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COURSE CATALOG 1319 Adams Street, Nashville, TN 37208 615.242.JAZZ (5299) [email protected] VOCAL TECHNIQUE THE VOICE LAB in a healthy and fun way. This class will Focusing on natural voice and conver- help keep the student’s voice in great sational phrasing, students will learn shape with vocal exercises designed from diagnostic techniques to evaluate to promote ease of singing and to set performance and correct common vocal the natural voice free. Students will learn and performance problems. Voice Lab some vocal physiology and anatomy, can be repeated or used as a review. expand their range, and explore con- This is an ongoing class for all singers, versational singing through jazz. Unlock beginner through advanced. the secrets of singing through playful exercises, a bit of voice science, and INTRODUCTION TO VOCOLOGY (VOCAL HEALTH) jazz. Students sing with jazz tracks This class will explore the basics of and must purchase Hal Leonard’s Jazz vocal anatomy and physiology, different Tracks for Singers (male or female), breathing techniques, and an array of book of 15 tunes and CD. Order from simple mindfulness and voice exercises or that singers can use to experience a lifetime of beautiful, effortless singing. All ages and levels are welcome. Students will be encouraged (but not required) to sing jazz standards as part VOCAL CALISTHENICS of this class and to share their vocal Students will build stamina and speed experiences. Discover the elegant in the vocal line with this two-hour vocal mechanics of the voice and learn how workout covering three octaves with an to apply this knowledge to the art of emphasis on singing scale and chord singing. Students sing with jazz tracks patterns on modal, blues, pentatonic, and must purchase Hal Leonard’s Jazz chromatic, and other scales. This prac- Tracks for Singers (male or female), book of 15 tunes and CD. Order from tice will help eliminate vocal breaks and or smooth out registers. We will also work on optimum breathing and support. Students should purchase Hear It and VOCAL TECHNIQUE Sing It (Exploring Modal Jazz) by Judy Jazz singing offers the opportunity to Niemack by Hal Leonard Publishing. learn contemporary singing techniques Order at 2 FUNDAMENTALS AND MUSICIANSHIP BEGINNING SIGHTREADING VOCAL IMPROVISATION 1 Students will learn how to sight read Students will learn the basic concepts charts, single line melodies, and four- of improvisation with topics including voice harmony parts. This core class rhythmic syllables and spoken scat, is important to the growth of the jazz basic root motion and guide tones, musician. stylistic approach, and use of melody for soloing. Students will also be intro- CHART WRITING duced to basic chord types and their This 3-week class will cover basic function. They will learn to recognize theory and notation and will apply chord spellings and will begin to impro- these to writing simple chord charts. vise over 12-bar Blues progressions. Suggested prerequisite: Ear Training 1 MUSICIANSHIP FOR VOCALISTS This is an essential class for the begin- VOCAL IMPROVISATION 2 ner to intermediate vocalist who wants Students will continue to explore basic to communicate and develop the basic chord progressions, including the musical skills necessary for working concept of ‘II-V-I’ turnarounds, major with musicians. Students will develop and minor diatonic progressions, and an understanding of intros and endings, ‘rhythm changes.’ Students will also learn to work with simple arrangements, learn about solo development (including explore various styles, and build a use of space, sequence, melodic mo- “must know” list of tunes. There will be tifs, etc.) and begin to experiment with no performance. standard tunes. Intermediate level. Suggested prerequisite: Introduction to Suggested prerequisite: Vocal Improvi- Jazz Singing and Chart Writing. sation 1 and Ear Training EAR TRAINING 1 GET IN THE POCKET This is a basic class that begins with This is an essential class for the intervals, triads, four note chords, inver- intermediate to advanced vocalist or sions of chords, bass lines, and simple instrumentalist. With a drummer as melody lines. the only accompanist, the student will EAR TRAINING 2 gain a deeper sense of rhythmic timing, A continuation of Ear Training 1, this which is the core of swing. In addition, class will give students a better under- students will have the opportunity to standing of chord extensions and their sit behind the drumset, learning swing inversions. It includes minimal melodic patterns that will help them understand dictation. the essence of “Getting in the Pocket.” 