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gie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz;1 (2): 61-92. First record of Algyroides NOWAk , M. (2010): Parasitisation and localisation of ticks (Acari: Ixodida) on exotic imported into nigropunctatus (duMéRIL & Poland.- Annals of Agricultural & Environmental IBRON Medicine, Lublin; 17 (2): 237-242. NOWAk -C HMuRA , B , 1839), east of the Pindos M. & S IudA , k . (2012): Ticks of Poland. Review of mountain chain, Greece contemporary issues and latest research.- Annals of Parasitology, Warszawa; 58 (3): 125-155. PANTCHEv , N. (2005): Ausgewählte Ektoparasitosen bei Nagern The exclusively European lacertid und Reptilien.- vet·Med·News (monatliche Fachinfor- Algyroides BIBRON & B ORY , 1833 , mation von vet·Med·Labor), Ludwigsburg; 2005, pp 4. comprises four : Algyroides marchi PFOSER , k. (1948 ): Wirte und Fundorte von Zecken in Oberösterreich.- Naturkundliche Mitteilungen aus vALvERdE , 1858, in mountainous regions of Oberösterreich, Linz; 1: 25. RAddA , A. & B uRGER , I. southeast Spain ( RuBIO 2002), A. fitzingeri & S TANEk , G. & W EWALkA , G. (1986): Austrian hard (W IEGMANN , 1834) in Corsica and Sardinia ticks as vectors of Borrelia burgdorferi .- Zentralblatt (CORTI & L O CASCIO 2002), A. moreoticus für Bakteriologie, Mikrobiologie und Hygiene, Stuttgart; (A) 263: 79-82. RICHTER , d. & M ATuSCHkA , BIBRON & B ORY , 1833, in the Peloponnese F. (2006): Perpetuation of the Lyme disease spirochete and the Ionian Islands of Cephalonia, Borrelia lusitaniae by .- Applied and En- Ithaca, Zakynthos and the Strophades vironmental Microbiology, Washington dC; 72 (7): Island of Stamfani ( CHONdROPOuLOS 1986; 4627-4632. SERvICE , M. W. (1986): Lecture notes on medical entomology. Oxford, London, Edinburgh, vALAkOS & M YLONAS 1992; BÖHME & Boston, Palo Alto, Melbourne (Blackwell Scientific LYMBERAkIS 2009 ) and A. nigropunctatus Publications), pp. 215-250. SIMMONS , L. A. & (d uMéRIL & B IBRON , 1839) occurring BuRRIdGE , M. J. (2000): Introduction of the exotic ticks throughout the east Adriatic and Ionian Amblyomma humerale kOCH and Amblyomma geomy - dae (CANTOR ) (Acari: Ixodidae) into the united States coastal region, from continental Greece in on imported reptiles.- International Journal of the south to the area of Trieste, Italy, in the Acarology, Abingdon; 26 (3): 239-242. ŠIROký , P. & north ( BÖHME et al. 2009; TóTH et al. MIkuLíCEk , P. & J ANdZík , d. & k AMI , H. & M IHALCA , 2006). Greece is the only country support - A. d. & R OuAG , R. & k AMLER , M. & S CHNEIdER , C. & ZáRuBA , M. & M OdRý , d. (2009): Co-distribution pat - ing two species, A. moreoticus and A. tern of a haemogregarine Hemolivia mauritanica nigropunctatus , living in sympatry in at (Apicomplexa: Haemogregarinidae) and its vector least three of the aforementioned Ionian Hyalomma aegyptium (Metastigmata: Ixodidae).- islands ( vALAkOS et al. 2008). Journal of Parasitology, Lawrence; 95 (3): 728-733. SIxL , W. (1971): Faunistische Nachrichten aus The Greek distribution of A. nigro - Steiermark (xvI/9): Hyalomma aegytium L. - eine ein- punctatus is restricted to the west side of the geschleppte Zeckenart (Arachnida, Acari).- Mittei - country, extending from the Albanian bor - lungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen vereins Steier - der in the north (prefectures of kastoria and mark, Graz; 100: 453-454. SIxL , W. & d OSTAL , v. & SCHMELLER , E. & R IEdL , H. (1969): Faunistische Florina in the region Macedonia, and pre - Nachrichten aus Steiermark (xvI/9): Heimische fectures of Ioannina and Thesprotia in the Zecken (Arachnida, Acari).