The Triad Name Align. Portfolio Gender Domains Centivus N Creation, Artistry, Possibility m Creation, Knowledge, Protection, Travel Choranus LN Creation, Destiny, Magic m Creation, Knowledge, Magic, Protection, Strength, Travel Ildavir N Creation, Life, Nature, Animals f Animal, Creation, Earth, Plant, Protection Greater Gods Ahriman CE , Disease,Darkness, m Chaos, Death, Destruction, Evil Suffering Amun Tor N Mysteries, Riddles m Air, Fire, Knowledge, Magic, Weather Auzarr N The Transitive Planes, f Knowledge, Magic, Travel Teleportation, Psionics Daenthar LG Earth, Industry, Vows, Trust m Earth, Good, Law, Protection Ireth CG Astronomy, Forestry, Wizardry f Air, Animal, Earth, Good, Knowledge, Magic Madrah N Earth, Sky m Air, Earth, Magic, Travel, Weather Olidyra N(g) Travel, Exploration, Adventure f Luck, Plant, Trickery, Travel Ormazd LG Creation,the Sun, Prophecy m Creation, Good, Law, Sun Poderon NG Earth, Commerce, Festivity m Animal, Earth, Good, Trickery Zhühn CE Deception, Corruption, Falsehood m Destruction, Evil, Magic, Trickery Lesser Gods Delvyr NG Knowledge, Learning, Light m Glory, Good, Knowledge, Sun Denithae N Agriculture, Harvest f Earth, Plant, Protection Elyr CG Healing, Life, Succor f Good, Healing, Liberation, Luck Fenwar N Fire, Lightning, the Hearth m Air, Fire, Sun Gil’Mâridth CE Nightmares, Fear, Night Terrors f Dream, Evil, Trickery Gorhan LG Valor, War, Chivalry m Good, Healing, Strength, War Hidden Lord CE Secrets, Misdirection, Forbidden m Darkness, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery Lore, Shadows Justicia LG Justice, Mercy, Defense f Good, Healing, Law, Protection Klazath LE War, Subjugation m Destruction, Evil, Law, Strength Lasheeva NE , , Affliction f Death, Destruction, Evil Myna CN Chance, Circumstance, Fortune f Chaos, Luck, Trickery Neshti CG Thievery, Trickery, Vigilantism f Chaos, Good, Luck, Trickery Ôæ NG Dreams, Imagination, Storytelling m Dream, Good, Protection Pelagia N Oceans, Seas, Music, Travel f Protection, Travel, Water Rathul CN Lies, Dissimilation m Chaos, Knowledge, Trickery Shul LN The Moon, Measurement, m Air, Knowledge, Law Tradition, Literacy Soleth LN Peaceful Death, Solitude m Healing, Law, Protection, Repose Tororthun N/CE Subterrane, Denizens of the f *, Earth, Poison*, Spider* / Drow*, Underdeep / Malice, Spiders Evil, Poison*, Spider* Ulesh LG Peace, Pacifism m Good, Knowledge, Law, Protection Valdreth LN Time, Longevity, Integrity m Law, Magic, Protection Variag N Ice, Winter, War m Air, Strength, War, Water Wyshalar CN Survival, Vitality f Protection, Travel, Trickery Xeluth NE Violence, War, Strife m Destruction, Evil, Strength, War Yvyn NE Conspiracy, Holy War, Rebellion f Evil, Trickery, War

18 Demigods Ahpuchac N Maras, the Underworld m Earth, Protection, Repose Anahuara NG Amoya, the Moons f Good, Healing, Magic, Repose Ankharet NE Khonsuria, Sphinxes f Destruction, Evil, Knowledge, Trickery Aristemis NG Strategy, Diplomacy f Good, Knowledge, War Axaluatl LE Zimala, Nagas, Reptiles m Evil, Death, Law Bargúl LE Death, Undead, Drow f Death, Drow*, Law, Undead* Bobugbubilz CE Evil Amphibians m Chaos, Evil, Water Cadixtat CE Chaos m Chaos, Destruction Calchoti CG Kaatlan, Rain, Charity f Good, Healing, Plant, Water Chondri NG Marine Life, Aggression m Good, Strength, Water Coatlimict NE Kaatlan, War, Carnage, Undeath m Death, Evil, War Cynhuara LG Zimala, Nagas, Reptiles f Good, Healing, Magic Elas NE Marine Life, Ambush f Evil, Trickery, Water Gadraak CE Territorialism, Violence m Chaos, Evil, Strength, War Huamext NG Xulmec, Protection m Earth, Good, Protection Ilhuicatl NG Athua, the Sea m Good, Protection, Travel, Water Ilquot CN Cold Waters, Marine Predators, m Protection, War, Water Retribution Kagnar CE Savagery, Animality m Destruction, Evil, Strength Lagos CE Antagonism, Reptiles, Savagery m Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Strength Malotoch CE Scavengers, Ruin, Cannibalism f Air, Chaos, Death, Evil Molgrem LE Militarism, War m Evil, Destruction, Law, War Narrimunâth LE Disease, Vermin m Death, Destruction, Evil Nimlurun CE Filth, Pollution m Death, Destruction, Evil Septych LE Avarice, Tyranny m Evil, Law, Trickery (current) Sothulth CN(e) Paranoia, Insanity m Chaos, Destruction, Knowledge, Trickery Teleus LG Law m Good, Law, War Thalass N Terrestrial Waters, Music m Animal, Protection, Water Tlachinozal LE Chuzec, Fire m Earth, Evil, Fire Thormyr LN(g) Honor, Duty, Protection m Healing, Law, Protection, Strength Traitor CE Betrayal, Chaos, Madness m Chaos, Healing, Madness, Trickery Urath CE Terror, Voracity m Chaos, Destruction, Evil Infernal Powers Lords of Hell Amzolol LE Deception m Bei’thor LE Cruelty, Sadism m Jezuel LE Pain, Torture, Indignity f Nethruel LE Obsession, Addiction m Sestyruas LE Envy, Covetousness m

Lords of the Abyss Azi Dahaka CE Storms, Waste m Izmaledt CE Obscenity, Malformation m Obitu-que CE Domination, Prepotency m Qäyaqiq CE Curiosity, Desperation, ? Tzitzimitl CE Destruction, Ruin f

* Domains introduced in The Complete Guide to Drow from Goodman Games.

19 Enemy for their mutual benefit— The Powers Ahriman although both mighty gods know that (the Deathbringer ) should their schemes of destruction break apart the world, they will vie Ahpuchac Greater god, CE —Death, for dominance. While Zhühn seeks (the Black Jaguar ) Disease, Darkness, Suffering the annihilation of existence itself, Ahriman seeks destruction for its Demigod, N — The Ahriman, the Fiendish Spirit, the own sake, intending to rebuild again Underworld, Maras Deathbringer, is the ancient god of under his administration. darkness and destruction, suffering, Ahpuchac ( oh -pu-chak), the Black and disease—and some believe, one When Ahriman is depicted in reli- Jaguar, is the patron god of the of the authors of evil itself. Like gious art, he takes the form of a Xulmec city-state of Maras and the Ormazd, his radiant twin, Ahriman is giant-sized demon with a pair of guardian of Mictlan, the believed to have spawned from an massive black horns and wielding an Underworld. He is the bringer of bal- obscure, if powerful, neutral deity oversized kukri. The Fiendish Spirit ance, ushering good and evil into named Zurvan. Ahriman merely and his hateful clerics weave hidden death and the that awaits. It watched as the Triad and the other alliances among many evil factions, is believed by the people of Xulmec deific powers coalesced the world, sewing destruction from the darkness that one’s destination is determined studying its creation so he could and hiding from the followers of as much by the journey through the learn how to destroy it again and Ormazd until Ahriman’s return, Underworld as by the life one led. remake it in his own nightmarish when he will raze the mortal world Ahpuchac prowls Mictlan to ensure image. undisguised. all are given a fair chance on this momentous quest. The Fiendish Spirit has given rise to The domains associated with many infernal beings and darkened Ahriman are Chaos, Death, Once the tribal chieftain of Maras the hearts of many mortals. During Destruction, and Evil. His favored and the founder of its city-state, the Reign of Dragons, he sowed the weapon is the kukri, and his symbol Ahpuchac gained the mantle of god- desire for destruction among the is a demonic visage with two black hood when he was lured into the mightiest of dragons to bring about horns. depths by a spiritual jaguar sent by their own civil war. When Ahriman’s Madrah, the Lord of the Earth and worship was at its most profound, Amun Tor (the Sky. Fulfilling a spiritual need for the the desert-dwelling people of Abylos ) Xulmec people, the Black Jaguar named him Angra Mainyu, the Father of Riddles now oversees mortality itself, guard- Deathbringer. Although the faith of Greater god, N —Mystery, ing the Underworld from the sabo- the Fiendish Spirit has waned, his Riddles tage of other divinities. few remaining followers wait patiently for signs of his return. They Amun Tor ( ah -mun-TOR), the Lord The domains associated with cling to the prophesied age when Ahpuchac are Earth, Protection, and of Mystery, the Father of Riddles, is Angra Mainyu slays his twin, the a mysteriarch among gods, the deity Repose. His favored weapon is the god Ormazd, Lord of Wisdom. razor glove, and his symbol is the of knowledge, the known and depiction of himself in perfect pro- Ahriman is the only god willing to unknown. He is the god once file. treat with Zhühn openly, forging the charged by the Triad to oversee the occasional alliance with the Great realms now known as the Lostlands. It was Amun Tor who first led the sphinxes to the majesty that was the Khonsurian Empire, and it was Amun Tor who warned his daughter, the immortal Queen Ankharet, from the path that led to its ruin. He watches still over the wind, hills, and deserts of the Lostlands, the unseen lord of every city and desolation. The Father of Riddles has many fol- lowers, mostly among the peoples of the Lostlands, but few real priests

20 devote their lives to his enigmatic guile to swindle, outwit, or frame Anahuara is depicted as she was in dogma. True worship of Amun Tor is their enemies, little realizing that the life, a tall woman with very long, a mystery in itself; an acolyte must deepest deception and greatest loss is unbound hair. The mantle of her god- study the hieroglyphs of his mazelike their own. The Lord of Deceit sus- hood is represented in the suit of temples for many years to discover pends his trickery for his most prom- bone armor she wears, and in her his doctrines. One of Amun Tor’s ising mortal thralls that they might hands she carries a mace that glows only known tenets is that true power grow in worldly power to carry out with the violet light of the Spectral is worth searching for and is there- Amzolol’s will—though the artful Moon. She is often shown with a fore hidden in riddles. The greatest promises of the Lord of Deceit are nimbus of the moon behind her. of his temples, usually half-buried in sure to snare them in the end. Most Silver, called the Tears of Anahuara, the wilds of the Lostlands, are of his human agents are clerics, rogu- is a holy material to her faithful and labyrinthine pyramids hiding divine ish bureaucrats, and politicians. is never used as simple currency reliquaries and arcane libraries. among the Amoyas. As the moons Adventurers faced with the prospect Anahuara (the wax and wane, priests of Anahuara of infiltrating one of Amun Tor’s ) interpret her will for the lay follow- temples know that exceptional perils Blessing of Night ers. As with most Amoyas, the fol- and exceptional rewards lie within. lowers of Anahuara revere death as Demigod, NG — Amoya, much as life itself, seeing both as the Moons The Lord of Mysteries is depicted dif- coterminous states of existence. In ferently in each culture of which he is on the dogma of the Lucent Guardian, a part. Some see him as a great Anahuara ( -uh-woh-ra), the Bless- ing of Night, the Lady Eidolon, the undeath has its appropriate time and androsphinx, while others see him as place. More often than not, the a tall gilded like the noble servants Lucent Guardian, is the patroness of the Xulmec city-state of Amoya and undead are considered subversions of old Khonsuria. Still others repre- of the natural order, but there are sent him only as an eye-shaped glyph. the divine keeper of the Southland moons. To the Xulmec people, where times when the animated dead are The domains associated with Amun the sun grants the world life only sanctioned by Anahuara. Tor are Air, Fire, Knowledge, Magic, from afar, the moons grant greater The domains associated with and Weather. His favored weapon is vitality the closer they are to the Anahuara are Good, Healing, Magic, the quarterstaff. His symbol varies earth. While the Spectral Moon and Repose. Her favored weapon is with each culture but often incorpo- measures time and bestows magic the light mace, whose head clerics rates an image of an eye. and spiritual balance upon the land, typically coat with alchemical silver. the White Moon keeps the world in The symbol of Anahuara is formed Amzolol physical equilibrium. Anahuara is of both moons in varying positions, the guardian of both. usually one half-eclipsed by the Archdevil, LE —Deception Once the chieftain-founder of the other. Amzolol ( ahm -zoe-lol), the Lord of city-state of Amoya, Anahuara now Deceit, is a cunning archdevil who watches over it as a sentinel of life Ankharet adheres strictly to the lawful nature and death and the magic of the (the Cursed ) of his infernal kind but weaves loop- Spectral Moon. She is afforded her holes into the promises he makes. lunar power by Shul, the Watcher in Demigod, NE —Khonsuria, Mortals who wish to deceive their the Sky, but affinity for the violet- Sphinxes enemies beseech Amzolol for the hued Southland moon is hers alone. Ankharet ( on -kar-ret), the Cursed, the Sphinx Queen, was the demigod- dess who once ruled the Khonsurian Empire millennia ago. Once known as Ankharet the Blessed, she was fathered by Amun Tor himself and set upon the throne of the glorious sphinx empire. She ruled for count- less years and brought prosperity to her kind, ensuring the Reign of Cats as one of the greatest ages of Áereth’s long history.

