![T0 Be Appended to the Execution of the P>.N April 1938 to Me.Rch 1939](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
First D1.'p.ft The Execution of the P>.n to Invade Cze~hoBlovp..k.JP. April 1938 to Me.rch 1939 T0 be appended to Section III Trip.l Brief. Lt. John M. Woolsey, Jr., USNR 10 November 1945 L~lJEX OF :UOCtJl.;::'l~T S (l,voolsey) A. Tumerical List of DocQ~ents .srit i sh LocUJ1Gnts Document l\wl1oer Contents PDfe in Drief A/DF/19 Tele~r&D, German Legation, fr8~ue, to ~ratisla\'a, 22 ~'ov lS;:,S 28 A/uP/25 .iei;lOrancJ.llill Ol:~E to 01.iV on ilOrg8niza_ tion OI' l'.r~,lOd. Forces. II ? Larch 18~8 4 A/DP/29 Te1esram, German Foreign Office to Pr6GUG, 24 Sept IJZ,8 20 A/l;P/31 Tele~rcm, German ~orcicn Gffice to Prague, 17 Sept 19~0 20 A/l;P/~2 ra le;;rm:l, C·ermoi.1. I'orG ign Offico to Praguo, 16 3ept 19Z8 19 A/LP/00 T81esr~~, German Foreicn Office to PraGue, 24 Sept 19;:,8 20 A/LP/~4 Telesram, Geril1an foreign Ofn.ce to Prague, 19 Sept 19c8 19, 27 C DOCUll ent s C-2 ~xamplcs of Violations of ~nt8rnationGl Law and frcposea CountQr Propngcnda, issued. by OAd, 10 Oct 19Z1 13 C-I06 Luftwaffe Stoff Plan Qated 22 April 19:0, siGned ;.(311er, 22 Apr 1938 9 C-136 Oruer on ~~reparo.tions for ·;ar 21 Oct 19::'0, si:..,ncd by 1.it ler and in1t ialed by 4l..eitel, 21 Uct 1938 25 C-l('o Sup;lement to 21 October Order, 17 Lecember 19ZL, si[ned b7 heitel, 17 Lec 19:0 25 C-175 O~ iJirective for ~nified Prepara­ tion for .. 2.1" 19;:'7-1900, with covcr­ in.:: let t er fror~l von =~loy:,,'oerb' 24. June 19~7 4, 6 L Documents L-4;:' .!;e~l1orandu:l1 to Chief of Luftwaffe General Staff, sicned by I8[Mrhuber, Chief of the Org8nizational Staff, 2 ~&y 1335 9 L-172 i1rhe Strategic Position at th~ ;':"e.:.~in­ ning of the l'ifth tear of ~'jarll : lecture b:,/ Joo.l at 'lunich, 7 l.:ov 19'13 35 R-IOO ..m~1Or[mdum of lnstructions~jvon b:T Fitler to von .uro.ucllitsch, 25 l'.1cr. la;:8 (Woolsey) R-133 Notes on Oonference on 25 July 1909 withJocring, sif;ned ll.ue 11er, 25 July , 1939 34 R.140 Speech b~ Goering to German Aircraft ."anufacturers, S July 12::,S 10 I' R.150 Air Jroup CO~Tllnand 'l'hroe StuG:r: Instruc. ,~ tion for ~eplo~Jent and Conb~t: Cese Red: 2 June 1938 9 PS DOCUl,l<:mt s 375·PS Case Green with ·\iic..or 1m.\) licat ions, Report of Luftwaffe General Steff, Intelligence Livision, 25 Au~ IJ~L 10 , 3b6.PS Notes on G Conference TIlth hitler, Berlin, 5 November 1937, signed .', hossbE:ch 1 3b8.FS File of papers on Case Green kept 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, by SC~lundt, hitler's adjutant, 12, 13, 14, 20, , ~ Aprll-Oct00er 193~ 21, 22, 2~" 24 ~89.PS Speech b~T ~~itler to hJ.s ;,~ilitary Co,rul:..nncler s, 2~ Lov 193~) 35 S51·PS rrele'::::1'8Yn, Lt,nSlYlnnn to l~il:;ler, 15 Oct 193[; 18 " \" 99S.PS