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A Billboard Publication The International Music -Record -Tape Newsweekly May 15, 1976 ritish Could Rise wimmor AT HONOLULU IMIC -6 o 50% Unless Combatted Industry's Leaders By NICK ROBERTSHAW -Geoffrey Bridge, director -gen- ket will be in the hands of the pirates within six I Facing Vital Issues eral of the British Phonographic Industry, months of our surrender. By ELIOT TIEGEL warns that 50% of the U.K. market for prere- "At the moment we estimate the incidence leaders represent- John Kenneth Galbraith, internationally re- corded music could fall into the hands of pi- of piracy to be in the region of 2% and our HONOLULU -Industry ing the worldwide music /record industries are nowned economist, in his keynote speech Fri- rates unless adequate funds are maintained to hope is to contain it at this level. But like mur- vital issues day morning, told the more 400 combat piracy and bootlegging. der, or theft, which it is, we will never elimi- addressing themselves to today's at than execu- In a strongly worded address to the BPI's an- control it at an Billboard's Sixth International nate it entirely. At least we can Prof. Galbraith's complete keynote speech nual meeting, Bridge explained the financial acceptable level, provided you give us the Conference which concludes four days of Monday (10) at the Royal Hawaiian starts on page 3. headaches incurred by BPI in sustaining the tools, that is money, with which to do the job." meetings Hotel here. fight against piracy and in meeting legal ex- Commenting generally on the piracy situ- tives there are four forces affecting change in penses. ation. Bridge said: "It seems that in the third Presidents of companies and top manage- international economics. He said: "I can promise you one thing. If the full year of the BPI's activities, matters in- ment executives have attended 16 business ses- Under the topic banner, "The International funds are not forthcoming to enable us to con- volving bootlegging and piracy are on the sions since Lee Zhito, Billboard's editor -in- Economy And Its Prospect," Galbraith cited tinue our vigorous and successful antipiracy increase. Certainly matters seem to be in chief /publisher, opened IMIC -6 Friday morn- 1 -the growth of the large corporate enter - campaign in the U.K., at least 50% of our mar- (Continued on page 58) ing (7). (Continued on page 12) Military Exporters At AES: Semipro Mart PCB Boom Drops Auto Radio Audience Losing Discounts See $100 Mil By JIM McCULLAUGH & JOHN WORAM By STEPHEN TRAIMAN By RUDY GARCIA -The citizens The forecasted gross for CB had NEW YORK -U.S. record manu- -A radical new What is still a technically oriented equipment boom has already the most impact for the music indus- facturers are taking steps to deal departure in a professional audio conference featuring engineering produced a 12% decline in auto radio try at NEWCOM held here Monday with a troublesome problem- record recorder, new noise reduction sys- seminars coupled with new products listening, with only a 5% penetra- through Thursday (3 -6), though exporters who divert product to the tems as well as the staggering poten- and techniques in audio and acous- tion of the estimated 102 million cars the emphasis at the CB /Update domestic market. The chief weapon tial of a $100- million plus market for tics, blossomed also this year into a on the road. seminar was on the prospects for bus- being used is the elimination of spe- professional, semipro, sound rein- And with forecasts of 28.5 million iness in all market areas painted in cial price discounts to exporters and forcement and sound products professional products showcase for CB radios in cars alone by 1981 - glowing, though pragmatic, terms. military suppliers. highlighted the AES' 54th annual such familiar names in home audio 25% saturation -the industry should A record 350 exhibitors at the Su- Latest to join the growing trend convention here at the L.A. Hilton as JBL, Superscope /Marantz /Sony, be concerned. (Continued on page 47) (Continued on page 14) Hotel, Tuesday- Friday (4 -7). (Continued on page 48) Single Inventory For Col's New Classical SQ /Stereos By IS HOROWITZ Club DJs Blend Cuts NEW YORK -In a dramatic pol- icy switch, Columbia Masterworks For Cos.' Disco Disks has moved to a single inventory, By JIM MELANSON compatible SQ /stereo disk format on new 4- channel releases. They will NEW YORK -Blending of final - be marketed at the regular stereo mix disco tracks by club DJs for price. commercial and 12 -inch promo- In effect, the step represents a list tional releases is the latest twist in price slash of $1 in future recordings the ongoing discotheque scene. which have quad capability. Both Scepter and Salsoul have opted to come with disks featuring Pop product is not affected by the spinner blending, Scepter on "Nice move. New releases in other than will And Slow" by Jesse Green and Sal - Masterworks repertoire areas soul on "Ten Per Cent" by the group still be issued selectively in separate Double Exposure. stereo and SQ editions, with the The Project -Alan Parsons who has garnered two Grammy $1 Brush yourself off and start struttin' tall. Carol Townes and DJ at 21 price differential of holding. nominations as engineer for 's "Dark Side Of The Moon" and for , Galaxy are here with more than a touch of class. Their debut features nine The album which launches the Ambrosia debuts here as a triple threat- producer / /artist on here worked the Double Exposure fine all delivered with a smooth, sexy style and elegance that could is 20th Century Records rock adaptation of 's "Tales Of tune while Howard Metz, spinner at new policy the cast recording of only come from a lady like this and gentlemen behind her. Carol Mystery And Imagination." This 20th Century concept LP, is a dream ex- Los Angeles' Circus Maximus club, the "My Fair Lady" revival, which Townes and Fifth Avenue. The uptown sound you can get down to. Break- panding experience. Poe was an uncanny dreamer, this is an uncanny gets blending credit on the Scepter was taped April 25 and is being ing Pop and R &B now. On Records. (Advertisement) album. (Advertisement) record. (Continued on page 39) (Continued on page 43)

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Something big is coming. "Saddle Tramp;' new from The Charlie Daniels Band. On Epic Records and Tapes.

e j W s "EPIC;' MARCA REG. (N 1976 CBS INC a

www.americanradiohistory.com "She's p oin Eimer, the first single from the "Duisihrover" album sold 892,843* . Her many albums will the new single sell? "lhoimimito it will set thesworkl on fire. Effective 33 of AM 3J 197E


Produced by Bob Ear)

www.americanradiohistory.com General News 3 Govt. Intervention In Wage And GALBRAITH INSIGHTS: Price Control May Be On Way By ELIOT TIEGEL HONOLULU -The growing control are worse than the inter- policy of this kind in Britain, he said, 67 was "a successful time in the his- ence in other industrial countries is trend toward direct governmental vention itself. adding that British economists have tory of modern industrial econom- seen only in the degree of the rise of intervention in the areas of wage Recalling that during World War been working with trade unions and ics, with prices stable and produc- the large firm and its special concen- and price control by many nations II he organized the wartime system the two great political parties which tion expanded generally." But during tration of power." He also pointed to throughout the world is how econo- of price control, Galbraith jokingly reflect a uniformed concern for eco- the last eight years things have sig- the narrowing of economic power mist John Kenneth Galbraith sees referred to himself then as "the least- nomic conditions. Citing a recently nificantly changed around the between stratas of workers so that the future for economic stablility. liked man in the U.S." Nevertheless, announced wage limitation policy in world. With inflation has come ris- what was once thought of as unattain- in order to avoid inflation and a the U.K., Galbraith called it "quite ing prices and instability in mone- able by many, is now sought after In his keynote speech opening combination of "inflation and extraordinary." tary exchange rates. "There is no and often obtained. Billboard's sixth International Mu- unemployment, I see no other way "In the last few months monetary wisdom capable of affect- Seventy -five years ago capitalists sic Industry Conference Friday (7) but direct intervention. has also moved in this direction," ing the exchange rate so long as in- individually ran their own corn - at the Royal Hawaiian, Galbraith "Is the world moving in this direc- he added. flation exists," he said. panies, he said, and under them said the U.S. is probably the country tion?" he asked, "My guess is it is." Referring to the U.S., he said he "What has gone wrong ?" were directors and other associates. most likely to regard this trend as a ... As a result of what he calls the wouldn't be surprised if we moved There are four reasons for this With economic changes, Galbraith "theological rather than a practical "tyranny of circumstance." Most in that direction, adding it doesn't economic change, he First said old structure has almost move." said. of that small countries in Western Europe, reflect "a change in economic pol- the reasons for radical continuous disappeared. "The owner no longer Direct governmental intervention he said, have now implicitly such a icy; it does reflect something of an change is the very large business cor- has much to do with the operation of is, in the noted economist's opinion, policy." The Scandinavian countries accommodation to change which poration. "In the U.S. we should the corporation. Power passes with the best remedy for stabilizing inter- plus Switzerland and to a great ex- most of us accept, like the large cor- think of the productivity of com- time from the capitalists owner to national economic ills. He said he tent West have govern- porations and the existence of pow- panies divided between 2,000 large management. It passes through the has long felt that the alternatives to mental controls, he noted. erful trade unions." corporations and around the 10 -12 board of directors down to the very direct intervention in wage and price "There is also a highly developed Galbraith said the period of 1948- million small ones. And the differ- (Continued on page 12) 4 Sides To New Spector AFM & TV Tougher Copyright `Born To Be' Dion Single Industry In NEW YORK -While you still Laws For Taiwan? can't put a round peg in a square A Settlement By RADCLIFFE JOE Classical Buffs hole, the industry does have a disk NEW YORK -A tentative agree- NEW YORK -A call for the crea- the Interior, recommended that the with four sides (financial, that is) to ment on terms of a new contract has tion of copyright laws that would island's Legislative Yuan should Win Fight; FCC it. been reached between the AFM, the adequately protect the interests of art- modify existing copyright laws to Under a unique , the tv networks and independent pro- ists and writers, now being widely stipulate a five -year jail term for new Dion single "Born To Be With ducers, according to Hal Davis, exploited by music pirates in Tai- violators. OKs WNCN Sale You" recently shipped under a joint union president. wan and neighboring countries, has He argued that the present three - By MILDRED HALL /Big Tree Records logo The agreement which covers serv- been sounded by top -level govern- year recommended jail term is too with approval from Warner Bros., WASHINGTON -The format ices of for tv, ment and industry officials meeting often manipulated by attorneys of which has a standing deal with Spec- is for two retroactive 1. battle over station years, to May in Taipei. defendants, and often results in a tor. Distribution chores go to Atlan- It is subject to the approval the af- WNCN -FM has ended in a moral of At a day -long meeting on the fine and a caution. tic and, interestingly, a slice of the fected musicians who will and and financial victory for the be polled problem, sponsored by Taiwan's Shung told the meeting that be- sales goes to all parties, Warner Bros. by secret mail ballot. According to classical listeners' groups who chal- Economic Daily News, T.S. Shung, cause of the way existing laws are included. Davis, terms of the new agreement lenged a switch to former director of the copyrights structured, plea bargaining often re- Notably, while Spector has been will not be disclosed until after the by licensee Starr Broadcasting. committee of Taiwan's Ministry of sults in a fine when the sentence for pacted to WB for some time now, the membership has had opportunity to The FCC has approved sale of the the crime is three years in prison or Dion recording is the first piece of vote. This process could take at least station to GAF Broadcasting Co., under. Shung feels the higher jail product from him to hit the U.S. four weeks. However, the AFM's in- which has agreed to carry a classical term would effectively end this prac- market in nearly two years. ternational French Records music format. executive board has rec- tice. There's also a Dion LP already re- ommended acceptance of the pact. The final agreement between the Addressing the meeting, L.F. leased in the U.K. on the Phil Spec- AFM members earning $1,000 or Quality Studied stations and the two challenging citi- Chang, managing director of Linfair tor International label involved and more during the 12-month period PARIS music retailer here has zens' groups involved payment of -A Engineering & Trading, the Decca reportedly its release here will de- from Jan. 1. 1975 through Dec. 31, charged that defective records are on some $90,000 to reimburse the attor- Records licensee in Taiwan, said, pend on reaction to the single. Fu- 1975, from network and /or syndi- the increase, and that the overall neys representing the WNCN Lis- "The time is overdue for serious ture deals between Spector and Big cated tv are eligible to vote. quality of records is teners' Guild, Inc., and Classical Ra- all released house -cleaning in this fertile jungle Tree, with or without WB involve- Negotiations between the union much lower than the equipment on dio for Connecticut. Starr is paying of pirates." ment haven't been firmed, nor have and the industry April 20, and which they are being played. out of a reported $2.2 million selling began Chang disclosed that of the 126 they been out. price. ruled (Continued on page 66) (Continued on page 12) so- called record manufacturers in The commission has declared a (Continued on page 59) strictly hands -off policy toward the money involved in settlements A New 12 -Inch 45 Salsoul Disco Label among broadcasters, in agreements Disco Aboard Boat, to ward off further litigation by citi- By RUDY GARCIA zens or a competing applicant. NEW YORK - There are several distinctive fea- to manufacture than an album.' At Seashore In East In announcing approval of the has launched a special discotheque tures of the commercial 12 -inch Chuck Gregory, Salsoul Rec- says sale of WQIV -FM (Starr's venture label, Salsoul Disco, with the release single. Each record is inserted in a ords executive. "They charge us the -The disco into new call letters to indicate 4- of the first 12 -inch 45- r.p.m. single special universal four -color jacket extra cent to die -cut the hole." popularity in these parts is being carried to the river channel orientation) to GAF, the for commercial sale. with a center hole punched for label Joe Cayre, president of Cayre In- boats, seashore resort weekend parties and into the commission said it will neither Suggested list price for the prod- information to show through. The dustries, Inc., the label's parent corn - "proscribe nor prohibit any particu- uct will be $2.98; however, with a jacket contains only the label desig- pany, says the new venture was un- mammoth hotel grand ballrooms by lar agreement terms so long as they distributor net price of $1.28, it is ex- nation, allowing it to be used for all dertaken at the suggestion of promoters. are not unlawful nor violative of pected that the disco single will be of the product to be released for that numerous record dealers in those Lawrence Goldfarb and Gary particular commission rules or pol- available at discount retailers for special market. cities with heavy discotheque action. Delfiner, who operate the Disco icies." (Continued on page 10) about $2. "Actually it costs us a penny more (Continued on page 38) in the upstairs room at Gren- del's Lair, which offers off -beat the- atrical cabaret shows, will promote a series of summer disco sailings on Upgrade Mexico's Musical Image, SACM Exec Urges the S.S. Showboat, which cruises the By GERALD() FEENEY M\* Delaware River here. LOS ANGELES -The Sociedad used to be, and we are now actively ducing high quality material and Val Valentin of Rex Records, who Their Disco Cruise will cost $6.50 De Autores Y Compositores De working on regaining that fine im- recordings. agrees with Zavala and shares his for 31/2 hours of recorded music and Mexico (SACM) Mexico's equiva- age we held at one time throughout dancing on the river. Admission for Zavala charges that many of the ideals. Both Valentin and Zavala are lent of BMI or ASCAP, has become the world. their Disco Boogie is $1.50. major labels have been releasing low at IMIC in Hawaii to gain support alarmed at Mexico's musical image "There are numerous young Mex- budget material, poor quality pro- and recognition for their efforts. Philadelphia Theatrical Agency declining internationally and has icans who are overflowing with tal- ductions and semi -talented artists. "Mexico is a beautiful country," Production, Ltd., promoted a Disco begun taking steps to turn this situ- ent and have no way of being recog- says Zavala, "romantic and colorful, By- the -Sea for the Mother's Day Though ation around. nized, not even in their own this practice has brought and it has music that reflects its per - Weekend (May 7 -8). The firm, Jose Antonio Zavala, one of country." good results, financially it has hurt sonality. It's time the world hears headed by Derek Barkley, offered a SACM's directors, says: "We are SACM has launched a campaign Mexico's image and its reputation this music again." $36.50 per person package, includ- concerned that Mexico's inter- to try to persuade the major record internationally, Zavala believes. Zavala believes that with the ma- ing round trip transportation to At- national music image is not what it companies in Mexico to begin pro- One strong supporter of SACM is (Continued on page 62) (Continued on page 39)

Billboard is published weekly by Billboard Publications, Inc., , 1515 , New York, N.Y. 10036. Subscription rate: annual rate, Continental U.S. $60.00. single -copy price, $1.50. Second class postage paid at New York, N.Y. and at additional mailing offices. Current and back copies of Billboard are available on microfilm from KTO Microform, Rte 100, Milwood, N.Y. 10546 or Xerox University Microfilms, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106. Postmaster, please sand form 3579 to Billboard, P.O. Box 2156, Radnor, Pa. 19089, Area Coda 215, 687 -6200.

www.americanradiohistory.com 4 General News NEW JOB OPENINGS? Less Product, Greater Sales More AM-FM Separation Spark Hot Arista First Qtr. Of Programs, FCC Orders By JIM FISHEL By MILDRED HALL WASHINGTON-The FCC has further limited program duplication by NEW YORK -Although Arista by Barry Manilow, Melissa Arista has plans letting Man- no of up commonly owned AM and FM stations in the same area. Effective May 1, Records released considerably less chester and the Bay City Rollers and on its chart attack in the present 1977 the present AM -FM duplication limit of 50% of programming in cities product than most manufacturers in Eric one by Carmen. quarter. Already released and gath- with more than 100,000 population will be cut to 25 %. the first 1976, quarter the label's dra- According to Elliot Goldman, ering sales are the debut LP of Fools On the same date, if either station is in a smaller community in the 25,000 to matic sales surge placed it third vice Arista executive president, the Gold and the Outlaws' second LP, in 100,000 population range, the allowable duplication will be limited to 50 %. In among all labels in Hot 100, and company's third quarter sales were addition to the first releases of the two more years, by May 1, 1979, the duplication limit in this population cate- sixth in Top LP and Tape chart ac- up more than 50% from last year. He Savoy Records reissue program. Re- gory will drop to 25% of duplication of the average week. tion for the period. says these new gains are even more leased this week are the live Monty Duplication is defined by the FCC as simultaneous broadcasting over the The "personal promotion" given significant because they reflect sub- Python LP and a new Eric Anderson commonly owned AM -FMs or when either station duplicates the other's pro- the product was highlighted by three stantial increases (doubled sales and album, with plans to release soon gram within 24 hours. Variations are permitted, but total duplication must not No. 1 singles (Barry Manilow's "I quadrupled profits) over and above new product by Loudon go above 40% in any one week, and not more than 25% for the year. Write The Songs," Bay the The City company's initial growth in its Wainwright, Larry Coryell and The rule will apply even if the AM station is a daytime -only. Stations al- Rollers' "Saturday Night" and Eric first nine months of operation last General Johnson (formerly leader of ready exempt for special reasons will remain so, FCC says. Carmen's By "All Myself"). year. the Chairman Of the Board). The commission's aims are to end wasteful duplication, to help independ- Bob Buziak, director West of ent FM stations compete with the AM -FM combinations, and to stimulate FM Coast operations for Arista, notes receiver sales by separate programming. that only 14 singles were released by Janus To Stress Albums; Rule making to curtail duplication began in 1974, when the FCC took note the company in this quarter and that of the substantial development of the FM service. The commission quotes seven made the Hot 100 chart. NAB figures showing that FM revenues grew at a rate 60% faster than AM "In addition, we also had 10 A New Label For Singles revenues between 1970 and 1974. charted LPs by artists like the Bay By JEAN WILLIAMS City Rollers, Melissa Manchester, Barry Manilow, Eric Carmen, Patti LOS ANGELES -Janus Records This year, six LPs and 18 singles Smith, the Brecker Brothers and the is being developed as an LP empha- will be released, as opposed to 1975 Outlaws," he says. "We still believe sis company. Previously it was when approximately 40 LPs and 100 Executive TurnEable in releasing less product and giving known in the industry as a singles la- singles were issued. it a stronger push." bel. Janus will continue to distribute Buziak asserts that Arista will The company is also forming Barnaby Records although the label gradually release more product per Shock Records to handle singles, has no active artists. He explains the quarter as the company continues to says Ed DeJoy, Janus' vice presi- label is currently repackaging Ca- expand. dent, general manager. dence's catalog product. Among the charted singles by DeJoy points out that the label He notes the big push is on to es- Arista in the quarter were two each has cut its artist roster to nine while tablish Janus as an LP label, which building its promotion staff to five is the primary reason for Shock Rec- CRAIGO ALEXENBURG HOFFMAN DENNIS nationally. He adds that from now ords' emphasis on singles. on, all representatives will work the While Janus has cut its old artist At CBS, Ron Alexenburg promoted to senior vice president, Epic and as- MCA In Canada same record at the same time. roster, it is in the process of signing sociated labels, from vice president and general manager, Epic /CBS custom, The new promotion staff includes new acts. Only acts with LP potential and Jack Craigo, vice president, marketing, upped to vice president and gen- ó Shutters Plant Ron eral manager, marketing, CBS. Both are newly created positions at the firm. 03 Brooks, Mike Plummer, Ron will be signed. Berger. Steve Begor and Chuck Rel- Acts currently contracted to Janus Also, Robert Allen, most recently manager. procedures and controls, named to Di After a Strike chenback. include , Kayak, Jukka the newly created post of associate director, marketing administration and CORNWALD, Ontario -Labor analysis. Until last year he says Janus was Tolonen, Carol Chase, Buzz Cason, * * * problems have forced MCA Records considered by the industry to be an Champs Bells Orchestra, Camel and m At Warner Bros. Records, Lou Dennis has moved from tape singles in Canada to close its record press- r &b label because of its Chess affil- a new rock group, the Far East Band and sales manager to national sales ing and tape duplicating manufac- iation. from Japan. manger, replacing Russ Thyret who switched to vice president and national promo is with WB turing plant. Chess was sold to All Platinum, an Shock's artists include Tina Wells, director. Dennis since 1967. Da- vid Urso and Don McGregor have been upped to national } Plagued by a six -month strike, r &b outlet, because it (Chess) was Dave Antrobus and Ginger. promo directors of the label. Both had been assistant national directors since 1974. MCA decided to end formal nego- not properly equipped to handle its The first releases on Shock are 2 At Farr Records, 26 -year industry veteran Johnny Bond is elevated to ex- tiations with its union and shutter its soul product. DeJoy says "the lives Wells' "You're All I Need To Get ecutive vice president and Red leaves indie label promo to facility here. The walkout began in of too many artists were at stake." By" (the tune popularized by Mar- Schwartz become sales and marketing Denis will move to Hollywood from August 1975. For the first time in its history, vin Gaye and Tammy Terrell) and director.... O'Brien Europe to administer Dark Horse Records as well as manager Geroge Harri- All record pressing for the Cana- Janus has employed an in -house "Kentucky Tobacco" by Antrobus. son. In other dian market is being custom pressed publicist, Reina Mekelburg, and reorganizational moves, Dennis Morgan moves from Rocket Rec- ords, where he was general manager, to by several companies in Canada. Lore Leis will handle foreign licens- become director of operations in mar- keting while prerecorded tape duplicating ees. and promotion. Patti Wright, who was national publicity manager at Capitol, becomes director of artist development. Bob has retained is being handled by a custom dupli- The label has also cut its release Cato been as creative consultant.... Len Hodes cator. There are no plans for MCA schedule considerably. DeJoy sug- joins Chalice Productions to head up the In This Issue new Chalice Music division. He previously was a consultant to GRT and sev- to manufacture records and dupli- gests that in the future Janus will is- eral international publishers. McCormick (Continued on page 60) sue only one LP yearly on an artist. CAMPUS 39 ... Steve and Koko Manabe ap- CLASSICAL 43 pointed director of national promotion and national promotion coordinator, COUNTRY 52 respectively, for Chelsea Records. They had been president and national pro- 38 motion director respectively, at October Records. mrommwortm AUSSIE SRO INTERNATIONAL 57 Jeff Cheen switches from artist development head at Soul Unlimited to JUKEBOX 51 the same post at Far Out Productions.... Former /producer Lanny LATIN 62 Lambert has been appointed professional manager of Sterling Music, the Fred Como, On Tour, Learns MARKETPLACE 64,65 RADIO 16 Ahlert/Bones Howe firm. ... Dan Pinckard, local promo manager for Epic SOUL 44 Records, Atlanta, has been appointed to the new position of product manager It's a Potent Disk Hypo SOUND BUSINESS 40 for CBS Records in Nashville.... Bob Brackett has departed as publicity di- TALENT 28 rector for the Hotel Sahara to take the same post for the Aladdin's new Theater By NAT FREEDLAND TAPE /AUDIO /VIDEO 46 For the Performing Arts, Las Vegas.... John Root named manager of the San LOS ANGELES -Perry Como's there have hardly been any Como FEATURES Francisco Cow Palace, succeeding Lex Connelly, who resigned recently. ... current SRO 14- tour of Aus- personal appearances since he was Stock Market Quotations 8 Danton Webb has left Records to join Qunicy Jones in promotion. tralia, where the veteran crooner is the vocalist with the Ted Weems Or- Vox Jox 18 * * * Track 40 filling halls which hold up to 8,000, chestra more than 30 years ago. Studio Disco Action 38 Stan Koffman joins ATV/ as executive vice president, replac- demonstrates dramatically the value Speaking by phone from Sydney, Inside Track 78 ing Carmen LaRosa, while Bob Scerbo goes aboard as director of creative serv- of well -planned international - Mancini reports: "It's remarkable ices. Hoffman was recently vice president of Calla Records, now distributed by sure for boosting . how many Australians tell us they've CHARTS Boxoffice 36 ATV /Pye.... William Muncy named Western regional sales manager for ABC "Como currently has out a been waiting 25 years for a chance Bubbling Under Record and Tape Sales, joining the firm from Apex Records where he was Mother's Day album in Australia to see Perry." Hot 100 /Top LPs 47 marketing director. ... Jim Sendrak appointed audio merchandiser at Lafa- and we can't press enough to keep Como is near finalizing his first Hits of the World 63 yette Radio Electronics Corp.... Ronald Stone promoted to vice president, fi- up with the orders," says Frank national U.S. tour for this summer. Soul LPs 45 nance, Pioneer Electronics of America.... Lloyd Dowdell joins Gemini Artists Mancini, RCA artist relations vice And he may play England again be- Hot Soul Singles 44 Management as a New York agent.... Marc Nathan exited Casablanca Rec- Hot president who is supervising the tour fore the end of the year if it can be Country Singles 54 ords.... Klyde Koon set as national sales manager of Commercial Distributing . "The Como catalog is worked in with taping the final two Hot Country LPs 56 Hot Latin LPs 62 Corp., Nashville. also moving out fabulously." of the four tv specials he is con- Hot 100 72 Mancini points out that when tracted to do for NBC. Classical LPs 43 Mercury Promoting Lizzy And Earland Como toured the U.K. last October. In recent years, Como has quietly Top 50 51 RCA leased to K -tel a package of emerged at least part way from his Rack Singles /LPs Best Sellers...51 -To add sales im- aid is a 34 -inch by 44 -inch stand -up the singer's and the al- self -imposed retirement. Top LPs 74, 76 petus to two new albums by acts cur- die cut display picturing Phil Lynott, bum was No. 1 on the English chart His 1973 major hit ballad, "And I RECORD REVIEWS rently on national tours, the group's lead singer /bass - for five weeks. Love Her So," won Como a large Singles Radio Action 18, 20 and Charles Earland, Phonogram/ ist. Como, of course, is a somewhat youth audience in Australia and Album Radio Action 22 Mercury has just shipped poster - The Earland poster. 24 inches by unusual case. Even at the height of England in addition to those fans Album Reviews 68 type merchandising pieces into the 37 inches, pictures the crossover his record and television success he who remember the earlier Como Singles Reviews 70 field. jazzman's hulking frame in black never made concert tours. In fact, (Continued on page 78) The Thin Lizzy merchandising and sky blue.

www.americanradiohistory.com "Donovan projects an especially strong and captivating image. He takes time to work into a show -yet, when he sings, no one communicates on a more personal level than ." Philip Elwood, The San Francisco Examiner "Donovan started the show with `Sunshine Superman,' followed by `,' setting the pace for an enjoy- able evening. He showcased a great deal of new material from his upcoming Epic album, `Slow Down World.' `Take Your Time,' `Black Widow' and `Slow Down World' were especially strong entries, confirming his continuing force in the music scene." Steven Schart, Cashbox "No more the flower-bearing, incense -burning, candle - lighting, reverently sappy supplicants of 1967, nor the howling Grateful of a few years later, Donovan's audience seems to have grown with him. Warm but little more than polite at first -maybe they couldn't quite believe the near -legendary lad was really appearing at their corner night club -the crowd soon gathered its wits about it and gave the singer exactly the reaction he seeks; tempered adulation, culminating with a discreet standing ovation at the conclusion of festivities." John L. Wasserman, San Francisco Chronicle

Donovan is on the road, and his new album is "Slow Down World." On Epic Records and Tapes. PE 33945

www.americanradiohistory.com General News 6 Billboard® Vegas To Founded 1894 Shop Geared Rarities The International Music -Record -Tape Newsweekly Old Movie & Broadway Shows Dominate Billboard Publications, Inc., 9000 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90069 By HANFORD SEARL ID (213) 273 -7040 Cable: Billboy LA; NY Telex- 620523; LA Telex- 698669 LAS VEGAS -This city's first and on a 78 r.p.m. Wilson says the mail- well -known record clubs. The mail - EDITOR IN CHIEF: Lee Zhito (L.A.) EDITOR EMERITUS: Paul Ackerman (N.Y.) most extensive record store special- ing list ranges about 3,500 world- order operation sends out flyers, MANAGING EDITOR: Eliot Tiegel (L.A.) izing in Broadway musicals and wide now. grading records by condition and NEWS BUREAUS & REGIONAL OFFICES Hollywood motion picture sound- A family venture, wife Shirley is age. tracks is now in its fourth month. secretary- treasurer and assists Wil- Some of filmdom's greatest com- CHICAGO, Ill. 60606, 150 N. Wacker Dr., Area Code 312, CE 6 -9818. Editorial, Alan Pen - chansky; Sales, Bill Kanzer. CINCINNATI, Ohio 45214, 2160 Patterson St. Area Code 513- Words And Music, which opened son in sales and promotions. A cur- posers are found in the racks, from 381 -6450. LONDON: 7 Carnaby St., London W. 1. Telex- 262100. Phone 437 -8090. Cable: Jan. 5 at North 4th and Fremont Sts. rent 21/2-week sale of $1 each or six Steiner, Tiomkin, Young and Korn - Billboard London. European Editorial Director, Mike Hennessey; U.K. News Editor, Peter in the downtown casino section, is LPs for $5 and $2 each or three al- gold to Friedhofer, Newman, Wil- Jones; Regional Publishing Director, Andre de Vekey. , Italy, Piazzale Loreto 9, Tel: the brainchild of Ohio advertising- bums for $5 is aimed at offsetting the liams and Mancini. Wilson admits 28.29.158. Bureau Chief, Germano Ruscitto. NASHVILLE, Tenn. 37203, 1 717 West End Ave. Area Code 615, 329 -3925. Bureau Chief, Gerry Wood; Sales, John McCartney. NEW marketing executive Bill Wilson. costly two -week strike on the nearby to cashing in on the nostalgia craze YORK, N.Y. 10036, 1 Astor Plaza, Area Code '212, 764 -7300. Bureau Chief, Is Horowitz. "After much planning and re- Strip. now popular. JAPAN: 1694 Hiyoshi -cho, Kohoku -ku, Yokohama 223. Tel: 044 -61 -6605. Bureau Chief, search, the world's entertainment "Those 14 days from March 10-14 "It's a blend of old and new with Hideo Eguchi. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005, 733 1 N.W., Woodward Rm 5th St. Bldg., 915. was a logical choice We Area Code 202, 393 -2580. Bureau Chief, Mildred Hall. capital to con- hurt us. have many orders under nostalgia the key. We're a money- centrate the mail -order and store the counter chosen by musicians, making as well as a trading informa- EXECUTIVE EDITORIAL BOARD sales of entertainment oriented chorus boys and girls and other Strip tion center," says Wilson. "Bids are Lee Zhito, Eliot Tiegel, Claude Hall. John Sippel, Mildred Hall, Is Horowitz, Paul Ackerman. books and records," reports Wilson. employes. Food comes first before accepted for rare LPs and we also A film music buff, luxury," laments Wilson. market older sheet music of the big EDITORS record and collector for years, Wil- An authorized RCA dealer, Wil- band days." CAMPUS: Jim Fishel (N.Y.); CLASSICAL: Is Horowitz (N.Y.); COPY: Dave Dexter (L.A.); son operated a smaller successful son deals with major wholesalers Wilson offers buyers a one -free COUNTRY: Gerry Wood (Nash.); ASSOCIATE COUNTRY: Colleen Clark (Nash.); INTER- Music Box direct mail operation in specializing in buying cutout records disk already marked if the purchaser NATIONAL & LATIN: Rudy Garcia (N.Y.); MARKETING: John Sippel (L.A.); RADIO -TELE- Galion, Ohio. Wilson's current on both coasts. Wilson stocks newer buys at least $10 worth records. In VISION PROGRAMMING: Claude Hall (L.A.); RECORD REVIEWS: Bob Kirsch (L.A.); of RECORDING STUDIOS: Bob Kirsch (L.A.); SPECIAL ISSUES: Earl Paige (L.A.); TALENT: record stock is at 8,000 albums. albums too, with displays of 8 -track no way competitive with the larger Nat Freedland (L.A.); TAPE /AUDIO /VIDEO: Stephen Traiman (N.Y.); ASSOCIATE TAPE/ Prices vary for disks from $15 to and cassette products. rock -pop clearing houses around AUDIO /VIDEO: Radcliffe Joe (N.Y.) $100 for originals. with one of the The mail -order business is han- town, Wilson prides himself on his highest current bids at $125 for dled strictly fourth class mail and knowledge and ability to find col- FOREIGN CORRESPONDENTS "Paradine Case," by Franz Waxman billed to the customers, similar to lector's items. ARGENTINA: Ruben Machado, Lavalle 1783, Buenos Aires; AUSTRALIA: John Bromell, 29 Curl Curl Parade, Harbord, NSW, 2096. AUSTRIA: Manfred Schreiber, 1180 Wien XVIII, Kreuzgasse 27. Tel: 43 -30 -974; BELGIUM: Juul Anthonissen, 27A Oude Godstraat, 3100 Heist op den Berg. Tel: 015 241953; BRAZIL: Henry T. Johnson, Av. Rio Branco 25, Rio de Janeiro. Tel: 233 -4977; CANADA: Marty Melhuish, 89 Rainsford Rd., Toronto, Ontario. Tel: A Record Co. Without a Label 416- 690 -0512; CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Dr. Lubomir Doruzka, 14 Zeleny Pruh, 147 00 Praha 4 Branik. Tel: 26- 16 -08; DENMARK: Knud Orsted, 32 Solhojvaenget, DK 2750 Ballerup, Co- penhagen, Ballerup, Denmark. Tel: (02) 97- 71 -10; DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: Fran Jorge, PO IRDA Offering Unique Services Open To Everyone Box 772, Santo Domingo; FINLAND: Kari Helopaitio, 01860 Perttula, Finland. Tel: 27 -18- 36; : Henry Kahn, 16 Rue Clauzel, 75 -Paris 9 France. Tel: 878 -4290; GREECE: By BOB KIRSCH Lefty Kongalides, Hellinikos Vorras, Thessaloniki. Tel: 416621; HOLLAND: Frans van der Beek, Willibrorduslaan 67, Hilversum. Tel: 02150-41022; HUNGARY: Paul Gyongy, Dere- LOS ANGELES -Though more IRDA caters to individuals (a per- record approximately three weeks kutca 6, 1016 Budapest, Hungary. Tel 859 -710; IRELAND: Ken Stewart, 56 Rathgar Road, than 200 singles have been released son may bring in a tape or master, after it is sent to radio stations. 6, Eire. Tel: 97- 14 -72: ISRAEL: Uri Alony, POB 28028, Tel Aviv, Israel. Tel: through International Record Dis- come up with a label name and IRDA has placed a number of rec- 23.92.97; ITALY: Sylvia Manasse, Via Privata Maria Teresa 7, Milano 20123, Tel: 864 -292 tributing Associates (IRDA) over that's the name that will appear on Telex: 33222 Milan; Roman Kozak, Via Baccina 67, Apt. 7, . Te1:679 -5953; MEXICO: ords on the country and soul charts the past two years, complete with the records) or labels can be clients c Mary Fisher, Apartado Postal 1 1 -766, Mexico 11, D.F. Tel: 905 531 -3907; NEW ZEALAND: during the past several months, with QJ. P. Monaghan, c/o Box 79, Wellington; POLAND: Roman Waschko, Magiera 9m 37, 01- IRDA sleeves and promotion, the as well. the most successful being Stella Par - o 873 Warszawa, Poland. Tel: 34- 36 -04; PORTUGAL: Fernando Tenente, R Sta Helena 122 firm is not a label but, as Ross Bur- Burdick stresses that the firm will ton's "I Want To Hold You" (coun- fn R /c, Porto, Portugal; PUERTO RICO: Lorraine Blasor, PO Box 12333, Santurce, 00914. Tel: dick, vice president of West Coast not accept all material, but only J 723 -4651; RUMANIA: Octavian Ursulescu, Str. Radu de la La Afumati nr, 57 -B Sector 2, try top 10) and Zoot Fenster's "The operations calls it, "a record corn - product is deemed suitable for J Bucharest O.P. 9. Tel: 13- 46 -10, 16- 20 -80; SPAIN: Maria Dolores Aracil, Plaza Mariano de that Man On Page 602," also a country m Cavia 1, Madrid 13; SWEDEN: Leif Schulman, Brantingsgatan 49, 4 tr. 115 35 Stockholm. pany without a label." . Product is accepted in pop, hit. td Tel: (08)629 -873; SWITZERLAND: Beat H. Hirt, Berghaldenweg 19, 8135 Langnau /Zurich, IRDA was formed two years ago country and soul. LPs may be dis- N- Switzerland. REPUBLIC AFRICA: Rian Malan, 2 Sandringham, 57 Olivia Road, Berea, OF S. in Nashville by Hank Levine and tributed providing there is a hit Artists with product currently or Cn Johannesburg; URUGUAY: Carlos A. Martins, Martin Garcia 2108, Montevideo; U.S.S.R.: recently distributed by the firm in- Vadim D. Yurchenkov, 14 Rubinstein St., Ap. 15 Leningrad, 191025. Tel: 15- 33 -41; WEST Mike Sheppard, both music busi- single to base the LP on; the promo- GERMANY: Wolfgang Spahr. 236 Bad Segeberg, An der Trave 67 b, Postfach 1150. Tel: ness veterans. IRDA resulted, says tion staff will begin working on the clude Parton, Fenster, Bobby (04551) 81428; YUGOSLAVIA: Borjan Kostic, Balkanska St. 30, 11000 , Yugo - Burdick, "from a feeling that an al- Helms, Troy Shondell, Buzz Cason, slavia. Tel: 645 -692. ternate means of getting records on Nick Roman, Jewel Aikens and Gene Autry's reactivated MARKETING SERVICES the market was needed. CBS Surge Shown Republic all the functions of a Records. Producers Bumps Black- DIRECTOR, MARKETING SERVICES: Bill Wardlow (L.A.) "We handle CHART MANAGER: Bob White (L.A.) label but we are not a label," Bur- well and Norm Ratner also have dick says. "We are involved in man- Via British Survey product under the IRDA wing. SALES ufacturing, distribution, promotion, By BRIAN MULLIGAN "We really consider ourselves to DIRECTOR OF SALES: Tom Noonan (L.A.) ASSISTANT SALES DIR.: Steve Lappin (L.A.) collection and merchandising. LONDON -CBS showed strong- be an alternative for the new artist NATIONAL TALENT COORDINATOR: Bill Moran (L A ). EASTERN SALES MANAGER: "Basically," Burdick continues, and the established artist," Burdick Ron Willman (N.Y.); CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MANAGER: Murray Dorf (N.Y.). est label increase in both singles and "we charge a one -time fee of $1,500 albums in the British Market Re- continues. "We have no priorities; INTERNATIONAL SALES to press up 2,000 singles. We ship search Bureau's first quarter (Janu- everybody receives equal treatment. these singles to radio stations as well We stay away from publishing, GREAT BRITAIN: Barry Hatcher, 7 Carnaby Street, London W 1 V 1 PG. Tel: (01) 437 8090; ary- March) survey of sales among AUSTRALIA: Mr. Ken Appleton, Adrep Pty Ltd., 41 McLaren St., North Sydney, NSW. Tel: as to our network of 26 distributors. 300 shops in the U.K. which prevents us from favoring any 929 -5088; AUSTRIA, BENELUX, CZECHOSLOVAKIA, HUNGARY, POLAND, SCANDI- The singles are sold to the distribu- one record or artist, and we do ev- And Pye has made a strong recov- NAVIA: Johan Hoogenhout, Smirnoffstratt 40, s- Hertogenbosch, Holland. Tel: 147688; tor for 50 cents, we take a dime roy- erything else in our power to remain FRANCE: Olivier Zameczkowski, 30 Avenue Bugeaud, 75 -116, Paris; Tel: 553.1068; ITALY: ery on the singles front, with WEA alty for each record sold, 18 cents is a sameness of attitude toward every Germano Ruscitto, Piazzale Loreto 9, Milan. Tel: 28 -29 -158; JAPAN: Hugh Nishikawa, c/o returning one of its best perform- Music Labo, Atlantic Bldg., 20 -6 Azabu likuracho, Minato -ku, Tokyo, Tel: 585 -5149. MEX- used for pressing the record and the release. ances in the album field. ICO: Mary Fisher, Apartado Postal 11 -766, Mexico 11, D.F. Tel: 905 531 -3907; SPAIN: remaining 22 cents belongs to the "As for the response within the Rafael Revert, Plaza Mariana de Cavis 1 & 3, Escalera Derecha 12B, Madrid 7, Spain. VENE- artist, producer and publisher. While EMI retains its leadership ZUELA: Christian Roux, Radio Exitos 1090, Calle El Retiro, Qta. Vilma, El Rosal, Caracas, business," he continues, "we feel it "The contract is for that one par- as top company, singles and albums, Venezuela. has been good. The uniform sleeve ticular record only, but if it reached a comparison with the equivalent helps us with stations and distribu- the top 100 in any given trade, then quarter of 1975 shows that the U.K. PUBLISHING tors, and we've found that our dis- we are entitled to the following re- major has seen its singles market PUBLISHER: Lee Zhito ASSOCIATE PUBLISHERS: Tom Noonan, Bill Wardlow tributors are helping with promo- BUSINESS MANAGER: Steve Lappin PUBLISHING CONSULTANT: Hal Cook lease." (Continued on page 58) Conference Director: Peter Heine tion. The whole point of this SPECIAL PROJECTS: Denis Hyland (N.Y.); PRODUCTION MANAGER: John F. Halloran company is predicated on a hit (L.A ), PRODUCTION COORDINATORS: Ward Mechlin, Val Karches (Cincy); CIRCULA- record." TION MANAGER: Jack Shurman (N.Y.); PROMOTION MANAGER: Diane Kirkland (L.A.). 30 Days And $2,000 Fine Pressing is handled by United in BILLBOARD PUBLICATIONS, INC. Nashville, and moves to all three CHAIRMAN & CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER: W.D. Littleford, PRESIDENT: Dale R. Bauer; Dealt Latin Tape Pirate Columbia plants if a record starts to SENIOR VICE PRESIDENTS: Administration, David Luppert; VICE PRESIDENT, DIREC- show signs of breaking. TOR OF SALES: Maynard L. Reuter; DIVISIONAL VICE PRESIDENTS: Jules Perel, Ameri- By JOHN SIPPEL In to Levine, Shepherd can Artist, Watson -Guptill, Whitney Group; Mort Nasatir, International Operations. SECRE- LOS ANGELES -The Justice recordings by Los Humildes on Dis- addition TARY: Ernest Lorch; ASSISTANT SECRETARY: John Ross; TREASURER: Lawrence Gatto, Burdick, Marsha Gepner is vice Dept.'s drive against Latin tape pi- cos Fama, "Amor Eterno" and "Un and PRESIDENT, MUSIC LABO (JOINT VENTURE): Ben Okano. and public rates produced a 30-day county jail Pobre No Mas." president, administration and David Woodward is The microfilm edition of Billboard is available from KTO Microform, Route 100, Millwood, sentence plus a $2,000 fine for Raul Martinez's activities first came to relations, the company, at the above address. director. N.Y. 10546. For details, contact Pachego Martinez, 306 W. Tujunga light when FBI agents filed petitions national promotion

Subscription rates payable in advance. One year, S 60.00, two years, S100.00, in U.S.A. (ex- Ave., Burbank. for search warrants with the U.S. cept Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico and Canada). Rates in other foreign countries on request. U.S. District Court Judge A. An- magistrate here late in 1975 (Bill- To Please allow four to six weeks for delivery of first copy. Subscribers when requesting change of drew Hauk suspended Martinez's board, Jan. 17). FBI surveillance Dylan Show NBC address should give old as well as new address. Published weekly. Second -class postage paid one -year sentence to the 30 days to of A/C Electronics, 539 Los Angeles LOS ANGELES -"The Bob Dy- at New York, N.Y., and at additional mailing offices. © Copyright 1976 by Billboard Publica- be weekends in the county fa- lan Special" will be aired by NBC - tions, Inc. The company also publishes in NEW YORK: American Artist, Gift and Tableware served St., uncovered a pickup of boxes of Reporter, Industrial Design, Interiors, Merchandising, Photo Weekly, Watson -Guptill Publica- cility. alleged bootleg tapes by Martinez at TV Sept. 14 from 10-11 p.m. Show tions, Whitney Library of Design: LOS ANGELES: Billboard; NASHVILLE: Amusement Busi- Martinez pleaded guilty to three that address. On April 1, 1975, a will be produced by Burt Sugarman ness; LONDON: The Artist, Music Week, counts of illegally manufacturing search of 306 W. Tujunga Ave. and will spotlight . Craig World Radio -TV Handbook, How to Listen to Latin tapes. He illegally duplicated premises uncovered one master 8- Corp. is the sponsor. Sugarman says the World; TOKYO: Music Labo. Post- 'ABP for profit a CBS International track recorder and four slaves and he selected NBC over the two other master, please send Form 3579 to Billboard Publications, Inc., Box 2156, Radnor, Pa. recording, "Toda Una Epoca Con" other paraphernalia used in dupli- networks because of the time slot of- 19089. Area Code 215, 687 -8200. Vol. 88 No. 20 by Vicente Fernandez and two cating and packaging tapes. fered.

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www.americanradiohistory.com 8 Financial Capitol-EMI Posts _Market Quotations Act Uses As of closing, Thursday, May 6, 1976 1975 P -E (Sales Qtr. High NAME High Low Close Change Gain Low Big 3rd 100s) LOS ANGELES -Capitol Indus- share on sales of $94,510,000 for the Mail List tries -EMI reports a net income of same period in the prior fiscal year. 303/4 191/4 ABC 25.66 32 291/2 29'/ 29% + 1 $2,585,000 or 78 cents per share on Bhaskar Menon, president and 81/2 4'4 Ampex 71.25 65 71/4 7 7 - '/e 9'% 2% Automatic Radio 77.08 135 91/2 9 9 - '/. sales of $38,648,000 for its third chief executive officer, attributes the On Tours 20% 10% Avnet 6.81 265 17 163/4 163/4 Unch. quarter ended March 31, up from a performance that saw the company's 251/2 15 Bell &Howell 0 61 19 181 181 + '/. By JOHN SIPPEL 58 46'A CBS 11.68 111 51% 511/4 511/4 1/2 net loss of $577,000 or 18 cents per sales jump by 64% over the third - LOS ANGELES -The Grateful 71/4 5'/. Columbia Pic 3.62 102 51/4 5% 5% + share on sales of $23,572,000 for the quarter of fiscal 1975 to strong new 15'/. 81 Craig Corp. 5.69 30 13'/. 121/4 13% - '/ is 63 sanie quarter last year. LPs from Jessi Colter, Grand Dead planning a seven -city tour of 501/4 Disney, Walt 23.94 289 54' /e 54 541 + 1 Railroad, Paul McCartney & Wings, smaller houses, using nothing but a 5'12 4% EMI 11.01 15 43/4 4% 4% + 26% 21 Gulf + Western 4.66 437 221 221/4 22% computerized mailing list to pull lo- Unch. Net income for the first nine Sweet and the Sylvers, as well as No. 7% 5 Handleman 11.98 23 5'/ 5'/. 57/. + V. 27 143/4 Harman Ind. months of fiscal 1976 was $5,911,000 1 singles from , Merle cal audiences. 6.35 15 22% 22 22 Unch. or $1.78 per share on sales of Haggard and the Sylvers and gold Ron Rakow, president of the 113/4 7 Lafayette Radio 7.68 7 41 43/4 4% Unch. Dead's 211/4 19'/. MatshushitaElec. 16.44 24 21 203/4 203/4 - 1 $116,331,000 compared to net in- records from Cole, McCartney & corporate wing, emphasizes 79114 65 MCA 6.28 17 691 69'/ 691 + V. come of $3,374,000 or $1.01 per Wings, Helen Reddy and Sweet. that direct mail is the singular mar- 15'/ 121% MGM 6.91 208 141/4 133/4 14% + % 54%2 3M keting thrust for the tour, as does 651 24.38 323 551/4 591/4 591/2 + 1/2 4% 21 Morse Elec. Prod. 0 25 3 3 3 - V. John Scher, co- and tour 54% 411/4 Motorola 28.70 117 52% 51% 52'/. + 3/4 Changes Made At Audio Magnetics coordinator. 33 19% No. Amer. Philips 7.84 40 26% 26'/ 263/4 + V. The Dead combo has been amass- 23% 14'/. Pickwick Inter. 8.96 120 18 17% 17% - % LOS ANGELES -Audio Magnet- until Audio's move to Irvine is com- 5 2% Playboy 62.50 143 5% 392 31/2 - '/. ics Corp., blank tape manufacturer, pleted. ing fans' names through a number of 281 181 RCA 15.57 619 251/4 251/4 251/2 + '/ continues to consolidate its produc- devices. They've put stuffers into al- 103/4 8% Sony 33.33 447 91 9 91/4 + 1/4 Andrew Galef, partner in the bums, seeking fan response. Steve 40'/, 19 Superscope 9.22 43 27'/ 263/4 26'/. tion facilities and, once again, re- 47% 261 Tandy 11.86 405 381/4 37% 381/4 + 1 management consultant firm of Gri- align its executive staff. Brown, vice president of Good 10% 51 Telecor 7.95 21 81 8Y, 81 + '/. 4% santi & Galef, which is presently di- Karma, has worked a booth at all 11 Telex 12.07 76 3% 31/4 31 - 'X. The company has moved out of 71/4 21/4 Tenna recting Audio Magnetics, also an- Dead performances since 1974. 0 13 51/4 5 5 Unch. two buildings in its four -building 121/4 81/4 Transamerica 8.62 171 11'/ 11 111/4 Unch. nounced an executive reassignment. complex in Gardena, Calif., with Dubbed the "Free Stuff Booth," it 15 9% 20th Century 7.05 819 1211 1111 12 - '/ 253/4 1712 Warner Commun. 31.54 133 22% 21'/ 221/2 Y. Peter Hughes, of- offered prizes to those who would - plans to eventually move all hold- chief operating 40% 23% Zenith 18.79 410 34 321%2 33'/. Unch. ings to its manufacturing facility in ficer, returns to his duties as senior fill out forms with their names and Irvine, Calif. vice president, international, with addresses. CM chief executive officer, also Brown also circulated at the gigs OVER THE P -E Sales Bid Ask OVER THE P-E Sales Bid Ask Corporate headquarters and Galef, COUNTER COUNTER Products, the company's injection adding the responsibilities of chief to get more names. In addition, more molding facility, remain in Gardena operating officer to his duties. than 30,000 names came through fans mailing in the stuffers from al- ABKCOInc. 66.67 - 1% 2% M. Josephson 13.77 3 81/4 8% bums. The Dead's San Gates Learjet 4.11 31 11'12 12% Schwartz Bros. 16.67 - 2 23/4 Rafael, GRT 0 42 33/4 41/4 Wallich'sM.C. - - 1/16 5/16 Calif., office has been making spo- Goody Sam 3.21 5 21 2% Kustom Elec. 7.14 - 21/2 3 radic mailings to the list for the past Integrity Ent. 4.17 1 % 1/4 Orrox Corp. 0 6 1 1% Koss Corp. 8.91 15 7/ 7% Memorex - 60 283/4 29 EXECUTIVE year. K-tel - - 63/4 7'/. A Bay area computer firm has es- LOOKING Over -the -Counter prices shown may or may not represent actual transactions. Rather, Personable, electric, self - tablished a 78,000- person mailing they are a guide to the range within which these securities could have been sold or starter seeks position as FOR A list alphabetically and by zip code. bought at the time of compilation. The above information contributed to Billboard by Russ Administrative Ass't. to NATIONAL All concert area zip codes have been Gallagher of G. Tsai & Co., Inc., Los Angeles, 213- 556 -3234, members of the New York top record company exec- provided so that the computer can Stock Exchange and all principal stock exchanges. utive. Has had twelve DISTRIBUTOR? proffer fans' addresses within the patronage range of the concert site. years administrative and Call "Wild" World Independent Because the concert venues have Label Distributors. Company Piracy Battlers Join In operating experience, in- capacities smaller than the sites nor- serves all functions from the cluding six as a division mally studio to the dealer. WILD will played by the Dead, the direct mail An L.A. Summit Meeting officer of I.T.T. develop a marketing & sales pro- pitch cuts down on the promo- tional overhead, enabling the Dead LOS ANGELES -Locally -based crime bureau of the sheriff's office. Write: gram to fit your needs. to play a more intimate house. law enforcement agencies mapped a Dominic Rubalcava of the U.S. BILLBOARD (213) 731 -9685 The act feels it will have finer con- cohesive offensive against tape pi- Attorney's office and Phil Altpeter, 3717 W. Pico Blvd. trol of the sound system in a smaller rates in this area at the first such Box 1053 veteran investigator of pirate activity Los Angeles, Ca 90019 house, something it has long sought. summit meeting here last week. 9000 Sunset Blvd. for the FBI, represented the Justice Rakow and Scher feel the Dead's Los Angeles, CA 90069 The integrated blueprint to stamp Dept. Also present were Jules Yar- fans will provide excellent word -of- out illegal duplicating of recorded nell and Barry Slotnick, RIAA coun- mouth advertising in the communi- performances includes federal as sel from New York, and Chet ties where concerts are planned. well as local agencies. Attending the Brown, former assistant U.S. attor- The tour itinerary includes: Para- meeting were: District Attorney, ney who has recently gone into pri- mount Theater, Portland, Ore., June John Van de Kamp, Bob Remer, his vate practice. 3 -4; Music Hall, , 9 -12; Bea- special projects administrator, and Remer and Bowler are newcomers con Theater, New York, 14 -15; Chief Don Bowler of his investiga- to the drive against tape pirates. The Capitol Theater, Passaic, N.J., 17- tive bureau. Ron Robinson, who district attorney's office has only 19; Tower Theater, Philadelphia, heads up antitape piracy for the recently the 21 -24; Auditorium Theater, Chi- city attorney; Lt. Robert Ruchhoft entered fight since the cago, 26 -28; and Syria Mosque, of the Los Angeles Central Police; state statute provision Pittsburgh, June 30 -July I. and Capt. Walton Ownby, organized hiked the penalty for illegal manu- facture from a misdemeanor to a fel- Marketing Firm Opens In L.A. ony. LOS ANGELES -The prolifer- different marketing challenge, mar- ating independent marketing firms keting cost for a package is nego- have peen joined by World Inde- tiable dependent upon the cam- pendent Label Distributors here. paign which is programmed, WILD differs from its contempo- Greenman said. raries in that the Dave Greenman - headed firm works with a changing roster of indie label distributors. WANTED Others in the field tend to work with G. Tsai & Company, Inc the same distributor in each city. MEMBER NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE INC. PROMOTION Greenman, former marketing ex- ecutive with MGM, Alshire and UA, RUSS GALLAGHER formed the company with Dis- MAN S/R 1900 Avenue of the Stars, tributors here in January. They now Los Angeles, California 90067 represent labels such as Kris, Essar, Telephone: (213) 556 -3234 to work Cordak, Libra III, Ice -pack, Audio exclusively Gospel and Vistone. A producer with a master ór an album can nego- on Project 3 More than an exciting house, more than WILD tiate for to handle any or all FOR INFORMATION REGARDING product a fabulous showplace -a work of art. of the marketing functions from MAJOR MARKET QUOTES manufacturing records and tapes PLEASE CALL. exciting acclaimed this house in Greenwich, Conn. through collection of receivables An architectural tour de force." One of the great contemporaries and returns. opportunity of the world designed by Eliot Noyes. Beautiful central courtyard. There is a basic cost schedule for please call 14 skylights. 5 bedrooms. Low maintenance. Enchanting setting taking over a single. For California on 5.89 acres (more available). $720,000. Send for brochure. only, the cost is $250, while the 12 Main Office (212) 869 -8260 Western states runs $750 and na- 55 Water Street N.Y. tionally the cost is $1,500. New York, 10041 DUFF ASSOCIATES Because each album represents a Realtor, 35 Field Point Rd., Greenwich, Conn. 06830, (203) 661 -4100 www.americanradiohistory.com Patrick Moraz had something to prove.

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www.americanradiohistory.com 10 General News ,e a` Class Action Against EMI Is Dismissed 4*BMI Canada Splits By JOHN SIPPEL LOS ANGELES -EMI Ltd.; Sir bel misled its stockholders by report- Capitol chief, was one of these men, American Joseph Lockwood, J.E. Read and ing inflated earnings. No mention he added. EMI profited directly From BMI J.G. Stanford; Brown Meggs and was made of the status of Walter Ro- from Capitol's inflated stock posi- NEW YORK -BMI Canada Ltd. three trustees, together with W. Har- Glenn Wallichs were dismissed as zett and Ed Khoury, who were origi- tion, Gold said, because it increased will be completely owned and oper- old Moon, long -time BMIC execu- defendents in the 50th trial day of a nally named defendants. its cash assets which included the ated by a Canadian non -profit cor- tive, and Gordon Henderson of class action here. large block of Capitol stock. poration beginning July 1. Gowling and Henderson of Ottawa, David B. Gold, Catena's counsel, Plaintiff failed to link The Canadian organization of who has been counsel for the past 25 Judge William P. Gray ruled argued that EMI and the three EMI directly EMI and its three directors with any , authors and publishers years to the music licensing body. Thursday (6) that counsel for Rocco executives were experienced indus- of the Capitol machinations, Alan of music has been virtually autono- Glyn Smallwood of the Royal Trust Catena had not proven that EMI act- try functionaries, who were aware N. Halkett, Capitol counsel, count- mous for the past 10 years, however, will represent that organization. ed in bad faith or participated in al- through receiving the monthly ered. He said the experts came late acting as a subsidiary of BMI of the BMIC will operate with a board of leged violations of securities laws. "white papers" of Capitol executives in the class 1971, U.S. directors with participation by Ca- Judge Gray did hold that EMI was a who were shifting moneys from co- period, summer of and that the where Following an agreement between nadian composers and publishers controlling person because of its op ad, obselescence and returns re- instance Capitol depleted its co -op reserve from BMIC and BMI of the U.S., all and will retain S. Campbell Ritchie topheavy holding (70 %) of Capitol serves to cash positions to strengthen $450,000 to $28,000 in 60 days shares issued in BMIC will be ac- in the position of managing director. stock during the 1969 -71 class pe- earnings during the period. EMI was wasn't even in the On quired by the new group. The Royal BMIC's affiliation with BMI of riod. Lockwood, Read and Stanford so perturbed over Capitol's oper- "white book." the average, only one of the three Trust Company will be one of its (Continued on page 60) were EMI executives who sat on the ation that they sent European ex- Capitol board during the period in perts to scrutinize Capitol's oper- EMI directors attended a Capitol which the plaintiff contends the la- ations. Bhaskar Menon, current board meeting and on one occasion, no one from EMI showed. Ex- Gamble /Huff Staffers Push SPIN STRAW Warrant Issued Philly Spectrum Firm PHILADELPHIA -Philly Spec - For its own sides, Philly Spectrum INTO GOLD For Tape Pirate turm Records, incorrectly identified has signed a number of local area as a new enterprise set up by the singers and groups including Cham- Amazing new process ac- LOS ANGELES -Second -time Philadelphia Spectrum, local pagne, a 16- year -old miss who will tually turns printed paper violator of the national tape piracy amusement complex, is actually an be the label's first release; T Js, sheet music into recorded law, Shane Mason, 1603 Veiar St., and independent new record Bell, tape! Pomona, failed to appear before a production Darryle Grant, Jerry Carl and recording firm set up by several Holmes and the Commanders, and Design, art, type, color federal marshal to start his nine - FAST EASY with separations, printing, month prison sentence last week. principals formerly associated Ronald James. Kenny Gamble and Leon fabrication. Let us work ACCURATE Judge Matt Byrne issued a bench Huff's Other staffers include: Harry Philly International Records for you - find out what A real problem solver! warrant for his arrest. here. "Lightnin' " Neal, who handled pro- reliability & The new label, which will direct motion for 's quality, Save Time, Money and Has- Assistant U.S. Attorney Norman mean. its efforts to r &b for a starter, has al- Philly International, as international service talented D. James said the case is being in- sles with our pro- ready signed a production vestigated as to possible further ac- agree- promotion manager and Chuck duction staff. Call or write ment with tion against Mason. Not only is Ma- Buddah. Clarke, p.r. and a &r, formerly asso- today for free brochure! Principals in son facing Judge Byrne's ire, but the new company are. ciated with Philly International Rec- Ernie Pep, chairman of the board; ords Lee-Myles Mason might also have violated a and road manager for the In- Associate's inc. SUDDEN RUSH MUSIC Theodore Life, president, and Jona- truders. East Dept. Al four -year probation in his second 160 56th Street, than Black, secretary- treasurer. Pep, NYC, NY 10022 Tel: 758 -3232 (212) 884 -6014 sentencing by Federal Judge W. J. 750 Kappock St.. Bronx. N.Y. 10463 Ferguson who suspended a two -year manager and booking agent, was formerly with Gamble and Huff and Chi Supplying the graphic needs of the record industry foi 20 year. sentence (Billboard, April 17). 3 -Lites Win personal manager for Harold Mel- vin and the Bluenotes, the O'Jays Probation; Fined and among other top record talent. CHICAGO -Eugene Record, Life, a writer, arranger, producer Marshall Thompson and Robert and singer, had his own group, Spir- Lester, members of the Chicago - itual Concept, on Philly Inter- based recording group, the Chi - national, and handled the produc- Lites, were sentenced to one year tion for Germaine Jackson, Eddie probation and fined $5,000 in U.S. Kendricks, the Intruders and the District Court in Newark Thursday Ebonys for Philly International, the (6) for failure to file federal income Gamble -Huff label. Black, a local tax returns. attorney representing many enter- The three had pleaded guilty to tainers, will also serve as counsel for charges brought against them as part the new label. of a larger industry probe involving For the production agreement Brunswick Records, their label. with Buddah, the local firm will pro- Record was sentenced for failure duce an album by City Hall, a new to file in 1974; Thompson and Les- group of four voices formerly known ter were sentenced for failure to file as Platters '76, and including Bobby in 1972. Cook from the Platters group. Judge Frederick B. Lacey also ruled they meet with IRS to deter- mine taxes and interest owed and WNCN Sale fulfill their obligation within one Continued from page 3 year. Broadcasters with format prob- At one point Judge Lacey said it lems will take a long and worried was "unwise or naive" to have had look at the neutrality of the FCC, as a representative the man who was and the size of the money to reim- also the vice president of their record burse the citizens' groups for prose- company, Carl Davis. cution of their case. The Chi -Lites testified they had The groups have withdrawn their been defrauded by Brunswick. Their petitions, having achieved their attorney, Truman Gibson, told the avowed aim: "to see classical music judge the three were attempting to programming succeed in New York sever their relationship with the la- City on WNCN." bel and had filed a civil suit against Starr Broadcasting took over Brunswick. WNCN's license in 1973, but found Gibson also said they had severed the classical format unprofitable, ties with the Queens Booking and switched to progressive rock in Agency of New York City. November 1974. The listener groups challenged the Charge Fla. Distrib move, and Starr decided to sell to GAF, with the understanding that With Tape Piracy the new owner would program clas- TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -Howard sical music on the New York station. Counts, operator of a tape distribu- Classical format resumed in August torship known as HOWCO here, 1975. was released on a $25,000 recogni- zance bond following his arrest by Fuller Moves FBI agents on charges of criminally Jerry infringing copyrighted sound tttitt LOS ANGELES -Jerry Fuller's recordings. Moonchild Productions and Full - The HOWCO premises were iness Music Co. have relocated to raided by agents who seized more 13216 Bloomfield St., Sherman than 25,000 allegedly pirated eight - Oaks. track tapes.

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www.americanradiohistory.com 12 General News Industry Leaders Face Vital Issues Galbraith Address Continued from page 1 inflation, currency devaluation, bur- pertise and assimilation of informa- Continued fì-om page 3 internationally with which we are geoning costs of doing business and tion-one of the major goals for prise; 2 -the responding growth of struggling. The increasing classless the excitement of new entertainment IMIC. structure of the firm itself," he ex- the trade union structure; 3 character of consumption supported -the markets looming on the horizon. The changing nature of the people plained, thus giving work to a pana- leveling off of consumption stand- by trade unions now extends to This IMIC is the first held under behind the artist, namely the talent poly of people inside the company ards; and the effect of all this on white collar civil service and profes- the U.S. flag in recognition of Amer- manager, was analyzed by a Friday and outside it, often semi- independ- the state. sional workers. "And this," Gal- ica's bicentennial year, and accord- morning panel following the key- ent entrepreneurs. "A large firm One manifestation of change is in- braith said, "creates powerful efforts ing to Zhito "is the first time IMIC note speech. Veteran manager Sid creates a need for a large number of flation. Galbraith said, with result- to sustain consumption." has come close to the gates of the Far Bernstein chaired thé panel which independent firms." ing different rates of monetary ex- He said the pressure for higher East, one of the world's prime mar- included another veteran manager great change is the change. Another form of "remedial" wages and the pressure to increase kets for recordings, live talent and George Greif, plus Artie Mogull, power of modern trade unions to re- action is unemployment, the Har- prices to the consumer are the prin- consumer electronics products." Records' new presi- spond to the power of the great cor- vard professor said. One accepts in- ciple reasons for inflation. Other Money -the collection of income dent plus several attorneys who act porations, Galbraith said. This oc- flation or some form of direct inter- curs wherever we factors are increased pressures for from foreign publishers via sub- as managers. A second topic devoted "absolutely have vention on rising wages and prices, public goods made upon govern- publishers versus collection so- to the artist on Saturday involved large scale enterprise." Generally he out. ment. Thus, he said, inflation turns pointed discussing ways the large corporations pass on to the cieties, sparked an afternoon session of breaking through into a higher as each group Galbraith, recently returned from in the public whatever increase costs they Friday and drew together a panel of international market. strives to sustain its consumption Europe, gave a breakdown on what on incur as a result of labor disputes. international bankers for a Saturday There have been two seminars level and seeks its own higher prices. various nations are doing to combat morning (8) session. publishing: an analysis of the "ex- The third area of change involves their own unsettling economic situ- The presentation of Galbraith, ploding" print field (Friday) and new class patterns of consumption And when banks begin cutting ations. professor emeritus at Harvard, plus reaping the benefits of foreign li- which are greater today than they back loans and companies do not The conference laid a major em- the panel of five bankers discussing censing (Saturday). were years ago. "People today don't have the funds with which to ex- phasis on economics, music publish- ways of doing business in a jittery A battle report Friday on tape pi- believe differences are so great." pand, the result is often unemploy- ing and record company activities economy, marked the first utiliz- racy around the globe produced "From these changes comes the ment, "a nasty impact on all indus- during the first three days of meet- ation of outside experts for IMIC au- good and bad statistics from inter- four changes, the size and pattern of tries which rely on borrowed ings. diences. national experts led by Stan Gorti- the modern state." Modern corpora- money" and a group in the economy Amid the beauty of Hawaii's trop- During the past five IMICs, all kov, president, RIAA. tions often place heavy demands on rendered unemployed. All of this, for services, he said. Galbraith said, is ical backdrop, IMIC-6 is producing speakers have been associated with The record company and how it government paradoxically in an update on the state of the music the music /recording fields. This new can reap the best benefits from its From the four elements come the contradiction with society's efforts to and recording industries in a time of tack opens the door for greater ex- foreign licensees (chaired by A &M's economics problems nationally and expand consumption. president Jerry Moss Saturday was contrasted with a session on import- ing- exporting (Sunday). Disk Quality Is Questioned An update report Saturday on You Already Know Continued from page 3 grounds that he is no longer respon- progress in the revision of the U.S. sible, while the new distributor takes Copyright Act produced the ex- The charge comes from Odivox a similar position, arguing that he RICHARD AND WILLIE MEET THE SLA pected subjective viewpoints of discounters, who argue that the de- had not sold the product in the first record companies, music publishers fective product is resulting in a high place." On Laff Records is a national "smash hit" and authors and composers. incidence of returns and a loss of The firm hopes some workable Women and their emerging role in sales. agreement could be reached with the Now We Introduce the music business brought distaff The firm's officials also charge manufacturers on these problems. executives from the U.S., Japan and record manufacturers with late de- Ms. Theresa Filibert and Doye O'Dell Australia to a Saturday seminar. liveries, even in instances where or- Two markets, totally different, but ders are placed well before the time Louis Dunlap Dies on our all new BERDIE label- both volatile -Japan and Latin mu- they are needed. sic -were analyzed Sunday, with Odivox also points out that most NEW YORK -ASCAP corn- MOR COUNTRY Keisuke Egashira, president of No- retailers would like a closer working poser- member Louis M. Dunlap is mura Securities International of relationship with the record manu- dead at the age of 64. He died May 3 New York, tending the second key- facturers, but that their efforts at co- at the Barnard Memorial Hospital, note speech on Japan in the morn- operation are stalled because of dic- Paterson, N.J. ing. tatorial attitudes on the part of In his career, Dunlap worked for The panel on brought record company executives. and toured with such personalities >- leaders from the U.S. and Mexico to The firm adds that the problem of as , Earl Hines and the Sunday afternoon session. replacing defective products esca- Billy Eckstine. His songs included, Two sessions involving tech- lates in the event the retailer changes "You Can Depend On Me," "Blue nological aspects of entertainment distributors. "When this occurs, the Because Of You," "Where You rounded out the program Sunday. original distributor will refuse to Should Be" and "Ev'ry Thing De- The first presented a look at MCA's handle the complaint on the pends On You." videodisk with Jack Findlater, Disco-Vision president, assisted in his presentation by Norman Glenn, programming vice president. The second session explored the sometimes asked question of Ms. Theresa Filibert Doye O'Dell whether technological innovations Billboard like quad sound or noise reduction Continental U.S. & Canada

"Lonely Me" "Suddenly" systems can indeed generate greater 2 years (104 issues) $100 1 year First Class $120 b/w record sales. 1 year (52 issues) $60 6 months (26 issues) $35 b/w Monday's sessions (10) zero in on CANADA building a new artist as opposed to 1 year (52 issues) $70 payment enclosed fl bill me "Simple And "Just Trying To buying an established name, creat- 1 year -First Class $120 Free" Help You Out" ing LPs for tv sale, the right to audit Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery of first copy. and how Billboard's charts are Rates on request for other countries. Group subscription created and their value in the music rate available. Circulation manager, Dave Ely, N.Y. business. At The A Also watch for "Looking World." new instrumental A dinner banquet Monday featur- written by Ms. Filiberton -Vistone Records -and performed ing entertainment by two of Change of address by world famous oboist Joe Dennis. Hawaii's new, young acts, Cecilio & Kapono, representing the soft pop P.S. Due to an error by the pressing plant, DJ's and distribu- sound of the Islands and the Beamer If you are moving, let us know six weeks in tors are being reserviced with "Suddenly" by Doye Brothers, representing O'Dell. "contempo- advance. Attach old label hère, or write in code To order call: rary Hawaiian" music, closes out the conference. numbers from mailing label and print new Billboard will publish a complete address below. report on all the seminars in a sub- Code Numbers LAFF sequent issue. In Sacramento New E Renewal Change of Address SACRAMENTO -A rollicking throwback to the old days is tabbed Mail to: for May 28 -31 when veteran jazz- Billboard Publications, P.O. Box 2156, Radnor, Pa. 19089. men Nappy Lamare, Wingy Ma- none, Jess Stacy, Billy Butterfield, Name Peanuts Hucko, George Van Eps and Joe Darensbpurg perform here Address Records as a highlight of the Old Sarcra- City, State, Zip 4218 W. Jefferson Blvd. mento Dixieland Jubilee. Los Angeles, Ca. 90016 All were prominent, in the '30s Nature of Business (213) 737 -1000 and '40s, as luminaries in the na- A6C0>> tion's top big bands. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery of first issue.

www.americanradiohistory.com HOG MUSIC re BOHANNON MUSIC 036--erd A NEW LP BY AN

DK 76919

www.americanradiohistory.com 14 Generol News Music Business Vidisk, CB Course Taught Drop Military Export Discount Continued from page 1 because with the exporters discount such product to the regular domestic In RCA Plan By John Carter toward uniform pricing is RCA some operators were able to under- market. which recently sent a letter out to its sell us." Oddly enough, the labels mani- NEW YORK -"The Business As- customers advising that as of May 1 Theoretically, exporters are re- fested themselves rather reluctant to For Future pects Of The Music Industry," a those 'Brie-stops selling to military quired to justify the discounted price discuss the issue prefering to main- NEW YORK -Both CB and the course designed for artists on copy- post exchanges would no longer be with necessary documentation such tain a low profile in the matter. videodisk- today's "hot" consumer right, publishing contracts and col- entitled to the special military dis- as purchase orders, invoices and Where the military suppliers pric- electronics item and tomorrow's po- lection, etc., kicked off here May 4 count price despite documentation shipping documents. ing was concerned, the labels claim tentially hotter product -were high under the auspices of Collective proving bona fide orders. "The fact is that some of these the total amount is so "infinitesimal" lighted in comments by Anthony Black Artists Inc., a non -profit or- In other words, their normal one - guys have phony purchase orders that it is not worth talking about. Conrad, RCA Corp. president and ganization partly funded by the price would apply to those sales printed up for phantom companies And in terms of the special export chief executive officer, at the annual New York Council and the National as well. RCA, as do the other labels, overseas, or else just deliberately price, label spokesmen' claim they shareholders meeting May 4. Endowment For the Arts. supplies the military directly, either forge signatures and documents want to avoid "tarring all exporters In recapping the record first quar- The course, broken into two se- through central purchasing for the from beginning to end. After all, with the same brush." ter and anticipating a strong second mesters (54 class hours in all), is Army and Air Force (Billboard, they know that we can't afford the "After all, there are many corn - quarter, Conrad noted that the Con taught by John Carter, formerly May 1) or to individual Navy and time and personnel to devote to pletely legitimate exporters who sumer Electronics division which with AGAC and now head of his Marine post exchanges. Their price checking the legitimacy of every ex- conduct business open and above showed a loss a year ago, "re- own Music Directions firm. will not change. port order," the label executive adds. board and it would be unfortunate bounded with a solid profit in the "I have found there are many art- The volume of military sales pro- In both instances, the exporters to lump them all into the same cate- first quarter." ists who have a crying need for real- vided by dealers amounts to less and military suppliers prices range gory with the marginal operators Acknowledging the firm's depar istic, objective, professional career than 1% for the Army and Air Force from 8 % -12% below the one -stopper. who have been ripping -off the in- ture from consumer audio equip guidance and catalog administra- and around 3% for the Navy and The elimination of such a differ- dustry for so long," one label sales ment manufacturing, he empha- tion," says Carter. Marines. ential is expected to slow the flow of manager says. sized that it "has not kept us from He feels the specific area of over- In any event, the total is relatively participating in a booming new seas collection of both mechanical small, generally estimated at consid- business in that field- citizen's band and sheet music monies tops the erably less than $2 million. Memphis Bank Sues Stax radio, which has the potential of be- problem list of artists trying self-ad- However, the elimination of spe- coming a billion -dollar business by ministration of their music publish- cial military suppliers prices is but 1980." ing catalogs. one phase of the battle against Execs For Alleged Loans Alluding to the introduction of The course, which runs through phony exporters. Earlier this year MEMPHIS -Union Planters Na- becoming public knowledge as the the firm's new CB "Co- Pilot" line at the last week of June, is being held at RCA joined the ranks of labels tional Bank has sued two top officers date for the first of a number of the recent PC -76 and NEWCOM the Institute of Education here on which have eliminated special pric- in defunct , Inc., for court trials or settlements draws shows, he pointed out that the prod Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 6 -9 ing for export. more than $12 million in loans the near. uct is being sourced externally to p.m. Registration is $25 for each se- One major label executive who bank said it made to Stax between Stax, Bell and Stewart are in- RCA's standards. "Without a com mester, or $40 for both. asked not to be quoted for fear he 1971 and 1974. volved in lawsuits in Federal Court, mitment to high capital investment might alienate some of his "good" The suit names , chairman, Probate Court and Chancery Court, or time -consuming tooling up, our $ EARN TOP $ export customers, explains why the and James Stewart, president of all in Memphis. CB business should be contributing trend towards uniform pricing: "We Stax, as defendants. Bell is also under criminal indict- modestly to earnings this year, and IN A CAREER IN were finding that product ostensibly The suit charged Stewart owed the ment on charges he conspired with a we expect considerable growth." THE RECORDING IND. designated for export kept turning bank $6,955,711. The bill said Stew- former UP bank officer to make As for the firm's SelectaVision up in domestic retail outlets. In ef- loan on Nov. 11, than $10.5 million in fraudu- videodisk system, he pointed out on THE NATIONAL SCHOOL art guaranteed a more fect many of us were competing with 1971, and again on Feb. 4, 1974, and lent loans. He faces trial on this the basis of RCA's experience in in- OF THE RECORDING ART ourselves in our branch operations that the money went to Stax, East charge in July. troducing major new products and Is offering a course in record mixer Memphis Music Corp., a former Stax was ordered shut down Jan. systems, "I think it is fair to say that assistant which will prepare you for a Stax Lynn & Associ- 12 by Federal Bankruptcy Judge the videodisk system is getting the career at the entry level of this very subsidiary, and interesting profession. You will spend A &M Promoting a ates, Inc., as yet unidentified in its William B. Leffler. benefit of at least as much pains- 5 days a week, 4 hours a day for 16 dealings with Stax. taking planning, development and in Student Vote Drive weeks an actual multi -track re- The lawsuit said Bell owes the testing -both in engineering and cording studio having lectures and LOS ANGELES -A &M Records manual applications plus another 40 bank $5,074,184 and charged that Dells Featured In marketing -as any innovation we hours or more assisting in live record- here and a non -profit organization Bell and his wife Lydia owe $90,000 have yet made." ing or mixdown sessions. Additionally called Student Vote '76 have joined is T you will be supplied with your own 2" jointly. The suit charges these loans Noting that RCA producing } and 1/4" reels of tape for your session together to help bring student regis- were made on the same dates as New Soundtrack both the disks and players in manu- project that you may keep. tration to a maximum for the up- those made by Stewart. CHICAGO -"No Way Back," facturing test runs at its Indianapolis 2 coming California primary election. plant now employing 300, Conrad ALL THIS FOR ONLY More and more of the financial the new Fred Williamson movie A &M has prepared 30 and 60 sec- maze and inner workings of Stax is with a soundtrack by Mercury artists re- emphasized that "we are per- $3,200.00 ond public service announcements , premiered May 3 in Gary, suaded that we have a system better mar- Register Now -next classes will for college radio, offered to as many Ind., Williamson's home town. The suited to mass production and start June 1, 1976. Only a limited colleges in California as possible. A N.C. Pirate Dells, Williamson and Richard keting than any competing system." number of applicants can be ac- The label is also suggesting prod- Hatcher, mayor of Gary, attended Though pressed for an actual on cepted- Please contact GIL- uct, such as 's `Stand Gets Year, Fine the premiere, along with Phono- the -market date for the system, gen BERT RICHARDSON, Director of For Your Rights," that might be N.C. gram /Mercury executives Charles erally believed to aimed for 1977, he Training at (213) 681 -0810, 54 E. WINSTON- SALEM, - Colorado Blvd., Pasadena, CA used in the campaign to bring out James Allen Tharington, doing busi- Fach, executive vice president, gen- would only say that "Our decision 91105 the vote. ness as Sundance here, was fined eral manager, Jules Abramson, sen- on when to introduce the Select $1,000, received a one -year sus- ior vice president, marketing and aVision videodisk system will de pended sentence and was placed on Bill Haywood, national r &b promo- pend on a convergence of economic, probation for two years after plead- tion. marketing and production factors." ing guilty to a criminal information "No Way Back" is also the title of In forecasting an excellent year, THE NEEDLE charging him with manufacturing the Dells' newest album, which con- barring any unforeseen and unlikely and selling infringing copies of tains two songs from the film, "No reversal in the economy, Conrad FINDER'M plus copyrighted sound recordings. Way Back" and "Too Late For noted that sales and earnings for Imposing the sentence was U.S. Love." (Continued on page 66) District Court Judge Hiram Ward. ZwtecttoyoicL The charges resulted from a lengthy NEEDLES investigation following a raid more than a year ago in Prince Georges from atlantic to burbank .. . County, Md., in which more than tieNti 15,000 pirated tapes were seized. here "s what they say about LooK{or oeFtnder Cattrid95eotion Amateurs Chosen LOS ANGELES -Twelve ama- teur singer / were chosen 9.IIdiiSc contestants to DESIGNED TO from more than 400 CREATE perform in concert with Peter Yar- n line., SALES AND HIGHER PROFITS row, formerly of Peter, Paul and recordii m MORE Mary at Lincoln Junior High school FOR YOU! Saturday (8). "The G OLDISC presses talk our The selection committee consisted The Electro -Voice Needle Finder gives you a merchandising of music and non -music judges. language and the service is great system in 1 sq. ft. of counter space. Photos show actual size and color of needles for instant identification. The NEW too." VICTOR GALLO ... Fania Records Needle Dex Inventory Control system allows fast, easy visual Sebastian On ABC inventory. LOS ANGELES- Singer /com- H'here Quality and Service Come Together poser is set to appear for further information write to Jim Rohr on the 28th annual Emmy Awards on ABC -TV May 17. S-eiewiex EV GAME Inc. ° guIh°n Sebastian will perform his single 1290 Av. of Americas 4524 Brazil Street - hit, "Welcome Back," theme from New York, N.Y. 10019 Los Angeles, Calif. 90039 Freeport, N.Y. 11520 or call (516) 378 -0440 the television series "Welcome Back (212) 581 -5641 (213) 245-2649 Kotter."

www.americanradiohistory.com A M A Z I N G R H Y, T H M A C E S

U P T 0 0 S T U F F E D T O J M



May 14 Civic Center Lakeland, Fla. June 7 -8 Bijou Philadelphia, Pa. May 17 -19 S.E. Music Hall Atlanta, Ga. June 10 -12 Ebbetts Fie d Denver, Colorado May 23 My Father's Place Long Island, N.Y. June 14 -16 Boardì-ig House San Francisco, Ca. May 24 -26 Pauls Mall Bcston, Mass. June 17 -19 Brewe-y San Jose, Ca. June 1 -2 The Other End New York, N.Y. June 24 -26 Troubadour Los Angeles. Ca. June 3 -5 Cellar Door Washington, D.C. Management: Katz -Gallin Enterprises (213) 273- 4210 /Agency: Variety Artists (612) 925 -3440

www.americanradiohistory.com 16 Radio -T V Pro 9 ra m m in 9 Shane Of KODA Has Novel CULT INITIATOR Philosophy On Programming

