First D1.'p.ft

The Execution of the P>.n to Invade Cze~hoBlovp..k.JP.

April 1938 to Me.rch 1939

T0 be appended to Section III Trip.l Brief. Lt. John M. Woolsey, Jr., USNR 10 November 1945 L~lJEX OF :UOCtJl.;::'l~T S (l,voolsey)

A. Tumerical List of DocQ~ents

.srit i sh LocUJ1Gnts Document l\wl1oer Contents PDfe in Drief

A/DF/19 Tele~r&D, German Legation, fr8~ue, to ~ratisla\'a, 22 ~'ov lS;:,S 28

A/uP/25 .iei;lOrancJ.llill Ol:~E to 01.iV on ilOrg8niza_ tion OI' l'.r~,lOd. Forces. II ? Larch 18~8 4 A/DP/29 Te1esram, German Foreign Office to Pr6GUG, 24 Sept IJZ,8 20

A/l;P/31 Tele~rcm, German ~orcicn Gffice to Prague, 17 Sept 19~0 20 A/l;P/~2 ra le;;rm:l, C·ermoi.1. I'orG ign Offico to Praguo, 16 3ept 19Z8 19

A/LP/00 T81esr~~, German Foreicn Office to PraGue, 24 Sept 19;:,8 20 A/LP/~4 Telesram, Geril1an foreign Ofn.ce to Prague, 19 Sept 19c8 19, 27

C DOCUll ent s

C-2 ~xamplcs of Violations of ~nt8rnationGl Law and frcposea CountQr Propngcnda, issued. by OAd, 10 Oct 19Z1 13 C-I06 Luftwaffe Stoff Plan Qated 22 :0, siGned ;.(311er, 22 Apr 1938 9

C-136 Oruer on ~~reparo.tions for ·;ar 21 Oct 19::'0, si:..,ncd by ler and in1t ialed by 4l..eitel, 21 Uct 1938 25 C-l('o Sup;lement to 21 October Order, 17 Lecember 19ZL, si[ned b7 heitel, 17 Lec 19:0 25

C-175 O~ iJirective for ~nified Prepara­ tion for .. 2.1" 19;:'7-1900, with covcr­ in.:: let t er fror~l von =~loy:,,'oerb' 24. June 19~7 4, 6

L Documents

L-4;:' .!;e~l1orandu:l1 to Chief of Luftwaffe General Staff, sicned by I8[Mrhuber, Chief of the Org8nizational Staff, 2 ~&y 1335 9

L-172 i1rhe Strategic Position at th~ ;':"e.:.~in­ ning of the l'ifth tear of ~'jarll : lecture b:,/ Joo.l at 'lunich, 7 l.:ov 19'13 35

R-IOO ..m~1Or[mdum of lnstructions~jvon b:T Fitler to von .uro.ucllitsch, 25 l'.1cr. la;:8 (Woolsey) R-133 Notes on Oonference on 25 July 1909 withJocring, sif;ned ll.ue 11er, 25 July , 1939 34

R.140 Speech b~ Goering to German Aircraft ."anufacturers, S ::,S 10 I' R.150 Air Jroup CO~Tllnand 'l'hroe StuG:r: Instruc. ,~ tion for ~eplo~Jent and Conb~t: Cese Red: 2 9

PS DOCUl,l<:mt s

375·PS Case Green with ·\iic..or 1m.\) licat ions, Report of Luftwaffe General Steff, Intelligence Livision, 25 Au~ IJ~L 10

, 3b6.PS Notes on G Conference TIlth hitler, Berlin, 5 , signed .', hossbE:ch 1

3b8.FS File of papers on Case Green kept 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, by SC~lundt, hitler's adjutant, 12, 13, 14, 20, , ~ Aprll-Oct00er 193~ 21, 22, 2~" 24

~89.PS Speech b~T ~~itler to hJ.s ;,~ilitary Co,rul:..nncler s, 2~ Lov 193~) 35

S51·PS rrele'::::1'8Yn, Lt,nSlYlnnn to l~il:;ler, 15 Oct 193[; 18 " \" 99S.PS Ger;licn CrLlGs 8.gEdnst Czechoslo-

'. vakia: Czechoslovak official report 15, 16, 17 , for prosecution and trial of the Ge~nan 20, 2 ':1, 27, :':Jlajor 'Jar crLninnls b:;,- Internati.onal 28, 29 ~LilitElrJ '.2ri'u~lnal, Lond.on, S6pt. 1S'45

