In the Name of God

Introduction to the Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology Development,

Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences

2016-2017 Jundishapur University of medical sciences

:تهيه و تدوين

معاون توسعه پژوهش و فناوري دانشگاه دكتر بهزاد شریف مخمل زاده مدير توسعه پژوهش، ارزيابي تحقيقات و هماهنگي مراكز تحقيقاتي دكتر سید محمد تقی منصوری مدیر توسعه فناوری سالمت دكتر مسعود کرمی مدير اطالعرساني پزشكي و شبكه پژوهش دكتر آرش بیات مدير منابع علمي، كتابخانه مركزي و اسناد دكتر جعفر فتاحي اصل سرپرست كميته تحقيقات دانشجويي دكتر سعيد شيرعلي رئيس اداره ارتباط با صنعت دكتر مرتضي خفايي رئيس اداره امور مراكز رشد و كارشناسان ثبت فناوريها دكتر اماناله زارعي احمدي :همكاران مهندس راشد رضايي مهندس تاجیه جادری بهرام سوسنی غریبوند ليال دشت بزرگ لیال بادپر علی قطب الدین دشت بزرگ زهره لموچی میالد مرتضی پور

:طراحي و صفحه آرايي مهندس محمد ديانت

نوبت چاپ: ششم 2 “To better serve people calls for calculated and research-informed decisions.”

The Supreme Leader Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences


Introduction to the Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and - Toxicology Research Center Technology Development - Medicinal Plant Research Center - Nanotechnology Research Center A) Office of Research Development, Research Evaluation and - Research Center for Environmental Technologies Coordination of Research Centers - Research Center for Musculoskeletal - Muscular Rehabilita- B) Office of Medical Informatics and Research Networks tion C) Office of Scientific Resources, the Central Library and the - Research Center for Nutrition and Metabolic Disorders Documentation Center - Research Center for Marine Medicinal Sciences D) Office of the Development of Health Technology - Research Centre for (in)Fertility and Fetal Health - Office of Registration of New Health Technologies - Research Center for Atherosclerosis - Office of Incubation Centers of Health Technologies - Research Center for Infectious Diseases of Digestive System - Office of Industry Relations - Hyperlipidemia Research Center - Office of Empowerment and Consulting Research - Research Center for Cancer and Environmental - Petroleum - The University’s Scientific - Research journals Pollutants - Honors earned by the Office of Vice Chancellor for Research - Research Center for Social Determinants of Mental Health and Technology Development - Research Center for Chronic Renal Failure - Committees and councils under the supervision of the Office - Research Center for Nursing Care of Chronic Disease of Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology Develop- - Research Center for Reproduction Health Promotion ment - Research Center for Menopause - The University research centers - Pain Research Center - The subsidiary units of the Vice Chancellery - Research Center for Hearing and Speech -Student Research Committee -Research Center for Eye Infections - Comprehensive Laboratory of Research - Research Center for Air Pollution and Respiratory Diseases - Incubation Center for Pharmaceutical Technologies - Health Technology Incubation Center - Offices for the Establishment of Technologists - Khuzestan Cohort Center - Research Center and Experimental Animal House - Physiology Research Center - Research Center for Infectious and Tropical Diseases - Research Center of Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathy - Research Center for Diabetes - Cellular and Molecular Research Center 4 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development


Acknowledging the undeniable role of research in making calculated and wise decisions concerning the current needs of the country for producing new science and technologies, the Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology Development has paved the way for the encouragement and enhancement of creative ideas and dis- coveries of inquiring minds and upgrading the qualitative and quantitative levels of research activities. One of the priorities of this office is matching research projects with the actual needs of the community in order to identify the existing drawbacks in the health-care system across the country and hence to provide solutions for them. In addition, considering the prevalence of environmental factors that are influencing the incidence of diseases, conducting stud- ies which can provide new treatment methods is among the top priorities of this office. Another basic theme in the priorities of the Office for Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology Development is health technology assess- ments whose sublime aim is conversion of knowledge into technology by supporting knowledge-based companies and science and technology parks (STP).. Promoting access to electronic and print research resources, empowering researchers and creating prestigious scientific publications are among other duties of this office. Last but not least, at the Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology Development, we do our best to inspire scientific moti- vation among students and faculty members and perpetuate the spirit of scientific research in society.

Dr. Behzad Sharif Makhmalzadeh Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology Development

5 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

The Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology Development

After separation from the Office of Vice-chancellor for Education, , the Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and Technol- ogy Development started its activities as an independent management dedicated exclusively to research affairs. Of the main tasks of this office are organizing and conducting research activities, appraising annual research performance of the univer- sity, reviewing, approving and financing research projects, contributing to the dissemination of research results, providing scientific and information resources on research, developing incubation centers and knowledge-based companies, planning and monitoring the implementation of sabbaticals, seminars, research workshops, motivating research activities and empow- ering faculties, students, and experts. The decision-making and executive bodies of this office include the University Re- search Council and its relevant specialized working groups, the Research Ethics Committee, the Authorship and Translation Committee, and the Publishing Committee. The Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology Development of the university now includes the following offices and units along with their main activities:

A) The office of Research Development, Evaluation of Research, and Coordination of Research Centers:

1. Checking, developing and implementing the strategic plan of the university’s research and technology to expand and up- grade the quality of research 2. The annual performance appraisal of research activities conducted by researchers, and the university’s scientific status with the help of the scientometrics department 3. Providing a framework for joint research projects with other universities, research centers, organizations and industries 4. Facilitating establishment and operation of research centers, research institutes, and recruiting and training PhD students 5. Awarding grade incentives to faculty on research activities 6. Improving the quality and quantity of research centers based on regional needs 7. Evaluating the scientific production of universities and research centers 8. Determining the university research priorities 9. Helping to improve the quality of research projects and publishing the results of research with the help of clinical research centers and the Research Consultation Center 10. Encouraging and paying the right of authorship of articles published in valid national and international scientific journals 11. Accepting the index of the published articles by the faculty members 12. Issuing research proceedings of scholars 13. Providing counseling services to students, faculty members and other researchers to develop the quality and quantity of research (research and disseminating research results in academic journals) 14. Supervising research activities directly and conducting studies on the problems of the centers and providing sound solu- tions 15. Promoting qualitative and quantitative research in the centers based on regional needs.

6 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

B) Office of Medical Informatics and Research Network:

Technology Development, this office is active in the following three areas: - - Informatics - Scientific Conferences - The Office of University Journals

The most important activities of the Office of Medical Informatics and Research Network are:

1. Managing the academic Email system and services to students, staff and faculty members 2. Managing the comprehensive Research Information System of BEHSAN 3. Managing the portal of the University conferences 4. Designing and operating the portal dedicated to the University conferences 5. Managing the portal of the Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology Development, and monitoring the por- tals of its subordinate units 6. Webometric-related tasks 7. Managing the Intranet and Internet network in Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and Technology Development and its subsidiaries 8. Designing and developing the informatics system of the university 9. Managing journals (Persian and English) in the Office of Academic Journals at the university 10. Holding the internal congress of the university 11. Sending people to local and abroad conferences and awarding sabbatical leaves 12. Recording all papers presented in the local and abroad conferences in BEHSAN system. 13. Designing and printing posters, pamphlets, banners and booklets 14. Providing video reports of all the events of the vice-chancellery 7 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

C ) The Office of Scientific Resources, Libraries and Documentation:

1. Coordinating and monitoring the status and performance of all librar- ies of the university: hospitals, research centers , etc. 2. Coordinating, providing and managing the information resources needed for education and research units under the supervision of the university 3. Facilitating and accelerating access to and use of the print and electronic scientific information resources by the covered users, faculty members, students and staff (resources needed conventionally and non- conventionally) 4. Training and retraining of librarians working in libraries affiliated to the university in order to enhance the level of service provided to users 5. Managing and implementing the program of inter-library cooperation with other libraries and information centers in order to improve the quality and quantity of the available information resources in academic libraries

Subscription to Internet resources (

Researchers, physicians and paramedics can search and download full-text articles and other information resources including instructional videos and auxiliary resources for clinical decisions relying on more than 300 scientific bases in medical and paramedical fields including ScienceDirect, Ovid, Springer, Biomed Central, Wiley, Scopus, Clinical key, Pro Quest, Up To Date, Magiran to name only a few. Access to the databases is made possible by the “active electronic resources” option of the Central Library. Access to these databases in the format of IPbase and out of coverage of this range of IP is possible us- ing VPN. In addition, guidelines for the use of these databases can be viewed and downloaded below the icon of each site in PDF files.

Specialized journals needed by educational departments (

The Central Library is honored to announce that it is the only university library that allows online access to the complete archive of journals required by the departments). In addition, this library have provided 750 journals titles that were not available through the consortium of Ministry of Health, and have responded to the immediate request of these departments during the year. It should be noted that most of these journals are evaluated by the board committees, and include tentative resources of complementary sections. The most important benefits of this service are the possibility to browse the archive of these journals, as well as full-text 8 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development outside the coverage of university IPs is possible by using a certain VPN). Another benefit of this service is to have a do- main name of the university that meets the scientific need for educational departments as well as helping to the university for climbing its rank in the webometry in future.

Document Supply Service (Http://

The service have provided full access to articles indexed in more than 300 specialized databases around the world, including: ScienceDirect, Jstor, JCR, IOP, Emerald, AIP, APS ACM, Cambridge, IEEE, EBSCO, Wiley, ProQuest, Oxford, SIAM, Na- ture, Sage, RSC, BioOne, ASME, Taylor & N Francis, Springer, Elsevier, etc. In this section, full-text articles in all special- ized areas can be searched and accessed based on the DOI, article’s title or by keywords. Access to the service is provided under the coverage of the university IPs. If, for any reason, the desired source cannot be downloaded there is a chance of ordering it as soon as possible. To order, it is necessary to write the full title of the article and in case of having access to its link and specifying the article into the desired fields shorter time of delivery and more accurate results would be obtained.