EDITOR'S NOTE: In this article also took to the streets to drum up needs in the listener and then set by Ed Shane, program director of support for its modern country about to fill these as well. Thus the KODA -AM -FM in , a sound in a ratings fight with long- listenership could pyramid. unique concept of radio as a cult - time champion KIKK. The picture Unfortunately, today's album drome initiator is advanced. today shows that 7' years and one rock station does not have the same Shane is writer and producer of the country station (KNUZ) later, the luxury, for two reasons. The first is `Bicentennial Notebook" for Houston country audience is 30% of the increased competition. The sec- Texas broadcasters and his back- the total. The new station did not ond is the fact that the revolution ground includes station manager of simply share an audience, but set has been won: The progressive sta- KRBE in Houston, program director about to create an audience, as well. tion's culture has been assimilated of KKDJ in Los Angeles and oper- In the same way, the existing au- into the mass -audience station's cul- ations manager of WPLO -FM, At- dience figures should have indicated ture. The progressive mystique has lanta. He also programmed W_GLD that rock tastes in Houston were well left the radio and has moved to the in Chicago several years ago. satisfied when I undertook to estab- concert hall, to the 8 -track tape, and lish a high- energy, hit-oriented for- to the rock magazine. "A radio station must create its mat on KRBE. There was a good (England's pirate radio had a own culture." This is a philosophy of choice of KILT on AM and KLOL, built -in mystique that piqued the mine. It's one of these simple con- KAUM and KRLY on FM. The re- imagination of the listener and cepts that becomes so complex in sult of on -air work and in- commu- thereby created a culture. I dare say practice. It means that a station must nity involvement was KRBE's domi- listeners tuned in for the excitement not only develop and execute its pro- nance of the Houston teen market. of hearing whether the pirate sur- gramming, but also involve people Each station was able not only to vived on the air or was silenced by TEAMWORK- Joining to raise funds ror me mainland Assn. for Handicapped in that programming to the extent attract existing radio listeners, but government interlopers. Many U.S. Children and Cenikor, a foundation for the rehabilitation of alcoholism and that they become more than listen- also to develop an all -new audience. progressive stations maintained a drug addiction, are, from left: Jonathan Fricke, program director KLAK in ers. Rather, they become members In effect, KRBE and KENR each "what will they do next" mystique.) of Denver; , KIKK air personality Jerry In The Morning, and KIKK of a culture or a "lifestyle" centered had to "create its own culture." It is interesting to note that the sta- operations manager Chris Collier. Fargo did a one -lady benefit show in Hous- in the radio station. Regardless of format or the poten- tions that are currently demonstrat- ton to raise funds; Fricke, then national promotion director for WSB, Atlanta; WGN, Chicago; tial size of the audience, a radio sta- ing success in creating their own cul- Warner Bros., and the radio men pitched in. and KILT, Houston, have each de- tion develops not only its on- the -air tures are facilities that have been veloped "lifestyle" sound. It develops also a relation- known traditionally as "straight" situations -with lis- ship with its listeners that manifests stations, programmed for general teners who depend itself as a response to the art form the audiences. That should tell us that it greatly on the infor- L Prop station exhibits. takes a good deal more than a list of . rammin g Comment]Co mation and enter- The alert programmer will take records and a rotation to create "the tainment provided advantage of this fact and .do more mystique." Charlie Van Dyke by these stations. than watch the natural process of It takes creative, fearless program- They are certainly birth of this culture. He will program ming that answers directly to the Program Director not alone. the culture as well as his radio sta- tastes of the listeners regardless of KHJ, Los Angeles SHANE When Houston's tion such that the station becomes a the arbitrary cut -off lines we broad- KENR was about to go on the air, part of the lifestyle of the audience. casters find comfort in using. (For ARB tricks? the city's country audience com- In the heyday of progressive ra- instance, was the - You have to talk with the owner or manager first of all and you have to get prised 8% of the total. There was dio, it was called "lifestyle" radio, Waylon Jennings record "country" very clearly assigned to you what your job is in delivering people. some fear at KENR that their new since it reflected the new intellectual or "pop ?" And does it matter which So, step number one would be for him to say to you: "I want you to be the facility would simply split the exist- freedom of its audience. When they if the listener demands it because it teen king." ing audience. "Can we survive on went on the air, the early progressive falls into the category of "good " ?) Or, in the case of KHJ: "I want you to have 18- 34- year -old men and 4% ?" they asked; and the answer stations found they had to do more Call the work on establishing a women in morning drive, 18 -34- year -old women in midday, 18 -49- year -old was a resounding "No." than fill an existing need. In order to culture "research," if that's a com- men in afternoon drive plus teens, and from 7 p.m. on, I want only teenagers." The station took to the air, but it survive they had to establish further fortable term. The successful pro- And, you should make him break it down that far because I think it's that grammer takes his research and adds difficult. to it his "feel" for the marketplace, That's part of it. his contact with all types of listeners Then, you're dealing with whether you should get cumes or quarterhours. his station is trying to attract, and his Assuming that your cumes are all right -and, in the case of a lot of AM Top 40- tendency to take a creative risk. He type dominant stations the cumes are pretty good and the quarterhours are must couple his Magid study, ARBi- pretty rotten, so I will only speak in terms of the last book ... our maintenance tron diary survey, or questionnaire worked real good. And we did a number of things, one of which was a contest from the hometown schoolyard with called The Great American Honey Machine. a program of positive reaction based And the contest was real simple. And it was simple because the cash clock mainly on subjective decision. would begin counting off the seconds. You would hear the sound of the clock Once that research -resolve -react starting. This was a backsell, there was the ticking of the clock in the back- cycle begins, it can never stop. New ground. Though the disk jockey would never refer to it, we considered it to be a information should keep the station subliminal sell for the contest. Everytime the guy rapped, you could hear a ever fresh, ever developing its cul- little ticking back there. ture. I've been in more than one ra- When you hear the buzzer go off, dio station that stored a fine piece of which could be in the middle of a some researcher's work in a file KOKE-FM In commercial, a record, or a newscast, drawer, never to be opened, never to be first on the phone and win a bi- be updated. centennial dollar for every Intimate knowledge of the mar- Austin Drops minute that the clock ran. ket's tastes have allowed certain sta- Well, we did this obviously over a KHJ photos tions to become dominant in their couple of quarterhours. HAPPY BAY -Dr. John Leader, air personality on KHJ in Los Angeles, chosen fields or audience categories. Latin Segment In the case of the night show, raps with a few of the 4,000 fans who turned out for an autograph party Knowledge of the audience taste re- where I wanted to primarily build it at a in honor of Bay City Rollers. Later, in the KHJ stu- up because there had been some ero- record story the quires knowledge of the "taste Pa- AUSTIN, Tex.- KOKE-FM will dios, the Bay City Rollers do their number while KHJ program director sion, particularly in teens going rameters" as well. switch to a full -time progressive Charlie Van Dyke, center, reminds himself that, above all, it's merely a A programmer must know the away, I ran the clock for as long as country format July 1 in honor of matter of keeping the radio station and its personalities "visible" in the 240 minutes. Now, you have to width and breadth of the interests Willie Nelson's annual birthday cel- un- marketplace. and tolerances of his potential lis- ebration-a attended derstand that the only way to win was to be listening and hear the tener; then he can take the audience by countless name acts not only in to the limit. There is a vast unex- country music, but in rock each year clock go off and be the first on the and be correct in plored area between what the lis- in the Austin area. phone the number tener is conscious he wants and what Ken Moyer, general manager of of minutes. And we had loads of cor- rect answers. Which he is able to accept. the FM station and KOKE -AM, means that they all had to listen 240 minutes. There's Once having entered these outer says that a four -hour Spanish pro- no other way. We didn't tell them limits of taste, the programmer gram, "which is not the sort of thing along the way that the clock had walks a tightrope. Stepping too far, you can just drop off the air," will been already running 18 minutes he commits a grievous affront. With spinoff to a new radio station going or anything like that. too small a step he creates a radio on the air about that time, an FM We did tell them what hour the station that's a wading pool next to station called KMXX operated by clock would start in. We the high dive -a shallow, one -di- Jose Garcia. gave them that much of an advantage. mensional service. This will leave the way clear for The night show went from a five - Knowledge of the Houston "taste KOKE -FM to become a full -time something to an 8.7. And the quar- parameters" allows KILT to pro- progressive operation; it was the first terhours went tremendously high. gram a country hit in its top 40 for- station in the nation to adopt a pro- We also ran the clock through all mat or to develop lengthy, image - gressive country format. Other sta- the dayparts. The clock always ran provoking promotional announce- tions in this format full -time now in- from one 3 7 ments. It's the sort of knowledge that clude KAFM in programmed daypart-10 a.m., p.m., (Continued on page 25) by Chuck Dunaway. (Continued on page 24)

www.americanradiohistory.com A declaration of musical independence. 1 his '14,1

Management: Fred Heller Enterprises, Ltd. 40 Cedar Street Dobbs Ferry, N.Y. Associates: Sunny Schnier Al Smith Laura Krane

® "COLUMBIA;. MARCA6 REG. ®1976C86 INC. www.americanradiohistory.com 1 8 Billboard SiñcIès Rodio Adion Ploylist Top Add Ons Ploylist Prime Movers * Regional Breakouts & Nok'and Breakouts

Based on station playlists through Thursday (5/13/76)


ERIC CARMEN -Never Gonna Fall In Love Again (Arista) (D) -Love Hangover (Motown) ERIC CARMEN -Never Gonna Fall In Love Again (Arista) BAND -Take The Money And Run (Capitol) WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue (Malaco) DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue (Malaco) (D) - (Midland Int'l.) -Take The Money And Run (Capitol)

KROY- Sacramento KYNO- Fresno KAKC-Tulsa WZUU -FM- Milwaukee D- Discotheque Crossover KBBC- Phoenix STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The D SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And ERIC CARMEN-Never Gonna Fall In STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The THIN urn' -The Boys Are Back In Money & Run (Capitol) Boogie (Midland Intl.) Love Again (Arista) Money & Run (Capitol) Town (Mercury) ADD ONS -The two key prod- DOOBIEBROS.- Takin' It To The Afternoon AMERICA -Today's The Day (W.B.) DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue -Young Blood (Swan - ucts added at the radio stations Streets (W.B.) * CAPTAIN &TENNILLE-Shop Around (Ma laco) ) Delight (Windsong) listed; as by determined station (A &M) 24-11 D* CONNECTION -More, D* DIANA ROSS -love Hangover D* DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover * DARYLHALL &JOHN OATES -Sara personnel. More, More (Buddah) 21 -13 (Motown) 23.15 (Motown) 13 -6 * GARY WRIGHT -Love Is Alive (W.B.) Smile (RCA) 22-17 PRIME MOVERS -The two HB -33 D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And * DARYL HALL &JOHN OATES-Sara products registering D* DIANA ROSS-Love Hangover the great- KRIZ- Phoenix Boogie (Midland Intl.) 16-10 Smile (RCA) 14-7 (Motown) 27 -25 Region est proportionate upward Southwest KELI -Tulsa WNDE- Indianapolis movement on the station's D SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And KJR- Seattle STARBUCK -Moonlight Feels Right DOROTHYMOORE-Misty Blue playlist; as by sta Boogie (Midland Intl.) determined DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue TOP ADD ONS: DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover (Private Stock) (Malaco) tion personnel. D (Malaco) , (Motown) DOOBIEBROS.- Takin' It To The ELECTRIC LIGHTORCHESTRA- BREAKOUTS -Billboard Chart STARBUG( -Moonlight Feels Right (Private Fever (Capitol) 8-1 CATE BROTHERS -Union Man Stock) Streets (W.B.) Strange Magic (U.A.) Dept. summary of Add On and * SYLVERS- Boogie (Elektra) (D) SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And Boogie D* DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover HENRY GROSS- Shannon (Lifesong) Prime Mover information to re- * HENRY GROSS-Shannon (Lifesong) * WINGS -Billy Love Songs (Capitol) 8- (Midland Int'l.) (Motown) 17 -6 15 -10 flect greatest product activity KQEO- Albuquerque * 4 STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The Money & Run * WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And at Regional and National levels. MARMALADE -Falling Apart At The (Capitol) To Get The 12 -3 Boogie (Midland Intl) 19-14 Seams (Ariola America) * BARRY MANILOW -Tryin' Feeling Again (Arista) 15 -12 WKY- City WIRL - Peoria, III. THIN LIZZY -The Boys Are Back In * PRIME MOVERS: Town (Mercury) KING -Seattle STARBUCK -Moonlight Feels Right ROWNG STONES-Fool To Cry (Private Stock) (Rolling Stones) Pacific Southwest Region * DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue ROLLING STONES To Cry -Fool WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) (Malaco) 28 -20 ERIC CARMEN -Never Gonna Fall In D ANDREA TRUE CONNECTION -More, (Rolling Stones) (D) DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover (Motown) In Love Again (Arista) More, More (Buddah) TOP ADD ONS: * NEILSEDAKA -Love BAY CITY ROLLERS -Rock & Roll Love HENRY GROSS-Shannon (Lifesong) DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue NEILSEDAKA -Love In The Shadows (Rocket) 29 -22 Letter (Arista) * * (Malaco) 20 -10 (Rocket) 18.8 CAPTAIN I TENNILLE -Shop Around (A &M) KTKT- Tucson D* DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover CYNDI GRECO- Making Our Dreams Come * PRATT& McCLAIN -Happy Days * PRATT & McCLAIN -Happy Days ERIC CARMEN-Never Gonna Fall In (Motown) 17-9 True (Private Stock) (Warner /Reprise) 14-9 (Warner /Reprise) 14 -7 Again (Arista) BREAKOUTS: Up And Boogie Love In The Shadows (D) SILVER CONVENTION -Get * NEILSEDAKA -Love KOMA- WDGY - (Midland Intl.) (Rocket) 23 -16 STARBUCK -Moonlight Feels Right (Private SEALS & CROFTS-Get Closer (W.B.) Stock) PRATT& McCLAIN -Happy Days PRATT & McCLAIN -Happy Days * KJRB- Spokane D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And (D)SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And Boogie (Warner /Reprise) (Warner /Reprise) (Midland Int'l.) Boogie (Midland Intl.) 26 -20 GARY WRIGHT-Love Is Alive (W.B.) BARRY MANILOW-Trying' To Get The -Rhiannon * PRIME MOVERS: STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The Money & Run Feeling Again (Arista) (Warner /Reprise) DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue (Capitol) (Malaco) * WINGS -Silly Love Songs(Capitol) * WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover (Motown) Pacific Northwest Region 20-11 SILVER CONVENTION Up And NEILSEDAIG-Love In The Shadows (Rocket, * DOOBIE BROS.- Takin' It To The D* -Get KILT -Houston ELVIN BISHOP -Fooled Around & Fell D00BIE BROTHERS -Takin' It To The Streets Streets(W.B.) HB -22 * Boogie (Midland Intl) 13-8 (W B.) GARY WRIGHT -Love Is Alive (W.B.) In Love (Capricorn) 11 -6 KDWB -Minneapolis TOP ADD ONS: * CAPTAIN &TENNILLE-Shop Around MILLER The WTIX -New Orleans (A &M) 26 -19 STEVE BAND -Take PRATT& McCLAIN -Happy Days Money & Run (Capitol) D SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And ERIC CARMEN -Never Gonna Fall In Love KTAC- Tacoma (Warner /Reprise) WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) Boogie (Midland Int'I.) BREAKOUTS: Again (Arista) * DARYL HALL& JOHN OATES-Sara DON HARRISON BAND- Sixteen Tons 11-4 Music DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue (Malaco) BIACKBYRDS -Happy Smile (RCA) Gonna Fall In Love ERIC CARMEN -Never CATE BROTHERS -Union Man (Elektra) (Atlantic) D* DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover (Fantasy) (Arista) * ERIC CARMEN-Never Gonna Fall ln Again BEATLES-Helter Skelter (Capitol) (Motown) 20 -14 * WINGS -Silly Love Songs(Capitol) DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue (Malaco) Love Again (Arista) 29-16 It Shine (Columbia) KRBE -FM- Houston * JOHN SEBASTIAN -Welcome Back (D) SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up Md Boogie * SANTANA -Let * - (Warner /Reprise) 5 -1 (Midland Int'l.) * PRIME MOVERS: HB -26 -I WantYou(Tamla) Strange Magic (U.A.) 24 -15 SANTANA -Let It Shine (Columbia) KEEL -Shreveport * STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The KOIL-Omaha * FLEETWOOD MAC-Rhiannon -Kiss And Say CAPTAIN & TENNILLE -Shop Around (A&M Money & Run (Capitol) HB -27 CATE BROTHERS-Union Man KHJ -Los Angeles (Warner /Reprise) 13-8 Goodbye (Columbia) (D) DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover (Motown) KGW- Portland (Elektra) Takin' It To The CYNDI Making Dreams Around (D) SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And Boogie * DOOBIEBROS.- GRECO- Our CAPTAIN &TENNILLE -Shop Fall In BAD COMPANY -Young Blood (Swan (Midland Int'l.) ERIC CARMEN-Never Gonna Streets (W.B.) 30-25 Come True (Private Stock) (A &M) Song) Love Again (Arista) KLIF- Dallas * BRASSCONSTRUCTION- Movin' DOROTHYMOORE -Misty Blue CYNDI GRECO-Making Our Dreams BAD COMPANY -Young Blood (Swan * SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And (U.A.) 22 -17 Come True (Private Stock) D (Malaco) 27 -12 BREAKOUTS: Song) * BOZSCAGGS- It'sOver(Columbia) Boogie (Midland Intl.) * BILLY OCEAN -Love Really Hurts * NEILSEDAKA -Love In The Shadows D* DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover BILLY OCEAN -Love Really Hurts Without You (Ariola America) 26 -13 (Rocket) 23 -15 (Motown) 15 -7 ERIC CARMEN -Never Gonna Fall In Love Without You (Ariola America) Midwest Region KIOA -Des Moines * DOOBIEBROS.- Takin' It To The Again (Arista) * BILLY OCEAN -Love Really Hurts * CAPTAIN &TENNILLE -Shop Around SUTHERLAND BROS. & QUIVER- Streets (W.B.) 25.19 DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue ( Mataco) Without You (Ariola America) 27.19 (A &M) 22-16 ltms i Man (Elektra) Arms Of Mary (Columbia) LosAnjeles CATE BROTHERS -Union KISN -Portland * NARVEL FELTS -Lonely Teardrops TOP ADD ONS: KIIS- ELECTRIC LIGHTORCHESTRA- (ABC / Dot) HB -24 STARLANDVOCALBAND- Afternoon GARY WRIGHT -Love Is Alive (W.B.) Strange Magic (U.A.) KNUS -FM- Dallas Delight (Windsong) STARBUCK -Moonlight Feels Right DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue ( Mataco) * BARRY MANILOW- Tryin' To Get The KFRC -San Francisco QUEEN- Bohemian Rhapsody (Private Stock) DARYL WILL & JOHN OATES-Sara Feeling Again (Arista) 19-13 BRASS CONSTRUCTION- Movin' Smile (RCA) In (Elektra) ERIC CARMEN-Never Gonna Fall BILLY SWAN- Number I (Columbia) ELVIN BISHOP -Fooled Around & Fell (U.A.) D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And * SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And Love Again (Arista) Boogie (Midland Intl.) 24 -14 D In Love(Capricorn)13 -8 * QUEEN -Bohemian Rhapsody THIN LIZZY-The Boys Are Back In Boogie (Midland Intl.) * DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES -Sara KKLS -Rapid CA, S.D. (Elektra) 21 -13 Town (Mercury) * HENRY GROSS-Shannon (Lifesong) Smile (RCA) 15 -8 SEALS & CROFTS -Get Closer (W.B.) SYLVERS- (Capitol)10- * DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue 19 -12 * PRIME MOVERS: * KTLK- Denver GARY WRIGHT -Love Is Alive (W.B.) 4 (Malaco) H B -18 * WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) 8- * WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) * HENRY GROSS-Shannon (Lifesong) D SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And 3 WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) KFXM -San Bernardino * -Show Me The KYA -San Francisco Boogie (Midland Intl.) KFJZ -Ft. Worth HENRY GROSS- Shannon (Lifesong) Way (A &M) 5 -3 NONE BILLY OCEAN -Love Really Hurts STARBUCK -Moonlight Feels Right JOHN DENVER -It Makes Me Giggle BROTHERSJOHNSON -l'll Be Good To Without You (Ariola America) KQWB -Fo N.D. (Private Stock) (RCA) You (A &M) STARLAND VOCAL BAND-Afternoon HENRY GROSS- Shannon (Lifesong) CATE BROTHERS -Union Man QUEEN- Bohemian Rhapsody STARBUCK -Moonlight Feels Right * * Delight (Windsong) 11 -6r. (Elektra) (Elektra) 23 -14 (Private Stock) GARY WRIGHT -Love Is Alive (W.B.) D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES-Sara * GARY WRIGHT -Love Is Alive (W.B.) BREAKOUTS: * DARYLHALL &JOHNOATES -Sara * D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And Boogie (Midland Intl) 16-11 Smile (RCA) 26-20 30 -23 Smile (RCA) 29.24 Boogie (Midland Int'I.) 21 -16 D* ANDREA TRUE CONNECTION -More, * MARVIN GATE-1 Want You (Tornio) KAFY- Bakersfield KKAM -Pueblo, Colo. DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue (Malac)) CAPTAIN &TENNILLE-Shop Around More, More (Buddah) 30-25 20 -15 * DARTL HALL & LOHN OATES-Sara Smite (RCA) (A &M) 22-19 DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue GALLAGHER & LYLE-IWanna Stay KLIV -San Jose KONO -San Antonio BILLY SWAN- Number 1 (Columbia) (Malaco) With You (A &M) KXOK -St. Louis YVONNE FAIR-It Should Have Been STARBUCK -Moonlight Feels Right ERIC CARMEN-Never GonnaFallln ROLLINGSTONES -Fool To Cry ERIC CARMEN-Never Gonna Fall In Me (Motown) (Private Stock) Love Again (Arista) (Rolling Stones) Love Again (Arista) STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The -Sad Eyes i BARRY MANILOW- Tryin' To Get The DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES-Sara D* DIANA ROSS- Love Hangover Money & Run (Capitol) * (Warner /Reprise) WLS- Chicago Feeling Again (Arista) 14 -9 Smile (RCA) (Motown) 26-12 D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And * HENRY GROSS- Shannon (Lifesong) BAY CITY ROLLERS -Rock & Roll Love DIANA ROSS-Love Hangover * WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) NEILSEDAKA -Love In The Shadows Boogie (Midland Intl.) 16-9 D* 3217 Letter (Arista) * (Motown) 26.21 * JOHN SEBASTIAN -Welcome Back (Rocket) 16 -9 * BELLAMY BROS. - * - Hurt /For The Heart NEILSEDAKA -Love In The Shadows (Warner /Reprise) 7 -1 (W.B. /Curb) 10 -5 KCPX -Salt Lake City- (RCA) 18-11 (Rocket) KCBQ -San Diegó KSLQ- FM -St. Louis KJOY- Stockton1Calif. -Save Your KELP-El Paso * PRATT & McCLAIN -Happy Days - DON HARRISON BAND- Sixteen Tons STARBUCK -Moonlight Feels Right STARBUCK -Moonlight Feels Right Kisses For Me (Pye) CAPTAIN & TENNILLE -Shop Around (Warner/Reprise) 26 -15 (Atlantic) WINGS Love Songs (Capitol) (Private Stock) (Private Stock) DOOBIEBROS.- Takin' It To The (A &M) * -Silly BILLY SWAN-Number 1 (Columbia) STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The Streets (W.B.) BEATLES- Helter Skelter (Capitol) WDHF -Chicago * HEART -Crazy On You (Mushroom) D* DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover Money & Run (Capitol) CAPTAIN & TENNILLE -ShopAround D* DIANA ROSS- Love Hangover ERIC CARMEN-Never GonnaFallln * * DARYLHALL &JOHN OATES -Sara (Motown) 27-12 BROTHERS JOHNSON -l'II Be Good To (Motown) 16 -10 - Love Again (Arista) * (A &M) 20 -11 Smile (RCA) 29 -24 You (A &M) 26-12 DOROTHYMOORE -Misty Blue DOOBIEBROS.- Takin'ItToThe * DOOBIE BROS.- Takin' It To The * BAY CITY ROLLERS -Rock & Roll Love * Afternoon (Malaco) HB -20 Streets (W.B.) (Continued on page 20) Streets (W.B.) 30 -18 * STARLANDVOCALBAND- Letter(Arista)23 -19 Delight (Windsong) 27 -19 XEROK -El Paso * WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) KENO -Las Vegas KRSP -Salt Lake City "Copyright 1976, Billboard Publi- KNDE- Sacramento HENRY GROSS-Shannon (Lifesong) CAPTAIN & TENNILLE-Shop Around * cations, Inc. No part of this publi- -It's Over (Columbia) STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The BRASS CONSTRUCTION- Movin' (A &M) 11 -6 cation may be reproduced, stored Money & Run (Capitol) DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue (U.A.) DOOBIEBROS.- Takin' It To The WOKY -Milwaukee in a retrieval system, or - AMERICA The Day (W.B.) (Malaco) ERIC CARMEN -Never Gonna Fall In -Today's Streets (KB.) JIMMY DEAN -I.O.U. (Casino) mitted, in any form or by any Around means, electronic, mechanical, D* DIANA ROSS-Love Hangover Love Again (Arista) * CAPTAIN & TENNILLE -Shop D* ANDREA TRUE CONNECTION -More, BILLY SWAN-Number 1 (Columbia) photocopying, recording, or oth- (Motown) 29 -21 D* MAXINE NIGHTINGALE -Right Back (A&M) 26-12 More, More (Buddah) 22-13 BILLY OCEAN -Love Really Hurts * erwise, without the prior written 6 -1 GARY WRIGHT -Love Is Alive (W.B.) You D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And Where We Started From (U.A.) * D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And Without (Ariola America) 20.12 permission of the publisher. Boogie (Midlaird Intl.) 27 -20 * BOZSCAGGS -It's Over(Columbia) 229 Boogie (Midland Int'I.)17 -10 * GARY WRIGHT-Love Is Alive (W.B.) www.americanradiohistory.com ARISTA GAINS UNPRECEDENTED MARKET SHARE IN LESS THAN TWO YEARS


A Billboard Publication The International Music -Record -Tape Newsweekly May 8, 1976 $1.50 Third Quarter Report On Single -LP Sales SINGLES LPs & TAPES COMBINED LPs, Tapes & Singles How The Top 10 Labels Shared The Hot 100 How The Top 10 Labels Shared The Top LP And How The Top 10 Labels Shared The Hot 100 And Chart Action No. of Tape Chart Action Top LP /Tape Chart Action RANK /Corp % Share of Chart Singles RANK /Corp No RANK /Corp No. CAPITOL 7.7 16 COLUMBIA 13.5 25 COLUMBIA 12.3 49

COLUMBIA 7.5 14 RCA 7.0 25 RCA 6.4 34

A &M 6.3 16 A &M 6I 25 5.5 7 MM.* WARNER BROS. 5.4 15 CAPITOL 5.8 33 A &M 5.5 9 CAPITOL 5.3 17 WARNER BROS. 5.2 24



MERCURY 3.7 7 ATLANTIC 3.4 14 MCA 3.3 3)

MCA ; 3.5 9 MCA 3.2 11 ATLANTIC 3.2 20 ABC 3 .4 6 ABC 2.5 9 ABC t 2.7 15

CB Airwaves Battle RACK JOBBER Rages Throughout CRISIS IN Industry Arista Shows Unparalleled By Dick Slatts NEW DELHI -Second only to ROUTE 66 -The Citizens Band India's grave concern with global Radio craze that is sweeping the nation problems is a growing awareness of a has set off a fierce battle for control of Ratio of Success serious rack -jobber shortage in the 23 CB the channels. Top promotion country. With an industry that is es- people throughout the industry are now sentially rack -oriented, the difficulties broadcasting latest via their releases NEW YORK a have been compounded by a continuing their CB's in order to obtain additional -With chart -to- one records awarded to Barry anti -piracy battle fought airplay for their hard new being by a -to -break release ratio higher than 65% of Manilow, Bay City Rollers and military junta currently controlling all product. By equipping their automo- product sold here. According to biles w /both cassette player and CB releases, Arista's remarkable gains Eric Carmen to the maior chart spokesman Nhami Sudhi, VP Sacred Radio, crafty promo men have been Cow Music, "Unauthorized duplica- able to expose new product during in sales of Singles, LPs & Tapes and sales success of Patti Smith, tion has been part of our history since morning and evening drive times with are the highlight of Billboard's The the beginning of time. Our recent great success. A Senate sub -committee Outlaws, Melissa Manchester, figures on dollar volume point today reported view toward their that no Third Quarter Research Report. The Brecker Brothers, Fools Gold, complete collapse, but we anticipate a American citizen could utilize CB strong sales rally based on pure chance channels for personal gain. This has The label showed in -depth Gil Scott- Heron, Monty Python and the usual brisk activity we've come been interpreted by Industryites as a to expect during Easter season." More - ban on the newly found promotional strength from the gold number and a galaxy of other Arista stars. ever, Sudhi went on to point out avenues offered by the CB craze. (Continued on page 54)

or- MngTheÑxt Quarter Even Better! rerMlith ust- Released Hit Single Smash Single

From The ` oaring um From Their Sparkling "LADY IN WAITING" Debut Album. * 36 BILLBOARD *135 BILLBOARD Advertisement www.americanradiohistory.com 20 Ploylist Top Add Ons Billboard Sin9les Roliok Ploylist Prime Movers * Based on station playlists through Thursday (5/13/76)

Continued from page 78 WSAI- Cincinnati WCAO -Baltimore WPRO- Providence WBBQ- Augusta KAAY- Little Rock WHB- Kansas City D SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And MARVIN GAYE -I Want You (Tamla) ERIC CARMEN-Never Gonna Fall In STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The BLACKBYRDS -Happy Music Boogie (Midland Intl.) AMERICA -Today's The Day (W.B.) DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue Love Again (Arista) Money & Run (Capitol) (Fantasy) (Malaco) STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The D* DIANA ROSS-Love Hangover THIN LIZZY-The Boys Are Back In NEILSEDAKA-Love In The Shadows MAC-Rhiannon Money & Run (Capitol) (Motown) 16 -9 FLEETWOOD Town (Mercury) (Rocket) (Warner /Reprise) * PRATT& McCLAIN -Happy Days D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And * BARRY MANILOW -Tryin' To Get The (Warner /Reprise) 23-11 Boogie(Midland Intl) 19-13 * SEALS & CROFTS-Get Closer (W.B.) JOHN SEBASTIAN -Welcome Back D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And Feeling Again (Arista) 20 -10 * 28 -17 Boogie(Midland Int'l.)13 -8 * BEATLES- HelterSkelter(Capitol) WGH- Newport News, Va. (Warner /Reprise) 12 -3 25 -17 D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And D* DIANAROSS- LoveHangover BROTHERS JOHNSON -I'll Be Good To * ROLLING STONES -Fool To Cry * O'JAYS- Livin' For The Weekend WCOL -Columbus Boogie (Midland 14-5 (Motown) 10 -7 You (A &M) Intl) (Rolling Stones) 17 -11 (Phila. Intl.) 10-5 KEW' -Topeka RHYTHM HERITAGE- Baretta's BRASS CONSTRUCTION- Movin' WORC- Worcester, Mass. WSGN -Birmingham, Ala. WHHB- Memphis PAULSIMON -Still Crazy After All Theme (ABC) (U.A.) Is Alive (W.B.) These Years (Columbia) STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The * DOROTHYMOORE -Misty Blue HEART -Crazy On You (Mushroom) GARY WRIGHT-Love CAPTAIN &TENNILLE -Shop Around Money & Run (Capitol) (Malaco) 20-12 GINO CUNICO -Daydreamer(Arista) GARY WRIGHT-Love Is Alive (W.B.) DOOBIE BROS.-Takin' It To The (A &M) * HENRY GROSS-Shannon (Lifesong) D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And * WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) 6-1 Streets (W.B.) GRECO- Making Our Dreams PARLIAMENT -Tear The Roof Off The 16.3 Boogie (Midland Intl.) 20 -12 WYRE -Annapolis, Md. * CYNDI 16.8 * CAPTAIN &TENNILLE -Shop Around Sucker (Casablanca) JOHN SEBASTIAN-Welcome Back CAPTAIN & TENNILLE-Shop Around Come True (Private Stock) * * DOROTHYMOORE -Misty Blue (A&M) 15-8 BAD COMPANY -Young Blood (Swan (Warner /Reprise) 18 -7 (A&M)33-25 (Malaco) D* DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover * WAKY -Louisville * DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES-Sara Song) 27 -19 SHAKERS -Some Guys Have All The (Motown) 11 -5 Smile (RCA) 20 -15 GARY WRIGHT-Love ls Alive (W.B.) Luck (Asylum) * WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) North Central Region WDRC -Hartford JIMMY DEAN- 1.0.U. (Casino) * WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) WHHY- Montgomery, Ala. 15 -11 VOCAL Afternoon 10 -5 ltOut Loud * STARLAND BAND- KISS-Shout HEART -Crazy On You (Mushroom) WMPS- Memphis TOP ADD ONS: Delight (Windsong) 27 -10 * DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES -Sara (Casablanca) Our Dreams Back Smile(RCA)11 -6 CYNDI GRECO-Making ROLLING STONES -Fool To Cry * JOHN SEBASTIAN -Welcome All CAPTAIN & TENNILLE -Shop Around (AMA) PAULSIMON -Still Crazy After Come True (Private Stock) (Warner /Reprise) 13 -5 WLEE- Richmond,Va. (Rolling Stones) ERIC CARMEN -Never Gonna Fall In Love These Years (Columbia) WBGN Green, Ky. STARLAND VOCAL BAND- Afternoon Again (Arista) -Bowling BROTHERS JOHNSON-I'll Be Good To * ERIC CARMEN-Never Gonna Fall In ELVIN BISHOP -Fooled Around & Fell Delight (Windsong) 24 -15 STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The Money And STARBUCK -Moonlight Feels Right You (A &M) * Love Again (Arista) In Love (Capricorn) 13 -5 Run (Capitol) (Private Stock) Takin' It To The GARY WRIGHT-Love Is Alive (W.B.) DOOBIE BROS.- * D* ANDREA TRUE CONNECTION -More, WETWILLIE -Everything That'Cha Do Streets (W.B.) D* DIANA ROSS- Love Hangover 15 -8 More, More (Buddah) 10-7 Blue (Motown) 22 -15 (Capricorn) * DOROTHY MOORE -Misty WTOB- Winston /Salem, N.C. -Don't Pull Your * PRIME MOVERS: * JOHN SEBASTIAN -Welcome Back (Malaco) 20.14 * WTRY-Albany Love (Capitol) 17.14 (Warner /Reprise) 23 -13 D* DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover STARLANDVOCALBAND-Afternoon BRASS CONSTRUCTION -Movie (U. A) Delight (Windsong) * O'JAYS- Livin' For The Weekend (Motown) 10 -3 GARY WRIGHT-Love ls Alive (W.B.) WMAK -Nashville DARYL HALL I JOHN OATES -Sara Smile (RCA) (Phila.Int'I.)14.8 ERIC CARMEN-Never GonnaFallln JOHN SEBASTIAN- Welcome Back (Warner/ BAY CITY ROLLERS- Rock &Roll Love D. SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And WJET -Erie, Pa. Love Again (Arista) Reprise) Northeast Region Letter (Arista) Boogie (Midland Int'l.) BROTHERS JOHNSON -I'll Be Good To * ROLLING STONES-Fool To Cry WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) Blood (Swan You (A &M) * (Rolling Stones) 21.13 BAD COMPANY -Young TOP ADD ONS: 14-8 STARBUCK -Moonlight Feels Right Song) BREAKOUTS: * BILLY OCEAN -Love Really Hurts (Private Stock) BARRY MANILOW- Tryin' To Get The Feeling Really Hurts * BILLY OCEAN -Love You America) 18-12 * HENRY GROSS -Shannon (Lifesong) Again (Arista) Without (Ariola CAPTAIN & TENNILLE -Shop Around (AGM) * BELLAMY BROS.-Let Your Love Flow Without You (Ariola America) 18-13 14 -6 PRATT & MCCUIN -Happy Days (Warner /Re- ERIC CARMEN -Never Gonna Fall In Love (W.B. /Curb) 25-17 WSGA- Savannah0Ga. prise) WPTR -Albany * GLEN CAMPBELL -Don't Pull Your Again (Arista) In The Shadows * NEILSEDAKA -Love STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The Money And STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The Money And MANHATTANS -Kiss And Say Love (Capitol) 27-22 (Rocket) 22 -16 Run (Capitol) ERIC CARMEN-Never Gonna Fall In Goodbye (Columbia) Run (Capitol) WLAC- Nashville WRIE -Erie, Pa. Love Again (Arista) DOOBIE BROS.-Takin' It To The MARVIN GAYE -I Want You (Tamla) D. SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And * PRIME MOVERS: BAY CITY ROLLERS -Rock & Roll Love Streets (W.B.) CKLW- ANDREA Boogie (Midland Intl.) D TRUE CONNECTION -More, Letter (Arista) DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue D TRAMMPS -That's Where The Happy More, More (Buddah) * (DI DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover (Motown) BROTHERS JOHNSON-1'11 Be Good To D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And (Malaco) 14-9 People Go (Atlantic) * CAPTAIN & TENNILLE -Shop Around WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) You (A &M) Boogie (Midland Intl.) HB -19 -You'll Never Find (A&M) 19-10 (D) SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And Boogie * GARY WRIGHT-Love Is Alive (W.B.) ROSS-Love Hangover Another Love Like Mine (Phila. Intl.) * DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue (Midland Intl) 26 -21 D* DIANA * FLEETWOOD MAC-Rhian non (Motown) 28.20 D* DIANA ROSS- Love Hangover (Malaco) 20-13 (Warner /Reprise) 20 -15 WTMA -Charleston, S.C. (Motown) 23 -12 WCUE -Akron * DOOBIEBROS.- Takin' It To The * WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) AMERICA -Today's The Day (W.B.) BREAKOUTS: STARBUCK -Moonlight Feels Right Streets(W.B.) HB -28 13 -8 Southeast Region (Private Stock) BAND -Johnny Cool WLCY -St. Petersburg, Fla. WGRD -Grand Rapids (MCA) rri ERIC CARMEN -Never Gonna Fall In Love ERIC CARMEN-Never Gonna Fall In MANHATTANS -Kiss And Say -Sweet Love * BRASS CONSTRUCTION- Movin' Again (Arista) TOP ADD ONS: Love Again (Arista) >- (Motown) (U.A.) 39 -25 GARY WRIGHT -Love Is Alive (W.B.) Goodbye (Columbia) CAPTAIN &TENNILLE -Shop Around HURT -Crazy On You (Mushroom) MANHATTANS -Kiss And Say Goodbye (Colon * * HENRY GROSS- Shannon (Lifesong) FLEETWOOD MAC-Rhiannon bra) (A&M)H B-14 2 * DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES-Sara 26-15 (Warner /Reprise) ERIC CARMEN -Never Gonna Fall In Love Smile (RCA) 8 -1 D* DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover Again (Arista) * NEILSEDAKA -Love In The Shadows * ELVIN BISHOP -Fooled Around & Fell (Motown) 18-8 Mid - Atlantic Region WABC -New York City CYNDI GRECO- Making Our Dreams Come (Rocket) 29 -16 In Love(Capricorn)11.7 True (Private Stock) WKIX-Raleigh, N.C. BARRY MANILOW- Tryin' To Get The Z -96 (WIZM -FM) -Grand Rapids * PRATT& McCLAIN -Happy Days Feeling Again (Arista) - SEALS & CROFTS -Get Closer (W.B.) (Warner /Reprise) 11-5 ERIC CARMEN-Never Gonna Fall In TOP ADD ONS: PRATT& McCLAIN -Happy Days * PRIME MOVERS: Love Again (Ariola America) ERIC CARMEN-Never GonnaFallln WQAM - (Warner/ Reprise) CAPTAIN & TENNILLE-Shop Around Love Again (Arista) (D) ANDREA TRUE CONNECTION -More, Mope * WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) (D) SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And Boogie NONE (A &M) More, (Part 1) (Buddah) 14-8 (Midland Intl) * ROLLING STONES-Fool To Cry BAD COMPANY -Young Blood (Swan BRASS CONSTRUCTION (U.A.) * -Movie' (D) DIANA ROSS Hangover (Motown) 29 -14 D* DIANA ROSS -Love Hangover -Love (Rolling Stones) Song) 16 -9 AMERICA- Today's The Day (W. R I DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES -Sara Smile (RCA) (Motown) 7 -4 * QUEEN- Bohemian Rhapsody WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) * DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES -Sara * (Elektra) 19- 10 10-5 WPIX -FM -New York City Smile (RCA) 22-12 D* DIANA ROSS- Love Hangover WTAC -Flint, Mich. * PRIME MOVERS: MARVIN GAYE -I Want You (Tamla) BREAKOUTS: WORD- Spartanburg, S.C. (Motown) 29.21 DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue MANHATTANS -Kiss And Say MANHATTANS -Kiss And Say Goodbye (Colum- BILL LABOUNTY-Lie To Me (20th (Malaco) WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) Goodbye (Columbia) Y -100 (WHYI-FM)-M iami/Ft. Lauderdale bia) Century) Around (D)SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And Boogie ELVIN BISHOP -Fooled Around & Fell CAPTAIN &TENNILLE-Shop * ERIC CARMEN -Never Gonna Fall In Love (Midland Int'l.) NONE (A &M) In Love (Capricorn) 20 -14 Again (Arista) SUNDOWN CO. -Norma Jean DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue (Malaco) * DON HARRISON BAND- Sixteen Tons * CAPTAIN &TENNILLE -Shop Around CYNDI GRECO- Making Our Dreams Come (Polydor) (Atlantic) 30 -22 (A &M)26 -17 True (Private Stock) * MANHATTANS -Kiss And Say * HENRY GROSS-Shannon (Lifesong) D* DIANA Hangover WBBF -Rochester, N.Y. ROSS-Love Goodbye (Columbia) HB -12 HB -10 (Motown) BREAKOUTS: 29-24 HEART -Crazy On You (Mushroom) WQXI- Atlanta D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And WIXY - Around CAPTAIN & TENNILLE-Shop 21 -11 (D) ANDREA Boogie (Midland Intl) Boogie (Midland Int'I.) 21.15 ERIC CARMEN-Never Gonna Fall In TRUE CONNECTION -More, More. (A &M) DARYL HALL &JOHN OATES -Sara More (Part 1) (Buddah) WAYS- Charlotte, N.C. Love Again (Arista) * DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES-Sara Smile (RCA) WQPD- Lakeland, Fla. BRASS CONSTRUCTION- Mom' (U.A.) CAPTAIN &TENNILLE-Shop Around Smile(RCA)19 -12 Want You AMERICA-Today's The Day (W. B.) MARVIN GAYE-I (Tamla) BOBSEEGER- Nutbush City Limits (A &M) * PRATT& McCLAIN -Happy Days MANHATTANS -Kiss And Say (Capitol) * BILLY OCEAN -Love Really Hurts (Warner /Reprise) 8-4 * CATE BROS. -Union Man (Elektra) Goodbye (Columbia) Without You (Ariola America) 37-26 WRKO- Boston HB -17 -I'd Like To Know You STARLAND VOCAL BAND-Afternoon Better (Ode) JOHN TRAVOLTA -Let Her I n WFIL- Philadelphia * * STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The * DOROTHYMOORE -Misty Blue (Midland Int'I) 21.13 Delight (Windsong) HB- 18 D. ANDREA TRUE CONNECTION -More. Money & Run (Capitol) (Malaco) 16 -9 * BILLCOSBY -Yes, Yes, Yes (Capitol) WGCL- Cleveland More, More (Buddah) THIN LIZZY -The Boys Are Back In * CATE BROS. -Union Man (Elektra) 32 -15 WFOM -Atlanta HENRY GROSS- Shannon (Lifesong) BRASS CONSTRUCTION- Movin' Town (Mercury) 26 -20 * JOHN SEBASTIAN -Welcome Back Around (U.A.) ROBINSON The Beat CAPTAIN & TENNILLE -Shop D* VICKI SUE -Turn STARLANDVOCALBAND- Afternoon WNOX- Knoxville (Warner /Reprise) 23 -7 (A &M) * WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) Around (RCA) HB- 14 Delight (Windsong) * BOZSCAGGS -It's Over(Columbia) 10 -3 * CYNDI GRECO-Making Our Dreams DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue WMFJ- Daytona Beach, Fla. 21-11 SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And Come True (Private Stock) 21-16 CYNDI GRECO-Making Our Dreams (Malaco) D* TONY ORLANDO & DAWN-Mid n ight Boogie (Midland 22 -16 WBZ-FM Come True (Private Stock) * BRASS CONSTRUCTION -Movin' Intl.) -Boston FLEETWOOD MAC-Rhiannon Love Affair (Elektra) (U.A.) 24.16 WIBG -Philadelphia -TVC 15 (RCA) Hangover (Warner /Reprise) D* DIANA ROSS -Love The 13 -Q (WKTQ)- Pittsburgh AMERICA -Today's Day (W.B.) STARLANDVOCALBAND- Afternoon QUEEN -You Are My Best Friend (Motown) 27-18 * PETER FRAMPTON -Show Me The Loveln The Shadows ELVIN BISHOP - Fooled Around & Fell Delight (Windsong) ( Elektra) Way(A &M) 17 -5 * NEIL SEDAKA- DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue In Love (Capricorn) AMERICA -Today's The Day (W.B.) * DOOBIE BROS.- Takin' It To The * (Rocket) 18.12 (Malaco) 24 -16 D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And ERIC CARMEN -Never Gonna Fall In Streets (W.B.) 26 -20 * Boogie (Midland Intl.) 9 -4 D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And * JOHN TRAVOLTA -Let Her In Love Again (Arista) 27 -16 * LEEGARETT- You're My Everything Z -93 (WZGC- FM)- Atlanta Boogie (Midland Intl.) HB -15 (Midland Intl.) 21-12 * STARBUCK -Moonlight Feels Right (Chrysalis) HB -26 WGOW- Chattanooga, Tenn. D* ANDREA TRUE CONNECTION -More, (Private Stock) 25 -17 WVBF -FM- Framingham, Mass. MANHATTANS -Kiss And Say ROLLING STONES -Fool To Cry 1976, Publi- More, More (Buddah) 20-13 WPGC -Washington Goodbye (Columbia) Copyright Billboard BLACKBYRDS-Happy Music (Rolling Stones) cations, Inc. No part of this publi- WKBW -Buffalo GARY WRIGHT-Love Is Alive (W.B.) (Fantasy) STEVE MILLER BAND -Take The AL WILSON -I've GotA Feeling cation may be reproduced, stored D ANDREATURECONNECTION & in NONE D ANDREA TRUE CONNECTION -More, -More. Money Run (Capitol) (Playboy) a retrieval system, or trans- More, More (Buddah) More, More (Buddah) mitted, in any form or by any * DARYLHALL &JOHNOATES -Sara DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES-Sara means, * DARYL HALL & JOHN OATES-Sara D* SILVER CONVENTION -Get Up And D* DIANA ROSS- Love Hangover * electronic, mechanical, Smile (RCA) 25.20 Smile (RCA) 16 -3 photocopying, recording, or oth- Smile (RCA) 21-8 Boogie (Midland I nt'I.) 21 -16 (Motown) 12 -4 erwise, without the prior written Afternoon Love Songs -Get Up And * WINGS -Silly Love Songs (Capitol) * STARLAND VOCAL BAND- * WINGS -Silly (Capitol) * ELVIS PRESLEY- Hurt /For The Heart D* SILVER CONVENTION permission of the publisher. 12 -6 Delight (Windsong) 16-12 14 -9 (RCA) 6-3 Boogie (Midland I nt'I.) 21 -8

www.americanradiohistory.com The new album by Grammy Award- Winning Natalie Cole includes her new smash hit, Sophisticated Lady (She's A Different Lady) (4259)

Capitol.i Album produced by Chuck Jackson and Marvin Yancv. Single produced by Chuck Jackson, Marvin Yancy, Gene Barge and Richard Evans.

www.americanradiohistory.com 22 Billboard Album RodioAction. Playlist Top Ad Ons Top Requests /Airplay * Regional Breakouts & National Breakouts Based on station playlists through Thursday (5/13/76) Top Add Ons- National Top Requests /Airplay - National National Breakouts

JOE COCKER- Stingray (A &M) WINGS -At The Speed Of Sound (Capitol) JOE COCKER- Stingray (A &M) -Here And There (MCA) ROLLING STONES-Black And Blue (Rolling Stones) CHARLIE DANIELS BAND -Saddle Tramp (Epic) -Royal Scam (ABC) TUBES -Young And Rich (A &M) STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) CHARLIE DANIELS BAND -Saddle Tramp (Epic) STEPHEN STILLS- Illegal Stills (Columbia) TODD RUNDGREN -Faithful (Bearsville)

KIEL -FM- Eugene WRNO -FM -New Orleans WEBN -FM- Cincinnati WRAS-FM -Atlanta WGRQ- FM- Buffalo ADD ONS -The four key prod- SONS OFCHAMPUN- Circle Filled With Here ucts added at the radio stations STEELY DAN-Royal Scam (ABC) STEVE MILLER BAND -Fly Like An Eagle STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) ELTON JOHN- & There (MCA) Love (Ariola America) (Capitol) listed; as determined by station CHARLIEDANIELSBAND- SaddleTramp GRAM PARSONS /FLYING BURRITO NAZARETH -Close Enough For Rock'n'Roll MICHAEL STANLEY BAND -Ladies Choice personnel. (Epic) BROS.- Sleepless Nights (A &M) (A &M) BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS-Rastaman (Epic) TOP REQUESTS /AIRPLAY- Vibrations (Island) (A &M) STEPHEN STILLS- Illegal Stills (Columbia) The four products registering JOE COCKER -Stingray J. GEILS BAND -Blow Your Face Off BOB MARLEY &THEWAILERS -Rastaman the greatest listener requests STEVE FROMHOLZ -A Rumor In My Own (Atlantic) TUBES -Young And Rich (A &M) Vibrations (Island) - (Atlantic) Time (Capitol) and airplay; as determined by JOE COCKER -Stingray (A &M) JOE COCKER-Stingray (A&M) CHARUE DANIELS BAND-Saddle Tramp HEART -Dreamboat Annie (Mushroom -Live And In Color station personnel. (Epic) Records) (Warner Brothers) JOHN DAVID SOUTHER -Black Rose BREAKOUTS- Billboard Chart REGAESPECTACULAR -(A &M) (Asylum I -Greatest Stories Live TUBES -Young And Rich (A &M) Dept. summary of Add Ons and ithful(Bearsville) (Elektra) Requests /Airplay information * TODD RUNDGREN -Fa * PETERFRAMPTON- Frampton Comes Alive DOOBIE BROTH ERS-Takin' It To The * CAMEL -Moonmadness(Janus) * CAMEL- Moonmadness(Janus) (A &M) to reflect greatest product ac- Streets (Warner Brothers) * -Presence (Swan Song) * CHARLIE DANIELS BAND-Saddle Tramp tivity at regional and national * THIN LIZZY- Jailbreak (Mercury) * ELTON JOHN-Here And There (MCA) levels. (Epic) * WINGS -At The Speed Of Sound (Capitol) * PETER FRAMPTON -Frampton Comes Alive * BOBMARLEY&THEWAILERS- Rastaman (A &M) ROY HARPER -When An Old Cricketer * ROLLING STONES -Black And Blue (Rolling BROTHERS JOHNSON -Look Out For #1 Vibrations (Island) * Leaves The Crease (Chrysalis) Stones) (A &M) * WINGS -At The Speed Of Sound (Capitol) KBPI-FM- Denver With The Pack (Swan Western Region * GENESIS -A Trick Of The Tail (Atco) * BAD COMPANY -Run * LEON & MARY RUSSELL -Wedding Album * BOZ SCAGGS-Sil k Degrees(Columbia) Song) KBPI- (KBPI) (Paradise) * AL DiMEOLA -Land Of The Midnight Sun WYDD-FM- Pittsburgh TOP ADD ONS: STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) (Columbia) WM M R -FM - Philadelphia CAMEL- Moonmadness(Janus) Region CHARLIE DANIELS BAND-Saddle Tram p WAN-FM-Jacksonville TODDRUNDGREN- Faithful(Bearsville) SONS OF CHAMPLN- Circle Filled With Love (Bearsville) Midwest TODD RUNDGREN -Faithful (Epic) (Arta America) GRAM PARSONS /FLYING BURRITO BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS -Rastaman TODD RUNDGREN -Faithful (Bearsville) JOE COCKER- Stingray (MM) Vibrations (Island) TOP ADD ONS: & THE ENGLISH ROCK BROS.- Sleepless Nights (A &M) ERIC ANDERSON -Sweet Surprise (Arista) -No Earthly Connection (A &M) TUBES-Young And Rich (A &M) CHARLIE DANIELS BAND-Saddle Tramp DAN Scam (ABC) ELTON JOHN -Here And There (MCA) STEELY -Royal (Epic) CHARLIE DANIELS BAND -Saddle Tramp IAN HUNTER -All American Alien Boy SONS OFCHAM PUN -Circle Filled With RENAISSANCE- Live At (Sire) * WINGS -At The Speed Of Sound (Capitol) Epic) (Columbia) Love (Ariola America) * BOZSCAGGS -Silk Degrees (Columbia) JOE COCKER- Stingray (MM) CHARUE DANIELS BAND-Saddle Tramp /AIRPLAY: STEVE GIBBONS -Any Road Up(MCA) JOE COCKER-Stingray (A&M) *TOP REQUEST STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) (Epic) * DOOBIEBROTHERS- Takin' It To The M) ROLLING STONES -Black And Blue (Roiling TUBES -Young And Rich (A & LEE GARRETT- Heat For the Feels Regae Streets (Warner Brothers) SHACKERS- Yankee (Asylum) JOE COCKER-Stingray (A&M) Stones) (Chrysalis) * FIREFALL- (Atlantic) NOME BROTHERS-Takin' It To The Streets ELTON JOHN- Here And There (MCA) * STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) (Warner Brothers) JOE COCKER-Stingray (A&M) *TOP REQUEST /AIRPLAY: * BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS-Rastaman * GRAN PARSONS /FLYING BURRITO WINGS -At The Speed Of Sound (Capitol) Southwest Region * STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) Vibrations (Island) BROS.- Sleepless Nights (A &M) TUBES And Rich (A &M) -Young LED ZEPPELIN- Presence (Swan Song) The Speed * STEPHEN STILLS -Illegal Stills (Columbia) * CHARLIEDANIELSBAND- SaddleTramp * BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS-Rasta man TOP ADD ONS: WINGS-At Of Sound (Capitol) STEPHEN STILLS- Illegal Stills (Columbia) (Epic) Vibrations (Island) BREAKOUTS: * ROY BUCHANAN -A Street Called Straight A THE BULLET BIND -Live Bullet (Atlantic) WINGS -At The Speed Of Sound (Capitol) RENAISSANCE- Live At Carnegie Hall (Sire) SONS OF CHAMPLIN- Circle Filled With Love * * ELTON JOHN -Here And There (MCA) (Capitol) (Ariola America) WRAF 10E COCKER- Stingray (MM) * FLEETWOOD MAC-(Reprise) * LED ZEPPELIN- Presence (Swan Song) -FM- Worcester CHARLIE DANIELS BAND -Saddle Tramp STEPHEN STILLS- Illegal Stills (Columbia) (Epic) ELTON JOHN -Here And There (MCA) 1. GEILS BAND -Blow Your Face OH (Atlantic) BREAKOUTS: JOE COCKER-Stingray (MM) Southeast Region Region Northeast MARTHAVELEZ- Escape From Babylon ANDERSON (Arista) ERIC -Sweet Surprise STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) (Sire) m Tramp CHARLIE DANIELS BAND -Saddle TOP ADD ONS: TOP ADD ONS: REQUEST /AIRPLAY. (Epic) J. GEILS BAND-Blow Your Face Off N. KLOS-FM -Los Angeles *TOP JOE COCKER- Stingray (A&M) (Atlantic) STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) CHARLIE DANIELS BAND -Saddle Tramp CHARLIE DANIELS BAND -Saddle Tramp TUBES -Young And Rich (MM) ERIC ANDERSON -Sweet Surprise (Arista) (Epic) ROLLING STONES -Blach And Blue (Rolling Epic) JOE COCKER-Stingray (A&M) J. Your Face Oft tr GEILS BAND-Blow Stones) STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) (Atlantic) RICKWAKEMAN&THEENGUSHROCK DOOBIE BROTHERS- Takin' It To The Streets TODD RUNDGREN- faithful (Bearsville) JOE COCKER- Stingray (A&M) WWWW -FM- Detroit ENSEMBLE -No Earthly Connection (A &M) >- NAZARETH -Close Enough For Rock'n'Roll (Warner Brothers) 10E COCKER- Stingray (RAM) ELTON JOIN -Here And There (MCA) < (A &M) WINGS -AI The Speed Of Sound (Capitol) STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) CHARUE DANIELS BAND-Saddle Tramp 2 FIREFALL- (Atlantic) (Epic) * STEPHEN STILLS -Illegal Stills (Columbia) TUBES -Young And Rich (A &M) BREAKOUTS: *TOP REQUEST /AIRPLAY: *TOP REQUEST /AIRPLAY: IAN HUNTER -All American Alien Boy * TUBES-Young And Rich (A &M) (Columbia) * LED ZEPPEUN-Presence (Swan Song) LED ZEPPELIN- Presence (Swan Song) STEELY DAN-Royal Scam (ABC) STEELY DAN-Royal Scam (ABC) * TODD RUNDGREN -Faithful (Bearsville) 1. GEILS Your Face (Atlantic) * PETER FRAMPTON- Frampton Comes Alive BOBMARLEY &THEWAILERS- Rastaman WINGS -At The Speed Of Sound (Capitol) BAND -Blow OU ELTON JOHN -Here And There (MCA) Comes Alive (A &M) BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS- Rastaman Vi- TUBES -Young And Rich (MM) * PETER FRAMPTON-Frampton (A &M) Vibrations (Island), JOE COCKER-Stingray (A &M) ROWNG STONES-Black And Blue (Rolling brahons (Island) ROLLING STONES -Black And Blue (Rolling * J. GEILS BAND -Blow Your Face OH (Atlantic) STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) Illegal Stills (Columbia) Stones) Stones) STEPHEN STILLS- WPLR-FM -New Haven * DOOBIEBROTHERS- Takin' It To -Young And Rich (A &M) Streets (Warner Brothers) IAN HUNTER -All American Alien Boy J. GEILS BAND-Blow Your Face Ott BREAKOUTS: (Columbia) KOME -FM-San Jose KSHE- FM -St. Louis BREAKOUTS: (Atlantic) ELTON JOHN -Here And There (MCA) GIANTS -Thanks For The Music CHARLIE DANIELS BAND -Saddle Tramp STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) CHARLIE& THE PEP BOYS - Daddy's Girl BULLET (A CHARLIE DANIELS BAND-Saddle Tramp (Casablanca) * BOB SEGER & -Live (Epic) CHARLIE DANIELS BAND -Saddle Tramp &M) Bullet (Capitol) STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) (Epic) (Epic) CHARLIE DANIELS BAND-Saddle Tramp JOE COCKER -Stingray (A &M) (Epic) TODD RUNDGREN- faithful (Bearsville) JOE COCKER- Stingray (A &M) SONSOFCHAMPUN- Circle Filled With * LED ZEPPELIN- Presence (Swan Song) 10E COCKER-Stingray (A &M) TODD RUNDGREN- Faithful (Bearsville) MICHAELBOLOTIN-Every Day Of My Life Love (Ariola America) SAVOY BROWN-Skin 'N' Bone (London) * NAZARETH -Close Enough For Rock'n'Roll (RCA) JOECOCKER- Stingray (A &M) RICK WAKEMAN & THE ENGLISH ROCK (A &M) SHAWNPHILUPS- Rumplestiltskin's ENSEMBLE -No Earthly Connection (A &M) WSH E- FM -Ft. Lauderdale WNEW -FM -New York Resolve (A &M) ELTONJOHN- Here And There (MCA) * SAVOY BROWN-Skin 'N' Bone (London) Filled With SONS OFCHAMPUN-Circle WMMS- Cleveland FIREFALL- (Atlantic) JOHN SEBASTIAN -Welcome Back (Warner * ROWNG STONES-Black And Blue (Rolling DOOBIEBROTHERS- Takin' It To The * Love (Ariola America) Brothers) Stones) Streets (Warner Brothers) STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) * TUBES -Young And Rich (A &M) -Rock Father CHARUEDANIELSBAND- SaddleTramp * CHARLIE DANIELS BAND- Saddle Tramp * WINGS -At The Speed Of Sound (Capitol) (Buddah) * BOBSEGERATHEBULLETBAND -Live CHARLIE DANIELS BAND -Saddle Tramp (Epic) ROWNG STONES-Black And Blue (Rolling (Epic) * Bullet (Capitol) (Epic) ELTON JOHN-Here And There (MCA) Stones) Tickled * J. GEILS BAND -Blow Your Face Off * STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) TM MAHAL-Satisfied 'N' Too And Rich (A &M) TODD RUNDGREN ithful (Bearsville) (Atlantic) * TUBES -Young STREETWALKERS -Red Card (Mercury) -Fa (Columbia) * FIREFALL- (Atlantic) KDKB- FM- Phoenix LENNY LeBLANC- (Atlantic) * BE BOP DELUXE-Sunburst Finish KLOL- FM- Houston TOWER OF POWER- Live & In Color (Warner IAN HUNTER -All American Alien Boy Surprise (Arista) (Harvest) ERIC ANDERSON -Sweet Brothers) (Columbia) ELTONJOHN -Here AndThere(MCA) DON HARRISON BAND- (Atlantic) JOE COCKER-Stingray (A&M) WBRU- FM- Providence JOE COCKER -Stingray (A &M) -Welcome Back JOE COCKER- Stingray (A&M) ELTON JOHN -Here And There (MCA) JOHN SEBASTIAN * STEPHEN STILLS -Illegal Stills (Columbia) (Warner /Reprise) STEELY DAN -Royal Scam SONS OF CHAPLIN- Circle Filled With Love STEPHEN STILLS -Illegal Stills (Columbia) STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) (ABC) LED ZEPPELIN-Presence (Swan Song) (ABC) * (Ariola America) STEELY DAN -Royal Scam BROKEN GLASS- (Capitol) TODD RUNDGREN -Faithful (Bearsville) IAN HUNTER -All American Alien Boy CAMEL- Moonmadness (Janus) PETER FRAMPTON-Frampton Comes Alive * * TAI MAHAL- Satisfied 'N' Tickled Too (Columbia) * LED ZEPPELIN - Presence (Swan Song) (A &M) * BOBMARLEY&THEWAILERS- Rastaman (Columbia) STEPHEN STILLS-Illegal Stills (Columbia) Vibrations (Island) * GENESIS -A Trick Of The Tail (Atco) * WINGS -At The Speed Of Sound (Capitol) * CHARLIE DANIELS BAND -Saddle Tramp * TODD RUNDGREN - Fait hful (Bearsville) PETERFRAMPTON- Frampton ComesAlive WINGS -At The Speed Of Sound (Capitol) WUR-FM -New York (Epic) * ROWNG STONES-Black And Blue (Rolling (A &M) * WHFS -FM- Washington Stones) ALAN PARSONS PROJECT Of * ROWNG STONES-Black And Blue (Rolling * ROLLING STONES-Black And Blue (Rolling MICHAEL STANLEY BAND -Ladies Choice -Tales STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) Mystery And Imagination (20th Cent.) * TUBES -Young And Rich (A &M) Stones) Stones) (Epic) * CHARLIE DANIELS BAND- Saddle Tramp STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) STEPHEN STILLS-Illegal Stills (Columbia) STREETWALKER -Red Card (Mercury) * WXRT Chicago In (Epic) -FM- TOWER OF POWER- LiveBAnd Color GENESIS -A Trick Of The Tail (Atco) * JOE COCKER -Stingray (A &M) (Warner Brothers) CHARUE &THE PEP BOYS-Daddy's Girl KPRI -FM -San Diego * KY102 -FM -Kansas City CHARUEDANIELS BAND-Saddle Tramp (A &M) CHARUE DANIELS BAND- Saddle Tramp FIREFALL- (Atlantic) (Epic) TODD RUNDGREN -Faithful (Bearsville) ELTON JOHN -Here And There (MCA) (Epic) * J. GELS BAND- Blow Your Face Out BOB SEGER & THE BULLET BAND -Live CHARLIE DANIELS Tramp FIREFALL -(Atlantic) STEPHEN STILLS -Illegal Stills (Columbia) BAND-Saddle (Atlantic) Bullet (Capitol) (Epic) J. GEILS BAND -Blow Your Face OH STILLS Stills (Columbia) BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS-Rastaman STEPHEN -Illegal STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) (Atlantic) * FARAGHER BROTHERS- (ABC) TODD RU NDGREN-Faithful (Bearsville) CHARLIE &THE PEP BOYS- Daddy's Girl Vibrations (Island) AndRich(A &M) SAVOY BROWN-Skin 'N' Bone (London) (A &M) ELTON JOHN -Here And There (MCA) * TUBES-Young STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) JOE COCKER-Stingray (A&M) Thanks For The Music Publi- SONS OFCHAMPLIN -CircleFilledWith J. GEILS BAND-Blow Your Face Off CAMEL- Moonmadness(Janus) * LEON & MARY RUSSELL -Wedding Album GIANTS- Copyright 1976, Billboard Love (Ariola America) (Atlantic) (Paradise) (Casablanca) cations, Inc. No part of this publi- JOE COCKER -Stingray (A &M) cation may be reproduced, stored HEART -DreamboatAnnie (Mushroom * * STEVE FROMHOLZ -A Rumor In My Own * STEELY DAN -Royal Scam (ABC) * -Touch (ABC) in a retrieval system, or trans- * LED ZEPPELIN -Presence (Swan Song) Records) Time (Capitol) * TODD RUNDGREN -Faithful (Bearsville) mitted, in any form or by any * DOOBIE BROTHERS- Takin' It To The * DOOBIE BROTHERS- Takin' It To The * HEART- Dreamboat Annie (Mushroom BOB MARLEY & THE WAILERS- Rastaman means, electronic, mechanical, Streets (Warner Brothers) Streets (Warner Brothers) Records) * * LES DUDEK- (Columbia) Vibrations (Island) photocopying, recording, or oth- * WINGS -At The Speed Of Sound (Capitol) * WINGS -At The Speed Of Sound (Capitol) erwise, without the prior written * THIN UM-Jailbreak (Mercury) * FIREFALL- (Atlantic) * ROWNG STONES-Black And Blue (Rolling * ROWNG STONES -Black And Blue (Rolling * JOHN DAVID SOUTHER -Black Rose permission of the publisher. Stones) Stones) * LED ZEPPELIN- Presence (Swan Song) (Asylum)

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www.americanradiohistory.com 24 Radio-TV Programming LProgramming Comment]

Continued from page 16 The one fallacy, which I think GwNEW p.m. -into the other so we could try you'll agree with, is that the sample to get some carryover. size, hour by hour, is so little you might Another AR13 trick is Jack not really know where, in- McCoy's recycling ploy, which you deed, the exact hour is with the problem. can do yourself. I think this ploy is But, at least you GmELGEASE sensational. You will be able to lo- are beginning the EVERY TITLE TO HIT THE '75 CHARTS cate pockets of listeners within an process of bringing people from one daypart to another. And, as long as 2,500 RECORDS -OVER 1,800 ARTISTS hour highs and lows for any demo - graphies. I experimented once. you'll admit that you have shared listening patterns, you can generally I ran one one -liner in what I tell that you're doing pretty well in graphed to be a high pocket of men. men, women, or teens in par- The one -liner said: "Tomorrow one 1975 ticular time period and not morning at 7:30 Charlie Van Dyke doing particularly well with them in will play the greatest song Elton an- other time period. John ever recorded." And you can create a reason in that time period And then I didn't play it. To see if where you have a measured captive anyone had noticed. audience to bring them back to you But I did play it at 7:33 a.m. be- later, because they are listening even cause the phone calls were incred- if they're listening to someone else. ible. Of course, the payoff has to be Supplements That's just one recycling ploy. right. If it's a high pocket of women But you'll notice that I recycled at 7 a.m. and you need them at 1 some listeners from one particular p.m., you wouldn't tell them they time period to another. The same lis- were going to hear the Bay . City teners. I think that the whole recy- Rollers. You'd have to give them cling concept cannot be taken something they would want. lightly. You do have pockets of lis- PRODUCED IN How important is it to have the teners. jock shifts in unison with the ARB? CONJUNCTION For example, have you ever gone We don't. It's partly based on the WITH BILLBOARD... to ARB and looked at a run? Have economics of what the station can ARRANGED BY them do a run for you that shows ev- afford to do. If a radio station can- ery mention of your radio station. not afford to break down its disk JOEL WHITBURN And also what it's shared with. You jockey shifts less than 6 -10 a.m., 10 might learn, for example, that you a.m.-3 p.m., 3 -7 p.m., and 7 -mid- have some guys who listen to you in night, that's okay. It's my feeling that HOT 100 TOP LP's HOT COUNTRY HOT SOUL EASY LISTENING the morning, but are at another sta- our own jocks, with the amount of SUPPLEMENTS UPDATE JOEL WHITBURN'S RECORD RESEARCH COLLECTION THROUGH 1975. tion in the afternoon listening to work we give them, cannot survive sports. more than four hours a day on the Now, you cannot make someone air. They would drop. In our case, TOP POP RECORDS 1975 TOP C & W RECORDS 1975 listen to your station who is not jocks work three hours in the day 570 Records and 326 artists...every title They're all here -500 records and 252 available to listen. If a guy is work- and four hours at night. that hit Billboard's 1975 "Hot 100" charts artists. That's every record to hit ing at 3 p.m., you're not going to eas- In Los Angeles kids are at school is in this book. Now you can have the most Billboard's 1975 "Hot Country Singles" ily train him to take his radio into the at 8 a.m. The latest the bell rings is at up to date reference collection in the charts. Complete artist and title sections shop to listen to you. But, if he's lis- 8:30 a.m. -so after 8 a.m. I don't business...Complete artist and title sec- update your collection through 1975. Also tening to radio, you can get him even consider teens in program- back. ming. Even if I had the choice of a tions, No. 1 Record Index, Trivia Section of includes No. 1 Record Top Index, Country So, if he's there in the morning, top artists and records. A must for anyone Artists, and Record Achievements. 40 super teen record, I would probably who's into music. 44 pages... $10 postpaid you give him something specific to play an option instead. pages...$10 postpaid in U.S.A. turn back on in the afternoon so that in U.S.A. At 8:30 a.m., I begin the midday TOP EASY LISTENING RECORDS 1975 he might, at least, begin sharing you clock. And I try to get that carryover The first supplement to with sports in the afternoon. of audience at 10 a.m. via quarter - TOP R & B RECORDS 1975 the most in And that way you build up your hour maintenance. I do change jocks Lists 497 record titles and320 artists. Every the world. 276 records, 186 artists all in this afternoon show. at 9 a.m., though he doesn't talk as record to hit Billboard's 1975 "Hot Soul exclusive supplement. That's every I think you can find the pockets much. It's as if, however, we didn't Singles" charts is included. Easy to use record and artist to hit Billboard's 1975 "Top and move them across. change jocks because we're so alike section by artist and another by title. Also 50 Easy Listening" chart. Includes complete artist section and Again, the sample size hour by on the air. Except that I'm ex- No. 1 records index, Top artists and record hour of an ARB study is a little risky title section, plus more easy to use hausted. achievements. 40 pages...$10 postpaid in to base things on, but it gives you I think that in the daytime, keep- U.S.A. information. 30 pages...$1O postpaid in U.S.A. something to go for and if you graph ing to a three -hour shift is a wonder- your audience for a long period of ful thing if the station can afford it, TOP LP'S 1975 EACH SUPPLEMENT AN ENTIRE time you can check it against Pulse because there's less wear-out factor 652 LP'S and 490 artists. It's the only HISTORY OF BILLBOARD'S 1975 CHARTS. or do an overlay of past ARB graphs. and the jock gets off the air with complete 1975 album record. Every album Includes: Date (month /day /year) record Let's say that at 5 a.m. in teens you something left to say. If a man is on to hit Billboard's "Top LP's" charts in 1975 first hit charts. Highest position record have a share of 13. At 6 a.m., you for four hours, he may get a little is listed by artist, plus No. 1 LP Index. It's a reached. Total number of weeks on have a 24. At 7 a.m. you have a 25. weary. complete update of the most inclusive charts. Label and record number. You list these shares horizontally Plus, our competitors, with the ex- history of charted albums available today. Quick reference to spot No. 1 and Top 10 across, hour by hour. At 3 p.m., ception of the MOR stations, are all 40 pages...$10 postpaid in U.S.A. records. you've got a 3 share; something hor- running four -hour shifts and our rible happened. At 4 p.m., your guys feel a psychological edge that ONLY COMPLETE HISTORY OF CHARTED MUSIC shares go back up and you have an we're always fresher. NOW AVAILABLE... 18 share. (On the graph, hours run The maximum number of com- Joel Whitburn's Record Research Collection is the only horizontally, shares vertically). mercials that you can put into a stop authentic record of Billboard's charts available today. It's The basic concept of recycling is set without hurting yourself'? used by program directors, DJ's, collectors and everyone in that if you graph this for yourself My opinion is only two. I'm bas- music throughout the world. Find out why they consider it and for your competitors, you'll find ing that opinion, however, partly on the authority on charted music. Order your set today! those teenagers are available, but research by Jack McCoy and partly Covers every Hot 100, LP, C &W, R &B, and Easy Listening somewhere else. on research by Dr. Tom Turrichi. record and artist that ever made the charts. It could be that at 3 p.m. there is a The rule should be: As few as pos- super sports talk show on a compet- sible. Turrichi's theory is that the lis- Mail to Record Research Inc., P.O Box 82, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051 ing station. tener does not perceive length on a But one thing you can try-it's a commercial -so, if you played two SUPPLEMENTS .... $10 each _Top Pop '55 -'72 (Hardcover) ... 540 _Top Pop '75 mechanical tool -is take one of your 60- second spots, the impact is the _Top Pop '55 -'72 (Softcover) $30 _Top Pop '74 hot points, such as at 7 a.m., and tell same as if you played a 60- second __Top Pop '40 -'55 $20 _Top Pop '73 listeners of a payoff coming between spot and a 30-second spot. Three 30- -Top C &W '49 -'71 525 _Top C &W '75 _Top R &B '49 -'71 $25 -Top C &W '74 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. where they second spots would be just as bad as Record Top Easy Listening '61 -'74 $25 _Top C &W '72 -'73 presently aren't listening. This pay- three 60- second spots. -Top LP's '45 -'72 $30 -Top R &B '75 off could be a $100 giveaway, it Bill Young at KILT in Houston esearch R &B '74 Check or money order for full amount _Top P.O. Box 82 _Top R &B '72 -'73 could that you're going to play three believes that momentum matters must accompany order. Menomonee Falls, WI. 53051 -Top Easy Listening '75 Elton John songs in a row, it could more than length -so the least -pro- Overseas orders add 53.00 per book -Top LP's '75 be that you're going to be the first ra- duced spot goes first. But, on the and 51.00 per supplement. _Top LP's '74 _Top LP's '73 dio station in the market to play the other hand, some RKO Radio pro- flew Chicago single or the new al- gram directors are now putting the Name bum by the Bay City Rollers unin- live commercials on first, regardless Address terrupted- something that you feel is of length. At KHJ, we're still going City State Zip teen -oriented. You plug that into the long -to -short. We use a 60 and a 10 hour which appears to be partic- or two 3O5 or a 60 alone. That's the ularly down. (Continued on page 25)

www.americanradiohistory.com 25 Rodio-TV Programmin9 wci

Vox Jox 7:c By CLAUDE HALL z LOS ANGELES -Good news. country. We're doing some pretty cer, 3ZC, P.O. Box 275, Tumaru, one of the best afternoon guys I've w After much labor on behalf of the fun things here and I've got my best New Zealand, would like any pro- heard in a long time. And Mark w advisory committee- especially Fo- staff ever helping me do it. I'm doing gram director who has a knowledge Driscoll, the program director of rum Chairman Paul Drew, vice morning drive 6 -9 a.m., Don of oldie formats to write him; wants KSTP has that station sounding w president of programming for RKO McGruie does 9 -noon, Larry Wall to discover more details about the great. Even WDGY sounds good. Radio -the registration fee for radio does noon -3 p.m., Larry Jackson format. ... Lineup at WYYY in I've really enjoyed working with personnel to the four -day ninth an- does 3 -7 p.m., Paul Scott 7 -mid- Kalamazoo now features program Rob Sherwood here, but my wife and _ nual International Radio Program- night, and Baron White midnight -6 director Bob Wesi 6 -10 a.m., Mi- I love Montreal and I'm looking for- cn ming Forum in New Orleans Dec. 1- a.m. chael Rogers 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Dave ward to working there with program w 4 has been reduced to $135. This will "We've got a super group off the Thompson from WKMI in Kala- director Tom McLean and handling á allow the small market radio man an air, too. We had seven people at the mazoo 2 -6 p.m., and Ro Cloney 6 -9 promotions as well as an air shift." 0 opportunity to attend. But you must Bill Gavin regional conference in p.m., with weekenders such as music U register early in order to qualify for Austin -three from sales and our director J. B. McKay and Steve * * * the lower fee. After Nov. 12, there general manager." Owens. Station runs an adult con- Vin Scelsa has been promoted to will be a penalty for late registration * * * temporary format. music director of WNEW -FM, New t;n and the fee will be $160 for radio Tom (Chuck Morgan) Watson personnel. * * * York progressive station; he's con- Q sent me a memorial belt buckle hon- tinuing a regular air shift. Dennis The early registration fee for non- of KMPC in Los An- oring the U -100 staff in Min- The music Elsas has been moved from music t!)_ radio personnel has been set at $175; improving. neapolis. On back, it lists the air staff geles has been Constant director to a 6 -10 p.m. Monday -Sat- Q if you register after Nov. 12, the fee and their time slots: Bob Sherwood adjustments are taking place in the will $200. urday show on the station. General be 6-9 a.m., Brother Bob Hall 9 -noon, music as the station moves to pick up Last year there was a flat fee of manager Mel Karmazin says this is Chucker Morgan noon -4 p.m., Pay some of the people entering the 25 the first major staff change at the $200 to register for the convention. other day McKay 4-8 p.m., Jo Jo Gunne 8 age group. Lunched the station since 1972. ... Bob Hena- So, both new fees represent a with program director Bill p.m. -1 a.m., and Art Snow 1 -6 a.m. assistant bery, New York programming and healthy drop in cost for everyone. with the dates Aug. 1974-Sept. 1976. Watson and promotion executive These registration fees will in- research consultant, writes: "Having As you know, the AM -FM stations Ernie Farrell Watson advises every- had to explain rating stories many clude the cocktail reception the eve- one to keep a close eye and ear' on have been sold and that staff will times in the last 20 years, I am partic- ning of Dec. 1, a luncheon on Dec. 2, it more than likely be no more in a few the station as he endeavors to take ularly sensitive to Chuck Dunaway's and the awards banquet on the eve- weeks. Watson has already gone to more and more into a mass market ning of Dec. 4, plus all work mate- response to your April 17 story. I am Montreal to work; the rest will be programming spectrum. also concerned because essentially rials and entrance to all sessions. departing as the new owners come The advisory committee will be * * * supportive remarks about him, in. Mesa Kincaid has been doing KA FM, and progressive country meeting in the next few days to de- weekends at the station; Sherwood is cide the final agenda of topics that John A. Lingua has been ap- music may have appeared to some to program director, Hall is music di- be unsolicited negative comment will be discussed during the four - pointed director of operations of an rector; Marshall Walzer is promo- WRNJ in Hackettstown, N. J. It's a on KAFM's fall ratings. In this mis- day educational event, plus select tion director. speakers. new AM with 1,000 watts at 1,000 on understanding, I am trusting you to make it clear how highly I regard * * * * * * the dial. "Our physical plant is towers are Chuck's efforts." Right, Bob. I told Bob Gowa writes: "Please inform nearly complete and the Mike Lucas, program director, him in person down in Austin a Scott McConnell at KZAP, Sacra- up. All I need is a staff, both sales KRZI in Waco, Tex., writes: "I've week ago at a regional radio meeting mento, and all my other buddies that and on -air, record service, and a jin- been at KRZI since mid -February sponsored by BM Gavin of the Ga- I'm still around and reasonably sane gles package. Our format will be when KXOL in Fort Worth went vin Report. Got to meet a lot of great in Los Angeles working for Shadoe adult contemporary. If you know of anyone looking for work, have them radio and record people down Stevens at Big Bucks Creations call me at 201- 2354." there -Rick Libby, Charlie Van doing interviews for American Air - 852- Lingua Shane Of KODA Dyke, Tony Raven, Michael Black, Chexx and pulling a weekend air was program director at WACE in Continued from page 16 Mass. Carl Flotow, Harold Stream, Bill shift at Bill Wade's KSOM -AM -FM Springfield, ... Jack North, is Young, Tommy Charles, Wayne Ed- led Jack McCoy to finalize contests in Ontario, Calif." Incidentally, nine years of experience, looking or Chuck Blore to lay mini -dramas Gowa taped some stuff from me for for work; he's a family man and wards, Bill Ham, Rusty Weir, Jay would like a stable almost Boy Adams, etc. over the fronts of records. It led Air- Chexx. ... Rod Tucker is leav- operation, WSB to play in 1965 ing KLCO, an FM station in Poteau, any format. Call him at 717 -764- when "good music" stations didn't Okla., and heading to look- 2908. play that type of music. ing for work. * * * If culture involves a human re- * * * Bubbling UnderThe sponse to the best in an art form, and Radio stations coast-to- coast- Bill Taylor is back at KCKC in San. if raáio is still an art form, then can it and even around the world, I sup- not follow that we as programmers Bernardino, Calif., as of May 24. pose -can submit a 30- second tape HOT 100 can establish a culture among our He's also still producing and syndi- for á communications time capsule cating the "Country Music Game," a listeners? being assembled for the bicenten- 101 -NIGHT WALK, Van McCoy, H &L 4667 It strikes me that such an effort . Shelly Davis at nial by radio station KUPD, Phoe- 102 -FOXY LADY, Crews Heights Affair, De -lite will make a great deal of sense when KBUL in Wichita, Kan., says that he nix. Cleveland Wheeler, music direc- 1581 (PIP) it comes to audience loyalty. The lis- "can categorically say that the tor of the radio station, is doing the 103 -YES, I'M READY, Tom Sullivan, ABC 12174 tener may be wise enough to want to Country Music Game is the best work. He wants you to send your 104 -YOU'RE JUST THE RIGHT SIZE, Saboul Or- 2007 (Caytronics) sample another radio station and, promotion we've ever done at tape on five -inch reel, 1.5 mil thick, chestra, Salsoul ABC/ therefore, broaden his perspective. KBUL." Write Taylor at 1636 S. preferably Scotch 208 with a leader 105 -LONELY TEARDROPS, Nerve! Felts, Dot 17620 He may become a part of another Reservoir, Pomona, Calif. 91766, on both ends. Address to: CLEVE- 106 -(What A) WONDERFUL WORLD, Johnny audience, but if he's a member of and ask for details. LAND WHEELER, KUPD, 2081 E. Nash, Epic 8-50219 (Columbia) * * * Ariz. 85016. your culture, you cannot lose him for Camelback, Phoenix, 107- BARETTA'S THEME, Sammy Davis Jr., 20th long. Russell J. Leadley, program offi- You send just an aircheck, part of Century 2282 the number one tune on your sta- 108 -MIDNIGHT GROOVE, Love Unlimited Or- tion, or list the current lineup. But chestra, 20th Century 2281 you must include, for posterity, your 109 -THEME FROM ONE FLEW OVER THE call letters and the location of the CUCKOO'S NEST, Jack Nitzsche, Fantasy Programming Comment] station. Wheeler and KUPD will put 160 the combined material on 10-inch 110 -YOU KNOW THE FEELIN', Steve Wightman, Continued from page 24 high interest; if you've trained the reels and store them in a bank vault Farr 003 most we're going to run. The mo- listener, he'll stay through that com- pending the construction of new mentum theory was originally set up mercial and sit through the next one KUPD studios. When new studios on length of commercial, with inten- because he knows music is coming are constructed, the time capsule sity a factor. Finally, the length of directly afterwards. will be placed in a cornerstone and Bubbling UnderThe commercial wasn't considered at all. Turrichi also found that listeners more than likely some hardhat idiot You could use a number system: identified with cities. Every time a will be demolishing the building 300 number 1 would be those with city was mentioned, the needle years from now and come across Top LPs voice only; riumber 2, voice with would jump up. So, therefore, air- them and throw them in the trash. 201 -NEIL SEDAKA, Live In Australia, RCA sound; number 3, voice with music; line commercials scored quite well * * * number 4, voice with jingle; number because they said "Baltimore" or VPL I 1540 202 -STARLAND VOCAL Windsong BHL1 5, jingle only. Then, you would sim- "Cleveland" or something else. Tom Watson is leaving U -100 in BAND, ply run the lowest number first. If That facet could be tied in, too, Minneapolis to return to CKGM in 1351 (RCA) 203 -A CHORUS LINE /ORIGINAL CAST your commercials were all on cart, with music. For instance, if you're Montreal. The AM side of U -100 has RECORDING, Columbia PS 33581 you would simply run cartridge 14- going to play the Four Seasons'"Oh, been sold to WAYL and the FM side 204 -PASSPORT, Infinity Machine, Atco SD 36- A 2, meaning cartridge 14 featuring a What Night," you could add: 'to KDWB. So that means that pro- 132 a be voice with sound commercial. "Oh, What Night in Burbank," gram Rob Sherwood will also 205-WILLIE NELSON, Phases & Stages, Atlan- In the intensity theory, you would which takes only four more seconds, leaving more than likely in a while. tic SD 7291 run a soft commercial first and a but sounds local and takes advan- Watson says: "This is one of the 206 -ROGER WHITTAKER, FCA APLI -1313 harder commercial last, so that the tage of another ploy. strangest markets around -with four 207- CAMEL, Moonmadness, Janus 1XS 7024 intensity builds through a stop set. EDITOR'S NOTE: These state- roekers going after each other's 208 -STEVE MARRIOTT, Mairiott, A &M SP 4572 It's a matter, too, of training your ments were delivered at a regional ra- jugular vein. I've been going up 209 -JACO PASTORIUS, Epic PE 33949 listener. A concert commercial has dio meeting in Austin, Tex., recently. against Don Blue at KDWB and he's 210 -, Rebel, London PS 669

