Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1962-1963
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Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1962-1963 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1963 Eastern Progress - 24 May 1963 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1962-63/29 *e , The. Yea* lew Cafce In Review Schedule Pafee 7 Pafce 4, 5 QQW&SS "Setting The Pace In A Progressive Era" , ■ ■ " i ■■» 40th Anniversary Year—No. 30 Friday, May 24, 1WS Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky State College, Richmond, Kentucky ROTC Grads Bids Opened Spring Commencement Confers 562 Degrees For Classroom Get Commissions Building In Fifty - Sixth Annual Graduation Exercises Monday Night The $2,443,000 bid of Foster and Crelghton Co., Nashville, was the Carpenter, Hill Will Speak apparent lowest of three opened Twenty Eastern seniors will today for construction of a new be commissioned as second lieu- four-story air-conditioned class- tenants In the United States Army rooms conventlentlyv-' located To Record Class Next Week Monday night when the Reserve Commissioner David H. Prltchett Officers Training Corps holds 1U said. A record number of degrees, 582, will be awarded the graduating 25th annual commissioning exer- The second apparent lowest bid)1 rlnss at t>v 56th spring commencement Wednesday morning. cises at Hanger Stadium. was 12,508.995, submitted by Har» The previous record number of degrees conferred by Eastern waa Six will receive Regular Army gett Construction Co., Lexlngten. 458, awarded at the 1962 spring exercises. Another olass will be commissions, while 14 will be com- The third bW was 12,575,000, j graduated at the summer commencement August 1. missioned as reserve officers. Dr. Henry W. Hill, president- --r—-— , r «..^ n_i„" Southeastern Construction emeritus of George Peabody Col- of the Keen Johnson Student Union Eight cadets will be designated as Charleston, W. Va. Distinguished Military Graduates. lege, Nashville, will deliver, the Building; the senior class dinner Prltchett said the engui commencement address. Speaker on May 18 at Holiday Inn, LAxtog- Seven seniors were commission- staff of his department is >4H for the baccalaureate services, to ton; Alumni Day, on May 25, with ed in January exercises at Eastern ing the bids for technical coirMV; be held Sunday (May 28) will be open house on the campus, the and five more are due to receive ness and a contract will Dr. Homer W. Carpenter, minister dinner ana recepUon honoring tne gold bars in'August. awarded after this is ecumenical of the First Christian classes of 1918, 19S8, and 1»M The' exercises, which begin at He said the bids were below •R. HOMER W. CARPENTER DR. HENRY W. HILL Church, Louisville. graduation exercises of the Re- 7 p.m., will include the President's estimated cost of the building. ^V> (live Baccalaureate Sermon Commencement Speaker D«M. „„™„,„ „HU H„ h«iH in serve Officers Training Corps in Review, at which time outstanding The structure, designed H.^ I^Zii^r" „m Hanger Stadium on May 27, and cadets and units will be presented Hiram Brock Auditorium. ,ne »resldent.8 lunCheon at 12:30 on Caruthers A. Coleman Jr., Lett- Degrees will be conferred by a,, graduates, their awards, a parade of the 1,100-man lngton, will have an exterior e M m for JtOTC unit, and the commissioning President Martin on 54 candidates ^ves and husbands, cut limestone. It will contain S» for the master of arts degree, 117 Baccalaureate speaker. Dr. Hom- of the military graduates. classrooms, a partial besesgM The graduates will be presented Eastern Retires Five for the bachelor of arts degree, er w Carpenter, received both and a mechanical equipment and 391 bachelor of science candi- ^ g^ . D. degrees from Eld bars by President Robert R. penthouse on the roof. A B D dates. The class will be presented TranByivania college, and has held artin and Col. Joe M. Sanders, V arofessor of military science at The first floor win contain t«M for graduation by Dean W. J. paBtorates at ShelbyvtBe, Rich- Eastern, who. will also administer large lecture halls, each Moore. mond, and Louisville, and Chat- the oath. MOUNTAIN LALREL CANDIDATE . Miss Jo Ann Conley, 326 students, six classrooms, Its Faculty, Staff The honorary doctor of laws de- tanooga, Tennessee, One of the highlights of the Paintsville senior, will be Eastern's representative at the Mountain 12 offices. On the second floe'r gree will be conferred upon Dr. A former chaplain of the Chau- awards presentation will be the Laurel festival this weekend as Miss Eastern. She will be presented will be 22 classrooms and 12 «l;oi-f.