From Micro to Macromechanics: A General Way of Obtaining Macroscopic Description from Microscopic Variables

M. Holecek Faculty of Applied Sciences University of West Bohemia, CZ-30614 Pilsen, Czech Republic [email protected]. cz


A deformation of a macroscopic body is described at a microscopic level. Using the concept of an external, macroscopic control of the system a set of special "modes" of micro-deformations being sensitive on macroscopic influence is found out. These "modes" give a set of macroscopic variables enlarging the standard description of deformable media. The problem of microscopic relaxation is described by these new variables as an illustration.


Any variable used at macroscopic scales is an averaged value of some microscopic (mesoscopic) variables. These 'micro-variables', however, are usually not explicitly introduced and the description is formulated directly at a macroscopic scale without looking for a bridge connecting macroscopic variables with the microscopic ones. Nevertheless, the very question which macroscopic variables should be used can be deeply connected with the formulation of the problem at a microscopic level. In this study we propose a general approach of obtaining macroscopic variables from the field describing the micro-deformation of the body. The method is based on the fact that "macroscopic" is defined by an external influence on the body - if the body is under some macroscopic external conditions we are interested about a macroscopic reaction. This reaction, however, can depend on microscopic variables. The proposed method enables us to find some microscopic degrees of freedom or "modes" of micro-deformations that are sensitive to a defined macroscopic influence. These modes define a group of macroscopic variables. It includes the field of (macroscopic) displacements of individual material used in mechanics of continuous media as the only set of variables. However, the found group of variables includes some new

105 Volume 19, Nos. 2-3, 2009 From Micro to Macromechanics

variables that may play an important role in description of some special problems of continuum mechanics. As an illustration, we show, by using these new variables, a macroscopic description of the effect of relaxation in microscopic degrees of freedom, which has an important macroscopic manifestation.


Let us have a macroscopic body occupying a region in three or two dimensional space. We suppose that there is a vector field η(ξ) describing an actual configuration of a deformed body at some (in what follows, the word "microscopic" means any lower, non-macroscopic scale, e.g. the mesoscopic one) called the micro-configuration. It means that ξ are labels of individual microscopic material particles of the body in an (arbitrarily chosen) configuration, called the (microscopic) referential configuration, i.e. ξ e QR. This field, though it is continuous and smooth enough, may vary very rapidly at small macroscopic distances. We study only pure mechanical processes in which the field η(ξ) defines the microscopic state of the body at any time. It allows introduction of an internal Å of the body as an extensive quantity (a real measure) which is absolutely continuous with respect to the volume of regions in the referential configuration [1]. It implies (with some locality assumptions) that it can be written as an integral

(1) where e is a scalar function and G(£) = 9η/δξ =Vf if is called the micro-deformation gradient. If the system is in adiabatic isolation, the change of internal energy, δ Å, during any real process has to be compensated by a work δ W done by the body,

6W = -SE (2)

What is "work"? It is the crucial concept of (enabling us to define the heat, entropy and so on). Generally, the work corresponds to a macroscopic external control of the system which is adjusted by a mechanic (electric, magnetic) action at macroscopic scales. Here, this macroscopic manipulation is realized by using various forces. These forces are macroscopic, which means that they vary in space at macroscopic scales. There are two kinds of forces defining the external influence on a system: the volume forces (such as gravity or electric or magnetic ones) and the boundary forces being defined by a contact interaction of the body with its surrounding. These forces will be defined as follows: Let b - a sum of volume forces, and s - a sum of contact forces, be a given (prescribed) functions, ο(η,ξ), 5(Ο,η,ξ) . A characteristic scale at which these functions vary thus defines the macroscopic scale of the problem (see Fig. 1). Hence the work is defined by

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Fig. 1: Macroscopic external influence on a body described at a microscopic level

δη·χάΑ-\ δη-bdV. (3) \,> * Ω η

The crucial point of our study is the fact that though the work is defined at macroscopic and the internal energy at microscopic scales they are related by the fundamental relation (2). That must be valid for any form of energy function e - choosing various functions we can obtain different (inner) of the body during a concrete process (even if the external constraints and forces are the same). Therefore let us choose a very special form of energy function which can be called the null energy function, CQ , giving the null internal energy EQ . This function is defined so that any internal motion of the body obeying the external macroscopic constraints under the given functions b, s gives the change of the internal energy EQ that agrees with the done work (3). Hence this energy is sensitive only on those degrees of freedom which are controllable by the external, macroscopic control quantified by the performed work.