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www.americanradiohistory.com 28 Talent Vegas Looking to Theater AT BEVERLY MILTON As Strip Change Of Pace Power Of Unions a Topic For By HANFORD SEARL LAS VEGAS -Already the cham- shows in cast, sets and quality. 1 L.A. Talent Forum June 1 -4 pion of big artists, this city Sloate brings four years' experience By FREEDLAND will now set its sights on cornering from the Tropicana where he NAT major theatrical productions, created two "Folies Bergere" shows. LOS ' ANGELES- Billboard's Nearly 100 talent business profes- early as possible in order to be as- searching out new playwrights and "Our success is break-even or Second Annual Talent Forum, to be sionals have signed up for the Talent sured of suitable accommodations at showcasing top -name theater talent. barely negligible," reveals Sloate. held June 1 -4 at the Beverly Hilton Forum, an unprecedently large early the Beverly Hilton. With the past success of its come- "We switched from the more popu- Hotel here, will take on directly one turnout for a music industry event. Some 400 attended the first Talent dies, musicals and legit theater, the lar musicals to more adult farce situ- of the most controversial issues in Because of this early registration Forum last June. Registrant kits are downtown Union Plaza will pre- ations to draw the Strip clientele." the contemporary live entertainment rush, it is vital for all those planning now being sent out to the early sign- miere an original stage play Tuesday Three days of previews will pre - business -"The Power And In- to attend the live entertainment ups. (11), "Who Gets The Drapes ?" with ceed the opening of "Drapes," a fluence Of Artist Unions." business convention to sign up as But it is not necessary to wait for comedy star Shelley Berman and creation of top television writers A top- ranking official of the AFM kits to arrive in order to reserve a Gloria DeHaven of movie fame. Arne Sultan and Earl Barrett. The will be a luncheon speaker at the fo- room for the Forum. Beverly Hilton In direct contrast to the battle for non -star musical policy drew crowds rum, taking questions from the au- rooms may be reserved from any city big stars on the Strip, the Plaza, a but provided technical problems be- dience. Rock Events simply by phoning the local Hilton 500 -room, 21 -story hotel, has show- cause of the small stage area. The AFM spokesman will re- Hotel or Hilton Reservation Service. cased theatrical productions for al- The small theater room, which spond to an earlier luncheon speech Return To Callers must identify themselves as most five years. seats 550 for dinner and 650 mid- by Charles Peterson of the National Talent Forum registrants in order to "Our aim is to develop good the- night, was first opened with the na- Assn. of Orchestra Leaders, an or- get one of the rooms held for the ater for Las Vegas," says Frank tional touring company of "Fiddler ganization working for "open shop" Washington convention. Scott, Plaza president and board On The Roof' five years back and entertainment hiring policies. By MILDRED HALL The first 75 room registrants are chairman. was followed by "Cabaret," "Okla- Peterson will be introduced by getting a $14 discount WASHINGTON -Rock concerts on the daily Echoing Scott's Broadway West homa," "Funny Girl" and "South Jim Halsey, the powerful agent room rates. are again being booked in the giant remarks, Maynard Sloate, hotel en- Pacific." whose acts defied the Las Vegas Meanwhile, new sessions RFK Stadium here after a hiatus of are tertainment director, envisions pro- According to Sloate, auditions are AFM strike and continued working being added to the two years. Talent Forum ductions on a par with New York (Continued on page 36) at the Landmark Hotel. program. Richard Nader, D.C. Armory Board suspended pioneer of touring packages concerts after violence erupted fol- and arena disco concerts, will teach a workshop lowing a gig by in on "Specialty Concert 1974, when a screaming crowd Packaging: Yes To Tee Big Grosses Without Big smashed store windows in down- Names." town D.C. A topic being put on the forum for the first time is Jersey City Despite heavy local citizen pro- "Effective Use Of The Publicity Dollar." Veteran tests, a two -day program of the pub- licist "First Annual Kool Jazz Festival" Norman Winter is chairman of Music Fair a panel including Paul has been booked for July 30 -31, fea- Bloch, Rog- NEW YORK -John Scher's new ers & Cowan vice president; turing such stars as B.B. King and record We moved all the instruments Garden State Summer Music Fair company publicity directors Judy Donald Byrd & the Blackbyrds. On and equipment for begins at the Roosevelt Stadium in Paynter of Columbia, Bob Jones of Jersey City, N.J., June 17 with an ap- May 30, and other heavy- metal rockers are tentatively sched- Motown, Grelun Landon of RCA pearance by Yes. and Joan Bullard ROLLING STONES uled. of MCA; plus in- Overall, the summer concert series dependent publicist Bob Levenson. EUROPE 76 Earth, Wind & Fire may play the will include some 10 productions at Set for the "Campus stadium during the climactic-July 4 Market '76" Roosevelt and another 15 or so at the panel so far are Mike weekend. It would be highly fitting Martineau, EAGLES Casino Arena in Asbury Park, N.J. Gemini Artists agent; Ed Micone, Slated for Roosevelt are such acts because local business leaders here, ELTON JOHN irked the lack (Continued on page 36) as Kiss, the Eagles, Jefferson Star- by of a spectacular ship, , July 4 bicentennial celebration by WEMBLEY 75 and Chicago. Tentatively planned the city, have plans for a monumen- for the Casino Arena are the New tal "Happy Birthday, USA" week- end fireworks display. Philadelphia 1 CROSBY, STILLS, NASH & YOUNG Riders of the Purple Sage, J. Geils Band, Loggins & Messina, Sha Na Jack Boyle's Cellar Door Produc- THE BAND Na, Fleetwood Mac, the Band, Kris tions, the only national concert pro- Season Opens JONI MITCHELL Kristofferson and Rita Coolidge, moter based here, is seeking dates at JESSE COLIN YOUNG Kingfish, the Marshall Tucker Band the stadium, as are other major out - and Patti Smith. of-town promoters. On Upbeat LONDON, ENGLAND- WEMBLEY 74 The Armory Board, admittedly According to Scher, president of PHILADELPHIA -The first in a Monarch Entertainment Bureau, the seeking to raise revenues at RFK, hopes to put on at least five concerts series of four super pro- CROSBY/NASH 35,000 -seat Roosevelt Stadium has motions outdoors .this summer by undergone substantial refurbishing this summer. Promoters are pushing JAPAN 75 for more dates. Electric Factory Concerts at the during the off -season. The field area city's The board has beefed up security John F. Kennedy Memorial has been resodded, parkingfacilities begins 12 arrangements for future rock and Stadium June with Peter AMERICA /POCO have been expanded, restrooms Frampton soul concerts. It will be selective in and Yes. EUROPE 75 have been modernized and new Two other allowing in only groups that don't supporting groups for shuttle bus service from Path train the Saturday rockfest will be added connections into the city here has seem likely to spark crowd troubles. FOOL'S GOLD BAND Board spokesmen are now claiming later by Larry Magid and the Spivak been arranged. Brothers, who that the two-year rock freeze was head the Electric Fac- EUROPE 75 tory caused by turf and drainage con- operation. With tickets in struction rather than past crowd vio- priced advance at EAGLES $10 and the stadium having held IUnsurpassed in Quality lence. as AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND /JAPAN 76 many as 120,000 for a religious event, the concert has the possibility 131/$ of a gate topping $ 1 million. EMMY LOU HARRIS GLOSSY The outdoor rock concerts will EACH IN MIDLER TV EUROPE 76 number four in all under the head- 1000 LOTS SPECIALS OFF ing "Spirit Of Summer '76" as part We Take Total Responsibility For Everything PHOTOS of the city's bicentennial celebration. :6500 LOS ANGELES In -land Transportation ... Carnet and Insurance 1000 POSTCARDS -Bette Midler's Arrangements for the rental were manager- producer, Aaron Russo, For Your Equipment ... Surety Bonds ... Custom 100 8x10 :1795 made with Philadelphia '76 Corp., Clearances ... Air /Sea /Freight Services ... has broken off negotiations with CUSTOM the city's official bicentennial plan- We also provide Air Charters and Vessel Charters 585 ABC -TV for a series of specials to ning agency, which COLOR PRINTS per 100 put a $100,000 have starred Midler. tag on each concert promotion. This Our Own Agents In Every Country. You Get Personal Attention. COLOR LITHO `195 Russo's statement on the termi- doesn't take into account added You Get A Fixed Price -In Advance per 1000 nation asked, "Why do networks costs for a security force and for COLOR $160 want to take a star's unique and spe- cleaning up the stadium. cial Call or Write POSTCARDS talents and homogenize them, per 3000 dilute them out of existence, when it ACS ASSOCIATES, INC. MOUNTED 20x30° 30'x40" is those very qualities which have Bauer Concerts Hit 4As International Touring Requirements ENLARGEMENTS $14.00 ;moo made them so successful and be- $2 Mil Year Gross Fox Pavilion, Jenkintown, Pa. 19046 U.S.A. (215) 224 -8080 loved by the public in the first place ?" SEATTLE -In its first year of op- 60 Brady Street, San Francisco, Cal. 94103 U.S.A. (415) 861 -0780, 0781 opY4% Russo also used terms like "artistic eration, John Bauer Concerts oto9raPherr restrictions" and "dictating to Mid - grossed $2,185,000 with 61 shows, 800-523-5347 TWX 510-665-0863 ler in mostly at major arenas in the Pacific A !Nyman or JAMES J. KRIEGSMANN what her role television must Northwest. Bauer's is 165 W. 46th St., N.Y. 10036 be" in giving his reasons why the company a (212) PL 7 -0233 ABC -TV deal didn't come off. joint venture with Wolf & Rissmiller r Concerts of Beverly Hills.

www.americanradiohistory.com www.americanradiohistory.com 30 laient 50,000 At Austin's `DAY ON THE GREEN' `Sunday Break' Gig $970,000 Gross For By PAUL ZAKARAS 2 AUSTIN -An impressive array Oakland Concerts of cert grounds through openings in By...... CONRAD SILVERT rock stars including Peter Frampton, the surrounding wire fence. "It's OAKLAND America and Santana, a generally hard to guess how many got in free," - More than 500 guests filed launched this well- behaved crowd of more than Milloy says, year's series of out- through the press gates for each "possibly as many as door 50,000 and seven months of careful 10,000." "Day On The Green" shows show (8) taking in the music from with two spectacularly successful planning, added up to an outdoor Paying or not, the majority of the behind the stage area. Zohn Artman, concerts headlined by Peter concert that promoter Win Ander- customers clearly came to Framp- Graham's director of publicity, see ton. Fleetwood Mac son termed "an unqualified suc- Frampton, currently one rock's and Gary coordinated the bay cruise party, of Wright were billed cess." brightest superstars. The British second and third from the guest list to choosing a buf- both shows, with Status Despite some complaints about singer's charismatic stage presence Quo and fet catered by a noted French restau- U.F.O. the respective sound quality and various problems brought adoring roars from the opening acts. rant to having British and American Both shows at Oakland Stadium, flags created by a scorching Texas sun, crowd and led to a few anxious mo- constructed of flowers decorat- Billboard April 24 and May 1, sold out three ing the the May 2 "Sunday Break" rock fes- ments when screamng fans began to photo by Starr Arning boat. weeks in advance. Total tival was clearly a financial success rock the giant platform stage during Lindsey Buckingham: providing attendance Guests included Premier Talent topped 115,000, grossing for Anderson's Mayday Productions Frampton's encore. A new impetus to Fleetwood Mac's about head Frank Barcelona, Frampton's planned sec- $970,000. Co. ond encore was abruptly cancelled. sound. Manager Dee Anthony, A &M ex- Following Frampton's final May Although final figures were not For the most part, however, the ecutives, Carlos Santana (who Day set, Graham and A &M Records available, reports on advance sales concert went off smoothly. The acts jammed with Frampton onstage) invited 350 persons aboard Harbor suggested that the concert grossed appeared on schedule, a large secu- and many local press, radio people Tours' "Monarch," which cruised and record approximately $600,000. Anderson rity staff including 14 members of store executives. around San Francisco Bay says that a first printing of 50,000 the Austin police department hired four Graham will produce between Talent hours, during which A &M's Jerry tickets at $10 and $12 apiece had by Mayday kept the crowd under nine and 11 "Days On The Green" Moss presented Frampton with a sold out completely and at least control, and traffic flow plans de- during 1976, to be held through the gold record for his "Frampton 1,000 fans bought tickets from the signed by the Austin department of end of September, with the possi- Comes Alive," now closing in 2 second printing on the day of the transportation prevented In Action on bility of a few evening shows. massive million units. concert. jams from developing on FLEETWOOD MAC Anticipated acts for future shows, adjoining Frampton was While various estimates put the highways. , Oakland, Calif. billed second at a to be presented in various combina- "Day On The Green" last year, crowd size at somewhere between Group brought its af- tions, include , Mayday's advance work included touch of magic here May 2 fording 60,000 75,000. for more than exposure that he feels did Beach Boys, Eagles, Jethro Tull, and Mayday spokes- the installation of water supply and 50,000 enthusiastic fans attend - much to help catapult him to his cur- Neil Young & Steven man Ross Milloy says he could set toilet facilities for the 130 -acre con- ing Bill Graham's "A Day On The Green" presen- Stills, the Win- rent superstar status. In receiving his ter Brothers, no actual figure because a large cert site. Medical centers staffed by tation. Santana, America, Yes, gold record, Frampton said, "The Montrose, number of fans had entered the con- doctors and nurses were set up and As Fleetwood Mac whipped into "Station , and, ac- audience gave me so much. San an ambulance was stationed on the Man," the potential that and Lind- cording to Furano, "hopefully the sey Buckingham have brought to the band was Francisco has always done it for Who and Elton John." grounds. Free parking and tow - me." truck service were provided. immediately obvious. Against the backbone of Mick Fleetwood on drums, Buckingham's guitar "Day On The Green" originated 85% 01 OUR GRAdUATES The concert, MC'd by Wolfman runs picked up and carried the song to a driving in 1974 with Leon Russel and Grate- Jack, also included performances by Nashville's ARE WORkiNq IN 111E intensity with Nicks and Buckingham singing ful Dead. In 1975 the Beach Boys Gary Wright, Cecilio & Kapnon, close harmonies. and Chicago packed 57,500 into RECORd / Music INdUSTRy and Fools, an Austin group which The arresting feature of this group is a mystic Oakland Stadium, where Graham Exit /In Now It's not by chance that the College for Re- (Continued on page 36) quality permeating the force of its solid rock 'n' cording Arts is the rest and only college stages all his "Days On The Green." fully accredited by the National Academy roll. Nicks' penetrating ranges are a perfect Ticket prices have not risen this of Recording Arts and Sciences Institute. complement to the warm, reedy timber of year, remaining $8.50 in advance Profitable Christie McVie's vocals. It's because our curriculum has one main and $ 10 at the door, though most By GERRY WOOD purpose: to prepare you for a Music Industry The set featured old favorites as well as cuts job. Our graduates shows have sold out in advance. NASHVILLE -The once gloomy got jobs because they from the group's "Fleetwood Mac" album, such were persistent and didn't give up. And Dave Furano, Graham's vice picture of the Exit /In's future ap- because they gained as "Say You Love Me," "Over My Head" and the enough experience to president in charge of operations, pears to be brightening as the Nash- be immediately valuable to a potential ehenkr melodic "Landslide" which spotlighted espe- employer. This is what the College for says that outside of talent expenses, ville listening room racked up an Recording Arts is all about. cially nice acoustic guitar work by Buckingham. general overhead for the first two April net profit $4,862.43 You'll learn from professionals who are "World Turning," certainly a highlight of the of and has active in the Music Industry. days "On The Green" totaled more been averaging $1,000 monthly Toxey show, established Fleetwood as being not only a You'll learn by experience in our many French dynamic drummer, but a showman as well. than $200,000. This figure includes profit since January. studios: a 16 -track studio, a radio broadcast studio, a disc mastering studio with the Columbia Records Leaping off the drums midway through the stadium rental, publicity, a security No additional debts have been in- latest Neumann disc mastering system, and a song, he took center stage with an "African talk- force of 150, a crew of about 200 curred by the niter), since bank- separate 8 -track studio with one of the most sophisticated systems available ing drum" under his arm and singly managed to working various aspects of the show, ruptcy papers were filed Nov. 28, today. captivate the crowd. and a special stage set made by Gra- and efforts continue to devise a You'll learn the principles of - ,for recording with us Fleetwood Mac's live performance of "Rhian- ing, a ham's own production shop. plan -perhaps a massive benefit Music Production, Music Law, Music Business and Finance, Studio Electronic.. non" reached heights not touched on record. "What we want to stress this year," concert or new investors -to resolve Disc Mastering, and Electronic mum. Nicks delivered the vocals with strength and as- synthesis. Furano says, "is a special theme and the outstanding debt of approxi- surance, whirling around the stage and develop- a special set for each show." mately $125,000. Here is your chance to qualify for your job united in the record /music industry. Call or write ing the song into a visual image as well as an Frampton's set had mock turrets The information surfaced at the for our catalogue now to be able to apply audible one. (Continued on page 35) and towers, bankruptcy for the Summer Semester at: wet tern a drum and bugle corps, court appearance of the and stage crew members wearing Exit /In owners May 3. palace guard costumes. For the first "We've demonstrated to the court College for Recording Arts Audio, show Frampton that 665 strode to the stage we can operate profitably," says Harrison Street a aR company San Francisco, California 94107 Wilmington across a drawbridge; the second Sat- Elizabeth Thiels of the Exit /In. (415) 781-6306 6000 Sunset Blvd., Hollywood, Ca. 90028 urday he rose up aboard a forklift. "The court and creditors have been The audience loved it. sympathetic SEMESTERS BEC11N OCTObER, and their goodwill has Landmark Furano also stressed the peaceful helped our morale." FEbRUARy, ANd JUNE. 0(213) 469-3983 nature of this years outdoor show. The judge set June 14 for the Open Again Last year, overnight camping in the club's next court appearance -and stadium area resulted in several Exit /In officials hope to go back WILMINGTON, Del. - After medical problems and minor dis- with some type of plan to pay off the more than a year of interior restora- turbances. This year Oakland police back debts. tion with local businesses and cit- turned away campers with benefi- Among the acts making April a izenry contributing hundreds of cial results. There were no arrests for profitable month were Stanley Tur- thousands of dollars, Wilmington either show. rentine, Tom Waits, Townes Van PRINTED once again has a major concert hall Dr. David Smith, head of the Zandt, Guy Clark and Barefoot with the reopening of the Grand Op- Haight -Ashbury medical clinic. Jerry. PROMO era House as a center for the per- which provides full treatment facil- LITHOGRAPHED ON HEAVY GLOSS STOCK forming arts. ities for all outdoor Graham events. TEE SHIRTS Three preview concerts ranging in claimed the audiences' morning ar- Audience Joins BLACK & WHITE 8x10s content from ragtime, big band jazz rival drastically reduced the number N. Y. 500 - $28.00 1000 - S42.50 as and symphony, lead to a series of Bi- of medical problems. Concerts centennial Dedication Concerts Stadium parking gates opened 8 NEW YORK -The bodies and COLOR PRINTS low May 27 -29 with the Philadelphia a.m., stadium gates at 9, with shows voices of the audience will be instru- Orchestra and Eugene Ormandy beginning -promptly at 11, and last- ments in a series of Natural Sound 1000 - S224.00 as 99¢ . ing till 5:30 p.m. Audience Oratorio outdoor concerts SEND FOR SAMPLES AND COMPLETE PRICES The Grand Opera House had its "To greet early arrivals," Graham planned for the city during May. PRINTS, ON 8x105, OTHER SIZE first preview concert May 1 with says, "we make a special tape for According to Kirk Nurock, com- AND POSTERS The Max Morath's one -man show, "The each show and play it through the poser, pianist and creator of Natural Ragtime Years." Harry James came P.A. system. We play "Here Comes Sound, no instruments are used in Shirt Shop in for another preview big band con- The Sun" as soon as the first patron's these concerts. Instead all the sound 1 cert May 10. foot hits the turf." of the concert depend entirely on the 4')9PICTURES1867 E. FLORIDA (213) 397 -8545 SPRINGFIELD, MO. 65803 Until now, the only other per- The sound at both shows was ex- audience, which is free to respond in forming center hero was The Play- cellent. Furano feels "we have the any way that comes naturally. house, limited -seat legitimate the- largest and best outdoor sound sys- Participation by the audience is ater located in the Dupont Hotel. tem in the world." (Continued on page 36)

www.americanradiohistory.com bienE 35 Sedaka Revival Seen By Fools Gold No Fools Manager As Unbelievable Fogelberg Group Clicking Alone LOS ANGELES -Neil Sedaka Abbott told the entertainer he By BOB KIRSCH has become the darling of concerts, should tour clubs and small halls in LOS ANGELES -It's been a ting set to go on the road," Henson television come- and -a the U.S. as a starter. Sedaka, says his while since a backup band moved says. "So he brought us out, matched back artist at the age 37. And of manager, "wondered if he mentally into the spotlight on its own (remem- us with Ron Grind (drums) and manager Elliott Abbott frankly is at all this again. wanted to go through ber the Tremeloes ?). But that's just Doug Livingston (steel and , a loss as to why it's all happening. We discovered the audiences what Fools Gold, best known for since departed) and that was Fools "It's an impossible dream. You wanted him back, whether it was the backing , is doing Gold, the name Dan gave us." Ar :ta can't on this sort of thing. He Vegas - photo count Troubador, Las or Lake with a debut LP currently at a just never became an oldies artist Tahoe. In the meanwhile Azoff tried to Fools Gold: Backup band takes the starred 135 and a tour sans Fogel- get the group a label of its own and spotlight. like some of the others of the '50s." "They have a love and empathy berg now in progress. Sedaka's songs are covered by nu- for him. It's now hysteria. Little kids eventually wound up on Arista. Fools lead merous artists now, and his singles knock on his door for autographs. The core of Gold are Then it was off to England to cut the As far as being a backup band, and albums are making chart music. Kids rush the stage. He draws whole singer and guitarist Denny Henson album. Henson says he "hears them talking In the near future he will do a tele- families; freaks, crazed rockers, kids, and bassist Tom Kelly, a pair who "We admired Glyn Johns," Hen- with about Dan Fogelberg's backup vision special and then have his own all yelling like crazy." started out in the early '70s a son says, "but he wanted to stay at band on the radio and I think it network series. His concert dates are The first tour last spring was a fi- Midwestern group called the home and do the LP. So we figured would be nice to be known on our all sold out, both in this country and nancial disaster, Abbott admits, Guild- managed by none other than why not, we've never been to Eng- current manager Irving Azoff (who own. On the other hand, there are a in England, where he is performing "but it sold lots of records. Since land, it'll be fun. But we hated it. It also lot of people who know Dan and until mid -May. then Neil has done lots of television, happens to manage the Eagles, was dull, television went off early, never heard of us. At least they talk The Sedaka return to popularity which has helped. Plus big AM ra- Joe Walsh and Fogelberg). there was no radio in our rooms and about us and maybe they'll buy the came about little more than a year dio play. Neil loves it. He's having a "We did a lot of college dates with it just wasn't much fun. album." ago when he made a brief appear- great time. Onstage he does all his the Guild," Henson says, "and Iry "And when we went in to cut the ance at the 300 -seat Troubadour own material -an oldies section, was booking and managing us. The album, Glyn wanted to cut us just Currently on the road on its own, nightclub here. Abbott approached which is big -then his new songs." Guild played Top 40 rock and Tom like a four -piece band. We had Fools Gold will tour with Loggins & him about management-was Abbott describes the performer - and I were writing the kind of mate- imagined adding extra and Messina, Boz Scaggs and Elvin turned down at first -then called writer as "a willing student and art- rial we're doing now. Country rock vocal harmonies and so on, but Bishop. In July the group goes on the back. Until then, both Sedaka and ist. He just felt he wanted to go back just didn't fit in with what they that's not how Glyn conceived it. road with Fogelberg, with a spot of his wife Leba were handling all on the road. He plays to all sorts of wanted to hear in clubs." Some of the cuts we played and sang its own set for most shows. "It just business deals. audiences." The Guild cut an LP for Elektra in on at the same time. wouldn't make sense to separate William Moms books Sedaka, 1973, an album complete with the "When we got back here with the completely from Dan," Henson says. a successful act and he's been and had him playing smaller clubs Beach Boys medley that made "us finished LP, nobody liked it. Clive "He's and halls the past few weeks. This famous in the Midwest and kind of Davis was kind of disappointed but good to us." month he tours larger venues in the made us resent the Beach Boys," decided to give us another shot. So As for being another band in the TaIenI Pacific Northwest, then in the sum- Henson says. But the album was we went into the Record Plant and country rock sweepstakes, Henson mer Sedaka will headline at the - never released; Henson and Kelly Sound Factory in Los Angeles, shrugs. "We've got the same man- aters-in- the -round, plus a dozen left to concentrate on songwriting worked with Glen Frey of the agement as the Eagles, we tour with In Action state fair dates. He will not be lim- and eventually got a call from Cali- Eagles, Joe Walsh and John Stro- Fogelberg and we grew up listening ited to Las Vegas engagements, Ab- fornia. nach and came up with what we to country and rock. It's just a matter Continued from page 30 bott stresses, despite being a tre- "Iry knew we could sing har- have now. In other words, we cut the of writing and singing what we know The band received two encores which, while mendous hit there. monies and play, and Dan was get- album twice." and like." being enjoyable, lacked the impact of the initial Abbott, former manager of Jim set. Croce, also handles Kim Carnes and "The British Are Coming" was the theme of . The former played 18 cn the mammoth "Day On The Green" with British dates with Sedaka, and received groups U.F.O., Gary Wright and Peter Frampton great exposure. Cooder goes out on completing the bill (Wright and Frampton were tour in May. recently reviewed in Billboard). In addition to an As for Sedaka, his manager en- unbeatable lineup of acts, the extravaganza in- thuses that the tour has gone so well, cluded cannons that fired from the stage, a BMW U4n,E4T "auditorium managers are now call- .syOCI.TEy marching band and elaborate scenery draping ing us. They know that Neil sold out yYyiEllE! Inc. the stage. STARR ARNING every date this season, and they all en want him now. How do you figure it Dear Record Industry: TOMMY BOLIN out. At 37 he's now a teenage idol." ROY HARPER Roxy, Los Angeles E.A.R.S., INC. has a new market research program Bolin is an accomplished guitarist whose mu- that can tell you the following about your record sic effectively incorporates a variety of styles products before they are released to the public. nd influences. Having served as lead guitarist LSignings_- it the post -Joe Walsh prior to join ng Deep Purple in mid -1975, Bolin is naturally 1. WHO LIKES IT - according to age, music rock oriented. Gladys Knight & the Pips re -sign to Buddah. preference, occupation and geographic Nevertheless, he recognizes the value of mel- Under terms of the five -year pact, the label will ody and rhythmic variation. As a result, his music release product from the Pips as a trio alone as location. combines the intensity and urgency of rock with well as with the famed songstress. Group is cur- he lyricism and subtley of various non -rock rently completing European tour. First product 2. WHO WILL BUY IT - according to age, oc- dioms. expected is soundtrack from "Pipe Dreams" Fortunately, Bolin's stage presentation em- motion picture, in which Knight stars. First go- cupation, and geographic location. phasizes this musical diversification in addition around with label produced four gold LPs, four to the technical virtuosity for which he has al- gold singles and one platinum album. 3. BEST SONG - listed in order of preference. eady earned wide praise. His L.A. debut April Mayuto, Brazilian percussionist, and compos- .9 featured songs of varying tempos and moods, er- arranger Wade Marcus both to ABC /Impulse each of which revealed his ability to capture and jazz label.... Norman Blake, Nashville session 4. REACTION IN THE 12 TOP MARKETS - listed hold an audience. guitar star, to Takoma Records. in order of preference. The set opened with "Teaser," the title cut The group Q to UK American Records. The from his current Nemperor solo LP. Bolin began Pittsburgh -based band is produced by Tony by establishing the guitar riff that dominates Cook. Initial release is the single "Love Pollu- 5. WHICH MARKETS TO RELEASE THE RECORD - he song, then moved into an extended instru- tion." ... English singing duo the Chanter Sis- listed in order of preference. mental section that featured distinctive sax/ ters worldwide to with Polydor. A U.S. tour is uitar unisons. The song was warmly received. planned this summer.... Milton Hamilton to "People People," another cut from the "Teas - Tiara Music International Productions for exclu- Don't let those records sit in your warehouse. Find r" album, relied heavily on Bolin's voice sive management. out once and for all the sales potential of your .hich, unfortunately, proved to be the show's Gabor Szabo, jazz guitarist, to Mercury with .veakest component. However, since the focus of producing.... Charlie Daniels re- product, old or new. the music was so squarely on instrumentation, newed to RadaDara Music which will now co- Bolin's voice was effectively neutralized and it publish the Epic artist along with Hatband Mu- For further information call (414) 781 -0661 or write neither added to nor detracted from most of the sic co -owned by Daniels and his manager Joe songs. In some cases, the vocals were actually Sullivan. E.A.R.S., INC. 3725 N. 126th Street,Brookfield WI 53005. buried under the instruments. This was espe- Yemen Wray to Travis Lehman's Reuben Rec- cially true in "The Grind," which sported a gui- ords, Los Angeles.... Sky to HeadQuarters Pro- Thank you, tar /bass power riff a la the Beatles' "Bay Trip- ductions, Chicago, for management.... Dick per." and Sandy St. John, husband -wife writing team, Bolin encored with the instrumental "Home- to Filmways music publishing. E.A.R.S., INC. ward Strut," which drew the audience to its Buddy Rich re -signs with RCA. A new album, feet. It was a fitting close to well -paced, tightly "Speak No Evil," is already finished, with a ship- performed set. ping date scheduled for next month. P.S. We have so much faith in our research program Veteran British guitarist Roy Harper, who has Garland Green, Casino Records artist, to Kes- that we will give you your first review FREE! drawn considerable praise from the likes of sler -Grass Management.... Singer-writer Steve Jimmy Page, Ian Anderson and Paul McCartney, Young to RCA with Roy Dea producing.... Side ® E.A.R.S., Inc. 1976 opened the show. Harper is an unusual per - Of The Road Gang, Texas progressive country (Continued on page 36) group, to Capitol.

www.americanradiohistory.com 36 Billboard Special Survey For Week Ending 5.2, 76 Talent Top Boxoffice Talent In Adion Continued from page 35 claimed jazz orchestra sounded great playing This group is a good offering for all types of former in that he makes no musical concessions with Bridgewater as band members traded licks listeners, from the die -hard fanatic to the to his audience. His evasive melodies and with the singer. Hopefully the collaboration will rock fan wanting to hear the roots. It plays a Copyright 1976. Billboard Publications. Inc No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical rambling lyrics alienated much of the crowd, not end with this show. good, generous sampling of blues standards, photocopying recording or otherwise. without the prior written permission of the publisher particularly during the opening number which After a short intermission, like "Stormy Monday," "One Room Country was performed solo on an open -tuned acoustic displayed his considerable talents as a trumpe- Shack" and "Help Me" as well as blues hits by ter as he ARTIST -Promoter, Facility, Dates Total Ticket guitar. and his group delivered a fine set of Wells like "Messing With The Kid" and "Little Ticket Price Gross The situation improved when Harper sum- contemporary jazz. However, the set was marred By Little." *DENOTES SELL OUT PERFORMANCES Sales Scale Receipts moned his three -man backup band to the stage. by Hubbard's excessive and tasteless conversa- It's unfortunate that this swinging blues The remainder of the set was composed of songs tion. group is currently without a recording affiliation, Stadium & Festivals (20,000 & Over) from his Chrysalis LP, "When An Old Cricketer Lou Rawls closed the show with a solid, pro- because its music deserves to be heard. Wells fessional set Leaves The Crease." Highlighting was "The that touched all musical bases. recently released a set of his own on Chicago - Game." an extended piece that was favorably Rawls remains one of the finest singers around. based Delmark Records. JIM FISHEL 1 PETER FRAMPTON /FLEETWOOD MAC /GARY received. The song featured Harper's thin yet Highlight of his set was a talking and singing WRIGHT /U F 0, "Day On The Green" #2 -Bill appealing voice (vaguely reminiscent of Nils medley about growing old and the rousing open- Graham, Stadium, Oakland, May 1 57,500 $8.50 $486,200* ing Lofgren's) over a recurring two -chord motif. tune "Tobacco Road." ROBERT FORD JR. WEATHER REPORT More than any other, this work clearly revealed 2 ROBIN MOWER /TOMMY BOLIN /REO SHAKTI the bits and pieces of Harper's style that have SPEERWAGON -Fun Productions, Stadium, Tempe, RUSTY WEIR Beacon Theater, New York resurfaced in some of Jimmy Page's acoustic Ariz., May 2 6,160 $6.50 -$7.50 $ 39,659 JAY BOY ADAMS Weather Report was one of the first groups to material. MITCH TILNER Castle Creek, Austin, Tex. explore the possibilities of highly electrified jazz -rock more than three years ago. Since then, It's difficult to decide, from an audience many others have followed and the idiom has Arenas (6,000 To 20,000) LOU RAWLS viewpoint, whether Weir is a progressive country become cluttered with groups that are also try- FREDDIE HUBBARD artist or merely a rock act who dresses and acts ing to blaze new trails. Amazingly, Weather Re- DEE DEE BRIDGEWATER country, including the bow -legged stance that 1 ALLMAN BROS. BAND /OUTLAWS -Sound 70 /Trigg port still remains among the trendsetters in the must have graced a horse or two between music Black Production, Freedom Hall, Louisville, April 30 19,000 $7.50 -$8.50 $144,119* THAD JONES- field. gigs. MEL LEWIS ORCHESTRA During its April 17 concert the group mesme- 2 AEROSMITH /SLADE In any case, he wiped out a jam -packed au- /ANGEL -Contemporary, Kemper ROBIN KENYATTA rized the audience with innovative music that Arena, Kansas City, Mo., April 28 13,200 78,310 dience here April 24 at this Texas version of the $6 $ Beacon Theater, New York featured everything from hot Latin percussion Troubadour which is located within walking dis- New York jazz fans were treated to a fine eve- to bizarre sound effects coming from the back of 3 TONY ORLANDO & DAWN- Daydream, Auditorium, tance of the state capitol and shouting distance ning of music and a worthy cause was helped as the theater. Milwaukee, April 29 8,646 $5.50 -$8.50 $ 65,937 of the Univ. of Texas. Kicking out a booted foot the Memorial Project Joe Zawinul was outstanding on a wide as- to accent a note or end a song, Weir was fine presented its 4th annual concert April 24. Or- sortment of keyboards and Wayne Shorter con- 4 TONY ORLANDO & DAWN- Daydream, Dane County throughout a stirring performance that included ganization is a non -profit group which benefits tinues to be one of the most creative reedmen Coliseum, Madison, April 27 7,835 $5.50 -$8.50 S 60,203 his underground hit of "I Hear You've Been Lay- needy youths in Satchmo's old Corona working today. Also excellent was new bassist -Elmhurst ing My Old Lady." Formerly on 20th Century 5 neighborhood in Queens. Apparently Jaco Pastorious who is quickly establishing him- AEROSMITH /ANGEL- Contemporary, Kiel Auditorium, Arm- Records, Weir is reportedly heading for Colum- St. Louis, April 27 self as one of the most unique new instrumen- 10,586 $4.50 -$6.50 $ 57,250° strong's memory was enough to inspire all the bia Records. performers to give their very best as the show talists to come along in some time. The set, Opening act was Jay Boy Adams, who is man - 6 JAMES TAYLOR -Sound 70, Memorial Coliseum, was which lasted more than an hour, ended with the outstanding from beginning to end. -aged by Bill Ham, the manager of Z.Z. Top. Auburn, Ala., April 30 7,200 $4 -$6 $ 33,942 band refusing an encore to a most insistent Saxophonist Robin Kenyatta got the evening Adams was supported by four rock musicians, off to a a crowd. funky start with cooking set of soulful one of whom was outstanding on pedal steel, 7 OHIO PLAYERS/DENISE LA SALLE -Sound 70, Mid - jazz. Sharing the bill was Shakti, a new group that Unfortunately the set was cut short due to two players,and two cellos. He presented South Coliseum, Memphis, May 1 5,835 $5.50 -$6.50 $ 33.902 features guitarist John McLaughlin. The group the length of the program and much of the late an unusual sound that could quickly build him arriving audience missed Kenyatta's hot plays acoustic East Indian music which is a radi- young into a major attraction. He sang mostly his own 8 URIAH HEEP /HENRY GROSS- Contemporary, cal departure for McLaughlin who has been group. songs, weaving from ballads to hard -driving Pershing Auditorium, Lincoln, May 1 5,800 $5 -$6 $ 32.000 The Thad known primarily for his highly amplifed jazz - Jones -Mel Lewis Orchestra was rock. CLAUDE HALL next and performed stirring tribute to Armstrong rock. Without the excessive wattage of his past 9 /MONTROSE /HEAD EAST -Sound 70, Von entitled "A Suite For Pops." The piece featured groups McLaughlin is better able to display his Braun Civic Center, Huntsville, April 27 4,239 $5-$6 S 22,354 outstanding solo work from trombonist Earl talents. Shakti was extremely well received by McIntyre and pianist JUNIOR WELLS the young audience. ROBERT FORD JR. 10 BLUE OYSTER CULT /SUTHERLAND BROS. & Roland Hanna. QUIVER /STYX- Cedric Kushner, Memorial After performing the three -part suite the big BLUES BAND (Continued on page 39) band was joined by vocalist Dee Dee Bridgewa- Auditorium, Utica, May 1 3,617 $5.50 -$6 $ 20,944 Bottom Line, New York ter, who stole the show. Bridgewater, who won a Barring none, this is probably the best tour- 11 MONTROSE /STEVE MARRIOTT /HEAD EAST -Entam, Tony Award for her role in "The Wiz," opened ing black blues band around today. Led by gui- Freedom Hall `Sunday Break Civic Center, Johnson City, May 1 2,477 $5.50$6.50 S 14,912 with a long scat number that not only showed tarist Buddy Guy and harmonica ace Junior off her talents but those of the band. The ac- Wells, the band features rhythm guitarist Phillip Continued from page 30 Guy and saxophonist A.C. Reed. Because there opened the show. Although May- Auditoriums (Under 6,000) aren't that many blues bands touring these day's advertising was aimed prima- L.A. Coliseum days, Guy and Well's April 27 performance had rily at Texas markets, fans arrived special meaning. 1 /-Bill Graham, from states as distant as California Gets Facelift; The guitar work of Guy remains one of the Winterland, San Francisco, April 28 & 30 (2) 7,959 $6 -$7 $ 48,515 and Ohio saying they had heard most imitated and rhythmically stinging, while of Break" by world Wells has cut back on his harp output, concen- "Sunday of mouth. 2 TUBES -Martin Onrot, Intl Center, Toronto, April Seeks Concerts 28 3,976 $6.60 -$7.70 $ 31,250 "Sunday Break" is the first of a LOS ANGELES -The Los An- trating more on his entertaining vocals. The backup band opened with a few tunes series of outdoor concerts planned 3 TED NUGENT /STATUS QUO /CRACK THE SKY -Wolf & geles Coliseum Commission has ap- for the Austin area this summer. - Rissmiller, sung by Phil Guy, before bringing on Buddy for a Civic Auditorium, Santa Monica, April 27 4,430 $6.50 $ 28,795 proved refurbishment of the 53- few vocals and finally Junior. Each is a capable Some 40,000 were expected to attend year -old Coliseum, including a fi- 4 DONALD vocalist in his own domain, but Wells' singing is the two -day festival held last week- BYRD & THE BLACKBYRDS /RONNIE LAWS/ nancing plan which would include PRESSURE -Good Time Productions, Raincross very striking. end (8 -9) at Nagodoches, Tex. rental of 138 private suites in the re- Square, Riverside, April 30 3,800 $6.50 -$1.50 $ 26,500* Headliners included Rusty Wier and structured facility. Although de- David Allen Coe. The main event of 5 -Wolf & Rissmiller, Memorial signed primarily for football view- Change Of Pace the concert season Willi: Nelson's Auditorium, Sacramento, April 29 4,116 $5.6546.65 $ 25,257 ers, the suites would be available for Continued from page 28 fourth annual Independence Day concertgoers as well. Picnic, will be a three -day affair fea- 6 URIAH HEEP /ETHOS- Contemporary, Memorial Hall, As yet there are no concerts on the held both here and in the L.A. re- Kansas City, Kan., May turing a star -studded line up of per- 2 3,500 $6 $ 21,000* more talent is horizon at the Coliseum, but gen- gion although being formers to which was eral manager Jim Hardy has hired from the Southern California 7 TUBES /GOLDEN EARRING -Rick Kay, Masonic said he added just this week. The picnic is like to see ma rke. Auditorium, Detroit, April 29 3,219 $6.50 -$7.50 $ 20,860 would such musical events expected to draw about 100,000. at his facility, and a possible July 4 With limited stage facilities, 8 - Ruffino & Vaughn, Post College, Rolling Stones concert there has Sloate sees condensed, theater -in- Brookville, N.Y., April 29 2,900 $5.50 -$7 $ 19,200* been the subject of much discussion the -round type productions as best recently. for the Plaza attractions which will Power Of Unions 9 BOZ SCAGGS /BRECKER BROTHERS- Electric Factory, Rental of the suites would be run indefinitely if good shows can be Continued from page 28 Tower Theater, Philadelphia, April 28 2,667 $4.5046.50 $ 16,840 available to those individuals and booked. The hotel has never signed head of Campus Entertainment 10 LAURA NYRO /ELLEN McILWANE -Northwest corporations who purchase revenue major concert headliners into the Assn. and Jeff Dubin, chief talent Releasing, Opera House, Seattle, April 28 2,700 $4.50 -$6.50 $ 15,800 bonds, then sign a five -year lease. showroom. buyer at U.C. Berkeley. Chairing' Tenants of the suites would be en- "Hopefully Las Vegas and the will be Billboard's campus editor, 11 HOT TUNA /DAVID SANCHEZ- Electric Factory, Tower titled to watch any other event held Union Plaza can be added to the list Jim Fishel. Theater, Philadelphia, May 2 2,455 $4.50 -$6.50 $ 15,621 at the Coliseum following purchase of playwrights seeking a stage to This year, the topic of entertain- of a ticket. present their works," concludes ment law which was so well -at- 12 /EAST STREET BAND -Sound Scott. tended last June will he presented in 70, , Nashville, April 28 2,900 $4 -$6 $ 15,039 People Participate Sloate adds that the new, $10 mil- the dramatic form of pairs of lawyers 13 MONTROSE /BOB SEGER -Entam, Capitol Music Hall, lion 7,500 capacity Theater For the conducting mock negotiations be- Continued from page 30 Wheeling, May 2 2,310 $5.50 -$6.50 S 14,134 Performing Arts at the Aladdin, set tween artist representatives and voluntary, and just in case response for completion in July, will not de- record companies, managers, agents 14 DIRT BAND /HENRY GROSS -Cowtown, Century II, is negative, Nurock will have a cho- tract from the Plaza productions, and promoters. Wichita, April 29 2,522 $5-$6 $ 13,311 ral group on hand to assist in creat- now a tradition. Chairing "Contract Negotiations ing the atmosphere. "Our policy will be to change ev- And The Entertainment Attorney" 15 MONTROSE /GOLDEN EARRING /STEVE MARRIOTT- Nurock claims that his concept of ery six months to a new show to en- is Al Schlesinger, whose line -up al- Entam, Mosque, Richmond, April 28 1,741 $5.50 -$6.50 10,638 $ natural sound concerts have been courage customer repetition,' says ready includes Owen Sloane, Jay 16 LAURA NYRO/ELLEN McILWANE -Northwest successful at Juilliard, Yale, the Sloate. "We'll surely be at least the Cooper, Elliot Shaum, Greg Fish - Releasing, Auditorium, Portland, April 30 1,600 $4.50$6.50 $ 10,200 American Dance Festival, and the New Haven of the West in exposing bach, Mickey Shapiro and Dann O'Neill Theater Center. new theater." Moss.


FORUM DIRECTOR Chairman: Chuck Morris, Ebbets Field, Nat Freedland Alex Hodges, Paragon Agency Talent Editor Larry Magid, Electnc Factory Productions Billboard Magazine Jonathan Coffmo, Columbia Artist 1976 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN Relations Jerry Weintraub, Board Chairman , Fey -Line Concerts Management III Mike Klenfner, Artist Relations More Speakers To Be Announced Alex Cooley, concert promoter, Atlanta Donald Tarlton, Donald K. Donald, Concerts Fred Bolander, Monterey Peninsula Artists THE AGENDA Quentin Perry, Soul Concert Promoter

TUESDAY, JUNE 1 12:30 pm -2 pm 10 am -5:30 pm "ONE -ON -ONE" Lunch REGISTRATION "WORKING WITH THE CANADIAN 5 pm 7:30 pm TALENT MARKET" COCKTAIL RECEPTION Mel Shaw, Canadian Recording Academy president 8 pm -10 pm Tom Wilson, Concept 376 Agency 5:45 pm-7 pm Entertainment- Mercury Records, Jerry Sharell, Elektra /Asylum Artist "BASICS" Workshop. the Runaways Relations Director "PERSONAL MANAGEMENT" -Dee 2:15 pm -3:15 pm Butch Stone, Manager of Black Oak "BREAKING INTO THE MAJORS: Anthony Arkansas "BOOKING AGENTS" -Jerry Heller A PROMOTERS PANEL" Chuck Glaser, Agent, Nashville Chairman: David Forest, Fun Productions 8 pm -10 pm WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 12:30 pm -2 pm Awards Dinner and Breakthrough John Bauer, Bauer Concert Company, "ONE -ON -ONE" Lunch Artist of the Year Presentation 10 am-12:15 pm Seattle Emcee: Bill Graham 'WORKING TOGETHER Steve Glanz, Glanz Productions, Detroit American Federation of Musicians BETTER -OVERCOMING THE Jim Koplik, Cornucopia Promotions, New Spokesman Partial list of speakers: OBSTACLES TO COOPERATION York Paul Drew, RKO General: IN THE TALENT BUSINESS" Randy Levy, Schon Productions, 2:15 pm -3:15 pm Elliot Roberts, Lookout Management Minneapolis "EFFECTIVE USE OF THE Barry Fey, Fey -Line; 7hairman: Iry Azoff, Front Line . Management: Gary Perkins, Pacific Presentations, PUBLICITY BUDGET" Jonathan Coffino. CBS Artist Paul Drew, RKO Radio Los Angeles Chairman: Norman Winter, Winter Development; Fred Bolander, Tom Hulett, Concerts West Iry Zuckerman, Continental Enterprises, Associates Monterey Peninsula Artists; Judy Terry Ellis, Chyrsalis Records St. Louis Bob Jones, Motown Paynter, Columbia Records; Paul Dan Weiner, Monterey Peninsula Artists John Scher, Monarch Entertainment, N.J. Paul Bloch, Rogers & Cowan Bloch, Rogers & Cowan; John Bauer. Judy Paynter, Columbia John Bauer Concert Co.; Steve Glanz, 12:30 pm -2 pm Glanz Productions; Jim Koplik, ON E-ON -ON E" Lunch 3:15 pm -3:30 pm Grelun Landon, RCA Bob Levinson, Levinson Associates Cornucopia Prod.: Iry Zuckerman. Jim Halsey, , COFFEE BREAK Halsey Agency Joan Bullard, MCA Continental Enterprises; John Scher, Charles Peterson, National Association of Monarch; Tom Hulett, Concerts West, Orchestra Leaders 3:30 pm -5:30 pm 3:15 pm -3:30 pm Seattle: Butch Stone. Manager of Black 2:15 pm -3:15 pm "CONTRACT NEGOTIATION & COFFEE BREAK Oak Arkansas; Mike Klenfner, Arista "POWER, FRIENDSHIP & ETHICS" THE ENTERTAINMENT Records, Artist Development Director: Bill Graham. Frank Barsalona, Dee ATTORNEY" 3:30 pm -5:30 pm Don Tarlton. Donald K. Donald, Anthony Chairman: Al. Schlesinger, Esq., "SHARING THE DOLLAR Toronto; Larry Magid, Electric Factory; 3:15 pm -3:30 pm Schlesinger & Dave FAIRLY" Alex Hodges. Paragon Agency. Macon, COFFEE BREAK Jay Cooper (NARAS president) Chairman: Ron Delsener. Independent Ga.: Alex Cooley. Electric Ballroom. Owen Sloane Promoter. New York Atlanta. Ga.: Joan Bullard, MCA 1:30 pm -4:30 pm Greg Fishbach Bob Regehr, Warner Bros. Artist Relations Records Publicity /Artist Relations: "TOUR PRODUCTION - Elliot Schaum Joe Cohen, Grelun Landon. RCA Records. West GETTING THE SHOW ON THE Michael Shapiro Howard Rose, Rose Agency Inc. Coast Publicity Director; Steve Metz, ROAD" Dann Moss Mike Belkin, Concert Promoter, Cleveland Beacon Theatre. New York; Robert Chairman: David Furano, Tom Ross, ICM Levinson. Levinson Associates. Los Bill Graham Organization 5:45 pm-7 pm Peter Golden, William Morris Agency Angeles: Tom Wilson, Concept 376. Patrick Stanfield, Road Manager Steve Metz, Beacon Theater Toronto, rom Fields, Fields Associates "BASICS" Workshops: Canada "Concert Promotion" Wolf 4:30 pm -5:30 pm -Steve & Jim TALENT MARKET Rissmiller, Wolf & Rissmiller Concerts. "COLLEGE "Women In The Talent- Business"- ' 76" Chairperson: Connie Papas, John Reid Chairman: Jim Fishel, Billboard Enterprises '==. Billboard International Talent Forum Mike Martineu, Gemini Artists Marsha Day, Manager of Seals & Crofts Ed Micone, College Entertainment Carol Sidlo, William Morris Agency Attn: Diane Kirkland Associates Marjorie Sexton, Gulf Artists Concerts 9000 Sunset Boulevard, #1200/Los Angeles, California 90069 Jeff Dubin, Univ. of California, Berkeley Claire Rothman, Los Angeles Forum 5:45 pm -7 pm Please register me for Billboard's International Forum, June I -4, at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. "BASICS" Workshop 8 pm -10 pm am enclosing a check or money order in the amount of: "NIGHTCLUB OPERATION" -Doug Entertainment -, $200 (After May 7) D $125 (Special college rate!) Weston, Troubadour Pousette -Dart Band (you can CHARGE your registration if you wish.): "SPECIALTY CONCERT Master Charge (Bank # ) PACKAGING " -Richard Nader BankAmericard Card # 8 pm -10 pm Diners'Club Expiration Date Entertainment - RCA Records American Express Signature FRIDAY, JUNE 4 Name Title Company Affiliation 10 am -12:15 pm "BUILDING THE ACT ON TOUR" Address Phone THURSDAY, JUNE 3 Chairman: Frank Mancini, RCA Records 10 am -12:15 pm Jeff Wald, Manager of Helen Reddy All information on hotel rooms will be sent immediately upon receiving your registration! "WHO GETS THE ACT ?" Stan Plesser, Good Karma Productions No refunds after May 21 Chairman: Chuck Morris. Ebbets Field, Shelly Cooper, Warner Bros. Advertising Registration Fee does not include hotel or airfare Denver Director

www.americanradiohistory.com 38 Discos Disco Action Has 12 Copyright 1976, Billboard Publications, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced. Salsoul stored in a retrieval system, or in form means, -inch Disco transmitted. by any Single any or electronic. mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Continued from page 3 tune and a ballad which will also ticated, they can easily create the at- Cayre admits that he is going after give us a chance to test the market- mosphere of a disco in their own liv- a specialized market. ability of the music before releasing ing rooms, and often prefer the Top Audience Response Melody Song Shops "The disco dancer market often the regular single." better sounding extended versions Records In N.Y. Discos (, Queens, Long Island) changes the concept of selling qual- "One of the main purposes for which can be cut hotter as a result of This Week Retail Sales ity mixes for dancing, rather than providing this product for a special- the wider grooves. 1 WHERE THE HAPPY PEOPLE GO -The This Week Trammps- Atlantic (all cuts, LP) music for easy listening, but if that's ized market is to get the disco danc- "Of course, the other problem is 1 WHERE THE HAPPY PEOPLE GO -The what this specific consumer wants, ers into the retail store," Cayre adds. that of mechanical royalties," Greg- 2 LOVE TRILOGY - -Oasis Trammps -Atlantic (LP) (all cuts, LP) we feel we have the expertise to give "Disk jockey versions of innumer- ory goes on. "Naturally we can't ex- 2 LET YOUR HEART DO THE WALKING -The able disco hits are selling as col- pect to pay the same for a nine -min- 3 TOUCH & GO- Ecstasy, Passion & Pain - Supremes- Motown (LP) it to him. Roulette (disco version) lector's items, when available, for as ute version as we would for a three 3 BOHANNON'S THEME-Bohannon- "After all, with the enormous suc- 4 10 %- Double Exposure -Salsoul (Walter much as $7 per disk, which leads us or four -minute cut. But deals can be Brunswick (LP) cess of the album Gibbons disco version) to believe that there is a viable mar- made and accommodations worked 4 RUN FREE -Candi which has been charted for eight 5 LOVE HANGOVER -Diana Ross -Motown ket for this product." out where everyone can benefit. Staton -Warner Bros. months and has a third hit single (LP) /Fifth Dimension -ABC Cayre and Gregory maintain that "I do see it limiting the use some- 5 LOVE HANGOVER -Diana Ross- Motown from it coming along, we feel we are 6 LET YOUR HEART DO THE WALKING - a what of outside material for songs pioneers in the disco business. If people have spent night danc- Supremes- Motown (LP) 6 TOUCH & GO- Ecstasy, Passion & Pain - ing to the extended disco versions for which the label also has the pub- Roulette we're pioneers then it falls on us to 7 TURN THE BEAT AROUND -Vicky Sue would to lishing rights. This is only to give the Robinson -RCA break new ground which we feel like to be able buy the same 7 THIS IS IT /BRAND NEW -Melba Moore - product the next day. Usually they product a real chance to catch on in 8 I'LL GO WHERE YOUR MUSIC TAKES ME- Buddah (LP) we're doing with this 12 -inch single. can't because the record is commer- the street before having to pay out Jimmy James & The Vagabonds -Pye 8 "We're not really going into it TURN THE BEAT AROUND /COMMON cially available only in the edited mechanicals." 9 THEME /GOTTA GET AWAY - THIEF -Vicky Sue Robinson (LP) RCA blind. We have had encouraging re- First Choice-Philly Groove -LP versions used for radio or regular al- Both Cayre and Gregory feel that 9 MOVING A ports from the main disco market LIKE SUPERSTAR- Jackie bum cuts. the 12 -inch disco disk is not an ex- 10 CATHEDRALS -D.C. Larue- Pyramid (LP) Robinson -American Ariola areas and studied the problem for 11 THIS IS IT /PLAY BOY SCOUT /FREE- The first Salsoul Disco release is pensive item given the amount of 10 MAKING LOVE -Sammy Gordon -Greg three months before deciding to Melba Moore - Buddah (LP) by Double Exposure, a group music contained. move," Cayre explains. 11 MA -MO -AH -Tony Valor Sounds Orch.- recently signed to Salsoul Records. "A regular album contains about 12 BROTHERS THEME /UNDER MY SKIN/ Brunswick Dealers will be given special pro- MAKE LOVE-The Brothers -RCA (LP) Called "" it contains two 36 to 40 minutes of music and our 12 MAKE LOVETO ME -Fire & Rain -20th motional material to display with different disco mixes of the same disco single will have between 16 13 RAIN FOREST -Biddu Orch. -Epic Century the product with heavy emphasis tune, one lasting 7:07 minutes and and 18 minutes," Gregory says. "If 14 YOUNG HEARTS RUN FREE -Candi 13 10% - Double Exposure -Salsoul through the local discos. the other 9:15 minutes. It has been you figure that the regular album Staton -Warner Bros. 14 NICE & SLOW (instrumental) -Jesse "It may be that in some areas sells $6.98 list Green- commercially available as a stand- for and the disco 15 MOVING LIKE A SUPERSTAR- Jackie Scepter whére dealers are reluctant to try the ard 45- r.p.m. 7 -inch disk in a much single for $2.98 it works out just Robinson -American Ariola 15 I GET LIFTED -Sweet Music -Scepter new 12 -inch single we may have to shorter version. about the same." make it available through the discos "Through our disco and retail re- Some dealers have reacted rather themselves," Grego says. search," Cayre says, "we've discov- skeptically to the idea; however, the "But right now we hope that with ered that a disco record often has a Downstairs Store in New York, in -store displays and demonstration longer period of popularity than a Record Museum in Philadelphia, Colony Records (New York) Top Audience Response Records play we'll be able to avoid that route standard pop record. Gary's in Washington and Retail Sales In Boston Discos and use it to bring a new speciality "As the demand for this type of Grammophone Records in San This Week This Week market to the retailers. The next re- product is increasing, and as most Francisco all placed healthy initial 1 WHERE THE HAPPY PEOPLE GO -The 1 WHERE THE HAPPY PEOPLE GO -The leases will be by Carol Williams and people's home listening and lighting orders, apparently believing -Atlantic (LP) Trammps -Atlantic (all cuts, LP) will contain both an uptempo disco equipment becomes more sophis- market exists. RUDY GARCIA 2 I'LL GO WHERE YOUR MUSIC TAKES ME- 2 LOVE HANGOVER -Diana Ross -Motown Jimmy James & The Vagabonds -Pye 3 TURN THE BEAT AROUND -Vicky Sue 3 LOVE TRILOGY -Donna Summer -Oasis Robinson -RCA (LP) 4 NICE & SLOW -Jesse Green -Scepter 4 TOUCH & GO- Ecstasy, Passion & Pain - 5 LOVE TRILOGY -Donna Summer -Oasis Roulette (all cuts, LP) 5 RAIN FOREST -Biddu Orch. -Epic just few 6 DANCING FREE -Hot Ice -Rage a 6 LET YOUR HEART DO THE WALKING -The 7 LET YOUR HEART DO THE WALKING -- Motown (LP). Supremes- Motown (LP) 7 SOUL MAN -Calhoun- Warner Spector pointers 8 THIS IS IT -Melba Moore -Buddah (disco - 8 THIS IS IT -Melba Moore -Buddah disc)

9 MA -MO -AH -Tony Valor Sounds Orch.- 9 TOUCH & GO- Ecstasy, Passion & Pain - on the Brunswick Roulette

10 GET OFF YOUR AHHH! AND DANCE- Foxy -- 10 SOUL MAN -Calhoun- Warner /Spector Bass, Middle & Treble Controls Dash Clubman Two 11 BROTHERS THEME /UNDER THE SKIN - giving 12dB of Cut or boost so a 11 I LOVE TO LOVE -Al Downing -Polydor The Brothers-RCA (LP) pre -amp is not required. 12 CATHEDRALS -D.C. Larue- Pyramid (LP) 12 I GET LIFTED -Sweet Music -Scepter

disco mixer... 13 LOVE HANGOVER -Diana Ross -Motown 13 RAIN FOREST -Biddu Orch. -Epic Twin Phono Inputs so both turn- (LP) /Fifth Dimension -ABC 14 FIRST CHOICE THEME /GOTTA GET AWAY - tables can be played together & 14 HOLD ON TO WHAT YOU GOT -Rightous First Choice -Philly Groove (LP) professional fade -ins achieved. Bros. -Haven 15 GET THE FUNK OUT OF MY FACE -Brothers 15 WET WEEKEND-Rock Gazers-Pilgrim Johnson --A &M Set your voice level with its own Volume Slider.

The Tape Input allows special effects and tapes to be added. Downstairs Records (New York) Top Audience Response Records Retail Sales In L.A. /San Diego Discos A Master Volume Slider to set This Week This Week

1 overall system level. WHERE THE HAPPY PEOPLE GO -The 1 TRY ME, I KNOW WE CAN MAKE IT /COULD Trammps -Atlantic (LP) IT BE MAGIC -Donna Summer -Oasis (LP) Pre -Cue play one turntable while 2 MOVING LIKE A SUPERSTAR -Jackie Robinson -American Ariola 2 LOVE HANGOVER -Diana Ross -Motown cuing up the other or the tape. (LP) 3 YOU GOT WHAT IT TAKES -Silver 3 NICE & SLOW -Lesse Green -Scepter Convention- Midland IntJ.(LP) Headphone Output from 400 to í 4 TURN THE BEAT AROUND -Vicki Sue 4 BRAZIL -EI Coco -AVI (LP) \; 10K impedance. Robinson -RCA NICE AND SLOW (instrumental) -Jesse 5 GET UP AND BOOGIE /SAN FRANCISCO Green- Scepter HUSTLE /NO NO JOE- Silver Mic Input accepts any impedance 6 GET OFF YOUR AHHH! AND DANCE -Foxy- Convention -Midland Intl (LP) microphone. Dash 6 WHERE THE HAPPY PEOPLE GO- Trammps- Atlantic (all cuts) 7 DANCING FREE -Hot Ice -Rage Talkover Button with its auto 7 I'M GONNA LET MY HEART DO THE 8 MA -MO -AH -Tony Valor Sounds Orch.- WALKING -Supremes- Motown fade recovery makes voice talk - Brunswick over easy. 8 DANCE YOUR ASS OFF- Bohannon - Dakor 9 RAIN FOREST -Biddu Orch. -Epic 9 IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME- Yvonne Fair - 10 DON'T STOP NOW- Brothers -RCA (LP) Motown 11 SWING /GET YOUR GIRL -Hocus Pocus- 10 TEN PER CENT -Double Exposure -Salsoul Shield 155 Michael Dr., Syosset, N.Y. 11791 (516- 364 -1900) 11 TUBULAR BELLS- Champs Boys tiieter 12 TURN THE BEAT AROUND -Vicky Sue Orchestra -Janus West Coast Office: (213- 846 -0500) light Robinson and sound company -RCA 12 THIS IS IT -Melba Moore -Buddah In Passion Pain UK: C.E. Hammond Co. Ltd., Lamb House, Church St., London, England W4 2PB 13 TOUCH & GO- Ecstasy, & - 13 I GET LIFTED -Sweet Music -Scepter Roulette (disco edit) CLUBMAN TWO - JUST 1 OF OVER 320 PRODUCTS IN THE METEOR DISCO RANGE. 14 FOXY LADY -Crown Heights Affair -De -Lite 14 LIPSTICK -Michel Polnareff-Atlantic

15 NEW YORK CITY -Miroslav Vitous -Warner 15 MOVIN' LIKE A SUPERSTAR -Jackie Bros. (LP) Robinson -Ariola America -

www.americanradiohistory.com 39 Discos TaIenI Campus Club DJs Mixing Masters FROM 60 COLLEGES Continued from page 1 West Coast player received a promo- Talent Notably, the development stacks tional copy of the single "Nice And up as a mini -breakthrough for label - Slow," with a 3:05 vocal version on 100 Bands disco DJ relations, as a number of one side and a 4:40 instrumental In Action Blow At labels have sought to involve spin- version on the flip side, for club ex- Continued from page 36 ners in various phases of production posure. of disks aimed at the dance set with- Without being asked, Metz KELLY GARRETT Pacific Coast Fest out much success to date. blended both versions and came up JAKE HOLMES By CONRAD SILVERT In most cases, either the spinners with a new 5:45 version and passed Reno Sweenes''s. New York BERKELEY, Calif. -More than playing their own compositions it along to Scepter's Patrick weren't sophisticated enough for in- Jenkins, By all accounts, Garrett is one of the fastest 1,500 student musicians comprising backed by the U.C. Berkeley Jazz who sent it back to studio a &r work or they found their Cheren here. rising pop singers around. Still, there is one key 100 bands from 60 colleges partici- Ensemble under the direction of Dr. paths blocked by well- entrenched Cheren, who mixed the original element that could hold her back -lack of suit- pated in the 1976 Pacific Coast Col- David Tucker, who was also chief producers and mixers already famil- two versions, says that he was im- able material. During her April 20 set she dem- legiate Jazz Festival, held for the overseer of the entire festival. iar with the dance sound. pressed enough with Metz' new ver- onstrated a powerful voice and natural stage third consecutive year at the Univ. of Cal student Ron Woertz, the festi- One exception, though, has been sion to go back into the studio using manner, but the songs she offered seemed an Calif., Berkeley, April 23 and 24. val chairman, was excited by the re- RCA's David Todd, DJ at Adam's the blended version as a guideline obvious attempt to make her acceptable to a Two full days of activity included sponse from schools all over the for a new broad -based audience. Apple here, who's been acting both mix. 18 clinics conducted by well -known Western states, making the Pacific She can sing circles around most female in the capacity of a &r consultant The new Cheren /Metz blend -mix vo- jazz musicians; free noon concerts; Coast Festival the most successful of calists today and she has a pert, but aggressive, and promotional coordinator on is the one going out to clubs via 12- day -long competition among big the five regional festivals held way about her so it's impossible to figure why an- disco product from the label. inch promotional disks (1,600 bands and small combos and two nually around the nation. copies). she should be confined to singing pop standards "We broke our first record via the long evenings of playoffs, award "We're trying to provide an over- discos, and that's where our strength How much Metz was paid Cheren and other songs that aren't suited for her "big" voice. presentations and concerts by sev- all educational experience," Woertz still is," says Salsoul's Ken Cayre. He wouldn't say, but he does state that If anything, this material would be suited for eral jazz stars. stresses, "and the competition is only explains that going to Gibbons for a Metz is given credit on the blended a performance in one of the Las Vegas hotels, Nine judges, all jazz educators, one part of the festival." blending two disk version. of separate tracks (one but if her management and are sifted through the stiff competition. More than 900 attended 18 two- a vocal, the other an instrumental) It's also planned to use the new looking to break her to the masses, they should In the big band category the winner hour clinics held in three locations in was part of a conscious effort to version for the second run of com- gear her toward better tunes. Her strong reviews was CalState at Northridge, Joel six time slots spread over the two make product appealing to discos. mercial copies pressed, adds Cheren. in Harry Chapin's play, "The Night That Made Leach, director, followed by the days. The tracks America Famous" provided Gibbons Interestingly, the 12- incher also displays her ability to hit with Univ. of Nevada at Las Vegas, and Clinicians included George Duke, were final -mixes the young so which ran approxi- marks a first for Scepter in that it's consumer, why push her away from DeAnza College, Cupertino, Calif. Joe Henderson, Julian Priester, Ed- mately this audience? four minutes in length. The used to promote product on separate Of the combos, CalState again die Henderson, Mike Wolff, Jerome spinner, Opening the show was Jake Holmes, an oft - who blended the tracks at labels. The flip side features the tune was the winner (Gordon Goodwin, Richardson, Rufus Reid, Patrick the Frank overlooked singer- songwriter with a knack for Ford Wayne Laboratories "I Get Lifted" by Sweet Music, director), followed by Diablo Valley Gleeson, Ray Brown and drummer here and who writing comical parodies as well as moving bal- was paid $185 for his which records for Scepter- distrib- College at CalState, Long Beach, . Either a $1 or lads. Currently unaffiliated after stints with Co- efforts, produced a 9:45 version. uted Wand. "Nice Calif. $1.50 ticket (student or general) paid And Slow" is on lumbia and Polydor, Holmes deserves another That version was used for 12 -inch Scepter itself. Friday night's program (23), held for all daytime activities. Evening shot with a major label. His material is very disco disks sent out for club airplay in UC Berkeley's elegant Zellerbach tickets were $3.50 and $4.50. Cheren says he's long sought to in- strong and his two sides- comedy ( "Uptown On (2,500 in all), and has recently been Hall ran till 1:30 a.m. due to a few Dick Archibald, president of the volve club spinners in label activities The IRT Express" and "WASP ") and ballads ( "So used on the flip side of a commercial sluggish set changes. The combo U.C. Berkeley and Close ") -make him one of the better offerings of Jazz Ensemble, called 12 -inch 45 r.p.m. record shipped by that he's hopeful that this latest the year. One can only think that he was playoffs preceded an enthusias- the festival "a big esthetic success, the label (see separate story). development will help the flow of ahead of himself in the past and the musical world is tically received concert by Flora Pu- though we fell a little short finan- Cayre says the $ 185 communication between the camps. that broke now catching up. JIM FISHEL rim, backed by the CalState Long cially." The festival was able to meet "The down to $85 to cover Gibbons salary disco DJs are the kids with Beach big band. approximately $16,500 out of its at the ears," he says. the club for the night and $100 for JOHNNY TILLOTSON After an intermission, awards $18,000 budget through entry fees, the blending. Gibbons is given were Midland International had used a Landmark Hotel, Las Vegas presented and a second all -star clinics, concerts and a $2,000 grant credit for the blend on both the com- local spinner on the production and concert closed the evening featuring from the Univ. of Calif. Country -pop- singer Tillotson headlined a mercial and promotional pressings. final mix of Marboo's "What About Eddie Henderson (), Julian Professional musicians, students much -deserved show at the Landmark's "Coun- The record, featuring the four- Love" single last December but, ac- Priester (), Mike Wolff (pi- and try Music U.S.A." series April 30 and proved his the general public expressed man group Double Exposure, was cording to a label spokesperson, ability to crossover into different musical ano), Jerone Richardson (saxo- feelings that the festival is a valuable arranged by and there styles. are no plans at present to build The Columbia artist was accompanied by two phone) and Paul Jackson (bass). learning experience, and a form of produced by Baker /Harris /Young on it. The feeling is that in -house ca- Saturday night's more efficiently communication that strengthens Productions. adequate females and a backup band somewhat pability meets the need. devoid of matching Tillotson's excitement. run program finished on time at music from the grassroots level up. "We feel that disco spinners are The show opened with banjoist supreme Skip 11:30 p.m. with two outstanding sets There is hope that in the future the better equipped to judge the public's De Vol, held over indefinitely, followed by Tillot- featuring keyboardist George Duke five regional collegiate jazz festivals response to disco product," explains son with the Foghat hit, "Slow Ride" in a rousing and saxophonist Joe Henderson can hook up under one umbrella. Cayre. He says that the label hopes rock number, then 's "When Will to involve other area DJs in future I Be Loved" and Mac Davis's "Stop And Smell releases, for blending as well as for LDisco Mix] The Roses." mixing purposes. By A heavily country "Johnny B. Goode" was Major Industry Figures next, followed by a magical interpretation of Over at Scepter, label executive NEW YORK -Capitol Records has released its ' "Please Come To Boston." Tillot- Mel Cheren says that Metz' involve- first 12 -inch disco disk, using its top disco act son then performed Hank Thompson hits, "Big For Temple U.'s Workshop ment happened inadvertently. for the kickoff. The Boss Man" and "You Win Again" which led into The disk, "Heaven Must Be Missing An An- a medley of his 50s and 60s hits including "Po- PHILADELPHIA -More than 50 of the Harry Fox Agency; Russ San - gel," runs 6:32 and features an energetic intro etry In Motion," "It Keeps Right On A- Hurtin" guest lecturers from various areas of jek of BMI; Sidney Guber of which moves into a Van McCoy type sound. and "Send Me The Pillow." Tillotson's long -time the industry are scheduled to partici- SESAC; and Ron Ravitz of Con- Overall, the song is not as strong as the group's backup five -man group Slippery-When -Wet pate in a three -week "The Business trolled Sheet Music Service. disco hit "It Only Takes A Minute," but the me- didn't prove enough soundwise for the enter- of Music Workshop" at Temple Speakers and participants oh, the lodic easy sound and flow holds everything to- tainer's broad range, which requires a house or- Univ. here June 7 -27. various INDULGE gethér. administration courses are chestra. According to Ron Zalkind, direc- Billy The cut is taken from the group's forthcom- Taylor, jazz and The one -hour segment ended with country tor of the workshop and coordinator ing "Sky- High" LP, which will ship later this member of the National Endow- songs "Good Time Charlie's Got The Blues," of the school's successful "Business month. A commercial single release will have a ment For the Arts; John Mazzola, THE "Tulsa Turnaround" and "Cadoo Queen" in a of Music" course, part 1 &2 version on the 12 -inch disk tune. the workshop is managing director of Lincoln Cen- show which displayed Tillotson's touch with the Buddah has just released "Dance & Free not one course, but 12 mini- courses ter For the Performing Arts; Moe audience and ability to communicate. Your Mind (Part 1 &2)" by Sins of Satan. The that can be taken as a whole or in Septee. executive director of the HANFORD SEARL EYE & EAR group is out of Detroit and it manages to cap- part. New Robin Hood Dell; I. Philip Sip - ture some of the Philly sound with this up- Among the areas covered are pub- ser, labor relations attorney; Joseph tempo tune. Disco On Boat lishing, administration, recording, Santarlasci, assistant manager of the CUSTOM Shirley & Company have a new record out on promotion, fund -raising, manage- Philadelphia Orchestra; and Larry Vibration and it's nothing like their monster Continued from page 3 ment, booking, contracts, copyright, Magid of Electric Factory Produc- ELECTRONIC "Shame, Shame, Shame" hit of last year. Al- lantie City, double occupancy hotel graphic design and others. tions. though the song is about dancing, it's very funky accommodations, and an all -night In addition, Zalkind has planned Recording courses will feature LIGHTING and more r &b sounding than "Shame." Shirley disco session at the resort's Club three evaluation workshops: song- Bruce Lundvall, president of CBS is singing a duet this time with Peppi Marchello Harlem. Those going to the resort on writer, composer and artist. Records; Earl Shelton, president of & SOUND and the sound is completely different. their own were able to take in the ' Scheduled attendees in the copy- Philadelphia International Records; FOR Midland International will be releasing "Take disco dance for $6. right area are Barbara Ringer, Reg- Joel and Jonathon Dorn, independ- A Little," the debut single from the group Liquid The Cherry Hill Inn, plush hos- ister of Copyrights at the U.S. Copy- ent producers; Larry Ballen, vice Pleasure. DISCOTHEQUES Richie Pampanella, DJ at the Hip - telry at nearby Cherry Hill, N.J., rights Office, and Herman president of Diskmakers Henry poppotamus club here, says that he's been get- called in Sounds Great, local sound Finkelstein, former general counsel Brief, executive director of the ting strong response on the test pressing. The firm, to convert its Grand Ballroom of ASCAP. The contract sessions RIAA; Cy Leslie, president of Pick- sound of the record is similar to Gary Toms Em- into a "super disco" April 30 for a will feature Alan Arrow and Alan wick International; Morty Wax pire. It was produced by Jerry Love. of night of dancing and partying with a Schulman of Arrow, Silverman & Morty Wax Productions; Bob Aus- There's another debut single out as well from SMITHALL light show added to the sound sys- Parcher, as well as Harold Rosen- tin of Record World Magazine; Eli's Second Coming on the TK- distributed Silver Blue label. "Love Chant" has already garnered tem's recorded music. The first in a blum of Rosenblum & Wolsk, and Dexter Wansel, producer for Phila- series of "Disco Happenings" cost $5 ELECTRONICS good early reaction off of the few test pressings Neal Pilson, head of business affairs delphia International; and others. circulated. for the 9 p.m.-2 a.m. session. for the William Morris Agency. Instructors in the promotion area 2001 Vine St. The song has a guitar hook -line that reminds Disco Society, another disco pro- Publishing tantatives include include Patsy Hunt, theatrical press Cincinnati, Ohio 45210 one of 's "Superstition" as well as motional group, is combining a Norman Weiser, president of Chap- agent; Cecil Frank, director of (513) 381 -2828 sensuous female vocal tracks and a funky Philly Marvin Gaye concert with a disco pell Music; Arnold Broido, president Temple's public relations; Robert rhythm sound throughout. It was produced by dance session on a New York excur- of Theodore Presser Co.; Lewis Thomas, professor at Univ. of Penn - . sion for the Memorial Day weekend - Bachman of AGAC; Albert Berman (Continued on page 56)

www.americanradiohistory.com 40 Sound Business Barri Gets Good Vibes And Top Hits In Move To Warners LOS ANGELES -"I've always "I basically started as a writer," and it all became more of a sound felt one of my real strengths is an Barri says, "and the first real hit I thing. And there were times when I ability to find songs that work for was involved in was 'When Two felt that if music is going to be good artists, and I think if a pro- People,' a record which ended up changing totally, maybe it will pass ducer or a &r man can do this and with at Dimension. me by. make changes as music changes he's Through Lou I met Phil Sloan, who "I didn't really enjoy all the hard in fairly good shape." later became P.F. Sloan and wrote rock material as much as I enjoy a Obviously the theory works for `Eve Of Destruction.' But we wrote a good song. But I believed that if I , who has 'been repre- . lot of things together and had hits continued to do the kind of things I sented on the charts virtually non- with the Turtles (`You Baby') liked there would be a place for me. stop over the past dozen years as a Johnny Rivers ('Secret Agent Man') And there always seemed to be a producer, writer or both and is cur- and Herman's Hermits. record or two that would pop rently in the top 10 with "Welcome "I had no real ambition to become through and which gave me confi- Back" and "Happy Days." a producer, but through hanging dence to continue. Since mid '60s, Barri has with Lou co- "Good songs are a real key," Barri the around and producing Billboard photos by Bonnie Tiegel worked with , Four a few things with him I eventually continues. "The artist who can write Steve Barri (left) and plan co- production techniques for Tops, Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reyn- learned production and I began to commercially is fantastic, but to con- Pratt & McLain's "Happy Days" LP. olds, Mama Cass, P.F. Sloan, enjoy it." tinually write commercial songs is among others and is Barri and Sloan then co- produced very tough, especially if the artist is currently involved with John Sebas- "Eve Of Destruction" for Barry on the road a lot. artist, and we each present songs. I dures. But I like having the artist tian, Pratt & McLain and the McGuire, wrote "Where Were You "So it's always good to have some will tell an artist that I think a song is present throughout as much of the Rhythm Heritage while preparing to When I Needed You" and found a songs around you feel are hits. I've a hit, but I will never insist that any- process as possible." work with Dion and . group to become the Grass Roots held onto songs I believed in for a one do a given piece of material. I try Over the past six months, Barri and cut several LPs with Sloan. couple of years until the right artist and reflect the feeling and style of has also become the king of the tv More hits came with each year,, at and /or right time came along." the artist so it works with the song. themes, with three hitting the top 10 ABC and currently at Warner Bros., One example Barri gives is his "You look for a certain sound, (two in the No. I slot) and a fourth with Barri now on the charts with his presentation of "Don't Pull Your something to give a record a charac- on the way. two top 10 cuts as well as "Baretta's Love," a and Brian ter of its own. Usually I try and do The first was the "Theme From Theme." Potter song, to the Grass Roots. The the basic tracks with the artist in the S.W.A.T.," an idea that came from "I believe that if you have a good group turned it down, feeling it was studio, so they can sing along with Barn's nine -year-old son. "My son piece of material for a good act it will a bit light. Barri eventually pro- the band and their feeling and inter- kept bugging me to get a copy of the work out reasonably well," Barri duced the cut for Hamilton, Joe pretation is captured. theme and I discovered there was says. "I did go through that period in Frank & Reynolds and the three had "Then I ask the artist to take the none," he says. "I'd never seen the the '60s and early '70s when hard a top 10 single. tapes home for a few days and work show, and might not have let him Barri takes a call from his office rock was very in and most of the big- Barri considers the studio a "give with them. Later we add the vocals watch it if I had. But I finally heard while waiting to start the session. ger acts were moving in the direction and take situation. I meet with the and go through the rest of the proce- (Continued on page 56)

Former Heider Mgr. Eyes Projects Studio Track LOS ANGELES -Gary Blohm, rights to the works of Kathleen Win - sor, Amber." He By BOB KIRSCH most recently general manager at author of "Forever Wally Heider's in San Francisco, is is considering doing the book as a LOS ANGELES -Down in was in with producer Henry Strez- Knight is also in, working on a film set to become involved in a number radio serial. Miami at the Criteria Recording Stu- lecki. soundtrack with producer Dominic of projects including a consultancy Finally, Blohm and several associ- * * * dios, Stephen Stills was one of the Frontieri and engineer Gary Kell- firm, an LP project, radio syndica- ates are discussing a possible movie recent guests, wrapping up his re- Remodeling on the Music Ma- gren. Finally, Jimmy Robinson is in tion and a movie of the week. of the week, dubbed "Gemomimo cent album, while , chine studio in Studio City, Calif., producing and engineering the De- The consultancy idea is based Schoolhouse Fire," with Roger and Neil Young were has been completed, according to tectives. around an audition program Blohm Miller and N. Dann Moss. * * also in lending a hand, Don Gehman producer Alan Rinde. The studio * was involved in at Heider's. Plan- engineered and Steve Hart and Mi- will continue to focus on demo work, Charlie Daniels just finished de- ning to headquarter here and in San chael Lasko aided. which Rinde sees as a profitable spe- but Epic album was cut at Macon's Francisco, Blohm will work with es- Univ. Of Miami The finished their next cialty, though there will probably be Capricorn Studios. Guests included tablished musicians as well as tal- album, with Alby Galuten and Karl a move in the future made toward members of the Marshall Tucker ented newcomers in preparing Adds a Degree Richardson producing. Due in in the getting involved in overdubs. The Band and demos, publishing and other areas near future is Jackie Gleason to do studio was acoustically and aesthet- helping out. of the record business. For Engineers to Al of the better an LP for Capitol. Jack Adams has ically remodeled, according DeLory, one Many of the newer acts, he says, CORAL GABLES. Ha. -The Rinde. known producers, is just back from finished mixing an LP for Verinque are persons he met while conducting School of Music at the Univ. of * * * South America where he cut two al- Sanson. Adams also worked on a auditions for talented young musi- Miami is starting a program which At Music Recorders in Los An- bums for Yale Wexler Productions project with a group from Freeport cians at Heider's. He hopes to be- will offer a Bachelor of Music in geles, Paul Williams has been in of Chicago. dubbed T- Connection and with Cay come a liaison between new talent Music Engineering Technology, ef- working on the for "Bugsy Larry Brown is at the Hit Factory Gottlieb from the Bahamas. Cam- and labels. fective with the fall semester. local is in to Malone," and has also been collabo- in New York cutting a session of his eron, a group, also due Another facet of the firm may be Curriculum is designed in cooper- rating with Kenny Asher on the own songs. Charlie Calello is pro- work with producer /engineer acting as a sales consultant for sev- ation with 16 engineers and others Broadway musical "Dorothy." Mi- ducing. Larry, you may remember, Adams. eral San Francisco studios. experienced in recording tech- in chel Polnareif was also in, scoring co -wrote "Tie A Yellow Ribbon," James Brown was back the stu- In other areas, Blohm is involved nology, and includes courses in mu- "Lipstick" with engineer Bill Halver- among others. dio recently working on a single, in an LP project with a new artist sic, electrical engineering. physics; son, Patti Dahlstrom cut an album * * * called "Get Up Offa That Thing" named Siddha, and has acquired the mathematics, psychology and with producer Larry Knectel and the busi- for Man's World Enterprises. Rupert Neve Inc. launched its ness. Captain & Tennille helped out with Neve Computer Assisted Mixdown Features of the four -year program * * * backing vocals. Jack Conrad fin- system (NECAM) at the AES show A New Facility include four semesters of ished production of a disco LP and audio In Nashville, the Four Guys, stars in Los Angeles last week. Tore B. recording techniques, including to Music stu- of the Grand Ole Opry and owners finally, congratulations Nordahl, vice president and general For Washington Recorders engineer and owner dio practices, as well as two years of of the Harmony House Club, have manager at Neve, was one of the WASHINGTON music Garry Ulmer on his marriage to Amy -The Arrest theory. one year of advanced installed 16-track recording facilities hosts at an introductory cocktail Recording Corp., new 24 -track facil- music theory including orches- Glantz. party. in the main showroom of the club. ity here, opened its doors May 1 with tration and arranging, and courses * * * The group itself will be the first to the aim of keeping talented young in sound synthesis and arranging. record with the new equipment, cut- Flo & Eddie have been at the A Minneapolis artists in the city. Plans for the final semester in- ting an LP called "The Four Guys Record Plant in Los Angeles, work- The studio is part of a firm that in- clude either an internship with a Live At The Harmony House." ing on their latest LP, "Moving Tar- Studio Expands cludes a management company professional recording studio or an Also in Nashville, Katy Moffatt gets." Skip Taylor and Ron Nevison dubbed Capital City Management additional semester of study in elec- has finished an album at the Colum- are producing, with Ron also at the MINNEAPOLIS -Sound 80 Stu- and Band of Angels Publishing. trical engineering. business and mu- bia Recording Studios with Billy controls. Flo & Eddie, also known as dios here is in the midst of an expan- The studio will be reserved for sic. Sherrill handling production. In Howard Kaylan and Mark Voilman, sion program that has seen an MCI house acts first but will also be open Advanced courses in sound rein- other Columbia studio action, ses- are also lending a hand with produc- computer control console and a 32- to the public. forcement and audio recording will sions have included , tion. track slave driver sync system in- Executives in the firm include: be taught in the 16 -track profes- Freddy Weller, Johnny Duncan, was also in, produc- stalled in Studio One as well as an Sonny Smith, executive vice presi- sional recording studio housed in Marty Robbins, Johnny Paycheck ing his own next LP. Boone Boylan MCI 428 console in Studio two. dent and chief engineer; Mitch Lit- the Maurice Gusman Concert Hall. and Faith O'Hara under the produc- produced himself, with Deni King Both consoles have memory fea- man, director of creative services Courses will be under the super- tion arm of Sherrill, while Ray Baker engineering. Bonnie Koiec is busy tures to allow for changes in ele- and artist development; Roger Britt, vision of Bill Porter. director of cut product with and with her first Columbia album, with ments of an audio mix while pre- director of promotion and market- recording services for the school of . George Richey pro- Arthur Gorson producing and Gary serving the sounds requiring no ing services, and D.C. Valentine, as- music. assisted by Fred Torchio. as- duced Sonny James and David Wills Ladinsky at the boards. Gladys changes. sistant engineer and mixing director. sistant director of recording services.

