PRESORTED Sota Per Copy STANDARD Inside this Edition – U.S. POSTAGE Tribal Law Enforcement issues warning of meth-laced marijuana PAID WILMOT, SD Special report to SWO Oyate from Tribal Planning office PERMIT NO. 1 President Obama’s budget proposal includes increases for Indian country needs Postmaster: Change service requested Credit Union offers scholarships Sota Iya Ye Yapi, P.O. Box 5, Wilmot, SD 57279 ¢ Josie Green awarded U.S. Coast Guard Silver Life-saving Medal Contents – Time-Dated News/Do Not Delay Tiospa Zina team wins Dakota Oyate hand drum game challenge this year Mailed at Wilmot, SD Tuesday, Feb. 21, 2012 Coming soon: Remember Harry and Rosemary Wong and their Effective Teacher conference 75 at Tiospa Zina last year? How local schools are implementing the ideas Publication of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Tribe of the Lake Traverse Reservation since 1968

Vol. 43 February - Anpetu Numpa Wi - “Moon of Two Days” - Anpetug de Iyamni, Feb. 22, 2012 No. 8

Josie Green, 20-year-old daughter of Jim and Bernice Green of Wilmot, SD, was presented with the U.S. Coast Guard Silver Lifesaving Medal in a ceremony held at St. Mary’s Catholic Church Saturday afternoon, February 11th. Making the presentation was Rear Admiral Michael Parks, commander of the 9th Coast Guard District (Great Lakes). By Crystal Owen Dealers will mix drugs in order to spark growth in the The Silver Lifesaving Medal, as well as the Gold SWO Meth Prevention Coordinator market. It’s been done with other drugs to encourage Lifesaving Medal, may be awarded to any person who SWO Tribal Police have issued a warning about people to get hooked. The police say they are concerned rescues, or attempts to rescue, another person from crystal meth-laced marijuana. While the police here have about this as the use of meth, whether or not it’s drowning, shipwreck, or other peril of the water. not actually seized any tainted marijuana, it is something combined with marijuana, can cause extremely serious Admiral Parks spoke of the Coast Guard’s tradition officers are hearing on the street and wanted to warn the addiction problems. of recognizing those who exemplify the Guard’s public about. Police are encouraging members of the public commitment to rescuing victims from perilous waters. U.S. Coast Guard District 9 Commander Rear Law enforcement officers have received information to come forward if they have information on meth Admiral Michael Parks presents Josie Green with that this is occurring in order to facilitate a new traffickers. Community members who have concerns this certificate along with the Silver Lifesaving addiction to methamphetamines in those that are using about suspicious persons or residences in their area Josie Green honored by US Coast Guard Medal for her heroism. marijuana recreationally or in a social capacity. may rest assured that all information received will be Continued on Page 4 Methamphetamines can be consumed in a variety immediately reviewed and acted upon appropriately. of ways, including, but not limited to, snorting, injecting Please report any information to: Crime Tip Hotline and smoking. Incorporating meth into a marijuana joint 742-0088, SWO Tribal Police Department, 698-7661; would be a simple matter and could easily be undetected or SWO Meth Prevention Program 698-3070. by the unsuspecting user of the altered marijuana.

*Jeanne Hovland, Senator Thune’s Tribal Affairs monthly. advisor will be meeting with all Veterans on February *At our National Native American Veterans 21, 2012 from 10:30-11:30AM at the Tribal Elderly Conference held in Flandreau we supported our East Admiral Parks addresses family and friends of Josie Green at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in building. If you have any concerns at all regarding River Brothers n’ Sisters in passing a resolution to Wilmot Saturday, February 11th. (View more photos of the ceremony inside this Sota and on-line. any veteran issues or I.H.S./V.A. support the East River Tribes in problems or if you just want to stop fighting the closure of the Hot coming to Hot Springs to ride or march with us. We are and I will contact the honor guard for you. We have a by and shake her hand she’d be real Springs facility. They travel anywhere hoping to achieve national media coverage. I will have process put in place to ensure an honor guard will be in happy to chat with you. Hope to see from 3-4 hours as it is for their VA the flyer posted on our TVSO door for your viewing. attendance for your loved one as they deserve this honor. a lot of the Veterans there! medical appointments; this closure would effect them To check out the website in support of this please go Call the office # or my cell. Thank you! *MARINES: Call this # toll free to receive a free significantly. I forwarded a flyer that was sent they are to It also has copies of *REMEMBER: If you have a medication co-pay magazine called SGT GRIT - Marine Specialties. Or supporting this ride and march . They are asking for your Cheyenne River and the National Native American with the VA please get a RX and bring it to the I.H.S. you can order online at GRUNT.COM. The toll free support for the Veterans Ride to the Hot Springs VA Veterans Resolution on this site. they will fill your RX there. Give your RX to Holly and # is 1-888-NOV-1775. Thanks to USMC Vet William on Saturday, February 25. The VA has proposed closing *Desert Era Veterans: Operation Black Hills Cabin she will call the VA. And if you do get bills from the Owen for providing our TVSO office with his magazines most services at the Hot Springs, SD, VA. Please consider was founded in 2011, and is a 100% volunteer, 501(c)3 VA for meds please stop in our office and let me review (non-profit) organization, whose mission is to provide a them we will try and get them paid. ANY bills you get one-week vacation to the Black Hills of South Dakota from the VA please contact me….and if they try and to qualifying veterans, their spouses, and children in a attach your check for an unpaid co-pay please call me leisurely environment at little or no cost to them. Our immediately. Thank you. Board of Directors is made up of 80% retired or prior *Veterans: If you are thinking of buying a house military. The organization was inspired by a South or want to increase your credit score please contact our Dakota soldier who was severely injured in Iraq, and is office. We have Mr. Don Krause out of Aberdeen that our way of saying “Thank You for your dedication and will come and sit down with you and do what it takes to his year the Tiospa Zina Hand Game team Katlyn Canku. sacrifice” to the thousands of young veterans who have clean up your credit score. No need to be embarrassed he captured the championship by winning The team beat Crazy Horse in a rematch from last been injured in the Iraq/Afghanistan campaigns. The does it for hundreds of people and he said it’s a personal Tthree games in a row. year’s championship game. Truck provided the singing community of Custer, SD, and the surrounding Black challenge for him to get a person’s score up. He’s an The team was led by co-captains Senior Cullen and rhythm that paced the team to some exciting wins. Hills area have been overwhelming with their support older guy and has a lot of experience! So please call me or Max and Junior Wambli Hamilton. The singing was The only team that beat the Wambdi was Crazy Horse for this project, and have offered meals and entry into I can give you the contact info or call him yourself: Don done by Junior Truck Mesteth and Senior Raymond in an earlier game. Each team member contributed with the attractions at no cost to the guests. Many people Krause 1-605-229-5140 or email: don.krause@lsssd. Hadzis. Alexis St. John and BJ Greybull lead in hiding some timely hiding and awesome guessing. who have vacation rentals in this area have stepped up org. He’s willing to help take him up on it-it’s a free and scoring the most sticks. The other team members Pidamaya! and donated weeks of their cabins to this project, until service!! And he does have a lot of experience working are Senior Alex Crawford, Kim Apple, Jeffrey Max and we secure a permanent cabin used solely for this project with Native Americans so that’s a plus as well. (which will take place later this year). Because of this *ALL VETERANS MEETING: will be held on Feb generosity, we were able to host families in 2011, plus are 29th, 2012 @ 5:00PM at the Tribal Elderly Building. able to host even more in 2012. A list of the businesses Please mark your calenders! involved can be found on our website. What we are *Again, please pray for our Veterans that are ill asking you, as a Veterans Service Officer, to do, is to pass or fighting some sort of battle at this time. We have so on this information to veterans in your jurisdiction who many that are having health issues that need our prayers. would qualify, and who would enjoy a place to go to have *Contact information: American Legion Post #314 a respite with their family. For further information, please (Woodrow Wilson Keeble Medal of Honor Guard) visit our website at,e- - Delano Renville, Commander Cell: # 268-0354; mail us at [email protected], or call Vietnam Veterans Kit Fox Society - Dayton Seaboy, us at 605-517-1830. Commander Phone: # 698-3299; Desert Era Veterans - * NOTICE: If you request an honor guard at Danielle DeCoteau, Commander Cell: # 924-1525. any graveside funerals please contact the VSO office Have a great and safe week! Geri Opsal, TVSO.

The Sisseton-Wahpeton Federal Essay Instructions: Please submit Credit Union will be awarding two (2) a 300 word typed, double spaced essay $500.00 scholarships this year based on entitled: “Why Good Consumer Credit is an essay. Important,” and a completed application One scholarship is available to to the Credit Union by April 6, 2012. full-time students who will be entering You may pick up the applications at the their freshman year in college. The Credit Union. second scholarship is available to full- Applicant or parent must be a time students who will be entering member of the Sisseton-Wahpeton their sophomore, junior or senior year in Federal Credit Union. college. The “Winning Wambdi” hand drum team! Page 2 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012 Rarely do the tribal government and the treaty council share the same soap-box, noted Debra White Plume, co-founder of the Pine Ridge-based Owe Aku “Take Back the Way” non-profit organization. The treaty council’s authority stems from the traditional indigenous form of governance, while the tribal council, consisting of elected officials of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, is an entity created by the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. “It’s usually unheard-of for elected officials to do something like this,” White Plume said. ‘MNI IS US’: WATER ISSUE KEY TO KEYSTONE OPPOSITION Calgary-based TransCanada Corp. wants to build the Keystone XL Pipeline to carry tar-sands crude-oil mined in the boreal forest of Alberta Province across 1,700 miles of the Great Plains, through Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and Oklahoma to Texas Gulf Coast refineries. Obama’s Administration has denied a Presidential Permit, but Congress is advocating for it. TransCanada Corp.’s earlier project, the Keystone I tar-sands crude-oil pipeline through the Great Plains, Sota guest editorial – ruptured at least 14 times during its first year of operations (2010-2011), spewing toxic sludge. Another Canadian oil company, Enbridge Inc., is responsible for 610 pipeline spills, including one tar-sands crude accident in the Money throws Democracy overboard Kalamazoo River watershed in Michigan in July that crews are still trying to clean up. By Bill Moyers and Michael Winship The resolution approved at the rally notes, “The proposed Keystone XL pipeline would cross countless rivers (Published on Tuesday, February 14, 2012 by Common Dreams.) and streams, including the Missouri River, the Yellowstone River, the Cheyenne River, the White River, the Niobrara Watching what’s happening to our democracy is like watching the cruise ship Costa Concordia founder and sink River, and the Platte River, and … in addition to interfering with our natural water sources, … would cross the Mni slowly into the sea off the coast of Italy, as the passengers, shorn of life vests, scramble for safety as best they can, Wiconi pipeline, which pumps water from those sources to our communities on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation while the captain trips and falls conveniently into a waiting life boat. and the Rosebud Indian Reservation, thus endangering our access to clean drinking water. Operation of the Keystone We are drowning here, with gaping holes torn into the hull of the ship of state from charges detonated by the XL pipeline would also threaten the Ogallala Aquifer, which is the drinking water source for millions of people owners and manipulators of capital. Their wealth has become a demonic force in politics. Nothing can stop them. including many Lakota people,” it says. Not the law, which has been written to accommodate them. Not scrutiny -- they have no shame. Not a decent “The Lakota people have never consented to the construction of the Keystone XL pipeline through our lands, respect for the welfare of others -- the people without means, their safety net shredded, left helpless before events and … such malevolent use of Lakota Treaty Lands by TransCanada would violate the traditional law and the natural beyond their control. law of the Great Sioux Nation, and would therefore constitute a ‘wrong upon the person or property of the Indians’ The obstacles facing the millennial generation didn’t just happen. Take an economy skewed to the top, low in breach of the peace promised to the Great Sioux Nation by the United States in Article 1 of the 1868 Fort Laramie wages and missing jobs, predatory interest rates on college loans: these are politically engineered consequences of Treaty,” the resolution continues. government of, by, and for the one percent. So, too, is our tax code the product of money and politics, influence and If accepted by the Oceti Sakowin, it will conclude: “Whereas, the safety and protection of our Mother Earth favoritism, lobbyists and the laws they draft for rented politicians to enact. and her life-giving water are of the utmost importance to our generation, just as they were to our ancestors, and just Here’s what we’re up against. Read it and weep: “America’s Plutocrats Play the Political Ponies.” That’s a as they will be to our future generations, now therefore be it resolved that … the Great Sioux Nation hereby directs headline in “Too Much,” an Internet publication from the Institute for Policy Studies that describes itself as “an online President Barack Obama and the United States Congress to honor the promises of the United States made through weekly on excess and inequality.” the 1851 and 1868 Fort Laramie Treaties by prohibiting the proposed Keystone XL pipeline and any future projects Yes, the results are in and our elections have replaced horse racing as the sport of kings. Only these kings from entering and destroying our land without our consent.” aren’t your everyday poobahs and potentates. These kings are multi-billionaire, corporate moguls who by the divine Alex White Plume, who acted as master of ceremonies during the rally, said water protection is the unifying right, not of God, but the United States Supreme Court and its Citizens United decision, are now buying politicians concern for tar-sands and pipeline opponents. like so much pricey horseflesh. All that money pouring into super PACs, much of it from secret sources: merely an “There’s no way we can separate water and us. Mni is us,” he said. investment, should their horse pay off in November, in the best government money can buy. Cheyenne River Sioux Tribal District 1 Council Member Bryce In The Woods enjoined rally-goers to go beyond They’re shelling out fortunes’ worth of contributions. Look at just a few of them: Mitt Romney’s hedge fund the resolution and invite lawmakers to witness the tar-sands and pipeline destruction for themselves. pals Robert Mercer, John Paulson, Julian Robertson and Paul Singer – each of whom has ponied up a million or more “You need to hold your elected officials accountable,” he said. “It’s a life threatening situation. We need to have for the super PAC called “Restore Our Future” -- as in, “Give us back the go-go days, when predators ruled Wall those guys who are making decisions for all the children on the planet walk barefoot through those tar-sands hills and Street like it was Jurassic Park.” swim through that water where that [Michigan] spill created 30 miles of dead-zone and tell us it’s not detrimental to Then there’s casino boss Sheldon Adelson and his wife Miriam, fiercely pro-Israel and anti-President Obama’s their health.” Mideast policy. Initially, they placed their bets on Newt Gingrich, who says on his first day in office he’d move the Indigenous Environmental Network pipeline organizer Marty Cobenais, a Red Lake Ojibwe, traveled to the rally American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, a decision that would thrill the Adelsons but infuriate Palestinians and from Minnesota to call for more signatures on the Mother Earth Accord submitted to Obama last year by U.S. and the rest of the Muslim world. Together, the Adelsons have contributed ten million to Newt’s “Winning Our Future” Canadian indigenous leaders opposing tar sands and pipelines. Also addressing the rally were representatives of the super PAC. Navajo or Diné Nation, the Ute Mountain Ute, Colorado American Indian Movement, Deep Green Resistance, and Cowboy billionaire Foster Friess, a born-again Christian who made his fortune herding mutual funds instead South Dakota and Nebraska private landowners “crossed” by the Keystone XL Pipeline route. of cattle, has been bankrolling the “Red White and Blue Fund” super PAC of Rick Santorum, with whom he shares a social right-wing agenda. Dark horse Ron Paul has relied on the kindness of PayPal founder Peter Thiel, a like- Interment will be at Ascension Cemetery. minded libertarian in favor of the smallest government possible, who gave $900,000 to Paul’s “Endorse Liberty” Meredith Amos An all-night wake will be held on Wednesday, super PAC. Hollywood’s Jeffrey Katzenberg has so far emptied his wallet to the tune of a cool two million for the February 22nd beginning at 7:00 p.m. at Big Coulee pro-Obama super PAC, “Priorities USA Action.” services Thursday Meredith David Amos, age 69, of Seattle, District Center. President Obama -- who kept his distance from Priorities USA Action and used to call the money unleashed Washington formerly of Lake Traverse Reservation The Chilson Funeral Home in Winsted, Minnesota by Citizens United a “threat to democracy” -- has declared if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em. He urges his wealthy journeyed to the Spirit World on February 8th, 2012. is serving the family. Online condolences may be made to supporters to please go ahead and back the super PAC. “Our campaign has to face the reality of the law as it stands,” Funeral services will be held on Thursday, February his campaign manager Jim Messina said. To do otherwise, he added, would be to “unilaterally disarm” in the face of 23rd at 2:00 p.m. at the Ascension Presbyterian Church A full obituary will appear in next week’s paper. all those Republican super PAC millions. So much for Obama’s stand on campaign finance reform – everybody else is in Big Coulee. doing it, he seems to say, so why don’t you show me the money, too? When all is said and done, this race for the White House may cost more than two billion dollars. What’s getting trampled into dust are the voices of people who aren’t rich, not to mention what’s left of our democracy. As Democratic pollster Peter Hart told The New Yorker magazine’s Jane Mayer, “It’s become a situation where the contest is how much you can destroy the system, rather than how much you can make it work. It makes no difference if you have a ‘D’ or an ‘R’ after your name. There’s no sense that this is about democracy, and after the election you have to work together, and knit the country together.” These gargantuan super PAC contributions are not an end in themselves. They are the means to gain control of government – and the nation state -- for a reason. The French writer and economist Frederic Bastiat said it plainly: February 15, 2012. proud of. I said the “Bronze Star.” “When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living in society, they create for themselves, in the course of I am writing a story that I know will tick-off some And he replied, “Hell, they’re giving those away time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.” That’s what the super PACs are bidding on. folks, but I don’t give a damn – I am writing to get it off like candy.” For the rest of us, the ship may already have sailed. my chest. I asked how many pieces of candy he had. ***** At a Texas Hold Em poker tourney at Dakota Sioux I was only 88 years old then. If I’d been about 50 Journalist Bill Moyers is the host of the new show Moyers & Company, a weekly series of smart talk and new Casino I was sitting in seat six of ten seats. A young he would have left there without teeth! ideas aimed at helping viewers make sense of our tumultuous times through the insight of America’s strongest man, mid-20s, in seat one asked me which of several Anyhow, I think I’ll leave my cap on the hanger at thinkers.. His previous shows on PBS included NOW with Bill Moyers and Bill Moyers Journal. Over the past military ribbons I was wearing on my military cap of the home since reading about “Crow Creek Sioux Woman three decades he has become an icon of American journalism and is the author of many books, including Bill Moyers 100th Infantry Division I served with in combat against Earns Bronze Star” in the December 28th Sota. Journal: The Conversation Continues, Moyers on Democracy, and Bill Moyers: On Faith & Reason. He was one of the the Germans in France and Germany in World War II I wonder how many days and nights she spent organizers of the Peace Corps, a special assistant for Lyndon B. Johnson, a publisher of Newsday, senior correspondent (I have been told that I am the oldest WWII vet of our in a muddy, wet foxhole on the front lines listening to for CBS News and a producer of many groundbreaking series on public television. He is the winner of more than 30 Tribe, and there are only five of us left . . . back to the “Jerries,” “Krauts,” (Germans) in groups no more than Emmys, nine Peabodys, three George Polk awards and is the author of three best-selling books. story) . . . the young man in seat one asked which one 20 feet from you in the mountain pine trees (Vosges ***** of the several ribbons and medals on my cap I was most Mountains of France” where we liberated the village of Michael Winship, senior writing fellow at Demos and president of the Writers Guild of America, East, is senior writer of the new public television series Moyers & Company, premiering in January 2012. Go to www.billmoyers. com/. Sota Iya Ye Yapi Sota guest editorial – Official newspaper of the Oglala Sioux Tribe rallies against Sisseton and Wahpeton Oyate Keystone XL Of the Lake Traverse Reservation By Talli Nauman Since 1968 Rapid City, SD – Native Sun News – Feb. 16, 2012 – More than 100 people attending the Oglala Sioux Tribe’s rally against the Keystone XL Pipeline on Feb. 11, voted by consensus to support a resolution appealing for the Great Sota Iya Ye Yapi Staff and e-mail communications may be submitted to Sioux Nation Treaty Council to demand U.S. President Barack Obama oppose the tar-sands crude-oil project because C.D. Floro...... Managing Editor the Sota production office by 12:00 noon Friday, it violates the 1868 Ft. Laramie Treaty. Earth and Sky Enterprises...... Production with the exception of letters to the editor/Oyate, The resolution calls for enforcement of the peace treaty’s Article I, which states, “If bad men among the whites, Annual Subscription Rates or “opinion” letters, which are to be submitted by or among other people subject to the authority of the United States, shall commit any wrong upon the person or Enrolled Tribal members...... $46 10:00 a.m. Thursday.) property of the Indians, the United States will ... proceed at once to cause the offender to be arrested and punished All others/U.S. domestic...... $56 Notice to subscribers: A handy clip-out form is available according to the laws of the United States, and also reimburse the injured person for the loss sustained.” New! First Class/U.S. domestic...... $96 for your convenience. The Black Hills Sioux Nation Treaty Council will deliver the resolution to the other delegations of the Great Classified Advertising Rates For more information concerning news, advertising, or Sioux Nation Treaty Council for action during the Feb. 17-18 meeting of the Seven Council Fires (Oceti Sakowin) Classified Ad, min. (20 words or less)...... $3 subscriptions, contact the Sisseton and Wahpeton at the Prairie Winds Casino on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, council interpreter Alex White Plume told the Each additional word, add...... $.15 Oyate Chairman’s office at (605) 698-3911, or the Native Sun News. Deduct for each repeat CA, pd. in advance...... 25% Sota production office: voice-mail (605) 938-4452; Nonagenarian Chief Oliver Red Cloud, chairman of the Black Hills Sioux Nation Treaty Council, inaugurated Sunshine Advertising Rates fax (605) 938-4676; or send e-mail to the rally by inviting participation. Rate, 1 col. no photo...... $3.00 [email protected] “I need your help. We don’t want to just talk; we want to do something with vision today.” He surveyed the Rate, 1 col. with photo...... $7.00 Also, visit the Sota Iya Ye Yapi site on the World entire five-hour rally from his wheel chair alongside the speakers’ podium, and observed, “We have all kinds of laws Rate, 2 col. with photo...... $14.00 Wide Web (updated at least weekly): http://www. in the United States to protect the United States. But we have a natural law for our tribe. We take care of the treaty, Note: Please enclose self-addressed, stamped envelope and anything like this, I have to work with the young people and tell them what they’re going to run into.” if you want photos returned. Policy regarding open letters to the Oyate His great grandfather, world-famous Lakota Chief Mahpíya Lúta, negotiated the terms of the 1868 Treaty, Display Advertising Rate If you are writing an opinion letter, please note that it leaving to the Great Sioux Nation all of what now are western South Dakota and parts of seven nearby U.S. states Rate, per column inch...... $4.05 must be signed and the author’s name will appear and Canadian provinces. Four generations later, Oliver Red Cloud, itancan of the Oglala Lakota Band of the Great SWO Candidates Political Advertising Rate in print, it must not contain libelous statements, Sioux Nation, leads the band’s efforts to have the treaty upheld according to international law. Rate, per column inch...... $2.50 and it should be brief, ideally 500 words or less, in The pipeline rally initiative originated in the executive office of Oglala Sioux Tribal Vice-President Tom Poor Notice to Contributors order to be considered for publication. Bear. He protested last year against the pipeline at a two-week civil disobedience action by thousands of people at the Submit news and advertising copy, as well as Views expressed are those of the authors and do not White House and later at an Obama speech in Denver. subscription orders, to: Sota Iya Ye Yapi, P.O. Box necessarily reflect opinions of the staff or the “We are the true landowners,” Poor Bear said at the Rapid City rally. “We are all one. We only have one mother 5, Wilmot, SD 57279. Deadline for receipt of all Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate of the Lake Traverse – that’s Mother Earth. We’ve got to protect the water that our future generations are going to drink one day,” he copy to be considered for publication is 10:00 a.m. Reservation. Editorials by the staff do not said. Thursday prior to the week of publication. (FAX necessarily reflect the official opinion of the Tribe. Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 3

etc. – is to be submitted to: Sota, P.O. Box 5, Wilmot, Earlier receipt of copy is always appreciated. So, SD 57279 by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday. FAX and e-mail if you are aware of a date or message that needs to be submissions will be accepted until 12:00 noon on Friday publicized or advertised, please let us know about it in (with the exception of letters to the editor/open letters to advance of the weekly deadline. the Oyate, or “opinion” letters, which must be received The preferred way to submit typed articles and ads, by 10:00 a.m. Thursday). art and photos, is by e-mail. If you are writing an opinion letter, please note The editor can be reached at the following e-mail that it must be signed and the author’s name will appear address: in print. Letters must not contain libel and must be [email protected] brief, ideally 500 words or less. Letters may be edited For more information, leave a message on the Sota for content. Omissions will be identified with periods . production office voicemail (605) 938-4452, or send a . . editor’s explanations will be provided in [brackets]. fax to the 24-hour dedicated line (605) 938-4676. Readers who want access to unedited versions will need -- CDF to contact the authors.

