Dungeon Crawl Classics 35: Gazetteer of the Known Realms
The Triad Name Align. Portfolio Gender Domains Centivus N Creation, Artistry, Possibility m Creation, Knowledge, Protection, Travel Choranus LN Creation, Destiny, Magic m Creation, Knowledge, Magic, Protection, Strength, Travel Ildavir N Creation, Life, Nature, Animals f Animal, Creation, Earth, Plant, Protection Greater Gods Ahriman CE Death, Disease,Darkness, m Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil Suffering Amun Tor N Mysteries, Riddles m Air, Fire, Knowledge, Magic, Weather Auzarr N The Transitive Planes, f Knowledge, Magic, Travel Teleportation, Psionics Daenthar LG Earth, Industry, Vows, Trust m Earth, Good, Law, Protection Ireth CG Astronomy, Forestry, Wizardry f Air, Animal, Earth, Good, Knowledge, Magic Madrah N Earth, Sky m Air, Earth, Magic, Travel, Weather Olidyra N(g) Travel, Exploration, Adventure f Luck, Plant, Trickery, Travel Ormazd LG Creation,the Sun, Prophecy m Creation, Good, Law, Sun Poderon NG Earth, Commerce, Festivity m Animal, Earth, Good, Trickery Zhühn CE Deception, Corruption, Falsehood m Destruction, Evil, Magic, Trickery Lesser Gods Delvyr NG Knowledge, Learning, Light m Glory, Good, Knowledge, Sun Denithae N Agriculture, Harvest f Earth, Plant, Protection Elyr CG Healing, Life, Succor f Good, Healing, Liberation, Luck Fenwar N Fire, Lightning, the Hearth m Air, Fire, Sun Gil’Mâridth CE Nightmares, Fear, Night Terrors f Dream, Evil, Trickery Gorhan LG Valor, War, Chivalry m Good, Healing, Strength, War Hidden Lord CE Secrets, Misdirection, Forbidden m Darkness, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery Lore, Shadows Justicia
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