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in Italy


www.americanradiohistory.com www.americanradiohistory.com Gigliola Cinxjetti- AGifted Ambassadress for the Italian Song

One of Italy's most celebrated international art- She recorded the song in Spanish, English and ists, has had a glitteringly success- French and, especially for the U.K. market, Gigliola ful career which dates from 1963 when, as a young recorded an album of English versions of her songs girl of 15 she won the new talent section of the Cas - plus some original U.K. copyrights. The album was trocaro competition. much acclaimed in Britain.

The following year brought a major breakthrough 1975 saw a breakthrough for Gigliola in Germany when she won both the San Remo Song Festival and with the song "Man Spricht Nicht Von Liebe." She the with "Non Ho L'Eta," a also scored great success at home with a series of song which brought her international fame. The five weekly shows for Italian television. In October song set her firmly on the road to stardom and that that year, Gigliola made a 20 -day tour of Japan, per- year her record sales totalled more than four million. forming in the most important theaters. She made a She made highly successful tours in Japan and other great impact with songs from her latest album, "Gig- countries and triumphed in a four -week engagement liola E La Banda." In December Gigliola recorded a at Paris's famous Theater. special single for the French market coupling the French In 1965 Gigliola had her own television show in song, "La Primavera" with "Elle," a French version Italy and the following year she again won the San of the Italian song "Lei." Remo Festival with the song "Dio Come Ti Amo." In This year has seen Gigliola Cinquetti consolidating 1967 she recorded a special album for children and her success in Germany with television appearances scored tremendous success with an album of her hits on "The Schanze Show," "Drehscheibe," "Studio B" called "La Rosa Nera." That year she also took part and "Aktuelle Schaubude" to promote here new Ger- in the Cantaeuropa -the singing tour of Europe. man hit, "Auf Wiedérsehen, Amore." She has also After competing in the 1968 San Remo Festival been making television appearances in France to with the song "Sera," Gigliola made September tours present her recording of "La Primavera." of Mexico and Canada. The 1969 San Remo contest At 28 -she was born in Verona on December 20th, produced a huge international hit for Miss Cinquetti 1947 -Gigliola Cinquetti can look back on a career with "La Pioggia," which was a best -seller in most packed with consistent achievement and ever -in- European countries and in South America and Ja- creasing international recognition. An assured and pan. Foreign sales of the single amounted to more richly talented artist, she can also look forward to than a million. many fresh triumphs in the future as one of Italy's 1. ' Romantico Blues" was Gigliola's entry for the leading singers and an incomparably gifted am- 1970 San Remo Festival and then, in April, she made bassadress for the Italian song. guest appearances at the galas held during the Japa- nese EXPO.

The highlight of 1971 for Miss Cinquetti was the re- lease of a new album, "Cantando Con Gli Amici," which included songs popular in the Italian moun- tain regions. The album sold more than 150,000 and the most popular title was "La Domenica Andando Alla Messa." Gigliola's San Remo entry that year was "Rose Nel Buio." For the following year's event she sang "Gira L'Amore" and afterwards she made a week of guest appearances on the French tv show "Midi Trente." She also made a successful tour of Ja- pan and received a gold disk to mark her sales of one million singles in that country. Also in 1972, Gigliola competed in the Italian tele- vision contest, "Canzonissima." In 1973 Gigliola made numerous television ap- 3. pearances in Spain and France and was once again a special guest star on the French tv show "Midi Trente." The following year she won the "Canzonis- sima" contest with the song "Alle Porte Del Sole," which she also recorded in French, Spanish, German and English and which became an international best -seller. She finished second in the Eurovision Song Contest with the beautiful song, "Si" and this song, too, became a big international hit, particularly in England where it received powerful promotion.

1.) 1974 and a triumph for Gigliola in the Canzonissima with "Alle Porte Del Sole." 2.) 1974-and Gigliola's song "Si" takes second place in the Eurovision Song Contest at Brighton, England. 3.) 1966 -and a more sophisticated Gigliola partners Domenico Modugno (right) to present Modugno's winning song "Dio Come Ti Amo" at San Remo. On left is com- pere Mike Buongiorno. 4.) Gigliola Cinquetti, at 15, triumphs at the 1964 San Remo Festival with the song "Non Ho L'Eta" which brought her international fame. 5.) 1969; Gigliola Cinquetti, relaxed and assured, waits to perform "La Pioggia" at San Remo. It became a huge international hit. 4. Advertisement www.americanradiohistory.com on roser is , a ve :- 4 4 he history of CBS Sugar is that of a com- course, was the discover, in 1964 cf Gigliola Cinquetti, whose Another nia or artist the pany built on human understanding, success in the Castelcaro Festival followed by triumphs at San eren of San Remo, a long -term contract artist with the CES - cnremitting p-ofesúionalism, sensi- Remo and in the Eurovision Song Contest in Stockholm, was Sugar group aid a man whose mature artistry has made h m tvity to public -seeds and an intuitive unprecedented. ore of Italy's most outstanding theater and musical person- sense cf good taste " says Giuseppe The following year, Massimo Ranieri and Gianni Nazzaro alties. about the CES -Sugar o -- Giannini "And in saying that I know were signed to exclusive recording contracts and Caterina Ca- Says Giannihi: "The great thing speak not only -or the Sugar fancily but selli won San Remo with ' Nessuno Me Po Giudicare" (Nobody ganizat on is that whether we are working on estaz lished stars also for myco- cirectors Franco Crepax Can Judge Me). lilke Cir quetti Ranieri, Nazzaro, Celentano, I Pcoh and E o- little -known talents, trie and Saad-c. Delor." Then, in 1966 came I Cameleon-i, the first act to be signed reli, or on newly signed and, as yet, down to Born in f- laples in 1S.30 and a graduate of Naples Ltniver by the newly created CBS -Sugar company. "It was signed excitement and enthusiasm, from the top executives sity, Giannini made hisfirst ertry ntoshow business it 195C to the CBS labe ," recalls Giannin , "and this really marked the you-gest assistant, are total and immensely simulating. when "for fun" he aced as nanager of some Naples pop the beginning of the group era in taly." "Soma of the bright new talents who have signed with us I di Sim - groups. La:er, in partnership with a relative, he opEned a Probably Giannini's major triumph in this group era was the are Marcella Bzlla, Sandro Giacobbe, Beans, Gia-dini in Rome. capture of the most distinctive and musically sophisticated pl ci an two fine comic artists. C-ch and Renab. In 1955 he moved to Milan and worked with EMI in charge act on the Italian scena -I Pooh, the classical -rock combo "Then there are the establishec artists who have joined is of publicity and promotion. Two years later le became export which has a tremendous following from other companies -such as Raffaella Carra, Fausto Leali, manager of the corr- Bobby Solo and Claudio pany and then, in 195g, Villa. he became inter- "In still another cate- national manager of tha gory are movie ac- Compagria Generale "A company built on professionalism tresses and tv person- del Disco, the record op- alities like Claudia Mori, eration whose distribu- Mita Medici, Laure ta tion Ladislao Sugar had and human understanding." Goggi and Maria Rosario acquired r 1947. Then Omaggio." in 196e, a-ter the crea- The growth and gi.at- tion of CEC-Sugar, Giar- ity of the CES -Sugar tal- nini was 2Fpointed dep- ent roster is impressve uty gerera manager cf by any standards and the company. He be- Giannini is the first to ca-re central director in give generous praise on

1972 and last year was behalf of himself End appointed to the boarc. the rest of :he boarc to It iE riannini's de- the a &r staff of -he clared pn losophy that group. both past and in order b work effec- SUGAR present, for recog- tively h the music busi- nizing, encouraging and 1 Ladislao Sugar. 2. Pie-o Sugar. 3. Franco Crepax, senior director. 4. Sandro Delor, senior director. 5. Giuseppe Giannini, senior ness, sou have to lo'e developing :he potential director. 6. M. Richard Asher, president of CBS Records International 7. Nicholas J. Cirillo, vice president operations, CBS Records music, love_ it enough :o of so many acts. International. 8. Peter de Rougemont, vice European Operat ons, CBS Records International. 9. Sheldon M. Wool, vice presi- live it, protect it and pm- presider:, "They have devel- financial CBS Records Group. 10. Professor Vittorio M. De Sanctis, attorney at law. duce it a: the highest dent adrrinistation and duet officer, oped that talent always level o- quality. with good taste and with He joined CGD n the needs of the art sts 1959 because Sugar -whose outtool- has always strongly in- The man who discovered I Pooh was Giancarlo Lucariello. In and the_ publi constantly in mind. ternatioral- needec someona to develop the potential of the 1971 he was employed in the art department of CBS -Sugar "We also owe a great debt to our international division for CGD catabg in foreign markets anc also to acquire foreign but was looking for something a little more ambitious. So projecting this home -grown talent abroad and of :ourse tome catalogs and masters. Giannini recommended him as a &r manager to another artists themselves for giving us the privilege of tringing their Up b that time the successof CGD had been based virtually record company, which was about to open an Italian office. talents to the public both in person and on record. I want par - on twc arlists- Johnrny Dorell and Eetty Curtis. Lucariello had jjst star:ed work it this capacity when he dis- tcularly to acknowledge the great contribution of artists ike Giarniri's first major coup within three months of his ap- covered I Pooh. but before he could arrange for it to be Adrian,: Celentano. Gigliola Cinquetti. I Pooh, Massimo Raneri, pointrraen- was the acquisiticn el the MGM license fo- Italy - signed to the label, the company decided to close its Italian Faffaet a Cara. and Gianni Nazzaro who have been such ex- an accuisition which was imp-essivey ind cated by w-rat can office. orllent ambassadors for Italian music throughout the word." only be described as tie Connie Frarcis explosion. Urtil then So Lucariello told Giannini about the group. Giannini went Another important facet of CBS- Sugar's activty is the cus- the maxirum sale by 3 foreign artist had _een of the order of to hear them play, was deeply impressed and signed them to tom prsssingit undertakes for domestic and foreign labels, in 200,000 sngles. The Connie Francisrecording of "Jealous Of an exclusive contract. particu'ar for WEA Italiana. This latter contract was signed in

You" eTango della Gelosia by Mascherori) sold in excess of I Pooh's first single fcr CBS -Sugar sold 800.000; the second July last year 700,000 t was a unique phanomeron. sold 700,000, the third 500,000 and the fourth 700,000. "It is the combination of so many facets -the technical re- Afta' ha MGM triumph, Giannini then got representation of Lucariello (who now rejoined CBS -Sugar in the a &r depart- source=_, the unfailing enthusiasm of the staff, the superla:ive the United Artists catalog fcr Italy, and so successfully was ment) and Giannini were thus entitled to consider themselves talent -e presented on the various labels and the high level of

this repertoire promoted tha' it crornptec the then - president fairly discerning judges of talent. creative energy that runs through at the departments -that of UA, Art Talmadge, -o comment in 1960 "I continue to see Today the average I Pooh album sells more than 100,000 nakesT,BS- Sugar one of the leading companies i-i Italy," says in the talian charts published inBillboarc. United Artists rec- copies -showing it has lost none of its appeal to record Giannini. " SLch a &r men as Alfredo Cerruti. Gianni Dal Dallo o-os aoaearing week after week... I'm tired!" It is not sur- buyers. and Ar-uro äitelli are among the most outstanding in their prising that United Artists, along with several other presti- The next major Italian artist tc join the CBS -Sugar family f eld it Italy. gious abels, remainswith CBS -Sugar to :his day. was the multi -talented Adriano Celentano who had been a "It is because of the high caliber of our production staff and In 1960 Frank Siratra's record company, Reprise, awarded force on the Italian music scene s nce 1956. Celentano came the rich repertoire on the CBS /Epic labels and on the irde- its first overseas license to CD and the fi -st big success was into the group as a result of CBS -Sugar's aquisition of his pende-t labels such as ABC -Paramount, Derby, Bradleys, hancySinetra's "Like I Do." when the Warner Bros. company record label, Clan Celentano, in 1973. Philadelphia International, Monument, Brunswick, CTI, took ove- Reprise, CGD got tha entire Warier Bros. represen- Adriano Celentano is a true Italian talent whose music owes Chess:Janus. MCA, United Artists and Walt Disney that the tation The company also wcn representation for Itaÿ of the nothing to foreign influences. Today his records still fly high in CBS -Sugar organization has achieved such excellent sales re- A&M cata og. the Italian chars and he has extended his creative activities to sults and has been able to take a leading position in the Ita ian Parallel with this buildup of foreign repertoire was a match- included directing and acting in movies and writing film music ihdust -y as a major provider of a wide variety of musical ing expansion in local product. Oie cif the great landmarks, of scores. culture to music - lovers all over the world."

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CBSSUGAR s. .a. www.americanradiohistory.com f the remarkable story of Ladislao Sugar had had its pany, with maestro Mascheroni as musical director and princi- ing Italian music on a world -wide basis. In addition, the over- setting in the , it would certainly pal composer. seas branches are constantly seeking local copyrights for in- have ranked in stature with those of the great Throughout his long business career Sugar has always had ternational exploitation. American publishing giants like the Fratelli the vision to see the way in which the music industry was de- Early in 1966, Ladislao Sugar made an agreement with CBS Dreyfus and Jack Robbins. It is a story of total ded- veloping and it was completely typical of his great entrepre- to bring the CGD label into a new jointly owned company ication, hard work and self- sacrifice, allied to a neurial flair when he decided to move into the record busi- which today is known as CBS -Sugar. At the same time a jointly passionate love of music, a pronounced business ness. He was the first publisher in Italy to recognize that the owned publishing company, Edizioni April Music, was estab- flair and the occasional touch of genius. music business was becoming increasingly disk -oriented and lished. Born in Hungary, Ladislao Sugar entered the music busi- that the only certain way for a publisher to survive was to be- Today, 45 years after Ladislao Sugar founded his small Mi- ness when he joined the music publishing company which come involved in record production. lan company, the entire Sugar group with all its divisions -the published the highly successful operetta, "Il Cavalino So in 1947, through Messaggerie Musicali, Sugar took on music publishing companies, CBS -Sugar and Messagerie Mu- Bianco." He managed the company which toured Italy with the distribution of CGD Records. He later became a 50% part- sicali-is housed in a massive new complex near Milan's Li- the operetta in 1931 and he decided to remain in Italy and ner in the company and then, finally, sole owner. One of the nate airport. Inaugurated in June 1974, the complex occupies founded his own publishing business. great CGD successes of those days was " Piccolissima Sere - five floors and covers an area of 20,000 square meters. His intention was to call the new company, Melodia, but as nata" (My Little Serenade) which became an international hit. This is the house that Sugar built-and today, at 81, La- it happened, the final "a" was somehow left off and the name The year 1954 saw the beginning of the long series of Ital- dislao Sugar is still in his office at 9:30 every morning. He became Melodi. That was the small beginning of an operation ian music festivals at San Remo and the Sugar group was, works until 1:30 p.m., then goes home for a short siesta be- which was eventually to grow and evolve into the giant CBS - naturally, very much involved. The group has enjoyed many fore visiting the Messaggerie Musicali store in Milan's Galleria Sugar complex which today is involved in every facet of the festival triumphs over the years, not only at San Remo but at del Corso. music business. dozens of foreign events. Furthermore, many Sugar songs It is typical of Sugar's alertness and devoted interest in the Success came quickly to Melodi with the publication of which did not enjoy special success at San Remo, never- current musical tastes of the people that he makes daily visits noted operettas and musical shows like "Vittoria E II Suo Us- theless became big hits in other European countries and also to the store just to see what people are buying. It is this thirst saro" ( And Her Trooper), "Dancing At The Savoy" in the United States and Japan. for first -hand information that is certainly one of the secrets "The Little White Horse" and others. The next important landmark in the Sugar story was the of his prodigious success in the world of musical commerce. From the beginning Sugar concentrated on building a signing of an agreement with the Chappell Music Co. for the After visiting the store, Sugar returns to his office at 5 p.m. strong Italian repertoire with compositions by such compos- creation of Edizioni Chappell in Italy under the direction of La- and remains there until 8:30 p.m. ers as Eldo Di Lazzaro, Gorni Kramer, Mario Schisa, Nino dislao Sugar. Says Giuseppe Gannini: " Ladislao Sugar whom I first met Ravasini, Carlo Alberto Rossi, Mario Ruccione and Ermengildo Throughout this period of expansion, it remained one of in 1959 is undoubtedly the most unforgettable character I Rusconi. Among the major lyricists were Umberto Bertini, Sugar's great missions in life to bring increasing international have ever known. He is a man of great personal charm and Mario Rastelli and the poet composer, . These recognition to Italian songwriters -and no one in the history (Continued on page C /S -23) great creative talents were the backbone of the company and of Italian popular music has been more successful in this en- they co- operated with Ladislao Sugar -just as the top writers deavor. Sugar had -and still has -an uncanny flair for pick- and composers do today -with complete confidence because ing international hits. Thanks to him, Ravasini's "Per Un they had an implicit trust in his ability to bring them the inter- Bacin D'Amor" became an international success as "A national recognition and success they deserved. Kiss Of Love" -then there were Di Paola's "Come In 1934, Paola Giordani, a lawyer who had founded his own Prima," "Chitarra Roman" (Roman Guitar), "A Man music publishing company, Suvini Zerboni, for classical reper- Without Love" (a big hit for Engelbert Hum- THE LADISLAO SUGAR STORY: "He has probably done more for Italian music than any man alive" toire, became a partner in the Sugar organization. Giordani perdinck) and the song that Dean Martin made fa- ran the company until his death in 1948, although in 1935, mous as "An Evening in Rome." when he was under severe pressure from the fascist govern- In 1960 Ladislao Sugar announced that his son, ment, he was obliged to direct the company through his part- Piero was joining the organization and would ulti- ner, Ladislao Sugar. After Giordani's death, Sugar took over mately be replacing him as a music committee member control of the publshing company. of the Italian Authors' Society (SIAE). Under Sugar's leadership, the Edizioni Suvini Zerboni wid- The great event of 1964 was the emergence at the San ened its horizons to embrace a variety of music styles -it be- Remo Festival of a beautiful, talented 15- year -old girl came involved with avant -garde composers as well as the called Gigliola Cinquetti who won the festival with "Non Ho more orthodox contemporary and classical composers and L'Eta" (This Is My Prayer). She went on to win the Euro- also sought compositions from foreign sources, including vision Song Contest and eventually, of course, to Hungary, Japan and South America. become one of Italy's major international In 1936 Ladislao Sugar formed a sales and distribution stars. company, Messagerie Musicali, and also originated a monthly In 1966 another young girl singer publication, "Canzoniere della Radio" (Radio Song Hits), made a big impression at the San which published the lyrics of the most popular songs of the Remo Festival -she was Caterina Ca- day. This was a typically perceptive innovation on the part of selli, later to become the wife of Sugar because it really brought the songs into the people's Piero Sugar and the mother of Fi- homes and contributed greatly to their popularity. lippo-a four -year -old who is his At this time Eldo di Lazzaro's hit song, "Reginella Camp - grandfather's pride and joy. The agnola" was making a big impact in Italy. It was published not name Sugar thus seems destined by Sugar but by Edizioni Musicali Italiane, a firm which had its to live on in the Italian music in- offices in the same building as Sugar's group, and whose dustry for many decades to founder was a great friend of Sugar. come. One day the two men met in the lobby. Sugar had a roll of By now the Sugar group money in his hand and the other man laughingly asked if the had expanded dramatically money was for him. to embrace 50 fully owned Said Sugar, with a laugh: "Yes -if you let me have the for- and jointly owned publishing eign rights to 'Reginella Campagnola.' " companies in Italy with 13 This "little joke" led to one of the most lucrative business fully owned branches contracts ever made -not only for the two publishing corn - throughout the world, panies involved but also for composer Di Lazzaro, whose all grouped under "Reginella Campagnola" became the phenomenally success- the Sugarmusic ful "Woodpecker's Song." The song reaches the No 1 spot on umbrella. And all the U.S. hit parade in a few months. these companies Shortly afterwards, through typically astute exploitation by are dedicated to Sugar, Di Lazzaro's "La Piccinina" became another No. 1 U.S. the aim of hit as the "Ferryboat Serenade." promot- In 1937 Sugar further ex- panded his organization by acquiring the Masche- roni Publishing Corn-

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www.americanradiohistory.com Cn SUGARMUSIC: V Sugar Songs Go Round The World

he Gruppo Editoriale Sugar (Sugar Publishing mits' "Something Is Happening" (Luglio), Joe Dassin's "Ma

Group) consists of 50 companies, some of which Bonne Etoile" (Non Illuderti Mai) and, more recently, Al Mar - publish predominantly local copyrights whilm oth tino's "To The Door Of The Sun" (Alle Porte Del Sole), which ers publish primarily, or exclusively, foreign copy- made the Top 20 a year ago March in the U.S.A. rights for which they have the Italian rights. Over the past 15 years the Sugarmusic group has estab- The group has a staff of 60 and is run by general manager lished a network of 13 fully owned foreign affiliates in order to Ettore Carrera who has worked in the Sugar organization achieve maximum foreign exploitation of Italian copyrights. since 1948. These companies have not only enjoyed impressive success Where Italian repertoire is concerned, the group has exclu- with Italian originals but have also achieved major hits with lo- sive contracts with a number of outstanding composers, cal copyrights. An example of this is "El Bimbo" by Claude many of whom have won international recognition. They in- Morgan, which is an original copyright of Sugarmusic France clude Bella, Bigazzi, Conti, Livraghi, Pace, Panzeri, Pilat, Po- but which has been built into a huge international hit, thanks lito, and Savoi -all distinguished songwriters who provide to the energetic work of the various Sugarmusic foreign com- original songs not only panies. for artists on the CBS- One rapidly developing aspect of the Sugar Group's activi- Sugar labels but also ties is that concerning the publishing of Italian film scores. In for leading singers of this connection special agreements have been signed with other record corn- such celebrated composers as Bacalov, Morricone, Ortolani, pan ies. Piccioni, Torvajoli, Fli de Angelis, and others. The Sugar Publish- As far as foreign catalogs are concerned, the Sugar Group ing Group has scored represents some of the most important British and American many international publishing companies. A team of seven professional man- hits over the years. In agers looks after the various catalogs and ensures that the some cases the suc- foreign copyrights get the fullest possible exploitation in Italy. cesses have been Italian lyrics are commissioned for those songs deemed to achieved through have the best potential and contacts are made with singers, recordings by Italian producers and a &r managers in order to get local recordings

artists, such as Gig - of the songs. liola Cinquetti's "Non In addition, working in full co- operation with the record Ho L'Eta" and Tony companies, the professional managers become heavily in- Dallara's "Come volved in the promotion of the various copyrights via radio, Prima." In other cases televisio, , discotheques and jukeboxes. the international suc- Working under general manager Carrera are: Ettore Carrera. cess has come via for- Franco Daldello, manager, who also supervises the co -ordi- eign versions of the nation and promotion of Italian productions; original Italian songs- A team looking after foreign copyrights and consisting of such as Engelbert manager Dr. Sandro Pieralli and professional managers Mau - Humperdinck's "A rizio Cannici, Valentino Maggioni, Antonio Marrapodi, Alex Pe- Man Without Love" rucchini and Mariangela Roveda. (Quando M'- The Sugar Music Group has a flourishing orchestral service Franco Daldello moro"), Herman's Her- and supplies some 7,000 orchestras and bands in Italy. SIJVINI ZERBONI: Pioneers The Rediscovery Of Ancient Italian Music

Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, the Milanese Among the works for guitar and lute are the

classical music publishing company, complete works of Francesco da Milano, the I nta- which was taken over by Ladislao volatura by Silvius Leopold Weiss from the man- Sugar in 1948 following the death of uscript housed in the British Museum and the its founder, Paolo Giordani, is one of Libro di Intabulatura de Liuto by Giacomo Gor- the most distinguished and enterprising in Italy zanis, plus a very large series of other composi- and is active all over the world. tions dedicated to the two instruments. These The company is under the direction of Susi 'form a vast part of the ancient . Sugar, who is the niece of Ladislao Sugar and Among these publications are the first scores whose father was also in the music business in ever transcribed in modern notation of ancient Hungary. works by Ruggero Chiesa, Alvaro Company, Since the war, Edizioni Suvini Zerboni, which Bruno Tonazzi, Oscar Ghiglia and Vincenzo Sal - was founded in 1930, has expanded its range of darelli. activities considerably. It not only widened its Two years ago the Suvini Zerboni publishing repertoire to embrace a fuller spectrum of seri- company began collaborating with the Luigi ous music but also became much more inter- Cherubini Institute on a project to bring out nationally oriented. works by Cherubini which are either hitherto un- One of the company's major activities is the published or for which only centuries -old and publication of educational and instructional mu- inaccessible manuscripts exist. Similar projects sic books. Many feature modern composers such are being undertaken in respect of works by as Bruno Bartolozzi, Roberto Goitre, Carl Orff Luigi Boccherini, Domenico Cimarosa, Giovanni and Boris Porena. The Suvini Zerboni company Paisiello and Antonio Salieri. was the first in Italy to produce books ün elec- Another important Suvini Zerboni initiative is tronic music. derna, Gianfrancesco Malipiero, , Giacomo the publication of all the symphonic works of The company is involved in the production of recordings of Manzoni, Yoritsune Matsudaira and Yori Aki Matsudaira (Ja- Muzio Clementi. Already published is the "Pastoral Minuet" contemporary Italian music -in collaboration with the CBS- pan), Goffredo Petrassi, Ildebrando Pizzetti, (II Minuetto Pastorale). This work is being done under the di- Sugar group-and is also extremely active in the field of popu- (Belgium), Matyas Seiber (Hungary- resident in Britain), Hi- rection of Pietro Spada. lar classical music. fumi Shimoyama (Japan), Giuseppe Sinopoli, Camillo Togni, In collaboration with the Italian Musicological Society, the As far as international operations are concerned, the com- Sandor Veress (Hungary- resident in Switzerland), Roman Suvini Zerboni company will publish two previously unpub- pany has reciprocal representation agreements with the Vlad and Vladimir Vogel (- resident in Switzer- lished masses ("sopra l'Aria della Monica" and "sopra L'Aria Schott company of Mainz and London, and extremely active land). di Fiorenza") by Girolamo Frescobaldi, as well as other works business relations with MCA Music and Belwin Mills of New One of the most important initiatives of the company has by the same composer. The editorial committee of the Italian York, Faber Music of London, Albersen Music of The Hague, been in the field of ancient Italian music. It has published the Musicological Society comprises Adriano Cavicchi, Alberto Holland, Real Musical of Madrid, the Nippon Gakki Co. Ltd. of series Orpheus Italicus, under the direction of Giovanni Carli Basso, Oscar Mischiati, Fedele D'Amico, Luigi Ferdinando Tokyo, Allans Music of and Universal Edition of Ballola, which comprises Italian music of the 17th century in Tagliavini, Claudio Gallico and Nino Pirrotta. . its original form. Of the works published in this series there In the educational field, to follow the celebrated "Cantar Among the most important names represented in the Su- are two concertos -one for and orchestra and one for Leggendo" (Read & Sing) by Roberto Goitre, published two vini Zerboni catalog are Carlos Roque Alsina (Argentina), clarinet and orchestra -by Saverio Mercadante; the six so- years ago and an overwhelming success, the company is pub- Jorge Antunes (Brazil), Davide Anzaghi, Bruno Bartolozzi, Lu- natas for harpsichord by Vincenzo Manfredini; the concerto lishing a volume by Anna Arrobbio Basso entitled "The In- ciano Berio, Niccolo Castiglioni, , Luigi Dellapic- for harpsichord and orchestra by Domenico Cimarosa and two fluence Of Music In The Development Of A Child" and a vol- cola, Franco Donatoni, Vittorio Fellegara, Kazuo Fukushima volumes of 12 sonatas by Pietro Antonio Locatelli for flute and ume by Giuseppe Radole dedicated to the history and (Japan); Giorgio Federico Ghedini, Sandro Gorli, Bruno Ma- bass. literature of the lute, guitar and viola.

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www.americanradiohistory.com MESSAGGERIE vIUSICAI,I: Supplying A Whole Range Of Musical Needs

Messaggerie Musicali operation is a powerful network which provides the link between the production of records, tapes, sheet music, musical instru- ments and audio equipment and the Italian consumer. The company was originated by Ladislao Sugar in 1936 to distribute the monthly publication, "Radio Song Hits" to newsstands and music shops. Today the Messaggerie Musicali operation comprises two companies -the major one is a distribution company supplying record shops and other out- lets throughout Italy with sound carriers and a variety of other products. The second, Messaggerie Musicali Tempo Libero, is a retail operation that administers four record stores -two in Milan, one in Rome and one in . The store in Milan's Galleria del Corso is one of the largest and most sophisticated in Europe and it stocks not only records, tapes and accessories but also musical instruments, audio equipment, movie projectors, sheet music and a wide range of books. The MM distribution company employs a total of 160 salesmen who operate in eight sepa- rate sales forces. Four of these are entirely concerned with the sale of record and tapes to the traditional retail outlets. One deals with the CBS, Epic, CGD and Walt Disney repertoire; one deals with the MCA, United Artists, CTI and Brunswick labels, plus the repertoire of the inde- pendent Italian labels Aguamanda, DIG -IT, Love, Libra, Rizzoli, Smash, Spark, Splash. The third is responsible for the selling of the WEA group of labels. The fourth of the sales forces surviving traditional retail outlets was created in April this year and is responsible for the ABC group of labels and for a recently launched CBS -Sugar mid -price line. The other four sales forces are concerned with musical instruments and accessories, bat- teries, and with servicing discotheques, juke boxes, gas stations and other non -conventional outlets. Messaggerie Musicali has 11 sales branches located in major centers throughout Italy, each with a computer terminal connected with the central computer in head office. The network services a total of 5,000 shops, of which 1,300 are specialist record dealers. The record and tape product handled by MM represents between 25 and 30 percent of the total turnover of the Italian record industry. As well as records, tapes, sheet music, musical instruments and accessories, Messaggerie Musicali has exclusive Italian distribution of Union Carbide dry batteries and flashlights and of Sankyo tape recorders, tape decks and radios. With sheet music Messaggerie Musicali services about 700 specialist shops. Where gas sta- tions, small clients and department stores are concerned, MM has a specialist sales force which represents the whole range of lines -but they are predominantly involved in the sale of . Where the operation is concerned, Messaggerie Musicali is the exclusive Italian distributor of the stylophone, a small electronic manufactured by Dubreq (London), of the Bernstein piano, the Japanese -made Morris guitar and, since May 1, the Hammond range of organs. Messaggerie Musicali's general manager is Sergio De Gennaro who joined the company in 1966. Born in Rome in 1931, De Gennaro graduated in jurisprudence and worked initially for Olivetti, the company which produced a whole generation of top managerial executives, includ- ing RCA -Italiana vice -president Giuseppe Ornato. For seven years De Gennaro worked with Oli- vetti selling computerized accounting systems. He then joined RCA where he worked for a fur- ther seven years, finishing as sales administrator. His first job with Messaggerie Musicali was that of commercial manager, responsible for sales and marketing. He was promoted to the position of general manager in 1969 when the group initiated its product diversification policy. When De Gennaro joined MM it had 12 agents and two depots. Since then it was grown out of all recognition. De Gennaro's conception of diversification of the sales force is based on a logi- cal chain. First of all there is printed music and folios; to bring that music to life requires musi- cal instruments, producing a sound; in order to carry that sound, record and tape software is required; to listen to the sound means audio equipment; and to provide energy for the audio equipment the listener needs batteries. 1. Sergio De Gennaro, general manager of Messaggerie Musicali. 2. Mario Paroletti, sales Says De Gennaro: It is difficult to conceive of a music retail outlet not requiring any of the manager, records and tapes. 3. Alberto Ferrari, deputy administrative director. 4. Giorgio range of products which MM has to offer. Whatever the musical needs of the Italian consumer, Visconti, head of marlketing. 5. 6. B. (from left) Sales managers, Romano Razzinii, Ro- Messaggerie Musicali can supply them. In the Italian market, good distribution is of vital impor- berto Guerrazzi and Luigi Ricordi. 7. Rafael Ribero Silva, sales manager, musical in- tance, and with a distribution that covers the entire peninsula and which can guarantee speedy strument division. (Continued on page C /S -14)

M.M.'s RETAIL OUTLETS The Tempero Libero division of Messaggerie Musicali ad- ministers four record stores in Italy -two in Milan, one in Rome and one in Brescia. The store in Milan's Galleria del Corso, is one of the largest and most sophisticated in Europe:. Below is extensive interior of the shop. At left the MM store in Rome, located in the building where the celebrated composer Pietro Mascagni lived.

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The new home of CBS -Sugar which was inaugurated in June 1974 covers an area of 20,000 square meters. The main building is THE CBS /SUGAR surrounded by a large parking lot, set among lawns and trees. The complex incorporates a MESSAGGERIE MUSICALI sports playground, table tennis fa- cilities and an adjacent soccer pitch which are much enjoyed by sports SWINI ZERBONI COMPLEX enthusiasts among the employes. The two main sections of the complex are linked by a spacious and extensive restaurant which seats more than 200 people and serves more than 400 meals a day. The complex comprises a printing plant, pressing plant, duplicating plant, general warehouse and dis- patch department and administra- tive offices.

:...... _.....,. ,,iik4a".,>,i1..:.:

The elegant board room (top left). More dra- matic decor is seen in the first floor bar (top right). Directly above, the beau- tifully appointed control room of the main studio. At right one of three recording studios. It can accommodate up to 80 musi- cians and boasts the most up -to- date equipment.

www.americanradiohistory.com The printing department (directly above) produces a wide variety of record sleeves and publicity material. Below, the impressive entrance to the $11 mil- lion CBS /Sugar complex. Top right shows one of the most unusual features of the complex, red -carpeted amphitheater that accommodates 250 people for auditions and discussions A fish -eye shot (next to top right) of the record pressing department, and directly below the cassette duplication plant. Bottom right shows the 200 -seater restaurant that offers a wide choice of excellently prepared dishes and dispenses more than 400 meals daily.


Other features of the CBS -Sugar complex, which is fully air -conditioned include a li- brary, apartments for overnight accom- modation for artists, a large graphic stu- dio, and a beautiful roof which is surrounded by the fourth floor offices.


Sugar Music has existed as a company in Germany for the One of the biggest -ever of the Sugar Music hits in France is past 20 years but only since January 1, 1975, has it been "El Bimbo," by Bimbo Jet, which has total worldwide sales of based in . more than five million records. Manager is Elio Gariboldi, a 31- year -old Italian with 10 This is the kind of success story Marcel Marouani, Sugar's years' experience as a CBS /Sugar producer in his own coun- French representative, wants to repeat. try. In the 1972-73 period, two million singles were sold here In fact, he has several other big successes, including through artists like Gianni Nazzaro, Renato and the group I "Amoureux de Ma Femme," by Richard Anthony; Joe Das- Profeti. sin's "Ma Bonne Etoile"; the 1973 Eurovision winner "Tu Te Prior to opening the Munich office, Gariboldi worked from Reconnaitras," sung by Anne -Marie David, and "Quelque the Schott offices in Mainz. Big Sugar successes here started Chose et Moe," by Gerard Lenorman. from February 1974, with "Alle Porte Del Sole," through a Marouani says success depends on careful selection of German version by Gigliola Cinquetti, followed by " Nessuno songs suitable for the French market. While it is true that Mai," by Marcella, which did well in the discotheques along France and Italy are both Latin, there are essential differ- with another German version, this time by Gilla. ences in taste and trend and full attention has to be paid to A followup success was "Prisencolinensininecusor," by those differences. Adriano Celentano, who is the most popular Italian artist in "For example, from 1965 to 1970 we did very well indeed in Germany. France. But from then onwards we had to be very careful, and There has also been good exposure through television and for one very good reason. Italian songs tended to become radio for Gianni Bella and for Loredana Berte. "Si Ja" was over -sophisticated for our market, and certain Italian folklore placed second in the Eurovision Song Contest via Gigliola Cin- songs crept in. quetti and "Bellissima" was another hit for Celentano. "But now again we know where we are going and our acqui- "El Bimbo," an international success, hit Germany in Sep- sitions are tuned to match French musical taste. We have one tember 1974. From that one composition, Sugar had five sin- or two ready for adaptation and we're confident they will re- gles on the market and around 20 album versions. And in the new a successful run. We really have no problems over the annual Musikmarket survey for instrumental singles, "El Sugar Music catalog." Bimbo" is at number one and two. Then came the move to the Munich offices and inevitably it took a few months for Gariboldi and his assistant, Wolfie Eis- ele, to organize the new setup. But "Tornero," which became Messaggerie Musicali "Wart Auf Mich" in Germany exploded, and Gariboldi says: "We are sure that never before had a record in Italian stayed Continued from page C /S -Il rec- 20 weeks in the German Top 10. In Italian it sold 400,000 delivery, Messaggerie Musicali is an indispensable adjunct of ords, and the German version by Michael Holm sold up /Sugar vitality in Messag- the group's record production and music publishing activities." 280,000." Varied musical goods point CBS gerie Musicali -Tempo Libero shop in Brescia. De Gennaro says that a major reason for the growth and su- Other successful 1975 titles included Richard Anthony's per- efficiency of MM is that it has a brilliant top management "Verlebt in die Eigene Frau," Marcella's "Negro," various ver- team. Mario Paroletti, head of the record and tape division, sions of "La Balanga," and the film theme "Yuppi Du" by Ce- CREDITS came to MM from RCA and has long years of experience in the lentano. Special issues editor, Earl Paige. Written by Sylvia Manasse, co- field; Roberto Guerrazzi, Luigi Ricordo, Romano Razzini have ordinated by Billboard's chief Italian representative Germano Ruscitto and mar- Immediate singles likely to create interest in Germany are and CBS -Sugar pressman Ray Martino, and edited by Mike Hennessey, all had much experience in the field of distribution "Aufwiedersehen Amore," by Gigliola Cinquetti and "Bobo European editorial director. Art, Daniel J. Chapman. Production, John keting manager Giorgio Visconti has a profound knowledge of Step," an instrumental from the composer of "El Bimbo." Halloran. marketing gained from service with RCA and Voxson.

and Thanks CBS -SUGAR


for your continued support in E i making our records great!

Management: Trident Agency, Maurizio Salvadori & r- Angelo Carrara -Via S. Maurilio, 13- Milano, Italy II Telephone: 86 44 33 and 87 23 41 e

www.americanradiohistory.com MARKETIVG & PROMOTION: "It's easy when you have such a gifted team,"` says Porta

he marketing and promotion of CBS -Sugar plied by the a &r department, while that concerning foreign dium for promotion is the discotheque network. Disco- product is the responsibility of Johnny product eminates from the various label managers. theques-which now number 500 in Italy -are particularly im- Porta, who heads up a young and talented Meetings are held every two weeks to discuss and decide portant when it comes to launching new product, and pray in team. the best promotional paths to follow in launching new artists these establishments provide a decided stimulus to record sales. Porta's first contact with the Sugar organ- and in sustaining the popularity of already established acts. Jukeboxes are also of considerable importance in promoting ization was in 1961 -62 when he was run- The question of the timing of a particular new release is one sales. There are currently more than 40,000 operating in Italy. ning the publicity and press de- which is carefully considered and the marketing and Finally the promotion and marketing department makes partment of the MGM picture promotion campaign is developed in close co -oper- extensive use of all the contemporary paraphernalia oí pro- division in Milan. Says Porta: "I wor





CONGRATULATIONS MESSAGGERIE MUSICALI CBS -SUGAR SUGARMUSIC and Con3rutuiatíons for your support and cooperation in making great and PATRIZIO SANDRELLI's repertoire Continued produced by Franco Labriola Success "Rosa" (Rose) "Piccolo Fiore Nero" (Little Black Flower) "Fratello In Amore" (Brother In Love) "Piccola Donna Addio" (Good -bye Little Woman) UNITED ARTISTS "A Letto Senza Cena" (In Bed Without Dinner) MUSIC GROUP SMASH \,

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www.americanradiohistory.com MESSAGGERIE MUSICALI

Messaggerie Musicali is the only distriDuticn company in Italy and a leader in Europe, at the comple-e service of the music wc-ld.

We sell: music s á "- s musical instruments records pre- recorded cassettes cartridges blank cassettes batteries tape recorders radio -tape recordews and much more

from the following companies which we are sole agent of: CSB - SUGAR - records and WEA Italiana pre- recorded tapes: SPLASH - AGUAMANDA - SMASi-1 - and the following DIG IT - SPARK - LOVE - ELEVEN - dependent Italian labels: GENERAL MUSIC etc - SHARK - LIBRA - WIK RIZZOLI MORRIS - DUBREQ - BERNSTEIN - sical instruments: HAMMOND and s: SANKYO ries: UNION CARBIDE (UCAR) GD -MNEMO

through: 7 selling channels which grant the distributed companies a deep market penetration; 11 branches in the key Italian cities (Turin, Milan, Padua, Genoa, Bologna, , Pescara, Rome, Neaples, Bari, Catania) - linked to the main Milan branch through computer terminals; 160 enthusiast, dynamic and selected salesmen; 4 large music shops in Milan, Rome and Brescia


Our company has quickly grown from 1966 to 1975, doubling its turnover and diversifying the distributed product. In 1966 we started distributi-ig on large scale thanks to the CBS -Sugar catalogs, to which our warmest thar ks are addressed. Last, but not least, we recently acquired the WEA Italiana distribution and reached a position of absolute pre- eminence in Italy. On 1st May 1976 we were appointed sole agents for the Hammond Organ Co. and thus became leaders in the field of musical instrument distribution.

Messaggerie Musicali S.p.A. - Via M. F. Quintiliano 40- 20138 Milano - Tel. 5084 - Telex N. 3E063

www.americanradiohistory.com THE A &R DEPARTMENT "Meaningful lyrics are adding a new dimension to Italian songs"

"Music in Italy today is greatly in- lyrics as 'dideededee cucicui,' the fluenced by the music of other coun- best songs today have powerful po- tries throughout the world," says Al- etic and meaningful lyrics which have fredo Cerruti, Italian repertoire a &r added a new dimension to Italian manager of CBS -Sugar. music production," he says. "Today "That's not to say," he adds, "that it is much more a case of the song Italian music is a copy of music from which sells, rather than the star." other sources. Italian music has its The CBS -Sugar a &r department own valid characteristics, its own prides itself on being alert to all new style and form of expression -but musical trends and developments in with today's intensive level Italy and is very much con- of communication it is in- cerned to provide an out- evitable that the tech- let for the creative nique of presentation energies of up and SOME OF THE KEY PEOPLE AT CBS /SUGAR has become more or coming composers 1. Edmondo Eesjno, head of administration of CBS- S.igar. 2. Cesare Vajani, acmir istrtion manager of less the same in ev- and lyricists. Messaggerie Musicali 3. Gianfranc3 Domeneghetti, secretary of Sugar Music. 4. Dr. Alessandro ery country. "It is no longer a Pieralli, director of Ecizioni Arcmandc. 5. C3S -Sugar press officer, Marina Testoni. 6. Anna Ma a "Where pure pop question of song- Biancardi of the CBS classical music department .. Publishing pro esonai rranzgers (left to rig-t) music is concerned, writers hanging out Alex Perucchini, Valer:in3 Maggioni, Angela Czstoldi, M. Angela Roveda, Maurizio Camici and Anto- o the style is inter- in their little cafes Marrapodi. 8. Franco MomFellio. United Artists labe manager. 9. Luciano Mortes on, .ah Disney la:el national; the special and hoping to be rec- manager. IC. Andrea Floiani, MCA Izbel marager. 11. MaLrizio Cannici, ABC label manager. 12. Gan characteristics of a ognized," says Cerruti. Borasi, label manager 'or (udii, CTI, 3- 3dleys, Chess and GuIL 13. Ernsste Tabsreli, CBS label manager. country's music show "Today they come themselves more readily in straight to us -or contact us , in socio- political songs through the manager of another art- and in the special music of particular ist. regions, such as the Neapolitan area. "We always evaluate new talent in Neapolitan songs are, after all, a clas- terms of both national and inter- sic expression of Italian popular, ro- national potential and we have to mantic music." learn to distinguish between those Cerruti feels that one of the major song subjects with really universal developments in Italian popular mu- appeal and those which are only of in- sic has been in the area of lyrics. terest to the Italian record buyer." "Whereas a lot of Italian songs at one Cerutti joined CBS -Sugar four time used to have such meaningless (Continued on page C /S -23) THE INTERNATIONAL DIVISION "Inspired by a love of music"

If having a bright young person as head of the international division of a record company is the key to energetic and effective promotion, then having two bright young people in that position is doubly advantageous. CBS -Sugar's international division is directed by Giuliana Quadrelli and Marialuisa Pasini and their responsibility is to focus world -wide attention and interest on CBS -Sugar's roster of Italian artists. Giuliana Quadrelli came to the CBS -Sugar company 12 years ago and was joined by Marialuisa Pasini five years later. Their job is to maintain close con- tact with CBS branches throughout the world and to offer ideas and informa- tion to help break Italian artists outside Italy. According to Quadrelli and Pasini, the countries where it is the most difficult to promote Italian artists are the U.S. and the U.K. This is, they say, not so much a matter of linguistic problems but more due to the fact that these coun- tries have a very strong national repertoire. The biggest foreign outlets for Italian artists are Japan and the South Amer- ican countries and in Europe there are increasingly good possibilities in Ger- many, France, Spain and Austria and Switzerland. Asked why Italian artists get such ready acceptance in Japan, Quadrelli and Pasini explain that Japanese audiences are strongly influenced by western music but have no native exponents. Italian music is refreshingly different. There is a very favorable response to Italian artists, too, in the East Euro- pean countries; they get excellent exposure on tours and through radio air- play, although at present very few records by Italian artists are released. Nev- ertheless the international division is hopeful that it may ultimately be possible to finalize deals for the release of more Italian product in the East European countries. The most effective way of breaking Italian artists in foreign markets is through tours and television appearances. These personal appearances are planned in close co- operation with the artists and are co- ordinated by the in- ternational division in Milan through the various CBS companies abroad, so that an effort can be made to boost record sales. Even with an artist of the stature of Gigliola Cin- quetti, who requires no special promotion for her records (which are in constant demand) the

international division nevertheless helps pro - (Continued on page C /S -23)

Alfredo Cerruti, artistic director (top circled). From left, Maria Luisa Pasini; Emanuela Radisa, as- sistant; Giuliana Quadrelli.




Nessuno mi può giudicare Per un bacin d'amor La piccinina Quando m'innamoro (Panzeri -Di Lazzaro) (Pace Panzeri-Lirraghi) (Beretta -Del Prete-Panzeri -Pace( (Vasio-U. Bertini( LOVE AMOUREUX DE MA FEMME TELL ME YOU ARE MINE FERRY -BOAT SERENADE A MAN WITHOUT TE DIRE DIE GEFÄHRLICHEN JAHRE POUR UN REVE D' TOI QUI MON COEUR APPELLE COMMENT EINE NACHT IN SOR RENT DAS BLONDE KATCHEN WENN ICH MICH VERLIEBE Non ho l'età (per amarti) )Panzeri Nisa) Addormentarmi così La pioggia Reginella campagnola Lazzaro) THIS IS MY PRAYER )Biri Mascheroni) )Argenio-Panzeri-Conti -Pace) (Bruno-Di JE SUIS A' TOI SO ENDS MY SEARCH FOR A DREAM L'ORAGE THE WOODPECKER LUNA NEL COMME ON EST BIEN DANS TES BRAS TOMORROW REGINELLA SO WIRD DER ABEND ERST SCHÖN AM ABEND AUF DER HEIDE Non illuderti mai Fiorin fiorello )Pace- Panzeri-PilatJ Alle porte del sole )Mendel- Mascheroni) Si (Pace -Panzeri -Pilat-Conti) MY LITTLE LADY I Pace- Panzeri- Pilal- Conti) IN LOVE



www.americanradiohistory.com Ladislao Sugar Story 0 Continued from page C/ S-5 w warmth and of total sincerity; he is quiet and modest, with a subtle mind and a fine sense of humor. He is not only a formidable businessman, but he is also

extremely knowledgeable about the legal aspects of publish - ing-I have known lawyers in New York call him for advice. "He has given the benefit of his wide experience, acumen and imagination to many people in the music industry and is universally respected throughout the music world." The huge new CBS -Sugar -Sugarmusic -Messaggerie Mu- sicali complex represents the realization of a dream for La- dislao Sugar, the gentle giant, the quiet Hungarian who with unswerving dedication and matchless initiative built one of A sign of gratitude to the most illustrious music empires in the world. But he is not a man to rest on his laurels. He can still spot a hit," says Giannini, the most recent ex- ample being that huge international success, 'El Bimbo.' And MESSAGGERIE MUSICALI he is still very active in the Italian music publishers' associ- ation. "All in all he is a man with a unique combination of talents and a quite exceptional resourcefulness who has probably CBS /SUGAR done more for Italian music than any man alive." and Inspired By Music Continued from page C /S -21 mote and publicize her personal appearances. It is on of the services which CBS -Sugar provides to all its contract artists. SUGARMUSIC Currently big on the international scene is Gianni Nazzaro, who is making an increasingly strong impression both as a personality and as an artist. This breakthrough was achieved by means of a song called "Romanella," which became a mas- sive hit in France where it sold more than 500,000 copies. for a nice co- operation Say Quadrelli and Pasini: We are constantly looking for an improvement in the international penetration of Italian art- ists. We always try hard and sometimes we fail; but our enthu- siasm does not diminish because. Above all, we love music."

SPLASH A&R Department Naples Italy Continued from page C /S -21 years ago. He first became involved in the music industry when a good friend asked him to join him in forming a music publishing company. As he puts it: "When you love music and D become involved in it as a profession, you just cannot leave it. -< You are hooked for life!" cn J O, rco Oco A R v PROUD B P R TO BE 0 ASSOCIATED 441 A Scandinavian Manager


www.americanradiohistory.com www.americanradiohistory.com 4: Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 5/15/76 Best (Published Once A Month) Classical Selling as sicol LPs Classical Copyright 1976, Billboard Publications, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced. stored in a ret ieval system. or transmitted, in any form or by any means. electronic, mechanical. Notes photocopying recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Marvin Saines, Columbia's direc- tor of Masterworks, off to Russia for conferences te-) with executives of Melodiya to plan future TITLE, Artist, Label & Number releases of the Soviet label in the U.S.... Angel

17 6 GERSHWIN: Porgy And Bess Romero, youngest member of the Cleveland Orchestra & Chorus (Maazel), London OSA 13116 celebrated family of guitarists, is

5 6 SCOTT JOPLIN'S TREEMONISHA /Original Cast Recording planning more solo albums as fol - Houston Grand Opera (Schuller), DGG 2707.083 (Polydor) lowups to a pair of recently issued 3 10 BARRY LYNDON /ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK disks. Already scheduled are sum- mer RECORDING Jessie Sampley photo recording sessions at Capitol Warner Bros. BS 2903 studios in FIDDLE FANS -Collectors line up to have violinist Eugene Fodor autograph Los Angeles, and a fall 4 14 date in London. !SAO TOMITA: Firebird one of his recent RCA albums. Scene of the signing session is the Franklin Latter will present RCA ARL1.1312 him in the in Atlanta. Later in the day Fodor stopped by at the Peaches store single most popular work for BELLINI: I Capuletti 8 I Montecchi in town to immortalize his hand prints in cement. guitar and orchestra, Rodrigo's Sills, Baker, New Philharmonic Orchestra (Patane), "Concierto de Aranjuez." Andre Angel SCLX 3824 (Capitol) STEREO -SQ Previn will conduct the London 14 JEAN- PIERRE RAMPAL 8 CLAUDE BOLLING: Suite for Flute & Jazz Symphony. Piano The National Endowment for the Columbia M 33233 Col Goes Single Inventory Arts will hold its 10th work experi- 14 THE LEGENDARY LAZAR BERMAN PLAYS LISZT ence internship in Washington be- Melodiya M2 -33928 (Columbia) Continued from page I sition of having 4- channel product ginning Sept. 20 to provide practical 10 TCHAIKOVSKY: Piano Concerto #1 rush -processed for shipment to the at two price levels. The label has work experience for young people in Lazar Berman, Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra (Karajan), field May 24. about 70 classics in double stereo arts administration. ... Under a DGG 2530.677 (Polydor) While it is generally agreed that and quad inventory in its active five -year agreement, Stouffer's will 10 : Classical Barbra quad sales have been in the dol- catalog, with the latter still to hold to provide all food and concession Columbia M 33452 drums at the retailer level, Columbia the $7.98 list. services at Blossom Music Center, 10 11 23 BEETHOVEN: NINE SYMPHONIES executives deny that the new policy Spokesmen say there are no cur- summer home of the Cleveland Or- Chicago Symphony Orchestra (Solti), London CSP 9 represents a retreat from their com- rent plans to reduce the price of chestra. 11 10 10 : Plaisir D'Amour mitment to 4- channel. They look these catalog SQ disks, or quad car- Columbia Symphony Orchestra (Kostelanetz), Columbia M 33933 upon it, rather, as opening up new tridges where the repertoire is also 12 9 19 BEVERLY SILLS: Music Of Victor Herbert opportunities for greater quad ac- offered in that format. It is believed, Angel S 37160 (Capitol) ceptance by the public and the trade. however, that as inventory runs out. ATT: DEALERS! 13 14 32 BEETHOVEN: Symphony No. 5 "We feel our policy will remove titles to be retained in active SQ disk Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra (Kleiber), DGG 2535.016 (Polydor) an irritant at the dealer level," says availability will be repackaged, and 14 Large 16 10 USZT: Sonata In B Minor Marvin Saines, Columbia, vice pres- perhaps remastered, for marketing selection Lazar Berman, Melodiya M 33927 (Columbia) ident in charge of Masterworks. as compatible items. of Easy Listening, 15 15 10 TCHAIKOVSKY: Symphony #4 "Retailers have been very vocal Many of the older SQ disks are New York Philharmonic Orchestra (Bernstein), Columbia M Classical, Pop, 33886 about the problem of double inven- known to be felt by the company to 16 26 6 R. STRAUSS: Also Sprach Zarathustra tory." reproduce equally well in stereo. Jazz, Rock, Soul Chicago Symphony Orchestra (Salti), London CS 6978 The company is quick to admit Joe Dash, Columbia director of 17 13 10 PROKOFIEFF: Sonata #8 that the change in policy was in- new product development, stresses Lazar Berman, DGG 2530.617 (Polydor) fluenced in part by the experience of that there are no plans to apply the Pre -recorded 18 12 32 PACHELBEL KANON: The Record That Made It Famous And Other fr Angel Records. Angel's introduction new policy of single inventory to pop Reel to Reel EAAACCH Baroque Favorites of "quiet quad" some two years ago product. He says that it has become Stuttgart Çhamber Orchestra (Munchinger), London CS 6206 Stereo & Quadraphonic Tapes and the gradual public identi- practical to go that route in classics NEw ENTRY HAYDN: Le Fedelta Premiata 19 fication of these disks as containing because practically all recording, Suisse Romande Radio Chorus & Lausanne Chamber Orchestra Hundreds to choose from (Dorati), Philips 6707.028 (Phonogram) 4- channel information has appar- mixing and processing is done in- ently been received with no resist- house, 20 20 28 unlike the case in pop. LUCIANO PAVAROTTI: The World's Favorite Tenor Arias ance London OS 26384 by dealers or consumers. "We have reached the point For catalog contact: Angel merchandising executives where the understanding of the me- 21 18 10 MOZART: The "Great" Mass in C Minor have been unable to dium by PRICE RITE New (Leppard), Seraphim S 60257 (Capitol) pinpoint addi- our creative people makes tional sales that the quad element this step possible," he says. 22 23 6 SONDHEIM: Pacific Overtures /Original Broadway Cast RECORD CORP. 4245 Austin Blva. RCA ARL1.1367 might have generated. But, as im- Saines underscores this point, as Island Park. portantly, neither have they encoun- well, and adds that his N.Y 11558 23 NEW ENTRY PAVAROTTI IN CONCERT producers 516 431 -8783 London OS 26391 tered any that regular will have the final say on what new stereo 15 Years of Service World Wide" 24 21 10 CHOPIN: 24 Preludes Op. 28 customers are bypassing the recorded material is suitable for the Maurizio Pollini, DGG 2530.550 (Polydor) product as unsuitable for their play- compatible format. If some is

25 25 14 THE ART OF COURTLY LOVE back equipment. deemed inappropriate, it will be re- .arty Music Consort (Munrow), Seraphim SIC 6092 (Capitol) Meanwhile, they have been gar- leased solely in stereo.

26 °ROKOFIEV: 5 Piano Concertos nering the benefits of single inven- Unlike Angel, Columbia has no NEW ENTRY The Ashkenazy, London Symphony Orchestra (Previn), London CSA 2314 tory economies in production and plans to release Stereo /SQ cassettes. Scottish National Orchestra and the University of Glasgow 27 27 6 MAX MORATH: World Of Scott Joplin Vol. 2 handling. These will remain available only in present Vanguard VSD 351 In its low -key identification of the the stereo configuration, says Dash. 28 19 28 JOAN SUTHERLAND & LUCIANO PAVAROTTI: Duets from Lucia di 4- channel capability of its new com- He claims that playback head align- Lammermoor patible Masterworks product, Co- ment irregularities in cassette play- London OSA 26437 lumbia will exceed even Angel's dif- ers make such a move inadvisable at MUSICA 24 14 HAYDN /MOZART CANTATAS fidence. Angel's SQ /stereos may be this time. Janet Baker, Philips 6500.660 (Phonogram) quickly tagged by their encircled Angel, however, aparently feels 30 BEETHOVEN: Concerto for Piano (Complete) NEW ENTRY logos. However, nothing on the otherwise. The label began to issue NOVA 1976 Rubinstein, London Philharmonic Orchestra (Barenboim), cover of the new Columbia disks will matrix cassettes last September, RCA Red Seal CRL5.1415 and Third Festival of Contemporary betray their double -duty properties. plans to step up the release pace Music 12 -18 September Glasgow 31 37 6 ROMERO: Spanish Virtuoso Only a boxed -off legend on the back when its "expanded dynamic range" Angel S 36094 (Capitol) FOUR WORLD PREMIERES! Works com- liner will disclose the quad potential. XDR cassettes hit the market next missioned from Harrison Birtwistle, 32 33 101 SNOWFLAKES ARE DANCING: The Newest Sounds of Debussy David The legend will read: "This month. Dorward, Jean-Claude Eloy and George Isao Tornita, RCA Red Seal ARL1 -0488 Newson PLUS five concerts including Stereo /quadraphonic disk is fully Saines discloses that Columbia's a 33 22 23 KORNGOLD: Die Tote Stadt performance of works by Penderecki compatible with every audio sys- next $6.98 and lain Hamilton and chamber and elec- Bavarian Radio Chorus & Munich Radio Orchestra (Leinsdorf), RCA compatible disk, to be tronic works by Musica Nova composers tem- stereo or four -channel. shipped 1, is Red Seal ARL31199 June a bicentennial PLUS open rehearsals and discussions with Although the composers. 34 29 10 RACHMANINOFF: Piano Concerti #3 Columbia will maintain package performed by organist E. Vladimir Ashkenazy, Philadelphia Orchestra (Ormandy), the price differential of $1 at list be- Power Biggs. Titled "Stars And Artists include: Alexander Gibson, Elgar Howarth, Penderecki- Conductors, RCA Red Seal ARL1 -1324 tween disk in Jane and tape regular classi- Stripes Forever," it will contain Manning- Soprano. Alan Hacker -Clarinet, 35 NEw ENTRY BERNARD HERRMANN CONDUCTS GREAT BRITISH FILM SCORES cal material, in the case of the works by Sousa, Joplin and Mac - The Scottish National Orchestra, SNO Chorus, New Music Group of Scotland. National Philharmonic Orchestra, Phase 4 SPC 21149 (London) "Lady" caster all tape configura- Dowell, among others. All inclusive accommodation and meals 36 35 36 19th CENTURY AMERICAN BALLROOM MUSIC (1840.1860) tions will carry the same price New as the titles will be coming out on a available from the University of Glasgow. Smithsonian Social Orchestra & Quadrille Band (Weaver), Camerata disk. As in other cast albums, the al- regular basis, he says. Chorus of Washington, Nonesuch H 71313 (Elektra) bum price will be $7.98, but for all The "My Fair Lady" recording, Full details and Brochure from. 37 FAURE: Requiem Op. 48 NEw iNTRY formats. produced by Goddard Lieberson, is Radio Chorus & Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra With $6.98 classics, quad car- his third taping of the show for (Fournet), Philips 6500.968 (Phonogram) Co- tridge counterparts will now list at lumbia. Now retired as president of 38 NEw ENTRY RESPHIGI: Ancient Airs & Dances $7.98, or $1 less than in the past. the CBS Records Group, he first Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra (Marriner), Angel S 37301 (Capitol) Prices of 8 -track stereo. and stereo produced a cast recording of the 39 NEw ENTRY ALICIA de LARROCHA: Spanish Encores SNO cassettes remain at $7.98. work some London CS 6953 20 years ago. That was in MUSICA NOVA, SNO Office With the new SQ /Stereo disks mono. His next was of the London 150 Hope Street 40 36 28 SIBELIUS: Symphony #5 & Symphony #7 soon to enter the marketplace, cast in 1959. Glasgow, Scotland Boston Symphony Orchestra (Davis), Philips 6500.959 (Phonogram) Co- And that was in stereo. 041 -332 -7244 lumbia will be in the anomalous po- Now he has done it in quad.

www.americanradiohistory.com Soul Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 5, 15 76 Sauce Billboard Friends In Hot Soul Sin9Ies.

Tribute To Copyright 1976, Billboard Publications. Inc. No part of this publ- cation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, `Cannonball' photocopying, recording. or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. By JEAN WILLIAMS LOS ANGELES -A special con- d d w *STAR Performer- singles registering great. d est proportionate upward progress this week 3 3 cert tribute to the late Julian "Can- 3 2-5 J nonball" Adderley will be held at 3 TIM- Artist ; ó TIM -Artist 3U TITLE -Artist (Writer), Label 8 Number (Dist. Label) (Publisher, Licensee) (Writer), Label 8 Number (Dist. Label) (Publisher, Licensee) UCLA's Royce Hall here May 20. (Writer), Label 8 Number (Dist. Label) (Publisher, Licensee) And for the next two days instru- Ross 14 HAPPY MUSIC- elachhyrds 68 65 6 LOVE REALLY HURTS WITHOUT by 1 2 7 LOVE HANGOVER -Diana 34 31 mental workshops conducted (P. Sawyer, M. McLeod), Motown 1392 (D. Byrd), Fantasy 762 (Elgy, BMI) YOU -loss Brown Oobete, ASCAP) noted musicians will be held at 35 35 12 HUSTLE ON UP (Do The (8. Findon. L. Charles), Roxbury 2024 (Black Sheep /Common Good /Pocket Full Of Tunes, BMI) Schoenberg Hall, on campus. 7 7 KISS AND SAY GOODBYE - Manhattans Bump) - Hidden Strength (W. Lovett), Columbia 3.10310 (Nattahnam/ (T Moss, M. Brown, R. Herring, G. Underwood), 69 71 5 I GET LIFTED -sweet Music The event is being presented by Blackwood. BMI) United Artists 733 (Dandelion, BMI) (H. W. Casey, R. Finch), Wand 11295 (Scepter) (Sherlyn, BMI) the Center for Afro -American Stud- 3 1 9 MOVIN' -Brass Construction 36 24 10 GRATEFUL -Blus Magic (R. Muller, W. Williamson), United Artists 775 (8. Eli, V. Barrett), Atco 7046 (WIMOT /Friday's ies at UCLA in conjunction with the 7(1 58 5 ROCK ME EASY BABY - (Desert Moon /JefMar, BMI) Child /Poo-Poo, BMI) Committee on Fine Arts and Special (I. Hayes). 12176 (ABC) 9 8 YOUNG HEARTS RUN FREE -Candi Staten 37 28 14 MORE MORE MORE Pt. 1- (Incense. BMI) Productions to establish a Julian (D. Crawford), Warner Bros. 8181 (DaAnn. ASCAP) Andrea True Connedion I WISH YOU WELL -Bin others (G Diamond), Buddah 515 (Buddah /Gee Diamond/ 71 70 8 Adderley Memorial Scholarship Columbia 3-10308 5 5 9 GET UP AND BOOGIE - Silver Convention MRI. ASCAP) (B. Withers), Fund at the school. (S. Levey, J. Prager), Midland (Golden Withers. BMI) International 10571 (RCA) (Midsong, ASCAP) 38 32 15 HE'S A FRIEND -Eddie Kendrick! Artists scheduled to appear are (A. Felder. B. Gray. T.G. Conway), Tamla 54266 72 53 1 LOVE ME RIGHT -Gary Tonus Empire 10 5 DANCE WIT ME -Rufus Featuring auto Khan (Motown) (Stone Diamond /Mighty Three, BMI) (G. Toms), PIP 6517 (Bammar /Blackwood, BMI) Nat Adderley, David Axelrod, Wal- (G. Christopher), ABC 12179 Booker, , Roy (Ackee /Mocrisp, ASCAP) 39 33 13 DAYLIGHT - 83 5 I'M NOT IN LOVE -Bee Dee Sharp ter (B. Womack. H. Payne). United Artists 763 (G. Gouldman, E. Stewart). Tsop 4778 McCurdy, Ernie Watts, Joe Wil- 7 4 10 LIVIN' FOR THE WEEKEND/ (Unart /Bobby Womack, BMI) (Columbia /Epic) (ManKen, BMI) STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN- Mays liams, Louis Hayes, Jimmy Smith 51 3 LET IT SHINE -Al Green 74 68 25 BOOGIE FEVER-Sylvan (K. Gamble, L Huff. C. Gilbert), Philadelphia (A. Green, M. Hodges), Hi 2306 (London) (K. St. Lewis, F Pernee), Capitol 4179 International 3587 (Columbia /Epic) and Nancy Wilson. (1ec /AI Green, BMI) (Perren-Vibes, ASCAP /Bull Pen, BMp (Mighty Three, BMI) Axelrod is Composer /arranger 41 39 12 LETS MAKE A BABY -Kill Paul Moments Brothers Johnson 85 2 NINE TIMES - 19 5 I'LL BE GOOD TO YOU - L. Huff), Philadelphia International (K. Gamble, (W. Morns, T. Keith), Stang 5066 (All Platinum) writing a musical tribute to Cannon- (G. Johnson, L. Johnson, S. Sam), ACM 1806 3584 (Columbia /Epic) (Mighty Three, BMI) BMI) ball, which will be premiered at the (Kidadu /Goulgris, BMI) (Gambi. 56 4 COULD IT BE MAGIC -Doran Summer Taylor 86 2 SUNSHINE-Impressions concert by Nat Adderley, Freddy 9 8 16 DISCO LADY- Johnnie (B. Mandow, A. Anderson). Oasis 405 (Casablanca) (B. Sigler, P. Hurst), Curtom 0116 (Warner Bros.) (H. Scales, L. Vance, D. Davis). Columbia 310281 (Kamikazi /Angel Dust, BMI) BMI) Hubbard, Ernie Watts, Jimmy (Groovesville. BMI /Conquistador, ASCAP) (Blackwood, 43 45 5 DON'T STOP IT NOW -Hot Chocolate Cleveland plus two rhythm sections 77 3 MYSTIC VOYAGE -Roy Ayers Ubiquity 18 4 I WANT YOU- Marvin Gaye (E. Brown), Big Tree 16060 (Atlantic) 80 (R. Ayers), Polydor 14316 (Roy Ayers with Victor Feldman and George (L. Ware, T.B. Ross), Tamla 54264 (Motown) (Finchley. ASCAP) (Almo/Jobete, ASCAP) Ubiquity, ASCAP) Duke on piano, and 44 44 5 WINNERS TOGETHER OR LOSERS 11 3 13 ITS COOL -Tyntes 78 78 3 TOUCH & GO- Ecstasy, Passion 8 Pain APART - George 8 Gwen McCrae Sam Jones on bass and Roy (M. Yancy, C. Jackson), RCA 10561 (M. Harris, A. Folder, B. Sigler), Roulette 7182 (G. Reid, R. Mertinez), Cat 2002 (Chappell, ASCAP) (Golden Fleeca /Mighty Three, BMI) McCurdy and Louis Hayes on (TK) (Sherlyn, BMI) 10 WORDS (Are Impossible)-Donny Gerrard drums. 12 11 8 CAN'T HIDE LOVE - Earth, Wind 8 Fire 45 36 9 HEAVEN ONLY KNOWS -Love Committee 79 42 (E. Riccordi, L. Albertell( D. lanseen, B. Hart), (S. Scarbrough), Columbia 310309 (R. Psyon, M. Frazier) Arsola America 7608 (Capitol) * * * ASCAP BMI) Greedy 101 (ATV. BMI) (Alexscar. /Unichappell, (U.S. Arabella, BMI) Little David comic Franklyn 13 6 12 I'VE GOT A FEELING (We'll Be Seeing 46 38 12 LET'S GROOVE (Part 1)- 80 81 3 MOVIN' LIKE A SUPER Ajaye's debut comedy LP is titled Each Other Again) -Al witsoe Archie Bell 8 The Neils STAR -Jackie Rsbinsew (C. Hampton. H. Banks), Playboy 6062 (L. Huff, J. Whitehead, G. McFadden, (Orion, Donder), Ariola America 7618 (Capitol) "Don't Smoke Dope, Fry Your (Irving, BMp V. Carstarphen), ESOP 4775 (Columbia /Epic) (Orny, BMI) was live (Mighty Three, BMI) ." The album recorded 20 10 BORN TO GET DOWN (Born To Mess 81 87 2 (What A) WONDERFUL 47 55 4 FOXY LADY -crown Heights Affair at the Roxy Theater in Los Angeles. Around) -NescH Shoals Horns WORLD -Johnny Rah (F. Nerangis, B. Britton), De-Lite 1581 (PIP) (C. Jones. D. Huff), Bang 721 (Web IV) (H. Alpert, L Adler, S. Cooke), Epic 8-50219 (Delightful, BMI) * * * (Muscle Shoals, BMI) (Columbia) (Nags, BMI) 48 49 9 EASY LOVIN' -Bo Kirkland 8 Roth Davis MISTY Dorothy Moore Mike and Bill, a new group signed 15 13 14 BLUE- (F Hart) Claridge 414 (Blue Book. BMI) 82 91 2 FROM MY HEART TO (B. Montgomery). Malaco 1029 (Talmont, BMI) (TK) YOURS- Charles Extend to Arista Records, with their debut 59 5 RIGHT BACK WHERE WE STARTED 16 15 11 LOVE AND UNDERSTANDING (Come (C. Earland), Mercury 73793 ( Phonogram) release "Things Won't Be This Bad FROM - Maxine Nightingale (Betty Earland, BMI) The Together) -Kool s sang (P. Tubbs, V. Edwards). United Artists 752 Always," have also signed with R. Kool 8 The Gang), DeLile 1579 (C. Smith, Bell, (ATV /Universal Songs. BMI) co=0 STROKIN' (Pt. II) -Leon Haywood Queen Booking Corp. in New York. (PIP) (Delightful /Gang, BMI) (L. Haywood). 20th Century 2285 (lim-Edd, BMI) 50 46 7 JEALOUSY -Major Harris Fatback Band 17 12 9 SPANISH HUSTLE - (J B. Jefferson, C.B. Simmons), Atlantic 3321 95 2 WHOLE NEW THING -hose Banks * * * (Polydor) (G. Thomas). Event 229 (WIMOT /Sacred Pen. BMI) (J. Bowen, T. Thomas, J. Ford), Motown 1383 (Clita /Sambo. BMI) (Stone Diamond, BMI) Brunswick recording artist Tyrone 51 34 12 FOPP -Ohio Players WITH ME- Davis has joined Johnny Taylor's 18 14 8 YOU SEE THE TROUBLE (1. Williams, C. Satchel( L. Bonner, M. Jones, R. 85 90 4 IF HE HADN'T SLIPPED & GOT Barry White Middlebrooks, M. Pierce, W. Beck), Mercury 73775 CAUGHT -Bobby Patterson eight -week, 25 -city which began (B. White, R. Parker), 20th Century 2277 ( Phonogram) (Play One, BMI) (SaVette /January, BMI) (B.C. Patterson). Granite 536 (ATV, BMI) May l.... And Buddah Records' 52 43 7 LOVE HANGOVER -50 Dimension Mords Jr. 19 23 1 DO YOU MANNA DO A THING- (P. Sawyer, M. McLeod), ABC 12181 86 72 8 MIDNIGHT LADY (Pt. 1) -David Papa John Creach has hit the tour Wolf, BMI) Bloodstone (Jobete, ASCAP) (E. Smith, 1. Tindel), Buddah 518 (Lone is on a 12 -city (J. Boyce, S. Harley, R. Griffith). London 1064 circuit again. Creach 4 WANNA MAKE LOVE -Sun 3 UNO ESTA -Bobbi Humphrey (Stone Diamond, BMI) 63 87 82 nationwide trek that began April 25. (B. Byrd), Capitol 4254 (Glenwood/Osmosis, ASCAP) (L. Mizell), Blue Note 785 (United Mists), 20 16 9 TELL THE WORLD HOW I FEEL ABOUT (Alruby, ASCAP) 54 52 5 NIGHT WALK -Ban Mccny (Continued on page 45) BABY -Harold Melote 8 The Blue Notes 'CHA (V. McCoy), H 8 L 4661 (Van McCoy /Warner. 88 96 5 SING A HAPPY FUNKY SONG -Ali: Davis (J. Whitehead, G. McFadden, V. Carstarphen), Tamerlane, BMI) (P. Politi), Now 10 Philadelphia International 3588 (Columbia /Epic) (Original Sound) (Drive.ln, BMI) (Mighty Three, BMI) 66 2 ITS GOOD FOR THE SOUL (Part 1)- tther 89 75 10 CADILLAC ASSEMBLY LINE -Albert sting 27 8 MARRIED, BUT NOT TO EACH OTHER - (L. Vandross), Cotillion 44200 (Atlantic) (Elvee- (M. Rise), Utopia 10544 (RCA) ...... Denise LaSalle DeeKay, ASCAP) (East Memphis, BMI) (D. LaSalle, F. Miller), 20th Century /Westbound 5019 (Ordena /Bridgeport, BMI) 74 3 YES, YES, YES -Biu Cosby 90 98 2 ITS BETTER THAN WALKIN' (S. Gardner. B Cosby), Capitol 4258 HAPPY PEOPLE OUT- Markna Shaw 30 6 THAT'S WHERE THE (Turtle Head, BMI) R Taylor), Blue Note 790 (United GO-Tramps (L. Garrett, 6 HEY WHATS THAT DANCE YOU'RE Artists) (Island, BMI) (R. Baker), Atlantic 3306 (Burma East. BMI) 57 60 DOING - Choice Four 91 BREAKING UP IS HARD 29 7 THIS IS IT -Matta mom (V. McCoy), RCA 10602 (Van McCoy/Warner. TO DO -Jimmy Bee THE PSS (V. McCoy). Buddah 519 (Van McCoy /Warner Tamerlane, BMI) we EwsO4mANCE ..0 i Tamerlane, BMI) (N. Sedaka), Calla III (Shakat) 76 2 SO GOOD (To Be Home (Don Kirshner, BMI) 8 AU. IN THE FAMILY General Jourses 24 22 - With You) Tyrone Davis (General Johnson), Arista 0177 - 92 MIDNIGHT (L. Graham), Dakar 4553 (Brunswick) (Julio-Brian/ (Music In General, BM') Unlimited Orchestra Content. BMI) GROOVE -Love (B. White, W. Seastrunk), 20th Century 2281 SOPHISTICATED LADY (She's A 48 79 2 WHO LOVES YOU BETTER (Sa -Vette /January, BMI) Different Lady) - Natalie Cole (Part 1)-Isley Brothers Sylvia (C. Jackson, M. Yancy, N. Cole), Capitol 4259 93 L-A. SUNSHINE - (T. Isley, M. Isley, C. Jasper, R. Isley, 0. (T. Burton. A. Burton), Vibration 567 (All Platinum) /Chappell, ASCAP /Cole-Arama, (Jay's Enterprises Isley, R. Isley), T -Neck /Epic) 8-2260 (Columbia (Mighty Three, BMI) : ON TOUR BMI) (Buena, ASCAP) SOUL DOG (Pt. 1) -soul Dog 26 21 12 PARTY DOWN -w'dtie Hutch 60 64 7 SARA SMILE -Daryl Nall 8 John Oates 94 (W. Johnson), Amherst Ill (P. Hutch), Motown 1371 (tetra, BMI) (D. Hall, 1. Oates), RCA 10530 (Unichappell, BMI) cc* (Halwill /Annkim, ASCAP) 37 4 TEAR THE ROOF OFF THE 61 62 6 (Fallin' Like) DOMINOES -Donald Byrd SUCKER-Parliament (Sigidi /H Clayton /Mbaü). Blue Note 783 (United 95 97 3 IF YOU MANNA BOOGIE ... Artists) Brothers, BMI /Auuby, ASCAP) (G. Clinton, B. Collins, J. Brailey), Casablanca 856 (Blue FORGET IT- Bracher Brothers EUROPE Arista 0182 (Malbiz 8 Ricks, BMI) 62 67 4 GET OFF YOUR AHH! AND DANCE (S. Khan. W Lee, D. Grolnick), (hreebea. BMI) 41 5 OPEN -Smoky Robinson (Part 1)-Foxy (W. Robinson, N. Tarplin, P. Moffett). (Martinez, Ledesma, Paseiro, Alaimo), Dash 5022 96 ALL ALONE BY THE Tamale 54267 (Motown) (lobeta /Bertram, ASCAP) (TK) ( Sherlyn, BMI) c=* TELEPHONE -Checkmates, Ltd. 29 17 11 HEAVY LOVE -David Ruffin 73 3 THE LONELY ONE - special Delivery (H. B. Barnum, IA. Clay), Polydor 14313 (V. McCoy, 1. Cobb), Motown 1388 (Interior /Van Featuring Terry Hutt (El Patricio, BMI) BMI) (T Huff, R. Person, A. Clements), Mainstream 5581 McCoy/Warner-Tamerlane. YOU'RE JUST THE RIGHT (Brent. BMI) 97 100 2 DnA ECTION- MAAGEMENTN ' 30 26 13 THE LOVE I NEVER HAD - Tavares SIZE- Saioul Orchestra 64 SAY YOU LOVE ME Rogers (D. Lambert. B. Potter), Capitol 4221 54 11 -DJ. (V. Montana Jr.), Salsoul 2007 (Caytronics) RCA 10568 ASCAP) SIDNEY A (ABC /Dunhill /One Of A Kind, BMI) (D 1 Rogers Sr.). (Woogie, (Little lack / Anatom. BMI)