n an effort to improve communication we would like to update the community on current projects that I the Planning & Economic Development Office is working on. We have included a brief synopsis of on- going projects that address the needs of community and to promote economic development and self- sufficiency. Any ideas or suggestions you may have please take them to your District RPC member or feel free to contact the Planning Office directly 605-698-4972 or e-mail a staff member. Report from the Planning cons of the establishment of a SWO Grocery Store. *Phase II of Broadband Initiative which is the Director - Diana Canku - establishment of infrastructure for all of Agency [email protected] Village, providing a revenue stream for SWO while also *Currently developing a strategic plan for the providing Tribal Program, Entities and Tribal members Bitche and became known as “The Sons of Bitche.” So be it! Planning Department based upon the results of the high speed internet service and Wi-Fi. I also wonder if she earned the Infantryman’s badge Mahpiyahotanka. community survey. *Insurance Project Research. on the firing range with the M1 rifle that weights 8-1/2 Basil “Robbie” Robertson. *Currently developing policies and procedures *Hemp Project Research. pounds; I carried that rifle clear across Germany on foot P.S. General Eisenhower (later President) was our for the grant money available for individuals who are Report from the Recreation (oh, one time we caught a ride on a tank just before the Army General. When he was President he made up the starting a small business or currently have an existing river crossing in Germany, maybe about five miles we requirements to receive the Bronze Star. business. Researcher - Eric Shepherd - had time to relax and feel safe). Report from the Community [email protected] *Kenny Dobbs “Sick Hops” Presentation on March Planner - Ella Robertson - ellar@ 8, 2012 at the Tiospa Zina Tribal School Gym with two performances. 12:00PM - 1:15PM and 1:40PM - *Submitted a proposal to ANA - SEDS for a Youth 3:30PM Featuring Kenny Dobbs with is “sick hops” in Program in the amount of $399,347.48 which would overcoming obstacles and achieve your dreams with a help fund positions from each district to help coordinate high flying, slam dunking, and inspirational personal youth activities and fund youth events. “ Preparing for stories of recovery to empower, educate, and motivate. the FY 2012 Farmers Market. *Youth Multi Media Arts Program which is for any *Coordinating with Tribal Programs on planning youth interested in the music industry from traditional to community events, streamlining the planning process, modern day music. “ XBOX Tournament hosted on pooling resources and opening lines of communication. February 25, 2012 at the Buffalo Lake Roller Rink from We offer our congratulations to Josie Green on her ***** *Community Assessment Project, on-going project. 4PM - 8PM with prizes to be announced. receipt of the U.S. Coast Guard Silver Lifesaving Medal. Pidamiya to the Planning staff for sharing updates If you haven’t filled out a Community Assessment please *Researching a JROTC Program for local schools Her decision to put herself in danger in order to of their program activities. stop by and fill out a questionnaire, your input is vital. in coordination with Tiospa Zina Tribal School, Enemy save someone else’s life is the very definition of courage. It is good to keep the Oyate informed of the work *TIP Center Project (Tribal Intellectual Property) Swim Day School and tribal veterans. ***** being done on their behalf! which has been awarded $64,000 from the 2011 Native *SWO Golf League at Dakota Winds Golf Course. We call attention to a very different article in this ***** American Business Development Institute (NABDI) *Planning of Summer Youth Activities within the 7 week’s Sota, this one from akicita Basil Robertson, Words to consider (or, perhaps not!): for research on baseline analysis of the benefits, impact districts. decorated World War II veteran. “Democracy is the name we give the people and logistics of establishing TIP Centers on Tribal Lands *6 Foot and under National Indian Athletic It is troublesome that anyone would berate the whenever we need them.” Marquis de Flers Robert and around the United States. Association Men’s Basketball Tournament hosted by the sacrifices and medals awarded our oyate veterans while Arman de Caillavet *Collaborating with Enemy Swim District on the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate and Dakota Magic Casino held serving in harm’s way. “Courage is the art of being the only one who establishment of a community garden and orchard. April 13 - 15, 2012. His frustration is justified, unfortunately. All of us knows you’re scared to death.” Harold Wilson (1916 - should give thought to what the service of akicita like 1995) Report from the TEO Specialist Report from the Emergency Basil mean not only to this community but to the entire “I know not with what weapons World War III will - Hazen LaMere - hazenl@swo- Management Specialist/Safety country. be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks Officer - Jennie Crawford - ***** and stones.” Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955) Pidamiya Michael Selvage Sr., for sharing an old “The really frightening thing about middle age is *Received a grant in the amount of $111,000 [email protected] official tribal records paper that had been misfiled years that you know you’ll grow out of it.” Doris Day (1924 - ) from the 2011 Native American Business Development *Hosted First Aid and CPR training for Tribal ago. “I’m a great believer in luck, and I find the harder Institute (NABDI) for feasibility studies for projects Programs, Tribal Entities and District representatives. Here is what he shares with the Oyate concerning I work the more I have of it.” Thomas Jefferson (1743 - relating to operation of convenience and/or retail stores, *We are in the process of setting up the District the find: 1826), (attributed) and expansion of existing tribal fish hatchery and fish Centers as Emergency Shelters making districts self- Fascinating admission by the federal government ***** farming. sufficient in the event of an emergency while also making on their interactions with the original people of this land. The Sota is always looking for news of the Oyate. *Researching home based Wind and Solar Energy more emergency facilities available for the membership It’s no wonder so many people today are angry, yet don’t If you have information and/or photos of for individual tribal members. that live outside the Sisseton and Agency Village area. know why. What’s sad is the oppressed have become the newsworthy happenings in your family or community, Report from the EDA Planner *Revising the SWO Mitigation Plan which would oppressor, trying to please a force that’s been dead for a please consider sharing with your Sota staff. make us eligible for Federal Funds, currently we fall long, long time. For submission deadlines and other information, see - Justin German - justing@swo- under Roberts County Mitigation Plan and funds are I thought this official paper should be shared with below: filtered through them and not directly to SWO. the Oyate. Except for holidays copy to be considered for *Researching for a future SWO Grocery Store. An -- Michael Selvage Sr. publication – news, advertising, editorial opinion letters, additional article focusing specifically on the pros and Page 4 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012

Josie Green honored by U.S. Coast Guard Continued from Page 1 The award stemmed from Josie’s heroic action on Friday, November 20th, 2009 when she saw someone fall off a bridge into the cold swirling waters of the Red River in Moorhead, Minnesota. While jogging along the river, Josie – then a freshman at the University of Minnesota-Moorhead – told someone standing near her to call 911, and without regard for her own life jumped into the dangerous waters. Then, despite having neither equipment or training, managed to keep the victim’s head out of the water and brought him to shore. “The water was freezing,” she said. But she kept going until she reached the man in the water – a distance of about 15 to 20 feet, she guessed. By this time, the man was face down in the water, turning Closeup of the Silver Lifesaving Medal. blue, and he had lost consciousness. Although she admits she is not an expert swimmer, Josie managed to get ahold of the man and pull him to the shore. Scene at St. Mary’s Church, with Coast Guard Admiral Parks speaking with family and friends of “He was too heavy, though,” she said, “to pull out Josie Green. of the water.” She got one of the others to hold the victim’s head Photo of out of the water, then slid up the bank and called 911 on the certificate her cell phone. presented along She told the law enforcement dispatcher what had with the Coast happened but could not give an exact location. But Guard Lifesaving another jogger, having heard calls for help, arrived and Medal. Josie got her to give directions to the dispatcher. Responding were Moorhead police officers, Clay County Sheriff’s deputies and Moorhead firefighters. The emergency responders used a rescue line to pull the man to shore and performed CPR before transporting him to MeritCare Hospital in Fargo. Police reported that the victim (a SWO member), Admiral Parks gives Josie his personal U.S. his brother and a friend had been walking on the Coast Guard service pin to Josie before leaving Burlington Northern railroad bridge between downtown the reception. He let her know that South Dakota Moorhead and Fargo when the victim accidentally fell off is not at all too far for the Coast Guard to come to the bridge and dropped about 20 feet into the river. recruit service members. U.S. Senator The bridge is not built for pedestrian traffic, and Amy Klobuchar, alcohol was a factor in the incident, said Sgt. Deric Along with the medal and certificate, U.S. Senator Minnesota, sent Swenson of the Moorhead Police Department. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota sent a personal letter this letter to be read Moorhead police officers called Josie’s action congratulating the young woman on her bravery. at the ceremony “courageous” and “heroic.” Following the public recognition, the Green family honoring Josie. Josie doesn’t know about that, saying “You just do shared frybread and bison soup with family, friends and She had wanted what you have to do.” guests. to attend but the Moorhead Police Lt. Chris Carey praised Josie’s Privately, Admiral Parks also presented Josie with event had to be role as a Good Samaritan. “She had incredible courage,” his personal “Coast Guard” pin; a “moved up” as he said. “I’m going to recommend that she get some Josie left the U.S. last week, headed to Turkey, Josie was leaving recognition for this.” where the Turkish Coalition has arranged for her to spend for Istanbul. Swenson agreed. “For anyone to enter that river is a semester studying there. Her tuition is being paid by extremely brave,” he said. “If she hadn’t been there, we the U.S. Department of State Gilman Scholarship (an don’t know what the outcome would have been.” opportunity open to Native American students.) Even with the police officers, and Fargo-Moorhead The Coalition wants to work directly with tribes reporters calling her a hero, Josie didn’t really think her to share education and economic development – due to effort was that extraordinary. Turkish belief that their culture is related historically to The selfless act of heroism got further attention, our North American indigenous peoples. and although the victim never regained consciousness in Watch for updates on Josie’s experiences in future the hospital, Josie’s action earned her recognition of the issues. U.S. Coast Guard.