Request for e-books

Users who are in need of English books should fill out the e-book application form and if there such a source exists, its file will be sent to their email.

Video Article (

This service provides full access to more than 6000 titles of the world’s best video articles. The content of this service is text articles written in prestigious research institutes around the world and indexed in the full text on sites like PubMed, Scopus and sciFinder. In addition, downloadable educational videos related to the content of any of these articles are available. Taking advantage of this service which is covered by the university IPs is available to all users.

Digital Library software This application allows searching print and non-print sources in all libraries of the university( e.g., faculty libraries, hospital libraries and the Central Library). With this service access to biographical information on bank of academic libraries’ infor- mation resources is made possible at any time and from any place. It also allows viewing and downloading e-books for all guest users. 9 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

How to access:

1. Web address of the library: 2. The address of the Pars Azarakhsh software (Azarsa): 3. By searching the “Central Library and Documentation Center” and other links on the university library website.

Dissertations and Theses

Full content access to theses approved by the university from 2011 to the present is available to all users (It should be noted that this access is possible only through the existing systems of the Central Library and observing the necessary measures to prevent copying of the content of the theses). By digitizing the rest of the theses existing in the Central Library archive, it plans to provide electronic access to these theses for users in near future.

Book updates

This year the Central Library along with all faculty libraries had an active participation in Tehran International Book Fair and provided the print resources needed or ordered by the academics buying 6006 Persian and English titles, including 12466 copies. The collections of the Central Library and other libraries of the university are currently one of the most complete and up to date print and electronic collections that can meet all the needs of the users of the university..

D) The Office of Health Technology Development:

This office was established as a subset of the Office of Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology. It aims to develop and support knowledge-based companies, development centers, patents and intellectual properties, university-industry collabora- tion, marketing of technological plans, and empowering faculty members, students and other researchers in order to expand the applied production-oriented research culture and to achieve the objectives of research and technology at the university. It includes four offices as follows:

10 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

1. Office for Registration of New Health Technologies

This office was established at the university in 2013 with the aim of protecting the intellectual property of natural and legal persons and scientific collaboration with the Patent Office (to assess claims). From early 2014 with a license issued by Iran Patent Office the Office for Registration of New Health Technologies was qualified as a center addressing the issues related to patent and evaluate the innovations. Among the activities of this office are holding workshops on patented intellec- tual property, providing advice and guidance for inventors in order to complete the declaration of patent and cooperating with the Patent Registration Office in judgment and assessment of the declarations of patents.

Phone: +98-061-33338341; fax: +98-061-33361544;

Office of Health Technology Incubation Centers

In order to make the results of the investigation more applicable, and attract and commercialize ideas and product- based designs, the Office of Health Technology Incubation Centers started its activity, assuming a new structure proposed by the Office of Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology to the Ministry of Health from the early summer of 2013.

Phone: +98-061- 33338341; fax: +98-33361544-061;

Some of the activities of this office are: 1. To create alignment between activities related to the development of health technology at the university 2. Culture-building and creating educational fields to strengthen technology units 3. To do tasks related to the follow-up infrastructure of technology at the university, including making a medicinal pilot (clean room) and tracking affairs related to the establishment of the health technology development center and offices of deployment of technologists in the university 4. To follow the directions to set up technological funds to lend to technology 5. To guide applicants and cooperate with them to establish knowledge-based companies 6. To check, accept and follow-up phases of adoption, implementation and termination of product-centric designs 7. To approve the competency of technologists for their admission to the incubation centers of the university and contract with them for their establishment 8. To follow-up the establishment of economic advisers in the RCC of the vice-chancellery 9. To hold workshops and training courses related to entrepreneurship, commercialization, knowledge of the laws of knowl- edge-based companies and business models 10. To follow-up councils affiliated to the headquarters of science and technology in various fields of the vice-chancellery for science and technology

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Office of Industry Relations

The office began its activity in 1996 in the vice-chancellery. At first, its activities were aimed to introduce the capabilities of the university to a number of industries and organizations through correspondence and meetings. Since 2000, its activity has continued with the contract for implementation of research projects with industry and relevant organizations. Since 2003, strengthening this office has become one of the main goals of this vice-chancellery. The department so far has implemented numerous projects in the field of safety, health, medicine and especially environmental sciences in various industries and organizations.

Phone: 061-33362536; fax: 061-33361544 and 061- 33362536;

Some of the activities of the department are: 1 – Cooperating with industries and organizations for visiting them by research teams 2. Preparing and updating brochures and booklets to introduce the university’s capabilities to industries and organizations 3. Planning and coordinating educational meetings, conferences and workshops with the presence of representatives of industry and organizations for introducing the university’s capabilities 4. Pursuing agreements with industry organizations and utilizing them 5. Evaluating and extracting the research priorities from industries and organizations’ website or through correspondence with them 6. Adding the research priorities of industry and organizations in the office’s portal and notifying the relevant faculty and university researchers 7. Receiving proposals from faculty members and sending them to industries and follow-up contracts 8. Participating in tenders organized by industrial organizations and attracting projects 9. Pursuing research contracts, consulting, laboratory, … projects.) external contracts (by industries and organizations 10. Pursuing internal contracts between the operator and Vice-chancellor for Research Development and Technology of the university 11. Signing the amendment and extension of contracts if needed 12. Implementing the projects through correspondence and establishing contact with the employer and executives 13. Correspondence with the Social Security Organization, the Tax Administration, the Municipal Administration and em- ployers and referring to them for the follow up concerning the recoupment of the projects

12 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Office of Empowerment and Research Consultation

Empowering faculty members, students and other researchers are one of the most effective tools to increase productivity of researchers and optimal use of their capacities and to improve information technology; on the one hand, this leads to an increase in the quality and quantity of research and on the other hand, it brings about further sustainability and progress through knowledge and skills. Some of the activities of this office are: 1. Providing consulting services on academic writing in Persian and English 2. Providing consulting services on statistics and data analysis 3. Conducting needs assessment and planning to hold workshops in the areas of basic and applied research for faculty mem- bers, students and other researchers 4. Having correspondence with the Ministry of Health to obtain permission to hold workshops 5. Having correspondence with the Office of Ongoing Education of the university to obtain a license for some retraining workshops 6. Issuing certification for all participants in workshops 7. Recording data and preparing databases

This office designed Empowering Management System of the vice-chancellery ), an electronic system to provide better services to faculty members, students and other researchers of the university in order to implement a comprehensive web-based system and integrate and focus the management of workshops on the empowerment of partici- pants.

As a comprehensive network, this system has provided the possibility for participants to register, print a corresponding certificate at any given moment they wish after the implementation of the training workshops, receive the training slides prepared by teachers of these workshops to study after the workshop, and offer suggestion for a better presentation of the empowerment workshops.

Phone: 061-33367565; fax: 061-33361544

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The University’s Scientific Research Journals

1. Majaleh Elmi Pezeshki (in Persian) with a Local Scientific-Research Index 2. Jundishapur Journal of Microbiology indexed in ISI with impact factor 3. Jundishapur Journal of Natural Pharmaceutical Products indexed in ISI 4. Jundishapur Journal of Chronic Disease Care indexed in ISC 5. Jentashapir Journal of Health Research indexed in ISC 6. Jundishapur Journal of Health Sciences indexed in ISC 7. Jundishapur Journal of Oncology with a Local Scientific-Research Index 8. Majaleh Toseh Amoozesh (in Persian)

Some of the honors earned by this vice-chancellery

A) The definitive membership of the following laboratory centers in Nanotechnology Laboratory Network (2014) 1. Comprehensive laboratory of research 2. Central laboratory of Pharmacy 3. Nanotechnology Research Center

B) The definitive membership of the following laboratory centers in Strategic Technologies Network (2015) 1. Comprehensive laboratory of research 2. Nanotechnology Research Center 3. Cellular- Molecular Research Center 4. Medicinal Plant Research Center 5. Research Center for Environmental Technologies

C) The First Appearance of the University in inter-laboratory assessment and obtaining the thirteenth rank among 52 laboratories in 2015

14 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

D) Registration and membership of the University in national cohort studies (Prospective epidemiological cohort studies in Iran)

Given the importance of non-contagious diseases that are considered as one of the greatest challenges in health systems around the world, prospective cohort studies have been or are being implemented in order to explore the risk factors for these diseases and plan for their prevention policies. In alignment with other countries, in Iran thanks to the efforts of Dr. Malekza- deh ( the Chancellor for Research and Technology of the Ministry of Health) and his associates and based on the successful experience of cohort study of Gonbad city, conducting this type of study is coherently formed nationwide in order to identify risk factors of non-contagious diseases with regard to the climatic and cultural diversity in the country. To achieve this goal, among all universities of medical sciences of the country, 11 universities including Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, were successful to register and join the national cohort. A geographic area representing approximately the popula- tion of the region and also stability of population in terms of immigration were the requirements of the cohort study for each university. These studies are designed in several phases, in the first phase of which or the pilot phase, 2000 people of the population older than 35 years will be studied and in the second phase, the total population of this age group will be studied and followed-up for a period of ten years. In Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, this plan is implemented by the Office of Vice-chancellor for Technol- ogy and Research in . Measures taken for implementing the plan in this University are as follows: 1. The chancellor for research and technology of the Ministry of Health and his associates visited Hoveyzeh and confirmed it as the location of the implementation of the cohort study project 2. Formation of the scientific, technical and executive core of the cohort study was supervised by the then vice-chancellor for research and technology of the university, namely Dr. Saki 3. Construction and completion of the central buildings for the cohort project situated in Hoveyzeh 4. Provision of the building’s infrastructure (emergency power and telecommunication lines and the Internet, etc.) with the cooperation of the Technical Office of the university and different offices of the county 5. Meetings with the governor and heads of different offices in Hoveizeh County on the introduction and explanation of the goals of the project 6. Invitation of job seekers and people interested in cooperation with the implementation of the study design

Committees, councils and centers of the Office of the Vice-chancellor for Research and Technology Development:

1. The University Health Technology Council 2. The University Research Council 3. The Research Council for Students 4. Research Ethics Committee 5. Publishing Committee 6. The Authorship and Translation Committee 7. Specialized research committees of fertility, infertility and perinatology, monitoring and cancer registration, toxoplasmo- sis, venomous animals, diabetes, Ahvaz water challenges, dust, tuberculosis, mental health, and hepatitis.