SEIDENBERG, INC. 69 5 I HOPE WE GET TO LOVE IN TIME 31 25 10 MAKE YOURS A HAPPY 65 - YOU'LL NEVER FIND ANOTHER LOVE Marilyn McCoy 8 Billy Davis Jr. 98 HOME - Gladys Knight a The Pips LIKE -Lou Rawls (J. Dean, 1. Glover), ABC 12170 MINE i i i Avenue of (C Mayfield), Buddah 523 (K. Philadelphia International 3593 ice Americas (Groovesville, BMI) Gamble), (Warner Tamerlane, BMI) (Columbia /Epic) (Mighty Three, BMI) New York N Y 66 61 8 SUNSHINE DAY- Dsibisa 40 6 BARETTA'S THEME (Keep Your Eye On 10019 , (Osei, Tontoh. Amarfio), Island 053 99 LET IT SHINE- semana 12121 421 2021 The Sparrow) - Rhythm Heritage (Warner Bros., ASCAP) (D. Brown. R. Gardner), Columbia 3-10336 .. (M. Ames, D Grusin), ABC 12177 (Leeds, ASCAP/ (Eight, BMI) 1 67 57 7 CHILD OF MINE/ Duchess, BMI) IN A GOOD GROVE - Jonas 100 92 8 HOW ABOUT LOVE-Chocolate Milk 50 4 FRIEND OF MINE -Lines Milton (G. Dorsey. D. Psalidas), Mercury 73778 (A. Castenell Jr, E. Dabon, R. Dation. J. Smith III, 0000000000 J. Puckett. M. Campbell), Glades 1734 M. N. Williams), RCA (I Lewis. (Phonogram) (Landy /Unichappell, E. Richard, D. Richard, Tio, TK) ( Malaco. BMI) BMI /Dolphin. ASCAP) 10569 (Marsaint, BMI)

www.americanradiohistory.com 45

General News Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 5/15/76 Black Music Blossoms At CBS; 7 May Account For 35 -40% Sales o By JIM MELANSON W,!, Soul LPs. NEW YORK -Black music prod- Taylor speaks spiritedly on pro- consumer. All are multigold disk Copyright 1976, Billboard Publications. Inc. No part of this publication may be uct at CBS this year is expected to gressive black music sales, but his acts. reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any torn or by any account for 35 -40% of domestic enthusiasm doesn't slide in terms of An indication of CBS' game means, electronic, mechanical. photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without plan the prior written permission of the publisher record sales, up from its 30% slice of more traditional r &b and funky on black music sales is also found in 1975's label figures. products. a company forecast of 500,000 units While sales growth of black disks "Our prime job is to reflect the sold within 45 days on a forthcom- ' *STAR Performer-LP', registering Á is projected on across (-s greatest proportionate upward pros. eJ an -the -board tastes of the black consumer," he of- ing B.T. Express LP, "Energy To ress this week + g ve basis, most evident increases are fers. Burn," scheduled to TITLE ship Monday 3 3 1 ti TITLE eyed Artist, - for the progressive black music label 6 Number ti .0 Artist, Label & Number Along these line, Taylor feels that (10). % areas. the marketplace could use more Taylor explains the title will fall 4 3 (Dist. Label) 4 3,, (Dist. Label) According to LeBaron Taylor, "heavy funk of a Johnnie Taylor," into a category developed in recent vice president, special markets, more whose "Disco Lady" single has al- years at the label which provides 1 2 6 I WANT YOU 32 32 4 HOLLYWOOD HOT and Marvin Gaye, Tamla Eleventh Hour, 70th Century T 511 more black listeners have be- ready passed the 2- million -units- "full blitz" support at all levels of T6342 SI (Motown) come musically jazz oriented and sold mark and whose "Eargasm" LP merchandising and promotion. 33 31 10 TRUCKLOAD OF LOVIN' 2 1 14 black progressive radio is now a is about 700,000 units sold. BRASS CONSTRUCTION Albert King. Utopia This same planning strategy has United Artists UA.LA545-G (RCA) strong alternative to r&b radio. BUL1.1387 "We become a little too sophis- also been reflected on the company's He says the label has already be- 3 3 1 WINGS OF LOVE ticated as an industry, and, to a de- 34 34 12 I HEAR A SYMPHONY artists roster as in the last three years Temptations, Gordy gun re- evaluating its promotional Hank Crawford, Kudu 26 SI gree, it's led us to neglect black musi- Columbia itself has doubled its ros- G6971 SI (Motown) strategies for progressive black sta- (Motown) cal tastes in the South. "A number of ter of black acts. Overall, between tions from developing sales 4 5 10 LOOK OUT FOR #1 trends. blacks in the Southwest and 35 35 6 COME AS YOU ARE the Columbia, Epic and CBS Custom, Brothers Johnson, A&M SP 4567 Germ of the idea is to turn more of Southeast who are into a more "raw Ashford 8 Smpson, Warner there are now more than 55 black Bros. the label's field force onto progres- 4 BS 2858 sound" have turned to country mu- acts recording for the company. 5 9 EARGASM sive black sounds and then Johnnie Taylor, Columbia PC 33951 look to sic as a result, 36 37 6 STRETCHIN' OUT IN he says. On the retail level, Taylor carry a greater individual involve- feels the BOOTSY'S "Disco Lady," which for the five - 6 6 25 RUFUS FEATURING RUBBER BAND limit has been reached on singles William Boatsy Collins, Warner ment over to dealings with progres- day period of March 20-26 sold Bros. BS 2720 sive DJs, and music and program di- pricing. Most ghetto stores were sell- ABC ABCD 909 rectors. 120,000 units nationally, drew ing at the higher prices for years be- strong sales results in the South, he 10 5 BREEZIN' * 48 2 FREE AND IN LOVE fore the recent hikes anyway, he Millie "Most companies don't effectively * , Warner Bros Jackson. Spring explains. BS P919 -I promote black FM stations," offers says. SP 6709 ( Polydar) Taylor describes the black record Taylor. "The progressive DJ tends to Return -wise the picture is ex- 52 2 buyer as a "loyal consumer," 8 8 11 DIANA ROSS itt THIS MOTHER'S be a sophisticated person, a different espe- tremely bright on black product for Motown M6.861 SI DAUGHTER cially when breed, someone who prides himself given the music. CBS. Taylor places overall returns at Nancy Wilson, Capitol ST 11518 9 9 6 SILVER CONVENTION in his station's image and his under- A hefty percentage of "Disco between 5 -71/2%. One reason for such Midland International 49 2 OPEN YOUR EYES Lady" sales came from low 81511-1369 standing of music." black dollars returns, he feels, is that black (RCA) YOU CAN FLY One of the goals that Taylor, his (60%), according to CBS research, product still isn't readily racked. Flora Purse. Milestone 10 11 25 CITY LIFE immediate and the percentages on other top - Continued is M 9065 (Fantasy) superior Jack Craigo and education the answer Blackbyrds, Fantasy F 9490 his special markets selling label acts are even more im- there, he says. promotion chief 40 44 15 THE BEST OF 11 13 14 MOTHERSHIP Richard Mack have been working pressive. GLADYS KNIGHT b As for discos and black product, CONNECTION toward is seeing that THE PIPS every air per- Taylor says that much top -selling Taylor believes that one of the most Parliament, Casablanca NBLP 7022 sonality at a station is individually label acts as Earth, Wind & Fire, the beneficial things coming from dance Buddah BUS 5653 made 15 5 AMIGOS aware of new product, and not Isley Brothers and the O'Jays garner clubs is that the scene 41 45 4 has helped Santana, Columbia PC 33576 THIS IS IT just the station's music director and/ some 75 %, 85% and 90% of their re- further black music credibility with Melba Moore, Buddah BDS 5657 or program director. spective sales solely from the black Top 40 radio. 13 7 24 GRATITUDE Earth, Wind O Fire, 42 46 6 SAFETY ZONE Columbia PC 33694 Bobby Womack. United Artists Ashford & Simpson Now Put U0. 14544.7 14 12 8 LOVE & UNDERSTANDING DOMESTIC DUO Their Songs Into Own Firm Kool 8 The Gang, De.lite DEP 43 43 3 BLACK MARKET By 2018 (PIP) Weather Report, Columbia JEAN WILLIAMS PC 34099 LOS ANGELES -Nick Ashford act, but at the same time secure its looking for a Broadway property to 15 14 25 FAMILY REUNION and Valerie Simpson, for the first future as a O'lays. Philadelphia International 44 41 11 BACK TO BACK business entity. score. PZ 33807 (Epic /Columbia) time in their songwriting careers, are The Brecker Brothels. The duo also has acquired a new Schiffer reports they have taken Arista AL 6061 composing tunes which 16 16 24 WAKE UP EVERYBODY will go into manager, George Schiffer, former an option on a play, and have had their new Nick -O -Val publishing Harold Melvin 8 the Blue Notes 45 50 27 MOVIN' ON vice Philadelphia Intl PZ 33808 president of planning for Mo- several offers to score films. Commodores, Motown M6-848 SI firm. Records. (Epic /Columbia) town The duo is signed to Warner Bros. Ashford notes that the duo has HIGH ENERGY According to Schiffer, he is in the Records with a separate production 17 17 9 FULL OF FIRE i also formed Hopsack and Silk Pro- Supremes. Motown M6663 SI process of charting their careers by AI Green. Hi HSL 32097 (London) duction Co. and is scouting for new deal which includes outside produc- 47 51 PLACES obtaining a hit record. tion activities. 18 22 16 MYSTIC VOYAGE 26 AND SPACES acts. Donald Byrd, Blue Note Roy Ayers Uruguay. "We also want to bring BN LA549.7 (United Artists) He says the songwriting /record- about The team's newest LP, "Come As Polydon PD 6057 ing team is not only attempting to es- some of our ideas in story form," You Are," will, it feels, broaden its 48 6 TROPEA tablish itself as a strong recording says audiences to include pop, r &b 19 19 15 HE'S A FRIEND 42 Ashford. Therefore, the act is and Eddie Kendricks, Tamla Marlin 2200 (TK) disco. T6.343 SI (Motown) "In the past, our audiences THE REAL McCOY ranged 20 18 6 REFLECTIONS OF A Van McCoy, H8L HL 69012 in age 18 -35. Now we have teens GOLDEN DREAM coming to our concerts," says Ash- Lonnie Liston Smith, YOU ARE MY STARSHIP Soul ford, while admitting the duo was Flying Dutchman Norman Connors, Buddah BDS Staute BDLI-1460 (RCA) 5655 primarily a nightclub act. Continued from page 44 27 4 LEE After 12 years, WGPR -FM in De- He contends that OSKAR 51 59 2 MOONSHADOWS although the * United Artists UA.LA594-G The tour is in conjunction with troit changed its format from free Alphonse Johnson, Epic team is attempting to capture several PE 34118 (Columbia) Creach's second Buddah LP, "Rock form music to a playlist of approxi- markets at the same time, it will con- 22 26 15 LET THE MUSIC PLAY Barry White, 20th Century T 502 Father." mately 40 tunes. The station is now a tinue to record tunes where the lyrics 52 57 2 HAPPY 'BOUT THE * * * contemporary WHOLE THING r &b outlet. command as much 23 20 9 ODYSSEY attention as the Dee Dee Sharp, Philadelphia Sources report that According Charles Earland, Mercury to George White, the beat. International PZ 33839 SRM-11049 ( Phonogram) may be leaving Motown for Colum- program director, each personality (Columbia /Epic) "Audiences initially came to see bia. The group has been with Mo- was airing product of his choice, and 24 24 26 FEELS SO GOOD us because we wrote tunes that pop- Grover Washington Cudu 53 3 MR. FATHEAD town since its inception and still has the station was not gaining numbers. 1r.. 24 S1 56 more than a year left on its current ular acts were recording." He cites (Motown) David Newman, Warner Bros. Now the entire music selection such tunes as "Ain't No Mountain BS 2917 contract, sources say. Ex- Miracles process is being handled by J.P. An- 25 23 5 ROMANTIC WARRIOR High I Return To Forever, lead singer and Motown vice presi- Enough," "All Need To Get 54 47 8 I DONT KNOW HOW TO derson & Associates, a consultant Columbia PC 34076 dent recently re- By," "Let's Go Get Stoned," "Reach LOVE HIM firm and advertising agency. , ABC /Impulse Out And Touch Somebody's Hand," 26 21 7 A LOVE TRILOGY newed his contract with Motown. ABCD 9311 White contends that since the for- and others. "Now they come to see Donna Summer, Oasis * * * OCLP 5004 (Casablanca) mat change in March, the station has us because they are becoming famil- 55 55 3 LIVE ON, DREAM ON been receiving Sun, Capitol ST 11461 Beatrice "Evie" Ellington, 64, favorable audience iar with the tunes we have re- 27 28 10 SMOKEYS FAMILY response. ROBINSON widow of Duke Ellington, died two corded." 56 33 9 CHOCOLATE MILK Smokey Robinson, weeks ago cancer in Ray Henderson, air personality RCA APL1-1399 of New York. Ashford, who seems to feel that Tamla T6.34) SI (Motown) The couple had been married and host of WGPR's television 31 this is the team's second chance at 'N 28 25 41 INSEPARABLE 57SATISFWD TICKLED years and are buried side by side in dance show, has left both outlets, attempting to gain mass audience TOO Natalie Cole, Capitol ST 11429 Woodlawn Cemetery in . being replaced by Marvin Taylor in acceptance notes, "This time Tat Mahal, Columbia PC 34103 She did not attend services for her the radio slot. around, we 29 29 12 GROOVE- A -THON are going to give our au- 58 60 2 WELCOME husband in 1974, due to her Isaac Hayes, Hot Buttered Soul HOME own ill- Henderson is now national r &b diences more of a show." ABCD 925 (ABC) Osibisa, Island ILPS 9355 ness. director at Prodigal Records. They have employed George Fai- 30 30 10 DISCO -FIED 59 36 5 IT'S GOOD TO BE ALIVE * * * son, * * * famed choreographer, and Rhythm Heritage, ABC ABCD 934 D.1. Roge -s. RCA APLLI-1099 Aretha Franklin will be toasted on added a costume designer. 39 2 THE MANHATTANS 60 54 3 JEALOUSY June 17 with a big bash celebrating Remember ... we're in communi- is Scenery also a new addition. Columbia PC 33820 Major Harris, Atlantic SD 18160 her 10 years with Atlantic Records. cations, so let's communicate. (Continued on page 51)

www.americanradiohistory.com 46 Tope /Audio /Video Magnavox U.K. CES Group Grows: Panasonic To Back Considerss State Fair Concerts Giant Thorn Eyes U.S. New Maeri By SARA LANE By ALAN PENCHANSKY MIAMI -Panasonic will sponsor series of top -of -the -line compact By STEPHEN TRAIMAN a series of bicentennial concerts by stereo systems which feature the CHICAGO -Magnavox is con- budget, which pro- the Up With People organization "Thrusters" speakers, and high NEW YORK -Thorn Industries, Their joint templating entry into the increas- - an independent, non profit educa- quality magnetic cartridges. largest consumer electronics manu- vides the "shell" for individual com- ingly viable projection tv market. and facilitates outfit 18 state fairs Also highlighting the new product facturer in the U.K., will be taking a pany exhibits at CES This was revealed at the unveiling of tional -at is up some 40% throughout the country, beginning line is the Panasonic "Funkyset" hard400k at the U.S. market from its their participation, the firm's 1977 line of home elec- the larger 30. portable recorder in midtown hotel hospitality suite at this year, to accommodate tronics products held Tuesday (4), at June the increased ex- bright, bicentennial colors. The pro- next month's CES in Chicago. group and cover the Lake Shore Club here. Concert locations will be in New motional package of this system is Although not part of the growing hibit space rental. According to Magnavox officials York, Colorado, , Utah, reasoning behind the designed to form the American flag British CES contingent that num- "The basic the company is conducting feasibil- California, Virginia, Kansas, Okla- Clayton explains, "is to en- when packed together in a mass dis- bers 21 companies this year, up from scheme," ity studies on the consumer market homa, Arkansas, Texas, the Caro- courage firms to go into shows that play. It sells for $29.95. 13 at the initial 1975 joint summer potential for projection tv. These linas, and Florida. they would otherwise skip on their In introducing the mid -fi compo- exhibit, St. John Jackson, audio studies are expected to be completed According to Russ Johnson, vice own. The success our first CES nent line, Ray Gates, vice president product manager for Thorn Con- of by June. president and general manager, back 11 of the initial Panasonic consumer electronics sumer Electronics Ltd., confirms group brought Depending on recommendations Panasonic's communications divi- - 13, 10 new companies this year. group, says his firm expects to be that the division will have a cross plus made by the study, Magnavox will sion, the show's format will combine to the in- number one at the marketplace section of its top product lines on The budget is responsive then embark on phase two of the a variety of contemporary music many within a year. view. dustry to accommodate as plan with what the firm's executives from rock, through jazz, r &b and interested." The line includes model RA -6100, Included are the prestigious firms as are call the development of a set of strin- ballads to scan America's heritage. is "more open," an FM /AM /FM stereo receiver of- Goodman hi fi components, already This year's exhibit gent specifications for the proposed Plans for the concert series were tower embla- fering 12 watts per channel RMS, available here on a limited distribu- with a 23 -foot -high product. disclosed to more than 800 Pana- by zoned with Union Jacks its focal with a reported frequency response tion basis; mid -fi audio systems "We will then critically test the sonic dealers at the firm's annual na- plus point, incorporating three large of from 40Hz to 20kHz, and no more Ferguson and Marconiphone, product to ensure maximum per- tional sales meeting at the Doral sound rooms to be shared by exhib- than 0.8% harmonic distortion. Price units with the familiar U.K. brands formance and reliability characteris- Country Club here April 30. itors. All pay a propoptionate share is $199.95. of HMV and Ultra. tics before producing a system that is The dealers were also given a pre- to shown during of the space, although the trade Model RA -6600 is an FM /AM/ All products be a combination of solid state elec- view of the Panasonic audio equip- U.S. and the audio group provide FM stereo receiver with built -in 8- CES are likely prospects for the board tronics, lens apparatus, and Magna- ment line for 1976, and were painted than 50 %. track player /recorder at $299.95. mart, according to George Gould, more vox's established styling and crafts- an encouraging picture of the com- -time U.S. ex- The unit delivers up to 12 watts commercial consul for the British Highlights from first manship," Magnavox executives pany's projected sales volume for hibitors include a new DM6 linear RMS per channel of power with a Trade Development Office here. assure. fiscal 1976 -77. Gould and David Clayton, com- phase and DM5 two -way acoustic Panasonic's new frequency response similar to the Magnavox is also studying the Highlighting mercial vice consul, represent the suspension bookshelf speakers by mid -fi equip- model RA-6100. The 8 -track section of developing a line of products is a line of British Overseas Trade Board, which B &W Loudspeakers; upgraded feasibility of the unit features auto -stop in the consumer -oriented videotape ment featuring two receivers, the co-sponsors the group CES exhibits MA I, MA3 and MA5 speakers from firm's new "Thrusters" speaker sys- record mode, automatic eject, two with the Federation of British Monitor Audio; three advanced recorder and playback units. Ac- level meters with one doubling as a company tems, a belt drive turntable with au- Audio. Judy Hyde of British Infor- compact speakers from Mordaunt- cording to officials of the tuning meter, a repeat mode, 3 -digit by a tomatic tone arm return, and an 11- mation Service provides valuable Short, two of which were previewed this interest is being stimulated time counter and tape monitor growing consumer interest in these inch automatic record changer. p.r. coordination. (Continued on page 48) introduced a switch. (Continued on page 50) products. The firm has also According to one Magnavox SEPT. 9 -12 RUN spokesman, "If it appears that a vi- HANDLES 2 -HOUR PROGRAMMING able and lasting market is evolving, 77' Set In Toronto a decision to enter this market seg- `Stereo ment with one or more products will TORONTO -Most leading audio Two other Canadian hi fi shows be made." Show New Sanyo `LP' Deck equipment manufacturers are are planned for this summer. They scheduled to participate in Stereo are the Canadian Audio Trade He adds, "If such a decision is By JIM McCULLAUGH 77, Canada's ninth national audio/ Show, scheduled for Aug. 9 -11 at made, Magnavox will draw on the LOS ANGELES -In an effort to home tv color cassette deck capable show, scheduled for Sept. 9 -12 at the Toronto's Constellation Hotel, and a research and development capabili- go Sony an hour better and to grab of recording and playing back up to Skyline Hotel here. consumer hi fi show slated for the ties of parent company N.V. Philips, an early foothold in what now looms two hours of television program- Among the firms that have al- Chatea Laurier hotel, Ottawa. Dates which has intensive product and as the beginnings of a highly com- ming. ready booked space are Yamaha, for this show are still unreleased. marketing experience in this area." petitive home videocassette market, Sony's Betamax Videotape deck, Toshiba, Technics, Tannoy, Revox, (Continued on page 50) Sanyo Electric Co. has unveiled a only a few months old in the U.S. Rabco, JBL, Harman -Kardon, JVC, market, has a maximum of one hour Kenwood, Nakamichi, BSR, Bang & recording and playback time al- Olufsen, Altec Lansing, BGW, Business though Sony officials are promising Audio Technics, Garrard, Sanyo, EDMUND SCIENTIFIC Keeps New' Coming two -hour capability in the near fu- Ohm, Pickering, Pioneer, SEI, Dy- ture. naco, and Koss. Blank tape manu- By MAURIE ORODENKER Sanyo's new unit, the V -Cord II, is facturers already registered are thin, targeted for U.S. penetration for the two - jocks, features a modularized Mini - rays; overhead projectors using BASF, Ampex and TDK. (This concludes an exclusive fall in major selected metro markets Console for remote control of visual flat Fresnel lens creating a series of According to Ernie Welling, the part profile of Edmund Scientific Co., and will be priced at $1,250- slightly a look at effects, a light projector and all other concentric, stepped grooves that show's manager, Stereo 77 will this which began last week with lower than Sony's Betamax deck. equipment. bend light; 35mm projectors for year be returned to the successful the firm's growth and its bicentennial The unit uses a two -hour color W Also included are a Carousel pro- slide shows; light projectors creating hotel format, from the auditorium "light showcase.") utilizing "skip- field" tech- jector and lens, three special V.E. the psychedelic effects so popular at cassette setting in the Place Bonaventure, nology (Billboard, June 28, 1975), N.J. de- projectors, a 12 -inch mirrored ball, nightclubs and with rock bands Montreal, where it was housed last BARRINGTON, -The which will retail for $19.95. That mand for innovative lighting equip- motor, spotlight, motorized since the late 1950's; slides, color year. ceiling averages into a 10 cents cost per Amer- color wheel, two kaleidoscope wheels, screens, spotlights, kaleido- Among the primary activities of ment is not only unique to the cassette. Scientific lenses, two psychedelic wheels, two scopes. Stereo 77 will be a series of hi fi ican scene, notes Edmund Sony's one -hour videocassette hexidoscopes, two colored window Also, color organs, used a lot in seminars for retailers and con- product manager Bob Edgerton. tape retails for $16.95 and averages disco wheels, two colored cloud acces- discotheques to sound -synchronize sumers, sponsored by Audio Scene With rock bands and popular out to around 16 cents an hour. sories, three 1 -rpm motors, three a whole lighting environment or to Canada, and the Audio Retailer. the world over, the firm maintains According to Bill Byron, Sanyo bracket sets, rippling color acces- trigger colored spots or floods at a offices in Europe, and recently vice president of marketing, con- striped wheel, lenticular wheel, performer; mirrored balls, columns opened a branch in Japan. sory, sumer studies have indicated that on top anticipating musical note wheel, four blank and clothing; light boxes; lumia re- Ever and there is a definite preference for the At CES: 2 New wheels, transparent paints, two Beck flectors that stretch, warp and distort lighting needs for the entertainment two -hour tape capability in order to slide sets, polarized slides, polarized light images; old silent light show industry, apart from the company's record movies or even four separate Akai Products light, 14 power ca- film shorts, football and boxing thousands of other products, Edg- spinner, strobe half -hour programs. NEW YORK -Akai will intro- bles, two 25 -foot projector cables and footage or color cartoons; and a erton was fast to meet the growing The V -Cord II's memory tape duce a low -price, high -performance instruments. wide variety of lamps and light needs of the mushrooming disco counter enables the user to set the stereo receiver, and a 4- channel Edmund also is equipped to pro- bulbs with -many different shapes during the past two years. memory at any point and the tape open reel deck with total track syn- vide customized light shows, which and filaments. Making it possible for a restau- will automatically rewind and stop chronization, at the upcoming sum- a large part of its Also big in sale are the strobo- rant, cocktail lounge, hotel room also represents the desired television program. CES. the disco ap- scopic lights, including electronic at mer and taproom, or any other kind of business. After testing The unit will also have video cam- The receiver, model AA -1010, de- the portable set -up, many strobes, mechanical strobes and establishment to swing into the disco peal with era and microphone attachment to 14 watts per channel back for the more fluorescent strobes in a large variety livers up scene without making a heavy cash club owners come will make it capable of mak- phase - of intensities. which RMS of power, and offers investment in equipment that could sophisticated equipment to meet back live home circuitry in However, strobes are the only ing and playing locked loop integrated run into thousands of dollars, Edg- their individual needs. audio /video recordings. section. The unit Lasers and Mu- item in the lighting list which Ed- the FM multiplex erton has packaged a portable, quick In addition to the Another feature of the new deck is May 8) Ed- mund does not make itself. Edmund is tagged at $200. setting up light show with all the sicVision (Billboard, compatibility with most other video model a dozen dif- is distributor for the strobes manu- The 4- channel deck, equipment needed. mund carries more than cameras as well as an audio dubbing control lighting. These factured by Maytronics, a custom GA270DSS, features a pitch The portable package, which sells ferent categories of feature which enables the user to in- the tape speed light, making fluores- disco lighting firm. The Maytronics mode that varies for $990 and already is a big seller include black on page 50) its (Continued on page 49) (Continued (Continued on page 48) with new disco owners and mobile cent objects glow brightly under

www.americanradiohistory.com Taoe /Audio/Video 47 CB Craze Lowers Auto Radio Listening 12% '76 EV -Game Catalog NEW ORLEANS-EV -Game in Continued from page I "2 +4" stereo /quad magnetic car- Audiovox and J.I.L., with first CB trac turntable in a French Quarter troduced its 1976 -77 catalog durinl perdome including many more tridge with low tracking (1 to 1.5 combo prototypes promised for hotel suite, with Vic Amador, new NEWCOM here, with full distribu traditional audio /tape /accessories grams) and super high end perform- Summer CES by Car Tapes /Jet BSR consumer division president, tion of the 244 -page book to cùstom firms here to meet the broadening ance at suggested $74.95; more CB/ Sounds and RCA, among others; noting the auto -changer version ers later this month. included are all needs of electronic /consumer dis- radio /tape combo units were shown Audio Dynamics Corp. (ADC) would probably carry a `BSR Ac- Electro -Voice cartridges and nee- tributors and reps, focused on new by such autosound firms as Boman, showed its new computerized Accu- cutrac" logo. dles, and other EV-Garne products. CB lines as well as crossover audio - to-electronics and vice versa product categories. But the statistics from former FCC commissioner Nicholas John- son, Gerry Mills, of E.F. Johnson and Willis Wolf of Olson Electronics had the most dramatic overtones for the record and radio industries. Wolf, executive vice president of the 82- outlet Akron, Ohio-based Ol- 11 MO son chain, noted that of an estimated fw',ft 205 million mobile and household *i.'GF +Y1E1c,: radio locations, today's 5% market penetration has only 10 million CB radios in use. By 1981, approximately 50 mil- lion transceivers alone will be in use -40 million additional unit sales -with 24% market saturation overall. Thus Johnson's 12% radio listening decline of today could be far larger. Key breakdown by markets with most implications for the record /ra- dio industry: Cars -total 102 million now, 5% penetration, or 5 million units worth $500 million. By 1981, 24% saturation for 28.5 million units worth $3.5 billion.

Recreational vehicles -total 5 million now, 14% penetration or 1.7 million units. By 1981, 35% pene- tration or 3.8 million CB radios. Households -total 68 million now, 1.5% CB base station pene- tration or 1.5 million units. By 1981. 15% penetration or 10 million units. The growing number of CB -tape combinations, the result of more companies recognizing the high -end profit potential, also is having an ef- . OR NOT CB? fect on radio listening. The popu- larity of such units with long -haul truckers in particular does have im- pact. The answer is obvious ... CB is the fastest growing Wolf estimates 3 million such trucks on the read now, with a sig- industry in the field of consumer electronics. nificant 40% CB penetration of 1.2 million units. Five years from now, saturation is estimated at 60 %, with Billboard's June 19 issue -our Summer CES Show issue -will devote a special 1.8 million CB units on the road. section CB: Other trucks -a total of 21 million on to the manufacturers, the dealers, the whole CB story. A section the road -show 6% penetration or that's sure to drop the hammer on your sales. Just pick up the land line to your 1.3 million CBs, growing to 30% sat- uration in 1981 or 6.3 million CB ra- nearest Billboard Account Executive for details on advertising. dios. Among equipment highlights at It's green stamps well spent! NEWCOM, noted briefly here with more complete details in next week's issue: Cerwin -Vega introduced its new Hed (High energy design) mobile communications division, featuring ISSUE DATE: June 19 a 120 -watt (60 watts /channel RMS) mobile stereo power amp and 6 by 9- inch, 40- ounce -magnet speakers, claimed as the most powerful pack- AD DEADLINE: June 6 age in the industry: Rediffusion of the U.K. entered the lucrative back- ground music field, to compete with giant Muzak and new continuous - loop cartridge /cassette program Los Angeles Chicago equipment from 3M, Telex and New York Nashville Tape- Athon, among others; ex- Joe Fleischman /John F. Halloran Bill Kanzer Ron Willman John McCartney panded CB accessory lines were 9000 Sunset Blvd. 150 N Wacker Drive 1515 Broadway 1717 West End Ave #700 Los Angeles, Ca 90069 shown by EV -Game, Recoton, Chicago, Ill 60606 New York, NY 10036 Nashville, Tenn 37203 213/273 -7040 312/236 Vanco-Chicago and Pfanstiehl, with -9818 212/764 -7350 615/329 -3925 a first CB carrying case from Le -Bo and "Slip- Seater" CB /car stereo case from American International Sound Products. Shure is already shipping a new Bonus Distribution at the Summer CES Show! When Answering Ads . . . Say You Saw It in Billboard

www.americanradiohistory.com 48 Tape/Audio/Video Newberry Stores Enlarge A $100 Mil Semipro Space To Handle Stereo Mart Seen At AES By FRANK BARRON LOS ANGELES -Slowly but lower priced items, such as budget Continued from page 1 least a 10 dB improvement over any surely the J. J. Newberry variety turntables and 8 -track players. Altec, TEAC, Tandberg of America, competitive machine. At 15 i.p.s. fre- chain of stores on the West Coast is Ross says the company plans to Panasonic /Technics. quency response is a reported flat moving into stereo and doing well, re -do 24 stores during the year, with There were also many more "new- plus or minus'/, dB from 100 Hz to according to Chuck Ross, in charge each outlet to be remodeled accord- comers" now actively committed to 15 kHz with a signal -to -noise ratio of hard line merchandise on the ing to the needs of that store, de- carving out a niche of name aware- measured at 69 dB. Coast. pending on the neighborhood. ness and product acceptance in these ATR -100 prices range from $4,825 (mono I/ -inch tape width) to The chain, owned by the McCrory Some, he adds, will carry stereo Paston- Hunter photo mushrooming markets at AES. $6,850 (4- channel 1/2-inch tape Corp. Pennsylvania, lines, others will not. "It depends on UPSTATE HONOR -Cited as Up- Many, in fact, have established of has 1,100 width). stores across the nation, with 108 on the needs of that particular neigh- state New York" outstanding U.S. separate divisions and franchises to dbx, as well as Telefunken, the West Coast, most of them in borhood." Pioneer dealer for 1975, Cary Gor- manufacture and market for these showed a noise reduction module Southern California. Overall, however, both Ross and don, president of Syracuse -based areas. Gordon Electronics, right, accepts Their additions this year caused that plugs directly into any Dolby A One of the key stores on Holly- Olsen see the chain bringing in more main frame replacing the Dolby plaque from Harry Paston of Pas - the exhibitor roster to swell to over wood Boulevard recently installed a and more appliances during 1976. ton- Hunter, firm's area rep. one -third last year's to a total of CAT -22 card with a dbx equivalent. line of Capehart products, and in 110 -with many of these new faces To prevent undue confusion, two months did so well it had to ex- utilizing over 20 separate demon- dbx's designation for its module is pand its space for the merchandise. U.K. Thorn Eyes U.S. Mart stration rooms. K9 -22. In dbx's fourth floor demo "The products are selling well," Many of these firms debuted state room the K9 -22 was demonstrated Continued from page 46 and a one -gram cartridge from comments store manager Don Ol- the in a Dolby 361 series system. Goldring Ltd. of art product, highlighted cur- sen. "Only a lack of space keeps us by U.S. distributor Revox at the De- rent hardware lineups, and held It would not be at all surprising if from expanding that department. troit Hi Fi Show (Billboard, Feb. Three firms who had their own ex- product seminars and mini shows to the availability of dbx's new module This is a new item for us, and it is 21); five models in its Series 600 hibits last year but are with the U.K. an overflow mix of engineers, pro- will spur sales of complete Dolby doinf very good." stereo range from Armstrong Audio; group this time around include Bib fessional audio dealers, students, systems to studios that have resisted Primarily the store is handling hand -built hi fi units by J.E. Sugden Hi -Fi, showing a new cassette edi- musicians and disco representatives. so far the influx of noise reduction. tor /winder for tape duplicators; While not a dealer trade show per For now the Dolby studio can al- Meteor Light & Sound, with a wide se, a surprising number of profes- ternate between Dolby and dbx for a range of updated disco components, sional audio dealers were in attend - minimum additional investment -a and Metrosound Audio Products ence to make supplier contacts. luxury not enjoyed by those studios l with a new dust remover and static On the more professional side, now owning a multitrack dbx sys- S reducer. Meteor is a division of Re- Ampex showed for the first time its tem. M2K vox, which also represents Bib here, Single dbx plug in modules are all new ATR -100 Series of profes- HIGH FIDELITY WAREHOUSE and Metrosound's agent is RNS sional audio recorders. The machine $250 each while a complete 16 track Marketing. is available in mono, two and four replacement set, packed in a Halli- All units new in factory sealed cartons Other "new in North America" channel formats, and is a complete burton instrument case, is about Fully guaranteed under manufacturer's warranty products to be shown include the Ja- departure from the company's $4,200. cara speaker from Jordan -Watts, a AG440 Series recorders. In addition to the obvious econ- ADC DYMEK KOSS Spanish -stype, single -diaphragm Notable is the elimination of the omy of plug in interchangeability, unit; a digital tuner prototype from traditional pinch roller. Instead, the studio control rooms using both sys- AR DYNACO SHERWOOD Expotus to match the Harrison S200 tape wraps around an oversized cap- tems will find wiring chores cut in half since one installation will now BSR HY -GAIN (CB) SHURE integrated amp debuted last June; stan with its motion regulated by the Alba's US900 amp; Acoustical tension on the supply and take -up accommodate both Dolby and dbx. DUAL MANY OTHERS SONY Manufacturing's Quad 33 -303 series reels. A knurled knob at the top of According to Gotham Audio rep- of transistorized control units and the capstan allows the engineers to resentatives, the rival Telefunken power amps; A.R. Sugden's im- easily rock the tape back and forth system may be available in this proved Connoisseur BD3 turntable across the heads. Ampex representa- country later this year with an esti- BUY THE MODERN WAY: and a transcription turntable kit; tives feel this will speed up the edit- mated price tag of $250 -$300 per Keith Monks' improved MK IV ver- ing process which is usually a two card. PHONE & MAIL sion of its M9BA lab pickup arm; hand operation on other transports. On the more semipro end of it, Decca Special Products' elliptical A rotary switch on the head block Mike Joseph, national sales man- ager for SAE, enthused, "One of the FREE for LOW PRICES now version of its London cartridge and selects one of four tape speeds while Call TOLL London International turntable equalitzation may be preset for any reasons we are here is to make pro- arm. two of the four available speeds. If fessional dealer contact. NATIONWIDE Also to be spotlighted are the the operator selects a tape speed that "Many of our traditional ac- 800/854 -7769 Monogram room acoustic amp with does not match the equalization pre- counts," he continued, "began corn- for certain types of CALIFORNIA its 2 -11 band octave equalizers and set, the machine will not go into the ing to us asking 800/472 -1783 advanced preamp, and speakers that play or record mode. equipment that wasn't readily avail- include Rola- Celestion's prize -win- Other improvements in the trans- able to them and that's a gap we are t ning UL6, the Linn- Isobarik DMS port system allows the ATR -100 to trying to fill. ON APPROVAL FINANCING and PMS models introduced last go directly from either fast mode "There's an increasing trend to- ACCEPTED BY PHONE year, and Gale's GS401 with the into play without an intermediate day among musicians who want to KEF speaker drive units, kits and stop first. Thus as the machine set up their own recording facilities systems. reaches correct tape speed it goes au- with top -notch hardware. There's Another group of British com- tomatically into the play mode. also many fledgling musicians un- M2KOAL fees 250 N. Thomas, PO Box 2100, Pomona, CA 91766 panies will be with participating Ampex claims that the new willing to pay recording studio trade board assistance for the sev- recorder electronics represents at (Continued on page 49) enth time in eight years at the NAMM expo next month at Chi- cago's McCormick Place, featuring a We are and we want to remain a wide range of electronic instruments first -rate company. Good-bye, and music systems. For this reason we point to the quality We know that quality is the result of controls and we guarantee it by means of test certificates paper labels New Akai We are the first do it in our field.

On- cassette printing Units Due in up to 3 colors Continued from page 46 + full background color, at speeds up to plus /minus 5% in both the recording 100 units per minute. and playback modes, and is said to be able to electronically alter the Saves time, money STAR! SR. L. sound of any instrument or other VIA COMO 23 and problems. 12069 ROVELLASCA I CO: ITALY source material. PHONE 01 9W2410 9642241 fea- Irles 33080 The APEX Printer from The three -motor deck also tures automatic reverse playback of stereo material, four GX heads, full 1290 AVENUE OF THE AMERICAS logic function control system, auto NEW YORK.N.Y.10019.PHONE (212)562 -1670 CABLE: AUDIOMATIC /TELEX 12 -6419 stop, mike /line mixing, tape and track selector switches, 7 -inch reel Computer cassettes for digital use OVURUA$ OFFICE: 4 RUE FICATIER and op- All types audio Compact cassettes Lear Jet 8 track cartridges 92400 COURBEVOIE, FRANCE. PHONE 333.30 90 capacity, dual tape speeds mud Norelco style boxes for automatic Inserting machine All spare parts. AUDIOYATIC CORPORATION CABLE AUDIOMATIC /TELEX 62282 tional remote control. It carries a 3 suggested retail price of $900. www.americanradiohistory.com Tape/Audio/Video 49 Rep Rap

Paston -Hunter Co., Inc., Syracuse, N.Y. headquartered in Tampa, Fla., announced presi- added Michael Berish to the sales staff and pro- R.O. Whitesell & Assoc., headquartered in In- Ed Spiker and Mary Ann Roth in Detroit; Richard based rep firm covering Upstate, has added two dent Wäliam Laudon. mpted Wahr Trauceniek to the new post of dianapolis, has added four sales personnel in Paden in Pittsburgh. Bob Whitesell reports his field marketing staffers in expansion moves. * * * sales manager. Berish most recently was with conjunction with its appointment as rep for the firm will rep the line in Indiana, Kentucky, Mich- At LeMonie Ave., Fort lee Watson heads a new Binghamton resi- TMC Sales Corp., 2460 Simberkoff Sales for 12 years, while Trauceniek Cinch division of TRW Electronics April 1. Joining igan, Ohio, West Virginia, Western Pennsylvania dent sales office to cover the Hudson Valley and Lee., N.J. 07024, president Tom Marchiano has has been with the firm since 1973. from Cinch are Dave More, in Columbus, Ohio; and Eastern Tennessee. Eastern Southern Tier counties, joining after seven years with Hart Electronics, four -store chain headquartered there.

R. Michael Sweeney, most recently Magnavox district manager for Central New York, will be in the main office, covering the Rochester to Utica area, with district reps Bruce Borenstein in Al- . bany and Walter Rosen in Buffalo assuming smaller territory responsibility. Also at Syracuse headquarters, Kay Taft joins as data /record secretary to assist office man- ager Alice May and sales secretary Donna Lip- ton. * * * Summer... Scotty Wallace has moved from Switchcraft Eastern regional sales manager to Stanley K. Wallace Assoc., heading a new Chattanooga, Tenn., branch at 922 Wellington Rd., Zip 37443, and th phone (615) 875-0786. Wallace also is named vice president /sales, for the 40- year -old firm

Edmund Lighting

Continued from page 46 line is also handled by Edmund's 400 dealers throughout the country who retail the entire Edmund cata- logue. It's a full -time job for Edgerton, who is also in charge of marketing, to keep the Edmund line always Billboard's Summer ahead of the times. He is always "on the hunt" for new products, visiting trade show exhibits, feeding ideas to the firm's own staff of testing engi- Consumer Electronics neers and always ready to lend an ear to anyone with something differ- ent, unusual and unique. While the lighting is now up to 80 Show Issue per cent of the company's business from 15 per cent two years ago, and rock bands from all over the country still come to the Edmund plant to load up their trucks and campers with thousands of dollars of light Issue and sight equipment, Date: Edgerton feels June 19 that future growth will depend on explosive innovations in both musi- cal sounds and in visual effects of light. Ad Dateline: June 4

Multi-Market Retailer Report: Their Business Outlook.. . AES Highlights The Growing Importance of CB and Car Stereo... Continued from page 48 Disco Hardware's Increasing Share-of-Market... Accessories . . . Blank Tape Report . . . and much more! and want to set up mini studios in . their homes. , s t ,, / ' "This whole semipro market is ,,! . .+ % , 3' r: °, rr rilr` .r ' ' q growing by leaps and bounds. Need- ° ti _ 1 ,.,, less to say the disco boom for high - , , ! j`'r ,,i 1;ÌR. "N, ; ,ii. ± end sound reinforcement equipment ./ S ¡ ;. _ ,.,¡,. Contact your nearest Billboard is growing tremendously as well. I `` ..t \ ,J j'= . , t/, I ''t.,,,- "'?)j/, Account Executive for 1' h,, ` would say these areas represent t J11' advertising information! about 25% of our business now." , , iíI ^¡I, 4 ! ':ÿ .s / f,i! '` I l i ,,_ ^ Los Angeles" Acknowledging that it doesn't . _ , iq,l. : represent a sizable It segment of their . !rr business yet, Ken Rottner, national /í l .Li v`'' sales manager for the Marantz divi- Í - 213/273.7040 , L ;` sion of Superscope, confirmed that .-: f, ... ìtí _ aif ,i, ,} Chicago r1 : Tc Marantz intends establishing a ".,. " Bill Kanzer ,N I i jÍ /i/ ( , , stronger foothold in the semipro - c ` ;(j: 150 N Wacker Drive Chicago, Ill 60606 disco markets saying, "This is only t- _,/ / r .-<4 4 C ', irrl j at- `.,/ 312/236-9818 " ( c 1+ the beginning. We are here basically =I` i ft.. , s r y,rr to expose our name and product to 'y'. +''-'. r

www.americanradiohistory.com Tape/Audio /Video Panasonic: Concerts & New Line Car Stereo Continued from page d6 The compact stereo systems in- stereo receiver with built -in 8 -track The model RD -3100 is an 11 -inch clude two with cassette player/ player and record changer, and two automatic record changer with Pick- recorders, and two with 8 -track "Thrusters" SB -180 speakers. Model Nakamichi, ADS Join In ering V -15 magnetic cartridge and units. Model RE -8016, is an FM/ SE -3190 is essentially the same as four- motor at $99.95. It comes AM /FM stereo receiver with cas- RE -8176, except that the 8 -track sys- with cueing control, calibrated anti- sette player /recorder, automatic tem is a player /recorder, and the $700 Cassette System skating adjustment, stylus pressure record changer and two Panasonic speakers are the "Thrusters" SB -200. NEW YORK -How about a cas- with the power amps built into the adjustment, and low -mass tubular "Thrusters" model SB -180 speakers. Rounding out the compact stereo sette /auto speaker combo for $700, speaker cabinets, a super long excur- Price is $229.95. line are the firm's top rated models tonearm. billed as "the world's first hi fi car sion 4-inch woofer and a 1 -inch soft Also in 'the component category is Model SE -1240 is an FM /AM/ SE -2600 at $279.95; and the SE- stereo system"? That's the ploy of dome acoustic suspension tweeter. A the model RD -3600 a belt -drive FM stereo receiver with cassette 2650 and 2680, both at $349.95. Nakamichi Research and ADS pair is priced at $395 (with 4 -chan- turntable with automatic tonearm player /recorder, a deluxe automatic Model SE -2600 features an FM/ (Analog & Digital Systems) which nel capability offered by a second return for $149.95; and the SB -1100 record changer and two Panasonic AM /FM. stereo receiver with a has the Nakamichi 250 cassette pair) and an AC adapter at $30 and SB -1600 heavyweight "Thrus- "Thrusters" SB -200 speakers. The power output of 10 watts per chan- player and ADS 2002 miniature brings the whole system indoors as a ters" speakers designed to meet the unit sells for $279.95. nel RMS. It comes with a deluxe 11- speaker system, to be jointly mar- portable hi fi home unit. power handling requirements of the At $229.95 is the model RE -7556 inch automatic record changer and keted through their respective deal- With approximately 180 Naka- RA -6100 and RA -6600 receivers. an FM /AM /FM stereo receiver "Thrusters" SB -250 speakers. ers. michi dealers in the U.S. and about The SB -1100 at $159.95 per pair, with 11 -inch automatic record The models SE -2650 and SE- Both firms stress the custom in- 200 ADS outlets, with some logical is capable of a power input of 30 changer featuring cue control, ce- 2680, feature the basic specifications stallation needs for the system, duplication since both are basically watts, and utilizes an 8 -inch passive ramic cartridge and diamond stylus. of the SE -2600, but also include a which incorporates an under -dash, limited distribution, high -end lines, radiator. The SB -1600 is capable of Also new to Panasonic's compact cassette player /recorder and 8 -track top -loading cassette player with the both companies acknowledge they handling a power load of up to 40- stereo line are the models RE -8176 player /recorder respectively. same transport found in the Naka- will have to expand the joint system watts and incorporates a .10 -inch at $199.95, and SE -3190 at $249.95. New to the Panasonic line is the michi 500 and 550 decks, and a pair to custom car stereo firms as well. woofer and 21/2-inch tweeter. The RE -8176 is an FM /AM /FM model RQ -314S mini cassette of approximately 7 by 41/4 by 5 -inch A separate franchise operation is recorder with built -in condenser flush -mounted ADS speakers. being set up, and both firms have mike and an automatic stop to safe- As noted by Ted Nakamichi, mar- developed an effective in -store dis- guard the tape and preserve battery keting director, the player -only also play incorporating the typical sys- life. The unit, with a $59.95 price tag features a crystal permalloy head, tem setup in an auto environment. high quality level can be operated either on AC /AA servo-controlled DC motor drive, Nakamichi also has acquired world- dry cell batteries, or on the car bat- front panel switches for selection of wide distribution tights, except in with a adaptor. co cassettes tery special either 70 or 120 -ms equalization and Germany, for the system, which will Also in the Panasonic portable Dolby "in" or "out," and a built -in capitalize on the preponderance of cassette line is the new Big Sound pre -amp with volume, balance and cassette play outside the U.S. and component parts model RQ -548S with FM /AM ra- graphited mylar tone controls. Separately priced at Following the initial showing for shims dio, a large, free -edge 7 -inch dual $275, it has an internal switch that its area dealers in the New York technically accurate hubs made of acetalic resin cone speaker, and built -in con- supplies power to the ADS amps metro area, Nakamichi has similar flanged guide rollers on precision plastic pin denser mike. The unit also features only when the "play" button is demos set for Washington, Chicago, phosphorous -bronze spring pad one- button recording for convenient pushed. and Los Angeles later this month, boxes operation, and Panasonic's new Developed from the ADS 2001 and will have the system in a mid- Easy -Matic circuitry. car speaker technology, the ADS town hotel suite during the Summer 8 track cartridges According to Panasonic officials, 2002 also is a bi- amplified system, CES in Chicago. users of this unit can mix in their own voices both in the record and playback modes. The AC /DC unit lists for $129.95. Magnavox Projection TV? Two the three new Panasonic of Continued from page 46 Model 1706 is the least expensive portable 8 -track players are stereo of the systems. It is an AM /FM /FM models. They are the RF -7050 with Magnavox officials also state that stereo receiver with built-in 8 -track two 4-inch slide dynamic speakers, Philips and MCA have established a player, and a pair of speakers. Like rule dial tuning , and FM /AM /FM final Optical videodisk system de- model 1715, it comes without a stereo radio; and the model RQ- sign which reflects major improve- record changer. Companion model 833S without radio. The units sell for ments in cost and performance. 1708 includes the changer. $99.95 and $49.95 respectively. the modified system Magnavox phono AM /FM con- The only monaural unit in the line Marketing of will begin next year, following user soles for 1977 have been designed to is the model RQ -835S with FM /AM which will precede actual com- accommodate optional tape equip- radio. The unit comes with separate tests mercial sales. Last January, Philips, ment a choice of 8 -track player, 8- volume control for microphone mix- MCA and Zenith all recommended track recorder /player, or cassette ing, and plays on both AC and bat- encoding and videodisk formats for recorder /player -which may be tery. Price is $79.95. optical videodisk systems to achieve added at the time of purchase or at a Gates admits that Panasonic has interchangeability. Magnavox offi- later date. been back- ordered on its citizens cials now assure that current sched- The tape units drop into the band products, one of the hottest uling will make it possible for all po- record well on top opening consoles selling items in its line. But he prom- tential manufacturers to achieve the and fit into a specially designed area ises that with release of a new unit system compatibility before the on door models. planned for delivery in July, pro- products are introduced. Six of the new decorator consoles, duction will be stepped -up. in series 5440 and 7000, have FTC In home audio products the firm ratings of 5 watts per channel con- introduced several new compact tinuous minimum power at 8 ohms. stereo systems, consoles and port- Two units in the 6350 series are rated Sanyo `LP' Deck able models. The compact line fea- at 12 watts per channel. tures four systems ranging in prices The entire console line features Continued from page 46 from $159 to $249. loudness control, power indicator ject his own commentary to the Top of the compact line_ is the light on the front of the console and video portion of the recording. model 1725, an AM /FM /FM stereo most have a second set of tape jacks Russell Mayworm, Sanyo na- receiver with built -in record to accommodate a second tape unit. Nuova Società Italiana Articoli Tecnici S.R. tional sales manager for video prod- changer, 8 -track player, and two Nine radios and two portable cas- 21047 Saronno (Varese) Italy, via Dell'Orto, ucts, also points out that the V -Cord two -way speaker systems. The same sette recorder /players, one with over from last phone 02 - 9607450 - 9607485 II provides stop action and dual unit, minus the record changer, is AM /FM, are carried recording modes of one and two available in model 1715. year. hours. The one hour mode is basi- cally for institutional use. For home use the unit can record a of pre- recorded music tape, has an GRT, manufacturer for up to two hours a program other Are you getting those High Profit, excellent opportunity for an individual as our East Coast than what is being viewed on the tv lonlEiehl PLUS Sales available with Fast Moving Regional Sales Manager in our Custom Product Division, screen at the time, the program Audio Cables, Connectors, Speaker selling tape duplication and record pressing to the music being watched, or, with an optional hot cable, Wires, Adapters and Plugs? industrial and educational markets. Experience in the mu- timer, may be preset to record a pro- sic industry desirable. Specific accounts to be serviced but gram when the tv receiver is left unattended. There is a fast forward &connectorIr on developing new customers. Salary plus com- makes emphasis and rewind capability. The tape Now available from the same dependable source that SAME DAY PFANSTIEHL Needles, Phono Cartridges, Tape and mission offered. when a new SHIPMENTS of erases automatically Accessories. Write today on your letterhead for details of Special Please send resume and salary history to: program is recorded. Introductory Offer. The recording cassette of the deck resembles in size an 8 -track audio Personnel Dept. ST. / BOX 498 cartridge. The deck will also record 3300 WASHINGTON PfranIi8/zt ILL. 60085 independent of any tv receiver, us- WAUKEGAN, GRT Corp. ing its own UHF and VHF tuners and recorded programs are played 1286 No. Lawrence Station Rd. Sunnyvale, Calif. 94086 back on a blank tv channel.

www.americanradiohistory.com 51 Billboard Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 5/15/76 Copyright 1976, Bill- Jukebox Rack Singles Top50 board Publications, Inc. Best Sellers No part of this publication may be reproduced. Copyright 1976, Billboard Publications, Inc. No part of this publication stored in a retrieval sys- Programming may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form tem. or transmitted, in or by any means, electronic, mechanical, any photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written Corm or by any means. permission of the publisher. electronic mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the As Of 5/3/76 prior written permission of Compiled from selected rackjobber by the Record Market Research Dept. of Billboard. the publisher SEEBURG 1 BOOGIE FEVER- Sylvers- 21 ONLY SIXTEEN -Dr. Hook - TM ACQUIRING Capitol 4179 Capitol 4171 2 RIGHT BACK WHERE WE STARTED 22 I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO- FROM These are best selling middle -of- the -road singles compiled from -Maxine Nightingale - Abba- Atlantic 3310 THEATERS United Artists 752 radio station play 23 DREAM WEAVER -Gary Wright air listed in rank order. 3 BOHEMIAN - CHICAGO- Seeburg Industries, RHAPSODY- Queen- Warner Bros. 8167 Elektra 45297 whose subsidiaries manufacture and 24 GET UP AND BOOGIE 4 DISCO LADY- -Silver Johnnie Taylor- Convention -Midlan International distribute jukeboxes, coin- operated Columbia 3.10281 10571 game machines and musical instru- 5 LET YOUR LOVE FLOW -Bellamy TITLE, Artist, Label b Number (Dist. Label) (Publisher, Licensee) 25 LONELY NIGHT (Angel Brothers -W.B. /Curb 8169 Face)- ments, has diversified into theater Captain & Tennille &M 1782 6 WELCOME BACK -John Sebastian -A ownership. - 26 SWEET 1 2 WELCOME BACK Warner /Reprise 1349 LOVE- Commodores- Motown 1381 John Sebastian, Warner/Reprise 1349 (John Sebastian, BMI)) In December the firm purchased 7 SHANNON -Henry Gross - 27 LOVE IN THE SHADOWS 2 3 7 ANYTIME (I'll Be There) Cleveland's Front Row theater in Lifesong 45002 -Neil Sedaka- Rocket 40543 , United Artists 789 (Spanka, BMI) the round and is currently looking at 8 FOOLED AROUND AND FELL IN 28 THERE'S A KIND OF HUSH (All 3 1 7 DON'T PULL YOUR LOVE/THEN YOU CAN TELL ME GOODBYE LOVE -Elvin Bishop - properties in Chicago and San Fran- Over The World)-Carpenters- Glen Campbell, Capitol 4245 (ABC /Dunhill, BMI/Acuff-Rose, BMI) Capricorn 0252 A&M cisco, according to Louis Nicastro, 9 DECEMBER 1963 (Oh What A 1800 4 6 4 SILLY LOVE SONGS 29 THE FONZ SONG- Heyettes- Wings, Capitol 4256 (MPL Communications, BMI) chairman of the Chicago -based Night) -Four Seasons- Warner Bros. /Curb 8168 London 232 5 5 11 RIGHT company. BACK WHERE WE STARTED FROM 10 LOVE HANGOVER -Diana Ross 30 MONEY HONEY -Bay City Rollers Maxine - - Nightingale. United Artists 752 (ATV /Universal Songs, BMI) "That was the initial step in a slow Motown 1392 Arista 0170 6 8 5 LOVE IN THE SHADOWS move into this area of entertain- 11 SHOW ME THE WAY -Peter 31 COME ON OVER -Olivia Newton. Neil Sedaka, Rocket 40543 (MCA) (Don Kirshner, BMI /Kirshner Songs, ASCAP) ment," Nicastro says. Frampton -A &M 1795 John -MCA 40525 7 7 6 EVERYDAY WITHOUT YOU According to Nicastro there have 12 DEEP PURPLE -Donny & Marie 32 LOVE LETTER - Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds, Playboy 6068 (Spitfire, BMI) Osmond -Kolob 14840 Bay City Rollers- Arista 0185 been no changes in the management 8 11 6 HURT 13 TRYIN' TO GET THE FEELING 33 WE CAN'T HIDE IT ANYMORE - Elvis Presley. RCA 10601 (Miller, ASCAP) or operation of the Cleveland house. AGAIN -Barry Manilow- Larry Santos -Casablanca 844 Arista 0172 9 10 7 FALLEN ANGEL "Wherever we look, we are also 34 NEVER GONNA FALL IN LOVE 14 STRANGE MAGIC -Electric Light AGAIN , Private Stock 45074 (Big Secret /Almo, ASCAP) looking for good management as a -Eric Carmen -Arista Orchestra- United Artists 0184 10 4 9 TRYIN' TO GET THE FEELING AGAIN primary factor," Nicastro says. 15 SILLY LOVE SONGS- Wings- 35 FOOL TO Barry Manilow, Arista 0172 (Warner-Tamerlane /Upward Spiral, BMI) CRY -Rolling Stones - Capitol 4256 Rolling Stones 19304 11 21 3 16 RHIANNON (Will You Ever Win) - 36 BARETTA'S THEME (Keep Your Eye , Columbia 3 -10321 (Tree, BMI) Fleetwood Mac - On The Sparrow)- Rhythm 12 16 4 HAPPY DAYS (From The Paramount TV Series) Warner /Reprise 1345 Heritage -ABC 12177 Pratt & McClain, Warner /Reprise 1351 (Bruin, BMI) 82 Attracted 17 LOVE REALLY HURTS WITHOUT 37 MISTY BLUE - Dorothy Moore - 13 34 2 SHOP AROUND YOU -Billy Oceans -Ariola Malaco 1029 Captain & Tennille, A &M 1817 (Jobete, ASCAP) America /GTO 7621 38 CRAZY ON YOU- Heart- Mushroom 14 22 3 BETTER DAYS 18 HAPPY -DAYS (From The Paramount 7021 TV Melissa Manchester, Arista 0183 (Rumanian Pickelworks /Columbia /New York To Chicago Series) -Pratt & McLain - 39 MORE, MORE, MORE (Part 1)- Times, BMI) Warner /Reprise 1351 Andrea True Connection - 19 SHOUT IT OUT LOUD 15 9 8 I HOPE WE GET TO LOVE IN TIME -Kiss- Buddah 515 Casablanca Marilyn McCoo & Billy Davis Jr., ABC 12170 (Groovesville, BMI) 854 40 DON'T PULL YOUR LOVE /THEN 20 SARA SMILES -Daryl Hall & John 16 36 2 STILL CRAZY AFTER ALL THESE YEARS MOA YOU CAN TELL ME GOODBYE - Seminar Oates -RCA 10530 Paul Simon, Columbia 3-10332 (Paul Simon, BMI) Glen Campbell -Capitol 4245 CHICAGO -"Improved Bottom - 17 17 6 GET CLOSER Line Seals & Crofts, Warner Bros. 8190 (Dawnbreaker, BMI) Performance Through Better 18 13 8 SHANNON Budgeting and Personnel Policy Henry Gross, Lifesong 45002 (Blendingwell. ASCAP) Practices," keynoted the fourth an- 19 45 2 NEVER GONNA FALL IN LOVE AGAIN nual regional MOA seminar at the Reck LP Best Sellers Eric Carmen, Arista 0184 (C.A.M.U.S.A., BMI) O'Hare Hilton here April 30 -May I. Copyright 1976, Billboard Publications, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced, 20 18 5 SARA SMILE Conducted by the Center For stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, Daryl Hall & John Oates, RCA 10530 (Unichappell, BMI) photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 21 15 5 MOONLIGHT SERENADE Continuing Education and the Col- Bobby Vinton, ABC 12178 (Robbins, ASCAP) lege of Business Administration, As Of 5/3/76 22 40 2 LOOKIN' OUT FOR #1 Univ. of Notre Dame, the two -day Compiled from selected rackjobber by the Record Market Research Dept. of Billboard. Bachman-Turner Overdrive, Mercury 73784 (Phonogram) conference attracted operators 1 THEIR GREATEST HITS 1971- (Ranbach /Top Soil, BMI) from 21 GRATITUDE -Earth, Wind & Fire - as far away as Alaska. 1975-Eagles-Asylum 7E -1052 Columbia PC PG 33694 23 37 2 2 WINGS AT THE SPEED OF Brotherhood Of Man, Pye 71066 (Easy Listening, ASCAP) Planned for 70 participants, it was 22 BLACK AND BLUE -Rolling SOUND- Capitol SW 11525 Stones -Rolling Stones COC 24 38 2 SAD EYES oversubscribed at 82, according to 3 FRAMPTON COMES ALIVE -Peter 79104 Maria Muldaur, Warner /Reprise 1352 (Don Kirshner, BMI /Kec, ASCAP) Fred Granger, MOA executive vice Frampton -A &M SP 3703 23 DONNY 25 49 2 MIDNIGHT LOVE AFFAIR & MARIE FEATURING president. Registration fee was $95. 4 TRYIN' TO GET THE FEELIN'- Tony Orlando & Dawn, Elektra 45319 (Midsong, ASCAP) SONGS FROM THEIR Operators attended three three - Barry Manilow- Arista AL 4060 TELEVISION SHOW -Donny & 26 26 4 AFTERNOON DELIGHT 5 PRESENCE -Led Zeppelin -Swan Marie Osmond -Kolob PD 6068 Starland Vocal Band, Windsong 10588 (RCA) (Cherry Lane, ASCAP) hour lecture /audio /visual presenta- Song SS 8416 24 MAIN COURSE -Bee Gees -RSO 27 27 4 THE HUNGRY YEARS tions by Notre Dame professors Wil- 6 A NIGHT AT THE OPERA- Queen- SO 4807 Wayne Newton, Chelsea 3041 (Don Kirshner, BMI) liam P. Sexton, John R. Malone and Elektra 7E-1053 25 DREAM WEAVER -Gary Wright 28 24 8 STRANGE MAGIC J. - Salvatore Bella. These covered, re- 7 COME ON OVER -Olivia Newton - Electric Light Orchestra, United Artists 710 (Unart /Jet, BMI) Warner Bros. BS 2868 spectively, the areas of interview John, MCA 2186 29 23 7 WORDS (Are Impossible) 26 HIDEAWAY- America -Warner Bros. 8 DESTROYER -Kiss -Casablanca Donny Gerrard, Greedy 101 (ATV, BMI) skills and personnel evaluation, BS 2932 NBLP 7025 30 12 10 COME ON OVER budgeting, and compensation pro- 27 I WANT YOU -Marvin Gaye -Tamla 9 SONG OF JOY- Captain & Olivia NewtonJohn, MCA 40525 (Casserole /Flamm, BMI) grams personnel. 16-342-S1 for Tennille -A &M SP 4570 31 14 11 THERE'S A KIND OF HUSH (All 28 STILL CRAZY AFTER ALL THESE Over The World) Dr. John Malone continued his 10 FLEETWOOD MAC -Reprise Carpenters, ARM 1800 (Glenwood, ASCAP) YEARS -Paul Simon- Columbia analysis for MOA of the John Doe, MS2225 32 20 14 LET YOUR LOVE FLOW PC 33540 Shamrock 11 HISTORY -AMERICA'S GREATEST Bellamy Brothers, Warner Bros. /Curb 8169 (Loaves & Fishes, BMI) Music Co., in his presen- 29 WINDSONG -John Denver -RCA HITS -America -Warner Bros. 33 48 3 tation, "Budgeting: The Key To Asylum 7E-1039 GET UP AND BOOGIE BS 2894 Silver Convention, Midland International 10571 (RCA) (Midsong, ASCAP) Success." Drawing on specific but 30 K.C. & THE SUNSHINE BAND - 12 ALIVE!- Kiss -Casablanca TK 603 34 30 6 WE CAN'T HIDE IT ANYMORE hypothetical data, he stressed "fore- NBLP 7020 Larry Santos. Casablanca 844 ( Groovesville, BMI) 31 A LOVE TRILOGY -Donna casting business needs, 13 LOVE WILL KEEP US TOGETHER of constant - Summer -Oasis OCLP 5004 35 35 3 FALLING APART AT THE SEAMS The Captain & Tennille -A &M Marmalade, Ariola America monitoring of local business condi- EARGASM- 7619 (Capitol) (Almo /Macaulay, ASCAP) SP 3405 32 Johnnie Taylor - tions and development feedback Columbia PC 33951 36 43 3 BARETTA'S THEME (Keep Your Eye On The Sparrow) of 14 CHICAGO IX CHICAGO'S Rhythm Heritage, ABC 12177 (Leeds, ASCAP /Duchess, BMI) systems to make mid- course diag- GREATEST HITS -Columbia 33 FOOL FOR THE CITY- Foghat- Bearsville 37 42 3 LOVE HANGOVER nosis and corrections." PC 33900 BR 6959 Diana Ross, Motown 1392 34 BRASS (Jobete, ASCAP) Operators were provided with ma- 15 RUN WITH THE PACK -Bad CONSTRUCTION -United 38 46 3 OLD CAPE COD -Swan Artists UA.LA545 -G terials and model forms to help Company Song SS 8416 Bette Midler, Atlantic 3325 (George Pincus & Sons, ASCAP) 16 GREATEST HITS -Elton John 35 BEFORE THE NEXT TEARDROP reach these - 39 41 3 MORE, MORE, MORE (Part 1) goals. MCA 2128 FALLS - -ABC /Dot DOSD 2020 Andrea True Connection, Buddah 515 (Buddah /Gee Diamond /MRI, ASCAP) There were workshops as well, a 17 TAKIN' IT TO THE STREETS - 40 A BUTTERFLY FOR BUCKY chance for operators to question - Warner Bros. 36 DIANA ROSS- Motown M6.861 S1 Bobby Goldsboro, United Artists 793 (Unart /Pen In Hand, BMI) Notre Dame professors in depth and BS 2899 37 GREATEST HITS -John Denver - 41 7 18 OUTLAWS -Waylon Jennings, Willie RCA CPL1-0374 32 FOREVER LOVERS to exchange ideas among them- Mac Davis, Columbia 310304 (Tree, BMI) Nelson, Jessi Colter, Tompal 38 LOOK OUT FOR # 1- Brothers selves. 42 44 4 BARETTA'S THEME Glaser -RCA APL1.1321 Johnson -A &M SP 4567 Sammy Davis Jr., 20th Century 2282 (Leeds, ASCAP /Duchess, BMI) Notre Dame prepared the first of 19 DESIRE -Bob Dylan- Columbia 39 ONE OF THESE NIGHTS- Eagles- PC 33893 Asylum 7E -1039 43 47 2 THE MORE I SEE YOU these seminars in 1972. Commented 20 HELEN REDDY'S GREATEST HITS Peter Allen, A &M 1813 (Bregman /Vocco & Conn, ASCAP) one operator who has attended all - 40 CITY LIFE -Blackbyrds- Fantasy of Capitol ST 11467 F9490 44 39 8 RHIANNON (Will You Ever Win) them: "Though somewhat related Fleetwood Mac, Warner /Reprise 1345 (Rockhopper, ASCAP) the programs keep 45 MOONLIGHT FEELS RIGHT changing over Starbuck, Private Stock 45039 (Brother Bill's, ASCAP) the years. There's always plenty to 46 MISTY BLUE make it worthwhile." Ashford & Simpson's New Firm Dorothy Moore. Malaco 1029 (TK) (Talmont, BMI) 47 I'VE GOT A FEELING (We'll Be Seein' Each Other Again) Continued from page 4.5 nightclub circuit has given way to Al Wilson, Playboy 6062 (Irving, BMI) In Tune Growing the concert stage. 48 "Our scenery ties in to the moods of YES, I'M READY LOS ANGELES Tom Sullivan, ABC 12174 (Dandelion /Stillran, BMI) -In Tune Music, our songs. Schiffer notes that the duo will in Southern 49 THINKING OF YOU California distributor for "We are doing all of this while still the future deal primarily with con- Paul Davis, Bang 724 (Web IV) (Web IV, BMI) Playboy, Pickwick and Roulette maintaining our personal contact certs, with an occasional nightclub 50 COULD IT BE MAGIC Records, has leased a 7,500- square with the audiences," says Ashford. engagement because "we want to be Donna Summer, Oasis 405 (Casablanca) (Kamikazi /Angel Dust, BMI) foot industrial building as its oper- He claims the team writes approx- exposed to a greater number of ating base. imately 50 songs a year and says the people."

www.americanradiohistory.com 52 Country PRESIDENT ENTHRALLED Hall Of Famers For Fan Fair Ford, Oprylanders NASHVILLE -Ernest Tubb, Bill Anderson, Don Robertson, Mari- john Wilkin, Redd Stewart, Pee Wee A Washington Rave King, Harlan Howard and Jimmy By GERRY WOOD Davis will perform on the Fan Fair WASHINGTON- Tennessee Er- that included Supreme Court jus- show for the Nashville Songwriters nie Ford and an Opryland USA tices, cabinet members, ambassa- Assn. International June 11. from Nashville entertained dors and other political and press of- The Songwriters Hall Of Fame troupe President and Mrs. Gerald Ford, ficials, Tennessee Ernie quipped, show features writers who are mem- vice president and Mrs. Nelson "Everybody in here looks like bers of the association's Hall of Rockefeller a ribbon au- they've got regular work." Fame, performing their own works. and blue Bob Schanz photo dience top governmental and The group will present its Manny of The show received a standing ova- HAPPY FACES: President Gerald Ford thanks Tennessee Ernie Ford who per- media leaders at the 62nd annual award to the Hall of Fame writer - tion and prompted President Ford to formed along with the Opryland USA troupe at the White House Correspond- White House Correspondents' Assn. performers on the show and to those remark, "A very appreciative Mich- ents' Assn. recent dinner. Waiting for Tennessee Ernie's retort are (left to May 1. non -performing Hall of Fame mem- dinner igan Gerry wants to thank Ten- right) Ed Shea, ASCAP southern region director; vice president Nelson Rock- The fast -paced half-hour show bers who will be in Nashville. nessee Ernie for a great perform- efeller, and Tennessee Gov. Ray Blanton. gave the group its biggest dose of Slated for Municipal Auditorium, ance. This goes for the Opryland Tennessee entertainment in a bicen- the program will be produced by USA singers and dancers as well." tennial- flavored program that din- Ray Pennington and emceed by Tennessee Sen. Howard Baker, ner committee chairman Garnett D. WSM's Ralph Emery. Gov. Ray Blanton, Congressman Producer Showcases Own Horner termed "the best we've ever had." Clifford Allen and a contingent from Opryland were among those The entertainment included ex- Talent At Memphis Event attending the event held at the Price To Sing With cerpts from the Opryland musical Washington Hilton. Houston Symphony MEMPHIS -Talent showcases and Nashville to the lounge of a "Liberty's Song," a George M. Co- sponsored by labels are not unusual, Memphis motel for solid perform- han salute, and a stirring version of The President and vice president HOUSTON -Country singer Ray but Larry Rogers has added an odd ances from Rogers-produced acts - "Shenandoah" by Ford. Fourteen and their wives met personally with Price will appear with the Houston twist to the idea by sponsoring a the Bill Black Combo, Shylo, Jerry singers and dancers and a 12-piece the cast members after the show. Symphony in a special concert co- showcase as a producer, spotlighting Jaye and Diane DeWitt. orchestra performed for the Presi- Betty Ford told the singers she wants sponsored by Foley's May 21 in three of the acts he produces and an- Shylo is on Columbia, DeWitt is dent and more than 1,500 news- to come to Nashville to see the entire Jones Hall For the Performing Arts. other act as yet unsigned to a label. unsigned and both the Black Combo makers and news -gatherers. show. Houston Pops' conductor Ned The May 2 invitation -only event and Jerry Jaye record for Hi Rec- "Liberty's Song" was written by Helen Thomas of UPI presided Battista will open the program, con- drew broadcasting, music industry ords. Hi's president, Nick Pesce, was George Mabry-and the idea of us- over the banquet. The show's direc- ducting his own arrangements of and trade people from Memphis among the 75 attending the casual ing the Opryland troupe for the tor was Joel Margolis of the Wash- country favorites including "Gentle but tightly produced show. function came from Ed Shea, ington Redskins -and dinner music On My Mind" and "By The Time I Advance Tickets The Bill Black Combo began the ASCAP Southern region director. came from the Sammy Schreiber Or- Get To Phoenix." night with a vigorous array of coun- Surveying the black -tie crowd chestra. Price, to be featured on the second Only For Folk Fest try rock songs, including "Orange half of the concert, will be backed by PHILADELPHIA -All tickets for Blossom Special," "Faded Love" the orchestra and his own group, the the forthcoming Philadelphia Folk and "Boili.n' Cabbage." Heavy on LIKE A BEEHIVE Moises Calderon Trio. With Calde- Festival, one of the country's most sax, the group's performances are ron, his own tour conductor, Price prestigious events for folk perform- enlivened by the ad libs of Bob will sing "Help Me Make It Through ers, will be sold only in advance. The Tucker and the instrumental inter- The Night," "Heartaches By The GRT In Nashville 15th annual event is set to return to play between Tucker, Billy Comp- Number," "Release Me," "Spanish the suburban rural Pool Farm at ton, Larry McDermitt, Robert Eyes," and his Grammy winner, Pa., for the Aug. 27- and Gil Michael. "For The Good Times." Schwenksville, Glaeney, Doubles Personnel 29 weekend. Shylo- consisting of Ronnie By GERRY WOOD While talent for the three nightly Scaife, Danny Hogan and Perry New Orleans Symph concerts and the daytime workshops York -followed with its past chart NASHVILLE-GRT Records has it appears to be duplicating the suc- are still being lined up, all- festival number "Dog Tired Of Cattin' been a beehive of activity with addi- cess that Dean is having." At Fla. Workshops tickets went on sale Saturday (1) by Around" and its next release "Living tions to its staff that have more than Describing the GRT game plan, mail at selected local ticket agencies Fla. variety of On Love Street." doubled its size over the past six Heard notes, "For the past several PENSACOLA, -A and at all Ticketron outlets. concerts and musical workshops will Jaye, a powerful performer, months, and a series of new signings months we've been planning a well - . Tickets for the weekend are scaled held at the Univ. of West Florida wowed the audience with "Hello and lease deals aimed toward land- coordinated series of moves de- be at $30 and $36, and for the first time featuring the New Tonk Women ing the firm into major status in the signed to make GRT a major force here May 20-23 there will be an all -festival camping Josephine," "Honky Philharmonic- Symphony Men" and a brilliant industry. in the recording industry and have Orleans ticket at $36 and $42. It will be the Love Redneck Werner wrote `Til Headlining the recent activity is been maintaining a low profile while under the direction of first time the festival will be spon- new song he recently -" his assistant, Car- Memphis." the GRT- distributed Casino Rec- trying to tie up an enormous amount Torkanowsky and sored by the Phildelphia Folksong Morning Comes To ter Nice. Butch Carter played keyboard for ords release "I.O.U." by Jimmy of details and contract negotia- Society. the "We perceive this event as a vital all acts except DeWitt. Dean -the hottest new record on tions." country chart this week, debuting at The GRT thrust also is aimed at educational function of a symphony The 17-year old DeWitt, a tal- with a star. the pop market. "We feel we have orchestra," says Torkanowsky. Plan Lewis Memorial ented acoustic act from Michigan, number 62 "We began our thrust just two excellent credibility with country "Being an orchestra in residence NASHVILLE Joe E. Lewis sang two songs including Dolly Par - -A weeks ago with the release of the stations, and now we're aiming at gives our audiences a chance to do memorial fund is being established ton's "Coat Of Many Colors." Jimmy Dean record," comments building that same credibility with more than merely listen, and it gives to place a square in the Walkway Of Among she broadcasters attend- Dick Heard, GRT vice president. pop programmers" us the opportunity to communicate Stars at the Country Music Hall Of ing were Les Acree, Bob Young and "We proved to ourselves, and the in- On the pop front, GRT has inked to an audience in a unique way." Fame, honoring the late leader and Hal Jay of WMC, Memphis, Robin dustry at large, that we could hit as Yancey, a female blues -rock singer of the en- bass guitar player of Conway Individual members Scott of WMQM, Benny Wages of hard and fast as any label in the in the mold, and Tony in- Twitty's band "The Twitty Birds." semble will give personalized KWAM -FM and Joe Elmore of business. Teebo. Yancey's first GRT LP is set Lewis died April 15 following an . struction and, on Friday night, a WHBQ -TV. "Not only did we break wide open for release, and Teebo will be one of comprised of orches- auto crash. Contributions to the string quartet in the country, MOR and Top 40 the first releases on the Catfish label. will perform. Pensacola fund should be sent to Conway tra members fields, but we immediately released George Hamilton IV and Gary as well as colle- Twitty Enterprises, 394 West Main, Celebrities Sign high -school students a of `I.O.U.' by Gar- Buck, two of RCA Canada's hottest giates will be welcomed. Hendersonville, Tenn. For Golf Tourney land Green for the soul market, and (Continued on page 53) NASHVILLE-Celebrity confir- ********************* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** mations from the world of entertain- ment and sports continue to pour ON THE COUNTRY CHARTS THIS WEEK: * STARDAY-KING GUSTO RECORDS, INC. into the Tom T. Hall- Bethel celeb- * POWER -PAK 220 BOSCOBEL ST. rity golf tournament and concert 50 WAYS TO LEAVE YOUR LOVER * HOLLYWOOD NASHVILLE, TENN slated Thursday to Saturday (13 -15) Bob Yarborough -Music Mill Records IRDA =186 in Chattanooga. * FEDERAL 37213 WITH A MEMORY .. SLEEPING A 70u6R OF GOiO v ROM GoS70 Among those confirming their ap- * DELUXE 615 - 256 -1656 Kathy Barnes- Republic Records IRDA =R-223 * pearance for the tourney are Chet * LP'S - -- TAPES - -- 45'S GOLDEN (Back to Back Atkins, Jerry Clower, Dickey Lee, GOODNIGHT MY LOVE * Porter Wagoner, Cam Mullins, Bob Randy Barlow -Gazelle Records IRDA = 21 7 * TO BUY: CALL OR WRITE OUR SALES DEPARTMENT * Beckham, Shorty Lavender, Van- record label. * ORDERS, LARGE OR SMALL ARE APPRECIATED. * IRDA- Distribution for the small independent ALL derbilt football coach Fred Pan - * RECORD DISTRIBUTING ASSOCIATES * FREE CATALOGS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST * coast, Tennessee football coach Bill INTERNATIONAL * * * * ** * * * * ** * * * * NEW SINGLE RELEASES * * * * * ** Battle, Mississippi State football * coach Bob Tyler, and ex -New York 55 Music Square West Sunset -Vine Tower 6290 Sunset Blvd. WORLD " MIKE & MICKEY * SD -140 " WE DON'T WANT THE Yankee and St. Louis Cardinal Nashville, Tennessee 37203 Hollywood, California 90028 great Enos "Country" (213) 469 -7375 * SD -137 " GIDDYUP- GO " baseball (615) 244 -7783 * * Slaughter, now head baseball coach * FOR PROMO COPIES: WRITE OR CALL OUR PROMO DEPT. at Duke Univ. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** www.americanradiohistory.com Country 53 Chappell Sizzles; Songs Dominate Country Charts NASHVILLE -"I'm happy for Billy "Crash" Craddock's "Easy As the writers' sake and for Chappell's Pie," written by Rory Bourke, sake because they believed in all of Johnny Wilson and Gene Dobbins. us for a long time," comments Henry One of the hottest publishing op- Hurt on Chappell Music's record erations in town, Chappell, under surge of No. 1 hits on the national Hurt's direction the past five years, country charts. now claims three chart singles and 's "Drinkin' My material in five chart LPs. Baby (Off My Mind)," written by Hurt, vice president of the country Rabbitt and Even Stevens -and music division of the New York - published by Unichappell/S-P -R- headquartered publishing giant, has topped the Billboard Hot Country established a strong Nashville iden- Singles chart DOLLY & THE DOLLS -Three of the country's top singers get together and currently rides the tity for the company long considered on number stage for the first time as (left to right) Linda Ronstadt, and 40 position. a leader in the pop and easy listen- This closely Emmylou Harris belt out a number during the taping of Parton's tv show follows two other ing field. Seventeen writers are rep- Chappell smashes White "Dolly" set for September premiere. -"The resented through the Chappell - Knight," written and recorded by Nashville office. Cledus Maggard (Jay Huguely) and The Nashville professional staff includes Pat Rolfe, Ed Penney, Celia Big Band Sound the Next Fan Fair Hill and Faye Kirk. Shaping Chappell tunes now on the singles Fad In Nation's Discos? NASHVILLE -CMA officials, chart are Cledus Maggard's "Ken- By JEAN WILLIAMS preparing for a record turnout for tucky Moonrunner," written by Mag- LOS ANGELES -"There is going theorized that there are approxi- the fifth annual Country Music Fan gard and Jerry Kennedy; Ronnie to be a swing back to the big band mately 10,000 discos currency oper- Fair, have released the agenda for Prophet's "It's Enough," written by sound for discos," said Bill Ward - ating in the U.S. the June 9 -13 event. Cledus Maggard's "Kentucky low, Billboard's marketing director, "The major restaurants and hotels Record labels sponsoring Moonrunner," written by Maggard shows while addressing more than 100 per- are going into discos as a form of en- are Capitol, ABC /Dot, MCA, Mer- and Jerry Kennedy; Ronnie Pro- sons during the monthly meeting of tertainment. cury, RCA, Hickory, Columbia/ phet's "It's Enough," written by the California Copyright Confer- "But I feel that these places will Epic /Monument, Elektra and Four Bourke; and the Rabbitt record. ence here April 27. eventually have to bring in live en- Star. Chappell songs are represented Wardlow pointed out that Lon- tertainment to hold the attention of Other events include a Nashville on such chart LPs as Billy "Crash" don's disco circuit has already em- the disco crowd. It will be a combi- songwriters show, reunion show, Craddock's "Easy As Pie braced the sound made popular "; "Rock 'N by nation records bluegrass concert and the slow pitch Country" such acts as Tommy of and live entertain- by Freddy Fender; "Nar- Dorsey, Glenn ment." softball tournament slated for June vel The Marvel" by Narvel Felts; Miller and others. He added that 7 -8. Olivia Newton- John's "Come On disco music is moving away from He declared that with one third of Registrations are nearing the Over "; and "The White Knight" by what is commonly associated with it Billboard's Hot 100 chart going to 10,000 mark. Cledus Maggard. today. disco music, and discos springing up While explaining what disco is, across country daily, the current and is it a fad or phenomenon, he disco boom is indeed not just a fad. first defined a disco record as one Production Firm On Ole Miss Campus that starts in r &b radio stations then receives disco play and hopefully UNIVERSITY, Miss. -In an at- Campus dates will be booked by a gains airplay on stations such as Doc Williams tempt to make "the Memphis rock new firm, In Your Ear Productions, WABC or KHJ. scene nationally known once again," formed by some of the staff at Asked if there is any resistance to three local bands will be touring the WCBH, the school's station. discos at the radio level, he offered, Celebrates South this summer, charging only "So far, we have had some prob- "We are trying to bring the two of minimal ticket prices, reports Mi- lems with our university," says them closer together. Initially, discos 40th Year chael W. Dunn, graduate assistant at Dunn, "because they will not allow felt that radio was not giving proper NASHVILLE Williams the Univ. of Mississippi here. us to charge admission to the con- exposure to product. But the prob- -Doc cel- ebrates his 40th year as certs, although we were willing to lems between radio and disco dee- a country music entertainer May donate our profits to the radio -tv jays are being resolved." 23 at a testi- di- monial `Colorado Fusion' vision. He advised that old copyrights roast in Wheeling, W.Va. Will Wind Sunday "Monday night, March 22, we will again become popular through Some 400 guests are expected for held a free concert on campus, with discos. "One million -two million the invitation -only event high- DENVER -"Colorado Fusion," a approximately 1,500 attending. This singles can be sold of a top disco lighted by a cocktail party, banquet, week -long musical event at the was the most successful outdoor con- record, and upwards of 500,000 LPs. dance and country music show. "I don't think Univ. of Colorado here, ends Sun- cert ever held at Ole Miss. record manufac- Williams began his singing career turers are aware day with concerts by an 86 -piece "The bands performing free were of just how far dis- in 1936 with his brother Cy and now cos will symphony orchestra and a jazz the Danny Green Band, Hot Dog go within the next five continues to tour with his wife years," said Wardlow. quartet in the premiere performance and Target. Under the direction of Chickie. He was one of the first stars He said there is of "An American Concerto" com- manager Jim Zumwalt, the bands an expansion of of the WWVA Jamboree in Wheel- disco music underway, posed and conducted by Pat Wil- bill themselves as 'A Memphis Rock from the cur- ing and is an active performer on the liams. Phenomenon.' rent trend to the broadening of Latin show. The jazz quartet for the finale fea- And these are the three bands and other forms of music. Karen McKenzie, organizer tures Tom Scott on woodwinds, who'll be touring the South this "The future of the discos will be in of the event Dave Grusin on keyboards, Grady summer to build the Memphis the diversification of the music that and a daughter of Williams, reports that music notables Tate on drums and Jim Hughart on sound as a reality once again. now exists. expected to attend include Roy Horton bass. In Your Ear, to promote the on- "The music is revolving back to of Peer /Southern Music, Jo Walker of Others participating in the music campus event, bought 108 T- shirts the big band sound, with the records CMA, writer Dorothy Horstman, and accompanying workshops are with a design to proclaim the event, that were popular in the past being Ed Shea of ASCAP and, from Eastern producer Phil Ramone, tuba vir- the bands and the date. George Lot- brought up to the present," he said, States Country Music Inc., Mickey tuoso Harvey Phillips, vocalist Gene terhos is in charge of In Your Ear. giving "Tangerine," `Brazil" and Puerling and guitarist Johnny "Baby Face" as examples. and Pat Barnett and Reid and Bobbi Smith. "There is no set type of music for Northrup. Also attending will be In addition, a retrospective of the GRT In Nashville discos. I believe that a lot of nos- members of the Heathcote Bus Tour film music of the late Alfred New- talgia and old copyrights will be- from Puslinch, Ontario, who are Continued from page man conducted by his brother Li- 52 come big again through discos." coming to Wheeling for the May 22 onel Newman is scheduled to be per- acts, have been signed as part of a Wardlow further said: "Discos Homecoming Jamboree and the formed. special lease arrangement allowing will revert to the old days of the Doc Williams Roast the next day. Organizer of the event is Wil- GRT exclusive rights to their prod- dance halls." liams, a visiting professor and com- uct in the U.S. GRT and Casino an- He feels live bands will become a poser-in- residence at the school. nounce the signing of Billy Larkin major part of the disco scene, but he Ellington and Glenn Barber to Casino. stopped short of predicting that live Concert GRT has signed a lease deal with bands will replace deejays. At the NEW YORK -The Duke Elling- Blue Goose Signs Texas -based Mabel Records for the same time, he admitted that because ton Orchestra, under the direction of record "Hey Shirley (This Is Squir- of the rise of discos, a shortage of Mercer Ellington, with Sarah Vaug- NEW YORK -Blue Goose Rec- rely)" and has picked up a Texas work for musicians may be at hand. han, Joe Williams, Dave Brubeck ords has named Heilicher Bros., master by Johnny Lee -"Red Sails "The bulk of what you are going and the Hampton Institute Choir, Minneapolis, as distributor. Firm is In The Sunset." to see is turntable music with very performed at a benefit titled "Elling- also negotiating with Heilicher out- The staff which has swelled from tight programming, much tighter ton Is Forever," at St. John the Di- lets in Miami, Atlanta and Dallas. three to seven, includes Nelson Lar- and more specialized than what is vine Cathedral, April 29. Artists on the label include R. kin, assistant manager; Tom heard on radio in many cases." The Ellington Orchestra per- Crumb, Rory Block, Ray Book- McEntee, national promotion direc- Wardlow pointed out that the formed two major works, binder, "The Lib- Gary Lawrence and Gra- tor and Fred Vail who handles pop growth of discos has extended to res- erian Suite" ham Hine. and "Three Black promotion. taurant and hotel chains and he Kings."

www.americanradiohistory.com 54 Country Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 5/15/76 Billboard Nashville Scene Hot Country Singles By COLLEEN CLARK