Washington, DC – Feb. 13, 2012 – President efficient in carrying out our missions.” many Tribes as their top priority. The budget includes an previous years with a $3.5 million increase from 2012, Obama’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget request for Indian Strengthening Tribal Nations Initiative increase of $3.5 million for Indian Land and Water Claim for a total of $189.7 million, for Criminal Investigations Affairs, which includes the Bureau of Indian Affairs The Strengthening Tribal Nations Initiative is Settlements including funds to continue work on the and Police Services to enable the BIA to continue (BIA) and the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE), is a comprehensive, multi-year effort to advance the Navajo-Gallup Water Supply Project. improving its recruitment and hiring efforts for law $2.5 billion – a $4.6 million decrease below the FY President’s commitments to American Indians and Protecting Indian Country enforcement officers and detention center staff, including 2012 enacted level. The proposed budget maintains the Alaska Natives to improve conditions throughout The FY 2013 budget request for BIA Law veterans. President’s commitment to meeting the government’s Indian Country. The FY 2013 budget request continues Enforcement is $353.9 million with targeted increases The request includes $88.2 million for Detention responsibilities to the 566 Federally recognized American the initiative, which was the result of meetings with of $11.0 million over the 2012 enacted level for Law Center Operations, a program increase of $6.5 million, Indian and Alaska Native Tribes, while holding the tribal leaders in 2009, 2010, and 2011. The request Enforcement Operations, Detention Center Operations for staffing, training and equipment to increase capacity line on fiscal responsibility and improving government includes $43.8 million in targeted program increases and Tribal Courts. The 2013 budget request for Law to hold and process detainees and to fund operations at efficiency. for this initiative in the areas of Enforcement Operations builds on increases from newly constructed detention facilities opening in 2012 “The budget Advancing Nation-to-Nation request maintains Relationships (+$12.3 million), President Obama’s Protecting Indian Country commitment to (+$11.0 million), Improving strengthening tribal nations by making targeted Trust Land Management (+$15.4 million) and increases in Indian Affairs programs that support Advancing Indian Education (+$5.2 million). tribal self-determination in managing BIA-funded Advancing Nation-to-Nation Relationships programs, increase public safety in tribal communities Under Advancing Nation-to-Nation Relationships, by strengthening police capabilities, improve the the FY 2013 budget request for Contract Support is administration of tribal land, mineral, timber and other $228.0 million – an $8.8 million increase over the FY trust resources and advance Indian education,” said 2012 enacted level. Contract Support enables a Tribe Assistant Secretary-Indian Affairs Larry Echo Hawk. operating BIA-funded programs to meet administrative “Indian Affairs is sensitive to the need for achieving costs without decreasing program funds. It is a key factor greater results at a lower cost, and the proposed budget in the decision a Tribe makes to assume responsibility Date: February 25th reflects the tough choices that will make us more cost for operating a Federal program, and is considered by Time: 1 – 3 pm (for procession) What: A joint effort by Veterans, for Veterans, to halt the proposed closing of the Hot Springs, South Dakota, VA facility. A large delegation from [several/three/four] reservations of the Lakota Nation will stand shoulder to shoulder with local veterans All-Veterans Meeting and civilians to show they care. Schedule (subject to change) 09:00 AM: participants gathering at Hot Springs, SD, American Legion Post 71 parking SWO Tribal Elderly Building lot, brunch available (by free-will donation) 11:00 AM: Native American Dancers performing outside (if weather permits) 11:30 AM: Lunch (by free-will donation) 12:00 PM: Participants begin line-up at Dairy Queen with the tail end stretching over Garden Street back to the American Legion Feb. 29, 2012 01:00 PM: Procession begins, from Dairy Queen up 5th Street, first stop at the National 5:00 p.m. Cemetery for a prayer ceremony. Participants continue to VA facility to participate in speeches, blessing and dance 03:00 PM: Return to American Legion 05:00 PM: Spaghetti Feed Fundraiser by/for Castle Manor at the American Legion (fee) Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 5 and 2013. The request includes $24.6 million for Tribal to teach community members workplace skills and to an estimated $13.9 billion in royalties, rents, bonuses Outdoors (AGO) is vital to the nation’s economy, Courts, an increase of $1.0 million above the 2012 support tribal plans for development. and fees. These receipts are either deposited in the U.S. competitiveness, and health. Through President Obama’s enacted level, to support the enhanced capabilities given • Scholarships (+$710,000) for the BIE’s Treasury, shared with state and local governments, AGO initiative, Interior is playing a leading role in to tribal courts in the Tribal Law and Order Act of 2009. Scholarships and Adult Education program and Special or used to fund natural resource development and restoring and protecting the health, heritage, natural The funding also supports the expansion of a Higher Education Scholarships program to help adults conservation programs. In 2011, Interior collected $13.2 resources, social and economic value of the Nation’s successful pilot program launched in 2010 to reduce obtain a GED, provide job skills training, and provide billion in revenues. most significant ecosystems, including increasing the crime on four reservations with high violent crime rates. financial aid for Indian post secondary and graduate Reductions, Consolidations: The 2013 budget public’s access to these areas for outdoor recreation and The targeted, intense community-safety pilot program students pursuing degrees in professions that meet the eliminates or reduces lower priority programs, defers enjoyment. resulted in a combined reduction in violent crime of needs of tribal communities. project start-ups, shifts costs to others who have the The 2013 budget calls for a $5.1 billion investment 35 percent – far exceeding goals and expectations. Two Indian Land and Water Claim Settlements ability to pay, restructures operations, and captures in AGO programs, an increase of $146 million or 3 additional reservations with high crime rates will be The FY 2013 budget request of $36.3 million administrative and efficiency savings. Terminations percent above the 2012 enacted level. added to this initiative in 2012. for BIA Land and Water Claim Settlements will fund and reductions proposed in the budget result in total The Administration’s total request for Land and Improving Trust Land Management ongoing settlements to help deliver clean drinking water reductions of $516.8 million as compared to the 2012 Water Conservation Fund programs, including Interior The BIA’s trust programs assist Federally to Indian communities and provide certainty to water enacted level. The budget continues the third year of and Forest Service components, is $450 million, $105 recognized Tribes in the management, development and users across the West. The investments include: efficiencies to achieve the Administration’s savings target million or 30 percent above 2012. The LWCF is funded protection of Indian trust land and natural resources • The seventh and final payment for the Nez Perce/ of $207 million by the end of 2013, using 2010 as the each year from oil and gas development revenue and on 56 million surface acres and 57 million acres of Snake River Water Rights Settlement ($9.5 million). baseline for comparison. Department-wide, construction is dedicated to conservation grant programs and land subsurface mineral estates. • The fourth of five payments for the Shoshone- is cut by $49 million or 16 percent below 2012 to $256 acquisition. LWCF grants to States are increased by $15 As part of Interior’s commitment to breaking Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation Settlement million, focusing funding on the highest priority health million or 34 percent to $60 million. the logjam on taking land into trust to restore tribal ($12.0 million). and safety and mission critical projects. Included in Interior’s $5.1 billion for AGO is $332 homelands, the Department has undertaken the most • The fourth payment for the Navajo Nation Water Mandatory Legislation, Offsetting Revenues: The million for LWCF-funded programs, an increase of $115 substantial overhaul of the Federal fee-to trust process Resources Development Trust Fund ($6.0 million). 2013 budget request incorporates legislative proposals million or 53 percent above 2012. This funding includes in 50 years. As a result, between 2009 and 2011 the The request also includes $7.8 million, a program and increased offsetting collections that are estimated to $212 million for DOI Federal land acquisition, $65 Department has processed 697 applications, resulting in increase of $3.4 million, for the Navajo-Gallup Water save a net of $2.5 billion over the next ten years. Major million above 2012. the acquisition of more than 157,000 acres of land into Supply Project and $1.0 million for other smaller Indian savings proposals include the following: reforming the The 2013 budget reflects an innovative approach to trust on behalf of tribes and individual Indians. land and water settlements. Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation program to focus conservation that better aligns priorities across Interior’s The FY 2013 budget request supports Improving Achieving Better Results at a Lower Cost available coal fees on the most dangerous coal mine bureaus and the Federal estate to enable more impactful Trust Land Management through a program increase of In accordance with President Obama’s February sites, as well as a parallel AML program for abandoned investments at a landscape-level. Total funding for $15.4 million for: 2011 memorandum to Federal agencies entitled hardrock sites financed by an AML fee on the production Federal land acquisition within Interior and the Forest • Rights Protection Implementation (+$3.5 “Administrative Flexibility, Lower Costs, and Better of hardrock minerals on both public and private lands; Service is $270 million. Of this amount, $161 million million) to support the implementation of Federal court Results for State, Local and Tribal Governments,” the FY instituting a leasing program under the Mineral Leasing (60 percent) is focused on meeting bureau-specific needs orders resulting from decisions in off-reservation treaty 2013 budget request includes reductions and identifies Act of 1920 for certain hardrock minerals to collect a within both agencies, including $128 million for BLM, rights litigation. efficiencies that can be achieved through horizontal fair-return for the American taxpayer in rental payments FWS, and NPS mission-specific core land acquisition • Tribal Management Development Program consolidation, cost-cutting, realignments and program and royalty fees; instituting fees for non-producing oil priority projects. The Administration proposes targeting (+$2.0 million) to support Tribes in the management of decreases. The request proposes to Achieve Better Results and gas leases to encourage development of our Nation’s the remaining $109 million (40 percent) for a Forest their on-reservation fish and game programs. at a Lower Cost through: domestic energy resources; repealing geothermal revenue Service-Interior Collaborative Landscape component that • Cooperative Landscape Development (+800,000) Improved Management (-$19.7 million) includes sharing payments to counties; instituting permanent net aligns both agencies’ land acquisition efforts to support to support greater participation for the bureau and Tribes measures taken, and those anticipated in consultation receipts sharing for energy minerals; repealing outdated community-driven conservation goals in key landscapes: in the Landscape Conservation Cooperatives for a total with Tribes to ensure that their needs and priorities are royalty relief provisions for offshore drilling; and the Crown of the Continent in the intermountain West program of $1.0 million. addressed, to significantly reduce Indian Affairs program increasing onshore and offshore oil and gas inspection and Longleaf Pine in the Southeast. Interior requests • Invasive Species (+$500,000) to support tribal administrative costs. fees to require industry to cover more of the costs of $84 million for its three bureaus and the Forest Service programs that control, manage, and eradicate harmful Realignment (+$1.3 million) includes an increase overseeing their operations. requests the remaining $25 million. The proposed plant and animal species from reservations. to reflect the transfer of the Indian Arts and Crafts Board Several proposals that are generally revenue- Federal investments in these landscapes build on locally • Forestry Programs (+$1.0 million) that develop, from the Office of the Secretary to Indian Affairs, which neutral will have significant conservation benefits, such led conservation efforts, and will leverage significant maintain, and enhance tribal forest resources. would oversee the implementation of the Indian Arts and as increasing the price of Duck Stamps, a program that private commitments to land and water conservation • Trust Services (+$5.5 million) to support the Crafts Act of 1990, as amended. conserves millions of acres of wetland habitat for the in these landscapes. Smart investment in strategic BIA’s responsibilities in the areas of trust services, Program Reductions in funding for: National Wildlife Refuge System; and reauthorizing conservation in these areas will prevent further ecosystem probate and land titles and records as well as the • Law Enforcement Special Initiatives (-$2.6 the Federal Land Transaction Facilitation Act, which decline, which is expected to reduce or preclude the need Department’s trust reform improvement efforts, and to million) reflecting reduced participation on collaborative reinvests land sale proceeds into high-priority land for future investments in restoration. support the objectives of the Klamath Basin Restoration activities such as intelligence sharing. acquisitions for conservation purposes. The budget also The 2013 budget request for land acquisition Agreement signed in February 2010. • Information Resources Technology (-$6.1 calls for enactment of legislation to extend the Payments also includes $2.5 million for BLM to improve access • Litigation Support/Attorney Fees (+$1.5 million) million) due to standardization and consolidation of IT in Lieu of Taxes program, set to expire in FY 2012, for to public lands often frustrated by complicated to assist Tribes in protecting their tribal trust resources. infrastructure. another year, providing an estimated $398 million to land ownership patterns, by purchasing fishing and • Other Program Management Construction • The Indian Student Equalization Program (ISEP) help counties that have nontaxable Federal lands within hunting access easements. An additional $5 million (+$550,000) for the Fort Peck Water System as a new (-$4.5 million) to reflect a slight decline in student their boundaries, is requested in the NPS land acquisition program to water treatment plant facility is expected to become fully population. Strategic Investments: Major investments aimed acquire threatened or vulnerable land within national operational in 2012. • Replacement School Construction (-$17.8 at sustaining economic recovery and generating jobs park units to protect significant Civil War battlefield Advancing Indian Education million) as the program focuses on addressing improving include increases in New Energy Frontier programs of sites that will commemorate the sesquicentennial of the This initiative addresses the full spectrum of conditions of existing school facilities. $76 million or 11 percent, bringing total funding for war. To leverage these efforts to protect battlefields, the educational needs in Indian Country from elementary • The Indian Guaranteed Loan Program (-$2.1 conventional and renewable programs to $749 million; NPS budget also includes $9 million for the American through post secondary and adult education, including million) while being evaluated for effectiveness. Wildland Fire Management is increased by $243 Battlefield Protection program, which provides matching a focus on critical safety and security issues at school Indian Affairs’ responsibility to the Federally million or 42 percent, to $818 million; Land and Water grants to States and local governments for protection of facilities to ensure instructional environments are safe recognized American Indian and Alaska Native Tribes Conservation Funding is proposed at $322 million, an battlefield sites. and nurturing for students, and an educational reform is rooted in Article I, Section 8, of the United States increase of $93 million or 39 percent above 2012; and As part of the AGO initiative, the 2013 budget effort to increase student academic achievement in Constitution, treaties and Federal law. It is responsible WaterSMART conservation and efficiency programs requests $4.6 billion for core operations in the land Bureau of Indian Education funded schools. The FY for the management, development and protection are increased $20 million or 36 percent to $75 million. management bureaus -- National Park Service, Fish and 2013 budget request for the Bureau of Indian Education of Indian trust land and natural resources, providing Major grant programs across the bureaus would be Wildlife Service, and the Bureau of Land Management. is $796.1 million, an increase of $653,000 above the for public safety and justice in Indian Country, and funded at $290 million, an increase of $32 million or 12 This is $26 million or less than 1 percent above 2012. 2012 enacted level, with targeted increases for: promoting tribal self-determination and self-governance. percent above 2012. This includes operations and maintenance of 397 units in • Tribal Grant Support Costs (+$2.0 million) Through the Bureau of Indian Education, it funds 183 A New Energy Frontier the National Park Service, 556 national wildlife refuges to help Tribes operating BIE-funded schools cover elementary and secondary day and boarding schools, of The 2013 budget continues Interior’s New Energy managed by the Fish and Wildlife Service, and BLM’s 37 administrative and indirect costs. As with Contract which two-thirds are tribally operated, located on 64 Frontier initiative to create jobs and achieve greater national conservation areas, national monuments, and Support, to which this is comparable, funding for this reservations in 23 states serving 41,000 students. It also energy independence. The Administration’s blueprint similarly designated areas. The areas managed by these program is a top priority for Tribes. provides funding to 27 tribal colleges and universities for energy security focuses on safely and responsibly bureaus hosted 386 million visitors. In 2010, travelers • Tribal Colleges and Universities (+2.5 million) to and two tribal technical colleges, operates two post- developing our domestic energy resources, including to these lands contributed an estimated $47.9 billion in support efforts to assist in the economic development of secondary institutions of higher learning and provides both conventional and renewable resources. The economic activity and 388,000 jobs. tribal communities as they offer resources and facilities higher education scholarships. Department of the Interior plays an important role The AGO initiative funds important partnership by providing opportunities for safe and responsible efforts including $60 million for NPS State Assistance From the Dept. of Interior – development on public lands and on the U.S. Outer grants of which $20 million is a competitive program Continental Shelf. that will focus on larger scale urban landscape and As a result of its ongoing, unprecedented approach collaborative conservation projects; $60 million for to reviewing proposals for renewable energy projects Cooperative Endangered Species Act grants for recovery on public lands, Interior is on track to meet a priority and protection of at-risk species; $61 million in State performance goal to approve 10,000 megawatts by and Tribal Wildlife grants; and continued funding at $56 the end of calendar year 2012 and 11,000 megawatts million for historic preservation grants to States, Tribes, Washington, DC – Feb. 13, 2012 – President to protect the lands, water and wildlife that power local by the end of 2013. Since 2009, Interior has approved and territories; among other programs. Obama’s fiscal year 2013 budget request of $11.5 economies, drive tourism, and define us as a people. 29 projects, or the transmission associated with them, The 2013 budget also calls for a robust program billion for the Department of the Interior reflects fiscal And we are empowering our Nation’s First Americans including 16 utility-scale solar projects – the first ever on in ecosystems restoration, continuing funding for these discipline, identifying offsetting program reductions by helping to build stronger, safer and more prosperous public lands; five wind projects; and eight geothermal large-scale projects at the 2012 enacted level of about to maintain funding for core missions and strategic tribal communities.” projects. In total, these projects are expected to create $500 million. The budget request includes an increase investments in America’s Great Outdoors; energy Interior’s programs and activities support more about 12,500 construction, operation and maintenance in Research & Development programs of $16 million development and reforms; innovation to help sustain than 2 million American jobs and annually contribute jobs, and produce nearly 6,500 megawatts of energy, for the U.S. Geological Survey to address ecosystem economic recovery and generate jobs; and promotion of about $363 billion to the nation’s economic activity, enough to power about 1.3 million American homes. priorities in the Chesapeake Bay, Columbia River, economic development for American Indians and Alaska according to a 2011 Departmental study. Of this The budget requests $86 million for renewable Everglades, Great Lakes, Upper Mississippi, Puget Sound Natives. amount, the Department estimates that conventional energy programs in 2013, an increase of $15 million or and California Bay Delta among others. This is part of “As our Nation’s economy and renewable energy produced 21 percent above the 2012 level; and $662 million for a Department-wide R&D increase focused on land and continues to gain strength, we on Interior-managed public lands conventional onshore and offshore energy programs, up resource challenges and hazard preparedness. must make tough budget choices and offshore areas resulted in $246 $60 million or 10 percent over 2012. Interior will also participate with other land and strategic investments to billion in economic activity; water To encourage safe, responsible oil and gas management agencies in a program that will put maintain strong support for supply, forage and timber activities, development, the budget proposes significant thousands of veterans to work on projects that will stewardship of the Nation’s primarily on public lands in the investments to strengthen and maintain capabilities in conserve and restore natural and cultural resources, natural and cultural resources West, contributed $48 billion environmental analysis, drilling inspection and oversight, strengthen visitor services, and maintain and improve and continue to advance in economic activity; and parks, research on deepwater well integrity, offshore safety infrastructure on Federal, State, Tribal and local public improvements for Indians,” Secretary of the Interior Ken refuges, and monuments contributed more than $44 systems and oil spill response, as well as to support the lands. The $1 billion program is proposed over 5 years Salazar said in announcing the Administration’s budget. billion in economic activity from recreation and tourism. new National Offshore Training and Learning Center. through the Department of Veterans Affairs, which will “The President’s proposal takes a thoughtful approach, Funding: The 2013 budget proposal includes $10.5 The 2013 budget request of $222 million for the coordinate the effort. one that allows Interior to achieve our critical missions billion for Interior programs funded by the Interior, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement is an Strengthening Tribal Nations and to do our part in maintaining a disciplined and Environment, and Related Agencies appropriation and increase of $25 million or 13 percent above 2012. The To honor Interior’s trust responsibilities, promote responsible budget.” $1 billion for the Bureau of Reclamation, funded in the request of $164 million for the Bureau of Ocean Energy self-determination and strengthen Tribal Nations, the “Interior’s work remains vital to powering our Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act. Management is $3.3 million or 2 percent above the 2012 2013 budget for Indian programs maintains essentially Nation’s sustained economic growth,” Salazar added. The proposal is roughly level with the 2012 enacted level and includes increases for planned renewable energy level funding at $2.5 billion, a slight decrease of about “We are helping to build a comprehensive domestic budget of $11.43 billion. lease auctions and high priority environmental studies. energy economy – creating American jobs and driving Interior programs will continue to generate revenue America’s Great Outdoors DOI budget proposal innovation. We are ushering in a new era of conservation on behalf of the American people in 2013, collecting The 2013 budget recognizes America’s Great Continued on Page 6 Page 6 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012 response by improving natural hazards information, such remain committed to investigating and prosecuting eligible inmates, resulting in fewer taxpayer resources DOI proposal as earthquakes, floods and hurricanes. A $13 million financial fraud that harms the American people and the directed at housing inmates. Continued from Page 5 increase will fund USGS to work with the Department of financial markets. To strengthen our efforts at combating Program increases are essential to help BOP keep Energy, and the Environmental Protection Agency on an this fraud, we propose a program increase of $55 pace with a growing inmate population and to ensure $5 million from the 2012 level. Program operations are interagency research and development initiative aimed at million for financial and mortgage fraud initiatives to the secure detention of an increased number of inmates. funded at $2.4 billion, an increase of $12 million above understanding and minimizing potential environmental, complement ongoing efforts to root out various forms of Increases for BOP include funds to begin activation of 2012. The proposal includes $228 million for Contract health, and safety impacts of shale gas development and fraud, including health care fraud, that are supported by two prisons, U.S. Penitentiary Yazoo City, Miss. and FCI Support Costs, an increase of $9 million over 2012. This production through hydraulic fracturing. existing direct resources and reimbursable funding. Hazleton, W.Va. support enables Tribes operating BIA-funded programs The Landsat Earth Imaging mission, which The department plays a crucial role in the federal For more information, view the Prisons and to meet administrative costs without decreasing program gathers satellite data about the Earth’s surface, is vital financial recovery effort through criminal and civil Detention Fact Sheet at funds. Other increases include $8 million for Trust to agricultural, water management, disaster response, litigation. The FY 2013 Budget requests resources jmd/2013factsheets/ Natural Resource Programs and $7 million for Trust Real scientific, and national security users. It is funded at that will strengthen the department’s ability to pursue State, Local and Tribal Law Enforcement Estate Services to assist Tribes in managing, developing $53 million to complete the Landsat 8 ground system. large-scale financial fraud investigations so Americans’ In total, the FY 2013 budget requests $2 billion for and protecting trust land and natural resources. Interior will work with stakeholders to examine investments are protected. The department will increase state, local and tribal law enforcement assistance. These The budget also includes $10 million to support alternatives to provide land remote sensing data in a its efforts to help restore confidence in our markets, funds will allow the department to continue to support additional police and corrections staff to help build safe cost-effective manner in the future. protect the federal Treasury and defend the interests of our state, local and tribal partners who fight violent Indian communities. This includes funding to expand Tackling America’s Water Challenges the U.S. government. crime, combat violence against women and support a community-policing pilot program to reduce violent The 2013 budget for the Bureau of Reclamation is The department requests program increases for a victim programs. The department continues to maintain crimes. The initial program on four reservations resulted $1.0 billion, a reduction of $14 million from the 2012 variety of economic fraud enforcement efforts, including key partnerships with state, local and tribal community in a combined reduction in violent crime of 35 percent, enacted level. Water and related resources programs work being done by Department of Justice members of members through programs such as the Community greatly exceeding goals and expectations. are funded at $819 million, a decrease of $76 million the President’s Financial Fraud Enforcement Task Force. Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant program. The 2013 budget assumes reductions of $20 from 2012. The proposal includes $70 million for rural This increase will support additional FBI agents, criminal The FY 2013 Budget request for the Office on million from streamlining consolidations, which will water projects; $19 million for the Klamath project; prosecutors, civil litigators, investigators, forensic Violence Against Women (OVW), a total of $412.5 improve efficiency and reduce costs, and $14 million in and $2 million for a pilot project to increase renewable accountants and other support positions. The additional million ($268 million in direct funding) with the balance administrative savings from management efficiencies, power generation at Reclamation facilities. The budget resources will support the department’s investigation and funded through receipts from the Crime Victims Fund improved fleet management and travel reductions. Other would establish separate accounts for Indian Water prosecution of the broad range of crimes that fall under (CVF), will provide communities with the opportunity reductions include construction - down $18 million or Rights Settlements ($47 million) that will help deliver the definition of financial fraud, including securities and to combat sexual assault and violence against women. 14 percent to $106 million - and the guaranteed loan clean drinking water to Indian communities and provide commodities fraud, investment scams and mortgage The request includes an increase of $3.5 million to the program, $2 million lower at $5 million. certainty to water users across the West. The budget foreclosure schemes. Rural Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Enforcement Science for Land and Water Management proposes to fund San Joaquin River restoration at $12 For health care fraud enforcement, the department Assistance Program, which will improve the safety of Interior will continue to make investments in million. uses funding provided by the Department of Health and children, youth and adults who are victims of domestic science, research, and development to inform land and The 2013 budget for Reclamation includes $54 Human Services (HHS). The FY 2013 Budget for HHS violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking water management decisions, including increases for million for WaterSMART, $7 million above 2012. The requests an additional $71.7 million for the department by supporting projects uniquely designed to address carbon sequestration research, to develop its Climate initiative integrates and coordinates water sustainability to address health care fraud. This increase will strengthen and prevent these crimes in rural jurisdictions. The Science Centers and to conduct a comprehensive efforts of Interior and its Federal, State, tribal and and expand Department of Justice and HHS’ Medicare department is requesting $1.4 billion for the Office of assessment of water availability and use. The results of private partners, bringing together partners from entire Fraud Strike Forces, support the expansion of the Justice Programs’ (OJP) grant programs ($1.18 billion in this water census – the first in 30 years – will be made river basins to work collaboratively and coordinating department’s civil litigation efforts, specifically in areas direct funding, with the balance derived through receipts available for water managers to improve sustainable use. science and sustainable resource conservation activities such as pharmaceutical fraud and off-label marketing, from the CVF). A total of $20 million is requested for The proposed 2013 budget for the U.S. Geological to improve water conservation and energy efficiency. and provide additional resources in our efforts to the Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program, $21 Survey calls for $1.1 billion, a $34 million or 3 percent Additionally, the budget places the Central Utah Project eliminate abuse and substandard care in public health million for Residential Substance Abuse Treatment, increase over the 2012 level. To support the Cooperative Completion Act within Reclamation, with a 2013 budget care facilities, Medicare and Medicaid funded nursing $80 million for Second Chance, $70 million for Part Landscape Conservation initiative, the budget includes proposal of $21 million, a decrease of $8 million from homes and other long-term care facilities. B Juvenile Justice Formula Grants and $20 million an increase of $7 million for science support for Interior 2012. For more information, view the Financial and for a new evidence-based juvenile justice competitive bureaus and funds carbon sequestration research at $9 Employing, Educating and Engaging America’s Youth Mortgage Fraud Fact Sheet and the Health Care Fraud demonstration grant program. million, a slight increase above 2012. At $26 million, As part of the AGO initiative, the 2013 budget Fact Sheet at The budget proposes to preserve important OVW the budget funds the Climate Science Centers, which are proposes to engage Youth in the Great Outdoors by Traditional Missions and OJP grant programs that directly or indirectly a national network of eight centers that serve as hubs employing, educating and engaging young people Part of the Department of Justice mission assist victims of crime by funding them through CVF to provide land managers at federal, state, tribal and from all backgrounds in exploring, connecting with, is to enforce the law and ensure the fair and receipts, which continue to surpass historical levels, local levels with access to the best available science on and preserving America’s natural and cultural heritage. impartial administration of justice for all Americans. rather than with discretionary budget authority, which landscape-level change. This initiative advances Interior’s goal of hiring or Accomplishing this mission requires resources to both has been declining. Use of these funds will not interfere To help address the nation’s water challenges, the temporarily engaging individuals aged 18 to 25 in the investigate and litigate. As such, the department’s with formula funding for crime victims, which is fully proposal calls for $21 million for USGS WaterSMART Department’s programs and activities. In 2011, Interior’s FY 2013 Budget requests $31.8 million for program protected under the proposal. priorities, including establishing a national groundwater bureaus and offices employed a total of 20,064 youth increases to expand enforcement and litigation capacity For more information, view the State, Local and monitoring network ($13 million), assessing how water and young adults, increasing youth employment by 24 and our ability to protect vulnerable populations. Tribal Law Enforcement Fact Sheet at http://www.justice. quality influences water availability, and continuing percent over the Department’s 2009 baseline. The 2013 The budget requests program increases for gov/jmd/2013factsheets/ water availability assessments in the Colorado River budget includes $35 million for youth programs, about transnational enforcement of intellectual property law. In Savings and Efficiencies Basin, the Delaware River Basin and the Apalachicola- $2 million or 6 percent below 2012. The Department addition, it requests increases to address new emerging The FY 2013 Budget streamlines programs and Chattahoochee-Flint Basin. remains committed through a high priority goal to cyber security threats, including insider threats; provide redirects funding to improve the capabilities of the A $17 million increase will support research on continue youth employment at levels comparable to advanced intrusion detection and response capabilities; department. As such, the budget proposes over $1 billion ecosystems, including the Great Lakes, Chesapeake 2012. and implement cost efficient, scalable enterprise in efficiencies, offsets, redirections of grant program Bay, California Bay-Delta, Klamath Basin and the The Budget is online: and information technology architecture. Budget increases funding and rescissions. Excluding the redirection of Everglades. A $10 million increase will support disaster also support operational and administrative expenses grant program funding, the budget includes $647 in pursuit of the department’s transnational organized million in savings, program and management offsets and crime enforcement activities, and provide additional one-time rescissions of prior year balances to support our funding for the Office of Tribal Justice, the Office of the highest priority missions. Inspector General and the Office of the Pardon Attorney. Savings and efficiencies include information The department also maintains substantial technology savings, space reductions, administrative responsibilities with respect to immigration, including, efficiencies, overhead reductions and operational Washington, DC – Feb. 13, 2012 – Attorney The Department of Justice’s key priorities include: but not limited to, enforcement, detention, judicial efficiencies. The department also proposes to consolidate General Eric Holder announced today that President · $4 billion to sustain national security; functions, administrative hearings and litigation. The and realign components to increase efficiencies, Obama’s FY 2013 Budget proposal totaling $27.1 · $55 million increase for investigating and FY 2013 Budget requests funds for the Executive Office including refocusing and realigning the National Drug billion for the Department of Justice identifies over prosecuting financial and mortgage fraud; for Immigration Review (EOIR) to expand the Legal Intelligence Center functions into the Drug Enforcement $1 billion in efficiencies, savings and rescissions while · $31.8 million increase to uphold traditional Orientation Program, which educates detained aliens on Administration. In addition, the budget proposes to providing resources to sustain critical national security law enforcement, immigration and litigation-related EOIR immigration proceedings. This allows detained merge the detention functions currently performed by programs, uphold the department’s traditional missions missions; aliens to make more informed decisions early in the the Office of the Federal Detention Trustee into the U.S. with an increased focus on financial and mortgage · $8.6 billion for federal prisons and detention; adjudication process, reducing overall program costs Marshals Service to better align detention resources with fraud and civil rights enforcement, invest in prisons and · $2 billion to maintain assistance to state, local and for both EOIR courts and Department of Homeland operations, simplify the financial process supporting detention capacity, and assist our state, local and tribal tribal law enforcement; Security detention programs. detention housing and reduce administrative costs. In law enforcement partners. The request represents a 0.4 · Over $1 billion in administrative efficiencies, Finally, the department requests additional addition to department-wide initiatives, component- percent decrease in budget authority from the FY 2012 programmatic savings redirections in grant programs resources to provide for the vigorous enforcement of the unique program savings have been identified, including enacted level. and rescissions from balances. nation’s civil rights laws. The FY 2013 Budget requests expanding BOP’s compassionate release to inmates with “The President’s Budget request will provide the National Security resources for the Civil Rights Division to address areas medical conditions that have served at least two-thirds department with the resources necessary to continue Defending national security from both internal and such as human trafficking, hate crimes, voting rights of their sentence (excluding those sentences for violent or protecting the American people from terrorism and other external threats remains the Department of Justice’s enforcement and fair lending enforcement. Funds are also sex offenses) and implementing proposed legislation to urgent threats to our national security. It will enable us highest priority. The FY 2013 Budget request provides requested for the Community Relations Service. make changes in the federal inmate good conduct time to safeguard citizens from violent crime and threats to a total of $4 billion to maintain critical counterterrorism For more information, view the Traditional Missions credit incentives. the most vulnerable among us. And it will strengthen and counterintelligence programs and sustain recent Fact Sheet at The department has actively pursued savings and critical efforts to combat financial and mortgage fraud, increases for intelligence gathering and surveillance Prisons and Detention efficiencies in other areas consistent with the President’s while recognizing the valuable role of state, local and capabilities. The department has made strategic investments Campaign to Cut Waste and will continue to do so in tribal law enforcement partners in achieving national The administration supports critical national in law enforcement initiatives that have improved the FY 2013. We have made significant efforts to limit goals,” said Attorney General Holder. “As in previous security programs within the department, including nation’s security and made communities safer. The and reduce spending in the areas of publication, travel, years, this budget incorporates department-wide savings those led by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) result of these important enforcement efforts has been supplies, fleet, advisory contracts, promotional items and efficiencies while identifying new ways to cut costs and the National Security Division (NSD). In FY 2011, an expansion in the need for prison and detention and information technology devices to meet or exceed a without affecting our core missions.” the FBI dedicated approximately 4,200 agents to capacity. The department continues to prioritize the reduction target of $146 million from FY 2010 levels. The $27.1 billion budget request includes program investigate more than 33,000 national security cases. maintenance of secure, controlled detention and prison For more information, view the Savings and increases for critical administration priorities, including NSD has continued to carry out its primary functions facilities, as well as investment in programs that can Efficiencies Fact Sheet at $55 million to investigate and prosecute financial and to prevent acts of terrorism and espionage in the United reduce recidivism. The FY 2013 Budget requests a total jmd/2013factsheets/. mortgage crimes; $31.8 million to increase funding States and to facilitate the collection of information of $8.6 billion for prisons and detention. The request for traditional missions, including $5 million in new regarding the activities of foreign agents and powers. invests in prisons and detention capacity, providing money to prevent human trafficking, hate crimes and Investigating cybercrime and protecting our $223.9 million in prison and detention adjustments and police misconduct; and $141.2 million for prisons and nation’s critical network infrastructure is a top priority $141.2 million for program increases to maintain current detention to ensure prisoners and detainees are confined of the department. The President’s FY 2013 Budget services, improve prisoner reentry and ensure prisoners in secure facilities. The budget addresses the federal request maintains recent increases for the FBI’s are confined in secure facilities. prison population by allowing eligible inmates to earn cyber terrorism investigations, the National Cyber For the Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP), the sentence reductions for good behavior and participation Investigative Joint Task Force (NCIJTF) and the forensic budget includes resources to fully activate two prisons: in certain reentry programs, freeing up federal prison examination of digital evidence. In addition, other Federal Corrections Institution (FCI) Aliceville, Ala., and space and reducing long-term costs. In addition, the department components have made critical investments FCI Berlin, N.H. These prisons received partial activation budget provides $4 billion to sustain the department’s to protect U.S. citizens and secure our homeland, and funding in FY 2012, which will increase federal prison critical national security mission and nearly $2 billion these components will continue their efforts in FY 2013. capacity and alleviate overcrowding and related security in funding to maintain security along the Southwest For more information, view the National issues. BOP also plans to expand the residential drug Border. Finally, the budget continues to foster valued Security Fact Sheet at abuse treatment program (RDAP), in support of Second partnerships through state, local and tribal assistance to jmd/2013factsheets/. Chance Act objectives. The requested funding will help enhance public safety, protect women and children, and Financial and Mortgage Fraud BOP reach the goal of providing 12-month sentence Visit Sota on-line reduce recidivism. The administration and the Department of Justice credits for completion of the RDAP program to all sota.html Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 7

