ROCK-IT RADIO VINTAGE RADIO BROADCAST COLLECTION Price list: Spring 2019 Below please find the current broadcasts available on CD from the Rock-it Radio Collection. All sales Satisfaction is guaranteed and is the primary source how Rock-it Radio funds itself. And keeping us online playing vintage 50’s thru 70s Rock and Roll. Orders are usually filled the next business day from payment received. Payment can either be made by Check (To: Rock-it Radio) or Money Order. Each broadcast is $9.50 each (unless otherwise stated) and a flat shipping rate of $1.50 per order. Unless otherwise noted shows are either top 40 or Rock and Roll Radio broadcasts including the music, advertisements and news of that day. Playlists can be viewed of each show by going to our online store at: which is listed by state and country. Or … if you want to see the shows listed by date. Foreign Orders: outside of the U.S. can e mail me for a paypal Invoice at the e mail address below. We found this To be the best way for Foreign orders & to take advantage of the discount coupon. For the coupon just mention the color of the coupon and the amount of the discount and we will include that in your Paypal invoice. Any questions please feel free to e mail me at:
[email protected] or call us at: (208) 277-7941. We also have several vintage rock shows from the Pirate Radio Stations of the 60’s including Radio Caroline in the that rocked the coast of the UK.