- Mitteilungen des Natur- region Epirus) to the prefecture of Aetolo - wissenschaftlichen vereins Steiermark, Graz; 99: 218- acarnania (region of Western Greece) in the 219. SIxL W. & N OSEk J. (1972): Zur medizinischen Bedeutung der Zecken Österreichs.- Mitteilungen der south ( ONdRIAS 1968; vALAkOS et al. 2008). Abteilung für Zoologie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Besides the above three major Ionian Graz; 1 (2): 29-50. SIxL , W. & R IEdL , H. & S CHMEL- islands, its insular range includes Corfu, LER , E . (1971): Heimische Zecken (Arachnida, Acari).- Paxoi and Lefkada ( TóTH et al. 2002; PEEk Mitteilungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen vereins Steiermark, Graz; 100: 391-393. YuNkER , C. E. ( 1956): & vAN SOEST 2013) and adjacent diapontia Studies on the snake mite, Ophionyssus natricis , in Islets ( STILLE & S TILLE 2016 ). The vast nature.- Science, Washington dC; 123 (3229): 979- majority of the Greek populations is found 980. west of the Pindos Cordillera. Pindos, the kEY WORdS: Reptila: : Serpentes, north-south-directed “mountainous spine” Sauria; Arachnida: Mesostigmata: Ixodida, Macronys- of Greece, represents a physical obstacle to sidae; herpetophagic acarina; hard ticks; Ophionyssus mites; identification key of species, veterinary medi - the cloud accumulations approaching from cine, parasitology, Central Europe the Adria tic and Ionian Seas and, thus, sep - SuBMITTEd: February 11, 2015 arates the country into two distinct climatic regions with western Greece being much AuTHOR: Andreas R. HASSL < andreas.hassl@ >, Center for Pathophysiology, more humid compared to the eastern part Infectiology and Immunology, Medical university of (kOTINI -Z ABAkA 1983). The clear prefer - vienna, kinderspitalgasse 15, 1090 vienna, Austria. ence of A. nigropunctatus for humid habi - All_Short_Notes_SHORT_NOTE.qxd 08.08.2016 10:41 Seite 8

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tats ( BISCHOFF 1981) conforms to this geo - e.T61465A12489765.- WWW document available at graphical pattern and, thus, almost all its < T61465A12489765.en > [last accessed: October 2015]. populations are located either west of or on BÖHME , W. & LYMBERAkIS , P. & A JTIć , R. & H AxHIu , mountains of the Pindos chain ( vALAkOS et I. & C RNOBRNJA -I SAILOvIć , J. & S INdACO , R. (2009): al. 2008). To the best of the authors’ knowl- Algyroides nigropunctatus .- The IuCN Red List of edge there is only a single and unprecise Threatened Species 2009: e.T61466A12490013.- WWW document available at < 10. report of A. nigropunctatus from south of the 2305/ T61466A12490013.en > Pindos (pre fecture of Fokida; CHONdROPOu- [last accessed: October 2015]. CHONdROPOuLOS , B. P. LOS 1986). (1986): A checklist of Greek reptiles. 2. The lizards.- during a field trip on October 13, 2015, Amphibia-Reptilia, Leiden; 7: 217-235. CORTI , C. & LO CASCIO , P. (2002): The lizards of Italy and adjacent the authors recorded four adults and several areas. Frankfurt a. M. (Edition Chimaira), pp. 165, juveniles of A. nigropunctatus in a small [Frankfurter Beiträge zur Naturkunde, vol. 14]. ravine close to the village Fteri (38°52’ HARRIS , d. J. & A RNOLd , E. N. & T HOMAS , R. H. 54.98” Ν, 22°02’54.53” Ε, 800 m a.s.l.). (1999): A phylogeny of the European genus Algyroides (Reptilia: ) based on dNA Pubescent oaks ( Quercus pubescens ) and sequences, with comments on the evolution of the sweet chestnuts ( Castanea sativa ) were the group.- Journal of Zoology, London; 249: 49-60. most common trees and their fallen leaves kOTINI -Z ABAkA , S. (1983): Contribution to the study covered the banks of the stream. Climatic of the climate of Greece. Normal weather per month. Publication of the Research Centre of Climatology of conditions (clear sky, air temperature at noon the Academy of Athens, Publication no. 8 [in Greek]. around 22 °C) enabled A. nigropunctatus to ONdRIAS , J. C. (1968): Liste des amphibiens et des be active, either preying on terrestrial reptiles de Grèce.