To define these degrees of freedom we introduce a set of mappings Fa ://->//' assigning to a micro- deformation η satisfying the external constraints another one obeying these constraints too. A macroscopic degree of freedom is defined as a class of mappings (Fa} so that for any mapping Fe from this class the null internal energy is invariant, namely that


The form of null energy is found as follows: Using the divergence theorem in calculating δ Å -the relations (2) and (3) give the conditions (see [2]) that the divergence of the partial derivative of e0 by G does

107 Volume 19. Nos. 2-3, 2009 From Micro to A/aeromechanics not depend on VG, and (by denoting n the unit normal vector of the body's boundary)

(5) dG dt' dG

The theory of the so-called null Lagrangians [2] gives that these conditions may be fulfilled for any motion of the body only if the function e0 has in three dimensional space the form

*0 (G, η, ξ) = Α(η, ξ) + Β(η, £) · G + €(η, ξ) · cof G + D(f/, f) det G , (6) where cof G is the tensor of cofactors and det G the determinant. In two-dimensional space the third term is zero. A, B, C, D are functions given by the external field b and boundary conditions, i.e. they are determined by external, macroscopic control - the formula is given e.g. in [2], for our purposes is not important to have its explicit form. However, the fact of crucial importance is that they vary very slowly in space comparing with the field G. For a concrete micro-deformation η(ξ ) the referential configuration thus can be divided into small parts - cells Ω , /-1, 2,... , so that within each cell the fields A, B, C, D are nearly constant in the following sense: When varying ξ within this part the functions A(»/(f ), ξ ) , etc. are practically constant. The vector X(i) denotes the geometrical centre of the /-th cell. The null internal energy thus can be written in the form

EQ = £ (A(i)Vf + B(i) · V(l) GdV + C(0 · J^(() cof GdV + D(i) ν(() det GdV) , (7)

where A(/), etc. are the values of the functions in the i-th cell and Vi is the reference volume of the /-th cell. Let us define the averaged deformation of the cell by


Since the functions A,..., D are nearly constant within each cell we may suppose that their values depend on X(i) and jc(i) . Thus any mapping Fa ://-»//' which keeps invariant the values of x(i) and the quantities

(9) where /' (G) = G, /2 (G) = det G and (only in 3 dimensional case) /3 (G) = cof C, satisfies (4). Thus the

108 M. Holecek Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials quantities χ(ί), Μ* represent the demanded macroscopic degrees of freedom. The variables x(i) correspond to (standard) macroscopic deformations (positions of macroscopic parts of the body), while the variables

All these variables may be replaced by smooth, continuous fields x(X) , Μ (Χ) on QR so that they correspond to the values of jc(/), Ë/* at isolated points X(i) as much as possible. These fields vary at macroscopic scales. The tensor field F(X) = Vx is then the (standard) gradient of deformation. Are these fields independent variables? It depends on a concrete problem. If the micro-deformation field varies very slowly in space then

G0~F, C0«cofF, v0«detF (10) and the new variables are not independent. However, when formulating the problem for media being heterogeneous at micro-scales, GO can considerable differ from the macroscopic deformation gradient F which describes mutual position of some localised bulks of material (granules, grains, 'clumps' of etc.) while <70 arises by averaging of micro-deformation over individual bulks. In this situation the fields CQ and VQ may play a crucial role even if CQ « cof GO > vo ~ detGO · We show it in the next section.


The situation when the cells defined by external macroscopic control correspond to natural bulks of a highly heterogeneous material is very interesting. Let us model such a situation by proposing a simple model of inner energy in such a material. Assuming that bulks of the material, called here the "particles", interact through their boundaries, we introduce an 'effective deformation gradient' Fin, describing this 'boundary y v2 interaction': Let ξé and ξ2 belong to the boundaries 9ΩË' and 9ΩË of two neighbouring cells Χé and X2. Micro-deformations are approximated as homogeneous through the averaged tensor GO . Tangent approximations of both macroscopic and microscopic transformations then lead to

x2=xl+F(Xl)(X2-Xl) Χ), i = lor2. ^

We introduce the 'microstructural tensor' M, describing a microscopic arrangement between neighbouring particles by

