Volume 8 Number 1 Article 11


A Issue Index

Harry J.N. Andruschak

Glen H. GoodKnight

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Recommended Citation Andruschak, Harry J.N. and GoodKnight, Glen H. (1981) "A Mythlore Issue Index," Mythlore: A Journal of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Mythopoeic Literature: Vol. 8 : No. 1 , Article 11. Available at: https://dc.swosu.edu/mythlore/vol8/iss1/11

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Abstract List of article titles to issues 1–26. Includes articles, fiction, and poetry, but not art, book reviews, or columns.

Additional Keywords Mythlore—Indexes

This article is available in Mythlore: A Journal of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, and Mythopoeic Literature: https://dc.swosu.edu/mythlore/vol8/iss1/11 A MYTHLORE ISSUE INDEX V O LU M ES 1-7, W HOLE NUM BERS 1-26

Compiled by Harry J.N. Andruschak & Glen H. GoodKnight

MYTHLORE V ol. 1 No. 1, January 1969 #1 "The Mythology of Perelandra" hy Margaret Hannay A r t ic le s "Above All Shadows hides The Sun" "Sion and Parnassus: Three approaches to Myth" by Sister Elixabeth McKenzie by Nan Braude 'The Great Beast: Imagination in Harness" "Here an Ore, There an Ore" by Ruth Berman by Galen Peoples "Making into a Movie?" F ic t io n by Molly Titcomb "The Griffin" by Michael Levy "C.S. Lewis' Theory of Mythology" P o etry by Margaret Hannay "Utter East" by Eugene Warren "C.S. Kilby in Southern California" by Glen GoodKnight "The Arthurian Myth in Modern Literature" MYTHLORE V o l. 2 N o. 2 , Autumn 1970 #6 by Simone Wilson A r t ic le s "A Mythopoeic and Middle Earth Calander for 1969" "Charles Williams: A Short Reading List" by Glen GoodKnight by Glen GoodKnight "A - Dictionary (Part 1) "Excerpts from a Letter about Charles Williams" by Sandra B allif by Mary McDermott Shideler "Bilbo and Frodo's Birthday Party, Sep. 22, 1968" "Arthurian and Cosmic Myth in That Hideous by Bemie Zuber Strength" by Margaret Hannay "What is The Mythopoeic Society and Mythlore?" 'The Agnostic in the Whirlwind: The Seven Novels by Glen GoodKnight of Charles Williams" by Galen Peoples "Letters in Hell: A Review of The Screwtape Letters" by Charles Williams MYTHLORE Vol. 1 No. 2, April 1969 #2 "An Introduction to Narnia, Part I: The A r t ic le s Chronology of the Chronicles" "The Elvish New Year Picnic" by Gerald Rioux by J.R. Christopher "On Myth" by Gracia Fay Ellwood F ic t io n "Leonardo, Tolkien, and Mr. Baggins" A PREVIOUSLY UNPUBLISHED WORK: 'T he N o ise s th a t by Colin Duriez Weren't There" by Charles Williams "Elvish Dictionary (Part II)" by Sandra B allif P o etry F ic t io n "To Michal: Sonnets after Marriage" 'The Simple Prince" by Mark Spradley by Charles Williams P o etry "On Seeing Amen House Demolished" "Ring of Power" by Christopher Barczak "Rohan" by Karen Trimble by Glenn Edward Sadler "To Charles Williams" by Rand Kuhl "Lines on the Reverend's Black Beard" ((Anon.)) "To Michal Williams" by Simone Wilson "Song of Joy" by Bruce