21 Yet Ankharet brought her own allow themselves to be bribed by advisors and some multiclass as empire into ruin when she suc- these humanoid minions of their rangers to serve as military scouts. cumbed to corruption and evil. The ancient queen, perhaps in the tiny civil war that came of her crimes hope of seeing their empire reborn Aristemis is portrayed as a woman in resulted in the death of half her kind one day. Ankharet herself is depicted robes with piercing eyes, strong fea- and drove the survivors into a myste- as a gynosphinx of transcendent tures, and short-cropped dark hair. rious exodus. The Sphinx Queen her- beauty, mighty in stature and grace- She carries a great bow, but she is self was defeated and imprisoned in ful of body. seldom shown using it. In religious a massive tomb in the Barren Hills, art, Aristemis is often depicted stand- where she slumbers still under the The domains associated with ing to the right of Gorhan, whisper- watch of the androsphinx prophet Ankharet are Destruction, Evil, ing in his ear. Knowledge, and Trickery. Her Khubsheth, and Ankharet’s own The domains Aristemis is associated daughter, Meraph the Golden. favored weapon is the razor glove and her symbol is a fair feminine with are Good, Knowledge, and War. According to prophecy, Ankharet Her favored weapon is the longbow, will sleep until those destined to slay face, adorned with a Khonsurian headdress and a black crown. Often and her symbol is an arrow wrapped her arrive—or until the champions of loosely in a scroll. her faith free her to reign again. this symbol is paired with an ansate cross. Within the tomb, Ankharet’s power Auzarr (Keeper of is greatly diminished, but should she escape its mystic confines, she will Aristemis the Nexus ) return to her full glory. (the Insightful One ) Greater god, N — The Transitive Few sphinxes remain in the Known Demigod, NG — Strategy, Planes, Teleportation, Psionics Realms, and fewer still revere the Diplomacy goddess who brought destruction to Auzarr ( oh -zar), Keeper of the their ancient empire. Yet even the Aristemis (uh- riss -teh-miss), the Nexus, is the abstruse deity of the sinister dreams of the sleeping Clear Thinker, the Insightful One, Transitive Planes, the conduits Sphinx Queen have inspired the Arrow of Vision, is the demi- between realities, and all supernatu- humanoid cults devoted to returning power of strategy and intelligent ral passage. She is the guardian of her to power. None suspect that the combat. She is the patroness of war- the fabric of reality and the strands great statue near Prophet’s Leap, the riors and generals, and sometimes that bind them, maintaining all extra- mysterious stone sphinx, now hides politicians, traders, and even rogues. and nondimensional spaces. Auzarr’s the Queen’s physical body. But it is Alhough Aristemis bears the courage mantle of connectivity does not only a matter of time before her fol- of her lieges, Gorhan and Justicia, make her church a popular one on lowers find her. she also knows the wisdom of choos- Áereth, but even for a Greater God ing her battles, when to walk away Auzarr is largely apathetic toward Clerics of Ankharet gather in mortal worship. Lostlands ruins, consorting with evil from them, and when to use diploma- creatures such as lamia and cy in the place of violence. Generals Those who do revere the Keeper of chimeras. These cultists venerate who redirect their armies in bold the Nexus understand the need for sphinxes above all, but the magical maneuvers, engage in daring strate- her work and strive to encourage or beasts seldom treat with them, gies, or even retreat, call upon limit the magic of spatial relocation. devouring them more often than not. Aristemis for her insight. Clerics of Psionic creatures often pay homage On rare occasions, hieracosphinxes the Clear Thinker often serve as war to Auzarr as well, as much of their

22 power is drawn from astral energies. Serpent that the worship of Cynhuara ´ ( The Keeper of the Nexus is seldom may draw her back from death, a Bargul the Sword portrayed in religious art, rendered concern that frightens Axaluatl more of Darkness ) as a nimbus of radiant energy or a than any other. He is determined to tall, stately woman. stamp out such misguided devotion Demigod, LE — Death, to his dead sister and slay all remain- Undead, Drow The domains associated with Auzarr ing guardian nagas. The likeness of bar are Knowledge, Magic, and Travel. Axaluatl remains carved in the Bargúl ( -gool), the Sword of As she has no favored weapon, the ancient temples of Zimala, depicting Darkness, Leader of the Hosts of few clerics of the Keeper use the him as a dark naga of tremendous Thorrin, is the heroine goddess of the unarmed strike in its place. Her sym- size. Legends suggest that he exists drow. When the rebel elves fled from bol is a prism or a silver loom. in physical form somewhere beneath the subjugations of Khonsuria, it was the ruins of Teoyotlan. the warrior-maid Bargúl who drove Axaluatl (the the Kindred Wars to its bloody cli- ) The domains associated with max and led her people into the Shadow Serpent Axaluatl are Evil, Death, and Law. depths of Áereth. Having brought His favored weapon, employed by her people so far into the darkness, Demigod, LE — Zimala, Nagas, those servants who can grip a Bargúl at last found salvation when Reptiles weapon, is the garrote. The symbol she heard the call of Tororthun, the Axaluatl ( ah -shal- wah -tuhl), the of the Shadow Serpent is his own estranged goddess of the depths. Shadow Serpent, is the demi-power body twined around a jeweled scep- tre. Upon her death, the Leader of the fathered by Madrah himself to assist Hosts was rewarded with divinity as his sister Cynhuara with the rulership the necromantic swordmaiden of of the Zimalan Empire. In an effort Azi Dahaka Tororthun’s evil aspect, the Spider to usurp control from the Naga Queen—Bargúl brings the only sem- Demon prince, CE —Storms, Council, the scheming of Axaluatl blance of true law to the otherwise Waste helped bring about the empire’s selfish society of her people. Serving eventual fall. In the wake of Zimala’s ee hah now as the drow patroness of death war with the sphinxes of Khonsuria, Azi Dahaka (oz- -da- -kah) is a bestial demon spawned by Ahriman and the undead, the Sword of Axaluatl’s own disciples turned Darkness is only sparingly wor- against him, withdrawing their devo- himself, one of many evil divinities unleashed upon the world by the shipped but remains a hero to drow tion and slaying his loyal minions throughout the Underdeep for having until his divinity became impotent. Deathbringer to wreak destruction. Considered the spiritual inspiration freed them from the tyranny of the Alone in the dark for millennia, the of the hydra, Azi Dahaka is not a Overworld. Shadow Serpent has slowly garnered subtle demon prince, caring nothing The clergy of Bargúl are militant support from small cults of lizard- for deception or cunning. He lives to warrior-priestesses whose strategy in folk, troglodytes, and even dark and destroy and suffers mortal thralls battle involves animating the dead of spirit nagas still dwelling in the ruins only if they promise to carry out their fallen that they may fight anew. of Zimala. Determined to rise again, schemes that bring ruin and waste to Despite this practice—or perhaps to Axaluatl seeks to expand his worship civilization. Long ago, a physical explain it—all drow life is sacred to to include humans. Rumors have manifestation of Azi Dahaka was Bargúl. Her faithful are forbidden to reached followers of the Shadow imprisoned within an Áerethian slay other drow in cold blood and desert beneath a dome of enchanted glass. Releasing this multi-headed serpent is only the first step in stir- ring the bound demon. Like the hydra’s head, killing one of Azi Dahaka’s physical forms spawns two in its place. Each new body is birthed in the bowels of the Abyss and sets upon one goal: Return to the Material Plane to destroy.

23 must take care even if forced to fight ( them fairly. This respect for her own Bobugbubilz Cadixtat the kind is often at odds with the Spider (the Toadfiend ) Severed Chaos ) Queen’s erratic ways, but Bargúl does not relent on her stance. Demigod, CE — Evil Amphibians Demigod, CE — Chaos The domains associated with Bargúl Bobugbubilz (bo- bug -bub-ilz), the Cadixtat ( kah -dix-tat), the Sundered are Death, Drow, Law, and Undead. Toadfiend God, is the slimy god of Master, the Severed Chaos, was once Her favored weapon is the long or evil amphibians, turbid water and a deific titan and champion to short sword (clerics must choose slime, and the mephitis of foul Zhühn’s goals of entropy on Áereth. one), and her symbol is a skeletal places. A chaotic power of mires and When Teleus the Obedient severed soldier, usually depicted with flow- malodorous life, Bobugbubilz is con- his hand, his Axe of Unmaking and ing white hair like her own. tent simply to spread his putrid off- his great power were lost to him. The spring across the planes and let them balance of Law and Chaos was Bei ’thor multiply and sow discord and misery restored when Teleus was withdrawn ( ) where they will. The Material Plane from the world, allowing the morals Centurion of Evil is, of course, his favorite realm upon of Good and Evil to contend in their which to inflict his foul progeny. The place. Seeing Cadixtat’s purpose Archdevil, LE — Cruelty, Sadism disgust he and his clergy garner neutralized, Zhühn butchered the rest Bei’thor ( bay -ih-tour), an arrogant among the fairer races serves only to of his body and cast it in pieces down archdevil styling himself the amuse Bobugbubilz. upon the world. Thus disarrayed, Centurion of Evil, leads an eternal each part of the once-great titan The Toadfiend bears no relation to twisted into a slumbering aberration campaign to corrupt mortals with Pelagia, but many of his servants sins of wanton cruelty. When tri- of near-sentience deep beneath the dwell within her oceans and seas. He surface. Over the subsequent ages, umphant armies conquer neighbor- is served primarily by anomalous ing lands, it is his influence which cults have coalesced to worship these members of various amphibious creatures, laboring with profane leads to needless slaughter, wicked- races, including locathahs, scrags, ness, and privation. Blackguards of magic to awaken them. The con- and sahuagin. Human cults spring up sciousness of Cadixtat himself is Bei’thor are called the Knights of now and again in his wake, carrying Darkness, a name as vainglorious as effectively inactive, dispersed and out deviant rites and spawning new unknowing, but rumors among some the devil they serve. Bei’thor, once a creatures in his name. Appropriately, half-fiend mortal, attained the title of circles of the occult claim that unit- Bobugbubilz’s physical form is ing his limbs could resurrect the archdevil after centuries of unspeak- believed to be a bloated, toad-like able deeds. Despite his nefarious Sundered Master. What agenda monstrosity of alarming size, his ran- Cadixtat would follow or who he reputation, Bei’thor is most famous cid odor preceding his appearance. for his legendary defeat at the hands would serve, were he to reform, are a of Tevron. A powerful hound archon The domains associated with matter of pure speculation. and champion of Justicia, Tevron Bobugbubilz are Chaos, Evil, and The domains associated with saved the Northlands with his bril- Water. His favored weapon is the Cadixtat and his aberrant body parts liant stratagems, personally sending whip and his symbol is the leering, are Chaos and Destruction, though Bei’thor in retreat to the depths of malformed head of a toad. Zhühn himself likely grants any Hell. spells from his worship. The favored weapon of Cadixtat is the battle axe and his symbol is simply a mesh of crisscrossing lines in random direc- tions. Children who scribble are often scolded for accidentally evok- ing the sign of Cadixtat.

24 Calchoti Centivus Chondri (the Rain Queen ) (the Shaper ) (the Voracious )

Demigod, CG — Kaatlan, Rain, Greater god, N — Creation, Demigod, NG — Deep-dwelling Charity Artistry, Possibility, Conjuration, Marine Life, Aggression Transmutation Calchoti ( kal -cho-tee), the Rain Chondri ( chon -dree), the Voracious, Queen, the Virgin Water, is the mag- Centivus ( sent -ih-vus) the Shaper, Seraph of the Deep, the Sea-Angel of nanimous patroness of the Xulmec the Great Artist, is the embodiment Blood, is the twin of Elas as a god of city-state of Kaatlan. She is the of imagination and possibility, a deep waters. Often considered an bringer of rainfall and verdant life, deity of Creation as one of the Triad. aspect of Pelagia, he is in fact mere- playing a vital role for the crops the Lesser known than Choranus and ly one of many children of the Coral Xulmec harvest. The Rain Queen is a Ildavir, Centivus is a humble god, Queen. He is a patron of the natural deity who teaches that life is sacred caring little for mortal worship. He is animals of the deep sea, most often and not to be wasted; one must offer the incidental patron of all artists and associated with sharks. friendship and charity to one’s neigh- wizards who study the schools of bors and even one’s enemies. conjuration and transmutation. Chondri is depicted as a gigantic Though few worship him directly, shark with a flattened, skate-like Any day of rainfall is a hallowed day many offer prayers to the Great head and fitted with a terrifying, ser- to her clerics, and even violent Artist when in need of inspiration. rated snout like that of some mon- storms are regarded with wonder and Centivus is less adamant in his oppo- strous sawfish. Though his form fear of her power. The clergy of sition of Zhühn, but the Shaper, as strikes horror into the hearts of all Calchoti shares an oddly symbiotic the ultimate purveyor of creativity who see him, the respectful have relationship with that of Coatlimict and inventiveness, is still anathema nothing to fear of this goodly deity. the Skull-Father that none outside of to the Great Enemy. either faith can understand. While The domains associated with each god will hold greater sway than The domains associated with Chondri are Good, Strength, and the other during any given season, Centivus are Creation, Knowledge, Water. The favored symbol of the the two never war with one another Protection, and Travel. His favored Sea-Angel is the trident and his sym- despite their strongly opposed tenets. weapon has changed over the years; bol is the open jaws of a shark. Calchoti is depicted in temple carv- lately, it is the light crossbow. The ings as a small woman with rain symbol of Centivus varies with each falling from her body. culture in which he is revered. The domains associated with the Rain Queen are Good, Healing, Plant, and Water. Her favored weapon is the atlatl and her symbol is a pitcher pouring water.

