INDEX SEMINUM 2018 Gothenburg Botanical Garden, Sweden

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INDEX SEMINUM 2018 Gothenburg Botanical Garden, Sweden INDEX SEMINUM GOTHENBURG BOTANICAL GARDEN SWEDEN 2018 Eryngium maritimum L. INDEX SEMINUM 2018 Gothenburg Botanical Garden, Sweden Seeds from the Index Seminum are not for sale, but are available on an exchange basis exclusively for scientific, educational and nature conservation purposes. Orders can be placed until March 31, 2018. We prefer orders to be posted online, but the desiderata found in the end of this catalogue can also be used and sent by e-mail or mail (reaching us by March 31 at the latest). The orders will be dispatched according to the availability of seeds. Index Seminum online: Contact: [email protected] The seed catalogue • The family classification follows APGIII. • All seeds were collected in 2017. • Indicated provenance is for seeds. • Index of collectors’ initials can be found in the end of the catalogue. The garden • Latitude/longitude: 57.6805/11.9549 • Altitude: 27–120 m a.s.l. • Mean temperature (past 10 years): 9.0 °C (0.6 °C for February, 18.4 °C for July) • Mean annual precipitation (past 10 years): 948 mm Amaryllidaceae 1 Allium acuminatum J.NIL 16-2, USA: Colorado, Elk River Road, Steamboat, Routt Count!. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 2 Allium anceps USA: Nevada. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 3 Allium bisceptrum USA: Nevada, L!on Co. S of Como, 1'() m. "rov: #arden - $ild origin. 4 Allium caesium U*+: S. ,lope of . ramin /t. range, near v. Re0ok,ai on Rd. .okand-1a,23kent, 1()) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 5 Allium caesium 'Wijnrode Selektion' "rov: #arden. 6 Allium candolleanum LS1 41(, 1UR: Artvin, near +ar3al. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 7 Allium cyaneum 5e5e5e 1(', CHN: S3aan6i, 7 in Ling mountain,, 1aibai S3an, 28)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 8 Allium douglasii USA: OR, Umatilla Co., +l e /tn,, 1(2: m. "rov: #arden - $ild origin. 9 Allium douglasii USA: ;A, .ittita, Co., 1:.( mile, N; of Ellen,bur%, 13e L.1. / rra! ;ildli&e Area, 6<6 m, :8.)6=(6== N | 12).:8=12== ;. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 10 Allium gunibicum NCE)82, RUS: Stavropol=,ki! .ra!, "erkal,k! Re,erve, .omarov +otani2al Station. "rov: #arden. 11 Allium hookeri var. muliense CL? 12)(, CHN: @ nnan, LiAian%, @ long S3an, Bie Ren Ji valle!, above / *3ou #o, 4))) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 12 Allium komarowii 1J.: Serav,23an, Antara-Sara Calle!. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 13 Allium kunthianum NCE)42, RUS: Stavropol=,ki! .ra!, /t. +e,3ta , 1)))D1:)) m, ::.)( N | :4.)1 E. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 14 Allium lycoanicum +A1/AN 4(:, 1UR: Siva,, Siva, - #ErEn, 1( km N #., 1<)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 15 Allium nemrutdaghense LS1 44<, 1UR: Adi!aman, Nemr t ?a%, 2)4( m, 48F (<= N | 4<F ::= E. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 16 Allium nigrum Strid G al. <8-68, #RC: I,land of Le,vos, 2 ltivated Held bet$een "oli23nitos and Cri,a, 4'F ):= N | 26F 12= E. "rov: #arden - $ild origin. 17 Allium oschaninii U*+: SE part of Iergana valle!, /t. N of Aravan, 2( km ;. of 9,23, 1)))D11)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 18 Allium ovalifolium ACE 18<(, CHN: @ nnan, E of S mmit "a,, on +i% Sno$ /t., :2))D:6)) m, 2<F4:.81= N | ''F:'.('= E. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 19 Allium ovalifolium var. leuconeurum "rov: #arden. 20 Allium prattii .#+ 126, CHN: @ nnan, ?a B e S3an, near t3e pa,,, ::)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 4 21 Allium protensum "rov: #arden. 22 Allium pseudostrictum NCE)86, RUS: Stavropol=,ki! .ra!, "erkal,k! Re,erve, .omarov +otani2al Station. "rov: #arden. 23 Allium scabriscapum 1:* 11:2, IRN: .3ora,an, +aA%iran, 188) m, 48F 48.(1= N | (<F 2(.(4= E. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 24 Allium sikkimense CHN: Si23 an, ?a B e S3an, :2)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 25 Allium sikkimense 5e5e5e )86, CHN: S3aan6i, 7 in Ling mountain,, 1aibai S3an, 4:6) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 26 Allium siskiyouense USA: Oregon, Ja2kson Co., 12)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild origin. 27 Allium aff. songpanicum/aciphyllum CHN: Si23 an, NE Aba, 4))) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 28 Allium wendelboanum +A1/AN )4', 1UR: ?i!arbakir, Silvan - .o0l k, < km E S., 2a ).( km N of t3e road. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 29 Narcissus bulbocodium var. pallidus A+S :661, /AR: Atla, /t,. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 30 Narcissus triandrus var. cernuus "R1. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 31 Nectaroscordum siculum subs . bulgaricum JP '1-84, 1UR: +alike,ir, .a0 ?ag above +e!pinar, 8)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild origin. 32 Nectaroscordum tripedale AR/: /t. Aragat,, valle! of .a,a3 River. "rov: #arden - $ild origin. Apiaceae 33 Astrantia major NCE)<1, RUS: .ara23a!evo-C3erke,,i!a, +ermam!t "latea , 12)) m, :4.:2 N | :2.26 E. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 34 Astrantia maxima NCE28), RUS: .ara23a!evo-C3erke,,i!a, Ark3!0, pat3 to Sofia #la2ier, 2)))D22)) m, :4.28 N | :1.16 E. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 35 Carum multiflorum AS (6264a, #RC: Ioanninon, ?odoni,, /t 1imH. Near t3e Cikos bal2on! NNE of t3e village of /onodendri, 12() m, 4'F(:= N | 2)F:(= E. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 36 ryngium maritimum Ipen: SE-)-#+-2)18-114<, S;E: +o3 ,lJn, S!dkoster, Sane,lJtten. "rov: ;ild. 37 !erula gracilis RUS: Altai, .ra,not,23ekov,k!i ?i,tr., 1i%ire /t. ridge. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 38 !erula ovina .#*: 1ian-S3an, Iergana +ergkette 0 m "a,, .ok-+el., 1))) m, :1F:4=(4K N | 82F(4=(<K E. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 39 "omatium canbyi USA: ;a,3ington, @akima Co., E of Cotton$ood Ck, S of Umtan m Ridge, 68) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 40 "omatium columbianum USA: OR, Col mbia River #or%e, 1<4 m. "rov: #arden - $ild origin. : 41 "omatium nudicaule USA: ;a,3ington, .ittita, Co., 1:.( mile, N; of Ellen,bur%, L.1. / rra! ;ildli&e Area, /orri,on Can!on, 6<6 m, :8F )6= (8K N > 12)F :8= 1(K ;. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 42 "omatium triternatum USA: ;a,3ington, .ittita, Co., 1:.( mile, N; of Ellen,bur%, L.1. / rra! ;ildli&e Area, /orri,on Can!on, 6<6 m, :8F )6= (8K N > 12)F :8= 1(K ;. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 43 #olopospermum peloponnesiacum subs . bauhinii ITA: /ataA r. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 44 $ancicia serbica +IH: In &agiti, /t /agli2, 18)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 45 $impinella rhodantha #EO: .a ka, ,, C3e$i, bet$een .ergeti and Sameba 23 r23, 1'))D21)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 46 $leurospermum franchetianum 5e5e5e )(1, CHN: S3aan6i, 7 in Ling mountain,, 1aibai S3an, 4:)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 47 %elinum wallichianum +N" :6<, IN?: Sikkim, @ mt3an%, 4))) m. "rov: #arden - $ild origin. Araceae 48 Ambrosina bassii JP 8'-)', ITA: Si2ilien, /t. #ibilma,i, 4() m. "rov: #arden - $ild origin. 49 Arisaema gri&thii "rov: #arden. 50 Arisaema limbatum "rov: #arden. 51 Arisaema maxwellii "rov: #arden. 52 Arisaema speciosum var. mirabile +N" )<(, IN?: Sikkim, La23 n%, A ,t above 3otel, 2')) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 53 Arisaema utile '!la"k' "rov: #arden. Araliaceae 54 leutherococcus aff. henryi CHN: Si23 an, ;olon%, 28)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. Asparagaceae 55 Albuca fastigiata var. floribunda LE# 2(8, LSO: ?raken,ber%, Se3labat3ebe National "ark, 2::) m, 2'F (1= 84K S | 2'F )8= 8<K E. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 56 'ellevalia forniculata +A1/AN 1'1, 1UR: Er0 r m, Er0 r m - Cat, 2(D2< km &rom t rnoff in E., 2)') m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 57 'ellevalia pycnantha LS1 28', 1UR: Er0 r m, bet$een 1ort m and Narman, .ireMli #eMidi, 168) m, :)F 2)= N | :1F :1= E. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 58 'ellevalia pycnantha U*+: Serav,23an /tn range, Agalik valle!. "rov: #arden - $ild origin. ( 59 (ipcadi serotinum AS (621(, ES": Andal ,ia, near El C3orro N. of Alona, ()) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 60 )yacinthella campanulata "; 82-')A N:14O, 1UR: C .on!a, 11)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 61 )yacinthella lazulina OS '<(, 1UR: Sert val pa,,, 162( m. "rov: #arden - $ild origin. 62 )yacinthella lineata var. lineata OS :8<, 1UR: 4( km a&ter .Et3a!a, 14)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 63 )yacinthoides hispanica AS (6221, ES": Andal ,ia, bet$een El +osP e and #ra0alema, <)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 64 )yacinthoides reverchonii .G; <(-(), ES": Sierra de Ca0orola, 11)) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 65 "eopoldia tenuiflora +A1/AN 22:, 1UR: Er0 r m, Cat - +in%Ql, 8 km be&ore Ciri,li ge2idi, 1')) m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 66 #aianthemum dilatatum 5GS '2-1'), .OR: Ull n%-do, Song-in bong: trail &rom ?odong to$ard, , mmit, 6:( m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in. 67 #uscari adilii LS1 )'8, 1UR: Ankara, bet$een +e!pa0ari and Sekli, ?ogandede 1epe, '') m. "rov: #arden - $ild ori%in.
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