D. Seizures E. Thirst

4. Choose the basic indication for the treatment of acute intestinal infection in young children: A. Anti-diarrheal drugs (Imodium, Lopedium) B. Activated charcoal C. Antiemetics D. Oral rehydration E. Antivirals

5. Choose which of the E. coli more frequently causes acute diarrheal disease in infants: A. Enteropathogenic E. coli B. Enteroinvasive E. coli C. Enterotoxigenic E. coli D. Enterohaemorrhagic E. coli E. Enteroadherent E. coli

6. Specify the character of stools in echerichiosis with enterotoxigenic E. coli: A. Liquid, watery, appearance of "rice-porridge", odorless B. Poor, frequent, with plenty of mucus and blood streaks C. Abundant, watery, frothy, yellow D. Liquid, abundant, greenish, foul-smelling E. well formed with mucous and blood

7. Mark the predominant intestinal microflora in infants: A. Escherichia B. Lactobacteria C. Candida D. Bacteria E. Doderlein bacillus

8. Specify the section of the digestive tract affected by in enteroinvasive E. coli: A. Stomach B. Duodenum C. Ileum D. Cecum E. Colon

9. Select the incorrect statement regarding oral rehydration in children: A. Contribute to prevent death B. Minimizes the number of intravenous injections C. Prevents nosocomial infections D. Contribute to save material values E. Reduce morbidity through acute intestinal infections

10. Choose the main clinical sign of dehydration in infants: A. Fever B. C. Decrease skin elasticity D. Tongue covered with white deposit E. Inflated abdomen

11. Indicate the most important clinical manifestation in echerichiosis in infants: A. Diarrheal watery stools B. Liquid, greenish stools with mucus C. Seizures D. Signs of dehydration E. Rectal tenesmus

12. Indicate the disease in children where severe dehydration occurs: A. B. Botulism C. Echerichiosis D. Subcompensated intestinal dysmicrobism E. Typhoid fever

13. Select the incorrect statement on echerichiosis with enterohemorrhagic E. coli: A. Acute onset, , , repeated vomiting, frequent stools B. The condition is improved after 2-4 days C. The condition is getting worse on day 2nd – 4th day, abdominal pain is intensifying, bloody stools appear D. Occur acute renal failure E. Appear haemolytic anemia

14. Characterize escherichiosis vomiting in children: A. Appears after each meal B. "Coffee grounds" aspect C. Appears periodically D. Repeated, persistent E. It appears after coughing

15. Select the INCORRECT statement regarding common clinical signs in escherichiosis and intestinal infection with staphylococcal infection in children: A. Acute onset, signs of progressive intoxication B. Persistent fever C. Anorexia, repeated vomiting, frequent, liquid stools, with mucous D. Feeble evolution E. Secondary sources of infection

16. Select the INCORRECT statement regarding escherichiosis with enterotoxigenic E. coli: A. Liquid, watery, non-pathological stools B. Enterotoxigenic E. coli predominantly affect the ileum C. Stools without feces with mucous and blood streaks D. Signs of toxicosis and dehydration E. Moderate

17. Select the INCORRECT statement regarding escherichiosis with enteroinvasive E. coli in infants: A. Gradual onset B. Signs of toxicosis C. Watery stools with mucous and blood streaks D. Rectal tenesmus E. Signs of severe dehydration

18 Indicate the etiological agent of escherichiosis in which hemolytic-uremic syndrome appear (Gasser's Syndrome): A. Enteropathogenic E. coli B. Enteroinvasive E.coli C. Enterotoxigenic E.coli D. Enterohemorrhagic E. coli E. Enteroadherent E. coli

19. Specify on what is based the etiological diagnosis in escherichiosis: A. On epidemiological data B. On clinical data C. On signs of dehydration D. On disease evolution E. On positive stool cultures

20. Exclude drugs that are contraindicated for young children with escherichiosis: A. Rehidron, Ringer solution B. Antidiarrheal, antiemetic C. Antibiotics, in invasive and septic type D. Eubiotics E. Enzymes

Complement multiplu 1. Specify the particularities of enterohemorrhagic E. coli: A. Acute onset with abdominal pain B. Repeated vomiting C. Sangvinous stools D. Haemolytic-uremic syndrome E. Respiratory syndrome

2. Select the clinical signs of escherichiosis with enteropathogenic E. coli: A. Diarrheal stools with mucus and blood B. Pronounced flatulence C. Abdominal cramps D. Intensive yellow diarrheal stools E. Severe dehydration

3. Select characteristic escherichiosis complications in infants: A. Intestinal dysmicrobism B. Hydrocephalus C. Paralytic ileus D. Pneumonia E. Intestinal pneumatosis

4. Indicate the clinical signs characteristic for escherichiosis with enteroinvasive E. coli: A. Fever B. Signs of pronounced intoxication C. Mucus and blood streaks D. Hepatosplenomegaly E. Respiratory catarrh

5. Select the clinical signs characteristic for escherichiosis with enteropathogenic E. coli: A. Repeated, insistent vomiting B. Pronounced dehydration C. Meteorism, liquid, watery, yellowish stools D. Excavated abdomen E. Beant or resilient anus

6. Determine the treatment of escherichiosis, mild forms in children: A. Antibiotics B. Water and food pause C. Oral rehydration D. Symptomatic treatment E. Eubiotic during the repair period