Ger;licn CrLlGs 8.gEdnst Czechoslo- '. vakia: Czechoslovak official report 15, 16, 17 , for prosecution and trial of the Ge~nan 20, 2 ':1, 27, :':Jlajor 'Jar crLninnls b:;,- Internati.onal 28, 29 ~LilitElrJ '.2ri'u~lnal, Lond.on, S6pt. 1S'45 Ite~(l 10. ~,inutes of conference with Goering on acceleration of Elrnament, 14 Oct 192.,[, ~reaty of froteccion between Slovakia and tho Reich, slEned in Vienna 15 1,lar 'Z 7, ana. by Ribbentrop in jer11n 2':' ;.. ar 19::9 ~v Report fro:u LuftWD ffe Cienora 1 Staf1' , Intelligence Division, on reconnais­ sance for 3ir£1elds in Czechoslovakia, 4 on6 12 ~usust Id35 9, 19 17S0.PS IJiar-- lcept 'O~T C~enerDl JodI from 4 J8n 3,7,11, 19:7 co 22 Au~ 1~39 12, 12:,· 14, 21 1\.:i74·FS Locos on Cl conference between GoerjnL;, .~ssolini end Ciano, 15 Apr 1939 2c5;:'·PS E:stor:T of tr.,:; ::':-erl;ltm WEll" Ltn(~ f..rr.1C\ment EconOm~T,J': "O:-eneral GGOI'Ce 'rllOl;18S, 194·1 7 235S-PS Speech bS Eitler in Sportspclast, Dorlin, 26 Sept 1930 24 2060.• :2S Speech iJ] Lit ler before Reichstnz, ::'0 JCtn 103'J 5 2::67.PS Speoch by 1.i tler in .Gor1in, 1 l\In:T 1936 -2- (W001scy) 2795-.2S r:otes on ni'iJbentro~ - Chvt11kovsk:,r conv8rsotion, 21 Jnn 1939, tnnd­ written postscript by RiboGntrop 26 2796-PS Conversations between hitl~r, Hiboentrop and Ldredi, 2::. A.uS 10::'c, 11 2797-PS Conversation, Ribbentrop-hantc, 2S Au~ 19;:9 11 279v-PS Cerman ForeiGn Office ~inutes of r.lOotinc :i ... itl·.H'-l-... c.cho., 15 .··r.r 193J :::'1, ~2 2GOO-FS Gerl.1Cn ~'oreign uffico ... ,~omorandum on conversntion wltn Attlico, lG July 19Z):; 10 2tiul-PS ..,1nut',:s of conversation between GO'3rint;, z.na 0urcnnsky, unCle t cd (p~oslliJably winter 19~u-~9) 2[" ~4 . , 0 t c..: son Co nferen c 'J, r: i t 1Gl' - ? i so, 1~ :';r,::.~ 19:: 9 31 2G15-PS ~olG~r8Q, Ri~0cntrop to IruGue, 13 1.:[... 1' 19~ 9 Zl 2b16-FS Lotter, Eorth:.r to :LitlGr, 1:::' ....... [,1' 19::.9 cO 2026-PS i1:rho SS on .,.Drch 13, 19;::9" by I•• h. rrcnk, in ~ohu0n und ~8hron, ~ny 1941, p. 179 l'f., 29 TC Docm;lunts rC-l~ Arbitration lrenty botwoun Germany and Czechoslovakia, Locarno, 16 Oct 1925 2 rC-2::' ACI'C01,lent 0ot':Jeen 1.,.(;r~i1fln2-, tho l..nited ~,lrc~o... _., ;:'ro.nc8 -in':" ItCil;;, 2) Sept l'::J:::'C 22 TC-27 ,31' i t ish :: ore isn uf£'1 ce VGr s ion of Gordl&l1 assurnnc8s, as trc:ns::litteQ by .',: •...DsGryk to Viscount L2.1ifsx on 1::' :Lz,r 193[, v"Z rC-2b Sp·;ccl '0:- Eitler in Sportsp<.\lr.st, ~0rlin, 26 Sept 19~G 24 Declt~:i:"·c.tion of 15 :i"er 1939, siGnc6 by ;~itloI', VO:1 ::1ib,JontroD, L8cha, Chvalkovsky, 15 Lor 1~39 TC-50 ?roclL~ation to the G0rman People end Order to tho hohrmncht, 15 ~o.r 19~9 TC-51 10cr00 8st2blishinG the Frotectorato ?"Z of bohGmia end. j .or8via, 16 ~,S\r l'J::"9 L' ...... TC-E2 Pormal Dritish Frotost a[ainst con­ trs.vuntion of l••unich i,e;reCl'ilOnt, 17 1-18.1' 1939 33 Forme1 I'r3::1ch Frotc st f.