%E Morse Magazine
1'£um6er 23 - f£aster 1992 ... %e Morse. Magazine.. - MORSUM MAGNIFICAT was [lTst published in Holland, in 1983, by the late Rinus Helkmons PAOBFN. Now published in Britain, it aims to provide international coverage of all aspects of Morse telegraphy, past present and future. MORSUM MAGNIFICAT is for all Morse enthusiasts, amateur or professional, active or retired. It brings together material which would otherwise be lost to posterity, providing an invaluable source of interest, reference and record relating to the traditions and practice of Morse. SUBSCRIPTIONS: For one year (four issues) United Kingdom: £8.50 per annwn, post-paid Europe, including Eire: £8.50 sterling Other countries: Surface mail- £9.00 sterling (or US $17.00 cash only) Ainnail- £11.00 sterling (or US $21.00 cash only) Cheques payable to 'G C Arnold Partners'. Payment by Access, Eurocard, Master card or Visa is also accepted; quote your card nwnber and expiry date. Please note that, owing to very high bank charges for currency exchange, we are unable to accept overseas cheques, drafts, money orders, etc., unless payable in sterling. Overseas cheques and drafts must be drawn on a London clearing bank. EDITORIAL AND SUBSCRIPTION OmCES: Morswn Magnificat. 9 Wetherby Close, Broadstone, Dorset BH18 8JB, England Telephone: Broadstone (0202) 658474; International +44 202658474 EDITOR Geoff Arnold G3GSR CONSULTANT EDITOR Tony Smith G4FAI, 1 Tash Place, London NIl IPA, England. Tel: 081-3684588 © G C Arnold Partners 1992 ISSN 0953-6426 Printed by Hertfordshire Display Company, Ware, Herts. ON OUR FRONT COVER A GNT Undulator in working condition. Photo by Dennis Goacher G3L1.Z Contents IRST OF ALL, AN APOLOOY to all of you 2 News F who were confused by the fact that they hadn't 6 Clandestine Radio - 2 had a ChrisbnaS issue of MM.
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