25 Choranus are Creation, Knowledge, temples with the animated, severed Choranus Magic, Protection, Strength, and heads of their enemies mounted upon (the Seer Father ) Travel. He has no favored weapon. pikes. The symbol of Choranus varies with Greater god, LN — Creation, each culture in which he is revered. The domains associated with Destiny, Magic Coatlimict are Death, Evil, and War. His favored weapon is the two-hand- Choranus ( kor -uh-niss), the Seer Coatlimict ed macuahuitl and his symbol is a Father, is arguably the most powerful (the Skull -Father ) stylized skull from which serpents being known to Áereth. Most races slither like the rays of the sun. and cultures in the Known Realms Demigod, NE — Kaatlan, War, speak of a god that first created the Carnage, Undeath Cynhuara (the world, and most point to a power like aht mikt ) him. He watches Áereth remotely, Coatlimict (ko- -li- ), the Radiant Serpent concerned with its future perhaps Serpent-Haired, Skull-Father, Prince Demigod, LG — Zimala, more than its past, delegating present of the Summer Harvest, and the Nagas, Reptiles concerns to his children and the less- Reaper of Men, is the Xulmec god of carnage and undeath. Once a mighty er gods. wahr king of Kaatlan, Coatlimict was a Cynhuara (sin- -uh), the Radiant Though his worshippers are few, favored disciple of Calchoti who Serpent, was a demi-goddess sired Chroranus is often invoked by turned from the peace and altruism by Madrah to rule the Zimalan prophets, seers, and wizards for his of her faith. The final years of his Empire. When she came of age, she divine omniscience, and by all those tyranny ran red with the blood of his created the Naga Council, a demo- who seek the knowledge that one’s enemies. After Coatlimict was slain, cratic assembly that gave greater own destiny imparts. Followers of his many pacts with the Lords of voice to her subjects. With the Choranus maintain that every spell Hell earned him a tenuous position Radiant Serpent at its head, the or psionic power that glimpses the as a demigod. The god of bloodshed Council begat an age of peaceful future—be it mere seconds or long and undeath, the Skull-Father is the expansion and magical progress. The years—must meet approval with the patron of warriors, necromancers, peace came to a terrible end when Seer Father. He alone, they believe, and blackguards. Cyhara’s brother, Axaluatl, betrayed can perceive the enormity of the her and the Council, bringing war future and decides what portents to Despite his fall into evil, the clergy from the Khonsurian Empire that divulge to the mortal world. In a of the Skull-Father bears an enigmat- decimated the population. In the thousand cultures Choranus is given ic state of peace with the priesthood attack, Cynhuara herself was slain by a thousand names and a thousand of the Rain Queen, allowing both Meraph, the half-dragon daughter of representations. As a member of the faiths to coexist within Kaatlan. Queen Ankharet. Coatlimict is usually depicted as a Triad, he is the consort of Ildavir and Yet divinity is not so easily extin- the elder brother of Centivus. giant, overly muscled human with a fleshless head and living serpents for guished. Cynhuara has lain in the Choranus is the chief enemy of slumber of death for millennia, but Zhühn, whose empty Void the Seer hair, wearing a cloak of feathers and bearing his favored weapon. Clerics the rumor of prophecy has begun to Father invaded with his very pres- circulate among the guardian nagas ence. of the Skull-Father are frightening to behold, as they often wear the flayed who live today and a handful of The domains associated with skins of their victims and adorn their devoted cults of the Radiant Serpent.

26 Asserting that the goddess can be vering law, is well known for his evil and all those who would bury returned from death, the disciples of promised word; when an oath is knowledge. He is also the god of Cynhuara have come to understand made by him or his clerics, one can sunlight and exposure, the purveyor that only one person, a young human be assured the oath will be fulfilled. of open truth and unclouded opinion. female, can avail this prophecy: Though seldom are curses made in Clerics and paladins who serve Itlanexca, the adolescent queen of his name, vows of love, justice, and Delvyr are chief opponents of the Teotcoatlan. Herself only a young revenge are common. undead, bringing purifying sunlight acolyte of the Radiant Serpent, the to bear against them. Monks, bards, queen is unaware of her destiny and Daenthar is one of the Greater Gods, and scholars devoted to the of the enemies who would see her and the most serious-minded of his Revealing Light often spend long dead to prevent it. siblings. He is an earth god like hours in research, although Delvyr Poderon, but he is dour by compari- does not seek to hold up his follow- Clerics who worship the slumbering son, lacking the levity of his younger ers in dusty libraries forever. The goddess have their spells granted by brother. Gaining the friendship of search for knowledge is an active Madrah himself—until the goddess’s Daenthar is a promise of security, for one; the Church of Delvyr often rebirth. The domains associated with the Mountainlord defends his own. funds expeditions to recover lost the Radiant Serpent are Good, Daenthar is widely acknowledged lore, forgotten mythos, records from Healing, and Magic. Her favored but his clergy is small; clerics of the fallen civilizations, or even magics weapon, for those of her followers Hallowed Forge are found mostly buried by the ages. who can grasp one, is the flail. Her within stony temples deep within symbol is a serpent surrounded by a mountain holds. In ceremony, they In religious renderings, Delvyr is halo of flame. are clad in full battle armor that always shown dwelling in places of varies with each temple, but the lore, such as libraries, archaeological Daenthar (the everyday vestments of the digs, and council chambers. Within ) Mountainlord’s clergy resemble these environments, he is shown in Hallowed Forge well-tailored workman’s attire that is four stages of life: a child, a youth, a uniform across the Known Realms. middle-aged man, and an elder to Greater god, LG — Earth, When the likeness of Daenthar is depict one’s need to learn throughout Industry, Vows, Trust carved in religious art, he always one’s life. Delvyr is a known enemy Daenthar ( dane -thar), the Hallowed appears as a stout human or tall to the Hidden Lord, whose shadows Forge, the Mountainlord, is the earth dwarf, either standing over a forge or he intends to illuminate, whose god of industry, blacksmithing, and arrayed in heavy battle armor. secrets he aims to reveal. Though a oaths. He is the patron of miners and deity of undisputable good, Delvyr The domains associated with the believes in truth for truth’s sake; all who draw from the rock to shape Mountainlord are Earth, Good, Law, tools of defense and war. Dwarves even harmful or blasphemous lore is and Protection. His favored weapon best brought to light and carefully were hewn in the image of Daenthar, is the warhammer, while the symbol and it is indeed the Hallowed Forge guarded, rather than left hidden for of Daenthar is a forging hammer set the unwary to find. that most of the Bearded Folk vener- against a cracked mountain. ate. Yet other races pay their respects The domains associated with Delvyr to him as well, particularly moun- are Glory, Good, Knowledge, and taineers, blacksmiths, and those who Delvyr ( ) Sun. His favored weapon is the work with their hands. The the Luminous shortbow and his symbol is an arrow Mountainlord, a stern god of unwa- lying upon an open book. Lesser god, NG — Knowledge, Learning, Light Delvyr ( del -veer), the Luminous, the Revealing Light, the Hallowed Docent, is the deity of education, knowledge, and radiance. He is the patron god of scholars, librarians, educators, and warriors who fight for the preservation of truth. Learned bards and chroniclers revere Delvyr above others, for he strives to reveal all secrets and unmask the guises of

27 ( ) wounded. No matter what armor or Elas the Lurker Elyr vestments they wear, clerics of Elyr (the Healing Touch ) are recognizable by their very long, Demigod, NE — Deep-dwelling well-groomed hair, vowing never to Marine Life, Ambush Lesser god, CG — Healing, Life, cut it once they join the clergy, as a Elas ( ee -loss), the Lurker, She-Devil Succor symbol of long and enduring life. of the Deep, is a wicked and capri- Elyr ( el -eer), the Healing Touch, the The domains associated with Elyr cious terror of the ocean floor. Ever Maiden of Life, the Binder of are Good, Healing, Liberation, and at war with her brother Chondri the Wounds, the Sustainer, is the god- Luck. Her favored weapon is the Voracious, together they rule over dess of continued life, the purging of sling. The symbol of the Maiden of the deep seas and its most fearsome sickness, and the binding of all hurts. Life is a radiant hand, sometimes creatures. She is the patroness of those who shown clasping or touching the palm Elas is a deity of extreme cunning give aid to others, be they home- of a withered hand. and a mistress of ambush. She is dwelling healers or warriors who depicted as a colossal manta ray with brave enemy territory to rescue cap- Fenwar the head and notorious jaws of a tives. Born immaculate from the (the Firelord ) massive moray eel. When Elas takes blood of Ildavir, Elyr takes her moth- er’s devotion to life to a zealous physical form within Áereth’s ocean, Lesser god, N — Fire, extreme, believing that life should be she is a true monster of the deep. Lightning, the Hearth While her dorsal side is perfectly sustained at all costs and is worth camouflaged against the seabed, her any risk. Fenwar ( fen -wahr), the Firelord, the ventral is an otherworldly wash of Elyr’s well-meaning, uncompromis- Blazing King, is the god of forest prismatic effulgence. Those who ing dogma is often at odds with the fires, lightning storms, hot springs, look upon it are irresistibly drawn tenets of Soleth, which state that and the kinetic energies of nature into her waiting jaws of death. Her there is a time for merciful death. wherever they manifest—volcanoes, numerous tails are long, barbed, and Clerics of the Healing Touch are a auroras, fireflies. He is the patron of poisonous. She spends most of her blessing to the wounded and those in creatures inured to fire or lightning, time resting on the ocean floor, lay- peril, but often a bane to the dying but also of simple people who rely ing in wait for prey deserving of her who prefer the release of death. Elyr upon the fires of the hearth to keep interest. Clerics of the Lurker are pri- does not enjoy suffering, but her their homes warm. As a god in serv- marily sahuagin and locathahs. drive to stave off death outweighs ice to Ildavir, Fenwar maintains the the need to relieve pain. Accordingly, balance of nature with his phenome- The domains associated with Elas na of heat and flame. are Evil, Trickery, and Water. The the Maiden of Life abhors the favored weapon of Elas is the trident undead, and her clerics often join the Known for his temper, Fenwar does and her symbol is a manta ray or a faithful of Delvyr in their crusades to not tolerate those who abuse his sand dollar rimmed with spear destroy them. Elyr wages great dominion. Clerics and druids of the points. opposition to the machinations of Firelord never cause forest fires, but Zhühn, for she adores creation and they do permit them to run their the restoration of life in all its forms. course as part of Áereth’s cycle of The Maiden of Life is usually depict- life. They do investigate such holo- ed as a radiant young woman in sim- causts, however, if they have reason ple robes, tending the sick and

28 to suspect mortal instigation. relent until every dream has been forced into combat, they wield the Temples of Fenwar, though uncom- made part of her nightmare. sap, Gil’Mâridth’s favored weapon. mon, are great lodges of stone with Her symbol is a dark spiral or vortex windows open to the sky. Altars, With the near-consummate power of reflecting the reoccurring image cen- resembling massive hearths, are usu- Ôæ, however, Gil’Mâridth’s aim is tral to her priests’ nightmares. ally guarded by fire, magma, or not an easy one. Yet the march of steam mephits. Holy days are fear and misery in the waking world ( disquiets dreamers’ dreams, inviting Gorhan the observed during lightning storms, ) when Fenwar is the most active. the Torment’s terrifying intrusion. Helmed Vengeance Unbelieved if not unknown by most The domains associated with Fenwar mortals, the war she wages threatens Lesser god, LG — Valor, are Air, Fire, and Sun. His favored very real repercussions for every War, Chivalry weapon is the halberd, and his sym- dreamer in the waking world should gor bol is a man-shaped figure wreathed she achieve her frightening designs. Gorhan ( -han), the Helmed in flame or electricity. For the Cult of Mâridth, the enormi- Vengeance, the Brave One, He Who ty of potential misery brought on Fights First, is the deity of assertive ’ from such troubles as plagues and combat and valorous accomplish- Gil Maridthˆ ments. He is the patron god of those ( ) wars—and especially the the Torment Northlands’ Scourge—gives them who fight with courage against the hope. lawless and corrupt. Nonhumans Lesser god, CE — Nightmares, often favor Gorhan in their darkest Fear, Night Terrors The unquiet clerics of the Torment hour, but usually know him by a dif- are recruited by senior priests of the ferent name. Most of the Brave mahr Gil’Mâridth (gil- -idth), the faith who enter their nightmares and One’s faithful are paladins and cava- Torment, the Great Hag, the Dread of drive them to the edge of sanity until liers, and even elves have founded Night, formerly a being of they come to understand the creeds knightly orders in his name. His fer- unmatched evil and power in the of Gil’Mâridth. These disturbed vor against evil often outweighs his Sancturn Pantheon’s homeworld, believers live anonymously and reason, and his followers evince the refused to be lowered beneath work diligently to poison the waking same trait. Áereth’s greater gods. Instead, she lives of dreamers with terror they escaped into the Dream held aloft by should carry with them in their sleep. Gorhan is always depicted as a slen- Ôæ where she reigns rivaled only by Most of them function independent- der knight in luminous, golden Ôæ himself and, like him, exists ly, haunting individuals according to armor, a radiant longsword and almost without body or awareness instructions received in their own shield in hand. The visor of his helm beyond that imagined realm. Out of tortured dreams, but elite sects of the always hides his face, revealing him sight to most dreamers, Gil’Mâridth Cult of Mâridth exist, often in coor- as neither human nor elven in coun- and her cult of shanghaied dreamers dination with other evil faiths. The tenance. Gorhan is the husband of wage a tireless battle with Ôæ and spread of mental anguish—and Justicia and embodies the emphatic his faithful in an effort to reclaim the hence, troubled dreams—fuels the force that carries out her righteous Dream and shape it to her liking, just Torment’s power within the Dream. decrees. When forgiveness or as she has since before the dawn of The Dread of Night is the antithesis reprieve are no longer options for the Áereth. The Great Hag’s dominion of hope and safety, fulfilling a guilty, the Helmed Vengeance within the Dream is a realm of dreamer’s worst imagined horror. By becomes the executioner. Clerics of unimagined horror, and she will not default, she is depicted as a night Gorhan respect valor above all, and hag, a creature commonly connected to her faith. The domains associated with Gil’Mâridth are Dream, Evil, and Trickery. She is no purveyor of death, preferring the sedation and unconsciousness of her enemies to ensure their arrival in her dominion. For this reason, clerics of the Torment employ poisons such as oil of taggit and blue whinnis. When