Ite~(l 10. ~,inutes of conference with Goering on acceleration of Elrnament, 14 Oct 192.,[,

~reaty of froteccion between Slovakia and tho Reich, slEned in Vienna 15 1,lar 'Z 7, ana. by Ribbentrop in jer11n 2':' ;.. ar 19::9 ~v Report fro:u LuftWD ffe Cienora 1 Staf1' , Intelligence Division, on reconnais­ sance for 3ir£1elds in Czechoslovakia, 4 on6 12 ~usust Id35 9, 19

17S0.PS IJiar-- lcept 'O~T C~enerDl JodI from 4 J8n 3,7,11, 19:7 co 22 Au~ 1~39 12, 12:,· 14, 21

1\.:i74·FS Locos on Cl conference between GoerjnL;, .~ssolini end Ciano, 15 Apr 1939

2c5;:'·PS E:stor:T of tr.,:; ::':-erl;ltm WEll" Ltn(~ f..rr.1C\ment EconOm~T,J': "O:-eneral GGOI'Ce 'rllOl;18S, 194·1 7

235S-PS Speech bS Eitler in Sportspclast, Dorlin, 26 Sept 1930 24

2060.• :2S Speech iJ] Lit ler before Reichstnz, ::'0 JCtn 103'J 5

2::67.PS Speoch by 1.i tler in .Gor1in, 1 l\In:T 1936

-2- (W001scy) 2795-.2S r:otes on ni'iJbentro~ - Chvt11kovsk:,r conv8rsotion, 21 Jnn 1939, tnnd­ written postscript by RiboGntrop 26

2796-PS Conversations between hitl~r, Hiboentrop and Ldredi, 2::. A.uS 10::'c, 11

2797-PS Conversation, Ribbentrop-hantc, 2S Au~ 19;:9 11

279v-PS Cerman ForeiGn Office ~inutes of r.lOotinc :i ... itl·.H'-l-... c.cho., 15 .··r.r 193J :::'1, ~2

2GOO-FS Gerl.1Cn ~'oreign uffico ... ,~omorandum on conversntion wltn Attlico, lG July 19Z):; 10

2tiul-PS ..,1nut',:s of conversation between GO'3rint;, 0urcnnsky, unCle t cd (p~oslliJably winter 19~u-~9) 2[" ~4

. , 0 t c..: son Co nferen c 'J, r: i t 1Gl' - ? i so, 1~ :';r,::.~ 19:: 9 31

2G15-PS ~olG~r8Q, Ri~0cntrop to IruGue, 13 1.:[... 1' 19~ 9 Zl

2b16-FS Lotter, Eorth:.r to :LitlGr, 1:::' ...... [,1' 19::.9 cO

2026-PS i1:rho SS on .,.Drch 13, 19;::9" by I•• h. rrcnk, in ~ohu0n und ~8hron, ~ny 1941, p. 179 l'f., 29

TC Docm;lunts rC-l~ Arbitration lrenty botwoun Germany and Czechoslovakia, Locarno, 16 Oct 1925 2 rC-2::' ACI'C01,lent 0ot':Jeen 1.,.(;r~i1fln2-, tho l..nited ~,lrc~o... _., ;:'ro.nc8 -in':" ItCil;;, 2) Sept l'::J:::'C 22

TC-27 ,31' i t ish :: ore isn uf£'1 ce VGr s ion of Gordl&l1 assurnnc8s, as trc:ns::litteQ by .',: •...DsGryk to Viscount L2.1ifsx on 1::' :Lz,r 193[, v"Z rC-2b Sp·;ccl '0:- Eitler in Sportsp<.\, ~0rlin, 26 Sept 19~G 24

Declt~:i:"·c.tion of 15 :i"er 1939, siGnc6 by ;~itloI', VO:1 ::1ib,JontroD, L8cha, Chvalkovsky, 15 Lor 1~39

TC-50 ?roclL~ation to the G0rman People end Order to tho hohrmncht, 15 ~o.r 19~9

TC-51 10cr00 8st2blishinG the Frotectorato ?"Z of bohGmia end. j .or8via, 16 ~,S\r l'J::"9 L' ......

TC-E2 Pormal Dritish Frotost a[ainst con­ trs.vuntion of l••unich i,e;reCl'ilOnt, 17 1-18.1' 1939 33

Forme1 I'r3::1ch Frotc st f.~ CE:l inst contro­ vont ion of .lunich A=rooYj·, 17 1..81' 192-9 23

-3- (iloolsey) i:liscelloneous 10cuments

(No nmnbors yet assigned) state:;'lunt of Lore. Lslifox, 20 i\~arch 1939, revealinG thet t:8 Czech ~order W2S crossed on 14 Lorch. british :31ue Dook lio. 10, at p. 14:.