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The University research centers

These centers include the definitive and approved centers that have been established in order to concentrate on specialized and research activities and to create a link between different groups and centers outside the university and the research needs of researchers.

The approved research centers include:

1. Research Center for Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathy 15. Research Center for Social Determinants of Mental 2. Physiology Research Center Health 3. Research Center for Infectious and Tropical Diseases 16. Research Center for Gastrointestinal Infections 4. Research Center for Diabetes 17. Research Center for Cancer and Environmental and 5. Cellular and Molecular Research Center Petroleum Pollutants 6. Medicinal Plant Research Center 18. Hyperlipidemia Research Center 7. Nanotechnology Research Center 19. Research Center for Chronic Renal Failure 8. Toxicology Research Center 20. Hearing Research Center 9. Research Center for Environmental Technologies 21. Research Center for Eye Infections 10. Research Center for Musculoskeletal - Muscular Reha- 22. Research Center for Pain bilitation 23. Research Center for Chronic Disease Care 11. Research Center for Marine Medicinal Sciences 24. Research Center for Menopause 12. Research Center for Nutrition and Metabolic Disorders 25. Research Center for Nursing Care of Chronic Disease 13. Research Centre for Fertility and Infertility and Fetal 26. Research Center for Air Pollution and Respiratory Dis- Health eases 14. Research Center for Atherosclerosis

16 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

The subsidiary units supervised by the Office of the Vice-chancellor for Research and Technology Development

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Student Research Committee

The aim of the Student Research Committee is to provide an appropriate context for the growth and expansion of scientific research among students. This is based on the belief that regardless of the degree or level of education, the students must meet the scientific needs of the community in future and put more efforts to compensate for the existing research shortcomings. Despite the distinctions made among different sciences, they are all of the same origin Doing research is effective in enhancing motivation and mastery of science, strengthening willpower, determination and self-confidence of students and finally remov- ing economic and social issues. All of these will equip the students with qualities that make them beneficial to society when they graduate. This committee has started its activity since 1996. The publication of the journal Chekad and holding the first scientific-research seminar for students, were among the first results and fruits of these efforts. Subsequently, student partici- pation in global scientific conferences found a clear upward trend. Among other activities of this committee are planning for the deployment of active students in international gatherings outside the country, encouraging them to publish articles in valid scientific journals, contributing to the activities related to book publication, setting regulations for conducting research projects by student, holding workshops, and preparing educational software.

The most important objectives of Student Research Committee are:

1. Providing a perfect environment for the scientific and research growth and advancement of students and training future researchers and managers 2. Promoting research culture and skills in students 3. Providing a perfect environment for moral and material support of scientific and research activities of students and improv- ing the relationship between teachers and students

Duties of Student Research Committee:

1. Offering proposals on the general policy on research, student projects and presentations in seminars to the interested students 2. Arranging research programs within the framework of approved policies 3. Checking and solving the problems of the research committee of schools and students in research 4. Performing the necessary reviews in case of regulations and policies as well as the notification and distribution of relevant guidelines and circulars 5. Obtaining the performance report and activities conducted in the field of research (research projects, papers presented at seminars, preparation of educational software, science initiatives, workshops held, and...) from faculties

18 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Comprehensive Laboratory Research

Equipped with advanced equipment and laboratory experts, strong technical support service to faculty members, graduate students and researchers of the university and the neighboring provinces, the laboratory acts as an epicenter in the south-west of the country since 2009. Different parts of the lab include chromatography, imaging of animals, flow cytometry, electron microscopy and analysis of materials. In addition to providing laboratory testing services, this laboratory strengthens and ex- pands the network approach in the field of experimental activities related to the research and comprehensive management of research equipment of the university.

Objectives and axes of activity:

1. Providing services and increasing productivity in the field of security research needs and providing research services and equipment to the faculty members, experts and researchers at the university and other client universities and faculties 2. Providing consulting services for the establishment of quality control laboratories (such as ISO 17025) to other university labs 3. Developing and strengthening a network approach in the field of research-related lab activities 4. Developing instrumental techniques in order to increase research empowerments in the university 5. Using laboratory equipment efficiently 6. Establishing the Laboratory and Biobank of Research Center for Infectious Diseases of Digestive System for the national research project (NEMAD project)

19 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences Laboratory equipment and facilities Device Application AFM microscope Evaluation of materials levels in micrometers STM Photography and simulated levels; providing two- and three-dimensional images and coloring them flow cytometry Cellular and molecular research; histology; immunology; medicine Small animal imaging device Imaging of live animals CHNSO device Rapid analysis of carbon, hydrogen, sulfur and oxygen in organic materials Simultaneous thermal analysis Measuring physical changes of an especial sample as a function of temperature High pressure liquid chromatography Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the composition and deter- (HPLC) mination of the concentration of components in the pg High performance liquid chromatog- Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the composition and deter- raphy under heat mination of the concentration of components in the pg GCMS Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the composition and deter- mination of the concentration of components in the pg Atomic observation Determination of heavy metals in environmental samples (Flame atomic absorption) Atomic observation Determination of heavy metals in environmental samples (Furnace atomic absorption) Desktop sputtering Deposition Deposition with metal target Eliezer Reader Analysis of hormonal substances Micro plate washer Washing the ELISA plates Double door lab refrigerator Preservation of materials Laboratory -30ºC Freezer Preservation of materials Ultrasonic bath Homogenization and degassing Electric furnaces High-temperature incineration Vacuum pump Filtration set Refractometer Measurement of refractive index of materials Gel Doc Shooting of the gel Spectrophotometer Spectroscopy of materials Desktop sputtering Deposition 20 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Device name Application of the device 3- Cathode sputtering Deposition BET Measuring the active level of materials - 80 Freezer Preservation of materials Freeze dryer Drying and powdering down the suspension and solutions Flame photometer Identifying lithium and sodium Mixer Lab work Homogenizer Mixing materials Hydrogen Generators The production of hydrogen gas Deionizer Purification of water Full-automatic Soxhlet Extraction of materials Laminar hood Microbial working Chamber Refrigerated centrifuge Separation of different phases of matter Laboratory microscope Observation of microorganisms Chemi documentation Molecular Imaging Real time PCR Evaluation of gene expression Flake ice machine for laboratory Lab work Mechanical stirrer Lab work Homogenizer Stirring materials IMS Qualitative and quantitative determination of organic and medicinal materials and pharmaceutical, and food, … determination Kjeldahl Measuring proteins Hot & cold block Lab work Chouf balloons Lab work Cooled shaking incubator Storage and culture medium

21 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Incubation Center for Pharmaceutical Technologies

The successful development of small and medium-sized technology enterprises rests mainly on providing the infrastructure for risk reduction during the beginning of their activities. Hence, according to the international experience, policy makers and planners in the country chose the strategy of incubation centers to support emerging companies. By establishing the Incubation Center for Pharmaceutical Technologies, Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences plans to carry out its mission in the scientific community of the country. This center was established in June 2012 and now by preparing the necessary infrastructures and taking advantage of existing capabilities at the university, including specialist hu- man resource and equipped labs, it absorbs entrepreneurs in a dynamic and enjoyable environment. The center also prepares a standard semi-industrial unit for entrepreneurs.

Areas and Activities of Interest for the Incubation Center:

1. Advanced new technologies in the field of drugs 2. Nanotechnology and nano-medicines 3. Production of pharmaceutical raw materials 4. Herb 5. Drugs of marine, animal and biotechnology origin 6. Food and beverage 7. Cosmetics 8. Preparation of laboratory kits

22 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

The Services offered to technology units located in the Incubation Centre:

1. Deployment services: office space, laboratory space, conference hall, office and audiovisual equipment 2. Technology transfer services: support of domestic and international patents, consultation in the field of valuation and pro- duction and access to information about International Invention 3. Training courses 4. Providing legal, financial, commercial, scientific advice 5. Providing specialized advice 6. Providing appropriate strategies to promote the reputation and brand of incubation center in order to facilitate, accelerate and validate the internal and external business transactions 7. Providing appropriate strategies to communicate effectively with other industries 8. Providing appropriate strategies for structuring and marketing companies with market-based production

Laboratory equipment and facilities of the center:

Device Application The determination of melting point Lab work Tablet presses Making tablets Measuring the amount of dissolution of tablets in a Test of dissolution solvent Determine the evaporation time of Lab work tablets

23 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Device name Application of the device Refrigerated centrifuge Separation of different phases of matter Microcentrifuge Separation of different phases of matter Hot plate Lab work Syrups Mixing Tank Preparation of medicinal syrups Mechanical Sifter Lab work Dryers Lab work Penny Mill Crushing materials Capsule fillers Making capsules Homogenizer Stirring materials Mixer Lab work Abrasion test Lab work Determine the density of powder Lab work Hardness testers Testing the hardness of materials Mixer Mixing materials Filling tube Lab work Shrink Pack Lab work Mill Lab work Grinder Lab work Small head induction sealing Tablet packaging Large head induction sealing Tablet packaging Dryers Drying

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, next to the Technical Office; Incubation Center for Phar- maceutical Technologies; phone:+98-061- 33738382; fax: :+98-061-33738382; Email address: [email protected]; website:

24 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Health Technology Incubation Center (Incubator)

The wide range of areas of technology along with the high potential of scientific talents in the university has led to the production of science and technology at a relatively acceptable level among academics, including faculty members, students and even those employed in different administrative and clinical settings. In this regard, considering the mission of the in- cubation centers that is to support and guide the entrepreneurs and alumni for the purpose of commercialization of ideas and product-driven projects in order to meet the needs of the community. As a supporting and facilitating institution, this center facilitates and accelerates the process of formation and development of product-driven ideas by the provision of educational, consulting, and technical services along with workshops and grant financing to technologists and startup companies. , This can lead to the production of knowledge, wealth and technology transfer in the community. The center has received the preliminarily approval for its establishment from the ministry, and by completing a set up work- sheet of incubators, issuing the HR notification for the director, designing the center’s logo, setting up the its portal, looking for the required physical space and meeting other requirements to acquire the agreement in principle from the ministry for launching its official activities at the university.