29 those who’ve proven their courage power. There is no common appear- tribes of Xulmec, and shrines to against the face of true evil earn the ance among his faithful. If there is a Huamext exist in every city so the right to wear armor emblazoned with means to identify a cleric of the people can pay him their respect. In their deity’s sacred symbol. Though Hidden Lord, they do not share it his temples, the Guardian is depicted they wear standard vestments within outside their own. Any priest who as he was in life, a bear of a man their temples, clerics and paladins of turns from the Hidden Path is wielding a massive warclub and the Brave One favor the anonymity marked for death. sometimes wearing armor made of visored helms on the battlefield. from the scales of a dragon; at his The domains associated with the side is always a young girl, repre- The domains Gorhan is associated Cloaked One are Darkness, Evil, senting the spirit of Ixtique who gave with are Good, Healing, Strength, Knowledge, and Trickery. His sym- Huamec renewed life. Nevertheless, and War. His favored weapon is the bol, very rarely seen, is a black cowl both are worshipped as Huamext, a longsword, and his symbol is such a concealing a wispy visage and a pair single deity. Priests of the Guardian sword stained with black blood. of glowing eyes. A cleric of the and Preserver are open-minded, will- Those temples that honor both Hidden Lord can use the holy sym- ing to form allegiances with foreign- Gorhan and his wife merge their bol of any neutral or evil deity to ers but never willing to risk the secu- symbols together as one. channel their spells. The Hidden rity of all Xulmec. Huamext and his Lord’s favored weapon is a wavy- clergy disapprove of the infighting Hidden Lord bladed dagger. that often exists between the city- states, a state of attrition they cannot Lesser god, CE — Secrets, Huamext foil. It was priests of Huamec who Misdirection, Forbidden Lore, (the Restored ) were first taught the rites to create Shadows living idols (see Chapter 3), and for The Hidden Lord, the Cloaked One, Demigod, NG — Xulmec, this reason every temple to Huamext the Keeper of Forbidden Lore, or He Protection is guarded by one of the idols. of Many Names is a deity of the Huamext ( woh -mesht), the Guardian The domains associated with shadows, an unseen master of dark and Preserver, is the of Huamext are Earth, Good, and places and darker secrets. Those the hero-turned-god Huamec the Protection. His favored weapon is mortals who seek heretical writings Deliverer. Once a chieftain of his the greatclub and his symbol is a and buried truths inevitably find people, Huamec first led the human quetzal-feathered phoenix. themselves coveting the power of the slaves to freedom from the naga Hidden Lord—whether they know it empire of Zimala. After establishing or not. The Cloaked One is one of the them in the Xulmec peninsula, few gods who do not openly preach Huamec ascended into divinity, only their tenets, for his ways are by their to sacrifice his immortal life to save very nature concealed. His clergy, his people in the War of Divine the Hidden Path, is a well-organized Right. Centuries later, Huamec secret society that carries out its evil emerged again, revived by one of his agenda through clandestine means, descendants, a priestess named feigning the worship of other gods Ixtique. Having achieved divinity and communicating to each other herself with the sole purpose of res- with complex codes. In every land he urrecting her ancestor and god, her is known with a different name— spirit fused with his and a new aspect such as Nuurifar, Crypticus, or of both exists in the form of Salderast—and whenever one of Huamext. Huamext is the god of vig- these names become fairly estab- ilance for all of Xulmec, a deity lished, his clergy renames him. keeping surveillance on the lands The Hidden Lord is never portrayed and its people. in any form; any depiction of him is Huamext is often considered the eld- intended to mislead. Some affiliate est human son of Madrah, for he the Hidden Lord with Zhühn due to gives of himself more than any of his secret agendas, but this is inaccu- Madrah’s progeny. Although he is rate; the Hidden Lord seeks power, worshipped primarily in Teotcoatlan, while Zhühn seeks to remove all Huamec is a legend and hero to all

30 ( formed from a wound dealt her by merfolk and tritons who also revere Ildavir the Zhühn, her foremost enemy. The him. Giver of Form ) gods who despoil nature, such as Malotoch, Nimlurun, and The domains associated with Greater god, N — Creation, Life, Narrimunâth, are often the objects of Ilhuicatl are Good, Protection, Nature, Animals her anger. Travel, and Water. His favored weapon is the spear, and his symbol Ildavir ( il -duh-veer), the Giver of The domains associated with the is a conch. Form, the Mother of Essence, is Mother of Essence are Animal, often overlooked but is no less pow- Creation, Earth, Plant, and Ilquot (The erful than the others of the Triad. It Protection. Her favored weapon is ) was Ildavir who first gave corporeal the scythe and her symbol is a leaf, Bell in the Deep form to the creatures of Áereth, set- frond, or tree. Demigod, CN — Cold Waters of ting them into the cyclic arrays of the North, Marine Predators, nature and granting them the ability Ilhuicatl Retribution to procreate. As a goddess of (Lord of the Reef ) Creation, Ildavir stands aloof from Ilquot ( il -quot), the Bell in the Deep, the world, seeing that it moves as Demigod, NG — Athua, the Sea the Bellowing Bray of Night, is the intended only on a global scale. Even fierce and jealous protector of the so, some choose to worship her Ilhuicatl (il- hwee -kotl), Lord of the frigid northern oceans. He is the directly. Clerics and druids of the Reef, is the patron god of the Xulmec patron not only of those living upon Old Faith, as it is called, know the city-state of Athua, given divine sta- the northern coasts but also the pred- Mother of Essence to be the foremost tus by Madrah and fostered by the ators that keep their fragile ecosys- god of nature itself, the origin of all ocean goddess Pelagia. To the tems healthy. Ilquot is, in fact, their earthly life. They place great value in Athuans, he is the personification of top predator, a rare and unseen physical creatures, objects, and the sea itself, though even they rec- hunter letting no beast take more places. Simultaneously materialistic ognize the existence of Pelagia as the than its fair share. and humble, Ildirians preach the motherly, oceanic goddess above value of the world and its workings him. Ilhuicatl is the protector of all Like his brothers and sisters, Ilquot and strive always to protect nature goodly, marine-dwelling creatures, watches over a realm bequeathed to and its children. Farmers, agricultur- including merfolk and tritons. him by his mother Pelagia. Among ists, and even hunters regularly offer them, his reputation is the dourest, tribute to the Giver of Form. Ilhuicatl is depicted as a noble triton yet his spirit is as ferocious within with the Southland features of a the seas’ krakens and orcas as it is When depicted, Ildavir is envisioned Xulmec human. According to leg- gentle with its puffins’ chicks. The as a winged dryad or sylph and bear- end, as a mortal man he fell in love savage clerics of Ilquot must live a ing the antlers of a caribou or with a mermaid who beckoned him life as wild and brutal as his favored gazelle. She stands always apart into the sea, where he joined with the children, the creatures of the icy from the world, and yet in contact spirit of Pelagia herself. Porpoises waters, though their numbers are few with it, providing nourishment. She and dolphins are sacred animals in and dwindling. Without the presence is the consort of Choranus and the the faith of the Lord of the Reef, and of Ilquot’s clerics as wardens of the mother of Ireth, Daenthar, Poderon, human clerics of Ilhuicatl maintain cold northern seas, local priests have and Olidyra. The goddess Elyr is her strong contact with the clerics of had to take special care not to youngest progeny, who sprang fully

31 infringe upon this gelid divinity’s Stargazer’s places of worship take to another, and a liberal use of trans- simple yet easily disregarded tenets. many forms, from hallowed forest mutation magic is a common pastime When a larger number of mortals are glades open to the sky to stargazing for such depraved souls. disrespectful of the sea, Ilquot is observatories and sky-lit libraries. quick to bring retribution upon them, Elves, studious wizards, and those Jezuel inciting his faithful to war. The Bell who look beyond Áereth itself into in the Deep is usually depicted as an the stars themselves all pay their Archdevil, LE — Pain, Torture, intimidating humanoid with the head respects to the Starmistress. She is a Indignity of some great animal of the arctic mystic deity who embodies both seas, typically a walrus, polar bear, worldliness and the unearthly mys- Jezuel ( jez -ooh-el), a sadistic she- or octopus. teries of existence itself. devil who calls herself the Queen of Tribulation, seeks always to bring The domains associated with Ilquot Ireth is the eldest child of Choranus physical and mental anguish to mor- are Protection, War, and Water. The and Ildavir. When she is rendered in tals. She alleviates the suffering of favored weapon of Ilquot is the har- religious art, Ireth appears as a slen- her worshippers while they live, only poon, interchangeable with the der wizard in modest, voluminous to bring it a hundredfold upon them javelin. His symbol is a pair of robes with long, flowing tresses. She when their souls are in her grasp. To crossed narwhal tusks, often frozen is often shown with a spellbook in earn her protection, the depraved in ice. hand and a sheathed sword at her cultists of Jezuel must inflict agonies hip—or else wielding the sword with upon others, but her demand for tor- Ireth (the the book under one arm. She is typi- ment does not end with physical Starmistress ) cally depicted as elven, half-elven, or pain. Indignity and shame are her human. favorite afflictions to work upon the Greater god, CG — Astronomy, The domains associated with Ireth mortal mind, and for this reason she Forestry, Wizardry are Air, Animal, Earth, Good, spends a great deal of her effort Knowledge, and Magic. Her favored spreading misery like a plague. The eer Ireth ( -ith), the Starmistress, the weapon is the longsword and her father who cannot feed his starving Stargazer, the Verdant Mantle, is the symbol is a pair of eyes with star- children, the soldier whose terror goddess of the night sky, woodlands, flecked pupils. leads him to abandon his comrades and magic. She is the patroness of when they are in need, the midwife astronomers, navigators, and woods- ( who fails to save the newborn men who respect the balance of Izmaledt the Lord child—these Jezuel names her great- nature. Ireth is the primary deity of Many Forms ) est triumphs. worshipped by the elves of Áereth. The elven race was fashioned in her Demon prince, CE — Obscenities, Justicia image, reflecting her virtues, love of Malformation ( ) knowledge and art, and fascination the Helmless Vigil iz with magic. Though possessed of a Izmaledt ( -muh-let), the Lord of Lesser god, LG — Justice, disciplined mind, Ireth is neverthe- Many Forms, is the demon prince of Mercy, Defense less whimsical, a trait bestowed upon physical blasphemies, the purveyor of putrid flesh, and the hybridization the elves at their creation. ti of unnatural horrors. Those who find Justicia (jus- -shuh), the Highest Eschewing formal temples, the the loathsome worship of Nimlurun Magistress, the Restoring Flame, the too systematic for their tastes often Helmless Vigil, is the goddess of find themselves thralls to Izmaledt, mercy, justice, and defensive com- for the Lord of Many Forms offers bat. As the patroness of judges, law- obscenity without reason. Usually men, and knights, she oversees jus- stricken with contagions themselves, tice in all its forms, be it in a court of cultists of Izmaledt are typically law or the field of battle. As the found in the company of the fouler patroness of guardians and the benef- creatures of Áereth, such as otyughs, icent, Justicia seeks to remedy all gibbering mouthers, or oozes. hurts and redeem all evil. Those who Wizards in the service of the Lord of admit their crimes can find forgive- Many Forms experiment with the ness with the Restoring Flame, but flesh of their enemies, stitching and when evil fails to repent, she burns rearranging limbs from one creature with a purifying fire. Though she

32 favors the moral virtues of good, consequences. Followers of Klazath Justicia usually remains impartial to consider peace an enervating state, a Lagos the laws of the land in which she is stagnation that weakens all parties. (the Scaly God ) revered. The dogma of the Crimson Banner demands the necessity of war, citing Demigod, CE — Antagonism, Justicia is the wife of Gorhan—she is nature—the design of Ildavir her- Reptiles, Savagery the voice of reason behind his unwa- self—as a model for unending vio- loh vering valor. She is depicted as a lence. The weak, Klazath teaches, Lagos ( -gos), the Scaly God, the statuesque knight in silver armor. In must be slain so they do not consume Scaled One, is the demigod of reptil- one hand, she holds the scales of jus- the resources needed for the strong. ian creatures and subterranean caves, tice, and in the other, a gilded Barring that, they must be subjugat- violence, and battles for supremacy. longsword. Long dark hair spills ed to serve the interests of the con- The hostility Lagos exhibits is fierce from her head. She never wears a querors. Klazath is not a popular god but brief, and this trait is common helm, preferring to look into the eyes in many lands, but generals and even among those he lords over. At of those she judges. When armored, kings often rally in the name of the the core, he is indolent and selfish, clerics and paladins of the Highest Crimson Banner to justify their offering his favor only in passing and Magistress shun the use of visors, means. Be it true piety or lip service, very little else. It is believed that he preferring open-faced helms as they the clerics of Klazath welcome all will personally devour those who march into battle. bloodshed in his name. displease him, and Lagos is not known for his patience. He is given The domains associated with Justicia A god of needless war, Klazath is the to fits of rage and lustful indul- are Good, Healing, Law, and current consort of Yvyn, the gences. Protection. Her favored weapon is a Righteous Slaughter. He is also a longsword. Her symbol, a shield prime enemy of Justicia and Gorhan, Lagos is portrayed as a tremendous bearing radiant eyes with a whom he enjoys luring onto the bat- wide-mouthed reptile with a long longsword held against its face, is tlefield. Klazath is depicted as a war- tongue, razor claws, and a thick, often merged with that of her hus- rior in black plate armor, half spat- club-like tail. His green-blue, scaly band’s in joint worship. tered with blood, wearing an elabo- hide is scarred and peeling, and he is rate plumed or horned helm. In his always depicted in acts of aggres- Klazath (the mailed fists, he carries a great war sion. His servants, appropriately, are Crimson Banner ) axe. The war priests of the Crimson mostly troglodytes, kobolds, or evil- Banner smear their own blood on minded lizardfolk. Cave-dwelling humans have been known to worship Lesser god, LE — War, their armor before a battle, signify- Lagos as well, primitive barbarians Subjugation ing their willingness to bleed for their faith. as violent as the reptiles the Scaly Klazath ( klah -zuth), the Crimson God represents. Spiritual leaders of Banner, the Rain of Death, is the god The domains associated with the such tribes who serve Lagos are usu- of glory through violence, conflict, Rain of Death are Destruction, Evil, ally shamans and adepts, offering and war for its own sake. He is the Law, and Strength. His symbol is a regular blood sacrifices at crude patron of conquerors, tyrants, and bloodstained, double-headed axe of shrines. martial governments, as well as indi- black metal. Accordingly, the bat- tleaxe is his favored weapon. The domains associated with Lagos vidual soldiers who believe that the are Chaos, Destruction, Evil, and honor of battle itself outweighs all Strength. Most of his followers