sustained investments are necessary to ensure tribes fully in communities hit hardest by the economic downturn. contribute to a robust recovery. NCAI’s Analysis of the President’s FY 2013 “The Administration’s budget requests are a good Budget Request comes just weeks after the release of first step in reflecting the priorities that Republicans, NCAI’s comprehensive FY 2013 Indian Country Budget Democrats, and Administration officials have heard Request. Washington, DC – February 13, 2012 – The Office to create, modify, or eliminate regulations, from tribal leaders in consultations and Congressional Highlights of proposed funding for Tribal programs: President’s fiscal year 2013 budget request for the policies, and procedures. hearings. Congress should seize the moment and work Economic Development and Land Restoration Department of the Interior’s Office of the Special The OST has operational responsibility for financial to develop and pass a budget that fully addresses Indian - Included in the President’s FY 2013 Budget Trustee for American Indians (OST) is $146 million, trust fund management, including receipt, investment, Country’s priorities,” said Jefferson Keel, President Proposal is a no-cost economic development and jobs a $6.1 million decrease from the FY 2012 enacted and disbursement of Indian trust funds and for real of NCAI, the nation’s oldest and largest American creation solution for restoring land to tribal governments level, reflecting the Administration’s commitment to estate appraisals on Indian trust lands. The OST Indian and Alaska Native advocacy organization. impacted by the Carcieri Supreme Court decision. (p. fiscal discipline, while maintaining vital operations and manages more than $3.7 billion held in over 2,900 trust “Indian Country understands the federal government 758 of the Budget of the United States Government, program services. accounts for more than 250 Indian Tribes and is constrained, that’s why we’ve called for increased Fiscal Year 2013, Appendix.) “OST’s budget request addresses the over 380,000 open Individual Indian Money flexibility for tribal programs and have identified no-cost Increases President’s priorities, including innovation, accounts. provisions that strengthen tribal economies. We know - The budget request for the Indian Health Service education and infrastructure,” said acting Principal OST carries out the Administration’s Indian what will work for our nations and we call on Congress is $4.422 billion, an increase of $115.9 million over the Deputy Special Trustee Michele Singer. “OST employees fiduciary trust responsibilities through: providing to include Indian Country in finalizing a budget plan FY 2012 enacted level. fully support doing things smarter and more efficiently beneficiary services that are accurate and responsive; that grows tribal economies and meets the federal - Approximately $345 million is proposed for to carry out our fiduciary trust responsibilities to supporting tribal self-governance and self-determination government’s trust responsibility.” public safety initiatives in Indian Country, with a total of American Indian beneficiaries.” that increase participation in managing assets; On February 13, the Obama Administration $156.8 million set aside for tribal grant programs within Key funding levels include $9.8 million for Trust maintaining ownership information that is accurate, released a $3.80 trillion budget request to Congress. the Department of Justice. Records, $8.3 million for Trust Review and Audit, $23.6 timely, and reliable; conducting trust fund asset NCAI’s Analysis of the President’s FY 2013 Budget - The Bureau of Indian Affairs is essentially million for Field Operations, $10.7 million for Appraisal management that meets fiduciary standards; and Request provides initial analysis of all major areas and level-funded, with small increases for Tribal Priority Services, $28.8 million for Trust Services, $26.8 million encouraging land and natural resources management agencies which oversee and administer funding for Indian Allocations, contract support costs, Rights Protection for Historical Trust Accounting, and $26.6 million for that maximizes return. Country. Many tribal programs fall into the category of Implementation, and Tribal Management and Budget, Finance, and Administration. OST was initially tasked with Department-wide discretionary domestic funding. In preparation for the Development, among others. The budget identifies reductions for administrative oversight for the reform of Indian trust management President’s budget, some agencies have consulted with - An increase of approximately $29 million over FY efficiencies across OST such as no longer using an and implementation of new fiduciary accounting tribes about programs in the budget. NCAI produced 2012 appropriations is proposed for the Tribal General independent contractor to offer Indian fiduciary systems. OST’s oversight role expanded in 1996 to a report in January 2012 that outlined the consultation Assistance Program. These additional funds will assist trust certification courses. OST will work with the include operational responsibility for financial trust efforts of all federal agencies. tribes in capacity building and promote protections for Department of the Interior University to offer trust fund management, including receipt, investment, and In the budget analysis, NCAI highlights the the environment and human health. management training for OST, BIA, and tribal disbursement of beneficiary funds. no-cost solution included in the budget proposal for Decreases personnel. Also, OST will work collaboratively with Visit the OST website at restoring lands to tribal governments impacted by - Bureau of Indian Education construction is the Assistant Secretary -Indian Affairs’ Policies and to view the fiscal year 2013 budget request justification. the Carcieri Supreme Court decision. NCAI’s review proposed to be cut to $52.8 million. This program was Regulations office, the Department, and the Solicitor’s also emphasizes the importance of sustained funding funded at $140.5 million in FY 2011 and $70.8 million for tribal self-determination, critical to the economic in FY 2012. From the White House blog – foundation of Indian Country and the benefits tribes - The Indian Guaranteed Loan Program would offer to surrounding rural and regional economies. decrease to $5 million, a $2.1 million cut Recommendations from Indian Country that were ***** included in the FY 2013 proposal include increases About the National Congress of American Indians: for contract support costs, some natural resource and Founded in 1944, the National Congress of American environmental protection programs, public safety Indians is the oldest, largest and most representative Posted by Kimberly Teehee – Feb. 13, 2012 – In technical colleges, and two BIA-operated universities, initiatives, and contract health services. American Indian and Alaska Native organization his State of the Union address, President Obama laid as well as providing higher education scholarships to While the Administration’s budget proposal in the country. NCAI advocates on behalf of tribal out a blueprint for an economy that’s built to last – an approximately 32,000 students. maintains support for critical programs, there were some governments and communities, promoting strong economy built on American manufacturing, American Combat Crime in Indian Country: Within the cuts that represent major setbacks to progress in Indian tribal-federal government-to-government policies, and energy, skills for American workers, and a renewal of Department of Justice, the Budget provides $346 Country. One example is in funding for Bureau of Indian promoting a better understanding among the general American values. Today, the President released a budget million, a 12 percent increase over the 2012 enacted Education construction, where proposed cuts reduce public regarding American Indian and Alaska Native that illustrates how we put that blueprint to work. level, for criminal justice programs involving tribal areas. funding to $52.8 million, down from $140.5 million governments, people and rights. For more information The President has been clear that we need to do Address the Scarcity of Healthy, Safe, Affordable in FY 2011 and $70.8 million in FY 2012. These cuts visit more to create jobs and help economic growth. While Housing in Indian Country: The Budget provides $650 would directly impact economic growth and job creation the current economic crisis has challenged all Americans, million for the Department of Housing and Urban we know this to be especially true for Indian Country Development’s (HUD) Native American Housing Block Statement from Senator Thune – where some reservations face unemployment rates of up Grant program. The Budget also provides an additional to 80 percent. Though the economic challenges of Indian $60 million for HUD’s Indian Community Development Country are significant, President Obama is committed Block Grant program. to building strong, prosperous Native American Protect Tribal Lands and the Environment: The economies. Budget provides $266 million, a $26 million increase The President’s FY 2013 Budget includes $19.4 above the 2012 funding level, for environmental Washington, DC – Feb. 13, 2012 – Senator Thune “Rather than providing bold solutions that address billion in government-wide funding for Native American protection programs. This includes a $30 million issued the following statement regarding President our country’s unsustainable entitlement programs and programs, an increase of nearly $585 million over the increase for grant programs specifically targeted at Tribes Obama’s budget proposal released this morning: save them for future generations of Americans, the 2012 funding level and $875 million over the 2011 and tribal consortia to develop and help implement “President Obama’s budget proposal is a failure president’s budget simply proposes cuts to care. This funding level. Agencies and programs critical to Indian environmental protection programs on tribal lands. of leadership. The president’s budget spends too much, short-sighted solution could jeopardize the Medicare and Country including the Departments of Education, Support Infrastructure Development for Native borrows too much, and raises taxes on job creators. Social Security benefits seniors currently enjoy and will Transportation, Justice, and Health and Human Services Americans: The Budget proposes providing a significant “Debt and deficits continue to plague our country’s do nothing to ensure the long-term solvency of these (which includes the Indian Health Service) have all investment in a 21st century infrastructure to create economic growth and recovery after four straight years programs for our children and grandchildren. received funding increases for Indian Country programs thousands of jobs and modernize a critical foundation of more than $1 trillion deficits under President Obama. “After the Senate defeated President Obama’s in the President’s 2013 Budget. Throughout most of our economic growth. This investment includes America currently faces a national debt of over $15 budget last year in a unanimous vote of 97-0, I cannot federal agencies, funding for Native American programs infrastructure funds dedicated to Indian Reservation trillion and U.S. debt recently surpassed 100 percent of help but wonder how many Senate Democrats will reject remained relatively level. Given the fiscal situation the roads, bridges and transit service. This proposal includes gross domestic product. Yet, rather than propose serious his ill-advised budget yet again this year.” country faces, this is a significant achievement. Within a $50 billion up-front investment in the 2012 Budget solutions to address the federal government’s reckless Budget Gimmicks in the President’s Budget: the Bureau of Indian Affairs, programs were protected combined with a 6-year $476 billion reauthorization for spending and borrowing habits, the president’s budget • The president’s budget counts $1 trillion in that have a direct impact on Native American lives and surface transportation programs. will spend $47 trillion over the next 10 years, increasing new savings from spending caps enacted by the Budget that were considered a priority by tribal leaders. Increase Funding to Address Unemployment in the national debt by $11 trillion to an astonishing $25.9 Control Act of 2011. These are savings the president To construct an economy that is built to last and Indian Country: The Budget includes a 10 percent trillion. himself never proposed, and were already enacted into provide security for Indian Country, the 2013 Budget increase from 2012 funding levels to provide grants to “In addition to proposing more spending, the law in August of 2011. will: Indian Tribes, Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and president is proposing $1.9 trillion in new taxes, the • The president’s budget claims $848 billion in Strengthen Tribal Nations. The Budget increases tribal non-profit organizations that provide employment largest tax hike in history. With nearly 13 million savings from “reduced funding” for the wars in Iraq and funding to compensate Tribes for the work they perform and training services to unemployed and low-income Americans currently unemployed, it would be disastrous Afghanistan. This is a budget gimmick that even the in managing Federal programs under self-determination members of Indian Country. to raise taxes on America’s job creators as the president’s president’s own fiscal commission rejected because war contracts and self-governance compacts. The President’s Budget also includes funding and budget proposes. Increased taxes on those who create funding was never expected to remain at surge levels for Provide a Carcieri Fix. To address the United proposals to support business growth and access to credit jobs would only further hamstring their ability to add the next 10 years. States Supreme Court decision in Carcieri v. Salazar, the in Indian Country, to continue to expand job creation additional workers. Budget includes language reaffirming the Secretary of opportunities, to give all children in Indian Country a Interior’s authority to take land into trust for all federally fair shot at success by improving and reforming K – 12 Statement from Rep. Noem – recognized Indian tribes. education, to expand access to college, to ensure a well Continue Efforts to Increase Access to Health Care trained workforce, and to assist with winter fuel costs. for American Indians and Alaska Natives: The Budget The Budget is a blueprint for how we can rebuild includes $4.4 billion for the Indian Health Service (IHS), an economy where hard work pays off and responsibility which is intended to fund key investments in clinical is rewarded; it is a blueprint for providing security and services and staffing, tribally-operated health programs a strong future for all Americans, including Indian Washington, D.C. – Representative Kristi Noem forward to working with any Republican or Democrat and health facilities construction. This funding amount is Country. (R-SD) reacted with disappointment in the newly who is willing to cut wasteful spending and reform the a 2.6 percent increase over the 2012 enacted levels. The For more information about how the President’s released budget proposal by President Barack Obama. way Washington spends our hard-earned tax dollars,” Budget also includes $40 million for a new Behavioral FY 2013 Budget will construct an economy that is built The proposal, if enacted, would mean four straight years concluded Noem. Health Tribal Prevention Grant within the Substance to last and provide security for Indian Country, please of trillion-dollar-plus deficits and would also break the By the numbers: Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration click here. Please click the links to view the budget President’s promise to cut the deficit in half by the end of · Spends Too Much: (SAMHSA), which will support AI/ANs efforts to justifications for Indian Health Service and Bureau of his first term. o $47 trillion of government spending over the next prevent substance abuse and suicide. Indian Affairs. “This budget proposal is loaded with record level decade Expand Access to College and Boost Native ***** spending increases, tax hikes, and more debt. The o Proposes a net increase over current spending American College Completion: The Budget provides Kimberly Teehee is Senior Policy Advisor for Native President has talked about the need for greater fiscal projections $132 million to the Bureau of Indian Education to American Affairs with White House Domestic Policy responsibility in his recent speeches to the American · Taxes Too Much: support post-secondary education for Native American Council. people, but when he put pen to paper to write this o $1.9 trillion in new taxes students at 27 tribal colleges and universities, two tribal budget the tough talk didn’t translate into action. This o Raises taxes, not to pay down the debt, but to fuel budget puts us deeper in the hole and closer to a grave more government spending fiscal crisis,” said Noem. · Borrows Too Much: “In an area where we need leadership most, this o Four straight years of trillion-dollar-plus deficits; budget does nothing to reform and save critical health no plan to reduce the debt Washington, DC – Feb. 15, 2012 – The National consultation to identify Indian Country’s top priorities. and retirement security programs for future retirees. o Gross debt at the end of FY22: $25.9 trillion Congress of American Indians (NCAI) released an initial The analysis also indicates the budget proposal is a good In fact, it continues the President’s policy of letting an · Budget Gimmicks & Broken Promises: analysis today of the FY 2013 Budget as proposed step toward meeting bipartisan goals for Indian Country unaccountable board of bureaucrats cut Medicare in ways o Overstates new deficit reduction by taking credit by the Obama Administration. The report details - government efficiency, more program flexibility for that will lead to denied care for seniors. South Dakota for savings already enacted proposed investments and reductions in Indian Country tribes, and no-cost solutions for strengthening tribal seniors deserve better. o Exploits discredited budget gimmick by “not priorities and programs. The inclusion of a number and rural economies. The report underscores the fact “Our nation is at a critical crossroads and we spending” nearly $1 trillion that was never going to be of tribal priorities reflects – in part – increased tribal that these are important steps on a long journey and need serious fiscal leadership in Washington. I look spent Page 8 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012

Math and Science Night was held on January 24th, ladders. The staff of Nita Jones, Patsey Seaboy and 2010. Bernie Kohl made the board and gathered prizes for the The FACE program participated for ESDS event. Afterschool program. The event was lots of fun! The FACE creation was on the game snakes and (Here are photo highlights of the event.)

Sisseton Elementary students Lexus Abraham, Jessa and Diction. This was truly an exceptional experience Glynn and Duncan Osbourne traveled with their music for these students! Before the day of the concert they teacher, Mrs. Kristy Tostenson, to Brookings Thursday, needed to have their music learned and memorized. February 9th, to sing in the Elementary Festival Honor They practiced diligently to reach this goal on their own choir. and with their teacher. The songs performed were “To This choir performed in concert at 4:45 p.m. in Music”, “Laudamus Te” -sung in Latin, “Tuimbe,” “West the Performing Arts Center on campus of SDSU. Their Of My Heart,” “Three Quotes by Mark Twain,” and rehearsals began at 8:30 a.m. and continued throughout “Jim-Along Josie.” the day. Guest director for this event was Ms. Marcia Patton, nationally recognized children’s choir conductor, and founder of the Casper Children’s Chorale in Casper, Wyoming. These students were selected through a recorded congressional office. audition with over 750 Representative Noem is recordings sent in throughout a member of the Agriculture the state of South Dakota in Committee, the Education and grades 4, 5, and 6. A panel of Workforce Committee, and the judges listened to the recordings Washington, D.C. – office will assist staff with legislative Natural Resources Committee. choosing the choir based upon Representative Kristi Noem (R-SD) research and various constituent College students who are the criteria of: Tone Quality, is currently accepting applications service and communications projects. interested in interning in any of for summer internships in her Both South Dakota and Washington, Tonal Memory, Intonation, Representative Noem’s offices should Sisseton elementary honor choir students Duncan Osbourne, Lexus Washington, D.C. office, as well as in DC internships are unpaid, but submit a resume, cover letter and Abraham, and Jessa Glynn. her offices in Sioux Falls, Rapid City provide students with first-hand references by April 6th, 2012 to and Watertown. knowledge of the legislative process [email protected]/. Student interns in Noem’s and the countless other functions of a For more information, contact Peter Eckrich at 202-225-2801. community development program. Chris Zdorovtsov,SDSU Extension planning (budgeting, creating a will, To participate in the March Community Development Field retirement savings, etc.) and would 7 Webinar visit Participant Link: Specialist at 605-782-3290 or like their advice. That will lead Community [email protected]. naturally to discussions about their Garden start- For more information contact own plans. Or, bring in an impartial party, such as an attorney, financial up webinar planner, social worker or trusted friend to guide the conversation. March 7 Offer to help your parents Brookings, SD – SDSU organize their finances. Set up and Extension is hosting a Community periodically update files containing: Garden Start-up Webinar March 7, Details of all major possessions from 7-8 p.m. CST. By Jason Alderman something’s amiss. and relevant paperwork (such as Community Gardens are a Sometimes it’s hard enough just Indicators that your parents property deeds, car registration, place to grow food, reconnect with keeping track of your own finances. might need a hand include: jewelry, etc.). Outstanding and nature and get physical exercise. But, as many of us have learned, Unpaid bills, late payment recurring debts (mortgage, car loan, Community Gardens provide a place life gets even more complicated notices or utility shut-off warnings. medical bills, utilities, etc.). All for renters without access to land or when your parents come to you for Calls or letters from creditors or income sources, including Social for homeowners with yards that are assistance with their money matters collection agencies. They’ve had to Security, pension, 401(k), IRA, too small or too shady to garden. – or worse, when they don’t ask for choose between filling prescriptions investment accounts and savings. Is your community interested help but really should. and buying food, utilities or other Bank accounts, credit cards, safe in starting a community garden? Many people are fiercely necessities. Unlikely magazine deposit box contents and insurance If so, please join SDSU Extension independent and hate to relinquish subscriptions or cheap prizes – signs policies, including password, agent field specialists for an introductory control over any aspect of their lives, they may be targets of telemarketing and beneficiary information. Will, Webinar on getting started. especially personal financial matters. or get-rich-quick schemes. trust, power of attorney, health Specialists will discuss action Some are downright suspicious Seemingly unnecessary home care proxy, funeral plans and other steps on starting a Community when anyone, including their own improvements; or conversely, signs documents showing how they Garden - various models, site children, tries to intercede. that they can’t afford needed repairs. want their affairs handled. Contact assessment, resources needed and But don’t give up. Try to Uncharacteristically lavish spending information for their lawyer, more. During the Webinar, they will become familiar with your parents’ on vacations, new cars, etc. accountant, broker, financial planner, also discuss successful community financial, medical and legal records If your parents initially are insurance agent and other advisors. gardens which have started as while their health and finances reluctant to share their financial and A few other tips: a result of the SDSU Extension are still in good shape so you’ll be legal information, tell them you’re Help your parents create a Horizon’s Program, an action-based able to spot any warning signs that working on your own financial Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 9

The Home-based FACE staff held the last Family The next meeting is scheduled for March 19th and If you are thinking of ge ing your GED, start now! Circle meeting on the 13th of February. is entitled, “Meal time fun!” Focus of the meeting was on “eating the rainbow.” This series is cosponsored by the WE CAN Project Do you need basic computer skills or want to The series is based on nutrition and has parent-child of Enemy Swim Day School. become ready for the job market? components with activities. (See accompanying photo highlights.) We can help you with all of that. Please come to the New Student Intake Session at the Enemy Swim Day School beginning at 9:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 21. Call 947-4605 extension 3066 and talk with Dakotah Grant to sign up. If this time does not work for you, please call us so other can be made for you.

Scene from FACE Family Circle night.

Scene from FACE Family Circle night. Scene from FACE Family Circle night.

cacti are often heavily armed with grow, green spineless cacti have and colorful flowers. They are group is from December through spines. While many have beautiful white flakes on the outside of the popular gift plants. late March when plants should be and delicate flowers, they are mainly ribs. Golden Barrel cactus: Upright Culture of Rain Forest Cacti: kept cool and dry until the flower grown for their unusual shapes, barrel-shaped green body is covered Holiday cacti and other rain buds form. Once the buds form, the colors and textures. with heavy gold-yellow spines. The forest cacti need substantially plants can be give more water and Culture of Arid Climate Cacti: flowers are gold. This cactus is good more water, but should never be light. The plant flowers from early Watering properly is the most for beginners. waterlogged. Never let them dry April until late May. Numerous important factor in growing cacti Giant Saguaro: This is the out completely during the spring cultivars are available. successfully. Their soil must be very familiar cactus shown in western and summer months. They prefer Orchid Cactus: Orchid cacti well-drained. During the growing films. It has a solitary trunk and at least 50 percent humidity, but prefer temperatures that range season from March to September, outstretched limbs that resembles will tolerate less. Misting may be between 45 and 70 °F. They will cacti will grow rapidly. Water them arms. White flowers appear in beneficial in the home. These cacti tolerate extreme heat if well- as any other houseplant that prefers spring. It makes a nice container need bright but filtered light. They shaded and the humidity is high. to dry slightly between waterings. In plant when young. Barrel Cacti: may sunburn if in direct sun. Plants should receive balanced winter, while the plants are dormant, Cactus have extremely fierce- Rain forest type cacti require fertilizer once a month from spring they should be allowed to get very looking, long and ornamental spines. more organic matter in their soil to fall. It is always better to use dry between waterings. Water them These cylindrical cacti are usually mix than do desert type cacti. A too little fertilizer than too much. just enough to keep them from around 5 to 6 inches in diameter, but good soil mix consists of two parts To encourage flowering use an shriveling. Usually this will mean can grow up to a foot or more. Large peat moss, one part garden soil and application of low nitrogen fertilizer Scene from FACE Family Circle night. a light watering every few weeks. flowers appear in summer on older one part sand. Good drainage is once at the end of February and The plant must never be permitted specimens. essential. Fertilize your plants once again in early November. Do not detailed budget so they always know account is always sufficiently funded. to stand in water. Waterlogged soil Prickly Pear Cacti: Low mat- a month during the growing season fertilize plants during December or how much money is coming in and Many retirees must file quarterly tax will quickly lead to rotting of the forming prickly pears are very easy with a well-balanced liquid fertilizer. January. The major flowering season going out. Free budgeting tools are returns – a daunting task for anyone. roots. Arid climate cacti need bright to grow. Always wear heavy gloves Stop fertilizing Thanksgiving and for day-flowering orchid cacti is available at, Offer to help with the paperwork; or, sunlight. Windows facing south or when handling prickly pears. They Christmas cacti in September. from April to June. Night-blooming the National Foundation for Credit if they work with an accountant or west where they will receive direct have tiny barbed bristles on their Resume fertilizing after flowering. species flower in late summer and Counseling (, www. tax preparer, ask to attend the next sunlight for several hours each day stems that can cause more pain than Easter cacti can be fed all year long early fall. Orchid cactus will flower, and Practical Money Skills meeting. are ideal. Artificial light may be larger spines and are difficult to except when flowering. You can when they are 2 to 3 years old. for Life, a free personal financial Don’t be afraid to ask your necessary to supplement natural see. Most have large, flat, oval pads encourage flowering in holiday Make sure that your plants have a management program run by Visa parents if they need help managing light. and showy flowers. They produce cacti by adjusting their nighttime nighttime temperature of 40 to 50 Inc. ( their finances. Chances are, in 30 Cactus plants actually prefer colorful, edible pear-shaped fruits. temperature and the amount of °F during the winter. Plants like budgeting). If you’re helping pay years you’ll thank your own kids for a rich soil if it is free-draining. Many types are also hardy outside. light and water that they receive. If to be root bound before flowering. or process their bills, request that the offer. Packaged, commercial cactus potting Types of Arid Climate Cacti you grow these cacti under artificial Orchid cacti have flattened, fleshy duplicate account statements be sent ***** soils may be used or you can make Continued: Hedgehog Cacti: Small light, make sure that they are in stems, often deeply toothed, with a to you as well, so you can quickly Jason Alderman directs Visa’s your own by combining equal globular cacti covered with short darkness for at least 12 hours each trailing growth habit. Flowers are spot any errant activity. Set up financial education programs. To volumes of peat-based potting soil spines; flowers profusely. They are day during the fall. Holiday cacti 6 inches long or more and of many automatic bill payment for utilities Follow Jason Alderman on Twitter: and very coarse sand or grit. Cacti easy-to-grow plants and good for need long nights to flower. colors. They are often sweet-scented and other monthly bills to avoid late generally like to be slightly pot beginners. Watering should be reduced and night-flowering. There are payment fees. Just make sure the bound. They should be repotted Chin Cacti: These small about the end of September. This hundreds of cultivars. only as needed. April is the best time compact cacti are perfect for is a rest period for the plant and ***** to repot cacti, just as they begin windowsills and limited spaces. They is necessary to set buds. Keep This article written by summer growth. When repotting be will flower at an early age and flower nighttime temperatures around Karen Russ, HGIC Horticulture sure to wear heavy leather gloves or often. Flowers are white, pink, and 50 to 55 °F. Temperatures above Specialist, and Al Pertuit, Extension Submitted by Eric Hanssen wrap the cactus in several layers of red. Pincushion Cacti: This is a large this range may result in growth Floriculture Specialist, Clemson Browns Valley, Minnesota newspaper for handling. Repot cacti group of small, free-flowering cacti but no flowers. Once flower University, available online at http:// Cactus: into a container only slightly larger that are easy to care for. Most are buds form, increase water and Cacti are relatively easy to than the present one. If the container densely spined, and in many types temperature. Once the buds set, plants/indoor/foliage/hgic1502.html. grow. Most will tolerate neglect is too large, the soil may stay moist the spines are so elongated and soft night temperatures of 60 to 70 °F but thrive when given good care. and lead to rot. After repotting, wait that the plant appears hairy. are ideal. By mid-November your These plants are well-adapted to several days before watering. Use a Golden Ball Cacti: This is a cacti should be in full bloom. Plants the dry conditions found in the low nitrogen fertilizer such as 5-10- globular, clustering cactus with may drop buds if temperatures are Inconvenient home. Cacti vary tremendously 5 once a month from June through harmless yellow spines and beautiful too high or humidity too low. They in size, color, shape and flowering September. Time-released fertilizers yellow flowers. Golden Powder may not flower if temperatures are habit. There may be one to two rarely a problem. Too much water can be used, applied once in the Puff: Mature plants are covered too high for long periods. Falling Looking for a copy thousand different species of cacti. plus insects and mites are the main spring. Do not fertilize repotted with golden spines and dense or yellow leaves may result if plants Most cacti live in desert habitats, problems. Root and stem rots usually plants or arid climate cacti during white wool on new growth. Small, are too dry or they get too much but some types can also be found result from a soil mix that does not the winter. Cacti prefer temperatures yellow flowers appear in spring and sunlight. Low humidity and too in jungles. Most cacti are native drain quickly or overly frequent from 65 to 85 °F during the growing summer. much water can stimulate root of the Sota to the Americas. They may grow watering. Aphids, spider mites and season. Dormant cactus plants do Column Cactus: These upright rot. Types of Rain Forest Cacti: as upright columns, as spreading mealy bugs are the major pests of best at temperatures from 45 to 55 cacti grow up to 3 to 6 feet indoors. Thanksgiving & Christmas Cacti: clumps, limited only by the size of cacti. Check new plants carefully for °F in winter. An ideal placement They are a smooth blue-green with Thanksgiving and Christmas cacti each week? their container, as hanging baskets pests before purchase. Houseplant for a cactus in winter would be a brown spines. The flowers are white flower anytime between those or as thorny ornamental balls. Most insecticide sprays or insecticidal sunny cool room or near a window with outer petals tipped various holidays on 1-to-2 year-old plants. cacti grow slowly to moderately soaps can be used for control. Make where it is cooler. Most will tolerate colors and open at night. The Christmas cactus has smaller, as houseplants, usually only a few sure that the spray you use is labeled normal house temperatures, but Rain Forest Cacti: smooth-edged stems. Thanksgiving Subscribe Now inches a year. They can live for many for cacti and follow label directions they are more likely to flower and Few people think of cacti cacti have segments with toothed or years. Most cacti lack leaves. The carefully. Scale can also occur and prosper if kept cool in winter. Cacti living in some of the most humid jagged edges. Flowers appear earlier stem is fleshy or succulent. These is more difficult to control. You can be moved outdoors during the conditions imaginable, but the very under natural light conditions than features allow the plant to withstand may be able to hand-pick off a light summer, and will respond well to popular holiday flowering cacti those on Christmas cactus. Many & Receive Your Copy periods of drought, a common infestation, but you might have the change. Be sure to place them in (Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter cultivars are available. occurrence in the habitats where to discard the plant if it is heavily partial shade for the first few weeks, cactus) are all in this group. Their Easter Cactus: Easter cactus cacti grow. Cacti exhibit beauty in infested. allowing them to adjust to brighter appearance is very different from bears flowers at the stem joints Every Week their symmetry of form as well as in Arid Climate Cacti: When light. Cacti can be propagated from dry land cacti. Most have wide, and at the ends. They should to be their brightly colored flowers. most people think of cacti, this type seeds, cuttings, grafting or offsets. flattened, green stems that look treated the same as other holiday Problems: usually comes to mind. Adapted Types of Arid Climate Cacti: much like leaves, no thorns and are cacti but at different times of the In the home, plant diseases are to living in desert conditions, these Star Cactus: These easy-to- grown primarily for their profuse year. The resting period for this In the Mail! Page 10 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012