*^ Hlll, and Dr. Carpenter will be tauqua Assembly, The Reverend awarding of the Department of the this morning in a parade through downtown Pineville and this flees to house the Englishsh tDO-t feastern Will soon lose the ser- since February, 1928. At the close awarded the honorary doctor of Dr. Carpenter has served as presi- Army superior cadet award to the afternoon in fie Pageant in the Cove. Tonight she will dance at partment. vices of five retiring members of of the summer term, when he letters degree at commencement dent 0f the Association for the Pro- outstanding senior cadet.. the Cognation Ball. The Commerce Department wltt her faculty and staff. The three leaves, he will have been here exercises. Only five other hono- motion ' of Christian Churches, Receiving Regular Army com- occupy space on the third floor, retiring faculty members are Miss twenty-live and pne half years rary degrees have been given by president of the International Con- missions at the Monday exercises which will house a pair of large Mary K. Burrier. head" of the home During this tlme^he* he has taught 57-year-old Eastern. Vice Presl- ventlon of Christian Churches, and will be George Thomas Beckett, accounting rooms, three typing economics department; Dr. Janet mathematics, administration, sta- dent Lyndon B. Johnson received was twice president of the Con- Georgetown, Infantry; Daniel and business machine rooms, nine Murbach, head of the foreign lan- tistics, and education courses. the first at the spring commence- vention of Christian Churches in Welsch McDonald, Mt. Sterling, Eastern Coed Vies other classrooms and 15 faculty guages department; and Dr. Fred Before coming to Eastern Dr. ment In 1961. Kentucky. Transportation Corps; Stephen Mc- offices. Engle, Sr., of the education depart- Engle, who holds his M.A., B.A. Other commencement week ac- Dr. Hill, a native of Statesville. sfillin. Springfield, Quartermaster The Graduate School will use ment, Members of the staff who and a Ph.D. from the University tlvltles Include the senior women's North Carolina, has received hono- Corpa; Bobby Whitney Nordheim, will leave at the close of the term of Kentucky, taught at Cumber- dinner on May 24 in the cafeteria (Continued on Page 6) the fourth floor, which will ln« are Miss Kathleen Bales, night Foster, Signal Corps; John Carroll elude 16 classrooms, 22 faculty land and Sue Bennett Colleges. Parrish, Frankfort, Artillery, and supervisor of Burnam Hall and At the end of the summer Dr. For Laurel Crown offices, and a psychology labora- Mrs. Ellene Wlckersham, secretary David Harold Rust, Covington, tory. Engle and his famly plan an ex- Transportation Corps. of the business office. tended trip to Nova Scotia and These seniors, along with two Miss Jo Ann Conley, a senior dates which occupies the central Mary K. Burrier, head of the other Maritime Provinces. Five Scientists Speak position in the decorations. others, will be recognized as Dis- from Paintsville, represents East- home economics department, has The girls of Burnam Hall will tinguished Military Graduates. ern this weekend In the Kentucky Before the coronation pageant been at Eastern since 1925. Miss lose their night supervisor when Also achieving the D.M.G. honors Mountain Laurel Festival. The Eastern's band will present a con- McGregor Hall BUrrier received both the bachelor Miss Kathleen Bales leaves at the but declining Regular Army com- 27th fesUval began yesterday at cert In the Cove. The band will and master degrees from the Unl- end of this term. Miss Bales, a At Summer Science Meet missions are WUHaro, Hudson Laurel Cove in Pine Mountain, also play during the Coronation. jsfcsiiilll or Kentucky, a» well-as a native Of Richmond, came UrBeis*- Bute Par* near PlnevlH*. Tonight the grand ball In honor Weflifflr Richmond, Infantry, anot se v^pdinloma from Hamilton ^College erfi in 1980. evening lecture-discussion sessions. Hugh Allan Jenkins. LaGrange, Girls from rwenty-three Ken- of the queen will be held M the Open She lias also done additional gra- Four well-known American scien- Pikeviue High School gym. Events duate work at Columbia University It may come as a surprise to Prof. Harry H. Sisler will ad- Artillery. tucky colleges are vying for the many to find that lt Is, Miss Bales tists and one foreign scientist will Commissions as reserve officers crown, which will be presented to on tomorrow's program include a and at the University of Chicago. lecture at the 1983 Summer Science dress the Institute group of high breakfast in honor of the queen The home economics alumni has who has cared for Mozart for the Ma be awarded to these seniors: the new queen by Governor Bert Set For Sunday past eleven years. He was left Institute sponsored by Eastern and school science teachers on June Melvin Lee Amundsen, Louisville; Combs in a ceremony at two this and the Princess's Ball in the announced a Mary K. Burrier 19-20. Dr. Sisler is Professor of Ellis Scrivner Helm, Richmond; afternoon. evening. award to be presented in the form in her care by a 1952 graduate of the National Science Foundation.