33 would rather use teeth and claws in first phylacteries that sustain her long-faded Zimalan Empire, and combat; when forced to wield a greatest protégés. Even the most granted divine ascension to the gods weapon, the morningstar is the god’s impious of intelligent undead of Xulmec. Madrah is powerful but favored choice. The symbol of the acknowledge Lasheeva as the god- equivocal, his incarnations as numer- Scaly God is a stony archway lined dess of their own unliving existence, ous as the cultures that worship him. with reptilian teeth. but many revere her outright. The While the humans of Xulmec believe largest temples of the Lady he is the savior of all existence—the Lasheeva (Lady Dissolution, subterranean crypts des- only being capable of keeping the ) ecrated in her name, are guarded by Sun from burning the world to ash— Dissolution and liches of the foulest the drakon of Ssorlang believe he is sort. High priests and priestesses are, a great lord of reptiles preparing the Lesser god, NE — Undeath, in fact, required to choose the path of world for serpent rule. Such varying Murder, Affliction either undead form at an hour aspects, tenets, and origins of the Lasheeva (lah- shee -vuh), Lady appointed by Lasheeva herself. Her Lord of the Earth and Sky can be Dissolution, the Cold Seductress, the shrines are infamously rife with found carved in temple walls Black Desecration, the Daughter of ghouls, zombies, and skeletons. throughout the Southlands in the Nightmares, is the goddess of form of simple glyphs and vast, intri- Lasheeva is the daughter of cate mosaics. Though nearly every undeath and the termination of natu- Gil’Mâridth and the immortal enemy ral life. When mortals first felt the thinking creature in the Southlands of Soleth. Her followers are Áereth’s pays some form of homage to him, cold grip of death upon them, it was quintessential purveyors of undeath, Lasheeva who offered an attractive, few worship Madrah directly, instead hoping to spread negative energy worshipping the many spirits, if macabre, alternative. Granting across the world like a plague. Lay choice creatures her chilling touch, demigods, and divine progenies who followers of Lasheeva are almost serve him. the goddess personally introduced always dabblers of and the curse of undeath to Áereth. often find themselves targeted by Those few clerics who venerate Lasheeva is the unequivocal warden paladins. Even the all-hating follow- Madrah directly, many of whom are of the Negative Energy Plane and ers of Zhühn oppose her faithful, for druids, are as inscrutable as their thereby gives new, “blessed” life to undeath cheats the Great Enemy of god, often found wandering the the dead. With this defiance of the the obliteration he craves for all life. breadth of the Southlands on an gods’ despotic mandate of mortality, unceasing pilgrimage, like caretakers she seduces countless souls into her The domains associated with the of his dominion. The faithful of dark fold. Black Desecration are Death, Madrah can be found in many forms: Destruction, and Evil. Her favored in city streets, garbed in rags and Priests of opposing faiths theorize weapon is the falchion and her sym- that Lasheeva was Áereth’s first and muttering ancient incantations back- bol is a black, jawless skull set with wards, braving the isles of Dujamar most powerful lich who ascended to open, living eyes. divinity with the support of a cabal in the raiment of dragonhide armor, of evil gods, but clerics of Lasheeva ( or counseling the drakon Emperor in know that it was Lady Dissolution Madrah Lord of silken robes. Northland theologians herself—an ancient princess of the the Earth and Sky ) are never certain what to make of Sancturn Pantheon—who bestowed this elder god, his esoteric ways, or the mantle of lichdom upon willing Greater god, N — Earth, Sky his oracular priests. mortals and personally crafted the Madrah ( moh -druh), the Lord of the The domains Madrah is associated Earth and Sky, Heart-of-Sky, the Mighty Eye, is a greater god of ter- restrial life and aerial forces. Though his dominion technically reaches across all Áereth, he was charged by the Triad to oversee the continent and islands that make up the Southlands. Accordingly, he is seen by most natives of that land as the overlord of all gods. The Mighty Eye fathered the demigods Cynhuara and Axaluatl, the immortal rulers of the

34 with are Air, Earth, Magic, Travel, of birds of prey into anathemas of disposed to victory. She is whimsy and Weather. His favored weapon is nature, and evils of this sort often incarnate, and none can discern the the shortspear. The symbol of the draws the ire of druids. patterns of, or requirements for, her Lord of the Earth and Sky varies Unsurprisingly, Malotoch is despised favor. The immortal power that con- with every culture in which he is by most gods, although she garners a trols the dice, Fortune Herself makes revered. grudging respect from Nimlurun and plays at both good and evil, law and Narrimunâth. The clerics of all three chaos, and the only certainty in her Malotoch gods work in concert to achieve lofti- dogma is the need for perpetual ( ) er, fouler plots than any of their cler- change. the Crow God gies could alone. Once, Myna’s faith was known to Demigod, CE — Scavengers, The domains Malotoch is associated few outside of an exclusive cult of Ruin, Cannibalism with are Air, Chaos, Death, and Evil. the serendipitous and the secretive, Her favorite weapon is the short but gradually her capricious dogma mal Malotoch ( -uh-tock), the Carrion sword. Cultists who serve Malotoch resolved into theism. Clerics of the Crow God, the Mother of Ruin, the and nearly all undead raised in her Lady of Weal, most multiclassed as Mistress Defiler, the Crow Witch, is name have a bloodstone imbedded in rogues or bards, are seen as smaller the patron goddess of scavengers, place of their left eyes. The blood- versions of the goddess herself, frus- cannibals, and all those who practice stone, often surrounded by cracked trating and fickle yet bearing good unclean rites. She is the demonic bones, is one of her symbols; the fortune. Their blessings, however, mistress of the living and undead other is a crow perched atop a skull. are always welcome, and for this rea- who feast upon carrion or otherwise son her church has grown wealthy benefit from the loss of mortal life. ( from the tiny donations of countless Like poisonous mushrooms that Myna the ) peasants and considerable contribu- thrive on decay, so Malotoch thrives Maid of Fortune tions from nobles rich with coin. on the ruin of life. Living monsters When Myna is depicted in religious Lesser god, CN — Chance, such as hags, harpies, and rooks (see art, she is seen as a flighty young DCC #5: Aerie of the Crow God Circumstance, Fortune ) pay woman, dancing or casting dice. homage to her, as do cannibalistic my undead such as ghouls and ghasts. Myna ( -nuh), Fortune Herself, the The domains associated with the Where great battles end and the glo- Lady of Weal, is the goddess that Lady of Weal are Chaos, Luck, and rious fallen lie, there Malotoch and many turn to when prayers to the Trickery. Her favored weapon is the her foul children are drawn. other gods have gone unanswered. dart, and her symbol is a stylized For some mortals, Myna’s name bullseye or a pair of dice made of The Crow Witch is always depicted hangs upon their lips every day, ever bone. with the curvaceous body of a coveting a change in fortune. As the woman and the head and legs of a divine embodiment of fortune itself, ( monstrous crow. Clerics of Malotoch Myna is an elusive deity whose inter- Narrimunathˆ the frequently keep the company of cession is often unwelcome to lawful Lord of Disease ) zombies and ghouls and adorn their deities of the Sancturn Pantheon. She armor with the bones of carrion birds tips the scale on small and large Demigod, LE — Disease, Vermin or their latest victims. Among the affairs, offering good fortune to the ahth profane rites performed by underdog or withdrawing her favor Narrimunâth (nar-ih-moon- ), the Malotoch’s cults are the corruption from the advantageous or those pre- Rat God, the Lord of Disease, the Venerable, is the twin brother of Nimlurun and a demigod twisted to evil by the hand of Zhühn. He is the god of plagues and debilitating ill- ness, the patron deity of wererats, those who would spread sickness, and other forms of vermin. Narrimunâth is half of the god born of Pelagia, intended to be a god of purity. Zhühn’s sabotage of the birth resulted in the sundering of the new- born deity, resulting in the twin gods

35 of sickness and filth. Narrimunâth with raven-black hair, and is some- gets along well with Nimlurun as Neshti times seen hiding from Justicia and well as can be expected between evil (the Stealthmaiden ) Gorhan. Neshti does not care for gods, and together they often scheme temples and open worship, so her with Malotoch the Crow God. The Lesser god, CG — Thievery, faithful usually gather in guildhalls Lord of Disease is always depicted Trickery, Vigilantism or in small, nondescript shrines out as a half-man, half-rat abomination of plain sight. There is no uniform nesh with a naked rat’s tail, razor claws, Neshti ( -tee), the Veiled Thief, appearance among her faithful; the and glowing red eyes. the Stealthmaiden, the Lady of black-clad, rooftop-dwelling burglar, Shadows, is the goddess of thievery, the well-armed adventuring wizard, The domains Narrimunâth is associ- malfeasance, and most pursuits on and the nondescript neighborhood ated with are Death, Destruction, and the wrong side of the law. She is the cobbler could all be followers of the Evil. His favorite weapon is the sap, patroness of rogues, vigilantes, and Lady of Shadows. Many of Neshti’s and his symbol is a mangy, dead, or peasant heroes, all those willing to clerics multiclass as rogues. undead rat. stand against tyranny and cruelty. Many crimes are committed in her The domains associated with Neshti Nethruel name, but the Stealthmaiden is only are Chaos, Good, Luck, and willing to grant her blessings on Trickery, and her favored weapon is Archdevil, LE — Obsession, those who do so for the right reasons. the punching dagger. Neshti’s sym- Addiction A thief who steals bread to feed his bol, more often seen tattooed in out- children, a bard who swindles a cruel of-sight places than rendered on reli- Nethruel ( neth -roo-el), the Fervent city official, and a sorceress who gious architecture, is a depiction of a Lord, is a canny archdevil who feeds charms a miserly noble into granting blindfolded female face. the sins of obsession among the mor- a bit of his fortune as alms to the tal world. He is the devil of poor may all offer a prayer to Nimlurun extremes, of ceaseless, unhealthy Neshti—in the hope that she will veil ( ) devotion. The veteran who looks for their crimes so they will live to com- the Lord of Filth absolution in a bottle, the maiden mit more. The Lady of Shadows Demigod, CE — Filth, Pollution who quits the company of her true offers no apologies, and will use any friends in pursuit of a disreputable means necessary to see the greater Nimlurun ( nim -luh-roon), the Lord paramour, the wizard who neglects good done, possessing no misgivings of Filth, the Holy Defiler, the his family to focus on his magic—all about stabbing her enemies in the Unclean One, was corrupted along these may have come under the back. Neshti and most of her faithful with his brother Narrimunâth by influence of Nethruel. Cultists of the do not care for fair fights, as evil sel- Zhühn to bring further decay to the Fervent Lord, themselves victims of dom does either. Although averse to world. He is the god of refuse, the demon prince, seek to afflict oth- murder, she is willing to deal vio- putrescence, and all things unclean. ers with addictions and the debilitat- lence upon her enemies and if death Only the sick-minded and destitute ing reliance on objects, other people, is the consequence of villainy, so be pay deliberate homage to Nimlurun, or even ideas. it. but people who seek purity often The Stealthmaiden’s underhanded speak the Lord of Filth’s name in an dogma is controversial among other attempt to placate him and avoid his goodly deities. In religious art, she is attentions. His clerics seek to foul the depicted as a hooded adolescent girl skies of the world, pollute its waters,

36 and despoil the earth. As such, they often inspire the anger of druids and the gods of the earth. The Dream When the Sancturn Pantheon fled the ruin of their homeworld (see Nimlurun is the twin of Chapter 1 ), a small impression of this transcendental place was pre- Narrimunâth, born of Pelagia and served within the mind of their caretaker, Ôæ. Though this quality was intended to be a god of purity. not physically compatible with Áereth, its boundless wonderment was Zhühn’s interference in the god’s eagerly welcomed by the Triad as a blessing upon their creation. Ever birth resulted in the making of two since, the gift of dreaming has been bestowed upon all thinking demigods of disease and despoil- beings—mortals and gods alike—as a nocturnal, fantastical play- ment. Nimlurun works often with his ground. This is Ôæ’s Dream. brother, and together they are known to treat with Malotoch, whom they Spatially limitless, the Dream is a world of pure imagination with its reluctantly regard as an equal. Like designs owing as much to Ôæ’s memory of their home as it does to the his brother, Nimlurun is depicted as a sleeping fantasies of every dreamer since the dawn of Áereth. With half-man, half-rat beast, though his each dreamer’s dream, a slight aspect of this realm is upturned and mangy fur is always coated in slime. reshaped in ways that may defy any waking sense of logic. But as extravagant as a mere dream may be, the changes to the Dream itself The domains he is associated with are mostly fleeting and rarely significant by themselves. But the sheer are Death, Evil, and Destruction. His number of ever-churning dreams upon the dreamscape, each leaving favorite weapon is the light mace, their impressions, means Ôæ’s Dream is a plane in constant flux. and his symbol is an insect, usually a dung fly. The regular immersions into the Dream that each dreamer experiences are often forgotten (at least on a conscious level), and awareness of Ôæ (the Dreamer ) one’s dreams as existing within the Dream is rare. Even the knowledge in the waking world that one’s dreams take place within Ôæ’s Dream Lesser god, NG — Dreams, is of little consequence once asleep. But for the followers of Ôæ, Imagination, Storytelling Gil’Mâridth, and other entities focused on the Dream, it is a world as real and potentially dangerous as any other. Ôæ ( aw -uh), the Dreamer, is the god of mortal dreams and imagination, Unbeknownst to most dreamers, the Dream at large is not the paradise the patron of wistful lovers, the it ought to be. A great war wages between the Knights of Ôæ and the downtrodden, and all who long for a crazed votaries of Gil’Mâridth who would transform the Dream into better place than the waking world an infinite dreamscape of horrific insanity. Being Ôæ’s Dream, he will offers. Once the caretaker of the always have the upper hand, for the hearts of good dreamers have long Sancturns before they arrived in overcome fear and despair. However, Gil’Mâridth’s influence cannot primeval Áereth, the Dreamer for- be overstated. Her domain within the Dream is vast and now situated went the gifts of the Triad to persist at its very heart. By all accounts, it is an enormous black swirl of fran- only within his memory: the Dream, tic nightmare. No dreamers—not even her most horrific mortal min- that perpetual afterimage of their lost ions—have ever safely ventured deep within her realm. It is from this home. unspeakable stronghold that the Great Hag commands her agents of terror: the Cult of Mâridth, diverse denizens of both the Dream and the Because of Ôæ’s all-consuming pre- waking world, and if the rumors are true, more than one of Áereth’s occupation with sustaining the shadowy gods secretly bows to the Dread of Night as their queen. Despite the horrors associated with Gil’Mâridth, her power does not dominate the Dream. For the most part, the Dream is a realm of benign wonders and mind-boggling scenarios with perils rarely in plain sight. Great dreamers and native entities alike can be found roaming its ever- shifting vistas. Races and civilizations unheard of on Áereth carry on in war and in peace in distant realms even the oldest of its dreamers may never see. Meanwhile, Ôæns guide lucid dreamers through their master’s imagined terrain where the dreams of dogs, gods, and chil- dren revel and reel, touting and trumpeting their splendors into the Dreamer’s living memory of home.