A selection of functions:

1. Coordinating the activities related to the development of health technology at the university 2. Financial supporting the units based in the incubator with respect to the activities listed and within the regulations of university incubators 3. Providing legal support to accelerate growth of units stationed in the incubator center 4. Providing advisory services required by units in order to turn new ideas into commercial products and their commercial- ization 5. Supporting technical seminars and workshops 6. Monitoring the process of the incubation of units and constant analysis of achieve- ments with the aim of increasing the effectiveness of incubation 7. Monitoring the activities of the IT department in achieving their core idea 8. Introducing the use of lab services and workshop of the university 9. Supplying work place and provision of basic office services 10. Directing the projects and ideas to meet the technological needs of the country

25 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Offices of the technologists’ deployment

In line with the mission of incubators, the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology Development has launched and equipped an office to establish the identified technologists. It currently has 8 sub-offices with an office in opera- tion located in front of the northern gate of Shaid Chamran University in the former building of the Health School next to the university’s Selection Board building.

Based on the existing regulations and after assessments taken from the relevant incubation center and approval of the Health

Technology Council and by the signing of a contract, technologists will be allowed to be settled in the offices. The duration of this settlement for technologists in an initial incubation stage will be 6 months and in incubation stage it will be 3 months.

Upon confirmation, these periods will be extended to 9 months and to 5 years for the initial incubation and the incubation stages respectively.

Given the expansion of interest in the attraction and deployment of technologists and the lack of enough space available for technologists, expansion of the existing space is one of the top priorities of the Office of theVice-Chancellor for Research and Technology Development .

26 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Khuzestan Cohort Center Due to the importance of non-communicable diseases that are considered as one of the big challenges in the health systems of the world, cohort studies for discovering their risk factors and planning the adoption of preventative policies have been or are being conducted. In this regard, 11 universities of medical sciences of Iran, including Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences are involved in cohort studies.

The objectives of Khuzestan cohort study project

1. Diagnosis of chronic diseases and their prevention 2. Prevention of deaths from chronic diseases such as heart attacks and strokes 3. Reduction and prevention of the negative consequences of chronic diseases, especially in the elderly 4. Reduction of health care costs and improving quality of life in the community

Age groups in the cohort study project: Age for inclusion to the health check study of is at least 35 years and maximally 70 years.

Measures taken in the health check study of After obtaining informed consent and inclusion , fasting blood samples and samples of urine, nail and hair are taken from the participants. Then, they need to complete a survey questionnaire which includes physical examination, measurement of height and weight and waist circumference, blood pressure measurement, general characteristics, socioeconomic status, employment status, place of residence, lifestyle, reproductive history, history of chronic diseases, drugs consumer, family records, oral hygiene, sleep, physical activity, personal habits and food, dietary supplements, drinking water, eating habits and the like.

The measures taken by the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research and Technology Development in setting up the Hoveyzeh cohort study project: 1. Implementing urban and rural census and determining the geographical location of those eligible (November to December 2015) 2. Dispatching a laboratory team to Tehran to participate in the Biobank workshop) (17-19 February) 3. Selecting cohort human forces and holding the first national cohort workshop on Hoveyzeh cohort site (23-26 March 94) 4. Running 8 training sessions for the selected people in training classes by the executive team and quality control of cohort 5. Holding the second national cohort workshop on Hoveyzeh cohort site from 21-23 May 2016 1. Starting the pilot phase of Hoveyzeh cohort study project on 23rd of May the year 7. Sending the Ophthalmology team to attend a training workshop at Farabi Ophthalmology Hospital in Tehran, dated 2016- 7-14.

It should be noted that until 2016-11-8, number of 1078 qualified individuals in the age range of 35-70 years old have been included in the study.

27 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Experimental Animal House

A plan for establishing this center was proposed in 1998 and was approved after numerous follow-ups and with the support of the then chancellor and vice- chancellors of logistics and research of the university. The center was officially established during (Research Week) on November 2004.

The objectives of the Animal House:

The center was established to support faculty members, students and experts who are involved in research in various fields of medical sciences and related fields (basic sciences, clinical sciences, health, etc.) and need laboratory animals and or need help, advice, and some other facilities.

Subjects of Activity of the Center:

1. Breeding and keeping Wistar, Sprague and N-MRI rats 2. Breeding and keeping C57, BALB / c, N-MRI mice 3. Breeding and keeping hamsters

Lab equipment and facilities of the Animal House

Device name Application of the device Standard cages for keeping Maintenance of the laboratory animals laboratory animals Refrigerating machine of 18 cubic meters - Autoclave - centrifuge - incubator - Light microscope - stereo microscope To see microscopic objects Lab hood Lab work

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences, Next to the Faculty of Dentistry; Experimental Animal House;; Phone: +98-061-33362411 fax: +98-061-33738248

28 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

29 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Physiology Research Center The center began its activities informally in 1996 and was officially founded in March 2006. In 2010,upon receiving the final approval from the Ministry of Health, this center was allowed to admit PhD students (Ph.D by research).

The Center’s priorities for Research: 1. Research in neuroscience, cognitive behavior and electrophysiology of brain in animal models 2. Research on Cardiovascular System

Facilities and equipment of Physiology Research Center

Device Application Device Application Pulse injection (non-uniform) solution into Spatial memory tests of laboratory Peristaltic Pump T-shaped maze the circulatory system animal Extraction of neurotransmitters from ani- Conditional training of laboratory Micro Injection Pump Y-shaped maze mal brain using microdialysis technique animal Separation of solutes from each other by Refrigerated Centrifuges Animal RotaRod Laboratory animal motor balance test centrifugal force Isometric & Isotonic Recording of isolated heart and smooth Maintaining a constant body tempera- Homeometric digital blanket Transducers muscles of laboratory animals ture of animals in surgery Wheeled surgical Zooming during surgical procedures on STH Controller pumps Langendorff setup microscope laboratory animals Digital storage Controlling, receiving and displaying Bridge amplifier Powerlab Setup oscilloscope brainwaves and ... from laboratory animals Morris Water Maze Spatial training of laboratory animal Quad Bridge Blood pressure control Setup Stereotoxis Surgery on the brain of laboratory animals Laser Doppler Measurement of local blood flow

Recording of electric potentials of a Elevated plus Maze Measuring anxiety in Laboratory mice Microelectrode single cell

Activity cages Optional exercise of laboratory animals Cooled shaking Incubator Maintenance of materials and culture Noise stress device Production of intruding noise Shaker Mixing materials Recording and collecting laboratory ani- Strengthening micro-brain waves of Power Lab (4-8channel) Micro amplifier mal information laboratory animals Production and broadcast of the intruding Preparation of distilled water without Noise stress device Deionizer sounds ions Adjusting the temperature of the labora- Boiling Bain-Marie Automatic microtome Thin slicing of tissue tory samples Dental drills Piercing laboratory rat skull Open field Laboratory animal motor activity test 30 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Device Application Device Application

Mixer Mixing laboratory samples Tissue Processor Drying of tissue with alcohol Vacuum distillation and pressure control Cage of hunger Creating hunger in laboratory animals Vacuum Rotary evaporators for plant extraction Strengthening the electric potential of the Microelectrode Amplifier STH Controller pump Langendorff setup brain of the animal Frozen laboratory samples at temperatures -80° C Freezer Bio-amplifier Langendorff Setup below 80 ° C Non-invasive control of blood pressure Tissue Float NIBP Controller in laboratory animals Administration of medications through the Animal nebulizer Animal Treadmill Compulsory laboratory mice exercise olfactory system to the laboratory animal Measurement of the concentration of the Shuttle-box Laboratory animal memory test UV-Visible Spectrophotometer solution samples Horizontal and vertical electro- Step-down Laboratory animal memory test Lab work phoresis Respiratory assisting devices for anes- Animal Ventilator thetized and traumatic laboratory animals Precision digital scale Weighing laboratory animals during surgery Homogenization of animal tissue (brain Homogenizer Distilled water (double distilled) Preparation of distilled water and kidney) Recording the activity of isolated hearts of Langendorff Animal scale Weighing laboratory animals laboratory animals Electrophysiology recording of the brain Measurement of pH in laboratory Data Acquisition Desktop PH Meter and peripheral nerves samples Tail flick Tests of pain in laboratory rats Human Treadmill Human exercise test Hot plate Tests of pain in laboratory rats Video projector Displaying pictures Stimulating uni-polar current to the brain Assessment of topical pain in laboratory Stimulator/Isolator Formalin test of animals animals Zooming in while making the electrodes Frozen laboratory samples at tempera- Stereo microscope Laboratory freezers and cannulas tures below 20 ° C Visualizer Displaying pictures Paraffin distributor

Oven – 50 litr Sterilizing and drying surgical instruments

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences; school of public health building, first floor, Physiology Re- search Center; phone: +98-061-33738264; fax: +98-061-33738248; email: [email protected] site: http://

31 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Infectious and Tropical Diseases Research Center

This center officially started its research activities in 2003 based on the license issued by the Council of the Development of the Medical Sciences Universities on 25/05/2003. In addition, in its meeting dated 26/04/2010, the Council of the Expansion of the Medical Sciences Universities gave the go-ahead for the establishment of the center and the admission of students in by–research PhD programs.