Special Sota feature: United States Department of the Interior, The tribes which, for varying reasons, escaped the allotment operation, kept their lands, and in most cases Office of Indian Affairs (1938)– kept their industry and more or less of their inherited cultures and organization. These tribes, largely situated in the southwestern States, comprised about one third of the whole Indian population in number. A Brief Statement Before treating of the present phase of governmental policy, two items are mentioned, both ancient in their origin. On the Background of Present-Day Exemption of Indians from Taxes. Basically, this exemption arose through the assertion by the Federal Government of the exclusive jurisdiction over Indian country. Not being under the State governments, Indian Indian Policy in the United States country could not be taxed by them. In addition, the treaties pledged or contemplated tax exemption on lands retained by Indians as a consideration in re­turn for the surrender by the Indians of other areas of land. Generally (Prepared at the request of the U. S. Department of State for the use of the American delegation at the Eighth speaking, the tax-exempt status of Indians continues, so far as land taxes are concerned. Most of them pay in part or International Conference of American States, at Lima, Peru, December 9, 1938. Submitted by the Office of Indian in whole the indirect taxes. Affairs, November 21, 1938. Submitted to the Sota by Michael Selvage Sr.) Peculiarities of Civil and Criminal Status. Stat­utes prohibiting the sale or gift of alcoholic liquors to Indians are Early policies of the United States toward the Indians were motivated by the desire of the dominant race to of long standing, dating back at least to 1832, and are substantially­ the same in effect today. Prohibition still applies acquire lands and resources held by the Indians. This purpose was supported both on frankly materialistic­ grounds generally on the mainland of the United States to all Indians who are wards of the United States. This prohibition and on the idealistic ground that the Indians were incapable of making the best productive use of these lands does not apply to the territory of Alaska; nor to the eastern part of Oklahoma except­ on Indian school lands and resources, and would benefit by “assimilation” into white society. The chief issue around which Indian policy maintained by or under the supervision of the United States. Enforcement is incomplete and uneven. revolved prior to 1933 was whether this transfer of ownership could best be brought about through peaceful treaty, In the main, criminal jurisdiction over Indians on their reservations is not vested in the States, but in the Federal through force of arms, or through the usual legal forms of patent, deed and mortgage. Indian policy­ and Indian Government; even then, the Federal criminal laws do not all extend to Indians, so that Indians are exempt from administration, even today when this motive has been reversed,­ is underlaid with strata of the earlier policies, and can punishment in the Federal courts for many offenses for which others are subject to the courts of the land - State or be under­stood only as these earlier policies are understood. Fed­eral. 1. During the years when the rivalries of England, France and Spain on the continent gave the various Indian The balance of Indian criminal matters have been theoretically under the control of the tribes, but actually, to tribes positions of strategy is power, negotiations with these tribes were carried on by the Colonies and later by the some extent and for a number of years, under the control of the Office of Indian Affairs. In tribes organized under United States on the basis of international treaties. These treaties acknowledged the sovereignty of Indian tribes and the Indian Reorganization Act, (passed in 1934) mentioned below, the control of criminal matters not coming within implied the ac­knowledgement of a possessory right in the soil that the tribes occupied. After the cession of Louisiana Federal law is being taken over by the tribal government as the tribes adopt law and order codes for their local self- by France in 1803, the termination of the war with Great Britain in 1814 and the cession of Florida by Spain in government. The preparation, adoption, approval, etc., of these tribal codes are now in various stages of progress. 1819, there developed an increasing tendency to deny the sovereignty of Indian tribes and to deal with them by force 6. Against the above background the present phase of governmental Indian policy can be better understood. of arms. This tendency was marked by the establishment of an Indian Office as part of the War Department, in 1824. The present policy continues the Federal guardianship over Indians and trusteeship over Indian property while The United States continued for a time to make treaties with Indian tribes, but these treaties were generally made at seeking to establish individual and group liberty within the guardian­ship. Details of present policy are: the conclusion of a war or under a threat of military force, and they usually contained cessions of land to the United A. Authority and help to the tribes for reconstituting their tribal and community governments and life. When States. Finally, in 1871, Congress prohibited the making of treaties with the Indians. re­constituted under the Indian Reorganization Act, these tribal governments have broad powers which may not be The use of military force to control. Indians was a dominant factor in United States policy from the 1820’s taken away ex­cept by Act of Congress. until the 1850’s and did not wholly disappear with the last of the Indian wars in the 1800’s. This warfare materially Revestment of Indians with land for subsist­ence, through purchase by the government and through grants from handicapped the settlement of the West and proved costly to the Federal Government. It was officially estimated public domain. with probable cor­rectness about 1870 that Indian wars had cost the Government in excess of $1,000,000 for every B-1. Cessation of Indian land losses through cession or sale; preservation of tribal tenure where it still exists; dead Indian. effort to relate land tenure to land uses. Popular resentment against the economic waste and cruelty of the Government’s military policy led to the Extension to Indians of agricultural credit through a system appropriate to their needs. substitution of the allotment policy which was instituted in the 1850’s and made general in 1887. Under this Active encouragement of the Indian native cultures, including languages but particularly the arts and crafts, and policy the objective of transferring land to the whites was pursued through the mechanism of individualizing land as­sistance by the Federal Government in the finding of markets for, as well as in the protection of quality of crafts ownership and abolishing tribal control over land tenure. The allotment policy contemplated voluntary­ sales of land products. by individual Indians and forced sales of tribal land. Humanitarian aspects of the policy involved education of the D-1. Insurance to Indians of complete religious liberty. Indian in agricultural and urban occupations, health and educational services, and increased governmental support for Prior to 1933, in general, the Indian Bureau monopolized­ Indian Service. At present, the tendency both of law missionary work. and of administration is radically away from Indian Bureau monopoly. Through Federal-State contracts and grants- While treaties and wars had failed to break down the internal or­ganization and culture of the Indian tribes, in-aid, the State governments and their subdivisions are being brought into Indian Service. Indians are beneficiaries the allotment policy brought with it a growing roster of white superintendents, farm agents, teachers, inspectors of the Social Security Act, under whose provisions they are receiving old age assistance, aid to the blind, and aid to and missionaries who superseded Indian leaders and to a large extent succeeded in destroying Indian culture. There dependent children. Very extensive opera­tions of soil conservation, etc., are carried out upon Indian lands by the was developed a sys­tem of closed reservations ruled autocratically by the Indian Bureau, which in 1849 had been Department of Agriculture. The Bureau of Animal Industry handles a portion of the Indian job. The Indian Bureau transferred from the War Department to the Department of the Interior. This autocratic rule was carried out under continues, however, as the chief organizational and service agency of the an ever-increasing number of uncorrelated statutes; a never codified and vast body of administrative regulations; Indians and the exclusive guardian over their restricted property. The Indian Bureau, of course, is subordinate to and the personal government of Indian agents who were politically appointed. Misery became extreme upon the the Secretary of the Interior and to the President. reservations, graft became notorious and led to more Indian outbreaks, and as a measure of relief, President Grant, On the view that Indian life is permanent, concentrated effort is now being made to conserve the Indian estate. in his first term, placed Christian mission bodies administratively in charge of Indian affairs in numerous parts of Timber is cut on the perpetual yield basis. Range is administered with a view of bring back its damaged values. the country. This official identification of missionary bodies with diansIn­ gradually was brought to an end in later Remaking of the Indian schooling system in the direction of an Indian destiny upon the land; while at the same years, but the political identification of the mission bodies with the Indian Bureau had not been dissolved until very time the colleges and professional schools are utilized to train Indians in the professions. recent times. The Christianization of Indians became and remained an official policy; proselytization was compulsory, G-1. The boarding school, originally designed as a means of divorcing the Indian child from his home Indian native religions were prescribed, and it was not acknowledged that Indians were entitled to the constitutional environment, has been greatly curtailed, and the day school correspondingly expanded. The Indian day schools are guarantees of liberty of conscience. operated as community institutions, for adults as well as for children, and as centers of Indian Service. The guiding concepts in what may be called the autocratic phase of the Federal policy toward Indians were In the autocratic phase of Indian policy, a uniform pattern of administration and of program was imposed the destruction of all Indian tribal bonds, the effacing of Indian languages and cultural heritages. the forcing of the throughout the Indian country. In the new phase, the stress is against uniformity and in the direction of the Indian as an individual to become identified with and lost in the white life, and the breaking of tribal, communal and maximum of local adaptation, both of method and of goal. even family landholdings into individual allotments of farm, timber and grazing lands. In all of these phases of the present-day government policy toward Indians, an underlying factor is the Through that period, the ruling idea was that through death or assimilation the Indians as such would soon realization that the Indian is no longer the “vanishing American”, but is actually increasing in numbers. During the cease to exist. Hence, their landed estate, it was held, should be “liquidated.” Consequently, little or no thought past eight years the growth in population as reported by Indian agencies in the United States has been at the rate was given to conserving the timber or the soil or water resources­ of the Indian lands. Large irrigation projects were of over 1 per cent per annum. As with various other peoples during periods of development, the birth rate has been constructed upon Indian land, but with the anticipation that whites would profit from them through first use and decreasing, but the decline in the Indian death rate has been even greater. through eventual ownership. To help Indians in making adjustments to the drastic changes in their way of life made necessary by the The landed estate of the Indians shrank from about 140 million acres in 1887 to about 48 million acres in 1933, overwhelming invasion of the alien white race, and yet to foster the perpetuation of much of their cultural heritage,­ and the Indian range, through overgrazing, deteriorated acutely, more than half of the agricultural­ soil acreage having to train and stimulate them for complete economic self-sufficiency, looking toward a bettor standard of living for this been seriously damaged or destroyed by wind and erosion before the year 1933. vital race, are the ul­timate goals of the present Administration. With respect to Indian funds, it can be said that more than a half-billion dollars accrued, mostly through Although only slightly over a third of a million in population in a nation of approximately 130 million people, payments on land cessions, largely based on court decision, which was (a) used for Indian Bureau support,­ or (b) the Indians of the United States will become an even greater factor in its cultural, social and economic life. dissipated in per capita handouts to Indians, between 1900 and 1933.

I would like to thank Dr. Kasim and staff at IHS, also Dr. David Staub and Dr. Linda Petersen and staff, for the great care I received while I was hospitalized recently. I would also like to thank everyone who came to visit and encourage me, those who sent flowers, cards, monetary help, the many people who are praying for me. It’s great to live in a community where Agency Village, S.D. K & K C-Store Watertown, S.D. people are so loving, caring and supportive! God bless each and every one of you. Agency Village C-Store Stillson Service Dakota Sioux Casino Gift Thank you so much. SWO Tribal Headquarters Pearson Rexall Shop

Kim Amos SWC Bookstore Teal’s Market Dakota Express C-Store Waubay, S.D. New Effington, S.D. Browns Valley, Minn. Welch’s Grocery Ceroll Grocery Browns Valley CENEX Deadline for receipt of copy to be considered for publication as an Open letter to the Oyate is Wilmot, S.D. 10:00 a.m. Thursday. Sisseton, S.D. Liebe Drug Deadline for receipt of all other copy to be Dakota Connection Casino considered for publication as news or advertising is 12:00 noon Friday. Jemm’s Fuel Max Hankinson, N.D. Thank you to everyone for your cooperation. Alco Store Dakota Magic C-Store – Sota Staff Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 11 Page 12 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012

Happy Birthday “Red” Feb. 25

Whitney DeVon Bursheim, a Junior at the University of North Dakota-Grand Forks, ND, was honored during the 2012 TRIO Day Awards Luncheon on February 16, 2012. Whitney was presented with the “Students Support Services Outstanding Student of the Year Award.” Her plans are to finish school and become a “Physical Therapist.” Whitney is the daughter of Donna Bursheim of Sisseton, SD and Kenneth Smoker, Jr. of Poplar, Whitney with her inspiration for entering the MT. health field. Whitney played a big part Birth Announcement: in rehabilitating of her dependent to being able to care Love, Grandmother, Marvel Bursheim for herself. New Arrival! Mom, Dad & when her grandmother It was because of her Grandma developed 2 brain anerysms Marvel that Whitney chose Logan that caused multiple her life path in the Physical strokes and which made her Therapy field. & All of Your Grandmother become totally Congratulations, Whitney! Family

Robert M. Gill, an enrolled Shortly after, he had his own Joyce DuMarce-Eastman and Winston Eastman are proud member of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Non-Emergent Medical Transport in parents of Winston Julius Eastman Jr., born Jan. 3, 2012 at Oyate, will be graduating from the Sisseton area and was a Funeral Whitney DeVon Bursheim 5:11 p.m. in Mankato, Minn. – weighing 7 lbs. 1.3 oz. and Worsham College of Mortuary Director Assistant until he was receives UND TRIO award. measuring 19.5 inches long. Science in Wheeling, Illinois on offered the opportunity to attend Trauma Life Support, Emergency This handsome bundle of joy is welcomed by proud March 7, 2012. He will be the first a Mortuary Science College of his Medical Services for Children, grandparents Brenda King and Cari Eastman, Sampson Native American to graduate from choice, by Kevin Chilson, Chilson EKG Recognition, CPR, and Auto- DuMarce Sr. and Christine Hopkins-Ree. He also has three Worsham College. Funeral Home Director. Extrication Specialist. Has medical sisters Terri, Jessee, Eva McKay, and two brothers Teryn Robert is a 1989 graduate of Robert has been involved in training in identifying Weapons of Mckay and Maxston Eastman, numerous aunts, uncles, and Tiospa Zina Tribal School. He was the Sundance for the past 32 yrs. Mass Destruction, F.E.M.A. Incident cousins. employed in 1997 with Standing He made commitments as Helper, Command System 100, 200 and Rock Sioux Tribe, Cheyenne River Dancer, Leader, and Helping teach 900 Series, and Passenger Safety Sioux Tribe, and Rosebud Sioux Tribe our Sundance traditions and cultural and Service driver certified (PASS as their ambulance driver until his ways to others. Robert has been certified). Robert was also certified in Special feature in planning phase – medic certification in 1999. involved since the young age of 9 2000 as a National Registered EMT, Robert then continued his years old. His cultural ways and CPR, and First Aid/AED (Auto employment with them as an traditions play a very important part External Defibulator) Instructor. He Emergency Medical Technician until in who he is as a person and who he has also received state awards for Robert Gill. 2007. has become today. actions taken in the line of duty. He then went to Upper Sioux He is a National Registered Robert is currently a Funeral Community where he gained Emergency Medical Technician Director Assistant, Mortuary employment as a Non-Emergent and has been certified in Pediatrics Mortician Student/Graduate, and Medical Transporter. Advanced Life Support, Pre-Hospital Cremation certified.