J./ispo.tch frorll Sir i·'-0vile I-J:cnG.crson to ....lri tish Office, 28 I'lay 19::-9, rliloting details of convers~~tion witb GoerinG in vlhich the latter aebi t ted the. t he threatQned hechs with tho bombins of Prague. ~rit1sh Blue Dook, i,o. 12, at fl. 25. iie;ht

Stetement oJ h,ctin2, Secrot~·:ry of Stete SmllnCr ','{cllos, 17,12.rch 19;::9, r8£.CG r..:.nCl 'liar, U. S. St::,:t0 l."epcrt.l!ont, 194c., Fo. 126. :::4

Lecturo b:r ;~onrD.c.. 1.onlu1n, Vienna, 4 i=crch 1941. Q.uotec. in ii:i?uur ::-'i()'!tinG Yoz~rsil, Czoc110s10vct i~linistry of :2'or Affcirs, 19t1Z, p. 29 18

-4- (Woolsey)

B. Documents Listed by Types

1. Affidavits

None av~lable as yet.

Document Nunber Content.s in Brief

a/DP/19 Telef;rF1.m, Gerr:len Leg::>,tion, Pre.gue, to Bl'ahS:i.::>.V?, 22 Nov-enbel' J..938 28

A/DP/29 T8legr~n, Gcrnpn Foreign Office to PrRgU8, 24 Septembel 1938 20

A/DP/3l Telegram, Ge::r'man F0rGign Office to Pl.'p.g..le, 1'7 Septenbl;.r 13Z8 20

A/DP/32 Teleglf.lI!l, Ge::-mp.n Furelgn Office to Prague, 16 19

A/DP/33 Telegram, German Foreign 01fice to PrRgue, 24 September 1938 20

A/DP/34 Teleg::-am, German Foreign Office to P~ague, 19 September 1938 19, 27

85l-PS Telegram, HansmRnn to Hitler, 15 Oc'jjober 1938 18

28l5-PS Telegram, Ribbentrop to Prague, 13 l~e.rch 1939 31

2816-PS Letter, Horthy to Hitler, 13 30

3. Laws, Treaties, Decrees and Enactments

l439-PS Treaty of Protection between Slovp~ia and the Reich, signed in Vienna 18 M~::-ch and by Ribbentrop in Berlin 23 March 1930, 33

To-14 Arbitration Treaty between Germany ~d CzechoslovakiR, Loc::>.rno, 16 O\.1tober 1925 2

TG-23 Agreement between Germany, the United Kingdo~, Frpnce and Italy, 29 September 1938 22

TC-49 Asrecnent of 15 March 1939, signed by Hitler, von R:bbentrop, HRcha, ChVRlkovksy, 15 Mprch 1939 32

TO-51 Decree estR~lishing the Protectorate of Bohemia Rnd Moravia, 16 MR~ch 1939 33

4. Military Orders

C-136 Order on PrcparatlonsCfor War, 21 , signed by Hitler and initialled by Keitel, 21 October 1~38 25

0-138 Supplement to 21 October Order, 17 Decenber 1938, signed by Keitel, 25 ..: ' (Woolsey)

4. Militpry Orders (Co~tinued)

Docur.1cnt Nur.iber Contents Page in Brief

0-175 OKYf DIrect::vefor Unified Prepare,tion for ~vc-.'<.J:J~7..1938, with covering letter from VOli Blomberg, 24 4, 6

388-PS File of -p8.-pors on Ce,r;c Green. kept by SchI!lundt , Hitler' s Adju'Gant, A:?ril-October 1938 2, 15, C', 7 j 8, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

TO-50 Order to the Weh,:macht by Hitler, 15 Maroh 1939 33

5. Publications

4826-PS "The SS on 1~8.rch 15, 1939" by K. ~. Frank, in Bohnen und MAbren, l~~ 1941, p. 179 15, 2V

6. Other Evidence

A/DP/25 Report OEE to OKi'l on "0rgp,nize.tion of Ar~cd Forces." 7 4

0-2 Ex~~les of Violations of Intern~~ional LHvlT ~.nd Proposed Coun~;e:..\ Prop?gFl.ndR., issued by OID~, 10 October LJ38 13

