1947 VJCTOHl.\ SECOND ANNUAL REPOitT OF THE FOR THE PERIOD hrr JULY, HMG, TO :30Tn JUNE, 1~}47 PRE:-iENTED TO BOTH HOUSES OF PARLIAME~"T PURSUANT TO SECTION 4 (3) OF THE TOWN AND COU~"TRY PLANNL"'\G ACT 1944 f Approximate Oo"t of I/epmt.-Preparatlon-uot given. Printing (700 copies) £65.]. ~~1 J\ut!UJtit.J1 . J. J. GOURLEY, GOVERNMENT PRINTER, MELBOURNE. No: 13 (Is. 6d.].-l0489/47. l N D EX. PAGJI Amendments to the Act 5 Regulations under the Act 7 Planning Schemes 7 Greater :Melbourne Planning Scheme 8 Zoning-Residential By-Laws 9 Decentralization of Industry 10 Central Planning Authority 10 Housing Commission of Victoria 11 Eastern Highway through Heidelberg, Northcote, and Preston 11 Queen's-parade, Clifton Hill .. 11 Alignment of Riverside-avenue, South Melbourne 12 Studies in the Costs of Pu hlic Utilitie;; 13 Education of Town and Country Planners 14 Professional Charges 14 Vehicular Traffic Census 14 Town and Country Planning Conference in Sydney 17 Land Valuations 18 Re-alignment of Streets 18 Town and Country Planning Abroad 19 Staff 19 Town and Country Planning Board. SECOND ANNUAL REPORT. The Honorable P . .J. Kennelly, M.L.C., 30th Sept., 1947 . .Minister of Public "'Works, Public Offices, Treasury Gardens, Melbourne, C.2. 1. In accordance with the requirements of Section 4 (3) of the Town and Country [)lanninq Act 1944 (No. 50£1:~), the Board has plec1surc in submitting to you, for presentation to Parliament, the report on its activities dming the twelve months ended 30th June, 1947. During the twelve months.
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