37 Dream, he is a god without body or - worshipped primarily by , awareness outside of the Dream Obitu que the race whose creation she inspired, itself. But within, he is an immense- but all travelers and most adventur- Demon prince, CE — ly powerful being, watching over his ers know a brief prayer or two that Domination, Prepotency select flock of devotees and the entreats Lady Pathfinder for safe dreams of all creatures alike. In the Obitu-que ( oh -bih-too-kay), Lord of journeys. waking world, Ôæ’s clergy rarely the Five, is a demon prince who congregate or hold any formal The faithful of this wayward, roguish dreams of rulership and dominance deity believe that Olidyra often breaks shrines, and they wear no special over every living thing in existence. vestments. They are characteristical- the mandates of the Triad, choosing to Though this vague desire is not wander Áereth in mortal form simply ly imaginative daydreamers who uncommon among demons, the sheer have come into the faith after being to subvert its law and explore the focus and belief to which Obitu-que ever-changing world. Such head- approached by Ôæ himself in their adheres is extraordinary. A lord of sleep. Ôæns typically lead simple strong desire and naked curiosity are fire, slavery, and destruction, Obitu- seen most often in halflings, who lives as artists and storytellers, que was once a mere balor among encouraging children to hone their carry small shrines to the Wanderess many, commanding demonic armies in their wagons. Permanent temples to imaginations and jaded adults to against the devils of Hell. After cen- reclaim their restless dreams of Lady Pathfinder are exceptionally turies spilling the ichor of the lawful rare, though the remnants of hastily youth. In this, they hope to foster fiends and his own kind, he carved avid dreamers for Ôæ to bring into built tributes of rock and wood are for himself the Abyssal principality. often found along well-beaten paths. his fold. Clerics of Ôæ occasionally Experimenting with loathsome mag- multiclass as bards, and many find Olidyra gets on well with most other ics, he mutated his own body and gods, except those who seek to harm that adventuring fuels their imagina- looked with new eyes—all five of tions and enriches their dreams. or imprison others. She is considered them—upon the Material Plane with the only deity who “understands” the Ôæns dedicate themselves to oppos- conquest in mind. Obitu-que met ing the misdeeds of Gil’Mâridth and wiles of Myna, and is always quick to with brief success, personally razing share a joke with her brother Poderon. her clergy, a war that is waged only and sacrificing whole villages, but partially in the waking world. Within Accordingly, clerics of Olidyra are on his body was slain by the last of a especially friendly terms with the the Dream, these Knights of Ôæ line of noble human barbarians. assemble in imagined temples within faithful of these gods. When the holy cities of utterly fantastic design. Yet centuries later, the spirit of the Wanderess is depicted in religious There they work to protect and main- Lord of the Five lingers still, causing art—typically painted in bright colors tain this slice of their patron’s—in blight where his body remains. The on the sides of wagons—she appears fact, all of the Sancturn demon prince is patient, and finds a as a female , human, or half- Pantheon’s—ancient home. great spiritual hold over like-minded elf, with either a walking stick or a mortals with dreams of predomi- bow in hand. The Dreamer is usually portrayed as nance and tyranny. Nothing satisfies The domains associated with Lady a handsome, robed archmage or Obitu-que more than the feeling of hierophant with his eyes closed. As Pathfinder are Luck, Plant, Trickery, domination, the subversion of his and Travel. Her favored weapon is the caretaker of the memory of their victims’ wills. home, most gods of the Sancturn the shortbow and her symbol is a winding or forked road. Pantheon look upon Ôæ fondly, but Olidyra (the the Dreamer wages eternal war with Gil’Mâridth. Dauntless )

The domains Ôæ is associated with Greater god, N — Travel, are Dream, Good, and Protection. Exploration, Adventure His favored weapon is the sling, and his symbol is a closed eye set against Olidyra ( oh -lih- deer -uh), the a cloud, often with some fantastic Dauntless, Lady Pathfinder, the dreamscape etched within. While Wanderess, is the goddess of explo- priests of Ôæ must prepare their ration, adventure, and discovery. She spells like any other cleric, their is the patroness of wayfarers, meditative state is much more of a vagabonds, fortune-hunters, and all vivid daydream. those willing to make risks or ven- ture into the unknown. Olidyra is

38 with the face of a bearded man and are permitted to defend themselves Ormazd the blaze of the sun behind him. when necessary. (the Changeless ) Ormazd and his prophetic clerics work always to oppose the designs of With the whole of the world’s waters Greater god, LG — Creation, the Ahriman, vigilant for traces of the her dominion, Pelagia has delegated Sun, Prophecy evil god’s influence. Priests of the aegis of each oceanic region to Ormazd inspire renewed interest in one of her many children. Most of or Ormazd ( -mahzd), the Changeless, Áereth’s distant past and the them are demigods; Chandri, Elas, the Lord of Wisdom, is the creation unknown, eastern lands. Ilquot, and Thalass number among god of sunlight, a mysterious deity of the many. Pelagia names Zhühn her great power seldom heard in the cur- The domains associated with greatest enemy, for when she gave rent age. If Choranus is the god of Ormazd are Creation, Good, Law, birth to a son, the Great Enemy tore destiny, then Ormazd is the god of and Sun. His favored weapon is the him asunder and spawned the twin the prophecies it engenders. Like kukri and his symbol is a blazing gods Narrimunâth and Nimlurun. Ahriman, his dark twin, Ormazd is sun. Deities of filth and disease, her cor- believed to have spawned from a rupted children often try to spoil the neutral deity named Zurvan, of Pelagia waters of Pelagia’s dominion. which very little is known. ( ) Consequently, clerics of the Coral Commonly associated with angelic of the Singing Sea Queen seek to destroy every cult and beings, Ormazd is said to have spon- shrine to the destitute demigods. Lesser god, N — Oceans, Seas, sored a celestial host that once tem- Music, Travel porarily purged the world of evil Pelagia’s island-temples are scat- tered across the seas of Áereth, and when Ahriman’s faith was as its ah Pelagia (pehl- -gee-uh) of the most of her clerics live upon coast- greatest. Ormazd’s skills of creation Singing Sea, the Coral Queen, the were paramount in the formation of lines or aboard ships. Nearly every Fish of Argent, the Maiden Voyager, sailor offers a prayer to the Coral Áereth, but his many battles against is the goddess of the seas and oceans his brother have reduced his power Queen when setting out to sea, of Áereth, music in all its forms, and whether it’s a quick jaunt up the over the ages and diminished his travel. She is the patroness of bards, worship in the mortal realms. coastline or a voyage across the fishermen, and folk who ply the sea Empyrean. Rare shells and pearls are When Ormazd’s worship was at its for their livelihood. Though she can highly valued by clerics of Pelagia peak, the desert-dwelling people of be as capricious as nature itself, and make excellent religious dona- Abylos named him Ahura Mazda, Pelagia favors those who respect the tions. Particularly religious captains the Lord of Wisdom. Such civiliza- waters of Áereth and the creatures drop such natural baubles into the tions, believing him to be the sole within them. Whales are especially sea at the midpoint of their journeys. creator of the world, are buried now sacred animals in her faith, and their Music also plays a large role in the in the desert sands. Yet in recent song is always considered a good Pelagian faith. Clerics of the Coral years, small clergies of Ormazd have omen. While many evil creatures Queen may sing sonorous anthems sprung up in the Northlands, some- make a home in the depths, Pelagia with the morning tide, while a devot- times affiliated with the church of respects their right to dwell there, in ed sailor sings a common sea shanty Delvyr and theologians of the Triad. keeping with the balance of nature hymn during his nightwatch. The and the morals of Áereth. The faith- Maiden Voyager is usually depicted When Ormazd is depicted in reli- ful of the Coral Queen never seek to as a fair-haired mermaid adorned gious art, he resembles a winged bull destroy such wicked creatures but with coral jewelry, though in some lands she appears as a selkie with raven tresses. The domains associated with Pelagia are Protection, Travel, and Water. Her favored weapon is the rapier and her symbol is a sea shell of any kind, usually a conch or cockleshell.

39 procure. These stones vary from is done, the madman may enter the Poderon everyday granite and coal to the Shaded Door that night where a glo- (the Deep Delver ) purest of sapphires and diamonds. rious reward supposedly awaits. Gnomish clerics of Poderon follow a Greater god, NG — Earth, Sestyruas Commerce, Festivity loose hierarchy of gemstone titles. Acolytes may be malachites, azu- Poderon ( poe -der-on), the Deep rites, or garnets, while more senior Archdevil, LE — Envy, Delver, the Jovial Miner, is the earth priests may be topazes or jasmals. Covetousness god of commerce and merrymaking. When the Deep Delver is rendered in Sestyruas (ses- teer -ooh-us), a men- As an earth god, he is the patron of religious art, he usually appears as a dacious archdevil who calls himself miners, gemcutters, and merchants, slender human teenager or a middle- the Lord of Ardor, aims to fan the but all those who purvey or seek aged gnome with a hammer or pick flames of envy among mortals, driv- merriment look to Poderon. Though in hand. Just as often, Poderon is ing them to crimes of jealousy and the gnome race was first cast in his shown as a large badger or in the passion. He whispers to those who image and revere him more than any company of one. crave what they cannot have, offer- god, others pay homage to the Deep ing only enough power and satisfac- Delver as well, particularly those The domains associated with the tion to string them along until death whose livelihood comes from the Deep Delver are Animal, Earth, brings their souls to the foot of his earth itself. Although his commit- Good, and Trickery. His favored sulphurous throne. His mortal thralls ment to hard work and the preserva- weapon is the heavy pick, and his are depraved clerics and rogues who tion of the earth cannot be disputed, symbol is a mining pick and a halved treat frequently with erinyes, the Poderon is best known for his opti- geode. chief servants of Sestyruas. mism and appreciation for comfort— Proficient liars, some multiclass as a trait seen everyday in the gnomes Qayaqiq bards to better employ their forked of Áereth. The Delver is famous for tongues. his sense of humor, but he becomes a Demon prince, CE — Curiosity, dangerous foe when the happiness of Desperation, Suicide Septych (the his subjects is threatened. kah Qäyaqiq ( -yuh-kik), the Fatal ) Although he is one of the Greater Dream, the Shaded Door, is a Blackhammer Gods, the Deep Delver is more will- demonic power which prays upon ing than his siblings to intercede in sleeping souls. The Fatal Dream is a Demigod, LE — Avarice, Tyranny mortal affairs, a fact that often incurs straightforward yet little understood The Septych ( seph -tish), the Dark the scrutiny of his father, Choranus. entity, which coexists within the Dwarven Gods, the Seven As One, As a son of Ildavir, Poderon has a Abyss and the Dream, and is thus an are in fact seven aspects in a single fondness for earth-dwelling animals enemy to both Ôæ and Gil’Mâridth deity. Once seven dwarven brothers, and wooded realms. His places of alike. One thing is certain, however: their concerted pursuit of immortali- worship exist in many places, from Qäyaqiq hunts the souls of dreamers ty spanned centuries and the ruthless metropolitan sanctuaries to sylvan by a means unvaried since time butchery of innocents. But in the shrines, though his formal temples immemorial. Appearing in their end, each turned against his brother are kept well-hidden. Such hallowed dreams as a gate or doorway cloaked in the final grab for divinity. As pun- chambers are reliquaries for as many in shadow, the Shaded Door beckons ishment for their brutality and greed, rock samples as Poderon’s clergy can the curious to enter. What fate lies beyond that door may only be sus- the brothers were granted godhood pected, but once entered, neither men only as a single entity. Since that day, nor gods can account for the lost only the personality of one of the soul. Many lullabies and nursery seven brothers manifests at any rhymes warn young sleepers to given time, one brother for each peri- “shun the Shaded Door.” od of seventy-seven years. While one rules, the other six wait, impotent, According to mortal thralls, Qäyaqiq for the passage of centuries for their employs a clergy of one: Each is a next “turn.” Gods of avarice and deranged, suicidal dreamer believing blood-soaked tyranny, the Septych is that he alone is favored by Qäyaqiq worshipped in secret by thieves, and must find a worthy successor assassins, evil warriors, and any before finding absolution. Once this