7. Select diseases for differential diagnosis of acute diarrheal disease in children: A. Gastroduodenitis B. Acute colecistitis C. Intussusception D. Acute appendicitis E. Nonspecific

8. Choose medicines for etiological therapy in case of escherichiosis in children: A. Ampicillin B. Nifuroxazid C. Amoxicillin D. Penicillin E. Erythromycin

9. Indicate factors that contribute to the appearance of escherichiosis in infants: A. Little age B. Artificial nutrition C. Natural feeding D. Summer-autumn season E. The intestinal dysmicrobism

10. Select clinical syndromes more commonly present in children with escherichiosis: A. Gastritis B. Gastroenteritis C. Enterocolitis D. Colitis E. Gastroenteritis

11. Indicate the maladies for which is characteristic secretory diarrhea: A. Shigellosis B. Salmonellosis C. Escherichiosis with enteropathogenic E. coli D. Escherichiosis with enterotoxigenic E. coli E. Cholera

12. Select the correct statements about escherichiosis with enterotoxigenic E. coli: A. Is a nosocomial infection B. Are recorded sporadic and group cases C. Children get sick after 1 year of life D. Watery stools with a "rice porridge" aspect E. Liquid stools with mucus and blood streaks

13. Choose the clinical signs characteristic for escherichiosis with entero-invasive E. coli: A. Acute onset with fever (38.0-39.0 ° C), chills B. Abdominal pain, tenesmus, false calls C. Voluminous, undigested, bright yellow stools D. Liquid stools with mucus and blood streaks E. Hepatosplenomegaly

14. Specify the correct statements about escherichiosis with enteroinvasive E. coli: A. Have the aspect of B. Takes place the invasion of the epithelial cells of the ileum and colon C. Morphological: erosive-ulcerative inflammation of the intestinal mucosa D. Develops severe dehydration E. Haemolytic-uremic syndrome is characteristic

15. Indicate the clinical signs characteristic for enterotoxigenic E. coli: A. Acute onset with repeated vomiting and diarrhea B. Signs of pronounced intoxication, seizures C. Pain in the epigastrium D. Watery stools with a "rice porridge" appearance E. Tenesmus, false calls

16. Determine the morphopathological changes in enterotoxigenic E. coli escherichiosis in children: A. Detachment of intestinal epithelium B. Catarrhal and desquamative lesions C. Pneumatosis of the intestine D. Necrotic-hemorrhagic changes E. Catarrhal enteritis

17. Indicate the causes of deaths for escherichiosis: A. B. Neurotoxicosis C. Severe dehydration D. Diseases associated with complications E.

18. Specify diagnostic criteria for escherichiosis in children: A. Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs B. Epidemiological data C. Clinical data D. Positive stool cultures E. Cytological exam of feces

19. Name the paraclinical data characteristic for escherichiosis with enterohemorrhagic E. coli: A. Anemia, thrombocytopenia B. Hyperbilirubinemia on account of unconjugated fractions C. Increased level of urea and creatinine D. Hyperglycemia E. Normal prothrombin level

20. Select the escherichiosis where antibiotic therapy is indicated: A. Escherichiosis with enteropathogenic E. coli, severe forms B. Escherichiosis with enterotoxigenic E. coli C. Escherichiosis with enteroinvasive E. coli D. Escherichiosis, generalized forms E. Escherichiosis with enteroadherent E. coli

21. Specify the correct statements on escherichiosis with enteropathogenic E. coli: A. Children are affected in their first year of life B. In the small intestine, appears an erythematous inflammation of the mucosa C. Toxic and dehydration syndromes are characteristic D. False calls, tenesmus E. Poor stools with mucus and blood strips

22. Specify the correct statements about escherichiosis with enterohemorrhagic E. coli: A. Diarrhea with blood streaks B. There are frequent eruptions in collectives C. Only school children are affected D. Haemolytic-uremic syndrome is characteristic E. Liquid, abundant stools without pathological inclusions

23. Choose the clinical forms of escherichiosis in infants where antibiotics will be given: A. Mild and medium forms B. Severe forms C. Septic form D. Mild and medium forms with bacterial superinfection (complications) E. Mild forms with no dehydration

24. Choose the medicines indicated for the treatment of escherichiosis during the convaleence period: A. Antivirals B. Antifungals C. Enzymes D. Eubiotics E. Vitamins

25. Specify the diet in acute diarrheal diseases in children: A. Reduction of carbohydrates and lipids B. Restriction of proteins C. Restriction of proteins, lipids, sugars D. Exclusion of mechanical, chemical and thermal excitations E. Exclusion of food which produce flatulence

26.Specify the etiological diagnosis methods that confirm escherichiosis in large children: A. Bacteriological method (stool culture) B. PCR C. Serological methods D. Cytological exam of face’s E. CBC

27. Specify the differentiation criteria for escherichiosis and rotavirus infection: A. Leukocytosis, neutrophilia B. Onset of acute illness with fever and pronounced intoxication C. Persistent vomiting, liquid, watery, intense yellow stool D. Watery, whitish, foamy stool E. Direte respiratory catarrh

28. Specify correct statements on escherichiosis with enteropathogenic E. coli in newborns and premature infants: A. Nosocomial infection B. Generalized septic forms C. Diarrheal syndrome does not manifest in all cases D. Diarrheal syndrome occurs frequently at the onset of the disease E. Mild evolution without consequences