FY15 Operating Budget, Department of Public Libraries Although The
HHS COMMITTEE #4 April 21, 2014 Worksession MEMORANDUM April 17, 2014 TO: Health and Human Services Committee FROM: Vivian Yao, Legislative Analyst i !/va SUBJECT: Worksession - FY15 Operating Budget, Department of Public Libraries Those expected for this worksession include: • Parker Hamilton, Director, Montgomery County Public Libraries (MCPL) • Eric Carzon, Business Manager, MCPL • Deborah Lambert, Office of Management and Budget The County Executive's recommendation for the Department ofPublic Libraries is attached on ©1-10. I. OVERVIEW For FY15, the County Executive recommends total expenditures of$37,154,153 for Public Libraries, an increase of $2.3 million or 6.7% from the FY14 approved budget. General Fund expenditures are expected to increase by the same amount. Grant Fund expenditures are projected to remain level at $52,290. The recommended budget reports a net increase of II full time and II part-time positions. FTEs are increased by 21.8 or 6.2%. The following table shows eight-year trends for the Department. FY15 is the third consecutive year that the Department's expenditures and total positions are proposed to increase. Although the proposed FY15 expenditure level is up by 6.7% and total positions are up by 5.70/0, the levels are still 6%. and 18% below FY08 levels. (in $OOO's) FY08 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 Change Change Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Actual Approve Rec FY14-15 FY08 FY15 Expenditures: General Fund 39,242 37,753 35,382 28,862 29,034 30,880 34,770 37102 6.7% -5% Grant Fund 147 177 71 110 108 52 52 52 0.0% -65% Total Expenditures 39389 37930 35,453 28972 29142 30,932 34822 37154 6.7% -6% Positions: Full-time 239 244 231 174 167 172 190 201 5.8% -16% Part-time 259 237 197 178 171 181 196 207 5.6% -20% TOTAL Positions 498 481 428 352 338 353 386 408 5.7% -18% FTESIWYS* 427.6 426.4 386.9 290.9 288.0 314.0 349.9 371.7 6.2% -13% *FY11 Workyears include reduction for furlough The following table shows all recommended tax-supported changes categorized by whether they are anticipated to have a service impact or not.
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