40 dwarf given over to the greed to ( serve dead languages in carven which his race is often accused. Shul the Watcher stone. The holiest of days for all of in the Sky ) the faith are lunar eclipses. Currently, it is Sodoutym (so- dooh - tim), the Blackhammer, the Dark Lesser god, LN — The Moon, The domains associated with Shul Foe, Hellbeard, whose mind rules the Measurement, Tradition, Literacy are Air, Knowledge, and Law. His Septych. Like his brothers before favored weapon is the dagger, and him, Sodoutym spends his time Shul ( shool ), God of the Four Phases those used by his clergy are usually searching for the means to separate of the Moon, the Watcher in the Sky, made from sharpened stone. The his soul from the rest, and he will the Glistening Orb, the Lawgiver, is symbol of Shul is the moon. likely do so for eternity. To this end, the god of measurement, tradition, the Blackhammer demands blood literacy, and the moon itself. Soleth sacrifice from his followers as he Credited as the deity to give Áereth ( ) scours the face of Áereth for the the standard, twelve-month calendar the Silent Death prophesied soul that can release him and Ùr, the oldest written language Lesser god, LN — Peaceful Death, from his deific bondage. Sodoutym from which most humanoid lan- Solitude is depicted as a well-muscled dwarf guages descended, Shul is the patron with the outstretched wings of a bat god of educators and disciplinarians Soleth ( so -leth), the Silent Death, the and writhing tentacles instead of a who follow strict curricula. Though Merciful One, is the god of merciful, beard. His clerics lair in caves, shar- his name is remembered in the mod- dignified death. He is the patron of ing the company of dire bats and foul ern age, true worship of the morticians and healers who cannot aberrations. Lawgiver has faded. save the dying. The somber-shroud- The domains associated with the In religious writings, Shul’s name ed clerics of the Merciful One are a Blackhammer are Evil, Law, and appears, but often only through his misunderstood lot, for they appear Trickery. The favored weapon of epithets. The Watcher in the Sky is when there is no hope of continued Sodoutym is a seven-tailed scourge, an ally to Valdreth, the Enduring, and life. Though they heal when they though the other six Dark Dwarven their collective clergies once worked can, they are practitioners of Gods possess favored weapons of with one another to record the pas- , and give last rites to their own. The symbol of the Dark sage of time. He is the sponsor of the those on their deathbeds to help Foe is a swarm of attacking bats. The Xulmec goddess Anahuara, a divini- usher them painlessly into the symbol of the Septych is a stylized ty he admires but cannot entirely beyond. version of the Dwarf rune for 7, fathom for her sepulchral dogma. Soleth teaches that death should be a which has made it an unlucky num- quiet, dignified event. This belief is ber among dwarves. The Watcher in the Sky is depicted primarily as the moon itself, or the often at odds with the tenets of Elyr, moon with a human male face. The whose fervor for life outweighs the faith of Shul was largely destroyed need for its release. For this reason, centuries ago, but small cults of the the Silent Death’s faithful seldom get Lawgiver still dwell in remote along with the faithful of the Maiden places, maintaining the same tradi- of Life. However, like Elyr and tions and rituals during precise phas- Delvyr, Soleth abhors war and all es of the moon. Such hermitic cults forms of undeath. The Merciful One observe the march of time and pre- opposes the machinations of

41 Lasheeva at every opportunity, for she represents everything he despis- Sothulth Teleus es. (the All -Seeing Orb ) (the Obedient )

Clerics of Soleth brew a special Demigod, CN(e) — Paranoia, Archangel, LG — Law draught that they administer to the Insanity dead of their faithful which protects Teleus (tel- lee -us), the Obedient, the them from the taint of evil necro- Sothulth ( so -thoolth), the Great Eye, Trusting Light, is the angelic cham- mancy. Clerics and monks who serve the All-Seeing Orb, is a largely for- pion of Law established by Choranus the Silent Death wear grey and black gotten deity banished from the himself when Áereth was young. robes and sashes, but clerics don planes by the Sancturn Pantheon for Charged with countering the chaos heavier armor when questing or a divine crime few can remember. of Zhühn with order and unity, adventuring. Temples of Soleth are Though exiled to the fringes of the Teleus challenged the corruptive as solemn catacombs, their chambers multiverse and the Astral Plane, power of the titan Cadixtat. After and galleries furnished with sar- Sothulth is still able to make brief their world-spanning battle, Teleus at cophagi, biers, and rock- sojourns to the Outer and Material last threw his enemy down when he hewn graves. As grim as they appear, Planes. It manifests only long severed Cadixtat’s hand with his few places are as free from the touch enough to carry out one of its erratic sword. Still, Cadixtat survived, and of undeath. Respect for the dead and plans and move on again. thus neither Law nor Chaos com- the living is Soleth’s greatest tenet, a pletely triumphed. Satisfied with the virtue best exemplified by a clerical Once a more popular deity whose balance of the two, Choranus sect known as the Threnodim. mantle was better understood, ordered Teleus to quit Áereth. A lord Multiclassed as bards, they compose Sothulth offers very little to its wor- among solars, Teleus is sometimes impromptu eulogies for the unno- shippers, so the few cultists of the worshipped as a god himself. Too ticed of common men and Great Eye are usually as insane as it humble to allow this, Teleus works to perform great requiems for fallen is. An unpredictable god, the All- shift his clerics’ devotion to another, heroes. Seeing Orb will grant generous like-minded god of law, such as boons or afflict great curses upon its Gorhan, Justicia, or even Choranus. The domains associated with the own followers. Some loremasters Silent Death are Healing, Law, hypothesize that Sothulth was once When mortals devote themselves to Protection, and Repose. His favored implicated by Zhühn for a great Teleus, the domains associated with weapon is the bastard sword; his crime, and its subsequent banish- his worship are Good, Law, and War. faithful loathe violence, but they are ment drove it to the state of madness His favored weapon is the quick to dispense it to prevent further it is known for today. Usually depict- greatsword and his symbol is the death. The symbol of Soleth is a ed as a large purple or black eye same sword surrounded by parallel stone coffin etched with a pair of emerging from a dark nebula, in any rays of the sun or held against a nim- open eyes. form Sothulth takes, a single staring bus of light. eye remains its dominant feature. The domains associated with Sothulth are Chaos, Destruction, Knowledge, and Trickery. The favored weapon of the Great Eye is the scythe, and its symbol is an eye.

42 his followers are of good alignment. Thalass Thormyr Paladins who serve him often refer to (the River Father ) (the Loyal ) him as Honorus, the Duty and the Flame. Demigod, N — Terrestrial Waters, Demigod, LN(g) — Honor, Duty, Music Protection The domains associated with Thormyr are Healing, Law, Thalass ( thal -us), the River Father, Thormyr ( thor -meer), the Loyal, the Protection, and Strength. His favored the Lakelord, the Purifying Flood, is Dauntless Warrior, is the god of duty weapon is the ranseur and his holy the deity of inland waters, lakes, and and honor, especially in the face of symbol consists of the polearm laid rivers. He is the patron god of those evil. He is the patron of soldiers, slantwise across a silver shield. who draw life from the water, guardsmen, and all men-at-arms who rewarding those who respect nature protect the innocent from the law- Tlachinozal (the with abundance. The Purifying less. A stern, serious god, Thormyr ) Flood responds with deluges and rewards loyalty above all, granting Scorched God violent rainstorms against transgres- his blessing to the steadfast and Demigod, LE — Chuzec, Fire sors. valiant and promising spiritual deliv- erance to the fallen. chin Clerics and druids of Thalass often Tlachinozal (tla- -o-suhl), the dwell near forest springs and lakes, Centuries ago, as a virtuous paladin Scorched God, the Fire Requiem, is sometimes consorting with nymphs, in service of Justicia, Thormyr’s the patron god of the Xulmec city- called the Daughters of Thalass. unswerving duty to her laws drove state of Chuzec. Having deposed the Always vigilant against the pollu- him on a quest into Hell itself. The former goddess of Chuzec, whom he tions of Nimlurun, they have been crusade led to an assault against claims failed to protect his people known to hire adventurers when their archdevils, the saving of countless from volcanic eruptions a thousand waters are threatened by aberrations innocents, and the recovery of a holy years ago, Tlachinozal is a militant or enemy clerics. The River Father is relic—and to Thormyr’s torture and deity of fire and earth. He teaches said to resemble a noble satyr with death. After bargaining for the that fire can either destroy or garments of pure water, wielding a release of his soul, Justicia and strengthen that which it touches; infi- bow that fires arrows of crystal. Gorhan elevated the fallen warrior dels and foreigners will burn, while Thalass is one of the many children into divinity. Entrusted with the the faithful will endure and be of Pelagia, and his faithful often wor- mantle of duty by the Greater Gods, reshaped like Chuzec itself. The Fire ship at the banks of rivers, for all Thormyr was forced to adopt a more Requiem demands sacrifice in the rivers lead to the dominion of the neutrally inclined role as a deity. form of captured enemies, whose Coral Queen. hearts are taken from them and cast The Dauntless Warrior is always into braziers of holy fire. The domains associated with Thalass depicted as a towering warrior in sil- are Animal, Protection, and Water. ver scale mail, holding a ranseur as Acolytes of Tlachinozal must learn His favored weapon is the shortbow he did in life. His lay followers often to speak Ignan, then brand their bod- and his symbol is the syrinx, a set of serve as bodyguards or court protec- ies with sigils of their god. More hollow reed panpipes. tors, while his clerics are charged dedicated priests of Tlachinozal with vigilance against evil. Despite often undergo a ceremony known as Thormyr’s adherence to neutrality as the Cleansing, whereby their skin is the god of honor and duty, most of ritually burned but thereafter pro-

43 vides a stronger resistance to fire. is a goddess stricken mad, for she Drow, Earth, Poison, and Spider, Despite the xenophobia his mili- occasionally flies into a fury of while those who worship her demon- tarism breeds, the Scorched God was senseless evil. Calling herself simply ic aspect have access to Drow, Evil, the first Xulmec deity to approve of the Spider Queen during such spells, Poison, and Spider. The favored foreigners’ art of forged metal, and she retreats to her illimitable web in weapon of Tororthun is the many of his followers are metallur- the demonic planes of the Abyss. longsword, while the favored gists and blacksmiths. When his Capricious and cruel, the Queen sets weapon of her Spider Queen persona image is burned into the walls of his her minions against one another, is the whip. Her symbol is an image temples, Tlachinozal is depicted as a favoring and disfavoring on a whim. of herself, a stony spider usually ren- large, muscular man with red skin Some sages familiar with the faith of dered symmetrically. whose appearance suspiciously Tororthun speculate that the evil of resembles that of an efreeti. the drow infected their own matron The Traitor deity, making a demon out of a god- ( ) The domains associated with dess, while others say that Tororthun The Undying Lord Tlachinozal are Earth, Evil, and Fire. was stricken by a binding curse from Demigod, CE — Betrayal, His favored weapon is the shortbow, Zhühn himself in an effort to under- Chaos, Madness with arrows usually set aflame. His mine yet another of the gods’ cre- symbol is a shard of fire resembling ations. When she is lucid, Tororthun an arrow, knife, or sword. Once a mortal wizard named is a fierce protector of her chosen Thandric, the being known as the followers, watching over the dark Traitor ascended to divinity centuries Tororthun elves who have made a home in the ago. Thandric and his brother, (the Stone Spider ) earthen womb of her Underdeep princes of a forgotten kingdom, were dominion. sent on a quest to find a legendary Lesser god, N/CE — Subterrane, An uneasy ambivalence exists Elyrian potion called the Draught of Denizens of the Underdeep / between Ireth, whom surface elves Ages that could heal their dying Malice, Spiders worship above all, and Tororthun. father, the king, who was stricken with a magic curse. The people, ror The Starmistress does not approve of Tororthun (toe- -thoon), the Stone beset on all sides by their enemies, Spider, the Eight Legs of the World, the darkness the drow have embraced or the violent society they needed their warrior-king to lead the Queen of the Damned, is the god- them from destruction. On their dess of the cavernous depths of have spawned, but she is grateful that the Stone Spider has taken them quest, Thandric heard rumors that the Áereth, the narrow, stygian passages, Draught could grant its imbiber eter- and all the crawling denizens of the under her care. Ireth, however, despises Tororthun’s demonic alter nal youth, and this desire germinated Underdeep. When the rebel elves within him. When the princes fled from the sphinxes millennia ago, ego, and ever searches for the means to “cure” the goddess of this afflic- returned with the potion, their father it was Tororthun who called to them, lay on his deathbed and the armies of lured them into the abyssal chasms tion, hoping to steer the wicked drow back from evil. While priestesses of the enemy had reached the gates of of her dominion, and embraced their capital city. Fearing for his own them. As the fumes from the Devil’s Tororthun are willing to treat with other faiths of neutrality, the clergy life in that moment, Thandric Cauldron slowly transformed them grabbed the Draught from his into the drow, the Stone Spider shel- of the Spider Queen see all other deities as unworthy enemies. The father’s hand. Thandric drank the tered them from the scrutiny of the Draught, hoping to achieve eternal Overworld. Yet some say Tororthun Spider Queen has made a fierce enemy of the Xulmec god Ahpuchac, youth and save himself. As the whose dominion of the subterranean world does not please her. Tororthun is depicted as a massive arachnid, a hybrid of chitin and solid stone, crawling perpetually through the Underdeep. Her Spider Queen per- sona is seen as a drow female of rav- ishing beauty and cruel countenance, or as a whip-wielding drider. Those clergy who worship the Stone Spider have access to the domains of