The Charlie Daniels Band, Darrell Copyright 1976, Billboard Publications. Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted, in any Corm McCall, Doug Sahm, Guy Clark, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Roger Miller, Spanky and Our Gang, * STAR PERFORMER -Singles registering greatest proportionate upward progress this week. Milton Carroll, Bill Callery, Kenneth Ñ N N N Treadgill, Ray Wiley Hubbard, mrr 3 Y Rusty Weir, Steve Fromholz and TITLE- Artist co TIM-Artist TITLE- Artist (Writer), Label & Number (Dist. Label) (Publisher. Licensee) Wendell Atkins have been added to (Writer), Label 8 Number (Dist. Label) (Publisher, Licensee) (Writer), Label 8 Number (Dist. Label) (Publisher. Licensee) the list artists who will perform at TO BE CRAZY -wake Nelson 69 52 16 'TIL THE RIVERS ALL of WHAT GOES ON WHEN THE SUN GOES 45 I'D HAVE (S Fromholz), Lone Star 310327 (Columbia) RUN DRY- Willie Nelson's Fourth ofJuly Picnic DOWN- (Prophecy, ASCAP) (W. Holyfield, D. Williams), ABC /Dot 17604 (1. Schweers), RCA 10593 (Chess, ASCAP) in Gonzales, Tex. (Horse Creek, BMI) 35 41 I'D JUST BE FOOL ENOUGH -Faroe Young T. G. Shepard, Freddy Fender, (M. Endsley), Mercury 73782 ( Phonogram) AFTER ALL THE GOOD IS 70 ME LOVE YOU WHERE IT (Acuff.Rose, BMI( 70 LET Dave Dudley and Nick Nixon set to Conway Twitty GONE - HURTS -Jim Ed Brown (C. Twitty), MCA 40534 YOU appear at the KBOX Radio Cotton 36 40 NOTHIN' TAKES THE PLACE OF - (G. Parton), RCA 10619 (Acoustic, BMI) (Twitty Bird, BMI) Asleep At The Wheel Bowl Show in Dallas on May 23... . P. (T. McCall, Robinson). Capitol 4238 (Su-Ma, BMI( 71 59 10 LOOKING FOR SPACE -John Denver ONE PIECE AT A TIME Johnny Cash Ronnie Milsap has purchased - (J. Denver), RCA 10586 (Cherry Lane, ASCAP) (W. Kemp), Columbia 3 -10321 (Tree, BMI) 37 23 MENTAL REVENGE -Mel Tiflis 's Eagle bus. Tommy (M. Till's), MGM 14846 (Cedarwood, BMI) 83 GONE AT LAST- Johnny 1 10 MY EYES CAN ONLY SEE AS FAR AS will be touring with brother Johnny 38 42 6 LIVING PROOF - Jr. Paycheck (Path Charnissa) YOU Charley Pride (H. Williams Jr.), MGM 14845 (Bocephus, BMI) (P. Simon), Epic 8.50215 (Columbia) a - for while. ... Johnny Rodriguez (1. Payne, N. Martin), RCA 10592 (Ensign, BMI( (Pail Simon, BMI) raised more than $68,000 at the an- 39 34 8 THAT'S ALL SHE WROTE -Nay Price (J. Fuller), ABC /Dot 17616 (Fullness, BMI) WITH MY Cerebral Palsy Telethon at 6 12 WHAT I'VE GOT IN MIND - Billie to Spears WHEN SOMETHING IS WRONG nual (K O'Dell), United Artists 764 (House Of Gold. BMI) E:=0 40 13 15 DRINKIN' MY BABY (Off BABY -Sonny lames Corpus recently. The 12- Porter, I. Hayes), Columbia 110335 Christi My Mind) -Eddie Babbitt (D. 10 1 I'LL GET OVER YOU - (Pending, BMI) (E. Babbitt, E. Stevens), Elektra 45301 hour telethon has been Rodriguez' (R. Leigh), United Artists 781 (Pulleybone. ASCAP) (Deb Dave /Umchappell /S. P. R., BMI) pet project for many years.... Webb 74 80 AIN'T NO HEARTBREAK - Dorsey Brunette Pierce reports that 2,000 visitors 8 8 THAT'S WHAT MADE ME LOVE 41 25 14 'TIL I CAN MAKE IT ON (D. Burnette, S. Stone), Melodyland 6031 (Motown) YOU -Bill Anderson & Mary Lou Turner MY OWN - (Brother Karls, BMI) stopped by his home last weekend, (Lore). MCA 40533 (Stallion, BMI) (T. Wynette, B. Sheri). G. Richey), Epic 8 -50196 using the new parking ramp that has (Columbia) (Algee /Attam, BMI) 75 75 TRYIN' LIKE THE DEVIL -James Talley 5 10 COME ON OVER - Olivia Newton -John (1. Talley), Capitol 4218 (Hardhit. BMI) KENTUCKY MOONRUNNER- Cledus Maggard caused so much controversy in re- (R. Gibb, R Gibb), MCA 40525 42 50 The Citizen's Band (Casserole /Flamm, BMI) I 87 PLEASE TELL HIM THAT I SAID cent months. ... After two straight (J. Huguely, J. Kennedy), Mercury 73789 ( Phonogram) (Unichappell, BMI) HELLO -sue Richards successes as a duet, Bill Anderson 4 11 - TOGETHER AGAIN- Emmylou Harris (M. Shepstone, P. Dibbens), ABC /Dot 17622 and Mary Lou Turner are each com- (B. Owens), Warner /Reprise 1346 (Central Song, BMI) 43 26 12 SUN COMING UP -Nat Stuckey (Chrysalis, ASCAP) (N. Stuckey), MCA 40519 (Stuckey. BMI) ing with a single. ... Little David 17 5 YOU'VE GOT ME TO HOLD 77 81 THINK I FEEL A HITCHHIKE COMING lpi 44 32 9 THE LITTLEST COWBOY Wilkins doing his part for education ON TO -Tanya Tucker ON -Larry Jon Wilson Bruce (D. Loggms). MCA 40540 (Leeds /Antique, ASCAP) RIDES AGAIN -Ed (R. Whitley), Monument 88692 (Columbia /Epic) a recnetly at Artists 774 with benefit concert (D. Ray. G. Ray), United (Low-Twi, BMI) Goodlettsville High School, near 15 6 HURT FOR HEART -Ehis Presley (Contention, SESAC) * (D. Linde), RCA 10601 (Columbia, BMI) IN MY Nashville, which his own children 45 33 14 YOU COULD KNOW AS MUCH ABOUT A 78 84 WILD SIDE OF LIFE /ROLLIN' SWEET BABY'S ARMS- Maurey Finney Craddock STRANGER -Gene Watson attend. Proceeds from the concert 16 7 WALK SOFTLY -Billy "Crash" (W. Warren. A.A. Carter /1. Frank), Soundwaves 4531 (N. Bryant), Capitol 4214 ( Rotei, ASCAP) (V. /Dot 17619 will be used for an air conditioning McCoy), ABC (Travis, BMI /Music Craftshop, ASCAP) (Warner-Tamerlane /Van McCoy, BMI) 46 44 12 LET ME BE YOUR FRIEND -Mack White system. (D Orender, P. Powell), Commercial 1317 102::* IS FOREVER LONGER THAN 13 14 10 THE WINNER -Bobby Bare (Acuff'Rose, OMB) ALWAYS Porter Wagoner & Dolly Parton has added a writer's (S. Silverstein), RCA 10556 (Evil Eye, BMI) - Nat Stuckey (P. Wagoner, F. Dycus), RCA 10652 (Owepar. BMI) 47 54 (Here I Am) ALONE AGAIN -Billy Walker room to his home. He's writing more 18 6 DON'T PULL YOUR LOVE /THEN YOU (R. Pennington), RCA 10613 (Show Biz, BMI) 80 72 JUST WANT TO TASTE YOUR WINE - than ever lately and needed a place * CAN TELL ME GOODBYE -Glen Campbell -Nay Stevens 60 YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL Billy Swan Capitol 4245 where he could get off to himself.... (D Lambert/B. Potter /J. Loudermilk), (B. Preston, B. Fisher), Warner Bros. 8198 (Irving/ (B. Emmons), Monument 88682 (Columbia /Epic) (ABC /Dunhill, BMI /AcuRRose, BMI( Web, BMI /Almo /Preston, ASCAP) The Bicentennial Wagon Train tour- (Youngun. BMI) 49 56 MERCY -Jean Shepard 15 11 12 LONE STAR BEER AND BOB WILLS 81 89 IT TAKES ALL DAY (To Get Over ing the country had none other than (B. Anderson), United Artists 776 (Stallion, BMI) MUSIC -Red Steagall Night) - Doug Kershaw Mooney Lynn as "Tennessee Wagon 17610 (G. Sutton, R. SteagalI(, ABC /Dot 50 53 YESTERDAY JUST PASSED MY WAY (D. Kershaw), Warner Bros. 8195 (Acuff -Rose. BMI) (Rodeo Cowboy /Ottocreek, BMI) Master." Mooney and Loretta Lynn AGAIN -Don Every (S. Shafer, D Shafer), Hickory 368 (MGM) LOVIN' SOMEBODY ON A a team mules to pull the AT provided of 16 7 13 DON'T THE GIRLS ALL GET PRETTIER (Acuff.Rose, BMI) RAINY NIGHT - La Costa wagon to Valley Forge. . Cal CLOSING TIME - Mickey Gilley (D. Loggins) Capitol 4264 (Leeds /Antique, ASCAP) (B. Knight). Playboy 6063 (Singletree. BMI) 51 57 WITHOUT YOU -Jessi Colter Smith returned to his hometown of (1- Colter), Capitol 4252 (Baron, BMI) NEGATORY ROMANCE -rem T. Hall weekend to do a I BE ME WITHOUT Gans, Okla., last 17 12 12 COULDN'T 69 CAN YOU HEAR THOSE (T.T. Hall), Mercury 73795 ( Phonogram) (Hallnote, BMI) benefit concert. It was the first time YOU- Johnny Rodriguez PIONEERS -Ben Allen Jr. (B.). Shaver), Mercury 73169 ( Phonogram) had been home in 30 years. (R. Allen Jr., 1. Maude), Warner Bros. Smith (Roturn /ATV. BMI) 8204 (Boxer, BMI) 84 90 THE MAN FROM BOWLING GREEN -Bob Lumen was one of Beals Humorist Jerry Clower 18 20 8 FOREVER LOVERS -Mac Davis 66 HOME MADE LOVE -Tom (T. Seals, M.D. Barnes), Epic 8.50216 (Columbia) (Tree, BMI) __LR!ddertnr Un rt BMI) eight national winners in the 4 -H (S. Whipple). Columbia 310304 T,"Fe (Donor /Paz House, BMI) 64 4 T FOR TEXAS- Tompall Alumni Recognition Program. The 24 7 LONELY TEARDROPS- Barvel Felts (1. Rodgers), Polydor 14314 (Peer, BMI( HEART DON'T FAIL ME NOW -Bandy Corner T. ABC/Dot 17620 award is given to former 4 -H mem- (B. Gordy Jr, Carlo). c=i (L. Jones), ABC /Dot 17625 (Publicare, ASCAP) (Merrimac, BMI) 55 LOVE STILL MARESTI[E WORLD GO bers who have distinguished them- 'ROUND - Stoney Edwards 86 88 LADIES LOVE OUTLAWS -Jimmy Babbitt 22 7 MR. DOODLES -Donna Fargo selves in community service, lead- 20 (A. Allen). Capitol 4246 (L. Clayton), Capitol 4257 (Resaca, BMI) (D. Fargo). Warner Bros. 8186 (Prima.Donna. BMI) in chosen (Babcock North /Charlie Fitch, BMI) ership and success their 87 85 50 WAYS TO LEAVE YOUR 27 6 RED, WHITE AND BLUE Loretta Lynn 56 58 5 I GOTTA GET DRUNK - Willie Nelson careers. ... Don Williams' new - LOVER -Bob Yarborough (L. Lynn), MCA 40541 (Sure Fire, BMI) (W. Nelson), RCA 10591 (Tree, BMI) ABC -Dot album titled "Harmony," (P. Simon), Music Mill IRDA 186 (Paul Simon, BMI( 57 37 12 WITHOUT YOUR LOVE (Mr. Jordan) 31 5 EL PASO CITY-Marty Robbins - contains the hit single, "Time," Charlie Ross 88 96 IF YOU MADE IT (M. Robbins), Columbia 310305 (Mariposa, BMI( P. Tree 16056 (Atlantic) which launched Williams' former (P. Vance, Cone), Big RIGHT -Ozark Mountain Daredevils (Music Of The Times, ASCAP) /E. 29 6 SHE'LL THROW STONES AT (1. Dillon, E. Anderson), A &M 1809 (lohn Dillon group, the Pozo Seco Singers, in the Anderson, BMI) YOU- Freddie Hart 58 51 ASHES OF LOVE -Joey Miller 1960s. (Soule. Cartee. Dana), Capitol 4251 (AI Cartee, BMI) (J. Anglin -1. Wright .). Anglin), Epic 8.50203 (Columbia) (Acuff-Rose. BMI) ANGEL ON MY SHOULDER -Joni Lee "Number One" on Billy Swan's (S. Flint), MCA 40553 (Warner-Tamerlane, BMI) 30 8 STRANGER - Johnny Duncan 7 THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS ARE (K. Kristofferson), Columbia 310302 (Resaca, BMI) new LP has received so much atten- FOR- Barbara Mandrel) FLASH OF FIRE -Hoyt Axton (E. Penney, R. Parsons), ABC/ Dot 17623 (H. Axton. C. Smith), A&M 1811 (Lady lane, BMI) a single 10 LET YOUR LOVE FLOW Bellamy Brothers tion that Monument has 25 21 - (Pi-Gem, BMI( (LE. Williams). Warner Bros. /Curb 8169 91 A BUTTERFLY FOR BUCKY -Bobby Goldsboro coming this week.... "The White (Loaves & Fishes, BMI) Reeves & 7 ON THE REBOUND -Del (B. Goldsboro, D. Cox), United Artist 793 Knight," Cledus Maggard and Dave Billie to Spears (Unart /Pon In Hand, BMI) 35 5 THE DOOR IS ALWAYS OPEN -Dave & Sugar (C. Craig. L Atwood), United Mists 797 (B. McDill, D. lee), RCA 10625 (Jack, BMI) Dudley were the featured entertain- (Gee Whiz. BMI) 92 100 HAVE A DREAM ON ME -Mel Mcoaniels (B. Morrison), Capitol 4249 (Music City. ASCAP) I A BALL LAST ers at the Midwest C.B. Jamboree 47 3 SUSPICIOUS MIND- wayton & Jessi 7 REALLY HAD (M. lames), RCA 10653 (Screen Gems-Columbia Music NIGHT Cannot Taylor State Fair - - 93 98 SWEET SOUTHERN LOVIN' -May[ Nutter recently at the Indiana Inc., BMI) (W. Kemp), Elektra 45312 (Glad/ Blackjack. BMI) (K. Walker), GNP Crescendo 805 (House of Gold, BMI) grpunds in Indianapolis. 36 4 ALL THESE THINGS -Joe Stampley I.O.U. -Jimmy Dean 052 (GRT) 94 WELCOME BACK -John Sebastian (N. Neville), ABC /Dot 17624 (Tune -Kel, BMI) (L. Markel, J. Dean), Casino (Plainview, BMI) (1. Sebastian). Warner /Reprise 1349 (John Sebastian, BMI) 29 19 8 THERE WON'T BE NO COUNTRY MUSIC 63 67 WHEN SHE'S GOT ME (Where She Award to Kilroy (There Won't Be No Rock 'N' Wants Me) - 95 SLEEPING WITH A MEMORY -Kathy Barnes Roll) -c.w. McCall (D.A. Coe), Columbia 310323 (Window, BMI) (D. Pinner. R. ), IRDA /Republic 223 (C.W. McCaIhH. Fries.C. Davis), Polydor 14310 (Singletree, BMI) NASHVILLE-Singletree Music IT'S ENOUGH Ronnie Prophet (American Gramphone, SESAC) 74 - (R. Bourke), RCA 50205 (Chappell, CAPAC) Company presented its first "Single- 96 99 2 I DON'T WANT TO BE A ONE NIGHT tree Award" to Eddie Kilroy, boss of 38 5 YOUR PICTURE IN THE 65 65 UNDER YOUR SPELL STAND -Reba McEntire (L. Martine Jr.), Mercury 73788 (Phonogram) PAPER - Stutter Brothers AGAIN Barbara Fairchild Records here. - (Ahab, BMI) Playboy (D. Reid). Mercury 73785 )Phonogram) (D. Rhodes. B. Owens), Columbia was established to (American Cowboy, BMI) 3-10314 (Central Songs. BMI) The award 97 21=0 GOODNIGHT MY LOVE -Bandy Barlow ANY OLD CHEATER (G. Montola, 1. Marascalo), IRDA /Gazelle 217 in any facet of the 39 5 THE BIGGEST AIRPORT IN 66 49 ASK honor excellence BMI) KNOWS- Freddy Weller (Quintet / Unichappell. copyright. THE WORLD -Moe Bandy WHO recording of a Singletree Foster, B. Rice), Columbia 310300 Columbia 3 -10313 (Acuff -Rose. BMI) (l. (S.D. Shafer), Cato Kilroy produced "Don't The Girls (lack & Bill, ASCAP) 98 91 4 I LOVE A BEAUTIFUL GUY - Connie (J. Lebsock), Capitol 4243 (Lebsock Country. BMI) BOAT -Nich Nixon All Get Prettier At Closing Time," 32 28 10 ROCKING IN ROSALEE'S 67 46 10 TONIGHT I'LL FACE THE MAN (Who (B. McDÍII). Mercury 73772 (Phonogram) Made It Happen) -Kenny Starr 99 GOD LOVES US (When We All Sing penned by Baker Knight and re- (Ha)LClement, BMI( (B. Morrison, B. Anthony), MCA 40524 Together) -Sammi Jo /Combine, BMI( corded by Mickey Gilley. (Music City, ASCAP (L Bowie, S. Limbo), Polydor 14135 (Lowery, BMI) 43 4 AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL The single reached the No. 1 spot (1976) - Charlie Rich 68 48 15 YOU'LL LOSE A GOOD TWILIGHT TIME- Carl Mann 100 A. M. ABC /Dot chart (K. Goell, B. Sherrill), Epic 850222 THING Freddy Fender (R. Ram, Nevins, Nevins) 17621 Billboard's Country Singles - (Devon, BMI) on (Columbia) (Jule[, BMI /Mint Julep, ASCAP) (B. Oren), ABC /Dot 17607 (Crazy Cajun, BMI) Tne y a.

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- "AII we have to do with this album is just display it and it moves" * "Our sales have doubled" * "A collector's album that will sell all year" *"A masterpiece that's making money for us"

www.americanradiohistory.com 56 Billboard (ounLry Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY

For Week Ending 5/15/76 Univ. Workshop Hot Continued from page 39 sylvania's Wharton School of Busi- ness; Robert Miller, president of Lee -Myles Assoc.; and several oth- Countqj LPs ers. will be Copyright 1976. Billboard Publications, Inc No part of this publication may be reproduced Evaluation workshops stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted. in any form or by any means, electronic. mechanical conducted by Landy McNeal of pho ocopying. recording. or otherwise without the prior written permission of the publisher Chappell Music; Vincent Candilora Jig * Star Performer -LPs registering proportionate upward progress this week. of SESAC; Arnold Broido; Jona- éf; thon Dorn; Dexter Wansel of Phila- 3 t delphia International Records; and a 9 1111E- Artist, Label & Number (Distributing LabeO others. BILLBOARD'S 3RD ANNUAL Zalkind says that after each class, 1 1 9 THE SOUND IN YOUR MIND -Willie Nelson, Lone Star KC 34092 (Columbia) many of the above -mentioned will 2 2 8 COME ON OVER -Olivia Newton -John, MCA 2186 be available for meeting with stu- dents. He says this helps underline 3 3 5 GREATEST HITS -Johnny Rodriguez, Mercury SRM1 1078 ( Phonogram) NASHVILLE the philosophy of the course. "To 4 5 8 'TIL I CAN MAKE IT ON MY OWN -Tammy Wynette, Epic KE 34075 (Columbia) present a correlated approach to the

music industry for students of all 5 4 10 IT'S ALL IN THE MOVIES -Merle Haggard, Capitol ST 11483 musical persuasions, including clas- MUSIC 6 7 16 ELITE HOTEL -Emmylou Harris, Warner /Reprise MS 2236 sical and popular artists, composers,

vocalists, instrumentalists, arrangers 7 8 5 THE SUN SESSIONS -Elvis Presley, RCA ARMI 1675 and conductors, producers, mer- SCRAMBLE chandisers, agents and administra- 8 9 6 FASTER HORSES -Tom T. Hall, Mercury SRM 1 1076 (Phonogram)

tors." 11 5 GILLEY'S GREATEST HITS -Vol. 1, Mickey Gilley, Playboy PB 409 A Funtastic & Unique Golf Spectacular June 14th (Monday) at An interesting feature of the 10 6 15 WANTED: The Outlaws -Waylon Jennings, Willie Nelson, Jessi Cotter, 1 :00 p.m. at Crockett Springs Golf Course in Nashville, Tennessee. workshop is the fact that it can be taken for graduate credit hours. Tompall Glaser, RCA APL 1 1321 "The school has dormitory space 11 12 11 THE WHITE KNIGHT -Cledus Maggard & The Citizen's Band, Mercury A Scramble is a Best Ball (team) Tournament with a shotgun start. available and the response has al- SRM.11072 ( Phonogram, ready been extremely good," Zal- 12 14 13 SOMETIMES -Bill Anderson & Mary Lou Turner, MCA 2182 kind states. "We've even had some 19 3 BLOODLINE -Glen Campbell, Capitol ST 11516 It all takes place the day after the exciting fanfair festivities end. inquiries from far away states, and

we expect to name several other key 14 13 10 CHESTER & LESTER -Chet Atkins & Les Paul, RCA APLI 1167 participants in the next few weeks." All entries will be on a first -come, first -served basis, until the quota Zalkind recently fmished his first W 21 3 WILDERNESS -C.W. McCall, Polydor PD 1 6069 is filled. Anyone involved in the music industry is eligible. at "Business of Music" course 16 18 4 FOREVER LOVERS -Mac Davis, Columbia PC 34105 Temple after a continuing series of There will be a maximum quota of 144 players. Any entries after courses at the New School for Social 17 16 6 MACKINTOSH & T.1.- Waylon Jennings, RCA APL1 1520 144 will receive their money back. Don't delay and be left out. Research in New York, where it has 18 20 13 ROCK N' COUNTRY- Freddy Fender, ABC /Dot, DOS01050 been offered eight times. 19 17 8 REDNECK -David Allan Coe, Columbia KC-33916 VERY IMPORTANT -Once the quota is filled, the tournament is LONGHAIRED in blank today. closed (NO EXCEPTIONS). Send your entry 30 2 HARMONY -Don Williams, ABC /Dot DOSD 2049

Barri Scores 21 10 17 THIS TIME I'VE HURT HER MORE THAN SHE LOVES ME- Conway Entrance fee is $35.00 per person. Twitty, MCA 7.16

Warners YOU WROTE MY LIFE -Moe Bandy, Columbia KC 34091 At 15 8 HANK WILLIAMS, 22 Anyone sending in an entry fee can cancel out of the tournament Continued from page 40 23 27 5 HAROLD, LEW, PHIL 8 DON -Statler Brothers, Mercury SRM 1 1077 ( Phonogram) and receive their money back untilJune 4th. the cut and thought it was a smash. 24 22 12 EASY AS PIE -Billy "Crash" Craddock, ABC /Dot DOSD 2040 So Michael Omartian and I cut it, The entrance fee will cover green fees, carts, free beer during with Michael doing a great disco ar- 25 23 14 200 YEARS OF COUNTRY MUSIC -Sonny James, Columbia KC 34035 at the club, plus a fabulous array of tournament, awards banquet rangement. It was just one of those prizes. natural songs, with the tv exposure 26 28 7 WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS -Larry Gatlin, Monument KZ 34042 (Columbia /Epic) Prizes will consist of top quality irons, woods, golf bags, pull carts, helping an awful lot." 27 24 13 WHEN THE TINGLE BECOMES A CHILL - Loretta Lynn, MCA 2179 golf shoes, putters, balls, head covers, golf gloves and various As for "Welcome Back," the D other items (well over $2,500 worth of prizes). theme from "Welcome Back, Kot- 28 25 12 NARVEL THE MARVEL -Narvel Fetts, ABC /Dot, DOSD 2033

ter," which has rocketed John Sebas- 29 31 6 MOTELS & MEMORIES -T.G. Shepard, Melodyland ME6403 SI (Motown) There will be over 40 prizes to shoot for. Everyone entering has an tian back to the top 10, Barri says tf> excellent chance to win. that "Mo Ostin asked if I'd seem the 30 33 24 SOMEBODY LOVES YOU -Crystal Gayle, United Artists UA LA 543.G show and heard the song and I told receiving 31 32 6 FEARLESS -Hoyt Axton, A&M SP 4571 There will be only one prize per person with the winner him I had and couldn't understand tt, the top prize he qualified for. why there was no single. I thought it 32 34 6 ON THE MOVE -Donna Fargo, Warner Bros BS 2926 was the best thing John had written LIVE -Willie Nelson, RCA APL1 1487 Prizes will be awarded to teams finishing from first to fifth place. and sung in years, so the two of us hole and 2 longest drive awards. Also There will be 4 closest to the got together and cut it. All I really 34 26 11 THE GREAT TOMPALL & HIS OUTLAW BAND, MCM M3G 5014 te* door prizes and special awards. we did was stretch it out and suggest 35 39 4 THE EARL SCRUGGS REVUE VOLUME II, Columbia PC 34090 The teams will be paired up by the Tournament Committee based add a harmonic part." SUNDAY MORNING WITH CHARLEY PRIDE, RCA APL1 1359 strictly on handicaps to establish 36 teams of relatively similar The third tv theme Barri (along W ability. with Omartian) has taken to the top 37 35 7 PEOPLE PUT TO MUSIC -Freddie Hart, capitol sr 11504 10 is "Happy Days." "Famous Mu- sic told me Paul Drew was asking if 38 29 6 SILVER LININGS -Charlie Rich, Epic KE 33545 (Columbia) It will be an afternoon and evening of fellowship and fun. there was a record of the theme be- 2167 tt 39 38 16 LOVIN' AND LEARNIN' -Tanya Tucker, Mu cause he was getting huge requests. I NOTE: Due to the complexity of the sort of tournament, and the had cut Pratt & McLain at ABC, 40 40 4 TRYIN' LIKE THE DEVIL -James Talley, Capitol ST 11494 size of the banquet facilities, it is recommended that no guests knew them well and consider them 41 37 7 INDEPENDENCE -Nat Stuckey, MCA 2184 themselves. tt be invited other than the participants talented guys, so we cut it and it went on KHJ. To be perfectly honest 42 41 7 STRAWBERRY CAKE -Johnny Cash, Columbia KC 34088 iliIf necessary, extra banquet tickets for guests will be $7.00 per right person. Everyone must have a ticket. There will be no extra carts it's not one of my favorite records of 43 43 3 THE SHEIK OF CHICAGO -Joe Stampley, Epic KE 34036 (Columbia) available. all time that I've been involved with. -Jessi Colter, Captol ST 11477 But there's a magic to the song and 44 42 15 JESSI Absolute entry deadline June 4th the tv show." 45 WILLIE NELSON & HIS FRIENDS, Plantation PLP 24 Barri is now a staff producer at tt* 46 BLACK BEAR ROAD -C.W. McCall, MGM M3G 5008 Warner Bros. and expects to work closely with Omartian, though each 47 JUST FOR THE RECORD -, Warner Bros. Rs 2914 r can produce separately and can NASHVILLE MUSIC SCRAMBLE 48 COUNTRY -RCA APLI-1541 BILLBOARD'S work with acts other than Warner Tournament Director -John McCartney 1717 West End Ave. 49 ALONE AGAIN -Billy Walker, RCA APL1-1489 Nashville, Tn. 37203 (615) 329 -3925 Bros. acts. Cher is one act the two will work 50 THE BATTLE- George Jones, Epic KE 34034 (Columbia) with, an artist Barri feels is capable NAME of making great commercial records. My contract was up, the place had "Jerry Rubinstein was great and Dion is another. "I feel Dion is one been family to me and most of the told me I could do what I wanted to COMPANY of the great rock singers of all time," people I was really close with were do. But I explored a number of pos- new gone. MAILING ADDRESS Barri says. "He's written some sibilities and decided Warners songs, all rock but all contemporary, "I was also in a situation where I would be best for me. I'm sur- was more administrative than any- PHONE and I am extremely excited about rounded by producers and a &r Handicap or average score 0 Extra banquet ticket(e)0 working with him." - thing else and only two or three been people I've admired for years and Are you a Crockett Springs member? Yes 0 No As for his move from ABC to months of my last year had I love the there is an atmosphere of music and FILL OUT COMPLETELY & RETURN WITH CHECK Warner Bros. after 10 years, Barri spent in the studio. And BOB KIRSCH L J says he has "no knocks about ABC. studio. creativity."

www.americanradiohistory.com Inlernaliona 57 EMI Executive Sees Need ITALY'S MARKET For Expanded Retailing By ROMAN KOZAK ROME -Marco Bignotti, EMI has gone out of business recently. "We're checking them out, one by Italiana marketing director says: Right now, in Italy, and with the one, and preparing a list of these "Our top policy for EMI marketing economic situation as it is, I feel we we're prepared to work with. in Italy is simply one of concentrat- in EMI must care more for the tradi- "But this includes advertising as ing on consumer -mindedness." tional retail outlets, rather than well as free records. Radio stations But in a land hit by rising prices, other way. are good for publicity, specially on falling currency rates and obsolete "When the record industry here conce.ts, because they broadcast in retailing, that is not so easy to do. sells to a retailer the shop takes a loss the area where shows are being held. Says Bignotti: "Before we release if it overstocks on some particular But at least two- thirds of the new any product, whether it is pop, jazz record. There are usually no returns FM stations in Italy are hopeless and or classical, we study the market for to the record companies. But in some only create confusion. Our problem the most effective merchandising cases when a record company wants is to select the right ones." and publicity campaign we can to promote an artist, the record com- Bignotti says he had the same mount." pany will take back some earlier un- problems with discos and the music Billboard He estimates the EMI controls sold records as a discount -so the they needed. When the "disco fad" photo by Dezo Hoffman LONDON -One of the original members of the Billboard Organization in the about 19% of the Italian record mar- store helps with the promotion of the began in Italy, the theory was that U.K. and Europe, Mary King, retired from the company after 13 years. ket. According to him, EMI releases new record. every record with a disco beat would In 1963, when Billboard decided to develop its influence in Europe, Andre about 250 classical LP titles a year, "It's probably normal procedure be successful on the market. But it de Vekey left Decca to become European director of the U.S. publishing with 200 jazz and pop albums and all over the world. When the eco- was quality which decided sales. house, and a month later Mrs. King, previously manageress of an employ- around 150 singles. About 200 titles nomic situation is good in the coun- Bignotti says: "Right now, 70% of ment agency, joined him as personal assistant. were released as cartridges and cas- try, then there is no problem. But in the international record companies' For the first four years, the two ran the whole European operation. Then settes. bad times this problem can go from releases in Italy are disco music be- the company made several important publishing acquisitions, notably the He says: "Recently the cassette 5-40%. cause now it is easy to promote it. then Record Retailer weekly trade paper which was to become today's Music market, as well as cartridges, has "Over the last couple of years, the But people can hear the good rec- Week, along with World Radio and Television Handbook and, for several gone down and we are releasing less Italian economic situation has not ords and out of the total, only a few years, the consumer music paper Record Mirror. product. In unit sales, albums aé- been good. Raw materials and sala- make it to the charts. The European offices of Billboard switched to Welbeck in count for some 50% of EMI Italian ries have gone much higher, but the "At EMI, we're selective with the Street, London, and then to the current offices in Carnaby Street, in the West sales, with singles at 30% and tapes marketing situation has deteriorated disco sounds so we haven't released End. At a farewell party for Mary King, she was presented with a television at 20% " because when times are bad people so many. Until a year ago we didn't color set by the directors of Billboard U.K. She is EMI Italy distributes the follow- buy things vital to the family, not have this kind of material but now pictured at the presentation with de Vekey. ing labels in Italy: RAK, Private records. we have Bell, Casablanca and Arista Stock, Arista, Bell, Casablanca, "This is not just with EMI, but moving into the field. And EMI has Magnet, Target, Rocket, EMI, EMI with the entire industry. It is true material by Buddy Miles, and Hot International, Odeon, Parlophone, that the record industry is not as Chocolate and BT Express and oth- German Record Awards Regal, Melodiya, Seraphim, HMV, badly off as some other Italian in- ers -all good for the discos." Angel, MAM, Capitol, Purple and dustries. Yet when you see what the Bignotti says that quality disco By WOLFGANG SPAHR Oyster. market potential is, and you see you music can be around forever. BERLIN - Transfer Kuhn and the SFB Tanzorchester Says Bignotti: "We mostly rely on are only selling half that, your situ- "People now want to go to discos (WEA), Al jarreau (WEA), Joni (EMI). traditional outlets for our product. ation in records can't be good. and dance for hours on end and not Mitchell (WEA) and Keith Jarrett German hits: Ein Ehrenwertes We sell through some 2,000 retail "Because of the recent flop of the think about their problems. How (ECM) are among the artists of the Haus -Udo Juergens ( Ariola). outlets around Italy but we are de- lira, we are losing money. Every- long this will last, nobody knows. year named by the German Record International pop: Benny Anders - veloping a special sales force to pro- thing we import coasts 30% more. Styles change. Academy at the special presentation son, Stig Anderson, Bjorn Ul- mote sales in such untraditional out- But we have a duty to our people to "As far as the recent popularity of ceremony held here April 24. vaseus -SOS, Abba (Polydor). lets as department stores, keep our facilities open. So far we the progressive Italian singer /song- Other artists of the year are Udo Chansons: Milva Canta Brecht- supermarkets and gasoline stations. have not raised our prices but when writer is concerned, we think that Juergens ( Ariola), Eugen Cicero (In- Milva (Metronome). "There is but one rack jobbing or- Value Added Tax goes from 12% to along with RCA we have the best tercord), Leo Kottke (EMI), Pass- Folk music: Grandola, vila ganization in Italy but I believe it 18% we have to consider our higher artist roster in Italy. With Francesco port (WEA), Terje Rypdal (ECM), morena -Jose Afonso (Plaene). costs and we will have to raise prices. Guccini, Alan Sorrenti, Claudio Heidelinde Weis (Intercord), Gi- Traditional jazz: The Boogie "The best foreign market for Ital- Lolli, Bari Centro and the Nouva deon Kremer ( Ariola), Messengers Man -Vince Weber (EMI). BBC Disk Sales ian- manufactured records is Swit- Compagnia di Canto Populare, now (M /Ariola), Bartholdy Quartett Modern jazz: Solstice -Ralph zerland, since it is so close to Milan very big indeed, we have a strong se- (BASF), and Albert Mangelsdorff Towner (ECM). The Wide Point - where we have our factory. Other lection. (MPS /BASF). Albert Mangelsdorff, Elvin Jones Are Disappointing markets are Belgium, Algeria and "Certainly EMI is the only record Record awards are as follows: (MPS). other countries round the Medi- company with extensive advertising Symphonies: Stravinsky: Rites Of Rock The LONDON music: last record al- -BBC Records and terranean. We don't export to Spain in the print media. Especially on the Spring- Chicago Symphony Or- bum- (WEA). Tapes, a trading division of BBC En- and only a little to Greece, but we classical music side, we advertise in chestra, Georg Solti (Teldec). Black music: Natty Dread -Bob terprises, sold 500,000 records and expect improvements in the situ- the big national news magazines. It Concertos: Brahms, piano con- Marley & The Wailers (Ariola). tapes in 1975/76, a figure 49% up on ation there. costs a fortune but we really believe certo No. 2, Alred Brendel, Haitink Children's music: Prokofiev, the previous year. Peter "Were in good shape for export- that it is the only way to reach those (Phonogram). & The Wolf; Saint -Saens, Carnival And general manager Roy Tern- ing now, because the fill of the lira consumers. Modern music: Webern, Kegel, of the Animals, KarlHeinz Boehm, has made Italian pest says that 250,000 units were sold products cheaper "There are no record clubs in Zimmermann, Penderecki, Yun A &A, Kontarsky, Vienna Philhar- overseas. abroad. But we do have the problem Italy. Maybe it is because it is so dif- Zeitgenoessische Cello Music, Siegf- monic (). of buying raw materials we Yet despite the sales figures, Tern- and have ficult to sell in normal ways that sell- ried Palm, Aloys Kontarski (DGG). Cabaret: Elias Canetti: Der Oh- problems with the trade pest is unhappy with business over unions. ing in unusual ways is virtually im- Penderecki: Magnificat, Penderecki renzeuge (Deutsche Grammophon). "I believe there will be no new the past year. "Results could have possible. But I believe that EMI has (EMI). Thomas Mann: The Revolution of contract with the been so much higher," he says. "I unions until there the best sales force in the country. Opera: Weber: Euryanthe -Ma- Buddenbrooks- Guenter Lueders are new would have been pleased with the elections in Italy. The strikes We have 40 salesmen for traditional rek Janowski (EMI). (Deutsche Grammophon). we have had in recent U.K. figure being around 750,000. months have outlets and six area managers who Choral works: Monteverdi: Ma- Historical records: Beethoven: not so much been because With the standard of product avail- of labor also control the stock in the record rien-Vesper-Messe, solists; leader: Late string quartets, Busch Quartett able, it is disappointing and frustra- relations but because of politics. The stores and their promotions." Hans Martin Schneidt (DGG Ar- (EMI). R. Nelson and others: Caba- goal of the trade unions here is not to chiv). Moro ting to realize how few air plays we Bignotti says: "At EMI, we've Lasso: Old and new ret and chansons of the 30s- Hester- receive from find agreement, but to change the Madrigale- Collegium our own station. But been lucky in our new budget lines vocale Co- berg and others (Teldec). then naturally I understand the sen- system itself." logne (EMI). Replying because we've been in the business Historical records, jazz: The Blue sitivity of the situation with BBC to criticism that the Chamber Music: Ravel: Piano trio Note quality of materials for 75 years and have a great catalog Reissue series: producers." and work- in A flat, sonata for violin and cello, (United Artists). manship of records to choose from. There's a large mar- The marketing and distribution manufactured in Ruth and Jaime Laredo (CBS). J.S. Italy is inferior to the imported ket for budget-line product, which Historical records, spoken word: deal the company has with Polydor sell Bach: Three sonatas for viola da Thomas product, Bignotti says EMI has up- here for about half the retail Mann liest Felix Krull comes up for renewal in October gamba and cembalo, Leonard Rose, graded its machinery and quality price on normal records. We have (Ariola). and Tempest says it is "no secret" Glenn Gould (CBS). control within the last year. , or Edith Piaf, or that he is looking around the indus- even Pink Floyd Piano music: Prokofiev: 8 piano But he says that promotion is still on our budget line try. "But we're not really displeased series. sonatas /Visions fugitives -Emil the big problem in Italy. It is Galaxie Band Bombs with the service from Polydor be- diffi- Gieles ( Ariola Eurodisc). cult to promote "The problem is that the tech- cause we appreciate the very a record on Italian Organ music: Frescobaldi: Orgel- WARSAW -Gunter Hampel's diffi- niques of retailing very cult situation radio or television and there are few are low in messen -Luigi Ferdinando Tagliav- Galaxie Dream Band performed the record business Italy. In America finds itself programs for international music on or England the ini (EMI). through a two -day season at the in at present." reailers know State radio and tv, allied to consider- their business. They Ancient music: Anon: Music of Congress Hall here, the leader With BBC Records expanding in know how to arrange able censorship. "Yet the private ra- displays so the entertainer (Teldec). presenting his new program and the music publishing field, Tempest dio that if you come into stations are filling some of the the store to buy Songs: Verdi: Arias-C. Bergonzi new group, which comprises singer believes that if he is allowed a degree one record you will gaps and we see them becoming come out with (Phonogram). Jeanne Lee, Frederic Rabold, Perry of freedom, the company will be- more important. three. Operetta and musical: Suppe: Robinson and Martin Bues. come a major force in the music "Certainly we're checking out the "But in Italy the shops do not Boccaccio -Willi Boskowsky (EMI). But the unorthodox free music business. new stations. They are popping up know how to sell. They are like oy- Light music: Easy Winners -It- and improvisational experiments A 16 -track "Radio I Chargbus- like mushrooms, as everybody with sters, closed to any idea. We give the zhak Perlman, Andre Previn (EMI). drew only a small following. Later ters" album is to be backed by radio about three `million lire (around posters, display racks and other ma- Volksteumliche Solisten Parade jam sessions at the Riviera- Remont commercials from Polydor, BBC $3,200) has rushed in - to start one. terials, but until they have a new Die Original Schwarzwaldmusikan and Rynek jazz clubs were more suc- Records itself is not allowed to take But few of today's 500 stations will philosophy for selling, there is little ten, leader R. Schneebiegl (Teldec). cessful, pulling an enthusiastic radio or television advertising time. survive. jazz else that can be done." Party music: Pop a la swing -Paul fans.

www.americanradiohistory.com 58 Inlernolionol BRIDGE WARNS U.K. Survey U.K. Piracy Could Go Shows Radio To 50% Unless Fought Continued from page I Bridge described the case to be listening Up specialized form and in particular put to the inquiry board as "of vital infringement of country material importance to all record producers. By DAVID LONGMAN seems to be on the increase. A concentrated effort is needed dur- LONDON -Encouraging growth "We've been troubled with our ing the coming months to obtain in listenership was evident in figures usual quota of Indian infringements meaningful industry statistics to published by the Research Services and proceedings are now being pur- support our case." Great Britain company for seven of sued against a very substantial im- And he reported that during 1975 the Independent Broadcasting Asso- porter of Indian repertoire which BPI awarded 115 silver, 61 gold and ciation commercial radio stations was manufactured in Hong Kong." 12 platinum albums, plus 52 silver here. Ariola photo and seven gold singles. The surveys, costing $12,000 each, SESTO GOLD -At the end of his successful theater season in "Jesus Christ - In the year ending December for were conducted by the company ac- The qualifying minimum sil- Superstar," and before starting his U.S. tour, Camilo Sesto was handed a 1975, the total legal expenses in- ver albums has been raised from cording to JICRAR (Joint Industries gold disk in Barcelona for world his recording curred by the BPI in fighting piracy sales of "Melina." He also re- $150,000 to $200,000 of U.K. sales, Committee for Radio Audience Re- ceived a special silver for in were $112,000, which $46,000 was award his work "Superstar." Picture shows him of effective Jan. 1 this year. search) specifications. They were for recovered from infringers. Two large (center) with, left, Ariola artist Micky and Alberto Serra, general director of But in his general remarks, Bridge Capital and LBC (London), Clyde Ariola, Spain. cases were outstanding, however, described 1975 as the first in 10 years (Glasgow), City (Liverpool), Pen- where damages and costs are ex- that statistics revealed a nogrowth nine (Bradford), Metro (Newcastle) pected to come to around $20,000- situation. He listed various reasons, and BRMB (Birmingham). $30,000. including the economic situation of Capital increased by 24% to 4.1 CBS Scores In U.K. Survey On another financial matter, the country as a whole, the lack of million, including children. The Continued from page 6 second place, equal with its distribu- Bridge asked for support for a reso- excitement on the music scene and daily audience is up by 0.5 million to share drop by 5.7% to 17.6%, a mere tors, CBS, in the album survey. lution enabling the BPI to approach the ease of recording at home onto reach 2.6 million. Average hours - 0.6% improvement on the previous During the period, WEA had par- Phonographic Performance Ltd. to blank tape. tuned has now reached 11.9, com- quarter. ticularly strong product out in the make avaliable up to $200,000 to "The whole prerecorded music pared with 9.7 in April 1975. EMI's loss has been CBS's gain, shops, including albums by the meet the cost of participation in the business marked time in the last year In terms of Capital's share of the the U.S. company showing a re- Eagles, and the Drift- forthcoming public inquiry into the and this in spite of Value Added Tax London market, Radio 2 (BBC) markable improvement to 12.4%, ers, and with the contributions of statutory mechanical royalty rate, remaining at 8 %. We have to thank comes top with 24 %, followed by Ra- compared with 5.3% one year earlier the Rolling Stones, Four Seasons now expected to be heard in Novem- our lucky stars that VAT did not go dio 1 (22 %), with Capital joint third and 9.3% in the final quarter of 1975. and Led Zeppelin to be included in ber this year. up to 25 %." with BBC's Radio 4 (21 %). The Cap- Contributing strongly to the CBS the next quarterly survey, WEA's al- ital figure has risen by 6% and Radio performance (as a label it rated a bum strength should be further un- l's has fallen by 8 %. LBC (London 5.7% share ahead of EMI and Bell derlined. Broadcasting) is fifth in the London (5.4% each) were Tina Charles, with Nevertheless, EMI's leadership From The Music CapiIoIs market with 6% but in the past year the quarter's top single "I Love To looks secure with a 20.5% share the news station has increased its Love" and Abba, with "Mama being better than the combined weekly audience by 23% to 2 million. Mia." CBS -WEA tally. As leading album interest to record C Of The World Of particular Pye's powerful comeback this year label, CBS claimed a 7.1% share, companies is the fact that there has CC been acquired by Harman two years ago.... has seen a complete transformation ahead of RCA (5.3 %) and EMI LONDON a 40% in Possible pointer to new surge of activity in Liv- been increase young people of the company's fortunes. In the (4.1%). coRevival of Beatles, through EMI's repromo- erpool: success of four -strong vocal group Our tuning in. pre -Christmas period, Pye slumped One of the most impressive per- tion of the group's old singles, has led to a Kid on recent New Faces television talent show. Pennine's survey is its first and in singles sales and rated only a 4.8% formances of the January-March m magazine- publishing deal involving the Original ... First visit to Europe for Barry Manilow began shows a total adult weekly reach of share. But in the first quarter of statistics was that of Dick Leahy's Book, first in 1963, cá Beatles Monthly published with party given by Bell /Arista. 242,000 in the 844,000 survey area. 1976, the company leapt into third GTO label. With a staff of only 14, r with it being brought out again, monthly and in Short visit to U.K. by several U.S. barbershop As with most of the radio stations, place with 10.3 %. GTO claimed a 5% share, better its old format, but with current news wrapped quartets to add weight to a growing interest the cost per thousand for a 49 -spot Also on the up- and -up is WEA, than RCA, Decca and Island. Dur- t round of George, John, Paul and Ringo. here in this kind of harmony singing.... "For 30- second set of commercials is whose 7.6% share of the singles mar- ing the period GTO had hits by Billy - Gull here to handle worldwide distribution, The Record" is album debut for Ray Stevens un- about a quarter of that of the local ket compared favorably with 4.9% a Ocean, the Walker Brothers, Dana } excluding the U.S. and Canada, of the American der his new deal with Warners.... Support act television network. year earlier and whose 9.7% put it in and Donna Summer. Express label, with the deal encompassing six for the Rolling Stones on U.K. and European Metro has not been the strongest singles a year, first being Ron Walton's "Soul tour: the Meters, New Orleans studio band, with of the Independent Local Radio sta- Disco." ... Advertising agency switch- to W.S. Rabin Trower appearing on several gigs. tions to date, but the new survey Crawford for Chappell UK, a deal worth an esti- Pact Set U.K. Royalties Elecbfc Light Orchestra cancelled its shows a definite upward trend. Total German mated a year.... Big Curbishley con- $100,000 tour because of exhaustion following tour of the adult weekly reach is now 510,000, a -The West German home sales and not to exports or cus- firmed as manager of the Who on a worldwide States. ... And Barry White's projected tour 12% increase. Presenter Bill Steele is record industry has finally con- tom pressings. basis. He is a former Track Records director and with all -girl orchestra now being replanned an credited with the big increase in lis- cluded a contract with GEMA, the The new returns allowance as became Roger Daltrey's personal manager, set- for the fall. ... Sweet had $10,000 worth of tening to the breakfast show, and the German mechanical and perform- 1, 1975 will be 84 %on rec- ting up Goldhawke Producions with the group equipment stolen from rehearsal rooms at Pine- from July station is in for a series of changes, ing right society, which with some 5% singer. wood Studios.... Supremos to be supported by ords and on tapes and export rec- small exceptions, is identical to the Marketing start for new teenybop band Bus- three -male black group Sheer Elegance, cur- including Steele as morning show ords. agreement in force between the In- ter is costing RCA an estimated $50,000 and in- rently on the chart with "Life Is Too Short Girl," presenter. The vexed question of the min- the Pho- cludes a direct -mail shot to 75,000 teenage on tour here. PETER JONES In Birmingham, BRMB has a ternational Federation of imum royalty on low -price albums, record buyers who will each receive a flimsy.... weekly reach of 39% in its primary nographic Industry and the Euro- which has been exercising the Ger- Polydor using its first -ever radio advertising pean mechanical rights bureau OSLO area, a figure of 500,000. And pre- man industry for a considerable campaign for a Deutsche Grammophon Yellow dictably Clyde is one of the leading (BIEM). time, has been resolved by reducing JJ. Cale's concert at the Chateau Neuf drew label album, Placide Domingo's "Be My Love." stations. Increases across the board The completion of the deal fol- the mechanical payment on a record Following recent death of , Geoff the biggest crowds yet at the venue and the au- give the station a weekly reach of lows protracted negotiations which 11 dience loved every moment of it. Yet some of selling at a recommended marks Whitehorn signed as lead guitarist of Back 61 %. have been proceeding sporadically Norwegian folk were disap- or less from 86 pfennigs to 80 pfen- Street Crawler, having previously been with the the top singers Clyde has surveyed children in ever since the previous contract ex- pointed because the tunes were too similar and nigs. This covers records featuring Maggie Bell Band. the current research, an option given pired in December 1974. Since that was heard over a too -loud up to 12 works or 24 fragments. For U.K. singer Robert Young's EMI album "Great Cale's voice barely time, although there has been no band. to the station by the JICRAR com- records selling at between 11 and 14 Songs From Great Shows" has an initial print or- mittee, and figures say that children contract in force, the German indus- der of 35,000 in Russia. He was the first artist The Kongsberg jazz festival, the 12th, (June marks, the minimum royalty will be between the ages 5 -14 listen for an try has been paying mechanicals to from Britain to tour the Soviet Union, back in 23-27), is to feature Kenny Wheeler's Quintet, one mark and this will cover LP's average of 7.7 hours a week. GEMA on the basis provided for in October 1973.... Vitabox sound equipment the Ripe Nyren Quintet, Thomas Stanko Trio, featuring up to 16 selections or 32 with Jimmy Lyons, the Though the other stations have the expired contract. This involved manufacturers starting a search to find the best the Coal Taylor Quintet fragments. with Charles Sullivan, done well, Radio City has come an 8% mechanical rate based on a new U.K. group, the contest aimed at talent, Sonny Fortune Quintet The same basic minimum royalty and the Pharoah Sanders Quintet. ... Beside through better than most. The recommended retail price which had originality and the able use of sound equipment. agreement has been reached in re- concerts in the cinema, there are three clubs at 904,000 weekly audience of City long since ceased to have much rele- A Women's Institute hall in a rural area was spect to tapes. featuring Art Blakey, Web- the location for a fast -rising album here -total the Kongsberg event, tuned in for 13.4 hours a week and vance because of widespread dis- and Getz The new contract has a termi- studio costs for Pam Ayres' LP Some Of Me ster Lewis and , Stan this represents a 9% increase, the counting. one concert. nation date of Dec. 31, 1979 but Poems and Songs" was just $50 for hire of hall has been invited for highest recorded by any ILR station The new contract sets the mechan- Norway bringing out "Everything Is there is provision for revision as of and $10 for the caretaker who set out all the EMI in the U.K. City also surveyed chil- ical royalty at 8% of the suggested re- with and his Georgians July 1, 1977, subject to six months chairs.... Two of Britain's major fan clubs, for Rhythm" Nat Gonelle dren and figures indicate that the tail price less tax and a sleeve /pack- from the "golden age of British dance bands." advance notice. Slade and Mud, now use a $400,000 computer 199,000 children tune in for 8.2 aging deduction of 5.5% for records a concert in system to handle the volume of mail -outs, the ... U.K. organist David Sanger gave hours a week. and 17% for tapes. Where there is no The German industry has had to Majorstuen Church, Oslo, and is also to teach clubs having a total membership of 32,000. City managing director Terry recommended retail price, the roy- settle for a deal somewhat less ad- a church music Major U.K. tour for Gallagher and Lyle, run- with Professor Grethe Krogh at Smith says the station has spend alty will be based on 8% of the high- vantageous than had been hoped Metronome /Polydor of- ning through the end of May, and following the seminar in Gergen.... much time and money fulfilling est wholesale price charged in any for -for example the record com- low - duo's enormously successful American visit.... fering a special series of classical albums at promises, particular category increased by 32% panies would have preferred the me- price, including Bizet's "Carmen" and Mozart's franchise application Leading singles label in U.K. for the first quarter their imprac- for regular albums, 38.6% for disks chanical royalty to be based on an Fan Tutte," the performers including though recognizing of 1976: CBS.... Chart- topper Tma Charles fell "Cossi other than LP's and 38.9 for tapes. averaged -out retail price, as in Bernstein, Jurgen and Kleiber. ticability. down a flight of stairs but X -rays showed the new agreement is retroactive France -but on the whole the reac- the Eagles, Tony Or- He says: "Being based in Liver- The skull was not cracked as was originally feared. Metronome presenting IIo 1, 1975. A compromise was tion of record company heads is one and Dawn and the Doobie Brothers on pool, it's impossible not to recognize July ... Bob Dylan's "Desire" has gone gold in U.K. lando 1 to of "reasonable satisfaction over the cassette and new albums are coming from Carly the importance of football and we reached over the period Jan. Sidney Harman, president of Harman Inter- terms and considerable relief that James Taylor and Leon and Mary Russell, have spent a great deal of money in June 30 1975 involving an increase national Industries of New York, in London for Sinon, is now On The Town." ... in of 3% on the 10% flat rate allowance the protracted hiatus period the new Tannoy manufacturing and Rod Stewart's "A Night covering Liverpool's away games the opening of on returns. This applies only to ended." plant in Scotland, the Tannoy concern having (Continued on page 59) Europe."

www.americanradiohistory.com 59 InetnaIionaI From The Music Capilols Of The World Tougher Copyright

vox), Jose Luis Perales ( Hispavox), Cecilia Continued from page 58 sung in English and titled "It's So Easy." ... (CBS), Murray Head (Ariola), Miguel Gallardo Laws For Taiwan? EMI bringing in Barry Manilow and the Bay City Country -rock group Ozark Mountain Daredevils (EMI) and Camilo Sesto ( Ariola). Rollers with big promotional campaigns trying to Continued from page 3 from Missouri were at the Chateau Neuf for a gig Ovidi Montelor (Edigsa) played a concert at push both acts on the Spanish market. and did another show at Bergen.... Singer Alice the Monumental Theatre here, and his popu- Taiwan, fewer than 10 of them ever One of the prime targets of Taiwa- New single by Manolo Otero (EMI) is "Bella Babs, who often worked with Duke Ellington, larity is boosted here by the new album of his bother to release original artists, and nese pirates are U.S. recording acts Mujer," composed by Manuelle la Calva and Ra- has a one -hour radio program on Ellington, remi- show at the Olympia in Paris and his appear- even fewer are owners of recording riding the pop charts, and the inter- mon Arousa, and produced by Arousa.... "Get - niscing and playing records. ance in the successful movie "Furtivos." semani," from the Spanish version of "Jesus studio facilities. national ramifications of the prob- Trumpeter Rowland Greenberg taking part in U.K. singer Stephanie de Sykes (Belter) in for "In fact, he lem have the RIAA here Christ -Superstar" released as a single by Cam - added, "they are prompted the classical Festspillene in Bergen, but also a television show and general promotion on her do Sesto ( Ariola), who played the Jesus role in merely record pressers, actively en- to actively involve itself in trying to doubling at a jazz club in the evenings.... new single "It's A Crying Time." ... Just out are the theater here. ... New single of Pepe Do- gaged in pirating legitimate prod- come up with possible solutions to Trombonist Andreas Skjold, returned to Bergen new recordings of Argentinian singer Facundo mingo Castano (Belter), "Galeguino," is sung in ucts." Chang revealed that while the the problems. after many years in Sweden, working with tenor - Cabral, now with Mexican label Orfeon, and dis- Gallego. cost of producing a record from start RIAA officials confirm that the ¡stTotti Bergh and drummer Edgar Vestgaard. tributed in Spain through Movieplay.... Brazi- Joan Bautista Humet (Movieplay) is one of to finish in Taiwan is between association is working with the In- RAND! HULTIN lian artists Antonio Carlos and Jocafi, together the main figures of the first sung in $7,000 and $8,000, the cost of cop- ternational Federation of the with Maria Creusa (RCA), visited to appear on a Catalan. It is a version from "La Granja Animal," ying from an original is only about Phonograph Industry on the whole BELGRADE tv spectacular headed by Peret (Ariola). by George Orwell, and played at the Romea $16. thorny problem of Asian piracy. The Tv promotion, too, for French singer Sylvie The Rolling Stones scheduled to include Yu- Theatre. Joan Bautista Humet goes to Puerto strategy includes efforts to secure Varian (RCA), to tie in with the release of her "The pirates," says Chang, "have goslavia on the current tour, with two concerts Rico and Miami to promote her record "Que No new single in Spanish, "El Tango Aquel." ... virtually killed the legitimate record copyright and /or antipiracy legisla- in the 8,000 -seat House of Sports in Zagreb, Soy Tuya." FERNANDO SALAVERRI CBS released the Leonard single business in this country, and we tion in areas where it does not exist; tickets priced around $8. The band is to pro- Cohen "Su- zanne" and Chicago single "25 or 6 to 4" to pro- must turn back the situation before and to support campaigns to mote the new "Black And Blue" album, issued HELSINKI mote the it is too late." strengthen laws. here through WB artists' "greatest hits" albums.... Af- existing affiliate . Debut album of all- Scandinavian supergroup Italian ter the success of Hamilton Bohannon here and Supporting Chang and Shung Last December the RIAA ap- artists Sergio Endrigo and Claudio Vila "Made In Sweden," featuring Finnish bassist big reaction were in at the Dom hall here for "Turning Point" by Tyrone was L.C. Pai, senior member of Tai- proved an IFPI request for increased last month.... An- Pekka Pohjola, soon out on Polydor but through Davis, Zafiro to release a series of Brunswick nual "Vas Slager Sezone" festival organized by wan's Legislative Yuan. Pai admit- financial contributions to the antipi- a special arrangement Love Records to handle records. the RTV corporation in ended with a ted that the laws were too lenient racy program so that it could be ex- the album here. Pohjola, a Love artist, is to cut Another instrumental revival with the hustle win for "Sarajevo, Ljubavi Moja, "with lyrics by and said he favors radical changes tended to places like Taiwan, Sing- his next solo record in the U.K., with Mike Old - rhythm is Alija Hafizovic, music " Quizas, Quizas, Quizas," with two such as proposed by apore, the , Malaysia, by , and field helping on some tracks. Shung. versions, one by Sweeties ( Marfer) and one by sung by 's Monteno.... Altogether 16 CBS Records Uy, recently formed Finnish His sentiments were endorsed by Indonesia and South Korea (Bill- Manolo songs were presented, including Gas ( Polydor).... Big sales in singles items from subsidiary of CBS International, signed Viktor Mrs. H.E. Niu, also a senior member board, May 1). well known and albums by Claudio Baglioni motivated RCA artists Miki levremovic, Leo Martin, Klimenko as first Finnish artists, Klimenko of the Legislative Yuan. Niu, also Under terms of the grant, first pri- to push the tv appearance by him in "Directi- Miso Kovac and Dusko Lokin. known through Western Europe for his "cos. went one step further by stressing ority will be given to Singapore and Foreign simo" and on radio show "El Gran Musical." ... artists recently on the Yugoslav tv sack" image and previously with EMI.... Lauri the moral aspects of the problem. the Philippines where it is said that Tina Charles (CBS) here to perform "You Set My network were the Les Humphries Hun- Singers, Sipila joined EMI Finland as press officer for do- She said, "It is morally wrong to pi- pirated products account for about Heart a garian pop group On Fire," discotheque hit here.... Com- Omega, Burt Bacharach and mestic operations, with Leena Stark handling for rate someone's work, whether 80% of all music sales, in spite of poser Manuel Alejandro has written new singles or not Logginsand Messina.... New album product lo- international affairs, both formerly with Intro work is for Rocio Jurado (RCA), "A Que No Te Vas," and that copyrighted." existing antipiracy laws. cally includes Bisera Veletanlic, Leo Martin (on magazine which has now been re -named Help. The music and business press sup- Although Taiwan is not on the RTB) Miguel Angel (Movieplay), "Adios Maria," plus and Zdravko Colic's "Ti I Ja" and Rezo- Rumored that Finndisc has new plans for Hi- all the songs on the new album of Marisol (Za- ported the drive for more effective IFPI's priority list, concerned offi- nanca's "Nemoj Meni" are both on Jugoton... . Hat, its production unit, formed a year ago to firo). copyright laws, with Adam Chang, cials in that nation have expressed a Studio B has released the debut album by Misa compete with Love Records for a slice of the willingness with Columbia promoting "New York City" by the publisher of Music & Audiophile, to work with the organi- Markovic, 12 songs specially composed for rock market.... Marion (EMI) has received her Tabu and is him by top Yugoslav writers Combo Movieplay releasing the stressing that bona fide artists zation, and any other international Aleksandar Korac, first diamond disk for sales of 50,000 of the al- new Nikica Kalodjera, group's single, recorded in Spanish and should be protected by law in spite antipiracy bodies in an effort to stem Arsen Dedic, Kornelijo Kovac, bum "El Bimbo" at wholesale level.... Wigwam called Djodje Novkovic and "Inflaccion." FERNANDO SALAVERRI of the status of their copyrights. the problem. Kemal Monteno. (Love), whose new album "Lucky Golden Stripes Cat Stevens in for Zagreb and Lkubljana con- And Starpose" is now out in the U.K., appeared certs.... 25,000 sales on Zdravko Colic's album at the Hammersmith Odeon in London with U.K. earns him a gold disk award. BORIAN KOSTIC band Gong. Richard Stanley, who has filmed top artists PARIS including and , now resident in Finland and producing Finnish Jeane Manson, 22, from California, U.S., has LINL

"That's The Waÿ I Like It." the same song in English and Spanish, for CBS. Finnlevy modernizing and re- equipping its Also coming is a rock record in English and studio operations and an expert from the French and she hopes to form her own group. U.S. has flown in to supervise the changes.... Local Decca has recorded 14 disks of African mu- record companies making most of the Eurovi- Spotlight sic, following the success of the Manu Dibango sion Song Contest as usual, with new cover ver- records, and, of the batch, five are devoted to sions almost daily, but still ahead in the chart is Chief Commander Ebenezer Obey, while an- the Finnish entry, "Pump Pump," by Fredi and other is jazz recorded by African group Jazz Au- Friends (Finnlevy). thenticite. Darty, a chain of electrical goods KARI HELOPALTIO and hi fi equipment retailers, has decided to stop selling records. LENINGRAD Rhoda Scott, hailed as the world's greatest Quadro Otteterr, an ensemble from the Neth- jazz organist, starring in the Club St. Jermain, a erlands specializing in old music, on extended noted jazz club.... U.S. -born Eddie Constan- tour of Russia.... And another chamber music - tine, resident in France for years, to sing at the type group, the Sofia Soloists from Bulgaria, giv- restaurant in the Eiffel Tower through June.... ing concerts in Vilnius, Kaunas and Leningrad. American Anne Lonnberg, making a name for The "Orpheus And Eurydice" rock opera cur- herself in French films, has a debut single rently being presented in Kiev and Sverdlovsk. mo n "L'Enfant Qui Lui Ressemble" out for Polydor. ... Yugoslavian pop singer Radmila Karaklaic HENRY KAHN and her group Belgradsky Bisery, popular here since the early 1960s, on a lengthy tour here. BARCELONA Roster of international classical artists BRITISH EXPORTS! booked here last month by UR OF Gosconcert SYMBOL Rolling Stones (Hispavox here) play an open included pianists Francoise Joel Tiolier, Lucie air concert here for a 25,000 crowd on June 11, Ishkhanian, Jerzy Sulikowski, Louisa first appearance here by the group.... After hit- Sorin; organists James Dalton, Jean -Jeaques Grunewald, ting the Top 10 with "Lady In Blue," Irish singer Francoise De- lore; conductors Enrique Joe Dolan (Belter) returning to Spain for promo- Batiz, Julius Karr -Ber- toli, Karl Esterraicher. "Melodies tional visit. ... Of ADRIAN ROSE, our Export Manager, recently attended Friends," annual gala Ariola now promoting solo recordings of touring show featuring young pop singers from Easter European coun- Penny McLean ( " ") and Linda G. NARM and conducted an in -depth study of the North tries and the USSR, currently playing a big -city Thompson ( "Oh What A Night "), both members tour. of Belter group Silver Convention and at number Rock -oriented group is in full one here with "Fly Robin Fly." Georges here for the American market. He now a position to offer first time for stage shows in Moustaki (Polydor) has two sold -out concerts at Leningrad, the group featuring Byelorussian folk music. It has the Palau de la Musica Catalana, promoted by El back -up information to all importers wishing to use our released several Club de Vanguardia. big -selling albums and was in the Russian talent show at MIDEM 1976.... On a television spectacular, Peret (Ariola) enlightened export service. presented his new single "Jugando." ... Belter VADIM YURCKENKOV released "En La Planta 14" by Victor Manuel T. ROSE (Fonogram), recorded several years ago before MADRID WRITE for further details to: ADRIAN the artist switched labels.... Third single re- Annual Awards for 1975 from music maga- CAROLINE EXPORTS lease of Ramon Riva (EMI) is "Tu Te Vas," com- zine El Gran Musical presented at the Alcala 9 Woodfield Road posed by French artist Alain Barriere.... Maria Theatre, introduced by Joaquin Prat and Pepe Dolores Pradera (Zafiro) played two gigs at the Domingo Castano, broadcast over the 54 sta- London W9/ England Sport Palace here. tions in the Spanish network, and artists in- 01- Second single of Miguel Bose for Ariola, com- cluded Paco de Lucia (Fonogram), Manolo Otero OR telex: 22164 LDN - Telephone: 2866090 posed and produced by Camilo Sesto (Ariola), (EMI), Lolita (CBS), Paloma San Basilio (Hispa-

www.americanradiohistory.com 60 Canada Katz: Canada Is MCACanada BEN KAYE'S ASSESSMENT Montreal To Be Canada's Lacking Managers Folds Plant Continued from page 4 Main Breakout Market MONTREAL -"1 don't think that a musician playing woodwinds in a cate music in the U.S. is enough managers are devoted to the number of local bands. His first stint for shipment MONTREAL -"Montreal go- Games. The city was put on the map to because of to professionalism of the record busi- in the record business was copywrit- Canada high duty ing become the breakout market because of the amount of activity go- rates. ness in Canada." ing for various promotional depart- of Canada." That is the contention ing on in and around it. Some of the MCA is selling most of its record Ben a That is an observation from Allan ments at RCA Canada. Having of Kaye, Montreal -based musical talent coming out of here is pressing equipment, is Katz, the former national promotion learned the mail order business at and consid- manager/publisher /producer who incredible. It's becoming sort of a ering selling its recently and advertising director of Polydor RCA, he later became the president Gauss tape dupli- took on the management of center -a hub of things. Granted, cating equipment. Some manufac- Quebec superstar Michel Pagliaro. Ltd., who left that position to man- of the Longines Symphonette Toronto has a lot more to offer at turing machinery will be shipped to this as English age in partnership with Montreal - Society, a division of the Longines "More and more I'm talking to point far as talent and MCA's production facilities in based impresario Sam Gesser, the watch company. After Longines, the people in the American industry and recording studios are concerned. U.S. well -known European singer Nana Katz joined Polydor in July of 1969. they are starting to look toward Can- The studios in Toronto outhumber A skeleton crew remains at the us three to one. That doesn't matter. Mouskouri. "After six and a half years in the ada in a very, very big way," says Comwald production plant for care- We can have a Montreal artist "I can count the professional record I wanted to see what business, taking responsibilities. MCA will Kaye. "We've been on the map for a record in Los Angeles or in Toronto managers who treat their job as a the other side was like," says Katz. "I few years now with continue to market its own record things like Expo. but I still feel it's going to happen profession and have paid their dues came from a mail order background and tape product in Canada, with no the Montreal Expos baseball team, from Montreal. When it does break, as artists have, on a couple of and recently there's been a lot of ac- thought of closing any sales or distri- the Montreal Canadiens hockey it's not going to be just a one -shot hands," he continues. "Of course, a tivity in mail order on television bution branches. team and now with the 76 Olympic deal. It'll be like England in the six- lot of people will disagree with that way is which, in my of thinking, not ties." statement but J challenge them to always to the benefit of the artist. name more than ten in this country. That started me thinking about Kaye, having initially entered the In fact, I challenge them to name managing. Also being closely con- music business as an entertainer more than five." nected and working with people like From The Music Capilals himself, soon -branched out into Katz started out in the business as Bruce Allen, the manager of Bach- other areas of the industry. He man -Turner Overdrive and Vic Wil- signed a French -Canadian act known son and Ray Daniels of Rush, help- Of The World as Les Baronets in 1962 and through ing them achieve their aims and some shrewd planning turned them Radio Net watching what they were doing, I TORONTO into an act that could sell 100,000 thought, 'What an interesting corn - The Bay City Rollers will play the first dates released at the end of April on the company's copies of their records. In those days own label which will be bination of things." They do the of their early summer North American tour in marketed through inde- that was a lot of copies when you record business side of things, the Canada and will be performing in three or four pendent jobbers in Canada.... RCA held a re- consider that a record that sold Top 40 Show for promotion and the contractual small halls around the country ... Alice Cooper, ception The Tymes at the Queensbury Arms 20,000 copies was considered a in Toronto things. I look on managing as a syn- producer Bob Ezrin, promoter Donald Tarlton, on May 4.... RCA also held a recep- smash hit. tion for Shawne Jackson at the Colonial and the thesis of a lot of things that I've al- Bill Ballard and a score of assorted media heav- After Les Baronets Mercey Brothers at the Horseshoe Tavern he picked up a Set For Nov. ready learned and it's a tremendous ies dropped by to say hello to Kiss after their on May 3. ... That same night, Canadian music band known as Les Classels for WINNIPEG -CBC Radio has opportunity to put it all into prac- recent appearance at Maple Leaf Gardens. A re- trade paper Record Week, held its first anniver- management and once again, using plans to launch a Top 40 pop pro- tice." ception was held for the band by Quality Rec- sary party at the Salty Dog Restaurant with most American tactics and promotional gram in Nov. which could well be a A lot of Katz's decision to go into ords, who distributed in of Toronto's music community in ideas, he developed them into an act C major force in breaking singles management was the fact that the Canada, at Sam the Chinese Food Man.... attendance. Various newsmaker awards were presented to that could sell 100,000 units of a Canada. right artist came along at the right CHUM -FM broadcast a live performance of The áacross members of the industry. ... Bob Morten and number of their records. He had dis- a Garfield Band direct from The Chimney on May O The show, which will run each time. Nana Mouskouri has had Nick Panaseiko of Quality Records visited m 8. A set of Shirley Eikhard at the Riverboat was New covered a self -contained market week for 90 minutes across the brilliant singing career, especially in York recently also broadcast live by the station recently.... to "hype upcoming releases and right on his own doorstep. CBC's 80 station network and will Europe, and Katz and Gesser felt increase their contacts within the American m Arnold Gosewich, president of Capitol Records - From the management side of be singles oriented, will originate in that the time was right for her to market." While in the Big Apple they dropped in EMI of Canada Limited, recently flew to London, things he moved into 05 Winnipeg and be hosted by Jim Mil- break into North America in a big for talks with Private Stock Records, Sundragon publishing, England to take part in the EMI Group Inter- which, along with record produc- lican. The producer is Colin Ben - way. national Conference of Senior Executives. While Productions, Buddah Records and Rock Steady nett. "I think a manager is a person Management.... The Irish Rovers played two tion, became a significant part of his v? there, Gosewich held private meetings with the concerts Massey Hall company's business. Another aspect of this show of in- who has the time and the back- chief executives of a number of EMI record affil- at Toronto's on May 16 >- terest to the record industry at large ground to devote to increasing the iates to discuss Capitol's Canadian artists and and 17.... appeared in the Imperial Kaye's recent managerial contract Room of the Royal York Hotel the possible collaboration between inherent values an artist already has. their product and plans for future business ac- at the end of April. with Michel Fagliaro, who is cur- iis Crack the CBC and the Canadian Record- What a manager should be doing is tivities. ... Liverpool, the band that stages its ... of Dawn's current single "It's Alright" rently signed to CBS. is a multi -year has been picked up for U.S. distribution by Epic ing Industry Association in the set- maximizing on whatever potential own Beatles Revival in its shows, will set out on agreement which covers the admin- Records. ... Keath Barrie will open for Anne ting up of a national chart to be used an act or artist has. It's a partnership, a tour of western Canada in July and Aug. The istering of his publishing corn - Murray on a number of key southern Ontario in the programming of the show. I don't think that it's possible for an band's current single "Dolly" is playlisted panies, everything that he writes, all dates this month including a two -night show- According to Millican, who is cur- artist to manage his own artistic and across Canada.... Confirmed concert dates for his bookings and engagements and case at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa.... rently the host of a weekly CBC business career. I don't think it's pos- Startford this year are Oscar Peterson, July 5; all his production deals on a world- Morning Music Limited has acquired the admin- to seek tax Cleo Lane, July 12, Chuck Mangione, July 19; show known as Major Progression, sible for an artist the best istration wide basis. George Lagios. who for- Preservation Hall, July 26; Murray McLauchlam, of foreign rights to all Jack Music copy- "Any talk of a chart at this point is planning, the best corporate struc- right songs out of merly handled Pagliaro's affairs, is Aug. 2; Odetta, Aug. 9; and , Oct. Nashville.... Alex Sharpstone premature as we have only just be- ture and the best relationship with a has left CFTR. Her future plans have not been still working closely with him in gun negotiations with the CRIA." record company. 10. Cleo Laine will be showcased at the Shaw record production. Festival on Aug. 29. revealed. A major reshuffling of time slots "Every established act, whether MARTIN MELHUISH For the entire month of May, Columbia Rec- for weekly music shows on the CBC they write or not, should he involved ords Distributors Canada Limited, offers to its MONTREAL has moved The Great Canadian in some way in publishing because qualifying customers, the opportunity to pur- At the end of April, Suzanne Stevens em- Gold Rush, Jazz Radio Canada and they make it possible for a lot of new chase the complete Epic, Columbia and Custom barked on an extensive U.S. promotional tour in Troiano On Tour Touch the Earth into an 8:30 -10:30 writers to be exposed. For those art- label popular tape catalogue, at a discount of preparation for the American release of her de- time slot throughout the week. They ists who write, they should have the 10% applicable in free goods. An advertising al- but English LP "Love's the Only Game In Town." TORONTO -Domenic Troiano, were previously heard from 10:30 - best possible publishing ventures set lowance of 5% will also be offered with orders of Accompanying her were Dave Evans and Bill the former guitar player for the midnight. Major Progression will be up for them. I don't think that it's al- $10,000 or more. Customers also have the op- Bannon of Capitol Records -EMI of Canada. She Guess Who, has set out on a number taken off the AM network and ways possible for a busy artist to do tion of ordering in pre -pack quantities.... is currently preparing for a promotional tour of of club and university dates booked moved into FM. that." CHUM -FM featured a two hour special on western Canada.... The Garfield Band has been through Music Shoppe Inter- May 3 co-hosted by Hedley Jones and David confirmed for a booking at the Hotel Nelson on national to introduce his new six - Pritchard..:. Fred Heller who manages David June 22, a change in policy for the usually to- piece band to the Ontario market. Clayton Thomas indicates that recent specula- tally French club. The booking a comes as result On April 24, CHUM -FM in To- BMI Becomes Independent tion on Thomas' leaving Blood, Sweat & Tears to of recent talks between club booker Francine ronto broadcast a one -hour show by be replaced by Bob McBride is completely un- and Ron Scribner of Music Shoppe Inter- the Domenic Band live Continued from page 10 of our serious music was first founded. Says Heller, "B,S &T with lead vocalist national. Scribner showed interest in working Troiano El presented to the U.S. BMI has per- David Clayton Thomas will be at the Olympic with Quebec -based acts Michel Pagliaro, Boule from the Mocambo, the first time the U.S. will be similar to that which formed in similar fashion to present Games and Ontario Place with him fronting the Noir and Eclipse.... Polydor Ltd. President 11m that the station has broadcast live for exists with BMI's 35 other perform- the popular music of Canadian band. Thomas also did all the lead vocals on the Harrold presented Dieter Radecki, Polydor an artist without current record ing rights societies around the world. songwriters to its country and to the band's new album." Larry Leblanc and Associ- Ltd.'s vice president in charge of sales and mar- product available. the at has retained In making announcement world. This new and gracious step in ates been by Thomas and Heller to keting, with a gold record of "Dieter Radecki's Included in the lineup of the new BMIC's annual banquet on making BMI entirely Canadian is handle press for B,S &T featuring David Clayton Greatest Hits" in commemoration of Radecki's band are Wayne St. John, Jimmy Wednesday, (5) in Toronto, Hender- another instance of their enlight- Thomas. Gary Buck's new single "Victims" 20 years in the record industry.... Bruce Miller Norman, Keith Jones, Dave Tyson son expressed recognition of BMI's ened concern." was produced in Nashville by Bobby Bare and recently spent a month in Montreal playing local and Fred Mandell. leadership and assistance. Edward M. Cramer, president of will be released in the U.S. on Playboy Records. clubs such as the Edgewater, the Moustache Buck is on RCA in Canada. ... Ken Tobias ap- and the Rainbow. He will tour the Maritimes of Though there have been a num- "I cannot close without a formal BMI notes: "Early in its life BMI peared at a special concert at the University of the month of May. ... Nana Mouskouri was ber of offers from record labels, no recognition of the leadership and as- recognized there is no border be- Toronto Schools on May 8 before setting out on presented with a gold album by London Records record deal has yet been signed by sistance provided by Broadcast Mu- tween the musics of our two nations. a schedule of important Ontario dates. ... A for sales in excess of 80,000 of her LP "Comme the band which is in line with sic Inc., on its own part and We set about providing the same op- both Japanese language version of Ritche Yorke's bi- Un Soleil." Her album "British Concert" now Troiano's thinking that he wants to through BMI Canada Ltd., to Cana- portunity and encouragement which ography of Led Zeppelin published by Shoo Ku also qualifies for a gold record in Canada.... be selective in his choice of labels. to dian composers, writers and pub- democratized American music the sano of Shinko Music in that country, sold out The Dudes just completed a ten day stint in the lishers. From its inception, it has en- creators of Canadian music. It is nat- its first printing of close to 15,000 copies in ten Maritimes. ... Amber Records, headed up by Before playing guitar for the couraged an open door policy. This ural and proper for us to launch days. The biography is published in North Amer- Brian Chater, recently repackaged and released Guess Who, Troiano played with the Hawkins will continue to exist. BMIC onto a separate career which ica by Methuen Publications. one of Michel Pagliaro's earlier albums contain- Mandala, Bush, Ronnie "We all recall the 1953 Carnegie we will watch in full anticipation The first project of the Calgary based Velroc ing some of his biggest English hits including and the James Gang (after Joe He has had two Hall concert sponsored by BMI in that its accomplishments in years to Publishing is a country single by Lyle Crosbie "Rainshowers" and "Some Sing, Some Dance." Walsh's departure). New York when an entire program come will continue to grow." entitled "Hey Won't You Come ?" The single was MARTIN MELHUISH solo albums on Mercury.

www.americanradiohistory.com Congratulations to those Canadians who write the hits!