C-l~6 Luf'filiP.ffe Staff Plan cte.. ted 22 , signed i"1eller, 22 April 1938

L-43 Memorandur.1 to Chief ofLuftw~ffe G~nerHl Staff, signed by Ka~~huber, Chief of tho Orgp.,nizational Staff, 2 9

1-172 lfThe Strategic Position 1'l.t the Beginning of the Fifth Yep-.r of 1'lar 1f : Lecture by Jodl at Munich, 7 November 1943 35

R-IOC Minutes of Instructions given by Hitler to von Brpuchitsch, 25 l"1p.rch ].939 33

R-133 Notes on Conference on 25 July' 1939 with Goering, signed Mueller, 25 July ;930 34

R-140 Speech by Goering to Gernan Aircraft ManufActurers, 8 10 R-15C Air Group Command Three Study: Instruction for D6?luyment and Conbat; Case Red; 2 June 1938 9

375-PS Case Green with Wider Im-plications. Report of Luftwaffe General Staff. Intelligence Division, 25 10

386-1'8 Notes on a Conference with aitler, Berlin, 5 November 1937,. signed Hossbach, 10 November 1937 1 (Woolsey)

6. Other Evidence (Continued)

Document P~ge Nunber --_e':mtents.. -- in Bricf

388-PS F.\.11:l ryf ·~'.:..;:'f--:''d on r.?.~ b tj.·:,.e!,J. kept by s·- .J:·;L·;~l"L_ ~ t", L}. e· I 8 ~.(I.~t:rt~rl.r:, .4·Pl:~.1­ 0c'lll ;)8":' .'.:!-:-:5 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 12, 13, 14, 20, 21; 22, 23, 24

789-PS Sr-e::.cJ! by Ihtl.01:" to },l.S Ml.l '.0P.ry Co~~ande~s, 23 Novonbb~ 1~39 35

998-PS Gc!'mp.n Cri.i!1Os .!'\e;""j nst C~8ehoE; 1 ov,".ki~.: C~r):·,r',os~.l)"l"":';: o:,:'::';u,i.,,,,J. :':",);,)\):c'l JOl'

p .....J '3 \.:..."'. ...1 \. .! .;: t ~ \ .. ::.. ":. r Jrt~. ...,~~ ... ·t.~ c. ~f;=~~n nt~!() \J,~J. .q.J~·I.:11.l.b .Ll:JCJ~ilP.- ',-t):u~~,l I, (t 'bJT ...: M'.:>.'iial·y 1.I::::i.b"J.n;>.l, L1mdnn, September 1946 15, 16, 17, 20, 24, 27, 28, 29

1301-PS Item 10. ~:l;:>:l).iies oX (."l:1:ar8nlle w.lth On i".cc6':'e:raiilon of ~.r:nanent, 14 Cd·a·ber 1

1536-PS Repo:':t fl'om Lu::tw.:>.ffe Gener'3.1 St"".ff, L!.'~;_:~ 1g":G·~t' .. D:i.vis:lfi:L1 l on z·econnA.issp.nce ff)· :':· .. ~·.~"J.E,~d~ :in C?;0\~;::os~,)·'JP..~1Et, 4 ~'.' (,. j.2 ii:L1.gL1.c3 'j: 19;::8 9, 19

178o-PS D·'.< y ',:':(;;I.l~. 'L? Genc:t'A.'.:.. ,T:d:. 1':.:- ,lIT. 4 .le':')'.I',,-y ~,.'jJI 'GO 2J ,b'-4;U,8;, .L~39 3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21

1874-PS No':;.;,~ on a confE.:~·(;r\(;e oH'Vritjen Goering, ~1.:.~'~c I.ill.. r:mc.. Ui ~'lO) l:5 i"1>r::":l i'::JS9 34

2353-PS H.: ~ "'- -y OJ f :j~W Ge::·mp.n W"'.r ,"':1.0. .A T ~anent E0Jil"i!l,/, by ('2~1.e!.'",.l George 'l'.tl~)j;!::l.8: 1944 7

2358-PS S~e';I..:) r<' :'.~:'.'~(;r. :In,l.a.~t, Be.tlin, 26 ,c:l-j l" e;::-,"r).~:: .~ ~'::'l8 24

236Q-PS S~8";(.1. ''Ji 'i:\',' m: 'beJe'ore R'-~\ch!jt.~.,g;, 30 J;'_J.1V..ry ~,jJg 5

2367·-PS 3

,fo10~~ ~)4 ~l)b 2795-PS 'P ...... L.t IOI} .- ...... '...J .j'2.. I k(;'\i'el-=y