~ CE:l inst contro­ vont ion of .lunich A=rooYj·..mt, 17 1..81' 192-9 23 -3- (iloolsey) i:liscelloneous 10cuments (No nmnbors yet assigned) state:;'lunt of Lore. Lslifox, 20 i\~arch 1939, revealinG thet t:8 Czech ~order W2S crossed on 14 Lorch. british :31ue Dook lio. 10, at p. 14:. J./ispo.tch frorll Sir i·'-0vile I-J:cnG.crson to ....lri tish ForGi.sn Office, 28 I'lay 19::-9, rliloting details of convers~~tion witb GoerinG in vlhich the latter aebi t ted the. t he threatQned hechs with tho bombins of Prague. ~rit1sh Blue Dook, i,o. 12, at fl. 25. iie;ht <lispatchcs frod L. Coulondrc, the F'ronch Aj:,lbos­ sa~or in 6erlin, to tho French ~orGi:n Offico, l~ to lb ~Drch 1939. Fronch Yollow Book, ~os. 55, E7, 02, 65, 66, 7o, 77 and. 79. 29, 2-1, 32 Stetement oJ h,ctin2, Secrot~·:ry of Stete SmllnCr ','{cllos, 17,12.rch 19;::9, r8£.CG r..:.nCl 'liar, U. S. St::,:t0 l."epcrt.l!ont, 194c., Fo. 126. :::4 Lecturo b:r ;~onrD.c.. 1.onlu1n, Vienna, 4 i=crch 1941. Q.uotec. in ii:i?uur ::-'i()'!tinG Yoz~rsil, Czoc110s10vct i~linistry of :2'or t.:d.gn Affcirs, 19t1Z, p. 29 18 -4- (Woolsey) B. Documents Listed by Types 1. Affidavits None av~lable as yet. Document Nunber Content.s pp.ge in Brief a/DP/19 Telef;rF1.m, Gerr:len Leg::>,tion, Pre.gue, to Bl'ahS:i.::>.V?, 22 Nov-enbel' J..938 28 A/DP/29 T8legr~n, Gcrnpn Foreign Office to PrRgU8, 24 Septembel 1938 20 A/DP/3l Telegram, Ge::r'man F0rGign Office to Pl.'p.g..le, 1'7 Septenbl;.r 13Z8 20 A/DP/32 Teleglf.lI!l, Ge::-mp.n Furelgn Office to Prague, 16 September 1938 19 A/DP/33 Telegram, German Foreign 01fice to PrRgue, 24 September 1938 20 A/DP/34 Teleg::-am, German Foreign Office to P~ague, 19 September 1938 19, 27 85l-PS Telegram, HansmRnn to Hitler, 15 Oc'jjober 1938 18 28l5-PS Telegram, Ribbentrop to Prague, 13 l~e.rch 1939 31 2816-PS Letter, Horthy to Hitler, 13 March 1939 30 3. Laws, Treaties, Decrees and Enactments l439-PS Treaty of Protection between Slovp~ia and the Reich, signed in Vienna 18 M~::-ch and by Ribbentrop in Berlin 23 March 1930, 33 To-14 Arbitration Treaty between Germany ~d CzechoslovakiR, Loc::>.rno, 16 O\.1tober 1925 2 TG-23 Agreement between Germany, the United Kingdo~, Frpnce and Italy, 29 September 1938 22 TC-49 Asrecnent of 15 March 1939, signed by Hitler, von R:bbentrop, HRcha, ChVRlkovksy, 15 Mprch 1939 32 TO-51 Decree estR~lishing the Protectorate of Bohemia Rnd Moravia, 16 MR~ch 1939 33 4. Military Orders C-136 Order on PrcparatlonsCfor War, 21 October 1938, signed by Hitler and initialled by Keitel, 21 October 1~38 25 0-138 Supplement to 21 October Order, 17 Decenber 1938, signed by Keitel, 25 ..: ' (Woolsey) 4.
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