ξ2-ξé=Μί(Χ2-Χé). (12)

109 Volume 19. Nos. 2-3, 2009 From Micro to Macromechanics

Comparing (11) with (12) gives (neglecting the change of G0(X) between neighbouring points)

fc-fl=flw(f2-fi), 03) where

1 Fint=G0-(G0-F)Ms- . (14)

At the macro-point X, the stored strain energy function ù may be written as

ù = ù0+ύ>Μ . (15)

The first part COQ results from the own deformations. It depends on the variables Mk , i.e.

u)0=u)0(G0,v0,C0). (16)

Interaction energy G)jnt is the part of stored strain energy function involved by the neighbouring particles interaction: it depends on the effective deformation Fint, i.e.

e*it=e&it(*.Fnit)· (17)

It is worth noting that if the microstructural tensor is the unit matrix Fint= F and 0)jnt ceases to be "tied" to fflQ and we obtain the standard description in which COQ plays no role.

Let us study the case when Fint differs from F in a simple 2-dimensional situation by assuming that interactions between neighbouring particles may be approximated by a quadratic function,

-l)2> Ï»)

where Vj , i = 1,2, are singular values of the effective deformation gradient Fint and Å is a material coefficient. The microstructural tensor is supposed to be expressed in principal directions as

ο ë,

110 M. Holeiek Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Materials

According to the expression (14) we have

, V; =· (20)

where i, ctj are the singular values of the tensor F and G0 respectively. The own particle deformation energy 2 is approximated as a quadratic function of the only macro-variable v0, v0 =0.10.2, i.e. ù0 = Ê (á/á^ -Ι)

(in 2-dimensions C0 is not introduced). Finally, the energy ù is of the form

ù = — (21) i=\

Fixing j and letting O; relax so that the energy (21) is minimal we obtain the energy function ù depending only on F and the microstructural parameters. An important fact is that for any macroscopic deformation t we can find only isolated values of microstructural parameters for which the energy ù is zero [3, 4] (see Fig. 2). Notice that if the second term in (21) vanishes (i.e. the variable v0 is not introduced) the relaxation of parameters a, gives zero energy ù for any /?,, i.e. the problem of relaxation is ill-defined. The occurrence of these isolated "points" in a space of microstructural parameters is of crucial importance - around these "points" the macroscopic material's stiffness is extremely sensitive on any change in microstructure. It has been used in modelling the mechanical behaviour of smooth muscles [4, 5].

0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 08 0.9 1

Fig. 2: Relaxed energy ù v.s the microstructural parameter A2 for a fixed value of ë\ in the case of r macroscopically incompressible materials (β\β2 = ') f° 3 cases of macroscopic deformations [3]

111 Volume 19. Nos. 2-3. 2009 From Micro to Macromechanics


It is shown that the macroscopic description of a deformable body should be enriched by new variables

GQ , CQ and v0 defined as averaged values of micro-deformation gradient, its cofactor and determinant. In a "standard" macroscopic description of deformations of a "smooth" material it is assumed a form of the Cauchy-Born hypothesis [6] allowing to smooth out the deformations at microscopic scales. Then the new variables become functions of the deformation gradient J^and need not be introduced. However, as shown in [6], the Cauchy-Born hypothesis is not generally valid and there are many situations in which the deformations at microscopic scales cannot be identified with those at the macro scales. Moreover, many kinds of highly heterogeneous materials (granular media, living tissues and so on) can be modelled as a material in which the averaged micro-deformation gradient (playing the role of a new macroscopic variable) differs essentially from the deformation gradient F (as illustrated here on a simple example of inner relaxation).

Thus the new variables GQ , CQ and v0 seem to have an important role in various problems in continuum mechanics in which the mechanical processes at a microscopic scale play an essential role (biomechanics, mechanics of heterogeneous media, micromechanics of nano-structures etc.). On the other hand, the "discovery" of these variables on basic thermodynamic considerations may be significant for theoretical understanding of continuum mechanics. For example, when assuming convexity of the specific stored energy in these variables we obtain in the limit of a microscopically "smooth" material,

GQ -» F , C0 -> cof F, VQ -> del F, the polyconvex function, which plays the crucial role in hyperelasticity (e.g. [2]).


The work is supported by the Project No. MSM4977751303.


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