Research priorities of Tropical and Infectious Diseases Research Center

1. Tuberculosis 2. HIV 3. Zoonosis 4. Intestinal diseases 5. Hospital infections

32 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Lab facilities and equipment

Device Application Device Application Thermocycler PCR testing -80 ° C Freezer Stocking samples

Gel Documentation Evaluation of PCR results Laminar hood class ІІ Microbial cultivation

Gel doc printer Evaluation of PCR results Monocular microscope Viewing the microscopic slide

Power supply Electrophoresis Shaking Water Bath Laboratory work

Laboratory tests, including DNA Microcentrifuge Binocular microscopes View the microscopic slide and SDS-PAGE

Molecular tests and DNA purifica- Vertex Digital microscope Viewing the microscopic slide tion

Power supply Electrophoresis of SDS-PAGE Autoclave Sterilization

انجام الكتروفورز تانك الكتروفورز تخليص پروتئين از ژل ژل الوتر

Determination of acidity of a PCR workstation Work Chambers for PCR pH meters solution

PCR انجام تست Power supply Electrophoresis power supply Thermocycler

Hot block Laboratory work

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences; school of public health building, first floor, Infectious and Tropical Diseases Research Center (ITDRC); phone: +98-61-33738392; fax: +98-61-33738392 email: RCITD site: http://

33 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences Research Center for Thalassemia and Hemoglobinopathy

Due to the high prevalence of thalassemia in the province of Khuzestan, and in order to provide basic diagnosis before birth and the prevention of a lot of the complications of thalassemia, the Center was established in 2001 and won the final permis- sion from the Ministry of Health and Medical Education in January 2010.

Research priorities of the center:

1. Identifying mutated genes in the region of Khuzestan by PCR and Reverse dot blot methods 2. Providing the preliminaries of basic prenatal diagnosis 3. Identifying the types of thalassemia and hemoglobinopathy 4. Studying and comparing complications resulting from treatment of glandular changes such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, growth and development disorders and disorders of puberty failure and severe cardiac and hepatic disorders 5. Dealing with blood diseases caused by respiratory pollutants 6. Employing appropriate treatments about thalassemia and hemoglobinopathies 7. Communicating with other scientific centers in the world that are investigating thalassemia and transfering advanced tech- nology associated with thalassemia 8. Analyzing molecular and chromosomal abnormalities in malignant diseases

Center’s achievements:

1. Launching Transplant Center 2. Launching a ward in Baghaei Hospital

Lab facilities and equipment of the Center

Device Application

Microscopic video device Dmz-04-02 Displaying slides HPLC Hb electrophoresis ACL coagulometer Measuring the coagulation factors Mindray Cell Counter Counting blood cells and blood index

Address: Ahvaz, Golestan; Shafa Hospital:; email: [email protected]; phone: +98-061-33743285 fax: +98-061-33743286 34 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development Diabetes Research Center The core of the Diabetes Research Center (founding board) has started its work since 2003 conducting research projects and Ph.D dissertations until 2007 when it offered all the documents necessary to establish a center to the Ministry of Health and Medical Education. Upon reaching a agreement in principle with the Ministry of Health, the Diabetes Research Center began formally its activity in September 2008.

The center’s research priorities are:

1. The role of nutrition in health, and prevention and the treatment of diabetes and its risk factors 2. Primary, secondary and tertiary prevention from diabetes and its risk factors 3. Etiology, epidemiology, types, treatments, acute and chronic complications of diabetes and diabetes-related diseases

Lab facilities and equipment of the center:

Device Application of the device Device Application of the device Hematology Roller Mixing CBC tubes Elisa washer Washing ELISA hollows mixer

centrifuge Separating different phases of a solution Nyco card HbA1C test

LM Finding microorganisms Auto analyzer Biochemical tests

Universal Hood Ventilation -70 C Freezer Cryopreservation of samples

Hormonal Tests, Analysis of vitamins and hor- Elisa Reader Immuno Analyzer antigen - antibody responses mones

37 ° C Incubator Material and cell Preservation Deionizer Water purification

ELISA incubator Incubator for ELISA plate Roller mixer Mixing vials shakers

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences; next to Informatics Center; PHONE: +98-061-33369539 Fax: +98-61-33369539 E-mail: [email protected]; site: Http://

35 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Cellular and Molecular Center

The center was established in March 2009 with the purpose of conducting research on cell culture, embryonic and adult stem cells and their differentiation, production of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies.

Objectives and axes of activities

1. Using stem cells in the treatment of diseases 2. Finding the causes of male and female infertility 3. Studying the molecular mechanisms of cancer 4. Cloning

36 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Lab facilities and equipment of the Center

Device Application Device Application

Transferring cells in a sterile Electro portation (gen Pulser) Injection of genes into cells and Class І and ІІ Laminar hood medium bacteria

Inverted microscope Viewing live cells Shaker incubators E.coli culture

CO2 incubator cell culture Real Time PCR Analysis of gene expression

- 40 C Freezer Freezing cells Gel document Image Analysis

Horizontal and two-dimensional DNA analysis - 80 C Freezer workstation Freezing cells electrophoresis tanks

CO2 incubator Embryo culture Bio photo meter Measuring the concentration of DNA and RNA

Microinjection system Gamete and embryo manipulation Spectrometers Measurement of protein concen- tration

Laminar and PCR hoods Usual transfer of vectors and hosts ELISA Quantitative measurement of protein

Conventional inverted micro- Viewing the fetus PCR workstation The PCR sample preparation scope and fluorescent stereo medium microscope

Thermocycler Testing PCR, RT-PCR Western blot systems Determination of protein expres- sion

Deionizer Water purification ELISA incubator shakers ELISA plates incubator

Gel Doc Imaging gel Thermocycler PCR Testing

CO2 incubator Cell preservation Laboratory sensitive scales Accurate measurement of weight

Bucket autoclave Sterilizing instruments Electrophoresis Lab work

Hot & Cold Blocks Blocks for micro-tubes Laminar hood Microbial working chamber

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences; School of Medicine, phone: +98-61-33336380; fax: +98-61-33336380; email: CMRC site: http://

37 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Toxicology Research Center

The Centre was established in 2010 with the aim of health studies in the area of toxicology.

Objectives and axes of activities:

1. Evaluation of pharmacological effects of drugs and toxins affecting neuromuscular transmission 2. Evaluation of pulmonary, hepatic, renal, ocular and neurological toxicity of chemicals and offering the necessary strategies 3. Studies on building-up of materials and compounds found in the venom of poisonous animals 4. Cellular - Molecular toxicology studies 5. Recording the intracellular and extracellular effects of environmental contaminants 6. Pharmacokinetic studies on natural toxins 7. Evaluation of occupational diseases caused by substances 8. Studies for identifying, isolating and determining the amount of drugs and toxins by high- performance liquid chromatog- raphy (HPLC) and other chromatographic methods 9. Identification and quantification of environmental contaminants in food, water, and air

38 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Lab facilities and equipment of the Center

Device Application Device Application Centrifugation of solutions in the PCR PCR,RT-PCR Digital microfuge micro-tubes Measuring and identifying various HPLC Gel Doc system Viewing & imaging DNA fragments compounds in biological matrices Refrigerated digi- Solution treatment at different tem- Incubator shakers Microbial culture tal heating block peratures Checking the DNA fragments on the Rotary Refrigera- Centrifugation of solution at differ- Electrophoresis gel tor ent temperatures Nano-Drop spec- Measuring the concentration of Laminar hood Microbial culture and PCR trophotometer RNA, DNA and opacity of toxins Mixing different components of a ELISA reader Reading samples of ELISA test Vertex solution Distilled water Autoclave bucket Sterilizing instruments Water purification retention

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences; School of Pharmacy; email: TRC site: http://

39 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Research Center for Medicinal Plant & Medicine Compounds

Given the diversity of climate and medicinal plants in , the center was established in 2010 to develop herbal medicinal studies.

Objectives and axes of activities:

1. Studies on clinical effects of medicinal plants 2. Purposeful phytochemical studies on separation of effective compounds 3. Cell culture of medicinal plants in order to enhance the effect and the production of new metabolites 4. Production of new herbal medicines in order to solve existing problems in some diseases 5. Studying and recording plants, especially medicinal herbs of Khuzestan province and the neighboring provinces in order to organize the plant studies and finding new medicinal plants and to examine the effects of aquatic creatures and plants in the Persian Gulf and the River 6. Evaluation of public medicine in order to collect and maintain information and research on traditional and public medicine of the province

40 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Laboratory equipment and facilities of the Center:

Device Application Bain-marie Heating materials Ultrasonic uniforming a solvent Drying the extract at high tem- Vacuum oven peratures Drying the extract in industrial Industrial rotary quantities Isolation of materials at desired Refrigerated centrifuge temperatures Double-beam spectropho- Analysis of concentrations in tometer plant compounds Mechanical stirrer Stirring materials Tray Dryer Drying plants Laboratory automatic Extraction of the material Soxhlet Homogenizer Stirring materials Spitter Lab work Separation of the different phases Centrifuge of a solution

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences; next to library of school of Pharmacy; phone: +98-061-33738379; fax: +98-061-33738379; email: MPRC @ajums. site: http://

41 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Research Center of Nanotechnology To expand, organize and pave the way for new fundamental and applied research in the field of nanotechnology, the Research Center for Nanotechnology was formed at the School of Pharmacy and formally launched on 25/04/2010 after reaching agreement in principle with the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.

