Skt Sigma Kappa Triangle Vol 5
"We're on the University Kick" was the Homecoming Float of Gamma Lambda at East Tennessee State. KING, AX, DEANNA COFFMAN, r A, with her cousin, sang "I'm just a Bird in Tennessee Ernie Ford, when he came to Ten a Gilded Cage" with nessee to cut a record with his home-folk. dance routines and won Deanna is president of Delta Omicron and THETAs top prize second place in George was elected to Who's Who from East Tennes town variety show. entry at Illinois YWCA see State. Show, an annual event. DLUME 55 UMBER 2 SUMMER 1961 Official Magazine of Sigma Kappa Sorority Founded at Colby College, November, 1874 ~······························Editor-in-Chief, FRANCES WARREN BAKER (Mrs, James Stannard Baker, 433 Woodlawn Ave., Glencoe, Ill.) lumruz Editor--Beatrice Strait Line~ (Mrs. Harold' B. Lines), 234 Salt Springs Rd., Syracuse 3, N.Y. 'ollere Editer~-Jean Bandslev Coleman (Mrs. John Coleman), Meadow Estatu, Wheeling, W.Va. Anna Weaver Booske (Mrs. Henry Booske) , 1617 Zarker Rd., Lancaster, Pa. utineu M•n•ller--Margaret Hazlett Taegart (Mrs. E. D. Taggart), 3433 Washineton Blvd., Indianapolis, Ind. ~······························ FRONT COVER: "Rainier Vista" at the University of Washington in Seattle, with Suzzallo library (left) and administration building (right). The University, among the 15 largest universities in the nation with a day-school enrollment of over 18,000 and a faculty o£ 1,150, is celebrating its Centennial this year. Our Mu chapter celebrated its 50th anniversary. 3 Mu Celebrates 50 Years of Success at Washington 8 Council
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