Algebraic Geometric Codes: Basic Notions Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Algebraic Geometric Codes: Basic Notions Mathematical Surveys and Monographs Volume 139 Algebraic Geometric Codes: Basic Notions Michael Tsfasman Serge Vladut Dmitry Nogin American Mathematical Society EDITORIAL COMMITTEE Jerry L. Bona Peter S. Landweber Michael G. Eastwood Michael P. Loss J. T. Stafford, Chair Our research while working on this book was supported by the French National Scien tific Research Center (CNRS), in particular by the Inst it ut de Mathematiques de Luminy and the French-Russian Poncelet Laboratory, by the Institute for Information Transmis sion Problems, and by the Independent University of Moscow. It was also supported in part by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, projects 99-01-01204, 02-01-01041, and 02-01-22005, and by the program Jumelage en Mathematiques. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 14Hxx, 94Bxx, 14G15, 11R58; Secondary 11T23, 11T71. For additional information and updates on this book, visit Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Tsfasman, M. A. (Michael A.), 1954- Algebraic geometry codes : basic notions / Michael Tsfasman, Serge Vladut, Dmitry Nogin. p. cm. — (Mathematical surveys and monographs, ISSN 0076-5376 ; v. 139) Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-0-8218-4306-2 (alk. paper) 1. Coding theory. 2. Number theory. 3. Geometry, Algebraic. I. Vladut, S. G. (Serge G.), 1954- II. Nogin, Dmitry, 1966- III. Title. QA268 .T754 2007 003'.54—dc22 2007061731 Copying and reprinting. Individual readers of this publication, and nonprofit libraries acting for them, are permitted to make fair use of the material, such as to copy a chapter for use in teaching or research.
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