Objectives and axes of the activities:

1. Conduction and evaluation of Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies on formulations of liposomes, transfer- somes, nanospheres, nano-emulsion, NLN (Solid Lipid Nanoparticle), nano fibers, polymer films, dendrimers and their -ap plication in controlled release, sustained release, processes, eye , skin, colon, delivery of peptides and proteins, gene therapy and cosmetic products 2. Iontophoresis 3. Application of nanotechnology in identifying, monitoring, managing and removing environmental contaminants (in coop- eration with the Environmental Technology Research Center) 4. Application of nanotechnology in toxicology (detoxification of the environment and the cytotoxicity effects of formula- tions) 5. Molecular modeling to design new drugs and compounds 6. Application of nanotechnology in analytical chemistry and electrochemistry (nano-sensors andnanozeolites)

42 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Laboratory equipment and facilities of the Center:

Device Application Ultrasonic bath Homogenization and reduction of particle size

Vacuum oven Drying the extract at high temperatures

Nano Spectrophotometer Quantification and analysis of substances

Deionizer Water purification

Spray Dryer Lab work

Fast mill Mill Products

HPLC Quantification and characterization of materials

Refractor Food and Drug concentration

Chouf balloons Warming up balloons

Vertex Stirring Falcon and test tubes

Heater Stirrer Warming up balloons and beakers

Probe sonicator Mixing and dispersing materials

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences; School of Pharmacy; phone: +98-61-33738378; fax: +98-61-33738379; email: nano@ajums. site: http://

43 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Research Center for Environmental Technologies Given the fact that Khuzestan is an industrial province where there are various industrial environmental pollutions affecting the community’s health, the establishment a center with the objective of studying the various aspects of the environment in the province was taken into consideration. Hence, with approval of the Ministry of Health, the university, as the responsible for the health of the province, established the Research Center for Environmental Technologies in 2010.

Research priorities :

1. Application of environmental technologies in the elimination of environmental pollutions 2. Application and localization of new purification technology (nanotechnology membrane and adsorption process- es) in the refining of environment 3. Specialized monitoring and evaluation of emerging contaminants in the environment 4. Training researchers in the field of environmental science and environmental pollution 5. Identifying research needs of industries and making connections with the executive branches of the government and industries to provide services and conduct environmental studies 6. Studies on treatability of waste water, soil and air using new treatment technologies 7. Studies on controlling the pollution of water, soil and air with a focus on the biological treatment system 8. Studies on urban and industrial waste management (Sanitary burial of wastes, compost and recycling of materi- als and energy, leachate treatment) 9. Environmental management and planning Laboratory equipment and facilities of the center

Device Application Determination of heavy metals in environmental Atomic absorption samples Measurement of the concentrations of water and DR5000 spectrophotometer wastewater Measurement and analysis of the concentrations Double-beam spectrophotometer of water and wastewater MBBR Pilot Urban and industrial wastewater treatment SBR granulation Pilot Urban and industrial wastewater treatment

44 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Device name Application of the device AOP pilot Water and wastewater treatment Filter press Pilot Dewatering sewage sludge PM10 particles measuring device Measuring dust particles Rotary The extraction of the material Cold shaking incubator Material maintenance environment - 30C Laboratory Freezer Maintenance of materials Serological Bain marie Water environment Ultrasonic baths Homogenization Mill Crushing materials Thermoblock Laboratory work Chlorimeter Measurement of chlorine Vertex shakers Stirring materials Electrophoresis Laboratory work Light meter Ambient light measurement Double-beam spectrophotometer Spectroscopy of materials Shaking incubator Culture medium

آدرس: دانشگاه علوم پزشکي جندي شاپور اهواز ، دانشكده بهداشت مركز تحقيقات فناوري هاي زيستمحيطي تلفن: 33738614 نمابر: 33361544 پست الكترونيك :سايت [email protected] :

45 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Research Center for Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation The Research Center for Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences won agree- ment in principle in a meeting of the Council of the Expansion of the Medical Sciences Universities, the Ministry of Health, on February 2010, and officially began its activities on the same date. In order to extend the fundamental and applied research and provide strategies for health promotion and community health, the center aims to utilize all potentials to carry out investigations and train research teams in different fields of rehabilitation. These include all the disciplines of physiotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, audiology, rehabilitation manage- ment, biomechanics, sport sciences, neuroscience and behavior, and respiratory-cardiovascular system. The result would be community health strategies and health promotion.

Objectives and areas of activity:

Clinical research with an emphasis on two sub-groups: • Movement Impairment Syndrome-based Line of Research • Functional outcome Measure Based Line of Research

Applied sciences research in physiotherapy with an emphasis on following sub-groups: • Applied Biomechanic- Based Research • Dual Task Paradigm- Based Research • Movement Science- Based research

Basic sciences research in physiotherapy with an emphasis on following sub-groups: • Exercise Physiology Based Research • Physiologic Based Research • Postural Control Aging • Research area in industry

46 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Laboratory equipment and facilities of the center:

Device Application Device Application

Motion analysis system (mo- Cinematically recording the movements Auditory brainstem response ABR tion) in 2D or 3D evoked response testing

Assessing the middle ear and the Portable measurement of muscle activity Portable EMG Advanced tympanometer Acoustic reflexes of newborns level and infants Preparation of the final form of Measuring the forces acting on the legs Molded UV device for hear- Force platform ear initial template for permit- by the forces of reaction ing aid ting hearing aids Graphical presentation of sound Surface and needle recording of the Clinical Electromyography Dr. Speech condition activity of the muscles and aspects of the disorder

Telemetric measurement of muscle activ- Imaging the larynx during pho- Kinesyologic EMG Stereoscopic ity level nation and breathing Measuring indices of stability, postural Evaluation of the auditory sys- Balance trainer Clinical audiometer control, and balance tem base

Assessment of postural control (in pa- Prokin 10-stage balance meter Treadmill tients with vertigo and balance disorders)

Measuring the amount of metabolic en- Pedal ergometer ergy consumption and cardiovascular and Hand tremor test respiratory function in sports activities For testing, analyzing and optimizing Dynamometer of back and Portable pedal ergometer sports exercises leg muscles 8-Directional reaction time Push-pull dynamometer Recording muscle strength measurement Measuring the acceleration of subjects 6-Channel gyroaccelerometer Metatarsus Barometer in motion Dynamic balance tester Measurement of time balance Posturography (new) hand-held pulse oximeter / To measure and display the percentage of with capnograph oxygen saturation آدرس: دانشگاه علوم پزشکي جندي شاپور اهواز ، دانشكده توانبخشي تلفن: 061-33743101 داخلي:214 نمابر: 33743506-061 پست الكترونيك: [email protected] سايت: 47 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Research Center for Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases

The Research Center for Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases of Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences was founded and launched in 2010.

Research priorities of the center:

1. Research on chronic diseases such as diabetes, metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular diseases - cardiovascular and other metabolic diseases, and the role of nutrition in disease prevention and control 2. Research on autoimmune diseases and the role of nutrition in controlling these diseases 3. Research on the relationship between food insecurity in Ahvaz and affiliated cities 4. Research on the prevalence of deficiencies of micronutrients in the province and needs assessment of supplementation in the community 5. Research on the role of nutrition in preventing cancer 6. Interventional studies on the relationship between nutrition and disease-causing gene control

Laboratory equipment and facilities of the center

Device Application C freezer -80 For freezing lab samples

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, School of Paramedicine; site:; e-mail: [email protected]; Phone and fax: +98-061-33738253; internal Phone: 5442;

48 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Research Center for Pharmaceutical & Marine Medicinal Sciences This center was approved and established in 2011 primarily to meet the basic needs of society to drugs of natural origin (sea, ocean) primarily, and secondarily to provide marine supplements. Most importantly, the rationale behind the establishment of this center was the access to marine sources (the Persian Gulf, Caspian Sea, etc.) and searching new solutions for the efficient use of natural marine resources and unique marine products.

Objectives and axes of activities:

1. Research on extraction of the chemicals of marine origin and the preparation and formulation of marine drugs 2. Research in the field of exploration of chemicals of marine origin for the preparation of supplements or even for marine food and beverage and cosmetics

Laboratory equipment and facilities of the center:

Device Application Rotary Solvent evaporation and isolation GC/MS To identify and change the structure of chemical compounds IR Identified groups of chemical compounds UV-TLC Cabinet To identify and trace compounds during a chemical reaction UV-Visible Determination of chemical composition Polarimeter To determine polarity of active optical compounds Homogenizer To powder solid compounds Deionizer Water purification Tray Dryer Drying plants Centrifuge Separating different phases of solution

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences, School of Pharmacy; site: E- mail: [email protected] phone +98-061-33738381

49 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Research Center for (In )Fertility & Infertility & Fetal Health The center was established in 2011 to promote research culture and to provide research-based innova- tive solutions for infertility and fetal abnormalities.

Objectives and axes of activities:

1. The development and use of new knowledge in the field of human (in)fertility and and perinatology (study of the health of the fetus) 2. Conducting basic, clinical and epidemiological research on the causes of infertility in men and women as well as the appli- cation of therapeutic approaches for investigating infertility in couples and understanding the causes threatening the health of the fetus, including recurrent abortion, common abnormalities and chromosome disorders of fetus and proper application of therapeutic methods to improve the health of the fetus 3. Gathering, compiling and classifying documents, papers and research projects, and other documents related to the center and other centers for (in)fertility and conducting studies on fetal health 4. Training fellowships (of Obstetrics and Gynecology) and Reproductive Biology (Ph.D) in the field of (in)fertility and fetal health (perinatology), in accordance with regulations approved by the University Council and authorized by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education 5. Promoting, encouraging and developing researchers interested in research on (in)fertility and fetal health 6. Attracting the attention and the cooperation of the relevant executive and research centers within the country 7. Scientific cooperation with research centers of fertility and perinatology of other countries and international organizations in compliance with the laws and regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran 8. Establishing a journal based on the objectives of the center to publish articles related to (in)fertility and fetal health. 9. Scientific cooperation with (in)fertility and perinatology research centers of other countries and international organiza- tions in compliance with the rules and regulations of the Islamic Republic of Iran

50 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Laboratory equipment and facilities of the center:

Device Application Device Application Typical incubator with- Laminar hood Sterile work table Maintenance of gametes out CO2 3D viewing of gametes and Osmometer Evaluation of solution osmosis Stereo microscopes embryos Freezing of gametes, embryos Nitrogen tanks Maintenance of embryos, sperms and oocytes Freezing set and testicular and ovarian tissue Invert microscopes IVF Optical microscope Viewing gametes and cells Maintenance of embryos, Micromanipulation ICSI-PGD CO2 incubator sperms and oocytes Sterilization of Micro centrifuges Cell PUGE Feb (Dry Heat) Lab Tools

:افتخارات مرکز

کسب رتبه دوم در پنجمین جشنواره آموزشی شهید مطهری

آدرس: اهواز، خيابان آزادگان، مرکز آموزش درماني امام خميني )ره(، طبقه 4 ، مركز تحقيقات باروري و ناباروري و سالمت جنين :تلفن: 061-32216504 سايت 51 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Atherosclerosis Research Center After the approval of the Ministry of Health, the center started its work in Golestan Hospital in 2012. By dedicating all its resources to basic and clinical research on cardiovascular diseases, this center is active in all laboratory and epidemiological aspects of these diseases (prevention and treatment). In addition, the center cooperates nationally and internationally with other research centers in the field of treatment of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular research and education in order to achieve the objec- tives of the activity.