McMenomy MYTHLORE Vol. 1 No. 3, July 1969 #3 A r t ic le s "T olk ien and Spenser" by Nan Braude MYTHLORE Vol. 2 No. 3, Winter 1971 #7 "A Comparison of Cosmological Geography in the A r t ic le s works of J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and "An Etymological Excursion Among the Shire Folk" by P aula Marmor t Charles Williams" by Glen GoodKnight "From Lemuria to L ugburz: A Comparison o f "Orual: The Search For Justice" Sword & Sorcery and Heroic Fantasy" by Margaret Hannay by Bonnie Bergstrom "Tom Bombadil: A C ritical Essay" by Keith Masson "A lost page from The Red Book of Westmarch" "The V ented S p leen " by C la ir e Howard by Patrick Callahan "An Introduction to Narnia: Part II, The Geography of The Chronicles" F ic t io n by J.R. Christopher "The Punishment of Sauron: A Hypothetical Parable" by Christopher Barczak "In the C.S. Lewis Tradition: Two Short Stories by Anthony Boucher" by J.R. Christopher F ic t io n A PREVIOUSLY UNPUBLISHED WORK: 'T he N o ise s That MYTHLORE Vol. No. 4, October 1969 #4 Weren't There," Chapter II - The Voice of The A r t ic le s Rat ' by Charles Williams "Owen Barfield in Southern California" P o etry by Rand Kuhl "Ballade of a Street Door" by Charles Williams "The Mythology of Out of The Silent Planet" "Lilith, Out of Heaven" by Galen Peoples by Margaret Hannay "C.S. Lewis : An Appraisal" by Corbin Carnell "Milage in Middle Earth" by Marcella Juhren MYTHLORE Vol. 2 No. 4, Winter 1972 #8 "The Empire of Charles Williams" by Simone Wilson A r t ic le s P o etry "Wielders of the Three and Other Trees" "Song of Joy" by Bruce McMenomy by Paula Marmor "The U n ity o f Word" by B rian C. Bond "The Company o f L ogres" by Glen GoodKnight MYTHLORE Vol. 2 No. 1, Winter 1970 #5 "Introduction to Narnia: Part III, The Genre of A r t ic le s the Chronicles" by Joe R. Christopher "The Ecology of Middle Earth" by Marcella Juhren "The C.S. Lewis Collection at Wheaton College" "The Social History of : J.R.R by Margaret Hannay Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Charles Williams, F ic tio n 1939-1945" by Glen GoodKnight "The Voices That Weren't There (third and final 37 chapter of an unfinished manuscript) Northemess in the Fantasies of C.S. Lewis" P o etry by Nancy Lou Patterson "Monolog of a Certain " by Doris Robin "The Ring at the Center: EACA in THe Lord Of The Rings" by William H. Green MYTHLORE V o l. 3 N o. 1, 1973 #9 A r t ic le s MYTHLORE Vol. 4 No. 3. Spring 1977 #15 "Genesis of The Lord of the Rings: A Study of A r t ic le s Saga Development" by James Allen "The Tale of the Noldor" by Paul Kocher "The H oly G r a il" by D iana Paxson "Guinevere's Role in the Arthurian Poetry of "An Introduction to Narnia--Part IV: The Genre of Charles Williams" by Veronica L. Skinner the Chronicles" by Joe R. Christopher "The Pilgrimage from Deep Space" by Judith Brown "Walter Hooper--A Thank You" by Glen GoodKnight "T ill We Have Faces and its Mythological and and Frederick M. Brenion Literary Precusors" by Andrew Howard

