L island REPORTER SANIBBL & CAPTIVA, FLORIDA I Volume Ntmihci Dale Li E ANDCAPTIVA FLORIDA* February 7 1985 island VOLJWE U *• MBEfl 3 J 'Sanibel is not a destination xm shopping area' --CITYCGUMCIL tebn tfV ? I'A'JT I \Jn6 K< potii the island eye Ancient art of Chinese great dates SUuU its m hanne layering \to >d s Itrst grade class nt S iwbtl February \ earn the meienl htcmentaru SIAJU/ art of Chincst lajtr en crrunicttnq Hi'thdaj of John l)t< re ll-thrum 7 ing r ich Wedmsdij clrstroum cientiand at 10 am there will 7 1804 May 17 18861 *mcri<an invtntnr iir/iu'it* in The til a hinds oh and manufacturer of the strel plow demonstration of the tirsl Grade Star Bov Scout*, pav commemorates thf imor prop igalion Itchni The >.t~drnt* art quc of air leering in dtiutnl into 8 porahon of thr Boy Scout's ol \iunc i < n use for more than reporters and lebruarj 8 1910 A Hoy Scout* of •I 000 Years in China photagrapbtrv u\th American Sabbath is u-suallj ichtdulid Eviryone will havt <* some dictating for Sunday near this dtte Hoj Scouts chance to tr% the stunes aidotners Dav is scheduled annually near thr date technique draj ing pictures of I he organisations founding and it The Students kai" followed by week or month long ac Bring your pocket htcn lery eiaud lt knife to the Sin.bcl abnul it, $ayt Mrs B rthday of Am> Lo-*ell (Fthruary *» Captiva Conservation Wood n ho periodical Foundations Native 1874 May 12 1825) Amenm pod ly runs off Ike paper Plant Nursery each biographer, and critic, a leader among thi or the school Wednesday says imagist poet* authorofatnonumi ntul life manager Dee Serage ofKtats For more inforantion nil 472 1932 or Birthday of Boris I eonidouch Pistirmk 172 2329 10 (tebruarj 10 1890 Ma> 10 l«60l Russian A donitton of S5 is P<« i novrlist and translator who «a«- awirdrd thr 1985 >obil 1'n/f in htera t ire hul » a* forced to refuse it hi just {f Bring your | ditKalipp sition the author of D <l r wild harvest 1 1 Ilirthdav «>f Thomas Uu tdi=<n 1 1 IFdruarj 11 1&17 Octobt-r 1b 1 *• il Do sou ft. I lh< Amtncin in>*ntor who look ou£ uur I pnnmrdi il urjn ol thousand patinU His bisl krown inw n | tin ^ithirtr whtn lions are lh< phrnograph and the in vou I ikt >r ir wilk candescent lamp He was dcrtul io tht in thi wilds of Hal! of Fame for Great Americans 111 w 0 S intht-l but 'ind The Thomis ^ha Fdison Foundition thi rt is no ui<i presents fourawardsan-iujllv in honor ! f grincimnthtr iround tdisin for the biM scitnie bi«k 'or children and youth and for books th it con I Uon iliouL the idi n tribute lo chiracter developrm nt ind t<» tifn ition ind list of The artist and his model an undirstaiding of A*ntnc m hiftorv lK»il.lsltil,ind rap'un itulptnr I nn u HnP simti I i « tilpturr nfa Honda pintfrr fruits IUU tmounlir' )umpintj on a dc*r for tti tfwtitr st i rrltn nth\aj) but SJM ( bt Htrthdi> of Ihir'rs Robirl Dirw n As ofKb 1_ jou prefir« '« it irk trim U t mnW* his- u -rA vns stnUrd until tht arm at 12 Frbruirv 12 1809 April \t l*h. m i> bring sour wild <}( (hi Ott<iqt>r}itint<.>iit>n(iiptmi fit hns runplctrd the sculpture \n tnghsh biologist whose thro'* nl (vni ! hirw-l forulmtifici tfn h 1 vns tufi fjut hi ei' » 'hi t clijint m* fwcndtr Ilr utlt tion bi mlural ^thclion fimi *o \i I tion toSinilKl «h,t (hi ^r tpttn <it thi 11 <r ur Mini Group f rth- \rti f*lm knoun as f)ar»inisni His mt^t HI ti f I Cipti\ i Const r\ ilion prism tal i in Ilii/wWd^ri 11 nt tht Island Tttratn ntSpm his \nr\ is On thr Origin nf thi S}, irs// | l-oi ndttion N itivi talk v ill he c nhnifd \ ilh tf i J>tm prf srntaU rt M liters nf Modrm Vim* nf \aUral StUttwn r it t 1*1 irt Nurs. rv tit I SLlujitun Prcunied in thM d in miaru * 7hr Ptnmcrs Hi tjnnd Prett nation »/ Fniund Ran* n tf Cubi>n an I Th V» » rl I thi fth titrstht jiri/rr ir > im'the Strw/Qlt fu 1th 1 Tuisdiv through uorll i\ttnq ii'tb an it srilft r-. T ckt Is an 56 «» / ire it rtln) hat 1 Thursdn Ihr t nu ^} Shnp < il * Ctw i Thi Hlfw Marhtnh B k Sh v Annutrsar\ of the tstiblish m nt of tht 1 rur mort informi a> I 7h, Ir t II u\ Gill n > ( i\ tu i _ \mincin SOCKIV of Comiosprs \ui H r - 13 1 ' tinn tall tht nurstrj ^aid J'ubli-.hif'; (A^CAI ) on Frb-i»irv 1 I it 172 11)2 rr 1 Jiiit i FOCUS ON: possibly thousands Six ounces John P. of reupes he Parmesan cheese already knows lhal four ounces butter Turner as well as other Turner says hr combines with and twelve ounces recipes Turner Wanting to ex regional