3 RHYTHM SECTION GROOVES THE ART OF THE DUO An important class for vocalists, this In this basic class on how to play as course explains the different rhythmic a duo, students will work together on grooves or styles that a vocalist can creative arrangements and will learn ask instrumentalists to play while per- how to communicate song literature. forming a song: slow swing, medium Instrumentalists must be able to comp swing, fast swing, straight ballad, swing and play bass lines, improvise, and ballad, jazz waltz, bossa nova, samba, provide the melodic bed to support the funk, straight 8ths, straight 16ths, etc. soloist. Students will learn to recognize and For vocalists, guitarists, and pianists. request all of these styles with a better Advanced level suggested. understanding of what each instrument does within each groove. THE ART OF PHRASING Suggested prerequisite: Introduction to Students will learn to transform a lyric Jazz Singing, Chart Writing, Musician- from the page into something instantly ship for Vocalists memorable. Exercises will involve tools such as back phrasing, singing over the KEYBOARD BASICS bar line, and balancing long and short In this class, students study the key- phrases. Students will also learn the board, learning note names, intervals, speech level singing connection, which chord structures, and musical nota- will enhance believability. tion in an easy to understand format. Students will learn a better sense of A CAPPELLA AND RUBATO SINGING pitch center, chord shapes, and overall Students will learn the skills necessary musical accuracy. to sing A Cappella (without accompa- niment, one of the most challenging aspects of singing) by phrasing with the accompanist in a more intimate and personal way as well as working on solidifying pitch and rhythmic sense. Students will also learn how to work in a rubato tempo, singing the lyric expressively with rhythmic freedom by manipulating the tempo at the discre- tion of the vocalist. HOW TO BUILD YOUR REPERTOIRE Singers, how do you know which songs are best for you? Bring your book of charts or a list of songs you’re working on, and we’ll explore your favorite tunes in a variety of styles – or in your favorite style – and find out what really works for you. Find out how to pick songs that express themselves easily through you, and learn to build a repertoire of your best tunes. No performance. Suggested prerequisite: Introduction to Jazz Singing 4 VOCAL LITERATURE INTRODUCTION TO JAZZ SINGING Suggested prerequisite: Five Great Learn to sing jazz standards. In this American Songbook literature classes class, you’ll learn correct melodies to and Chart Writing jazz standards along with groove, jazz phrasing, and tone, while getting com- UPTEMPO TUNES fortable singing with an accompanist. Study and perform up-tempo tunes, which all vocalists need for their sets, including “Avalon,” “Lover Come Back To Me,” “Cloudburst,” “I Cried For You,” and “Cherokee.” In this class, you’ll “When you sing, focus on repertoire, stylistic approach, always tell the and phrasing. At the end of the six-week session, you will perform with an instru- truth.” mental trio. Suggested prerequisite: Five Great American Songbook literature classes -Billie Holiday and Chart Writing JAZZ CLASSICS Study an assorted collection of great THE BLUES – PARTS 1 AND 2 songs from the Great American Song- Study and perform different elements book, including “Angel Eyes,” “Green and styles of the blues with such songs Dolphin Street,” “Don’t Go To Strang- as “Kansas City” and “Route 66.” You ers,” “Lullaby of Birdland,” “What’s will become familiar with the repertoire New,” and many more. At the end of the and learn how to get the right sound. At six-week session, you’ll perform with an the end of the 12 weeks, you will per- instrumental trio. form with an instrumental ensemble. Suggested prerequisite: Introduction to Prerequisite: Permission of instructor Jazz Singing BALLADS – PARTS 1 AND 2 VOCAL JAZZ ENSEMBLE Study and perform 24 famous jazz A selected group of advanced vocalists ballads, including “For All We Know,” perform original and standard material in “Body and Soul,” “Spring Can Really the style of Singers Unlimited, Manhattan Hang You Up The Most,” “Tenderly,” Transfer and New York Voices. Students and “A Time For Love.” At the end of will learn jazz phrasing, harmonies, the twelve-week session, you will per- articulation, and ensemble singing. By form with an instrumental trio. audition only. 5 GREAT AMERICAN SONGBOOK VOCAL LITERATURE: THE MUSIC OF My Mind,” and “I Could Write a Book.” GEORGE & IRA GERSHWIN – PARTS In this class, you’ll focus on melody, 1 AND 2 phrasing, lyric content, stylistic consid- Study and perform over 24 famous erations, arrangements, performance compositions by George and Ira Ger- techniques, and song forms that apply shwin, the most popular songwriters of to the music of Rodgers and Hart. At the Golden Age of Broadway, including the end of the 12-week session, you will songs such as “Embraceable You,” perform with an instrumental trio. “I Got Rhythm,” “Summertime,” “They Suggested prerequisite: Introduction to Can’t Take That Away from Me,” and “A Jazz Singing Foggy Day.” In this class, you’ll focus on melody, phrasing, lyric content, stylis- VOCAL LITERATURE: THE MUSIC OF tic considerations, arrangements, and HAROLD ARLEN – PARTS 1 AND 2 performance techniques that apply Study and perform over 24 famous to Gershwin songs.