- Biologia Gallo-Hellenica, Tou- arthropods or basking within the leaf litter. louse: 1: 111-135. PAFILIS , P. & M ARAGOu , P. (2013): One more record of Lacerta viridis (LAuRENTI , 1768) One of the numerous juveniles was captured from Macedonia.- Herpetozoa, Wien; 26 (1/2): 101- by hand. The individual (snout-vent length: 102. PEEk , R. & vAN SOEST , J. (2013): Beobachtungen 28 mm, body mass: 2.5 g, intact tail 51 mm) an Algyroides nigropunctatus kephallithacius was preserved in alcohol and added to the kEYMAR , 1986 auf kefalonia und Lefkada (Griechenland).- die Eidechse, Minden; 24 (1): 1-10. Herpetological Collection of the Museum of RuBIO , J. L. (2002): Algyroides marchi (vALvERdE , Natural History of Crete (accession number 1958); pp. 193-195. In: PLEGuEZuELOS , J. M. & MNHC MARquEZ , R. & L IZANA , M. ( eds): Atlas y Libro Rojo This record expands the known east - de los anfibios y reptiles de España. Madrid (Ministerio de Medio Ambiente), pp. 488. STILLE , B. ern limits of the species’ global distribution & S TILLE , M. (2016): The herpetofauna of Mathraki, by about 30 km, as it is the first record of A. Othonoi and Erikoussa, diapontia Islets, Greece.- nigropunctatus on the east side of the Herpetozoa, Wien; 28 (3/4): 193-197. TOTH , T. & Pindos mountain chain. The closest report kRECSAk , L. & M AdSEN , T. & u JvARI , B. (2002): Herpetofaunal locality records on the Greek Islands of comes from the neighboring prefecture of Corfu (Amphibia, Reptilia).- Herpetozoa, Wien; 15 Evrytania ( BRINGS øE 1995) that is located (3/4):149-169. TóTH , T. & G RILLITSCH , H. & F ARkAS , on the southern extremities of the Pindos. B. & G áL , J. & S uŠIć, G. (2006): Herpeto faunal data The present finding suggests that the from Cres Island, Croatia.- Herpetozoa, Wien; 19 (1/2): 27-58. vALAkOS , E. & M YLONAS , M. (1992): species may occur in suitable habitats also distribution and ecological aspects of the herpetofau - at other places east of its typical range. na of Strofadhes Islands (Ionian Archipelago, Wallacean shortfalls (i. e., poor knowledge Greece).- Herpetozoa, Wien; 5 (1/2): 33-39. vALAkOS , of the geographic distribution) are a well- E. d. & P AFILIS , P. & S OTIROPOuLOS , P. & L YMBERAkIS , P. & M ARANGOu , P & F OuFOPOuLOS , J. (2008): Rep- known phenomenon in the study of the tiles and amphibians of Greece. Frankfurt a. M. Greek herpetofauna ( PAFILIS & M ARAGOu (Edition Chimaira), pp. 463, [Frankfurter Beiträge zur 2013). Natur kunde, vol. 32]. REFERENCES: BISCHOFF , W. (1981): Algyro - kEY WORdS: Reptilia: Squamata: Sauria: ides nigropunctatus (duMéRIL & B IBRON 1839) – Lacertidae: Algyroides nigropunctatus , distribution, Prachtkieleidechse; pp. 418-429. In: BÖHME , W. (ed.): new mainland record, Greece Handbuch der Reptilien und Amphibien Europas; SuBMITTEd: November 9, 2015 Band 1 Echsen I; Wiesbaden (Akademische verlagsgesell schaft). BRINGSøE , H. (1995): Neuer AuTHORS: Pavlos ANdRIOPOuLOS < pandriop Nachweis der Prachtkieleidechse Algyroides nigro - >; Panayiotis PAFILIS (corresponding punctatus (duMé RIL & B IBRON 1839 ) für Zentral- author < [email protected] >) - Section of Zoology Griechenland.- Sauria, Berlin; 17 (3): 35-38. BÖHME , and Marine Biology, department of Biology, National W. & LYMBERAkIS , P. (2009): Algyroides moreoticus .- and kapodistrian university of Athens, 15784 Pan- The IuCN Red List of Threatened Species 2009: epistimioupolis, Ilisia, Athens, Greece.