Objectives and axes of activities:

1. The development and application of theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of identification of risk factors of car- diovascular diseases with modern methods of treatment 2. Conducting epidemiological, clinical, and applied research to identify risk factors for cardiovascular diseases and interven- tions to reduce these diseases in order to help improve the health care system, in terms of prevention and treatment at provincial and national levels 3. Promoting theoretical and practical knowledge of medical graduates at all levels in order to provide better health, treatment and prevention services 4. Enhancing the level of theoretical and practical knowledge of society (urban and rural) to help primary and secondary pre- vention 5. Gathering, compiling and classifying the electronic data, documents and papers and medical records for disease research and prevention 6. Training teams for identification, control and treatment of diseases 7. Attracting the cooperation and assistance of other research centers for joint ventures at national and international levels

Address: Ahvaz; Golestan Hospital; Atherosclerosis Research Center; Phone: +98-061-33743092 Fax: +98-061-33743092 E-mail: CVRC site: Http://

52 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Gastrointestinal Infection Research Center Given the high prevalence of gastrointestinal diseases such as different types of hepatitis, viral infections, motility and secre- tory disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, the existence of research centers to identify the prevalence, treatment and eradication of common disorders is essential. Therefore, establishment of the Gastrointestinal Infection Research Center of Ahvaz Jundis- hapur University of Medical Sciences was approved in December 2011 by the Council of the Expansion of Medical Sciences Universities, and it was formally launched on the same date.

Research priorities:

1. Development of epidemiological studies of common diseases of the gastroin- tes- tinal tract 2. The development of studies on common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract 3. The development of studies on environmental factors involved in gastrointesti- nal diseases 4. Development of clinical trials on gastrointestinal diseases 5. Development of basic etiologic studies on gastrointestinal diseases

Laboratory equipment and facilities of the Center:

Device Device Water Distillation Device Autoanalyzer pH meters Cell counter Large laminar hood (n=4) -80 ° C large freezer (n=2) Autoclave -20 ° C large freezer (n=2) ????????????????????? 4 ° C typical refrigerated

Address: Gastrointestinal Infection Research Center, Imam Khomeini University Hospital, Azadegan Avenue, Ahvaz phone: ????????????????? fax: ?????????????? site: ??????????????????? E-mail: ????????????????????

53 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Hyperlipidemia Research Center

Hyperlipidemia is a widespread condition in Iran, and studies in recent decades have shown an increase in obesity, hyper- lipidemia and –coronary heart disease. Due to the contribution of hyperlipidemia, diabetes and obesity to the creation of cardiovascular diseases as the first death cause of human mortality, conducting seminal and fundamental studies with the purpose of diagnosis and treatment of these diseases is of paramount importance. Relying on the scientific and professional expertise of experienced teachers and research projects and theses, the center started its activity at the School of Paramedi- cine and won the agreement in principle for its establishment issued by the Council of the Expansion of the Medical Sciences Universities in 2012.

Research priorities:

1. Studies on types of Hyperlipidemia 2. Studies on chronic diseases associated with hyperlipidemia including obesity and cardiovascular diseases 3. Epidemiological and population studies on the prevalence and risk factors of hyperlipidemia in the region 4. Proper treatments for types of hyperlipidemia 5. Holding educational and research workshops for faculty members, graduate and undergraduate students, and experts

54 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Laboratory equipment and facilities of the center:

Device Application

Microbiology hood Sterile desktop

Separating different phases a solu- Universal centrifuge tion

Laboratory automatic Extraction of materials

Kjeldahl automatic Extraction of materials

Laboratory Refrigerators Extraction of materials

C Laboratory Freezer -30 Extraction of materials

Determination of the concentration Refractometer of food and pharmaceuticals

آدرس: دانشگاه علوم پزشکي جندي شاپور اهواز ، دانشكده پيراپزشكي سايت [email protected] :تلفن: 33738253 پست الكترونيك

55 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Research Center for Cancer & Environmental- Petroleum Pollutants Strengthening and promoting research activities related to cancer in basic and clinical fields in Khuzestan province, this cen- ter focuses seriously on promoting health and disease prevention, and raising the public awareness in this regard. The center also encourages leading researchers in the medical field to use cutting-edge technologies and localizes a research culture in the field of cancer.

Research Priorities of the Center:

1.Conducting research for the identification and development of effective drugs for the treatment of various cancers in Iran 2. Assessing methods of cancer diagnosis 3. Assessing methods of cancer treatment

The important achievements of the center:

1. Launching the Biobank 2. Developing the Biobank Software 3. Launching Clinic Multi-Disciplinary Team(MDT) of Cancer 4. Launching an equipped laboratory unit 5. Launching a full-computerized cancer registry

56 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

6. Establishing an English-language journal, Jundishapur Journal of Oncology (JJO), with the aim of publishing scientific papers on both clinical and basic aspects of cancer 7. Pursuing the classification of cancer cells from native samples of cancer and cell cultures and ultimately preparing a bank of tumor cells with the relevant codes

Laboratory equipment and facilities of the center:

Device Application Gel doc Imaging gel Deionizer Water purification

Mechanical stirrer Stirring materials

Roller mixer Mixing vials

Double door Laboratory refrigerator Maintenance of materials

-30 C Laboratory Freezer- Maintenance of materials - 80 C Freezer Maintenance of materials

Universal centrifuges Separating the different phases a solution Microcentrifuge Separating the different phases a solution Refrigerated centrifuge Separating the different phases a solution CO2 incubator Cell maintenance medium PCR workstation The perimeter of the PCR sample preparation Laboratory sensitive scales Accurate measurement of weight

Hot blocks Laboratory work

Address: the old buildings of medical school, Research Center for Cancer, Environmental and Petroleum Pollutants; Phone: +98-061-32216504 E-mail: [email protected]; site: Http://

57 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Research Center for Social Determinants of Health Health equity is one of the ultimate goals of any health system, because health promotion would be impossible unless attention is paid on reducing or eliminating social injustice and on the social determinants of health. The establishment of the center was proposed and pursued by faculty members of the Public Health Department of the Health School. The center was approved with an agreement in principle by the Council of the Expansion of the Medical Sciences Universities on 2012/6/12 and started its research activities at the same time. under the supervision of Dr. Khodabakhsh Karami. The number of research projects approved in the center in years 2012, 2013, and 2014 was 2, 7 and 11, respectively.

Research priorities of the center:

1. Health risk factors: a) the social determinants of health; b) the perception, understanding, knowledge, attitude and practices of the society about the disease and health risk factors; and c) prevention of risk factors for disorders, diseases, injuries and accidents 2. Behavioral factors affecting health: a) healthy lifestyle (exercise, nutrition, stress, and tobacco) and improving the quality and quantity of health; b) substance abuse, drugs, psychotropic substances and tobacco, alcohol and related disorders; and c) Social pathology, violence, and delinquency 3. Family health: a) the health of mothers; b) health of adolescents and school health; c) marriage and childbearing; d) sexual health; and e) health of the elderly 4. Community health promotion: a) determining the needs for health; b) educating patients and at-risk individuals; c) empow- ering people to protect and promote health; d) the development and empowerment of people for community-based research 5. Communicable and non-communicable diseases: a) early detection, screening and prevention of communicable and non- communicable diseases; b) rehabilitation, traditional and alternative medicine in communicable and non-communicable dis- eases 6. The health system and vital indicators: a) indicators of health and disease; b) Burden of diseases, and care system of diseases; c) public participation, interdisciplinary cooperation; and d) customer rights, safety and satisfaction.

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences; Health school; Research Center for Social Determinants of Mental Health; Phone: +98-061-33738612 E-mail: [email protected] site: http:// 58 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Research Center for Chronic Renal Failure

There is a high prevalence of different renal diseases, such as chronic renal failure, nephrolithiasis, glomerulonephritis and nephrotic syndrome in the Khuzestan province and the neighboring countries. Therefore, specialist and sub-specialist teams in nephrology, as well as related basic sciences such as microbiology and physiology have been trying for many years in the field of training specialists in clinical and basic sciences. Therefore, due to the presence of such experts as well as the high incidence of kidney disease, the center was established in 2012.

Objectives and areas of activity of the center:

1. Conducting epidemiological studies of kidney diseases in Khuzestan 2. Conducting clinical and para- clinical evaluation of common renal disorders in the province 3. Finding new ways to reduce kidney disorders in the province 4. Trying to provide effective collaboration between basic and clinical medical sciences in kidney disorders 5. Developing internal collaboration with other centers and academic circles 6. Trying to improve scientific capabilities and increase the scientific output of the center 7. Trying to increase public awareness of the common kidney disorders and how to prevent them 8. Trying to attract PhD students studying in the fields of nephrology from GP Medical, Pharmacy, and postgraduate students of physiology , etc. 9. Inviting the students of basic and clinical medical sciences to carry out research projects and theses 10. Trying to attract national and international grants

Address: Ahvaz; Azadegan avenue; Imam Khomeini Educational-therapeutic Center; fourth floor; Chronic Renal Failure Research Center; phone: +98- 061-32216104

59 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Research Center for Chronic Disease Care

Due to the expansion of chronic diseases in human societies and the dire need for standard, high- level, up-to-date and evi- dence-based cares, the establishment of a center was taken into consideration with the purpose of studying the chronic disease care fields in the province. Hence, this center was established in 2012.