cookery of cooked feltucini ike John says He jumped pand his knowledge today and yesterday noodles Masefield in and helped even he next decided to Heft on Captiva ms Saute seafood L once as a young laa he taKe a course in research has cut with mushroo'T"? Enafand s poet explains I also hotel management mina'ed in a new andqreer onions i laureate John P loved to eat a )Ob that entailed menu at Cr-adwick s thrpe to four oi n f16. to DO introduced I Turner must go it was no wonder working at the front of hu'ter Add I mo mid February down to the sea then that Turner desk in the res |uice and white w ne I again at least in now 36 left home at taurants and bars of It *HI contain and reduce for about the original recipes the age of 15 for a smaller ho'el some of Chadwick s a minute over hot But Turner had he prepares in his Ashmg'on Technical oid tavontes such as flame Add fresh to go down to the ! joDasChadwicks College a school Seafood Chowder cream and garlic sea again as his Jamaican Chicken^ butter and reduce by l Restaurant s new ex which would train countryman po I ecutive chef him in the culinary and Grouper Lind a third Add etically put il and , Parmesan cheese He has a love of arts 11 was later that berg but also he signed on as set. recipes that are the salt and pepper to t*ie sea and fishing he apprenticed at ond chef Saucier oi from his days as a result of Turners in taste and place on a the Royal Turks the Peninsular & bed of cooked fet child in Beadneli a ventiveness Take Head Hotel in Orient 3 luxury lucini lishlng village in Newcastle upon cruise I ner Seafood Boca Northumberland on Tyne where he *<as Canberra With the Grande 'or instance While Chpf Turner the northeastern taught all the iWp of about three Here it is for fouf Created Seafood coast of England basics for four hundred others in Ingredients in K Boca Grande he But it was in his years the liner s kitchens elude twelve each says from mix and grandmother s kit From ther*1 he he served some shrimp and scallops match he >sn t chen that he came was transferred to A 600 passengers tow ounces each resting on his laurel to appreciate good thy 'tagship prop rotat ng the mend clams and popcorn bay leal He food at an early age erty Gosforth Path every 28 days welcomes any old &r My grandmother shrimp eight Hole! on the out ounces dtced Itsh, typical Florida was of Danish des skirts of Newcastle He has since oro recipes for his j cent, had a codec four ounces mush as chef saucier vded gourmet and Tarpon Epnngs 1 research Just bring lion cf recipes room ; two ounces In those days — meats for bringing lo the Ihem to him at dating from the days each chopped green 1967 — it was all prestigious foods what he calls Chadwick s at South of her great grand onions and white classic French food restaurants in Ber mix and match Seas Plantation and i mother, and she wine eight ounces in those hotels so I muda Phoenix New Mix and match heavy cream two ho II try them out he cooked from these Orleans Houston r was well trained are the hundreds ounces garhc butter promises o n J ft. priftt;r • FeiJvaK 7 ]9Si • (A The Wetlands offer PLAN AHE DLspitt an offer to donate land near the Sinihtl Candy Man livur to SanitiLl Captivj Conservation hounda lion or to Ihe city a request to build ttn units « i 8 3 acres of hnd east of Sanibel Highlands on Ci«a ^bel Road was dmicd b> council We sympathize with it, but the ilevation of the land phcis it ckarlj in the wttlands Ion land-, 7one*i,' txpliincd Councilman MIKE Klein And were do»ng tverjthing we can to prote.l the FOR SUMMER land I cnuldnt support it with thL roids going through tht wctlind*; desecrating more of tht se lands, added Councilmin Dill Hapcrup Book now The application was submitted b> Fd Konrid for Rcma Armstrong D to take advantage of the latest Correction discount fares Due to an error in hst w cek's piper w r wish 11 nuke clear that Kan n Btggs rectucd a li S in Environmental Const nation from Northern Muhigtn Umvcrsitj * weather ?_y i< This reporl rs based on records kept a' the Sdmbel Capnva Chamber of Commerce 472-3117 Causeway Hoad and is (or the wppk ending at ^1 p m on tuf sday FeD 5 Hit,h Rain 0 Wed J n 30 70 56 Mlinii U Wcekcml I IIHT|;IIICIM Thurs Jan 31 72 61 0 Fri Feb 1 73 63 0 Serving Sanibel sittc« 1976 Sat Feb 2 72 63 0 Maureen E Snutt CTC Sun Feb 3 78 64 0 Mon Feb 4 76 65 0 Tues.
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