MYTHLORE Vol. 3 No. 2. 1975 #10 MYTHLORE V o l. 4 No. 4 , Summer 19 7 7 , #16 The J.R.R. Tolkien Memorial Issue A r t ic le s A r t ic le s "Images of the Numinous in T.H. White and C.S. "The Christian Character of Tolkien’s Invented L ew is" by Ed Chapman World" by W illis B. Glover "Poetry as Metaphor in The Lord Of The Rings" "In T r ib u te : What J .R .R . T o lk ie n Means to Some by William Reynolds Of His Admirers" "The Elusive Appeal of the Fantastic" "The Place of Myth in a Mythical Land: Two Motes by Daniel T. Kobil (Converging)" by Lionel Basney "Who's Lieu?" by Ruth Berman "Power and Poetry in Middle-earth" P o etry by Dainis Bisnieks "Saving The Appearances" by Michael Dahl "A Note on an Unpublished Collaboration" "The Iconography of Love I and II" by J.R. Christopher by Robert S. Ellwood Jr. "Services in Oxford and Los Angeles" by Glen GoodKnight "The Counsel of --'Death and the Desire for MYTHLORE V ol. 5 No. 1, Spring 1978, #17 Deathlessness'" by Glen GoodKnight A r t ic le s "The War of the Rings Treelogy" by Stephen L. X7alker MYTHLORE Vol. 3 No. 3. Spring 1976 #11 "Charles Williams' Use of Arthurian Materials" A r t ic le s by Thomas Howard "The Role of Warfare and Strategy in The Lord Of "The Humanity of Sam Gamgee" by Jerome Rosenberg The Rings" by Paul M. Lloyd "A Note on Moral Concepts in Lewis' Fiction" "Climbing Jacob’s Ladder: a Hierarchical Approach by Margaret L. Carter to Imagistic Mysticism" by J.R. Christopher "Trying to Capture 'White Magic"' "Celtic Myth in the Twentieth Century" by Joe R. Christopher by Evangeline Walton "Non-Human Speech in the Fantasy of C.S. Lewis, "Homo Monstrosus: Lloyd Alexander's Gurgi and J.R.R. Tolkien, and Richard Adams" Other Shadow Figures in Fantastic Literature" by Marie Nelson by Nancy-Lou Patterson "Going On In The Great Dance" by Glen GoodKnight "Finder of Welsh Gods" by Dainis Bisenieks P o etry "An Enlargement of Being" by Glen GoodKnight "The Baby and the Bird" by Diana L. Paxson P o etry "Bors Returning" by Robert Boenig "The Fool" by Gracia Fay Ellwood MYTHLORE Vol. 5 No. 2, Autumn 1978, #18 MYTHLORE V o l. 3 N o. 4 , Summer 1976 # 12 A r t ic le s A r t ic le s "The Land of Faerie: The Disappearing Myth" "A Toast to the Memory of C.S. Lewis" by Caroline Geer by A.C. Harwood "The Shaman as Hero and Spiritual Leader: Richard "Reminiscences" by Walter Hooper Adams' Mythmaking in Watership Down and "Towards a S acram en tal E cology" by Ed Chapman Shardik" by Edgar L . Chapman "A Postscript on Kenneth Morris (1879-1937)" "The Literary Banquet and the Eucharistic Feast: by Dainis Bisenieks Tradition in Tolkien" by James Lunch "C.S. Lewis: Reactions from Women" "Some Elements of Myth and Mysticism in C.S. by Kathryn Lindskoog Lewis' novel T ill We Have Faces" by Jean Marie Chard "Levels of Symbolic Meaning in PEARL MYTHLORE Vol. 4 No. 1, Fall 1976 #13 by Laurence J . Krieg A r t ic le s "How the Isle of Ransom Reflects an Actual "Sauron is Watching You: The Role of the Great Icelandic Setting" by Mara Hasty Eye in The Lord Of The Rings" by Edward Lense "The Honour and Glory of a Mouse; Reepicheep of "Some R e f le c t io n s on The G reat D iv o rce o f C .S . N arn ia" by Mark B a ile y Lewis" by Owen Barfield "A Note on Charles Williams' The Place of the "Dorothy L. Sayers and the Inklings" Lion" by Michael Haykin by Joe R. Christopher "'The Northern Literature' and the Ring Trilogy" "A Briefing for Briefing: Charles Williams' by Mariann Russell Descent Into Hell and Doris Lessing's Briefing P o etry for a Descent Into H ell" by Ellen Cronan Rose "The High Towers of Lorraine" by Renee Haynes "Surprised By Joy: C.S. Lewis's Changing Attitudes "Endymion" by J.R. Christopher Toward Women" by Margaret Hannay "Star Calls" by Gracia Fay Ellwood "The Quest" by Mary M. Stolzenbach MYTHLORE Vol. 4 No. 2, Winter 1976 #14 A r t ic le s MYTHLORE Vol 6 No 1, Winter 1979, #19 "A Reading of W illiams' Arthurian Cycle" A r t ic le s by Stephen A. Gottlieb "George MacDonald and the T.ilith Legend in the "Narnia and the North: The Symbolism of Nineteenth Century" by Roderick F. M cGillis 38 "Children, Magic, and Choices" "Love's Alchemy: Jane in That "ideous Strength" by Dainis Bisenieks by Janice Neuleib "And the Darkness Grasped It Not: The Struggle of "The Uses o f Myth" by Thomas Howard Good and Evil in Charles Williams" "Christian Doctrines ’Transposed" in C.S. Lewis' by George Lee T i l l we Have F a c e s" by M artha Sammons "A Brief Introduction to the History and Origin of P o e tr y the Holy Grail Motif" by Stephen Thorson "Dorothy L. Sayers at Fifty" by J.R. Christopher "Sir Gawain's Missing day" by J.R. Christopher "Robin's Summonses" by Ruth Berman "Getting it Together: C.S. Lewis and the Two Hemispheres of Knowing" by K. Lindskoog P o etry MYTHLORE V o l. 7 NO. 2 , Summer 1980, # 24 "Eowyn" by J .R . C h r isto p h er A r t ic le s "The Piping Song" by J.R. Christopher "Bureaucratization in The Lord Of The Rings" "Unicorns" by Saralinda Christopher by Thomas Gray "Three Letters by J.R.R. Tolkien at the University MYTHLORE Vol. 6 No. 2, Spring 1979, *20 Texas" by J.R. Christopher A r t ic le s "Lewis' Time Machine and His Trip to the Moon" "Notes on Parzival as the Holy Fool" by Robert E. Boenig by James P. Wallace "Battle H ill: Places of Transition in Charles "H eraldry in th e A rth u ria d : A B r ie f Summary" Williams' Descent Into H ell" by Antoinette H. Brenion and Ian M. Slater by 'largaret R. Purdy "The Lord Of The Rings as Saga" "Exchange, Complementarity, Co-Inherence" by Gloriana St. Clair by Sister Mary Anthony Weinig "C.S. Lewis and the Transcendence of Irony" "Origin of the name Narnia" by Albert A. Bell, Jr. by R oland M. Kawano P o e tr y "The Jewels of Massias: Images of Judaism and "Three Songs from The Bubbling Sky" by Ian McMurdo Anti-Semitism in the Novels of Charles "Aragom Gazes on Ruined Amor" by David Lenander Williams" by Nancy-Lou Patterson "Half There" by Patricia E. Gunter "The Influence of Vergil's Aeneid on The Lord Of The Rings" by David Paul Pace MYTHLORE Vol. 7 No. 3, Fall 1980, #25 P o etry “ A r t ic le s "Lion Of Judah" by Ian McMurdo "An Appreciation of Pauline Baynes" "Launcelot Running" by Robert Boenig by Nancy-Lou Patterson "The Making of A Hobbit: Tolkien's Tantalizing Narrative Technique" by Stephen C. Walker "Providence at Elrond's Council" by Roger Drury MYTHLORE V o l. 6 No. 3, Summer 1979, *21 'The Host Of Heaven: Astrological and Other A r t ic le s Images of Divinity in the Fantasies of C.S. "Two Faces of Eve: Galadriel and Shelob as Anima Lewis" (Part I) by Nancy-Lou Patterson Figures" by Peter Damien Goselin "Rings of Power in Plato and Tolkien" "Guardaci Ben: The Visionary Woman in C.S. Lewis' by Robert E. Morse Chronicles of Narnia and That Hideous Strength," "The Novels of Lord Dunsany" by Darrell Schweitzer Part I by Nancy-Lou Patterson P o e tr y "Anima F ig u r e s in a Demonic Comedy in th e Lewis "The Practice of Presence" by Margaret L. Carter Tradition: F..E.Y. Hales' Chariot Of Fire" 'The Midnight Realm" by Thomas M. Egan by Edgar Chapman "Sand Castles by the Sea" by Thomas M. Egan "If You Call Me Grandmother, That Will Do" by Roderick McGillis "William Morris' The Wood Beyond The Warld: The MYTHLORE Vol. 7 No. 4, Winter 1981, #26 Victorian World vs. The Mythic Eternities" A r t ic le s by Clarence Wolfshohl "The Green Sun: A Study of Color in J.R.R. "Head vs. Heart in Dorothy L. Sayer's Gaudy Night" Tolkien's The Lord Of The Rings" by Margaret P. Hannay by Miriam Younger M iller "Mrs. Moore as the Queen of Underland" "The Host of Heaven: Astrological and Other Images by Michael C. Kotzin of Divinity in the Fantasies of C.S. Lewis" P o etry (Part II) by Nancy-Lou Patterson "Kyria Sophia" by Gracia Fay Ellwood "Coinherence and The Terrible Good: A Soul's "The Lady of La Salette" by Gracia Fay Ellwood Journey to Awareness and Responsibility" (Untitled) by James C. Walker by Deborah Carter-Day 'The Cartography of Fantasy" by R.C. Walker 'The Novels of Lord Dunsany"(Part II) MYTHLORE Vol. 6 No.4, Fall 1979, *22 by Darrell Schweitzer A r t ic le s "Heaven and Other Perilous Realms" by Richard L. Purtill NOTES "Elements of the Idea of the City in Charles Williams' This listing does not include Art, Book Reviews, Arthurian Poetry" by Mariann Russell Columns, regular Editorials, Reports, or other "Guardaci Ben: The Visionary Woman in C.S. Lewis' items. It also does not include "An Inklings' Chronicles Of Narnia and That Hideous Strength," Bibliography", which has been a regular feature Part II by Nancy Lou Patterson since issue #12. A Subject Index is now in "The Repose of Very Delicate Balance" preparation. by William R. Epperson P o e tr y Special thanks is given to Lisa Cowan, whose "Lines" by J.R. Christopher preliminary draft of this index was helpful in "Sadism Balanced" by J.R Christopher its completion.

MYTHLORE Vol. 7 No. 1, Spring 19S0, *23 Ed. Meskys, form er Thain of of „ A r t ic le s America, is blind and would greatly appreciate if someone Tolkien's Lore: The Songs of Middle Earth" would send him cassette taped readings of Mythlore. by Diane Marchesani Those w illing to provide this service should w rite to him at "The F igu re o f T a lie s in " by David A. Dowdy RFO 1, Box 63 , Center Harbor, NH 03226. 39