Research priorities of the center:

1. Investigating the effect of different educational methods to improve self-care of chronic patients 2. Examining the use of herbs to relieve the symptoms of pain, inflammation and wound healing in different patients 3. Evaluation of nutritional problems in different patients (diabetic, cardiovascular, nephrology, neurologic, oncologic, urinary stones, orthopedics, etc.) 4. Rehabilitation in chronic diseases with motor, neurological or metabolic problems 5. Rehabilitation of chronic patients and the effectiveness of rehabilitation programs

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences; Nursing and Midwifery School; Research Center for Chronic Disease Care; Phone: +98-061-33738622; E-mail: [email protected];

60 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Research Center for Improving Reproductive Health

Research priorities of the center:

1. Studying screening methods of the health of the fetus and mother during pregnancy

2. Studying factors affecting the mortality of mothers and children

3. Evaluation of the rate of and factors associated with maternal morbidity

4. Studying factors affecting sexual performance and satisfaction.

5. Studying promotion of natural childbirth methods

6. Studying factors related to mental health of mothers and children’s health

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences; Nursing and Midwifery School; Research Center of Care for Improving Reproductive Health; Phone: +98-061-33738619; fax: +98-061-33738333; e-mail: [email protected]; site:

61 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Menopause Research Center

Menopause Research Center of Ahvaz University of Medical Sciences was founded in 2011 and started its activity on the same date. The main aim of the center is to promote the study of menopause, improve the level of scientific and technical knowledge of researchers and the public and conduct applied research to improve the health of women and men in adulthood and enhance their quality life without any pain or disease with the least amount of movement disorders and disabilities relying on Evidence- Based Practice.

Research priorities of the center:

1. Assessment of the satisfaction of sexual performance in menopausal women and andropausal men 2. Assessment of physical activity in menopausal women and andropause men 3. Assessment of ways of nutrition in menopausal women and andropausal men 4. Assessment of blood levels of vitamins and its relationship with health in menopausal women and andropausal men 5. Assessment of mental health and public health in menopausal women and andropausal men 6. Assessment of lifestyle in menopausal women and andropausal men

Address: Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences; Nursing and Midwifery School; Menopause Research Center; Phone: +98-061-33738619; e-mail: [email protected]; site:

62 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Pain Research Center

Pain is one of the very common problems in medical science that causes enormous economic, physical and mental losses in patients and the community, and this has caught the attention of policy makers in the public health to take steps for control- ling pain and the treatment of patients. In this regard, the Department of Anesthesia at Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Med- ical Sciences launched the Pain Research Centre at the University in 2013 in order to take an important step in the research and development of the science of anesthesia and pain control. All interested partners are invited for helping in this regard.

Research priorities of the center:

1. Acute pain control after surgery 2. Pathology and treatment of chronic pain 3. Psychological factors of chronic pain 4. Cancer pains 5. Myofascial pains 6. Labor pains 7. Methods of pain control in children 8. Studying racial, environmental, and regional factors in the incidence and control of pain 9. Development of research-based clinics for controlling acute and chronic pains

Address: Pain Research Center, Imam Khomeini University Hospital, Azadegan Avenue, Ahvaz; phone: +98- 0-61-32216104; e-mail: [email protected]; site:

63 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Research Center for Hearing and Speech Having a history of more than four decades, the Otorhinolaryngology Department started this center in 2013 with a purpose of educating trainees, interns and residents. Considering the needs of the province and the university for carrying out funda- mental and applied research, this center is aimed to provide health-therapeutic solutions for those with hearing loss, deafness and speech problems. Other aims of the establishment of this center are the development and utilization of new knowledge for improving hearing and speech by relying on the latest technology in this area in order to promote the health of the community, increase productivity and reduce disability and its associated financial burden imposed on the government.

Objectives and areas of activity of the center:

1. Persuading, encouraging and employing researchers and experts in the field of clinical sciences for research projects of hearing and speech 2. Carrying out basic and applied research projects for the hearing impaired, the deaf and those with speech problems 3. Scientific cooperation with research centers and training inside and outside the country complying with the rules and regula- tions of the Islamic Republic of Iran 4. Creating research conditions for researchers, guidance and support for applied research in the field of hearing 5. Targeted research with emphasis on educational and research needs on medical issues in the province and the country 6. Collaboration with industry in order to meet the needs of medical research 7. Holding educational conferences and workshops 8. Guiding those interested in research to participate in research projects for recall 9. Launching a journal in accordance with the objectives of the center center

Laboratory equipment and facilities of the center:

Device Application

2-channel audiometers for children Assessment of hearing in children

Hear Lab Assessment of hearing and speech

Address: Research Center for Hearing and Speech, in front of Imam Khomeini University Hospital, Ahvaz Azadegan Avenue, Sharifzadeh Street, ; phone: +98-0-61-3291838; e-mail: [email protected]

64 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Research Centre for Eye Infections

Given the high prevalence of various eye diseases such as different infections, cataract, glaucoma, strabismus, trauma and eye diseases related to the tropical and the sunny regions, the establishment of a research center dedicated to determine the prevalence of these diseases and their treatment is out of question. Therefore, the Research Centre for Eye Infections started its activity at AJUMS after the initial approval in 2013.

Objectives and areas of activity of the center:

1. Epidemiologic study of eye diseases, especially eye diseases and trauma associated with sunshine and tropical regions 2. Finding new therapeutic strategies to reduce eye disorders 3. Establishing ffective collaboration between basic and clinical medical sciences in the field of eye diseases and infections 4. Increasing public awareness of eye diseases in the region, particularly through the national media (Radio and TV) 5. Trying to attract PhD students 6. Inviting students of basic and clinical medical sciences to conduct research projects and do theses 7. Inviting faculty members from other departments in order to conduct collaborative research projects with the Ophthalmol- ogy Department

Address: Research Centre for Eye infections, Imam Khomeini University Hospital, Azadegan Avenue Ahvaz; phone: +98-061-32216104; e-mail: [email protected]

65 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Research Center for Air Pollution & Respiratory Diseases The center was established officially in order to promote research and studies in the field of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of respiratory disease on 2016-4-24.

Objectives and areas of activity of the center:

1. Applied research projects to determine the patterns of local air pollution and solve the associated problems 2. Epidemiologic study of respiratory and allergic diseases in the region 3. Conducting strategic research projects to reduce the incidence of preventable respiratory diseases 4. Conducting research projects in order to specify the contribution of each industry to air poluution, and providing a strategy to reduce industrial pollution 5. Promoting the center so as to be as a research center in the field of respiratory diseases and air pollution in the country.

Device Application MIR Spirometer Measuring respiratory Parameters MIR Spirometer Measuring respiratory Parameters Body plethysmography Measuring changes in blood volume in the body Ergo spirometer Carbon monoxide gas distribution DLCO Differential diagnosis of heart and lung diseases Polysomnography Diagnosis of sleep disorders Apnea link Diagnosis of sleep disorders Fujinon endoscopic lung A combination of both endoscopy and ultrasound )(EBUS Ploroscopy Endoscopy of the chest Rigid bronchoscopy Seeing airways

Address: Research Center for Air Pollution and Respiratory Diseases Imam Khomeini University Hospital, Azadegan Avenue Ahvaz; ; phone: +98-061-32216104; site: ???????????????? E-mail: ????????????????? 66 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

67 Ahvaz Jundishapur University of medical sciences

Research Center for Environmental Technologies

Since Khuzestan province is located in the midst of various industry-related environmental pollutions affecting the commu- nity health, the establishment a center with the purpose of studying the various fields of the environment in the province was taken into consideration. Hence, with approval by the Ministry of Health, the university as the main institution responsible for the health of the province, established the Research Center for Environmental Technologies in 2010.

Research priorities in the Research Center for Environmental Technologies:

Axis 1: Application of environmental technology in the elimination of environmental pollutions 1.1. Using genetic engineering and biotechnology to remove environmental pollutants 1.2. Producing clean fuel and energy (Bioenergy) using residential and industrial waste 1.3. Biological treatment of hazardous waste 1.4. Bioremediation of contaminated soils and sludge 1.5. Using biological methods for the treatment of air and water pollutants

Axis 2: Application and localization of new technologies in monitoring environmental treatment 2.1. Application and localization of advanced oxidation processes to remove environmental pollutants of high priority 2.2. Application and localization of membrane processes to remove environmental pollutants of high priority 2.3. Application and localization of nanostructures in the removal of environmental pollutants of high priority 2.4.Studying, constructing, modifying and using absorbents in water purification, sewage, soil and air 2.5. Studying new processes, extraction and soil remediation and sludge disposal

Axis 3: Specialized monitoring and evaluation of sustainable emerging pollutants in the environment 3.1. Environmental study of the destination of pollutants and the mapping of contamination of water and soil sources in prov- ince of Khuzestan, with an emphasis on emerging and persistent pollutants 3.2. Environmental monitoring and exposure to dust phenomenon 3.3. Preparation of an atlas of pollutants and toxicity of borderline and the water bar of the provinces (the border between Iran and Iraq and the Persian Gulf shores) 3.4.Studying and detecting emerging contaminants in food 3.5. Development of new methods of measuring air pollutants (biosensors, biomarkers and bioindicators) 3.6. Monitoring the exposure to environmental pollutants 68 Introduction to capabilities of Vice Chancellery for Research and Technology Development

Laboratory equipment and facilities of the Center:

Device Application 108.1 particle counting device -30 C Freezer Dobson TAKE 30 kit Refrigerated shaker incubator Omni Dust sampling device Bain marie serology Radon monitor Refrigerated centrifuge High volume particulate meas- Rotary Evaporator urement device Portable x-ray Analyzer PCR device Vacuum manifold and its pump Deionizer Shaker incubator Hot plate AZ PHmeter Autoclave Ultrasonic baths

Address:????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????, phone: ??????????????? fax: ???????????????????; site: ???????????????? E-mail: ?????????????????