whose school is using the Wongs’ in helping with this article, please methods. When asked how well contact the Sota editor: Sota, P.O. it worked in his class, he said that Box 5, Wilmot, SD 57279; or email knowing what is expected “is pretty [email protected]/. good.” It’s going to be another two “Pretty good” from a teen in weeks before we can complete the middle school is not at all a bad interviews at the schools. commentary. Pidamiya do. Anyone who would like to share Washington, DC – On Wednesday, February 15th, Janelle Jessen, employee of Venture Communications, was one of 11 local leaders honored at the White House as Champions of Change for creating Washington, DC – Feb. 16, jobs in their communities and using 2012 – The U.S. Department of innovative techniques to develop Agriculture announced that a South valuable projects helping to improve C.D. Floro at Tiospa Zina Tribal School and Dakota manufacturing business has America’s infrastructure. Sota Editor Enemy Swim Day School have been invited to the White House to 2011 due to the sluggish economy. With the assistance of grants Tiospa Zina Tribal School completed the Wongs’ on-line participate in an event to recognize But they’re expanding their product and loans from the American hosted nationally acclaimed teacher course, and that the Sisseton the success of manufacturing in rural offerings by selling smoked goose Recovery and Reinvestment Act, education gurus Harry and Middle School teachers have likewise America. The event was scheduled breasts, whole smoked geese (ready these leaders are helping to expand Rosemary Wong for an all-day completed the course. for Friday, February 17, 2012 at the for the table in 90 minutes), and high-speed broadband, building “Effective Teacher” workshop Friday, What about implementing the White House, Eisenhower Executive even goose eggs. See their complete roads and bridges, providing clean May 13th, 2011. Also presenting classroom policies and procedures? Office Building. Also attending will line of products on their website at water and much more. “These was a young teacher Cholannda How many of our teacher are be representatives of the respective American heroes are creating jobs Janelle Jessen of Venture Seroyer, Alabama Teacher of the using the model and making their financial institution for each Jim believes that sales will today by investing in tomorrow Communications receives Year. Participants included more classroom experience better – for manufacturing business. rebound when the economy -- putting men and women back recognition at White House. than 440 teacher from tribal and students and teachers? The success of the organization improves, and he feels Schiltz Foods to work rebuilding America’s public schools across the state of Interviews are being arranged was aided by support from USDA is positioned for the 21st Century. infrastructure,” said Secretary Ray Highmore, South Dakota. For the South Dakota, with some coming for us at the schools, but we are Rural Development, which has “We have added a fully cooked whole LaHood. “We appreciate their past 15 years, Janelle has been from as far away as Rapid City. announcing the intention to do this more than a dozen loan and grant smoked goose to our product line extraordinary efforts to connect integral to the growth and expansion We were so impressed with feature article so that anyone with programs to help rural businesses as well as smoked goose breast,” people who need their jobs back with of Venture Communications. the presentation that, while only a comment, personal story about and communities create jobs. The said co-owner Jim Schiltz. “The the jobs that our communities and After receiving a $5.2 planning to take a few pictures how the Effective Teacher program organizations have made strides whole smoked goose provides ‘fast’ economy need done.” million investment from the U.S. during the morning session, ended is working, is invited to contact us in strengthening the nation’s without sacrificing flavor and the The Champions of Change Department of Agriculture to up taking part in the full day. We directly. manufacturing capabilities. Their exquisiteness of goose, it received program was created as a part of implement a fiber-to-the-premise came home with the certainty that If the classroom experience is contributions are being highlighted the 2012 Tasty Award for Poultry President Obama’s Winning the project in an underserved area of the Wongs’ ideas are sound, and good, please let us know. for other organizations to replicate category and was presented as a Future initiative. Each week, a South Dakota, Janelle’s hard work anyone could implement them. (We If the classroom experience fails their success. gift idea from South Dakota in a different sector is highlighted and ensured 865 rural subscribers have actually put together our own “first to meet expectations, let us know. South Dakota’s recipient December episode of the Today groups of Champions, ranging new and improved broadband day” classroom presentation, as if we We value input from anyone – Schiltz Foods is in full processing Show.” from educators to entrepreneurs to service. These rural households, were going to be teaching!) teachers, parents, students, anyone production. One hundred and When you’re looking for community leaders, are recognized companies, and community Since that day, we have often with a stake in our young oyate’s fifty employees process 6,000 to that special something for dinner, for the work they are doing to serve organizations are using this new wondered how that exposure has education (and that should be 7,000 birds each day at this USDA whether it be Valentine’s Day, Easter, and strengthen their communities. service to improve public safety, impacted our teachers here on the everybody). inspected plant. Sales were down in Thanksgiving, Christmas, or any day Janelle Jessen is the Accounting develop businesses, and stay better Lake Traverse Reservation. Last week we quizzed one SWO 2010, and Richard and Jim expect of the year, try a roast goose from and Office Manager for Venture connected. We are informed that teachers member, middle school student, that sales won’t be much better in Schiltz Foods in Sisseton, SD. Communications Cooperative in By Sonia J. Magat, D.O., Ph.D. Introvert: Have been shown to be affected more Extroversion and Introversion were first described by HIV and have greater risk for depression. Tend to as “attitude types” by psychologist Carl Jung. acknowledge their psychological needs and problems. Extroverts are persons interested in the world Extrovert: More likely to be hospitalized as a result outside while introverts focus on their inner psychic of injury and to change relationships. Reported higher activity. Another term used by author Bryan Walsh level of happiness and self esteem than introverts. for these individual types are “outie” and “innie”(“The Many people exhibit tendencies of both groups. Upside of Being an They are classified Introvert”, TIME, as Ambiverts. They February 6, 2012). are comfortable with These personality large groups and like Sara McGregor-Okroi them about it, even though teens report that parental traits are inborn social interaction, Aliive-Roberts County disapproval is a powerful way to keep them away from and inherited. The but also enjoy time Although teens are turning away from street drugs. behavioral differences spent alone. Being drugs, now there’s a new threat and it’s from the family What are the dangers? are attributed to the born with a specific medicine cabinet: The abuse of prescription (Rx) and differences in brain temperament or There are serious health risks related to abuse of over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Parents and caregivers are function. Studies have shown that introverts exhibit personality does not mean that persons could not prescription drugs. A single large dose of prescription the first line of defense in addressing this troubling trend. more blood flow in the frontal lobes of the brain and the act differently to follow a particular goal. Research or over-the-counter painkillers or depressants can cause anterior frontal thalamus. These areas of the brain deal psychologist, Brian Little, described this attitude as the What’s the problem? breathing difficulty that can lead to death. Stimulant with planning, problem solving and complex thinking. act of balancing 3 equal, but different identities in his Teens are abusing some prescription and over-the- abuse can lead to hostility or paranoia, or the potential Extroverts have more blood flow in the anterior cingulate “Free Trait Theory.” The “biogenic identity” is inborn. counter drugs to get high. This includes painkillers, such for heart system failure or fatal seizures. Even in small gyrus, temporal lobes and posterior thalamus, the areas The “sociogenic identity” is influenced by expectations as those drugs prescribed after surgery; depressants, such doses, depressants and painkillers have subtle effects on involved in sensory and emotional experiences. Studies of culture, family and religion. “Ideogenic identity” is as sleeping pills or anti-anxiety drugs; and stimulants, motor skills, judgment, and ability to learn. The abuse of by Dr. Carl Schwartz, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts the personal desire and a sense of what is important to such as those drugs prescribed for attention deficit OTC cough and cold remedies can cause blurred vision, General Hospital, with the use of functional magnetic the individual. Brian Little, an introvert, prefers to stay hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Teens are also abusing nausea, vomiting, dizziness, coma, and even death. Many resonance imagers showed that highly reactive infants’ in the library, but what matters to him is giving lectures over-the-counter drugs, such as cough and cold remedies. teens report mixing prescription drugs, OTC drugs, and amygdala in the brain light up when shown pictures of on personality at Harvard. Knowing where you fall in Every day 2,500 youth age 12 to 17 abuse a alcohol. Using these drugs in combination can cause unfamiliar faces. Amygdala processes fearful stimuli. the extrovert-introvert spectrum matters in making life/ pain reliever for the very first time. More teens abuse respiratory failure and death. These highly reactive infants who reacted to stimuli by career decisions and the way you live your life. Finding prescription drugs than any illicit drug except marijuana. Prescription and OTC drug abuse is addictive. intense crying and moving their arms, would grow up as the job that is suited to your temperament is important. In 2008, more than 2.1 million teens ages 12 to 17 Between 1995 and 2005, treatment admissions for introverted adolescents as shown in later studies on the Parents who are more knowledgeable on the subject reported abusing prescription drugs. Among 12- and prescription painkillers increased more than 300 percent. same subjects. However, the low-reactive infants to new of introversion and extroversion would likely be able to 13-year-olds, prescription drugs are the drug of choice. In order to assist families with keeping unwanted, experiences are the extroverted adults, who are always make the right choices in understanding and providing Because these drugs are so readily available, and unused and/or expired medication out of the hands of our seeking stimulation. for their children’s needs. Having an introverted child many teens believe they are a safe way to get high, teens youth, the Sisseton Police Department will be hosting Characteristics that differentiate these 2 personality would be more challenging. A child with extreme that wouldn’t otherwise touch illicit drugs might abuse a “take back” day on April 28th. Further details of the traits: shyness may not develop language and cognitive skills, prescription drugs. And not many parents are talking to location and the time will be released at a later date. Introvert: according to age. He/she may have an autistic disorder, *Enjoys time spent alone instead of being with heart problem, hearing impairment or anxiety disorder. large groups of people. This child may require more regular well -child visits *Prefer to concentrate on a single activity at a time, with the physician to determine if multidisciplinary solitary rather than social activities. assessments and treatments are in order. An extroverted *Detail-oriented, better listener, more cautious and child, on the other hand, may require more discipline deliberate. and parental supervision of his/her behavior at home and *Sensitive to environment. at school. *Tend to wear more practical and comfortable Whatever their personality traits, all children clothes. will need and expect the same loving and caring *Workplace is arranged to discourage social environment. It is interesting to know how some famous interaction. people and many celebrities are classified (according Extrovert: to author Bryan Walsh in “The Upside of Being an *Enjoy human interaction and time spent with Introvert,” TIME, February 6, 2012): people. Gets more energy when with pople in large Leading “Introverts” in the science field are: Albert social gathering. Einstein, Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin *Always seeking for rewards, leading them to be Famous “Introverts”: Gandhi, Joe Di Maggio, ambitious. Hillary Clinton, Warren Buffett, Bill Gates and Mother *Assertive, talkative, enthusiastic and over Theresa compliant. As children they were bold and brave. Famous “Extroverts”: Bill Clinton, George W. *As executives, they work best with employees who Bush, Margaret Thatcher, Steve Jobs, Boris Yeltsin, Tracey Cooper BSN, RN take orders easily. Muhammad Ali, and Winston Churchill Public (Community) Health Nursing *Wear more decorative and colorful clothing. Among the Presidential Candidates: Woodrow W. Keeble Memorial Health Care Center *Decorate their offices to encourage interactions: Introverts: Barack Obama, Mitt Romney and Ron keep doors open, chairs nearby, keep dishes of candy on Paul their desk. Extroverts: Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum Implications of these differences in personalities are: Page 14 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012 Mitchell School of Law in St. Paul hearings this spring in Miami Defending Childhood Task Force and Minn. “This hearing in Albuquerque and Detroit. Details on past and upcoming hearings, please visit www. will help the task force understand future hearings are available on the and these unique challenges and guide us Defending Childhood website: www. toward solutions.” task-force.html. The task force is comprised The task force is part of the About the National Council on of 13 leading experts including attorney general’s Defending Crime and Delinquency practitioners, child and family Childhood Initiative and is staffed by NCCD promotes just advocates, academic experts and the National Council on Crime and and equitable social systems licensed clinicians. The full list of Delinquency (NCCD), a nonprofit for individuals, families and Washington, DC – Feb. 16, 2012 – President facilities in Arizona and a $1.7 million increase for task force members is located at: research and consulting agency. communities through research, Obama has announced a proposed 2.7 percent increase maintenance and improvement of health care facilities. About the Defending Childhood public policy and practice. For more in the Indian Health Service budget for fiscal year · An increase of $5 million for contract support costs tf-members.html. Initiative and the Task Force information about NCCD, please 2013. The total proposed budget authority for the IHS to assist tribes in covering administrative functions for The task force held its first For more information about visit is $4.42 billion. This is a $116 million increase over their compacts or contracts under the authority of the hearing in Baltimore in November Attorney General Holder’s the IHS fiscal year 2012 budget appropriation. Tribal Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. 2011, and will hold two additional Defending Childhood initiative, the consultation is fundamental to the IHS budget process, · An additional $6 million to help the IHS Health and the proposed budget incorporates tribal priorities and Information Technology system provide and enhance recommendations. essential HIT services for third-party reimbursement and The budget request, which supports and expands support for the electronic dental records program. the provision of health care services and public health · An additional $1 million to strengthen programs for American Indians and Alaska Natives, administrative oversight and accountability. includes the following: If the proposed budget is enacted, the IHS · An increase of $54 million in contract health discretionary budget will have increased 32 percent since service funds to purchase essential health care services the 2008 fiscal year. By Jani No Heart antioxidant lycopene, and spinach offers lutein to protect that the IHS and tribes are unable to provide in their ***** It’s possible-an apple a day may well keep the against macular degeneration. However, add a few slivers local facilities. The IHS, an agency in the U.S. Department of doctor away. But this legendary fruit isn’t the only of avocado to this colorful salad, and you’ll increase · An increase of $49 million to support staffing and Health and Human Services, provides a comprehensive healthy food beginning with the first letter of the bioavailability of the nutrients from the carrots, tomatoes operating costs for six new and expanded health facilities. health service delivery system for approximately 2 million alphabet. Meet the avocado. Many folks in our area and spinach by a staggering 400%! That’s because · A total of $81 million for health care facility American Indians and Alaska Natives who are members of the country have never tried an avocado, and if all these antioxidant compounds, called carotenoids, construction to continue construction of two outpatient of federally recognized Tribes. you’re among them, you’re in store for a real treat! require dietary fat for the body to absorb them. The avocado, also known as the “alligator pear” for its Therefore, if you like snacking on chips and salsa, add bumpy peel, is native to Central and South America, and a side of guacamole for a healthy, guilt-free indulgence. it imparts a smooth, Avocadoes also contain their creamy texture to own carotenoids, which are traditional favorites heavily concentrated near the such as guacamole. As peeling. Washington, DC – Feb. American shares. For today’s Justice at the Vincent E. Griego Council recent as ten years ago, Eases Joint Pain 17 – Attorney General Eric Department, this work is one of Chambers also included task force nutritionists advised us Both osteoarthritis Holder’s National Task Force on most important, and most urgent, co-chairs Joe Torre, chairman of to restrict our intake of and rheumatoid arthritis Children Exposed to Violence priorities,” said Attorney General the board of the Joe Torre Safe at avocadoes due to their yield to the powerful anti- held a public hearing on Jan 31, Holder. “That’s why this task force Home® Foundation, and Robert high fat content. But inflammatory compounds 2012, in Albuquerque, N.M., on represents a powerful and promising Listenbee Jr., chief of the Juvenile time and eye-opening found in avocadoes. In the challenges rural and tribal step forward. It brings a wealth Unit of the Defender Association of research changed this particular, three phytosterols communities face in preventing of experience and talent together Philadelphia, as well as other task recommendation. (beta-sitosterol, campesterol children’s exposure to violence. In to focus on one of the greatest force members and Albuquerque Scientists have now and stigmasterol) a recent survey of youth in New public safety epidemics of our time: area residents who have experienced discovered that some contribute to joint comfort Mexico by the Centers for Disease children’s exposure to violence.” or witnessed family, community and fats are vital to good health. In fact, if they’re missing by preventing the production of inflammatory Control and Prevention, nearly 20 “Our children are exposed to far other types of violence. from our diet, all sorts of problems arise. What’s more, prostaglandins in connective tissue. percent reported they were bullied more violence than we realize,” said “Rural and tribal communities not all fats contribute to weight gain, as formerly Ways to Enjoy the Avocado Use a stainless steel on school property and almost U.S. Attorney Kenneth J. Gonzales, face unusual challenges, such as lack believed. Some, like the fat provided by the avocado, knife to cut the avocado in half lengthwise. Gently twist 10 percent experienced dating who delivered opening remarks at of resources or access to services, even encourage weight loss! Since this new information the two halves in opposite direction if you find the flesh violence. Nearly 16 percent seriously today’s hearing. “The task force that complicate efforts to reduce came to light, the avocado has gone from a dietary clinging to the pit. Remove the pit, either with a spoon considered attempting suicide during will enhance how we work together the impact of violence on children,” outcast to a nutritional superstar. What makes the or by spearing with the tip of a knife. Next, take each the 12 months before the survey. to serve our children in cities and said task force member Sarah avocado so special and, more importantly, what can it do of the avocado halves and slice lengthwise to produce “Protecting our nation’s towns, on reservations and in rural Deer, a citizen of the Muscogee for you? four avocado quarters. Then take your thumb and index children and young people from areas throughout the nation.” (Creek) Nation of Oklahoma and Defends Against Cancer finger to grip an edge of the avocado skin and simply violence is a responsibility that every Speakers at today’s hearing an assistant professor at William The avocado takes a backseat to no other food peel it away from the flesh, in the same way that you when it comes to antioxidant content, as its profile is would peel a banana. The final result will be a peeled Prenatal, long and impressive. Preliminary evidence suggests that avocado that contains most of that dark green outermost this fruit specifically protects cells of the skin, mouth and flesh that is richest in carotenoid antioxidants. breastfeeding prostate gland. What’s most fascinating to researchers is As previously described, sliced avocadoes are a classes at CDP its ability to decrease inflammatory and oxidative stress perfect-and delicious-salad component. Combine sliced Prenatal and Breastfeeding levels in healthy cells, while increasing oxidative stress avocadoes with fennel, orange segments, mint leaves Classes will be held in the CDP in cancer cells, causing a death cycle (apoptosis) in these and a drizzle of balsamic dressing for an exceptional Hospital Board Room on Monday, unhealthy cells and lessening their number! salad. Or mash a ripe avocado and blend it into your March 12 and Monday, March 19, Lowers LDL Cholesterol favorite salad dressing for extra richness and a beautiful from 6:00-8:30 p.m. You can’t judge a food by its fat content. Health green color. Avocadoes also serve as a healthy alternative The classes are free of charge experts now know that the monounsaturated fats to mayonnaise on sandwiches. If you’re a fan of the and you are encouraged to attend provided by olives and avocadoes contribute greatly morning smoothie, toss an avocado into milk or whey both nights. A snack will be to heart health. Studies indicate that not only can this powder and water and blend with frozen fruit such as provided. type of fat lower levels of LDL (low density lipoprotein- strawberries for a taste and texture similar to ice-cream. Please call CDP Hospital at the bad stuff), but it can also raise HDL (high density ***** 605-698-7647 to register or if you lipoprotein-the good kind) without any of the negative Jani No Heart graduated from New York’s Institute have any questions. side effects of prescription cholesterol medication. for Integrated Nutrition in 2008 and is certified through Increases Absorption of Other Nutrients Likely Columbia University as a holistic health counselor. you’ve heard that carrots provide beta-carotene for Currently she manages the produce department of Teal’s vision health, tomatoes defend the prostate with the Market in Sisseton.

ATTENTION WHERE: Woodrow Wilson Important Notice Keeble Memorial Health The Elderly Affairs program will no longer be doing Care Center Public Health reimbursements for medical appointments. It is the client’s Nursing conference responsibility to get your appointments to the office in a room. timely manner. If you have already been to an appointment, you will NOT receive assistance because it is after the fact. (This was approved by our SWO Tribal Secretary). WHEN: Every Tuesday and Please bring your appointments in and fill out your own Thursday from 4:30-5:30 applications. p.m. For 54 and younger. If you are registered in one of the seven Districts, you may receive your medical transportation here at this office providing you have been referred by Public Health and have the Contract Health letter with you when We will be using Leslie Sansone’s DVDs: you apply for assistance. Also, we would appreciate these ”Walk Away the Pounds.” applications be filled out 2 or 3 days before the appointment date. Target audience: All IHS-eligible Prenatal We also have Home Health Care Workers. If you have anyone Women and beginning-to-moderate that needs help with home care (cleaning, baths, etc.) we exercisers. have three workers that have worked in a nursing home facility before. You may contact the LPN on this # (605) 698- Please contact your health care 4400 ext. #313 (Mona). provider before starting this exercise class. If you have any questions, call the above number. Thank you. Office of the Elderly Affairs Program Contact Jodi Lutjens, RN, PHN if you have any questions: 698-7606 Ext. 742-3766. Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 15 And, of course, some of us hard, provide the best plan of action, would say that we learned how to act and, most important, to care and in Sunday school, church, synagogue, do no harm. In contrast the very or mosque. It is fascinating to learn next patient was very appreciative that almost every human religion has that I had found her help the Sault Ste. Marie, MI – The interventions is critical in reducing the common teaching of the Golden previous month, and reported National Native Network is prevalence rates and the commercial Rule: “Do unto others as you would steady improvement. Valuing each releasing a policy briefing on the tobacco related health disparities have done to you,” or as they say individual equally is the ethical Family Smoking Prevention and from which American Indian and in the Far East, “Don’t do to others goal and yet, I have to confess, very Tobacco Control Act to assist tribal Alaska Native populations suffer. what you wouldn’t want done to difficult. leaders in protecting the health of The policy brief provides an you.” It is great to talk about all Native people through enactment of overview of the Act, the commercial I heard an ethicist say that it all those lofty ethical principles, but it is the time-sensitive provisions of the tobacco epidemic in Indian country starts with realizing the sacred value yet another to live them. In November 2011, Congressman Don Young Act. and how the Act can strengthen of each individual, seeing everyone as ***** (Republican, Alaska) introduced the American Indian “By embracing the Act, tribes tribal self-determination. a child of God, whether they be old Dr. Rick Holm wrote this Empowerment Act of 2011. This Act would allow Native have an opportunity to assert their “As sovereign nations, tribes or young, female or male, smart or editorial for “On Call®,” a weekly nations to request, from the Secretary of the Interior, that sovereignty by not only protecting are responsible for the health and not-smart, mean or kind, the other program where medical professionals tribal land be taken out of trust status and conveyed to the health of Native people but protection of their constituents,” guy or me. discuss health concerns for the individual Tribes. This would convert federal trust lands to by also requiring even tougher Alford said. “Tribal leaders have One day in the clinic I walked general public. “On Call®” is a restricted fee tribal land status. As currently written, this regulations on commercial tobacco,” an opportunity to respond to the into a patient’s room and as I produced by the Healing Words said Kim Alford, National Network commercial tobacco abuse epidemic listened and examined, the patient’s Foundation in association with the legislation would still ensure that lands retain their Indian Manager for the Intertribal Council and use their power to make a anger, frustration, and pain became South Dakota State University Country status, including the ability of Native nations to pass of Michigan. broad, collective change in tribal obvious. I sensed someone in great Journalism Department. “On Call®” tribal laws on the land and conduct other related business. Scientific research has proven communities.” need, yet I was quite helpless in airs Thursdays on South Dakota First Nations Development Institute has long realized that tobacco control policies are National Native Network is giving what he wanted, and realized Public Broadcasting-Television at 7 valuable public health tools for a diverse community of American that Native lands are one of the most important assets of some of his anger was directed my p.m. Central, 6 p.m. Mountain. Native nations. Thus, we encourage our constituents to learn tribal nations just as they are for Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/AN) way. Still, I did my best to listen the federal, state, and municipal leading commercial tobacco abuse more about this legislation by visiting the websites below. governments. Tobacco control prevention efforts throughout Indian Library of Congress link: policies can reduce commercial Country. The National Native Boomer Babble - Thoughts at Large – bdquery/z?d112:h.r.3532: tobacco prevalence rates, which Network management is led by the Indian Country Today: http:// in turn decreases tobacco-related Inter-Tribal Council of Michigan. diseases and deaths, and improves (ITCM). For more information or to community health. The use of become a member of the site, visit indian-empowerment-act-introduced-65350/. effective and evidence-based By Charles Ortman just getting crotchety. In any case, Hello fellow Boomers. I know I seldom see change as something I there are so many of us, and often am going to embrace. How about we are lumped into one big group, you? Does a routine suit you just especially by those who are younger fine? Do you want your newspaper than us. Let’s face it, with the Great getting there at the same time Generation becoming less vocal; even everyday? Are you happy having the Brookings, SD – Foodborne conditions are right, these bugs can Tom Brokow is sounding older, but same breakfast everyday and if you illness or food poisoning is an ever- proliferate and lead to a foodborne he looks good. So that means to the go to the same café each day, you present threat to South Dakotan’s illness outbreak. “young folks” we are the old geezers can say, “give me my usual?” See public health. The Centers for Clostridium perfringens is now. I know in our heads we are a long what I mean? Some things should Disease Control estimates each year commonly referred to as the cafeteria way from being old and to us, we don’t stay the same. No change. I know roughly 1 in 6 Americans get sick bug - associated with thick foods look too bad. Well, some of you have that back in the 60’s we were big with a foodborne illness. In South that may be prepared in large let yourself go, but I bet in your head, on change, but not quite so much Dakota this extrapolates to 136,000 quantities making it difficult to you are still in your 30’s or 40’s. Darn now, unless it is really important like South Dakotans. maintain the right temperatures. mirror. There is that problem that I messing around with Social Security. “Preparing large quantities Examples are gravies, stews, thick am sure many of you are running into, Tell me this. Why did they have to of food with equipment and soups or barbeques. While Bacillus and that is the head thinks we can but make a decision, without us, to not facilities intended for a family cereus is often associated with rice our bodies tell us no way, and if the call Pluto a planet? Bad change. (In kitchen certainly has its challenges. that is being served on a steam table. head is going to make us, the body will the future, we will look into why It all comes down to time and “Spore formers” are kept under make us pay - big time. Some of us doing new things is not the same as temperature relationships,” said Joan control as long as the food is kept Boomers have not accepted that fact, change.) Hegerfeld-Baker, Extension Food out of the temperature danger zone: and continually think we can dig post Boomer Babble - Thoughts at Safety Specialist at South Dakota 40°F to 140°F. There are several holes to put that little fence in around Large are written by the Boomer State University. temperature and time relationships the yard. But the price we pay involves Babble Guys, Charles Doug and To prepare food safely, that will keep a “spore former” from a lot of groaning, pain, stiffness and John with occasional help from Hegerfeld-Baker says it’s important reproducing: being forced to smile while we say, “I friends. The Boomer Babble radio to know the safe food handling Cool quickly: 140°F to 70°F am fine. No problem.” Speaking of show is broadcast on WNAX 570 practices and have the right within 2 hours and down to 40°F groaning when you get up or when you Sunday evenings at 5:00. Visit us at equipment to accomplish the within an additional 4 hours. Hold bend over to pick something up, does following: hot food at 140°F or higher and cold that noise you made remind of anyone? Cook food to the correct food 40°F or lower. Reheating slowly Maybe your parents? temperature Cool food quickly. - spores that survived cooking can I assume we are seeing a few Reheat food to the correct start to grow if reheated very slowly. things we Boomers have in common. temperature within one hour. Hold SDSU Extension has several That brings me to something I have hot food hot and cold food cold. To publications addressing the safe found that I don’t like --- change. take the guess-work out of cooking, preparation of food when preparing Maybe it just me because, as some of use a meat thermometer. and serving in large quantities. my friends mistakenly tell me, I am “A meat thermometer is the Two publications that are very only way to truly know that food popular among organizations that containing meat, fish or poultry occasionally serve a crowd include: is not under or overcooked,” said Serving Safe Barbeques for Hegerfeld-Baker. a Crowd Preparing Turkey for a Inconvenient For exact temperatures, Crowd: Plan Ahead. Hegerfeld-Baker recommends These publications, which can utilizing the South Dakota Food be found at Service Code for Minimal Internal families/foods-and-nutrition/, Cooking Temperatures, which can be provide practical information for Looking for a copy found in her online article at iGrow. preparing food for large groups org. ahead of time and monitoring the Some microorganisms, such critical safe food handling practices as Clostridium perfringens and to reduce the risk of a food borne Bacillus cereus are capable of illness outbreak. surviving cooking temperatures by To learn more, visit iGrow. of the Sota forming a spore (a protective state org or contact a specialist by calling for some bacteria). These two bugs AnswerLine at 1-888-393-6336. are often associated with foods that AnswerLine provides access to are difficult to cool down, reheat services in additional specialty areas adequately, and maintain hot or cold of family and consumer sciences. each week? holding temperature. When all the Subscribe Now