CALIFORNIA LADY 000 MAMA Peter Gray Certificates of Honour for Jerry Palmer The Mercey Brothers Publishing 1975 have been presented to D & L Music Publications Company these writers, composers and CAN YOU GIVE IT ALL TO ME Jim Clench Myles Cohen publishers affiliated with BMI Slalom Publishing Company Blackwood Music (Canada) Ltd., Canada for their outstanding RENAISSANCE Marimick Publishing contributions to Canadian David Bradstreet CHRISTINA music. Irving Limited Terry Jacks Gone Fishin'Music Limited Rob Bachman, Fred Turner CRAZY TALK Ranbach Music Bill Henderson RUN AWAY WITH ME Makers Music Ltd., Sunfish Music Ken Tobias Abovewater Publishing, Gloosecap CUM HEAR THE BAND 1975 Music Ltd. ER ."74 :CATE SUNSHINE LADY Slalom Publishing Company ) Bob Ruzicka DANCIN' FOOL Dunbar Music Canada, Lions Gate Burton Cummings, Domenic Troiano HONG JR Music Ltd. Cirrus Music SWEET FEELIN' EASY LISTENING Craig Ruhnke Tim Daniels BMI CANADA LIMITED Crunky Tunes, Unart Music Kushmier Music Publishing w (Canada) Ltd. FAIS ATTENTION TU CHANTES COMME MOI Gilles Valiquette Tn ccrtify that in the judgment ofthcawards committee the above Jean -Pierre Manseau muted h.is made an outstanding contribution ro Canadian music. Les Editions de la Marge Les Editions Kasma Publications GOOD FEELING (To Know) UPROAR Warren Barbour, Bill Gauvreau Denis Grady, Paul Grady Manitou Music Tessa Publishing VERY SPECIAL PLACES (We Both HEY YOU Know) Randy Bishop Ranbach Music Kazam Music THE HOMECOMING WHEN YOU'RE UP, YOU'RE UP Hagood Hardy LIFE & LOVE & YOU Ted Trenholm Abovewater Publishing, Hagood Hardy R. Harlan Smith Blackwood Music (Canada) Ltd., Music Helping Hand Music Saturday Night Music I WOULDN'T WANT TO LOSE WISH THE WORLD A LITTLE LOVE LIGHT OF LOVE YOUR LOVE Dick Damron Mike McQueen Jim Clench, Myles Goodwyn Doubleplay Music of Canada, Sunspot Music Melbrooke Music, Slalom Quality Music Publishing Limited Publishing Company LINDA PUT THE COFFEE ON YELLOW HOUSE OF LOVE JE T'AI FAIT UNE CHANSON Ray Materick Jake Doell Lee Gagnon, Jean Robitaille Don Valley Music Limited, Fat Music Quality Music Publishing Limited, Thème - Variations Division Editions Vancouver Music Publishing Company LADY LUCK LOVES ME LIKE A BROTHER YOU AIN'T SEEN NOTHING YET Ken Tobias Burton Cummings, Domenic Troiano Randy Bachman Abovewater Publishing, Gloosecap Cirrus Music Ranbach Music Music Ltd. BMI THE HAROLD MOON AWARD presented to HARRY SOMERS BMI CANADA LIMITED

Serving the creators and users CANADA of music since 1940 2001 rue University, Suite 1140 41 Valleybrook Drive 1462 West Pender Street Montreal, P.Q. Don Mills, Ontario Vancouver, B.C. H3A 2A6 M3B 2S6 V6G 2S2 (514) 849-3294 (416) 445-8700 (604) 688 -7851 www.americanradiohistory.com 62 Latin Galaxy 21 Si, Cavanaugh No Freddy Fender Sings For Homefolk By MARV FISHER MERCEDES, Tex. -Down along of a persecuted minority group and will always have a special place for this Rio Grande border town, having hard times along the way them in my heart. Believe me when I Freddy Fender was born and bred. (reference to his run -in with the law say that this is a dream come true. He decided it was time to come in the late 1950's), he never stopped It's gonna be even bigger and better "home" -and make it a big annual having the faith. It should serve as next time." occasion for the chicano folk with beacon of light for all of you here Lone Star Beer, for whom Fender whom he has so many memories. tonight," he said. The cheers rang also does some jingles, co- sponsored Thus, on April 17, the night before out. the night along with Meaux, who Easter, the first yearly "Freddy Fun and nostalgia also turned shelled out something like $15,000 - Fender Day" came into being for the into tears during the course of pro- plus in expense and promotional Galaxy 21 photos friends and family of the ABC ceedings. In between his more than moneys. Besides the "welcome recording artist. It was held in the two dozen numbers, delivered in home" ceremonies at Harlingen Air- On the premises of what used to be Cavanaugh's Steak House, a New York Rodeo Grounds here, English well in port, landmark, the city's newest Latin salsa -disco club opened. Jose (second from Livestock and as as Spanish, Fender and company had and the turnout was just about more Fender reminisced with passion of heavy advance publicity and adver- left) and Ralph (second from right) are tie hosts . . than expected -a little more than his growing up days in the land of tising in radio, television and news- 7,000 persons at $6 per. his heritage (actually his birthplace papers. The moneys also went Supported by such old hands as was 10 miles down the road in the toward construction of the stage in the Sir Douglas Quintet and Tommy town of San Benito, Tex.). the middle of the grounds plus the McLain on the bill, the homespun "I'll never, never forget how I amplifying system. concert ran a marathon four hours started singing and strumming on In all, it was an exciting night for plus. It was an artistically satisfying the doorsteps of the local grocery Fender, who no doubt will long re- event the local public (drawing from store, Galvan's, when I was about 13 member this on more so than many the half-million area from McAllen years old. How the encouragement of his concerts throughout the land, to Brownsville) would long remem- some of you out there gave me has in Canada (where he just came in ber, and it "assured" the repeats for driven me to the point of being right from a successful junket) and over- the future. here on this stage at this moment," (Continued on page 63) The one who hit the inspirational he recalled. As Jose goes about proving to young Latin jet set guest in the upstairs nail right on the head from the be- One of the anecdotes of his child- lounge. Also upstairs are such intriguing sights as a game room, cabaret, skin ginning was Huey Meaux, Fender's hood had mixed emotions for both flick theater and dining room. While downstairs . manager- producer and one of the himself and the people in attend- Mexican Image his emcees for the event. "Despite ance. "I can never forget my old Continued from page 3 being born into poverty, being a part friend and first mentor, "Don" Mar - garito Mireles. How I performed in a jor record companies supporting this little town outside of El Paso -while idea, Mexican material will once I sang he passed the hat around to again be accepted internationally, A Busy Year pay for his beers. 'Some of mine, and Mexican composers and lyr- too,' " Fender chortled over the little icists will receive the recognition For UPR's milestone of his earlier days on the they deserve, not only in Mexico, but "boards." Mireles is now in his mid - Spain and the rest of Latin America 80's. as well. Music Head There were many songs, many sto- Not only would this regain Mex- By LORIAINE BLASOR ries and "mucho" applause. Fender ico's good image in music, but it SAN JUAN -For Francis summed it up succinctly: "This is would also become profitable in the The people do what they come to Galaxy 21 for, dancing to live salsa music one of the proudest moments in my long run through increased inter- and recorded disco product. Schwartz, the eclectic, multifaceted, energetic and ever busy composer of life. I'll never forget my friends and national licensing. avant -garde music, it is shaping up as a good year. Schwartz, who is also chairman of Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 5/15/76 the University of Puerto Rico Music >- LoI:îri Scene TM Department, won a citation and 2 nero " / "Los Caminos" by Dominican songstress monetary subsidy from the Ameri- SANTO DOMINGO Sonia Silvestro (Karen); "Pinocho' / "Manuelita can Society of Composers, Authors, Spec"board Survey Dominican composer and orchestra leader la by Luis Aguile; I.Ps Argentinian singer tin " and Publishers for his musical corn- Hot Luis Alberti. who recorded for SM (Salon Mo- "Piel de Manazana " / "La Aristocracia del Bar- positions and contributions to mu- zart), passed away to the regret of all Domini- rio" by Spanish singer Joan Manuel Serrat sic. Copyright 1976, Billboard Publications, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced. stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means. electronic, mechanical, cans. Alberti formed his own orchestra and com- (Gama Musical). ... Spanish singer Raphael, The ASCAP award is annually photocopying. recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. posed and recorded songs that became who records for Parnaso, was signed for four conferred by a panel of leading U.S. international hits such as: "Luna Sobre El Ja- shows at the new "Lafuente" nightclub at the music personalities on those musi- IN ragua," " Compadre Pedro Juan," " Cielo," Hotel laragua.... Local rock group Rough Sarco cians who have shown energy, imag- TEXAS "Luna" and " Enrama." Most of Alberti's compo- gave two concerts at the Bellas Artes theater.. ination and dedication to the musi- This TITLE-Artist, Label b This TITLE- Artist, Label & (Distributing Label) Week Number (Distributing Label) sitions are the popular merengue and other folk The group is managed by ex -disk jockey Pepe cal arts. Among others honored this Week Number rhythms such as the mangulina, caribine and Dunn. year was Jacob Druckman, a former bolero. Alberti had just had a book published ti- Dominican singer Expedito Pou (Campo) has 1 LOS TIGRES DEL NORTE 8 VICENTE FERNANDEZ Pulitzer prize winner. La Bamda Del Carro Rojo, Fama 536 El Hijo Del Pueblo, Caytronics 1441 tled, "De Musica y Orquestas Railables Domini a new single out with songs: "Si Ne Prometes A tireless worker, Schwartz also canos, 1910 - 1959." No Llorar" and "Yo Viejo Amigo Del Do- 9 LOS CHACHOS Soy Un 2 JIMMY EDWARD presented a concert on March 2 at Los Chachos, GC 123 Two Dominican pop artists, Wilfredo Vargas lor." ... Mari Trini, Spanish Songstress on the Memories (Recuerdas), GC 119 (Karen) and Johnny Ventura (Discolor), re- Hispavox label, gave concerts at the Bellas Artes which he introduced a new musical 10 FR dyEDDY dFEICDERCC 3 1012 corded singles in honor of one of the founders of theater and dates at the Salon La Mancha night- piece. Its title, none other than Te Quiero Dijiste, NV 3 the country, Juan Pablo Duarte. The disks are club at the Hotel Lina. The artist was booked 'by "Cannibal Claiban." 11 CAMILO SESTO Amor Libre, Pronto 1013 titled "Juan Pablo Duarte" and "El Maestro agent Jose Gomez. "The idea is to combine music L IGRES j EL NORTE Y Traicion, Fama 528 Duarte." The latter, Ventura's recording, was Dominican artist Victor Irriscary and his with theatrical gestures. The musi- Contrabando 12 WALLY GONZALES El Taco Kid En C.B. Bego 1128 prohibited on radio but the sales went "sky group made a successful tour in the U.S. which cian is both a performer in the musi- 5 JUAN CABRIEL 13 JOSUE high." ... Spanish recording artist Julio Iglesias included night spots in New York, Philadelphia, cal sense and an actor," Schwartz 10 De Los "Grandes," Arcano 3335 Buscando Estrellitas, ARV 1028 (Alhambra) starred in the film "La Vida Sigue Boston and New Jersey. Irriscary has changed his musico- piece. says of theater 5 RENACIMIENTO 74 his Teca Rec- 14 MONSANTO Igual," also the rock opera film "Tommy" was recording label from Borinquen to La Negra RAM 1004 Meanwhile, the controversial Cumbiambera. In The Mood. CHI 5001 shown here and the original soundtrack LP on ords which belongs to the Disco Mundo firm. composer whose music has been ir- 7 74 15 LA FAMILIA the Polydor label sold out in the record stores. The artist has a hit here and on the New York RENACIMIENTO reverently compared to a space ship Aqui Esta El Sonido Alegre, RAM 1002 Brown Stuff, Buena Suerte 1054 New singles out are: "Tu Seras Mi Compa Latin radio stations called, "Llevame Contigo." experiencing motor troubles is now busily at work on a video opera, an experimental opera written for tele- IN LOS ANGELES vision. According to Schwartz, it com- 8 LOS DIABLOS i video tech- 1 CAMILO SESTO bines unconventional Amor Libre, Pronto Pts 1013 Mexico Es, Latin International Dlis -2033p COTIDUE nique with electronic sounds, voices 9 2 YOLANDA DEL RIO It will Freddy s, Peerless 10027 and percussion instruments. Se Me Olvido Otra Vez, Arcano 3283 be based on a story by Argentinian 10 SALSOULORQ Back In The Salsa Groove! 3 EDDIEPALMIERI Salsoul Orquestra, SZS -5501 writer Julio Cortazar. Unfinished Masterpiece, Coco Clp -120 Johnny Colon Unfortunately, the opera may 11 PACHECO 4 ISMAELMIRANDA 00485 never reach audiences. Its produc- Este Es Ismael Miranda, Fania 00480 BABYS Va A 1 LOS "Tierra Temblar" tion would cost an extimated 5 LOS FELINOS ie o Amor, Peerless 1849 (The Earth Will Move) $200,000, a sum that is not easy to Chicanisimo, Musart 10570 13 FREDD r raise these days in Puerto Rico. 6 VICENTE Before The Next Teardrop Falls, ABC 2020 Vicente Fernandez, Caytronics 1450 A Mainstay Of Salsa But Schwartz is not one to be dis- 14 ANGELICA MARIA Returns In a Swingin' Package! couraged. For the time being he is 7 GRUPO FOLKLORICOY Before The Next Teardrop Falls, Sonido Cotique XCS-1082 anxiously awaiting the publication EXPERIMENTAL Internacional SI-8014 NUEVAYORQUINO 15 MONGOSANTAMARIA Dist. By Fanla Records, Inc. of his book, "An Impious Chron- XVS -38 Salsoul-2 -400 Atro Indio, Vaya Diet.: R 81 J Records, New York, N.Y. 10034 (212) 942 -8185 icle," by the Assembling Press in Allied Wholesale: Calle Cerra, 810 Santurce, P.R. 00927 (809) 725-9255 New York. He'll sing to that. www.americanradiohistory.com 63

Billboard Hits TheiNorl TM'

1976, Copyright Billboard Publications, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted . in any form or by any means, electronic. mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

43 49 SHOW ME THE WAY -Peter 4 HARU ICHIBAN -Candies (CBS /Sony) BRITAIN Frampton (A &M)- RondOn (Peter 5 MOMEN NO HANDKERCHIEF- Hiromi YUGOSLAVIA DENMARK (Courtesy Music Week) Frampton) Ohta (CBS /Sony) (Courtesy Radio TV Revue and Studio) (Courtesy I.F.P.I.) Denotes local origin 44 - SOUL CITY WALK- Archie Bell & 6 KOI NO SEESAW GAME -Agnes Chan SINGLES As Of 4/23,76 SINGLES The Drells (Philadelphia) -Gamble (Warner) This This This Last Huff /Carlin 7 OYOGE TAIYAKI KUN- Masato Shìmon Week Week Week Week 45 - REQUIEM -Slik (Bell)- Martin/ (Canyon) 1 BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY-Queen (EMI/ 1 PARTY II- Johnny Reimar (Philips'NPA) Coulter ( /) 8 BEAUTIFUL SUNDAY- Seiji Tanaka Jugoton) 2 WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND -Wings 1 2 FERNANDO -Abba (Epic) -Bocu 46 MY RESISTANCE IS LOW- Robin BYE Veletanlic (RTB) - (Victor) 2 BYE BYE -Bisera (EMI) (B. Andersson /B. Ulvaeus) Sarstedt ( Decca)- Chappell /Morris 9 KAGERIYUKU HEYA -Yumi Arai (Toshiba) 3 LAKU NOC DRAGA, LAKU NOC DRAGI- 3 CHRISTIANIA- Various Artists (CBS) 2 1 SAVE YOUR KISSES FOR ME- (Ray Singer) 10 BEAUTIFUL SUNDAY- Tranzam (Black) Leon Martin (RTB) 4 FERNANDO (Sing=e) -ABBA (Polar /EMI) Brotherhood Of Man (Pye) - 47 39 RAIN FOREST -Biddu Orchestra 11 ASUNI MUKATTE HASHIRE- Takuro 4 MAMA MIA -Abba (Polar/ RTB) 5 GAS 5- Gasolin (CBS) Hiller /ATV () (Epic) -Subiddu /Chappell (Biddu) Yoshida (For Life) 5 OVE NOCI JEDNA ZENA MIRNO SPAUA- 6 MASKE KU VI- Sebastian (CBS) 3 3 JUNGLE ROCK -Hank Mizell 48 MIDNIGHT TRAIN TO GEORGIA 12 KIMI KAIWAIINE- Sakiko Ito (Toshiba) Zlatko Pejakovic (RTB) - - 7 DISCO ACTION -Mike Kennedy (BASF) (Charly) -Carlin (Hank Mizell) Gladys Knight & The Pips 13 KIMIYO DAKARETE ATSUKUNARE- °Hideki 6 NE GLEDAJ ME TAKO- 8 GREATEST HITS -ABBA (Polar /EMI) 4 14 CONVOY GB- Laurie Lingo & The (Buddah) -KPM (Tony Camillo) Saijo (RCA) (J ugoton) 9 ABRA -ABRA (Polar /EMI) Dipsticks (State) -Chappell 49 TRACKS OF MY TEARS -Linda 14 HIZASHINO NAKADE Akira Fuse (King) 7 EJ DA MI JE NACI - (RT - - 10 DONNY & MARIE OSMOND FEATURING (Bickerton /Wadding) Ronstadt (Asylum) -Jobete 15 ORETACHI NO TABI- °Masatoshi Ljubljana) FROM THEIR TV SHOW -Donny & Marie 5 5 S'S'S SINGLE BED -Fox (GTO)- London (Peter Asher) Nakamura (Columbia) TU T'EN VAS 8 -Alain Barriere (RTB) Osmond (Polydor /NPA) Gurusama /Chrysalis (Kenny 50 - MANCHESTER UNITED - 16 NAGORI YUKI- Irula (Crown) 9 NE MOGU SKRITI SVOJU BOL - 11 1 -2 -3 (Single) -Catherine Ferry (Barclay/ Young) Manchester United FC (Decca)- 17 KAERAZARU HIBI- Alice (Express) Ambassadori () EMI) 6 16 SILVER STAR -Four Seasons St. Annes /Hiller /ATV (Tony 18 THERE'S A KIND OF HUSH- Carpenters 10 SAVE YOUR KISSES FOR ME- Brotherhood 12 BLACK AND BLUE -Rolling Stones (COC) (Warner Bros.) -Jobete London Hiller) (A &M) of Man (Pye) 13 DEEP Purple (Single) -Donny & Marie (Bob Gaudio) 19 Al NO SHIHATSU- *Hiroshi Itsuki LPs Osmond (MGM /NPA) 7 9 GET UP AND BOOGIE -Silver (M inoruphone) LPs 14 ALL AROUND MY HAT -Steeleye Span Convention (Magnet) -Butterfly/ This Last KITANO YADOKARA- Harumi Miyako This 20 (Chrysalis /EM-) Merridian /Siegel (Butterfly Prod.) Week Week (Columbia) Week 14 I LOVE TO LOVE -Tina Charles (CBS) 8 6 DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOU'RE 1 STA BI DAO DA SI NA MOM MJESTU- GOING TO -Diana Ross (Tamla/ 1 4 GREATEST HITS -Abba (Epic) Bijelo Dugme (Jugoton) 2 TI I Motown)- Screen Gems /Columbia 2 1 ROCK FOLLIES (Island) JA- Zdaravko Colic (Jugoton) (M. Masser) 3 6 INSTRUMENTAL GOLD- Various ITALY 3 A NIGHT AT THE OPERA -Queen (EMI/ 9 12 LIFE IS TOO SHORT GIRL -Sheer Artists (Warwick) (Courtesy Germano Ruscitto) Jugoton) Elegance (Pye)- Grade /Lynton/ 4 - BLACK & BLUE -Rolling Stones °Denotes local origin 4 WISH YOU WERE HERE -Pink Floyd SWITZERLAND ATV (P. Lynton /P. Grade) (Rolling Stones) As Of 4/27/76 (Harvest /Jugoton) (Courtesy Radio Hitparade) 10 10 DISCO CONNECTION -Isaac Hayes 5 3 JUKE BOX JIVE -Various Artists SINGLES 5 GREATEST HITS - (CBS. As Of 4/30/76 (ABC) -Anchor (Isaac Hayes) (K -Tel) This Suzy) This 6 PEVA OLIVERA KARARINA- Olivera 11 22 FALLEN ANGEL -Frankie Valli 6 2 PRESENCE -Led Zeppelin (Swan Week Week (Private Stock) Secret (Bob Song) 1 ANCORA TU -Lucio Battisti (Numero Uno - Katarina (RTB) -Big 1 FERNANDO -Abby (Polydor) 7 5 WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND RCA) 7 HIT PARADA VOL. 3- Various Artists (RTB) Gaudio) 2 MISSISSIPPI -Pussycat (EMI -Electrola) (Parlophone) 2 FLY ROBIN FLY -Silver Convention 8 DIAMONDS AND RUST -Joan Baez (A&M/ 2 13 ALL BY MYSELF -Eric Carmen 3 ROCKY -Frank Farian (Hansa) 8 7 GREATEST HITS -Eagles (Asylum) (Durium) RTB) (Arista)- Campbell Connelly 4 A GLASS OF CHAMPAGNE -Sailor (Epic) 9 8 DIANA ROSS (Tamla Motown) 3 - Oliver Onions (RCA) 9 AND BP CONVENTION - (Jimmy lenner) 5 SAVE YOUR KISSES FOR ME- Brotherhood 10 9 HOW DARE YOU- 10C.C. (Mercury) 3 S.O.S. /MAMMA MIA -Abba Josipa Lisac (Jugoton) 3 7 GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS -Sailor (Diit -MM) of Man (Pye) 11 10 NO EARTHLY CONNECTION -Rick 5 PREGHIERA Cugini Di Campagna (Pull 10 MISA MARKOVIC -Misa Markovic (Studio (Epic)-Chappell/Morris -I - 6 MY LITTLE WORLD -Waterloo & Robinson (A Fonit /Cetra) B) (J. Lesser /R. Holmes) Wakeman &M) (Atom) 12 13 THE BEST OF JOHN DENVER (RCA) 6 COME DUE BAMBINI- Bottega Arte (EMI) 4 20 CAN'T HELP FALLING IN LOVE - 7 DJAMBO, DJAMBO- Peter, Sue u. Marc 13 12 REBEL Miles (Decca) 7 UN ANGELO California (Baby Stylistics (Avco)- Carlin (Hugo/ -John -Santo (PSM) 14 26 DOUBLY DEVINE- Sydney Devine Record) Luigi) 8 GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS -Sailor (Epic) (Philips) 7 SENZA PAROLE- Luciano Rossi (Ariston) 5 11 MUSIC -*John Miles (Decca)- SWEDEN 9 MOVIESTAR -Harpo (EMIElectrola) Velvet/RAK (Alan Parsons) 15 25 THE BEST OF GLADYS KNIGHT & 9 LOVE TO LOVE YOU BABY -Donna (Courtesy GLF) 10 RAIN -Status Quo (Vertigo) 16 19 ARMS OF MARY THE PIPS (Buddah) Summer (Durium) -Sutherland 11 BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY -Queen (EMI - 16 16 WHO LOVES YOU Seasons 10 COME PIOVEVA -Beans (CGD -MM) Denotes local origin Brothers & Quiver (CBS) -Island/ -Four Electrola) (Warner Bros.) 11 GLI OCCHI DI TUA MADRE -Sandro LPs Smash Brothers (A. Barber) 12 UN ANGELO -I Santo California (Ariola) 7 I 17 14 DESIRE -Bob Dylan (CBS) Giacobbe (CBS -MM) This 4 LOVE ME LIKE LOVE YOU -Bay 13 HOT LIPS -Kenny ( Polydor) 18 27 PAT BOONE ORIGINALS (ABC) 12 KING KONG -Jimmy Castor Bunch Week City Rollers (Bell) -Bay City 14 JULIE ANNE -Kenny (EMIElectrola) 19 15 WINDSONG -John Denver (RCA) (Atlantic -MM) 1 NYA PERSPEKTIV-OIa Magnell Music /Carlin (Muff Winwood) 15 1, 2, 3- Catherine Ferry (Barclay) 18 17 MORE MORE MORE -Andrae True 20 - GREAT ITALIAN LOVE SONGS - 13 GIMME SOME -Jimmy Bo Home (RCA) (Metronome) Connection (Buddah) -Buddah Various Artists (K -Tel) 13 THAT'S THE WAY (I Like It) -K.C. & 2 MOVIESTAR- Harpo (EMI) (Gregg Diamond) 21 37 SOME OF MY POEMS & SONGS - Sunshine Band (RCA) 3 I LOVE TO LOVE -Tina Charles (CBS) 9 24 LOVE HANGOVER -Diana Ross Pam Ayres (Galaxy) 15 UNA STORIA D'AMORE -Juli and Julie 4 SKANK MIG DINA TANKAR- Thorl eifs (Tamla Motown) -Jobete London 22 11 BLUE FOR YOU- Status Quo (Baby Record) (Toro) SOUTH AFRICA (Hal Davis) (Vertigo) 5 FRIDA ENSAM- Anni -Frid Lyngstad (Polar) (Courtesy Springbok) 20 28 LET YOUR LOVE FLOW- Bellamy 23 21 LOVE & KISSES FROM 6 DESTROYER -Kiss (Casablanca) °Denotes local origin Brothers (Warner Bros.) -EMI (P. BROTHERHOOD OF MAN (Pye) 7 AT THE SPEED OF SOUND -Wings (Apple) As Of 4/23/76 Gernhard /T. Scotti) 24 20 A TRICK OF THE TAIL -Genesis HOLLAND 8 PRESENCE -Led Zeppelin (Swan Song) SINGLES (Courtesy Stichting Nederlandse Top 40) 21 8 I'M MANDY FLY ME -°10cc (Charisma) 9 KRAMGOA LATAR 2- Vikingarna SINGLES This (Mercury) -St. Annes (10cc) 25 32 AMIGOS -Santana (CBS) (Mariann) This Week 22 43 FOOL TO CRY -Rolling Stones 26 34 THE BEATLES 1962 -1966 (Apple) 10 BLACK AND BLUE -Rolling Stones (Rolling Week 1 I WON'T GIVE UP- *Bruce Millar (EMI) () -Essex (Glimmer 27 - BREAKAWAY- Gallagher & Lyle Stones) 1 SAVE YOUR KISSES FOR ME- Brotherhood 2 BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY -Queen (EMI) Twins) (A &M) 11 EMIL i LONNEGERGA- °Soundtrack of Man (Pye) 3 DOLANNES MELODIE- Jean -Claude Borelly 23 29 REGGAE LIKE IT USED TO BE- 27 35 BRASS CONSTRUCTION (United (Philips) 2 BARETTA'S THEME -Sammy Davis (Gallo) Paul Nichols (RSO) -April /Rio Artists) 12 THE ELEPHANT SONG -Kamahl (Philips) (Philips) 4 LADY LAY- Pierre Groscolas (IRC) Cartel (C. Neil) 29 24 24 ORIGINAL HITS -Drifters 13 BLUE FOR YOU- Status Quo (Vertigo) 3 FERNANDO -Abba (Polydor) 5 I WRITE THE SONGS -Barry Manilow 24 27 MOVIESTAR-Harpo (DJM) -RAK (Atlantic) 14 LADY BUMP-Penn McLean (Ariola) 4 IN DULCE JUBLIO - (Virgin) (Arista (Ben Palmers) 30 RASTAMAN VIBRATION -Bob 15 SCHIFFZ- Bjoern Skits (EMI) 5 1-2-3-Catherine Ferry (Barclay) 6 SOMETIMES -Caroline Du Preez /Tommy 25 30 DISCO LADY- Johnny Taylor Marley & the Wailers (Island) 6 DECEMBER '1963 -Four Seasons (Warner SINGLES Dell (MVN) (CBS) -Screen Gems /Columbia 31 - RUN WITH THE PACK -Bad Bros.) This 7 LET ME INTO YOUR LIFE -The Flood (Don Davis) Company (Swan Song) 7 SWEET LOVE -Ferrari (Negram) Week (RPM) 26 35 NO CHARGE -J.J. Barrie (Power 31 18 THE VERY BEST OF SLIM 8 MUSIC -John Miles (Decca) 1 DE E BAR A AK- °Alpine Downhill Racing 8 DECEMBER 1963 (OH WHAT A NIGHT) Exchange)- London Tree (Bill WHITMAN (United Artists) - IS THE Music Team (Metronome) The Four Amesbury) 33 39 A NIGHT AT THE OPERA -Queen 9 LOVE DRUG -Roxy (Island) Seasons (Warner Bros.) 10 BANAPPLE GAS -Cat Stevens (Island) 2 FERNANDO -°Abba (Polar) 9 YOU SET MY HEART ON FIRE -Tina 27 32 I'M YOUR PUPPETT -James & (EMI) 3 MOVIESTAR-°Harpo (EMI) Charles (CBS) Bobby Purify (Mercury) -Lowery 34 31 THE BEST OF HELEN REDDY 4 I LOVE TO LOVE -Tina Charles (CBS) 10 HONEY George McCrae 28 36 YOU'RE THE REASON WHY (Capitol) I- (RCA) - 5 LADY BUMP -Penny McLean (Ariola) nRubettes Ladysmith 35 48 STILL CRAZY AFTER ALL THESE (State)- SPAIN 6 SAVE YOUR KISSES FOR ME- Brotherhood (Rubettes YEARS -Paul Simon (CBS) /A Blakely) (Courtesy El Gran Musical) of Man (Pye) 29 21 HONKY TONK TRAIN BLUES 36 THE BEST OF - - °Denotes local origin 7 BARETTA'S THEME -El Chicano (MCA) (Arcade) °Keith Emerson (Manticore)- As Of 4/25/76 8 LOVE HURTS- Nazareth (Vertigo) 37 THE SINGLES 1969 -1973- Peter Maurice - SINGLES 9 LOVE TO LOVE YOU BABY -Donna Carpenters (A &M) 30 25 I'LL GO WHERE YOUR MUSIC This Summer (Polar) 38 29 MOON MADNESS -Camel (Decca) Freddy Fender TAKES ME- Jimmy James & Week 10 EXTRA EXTRA -Ralph Carter (Polar) The Vagabonds (Pye)- Subbidu/ 39 46 SIMON & GARFUNKEL'S GREATEST 1 FLY, ROBIN FLY -Silver Convention HITS (CBS) Confirmed from page 62 Chappell (Biddu) (Better) 31 48 LOVE ME A LOVER 40 45 PATRICK MORAZ (Charisma) LIKE -Tina 2 SABADO POR LA TARDE -Claudio Baglioni 41 17 HAPPY TO BE -Demis Roussos seas. His last one was in Australia: Charles (CBS) -Mautogarde/ (RCA) Britico /Gema (Biddu) (Philips) he makes his to Europe 3 HAY QUE LAVALO -.La Charanga del do MEXICO first trek in 42 36 CRY TOUGH -Nils Lofgren (A &M) 32 26 YOU SEXY SUGAR PLUM -Rodger Honorio (CBS) (Courtesy Radio Mil) June. 43 THE DARK SIDE OF THE MOON Collins (Fantasy) -Parker /BMI - - 4 HURRICANE -Bob Dylan (CBS) As Of 4/23/76 (Rodger Pink Floyd (Harvest) Collins) 5 BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY -Queen (EMI) SINGLES "What used to be a disadvantage 33 18 HEY JUDE- Beatles 44 - YOU CAN'T ARGUE WITH A SICK (Apple) - 6 AMORE GRANDE, AMORE LIBERO -II This a MIND -Joe Walsh (ABC) for him (Fender) as bilingual, is Northern (George Martin) Guardiano dil Faro (RCA) Week 34 15 DON'T STOP IT NOW- °Hot 45 - ROLLED GOLD- Rolling Stones certainly working in his favor. Sell- 7 PARA QUE NO ME OLVIDES- .Lorenzo 1 DOLANNES MELODIE -Jean Claude Borelly (Decca) Chocolate (RAK)- Chocolate /RK Santamaria (EMI) (Gamma) ing and appealing to people of both () 46 42 MOTOWN GOLD- Various Artists 8 BYE BYE FRAEULIEN- *Micky (ARIOLA) 2 NOMAS CONTIGO -Mario Quintero (Tamla Motown) the English and Spanish languages 35 23 YOU SEE THE TROUBLE WITH ME- 9 JAMAS- Camilo Sesto (Ariola) (Orfeon) Barry White (20th Century) 47 40 JAIL BREAK -Thin Lizzy (Vertigo) is worth more than plenty in its - 10 LOVE TO LOVE YOU BABY -Donna 3 VOLVERE -Diego Verdaguer (Melody). Sta. (Barry White) 48 28 PENTHOUSE TAPES -Sensational Summer (Ariola) Face (Gamma) weight in gold," Meaux capsulized 36 46 TOAST OF LOVE -Three Degrees Alex Harvey Band (Vertigo) LPs 4 COMO TE EXTRANO -Rev. de Emiliano 49 23 TUBULAR BELLS -Mike Oldfield in conclusion. Fender recently made (Epic) -SanDo /Taiyo (Richard This Zapata (Melody) Barrett) (Virgin) a promo tour to Mexico, and is ex- Week 5 CARMENZA -Emir Boscan y Los Tomasinos 37 50 HURT -Elvis Presley (RCA) -Big 50 22 LET THE MUSIC PLAY -Barry White 1 DESIRE -Bob Dylan (CBS) (RCA) pected to go back there next year for Three (20th Century) 2 A NIGHT AT THE OPERA -Queen (EMI) 6 MORENA DE 15 ANOS -Los Felinos 38 33 BABY I'M YOURS-.Linda Lewis a major tour in that country. 3 BARCELONA, GENER DE 1.976- Lluis ( Musart) (Arista) -April (T. Silvester /B. De Llach (Movieplay) 7 FALSO AMOR -Los Bukis (Melody) "In Meaux added in part- Coteux) fact," JAPAN 4 JESUCRISTO SUPERSTAR - °Version 8 CARNAVALITO -Roberto Carlos (CBS) 39 THE WINKLE MAN -°Judge Dread ing, "we even have started to work - (Courtesy of Music Labo, Inc. Teatral Espanola con Camilo Sesto 9 ESA PARED -Leo Dan (CBS) (Cactus) -Alted /Warner Bros. °Denotes local origin (Ariola) 10 ALL BY MYSELF -Eric Carmen (Capitol) on a tour for both countries with ( Alted Prod). As Of 5/3/76 5 FLY, ROBIN FLY -Silver Convention 11 INTERROGACION -Fresa Salvajo (Capitol) 40 34 MOVIN' -Brass Construction (United Freddy and Vicente Fernandez." SINGLES (Better) 12 LADY BUMP -Penny McLean (Atco) Artists) -RAK (J. Lane) Latter happens to the This 6 WISH YOU WERE HERE -Pink Floyd (EMI) 13 CUATRO LABRIMAS -Los Polifaceticos be number 41 DEVIL WOMAN -°Cliff Richard Week 7 TOMMY -Banda Original Pelicula ( Polydor) (Captiol) one Mexican ranchera disk seller for (EMI)-Chappell/Robinson/ 1 BEAUTIFUL SUNDAY -Daniel Boon (Disco) 8 CLOCKWORK ORANGE -Banda Original 14 ESCLAVO Y AMO -Los Pasteles Verdes Sparkle (Bruce Welch) CBS, "and despite the complications 2 AINI HASHITTE- °Momoe Yamaguchi Pelicula (Hispavox) (Gas) 42 41 BLUEBERRY HILL - (CBS /Sony) 9 ROCK ON THE WESTIES -Elton John (EMI) 15 SATURDAY NIGHT -Bay City Rollers might even do an album with him in (United Artists)- Victoria 3 WAKATTEKUDASAI- .Akira Inaba (Disco) 10 AMOR LIBRE- °Camilo Sesto (Ariola) (Arista) the near future."

www.americanradiohistory.com 64 FOR SALE OFFICE SPACE

8 TRACK BLANKS 7TH AVENUE AT 57TH ST. 3M TAPE, DATA -PACK CART. RUBBER PINCH WHEEL MIDTOWN'S FINEST (High Quality, Low Noise) PRIVATE INDIVIDUAL Up to 45 Min. 606 Upto60Min. 656 OFFICES AND SUITES CHECK TYPE OF AD YOU WANT: Check heading under which ad is to appear Up to 75 Min. 706 (Tape & Cartridge category classified ad is not accepted.) U p to 90 Min 75e New York's Newest and most 50 Tape minimum -C.O.D. only modern windowed offices & G Distribution Services O Business Opportunities ADD-A -TUNE MANUFACTURING 225 8th St., Augusta, Ga. suites in a distinctive office D Record Mfg Services. Supplies 30902 EI REGULAR CLASSIFIED -75C a word. Minimum D Professional Services (404) 722 -2909 ten & Equipment tower. Cineramic 28th fl. view $15 00. First line set all caps Name, address D For Sale of Central Pk.- Hudson & and phone number to be included in word count. D Help Wanted SALE -CLEAN, LARGE QUANTITY OF RE D Wanted to Buy grind records for use as is or for blending. East Rivers, Manhattan Sky- Machine Also D Used Coin virgin PVC, compounds and semi automatic Equipment D Publishing Services rec- line. DISPLAY CLASSIFIED AD -One inch, $35.00, ord presses and accessories. (305) 379-1075. my15 INCLUDED IN YOUR RENT: Promotional Services D Miscellaneous 4 -times $32.00 each, 26 -times $30.00 each, FREE CATALOG. POSTERS, PATCHES, IN- plush furnishings 52 -times $25.00 each. Box rule around all ads. cense Oils, Jewelry, Novelties, Closeouts. New rooms England, 25 Snow St., Dept. E. Providence, reception & conference R.I. 02903. tfn individualizes phone [ Box Number, c/o BILLBOARD. figure 10 addi- answering svce. tional words and include 506 service charge for mail & messenger service box number and address. Enclosed is $ U Check Money Order WANTED TO BUY available options: photo PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY ORDER copying, typing, telex, you may for your CASH TOI' DOLLAR PAID FOR YOUR REC- DEADLINE -Closes 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, 11 days Or pay classified advertising on your credit card. orda, LPs, Tapes, etc. Collection or Station Li- parking in bldg. prior to date of issue. Credit Card No Cl American Express' braries. Call (215) NE4-5663, Bobs Record Buyer, Competitively Priced Diners Club 3149 Kensington Ave., Phila., PA 19134. my15 No Lease Required Card Expires 888 SEVENTH AVE. CASH WITH ORDER, Classified Adv. Dept., BankAmericard (212) 489 -1950 tfn Billboard. Signature D Master Charge Bank x (Required) COMEDY MATERIAL NAME ADDRESS ALL ADS -Ery Kattus, BILLBOARD, ADDRESS COMMERCIAL 2160 Patterson St_ Cincinnati. Ohio 45214, or CITY STATE ____ ZIP CODE OFFICE SPACE telephone Classified Adv. Dept. 513:381 -6450. (New York: 212/764 -7433) Telephone No O O FOR RENT BEAT IM AGE VERY REASONABLE FOR SALE Will divide to suit. Furnished or unfurnished Repeat of a Sellout! CAA OL _.S? 0,3 rs 104 offbeat, fresh & funny one- Westside Midtown PREMIUM 45 RPM DISCO liners. Best comedy otter ever + SOUL RECORDS made by America's 2nd best joke Call Milton Brooks 8 -TRACK BLANKS service!! Send $2 to: (212) 582 -1070 Lear Jet style cartndge with rubber roller. OFFBEAT IMAGES 322 W. 48th St., New York, N.Y. 10036 Professional duplicating tape, 90 standard ATTENTION RECORD It p.o. box 321 my22 length in 1 min. increments I -from min. B'klyn., N.Y. 11235 my15 to 90 min. 3 day delivery guaranteed. Over and one million sold. Private labeling available. DISCO WHOLESALERS 1 min. to 45 min. any quantity 636 BRITISH 46 mm. to 65 min. any quantity 686 LARGE USERS 57th St. at 7th Avenue 65 min. to 80 min. any quantity 736 You Don't Have to Lease PRODUCT 81 min. to 90 min. any quantity 785 JUKEBOX OPERATORS PROFESSIONAL An Office To Get A Great One Head cleaners 456 ea. COMEDY MATERIAL $25.00 minimum orders. C.O.D. only. Here's a chance for you to increase RENT BY THE MONTH sales and profits immediately. Receive The Service of the Stars Since 1940) ELECTRONICS CORPORATION AT 888 7th AVE BAllY on a weekly basis all the new 45 RPM "THE COMEDIAN" SPECIAL Original Monthly yr. pstg. $8 COMPLETELY FURNISHED 1 AND 2 ROOM Service-$45 P.O. Mich. records released in the USA from the In- Box 142. Fraser. 48026. (Sample Order) 3 issues, $15, pstg. $1.80 SUITES. Includes receptionist service, largest record wholesaler i n mail and phone answering, con- DEAL Phone: 1313) 463 -2592 ten this country. 35 "FUNMASTER" Gag Files, $45, pstg. $7 dividual ference room, directory listing. Place your orders at Record Shack for the "Anniversary Issue," $30, pstg. $3 YOU CAN REACH US most complete fill and fastest service. "How to Master the Ceremonies," $6, pstg. $2 CALL (212) 489 -1950 tin ON THE HORN Every item different! No C.O. D.'s. PREMIUM QUALITY "WE TEACH STANDUP COMEDY" via mall 24 HOURS A DAY. LUBE TAPE RECORD SHACK Payable to: BILLY GLASON CASSETTE AND 2132 Second Ave. 200 W. 54th St., V I R G I N N.Y.C. 10019 tfn PROFESSIONAL «oterial our speciality 8 TRACK BLANKS Manhattan, N.Y. 10029 SERVICES 9-11 Woodfield Road London W9 28A England 8 Track Blank Prices (212) 369 -8600 Telephone 01- 266 6090 Telex 22164 Up to 45 min. 556 Telex 62632 Up to 65 min. 606 Up to 80 min. 656 Title Strip available Up to 90 min. 706 FrikillicKAL YOUR LAS VEGAS CONNECTION 50 carton min. order Call or write for the one that's different! ENTERTAINMENT Lube tape .066 per 100' BUY DIRECT FROM MFGR additional information. my29 Mountain States Tape Industry a weekly cornucopia of things CAPITOL PRODUCTION PRECISION MOLDED 337 South 200 West, Provo, Utah 84601 for jocks to talk about! Send 1401 LAS VEGAS BLVD. N. 8 TRACK CARTRIDGES (801) 374 -5800 je5 for month's trial subscription, LAS VEGAS, NEVADA 89101 NORELCO STYLE BOXES absolutely free! CALL (702) 385 -9545 C.O. CASSETTES Box 382 -- Fair PREMIUM 8 TRACK and WIRE DISPLAY RECORD RACKS Oaks, CA 95628 Cassette Shells, guide rollers and Hubs BLANK CARTRIDGES CASSETTE (Can be converted for 8- Track) Blank Cassettes C30, C60, C90, C120. lengths in 1 min. increments ARTIST MANAGEMENT 1 ft. will Special lengths on request. 25 min. to 45 min. any quantity 656 model hold 46 min. to 65 min. any quantity 706 100 LPs or 145 8- Tracks CONCERTPROMOTIONS 66 min. to 80 min. any quantity 756 2 ft. model will hold CHEAP RADIO THRILLS! & for 81 min. to 90 min. any quantity 906 200 LPs or 290 8- Tracks The mind -blowing LP produced by Call (702) 385 -9545 Call or Write: Made with Scotch 3M Tape Available for immediate shipment. Radio People! Custom Music Trax, Sound SALEM WHOLESALE Effects, Outrageous Jingle Singers, Soap or DYNA -DAY PLASTICS, INC. 78 Main St., Salem, N.H. 03079 Call or write today! Organ, Tymp Rolls, Synthesizer Logos, (702) 382 -5247 my7 1521 East Avis Dr. (603) 893 -3749 RECORD WIDE DISTRIBUTORS Gobs More! $12.00 postpaid, or write for 1755 Madison Heights, Mich. 48071 $25.00 minimum orders. C.O.D. only. Chase Dr., Fenton, Mo. 63026 free sampler: (314) 343 -7100 (313) 585 -6280 sow L -A AIR FORCE Ask for Jim Adams. my8 2445 East Third St. Long Beach, CA 90814 my22 INTERIOR DESIGN 0- Tabs -5000 Tabs per roll $40.00 a roll RESTAURANTS & DISCOS. Sensing Tape 7/32 "x108" 2.40 a roll T. a roil lighting, sound sys- FLOCKED POSTERS Electro -Sound Sensing 15/16"x88' 7.00 OFFER Customized carpentry, ElectroSound Splicing T. 15/16"x75' 425 a roll $5 INTRODUCTORY tems plus signing & furnishing. Turnkey or ATTENTION KIDS STUFF LIGHTS- INCENSE SPRAY Cassette Splicing Tape- 125x150' 1.75 a roll sub. Anywhere in the world. Splicing Tape-Masters-1"x150' 8.80 a roil ALL U.S. D.J's!! Real live small fry with drop -ins. Like "Do For Black or White Market Areas Lube Tape- 3600',7200'.8400'...... 05% per 100' they pay you to do this." Call 404/233.0768 Evaluation Samples Available -25 hubs per box Get your disco /soul releases + freebies Posters -21 "x33 ", $1.25 ea.; 16 "x21 ", 756 from GREAT FUNI ETC 360 Ent., 100 Terrace Dr., N.E. $50 MIN. ORDER- F.O.B. money order for 10 ea. Incense- Mother Nature's Incense, TAPEMAKER -C.O.D. ONLY Send $5 check or my22 MICHAEL ins. Atlanta, Georgia 30305 $5.40 doz.; Money House Indian Spray, TAPEMAKER, 176 CASPER ST. FLELLO "Kids Stuff" drop $11.20 a case of 12 cans. 75 watt black VALLEY STREAM, N.Y. 11582 (516) 561 -6080 7 Counsel! Road, Cookley MEDIA MAGIC 25 for $15.00. Globe Strobe Light Free Catalog Available-Call /Write Nr. Kidderminster, 359 Toftrees Ave. *102 bulbs, ART BRANDWEIN au14 $9.00 ea. 18" Black Light $8.00 each. Worcestershire, England my15 State College, Pa. 16801 tin MUSICIANS PROFESSIONAL MUSICIANS REFERRAL S.C. Catalog available. Greenville, (a subsidiary of Boyd Hunt Enterprises) TRI -CITY PRODUCTS TRY THE REST, BUT BUY THE BEST! is the LARGEST national registry of indi- -REBUILT RECORD KFRC, CKLW and many others do! The Tower's vidual musicians seeking groups ... and 99 B Guess St., Greenville, S.C. 29605 INFONICS DUPLICATORS! groups seeking new members. Phone (803) 233 -9962 myl 5 - record liners for current hits are short, fast .. . CALL TODAY! (612) 825 -6848 or For a bunch of reasons you can't af- PRESSING EQUIPMENT and funny! Sample Issue $1. Tower of Babble, (800) 328 -8660 -Toll Free ford not to consider Infonics Duplica- Three 12" P. Five 7" Semi -Automatic 3826 S.E. 33 Ave., Portland, Oregon 97202. my22 "P.M.R. is a service designed by musicians especially since factory installa- Presses. Complete with Valves; Extruders. tors- YOU BELONG ON TOP -WITH OBITS! ORIG- ... for musicians." tion and training are included in the 7" by 12" Trimmers. Hydraulic Pumps. law) ten 8 TRACK BLANKS inal comedy for radio entertainers. Free sample. (void where prohibited by list price! Other Miscellaneous Equipment. quality. OBITS, 366-H West Bullard, Fresno, Calif. Ampex tape first 93704. tfn Cassettes also TDK Tape 52c up. INFONICS DUPLICATORS! OCA RECORDS, INC. KALEIDOSCOPE -THE WORLD'S ONLY 1 Min. to 55 Min. 655 (219) 879 -3381 sow (513) 681 -8400 myes total radio personality service. 56 Min. to 70 Min. 705 500 subscribers BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIE can't be wrong. Specify 71 Min. to 80 Min. 756 Pop or Country for sample 806 at Box 4819, Walnut Creek, CA 94596. tfn 81 Min. to90Min. 8 -TRACK TAPE VENDING MACHINES - $25.00 minimum orders. C.O.D. only. operated. 200 tape capacity. $159.00 each BUY DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURER token CONTEMPORARY COMEDY! FUNNIEST, INVESTORS WANTED Andol Audio Products, Inc. F.O.B. LFT Co. Inc., West Sacramento, Calif. most usable deejay service available! Hundreds and save. New summer jewelry ready for ship- Experienced promotor seeks individuals or 4212 14th Ave., Brooklyn, N.Y. 11219 95691. Telephone (916) 372 -0212. my15 have renewed! Reasonable! Guaranteed! Free de25 ment today. Plastic and metal earrings starting companies interested in investing in pro- (212) 435 -7322 sample. 5804 -A Twineing, Dallas, TX 75227. tfn at $3 per doz. and a large selection of (nothing - SHRINK PACKAGING EQUIPMENT. For ductions at New Jersey's x 1 summer con- necklaces) at $5.75 per doz. Now in stock leather record, tape retailers & manufacturera. Complete DEEJAYS: NEW SURE -FIRE COMEDY. cert venue. and wood necklaces, rayon silk cord necklaces, units for $240.(X l& up. Send for details & pictures. 11,000 classified one -line gags, $10. Catalog free. sequin necklaces and (Moon -Glow) jewelry. ERDMANN ENTERPRISES, INC. M. Latter Mfg., 5050 Venice Blvd., Lm An- Edmund Orrin, 2786 -A West Roberts, Fresno, Brand new! Complete line of jewelry for men. P.O. Box 273, Nutley, N.J. 07110 MAJOR LABEL geles, CA. 90019 (213) 933 -7646. jel9 Calif. 93711. tfn Free catalog. Phone collect for order dept. (201) 687 -8860 my22 8 TRACK CUTOUTS (919) 523 -7101. Eastern Enterprises, P.O. Box 815, RECORD -OLDIES! 20,000 IN STOCK, SEND 504 4,000 listing catalog. Mail orders filled. Call or write for a free catalog to Kinston, N.C. 28501. ten for Record Center, 1895 W. 25th St., Cleveland, FESTIVAL INVESTORS WANTED CASH J S J DISTRIBUTORS RECORDING 8 -TRACK STEREO TAPES -ORIGINALS IN Ohio 44113. We export. eow STUDIOS flow sites, permita secured for Bicentennial Out- 2512 W. Fullerton, Chicago, III. 60647 Sound -A- Likes. Best prices anywhere. Rackers door Rock, Folk, Country Music, camping events. (312) 227-0551 and Distributors, don't miss this one. Send for GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. DEFECTS LOW Excellent potential 100% to 300% return on 6 We Buy and Sell 8 Track Tapes RECORDING STUDIO -ON WHEELS THE free catalog or call: Sound Distributing Un- as 106. Blanks low as 256. 300 capacity tape -rack month short term investment. Tax advantages. and $200. Many Enactron Truck, c/o Gelfand, Macnow, 1880 íe28 limited, P.O. Box 238, Smyrna, Ga. 30081, phone $25. Shrink Wrapper Winder, (703) 521 -6431 Folk Arts Society, Box 186, 629 -7082. Century Park East, L.A., CA. 90067. ten (4041 433 -19.58. my15 more items. (303) je5 Fairfax, Virginia 22030. my15

www.americanradiohistory.com 65 DISTRIBUTORS WANTED General News NEW Death Of Soul DJ a Mystery & Shock WASHINGTON -Roy S. Camp- posing as plainclothes police, who Campbell was found later on a rural i BUSINESS! bell, popular local soul deejay here, took him away in their car, as he and Virginia road with a single gunshot has met a mysterious and shocking his wife arrived their home - FOR at on a wound in the back of the head. Dee LOOKING DISTRIBUTION AND SUB -PUB- death. Campbell was apparently Saturday night. jays in the area are fearful that the LISHING FOR EUROPEAN RECORD MARKET. kidnapped by two men, reportedly The partially clothed body of murder might have been connected EXTREMELY GOOD OPPORTUNITIES! BIAC with Campbell's role as a deejay, and /or his outside artist manage- RECORDS, DISTRIBUTORS OF DUAL AND TO- DISTRIBUTING SERVICES ment and booking interests. SHIBA FINE PRODUCTS. Campbell had a large following Contact: INTERNATIONAL MANAGER for his midnight to 6 a.m. and rhyming jive talk, on station ALBERT VAN HOOGTEN WOL, that is a specialty with AM RECORD COMPANY soul deejays here. He was called CHAUSSEE de BRUXELLES, 122 "Soul Papa the Bebopper," and had 1190 BRUXELLES, BELGIUM been with WOL for three years, BASED IN U.K. WISHES TO coming from WOOK -AM here. He Tel: 2- 343 -46 -89 OR 343 -96 -62 had also worked out of radio stations in the South. TELEX: 25 -188 GECOB B.BELGIUM my,5 LICENSE PRODUCT FOR USE IN Veteran Leader THE U.K. OF WEST INDIAN HELP WANTED Robinson Dead NEW ORLEANS -The bands AND REGGAE MUSIC. marched down this city's streets ORGANISATION Replies Treated In Strict Confidence To swinging "Didn't He Ramble" in EUROPEAN traditional Crescent City style Requires General Manager for U.S. outlet, New York area. Box No. 7065 Thursday (6) as a part of funeral Outstanding opportunity for competent Sales Engineer to services for 86- year -old trombonist and bandleader Nathan "Big Jim" in new for the distribu- BILLBOARD participate establishing corporation Robinson. of tape 1515 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10036 my l5 tion of recording equipment. Good understanding Robinson, born on a plantation a equipment and of the recording industry essential. few miles south of here in the 1880s, ATTN! OVERSEAS IMPORTERS frequently performed at Preserva- Send resume in confidence to: Box No. 7066, Bill- and U.S.A. EXPORTERS EXPORT ONLY Tapes, etc. from Hall until a month before his We transport Records, All brands phonograph records and pre- tion board, 1515 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10036. EC U.S.A. Offering: Great savings, low freight death. He rates -New American Suppliers for buyers recorded tapes. Also largest selection of had cancer. -Assemble various orders -Welcome you attractive close -out offers. 30 years of The venerable musician is sur- when you arrive In N.Y., also Los Angeles. specialized service to record and tape Contact Importers throughout the world. vived by a son, Joseph Robinson of BERKLAY AIR SVCES, MARKETING Dealers and distributors only. New Orleans. P 0 Box 665, JFK Airport ALBERT USO SHOWS MISCELLANEOUS Jamaica N Y 11430. U S A vin SCHULTZ, INC. 116 West 14th St. Seeking New York, N.Y. 10011 MAKE MORE PROFIT WITH OUR LOWER Cable: ALBYREP An L.A. Workshop 8- and cassettes. Telex: 236569 ADMINISTRATIVE BILLBOARD IS ON MICROFILM: prices on LPs, tracks, quad -8's, Top 1000 list updated weekly. Write Tobisco, eow Back copies of BILLBOARD are available 6144 Highway 290 W., Austin, Texas, (Mexican LOS ANGELES -A series of ASSISTANT on microfilm dating from November 1894 to list available also). tfn workshops devoted to traditional in- to assist in locating and auditioning December 1974. Rock, Soul and Country struments and musical forms, with Microfilm copies of articles or charts from DEALING BLUEGRASS? OLD TIMEY? Fiddle? Jazz, Tex -Mex, Cajun, Western Swing? "Show Groups" any of these issues may be obtained from ACCESSORIES the fiddle emphasized, will be con- Billboard Publications at a cost of $1.50 per Free information, record price list. Ridge Runner to entertain Service Men overseas; also 24 HR. FREIGHT -PAID SERVICE ducted by Robin Williamson start- page up to 5 pages. Record Distributor, Dept. BB -300, Fort Worth, screen applications, process government Texas 76110. myl 5 SCOTCH, MAXELL, MEMOREX & BASF ing May 23 at Los Feliz Apple forms, prepare publicity and travel within For prices on additional copies and for Tape. WATTS Dust Bug, Preener, Etc. REC- the USA. further information contact: OTON Needles, Record & School here. Send resume to: Audio Cables, Tape Access., Black Magic Rec. Care Prod., Wardlow Williamson's recent "Fiddle RUSSELL BICE, DIRECTOR Bill REAL ESTATE CB Access., Tape, EVEREADY Batteries, General Services PICKERING Styli, Cartridges & Head- Tunes" book has gone into a second USO SHOWS Billboard Publications phones, SHURE Styli 8 Cartridges. printing. He is a composer, violinist 237 E. 52nd St., New York, N.Y. 10022 MUSICIAN'S -AWAY my15 9000 Sunset Blvd. HIDE -MILLBROOK, N.Y. -Majestically situated on hilltop with SEND FOR FREE CATALOG and leader of a traditionalist band. Los Angeles, Cal 90069 breath -taking views, this hidden 8 room, 3 bed- A. I. ROSENTRAL ASSOCIATES, 29 E. tlenside Ave. 213/273 -7040 room contemporary has sauna, 3 fireplaces, is Glenside. Pr. 12151 885 -5211 my22 totally wired for sound. Dramatic tri-level design fits house to hillside. 60 rolling acres of meadow DISCO EQUIPMENT and woods offer total seclusion, though only 90 BILLBOARD miles to NYC. Excellent riding, skiing, hunting, Group Subscription golf, tennis nearby. $159,500. Call (203) 853 -1813 DISCOTHEQUES! . . . FREELANCE SYS- weekdays. my15 We Want HIT Records tema. Panoramic descriptions. Photos, indepth Discounts For Distribution R8010-TV focus on Do's, Don'ts, Bookings, Personalities, to Billboard for REHEARSAL LOFTS NR. TIMES SQ. PENT - Save 20% on subscriptions Distribution- Promotion Services Formats, etc. Complete package. $5.00. "Dy- groups of 10 or more. For rates and informa- house (16th fir) 1800'. Also 3300' (4 lava /office) to namic Uno," P.O. Box 8116, Corpus Christi, tion' write: 700'-$175. up, by lease. Modern. 222 W. 37th Send Records for Tex. 78412. eow St., NYC. Apply Supt or (212) 244 -8050, BOX 6019 my15 Review -chart listings c/o Billboard, 1515 Broadway MUSIC TOWN maî New York, N.Y. 10036 tfn RECORD DISTRIBUTORS RECORD MFG. SERVICES, 26 Music Sq. E. AIR CHECKS OF THE TOP PERSONALI- SUPPLIES & EQUIPMENT Nashville, Tenn. 37203 Rates: "POSITION WANTED" is ties in the nation! Current and Collectors tapes Phone (615) 244 -4127 tfn $10 -in advance -for 1 inch, one GOLDEN OLDIES available! Send for free catalogue: Air Checks, 1516 Hinman, Suite 505, Evanston, 60201. time. No charge for Boa number. Ill. je5 RECORD PRESSING "POSITION OPEN" is $20 -in TRADING POST IN LOUISIANA RECORDS FOR SALE time. Box num- Quality 45 5 LP pressings. Dependable Largest Selections in Industry advance -fur one SCHOOLS & FAST Personal Service! Send us your her ads asking for tape samples `Don't Miss It!! Classified Adver- tape and let us do the rest!! Surplus LP's 8- tracks. any quantity INSTRUCTIONS and will be charged an added $I for tising Closes Every Monday. Best prices. 24 hour shipping service. VILLE PLATTE RECORD MFG. CO. handling and postage. "WANTED TO BUY." "FOR e HOW TO CUT A RECORD! 120 E. Cypress St., Ville Platte, La. 70586 Call or Write Today for Catalogs Send money and advertising copy SALE," "SWAPPING" New Professional Correspondence Course. (318) 363 -2104 Ie5 RECORD WIDE-DISTRIBUTORS In Depth Studies Of: to: Use the headline that lits your Songwriting Promotion 1755 Chase Drive needs. Copyrights Distribution Fenton (St. Louis), Mo. 63026 Radio -l'Y Job Mart, Billboard, . Publishing Collecting Royalties (314) 343 -7100 iln Regular Classified: 75e per word. Recording Personal Advice 1515 Broadway, N.Y. 10036 Recording Minimum $15.30 Nashville School of PROMOTIONAL 2050 N.E. 151 St., Dept. BH SERVICES Display Classified: $35.00 per col- NMB, Fla. 33180 WE HAVE THE BEST umn inch. POSITIONS OPEN CUT-OUT PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY REI FIVE WEEK COURSE FOR FCC 1ST GROUPS ARTISTS phone license. Six week course for Radio /TV - 8 -track record & tape ORDER TO: announcer. Call or write today. REI, 61 N. Pine- Let Us album list in America! RADIO AS A CAREER? Billboard Golden Oldies apple Ave., Sarasota, Fla. 33577, and 2402 Tide- Major Labels ... Major Artists Trading Post water Trail, Fredericksburg, Va. 22401. tin PROMOTE & DISTRIBUTE Willing to learn all facets of radio? Married Send for free catalogue persons preferred. First ticket required. 1515 Broadway, New York City 10036 YOUR RECORDS ARACO RECORDS & TAPES If interested, contact Doc DeVore, I Our Label is Available 507 High St., Burlington, N.J. 08016 Broadcast enterprises, Inc., Phone Write PUBLISHING SERVICES - - or drop in (609) 386 -3288 1el9 Box 968, Powell, Wy. 82435. FOR !] SALE TALENT, INC. (BM) An equal Ocportumty Employer SONG I Record Promotion & Distribution my29 SOLD @ AUCTION: COLLECTORS REC- WRITERS ATTENTION, RECORD OUTLETS. WE ords, LP's; Jazz- Soundtracks /Personalities /Orig- SAL /WA Publishing, BMI, needs original 91 Newbury Ave., N. Quincy, Mass. 02171 have the largest selection of 45 rpm oldies and inal I Casts- Country /Western /Blues. Indicate material and masters. If you've got original goodies and also major label LP listings at pro- which list from: [617] 328 -5057 eow Ray Macknic (or) Theo's, P.O. material we've got people that want to listen. motional prices. Send for free listings. All orders Box 7511, Van Nuys, Calif. 91406, U.S.A. tfn welcome. Apex Records, Inc., WANTED Call (213) 465 -6138 and ask for Frank, J.W., 947 U.S. Highway POSITIONS #1, Rahway, N.J. 07065. tin OLDIE COLLECTORS! ORIGINAL LABEL or Richard. oldies from 50s, 60s and 70e. FREE catalogue Send all materials to: RECORD PROMOTION listing over 5000 titles. Record Scavengers, Box SAL /WA Publishing Career Builders -Promotion- Distribution WHILE OTHER PEOPLE ARE RAISING "COSMIC CHARLIE" 387, Cockeysville, Md. 21030. tin their prices, we are 6464 Specializing in services for New Labels and lowering ours. Maiur -label Sunset Blvd. LP's are low as 500. Your choice. Write Progressive radio D.J. F.C.C. Third CL. SINGLES, New Artists. for OLDIES, SOUL, POP, ROCK. Suite 910 free listing. Scorpio Music Distributors, 2933 Lic, B.A. Mass Comm, two yrs. exp. college No order to big or small to handle. Prepacka. For Hollywood, 90028 Roger Ricker Promotions River Rd., Croydon, Pa. 19020. Dealers only. tin radio. Seeks on the air position with pro- specials Calif. my22 and catalogs Box 7062 Billboard, 1515 26 Music Square East-B gressive music station. Will relocate. Write Broadway, New York, or call: N.Y. 10036. my15 REVIEWING Nashville, Tenn. 37203 Charles A. Bellomo, 231 Himrod ORIGINAL SONGS. SEND St., Bklyn. N.Y. 11237 (212) 452-8912 SEARCHING Tape, Cassette and Lyric Sheet to: Fresh (615) 244- 4064 -Day FOR OLD RECORDS? DIS - Start (evenings). my22 continued, 216 N. Rose, Burbank, California Publishing, R.D. # 1, Box 127, Smithton, Pa. (615) 822 -3583- Day /Night Advertising Brings Results 91506. eow 15479. my15

www.americanradiohistory.com 66 General News LP SERIES REVIEW Wilmington a New Mecca Memory-Stirring Jazz On Close -Ups For Gospel Singing Acts The Rolling Stones -Black And area The gospel groups, both white Blue, Rolling Stones COC 79104 WILMINGTON, Del. -This 6 Verve Twofer Reissues weekdays (Atlantic) has become lush territory for gospel and black, come in both NEW YORK -The initial six The Mood For Love," "Bloomdido" singing groups. and Sundays for concerts. The Verve reissues distributed by Poly - and "Leap Frog." The Stones have been, along with Church groups vie with each other Evangelical Presbyterian Church at dor Records are all impressive $7.98 The Young LP, "Pres And Teddy the Who, the most consistently satis- with gospel musical groups and the nearby Newark brought in Jack twofers featuring some of the top And Oscar," is well worth owning fying of the British groups over the draw at one church, First Baptist in Price for a Sunday night concert; it names in jazz during the period, for each of the performances. They past decade-primarily because the suburban New Castle, makes capital was a Wednesday night for the Grie- 19441957. Leaders on these sessions include "All Of Me," "Love Me Or band rarely veers too far astray from of the fact that it combines funda- ner Family at the Church of Brook - are Charlie Parker, Lester Young, Leave Me," "Indiana," "I Can't Get the early success formula of combin- mental Bible preaching with "Out- land Terrace, and the Olivet Corn - Billie Holiday, Dizzy Gillespie and Started," "On The Sunny Side Of ing elements of white rock, blues standing Gospel Music." munity Center brought in Grachan Bud Powell -all in their peak years. The Street," "I Can't Give You Any- and soul. When it does stray, it gen- The Pike Creek Baptist Temple Moncur III and his "gospel jazz" Each LP features beautfiul cover thing But Love" and "I'm Confess- erally gets back fairly quickly. will offer two groups on a Sunday, quartet for Sunday afternoon and art taken from a large painting dis- in'." On one date his tenor sax is "Black And Blue" is probably the with the Cathedral Quartet for a 10 evening concerts. playing all of the artists and the liner joined by pianist , and most enjoyable Stones set since a.m. service and Mack Evans, of the College gospel singers are brought 1972's "Exile On Main Street," pre- notes are educational with annota- on the other by pianist Oscar Peter- Old - Fashioned Gospel Hour, in the in to attract young adults. Second tion by Leonard Feather, Ira Gifler son and guitarist Barney Kessel. cisely because of its faithfulness to evening. Baptist Church offered the concert and Chris Albertson. The Holiday LP, "The First Verve basics. Disco, reggae, a Cab Callo- Choir of Bacone College, Muskogee, The Parker LP, "The Verve Years Sessions," features some of Lady wayish cut, several slower songs and Okla., for a Monday night concert of (1948 -50)" presents the alto master Day's 1950s performances. These in- a couple of straight rockers make up Music Arm both sacred and secular music. The in several classic settings. Besides clude "Blue Moon," "These Foolish most of the package, with the rockers group appeared in traditional Amer- small group performances with Things," "Love For Sale," "Autumn and the uncluttered slower cuts com- ican Indian dress; and it was a Sun- famed sidemen (Hank Jones, Al In New York," "Lover Come Back," ing off best. Bright Spot day afternoon offering at Ezion- Haig, , Max Roach, "Yesterdays" and "How Deep Is One reason for the success of the Mount Carmel United Methodist Thelonious Monk, Buddy Rich, The Ocean." Backing her are Flip rockers may be the departure of For Col Pix Church with the Princeton Univ. . Not that Taylor is not a Dizzy Gillespie, Shelley Manne, Phillips, Charlie Shavers, Oscar Pe- NEW YORK -The music division Gospel Chorus. Ray Brown, Tommy Potter, Curley terson, Barney Kessel, Joe Newman, superb guitarist. He is, in fact, one of Nor are the gospel concerts con- rock's best. Yet he always seemed a of Columbia Pictures Industries Russell), there are also the several Paul Quinchette, and Inc. -Arista Records and the two fined to the church. The Bible Way bit out of place in the Stones, a tech- cuts featuring Bird with strings as Herb Ellis, among others. Screen Gems publishing arms -pro- Temple Church promoted a spring well as the Neal Hefti Orchestra. The Gillespie LP, "The Sonny nician in a group that depends more gospel concert on a Saturday night on feel than anything else. duced more than half the corporate Among the cuts are "The Bird," Rollins / Sessions" is net revenue gain for the first nine at the William Henry Middle School LPs. Keith Richard, the archetypical "April In Paris," "Summertime," composed of two long- sought months fiscal 1976. Auditorium in Dover, featuring the punk rocker, is left to lead the guitar of "Just Friends," "Star Eyes," "I'm In On the various selections, Diz is And while corporate revenues for Hutchinson Family and a number of joined by both of the Sonnys to- section of the group once again and church choir groups. The same with the Wood, the third quarter dipped 9% from a gether as well as each of them indi- help of Ronnie school auditorium was utilized by Wayne Perkins and Harvey Mandel year ago, to $76.5 million from $84.1 Committees vidually. On each selection, all of million, records and music publish- the Christian Brotherhood Associ- these three greats are in rare form, as (Perkins and Mandel were among ates in promoting a Saturday night those trying out for Taylor's spot) ing was up a solid 31% to $10.9 mil- is the rhythm section led by pianist lion, from $8.3 million. concert with the Porter Family Sing- Appointed Ray Bryant. Every tune has a jam the Stones become a guitar band ers. again. For nine months, revenues for session quality to it, and selections Arista and Screen Gems combined With gospel music so popular in Alma," "On The So "Hand Of Fate" and "Crazy By NARM include "Con were up 59% to $32.4 million from the area, even the Delaware Techni- Sunny Side Of The Street," "After Mama" become solid, familiar cal and Community College staged a Stones rockers with vintage Jagger $20.4 million, while the corporate to- á NEW YORK -NARM has ap- Hours," "Wheatleigh Hall" and sev- tal of $256 million was just $24.9 Thursday evening of gospel music in mpointed rackjobbers, retailers and eral others. vocal stylizing and clever yet un- its auditorium with the Henry Gos- complicated guitar work from Rich- million or 11% ahead of the year -ago -I independent distributors advisory The Powell LP, "The Genius Of period. pel Chorus, directed by Wilbur a ard. E committees to represent the various Bud Powell," gives the consumer Net income is not broken down on Dodd, and the Gospel Ambassa- wiz - Richard's solos seem more com- (o segments of merchandisers in its look at both sides of this piano a quarterly basis for the various divi- dors, led by John Caldwell. membership. ard-as a trio leader and as a solo fortable within the Stones' format rn regular sions, but the corporate figure for In setting he shows than the fast, clean runs that have On the rackjobbers advisory com- musician. each the third quarter was $956,000 or 12 why appeared on the group's LPs over London Making uì mittee are chairman, George Sou - his rare expertise and displays 18% from the the past five years. cents per share, down vall, Alta Distributing; Jay Jacobs, he was a master of the keyboard. fiscal 1975 total of $1.174 million or him on several cuts are bass- Richard, in fact, takes a more vis- Its Own Tapes < Knox Record Rack; Norman Joining 15 cents a share. Russell ible instrumental role than he has in NEW YORK -Monday (3) sig- 2 Hausfater, Musical Isle of America; ists Ray Brown and Curley Net income for the nine months several albums, pritttarily on guitar naled the official entry of London Louis Kwiker, Handleman Co.; Da- and drummers Buddy Rich and was $10.07 million or $1.22 per but also on bass and piano. Records into 8 -track and cassette vid Lieberman, Lieberman Enter- Max Roach. Selections include share, including a non -recurring "Hot Stuff' is the disco contribu- manufacturing on its own, taking prises; Sam Marmaduke, Western "Tempus Fugit," "Cherokee," "All $5.06 million or 61 cents per tion. Confidence is even restored in gain of over from former licensee Ampex, Merchandisers; David Press, D &H God's Chillun Got Rhythm," share for sale of a tv station, com- In the Stones' originally if one believes and re- releasing more than 200 titles Distributing; David Siebert, Sie - "Sweet Georgia Brown," "April pared with $2.7 million or 35 cents a the notes that show the cut was re- from its pop catalog. bert's, Inc.; and Sydney Silverman, Paris," "Tea For Two," "The Last share for the same period the prior corded in March of last year, some Since Feb. 1, London has issued United Record & Tape Industries. Time I Saw Paris" and a moving year. Exclusive of the non -recurring while before the disco fad hit full its latest releases under its own logo, Forming the retailers advisory "Body And Soul." gain, income of $5.013 million is a steam. The number is helped no end sold exclusively through its new na- committee are John Cohen, chair- The final LP is "Jazz At The Phil- solid 85.5% ahead of the first nine by Billy Preston on piano and the tional network of independent dis- man, of Disc Records; Barrie Berg- harmonic /The Historic Record- months of fiscal 1975. man, the Record Bar; Richard Bul- ings." One of the records is the first strong rhythm work of Charlie tributors, whieh will now have the lock, Odyssey Records & Tapes; Lou JATP concert, July 2, 1944, released Watts and . catalog product as well. Fogelman, Music Plus; Joseph complete for the first time, and the "Cherry Oh Baby," the only non AFM -TV Peace The label also is unveiling its na- Jagger- Richard title here (Eric Don- Goldberg, Variety Records; Ben other is a Billie Holiday JATP con- Continued from page 3 tional ad and promotion campaign Karol, King Karol Records; David cert. aldson is the writer), is the reggae - to back its imported FFRR "highest flavored cut, handled in moderation "went down the wire" to the mid- quality" cassettes, manufactured by Rothfeld, Korvettes; David Siebert, The 1944 show featured J.J. John- night issues and working as an adaptation rather deadline, April 30. The parent Decca in the U.K. Madcaps; Russ Solomon, Tower son on trombone, Jacquet negotiated included the problem of than an imitation. To date, 14 imports from the clas- Records; Martin Spector, Spec's and Jack McVea on tenor sax, reruns in the domestic market. (Bill- Music, and Sam Stolon, Sam Shorty Sherock on trumpet, Nat Other than the rockers, "Memory sical, opera and Phase 4 catalogs Motel" and "Fool To Cry" are the board, May 8). have been issued, with more than Goody. King Cole on piano, Les Paul on The union's negotiating team was most interesting cuts. Both are mid - 100 additional titles, both catalog The independent distributors ad- guitar, Red Callender and Johnny headed Davis, ex- tempo, soul -influenced cuts with by and included and new releases, due this month visory committee is headed by Gene Miller on bass and Lee Young on and rank and file members good guitar work and dependence ecutives and next. Silverman, its chairman, from Music drums. The playing is fierce and at a from New York, Los Angeles and Trend Distributors; Harry Aposto- fever pitch on such selections as on keyboards and string synthesiz- ers, and both feature the kind of pro- Nashville. leris, Alpha Distributors; Bill Emer- "Lester Leaps, In," and "Body And One report circulating out of Los Atlantic /ATCO: son, Big State Distributing; Sam Soul." JIM FISHEL totype Jagger vocals found on cuts like "Moonlight Mile" and "You Angeles had wages increased per 2nd Biggest Month Ginsburg, Record Merchandising hour show from $49.40 to $50 Can't Always Get What You Want." and NEW YORK -April sales figures Co.; Norman Hausfater, Record Charles F. Brave to Richard's alternating lead vocals from $21 per rehearsal hour at Atlantic /ATCO tallied out as the Sales /Musical Isle of America; Ira $23.25. For a 30- minute show plus Heilicher, Heilicher Bros.; Milton Dies In Orlando with Jagger are the highlight of second highest for a month in the "Memory Motel," while "Fool To two hours of rehearsals, the sum company's history, according to Salstone, M.S. Distributing; Bob NEW YORK -Charles F. Brave, went up from $80.50 to $86.50. ar- Cry" (with back on Dave Glew, senior vice president, Schwartz, AMI Distributors; James former pianist- conductor -music Also reported agreed upon is a 1% 27 in Orlando, piano and string synthesizer) is the marketing. Schwartz, Schwartz Bros.; Joseph ranger, died April rise in pension and welfare (from 7% age best "black" number the band has While standout LP sales were re- Simone, Progress Record Distribu- Fla., after a short illness at the of 8 increase in em- come up with in years. to %) and a 50 cents portedly achieved on product by tors, and Stanley Sulman, ABC 82. ployer contribution for health and as "Hey Negrita" and "Melody" are such acts as Led Zeppelin, the Roll- Record & Tape. Brave was active on Broadway welfare from $2 to $2.50 a man. The advisory committees are es- music director of such shows as interesting, but that's about all. On ing Stones and Bad Company, con- was tablished to meet as separate bodies, "Letty Pepper," "The Prince Of Pil- the whole, however, the group seems RCA Future Plan tributing to the overall tally well as with the manufacturers sen" and "Pretty Baby." to be having more fun than on other strong singles activity by Abba, the as Continued from page 14 advisory committee. Recommenda- From 1945 -1967, he was the moti- LPs of the past three years. There are Don Harrison Band, Wing And A tions made at these meetings often vating force behind Allegro Record- no songs about growing old or being RCA Records, among six other divi- Prayer & Drum Corps, Hot Choco- help in creating an understanding or ing Service, on Broadway, which he transcendentally carried away by sions, posted gains over the same late, J. Geils Band, Bad Company opportunities and problems facing founded and ran until his retire- music; the entire project becomes quarter last year, with the previously and the Rolling Stones. a record- rackjobbers, retailers and independ- ment. He is survived by his widow, what the Stones are best at -doing released first quarter statement re- Glew is also predicting quarter, ending ent distributors, says a NARM Nellie, son Charles, and daughter reasonably simple things in the best ferring to the label's best such period ing- breaking second for the label. spokesman. Mrs. Doreen Terranova. possible manner. BOB KIRSCH ever. June 30,

www.americanradiohistory.com TYNER'S NINTH A PINNACLE

McCoy -yner with Hubert Laws, *, *, and the San Franciscc area's finest strings. Produced by Crr:n Keepnews; conducted by William Fischer. Performed and. arranged by McCoy Tyner, as perhaps tie finest acoustic pianist in contemporary music expands his horizons to incl ade this aburn full of scaring strings and woodwinds scores.

FLY WITH THEW N Milestone 9067 Tyner's ninth album for Milestone. His peak achievement to date.


*Billy Ccbhamappears courtesy of Atlantic Records Ron Carter courtesy et CTI Recorcs.

www.americanradiohistory.com 68

Copyright 1976. Billboard Publications. Inc. No part of this publi- cation may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or trans- mitted, in any form or by any means. electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording. or otherwise, without the prior written m'°`" Top Album Pic ICS. permission of the publisher. Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 5/15/76 ' Number of LPs reviewed this week 64 Last week 63

everything into focus. Guests Tom Scott, Ben Keith and Tim Best cuts: "And Then There Was The Blues," "Spiral," mellotron and RMI keyboard computer gives several cuts a 0. Schmit lend a hand, but it is Anderson, who has outlasted "Serenity." nice perkiness. Musicianship throughout is fine, as is mate- most of the musical fads of the past decade who remains the Dealers: Jazz and soul fans should react if they aren't al- rial, which is nicely varied for airplay potential. star. Hopefully his time has come. ready over -saturated with this formula sound. Best cuts: "Be Yourself," "It Was Meant To Be," "Why Pbpnn°° Best cuts: "How It Goes," "Dreams Of Mexico," "Sweet Walk When You Can Dance," "I'm A One Way Train." Surprize," "Crazy River," "Love Will Meet Again." Dealers: Remember Aerosmith a few years back here. Dealers: Artist has a dozen years of fans. CANNONBALL ADDERLEY- Lovers, Fantasy F 9505. This is ELTON And There, MCA 2197. Live JOHN -Here set cut at Cannon's last LP and the scope of the music -broad and in- PLEASURE- Accept No Substitutes, Fantasy F -9506. Disco Madison Square Garden and at the Royal Albert Festival Hall tense and explosive -is matched by the flaming desire of the soul from eight piece group and producer Wayne Henderson is basically another greatest hits a few cuts set, offering that players who found themselves contributing in June of 1975 to is a way above average set of this type, primarily as a result of were not singles and some interesting instrumental backing. a presentation of extraordinary brilliance and sensitivity. None songs that vary in texture lyrically and musically and a gen- Main level interest here of should lie among the Elton fans_ of the tunes are Cannon's but they are by his close friends Alvin eral aura of professionalism. Group and individual vocals, all who will get a chance to hear in a the artist concert format Batiste, Jack DeJdhneete, George Duke and of course brother good, as well as good horn and other instrumental arrange- and who want a fairly faithful reproduction of those concerts. Nat. The music is like gazing at a period frozen in time, for ments. Sensible rather than frenetic disco. Well done, as are most of Elton's projects, but nothing really this is where Cannon had come to: a pristine blend of in- Best cuts: "Let's Dance," "Pleasure For Your Pleasure," new with the exception of the arrangements. vigoratingly funky music coupled with the openness of mod- "2 For 1," "Jamin' With Pleasure." Best cuts: "Love Song," "Crocodile Rock," "Love CHARLIE DANIELS BAND -Saddle Tramp, Epic PE- 34150. Lies em expression, all within precise frameworks. The six cuts in- Dealers: Use Henderson's name to sell LP. Bleeding," "Rocket Man," "Bennie And The Jets," "Take Me The redhot Daniels band moves to Epic with a tremendous clude performances by Cannon on soprano and alto; Nat on To The Pilot." album. Already a phenomenon in the South and Southwest, cornet; Alvin Batiste on reeds; George Duke on electric pi- Dealers: Expect usual quick rise to the top. Daniels is on the verge of superstardom -and this could be ano /synthesizer; Alphonso Johnson on electric bass; Jack De II11W1111H. III II II II 1 11111111111 111111111 the release that does it. Brilliant instrumental work from a Johnette on drums, Airto on percussion; Ron Carter on acous- STEVE MILLER-Fly blue- ribbon band and classy collection of musicians including Like An Eagle, Capitol ST- 11516. First tic bass and Flora Purim on special vocals. Toy LP for Miller in nearly three years is a mix of easy, more heav- Caldwell of the Marshall Tucker Band. Recorded in Macon Best cuts: "Salty Dogs," "Lovers," "Nascente," "New Or- ily orchestrated and melodic rock than we are used to and with Paul Hornsby producing, this captures the spark, energy Soundtracks leans Strut." some typically Miller material. Easy, jazzy rock is fun, but the and drive that Daniels flashes in his personal appearances. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 most rewarding cuts here are those in the "Joker" vein, show- The title cut -10:53 long -is a masterpiece. Dealers: the recent issue by Capitol of some old Cannon casing Miller's "Dion" vocals with smooth singing and flowing Best cuts: "Saddle Tramp," "Sweet Louisiana," "Wichita cuts should have spurred interest in his fans for new works. This LP has BUBBLING melodies. Good mix of electric and acoustic guitars on the Jail," "Cumberland Mountain Number Nine," "It's My Life," the historical value of being his last recorded LP. BROWN SUGAR- Original Broadway Cast Recording, H &L Records HL rockers, and some fine acoustic work on a blues flavored cut. "Sweetwater Texas." 6969011. The success of the show, and maybe the One oldie also included, but the majority of material is origi- Dealers: CBS publicity and promo people have been flying LP as well, lies in the fact that the ma- jority nal. Overall, one of Miller's most appealing albums and cer- over the country like a flock of magpies, promoting the CDB of the show's songs are standards. Musically this LP tainly his most commercial. LP -a massive campaign that should boost sales and airplay. swings vocally as well as instrumentally. Backup musicians include Lloyd Best cuts: "Fly Like An Eagle," "Serenade," "Dance, Mayers, Arvel Shaw, Ernie Royal, Rudy Steven- son and "Money" Dance, Dance," "Take The Money And Run," "Rock 'N Me," GENE WATSON- Because You Believed In Me, Capitol ST- Johnson. All of the cast members have good voices and vocal interpretations "Blue Odyssey." 11529. A solid set of country songs, including four from Wat- the of Ellington, Hines, Sissle Dealers: Miller has strong following anxiously awaiting this son's favorite writer -Ray Griff. Watson's stone country style FitsklimeAround and Blake, among others, is top- notch. Best cuts: "Stompin' At The LP. sounds convincing and better than ever. As Ed Keeley of Capi- Savoy /Take The "A" Train," SMALL WONDER, Columbia PC 34100. While at times this "Stormy Monday tol notes in the liner, "Watson vocally dramatizes the feeling Blues," "Sweet Georgia Brown," "There'll tour -man group comes on like Crosby /Stills /Nash /Young Be Some STEELY DAN -The Royal Scam, ABC ABCD 931. One of of holding the right person ... or sometimes holding the Changes Made," "God Bless The Child," "It Don't (especially on vocal harmony parts), its overall sound fits Mean A Thing." rock's more talented group's again veers directly away from wrong person." Among the highlights is Watson's version of right in with the rocking style of the '70s. Use of the moog, Dealers: In -store play everyone else's commercial mainstream to come up with a Larry Gatlin's "Bitter They Are, Harder They fall." Best pack- will be the greatest eid. mix of rock, jazz and Latin and a generally satisfying package. age yet from this rising and rousing singer. Group is actually down to singer /writers Waler Becker and Best cuts: "Because You Believed In Me," "Bitter They Donald Fagan, with Fagan singing his way through a series of Are, Harder They Fall," "Sorry Willie," "How Good A Bad songs about having sex only while wearing a fez, spending Woman Feels," "Her Body Couldn't Keep You Off My Mind," one's childhood in a cave, Haitian divorce and other love "And Then You Came Along." songs. Usual strong help from producer Gary Katz and musi- Dealers: Watson's fan support continues to mushroom. Billboard's Recommended LPs cal guests Larry Carlton, Dean Parks, Victor Feldman, John

Klemmer, Michael McDonald, Jim Horn and Tim Schmidt. Lis - Rat Own, Captiol ST- 11530. Cosby takes off on Barry White tenable and enjoyable set is a welcome break from formal PoP and a number of soul cliches and the result is fairly disco and other "trends." funny. PC Similarity in sound of a number of cuts gets repetitious, but Best cuts: "The Royal Scam," "Kid Charlemagne," "Sign S.S. FOOLS -Columbia 34151. Three ex- members of Three Night set is still the most enjoyable yet satirizing contemporary mu- In Stranger," "Haitian Divorce," "The Fez." Dog join three others for a good, soul flavored rock set which sounds bit like Three Dog in spots but generally has a sic. Best cuts: Yes, Yes, Yes," "Shift Down," "Ben," "Garbage Dealers: Group has a large following. bit more drive. Good lead and harmony vocals, a good instru- Truck Lady." mental, strong production from Richard Podlor (who did NATALIE COLE -Natalie, Capitol ST- 11517. Cole's first LP some PETER Reprise MS of Three Dog's best) and a generally satisfactory effort. PRINGLE- 2243 (Warner Bros.). New artist was excellent, but this represents a major improvement and Mostly is a fine songwriter with a powerful voice, aided by good pro- step forward as she balances out her soul rockers with easy DOROTHY MOORE -Misty Blue, Malaco 6351 (T.K.). Soul- uptempo. Soul- oriented cuts work best. Best cuts: "First Things First," "Desert Dancin'," "Sunnyridge," "Why duction from Brian Aherne. Only problem might be the pre- ballads, torch songs and jazzy numbers. Vocals remain pow- ful vocalist who has a huge hit with the title track tackles a Can't You Be Mine." dominance of slow or mid -tempo material in the set. Good erful but take on an aura of control generally missing in the variety of styles, from soul to rock to supper club pop to coun- backing vocals from Linda Ronstadt, Emmylou Harris and first effort. Products from Chuck Jackson and Marvin Yancy try. Kind of a combination of the Muscle Shoals and Memphis HAPPY BIRTHDAY U.S.A.-20th Century T2 -506. Double LP newcomer Diane Brooks. Expect covers of some of the songs. do a fine job. Basically, Cole is more of a singer who can ap- sounds (Muscle Shoals horns used) and lots of originality with guests like Tom Sullivan, Sammy Davis Jr., Donnie Best cuts: "White Line," "Takin' The Freeway." heard in songs that have been done many times before. peal to youthful fans but who should also be able to attract Brooks, Pat Boone, Paul Revere & the Raiders, the Vegas and club audiences if she can offer in- person what she Touch of gospel in the vocals and producers Tommy Couch, Congregation, Jerry Naylor, Dorsey Burnette, , JOHN HARTFORD -Mark Twang, Flying Fish 020. Not really offers on this package. Good adds a disco James Stroud and Wolf Stephenson do a good job of avoiding flavor Charles Wright and Senators Barry Goldwater, Edward Ken- country, not really bluegrass, what Hartford really does but does not depend on as a means to an end. a disco format. one of prime writers on set. nedy and Fritz Hollings. Primarily new material written for the might be called "Mississippi music" -and he's clever, witty Best cuts: "Mr. Melody" (with some good scat Best cuts: "Misty Blue," "Funny How Time Slips Away," singing), most part by Lloyd Schoonmaker and Roger Lanove tells a and fun. Accompanying himself on fiddle or banjo, Hartford "Heaven Is With You," "Can We Get Together Again," "Laugh It Off," "It's So Good," "Enough Woman Left (To Be "Good fairly chronological story of America. Fine Ray Ruff produc- tells tales of the river, serious and humorous. Well done Morning Heartache" (excellent, torchy ballad), "Touch Me," Your Lady)." tion. A good solid intelligent effort. Book with lyrics included. throughout. Best cuts: "Long Hot Summer Days," "Don't "Hard To Get Along." Dealers: Advertise in conjunction with single hit. All cuts worth a listen. Leave Your Records In The Sun," "The Julia Belle Swain," Artist Dealers: has had several major singles. "Austin Manor Symphony" (fiddle instrumental). BROCK PETERS TOWER OF POWER -Live And In Living Color, Warner Bros. - Ballad For Americans, United Artists UA- LA604-G. Peters tackles this famous American theatrical cho- POCO -Rose Of Cimarron, ABC ABCD 946. A set of good BS 2924. As LP title might indicate, a live set including some ROBIN 8 LINDA WILLIAMS- Flashlight FLT 3003 (Sym- country rock from the veteran group, with a bit more life to it of the group's rale with a semi -operatic flair. Fine vocals from Peters and best known material. Rockers and ballads, and posium). Good folky LP with Linda Williams showcasing a fine than on the last several sets. Title cut is guest Odetta as well as excellent production and direction an excellent long the real joy is hearing the famed live. Hubert voice and sense of style as she sings in the Sandy Denny/ piece allowing the band to show off its from producers Mike Stewart and George Butler. Excellent or- patented harmonies as Laws' lead vocals and the harmonies come off perfectly. Linda Thompson style. Good harmony between Robin and well as giving the musicians a chestration throughout and a perfect LP for the country's chance to move through some Blend of uptempo and slow material works well. Side two Linda. Strong British folk feel with fiddles, mandolins, gui- enjoyable instrumental 200th birthday. segments. Other cuts feature mando- taken up with a one cut, including good sax solos, vocals and tars, dobros and no drums. Slower material works best. Best lins, dobros, banjos and steel, providing an interesting mix of a jam type arrangement. GENTLE GIANT- Interview, Capitol ST- 11532. More jazzy cuts: "Diggin' On The New Railroad Girl," "Give The Fiddler A country, rock and folk. Several potential singles here, as well Best cuts: "You're Still A Young Man," "What Is Hip," futuristic sounds from British group with large cult following. Dram," "None But The Rain," "Daughter Of McLeod." as FM oriented material. "Knock Yourself Out." Keyboards, saxes, and more standard instruments all Best cuts: "Rose Of Cimarron," "Stealaway," "Too Many Dealers: Group has loyal pop and soul following. played in more or less free form style. Best cuts: "Interview," CLIFTON CHENIER -Bogalusa Boogie, Arhoolie 1076. Amer- Nights Too Long," "All Alone Together," "Tulsa Turnaround." "Give It Back," "Empty." ica's finest Cajun /dance band accordionist comes up with his road Dealers: Band set for shortly. usual excellent mix of Cajun, Tex -Mex, blues, soul and coun- MONTY PYTHON -At City Center, Arista AL 4073. British try and offers a totally enjoyable experience. Hard to describe MICHAEL STANLEY BAND- Ladies' Choice, Epic PE 33917 loonies strike again with a live set cut only last month in New this charming blend of French and English. Basically, the (CBS). Excellent combination of rock and country, standing York. Listen carefully as the group takes swipes at everyone genre Huey Meaux (Freddy Fender's producer) has been above most in the quality of the songs, the musicianship and and everything from Mayor Beame to stereotyped blues working in for years. A great fun dance LP with accordion and an overall above average vocal performance. Potential singles bands to politics. A few old favorites like "Argument Clinic" sax playing off one another and Chenier's bluesy vocals add- here as well as cuts perfect for FM play. Group has managed and "Blackmail" also given the the live treatment. ing more luster. Best cuts: "Quelque Chose Sur Mon Idee" to sound original working within a framework that half the ( "Something On My Mind "), "Je Me Reviller Ce Matin" ( "I groups in the country have tried in the past year or so. After a IAN MATTHEWS -Go For Broke, Columbia PC34102. First of- THE CRUSADERS -Those Southern Knights, ABC -Blue Woke Up This Morning "), " Allons A Grant Coteau," "Ti Na long time of struggling along, the band could be in line for its fering from the artist in some time and a first -time -around for Thumb BTSD 6024 (ABC). This band is like a local train mak- Na.' big move. ing many stops along its appointed route. Only here the stops the label. Material is well suited for Matthews' excellent vocal production Best cuts: "Ladies' Choice," "Heavy Weight," "Let It are musical styles, all along the main track of jazz. In fact abilities. Unfortunately, though, overall comes LAWRENCE HAMMOND- Coyote's Dream, Takoma T -1047. as if it were by numbers. It's Slide," "Old Dancin' Fool," "Choice And Sanborn" (with Da- there seems to be more of a return to hard, honest improvisa- across very stiff, being done the Folky country with whimsical and serious stories from the not Eyed vid Sanborn). tion than on several of the band's recent LPs where the com- bad, just uninspiring. Best cuts: "Brown Girl," West and Midwest. Good stories with good vocals a la Arlo Dealers: Band has worked hard on the road and producer mercial overtone dominated all the playing. This LP is still "Darkness, Darkness," "Lonely Hunter" "I'll Be Gone," "A Guthrie or Steve Goodman. Variety of subjects covered, and Bill Scymczyk has a fine track record. geared for a r &b -jazz crossover condition, but the open, Fool Like You." all done well. Fine word pictures framed by simple instrumen- sometimes extended solos by trombonist Wayne Henderson, REGGAE SPECTACULAR -A &M SP 3529. Double LP set in- (Continued on page 70) ERIC ANDERSON -Sweet Surprise, Arista 4075. LP that tenor saxophonist and guitarist Larry Carlton cludes Jimmy Cliff's A &M material, cuts from Greyhound and should have been the followup to Anderson's "Bout Changes (especially on the lengthy "And Then There Was The Blues ") Blue Haze and lesser known artists like Bob & Marcia and the Spotlight -The most outstanding of the week's releases and those And Things" of years ago is a marvelous, clear blend of rock, are well defined, controlled solos which flicker across the ar- with the greatest potential for top of the chart placement; picks -pre- Harry J. All Stars. Representative, legitimate reggae is a good folk and country highlighted by the best Anderson lyrics in rangements with spunk. Stix Hooper's drumming retains the dicted for the top half of the chart in the opinion of the reviewer; sampler for those already fans and a fine introduction for half the chart in the years. Vocals have more sureness and energy than anything well orchestrated soul /funk sound identified with this group, recommended -predicted to hit the second of novices. Good Jim Bickhart liners. Best cuts: All the Jimmy opinion of the reviewer, or albums of superior quality. Albums receiving he's done in years. Anderson's love songs and descriptive ma- with 's keyboards delightfully airy and assertive. Cliff cuts plus "Cousin Of Mine," "La La Always Stay." a three star rating are not listed. Review editor: Bob Kirsch; reviewers: terial confines to mark him as one of pop's better and more Bassist "Pops" Popwell establishes a foreground position for Eliot Tiegel, Nat Freedland, Gerry Wood, Colleen Clark, Jim Fishel, Jim expressive writers and Tom Sellers' production helps bring himself. BILL COSBY -Is Not Himself These Days Rat Own Rat Own Melanson, Is Horowitz, Bob Kirsch.

