The Fordham Ram I
THE FORDHAM RAM I. 46, No. 14 Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y., 10458—September 18, 1964'j^fgy. 401 Twelve Pages Politics9 Focuses on Election: Football Returns^— lumphrey, Keating Will Speak Fordham-NYU Bout Sens. Hubert H. Humphrey and Kenneth B. Keating have accepted invitations to ak at Fordham as guests of Politics '64-'65. No definite dates have been set for either aker. Set for November 14 Sen. Humphrey, Democratic Vice-Presidsntial candidate from Minnesota, will prob- By Frank Casey, Editor-in Chief appear on campus as part of his Westcnester County campaign tour in October. Sen. Football will return to Rose Hill campus Saturday, Nov. a ting is the incumbent senator from New York. 14, when Fordham plays New York University, one-time arch rival, on Coffey Field. It will be Fordham's first intercollegiate Politics will focus its atten- football match since the sport was. dropped by the Admin- tion on the upcoming elec- istration ten years ago. tions. Co-chairmen Joseph Gridiron competition will be revived in the form of a Hunt and Charles Moxley will football club, sponsored and sup- ^' draw distinguishedi speakers ported by the Fordham College In order to alleviate initial ex- from the fields of politics, law, Student Government. pens^s, the team will have no pro labor and diplomacy. According to Don Ross, presi- staff. Scheduled Speakers Also speaking this semester are: Senator Jacob Javits of New- York, on Dec. 6; William Bundy, Assistant Secfjtary of State for itheast Asia, on Nov. 6; Pat- rick Monynihan, Assistant Secre- ary of Labor, on Nov.
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