By Richard P. Holm MD philosophy: One draws on the I was offered the glorious ancient Greek teachings of Aristotle, opportunity to be one of the teachers which holds that action starts with & Receive Your Copy of a medical ethics course this year virtues, such as charity, honesty, and at South Dakota State University. justice. A second school illustrated And so the semester has begun, with by 18th century German philosopher 32 eager college students, eyes wide Immanuel Kant, states that action open (most of the time,) looking to should come from the human duty learn. I have discovered once again to respect other rational beings. Every Week that it is the teacher who learns the A third supports the utilitarian most. principle that it is the result of Reviewing the literature about action, which is most import, and the history of ethics, I learned about that would be the greatest good for three schools of thinking in Western the greatest number. In the Mail! Page 16 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012

hearing will held at the Tribal You are required to be at the BY THE ORDER OF THE Court, Agency Village, South hearing. Upon request, the COURT: Dakota, on the 24th day of OCSE Clerk will provide you Michael T. Swallow, Presiding February, 2012 at the hour of with a copy of the Complaint Judge 9:00 o’clock A.M. or as soon describing the matter. ATTEST: Oyate Contreras, thereafter as possible. Dated this 27th day of January, OCSE Clerk of Court You are required to be at the 2012 6-3tc hearing. Upon request, the BY THE ORDER OF THE OCSE Clerk will provide you COURT: SISSETON-WAHPETON with a copy of the Complaint Michael T. Swallow, Presiding OYATE describing the matter. Judge IN TRIBAL COURT Dated this 27th day of January, ATTEST: Oyate Contreras, LAKE TRAVERSE SISSETON WAHPETON to Show Cause for Failure to SISSETON-WAHPETON 2012 OCSE Clerk of Court RESERVATION OYATE Pay Child Support and Notice OYATE BY THE ORDER OF THE 6-3tc STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA IN TRIBAL COURT of Hearing is hereby provided IN TRIBAL COURT COURT: CASE NO. CS: 11-030 LAKE TRAVERSE that a hearing will held at the LAKE TRAVERSE Michael T. Swallow, Presiding SISSETON-WAHPETON SWOCSE/Carla German, RESERVATION Tribal Court, Agency Village, RESERVATION Judge OYATE PLAINTIFF STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA South Dakota, on the 23rd STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA ATTEST: Oyate Contreras, IN TRIBAL COURT VS. COR TRUST BANK, Plaintiff day of February, 2012 at the CASE NO. I: 05-065 OCSE Clerk of Court LAKE TRAVERSE LANA BARSE, DEFENDANT vs. hour of 9:00 o’clock A.M. or as SWOCSE/SD/Tosheena Wanna, 6-3tc RESERVATION ORDER OF PUBLICATION & Horace Max and estate of soon thereafter as possible. PLAINTIFF STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA NOTICE OF HEARING Horace Max, Robert Enoch, You are required to be at the VS. SISSETON-WAHPETON CASE NO. CS: 11-036 It is hereby Ordered that due to Terry L. McKay, and a hearing. If you fail to appear DARRELL DEMARRIAS, Sr., OYATE SWOCSE/Sandra White, the inability of the Plaintiff 2005 Chevrolet Impala VIN a Warrant will be issued and DEFENDANT IN TRIBAL COURT PLAINTIFF to locate the Defendant that #2G1WF52E059347283 and Bond set at the amount of ORDER OF PUBLICATION & LAKE TRAVERSE VS. Notice by Publication is a 2001 Chevrolet Cavalier, the arrears. Upon request, NOTICE OF HEARING RESERVATION LANA BARSE, DEFENDANT hereby provided for a Motion VIN#1G1JC24117194167, the OCSE Clerk will provide It is hereby Ordered that due to STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA ORDER OF PUBLICATION & to Modify Child Support and defendants. you with a copy of the Motion the inability of the Plaintiff CASE NO. CS: 07-059 NOTICE OF HEARING Notice of Hearing is hereby SUMMONS describing the matter. to locate the Defendant that SWOCSE/Whitney DuMarce, It is hereby Ordered that due to provided that a hearing will TO THE ABOVE-NAMED Dated this 26th day of January, Notice by Publication is PLAINTIFF the inability of the Plaintiff held at the Tribal Court, DEFENDANTS: ESTATE OF 2012 hereby provided for a Motion VS. to locate the Defendant that Agency Village, South HORACE MAX BY THE ORDER OF THE to Show Cause for Failure to THURSTON OWEN, Notice by Publication is Dakota, on the 24th day of YOU ARE HEREBY COURT: Pay Child Support and Notice DEFENDANT hereby provided for a Motion February, 2012 at the hour of SUMMONED and required Michael T. Swallow, Presiding of Hearing is hereby provided ORDER OF PUBLICATION & to Modify Child Support and 9:00 o’clock A.M. or as soon to answer the Complaint Judge that a hearing will held at the NOTICE OF HEARING Notice of Hearing is hereby thereafter as possible. of the Plaintiff, a copy of ATTEST: Oyate Contreras, Tribal Court, Agency Village, It is hereby Ordered that due to provided that a hearing will You are required to be at the which is hereunto annexed OCSE Clerk of Court South Dakota, on the 23rd the inability of the Plaintiff held at the Tribal Court, hearing. Upon request, the and herewith served upon 6-3tc day of February, 2012 at the to locate the Defendant Agency Village, South OCSE Clerk will provide you you, and to serve a copy of hour of 1:00 o’clock P.M. or as that Notice by Publication Dakota, on the 24th day of with a copy of the Complaint your Answer thereto upon SISSETON-WAHPETON soon thereafter as possible. is hereby provided for a February, 2012 at the hour of describing the matter. the subscriber at his office OYATE You are required to be at the Complaint to Establish Child 9:00 o’clock A.M. or as soon Dated this 27th day of January, in Sisseton, Roberts County, IN TRIBAL COURT hearing. If you fail to appear Support and Notice of Hearing thereafter as possible. 2012 South Dakota, within twenty LAKE TRAVERSE a Warrant will be issued and is hereby provided that a You are required to be at the BY THE ORDER OF THE (20) days after the service RESERVATION Bond set at the amount of hearing will held at the Tribal hearing. Upon request, the COURT: of this Summons upon you, STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA the arrears. Upon request, Court, Agency Village, South OCSE Clerk will provide you Michael T. Swallow, Presiding exclusive of the date of CASE NO. I: 11-004 the OCSE Clerk will provide Dakota, on the 24th day of with a copy of the Complaint Judge service, and you are notified SWOCSE/Candice Brown, you with a copy of the Motion February, 2012 at the hour of describing the matter. ATTEST: Oyate Contreras, that if you fail to answer said PLAINTIFF describing the matter. 9:00 o’clock A.M. or as soon Dated this 27th day of January, OCSE Clerk of Court Complaint within said time, VS. Dated this 26th day of January, thereafter as possible. 2012 6-3tc the Plaintiff will apply to the MATTHEW WHITE, 2012 Court for the relief therein DEFENDANT BY THE ORDER OF THE demanded. ORDER OF PUBLICATION & COURT: Dated this 1st day of February, NOTICE OF HEARING Michael T. Swallow, Presiding 2012. It is hereby Ordered that due to Judge DELANEY, NIELSEN & the inability of the Plaintiff ATTEST: Oyate Contreras, SANNES, P.C. to locate the Defendant OCSE Clerk of Court Gordon P. Nielsen that Notice by Publication 6-3tc Attorney for Plaintiff P.O. Box 9 is hereby provided for a 520 2nd Avenue East Complaint to Establish Child SISSETON-WAHPETON taskforce. Initially, we also planned to their members and the whole Sisseton, South Dakota 57262 Support and Notice of Hearing OYATE Report from to create the James River Regional education community, especially (605) 698-7084 is hereby provided that a IN TRIBAL COURT Watershed district in companion the teachers who strongly voiced 7-3tc hearing will held at the Tribal LAKE TRAVERSE Sen. Jason with this legislation, but we opposition in committee to HB Court, Agency Village, South RESERVATION SISSETON-WAHPETON Dakota, on the 23rd day of STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA Frerichs compromised to first start with 1234! I, like many professional OYATE February, 2012 at the hour of CASE NO. I: 11-095 Week six. the taskforce. I am proud that we educators, believe the current IN TRIBAL COURT 9:00 o’clock A.M. or as soon SWOCSE/SD/Lacy Lee, How do “ordinary citizens” are able to make progress in water proposals contain flaws. However, LAKE TRAVERSE thereafter as possible. PLAINTIFF impact the legislative process? management and all of this has been if we can do a better job including RESERVATION You are required to be at the VS. We are proud of the fact in South done on a non-partisan basis! input from the educational STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA hearing. Upon request, the MICHAEL DUMARCE, Dakota that we have a citizens’ Speaking of compromise and community, I think we can CASE NO. CS: 12-013 OCSE Clerk will provide you DEFENDANT legislature and I can’t agree more! non-partisan, I wish that would drastically improve the proposals, SWOCSE/Carrie Rencountre, with a copy of the Complaint ORDER OF PUBLICATION & However the “Pierre machine,” made be the case with the Governor’s and therefore provide South Dakota PLAINTIFF describing the matter. NOTICE OF HEARING up of insider lobbyists, bureaucrats, plan to completely overhaul the the education they deserve. VS. Dated this 26th day of January, It is hereby Ordered that due to and Administration officials, has classrooms for our teachers. HB On paper, enticing new math JASON SEVERSON, 2012 the inability of the Plaintiff the ability to insulate itself from DEFENDANT BY THE ORDER OF THE to locate the Defendant that 1234 is the Governors legislation and science teachers with $8000 in ORDER OF PUBLICATION & COURT: Notice by Publication is constituent involvement. that is now on the Senate side and additional pay seems like a promising NOTICE OF HEARING Michael T. Swallow, Presiding hereby provided for a Motion During this 87th Legislative will be up for a hearing in the near idea. It would bring a new teacher’s It is hereby Ordered that due to Judge to Show Cause for Failure to Session, I want to focus on water future. Why should a person have pay up around $40,000, a decent the inability of the Plaintiff ATTEST: Oyate Contreras, Pay Child Support and Notice management, especially in the area to speak as a proponent for the starting pay for any recent college to locate the Defendant OCSE Clerk of Court of Hearing is hereby provided of flooded agriculture land. We Governors legislation in order to graduate. However, this change in that Notice by Publication 6-3tc that a hearing will held at the owe it to our local partners (county, guarantee a spot at the table to how to attract teachers to high needs is hereby provided for a Tribal Court, Agency Village, township, city governments), as “carve-up” the Governors plan? fields still does not address several of Complaint to Establish SISSETON-WAHPETON South Dakota, on the 23rd well as our agriculture producers That was the case over in the House the problems present in the original Child Support and Notice of OYATE day of February, 2012 at the and those folks concerned with Education committee when various bill. First, not all school districts Hearing is hereby provided IN TRIBAL COURT hour of 1:00 o’clock P.M. or as water issues, to give direction from that a hearing will held at LAKE TRAVERSE soon thereafter as possible. Pierre insider lobbyists representing in South Dakota have the same the H&HS Building, Rm. RESERVATION You are required to be at the a state perspective. Along with this education listed themselves as needs. Some need math and science S-2, Agency Village, South STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA hearing. If you fail to appear direction we must also remember to supporters of HB 1234. Fortunately teachers, other lack elementary Dakota, on the 22nd day of CASE NO. I: 10-036 a Warrant will be issued and maintain local control/input when many members of those education and special education teachers. The February, 2012 at the hour SWOCSE/Barry Bond set at the amount of managing water from a watershed groups have sounded off that their state should not prescribe what is of 1:00 o’clock P.M. or as soon LaCroix,vcPLAINTIFF the arrears. Upon request, approach. SB 169 received solid “lobbyists” were not speaking for best for schools when what works thereafter as possible. VS. the OCSE Clerk will provide support in the Senate and will be them in committee. I also realize for one may not work for another. You are required to be at the JERILYN SPIDER, you with a copy of the Motion up for discussion in the House that some of these lobbyists have Second, the incentive for new math hearing. Upon request, the DEFENDANT describing the matter. Agriculture and Natural Resources recognized that they shouldn’t have and science teachers may help them OCSE Clerk will provide you ORDER OF PUBLICATION & Dated this 26th day of January, committee very soon. This bill put their organization on the line in pay off student loans, but what kind with a copy of the Complaint NOTICE OF HEARING 2012 establishes an ongoing regional describing the matter. It is hereby Ordered that due to BY THE ORDER OF THE committee. My hope is that these of good will the departments see if Dated this 25th day of January, the inability of the Plaintiff COURT: watershed oversight legislative lobbyists will continue to reach out a new teacher makes significantly 2012 to locate the Defendant that Michael T. Swallow, Presiding BY THE ORDER OF THE Notice by Publication is Judge COURT: hereby provided for a Motion ATTEST: Oyate Contreras, Sota Subscription Order Form Michael T. Swallow, Presiding to Modify Child Support and OCSE Clerk of Court Judge Notice of Hearing is hereby 6-3tc ATTEST: Oyate Contreras, provided that a hearing will OCSE Clerk of Court held at the Tribal Court, SISSETON-WAHPETON I would like to subscribe to the Sota Iya Ye Yapi. 6-3tc Agency Village, South OYATE SISSETON-WAHPETON Dakota, on the 23rd day of IN TRIBAL COURT Enclosed is $______for ____ year(s). OYATE February, 2012 at the hour LAKE TRAVERSE (Annual subscription rate is $46 for enrolled members of the Sisseton-Wahpeton IN TRIBAL COURT of 1:00 o’clock P.M. or as soon RESERVATION Oyate living in South Dakota and in Minnesota and North Dakota counties on and LAKE TRAVERSE thereafter as possible. STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA adjoining the Lake Traverse Reservation; $40 for enrolled members incarcerated RESERVATION You are required to be at the CASE NO. CS: 12-011 STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA hearing. Upon request, the SWOCSE/Jacquelyn Franzen, and/or elderly on fixed incomes; $56 for all others living in the United States; and CASE NO. I: 09-015 OCSE Clerk will provide you PLAINTIFF $124 for foreign subscribers. New! First Class Postage domestic U.S. $96.) SWOCSE/SD/Jerry Hillberg, with a copy of the Complaint VS. PLAINTIFF describing the matter. CRAIG SPIDER, DEFENDANT Name ______. VS. Dated this 26th day of January, ORDER OF PUBLICATION & LARISSA RENCOUNTRE, 2012 NOTICE OF HEARING Mailing Address ______DEFENDANT BY THE ORDER OF THE It is hereby Ordered that due to ORDER OF PUBLICATION & COURT: the inability of the Plaintiff City ______State ____ Zip ______NOTICE OF HEARING Michael T. Swallow, Presiding to locate the Defendant Please mail this subscription form (or a photocopy) to: It is hereby Ordered that due to Judge that Notice by Publication Sota Iya Ye Yapi the inability of the Plaintiff ATTEST: Oyate Contreras, is hereby provided for a P.O. Box 5 to locate the Defendant that OCSE Clerk of Court Complaint to Establish Child Wilmot, SD 57279 Notice by Publication is 6-3tc Support and Notice of Hearing hereby provided for a Motion is hereby provided that a Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 17 more than a teacher who has five education funding level, and second, passed down to the counties to help years of experience? What will the attempt to paint teachers as pay the salaries of their Veterans happen to the relationship among isolated in their opposition to Services offices. Due to these cuts, other first year teachers from other this proposal and the implication counties have had to downsize these disciplines that are not eligible for that advocates of this proposal are offices by half-time or less. This In Loving Memory the incentive, but may also have somehow more concerned about the comes at a time when our guard substantial student loans? student than the teachers are. If I and reserve units are leaving active of Third, after five years of earning were a teacher I can’t imagine how duty and need the services provided $8000 more than their set salary, that implication must hurt. by these Veterans Services Offices why would that teacher—who I talked to several school to help them in applying for their Lola Jean Wanna now has five years of experience superintendents after the committee VA Claims. At the end of the VA Who passed away 2 years ago teaching—stay in a town that drops testimony last week, and contrary to fiscal year ending 2010 there were February 20, 2010 his or her pay so significantly? Many what we heard from lobbyists for the a total of $197,000,000 of pension states in our region pay teachers school boards and superintendents, and compensation checks that were significantly more than South I could not find a single one in received by veterans living in South Dakota. Often, teachers do not even favor of the proposal. Their main Dakota. What is the reason that Peacefully sleeping, resting at last, have to leave the communities in comment was that they were afraid money is there? We have one of the Her weary trials and troubles past. which they live to work in a district any opposition would be used best trained service offairs programs that pays them better. This incentive against them and misconstrued to in the country. With the knowledge In silence she suffered, in patience she bore will only create divisions among be a disregard for the $15 million and experience of these individuals colleagues and, in the end, possibly mentioned. Indeed their concerns many claims that are presented by Til God called her home to suffer no more. result in South Dakota losing were well founded as the main them will usually receive a higher teachers to states that pay better. House sponsor of the bill in his compensation percentage because of Those we love don’t go away, The other change to HB 1234 closing comments did exactly that. their training and skill level, which They walk beside us every day. was to make the merit pay system Their lobbyists did not speak for increases the money in the hands voluntary for school districts, or for them, rather they became part of of South Dakota veterans to spend them to propose an alternative plan an orchestrated campaign to assure in our state. This bill was strongly Unseen, unheard, but always near, for rewarding excelling teachers. passage of this bill, and I think that’s supported by veterans of our state, Still loved, still missed, and very dear. This amendment still focuses too a terrible commentary about the but was sadly defeated on the House much on rewarding a small number state of policy making in SD today. floor. I am proud to say all 19 Lola will always be missed by her family and friends. of teachers instead of encouraging all Instead of focusing on members of the Democrat caucus teachers to do their best to improve the teacher, I believe that this voted for the veterans. student achievement. The state’s conversation should be about our The other “smoke out” bill plan puts teachers in competition last place in taxpayer effort for I want to mention is HB 1206. with each other for a small pool of our kids, and it should be about This bill eliminates the food tax money that state has yet to fund. If a giving teachers back control of rebate program and replaces it with school opts out of the state merit pay their classroom. How much more a much more effective program plan, they lose money; if they create effective could teachers be if they that helps more people. Rep. Susy their own plan, it still must receive had the support of the community Blake, a member of our caucus the approval of the Department and the law and their administration from Sioux Falls, did a masterful of Education. For school districts, in controlling their classroom and job in getting this bill passed on the administrators, and teachers, it in enforcing expectations of their House floor. This original food tax creates another problem among the students? But we keep thinking that refund program was passed in 2004 many they already face. if we can just train a better teacher (HB1308). In FY 2005, 34,580 Proposing to fix the problems they can overcome all of the cultural households participated in the with the student base funding issues with which they must deal. program, however in FY 2012 only formula—and actually funding I don’t believe that is the case, and 264 households participated. The students at an appropriate rate— I urged the House to change the reason for the decrease was because may not sound as creative and conversation to really investing in of actions taken by the legislature innovative as the governor’s new our teachers and our students. in FY 2009, 2010, & 2011. These merit pay and incentive plans, Factoids of the week from the bills all restricted the qualification but it directly addresses the issues Transportation Department hearing: for the program. The poverty level administrators, teachers, students, The backlog of equipment needs was raised, those on food stamps no and parents face in South Dakota is about $49 million. They plan longer qualified and the application schools. Providing adequate base to spend about $10 million/ per process was narrowed to a specific funding allows districts the flexibility year replacing equipment. Their time once a year. The general to address their needs whether they replacement schedule for snowplows funds in the rebate program will are reinforcing teacher salaries or is 20 years, and a new one costs be allocated to the Feeding South providing special services to students, about $275,000. Dakota Program. The $838,362.82 such as additional help in math or If you make a trip to Pierre general funds appropriated and still reading. It ensures teachers have the and are looking for something to remaining in the rebate program supplies they need in their classroom. do, don’t forget to visit the Cultural will be spread out over 4 years to It keeps students involved in student Heritage Center. Their newest help purchase food for the hungry sports and organizations that help exhibit is “Our South Dakota: Big across the state. In FY 2012-12 them build social and leadership Land/Big Ideas/Big Heart.” It is a $537,587 were rebated back to skills. Rather than unpredictably playful look at our state and fun 1,422 house holds which averages funding education based on the for the entire family. Their award- about $ 378 per household. If this whims of the governor or the hip winning permanent exhibit, “The money was sent to Feeding South national trends, South Dakota needs South Dakota Experience,” features Dakota, these same dollar amounts to listen to those in the classrooms. state history from before the arrival would buy 3,225,522 lbs of food Teachers and principals know how to of Europeans in 1743 to the end of or in other words it would leverage address students’ needs. the twentieth century. The Historical $5.3 million dollars for food because It is a pleasure to serve you in Society also has a gift shop in the of the bulk purchasing ability of Pierre, please give me a call with Cultural Heritage Center and the Feeding South Dakota. These dollars any questions or concerns at 949- State Capitol. will help Dist 1 in multiple ways, 2204. You can also email me at: sen. It is a privilege to serve District such as the food pantries, rest homes, [email protected] and check out One here in Pierre. I appreciate needs anonymous, and NESDCap my website at www.jasonfrerichs. hearing from you on any issues you and NESDEC. This will result in com. may have. As citizen legislators we better use of our tax dollars, less always need lots of help keeping up administration expense and as one of Report from on all the different areas in which we the proponents stated “Carry out the Rep. Wismer need expertise to make decisions. My example our Master Teacher taught phone number is 605-237-3086. to care for the poor and feed the Week six. minute play produced last year in hungry.” Monday and Tuesday have been New Native Theatre to Bedlam Theatre’s 10X10 Festival, Report HB 1234 passed the House busy days for both houses as we and a world premiere play by the and is headed for the Senate. This present “Raven Stole work to get all bills out of the house from Rep. Native comedy troupe the 1491s is the education bill that passed the of origin to the other house. HB the Sun” who may be best known for their Sigdestad House, much to the chagrin of the 1234, the education bill, was heavily Raven Stole the Sun, a traditional Tlingit story as recounted viral Youtube videos including Week six. educators across the state. Some of debated on the House floor Monday play by Red Sky Performance of by Shaa Tlaa Maria Williams. The Slapping Medicine Man and The Yesterday, Tuesday, all bills had the provisions are as follows. Tenure afternoon. Toronto, is being presented by Tlingit straddle the borders of the Wolf Pack Auditions. to be out of its House of Origin. will be phased out beginning July There have been at least two New Native Theatre at Saint Paul’s Yukon and Alaska; the costumes Raven Stole the Sun is directed That meant both the House and 1, 2012, those who have it will be disturbing aspects of this debate SteppingStone Theatre March 23- and set for Raven are based on by the award winning First Nations Senate sessions ran into the early “grandfathered” in. In 2013-14 for me. The most egregious part 25, 2012. It is written by acclaimed traditional designs of the Tlingit director Sandra Laronde, Artistic evening hours. There were two tuition reimbursement for math and has been first, that it has effectively Canadian Ojibway author, Drew nation. In addition to the five Director of Red Sky Performance. bills that had opposite results after science teachers begin. This would be shifted attention from our pitiful Hayden Taylor. performances, audiences will have an Original music is by Donald Qua. being “smoked out”. A “smoke an $8,000 award per year for 5 years Raven Stole the Sun is a dance opportunity to attend a free meet- Raven Stole the Sun is one hour long. out” is when a bill is defeated in to eligible teachers. In 2014-15, Inconvenient theatre piece for all family members the-artists family workshop with Event Dates: Location: committee and the sponsor asks the top teacher reward program (merit of all ages and those wanting to the performers from Raven Stole the SteppingStone Theatre, 55 Victoria members on the floor of the chamber pay) begins. I’m sure the Senate will experience a critically acclaimed Sun on March 24 at 4pm. Families Street, Saint Paul, MN 55104 Looking for a copy to support their “smoke out” or make some changes that will send First Nations Theatre performance. can attend the 2pm show prior and Friday, March 23, 12:00 PM reconsideration of the bill. If enough the bill to a conference committee Internationally renowned for its stay for the workshop or they can Friday, March 23,7:00 PM members (24 in the House and 12 of 3 House and 3 Senate members of the Sota artistry and innovation, Red Sky plan on arriving early for the 7pm Saturday, March 24, 2:00 PM in the Senate) stand in support of appointed by the Speaker of the Performance is Canada’s leading performance to interact with the Red Saturday, March 24, 4:00 PM, the reconsideration, then the bill is House and President of the Senate. company of world Indigenous Sky artists. Meet the Artists Workshop, FREE each week? considered “smoked out” and will be Stay tuned for more details. Please performance in dance, theatre, and Created by playwright, Rhiana Saturday, March 24, 7:00 PM heard and voted on in that chamber. tell me why a new states hire, here music. Raven is a fabulous creature Yazzie in 2009, New Native Theatre Sunday, March 25, 2:00 PM HB 1106 was one of those bills. This in the capitol with no experience can Subscribe Now of impulse and invention. In order is a new way of looking at, thinking All tickets $7, available at bill would have restored funding command over double the salary of to satisfy his overwhelming sense of about, and staging Native American the door and online at http:// for certain salary and expense an experienced teacher. Something is curiosity, Raven hatches a brilliant stories. Raven Stole the Sun is the & Receive Your Copy reimbursement programs relating to wrong here right? scheme for stealing the stars, the first of three plays being presented event/211820 veterans’ services offices and to make I would appreciate your moon, and the sun, and ends up by NNT this year, their first full an appropriation therefore. This bill thoughts on this matter. I can be Every Week bringing light to the people of the year of play productions. Upcoming would restore the $167,000 that was reached at [email protected] world. shows will include two commissions: cut from the Division of Veterans or cell: 605-265-1343 or at the office The play is based on a 2012 The Musical based on the ten In the Mail! Affairs last year. These funds are at: 605-773-4484/. Page 18 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012 Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Job Openings The Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Tribe is seeking to fill the following positions: Notice JOM Aide, JOM Program. South Valley Initiative Assistant Project Coordinator, Health & Fitness Program. Tuesday, February 21 6:30 p.m. Closing Date: February 24, 2012 at 4:30 PM. Dakota Magic Casino & Hotel Hankinson ND Lead Teacher, Head Start. AA degree required in Early Childhood or related The following will be on the agenda: field. $12.00 per hour starting wage. 1. Leadership Discussion 2. LIDAR/Map Discussion Open Until Filled. 3. Update on Agricultural Water Enhancement Program (AWEP) – RRBC All interested applicants may obtain application and job description information 4. RRBC Updates at the Human Resource Department of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate. You may Success Stories, Wetland discussion contact Arnold Williams at (605) 698-3911 ext. 112. 5. Citizen Comments/Issues 6. Next meeting – Tuesday, May 15 Presenter: Chad Engels, Moore Engineering – Stateline Dam Study and Mantador Retention Site Update For more information, contact Leah Thvedt, Conference Coordinator & Outreach Specialist, Red River Basin Commission, Moorhead; Email: [email protected]/.