44 enemy breached the gates, Thandric watched his home overtaken and his Tzitzimitl Valdreth people slain. When they attacked (the Queen of Air ) (the Enduring ) Thandric, his body sustained grave injuries but he would not die. He had Demon princess, CE — Lesser god, LN — Time, gained …and the curse Destruction, Ruin Longevity, Integrity of godhood. Tzitzimitl (tsih-tsi- mitl ), the self- Valdreth ( vahl -dreth), the Enduring, For his betrayal, Thandric was titled Queen of Air, is the demon the Unchanging One, is indisputably “awarded” the immortal mantle of princess of destruction and ruin, the the oldest of the Sancturn Pantheon. chaos. His identity as a man long patroness of outcasts and criminals Before Valdreth’s arrival, time as it is since shattered, the Traitor is now the who seek vengeance against the understood did not exist in the patron god of treasonists, betray- righteous. Selfish, cruel individuals Triad’s creation. He is the god of the ers—and of course, traitors. As a turn to Tzitzimitl for worldly power, everlasting and the caretaker of time purveyor of chaos, the Traitor is infa- finding retribution in the fell rites of itself. A dying father who wishes to mous for his dark whimsy, and even her worship. Among the Lords of the impart knowledge to his children, a his own followers are not immune. Abyss, Tzitzimitl is the mistress of desperate general who waits for rein- Sometimes he withholds spells, vrocks, and it is usually these vul- forcements before the enemy horde while at other times he aids his fol- ture-headed demons that her mortal appears, and a wizard in short pos- lowers’ enemies. His true name followers endeavor to summon with session of a valuable book may each largely forgotten, he now has many their rituals. Sufficient blood sacri- beseech Valdreth to grant them more names and titles, including Chaotor, fice and evil deeds allow the cultists time. Yet the Unchanging One rarely the Undying Lord, and the to summon a vrock to the Material stops the great march of time itself, Regenerating One. He is worshipped Plane for greater lengths of time than teaching his faithful instead that they by medicine men, witch doctors, and spells would normally permit. must take care to use what time they shamans of evil bent. Those who for- do have wisely. sake their former deities often find a In the Southlands, where Tzitzimitl’s twisted home in his service. The thralls are greater than number, she is Clerics of Valdreth are patient men Traitor is usually seen as a kindly old opposed by the humans of the city- and women who know well just how man with subtle, disturbing bestial state of Amoya—and their goddess, long an hour can be—and how short traits. Some believe the Traitor is an Anahuara. Of great import to cultists of a lifetime. In religious art, the office more than an entity, that he Tzitzimitl is the March of Lightless Unchanging One is depicted as a whose betrayal outweighs that of the Despair, the five moonless days at the clear-eyed sage, sometimes middle- current Traitor will take his place. end of each year, when it is believed aged, sometimes venerable. Temples that Tzitzimitl takes physical form on of Valdreth are known for selling The Traitor’s domains are Chaos, the Material Plane and battles unguents of timelessness , usually Healing, Madness, and Trickery. His Anahuara. Demonic allies of the finding buyers in wizards, scholars, favored weapon is a staff of Queen of Air also visit the land, as the and those who wish to preserve frail Caduceus (quarterstaff) with a hid- magic of mortals wanes during the writings otherwise subject to the rav- den stiletto blade concealed beneath absence of the Spectral Moon. The ages of time. its cap. The symbol of the Traitor is a demon princess and her allies have vial of poison, usually shown always been defeated, however, and The domains associated with unstoppered and half empty. punishment usually falls upon her wor- Valdreth are Law, Magic, and shippers for their insufficient devotion. Protection. His favored weapon is

45 the light mace, and his symbol is an His favored weapon is the greataxe, wielding, hide-clad shamans from an amaranth or a timepiece of any kind. and his symbol is the silhouette of a tribe might both serve Xeluth. wolf etched into the blade of such an Given the Ravager’s dogma, such Variag (the Icelord ) axe. disparate clerics are as likely to ally with one another as do battle. Lesser god, N — Ice, Winter, War Xeluth (the Ravager ) Advancement through challenge or assassination is common in Xeluth’s Variag ( var -ee-og), the Icelord, is the Lesser god, NE — Violence, War, brutal faith. The Ravager himself is god of brutal winter and cold winds. Strife depicted as a helmed warrior, his He is the patron of those who thrive face concealed with a death’s head in the frozen tundra and relish the Xeluth (zel- ooth ), the Ravager, is the mask. In his burly arms, he wields a sound of cracking ice. Barbarians of god of violence and the brutality of great flail whose spiked ball resem- the Frost Barrens revere the Icelord, war. He is the patron of all who use bles a black sun with a nimbus of mostly to placate him into relenting force to achieve their ends, those fire. his frozen embrace. It is said that who delight in slaughter, and those when winter descends upon Áereth, who grow stronger with conflict. The domains associated with Xeluth Variag is allowed to venture forth Xeluth cares more for the fight than are Destruction, Evil, Strength, and and bring storms of ice to lands nor- the spoils, more for war itself than War. His favored weapon is the mally forbidden to him. Winters triumph or even its outcome. heavy flail and his symbol is a skull, longer and colder than normal are Although he shares many tenets with usually bloody or pierced with a said to be the indulgences of the mer- Klazath, Xeluth usually contends blade. ciless Icelord. He is also a god of with the Crimson Banner for the war, loving the clash of cold steel attentions of Yvyn—a battle the Yvyn (the Righteous and the spilling of blood upon the Ravager seldom wins. Slaughter ) snow. The conquests and schemes of Variag is not evil or malicious, but he Xeluth, often aided by other evil Lesser god, NE — Conspiracy, cares little for those frozen by his powers, have led to the spawning of Holy War, Rebellion administrations. His reign of ice is several bloodthirsty demigods com- Yvyn ( ee -vin), the Curdled Trust, always kept in check by Ildavir, who monly worshipped by monstrous the Vicious Cycle, the Holy ensures the balance of nature in all humanoids. These including Kagnar, Preemptor, the Righteous Slaughter, things. In the mountainous realms of the god of animality and rage (served the Mastress Cabal, the Whisper in Áereth, frost giants worship Variag, by gnolls and minotaurs), Gadraak, the Darkness, is the goddess of con- as do any humanoids willing to the god of territorialism (served by spiracy, insurrection, and the evils of endure arctic conditions and glacial and ogres), Molgrem, the god of xenophobia. When each great race environs—for in such remote places militarism (served by goblins and first emerged and feared the wonders few other clergies venture. Druids hobgoblins), and Urath, the god of of the world they did not understand, and rangers of the frozen north usu- mindless slaughter and fury (served it was Yvyn who whispered into their ally choose wolves as animal com- by trolls). Often these very same ears, warning them of the treachery panions, for they are sacred to the humanoids turn directly to Xeluth, of their strange new neighbors. The Icelord. and for this reason his clergies are Mastress Cabal nourishes the seeds diverse. Fearless human priests in of doubt and mistrust which bloom The domains associated with Variag polished, spiked platemail and spear- are Air, Strength, War, and Water. and grow until cries for war reach

46 fever pitch and great crusades are ¨ he despoiled the newborn god that unleashed in the name of other gods. Zhuhn became Narrimunâth and Nimlurun To her followers, the leaders of the (The Great Enemy ) and has designs on other gods as land are corrupt, deserving to be well. When Zhühn is depicted, he is dethroned. Yvyn ever champions the Greater god, CE — Deception, seen as a cowled figure with a single underdog, yet only until he is Blight, Corruption, Poison, outstretched hand. In such images, redeemed—then she moves onto the Falsehood he always lurks in the corner or only new underdog who wishes to usurp partially in the frame of the image— her prior darling. She is the Vicious Zhühn (zeun), the Great Enemy, the never hidden, yet never prevalent. Cycle churning whirlwinds of para- White Sepulcher, the Faceless Lord, His body is never seen whole, but noia into great storms of bloodshed. the Dweller in the Void, is an oppor- tunistic being of surreptitious means Very often, the Holy Preemptor and great, overshadowing power. He seeks out other gods—great and is the power who answers when there small—with whom to conspire, car- is no other to hear, who plays the role The Void ing not whether they be good or evil. of any invoked deity, be it false or The Void is nothingness, utter Yvyn, whose causes are rarely her imagined. Very few of Zhühn’s ser- emptiness, the very absence of own, seeks only bloodshed and the vants are aware of their service to him, existence. It is not a plane to joy of usurpation. In turn, every god for they know their god by different which one can go. When any knows that Yvyn is the first one to names (e.g., Entropy, DCC #10: The being possessed of less power turn to when a violent alliance is Sunless Garden ). Whenever a false than a god enters the Void, he is required. Yvyn allies herself with the idol is served or an unknown deity is eradicated altogether. The Void Hidden Lord more than any other called upon, it is Zhühn who fills the should not be confused with the deity, for the two share many of the empty void, grants the spells to the Astral Plane, which is an end- same modi operandi. Indeed many of idolater, and beguiles the unwary. less space that binds together Yvyn’s own secret and ferocious the Outer, Inner, and Material Zhühn desires nothing less than the cultists are likely devotees of the Planes. The Void is that dimen- eradication of all sentient life, the Cloaked One as well. Her cults count sionless nothingness in which complete undoing of Creation. He among their members clerics from the Material Plane was created. all walks of life and stations within dwelt in the Void before the Triad society; yet their only true allegiance interrupted the darkness, and Zhühn Spheres of annihilation are, in is to the Mastress Cabal and to each will not rest until all is unmade. His fact, small holes in existence, other. Their mission is singular: to plots are numerous, many-layered, errant pieces of the Void itself. foment insurgency in the name of the and may take centuries to reach Fortunately for everyone but Righteous Slaughter. Yvyn is seldom fruition. He is content to save a vil- Zhühn himself, the Void is very rendered in art, but when she is, she lage of innocents if he can poison the small now. Creation has is seen as a middle-aged woman entire kingdom; he will spare a replaced it with life and exis- looking upon a battle from afar, nation if he can destroy the conti- tence, and all that does remain clutching in her hands a military nent. Often those who fall from grace of the Void contains the Great fork. unwittingly find Zhühn picking up Enemy himself. Expanding it the slack. Blackguards and corrupted anew remains Zhühn’s single- The domains associated with Yvyn clerics of good frequently result from minded pursuit. are Evil, Trickery, and War. Her Zhühn’s subtle administrations. So favored weapon is the trident (a far-reaching are his machinations pitchfork to the rebellious peasant) that even the most virtuous clerics and her symbol is a clenched fist often second guess their own actions, dripping blood. asking whether they are serving their god’s will or the Great Enemy’s. Zhühn names no allies among the gods—and surely none can trust him. His greatest adversaries are Choranus and Ildavir, while Elyr, a product of his own ignorance, perse- veres as a painful thorn in his side. To carry out his goals of corruption,

47 rather half-formed from its surround- faiths often warn their novices against and rods of cancellation are only two ings, symbolizing Zhühn’s manipu- the whisperings of Zhühn. Indeed, his of the many dangerous instruments to lation of existing material and his name is often invoked when accusa- come of such fell research. refusal to create things anew. tions of corruption are made, whether the Great Enemy is truly to blame or The domains associated with the The White Sepulcher does have a few not. Zhühn sponsors no formal tem- Faceless Lord are Destruction, Evil, mortal agents who serve him know- ples and his servants are difficult to Magic, and Trickery. His favored ingly. These individuals, such as the unmask. The nihilistic clergy of the weapon—if indeed one is ever Ruin Knights, are frightening indeed Great Enemy, when not carrying out shown—is the dart (usually poi- and usually bereft of their humanity. local schemes to subvert creation, soned). Zhühn cares for no symbols, They are the shadow figures who hide experiment with arcana to disintegrate but to channel his power, his clerics behind the puppetmasters who hide reality itself. Spheres of annihilation must deface the holy symbol of behind the proxies. Elder priests of all another god to use as his own.

Favored Deities by Race With the exception of some demigods, the many races of Áereth revere the gods whose ideologies appeal to them the most. The list below shows what gods many of the races of Áereth typically worship based on their own dis- positions and cultural beliefs. The gods are listed in the order of most likely worshipped. Race/Monster Gods Aberrations Outer Gods, Narrimunâth, Nimlurun, Zhühn Bugbears Molgrem, Kagnar, Gadraak, Xeluth Centaurs Ildavir Doppelgangers The Hidden One Dragons Centivus, Choranus, Ahriman Dwarves Daenthar, Fenwar, Centivus Dwarves (duergar) Daenthar, the Septych Elves Ireth, Centivus, Ildavir, Valdreth Elves (gray, wild, wood) Ireth, Ildavir, Centivus, Choranus Elves (aquatic) Ireth, Pelagia, Ildavir, Chondri Elves (drow) Tororthun, Bargúl Fey (nymphs, dryads, satyrs, etc.) Ildavir, Thalass Gargoyles Ahriman, Urath Giants Daenthar, Fenwar, Poderon, Variag Gnolls Kagnar, Xeluth, Lords of the Abyss Gnomes Poderon, Fenwar, Ireth Gnomes (rock, svirfneblin) Poderon, Daenthar Goblinoids (goblins, hobgoblins) Molgrem, Xeluth, Yvyn Hags Gil’Mâridth, Malotoch Half-elves Wyshalar, Delvyr Half-orcs Xeluth, Klazath, Thormyr Halflings Olidyra, Neshti, Rathul, Wyshalar, Myna Harpies Malotoch Hobgoblins Molgrem, Xeluth, Lords of Hell, Yvyn Kobolds Lagos Lamias Ankharet Lammasus Amun Tor, Madrah, Delvyr Lizardfolk Ildavir, Madrah, Cynhuara Locathahs Pelagia, Elas Medusas Lords of Hell Merfolk Pelagia, Chondri Minotaurs Kagnar, Xeluth Nagas Axaluatl, Cynhuara, Madrah Ogres Gadraak, Xeluth Orcs Gadraak, Xeluth, Klazath Sahuagin Elas Sphinxes Amun Tor, Ankharet Treants Ildavir, Thalass Tritons Pelagia, Chondri Troglodytes Lagos Trolls Urath, Xeluth Undead Lasheeva, Malotoch (ghouls)