COURSE CATALOG 1319 Adams Street, Nashville, TN 37208 615.242.JAZZ (5299)
[email protected] VOCAL TECHNIQUE THE VOICE LAB in a healthy and fun way. This class will Focusing on natural voice and conver- help keep the student’s voice in great sational phrasing, students will learn shape with vocal exercises designed from diagnostic techniques to evaluate to promote ease of singing and to set performance and correct common vocal the natural voice free. Students will learn and performance problems. Voice Lab some vocal physiology and anatomy, can be repeated or used as a review. expand their range, and explore con- This is an ongoing class for all singers, versational singing through jazz. Unlock beginner through advanced. the secrets of singing through playful exercises, a bit of voice science, and INTRODUCTION TO VOCOLOGY (VOCAL HEALTH) jazz. Students sing with jazz tracks This class will explore the basics of and must purchase Hal Leonard’s Jazz vocal anatomy and physiology, different Tracks for Singers (male or female), breathing techniques, and an array of book of 15 tunes and CD. Order from simple mindfulness and voice exercises or that singers can use to experience a lifetime of beautiful, effortless singing. All ages and levels are welcome. Students will be encouraged (but not required) to sing jazz standards as part VOCAL CALISTHENICS of this class and to share their vocal Students will build stamina and speed experiences. Discover the elegant in the vocal line with this two-hour vocal mechanics of the voice and learn how workout covering three octaves with an to apply this knowledge to the art of emphasis on singing scale and chord singing.