By June Moon the Feb. 3 deadline was coming up report that income, Tinant said. Rapid City Journal – February with the requested list of “Payments The IRS reviews financial 8, 2012 – The Internal Revenue made on behalf of tribal members ... information for several reasons, Service is auditing the Oglala (including) health care, educational, according to the website. Some Lake Traverse Animal Rezcue Sioux Tribe and tribal officials legal advice/representation, utilities, individual 1099 forms are selected are concerned low-income tribal housing, recreational.” for audit randomly. Others are members could have to pay. In 2011, the tribe gave selected for audit if documents Wopida (Thank You) Dinner In a Dec. 13 letter to Oglala out $900,000 in assistance to in the tax return don’t match Sioux Tribe President John Yellow thousands of people on the Pine reported information or if related Sisseton Wahpeton College Log Cabin Bird Steele, the IRS asked the Ridge Reservation, Big Crow said. organizations have been selected for tribe to produce a two-page list of Typically, the treasurer’s office only audits. Saturday, March 10, 2012 documents, including audit reports awards up to $200 at a time, though Carrie Resch, an IRS and financial statements prepared Big Crow said the tribal council spokeswoman, said the IRS cannot 1:00 p.m. during 2009 and 2010, a list of gave one woman over $600 at once comment on individual audits. tribal bank and credit card accounts last year to pay a year’s worth of Many people seek money from The Lake Traverse Animal Rezcue Board has scheduled this Wopida (thank and a list of money given to tribal delinquent electricity bills. the social services fund when Indian members and employees. Some individuals ask for money Health Services sends them to Rapid you) dinner to recognize all of the volunteers and their families for this “I think it’s going to hurt multiple times. The department City or elsewhere for treatment, Big event. You are all invited to attend. our tribe here, the assistance that keeps receipts for bills it pays Crow said. He said an ambulance or we give our people,” Oglala Sioux but does not give out receipts to helicopter often transports patients Tribe Treasurer Mason Big Crow individuals for that money, so Big to medical facilities, but does not This has been a difficult but rewarding first year of our rescue and we want said. “The IRS is going to try to tax Crow was not sure how much money take them back home. A family the poorest of the poor, basically.” individuals received over the course member must often trek to the to thank you for helping us! Yellow Bird Steele said he was of the year. patient’s location to pick him or her upset when the tribe got the audit Big Crow, who has worked in up, which requires gas money, food or local government, and Indian request in December and did not the treasurer’s office for almost three and a hotel room not covered by or Native American entity eligible want to comply. Big Crow said this years, said past treasurers had not Indian Health Service. for grants under the Workforce Help Wanted is the tribe’s first audit request in kept records of relief money from the Only 38 percent of people in Investment Act’s Section 166 may Enemy Swim Youth Center at least 12 years. It is rare for an tribe to individuals. Shannon County, which comprises apply. If interested, please pick up an application at the organization or individual to be Though Native American a large part of the Pine Ridge Full eligibility information is Enemy Swim District Center. audited, but an audit doesn’t mean tribal governments are not required Reservation, are employed, according included in a solicitation for grant the tribe has done anything wrong, to pay income tax, individual tribal to 2010 data from the Census applications published in today’s said Marshal Tinant, a certified members are subject to the same Bureau. Federal Register that can be viewed employment and training programs in Native communities, and to keep public accountant with Empire income tax as other American Employees in the treasurers’ online at also is available at http://www.doleta. the lines of communication open Accounting and Financial Services in citizens, according to the IRS. The offices at the Cheyenne River Sioux grants/find_grants.cfm. Information gov. between those communities and St. Francis. tribe should issue a 1099 tax form Tribe and Rosebud Tribe said they about other Department of Labor their representatives in Washington. Big Crow said one big challenge whenever it gives someone more had not heard of audits of their Another topic of discussion was of compiling audit documents by than $600, and individuals should governments this year. the Senate Banking Committee’s recent passage of Chairman Johnson’s transit reform bill, which will double the amount of funds dedicated to supporting tribal transit programs to $30 million annually. Washington, DC – Feb. 15, Last year, Johnson was named Did you know your tax returns filed tax returns… duration of ownership and create The bill will also allocate some of the 2012 – Senate Banking, Housing Chairman of the Senate Committee funds in a guaranteed way so tribes can help you save time completing … indefinitely. Supporting tax a recordkeeping binder for each. and Urban Affairs Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban your returns next year? Barring records such as records of income or For example, you may want to will be able to make plans and rely Chairman Tim Johnson (D-SD) met Affairs. Senator Johnson is also on steady funding levels. major life changes such as a new deduction expense should be kept create a real estate binder to hold today with the National American a member of the Indian Affairs addition to the family or purchase for at least three years or until the all your property documents and “This transit bill is an Indian Housing Council (NAIHC) Committee and the Appropriations investment in our nation’s or sale of a house, the information period of limitations for that return home improvements costs, and to discuss Indian housing and Committee. All three committees required for tax preparation should runs out (which depends upon another for your investments and infrastructure, making sure our his efforts to improve the quality represent an important intersection public transportation systems not change significantly from year your circumstances). Note: Check brokerage statements. You’re on an of housing in South Dakota and for Indian housing issues. to year. That’s why it’s a good idea with the IRS or contact your tax organization roll, so keep going! continue to provide safe and across Indian Country. The event As Banking Committee affordable service in rural areas to keep your tax returns and related professional before throwing out any Taxpayers can get free was part of the NAIHC’s Annual Chairman, Johnson convened a records handy in a recordkeeping of your tax records. help e-filing their tax returns as well as cities,” said Chairman Legislative Conference, and included hearing last November on the Johnson. “Reliable and accessible system for easy reference. Read on to The general recordkeeping rule by contacting NESDCAP at representatives from tribes and tribal opportunities and challenges for find more tips on how you can keep of thumb is… 1-888-202-4855 Ext 10. Free tax public transit is vital for countless housing authorities from across the economic development in Indian workers and families throughout your tax information organized. … when in doubt, don’t throw preparation services are available country. Country. That hearing highlighted The best time to create a tax it out. to residents of northeast South Indian Country, and this bill will At the meeting, Johnson economic success stories on help tribal transit systems connect recordkeeping system… After you’ve created your Dakota from IRS trained volunteers emphasized his support for reservations in South Dakota, while … is right after you’ve tax records binder, don’t stop so call for your appointment today. our reservation communities.” additional funding for Indian also focusing on barriers to economic Chairman Johnson and filed your taxes. Before your tax there. Consider all your important NESDCAP is an Equal Opportunity housing, and pledged to continue growth. documents gets shuffled away, household records that should Organization. NAIHC are working closely to fighting for increased resources In 2010, Johnson chaired a lay the foundation for next year’s separated or lost, find a place such as be kept indefinitely or for the as an appropriator. The Census joint Banking Committee and Indian a binder to hold all your paperwork reauthorization of the Native Bureau reported in 2008 that Affairs Committee field hearing in American Housing Assistance for safekeeping and easy access. Native Americans are almost twice Rapid City, South Dakota, to explore A quick way to organize your and Self Determination Act as likely to live in poverty as the innovative solutions to the Indian (NAHASDA), as well as on the tax records… rest of the population. In the same housing crisis. At that hearing, … is by year, using binders issue of needs assessments by the year, a Government Accountability Johnson and other lawmakers heard Department of Housing and Urban and free online templates. You can Washington, DC – Feb. 16, communities and learning new Office report found that nearly 46 from witnesses who echoed the designate a binder for each year, Development. Johnson discussed 2012 – The U.S. Department skills.” percent of Native households were need for funding increases. Prior the importance of meaningful and create a spine for each binder of Labor today announced the Awarded through a competitive overcrowded, nearly three times the to the hearing, Johnson brought that shows the year, such as “2010 consultation between HUD and availability of approximately process, the grants will provide rate of the rest of the country. Housing and Urban Development tribes, to ensure their findings Taxes.” $30 million in grants through participants with meaningful “These statistics are all too Secretary Shaun Donovan to the To make it easier to find accurately reflect the true housing its Training and Service Learning community service projects and familiar to our Indian communities. Rosebud Sioux Reservation so needs in Indian Country. detailed information… program for projects to help young service learning opportunities, We must work together to reverse that he could see first-hand the … create sections in your adult ex-offenders gain valuable educational intervention to help this trend,” Chairman Johnson said immediate challenges facing Native Mission binder to separate the different types jobs skills while giving back to their them earn high school diplomas and at the conference. “I will continue communities. of documents inside. Durable clear communities through service. industry recognized credentials, a fighting for increased tribal housing Chairman Johnson announced couple label dividers make it easy to create “We are a country that believes career development component that funding as an appropriator, in line at today’s event that he has customized tabbed dividers such as in second chances,” said Secretary seeks to place each participant in a with the federal government’s treaty scheduled a Banking Committee sentenced “federal returns,” “state returns” (if of Labor Hilda L. Solis. “The grant job that also teaches skills, and post- and trust responsibilities. But it is hearing for early March to continue for selling applicable), “income,” “real estate,” competition announced today will program support and follow-up. also important that we put our heads to search for solutions to reverse the “donations,” “investments,” or fund programs that give young The department expects to together and work on inventive housing crisis in Indian Country. The Eagle parts whatever types of documents you’ve people the chance to get their lives award a minimum of 20 grants. Any alternatives to provide housing in hearing will be an opportunity to U.S. Attorney Brendan V. included to support your tax return. back on track by serving their nonprofit organization, unit of state these tough economic times.” highlight the immense housing needs Johnson announced that a man You should keep copies of your Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Page 19

Dakota Sioux Casino & Hotel Job Openings Dakota Sioux Casino & Hotel is seeking to fill the following position(s): SALES & MARKETING: GROUP SALES ASSISTANT (1 FULL-TIME) GENERAL FUNCTION: To assist the Group Sales Coordinator with all aspects required for Group Sales. REQUIREMENTS: Department: Cage customer service skills, Employer. High school diploma or G.E.D. Qualifications: Directs and computer literate-knowledge Apply with the Human Resources equivalent. Work related field supervises the overall of word processing and Department, call or write or equivalent experience. operations of the casino Microsoft excel. Ability to for job description. Submit Ability to handle diverse cage area. Oversees hiring, effectively and accurately application to: Human situations and or people. scheduling, and evaluating relay information to Resources Department Must be able to wait staff of cage personnel. Must be employees. Ability to operate Dakota Connection Casino, during group events. knowledgeable in all Tribal, a cash register, Electronic 46102 SD Hwy 10, Sisseton, Excellent verbal and written State and Federal gaming Bingo machines, and other SD 57262. communication skills (Public regulations to ensure they bingo equipment. Ability to Speaking.) Computer are followed. Education/ effectively resolve conflict experience in Microsoft Word, Experience: Must have high with both internal and Excel, Publisher, Email, school diploma or GED, external customers. Must be Micros and P.O.S. systems, at least 3-years previous able to obtain a Key Gaming merge documents, Agilysys supervisory, management License. Reservation System, and CDS and/or gaming experience. Hours: Part-time, flexible hours, system. Must have knowledge A minimum of three years shifts, holidays and weekends in office equipment, i.e. faxing, cage experience and previous Opening Date: Thursday, copying, 10-key, etc. Minimal bookkeeping experience. February 9, 2012 travel required. Must obtain Opening Date: Thursday, Closing Date: Wednesday, a Non-Gaming License upon February 16, 2012. February 22, 2012 @ 4:00 p.m. hire. Minimal bending and Closing Date: Wednesday, Indian preference will apply/EEO lifting. Repetitious computer February 29, 2012 @ 4:00 p.m. work. Indian preference will apply/EEO and woman from Mission charged eagle feathers and hawk feathers. This position will close on Employer. with unlawfully trafficking in eagles They both pled guilty on Oct. 25, February 22, 2012 at 4pm. Apply with the Human Resources Attention! were sentenced on Jan. 18, 2012, 2011. Indian Preference will apply/ Department, call or write by U.S. District Judge Roberto A. EEO. for job description. Submit Old Agency District Members Lange. Trading post ads Contact the Human Resources application to: Human Election for District Treasurer and Revised Shane Red Hawk, 38, was Continued from Page 20 Department for complete job Resources Department Dakota Constitution and By-Laws will be held on February Connection Casino, 46102 SD sentenced to one month in prison, descriptions at 1-800-658- Hwy 10, Sisseton, SD 57262. 27, 2012. one year of supervised release and Department for complete job 4717 ext. 1652. If interested please fill out an ordered to pay $125 to the Victim descriptions at 1-800-658- application and submit to: Dakota Connection Casino Assistance Fund; Noella Red Hawk, 4717 ext. 1652. If interested please fill out an Dakota Sioux Casino & Job Opening 41, was sentenced to one year of application and submit to: Hotel, Human Resources Position: Bingo Manager Notices probation and ordered to pay $25 to Dakota Sioux Casino & Department, 16415 Sioux Department: Bingo the Victim Assistance Fund. Hotel, Human Resources Conifer Road, Watertown, SD Qualifications: High School Heipa District Members On Sept. 10, 2009, in Rosebud, Department, 16415 Sioux 57201. Diploma/GED; minimum of 2 Special District Meeting years previous management the Red Hawks illegally sold an Conifer Road, Watertown, SD Saturday, March 10, 202 eagle feather fan and dance bustles 57201. Dakota Connection Casino experience. Excellent communication skills-both with eagle feathers. On Oct. 30, Job Opening 11:00 a.m. written and verbal, excellent 2009, Shane Red Hawk illegally sold Position: Manager At the regular District Center Purpose: to go over and approve the revised Heipa Notice District Constitution. All Heipa members are Lake Traverse District Members encouraged to attend. Potluck will be held. February Regular District Meeting NOTICE Regular District Meeting BUFFALO LAKE DISTRICT MEMBERS Saturday, February 18, 2012 Saturday, 1 p.m., Feb. 25th, 2012 11:00 a.m. District Meeting Agenda Item: Lake Traverse Economic Development Anyone interested in serving on the Human Services Sunday, Feb. 26 Findings. Board is encouraged to attend. Noon – Dinner Lake Traverse Economic Board Members are March Regular District Meeting 1 p.m. – Meeting encouraged to attend for questions and answers Saturday, march 17, 2012 by District membership. 11:00 a.m. Page 20 “Wo’okiye was’te qa wico zani o’wacin yuhapo” Sota Iya Ye Yapi - - Anpetu Iyamni, February 22, 2012 Dakota Monument Roberts County

*A ny Size National Bank *Any Shape 5 East Maple St. *A ny Price Sisseton, S.D. Cody’s Phone 698-7621 Sanitation CHAD BALLHAGEN Internet Banking (Formerly Langagers) Local Representative Tribal member owned/ 13193 – 468th Ave. – Wilmot, SD at Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate TERO certified 605-938-4836 Job Openings Call Cody for Rural or 800-630-1788 Bring Us Your Memories The Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate Residential Pickup, And We Will Make Them Member FDIC - Equal Housing Tribe is seeking to fill the Dumpsters Last Forever Lender following positions: Cell 605-290-5698 JOM Aide, JOM Program. Home 605- 698 - 4417 Assistant Project Coordinator, Health & Fitness Program. NEED EMBROIDERY? SCHULZ LD Enterprises Closing Date: February 24, 2012 *In house logo specialist at 4:30 PM. INSURANCE *Affordable custom Lead Teacher, Head Start. AA embroidery Our Family Insuring INSURANCE AMAZING *No minimum order on degree required in Early STITCHES R US embroidery Childhood or related field. Your Family *Volume discounts available $12.00 per hour starting 612 Veterans Ave. – P.O. Box 167 24 N. Broadway – P.O. Box 1194 *Accept screen printing and other pro- Preston Fryer – Jeff Fryer, Owners wage. Open Until Filled. Sisseton, SD 57262 Watertown, SD 57201 motional items 605.698.3130 605.886.1525 Located at Lake Traverse, SD 2009 SD Hwy 10 – Sisseton, SD All interested applicants may 800.423.3906 877.886.1525 Larry & Deb Halbert, Owners Fax 605.698-7603 Fax 605.886.1922 (605) 698-4585 obtain application and job Shop: (605) 694-2848 Open 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday description information at the Auto ~ Farm ~ Home ~ Commercial ~ Life ~ Medicare Supplement Cell: (605) 237-3124 Human Resource Department Long Term Nursing Care ~ Health & Group Health [email protected] of the Sisseton-Wahpeton Oyate. You may contact Box 689, Agency Village, SD Cashier (1 Full Time) Swing Arnold Williams at (605) 698- Sisseton Wahpeton College 57262. Marketing Department: 3911 ext. 112. The Sisseton Wahpeton College VIP Ambassador (2 Full-Time) is hiring for the following Tiospa Zina Tribal School Rotating Sisseton Wahpeton College position: Job Positions Smoke Shop Department: Clerk Vacancy TRIO Director Master’s *Substitutes: All Departments (1 Full-Time) Rotating Degree in Administration, *Middle School Lead Teacher Closing Date: February 24th, The Sisseton Wahpeton College 101 – 10th St. SW (Hwy 20) Watertown, SD Counseling, Social Work, *Bus Driver 2012 at 4pm Board of Trustees is seeking Gently used box springs/mattress sets for sale – all sizes! qualified candidates for the or related field strongly *Bus Monitor Starting Wage: D.O.E. President of the college. preferred. Bachelor’s *School Security Guard. High School diploma or G.E.D. The president of SWC provides Degree in a related field Please contact the Human required for most positions. direction, management, and with four years directly Resources office for further Two identification documents leadership in the overall related experience may be information if you are required upon hire. operations of the College. considered. 1 year experience interested in any of the job If interested please submit The President keeps the in designing, managing, vacancies listed. application to Human Board of Trustees informed or implementing Student Indian Preference will apply. Resources Department, 16849 and is responsible for the Support Services or a similar Contact Information: Siyo Peters, 102nd Street SE, Hankinson implementation of its policies. program required. Human Resources Director, ND 58041. Visit our website: Position open until filled. Tiospa Zina Tribal School, PO For complete Job Description for a full job description and For further information, visit Box 719, #2 Tiospa Zina Dr., contact Amanda Adams application. Indian preference our website: for Agency Village, SD 57262; at 701-634-3000 ext. 557. This position will close on PORTER: will apply. Closing date: a full job description and [email protected]/. Phone: (605) Indian Preference will February 22, 2012 at 4pm. PORTER (2 FULL-TIME) Friday, April 20, 2012, at 4:30 application. Send resume to: 698-3953 Ext. 208; Fax: (605) apply/EEO. (Please Provide Indian Preference will apply/ GENERAL FUNCTION: Serves PM. Sisseton Wahpeton College 698-7686. Tribal Enrollment.) Must EEO. as janitorial/housekeeping 7-4tc Att: Human Resources, PO be licensable by the SWO Contact the Human Resources staff for guests and casino Coteau des Prairies Hospital Gaming Commission. Department for complete job operations. Job Opening descriptions at 1-800-658- REQUIREMENTS: Physical Coteau des Prairies Hospital Dakota Sioux Casino & Hotel 4717 ext. 1652. mobility throughout the currently has an opening for a Job Openings If interested please fill out an facility and surrounding full-time radiology technician. Dakota Sioux Casino & Hotel is application and submit to: grounds. Able to lift 40 to Duties will include general seeking to fill the following Dakota Sioux Casino & 50 lbs. Must obtain a Non radiography procedures, position(s): Hotel, Human Resources Gaming License upon hire. emergency procedures, Bone HOTEL: Department, 16415 Sioux This position will close on Mineral Density, and other HOUSEKEEPERS ( 2 PART Conifer Road, Watertown, SD February 24, 2012 related work as required. TIME) 57201. Indian Preference will apply/ ULKeltrasound experience GENERAL FUNCTION: Cleans EEO. a bonus. Qualifications rooms, halls, restrooms, Dakota Sioux Casino & Hotel Contact the Human Resources include completion of two elevators and stairways Job Openings years training in AMA according to standards. Dakota Sioux Casino & Hotel is Trading post ads approved school of radiologic REQUIREMENTS: 1-3 months seeking to fill the following Continued on Page 19 technology. ARRT Registered related experience. Able to position(s): or registry eligible. occasionally lift(s) or move(s) Send resume to: Coteau des up to 25 lbs. Must also meet Prairies Hospital and Clinic, the Non-Gaming License 205 Orchard Drive, Sisseton, requirements. SD 57262; 0r email to cdphr@ This position will close on February 22, 2012. EOE Indian Preference will apply/ 7-2tc EEO. Contact the Human Resources Dakota Magic Casino & Hotel Department for complete job Job Openings descriptions at 1-800-658- Cage Department: 4717 ext. 1652. If interested please fill out an application and submit to: Dakota Sioux Casino & Hotel, Human Resources Department, 16415 Sioux Conifer Road, Watertown, SD 57201.

Dakota Sioux Casino & Hotel Minimum charge (20 words or less) $3 Job Openings Additional, each word add $.15 Dakota Sioux Casino & Hotel is seeking to fill the following Notice of Open Meetings position(s): Women’s Circle is dedicated to the empowerment of battered women HOTEL: and their children. If you or someone you know is a victim of FRONT DESK CLERK (1 FULL- domestic violence. Support group is available: TIME) GENERAL FUNCTION: Staffs Where: 417 Veterans Ave. in Sisseton the Front Desk to attend Band show times: When: 10 a.m. on Monday Morning Friday & Saturday (8 p.m.-1:30 a.m.) to the needs of the guests Feb. 24-25 Women’s Circle throughout their stay. Shows are one-hour sets with 1/2 hour REQUIREMENTS: High School Great Outdoors breaks Diploma or GED. Three to six (Some show times are specified) months related experience (country/rock) and/or training, or equivalent The Early Childhood Intervention Program provides combination of education and experience. Good people services to children from birth to 5 years---The (605) 698-4129 skills, both in person and on critical years in a child’s development. or new toll-free number the telephone. Must meet the Early intervention can enhance development and 1-888-200-4492 requirement of a non-gaming reduce the effects of developmental delays. license upon hire. Early intervention services are equally available to all. Contact information: Phone: 698-4400 Ext. 300; Fax: 698-4429; Email: [email protected] Announcement to parents of children enrolled: Due to cuts in the funding from Medicaide, the Early Childhood Intervention Program will be able to provide assistance for medical and dental appointments only to children with developmental delays or disabilities. Insurance and Trust not FDIC Insured.