www.americanradiohistory.com Irlten Maxine Nightingale said she'd be right back,the lady wasn't fooling. Maxine Nightingale's right back. With a hit album follow -up to her career -launching single. She's right back with the stuff that saw her single shoot straight to the top pop spot. And then right onto the r &b charts. (UA -LA 626-G) She's right back with more perfect material. From songwriters writing for Marvin Gaye, The Bay City Rollers, Earth Wind & Fire, Rufus and The Beatles. And yet uniquely right -on for her own bad self. She's right back. The hottest new female find of 1976. Maxine Nightingale's righteous first album, "Right Back Where We Started From:'

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www.americanradiohistory.com 7 D Uboofd's Billboard SPECIAL SURVEY For Week Ending 5/15/76 Number of singles reviewed Pic op Sin leCopyright 1976, Billboard Publications, Inc. No part of this publication may be reproduced. this week 119 Lost week 10 stored in a retrieval system. or transmitted, in any form or by any means,' electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher

CROSBY /NASH -Love Work Out (3:25); producers: David Wilson; writers: B. Wayne -M. Moore; publisher: Al Gallico, new outing. He sings in duo with his own guitar riff for a neat Crosby & Graham Nash; writer: G. Nash; publisher: Thin Ice, BMI. Epic 8-50224. From Joe's "Sheik Of Chicago" LP comes fade on the song. ASCAP. ABC 12185. a change of pace from his last raucous release. Stampley's name and momentum should help boost this toward the top STEVEN FROMHOLZ -She's A Lady (1:45); producers: Roger third of the chart. Harris & Donald Williams; writer: John Sebastian; publisher: recommended The Hudson Bay Music Co., BMI. Capitol 4273. MERLE HAGGARD -Here Comes The Freedom Train (3:25); AMERICA- Today's The Day (3:15); producer: George Mar- producer: Fuzzy Owen; writer: Stephen H. Lemberg; pub- tin; writer: Dan Peek; publisher: WB, ASCAP. Warner Bros. BOB SEGER- Nutbush City Limits (3:05); producers: Bob Se- ARETHA FRANKLIN- Something He Can Feel (3:25); pro- lisher: Wa -We, ASCAP. Capitol P -4267. America's history in a 8212. Already on the charts this week, America's latest ger & Punch Andrews; writer: ; publishers: Unart/ ducer: Not Listed; writer: Not Listed; publisher: Warner - train analogy provides the platform for Hag's salute to the catchy and melodic ballad with impeccable George Martin Huh, BMI. Capitol 4269. Tamerlane, BMI. Atlantic 45 -3326. Freedom Train and the country for which it stands. Crafty production is as surefire a hit as you could want in today's -Jukin' (3:43); producer: Buddy song given a good ride by Haggard. off- the -wall marketplace. MARGIE JOSEPH -Hear The Words, Feel The Feeling (3:45); Buie; writers: Buddy Buie -Robert Nix; publishers: Low -Sal, BILLY THUNDERKLOUD- Indian Nation (2:57); producer: producer: Lamont Dozier; writers: L. Dozier & M. Jackson; BMI Willis & ABBA -Mamma Mia (3:31); producers: Bjorn Ulvaneus & /Bob Bourne, ASCAP. Polydor 14323. publisher: Dozier Music, 45 Farah Productions and Jim Vienneau; writer: John D. Loud- BMI. Cotillion -44201 (Atlantic). Benny Anderson; writers: Benny Anderson, Stig Anderson, PURE PRAIRIE LEAGUE -That'll Be The Day (2:07); producer: ermilk; publisher: Acuff-Rose, BMI. Polydor PD- 14321. Loud - Bjorn Ulvaneus; publisher: Countless Songs, BMI. Atlantic -It Ain't The Real Thing (3:19); producer: John Boylan; writers: J. Allison -B. Holly -N. Petty; publisher: ermilk's famed lament rises again in a stirring version by 45.3315. Those Swedish oddballs with their surrealistic bub- Steve Barri; writers: M. Price /D. Walsh; publisher: Meadow McCartney, BMI. RCA 10679. Thunderkloud. Perfect lyrics depicting a sad chapter in U.S. blegum hit factory have done it again. Direct from conquering Ridge, ASCAP. ABC 12189. history-and sung with feeling by a talented member of the Europe with this wonderfully silly ditty, Abba is about to at- -I Always Seem To Wind Up Loving You Indian nation. tack the U.S. again with another irresistible bouncing -ball (3:30); producers: Barry Morgan & Alan Parker; writer: A. TIMMY THOMAS -Love Shine (3:25); producer: Willie Clarke; melodic novelty. Hawkshaw; publisher: Al Gallico, BMI. Pye 71061 (AN). writer: Timmy Thomas; publisher: Sherlyn, BMI. Glades 1735 (T.K.). TAVARES -Heaven Must Be Missing An Angel (Part I) THE STANKY BROWN GROUP -You've Come Over Me (2:57); producers: Steckler (3:28); producer: ; writers: K. St. Lewis -F. Per - & Frangiapane; writer: J. Leynor; publish- recommended WILD CHERRY -Play That Funky Music (3:12); producer: ren; publishers: Bull Pen /Perren- Vibes, BMI / ASCAP. Capitol ers: Mench Music /Bleu Disque, ASCAP. Sire 724 (ABC). Robert Parissi; writer: R. Parisi, publishers: Bema /Blaze, 4270. Those high -quality soul rockers must feel right at home DOTTSY -The Sweetest Thing (I've Ever Known) (3:26); pro- ASCAP. Epic 8-50225 (CBS). with writer -producer Freddie Perren, former Motown stalwart ducer: Roy Dea; writer: Otha Young; publishers: The Sterling who also helmed the new Sylvers hit for Capitol. A thoroughly Music Co. /Addison Street, ASCAP. RCA 1H- 10666. winning Tavares performance just in time for upbeat summer airplay. An all- around gem of a single. -Rodeo Cowboy (2 :39); producer: Glenn Sutton; writer: Glenn Sutton; publisher: Flagship, BMI. Co- BILLY SWAN -Number One (2:34); producers: Billy Swan Country lumbia 3- 10337. Flip: Dixieland, You Will Never Die (3:48); & Chip Young; writers: Marto & Billy Swan; publisher: Com- producer: Glenn Sutton; writer: J. Cunningham; publisher: bine Music, BMI. Back to Blueberry Hill with Fats Domino is Starship, ASCAP. . .10 what this record sounds like. But it's a real winning outing for GARY STEWART -In Some Room Above The Street (3:10); Swan and could well emerge as his biggest hit since "I Can producer: Roy Dea; writer: Sterling Whipple; publisher: Tree, BILLIE JO SPEARS -Faded Love (2:46); producer: George Help." The single has already created a lot of radio excite- BMI. RCA JH- 10680. Smashing performance by one of coun- Richey; writers: J. Wills -B. Wills; publisher: Unichappell, ment and is a delight to listen to. try music's future superstars. Stewart improves with each LP BMI. Capitol P -4272. and single release-and this is his best yet. Gary takes a gutsy First Time Around FREDDY FENDER -Vaya Con Dios (2:29); producer: Huey DAVID WILLS -Woman (2:26); producer: Henry Strzelecki; song by Sterling Whipple and turns it into his own message. P. Meaux; writers: L. Russell /E. Pepper /I. James; publisher: writers: Lennon -McCartney; publisher: Maclen, BMI. Epic 8- BILL LA Roy Dea's producing teams with the tremendous talents of BOUNTY -Lie To Me (3:03); producer: Jay Senter; 50228. Morley, ASCAP. ABC Dot 17627. The Meaux -Fender format of writer: B. La Bounty; publisher: Captain Crystal, BMI. 20th Stewart that could make the Florida singer a country music updating sweet standards for Freddy's phenomenal voice Century legend in his time. JOHN DENVER -It Makes Me Giggle (3:02); producer: Milton 2290. La Bounty's overwhelming resemblance to the may well be running a bit thin by now. But it should be good Okun; writer: John Denver; publisher: Cherry Lane, ASCAP. Elton John sound is rather restrained here. The record stands at least one more time for this old Les Paul /Mary Ford clas- FREDDY FENDER -Vaya Con Dios (2:29); producer: Huey RCA 1H- 10687. effectively on its own as a catchy ballad single with lots of sic. However, how about some more ballsy material for FF Meaux; writers: L. Russell -E. Pepper -I. James; publisher: clever lyrical and melodic books. next time, Huey? Morley, ASCAP. ABC /Dot DOA- 17627. Freddy returns to the JERRY WALLACE -The Fool I've Been Today (3:58); producer:

well for another good song -this time the golden Les Paul - Joe Johnson; writer: Ted Harris; publisher: Contention, SE- JOHN TROPEA- Tambourine (3:30); producer: John FOGHAT -Fool For The City (3:10); producer: Nick Mary Ford hit. Again, a Texmex version with Freddy's form of SAC. Polydor PD- 14322. Tropea; writer: John Tropea; publisher: Kenya, BMI. Marlin Jameson; writer: Dave Peverett; publisher: Knee Trembler, English merging with the sounds and soul of Mexico. Another 3305 (T.K.). Best known as the virtuoso guitar soloist on most ASCAP. Bearsville 0307 (Warner Bros.). A worthy follow -up for GENE WATSON -I Feel A Sin Coming On (2:20); producer: giant for him. The flip, "My Happiness," will also get a lot of of Deodato's albums, Tropea is showcased by T.K. is an inter- "Slow Ride" finds the rock poppers in dynamic form with a R.M. Stone; writers: McDuff -Couch; publisher: Painted deejay attention. estingly tricky disco single that shows off his super fingering breakneck rocking urban protest where solid vocal harmonies Desert, BMI. Stoneway 1142 -1. in contemporary high style. punch in above a dynamic series of riffs. Tight enough for fast GEORGE JONES -You Always Look Your Best (Here In My AM acceptance. Arms) (3:17); producer: ; writers: C. Putman -M. BRENDA JONES With Groove Holmes /Vocals By Breath- Kosser-S. Pippin; publisher: Tree, BMI. Epic 8- 50227. Not as less -This Is The Me Me (Not The You You) (3:24); producer: bombastic as "The Battle" but it's a winner for the talented ; writer: Kenneth Moss; publisher: Ringo Pasta, Jones -one of the best lyric interpreters in the business. Mel- BMI. Flying Dutchman 10671 (RCA). This is a much grabbier low production from Billy Sherrill makes recommended Jones easy to take and more simple song that one might expect from the clut- and hard to beat. Soul tered title and credits. Jones delivers a thoughtful lyric to a DION -Born To Be With You (3:45); producer: Phil Spector; ANNE MURRAY -Golden Oldie (3:44); producer: Tom thumping beat in fine style. writer: Don Robertson; publisher: E.H. Morris & Co., ASCAP. B.T. EXPRESS-Can't Stop Groovin' Now, Wanna Do It Catalano; writers: B. Russell -B.G. Russell; publisher: Ken - Big Tree Spector 16063 (Atlantic). Some More (3:37); producer: Jeff Lane; writer: B. Nichols; FREE FORM EXPERIENCE- Blowin' My Mind (3:00); pro- gorus, ASCAP. Capitol P -4265. Canada's country songstress publisher: Blackwood Music, BMI. Columbia 3- 10346. ducer: Roger Spotts; writer: Joe Minor; publishers: Sherman/ LEON & MARY RUSSELL -Rainbow In Your Eyes (3:48); pro- comes through with a superb singing job on a fine, tastefully Brother Truckers' first outing on Columbia is a solid disco- Todd Mark, BMI. Free Form Records 6001. Who says Billboard ducers: Leon & Mary Russell; writer: ; publisher: produced, song. A powerful release. funk mover in the group's punchy style. The vocal harmonies doesn't listen to records from obscure labels? The Free Form Teddy Jack, BMI. Paradise 8208 (Warner Bros.). RAY GRIFF -I Love The Way That You Love Me (3:05); pro- and are both more ambitious than every before Ex. on their own Free Form label come through with a com- JOE WALSH -Walk Away (3:07); producer: Not Listed; writer: ducer: Ray Griff; writer: Ray Griff; publisher: Blue Echo, for this group. There's even an energetic string overdub. One mendable soul ballad featuring a fine tenor lead and a most Joe Walsh; publishers: ABC /Dunhill Music /Home Made Mu- ASCAP. Capitol P -4266. Ray's emotional singing style works of B.T.'s best singles yet. interesting chorus melody. Deserves to be heard. sic, BMI. ABC 12187. perfectly on this record that he also wrote and produced. A GEORGE BENSON -This Masquerade (3:17); producer: soft and sensuous ballad with understated instrumentation Picks -a top 30 chart tune in the opinion of the review panel which ROBIN TROWER -Too Rolling Stoned (3:16); producer: Not Tommy LiPuma; writer: Leon Russell; publisher: Skyhill, BMI. that makes for great programming. voted for the selections published this week; recommended -a tune Listed; writer: Robin Trower; publisher: Chrysalis, ASCAP. Warner Bros. 8209. A moody ballad by Leon Russell is the predicted to land on the Hot 100 between 31 and 100. Review editor Chrysalis 2113 (Warner Bros.). JOE STAMPLEY -Was It Worth It (2:53); producer: Norro surprisingly effective choice for WB soul vocalist Benson's -Bob Kirsch.

Billboard's Recommended LPs

Continued from page 68 bandleader /pianist and his orchestra handles them well in a contained six piece ensemble. Almost all of the material is cile in Munich. Overall, he splits his time between the two standard way. Dance medleys and single cuts all work well. original. Best cuts: "Now Is The Time," "Do What You Feel," instruments and shows a great amount of skill in his playing. A John Stewart type writer. Best cuts: tation. "Dustcloud," "Being Down To Earth." This record will be change for most people who are familiar, "Trucker's Nightmare," "Tornado's Comin' Down." DALE EVANS -Sad Pig Dance, Kicking Mule KM 120. Excel- almost exclusively, with his synthesizer expertise. Best cuts: lent set of guitar instrumentals, all acoustic, in a folky style. "Make Love," "Domicile's Last Night," "Malma Maliny." THE ESSENTIAL JOE McDONALD- Vanguard VSD 85/86. Not Well done and fun. Best cuts: "Captain," "Stagefright," "Sun jazz with the Fish, but a collection of Country Joe's solo Vanguard And Moon." MICHAL URBANIAK & URSZULA DUDZIAK- Tributes To Ko cuts. Not the best known period of his career, but a good set JIMMY McGRIFF -The Mean Machine, Groove Merchant GM- meda, MPS MC 21657 (Audiofidelity). Recording was made STEFAN GROSSMAN- Guitar Instrumentals, Kicking Mule KM 3311. For some reason, Sonny Lester has decided to or- for fans and collectors. Best cuts: "Tricky Dicky," "Ring Of take several years back and is a lot like a wide assortment of in- 118. Another LP of good acoustic guitar solos in a folky and Fire," "Fantasy." gan Ming Jimmy McGriff away from his instrument and give struments (violin, electric violin, tenor and soprano sax) and blues vein. Best cuts: "Memphis Jellyroll," "Boogie On Main him an electric piano -synthesizer -clavist base, instead. Al- is joined by his wife's vocals and friends Attila Zoller on gui- Street," "Shuffle Rag," "Mirage." SOUL STIRRERS-Heritage, Jewel LPS 0113. Should be some though this works on about half the cuts, it's not one of the tar, Zbigneiw Seifert on violin and sax, and Tomasz Stanko on interest in this collection of some of the best of one of gos- best performances from this great musician. Still, the tunes fiery trumpet, among others. Best cuts: "Crazy Girl," "Kat- pel's finest groups. Powerful, emotional lead vocals and skill- that do work work well. Best cuts: "The Mean Machine," "Get torna," "No Lovesong At All." ful backup singing against basic instrumentation. Best cuts: Back," "'s Stick." country OSCAR PETERSON -A Rare Mood, BASF MC 20668. There are "We Shall Be Free " "Nearer My God To Thee," "He'll Wel- IWNOIS JACQUET- Birthday Party, JRC 11434. Jam session few pian¢ts around today who can match the touch and skill come Me." NARVEL FELTS -This Time, Hi SHL- 32098. Hi has some old provides the format for some delightful blowing, circa 1975, of this musician. This time he tackles a smattering of jazz as Narvel numbers that should stir enough fan and deejay inter- in re- issue. -Wonderful To Be Alive, ABC - this Liner notes are inept as to where or when this well as pop standards. Backup is Ray Brown on bass and Ed est to land him on the chart. Though not as powerful as the Peacock PLP 59226 (ABC). One of the world's premier gospel all happened, but the music swings. Jacquet's respected Thigpen on drums. Best cuts: "At Long Last Love," "Tin Tin new Narvel material, this captures an interesting stage in his groups offers an example of just how entertaining gospel can tenor is polished and magnificent. Other top names jamming Deo," "Easy Walker," "Foggy Day." career. Best cuts: "This Time," "No One Will Ever Know," be, and how many musical boundaries it can cross when done include: Joe Newman, Art Farmer, Jimmy Smith, Kenny Bur- "It's All In The Game." HANNIBAL, BASF MC 22669. At long last the first LP by Mar- material which should appeal to all rell, Jack Six, Roy Haynes, Gerry Mulligan and James Moody. well. Primarily traditional vin "Hannibal" Peterson. Although he has played with many Eye Shut," "Jesus Came Just In Best cuts: "On The Beach," "Polka Dots & Moon Beams," audineces. Best cuts: "Every top jazzmen like Roy Haynes and Elvin Jones, it wasn't until Low" (a cappella). "Ebb Tide," "The Shadow Of Your Smile." Time," "Swing soul he became part of the dynamic duo (the other being Billy ERNIE HECKSCHER & HIS FAIRMONT ORCHESTRA -Nostalgia JAN HAMMER -Make Love, MPS MC 20688 (Audiofideility). Harper) in the Gil Evans big band, that he began to be no- he really his as a On Nob Hill, Earl EH 1700. After 27 years at San Francisco's THE RIMSHOTS -Down To Earth, Stang ST -1028 (All Plati- Former Mahavishnu Orchestra member Hammer shows his ticed. Now out on his own, shows skill famed hotel, Heckscher knows most of the standards and the num). One of the funkier disco -oriented groups is this self- skill on piano and organ on this live set recorded at the Domi- trumpeter. Best cuts: "Revelation," "Misty," "Soul Brother."

www.americanradiohistory.com The Detroit Legend Has Been Captured "Li e" At Cobo Hall... In An Incredible Two - Record Set! .%y`y;iín

Side One Nutbush City Limits BOB Travelin Man Beautiful Loser Jody Girl SEGER Side Two I've Been Working Turn The Page U.M.C. THE SILVER BULLET BAND

Side Three Ramblin' Gamblin Man `LIVE' BULLET (SKBB-11523) 4111r- Heavy Music Katmandu Inc1uae e a.. Side Four Lookin' Back Get Out Of Denver Let lt Rock "Nutbush City Limits" (4269

www.americanradiohistory.com FOR WEEK ENDING MAY 15, 1976 *Chort Bound MAMMA MIA -Abba (Atlantic 3315) HEAVEN MUST BE MISSING AN ANGEL (Part 1)- Tavares Copyright 1976. Billboard Publications. Inc. No part of this publ (Capitol 4270) cation may be in a reproduced. stored retrieval system. or trans- NUMBER ONE-Billy Swan [Monument 8697 (Columbia - Epic)) mitted in any form or by any means. electronic. mechanical. photo VAYA CON DIOS- Freddy Fender (ABC 'Dot 17627) copying. recording. or otherwise. without the prior written permission of the publiher 0 SEE TOP SINGLE PICKS REVIEWS. page 70

W - W TITLE-Artist =W TITLE-Artist TITLE -Artist -e spa (Distributing Label) " ;sir (Producer) Writer, Label i Number (Distributing Label) `; ; (Producer) Writer, Label L Number (Distributing Label) ;' (Producer) Writer, Label i Number

PEOPLE Trammps 3 14 BOOGIE FEVER- sylvers 39 4 I WANT YOU -Marvin Gaye 79 6 THAT'S WHERE THE HAPPY GO- 4179 CPP * (, T-Boy Ross), L. Ware, T -B. Ross, Tamla 54264 (Motown) ALM (Baker, Harris, Young), R. Baker, Atlantic 3306 CPP (Freddie Perren), K. St. Lewis, F. Perren, Capitol . 2 1 8 WELCOME BACK -John Sebastian 36 36 7 FALLEN ANGEL- Frankie Valli 80 2 IT MAKES ME GIGGLE-John Denver J. Sebastian, (Steve Barri, John Sebastian), (Bob Gaudio), D. Flett, G. Fletcher, Private a Stock 45074 (Milton Okun), J. Denver, RCA 10687 CKM Warner /Reprise 1349 IT TO THE STREETS- Doobie Brothers 43 5 TAKIN' 2 BIGFOOT -Bro Smith B -3 5 6 SILLY LOVE SONGS -wings Bros. 8196 ÿ 83 McDonald, Warner (Ted Templeman), M. WBM Tree 16061 (Paul McCartney), P. McCartney, Capitol 4256 HAN (J.e.P.I.), J. Cash, Big (Atlantic)

IN LOVE -Elvin Bishop 42 5 ONE PIECE AT A TIME Johnny Cash 4 11 FOOLED AROUND AND FELL - 4 SIXTEEN TONS -Don Harrison Band W. Kemp, Columbia 3 -10321 B -3 82 Blank, ), E. Bishop, (Charlie Bragg, Don Davis), * (Allan (Don Harrison Band), M. Travis, Atlantic 3323 B -3 Capricorn 0252 (Warner Bros.) HAN 39 15 14 I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO, I DO -Abbe Melissa Manchester 7 7 LOVE HANGOVER -Diana Ross (B)orn Wows, ), B. Andersson, S. Anderson, 73 78 3 BETTER DAYS - M. Manchester, C.S. Sager, Arista 0183 CPP (Hal Davis), P. Sawyer, M. McLeod, Motown 1392 CPP B. Ulvaeus, Atlantic 3310 CPP /TMM (Vini Poncia),

SHOW ME THE WAY -Peter Frampton 6 6 13 53 5 LOVE IS ALIVE-Gary Wright 84 2 YES, Y YES -Bill Cosby (Peter Frampton), P. Frampton, UM 1795 ALM (Gary Wright), G. Wright, Warner Bros. 8143 WBM (StuStu Gardner),, YE S. Gardner, B. Cosby, Capitolp 4258 8 10 GET UP AND BOOGIE-Silver Convention -Steve Miller Band * (), S. Levay, S. Prager, 45 6 IT'SIT OVER -Bo: Suggsgg 85 Z TAKE THE MONEY AND RUN 1Tai Midlan International 10571 (RCA) ALM (Joe Missed), B. Suggs, Columbia 110319 WBM (Steve Miller), S. Miller, Capitol 4260 WE 8 2 14 RIGHT BACK WHERE 49 5 DON'T STOP IT NOW -Hot Chocolate 86 2 IT'S COOL -Tymes E. Big Tree 16060 (Atlantic) STARTED FROM - Maxine Night ale (Mickie Most), Brown, WBM * (Billy Jackson), M. Yancy, C. Jackson, RCA 10561 CHA (Pierre Tubbs), P. Tubbs, V. Edwards, rolled Artists 2 WBM 43 21 20 ONLY SIXTEEN -Dr. Hook 87 2 AFTERNOON DELIGHT- starland vocal Band DAYS (From The P. amount (Ron Haffkine), S. Cooke, Capitol 4171 CPP 19 7 HAPPY (Milton okun), B. Danoff, Windsong 10588 (RCA) CLM TV Series) -Pratt & McClain 44 25 21 DECEMBER 1963 (Oh What A (Steve Barri, Michael Omartian), N. Gimbel, C. Fos, 2 I'M EASY -Keith Carradine HAN W 89 Warner /Reprise 1351 Night) -Four Seasons (Richard Baskin), K. Carradine, ABC 12111 CPP 1 (Bob Gaudio), B. Gaudio, J. Parker, Warner Bros. /Curb 8168 CPP W 12 12 SHANNON -Henry Gross H. 45002 B-3 79 57 14 LORELEI -sty. (Terry Cashman, ), Gross, Lifesong 45 31 9 SHOUT IT OUT LOUD -Kiss (Styx), D. DeYoung, I. Young, ALM 1786 ALM (Bob Fzrin), G. Simmons, P. Stanley, B. Ezrin, Casablanca 854 ALM lit 13 9 TRYIN' TO GET THE FEELING AGAIN -Barry Manilow (Ron Dante, Barry Manilow), D. Pomeranz, Arista 0172 WBM tit, From 56 3 ROCK AND ROLL LOVE LETTER -Bay City Rollers 90 2 MAKING OUR DREAMS COME TRUE (Theme T. Moore, Arista 0185 CHA -Daryl Hall L John Oates (Colin Frechter), " "Laverne & Shirley ") -cyndi Greco 14 16 SARA SMILE (Christopher Bond, Daryl Hall, lohn Oates), D. Hall, J. Oates, (Charles Fox, lanna Merlyn Feliciano for Mother Music Prod.), Johnson RCA 10530 CHA 72 3 I'LL BE GOOD TO YOU- Brothers C. Fox, Gimble, Private Stock 45086 HAN (), G. Johnson, L. Johnson, S. Sam, HAM 1806 HAN TO CRY Rolling Stones 20 4 FOOL - TODAY'S THE DAY - America Twins), K. Richard, M. Jagger, ' IN LOVE AGAIN -Eric Carmen (Glimmer 60 3 NEVER GONNA FALL (George Martin), D. Peek, Warner Bros. 8212 WBM Rolling Stones 19304 (Atlantic) WBM (Jimmy lenner), E. Carmen, Arista 0184 WBM

61 I 22 TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT Eagles Itt 17 9 MISTY BLUE - Dorothy Moore 49 50 8 FALLING APART AT THE SEAMS - Marmalade 82 - B. Montgomery, Malaco 1029 (TK) HAN (BillBill Srymczyk), R. Meisner, D. Henley,y, G. Asylum 45293 WBM (Tommy Couch, lames Stroud), (Tom Macaulay), T. Macaulay, Ariola America 7619 (Capitol)l) ALM 15 16 10 STRANGE MAGI,C- uectric Light Orchestla 50 55 5 CRAZY ON YOU -Heart I.O.U. -jimmy Dean (Jeff Lynne), J. LynrlUnited Artists 770 - B -3 _ (Mike Flicker), A. Wilson, N. Wilson, Mushroom 7021 CPP (Jack Widenmann, J. Herron), L. Marken, J. Dean, Casino 052 (GRT) Itt 18 11 RHIANNON (Wi ou Évér Win)- Fleetwood Mac 1 GOODBYE Manhattans ARE BACK IN TOWN -Thin Lazy (Fleetwood Mac, Keith Oboe), Nicks, Warner /Reprise 1345 CPP W 66 5 KISS AND SAY - THE BOYS (Manhattans Prod. L Bobby Martin), W. Lovett, Columbia 110310 B -3 (John Alcock), Lynott, Mercury 73786 ( Phonogram) WBM 17 9 16 LET YOUR LOVE FLOW - Bellamy Brothers CPP (Phil Gernhard, Tony Scotti), L.E. Williams, Warner Bros. /Curb 8169 65 5 MOONLIGHT FEELS RIGHT- Starbuck 85 88 4 KENTUCKY MOONRUNNER - Cledus Haggard Blackman, Private Stock 45039 * (Bruce Blackman, Mike Clark), B. L The Citizen's Band Johnnie Taylor 18 10 15 DISCO LADY - ` Huguely, J. Kennedy, Mercury 73789 ( Phonogram) CHA Kennedy), I. CPP (terry (Don Davis), H. Scales, L. Vance, D. Davis, Columbia 3 -10281 53 41 20 DREAM WEAVER -Gary Wright (Gary Wright), G. Wright, Warner Bros. 8167 WBM r=r1 19 11 20 BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY -Queen TEAR THE ROOF OFF THE SUCKER - Parliament (Roy Thomas), Mercury, Elektra 45297 B -3 * (George Clinton), G. Clinton, B. Collins, J. Brailey, Casablanca 856 64 3 STILL CRAZY AFTER ALL THESE YEARS -Paul Simon 24 11 HAPPY MUSIC- Blackbyrds (Paul Simon, Phil Ramone), P. Simon, Columbia 3 -10332 i itt 98 2 SAVE YOUR KISSES FOR ME- Brotherhood of Man (Donald Byrd), D. Byrd, Fantasy 762 HAN LONELY NIGHT (Angel Face) -Captain & Tennille W * (Tony Hiller), T. Hiller, L. Sheridan, M. Lee, Pye 71066 CPP 55 44 17 28 6 LOVE IN THE SHADOWS -Neil Sedaka (Daryl Dragon, Toni Tennille), N. Sedaka, A&M 1782 WBM (Neil Sedaka, Robert Appere), N. Sedaba, P. Cody, Rocket 40543 (MCA) 88 91 4 IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME-Yvonneon Fair WBM 56 46 12 THERE'S A KIND OF HUSH (All( Over The (Norman Whitfield), N. Whitfield, W. Stevenson, MotownMotowwrn 1323 CPP 26 9 YOUNG BLOOD -Bad Company World)- Carpenters THE MAGIC - (Bad Company), Lieber, Stoller, Tomus, Swan Song 70108 (Atlantic) B -3 (Richard Carpenter), L. Reed, G. Stephens, A&M 1800 B -3 89 94 3 YOU GOT (John Fogerty), 1. Fogerty, Elektra 45309 23 10 COME ON OVER- ofivia Newton -John 23 WBM 57 47 11 LIVIN' FOR THE WEEKEND- o'Jays (John Farrar), B. Gibb, R. Gibb, MCA 40525 C. (Kenneth Gamble, Leon Huff), K. Gamble, L Huff, Gilbert, NEW ygy MUSIC -John Miles Philadelphia International 3587 (Columbia /Epic) B-3 (Alan Parsons), 1. Miles, London 20086 CPP 24 22 21 SWEET LOVE - Commodores (James Carmichael, Commodores), L. Richie, Commodores, GET CLOSER -Seals & Crofts Motown 1381 CPP 69 5 91 92 6 THE FONZ SONG -The Heyettes (aaa -ettes) (Louie Shelton), J. Seals, D. Crofts, Warner Bros. 8190 WBM (Jackie Mills), M.S. Fein, London 232 29 7 LOVE REALLY HURTS 59 48 20 SWEET THING -Rums Featuring Chaka Khan - WITHOUT YOU -Billy Ocean CPP 92 93 6 I WANT TO STAY WITH YOU - Gallagher & Lyle (Rufus), T. Maiden, C. Khan, ABC 12149 ALM (Ben Findon), B. Findon, L. Charles, Ariola America/ (David Kirshenbaum), Gallagher & Lyle, A&M 1778 GTO 7621 (Capitol) B -3 70 4 THINKING OF YOU -Paul Davis CPP 93 95 4 THIS IS IT -Melba Moore MORE, MORE, MORE (Part 1)- Andrea True Connection (Paul Davis), P. Davis, Bang 724 (Web IV) 30 10 V. Buddah 519 WBM CPP (Van McCoy), McCoy, (Gregg Diamond), G. Diamond, Buddah 515 1 W 73 6 TURN THE BEAT AROUND -Vicki Sue Robinson 27 27 8 DON'T PULL YOUR LOVE /THEN (Warren Schatz), P. Jackson, G. Jackson, RCA 10562 HAN 94 96 3 LET HER IN -John Travolta Reno), G. Benson, Midland International 10623 (RCA) ALM YOU CAN TELL ME GOODBYE -Glen Campbell (Bob Aerosmith (Dennis lambert, Brian Potter), D. Lambert, B. Potter/ 62 51 19 DREAM ON- CPP (Adran Barber for Frank Connelly & Contemporary I CAN MAKE IT ON MY OWN -Tammy Wynette J. Loudermilk, Capitol 4245 95 99 3 'TIL WBM Communications Corp.), S. Tyler, Columbia 310278 (Billy Sherrill), T. Wynette, B. Sherrill, G. Richey, 32 15 UNION MAN -Cate Brothers Epic 8 -50196 (Columbia) CPP (Steve Cropper), E. Cate. E. Cate, S. Cropper. Asylum 45294 WBM 75 3 DANCE WIT ME -Rufus Featuring Chaka Khan (Rufus), G. Christopher, ABC 12179 WBM * smokes Robinson 33 8 I'VE GOT A FEELING (We'll Be Seeing 96 100 2 OPEN - (Smokey Robinson), W. Robinson, N. Tarplin, -Donna Summer Each Other Again) -AI Wilson 74 3 COULD IT BE MAGIC P. Moffett, Tamla 54267 (Motown) CPP B. (Marc Gordon), C. Hampton, H. Banks, Playboy 6062 ALM (, Pete Bellotte for Say Yes Prod.), Manilow, R. Anderson, Oasis 405 (Casablanca) CPP 34 8 HURT /FOR THE HEART -Elvis Presley 97 58 23 DEEP PURPLE -Donny & Marie Osmond tr B P. De Rose, M. Parish, Kolob 14840 (MGM) B -3 (Not Listed), J. Crane, A. Jacobs /D. Linde, RCA 10601 -3 65 67 4 LOOKIN' OUT FOR #1- Bachman Turner Overdrive (Mike Curb), (Randy Bachman), R. Bachman, Mercury 73784 (Phonogram) CPP 40 3 SHOP AROUND- Captain & Tennille 98 59 14 ACTION -Sweet (The Captain, Toni Tennille), W. Robinson, B. Gordy, R &M 1817 CPP 66 52 6 WHEN LOVE HAS GONE AWAY -Richard Cocciante (Sweet For Chinebridge Ltd.), Scott, Priest, Connelly, Tucker, M. Laberti, D. Booby, Capitol 4220 WBM 37 7 MOVIN' -Brass Construction (Catherine Arnoul), R. Cocciante, 20th Century 2275 HAN (Jeff Lane), R. Mueller, W. Williamso ited Artists 775 CPP 99 62 7 EVERYDAY WITHOUT 33 35 7 JVYTIME (I'll Be There) -Paul Anka 67 54 8 CAN'T HIDE LOVE -Earth, Wind & Fire YOU -Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds enn L Diante), P. Anka. United Artists 789 MCA (Maurice White, Charles Stepney), S. Scarbrough, [( (Hamilton, Joe Frank & Reynolds), D. Hamilton, Playboy 6068 CPP Columbia 310309 CHA /HAN 1 38 6 BARETTA'S THEME (Keep our Eye W MONEY HONEY-Bay City Rollers On The Sparrow) - Rhythm Heritage 68 68 5 -1. Geils Band 100 63 15 (Phil Wainman), Faulkner & Wood, Arista 0170 CPP (Steve Barri, Michael Omartian), M. Ames, D. Grusin, ABC 12177 MCA ( ), B. Holland, L. Dozier, E. Holland, Atlantic 3320 CPP Upward movement 4. STAR PERFORMERS: Stars are awarded on the Hot 100 chart based on the fo lowing upward movement. 1 -10 Strong Increase In sales / 1 -20 Upward movement of 4 positions / 21 -30 of 6 posi- t ons / 31 -40 Upward movement of 8 positions / 41 -100 Upward movement of 10 positions. Previous week's starred positions are maintained withou a star if the product is in a holding period. This will, in some cases, block out products which would normally move up with a star. In such cases, products will be awarded a star without the required upward movement noted above. Recording Industry Assn. Of America seal of certi- fication as 'million seller." (Seal indicated by bullet.) - Recording Industry Assn. Of America seal of certification as "two million seller." (Seal indicated by triangle.)

Sheet music suppliers are confined to piano /vocal sheet music copies and do not purport to represent mixed publications distribut ion. ALF = Alfred Publishing; ALM = Almo Publications; A -R = Acuff Rose; B -M = Belwin Mills; BB = Big Bells; B -3 = Big Three Pub.; CHA = Chappell Music; CLM = Cherry Lane Music Co.; CPI = Cimino Pub.; CPP = Columbia Pictures Pub.; FMC = Frank Music Corp.; HAN = Hansen Pub.; IMM = Ivan Mogull Music; MCA = MCA Music; PSP = Peer Southern Pub.; PLY = Plymouth Music; PSI = Publishers Sales Inc.; WBM = Warner Bros. Music

Fa eA, Anngel (Big Secret who. I've Got A Feeling (We'll Be Seeing Love In The Shadows (Don Rhiannon (WUl You Ever Win) Sweet Love (Jobete /Commodores, The Focz Song ( Adamo. ASCAP) 91 HOT 100 A- Z- (Publisher- Licensee) BMU 29 Kirshner. BMI /Kushner Songs, (Rockhopper, ASCAP) 16 ASCAP) 36 Each Omer Again) (Irving, 24 Today's The Day (Warner Bros., 21 Action (Sweet /Warner Bros., would It On Magic (Kamikaze Angel Fooled Around And Fell In Love I'll Be Good To You (Kldada/ Right Back Where We Started From Sweet Thing (American ASCAP) 81 47 Love Is Alive (Warner Bros., ASCAP) 98 Dust. BMI) 64 (Crabshaw. ASCAP) 4 Goulgers. BMI) (ATV /Universal Songs. BMI) 8 Broadcasting, ASCAP) 59 ASCAP) 40 Try,n' To Get The Feeling Again Delight (Cherry Lane, On You (Andorra. ASCAP) 50 Fool To Cry (Promopub B.V I Want To Stay With You (Irving, Rock And Roll Love Letter Afternoon Crazy Love Really Hurts Without You Taken' It To The Streets ( Turren merlan /Upward 77 13 BMI) 92 (Audustin /Ackee, ASCAP) 46 ASCAP) Dance Wit Me (MoCnsp, ASCAP) 63 ASCAP) (Black 25 Tunes. BMI) 37 S ar e BMI) On There) (Dawnbreaker, BMI) 58 I Want You (Almo, Jobete. ASCAP) 35 Sara Smile (Unichappell, BMI) 12 Anytime (I'll (Spanka. December 1963 (0h What A Night) Get Closer Making Our Dreams Cme True Take The Money And Run (Sailor, Turn The Beat Around (Sunbury- 33 Save Your Kisses For (seasons /Jobete, ASCAP) 44 Get Up And Boogie (Midsong, Kentucky Moonrunner BMI) 80 Me ASCAP) 75 Dunbar, BMI) 61 ASCAP) (Easy Listening. ASCAP) 87 Baretta's Theme (Keep Your Eyes ASCAP) 7 (Unichappell. 85 -Misty Blue 1 mont, BMI) 14 Deep Purple (Robbins. ASCAP) 97 Tear The Roof Off The Sucker Union Man (New York Times / Levelland On The Sparrow) (Leeds, (Burin. BMI) 9 Kiss And Say Goodbye Money Honey (Hudson Bay. BMI) 100 Shannon (Blendingwell, ASCAP) 10 Disco Lady (Groovesvdle. BMI/ Happy Days ( Malbiz & Ricks, ASCAP/ Duchess, BMI) 34 BMI) 86 BMI). 28 Conquistador. ASCAP) 18 Happy Days (Elgy, BMI) 20 (Nattahnam /Blackwood, BMI) 51 Moonlight Feels Right (Brother Shop Around (Jobete, ASCAP) 31 Days (Rumanian That's Where The Happy People Go Welcome Back (John Sebastian, Better /Then You ASCAP) 30 Let Her In ( Midsong, ASCAP) 94 Bill's, ASCAP) 52 Show Me The Way (Almo /Fram- York Don't Pull You Love Can Hurt (Miller. (Burma East. BM() 69 BMI) 2 Pickleworks, Columbia /New Let Your Love Flow (Loaves and More. More. More (Part I) Dee, ASCAP) 6 73 Tell Me Goodbye (ABC /Dunhill. I Do. I Do. I Do. I Do. I Do Times, BMI) (Buddah /Gee Diamond /MRI. 'Tel I Can Make It On My Own When Love Has Gone Away 71 AMI /AcullRose. BMI) 27 (Countless. 39 Fishes, BMI) 17 Shout It Out Loud (Cage Aigfoot (Cascargo, BMI) AMI) ASCAP) 26 (Algee /Allan, BMI) 95 (Sunbury. ASCAP) 66 Don't Stop It Now (Finchley, /Easy, Livie' For The Weekend (Mighty Americana /Rock Steady, ASCAP) 45 Bohemian Rhapsody (B. Feldman/ I'm Easy (Lion's Gate Movie' (Desert Moon /JeffMar, The Boys Are Back In Town Where Did Our Love Go (Jobete, 42 78 Three, BMI) 57 Silly Love Songs (MPL As Trident. ASCAP) 19 ASCAP) ASCAP) BMI) 32 (0.5.0., ASCAP) 84 ASCAP) 68 83 Lonely Night (Angel Face) (Don Communications, BMI) 3 Boogie Fever (Perren-Vibes. Dream On (Frank Connelly / Daksel, I.O.U. (Plainview. BMI) Music (Velvet/RAK. PRS) 90 Yes, Yes, Yes (Turtle Head, BMn 74 Kirshner, BMI) 55 Sixteen Tons (Unichappell /Elvis There's A Kind Of Hush (All Over ASCAP /Bull Pen, BMI) 1 BMI) 62 it Makes Me Giggle (Cherry Lane Never Gonna Fall In Love Again YouuGAtP The Magic (Greasy King, Presley, 72 The World) (Glenwood, ASCAP),.. 56 Everyday Without You (Spitfire, ASCAP) 70 Lookin' Out For wt (Ranback /Tap (C.A.M..U.S.A., BMI) 48 BMI) 89 Can't Hide Love (Alerscar/ This Is It (Van McCoy /Warner 67 BMI) 99 It's ( Bea Sca gg_s, ASCAP) Soil. BMn 65 One Piece At A Time (Tree, BMn 38 Still Crazy After All These Years Unichappell, BMI) (Tier 41 Tammerlane. BMI) 93 Young Blood (Quintotte/ (Alreo ASCAP) 79 (Kegs, 43 (Paul Simon. BMI) 54 Come On Over (Casserole. Flamm Falling Apart At The Seams (Almo It Should Have Been Me (Stone Lorelei /Stygiae, Only Sixteen BMI) Unichappell, Fred Bienstock, 96 Strange Magic (Unart/Jet. BMI)..... 15 Thinking Of You (Web IV. BMI) 60 BMI) 23 Macaulay /ASCAP) 49 Agate, BMI) 88 Love Hangover (Jobete. ASCAP) 5 Open (Jobete /Bertram. ASCAP) BMI) 22 A reflection of Nat ional Sales and programming activity by sel ected dealers, one -stops and radio stations as compiled by the Charts Department of Billboard www.americanradiohistory.com JOHN MILES



"As a first album, this is stunning. Truly it's a sensational debut." AN EDITED VERSION Melody Maker 3:20 SHIPPING THIS WEEK "Outstanding effort! This album touches upon greatness. Miles blends sounds ever so effectively, displaying a marvelous sense of "An exceptionally well constructed tune. timing and punctuation. Confidence and Each segment is held together with lucid magic permeate the grooves:' production polish. A triumph!" Radio & Records Record World- Singles Review

"Miles could potentially fill the gap that has "Miles has come up with an excellent long existed between some of the more single:' "The tune is sophisticated- really electronic rockers and AM play." a musical gem" Billboard Cash Box - Singles Review

"Rebel' is a presentation of ultra -clean "Gary Taylor - pick hit" production and vocals, tasty guitar and Gavin Report keyboard lines, and credible lyrics." Cash Box

"It is that first side that will win him his fans and propel him (together with co- songwriter Bob Marshall) to stardom :' Record World -Album Review

tO`p0`r® PS 669 RECORDS & TAPES

www.americanradiohistory.com FOR WEEKi ENDING MAY 15, 1976

Cepyrght 1976. Bdiboa d Pubhte6dns.oa in no pert of this pubh

catron mar tx reproduced stored in a uh,eral system. or bans - m,ttad.In My form Or by any TOMS. Sertromc mechanical, photo copyint recording. or otherwise- .,thout the prior wrtten petmisslon of the publisher "©Compiled from ational Retail Stores by the Music Popularity SUGGESTED LIST Chart Department and the PRICE Record Market Research De- partment of Billboard.

ARTIST Title Label, Number (Dist. Label)

UROWNG STONES Black And Blue Rolling Stones COC 79104 (Atlantic) e 2 6 WINGS AT THE SPEED OF SOUND Capitol SW 11525

3 16 PETER FRAMPTON Frampton Comes Alive A&M SP 3703 738 938

1 4 LED ZEPPEUN Presence Swan Song SS 8416 (Atlantic) 737 7.97


I Want You Iamb T6-342 Sl (Motown) L98 738 fD 4 11 EAGLES Their Greatest Hits 1971 -1975 Asylum 7E1052 m 7.97 7.97

6.98 7.97 7.97 s

6.98 7.98 7.98 7.98

L98 7.97 7.97 10 7.98 7.19


6.98 7.98 7.99

17 7.99 7.98


198 7.98 7.98 14 ®® 1( Nig t At The Opera Elektm 7E-1053 7.97 737 718 7M 738 17 11 BROTHERS JOHNSON Look Out For #1 MM SP 4567 LIS 7.98 735 735 8 6 Amigos Amigos Columbia PC 33576 7.91 7.98 ]m EAU & CROFTS 1916 BLACKBYRDS Get Closer City Life Warner Bros. 8S 2901 Fantasy F 9490 7.98 7.98 CAROLE KING 28 © AMERICA Thoroughbred Hideaway Ode SP 77034 (A&M) Warner Bros. BS 2932 7.97 7.97 53 24 EARTH, WIND S FIRE 1 ® PARLIAMENT Gratitude Mothership Connection Columbia PG 33694 7.98 &.98 Casablanca NBLP 7022 L38 7.91 7.98 48 9 IWE NELSON ELVIN BISHOP he Sound In Your Mind ©17 ROY AYERS UBIQUITY Struttin' My Stuff Lone Star KC 34092 (Columbia) 5.98 6.98 Capricorn CP 0165 (Warner Bros.) 7.97 7.97 Mystic Voyage 32 KISS Polydor PD 57 THE CAPTAIN & TENNILLE live! IN UZZY Song Of Joy Casablanca NBLP 1020 7.98 7.98 A&M SP 4570 631 7.98 7.98 ailbreak 38 41 AEROSMITH Mercury SRM- 11081 (Phonogram) ROBIN TROWER Columbia PC 32005 Live 6.98 7.98 Chrysalis COR 1089 (Warner Bros.) 7.97 ® 15 DAVID BOWIE Station To 0 BOZ SCAGGS Station RCA APLI -1327 191 7.95 Silk Degrees 39 Columbia PC 33920 D NUGENT Epic PE 33692 (Columbia) 6.98 OE WALSH You Can't Argue 59 59 10 PURIM With A Sick Mind Ipenpen Your Eyes You Can Fly : MD 932 Milestone 9065 (Fantasy) L98 I

1 ss OLVER CONVEIMON 60 43 47 E EAGLES Midland Intemational BKL1-1369 (RCA) t ne Of These Nights lum 7E-1039 6.98 7.98 2 NAZARETH 2h Close Enough For Rock 'N' Roll 61 42 28 OMMODORES MM SP '4562 ovin' On 27 24 24 RUFUS FEATURING Mo,own M6.848 SI CHAKA KHAN ABC ABCD 909 Ús A Wink Capitol ST 11496 L98 20 39 GARY WRIGHT ,wé The Dream Weaver LEN CAMPBELL Warner Bros. BS 2868 Bloodline 17 BOB DYLAN "III Capitol ST 11516 s Desire Columbia PC 33893

DONNA SUMMER A Love Trilogy Oasis OCLP 5004 (Casablanca) L98 MIN

:ETNrHISOf The Tail ojo ilo t . MIN 7 91 22 COMPANY Run With The Pack Swan Song SS 8415 (Atlantic) 111111111 ® 9 BAY CITY ROLLERS Rock N' Roll Love Letter Arista AL 4071 L98 7.91 7.98 8 JESSE d YOUNG On The Road Warner Bros. BS 2913 6.98 7.97 7.97

35 15 AYLON JENNINGS, WIWE NELSON JESSI COLTER, TOMPALL GLASER The Outlaws RCA APL1-1321 o 1 11 -20 movement of 4 positions/ 21 -30 Upward movement STAR PERFORMERS: Stars are awarded on the Top LP's 8t Tape chart based on the following upward movement. -10 Strong Increase In sales / Upward week's starred positions are maintained without a star if the product is in a holding period. This will, in some 6 positions / 31-40 Upward movement of 8 positions / 41 -100 Upward movement of 10 positions. Previous movement noted above. Recording Industry Assn. Of America seal for cases, block out products which would normally move up with a star. In such cases. products will be awarded a star without the required upward tr Assn. Of America seal audit available and optional sales of 5000o0 units (RAM indicated by bullet.) Recording Industry Asan.Of America seal for sales of 1.000,000 units. (Seal indicated by triangle.) Recording Industry to all manufacturers. www.americanradiohistory.com HENRY THE EIGHTH, JULES VERNE, KING ARTHUR, AND NOW RICK WAKEMAN. "No Earthly Connection" is Rick Wakeman's most exciting and expressive album yet. Rick and his new band, The English Rock Ensemble, convey a futuristic musical autobiography that at times could be described as space -age boogie. As Melody Maker recently said, "Gone from his music are elab- orate sections and melodramatic airs. In their place -a rich vein of writing expressed with power:' "No Earthl y Connection ": Down to earth Rick Wakeman.


www.americanradiohistory.com r'" -11 _7 m _r_t r POSITION SU GGESTED IST S 106-200 L SUGGESTED LIST Co yright 1976. PRICE Billboard Pubiications. Irc No part of this p4blicabon may be reproduced. PRICE stored in STAR PERFORMER a retrieval system. or transmitted. in any form or by any means. electronic. mechani- -LP's hotocopying. registering greatest ecording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the proportion- boa blis her ate upward progress this week. Compiled from z National Retail SUGGESTED LIST PRICE ARTIST z Ú } Z Stores by the Music Popularity 2 < W ARTIST 2 U á Ñ Title rn < W Chart Department oa cc Title < fn and the Ú tO Record Market Research Label, Number (Dot. Label) I- Q Ú De- < o) Label, Number (Dist. Label) lea partment b V < rb W É of Billboard. f t7 Ú ARTIST z JOHN KLEMMER 2 < < 169 168 AEROSMITH Q CO Touch Title _ fr Get Your Wings U ABC ABCD 922 198 7.95 7.95 Label, Number (Dist. Label) Columbia PC 32847 3 á v m ó Ú 1911 7.96 7.98 7.96 7.99 138 101 61 JANIS IAN 106 170 123 11 BARBRA STREISAND 98 24 HELEN REDDY'S Between The Lines GREATEST HITS Classical Barbra Columbia PC 33394 6.911 7.91 7.96 7.99 Columbia M 33452 7.93 711 Capitol ST 11467. 191 1.98 1.98 * 156 3 THE MANHATTANS 171 147 11 JOHNNY WINTER 107 87 9 Al. GREEN Columbia PC 33820 6.98 7.91 7.91 Captured Live Full Of Fire Blue Sky PI 33944 (Columbia /Epic) L 7.98 7.98 Hi HSL 32097 (London) 6.98 7.91 7.91 140 126 15 BE BOP DELUXE Sunburst Finish 172 172 4 GARY WRIGHT 8 108 1 28 JOHN DENVER Hirvest ST-11478 (Capitol) SPOOKY TOOTH Greatest Hits 6.91 7.98 7.98 That Was Only Yesterday RCA CPU -0374 191 7.95 735 151 2 VAN McCOY A &M SP 3528 LN 7.91 7.N itf The Real McCoy TUBES 173 153 15 JOAN BAEZ Young And Rich HUL HL 69012 LN 7.97 7.97 com* HEM SP 4580 LN 7.98 152 19 ARCHIE BELL & THE DRELLS A&M SP3704 7.98 9.N 9.N 138 Tsop PZ 33844 (Epic /Columbia) 49 PAUL McCARTNEY & WINGS 19S 7.N 174 107 27 DAVID RUFFIN Venus And Mars Who I Am Capitol SMAS 11419 BEST OF ROD STEWART 638 7.N 7.N 738 Motown M6-849 SI LN Mercury 50M-2-7507 738 19 8.9 7.98 7.98 44 175 108 15 PURE PRAIRIE LEAGUE 155 3 WILLIAM Red Octopus * If The Shoe Fits Grunt BFLI -0999 (RCA) 7.N 7.9 Stretchin' Out In LN 7.9 7.N RCA APLI 1247 LN 7.98 7.9 7.95 7.95 Bootsy's Rubber Band 112 119 78 ELTON JOHN 176 180 20 BACHMAN- Warner Bros. BS 2920 1N 7.97 7.97 TURNER OVERDRIVE Greatest Hits Head On MCA 2128 LN 7.N 7.98 145 125 16 LOGGINS & MESSINA Mercury SRM 11067 (Phonogram) LN 7.9 7.9 7.9I Native Son 113 118 11 CREEDENCE CLEARWATER 177 177 13 MICHEL POLNAREFF Columbia PC 33578 REVIVAL L98 7.98 7.99 7.98 Atlantic SD 18153 LN 7.97 7.97 Chronicle 146 146 27 SEALS & CROFTS 178 182 2 HERBIE MANN Featuring Fantasy CCR -2 1N 7.98 738 Greatest Hits Warner Bros. BS 2886 114 102 23 PAUL ANKH LN 7.97 7.97 Surprises Times Atlantic Of Your Life 147 127 15 ELVIS PRESLEY SD 1682 LN 7.97 7.97 United Artists UA-LA569-G 6.N 7.98 7.98 A Legendary Performer, 179 185 7 WET WIWE 115 117 27 GROVER WASHINGTON JR. Volume 2 The Wetter The Better RCA CPL1d349 711 Feels So Good 8.95 19 Capricorn CP 0166 (Warner Bros.) LN 7.97 7.97 Kudu KU 24 S1 (Motown) LN 7.91 7.N * 158 5 STATUS QUO BELLAMY BROTHERS JOE COCKER Capitol ST 11509 LN 7.N 7.98 FEATURING Stingray "LET YOUR LOVE FLOW" 149 148 70 EAGLES A&M SP 4574 618 7.N 7.N Warner Bros. BS 2941 LN Desperado 7.97 7.97 6 VICKI SUE ROBINSON 181 181 23 Asylum SD 5068 LN 7.97 7.97 HAROLD MELVIN & Never Gonna Let You Go THE BLUE NOTES RCA APL1-1256 1N 7.95 7.95 150 150 34 BAY CITY ROLLERS Wake Up Everybody Mote AL 4049 1N 7.N Phila. Intl. PI 33808 (Epic /Columbia) 118 120 27 DONALD BYRD zN 638 7.N 7.98 7.98 Places And Spaces 151 132 22 TOM SCOTT MIN SEBASTIAN Blue Note BN- LA549-G (United Mists) 7.98 7.98 New York Connection Welcome Home Warner /Reprise MS 2249 CHARLIE DANIELS BAND Ode SP 77033 (A&M) 6.N 7.98 7.98 7.97 7.97 Saddle Tram 176 2 WILLIE NELSON ROY BUCHANAN Epic PE34150 (Columbia) LN 718 738 Live A Street Called Straight Atlantic SD 18170 7.97 120 104 14 JOURNEY RCA APL11407 198 7.95 7.95 7.97 Look Into The Future TODD RUNDGREN 153 116 29 DONNA SUMMER Columbia PC 33904 6.98 7.98 7.98 Faithful Love To Love You Baby Bearsville BR 6963 (Warner Bros.) 7.97 7.97 THE ALAN PARSONS PROJECT Oasis OCLP 5003 (Casablanca) 1N 7.98 7.98 185 *en* Tales Of Mystery & Imagination 112 32 NEIL SEDAKA 154 154 14 BARRY WHITE 20th Century T 508 LN 7.N 7.N The Hungry Years Let The Play Rocket PIG Music 2157 (MCA) 7.98 7.98 135 6 HEART 20th Century I 5 2 6.N 738 7.N Dreamboat Annie STEVE GOODMAN 165 Words We Can Dance Mushroom MRS 5005 LN 2 MELBA MOORE To * This Is It Elehtra 7E 1060 6.98 7.97 7.97 133 4 Buddah BDS 5657 6.98 7.95 187 130 14 American Pastime Havana Daydreamin' ABC ABCD 928 7.95 156 159 6 MAC DAVIS LN 7.95 ABC ABCD 914 Forever Lovers 6.98 7.95 7.95 124 124 67 DAVID BOWIE Columbia PC 34105 L91 7.98 7.N 7.98 138 121 30 MIRACLES The Rise & Fall City Of Angels Of Ziggggyy Stardust 157 157 4 KISS Tamla 16.339 SI (Motown) 638 7.98 (Sppttirs7From Mars) Casablanca NBLP 7001 LN 7.N 7.N 189 122 15 THE BEST OF GLADYS KNIGHT 6.98 1.95 7.9 * 169 3 MICHAEL PINDER AND THE PIPS 136 40 PETER FRAMPTON The Promise 7.95 7.45 Frampton Threshold THS 18 (London) LN 7.9 7.9 190 184 267 CAROLE KING A&M SP 4512 6.98 7.911 7.98 159 164 5 HANK CRAWFORD Tapestry DR. HOOK Ode SP 77009 (A8M) 7.98 7.98 7.98 iN I Hear A Symphony A Little Bit More Kudo KU 26 S1 (Motown) LN 7.N 7.98 191 192 2 ASHFORD & SIMPSON Capitol ST 11512 6.98 7.N 7.N Come As You Are 170 2 C.W. McCALL 127 86 38 NATALIE Warner Bros BS 2858 198 7.97 COLE Wilderness 7.97 Inseparable 192 139 87 EAGLES Polydor PD 6069 LN 7.98 7.N Capitol ST 11429 6.N 7311 7.98 On The Border 173 Asylum 7E-1004 128 91 47 BEE GEES 3 NANCY WILSON 638 7.98 7.98 7.98 738 This Mother's Daughter Main Course 193 179 5 PABLO CRUISE Capitol ST 11518 7.98 RSO SO 4807 (Atlantic) LN 7.97 7.97 7.N Lifeline R&M SP 4575 129 134 8 AL DIMEOLA 162 142 14 BARRY LYNDON /ORIGINAL 6.98 738 Land Of The Midnight Sun SOUNDTRACK RECORDING 194 STANKY BROWN GROUP Columbia PC 34074 7.N 7.N Warner Bros. BS 2903 7.97 7.97 Our Pleasure To Serve You Sire SASO 7516 (ABC/ 7.95 7.95 140 2 JOHN DAVID SOUTHER 163 162 43 SWEET T Black Rose Desolation Boulevard 195 197 2 SUTHERUIND BROTHERS Asylum 7E-1059 LN 7.97 7.97 Capitol ST 11395 LN 7.N 7.N & QUIVER Reach For The Sky 131 131 6 JEAN-LUC PONTY 164 167 3 THE DON HARRISON BAND Columbia PC 33982 Aurora LN 7.98 7.98 Atlantic SO 18174 6.98 7.97 7.97 Atlantic SD 18165 638 7.97 7.97 196 195 42 KC & THE SUNSHINE BAND 165 115 14 JERRY GARCIA Te 603 6.91 143 6 BILLY COBHAM 738 7.98 iY Reflections Life & Times 197 198 34 PINK FLOYD Round RK-1A565-G (United Mists) 193 7.98 7.98 Atlantic SD 18166 6.98 7.97 7.97 Wish You Were Here Columbia PC 33453 7.98 718 7311 144 2 FIREFALL 166 106 12 BRECKER BROTHERS LN 738 Bt( Back To Back 198 MARTHA Atlantic SD 18174 LN 7.97 7.97 VELEZ Arista AL 4061 6.98 7.98 7.98 7.911 7.98 Escape From Babylon 134 114 10 MARIA MULDAUR Sire SASO 7515 (ABC) 1911 7.95 7.95 Sweet Harmony 167 171 WILUE NELSON Wamer/Reprise MS 2235 LN 7.97 7.97 Odyssey Mercury SRM 1 1049 (Phonogram) 6.98 7.95 7.95 Red Headed Stranger 145 4 FOOLS GOLD Columbia KC 33482 598 6.98 179 5 Morning Sky ML 5500 (Arista) LN 7.95 7.95 tr ONE FLEW OVER THE CUCKOO'S NEST/ SCOTT JOPLIN'S 136 137 8 WISHBONE ASH Original Motion Picture TREEMONISHA/ORIGINAL Locked In Soundtrack CAST RECORDING Atlantic SD 18164 L98 7.97 7.97 Gunther Gchuller Fantasy F 9500 6.98 7.95 7.95 DGG 2707 083 (Polydor) 15.96

Harry Chapin 88 AI Green 107 Bob Ma ley 40 Vicki Sue Robinson 177 TOP LPs &TAPE Chicago 66 Henry Gross 75 Barbra Streisand 170 C.W. McCall 160 Rolling Stones Joe Cocker 116 Daryl Hall &John Oates 49 1 Styx 80 A- z (LISTED BY ARTISTS) Harold Melvin 181 Diana Ross 12 Natalie Cole 127 Emmylou Harris 72 Donna Summer 30, 153 Miracles 188 David Ruffin 174 Aerosmith 56, 169 Billy Cobham 132 Don Harrison Supremes 119 164 Melba Moore 155 Rufus Paul Anka 114 William Bootsy Collins 144 Heart 27 Sutherland Bros. &Quiver 195 122 Maria Muldaur 134 America 18,43 Commodores 61 Todd Rundgren 184 Sweet Dr. Hook 126 Nazareth 62, 163 Ashford 8, Simpson 191 26, 84 Rush 83 Chick Corea 69 Nektar Sylvers 64 Ftoy Ayers so Hank Crawford 159 103 Leon & Mary Russell 78 Johnnie Taylor Waylon Jennings /Willie Nelson 35 Willie Nelson 54, 152, Bachman-Turner 176 Creedence Clearwater Revival 113 199 Salsoul Orch 50 Temptations Janis Ian 93, 138 Ted 39 Bad Co Nugent 58 Santana 16 32 Mac Davis 156 Bros. Johnson 15 Thin Limy 91 Laura Nyro 74 Boz Scaggs 23 Joan Baez 173 John Denver 96, 108 Elton John 112 Three Dog Night 123 Bay 94 Tom Scott 151 City Rollers 33,150 AI DiMeiola 129 Olivia Newton-John 13 Trammps 104 Osmonds 67 Seals & Crofts 51, 146 Be Bop Deluxe 140 Doobie Brothers 9 Scott Joplin 200 Robin Trower 22 Oskar 87 John Sebastian 182 Bee Gees 128 Bob Dylan 29 Journey 120 Tubes 109 Outlaws 36 Neil Sedaba 38, 185 Arch ie Bell & The Drells 142 Charles Earland 167 Eddie Kendrieks 92 Jethro Tull 86 Pablo Cruise 193 Bob Seger 97 Bellamy Bros. 180 Eagles 6, 60, 149, 192 KC 8, The Sunshine Band 196 Martha Velez 198 Parliament 19 Silver Convention 25 George Benson 41 Earth, Wind & Fire 53 Carole King Van McCoy 141 52, 190 Alan Parsons 121 Paul Simon Elvin Bishop 20 Kingfish 37 Rick Wakeman 100 95 Michael Pinder 158 Lynyrd Skynyrd 79 Blackbyrds 17 Firefall 133 Kiss Joe Walsh 24 11 Pink Floyd 197 Lonnie Liston Smith David Bowie 57, 124 Fleetwood Mac 7 John Klemmer 81 Grover Washington Jr. 115 137 Michel Polnareff 177 Phoebe Snow 77 Brass Construction 10 Foghat 47 Gladys Knight Weather Report es 189 Jean-Luc Ponty 131 John David Stanky Brown 194 Fools Gold 135 Souther 130 Wet Willie 179 Kool & The Gang 70 Elvis Presley 82, 147 Brecker Brothers 166 Four Seasons 99 SOUNDTRACKS/ORIGINAL CASTS Nancy Wilson 161 Led Zeppelin 4, 89 Flora Purim 59 Barry Lyndon Roy Buchanan 183 Peter Frampton 3, 125 162 Barry White 154 Nils Lofgren 44 Pure Prairie League 175 Jimmy Buffett 187 Maynard Ferguson 76 One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Johnny Winter 171 Loggins & Messina 145 Queen 14 Donald Byrd 118 Jerry Garcia 165 Nest 168 Wing & A Prayer Fite 8, Drum Corps 101 Barry Manilow 48 Helen Reddy 106 Captain & Tennille 21, 73 Marvin Gaye 5 Starcastle 98 Wings 2, 110 Melissa Manchester 71 Return To Forever 45 Glen Campbell 63 Genesis 31 Rod Steward 143 Wishbone Ash 136 Manhattans 139 Rhythm Heritage 65 Eric Cameo 68 Steve Goodman 186 Status Quo 148 Gary Wright 28, 172 Herbie Mann 178 Smokey Robinson 85 Every care for Steven Stills 102 Jesse Colin Young 34 the accuracy of suggested list prices has been taken Billboard does not as sume responsibility for errors or omissions. RECORDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA seal for sales of 500,000 units RECORDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA seal for sales of 1.000.000 units.


I 1$


www.americanradiohistory.com 78 Late General News LP SERIES REVIEW Savoy's 1st Reissues I nsidelrock NBC -TV has bought the Bob Dylan Rolling Thunder Kiss leaves Thursday (13) for a four -week European Revue as a special to be aired Sept. 14. Burt Sugarman . ... Fred Lipsius, former saxophonist -ar- Nostalgic Experience turned in a 30- minute show taped April 22 at the Belle - ranger with Blood, Sweat & Tears, working closely with view Biltmore Hotel in Clearwater, Fla. with Joan Baez producer Felix Cavaliere on a jazz -rock LP for an as yet NEW YORK -The initial batch Lewis and Duke Jordan, among oth- featured. unknown affiliation.... The Chieftains scored the mu- of Savoy reissues from Arista Rec- ers. Among the tunes are long reportedly told students at his UCLA sic for the award- winning play, "Sea Marks," skedded to ords are certain to delight collectors unavailable versions of "Romance music business seminar the inside scoop about "Planet air on PBS -TV network Wednesday (12). and average consumers alike. Be- Without Finance" and "I'll Always Waves" numbers. Expecting the Bob Dylan LP on George Wein is reportedly thinking about pulling the sides containing some very fine mo- Love You Just The Same." Other Elektra /Asylum to sell one million units, Geffen has from New York and returning it ments in jazz history from some of classics include "Billie's Bounce," 800,000 shipped. But only 500,000 sold and Geffen to Newport, R.I.... Producer has teamed the acknowledged masters (Charlie "Now's The Time," "Ko Ko," made a deal with Dylan to accept lower royalties on sell- and Cleo Laine for an LP remake of "Porgy Parker, Lester Young, John Col- "Donna Lee," "Steeplechase" and ing the remainder as cutouts. "Planet Waves" can still be And Bess." trane and Wilbur Harden, Milt "Parker's Mood." found in budget retail outlets selling for as low as $1.99. Patti Smith and her band departed Monday (9) for a Jackson, Yusef Lateef, Cannonball The Young LP, "Pres /The Com- "New West Magazine" is scheduling an article blast- two -week tour of Europe. ... Polydor has designated Adderley, Erroll Garner), there are plete Avoy Recordings," showcases ing Motown by English journalist Anthony Haden - May as ECM Month with the institution of a 5% dis- also many unreleased performances him in the company of several en- Guest, using material from Elaine Jesmer's novel, "No. 1 count on all ECM catalog product ordered during the included on several of them. sembles including musicians like With A Bullet." ... The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band has 30 -day period. ... John Travolta, star of "Welcome All of the LPs are twofers retailing Junior Mance, Roy Hayens, Count dropped Nitty Gritty and one member. Back, Kotter" tv show has been on a personal appear- at $7.98 and each includes extensive Basie, Billy Butterfield, Buddy Tate, Wings kickoff U.S. concert in Dallas was an SRO two - ance tour for his new Midland International LP to greet liners written by noted jazz author- Joe Newman and Dickie Wells, hour smash, utilizing ceiling- hanging sound system and fans and the media in shopping centers and record out- ities like Ira Gitler, Dan Morgan - among others. On many of the tunes laser effects.... Chris Beanie is no longer producing the lets in Cleveland, Pittsburgh, Detroit, Chicago, Phila- stern and Doug Ramsey. like "Circus In Rhythm," "Poor Wolfman Jack tv series in Canada, amid much recrimi- delphia, New York and Los Angeles. ... The Imperial The Parker LP "Bird /The Savoy Little Plaything," "Tush," "Exercise nation by both sides. Bearde helms the Bobby Vinton Brass Band is in Paris to play for French president Valery Records," features him in some of In Swing" and "Salute To Fats." the show and the upcoming Bill Cosby series. Giscard D'Estaing.... "The Sound of Music" sound- his most famous settings. Among the performances and outtakes are on Springboard International was denied a preliminary track mentioned last week is the recording of the movie accompnaying musicians are Dizzy record for the first time. injunction last week in Superior Court in their suit to by RCA Records. ... The music of composer Morton Gillespie, , Max Roach, The Cotrane- Harden LP, "Count- halt UA Records from selling its "Very Best of ..." series Gould is featured in two tv specials, "F. Scott Fitzgerald Bud Powell, Tiny Grimes, John down /The Savoy Sessions," features surplus to other than the plaintiff. Two weeks ago, In Hollywood" and "The Land Of Hope." a lineup of Coltrane on tenor sax, Springboard lost in its bid for a temporary restraining The annual Professional Music Men's Outing and Haden on , Tommy order with the same objective (Billboard, May 8). ... Is Golf Tournament will be held at the Stevensville Coun- Flanagan on piano, Doug Watkins industry veteran Phil Skaff packing his briefcase to re- try Club, Swan Lake, N.Y. June 9 -11. For further info, Song Festival's on bass and Louis Hayes on drums. turn to a top job with a label? ... Did Milt Salstone make call Hy Ross. Like the previous LPs, this 1958 ses- an offer to buy out Record Merchandising, Los Angeles, Bahamas group Gary Davis and the Vendors' new Judges Named By sion gave birth to many classic per- indie label distrib, when he finalized his deal to take over single on 20th Century is reportedly a hot item in the formances that are heard here for UA's label distributorships in Denver, Los Angeles and Miami soul market and in the discos. ... Bethlehem's the first time in some cases. San Francisco? ... UA Records put out a selection of top next batch of reissues from Cayre Industries is offerings Event's Director The Jackson LP, "Second Na- hits for radio play only by the Electric Light Orchestra by Duke Ellington, Carmen McRae and a folk -blues col- LOS ANGELES -Judges who are ture," has a selection of very fine called "Ole, ELO" on gold vinyl.... To thwart competi- lection featuring , Eddie "Cleanhead" evaluating songs entered in the performances that have all appeared tion, GRT cut a rush r &b version of "I.O.U." the Jimmy Vinson, Memphis Slim, and oth- American Song Festival were dis- on record before. The 1956 session Dean smash, big in pop and country, by Garland Green ers. closed last week by Tad Danz, the featuring Jackson's vibes in rare on Casino. Wolf & Rissmiller are offering a money -back guaran- event's managing director. form, also showcases Lucky Bruce Lundvall is working on a team effort for the CBS tee if an earthquake hits L.A. during one of their con- The group includes: Thompson on tenor sax, Hank Jones Records division, not just the Columbia label as may certs.... Paul Anka switched his Vegas affiliation to the Nat Adderley, Steve Barri, Blood- and Wade Legge on piano, Wendell have been interpreted in a headline in last week's issue. MGM Grand after five years at Caesars Palace.... Bob stone,, Willie Bobo, Leon Breeden, Marshall on bass and Kenny Clarke Lundvall is president of the CBS Records division, re- Hope cut a bicentennial comedy album for Capitol Rec- Tony Camillo, Vikki Carr, Benny on drums. Among the selections ren- placing Irwin Segelstein, now with NBC -TV, and that ords with an all -star cast. Carter, Mike Curb, Murray Deutch dered are "What's New," "The Lady body oversees Columbia, Epic and the custom labels. Kim Fowley drew a capacity crowd to Westwood's and Donovan. Is A Tramp," "Now The Time," and Apologies to Johnny Rivers and Epic Records. His re- Rhino Records store to play his rare oldies and tell wierd Also judging are Leonard "Ellington Medley" and much more. cent "Wild Night" LP on United Artists may be previ- stories in his inimitable style. Mercury Records is hot Feather, Larry Fogel, , The Lateef LP, "Morning," dis- ously unreleased material, but it is not newly recorded as enough on Fowley's new Runaways to fly in Al Gallico, Bill Gavin, Robert plays what were informative, yet reported on our review page last week. Most of the cuts key press for their showcase at the Billboard Talent Fo- Gordy, Lou Gottlieb, Tom T. Hall, peak years for this musician. He per- are at least several years old. rum in June. Roy Halee, Alex Hassilev, Edwin forms on tenor. flute, argol and scra- The Palma, Majorca Song Festival in Spain is on this The Beach Boys, with active again, are Hawkins, Bones Howe, Chaka Khan per, with the dextrous aid of Curtis week. A &M artists Letta Mbulu Caiphus Semenya, Ray featured in an NBC -TV documentary June 22 about the and Rufus, Stan Kenton, Ramsey Fuller on trombone and Hugh Law- Conniff, Michel Legrand, Frances Lai, Paul Mauriat and consciousness expansion movement "The Search For Lewis, Ronnie Milsap and the Mir- son on piano, among others. Aldemaro Romero are among the participants.... Sym- Something Else." ... Glen Campbell just finished the acles. The Adderley LP, "Spontaneous posia Productions dropped its Ultra 76 Talent Agency. most expensive tv special ever shot in Australia. ... Also Willie Mitchell, Ivan Mogull, Combustion," has this jazz great in Principal Jeff Ross will concentrate on his Top Drawer Charlie Rich, Rufus Thomas and Tony Orlando & Dawn Bob Montgomery, Dan Morgen- the company of Donald Byrd, Nat Management division. were among the backstage greeters at the Memphis and stern, Jay Morgenstern, Olivia New- Adderley, Jerome Richardson. Ho- Rodney Bingenheimer brought Steven Ford, son of the Atlanta dates kicking off the Leon & Mary Russell tour. ton -John, , Joe Porter, race Silver, Paul Chambers, Kenny President, to Peter Frampton's Anaheim concert so Ford Donna Weiss replaced Ronee Blakely in current dates Bob Reno, Charlie Rich, Smokey Clarke and Hank Jones. could meet his rock idol.... " Cares" pro- on the Rolling Thunder Revue. ... Neil Sedaka's Uni- Robinson, Johnny Rodriguez and The Garner LP, "The Rif." is an gram in Chicago donated $10,250 worth of food to 410 versal Amphitheatre dates have the biggest advance on Ira Sabin. historical landmark because these needy families for Easter.... Marvin Hamlisch penning the hall's schedule and MCA film brass are checking out And Aaron Schroeder, Seals & were classic years for one of the pi- the theme for Nancy Walker to sing in her new tv series. his film potential. Crofts, Lester Sill, Jack Stapp, Mi- ano's fiercest players. Several tracks ... scored the Italian film, "Todo WEA New Zealand's recent Doobie Brothers "Takin' chael Stewart, Cliffie Stone, Creed were recorded in 1945, with the re- Modo." It To The Streets" promotion had two top Radio IZM Taylor, Cal Tjader, Stanley Turren- mainder coming from 1949 and both Steve Miller's first national tour in some two years be- disk jockeys giving out Doobie posters, T- shirts and al- tine, Hank Williams Jr. and Lee feature very strong support from gins June 7 in his Dallas hometown.... L.A. Jets on its bums from a limo route in the streets of Auckland... . Young. bass players John Levy and John first tour for RCA.... UFO, Chrysalis group, started its Dan Hill, 20th Century artist, on his first U.S. tour. Simmons and drummers George de- first U.S. tour before 55,000 at Oakland Stadium with Neil Young sold out Tokyo's Budokan before 1 1,000 Hart and Alvin Stoller. Peter Frampton and Fleetwood Mac headlining.... Da- fans after his SRO Europe tour. ... The Starwood in The final LP of the release is per- vid Kraft of Bakersfield, demon Lalo Schifrin fan, points L.A. had a party to celebrate its fourth year. ... Kenny Como Tour haps the greatest jewel of all. En- out that Billboard erred in calling an upcoming album Rogers is on his first solo tour since disbanding the First page 4 Continued from titled "The Changing Face of Har- the composer's first non- soundtrack LP since 1966. In Edition, playing 12 cities. standards. "Perry is playing for all lem." This set features classic 1968, Dot put out "There's A Whole Lalo Schifrin Goin' Capitol Records threw a surprise party for Joe Maim - age groups in Australia," Mancini sessions, all of which had never been On." one to celebrate his 25th year as New York promotion says. issued on LP before. Denver has been added to the tail -end of the Rolling man for the label.... The Crusaders are leaving the stu- For Mancini, the lesson to be The ensembles featured are the Thunder Revue tour later this month.... Melanie raised dios long enough for their first tour of Europe in July.... learned from Como's new overseas Buck Rani All -Stars featuring $60,000 for the United Farm Workers in a solo benefit Steve Allen is guest of honor at National Asthma Center success is twofold. "Record com- Frankie Newton, Red Norvo, Teddy concert at the Felt Forum in New York.... Tommy Bolin Dinner June 5 at the Beverly Hilton. panies that don't stay in close touch Wilson, Earl Bostic, Don Byas, has embarked on his first solo tour with scheduled dates Linda Lee, 23, is new vocalist of the Dukes of Dix- with all their international markets Tyreo Glenn and various other leg- in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Denver and New York. ieland.... Robert Goulet is producing a film about a are turning their backs on great po- ends; the Pete Brown Quintette fea- His band features keyboardist Mark Stein, formerly of Hollywood plastic surgeon. ... on tour tential revenues," he says. turing Brown on alto joined by Al Vanilla Fudge; drummer Michael Walden, formerly of through October.... Robb Strandland showcased at the "Far more common are instances Casey, among others; Hot Lips Page the Mahavishnu Orchestra; bassist Reggie McBride and Palomino for interested labels. He wrote the Eagles'"Al- of managers who book overseas and His Hot Seven with Don Byas saxophonist Norma Bell. ready Gone." tours for their artists without con- and Sid Catlett: the Hot Lips Page sulting the expertise of the record la- Band featuring many of the above - bels involved," Mancini believes. mentioned musicians and others like "Most major record companies to- Tiny Grimes, Ike Quebec. and Vic A Belwin- Mills, Mogull Music Pact day have strong international net- Dickenson; Ben Webster with NEW YORK -Belwin -Mills Pub- Mogull Music responsibility for ac- president, Belwin -Mills, one of the works, people on the scene who are Johnny Guarnieri and Oscar Petti- lishing and Ivan Mogull Music have tivity and collections throughout the principal purposes of the new repre- ford: with Lionel sentation is to consolidate his firm's fully aware of the best halls and pro- Herbie Fields entered into an agreement under licensed areas for the catalogs of Bel- moters in their markets. Many over- Hampton: Charles Parker with Tiny which Ivan Mogull Music will repre- pop music activities in the agency win -Mills and its subsidiaries -Mills seas tours would go a lot better for Grimes: Emmett Berry: and Benny sent the Belwin -Mills pop music territories, and to enhance local ac- all concerned if the record company Harris with Budd Johnson, Oscar catalogs in Mexico, and Central and Music, Multimood Music and An- tivity by a more direct and effective was plugged in early during the Pettiford and Chuck Wayne. South America. kerford Music. liaison with the local Mogull agents planning stages." JIM FISHEL The agreement also gives Ivan According to Burton Litwin, vice in each country.

www.americanradiohistory.com ...from Hollywood and Vine!


ST' - )1


:D & COCKNEY REBEL- SUZANNE STEVENS- .B Love's The Only In Town Steve Miller is back on the track with his long - Game hickey Dolenz and Davy Jones are immediately awaited new album, Fly Like An Eagle, and it is The controversial, audacious Steve Harley and They call her "Quebec's Cinderella" and she s recognizable as two of the former Monkees. They his best yet. Includes his latest single, "Take The Cockney Rebel are back with another sound col- one of the fastest- rising performers in Canada. join with Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart (com- Money And Run:' lage, another musical vision full of ravenous This new album features her Canadian smash posers of most of the Monkees' hits) in a super ST -11497 vitality and Harley's manic vocals. (EMI) single, "Make M= Your Baby' new album! ST -11500 ST -11511 ST -11513 Rft emavo,lqrn+c" VreT OF THE ROAD DA- FEATURING ERIC CARMEN ' SIDE -

BA131 RIill -Kid, Stulï NAl'A1.Il ( OLE- Natalie RASPBERRIF.;' BEST- Fecruring Eric Carmen SIDE OF THE ROAD GANG Babe Ruth offers progressive goodtime danceable Winner of two , Natalié s sensa- The Raspberries' music sounds as fresh and in- This six-man band from Dallas, Texas, ploys rock by laying down a steady beat and weaving tional new album features her current hit single, vigorating today as it did during the early seven- ballads, bluegrass and bump bounce bootie ma- guitar lines and synthesizer effects into a blend "Sophisticated Lady (She's A Different Lady):' ties. Features -heir hits "Go All The Way :. ' I terial ro perfection! Side Of The Road Gang behind outstanding new vocalist Ellie Hope. Produced by Chuck Jackson and Marvin Yancy. Wanna Be With You :' "Don't Want To Say have an uptempo, swinging style and mixture ST -11515 ST -11517 Goodbye;' others! Producel by Jimmy Ienner. that is as much rock as country and vice versa. ST -11524 ST -11526

G E N E W A T S O N AM URY interview t person «scion 117:1 y fA. .- 9 1c r ra te1Lv is .._._ ...... --_.-_.., ens hose v:el :cM,,:C.ì er for purp shes betwe-I sh. 2. v.t. vue (vue sigt> t

GENE WATSON -Because ,eliec,.. GENTLE GIANT -Interview Bill Amesbury is a Canadian born and based Gene Watson is a homegrown Texan A complex "progressive rock" outfit, Gentle singer, songwriter and producer who is debuting background is pure country. His fir Giant has been playing since the beginning of with an album that exploded in Canada and "Love In The Hot Afternoon" was a the seventies. Their third Capitol album, "Inter- Europe! Amesbury includes a myriad of styles hit. His new album, Because You view" takes their past accomplishments a step from country to disco to dixieland to goodtime. Me, proves that Gene is the new co further. National tour starts mid -June! star! -115' 2 www.americanradiohistory.com MCA -2197 Album compilec an, procucec ,.9y Gus Duc geon.