C'Y'.: '! l,' '.~ .;i . J (J .,.. I; ".,,1). '-,'1 , ':I S9! .!:1:>.nd·,vri t t en pr)~" IJ·:··\..... ~~ ':\/ .::.: bOl,;~'~l ,:' ):C.. 26

2796-PS CO!,y·;'t-:. !'~l;on~' b')~\.'i'I·;en .d'1~.1er, Rib1:Jentrop P.TiC. :~;:':L.c.." ~~ A.:lgUd (; 19;)8 11

2797-PS Conve."s,·,t i rm. Rib'b entrop-K8.nt ~., 2S J~'jg..l'3G 1939 11

2798-PS Ge',':'''1.ii.1 FOl'dgn Office minutes of oeetin.e; Hi c·ler·-tlp.cha, 15 Mr'lrch 1939 31, 32

- 7 - (lIToolsey) 6~ Other Evidence (Continued)

Document umber Contents P?ge in Brief

2800-PS Ger~?n Foreign Office notes ,on conversa­ ti'ln wHh Attollco, 18 July 1938 10

2801-PS Minutes of c')nvers",",t-:~')n 1)E;'';'.",een Goering ~nd Durc;:msk.'y, uncl.:::l.t ed (pre6u~ably winter 1938-·39) 28, 34

?Bn2-PS Notes on Conference, Hitler-Tis0, 13 Mf'.rch 1939 31

To-27 British Foreign Office version of Germpn assurances, as transmitted by M. ~aspryk to Viscount H~lifpx on 13 M~rch 1938 3

TC-28 Speech by Hitler in Spor~spalast, Berlin, 26 September 1938 24

TO-50 ProclpmP,tion to Germ?~ People by Hitler, 15 MRrch 1939 33

TO-52 Formel British Protest ~ainst contra­ vention of Munich Agrceme~t, 17 }~.rch 1939 33

TO-53 Formal French Protest pg~+.nst co~tr~vGntion of Munich Agreement, 17 ~~tch 1939 33

Miscellp~eous Documents' , (N') r.umbers yet ?saigned) ~r Statement of Lord H~lifax, 20 M~rch 1939, revealing that the Czech border w~s crossed on l~ March. British Blue Book No. la, c.t p. 14 32

Dispatch from Sir Nevile Henderson to British Foreign Office, 28 Mp,y 1939, relr,ting details of convers?,tion with Goering in which the latter admitted that he threatened Hacha with the bombing of Pr8~e. British Blue Book, No. 12, at p. 25 32

Eight dispatches from ~. Coulondre, the French A~bassador in Berlin, to the French Foreign Office, 13 to 18 March 1939. French Yellow Book, Nos. 55, 57, 62, 65, 66,

73, 77 c.nd 79 29 I 31,32

Statemcnt 'hy 4cting Secretary ()f Stp.te Sumner Welles, 17 March 1939, Peace and War, U. S. State Dep~rtoent, B~,~.U6 M

Lecture by Konrad Her.lein, Vienna, 4 , ~uoted in If:Pour ~'ighting lf , Czech')slovpk Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1943, p. 29 18


Frick TC-51

Goering 2.G6-PS R-10~ 1::::01-PS (Iten 10) R-140 1874-PS 1'C-2'7 2798-PS British Blu0 Book ~o. 12 2S01-PS '1,'io0.o1'.11::nn int0rrogc;tion

JodI C-2 2.vG-PS L-172 17[,0-.1: S

Keitel C-136 17GO-PS C-l2.[, 2?98-PS 3G8-PS 'di000:::18nn intorroention l~E;urath 3G6-PS Wiodomann interrogation TC-27

Raeder 3L6-PS ':JicdeD.t.inn interrogation

Ribbentrop A/lJP/29 2797-PS A/DFIZ1 279L-PS A/DP/Z2 2G02-PS A/DP/c:::: 2C15-PS 2795-PS TC-51 2796-PS Cou10nCrc dispatches


DG.3 Korps dcr Fo1itischen Lcit.;;r dur FS:JAP 3Su-PS (Item 3'2)

~':',C---0 ~..., rrhe SS (ltOL1S :'2,06, '- ( , \...1\..1 J 40) 2<-26-PS F ..:mjoells int orrogf.t ion

A/DP/25 3G6-PS C-2 3Sb-PS C-12-6 lS:56-PS C-132 17S0-PS C-175 2:.S::'-PS L-4Z· R-100 L-172 R-1::3 2-75-PS 0ioQOillann intor­ r088.tion

- 9 -