OFFICERS & BOARD Primroses OF DIRECTORS American Primrose Society - Winter 2002 1 Quarterly of the Ed Buyarski, President P.O. Box 33077 Primroses 60th Anniversary Dedication American Primrose Society Juneau, AK 99803-3077 KDll OR/GRAPHIC DKSKilN (907) 789-2299 Robert Tonkin Volume 60, Number 1, Winter 2002 th
[email protected] 3155 Pioneer Ave. This expanded 60 Edition of Primroses is dedicated to The purpose of this society is to bring the people Juneau. AK 99801 the future members of the American Primrose, Primula and Cheri Pluck, Vice President (907) 463-I554
[email protected] interested in Primula together in an organization to 17275 Point Lena Loop Rd. Auricula Society. While our Society has a very rich history increase the general knowledge of and interest in the Juneau, AK 99801 EDITORIAL COMMITTEE full of lifelong individual efforts furthering its purpose, it is (907) 789-0595 Hdward Buyarski collecting, growjng, breeding, showing and using in
[email protected] Pam Eveleigh the future generations of members who will benefit from Judy Sellers the landscape and garden the genus Primula in all its Terry Milchell those efforts. Without new members, all the knowledge, hard Robert Tonkin, Secretary forms and to serve as a clearing house for collecting work, dedication, and decades of volunteer efforts made by 3155 Pioneer Ave. EDITORIAL DEADLINES and disseminating information about Primula. Juneau. Alaska 99801 Winter issue - December 10 our members, both past and present, will be lost between (907)463-1554 Spring issue - March 1(1 the pages of our printed history.
[email protected] Summer issue-June 10 1 Dedication Fall issue - September 1(1 It is our goal to place in this edition as much practical 2 Foreward by Jay Lunn Julia Haldorson.